View Full Version : RFIs & Members' Projects

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  1. SWJ Looking for Guest Bloggers. Moderators...
  2. Request for OIF Video
  3. Small Wars: a wide reading list
  4. Lessons Learned for COIN Seminar at NDU
  5. 1940 Small Wars Manual
  6. The Strategic Corporal
  7. Call for Papers
  8. Call for Professional Reading Lists
  9. Training for Small Wars
  10. Request for GPS Info...
  11. Granddaddy of RFI's - from the Chairman...
  12. ARVN Request
  13. Jemaah Islamiyah handbook
  14. Request information, studies, and thoughts on PRC
  15. Iranian Insurgent/Terror Group
  16. A Former FAO's Bookshelf
  17. East Africa & Von Lettow Vorbeck
  18. Graduate Student Seeking to Interview Regarding "Strategic Assessment in War"
  19. COIN Reading Lists (merged)
  20. First use of Air Power in a counterinsurgency (Nicaragua, 1926-27)
  21. Casualty rates.
  22. Small Kill Teams in Iraq
  23. Israel v. Lebanon 1982-1984, 1982-2000
  24. American POWs
  25. AQ as Global Insurgency
  26. Iraq War Veterans Sought for Book
  27. Israeli military professional magazines
  28. Tactical Language Training System
  29. Strickland
  30. Unbiased books and/or websites on the ARVN
  31. Strategic Compression
  32. Which is better for you?
  33. Military Affairs Course Syllabus
  34. Hyper-Politicization
  35. Stryker
  36. Terrorist Psycho-Analysis
  37. Advice to Prospective Officers
  38. "Guerrilla Warfare" by General George Grivas
  39. Baghdad Map
  40. Totemism
  41. Interesting thought occured
  42. Info about insurgency in South America
  43. Digital Availability of Old Books?
  44. Fiction Reading Lists
  45. FOB Sharana
  46. Responding with Aggression.
  47. Looking for Urban Guerrilla Warfare with Appendix: Mini-manual of the Urban Guerrill
  48. Asymmetric Warfare group
  49. "Typical" Iraqi House Floorplan.
  50. Thoughts on SOF deployment for deep battle HUMINT operations
  51. Cl 150
  52. Guerrilla war in ten pages or less.
  53. Suggestions for course readings
  54. Al Jazeera
  55. Research Request
  56. Coupla Questions From a Newbie
  57. Salafi literature request
  58. Need your Input on BCKS
  59. Victorian Little Wars and Low Intensity Conflict
  60. An Offer to Potential Authors
  61. Challenge coin manufacturers?
  62. Eligibility for Asymmetric Warfare Group?
  63. Efss
  64. Lagos, Nigeria
  65. Marine Career Advice - MOS Selection
  66. provincial reconstruction team Student Internships
  67. NATO and the US
  68. Non-State Threats and Future Wars (Book)
  69. Fireproof Fabric
  70. Tds Symposium
  71. English Qur'an: Which translations are best?
  72. I am interesed in RPG-7 manual
  73. Attitudes twards the media
  74. Transition
  75. Personality Assessment Test
  76. Media and the Military Article
  77. Foreign Investment and Aceh
  78. Articles on 3ACR ops in Tall Afar
  79. Article search
  80. ISSWG Conference
  81. Tactical French
  82. Searching for article on Mesopotamian Revolt, 1920
  83. A quick question on protocal
  84. A book roundtable on John Robb's Global Guerillas
  85. Security
  86. Aggressor C2 Systems for MV, NTC, Etc.
  87. Any proficient GPS geeks out there?
  88. All matters Rhodesian / Rhodesia (merged thread)
  89. Reaction to Taliban kidnapping of Korean aid workers?
  90. Language Labs
  91. looking for Thai COIN experts
  92. Juval Aviv
  93. Brief survey on using robots in a COIN environment
  94. Seeking a common definition of "Crisis"
  95. Congrats Steve Metz
  96. Searching for advising experts
  97. Looking for info on particular area of Iraq
  98. Counterinsurgency in Iraq RFI
  99. Good book on Ethiopia-Eritrea War
  100. Question for writers
  101. Muslim religious leaders speaking out against terrorism
  102. COIN and popular culture
  103. Training and Advising Articles
  104. Centro de Estudios Sociales y de Opinion Publica
  105. Good resources for Antiterrorism/Force Protection training?
  106. CBRN & Police Response
  107. Info on Katyn Forest massacre
  108. Research paper
  109. Looking for articles on NSAGs
  110. Any of You Quantico Folks Have an Email For Gordon Rudd?
  111. Just In From My Publisher's Graphics Department
  112. Mortality stats
  113. Violent Non-State Actors
  114. Revisiting the DoD Strategic Communications plan for Afghanistan
  115. Terror Attacks
  116. what to do with a JD in Small Wars?
  117. Intelligence or Law Enforcement Professionals - Request to Participate
  118. Finished!!!
  119. Used Books - Military History
  120. Marine Corps Gazette Article
  121. 9 Innings
  122. World Map showing Ungoverned Spaces
  123. Questions about Army Special Forces
  124. Books on war and conflict... in French
  125. Intel on Web Hosting?
  126. OSINT for Spin Boldak?
  127. RFI on Tuareg rebellion
  128. Need Info
  129. Terrorist Target Selection -- Quantitative Studies?
  130. Looking for texts on principles of research methods
  131. Intel Forums?
  132. Career Question
  133. Rfi
  134. Looking for maps of NWFP/Waziristan
  135. Population Security Initiatives
  136. Al Qaeda and the Internet
  137. books on the Arab mindset
  138. Looking for the author of Slow Burn
  139. Question about online certificate programs...
  140. looking for Great Spy Stories
  141. Research RFI
  142. Looking for a good podcast
  143. Looking for Information on Constabulary Forces
  144. Looking for copy of Dr. Kilcullen's speech
  145. Dissertation
  146. Request input for COIN related movie bits
  147. Looking for German WWII armored car materials
  148. Recruting MBX Staff Advisors
  149. RFI (Models and math of conflict and war)
  150. Request for Information on Historical COIN
  151. Rfi
  152. Research help? Finding databases...
  153. Relationship between the political system and causes of war (questions)
  154. Navy Marine Corps Intranet (student project)
  155. Iraqi Training RFI
  156. What You Carried On Operations Help
  157. A Semi-Involved Question Regarding the Recent Bombing in Shiraz, Iran…
  158. Counterinsurgency Education Request
  159. Tamil Tigers
  160. information for procurement of PCASS
  161. Metal music - still in the thought stage
  162. Army MEDEVAC
  163. Rfi - Namru-2
  164. Relationships btwn Syrian/Iranian/US youth
  165. Airstrike Policies?
  166. Globalization and the Radical Loser
  167. History of occupations
  168. Doctrine Development as part of Foreign Security Force Assistance
  169. Need IO toolkit of charts, tables, slides, etc.
  170. RFI Maoist and Taliban Emerging TTP's
  171. Good News sources
  172. What communication gear does the dismounted soldier carry?
  173. Franco-Prussian War - Book Suggetions For Friend
  174. Folding up a M1950 Weapons Case
  175. Legitimacy of PMCs in Public Discourse
  176. Executive Outcomes and PMCs in Peacekeeping. . .
  177. 1919 Gen Lapperine Report on Tribal Control
  178. Insurgency matrix/database
  179. Youth Radicalization or Extremism research
  180. Strange request
  181. Requests for old briefings
  182. Scouts Out! The Development of Reconnaissance Units in Modern Armies
  183. Seeking GIS help
  184. In-Country Advisory Unit
  185. Russia-Georgia OOBs
  186. Intel ops in History for Essay
  187. I need some quick help on Russian Rockets
  188. Looking for information for a paper
  189. Afghanistan Chain of Command at the Top?
  190. Lingala
  191. Suicide attacks - Iraq
  192. Coping with wicked problems: the case study of Zaganiyah-my thesis
  193. Looking for HTT members, current and former
  194. Slightly off topic - Renaissance Venetian Bankers
  195. Counting sheep...
  196. Indonesian SMEs
  197. My Recent Journal submission
  198. Soldiers on-line connections
  199. Military Fuel Consumption
  200. Africa History Question
  201. Classic Principles of War
  202. Pre World War 1 Aviation
  203. Quote on military portion of counterinsurgency
  204. Effective planting radius per ton of grain seed?
  205. dissertation help please! US military culture and small wars.
  206. Insurgent sources
  207. Online Library
  208. Continuing Education
  209. DoD Directive 3000.07 Irregular Warfare and Security Force Assistance
  210. Anthropological studies of "military culture"
  211. Insurgent/militia control in Iraq
  212. The case for lifting ALL sanctions
  213. Baghdad interpreter mask ban still in effect??
  214. AAR Facilitation
  215. Fomenko's revisions
  216. When was the last US bayonet charge?
  217. Military Staff
  218. Philosophical Question (on truth)
  219. Bosnian Army Supply Questions for War Vets or UNPROFOR
  220. Calling all 2004 Fallujah vets in the Boston area or on Skype
  221. How to create a war game
  222. Open Thread – Which US DoD Dinosaurs Would You Slay?
  223. General invite to attend undergraduate COIN course via Skype & in person
  224. Dissertation on reconstruction and civil-military project management.
  225. Undergraduate Student, Help w/Counterinsurgency Debate
  226. Why democracies don't lose insurgencies
  227. War-Gaming Insurgency
  228. New to S2, need FM 34-20 and collection management info
  229. Ramadi NCO teaser
  230. The war we chose to ignore & and RFIs
  231. Question for CJCS
  232. Class Analysis and COIN
  233. Counterinsurgency exercise, near Boston, 8 March
  234. Whose Lane Is It?
  235. Stability Operations and Intelligence
  236. Legal ramifications of civilian actions in field
  237. IW Terminology and the General Purpose Forces
  238. Theoretical underpinings of Assessment?
  239. Commonalities and lessons learned between gangs and insurgencies
  240. "New Media" in Adaptation and Education of Junior Officers and Soldiers
  241. Use the Search feature!
  242. help with bibliography: national liberation to netwar
  243. Special Ops in Afghanistan?
  244. CISM and other Stress interventions
  245. An RFI concerning Game Theory and “Wicked Problems”
  246. Afghanistan: The Dysfunctional War
  247. Peter W. Singer/Wired For War at The Complex Terrain Lab
  248. Crap carved out from another thread
  249. Network Centric Operation authors that are pro its use in 'small wars' (OOTW)
  250. Connecting the Dots...Mike's Model