- SWJ Looking for Guest Bloggers. Moderators...
- Request for OIF Video
- Small Wars: a wide reading list
- Lessons Learned for COIN Seminar at NDU
- 1940 Small Wars Manual
- The Strategic Corporal
- Call for Papers
- Call for Professional Reading Lists
- Training for Small Wars
- Request for GPS Info...
- Granddaddy of RFI's - from the Chairman...
- ARVN Request
- Jemaah Islamiyah handbook
- Request information, studies, and thoughts on PRC
- Iranian Insurgent/Terror Group
- A Former FAO's Bookshelf
- East Africa & Von Lettow Vorbeck
- Graduate Student Seeking to Interview Regarding "Strategic Assessment in War"
- COIN Reading Lists (merged)
- First use of Air Power in a counterinsurgency (Nicaragua, 1926-27)
- Casualty rates.
- Small Kill Teams in Iraq
- Israel v. Lebanon 1982-1984, 1982-2000
- American POWs
- AQ as Global Insurgency
- Iraq War Veterans Sought for Book
- Israeli military professional magazines
- Tactical Language Training System
- Strickland
- Unbiased books and/or websites on the ARVN
- Strategic Compression
- Which is better for you?
- Military Affairs Course Syllabus
- Hyper-Politicization
- Stryker
- Terrorist Psycho-Analysis
- Advice to Prospective Officers
- "Guerrilla Warfare" by General George Grivas
- Baghdad Map
- Totemism
- Interesting thought occured
- Info about insurgency in South America
- Digital Availability of Old Books?
- Fiction Reading Lists
- FOB Sharana
- Responding with Aggression.
- Looking for Urban Guerrilla Warfare with Appendix: Mini-manual of the Urban Guerrill
- Asymmetric Warfare group
- "Typical" Iraqi House Floorplan.
- Thoughts on SOF deployment for deep battle HUMINT operations
- Cl 150
- Guerrilla war in ten pages or less.
- Suggestions for course readings
- Al Jazeera
- Research Request
- Coupla Questions From a Newbie
- Salafi literature request
- Need your Input on BCKS
- Victorian Little Wars and Low Intensity Conflict
- An Offer to Potential Authors
- Challenge coin manufacturers?
- Eligibility for Asymmetric Warfare Group?
- Efss
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Marine Career Advice - MOS Selection
- provincial reconstruction team Student Internships
- NATO and the US
- Non-State Threats and Future Wars (Book)
- Fireproof Fabric
- Tds Symposium
- English Qur'an: Which translations are best?
- I am interesed in RPG-7 manual
- Attitudes twards the media
- Transition
- Personality Assessment Test
- Media and the Military Article
- Foreign Investment and Aceh
- Articles on 3ACR ops in Tall Afar
- Article search
- ISSWG Conference
- Tactical French
- Searching for article on Mesopotamian Revolt, 1920
- A quick question on protocal
- A book roundtable on John Robb's Global Guerillas
- Security
- Aggressor C2 Systems for MV, NTC, Etc.
- Any proficient GPS geeks out there?
- All matters Rhodesian / Rhodesia (merged thread)
- Reaction to Taliban kidnapping of Korean aid workers?
- Language Labs
- looking for Thai COIN experts
- Juval Aviv
- Brief survey on using robots in a COIN environment
- Seeking a common definition of "Crisis"
- Congrats Steve Metz
- Searching for advising experts
- Looking for info on particular area of Iraq
- Counterinsurgency in Iraq RFI
- Good book on Ethiopia-Eritrea War
- Question for writers
- Muslim religious leaders speaking out against terrorism
- COIN and popular culture
- Training and Advising Articles
- Centro de Estudios Sociales y de Opinion Publica
- Good resources for Antiterrorism/Force Protection training?
- CBRN & Police Response
- Info on Katyn Forest massacre
- Research paper
- Looking for articles on NSAGs
- Any of You Quantico Folks Have an Email For Gordon Rudd?
- Just In From My Publisher's Graphics Department
- Mortality stats
- Violent Non-State Actors
- Revisiting the DoD Strategic Communications plan for Afghanistan
- Terror Attacks
- what to do with a JD in Small Wars?
- Intelligence or Law Enforcement Professionals - Request to Participate
- Finished!!!
- Used Books - Military History
- Marine Corps Gazette Article
- 9 Innings
- World Map showing Ungoverned Spaces
- Questions about Army Special Forces
- Books on war and conflict... in French
- Intel on Web Hosting?
- OSINT for Spin Boldak?
- RFI on Tuareg rebellion
- Need Info
- Terrorist Target Selection -- Quantitative Studies?
- Looking for texts on principles of research methods
- Intel Forums?
- Career Question
- Rfi
- Looking for maps of NWFP/Waziristan
- Population Security Initiatives
- Al Qaeda and the Internet
- books on the Arab mindset
- Looking for the author of Slow Burn
- Question about online certificate programs...
- looking for Great Spy Stories
- Research RFI
- Looking for a good podcast
- Looking for Information on Constabulary Forces
- Looking for copy of Dr. Kilcullen's speech
- Dissertation
- Request input for COIN related movie bits
- Looking for German WWII armored car materials
- Recruting MBX Staff Advisors
- RFI (Models and math of conflict and war)
- Request for Information on Historical COIN
- Rfi
- Research help? Finding databases...
- Relationship between the political system and causes of war (questions)
- Navy Marine Corps Intranet (student project)
- Iraqi Training RFI
- What You Carried On Operations Help
- A Semi-Involved Question Regarding the Recent Bombing in Shiraz, Iran…
- Counterinsurgency Education Request
- Tamil Tigers
- information for procurement of PCASS
- Metal music - still in the thought stage
- Rfi - Namru-2
- Relationships btwn Syrian/Iranian/US youth
- Airstrike Policies?
- Globalization and the Radical Loser
- History of occupations
- Doctrine Development as part of Foreign Security Force Assistance
- Need IO toolkit of charts, tables, slides, etc.
- RFI Maoist and Taliban Emerging TTP's
- Good News sources
- What communication gear does the dismounted soldier carry?
- Franco-Prussian War - Book Suggetions For Friend
- Folding up a M1950 Weapons Case
- Legitimacy of PMCs in Public Discourse
- Executive Outcomes and PMCs in Peacekeeping. . .
- 1919 Gen Lapperine Report on Tribal Control
- Insurgency matrix/database
- Youth Radicalization or Extremism research
- Strange request
- Requests for old briefings
- Scouts Out! The Development of Reconnaissance Units in Modern Armies
- Seeking GIS help
- In-Country Advisory Unit
- Russia-Georgia OOBs
- Intel ops in History for Essay
- I need some quick help on Russian Rockets
- Looking for information for a paper
- Afghanistan Chain of Command at the Top?
- Lingala
- Suicide attacks - Iraq
- Coping with wicked problems: the case study of Zaganiyah-my thesis
- Looking for HTT members, current and former
- Slightly off topic - Renaissance Venetian Bankers
- Counting sheep...
- Indonesian SMEs
- My Recent Journal submission
- Soldiers on-line connections
- Military Fuel Consumption
- Africa History Question
- Classic Principles of War
- Pre World War 1 Aviation
- Quote on military portion of counterinsurgency
- Effective planting radius per ton of grain seed?
- dissertation help please! US military culture and small wars.
- Insurgent sources
- Online Library
- Continuing Education
- DoD Directive 3000.07 Irregular Warfare and Security Force Assistance
- Anthropological studies of "military culture"
- Insurgent/militia control in Iraq
- The case for lifting ALL sanctions
- Baghdad interpreter mask ban still in effect??
- AAR Facilitation
- Fomenko's revisions
- When was the last US bayonet charge?
- Military Staff
- Philosophical Question (on truth)
- Bosnian Army Supply Questions for War Vets or UNPROFOR
- Calling all 2004 Fallujah vets in the Boston area or on Skype
- How to create a war game
- Open Thread – Which US DoD Dinosaurs Would You Slay?
- General invite to attend undergraduate COIN course via Skype & in person
- Dissertation on reconstruction and civil-military project management.
- Undergraduate Student, Help w/Counterinsurgency Debate
- Why democracies don't lose insurgencies
- War-Gaming Insurgency
- New to S2, need FM 34-20 and collection management info
- Ramadi NCO teaser
- The war we chose to ignore & and RFIs
- Question for CJCS
- Class Analysis and COIN
- Counterinsurgency exercise, near Boston, 8 March
- Whose Lane Is It?
- Stability Operations and Intelligence
- Legal ramifications of civilian actions in field
- IW Terminology and the General Purpose Forces
- Theoretical underpinings of Assessment?
- Commonalities and lessons learned between gangs and insurgencies
- "New Media" in Adaptation and Education of Junior Officers and Soldiers
- Use the Search feature!
- help with bibliography: national liberation to netwar
- Special Ops in Afghanistan?
- CISM and other Stress interventions
- An RFI concerning Game Theory and “Wicked Problems”
- Afghanistan: The Dysfunctional War
- Peter W. Singer/Wired For War at The Complex Terrain Lab
- Crap carved out from another thread
- Network Centric Operation authors that are pro its use in 'small wars' (OOTW)
- Connecting the Dots...Mike's Model