View Full Version : Doctrine & TTPs

  1. US Doctrine Links
  2. Are we securing the people?
  3. COIN training
  4. Disarming the Local Population
  5. Tactics of the Cresent Moon
  6. Rethinking the Challenge of COIN Warfare
  7. Training commanders in-theater?
  8. Kinetic Targeting
  9. 3rd Generation Gangs and the Iraqi Insurgency
  10. Ahmen!
  11. Training Iraqis Isn't Just Guns and Butter
  12. Analytical and Intuitive Methods of Decisionmaking
  13. Army's Iraq Work Assailed by Briton
  14. British COIN (merged thread)
  15. Wartime Lessons
  16. New Hearts and Minds
  17. U.S. Troops in Iraq Adopt Oil Strategy (Andrew Krepinevich)
  18. Lines of Operation
  19. 2006 Qdr
  20. Iraq-Bound Marine Leaders Cram on Civics and Economics
  21. Recognizing and Understanding Revolutionary Change in Warfare
  22. In the Battle for Baghdad, U.S. Turns War on Insurgents
  23. Fighting Smarter In Iraq
  24. Iraq Documentaries
  25. Difficulty in WHAM
  26. McMaster on war (merged thread)
  27. Airmen Get New Skills for War
  28. Fundamentals of Company-level Counterinsurgency
  29. Bloodless Theories, Bloody Wars (EBO)
  30. Military Strategies
  31. So You Want to Be an Adviser
  32. The Conventional, SOF Debate in OIF.
  33. U.S. Military Is Split on Insurgency Strategy
  34. Center of Gravity Construct
  35. Disarmament of Population
  36. Planning Lessons From Afghanistan and Iraq
  37. Progressive Reconstruction: A Methodology for Stabilization and Reconstruction
  38. War's Risks Include Toll on Training Values
  39. Counterinsurgency Strategy: Staying Put
  40. Options for Transitional Security Capabilities for America
  41. Fm 3-24
  42. Is there merit to the Democratic proposal for a timetable?
  43. Theory vs. Practice
  44. War 101
  45. What would you change about current ops in Iraq?
  46. Counterinsurgency: Relearning How to Think
  47. Murdered Soldiers shouldn't have been left alone.
  48. Our Enemies Aren't Drinking Lattes
  49. U.S. Army / Marine COIN Doctrine
  50. Did he say that?
  51. Systemic Operational Design
  52. For those with access to Army's CALL
  53. Reforming Pentagon Strategic Decisionmaking
  54. Anti tank weapons become anti personel weapons
  55. Counterinsurgency, by the Book
  56. Doctrine that Works
  57. FA in the Long War: A New Mission in COIN
  58. Law Enforcement Methods for COIN Operations
  59. COIN Seminar
  60. Air Power in the New COIN Era
  61. COIN Redux
  62. Joint Operations
  63. America's Asymmetric Advantage
  64. New Counterinsurgency Manuals
  65. CSIS 2006 POSOF Conference Report
  66. New Training Village
  67. Arabian Nightmares
  68. Military Review
  69. Army Gives Rumsfeld Doctrine a Rewrite
  70. The high cost of having an inadequate force to space ratio
  71. Learning from Iraq: COIN in American Strategy
  72. The David Kilcullen Collection (merged thread)
  73. Hearts and Minds?
  74. Virtual War
  75. Writing scenarios
  76. General Petraeus: collection
  77. Special Forces Use of Pack Animals
  78. Army Civil Affairs Operations
  79. Fundamentals of the Battle Captain
  80. 'Can a Popular Inurgency Be Defeated?'
  81. adpatation of the rifle platoon
  82. search for FM 31-73
  83. Vintage COIN and Stability Doctrine - Links
  84. CAP in Iraq?
  85. Punitive Ops revisited
  86. Small-Ldr's Guide to COIN MCIP 3-33.01
  87. The Andrew Bacevich collection
  88. FM 3-24 Available in Hard Copy
  89. "Non Cents"
  90. A discussion, when does a game become.....bad???
  91. Non Kinetic surge capacity for COIN operations
  92. Techniques for securing and building relations with the people...
  93. The Evolution and Importance of Army/Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24
  94. New JP 3-27 Homeland Defense
  95. Airpower’s Crucial Role in Irregular Warfare
  96. Culture battle: Selective use of history should not be used to justify the status quo
  97. Collateral Damage and Counterinsurgency Doctrine
  98. What to Make of COIN Doctrine in Iraq
  99. U.S. PSYOPS Doctrine
  100. FM3-24 and FM90-8
  101. New Maritime Strategy Released
  102. COIN of the Realm
  103. Irregular Warfare: After Smart Weapons, Smart Soldiers
  104. Counterinsurgency For U.S. Government Policymakers
  105. Culmination Point
  106. Emerging Unconventional Warfare Doctrine
  107. “’Dishonest Doctrine:’ Or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Coin Doctrine”
  108. Targeting
  109. Planning for Stability Ops
  110. The Soldier's Pocket Book for Field Service - 1871
  111. Habitual association versus modularity
  112. We Still Need the Big Guns
  113. FM 3-0 (Operations) Roll Out
  114. A French Army's view on stabilization
  115. More Fight, Less Fuel. Defense Science Board report.
  116. MCOs and SSOs in the 2008 edition of FM 3-0 Operations
  117. Effects Based Operations (EBO) - is it valid?
  118. The Counterinsurgency Cliff Notes
  119. Rethinking Counterinsurgency RAND Counterinsurgency Study -- Volume 5
  120. The US Military and COIN Doctrine, 1960-1970 and 2003-2006
  121. Hard Hearts and Open Minds?
  122. The Challenge ofAdaptation: The US Army in the Aftermath of Conflict, 1953-2000.
  123. Tomorrow's Army, Today's Challenges
  124. EBO damaging
  125. Simple Sabotage Field Manual
  126. Shortchanging the Joint Doctrine Fight
  127. Revising FM 3-24: What needs to change?
  128. Military History and the Drafting of Doctrine
  129. Sisyphus and Counterinsurgency
  130. The Gill Doctrine (Indian CT)
  131. FM 3.07: Stability Operations (Updated With FM Link)
  132. I'll take decisions that confuse me for a $100 Alex
  133. DDR Lessons from Columbia
  134. Training for Full Spectrum Operations
  135. An IW “Bottle of Scotch” Challenge
  136. Draft FM 5-0?
  137. Fm 3-24.2
  138. Design for military operations
  139. "... and Jagdkampf Forces." March 1983?
  140. How do you do it?...
  141. The question...
  142. Plan,Organize and Train for SFA
  143. BfSB
  144. Flawed Doctrine or Flawed Strategy?
  145. JFCOM -Credit where credit is due
  146. FID or UW: And does it matter?
  147. Small boat or brown water operations
  148. How to be the Biggest Tribe
  149. FM 5-0 (Revised Final Draft-2) Out For Staffing
  150. How Operational Art Devoured Strategy
  151. JP 3-24 released
  152. COIN -v- CT debate
  153. FM 3.07 and its SSR chapter - is anyone taking any notice?
  154. The New Counterinsurgency Era: Transforming the U.S. Military for Modern Wars
  155. Wilf Platoon Tactics
  156. Brother can you spare a penny, or why no I in DME
  157. Electronic Publications
  158. Guiding Principles: DoS & S/CRS new stability doctrine
  159. Applied Economics and Politics (TTP's)
  160. Re-structuring the BCT
  161. What’s doctrine between allies......?
  162. Putting the T in METT-T (i.e., Terrain)
  163. Returning to a Division Centric Army
  164. AROTC STX Lanes
  165. Comparing the Modular BCT to the British Future Army Structure
  166. Time for a FM 3-24: Counterinsurgency Update
  167. Porch shines a torch on COIN
  168. Owning Battlespace
  169. Dave Barno’s top 10 tasks ...
  170. National Military Strategy 2011
  171. Contextualizing Insurgency
  172. communist morality
  173. US Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell
  174. The Marine Corps and the Coming Fiscal Reality
  175. Mass Insanity: Latest Trend in Army Doctrine
  176. Well, is the SWC "kill, kill, kill the leadership" fever over finally?
  177. The Joint Planning Process
  178. Social Media and Unconventional Warfare
  179. The Threat from Swarm Attacks (catch all)
  180. Focus on CI versus Conventional warfighting
  181. What is CQB?
  182. Eeben Barlow on why governments & armed forces fail at COIN
  183. Report - Making the Soldier Decisive on Future Battlefields
  184. The new 2014 FM 3-24 Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies
  185. How to Lose a War: A Primer
  186. Do Metrics Matter?
  187. A 2d Look at the Powell Doctrine
  188. Thrashing about is not a strategy
  189. Counter - Unconventional Warfare
  190. Dilemmas of counter-terror, stabilisation and statebuilding
  191. 20th Century Counterinsurgency Project
  192. Recognizing Distinct Types of Insurgency - "Know the type of conflict you are in."
  193. A 'Digger' writes The Rise and Fall of Western COIN
  194. Harsh Lessons: Iraq, Afghanistan and the Changing Character of War