- Soldiers and NGOs (merged thread)
- AIDS as a Security Threat
- Humanitarian Aid: Winning the Terror War
- United Nations ReliefWeb
- XDR-TB real threat
- HarmonieWeb
- NGO-UN-Red Cross Humanitarian Principles of Partnership
- Remittances During Crises
- Klein's Shock Doctrine
- Health Diplomacy
- Lessons from the Private Sector and Coast Guard During Katrina
- Refugees, Migrants and helping (Merged Thread)
- Cheap Savonius Wind Turbine
- More from the Burmese cyclone front...
- IMPACT Project in Iraq
- The economics of solar power
- Secretary-general Accepts Resignation Of Security Head
- Wal-Mart as model for Public Works Substations
- Microgrids
- Nuclear Power
- Disaster response (merged thread)
- UN reports record humanitarian aid shortfall
- Resilience
- Humanitarian action: a Just action?
- Failure in Afghanistan is Nothing New
- Medecins Sans Fontieres is 40 years old in 2010
- From Maneuver Warfare To Maneuver Welfare
- the human costs of war--new findings
- Literasy Ain't Everythin'
- Aid Under Fire: Development Projects and Civil Conflict
- NGOs in Africa: Assets or Liabilities?
- Meet MG Mark McQueen (Ret'd)