View Full Version : Quick questions thread

03-27-2010, 10:01 AM
I know forums with a quick question thread for questions that are below the threshold for opening a new thread altogether. Well, I think this could be useful here as well.
It's usually a custom to keep reading such a thread (after having got an answer yourself) till you've answered a question yourself.


First question:
I need a pointer towards accessible writings on the Soviet theory regarding "shock value", preferably in English or German, if unavoidable in French, please. My interest in this is focused on the tactical level. I checked some writings of Glantz and found no good info on the subject other than ~ "much firepower".


03-28-2010, 01:27 AM
Maj. Major Major Major: Sergeant, from now on, I don't want anyone to come in and see me while I'm in my office. Is that clear?

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir? What do I say to people who want to come in and see you while you're gone?

Maj. Major Major Major: Tell them I'm in and ask them to wait.

First Sgt. Towser: For how long?

Maj. Major Major Major: Until I've left.

First Sgt. Towser: And then what do I do with them?

Maj. Major Major Major: I don't care.

First Sgt. Towser: May I send people in to see you after you've left?

Maj. Major Major Major: Yes.

First Sgt. Towser: You won't be here then, will you?

Maj. Major Major Major: No.

First Sgt. Towser: I see, sir. Will that be all?

Maj. Major Major Major: Also, Sergeant, I don't want you coming in while I'm in my office asking me if there's anything you can do for me. Is that clear?

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir. When should I come in your office and ask if there's anything I can do for you?

Maj. Major Major Major: When I'm not there.

First Sgt. Towser: What do I do then?

Maj. Major Major Major: Whatever has to be done.

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir.