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06-02-2010, 06:14 PM
Interesting article from Tom's dispatch. Alot of good stuff in here for the Young'ns to think about.

http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175255/tomgram:_engelhardt,_living_in_the_51st_state_(of_ denial)___/

Ken White
06-02-2010, 09:25 PM
He says:
"I was born in a country that thought it could rebuild anything. You’re living in one lacking recuperative powers."I was born before him but in the same country. A country that then knew it could do anything and proceeded to do it. I watched his peers totally wreck that trying to be European, sophisticated and kewel. Not necessarily in that order... :mad:

He's got 'can't do' and 'don't want to do because it's work' confused. They also tend to neglect 'I have to do what's right' in preference for 'everyone must like me.' They tend to believe 'reality is what my Boss wants -- or a little less.' Generic problems with that age group. Called the Pepsi Generation, wasn't it? ;)

Hopefully, his Grandkids, like mine, are really seriously pissed at him and his contemporaries for what they've done and the kids will help fix it... :D

It is definitely fix-able. Up to the kids.. :cool:

06-02-2010, 10:21 PM
Heh. Another whining Baby Boomer, mayhap?

That was my feeling as well as a so-called "gen-x'er" who's never much cared for the boomers as a generation.

Ron Humphrey
06-02-2010, 10:26 PM
Hopefully, his Grandkids, like mine, are really seriously pissed at him and his contemporaries for what they've done and the kids will help fix it... :D

It is definitely fix-able. Up to the kids.. :cool:

Fix it that is- its just unfortunate how painful it'll be for them to do it.

Ramen and spam for breakfast lunch and dinner sucks, but everybody gotta eat

Ken White
06-02-2010, 10:36 PM
Ramen and spam for breakfast lunch and dinner sucks, but everybody gotta eat :Dbut my Grandkids all aim a bit higher. The only people that will eat like that are those that are willing to accept it. Unfortunately, there are those who will...

Ron Humphrey
06-02-2010, 10:40 PM
but my Grandkids all aim a bit higher. The only people that will eat like that are those that are willing to accept it. Unfortunately, there are those who will...

Guess we just need to make sure we send the right group to do the shopping;)

06-02-2010, 11:42 PM
"It's the Pepsi generation, coming at you, growing strong. Put yourself behind a Pepsi. If you'rw living, you belong."
He says:I was born before him but in the same country. A country that then knew it could do anything and proceeded to do it. I watched his peers totally wreck that trying to be European, sophisticated and kewel. Not necessarily in that order... :mad:

He's got 'can't do' and 'don't want to do because it's work' confused. They also tend to neglect 'I have to do what's right' in preference for 'everyone must like me.' They tend to believe 'reality is what my Boss wants -- or a little less.' Generic problems with that age group. Called the Pepsi Generation, wasn't it? ;)

Hopefully, his Grandkids, like mine, are really seriously pissed at him and his contemporaries for what they've done and the kids will help fix it... :D

It is definitely fix-able. Up to the kids.. :cool:

06-02-2010, 11:51 PM
"It's the Pepsi generation, coming at you, growing strong. Put yourself behind a Pepsi. If you'rw living, you belong."

I read this site from time to time. He makes some interesting points. Last week I downloaded two podcasts from his website. The first was an interview with Noam Chomsky. The second featured a woman making a point that the Bush Administration was similar to the Third Reich. Her salient point was that the Reich was different only in that it lasted twelve years compared to the eight of the Bush Administration. I subsequently deleted them.

06-03-2010, 03:43 AM
Some good points by all. Me I was raised to believe that Government was good and greed (making money with paper)was bad, versus earning profits by real products. Business could be properly controlled by dividing it between 2 classes, for profit and nor for profit and Usury laws. Certain business could be so corruptible to the profit motive that the Government would separate them as either direct government organizations or private organizations charged with completing a mission and not profit maximization for shareholders. The original concept of a Public Utility not what it is now. Usury, earning interest on money was completely controlled to avoid widespread loan sharking or mis-application of huge sums of money from capital formation for Production to capital being spent on consumption. Most of theses regulations were abolished in the 80's.

Both these concepts have all but been obliterated under The Corporate Propaganda that Government is bad and Private Business is good. Although both parties have done their share of damage it has always amazed me that the Republican party....the party that abolished slavery and created US Greenbacks to pay for the Civil War without any interest to private banks or taxes on the people has become the party most associated with Greed,Corruption and Racism. And not to leave anybody out but the Corporate Democrats.

The Young'ns have a tough job ahead but after talking to my granddaughter this weekend....who wants to be a HISTORY teacher!!!! I think they are up it.

Only one way to end this. Elvis of course!:)

Umar Al-Mokhtār
06-03-2010, 11:45 PM
Her salient point was that the Reich was different only in that it lasted twelve years compared to the eight of the Bush Administration.

agricultural and industrial central planning, nationalization of most private assets, militarization of society, the brutal extermination of 6 million Jews, over 25 million military killed, some 60+ million civilian deaths, the near total destruction of much of central and eastern Europe, and untold misery to millions of others... I can see some similarities. :D

06-04-2010, 03:35 AM
A country that then knew it could do anything and proceeded to do it. I watched his peers totally wreck that trying to be European, sophisticated and kewel.

I suspect that in some part we had people with a can-do-anything attitude coming up against things they couldn't do. If you're gonna make a can-do attitude work you need to know what you can and can't do, and stay away from the things you can't do.

There are things we can't do and shouldn't try to do. Installing governments for other countries, IMO, is one of them.

06-05-2010, 05:43 AM

The President keeps saying he was hired to solve problems. I didn't hire him for that and neither did anyone else that I know of. He was hired to lead us to justice, prosperity and Independence.
That means:
1-Throw the Tala-banksters in jail and reinstate the Glass-Steagal act.
2-A job for everyone else .....solving the problems of our Nation.
3-Establish Energy independence as your highest priority, if your don't know how call President Carter, his plan was valid then and it is valid now.

If you need anymore help send me a PM, I got friends at the SWC and we do Strategy and stuff here.

06-05-2010, 11:32 PM
agricultural and industrial central planning, nationalization of most private assets, militarization of society, the brutal extermination of 6 million Jews, over 25 million military killed, some 60+ million civilian deaths, the near total destruction of much of central and eastern Europe, and untold misery to millions of others... I can see some similarities. :D

My first point was that Tom Dispatch takes a point of view that can sound reasonable. My second was that a little bit of digging found extremism from the fringe. I was not endorsing the comparison.