View Full Version : Simulation Question

02-07-2011, 04:31 PM
Are there any participatory conflict simulators out there? I did the Model Arab League in college and am curious if there are similar programs out there accessible online to either study or participant in. Thanks.

02-07-2011, 05:46 PM
Paging Dr. Rex...

Rex Brynen
02-07-2011, 07:23 PM
Paging Dr. Rex...

And here I am!

There are, of course, lots of model UN-type simulations with varying entry requirements (most probably require you to be a student, though). There are simulations as part of particular courses either at universities or at training institutions (such as USIP or the Pearson Peacekeeping Center), although they tend to be fairly short and rather narrowly focused. There are play-by-email and similar types of online hobby wargames, although few have a strong diplomatic component (other, of course, than games of Diplomacy).

I don't, however, know of any regular, ongoing semi-realistic political/diplomatic simulations.

You may find some articles and links of use at PaxSims (http://paxsims.wordpress.com).

02-07-2011, 07:57 PM
Rex, you're getting old my friend :D

There's a real crude version available (http://www.gameclassification.com/EN/games/2975-Conflict-Middle-East-Political-Simulator/index.html) circa 1990 for State types and folks like me bored with passing the canapes during (ahem) diplomatic functions :rolleyes:

Rest assured, I learned little more than the Army had already brain-washed me with, which was more than sufficient to this day !

Regards, Stan

Rex Brynen
02-07-2011, 08:23 PM
Rex, you're getting old my friend :D

Oh, there are some computer games/simulations... but nothing that really has that dozens-of-people at Model UN feel to it!

This can be fun--my daughter plays it: http://www.cybernations.net/

...although its not really serious learning stuff.