View Full Version : Gaddafi's sub-Saharan mercenaries
02-21-2011, 11:44 PM
This is an interesting twist.
Khamis Gaddafi, a son of Libya ruler Moammar Gaddafi, recruited French-speaking Sub-Saharan African mercenaries to shoot live rounds at pro-democracy protestors, reported Al Arabiya, citing sources in the city of Benghazi.
These sources claim this knowledge because they’ve captured some of the mercenaries, who confessed their identity and the fact that Khamis Gaddafi hired them.
The sources also said they saw non-Libyan mercenaries flown in from other African countries land in the Benina International Airport near Benghazi.
Read more:
For the doubting Thomas'
An alleged African mercenary is lyched by an enfuriated mob of protestors. The image is taken from a video posted on YouTube.
02-22-2011, 12:13 AM
Credible Western intelligence reports say that Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya and is on his way to exile in Venezuela, according to William Hague, the foreign secretary.
Two Libyan Air Force Mirage jet fighters unexpectedly flew to Malta this afternoon with their pilots claiming they escaped to Malta after having been ordered to bomb protesters who have taken control of the second city of Benghazi.
The pilots told the Maltese authorities that they left from a base near Tripoli. Their aircraft were armed with air to ground rockets.
02-22-2011, 02:25 AM
Credible Western intelligence reports say that Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya and is on his way to exile in Venezuela, according to William Hague, the foreign secretary.
From the shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma... or at least the halls of Hugo. It would be interesting and probably a bit surreal to have a recording of their conversation.
It's been denied, though.
Looks like a very bloody one, but it's hard to see how he'll hang on. Guess the key question is how much of the military will stay loyal.
Interesting quotes...
Amr Moussa, Secretary-General of the Arab League, summed up the cause of people’s fury in one word: “humiliation.” More than economic hardship, it is humiliation that has most rankled the people.
“I expect things in Libya to end as they did in Romania,” the Western diplomat said, referring to the 1989 demise of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime. “They hunted down and executed the leader,” he said.
M-A Lagrange
02-22-2011, 06:47 AM
Don't wanna be the bird bringing bad news but according to French news paper Le Monde:
Libyan air planes opened fire with live rounds on crowd in Tripoly and the Gaddafi made a 22 seconds apparition on TV to deny he was in Venezuela.
The army (or mercenaries) opened fire with live round on protesters and to day the situation is "quiete".
Does not really looks like it will turn as in Romania. But the battle is short and the days are long.
Still, good luck guy for bringing him down.
02-22-2011, 12:38 PM
In sharp contrast to Egypt’s widely respected armed forces, the Libyan army, air force and navy, led by the self-styled Col. Moammar Gadhafi, is regarded as a grim, murderous joke, even compared to other African militaries.
Nothing suggests Libya’s military possesses either the professionalism, the discipline, or commands the popular respect to fill a power vacuum or serve as a transitional structure to civilian government. Ever since the mercurial and increasingly erratic Col. Gadhafi seized power 42 years ago, Libya’s military has been a pawn in his wide schemes and ill-fated international adventures.
However, a single brigade of the Revolutionary Guards Corps – estimated at about 3,000 soldiers – is better trained, better paid and supposedly loyal to the aging Col. Gadhafi. Drawn from the Guards is perhaps the oddest force in the militaries of the Arab world, a clutch of female soldiers who serve as the colonel’s close personal protection. They are – facetiously – known as the “Green Nuns” after Col. Gadhafi’s penchant for using that colour to mark ideologically significant elements in the personality cult that he has fostered.
Bob's World
02-22-2011, 12:43 PM
This would suggest that soon it will be former Libyan military personnel that will begin to show up in the mercenary ranks of other as they too will have to flee like their boss did to avoid the consequences of their actions over the years.
M-A Lagrange
02-22-2011, 01:21 PM
Immediate International Steps Needed to Stop Atrocities in Libya
Brussels | 22 Feb 2011
With credible reports of concerted deadly attacks against civilians committed by Libyan security forces, including the use of military aircraft to indiscriminately attack demonstrators, the international community must respond immediately.
For members of the world community, many of whom long condoned authoritarian regimes in the Arab world and only fully backed the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings once the outcome had become clear, Libya presents a critical test. So far, the Libyan regime has offered its people no prospect beyond submission, civil war or a blood bath; its actions have condemned it in the eyes of its own people and of the world.
Many have already denounced the violent acts, but actions must now follow words. Crisis Group recommends the following urgent steps:
Imposing targeted sanctions against Muammar Qaddafi and family members as well as others involved in the repression, including an immediate assets freeze;
Offering safe haven to Libyan aircraft pilots and other security personnel who refuse to carry out illegal regime orders to attack civilians;
Cancelling all ongoing contracts and cooperation for the supply of military equipment and training to Libyan security forces;
Imposing an international embargo to prevent the sale and delivery of any military equipment or support to Libyan security forces while refraining from any commercial sanctions that could harm civilians;
In light of the intensity of the violence and its likely regional effects, the United Nations Security Council should:
strongly condemn Libya's resort to state violence against civilians and call on the Libyan government and security forces to immediately halt all such attacks and restore access for humanitarian flights to Libyan air space;
call on member states to take the above-mentioned actions;
establish an international commission of inquiry into alleged crimes against humanity in Libya since 1 February 2011, tasking it to investigate the conduct of the Libyan government and all its varied security forces, as well as allegations concerning the involvement of foreign mercenaries. The body should provide recommendations on steps to be taken by national and international authorities to ensure accountability for any crime;
plan the establishment of a no-fly zone under Chapter VII if aircraft attacks against civilians continue.
Individual nations, particularly those with close ties to Libya, and international actors -- such as the African Union, the Arab League, and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference -- should support these and other similar measures.
Moreover, Libya’s neighbours should open their borders to provide humanitarian aid and safe haven to the wounded and to those fleeing violence.
People throughout the region are claiming their rights. In several countries, their actions have led to relatively peaceful transitions or to renewed dialogue toward reform. Libya's leaders have chosen a different path, with devastating consequences for their citizens. How the international community responds could help determine whether others opt to heed their people's demands or choose to cling to power at a high, and terrifying, cost.
M-A Lagrange
02-23-2011, 06:45 AM
A testimony from a doctor who was evacuated yesterday from Libya.
"C'était un carnage absolu"
À partir du mercredi 16 février, on a constaté une frénésie dans la population, les gens étaient certains que l'armée allait les attaquer. Les forces de répression comprennent la police, l'armée, mais surtout des mercenaires tchadiens, nigériens, entraînés au fin fond du Sahara et très bien équipés et armés. On les a vus passer dans des 4x4, armés jusqu'aux dents, c'était très impressionnant.
Benghazi a été attaqué le jeudi. Nos ambulances sur le terrain ont compté, le premier jour, 75 morts ; le deuxième, 200 ; ensuite plus de 500. Dès le troisième jour, je n'avais plus de morphine ni de médicaments. Au début, les forces de répression tiraient sur les gens aux jambes et à l'abdomen. Ensuite, au thorax et à la tête. Ensuite on a vu des tirs de mortier, et carrément de roquettes antiaériennes, directement dans la foule. Un carnage. Des gens brûlés, déchiquetés. Au total, je pense qu'il y a plus de 2 000 morts ; on a rempli deux hôpitaux de 1 500 lits.
J'ai réanimé un des mes étudiants de 6e année de médecine, il avait pris une balle dans la tête, qui lui était sortie par la bouche. Comme les autres jeunes, il était parti, torse nu, attaquer les points stratégiques du gouvernement. Ils sont prêts à mourir, ils s'en foutent, ils n'ont pas d'arme. Les premiers jours, les policiers avaient entassé les morts pour les impressionner, ils ont continué. Ils veulent en finir une fois pour toutes, ils savent que c'est cette semaine que le régime tombe ou jamais.
I translate :
An absolute carnage
Starting Wednesday 16, we noticed a Frenzy among the population, people weresure that the army would attack them. The repression forces are composed of the police, the army but mainly of Chadian and Nigerian mercenaries trained deep in Sahara and very well equipped. We saw them pass by in 4X4, heavily armed, it was very impressive.
Benghazi was attacked on Thursday. Our ambulances in the field counted 75 KIA the first day; the second one, 200; after more than 500. Since the third day I did not have morphine anymore neither did I have drugs. In the beginning, the repression forces were shooting in the legs and the belly. After in the chest and the head. After that we saw mortar and anti aircraft rockets, straight in the crowd. A total butchery. People were burned, blown up. In total, I believe there was more than 2000 KIA. We filled up 2 hospitals of 1500 beds.
I treated one of my 6 grad medicine students, he had been shot in the head, the bullet was gone through his mouth. As the other youth he was gone naked torso to attack government strategical points. They are ready to die, they do not care, they do not have weapons. The first day, policemen pilled the corps to impress them, they kept going on. They want to end it up once for all, they know that it is this week or never to bring the regime down.
M-A Lagrange
02-23-2011, 03:00 PM
With the announcement and the confirmation by witnesses of the presence of mercenaries in Libya, rumors are coming from everywhere.
If it is now almost assured that the mercenaries are mainly Chadian (which is why I did dig out the Chadian threat), several countries are claiming mercenaries belong to them.
The less surprising is North Sudan, accusing Darfur rebel to be engaged as mercenaries in Libya:
Sudan says Darfur rebels could be involved in Libya turmoil
Sudan does not rule out the veracity of leaks on the involvement of rebel groups from its own western region of Darfur in the unfolding unrest in Libya, the country’s foreign ministry said on Monday.
A pro-government newspaper Al-Intibaha allged today that rebels from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) were among these mercenaries hired by the Libyan authorities to quell the popular revolt.
JEM spokesperson, Ahmed Hussein Adam, strongly condemned the report and accused the government of inciting anti-Sudanese hatred. Ahmed further said the NCP government bears the responsibility of any harm or damage occurs to Sudanese citizens there.
In a press statement he released the rebel official said JEM has no one single soldier in Libya adding that his Movement cannot interfere in the Libyan internal affairs.,38070
And the most surprising at the moment is DR Congo, where there are even less proof of presence of Congolese mercenaries in Libya.
Mercenaires congolais en Libye : des questions!
Congolese mercenaries in Libya: questions!
The article is really unclear and provides absolutely no proofs. But still as mercenary is the best connected network in Africa it could be true. But this would be a minor minority.
Anyways the immediate use of mercenaries by Gaddafi is a sign, not a good one, which prove how much the Libya clown lost control of his forces and, in the end, his legitimacy in the eye of his population.
The quote was:
Credible Western intelligence reports say that Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya...
Credible what? ... ROTFLMAO ...
J Wolfsberger
02-23-2011, 08:05 PM
Credible Western intelligence reports say that Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya...
You probably misunderstood. I'm sure it was a reference to CNN. :rolleyes:
M-A Lagrange
02-24-2011, 03:35 PM
From the French news paper Le Monde:
Mercenaires Africains:
Dans toutes les villes de l'est libyen, de Derna à Benghazi, on affirme que de tels mercenaires ont débarqué dans l'aéroport de Labrak, à 65km de Derna, et de celui de Benghazi dont le tarmac a ensuite été rendu hors d'usage par les habitants pour stopper l'arrivée de troupes supplémentaires. L'école publique de Chahhat, l'antique Cyrène, à environ 250km de Benghazi, a été reconvertie en cachots pour plus de 150 de ces prisonniers. Souvent blessés, allongés sous des couvertures, ils font face, muets, aux hommes qui les interrogent.
Difficile d'imaginer Jabar Ahmad, 70 ans, en mercenaire sanguinaire. Carte d'identité à l'appui, il explique être originaire de Sabhab, ville du sud libyen, et "avoir reçu un billet d'avion gratuit à destination de Tripoli pour manifester en soutien du colonel". Il dit avoir été "le premier surpris" par l'atterrissage à Labrak, puis par le transfert en bus dans un camp militaire, au milieu des combats qui ont d'abord opposé les habitants et l'armée, puis l'armée entre elle, chars loyaux contre chars ralliés au peuple. Il a eu "tellement peur" qu'il s'est caché avant d'être pris puis torturé.
Beaucoup d'autres donnent l'impression d'être comme lui, des Touaregs dépassés par la situation. Les combats sur place auraient fait 40 morts. Le camp militaire et ses chars abandonnés, qui bordent les ruines antiques, sont devenus le terrain de jeu des enfants. Les prisonniers sont pris en charge par les militaires qui ont fait défection.
A Benghazi, la morgue du docteur Habib est encombrée. Elle contient des corps que personne n'est venu réclamer, dont ceux de colosses à la peau sombre. "Celui-ci s'appelle, selon ses papiers, Krown Nicolas Lacnka Wohoin, ne me dites pas que c'est un nom libyen ou touareg!", s'emporte le docteur. Cet homme a le crâne tailladé. "Des coups de sabre: des armes que les habitants de Benghazi ont utilisé le dernier jour de combat dimanche", explique-t-il.
I translate:
African mercenaries :
In all the East Libya cities, from Derna to Benghazi, it is reported that such mercenaries have come from the Labrak airport, 65 Km from Derna, and from the one in Benghazi which the tarmac has been damaged by the inhabitants to stop the arrival of supplementary troops. The Chahhat public school, the antique Cyren, has been converted into jail for more than 150 prisonners. Often wounded, lying under blankets, they face, mute, the men who interrogate them.
Difficult to imagine Jabar Ahmad, 70 years old, as a bloody mercenary. With his ID cart as a proof, he explains that he is from Sabhad, a city from South Libya, and that he received a free plane ticket for Tripoli to a support demonstration for the colonel. He says that he was the first one to be surprised by landing in Labrak, then by his transfer in bus to a military camp, in the middle of the battle which first opposed the inhabitants and the army, then the army among them, loyal battle tanks against insurgents tanks. He was so afraid that he hided before being taken prisoner and then tortured.
Many other give the impression to be as him, Touaregs over passed by the situation. The combats in sites would have made 40 cusualties. The military camp and abandoned tanks, which are bordering the antique ruins, are now playground for children. The prisoners are taken in charge by the military who defected.
In Benghazi, Doctor Habib’s morgue is full. There is there corps that no one came to claim, as those of strong dark skin men. That one is called, according to his ID, Krown Nicolas Lacnka Wohoin, don’t tell me he is a Libyan Touareg, yield the doctor. The man has the skull slashed. Saber wounds: the weapons Benghazi people used the last combat day Sunday, he explains.
Once again… will we ever know what really did happen there?
But yes, the quoted name is definitively not Libyan neither Chadian nor even Congolese.
02-24-2011, 06:45 PM
WASHINGTON—The government of Col. Moammar Gadhafi hasn't destroyed significant stockpiles of mustard gas and other chemical-weapons agents, raising fears in Washington about what could happen to them—and whether they may be used—as Libya slides further into chaos.
Tripoli also maintains control of aging Scud B missiles, U.S. officials said, as well as 1,000 metric tons of uranium yellowcake and vast amounts of conventional weapons that Col. Gadhafi has channeled in the past to militants operating in countries like Sudan and Chad.
Current and former U.S. officials said in interviews that Washington's counterproliferation operations against Libya over the past decade have scored gains, in particular the dismantling of Tripoli's nascent nuclear-weapons program and its Scud C missile stockpiles. But the level of instability in Libya, and Col. Gadhafi's history of brutality, continues to make the U.S. focus on the arms and chemical agents that remain, they said.
"When you have a guy who's as irrational as Gadhafi with some serious weapons at his disposal, it's always a concern," said a U.S. official. "But we haven't yet seen him move to use any kind of mustard gas or chemical weapon" during the unrest. od=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories
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