View Full Version : Fiji (catch all)

05-14-2011, 04:30 PM
Saw this, did a quick & dirty search for previous threads and found none.

A top Fiji soldier facing mutiny charges has been "rescued" by the Tongan navy and taken to Nuku'alofa.

Colonel Tevita Uluilakeba Mara, until recently commander of the Third Fiji Infantry Regiment, has now vowed to rid Fiji of the "hateful dictatorship" of Voreqe Bainimarama.

In an action, if true, that would amount to a declaration of hostilities on Fiji, Mara says he now is "under the sure protection of King George" of Tonga.



05-16-2011, 04:32 PM
LATEST: Labour leader Phil Goff said the worsening crisis between Tonga and Fiji showed a breakdown in the Fijian elite and the unsustainable position of the dictatorship.

"We're seeing a major division with the former leader of the infantry regiment now totally at odds his former commander. That spells the potential, I think, for greater instability in Fiji."


12-21-2012, 02:28 PM
Fiji rarely gets attention here, but as a small nation it has made a significant contribution to UN peacekeeping operations, notably in Southern Lebanon till 2002 (UNIFIL).

Fijian politics are well beyond the range of my media watching, although I know at times the Fijian military have taken over the government (now till 2014); as they do now.

So a short article in an Australian think tank's blog caught my eye; thanks to Fuchs for highlighting: The Strategist the official blog of The Australian Strategic Policy Institute:http://www.aspistrategist.org.au/

The article is by a former Fijian Army officer is 'The unintended consequences of Fiji’s UN peacekeeping operations': http://www.aspistrategist.org.au/the-unintended-consequences-of-fijis-un-peacekeeping-operations/

He opens with:
I’d argue that the politicisation of the Fijian military is partly due to the fact that it has developed a self-image as a mediator of political tensions and executor of coups d’état. Unlike the Indonesian military, the Fijian military’s raison d’être wasn’t determined by internal security threats; in fact, it was historically apolitical. And the development of this self-image appears to be an unintended consequence of the Fijian military’s involvement in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations.

Much of this development has its roots in the Fijian military’s first deployment on a UN peacekeeping operation as part of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in 1978.

Worth a read, more for the possible impact at home for a nation deploying its military on peacekeeping missions.

IIRC much has been made in he past of the impact on 'security sector reform', democratisation and human rights observance from changing nations undertaking such roles - in the partial spotlight of other nations. Cannot think immediately of an example where it has gone wrong like Fiji.

04-24-2014, 02:20 PM
An interesting Q&A with Fiji's new military commander, who I note first served as a Private for seven years:http://www.islandsbusiness.com/2014/4/interview/mosese-tikoitoga-leadership-change-in-fijis-milita/

Nice quote:
Is this why Fijian troops are in demand in the United Nations?

Demand does not come only with how we do our job as a low-tech army. Fijians don’t appreciate our army as other countries do. The old saying is true - a prophet is not liked in his own land. Our soldiers are highly recognised in every county they have visited and are recognised by the bigger armies around us as being good soldiers because we do our jobs well with the minimum of resources. Last month we got images of our troops wearing skis patrolling the snow in Mount Hermon in Syria. We have never tried skiing but now we have videos of our soldiers in proper skiing gear doing patrols in the Golan Heights. That’s the adaptability of the Fijian soldiers; put them anywhere with the right equipment, they learn quick and do a great job. That’s something we don’t want to lose.

01-22-2016, 09:42 AM
What is going on? "Steady as she goes" maybe not:
A secretive shipment of weapons and military hardware donated by Russia (http://www.theguardian.com/world/russia) to the military of Fiji may be an “opening move” in a battle for influence in the Asia-Pacific region security experts have said.

If the beaches and warm waters of Sharm el-Sheikh are "off limits" will Russians look to Fiji's beaches?