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11-07-2006, 02:54 PM
Field Artillery, Nov-Dec 06: So, You’re Going to be on a MiTT - What Do You Need to Know? (http://sill-www.army.mil/famag/2006/NOV_DEC_2006/NOV_DEC_06_PAGES_38_42.pdf)

We’ve been on a military transition team (MiTT) with the 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division (3/4/2 IA) in Mosul for four months, and after reviewing the many lessons we’ve learned, we wish we could get into a time machine and go back to prepare ourselves better for the MiTT mission. What we’ve learned so far applies not only to a MiTT, but also to all types of transition teams in Iraq or Afghanistan—border transition teams (BTTs) and special police transition teams (SPTTs), to name a couple...

11-07-2006, 03:23 PM
Thanks for that Jed. It's an easy read and is good information.

01-09-2007, 03:39 PM
Field Artillery, Jan-Feb 07:

The MiTT and its "Human Terrain": Transitioning the Iraqi Army into the Lead (http://sill-www.army.mil/famag/2007/JAN_FEB_2007/JAN_FEB_2007_PAGES_11_14.pdf)

...This article is based on our experiences mentoring and coaching both an IA battalion and the Iraqi police that the IA operates with to improve security in Mosul, Iraq. The article presents a few ideas about fostering teamwork within the human terrain in Mosul. This is by no means an attempt to discuss all the cultural differences between US Soldiers and the Middle Eastern Soldiers and policemen. Whether you are reading this article as part of the Coalition Force, a MiTT or military police (MP), the goal is the same—to build cooperation between the IA and Iraqi police to provide security to Iraq....

Rob Thornton
01-09-2007, 05:38 PM
We see LTC McConnell's team from time to time. They work on one side of the river, we're on the other. The two sides are a little different. The BDE they work with is almost all Kurd, our's is sort of a 50/50. Their side of the river has more diefined neighborhood's with Kurds living seperately from Arabs in many places, ours has less Kurds, with those that our here living in mostly Arab neighborhoods.

01-09-2007, 06:43 PM

Not sure how much info you can pass along as far as opsec goes, but what is your sense among your IAs as far as primary loyalty goes, especially the Kurdish soldiers? Is it to the government in Baghdad, to the Army, to the unit, or perhaps to party and sect? Do you feel if the Kurdish parties left the government that the Kurdish soldiers would as well?

Rob Thornton
01-10-2007, 03:48 AM

Its not so much an OPSEC question as it is just plain complicated. You're average Jundi does not make too much flus ($$ - pronounced "floose") or live in the best conditions for the risk he takes. However, its still a better paying job then most can get. We had a big problem when I first got here with quality and quantity of food and back then I'd say outside of their tribe they were loyal to themselves and their stomachs - i.e. it was just a job. Now however we've (a combination of IA inititative and MiTT visibility) gotten allot of those life support problems to a level where the soldier does not have to spend his time thinkng about them too much. He lives OK (not by our CF Super FOB stadards, but OK).

Lately though their is more and more unit pride. Back in July the unit starting becoming a real IN BN, not just a lumping together of several tribes who sat at fixed security sites doing static TCPs. Allot of it has to do with the current chain of command and some tough love as well as a desire to build a good BN. I give them all the credit because without the desire, then all the good advice is just so much carbon dioxide.

The leadership is increasingly loyal to the Army and the people. They will use tribal connections as work arounds if required. This BN's leadrship (a Kurd) also recognizes that not all Kurds feel the same way. They'll work with an Arab over a Kurd if that Arab is working for the Army and not for himself. Unfortanately I see the same thing in reverse for those more intereseted in lining their pockets. Slowly, the Army is keeping and promoting the former, while "retiring" the latter. Things have made a steady improvement over the last year.
