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View Full Version : Directions on Iraq: a Blogging Colloquium

12-15-2006, 07:49 PM
Dave Schuler, of the excellent blog The Glittering Eye (http://www.theglitteringeye.com/), has organized an online colloquium on Iraq with an expert panel of contributors. Including:

"John Burgess, a former U. S. foreign service officer who has had two tours of duty in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the first in 1981-1983 and the second 2001-2003. He reads and speaks Arabic and has spent the bulk of his career in the Middle East with assignments in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, and Bahrain in addition to his assignment in the KSA. His blog, Crossroads Arabia, is one of the blogosphere’s finest resources for information and commentary on the KSA.

Michael Cook, the Cleveland Dodge professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. In 2002 he was awarded the Andrew Mellon Foundation’s Distinguished Achievement Award.

James Hamilton, a professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego. His special area of study is oil economics. His blog, Econbrowser, is a premier econblog.

Rasheed Abou Al-Samh, a Saudi-American journalist based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is a senior editor at Arab News and a correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Times, Al-Ahram Weekly, and Forbes Arabia. His blog is Rasheed’s World.

Shivaji Sondhi, a professor of physics at Princeton University. Michael Cook and Shivaji Sondhi, along with Robert Socolow and Steven Pacala, are Co-Directors of the Project on Oil, Energy and the Middle East at Princeton University."

Dave is actively soliciting contributions or comments from those with military experience in the ME or in Iraq; I am posting this in hopes that some SWC members may find the time to wander over and share their insights.