View Full Version : What is the state of al Qaeda and Terrorism two years after Bin Laden? Vote here!

05-02-2013, 01:23 PM
Two years ago, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan marking one of the most significant milestones in the history of terrorism and counterterrorism. Two and a half years ago, I began conducting surveys to assess what the impact might be if Osama Bin Laden ever met his demise. #These surveys have since become an annual assessment I generate to gauge public perceptions of the threat of al Qaeda and terrorism in general. #While Bin Laden may be gone, terrorism continues and the past year has demonstrated how terrorist attacks might manifest themselves in a variety of ways from Benghazi to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Today, I'm launching the fifth iteration of the al Qaeda Strategy/Post Bin Laden Survey. Thanks to those that have participated in versions #1 - Does Bin Laden Matter (http://selectedwisdom.com/?p=110)- Jan.2, 2011, #2 - AQ Strategy 2011-2012 (http://selectedwisdom.com/?p=222) - April 27. 2011, #3 - Terrorism Post-Bin Laden (http://selectedwisdom.com/?p=232) - May 2, 2011, #4 One Year After Bin Laden (http://selectedwisdom.com/?p=645) - May 2, 2012.#You can find the results at this link (http://selectedwisdom.com/?tag=polls) which hosts the results of past surveys.

This poll is shorter and a bit different than past surveys. #Realizing there have been changes in terrorism, I opened the questions up a bit to include new emerging trends. #However, I did repeat some questions verbatim so we can see how our collective thinking has changed over time.

Thanks in advance for contributing to the survey. And anyone is welcome to participate - the more votes the better the results. I'll begin posting the results and comparisons with past data sets in a few weeks. #Here is the link to the survey:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2yearsafterBinLaden"

Thanks to all Small Wars Journal Participants for taking the surveys over the years and I look forward to posting a copy of the results here!