View Full Version : India-Pakistan War 1971: good, linked articles sought

12-18-2013, 04:58 PM
I am wondering if anyone has links to good (detailed) articles about the 1971 India-Pakistan war in East Pakistan (or particular operations therein)? I am aware of the official Indian army history (available on Bharat rakshak), but am looking for more. A detailed overview, detailed articles about particular operations, things like that.
Or book suggestions?

12-18-2013, 07:22 PM

Go to the Combined Arms Research Library and type in what you want. Many thing will come up. I tried to link but the machine won't let me.

12-18-2013, 10:13 PM
Thank you for the library suggestion (coincidentally named CARL, nice). What a wonderful resource (and how pathetic that I never used it before!)
On maid-gate: its my impression that the US is a bit of an outlier in how harshly people are treated when arrested and when in prison (among Northern European/Anglo countries). But i must admit that I have (thankfully) zero direct knowledge of these matters in the US or in Northern European/Anglo countries. So the "impression" is a rather impressionistic painting, based mostly on mass media and peer group opinion. Could be wrong.
What do people think? are police procedures in the US better, worse, similar? when compared to Canada or England or Denmark or Germany?

12-19-2013, 02:50 PM
I don't have a specific title in mind but the following has been making the rounds and apparently has some interesting info on the 1971 war and its domestic ramifications. Haven't read it, don't know:


12-21-2013, 06:42 PM
(Originally posted by Omarali 50 three days ago, but the thread diverted to a contemporary diplomatic spat between India and the USA in NYC. So new thread created for that).