View Full Version : Economic costs of crime?

07-12-2014, 06:05 PM
I'm looking for books/methods for studying the actual dollar amounts that corporations suffer as a result of various types of crimes. This is a very new area of study for me and general googling is failing me right now. Does anyone have any suggestions?


07-12-2014, 08:12 PM
In the UK there is a general assumption corporations decline to detail any criminal losses. When they do report crimes to law enforcement the extent of the full loss may not be revealed. This case may help to illustrate the issues here:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2195892/Conmen-fleeced-banks-49m-biggest-mortgage-fraud-ordered-pay-millions.html

One particular sector, banking (including credit cards) are known to report a tiny proportion of their criminal losses. For host of reasons, including the inability of law enforcement to create an easy to use reporting mechanism for bulk transactions.

Some indication can be gleaned when the private sector funds law enforcement analysis and other activity. Most recently here with a new unit, search on Google under news with "intellectual property" + "city of london police".

It maybe worth looking at the work of Professor Michael Levy:http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/contactsandpeople/academicstaff/I-L/professor-michael-levi-overview.html

07-13-2014, 03:38 AM
Thanks David. That makes sense... I guess for now I'm going to look at this in two ways

1) first determine the costs I can (those avalible in open source) i.e: legal costs, repairs/reparations, etc etc.

2) leave the more difficult unreported costs such as: actual dollars lost, competitive advantage lost, worth of intellectual property for later.