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08-08-2014, 05:19 PM
From Foreign Affairs (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/141825/jan-werner-mueller/moscows-trojan-horse?cid=nlc-foreign_affairs_this_week-080714-moscows_trojan_horse_5-080714&sp_mid=46659115&sp_rid=ZGF2aXMuY2hyaXN0b3BoZXIubUBnbWFpbC5jb20S1) this week:

The erection of the statue -- late at night, under heavy police protection -- coincides with two drastic measures consolidating the illiberal state: the government is attacking civil society organizations, denouncing them, as in Putin’s Russia, as foreign agents. Orban is also trying to force the last major television channel that is not toeing the government line, a subsidiary of the German company Bertelsmann, out of business through steep tax increases on advertising revenues. In response to the critics of such measures, Fidesz has regularly accused liberals of helping multinational businesses, in contrast with Orban’s heroic defense of ordinary Hungarians.

Same author, similar subject, earlier publication:

Today, however, this supposed triumph is in serious doubt. Democracy is struggling: nearly all the countries that joined the EU during the last decade are experiencing profound political crises. And as western European leaders call for restrictions on free movement across the continent, new rifts are opening up. Instead of stoking the resentment of ordinary eastern Europeans seeking a better life in the west, EU leaders should learn from the mistakes of accession and enforce clearer boundaries on what political elites can get away with once their countries have joined the EU.

08-12-2014, 12:21 AM
a little bit offtop

Originally Posted by Moscow's Trojan Horse
The erection of the statue -- late at night, under heavy police protection -- coincides with two drastic measures consolidating the illiberal state: the government is attacking civil society organizations, denouncing them, as in Putin’s Russia, as foreign agents.
If only author of mentioned article bothered with reading so called "Federal Law on Foreign Agents" he'd find it droll and far-fetched, but drastic? Too much honor for a piece of bureaucratic brown-nosing.

08-12-2014, 11:59 AM
a little bit offtop

If only author of mentioned article bothered with reading so called "Federal Law on Foreign Agents" he'd find it droll and far-fetched, but drastic? Too much honor for a piece of bureaucratic brown-nosing.

so comrade non expert mirhond--your comment does not fit this thread does it?

man you get around all threads---you must be paid for bulk work these days--defending Russia is getting harder and harder is it not?

08-12-2014, 12:02 PM
From Foreign Affairs (http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/141825/jan-werner-mueller/moscows-trojan-horse?cid=nlc-foreign_affairs_this_week-080714-moscows_trojan_horse_5-080714&sp_mid=46659115&sp_rid=ZGF2aXMuY2hyaXN0b3BoZXIubUBnbWFpbC5jb20S1) this week

The same development is being seen in Bulgaria and Slovenia as well as the Czech Republic---all places where there was no house cleaning of the old communist party and the oligarchs before they entered the EU.

Check the countries being approached by Gasprom to build the transit route for South Stream and you will see a high Russian "friendliness".

08-12-2014, 06:18 PM
Hungary is not a country on the political and media "radar" here in the UK. I expect only Hungary's immediate neighbours will be watching closely, in particular Austria.

It is worth watching to see if there is a formal EU response - to this apparent divergence from the standards of the "club". A few years ago when an Austrian neo-Nazi or nationalist party inched towards sharing power, IIRC the EU openly challenged Austria. See for an outline:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B6rg_Haider

Note the EU after a few months adjusted their stance, as it appeared to then have no effect on Austria!

08-14-2014, 07:32 PM
A forthright commentary by Professor John Schindler, the actual title being 'How Russia Wages Special War Against NATO and the EU' and offers a view of Hungary that is concerning:http://20committee.com/2014/08/14/how-russia-wages-special-war-against-nato-and-the-eu/

Nationalism remains a potent factor in Hungary, especially for the 'far right' who seek a "greater" nation with all those Hungarians who live outside the current borders:
There remain large Magyar populations in neighboring states, including over 150,000 in Ukraine, more than a quarter-million in Serbia (specifically Vojvodina), some 460,000 in Slovakia, and above all more than 1.2 million Magyars in Romania.

08-14-2014, 09:39 PM
That Austrian experience made further sanctions far less likely. It happened on pretty weak grounds and arguably helped for a good while Haider as quite a few felt that little Austria was picked on by the EU and some big countries for no good reason. On a political level the center-right/right coalition was able to secure many key positions from the center-left by placing their own men. Before the truf had been roughly equally shared by the two biggest parties.

That was of course nothing compared to the way Orban has and is transforming Hungary institutions and politics. Scary stuff indeed.

08-19-2014, 12:44 AM
Yes time to check your atlas, where is Carpathian Ruthenia? Well it is an obscure district of Western Ukraine, bordering Hungary, with a substantial Hungarian minority (12%, 151k) and Ukrainians (80%, 1m). See Wiki, note a contested entry:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpathian_Ruthenia

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Map_of_Ukraine_political_simple_Oblast_Transkarpat ien.png/220px-Map_of_Ukraine_political_simple_Oblast_Transkarpat ien.png

Now why the title 'A Western front'. It appears a group is calling for separation from the Ukraine for the Hungarians and the Rusyns (distinct from Russians). See this video from Anti-Maidan with possibly Magyar text and logo, with a confusing translation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbfvlViYWK4&feature=youtu.be

The catalyst appears to be a mobilisation in the district to send local people to fight in Eastern Ukraine.