View Full Version : Sistani finally speaks out.

02-04-2007, 04:30 AM
Cleric Seeks End to Sectarian Violence (http://apnews.myway.com//article/20070203/D8N27M0G0.html)

SSG Rock
02-06-2007, 02:18 PM
Culpepper, I read this lastnight and was somewhat heartend that Sistani spoke out against the muslim on muslim violence. But, in the end I fear his statement will have little impact. Unfortunately it seems that Sadr's star is the one on the rise. Because of his father's murder, he has inherited a powerful role in the Shiite world. Whether that is fortunate or unfortunate I don't think can be definitavely determined yet, but indications are unfortunate IMO.

I already knew this, but was mildly stunned to read it again, that the Sunni elite consider the Shia infidels and so, I don't hold much hope that Sistani and Shia himself can do much.

But I have my fingers crossed.

02-06-2007, 03:58 PM
he had ordered a hit on al sadr.

02-07-2007, 12:49 AM
Culpepper, I read this lastnight and was somewhat heartend that Sistani spoke out against the muslim on muslim violence. But, in the end I fear his statement will have little impact. Unfortunately it seems that Sadr's star is the one on the rise. Because of his father's murder, he has inherited a powerful role in the Shiite world. Whether that is fortunate or unfortunate I don't think can be definitavely determined yet, but indications are unfortunate IMO.

I already knew this, but was mildly stunned to read it again, that the Sunni elite consider the Shia infidels and so, I don't hold much hope that Sistani and Shia himself can do much.

But I have my fingers crossed.

My fingers are crossed as well.