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11-10-2014, 09:45 PM
This summer the British Army has tried to deepen their knowledge and the education of those who took part, in Operation Reflect, with conferences and a 'staff ride'. This thread could sit in the education and training thread. One academic organiser has written a short blog article:http://defenceindepth.co/2014/11/10/op-reflect-what-can-we-learn-from-the-first-world-war/

the British army’s Operation REFLECT. This operation has been designed to mark the centenary of the First World War and the British army’s participation in this conflict. Much of this operation has focused around the traditional methods of remembrance centred on war memorials. Op REFLECT, however, has also contained a novel means of commemoration. When Gen Sir Peter Wall, the then-Chief of the General Staff, signed the order launching the operation, he stipulated that the British army would also use the opportunity to draw lessons from the war for today’s army.Clearly defending the UK is not unique and two themes emerged, which may face readers:
First..we had many fruitful discussions about force generation in wartime that were relevant to a very small British army today looking at ways it could make effective use of its reserve component.

Second, the operation offered an opportunity to explore an issue close to my own heart and one that comes up again and again in military history, not least in our recent experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan – transformation in contact.One of the academics involved has a parallel BBC TV series of podcasts on 'What can today's soldiers learn from WW1'. Hopefully available beyond UK shores:http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zq2jq6f

I intend to watch this section first, as it clearly is very relevant for today's 'small wars':
Importance of strong bonds

Living together, working together and, in many cases, growing up together - the bond between soldiers is a crucial factor in enabling them to do their job.