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View Full Version : Marcus Evans Conferences ?

02-15-2007, 06:44 PM
Does anyone have any background or experience with these conferences ?
We continue to receive mail on these. They're not free, but the players are indeed high on the food chain :cool:

Honestly, it sounds like paying for a dinner to hear the POTUS ramble for 2 minutes. I have to brief our Director on Monday and any input is better than I have now.

Asymmetric Warfare 2007
2nd Annual Achieving Dominance in the Face of Unconventional Warfare
March 27 -29, 2007 Washington, D.C.
"Develop cohesive strategies to combat irregular threats."
Featured Presenter: Major General Samuel T. Helland, Commanding General,
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, US Marine Corps

In April 2006, Deputy Defense Secretary, Mr. Gordon England, approved a
blueprint for how US military forces will expand their capacity and
skills to conduct irregular warfare, fulfilling a central proposal of
the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and ultimately improving
capabilities to combat symmetric threats. Current conflicts continue to
expose equipment and technology gaps that impeded the combat of
asymmetric threats.

Asymmetric Warfare 2007 will be an informative and highly engaging
executive forum where leading experts in the field from across the
forces will brief the delegates on identifying current asymmetric
threats and on developing cohesive strategies to combat them. The
program will explore current capabilities, lessons learned from
operations and explore future training and technological requirements
for irregular warfare campaigns. In addition to this, Asymmetric Warfare
2007 also takes a look at the most challenging asymmetric threat to US
and coalition forces, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the
irregular warfare challenges in the GWOT. Industry will be given the
opportunity to hear the requirements of asymmetric warfare programs
briefed from the decision makers.

Regards, Stan

02-15-2007, 07:11 PM
It looks like a fairly standard high price, low content "place to be seen" event. I've been at some of these (IT and HR, not COIN), and the only good thing about them is the chance to network. Have you googled them, Stan?


02-15-2007, 07:56 PM
Hi Marc !
Actually, I "dog piled" them :D I hate Google and Dog Pile includes Google, so more or less the same.

The hits are not negative, but do include forums and some, like you, opined "a place to be seen" .....for potential retirees.

I hate to say this, but if the guest speaker was Sergeant Major Smith from the 2nd Infantry Division, I would attend :) Highly unlikely to be Bravo Sierra bible studies !

(Ca va sans dire), our IED training is becoming paramount and the folks here think that attendance in D.C. translates to better. I wished I believed that.

Thanks, Stan

"irregular threats" BTW, please bring back the days when a "threat" was a threat and a promise was a promise.