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View Full Version : search for FM 31-73

02-16-2007, 05:32 PM
I am looking for a digital copy or pdf of FM 31-73, anyone got one?

02-16-2007, 05:45 PM
Military Info has a bizillion old manuals availible as photocopies, some going back before the Civil war.

Tha page you're looking for:

03-01-2007, 09:04 AM
Sorry for the late reply...

The Texas Tech University Virtual Vietnam Library (http://www.star.vietnam.ttu.edu/starweb/vva/servlet.starweb#?) has FM 31-73 as a multi-part digital download. I'll post the links to the individual pdfs here (apologies for the massive amounts of unsightly link text), but if you get the chance, check the rest of the library out. You will find a wealth of primary source material.

Part 1 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?lVrwl9anFMttihKWTcz.R4JHVF7fsZBU1lWW MaVwzbWe34@AD1tf10LUWsHY1htbdoM5I3512XAzOxlgq8WswH hWD3Lrh8BqgdOqyeLWx3A/1370408001a.pdf)

Part 2 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?OTmRTHrSI@jzoE7EpU4aLMlBTg2obHhC32Bb Z6uVg9ePdspb5UKjmWqumqevaSJvPsztzFgNXdJuhAtGHkTR@r KtI4Sf50ubX8XPKrC0LPg/1370408001b.pdf)

Part 3 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?Ki0kJ44IpoR2bGjqd0zA8zeuH89EuqZxMxhU zzq1jYzx1HWx4M0wkklpykJwhVzzdvy.4HNUG310SarjVqFCPu G12hkTHpX4UH@H6k@TMNA/1370408001c.pdf)

Part 4 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?emGKkodc6uQoyE3KVpL71rXPLpk0miHJ2eoL Z@CauEVm2byDiN5eXy3UGSXq7M7at6oiYGJE2oTLZyPYmNkA70 WPhpMmKrCQg6qcwQPV@cQ/1370408001d.pdf)

Part 5 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?b4rdLrK@nTNzYRkqrYZKzb1EUikCMBudlcUq cGvxt9gX0H7Wi@7B8W.BrCzMhToxf7Apg4CFwapyVFGKlf9Wv0 Wc5NM0LT5afCFtIvsiN9U/1370408001e.pdf)

Part 6 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?0DkiwWzE2CkTBz1KE3@lFIh69G@9mtIS0U2Z 2qEifOtjOUkedZ7Ch5FeqE@HSP6FtOdCuew3SpNNeQu00nrCi2 eDZh5QBK9SO10r3KfkJ@g/1370408001f.pdf)

Part 7 (http://www.virtualarchive.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?lL9HusJtVXAbOT3aksd9OnSAI92osxPZ2AcN 2Zq4AZQsEiMXsMzjEoG4eNqkqxxofm0SO9JX3L0QVl.eQsNO3y xSJi7B20TxnRnCdIAAZJM/1370408001g.pdf)

03-06-2007, 09:47 PM
thank you very much

03-08-2007, 03:44 PM
The Virtual Vietnam Archive is a great resource. It's just a little annoying that the pdf's are divided up piece-meal into little chunks. I do have the ability to cleanly put the pieces together, and I've done that already for those materials I've downloaded that I didn't already have in a single file. So if you are unable to do that, and would prefer a single clean pdf copy of the manual to having it in sections, just PM me with an e-mail address to shoot it off to.