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11-17-2005, 06:17 AM
17 Nov. Reuters report - Bosnia Looks Beyond Dayton a Decade after War (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/16/AR2005111602138.html).

Ten years after the ceasefire in Bosnia, the Dayton peace treaty that stopped Europe's worst conflict since World War Two is in need of a serious overhaul.

... as one of Europe's poorest nations prepares to embark on the long road to membership in the wealthy European Union, it faces stern warnings that ethnic divisions still enshrined in its governing structures could greatly delay its progress.

The watchword in no longer stabilization but transition, Bosnia's powerful peace overseer, British diplomat Paddy Ashdown, told a conference on Dayton in Geneva last month.

03-10-2008, 04:16 PM
ARAG, 3 Mar 08: Wahhabism in the Balkans (http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/balkan/08%2806%29KM.pdf)

Key Points

* Growing concern over the rise of Wahhabism in the Balkans have dictated that the issue has shifted from the margins to the mainstream, fast becoming recognised as one the key political-security issues in the Western Balkan region.

* The growth of Wahhabi groups in the region should be treated with caution. Incidents involving Wahhabi groups in Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, and Macedonia demonstrate that the Wahhabi movement is no longer isolated within the territorial confines of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

* Its proliferation presents a challenge for already strained inter-ethnic relations and, more importantly, intra-Muslim relations in the region. It is imperative that the ongoing situation is not ignored or misunderstood by Western policy-makers.
Complete 19 page paper at the link.

08-05-2008, 12:26 PM
ARAG, 4 Aug 08: Political and Religious Conflict in the Sandžak (http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/arag/document-listings/balkan/08%2813%29KM.pdf)

Key Points

* The rising tensions within the Islamic Community are causing growing concern. The split within the Community has led to an increase in violent incidents in the past year.

* The current conflicts are linked to political struggles, but the instrumentalisation of the split threatens to destabilise intra-Bosniak relations, as well as inter-ethnic relations throughout the Sandžak and within an unstable Serbia.

* The Balkan region is in a state of flux in the aftermath of Kosovo’s independence, and thus areas of potential instability such as the Sandžak should be closely monitored and treated with sensitivity.
Complete 23 page paper at the link.

08-06-2008, 03:19 PM
SWP Comments, 5 Aug 08: The End of an Odyssey in Bosnia and Herzegovina (http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_id=5181)

When a considerably modified version of the police reform crossed the final hurdle in the upper house of the parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 April 2008, officials not only in Sarajevo but in Brussels as well breathed a sigh of relief. The road to signing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union (EU) was finally clear, bringing an end to an odyssey that had lasted years. Yet the wrangling over the police reform was really just a symptom of the structural deficits that continue to prevent a progressive dynamic developing in the country, each of which reveals a dilemma that hampers the involved parties’ ability to act: First of all there is the "dysfunctionality of Dayton", a derogatory term used to denounce the complex constitutional structure and the lack of willingness by elites in Bosnia and Herzegovina to engage in political reform. Thus, although desirable, a reform of the constitution is not realisable in the short term. Second, in recent years the international community, in particular the High Representative and the European Union, have acted in ways that have proved to be counterproductive. So while external actors continue to be the most important engine of reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, their presence at the same time is an obstacle to further democratisation.....

08-20-2008, 03:23 AM
Wahhabi gathering held in Bosnia

Source: http://www.serbianna.com/news/2008/02912.shtml

August 18, 2008

A Wahhabi gathering was held over the weekend in a Bosnian village of Grmusa near the city of Bosanska Krupa where over 50 senior Bosnian Muslim wahhabi representatives met on the property owned by Fuad Vukovic.

"There is nothing to record. This is a private gathering and reporters are not invited," said leader to the interested media that was stopped by the Wahhabi security at the outskirts of the village.

A spokesman for the group who identified himself as Emir then told the media that the gathering is private and that its intent is to exchange ideas and to talk, mostly, about religious topics.....

08-25-2008, 02:22 AM
Bosnian Wahhabis recruiting al-Qaeda

Source: http://www.serbianna.com/blogs/newspost/?p=370

Serbianna, August 20, 2008

Bosnian politician Dzevad Galijasevic says that the reason for the recent gathering of Bosnian Wahhabis in the village of Bosnian Krupa was to plan a recruitment strategy of Bosnian Muslims via its Active Islamic Youth organization and their media outlets such as SAFF and others.

05-09-2015, 08:49 AM
Gun fire, explosions 40km from #Macedonia capital.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKSJlS--Scc …
Police fights w/ unknown armed group

05-09-2015, 11:00 AM
Outlaw09 highlighted an unexplained exchange of gunfire in Macedonia (see the first post, after this thread appears) and a gap in our coverage of the region.

So aware that WW1 started with a spark with an assassination @ Sarejevo, it's time for a thread to collect posts and discussion on the region - mainly small, new states.

There are a few historical, closed threads for background reading:

1) Kosovo Independence:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=4924
2) Wahhabism in the Balkans:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=5041
3) Bosnia looks beyond Dayton:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=163

If jihadism appears I suggest readers consult the articles by John Schindler's blog, which regularly reminds us how fertile the region can be:http://20committee.com/category/terrorism/

Although the shooting is not explained these two BBC reports explain, 6th May 2015, there is a political crisis in Macedonia, with some public violence:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32610951 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32612508

05-09-2015, 01:19 PM
Limited reporting via Twitter on the shooting:
A Reuters photographer said special police units in armoured vehicles had locked down a suburb of Kumanovo, some 40 km (25 miles) north of the capital Skopje in an area that saw fighting during an ethnic Albanian insurgency in 2001. Gunfire was heard throughout the morning.Link:http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/05/09/uk-macedonia-police-idUKKBN0NU0EU20150509

From a local report (not in English):
3 policemen killed, 12 woundedLink:http://portalb.mk/170442-koha-tre-polic-te-vrare-dhe-12-te-plagosur-ne-kumanove/

A ten minute street scene film clip; looks like army and police deployed:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6rrOYEtkEE

05-09-2015, 03:21 PM
#Kumanovo RIGHT NOW!

Heavy gunfire in #Kumanovo filmed by a resident:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz7YDiKbcNg …

A year ago, I was in my family's village in #Macedonia watching news about ethnic tension with neighbour. 'It will pass' she told herself

AFP: 4 police injured in #Macedonia after clashes with gunmen in a region that has history of ethnic tension http://www.globalpost.com/article/6543195/2015/05/09/four-police-injured-macedonia-clash-armed-group …

Macedonia narrowly avoided all-out ethnic war in 2001...looks like it's getting close again http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/05/09/uk-macedonia-police-idUKKBN0NU0EU20150509 …

05-09-2015, 03:38 PM
Serbian press: some 450 Serbian military policemen + some armoured vehicles deployed this afternoon along border with #Macedonia.

#Kumanovo clashes getting regional attention:
#Serbia beefs up border
#Albania's MFA to hold Press Conf
#Kosovo issues statement

05-09-2015, 03:43 PM
Grenades and shots heard from part of town known as #DivoNaselje. 2, maybe 3 houses burning. #Kumanovo
via @JordanIva

05-09-2015, 05:17 PM
Situation in #Kumanovo far from over it seems, just some minutes ago, many houses on fire. pic via @Nikicakupic.twitter.com/2OQrsIygzn

Reportes on scene say there is increased exchange of gunfire and at least six houses on fire in #Kumanovo now.

05-09-2015, 05:29 PM
Reports: #Kumanovo situation is over. 30 terrorists surrendered to police. Locals say no gunfire since 30 minutes. Let's hope it's true!

05-09-2015, 05:33 PM
Reports: #Kumanovo situation is over. 30 terrorists surrendered to police. Locals say no gunfire since 30 minutes. Let's hope it's true!

Sound of grenades and gunfire audible in #Kumanovo now, 27 terrorists reportedly surrendered but apparently there are more of them

Kumanovo, Macedonia - Unconfirmed reports say 5 dead, 15 injured in fighting http://europe.liveuamap.com/en/2015/9-may-kumanovo-macedonia--unconfirmed-reports-say-5-dead … via @L0gg0l

Heavy gunfire and explosions still audible in #Kumanovo this evening:
https://twitter.com/MitkoBojmacalie/status/597097884534874112 …

05-09-2015, 07:03 PM
Serbia-#Macedonia border crossing. Albanians leaving their homes pic.twitter.com/KlHNeDe9lv #Kumanovo
via @TeaBegolli

According to @glusce, fighting in #Kumanovo not over, gunfire, explosions non stop.

#Kumanovo quiet since a while now. Let's hope this is finally over now. Event completely ignored in western media. (Added by Mod: BBC report:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32674121 )

Statement of Foreign Minister of Albania on #kumanovo #macedonia
http://www.punetejashtme.gov.al/en/press-office/press-releases/statement-of-minister-bushati-on-the-latest-developments-in-macedonia … pic.twitter.com/BspIvjHqpX

One hour ago heavy fighting in #Kumanovo filmed by locals:
https://www.facebook.com/100000312706955/videos/943126955707719/?fref=nf …

At the moment it is still very unclear who the #Macedonia government is fighting in #Kumanovo. Albanians? Serbs? Kosovans? Local uprising?
Terrorist in civilian clothes and sneakers in #Kumanovo arrested.
http://telma.mk/vesti/eksluzivno-foto-teroristite-vo-civilna-obleka-i-patiki … pic.twitter.com/opOvdz1USZ

Shooting starts again after 30 min pause ensured by OSBE. Pictures from citizens #Kumanovo #Macedonia pic.twitter.com/zSy3WkNDy6

Exactly 14 years ago, on 9 May, Macedonian army has fought Albanian rebels in Kumanovo
http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/05/09/macedonia/index.html …

Serbian chetniks who fought in Crimea & Ukraine say they'll come to #Macedonia to help the police. Just what we need. http://www.pravda.rs/2015/05/09/srpski-cetnici-krecu-na-kumanovo/ …

05-09-2015, 08:36 PM
Some days ago an attack had happened on a police station in Gošince, #Macedonia
http://balkans.aljazeera.net/vijesti/frckoski-svi-protiv-kriminalnog-vrha-vlasti-u-makedoniji …

Best article so far giving insight in what's going on in #Kumanovo #Macedonia http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/05/09/us-macedonia-police-idUSKBN0NU06X20150509 …
via @jjflehva

Russian intelligence general Leonid Reshetnikov stirs the Balkans for #Putin. Here's how @20committee http://20committee.com/2015/04/27/putins-balkan-offensive/ …

According to @AlsatM, police action in #Kumanovo ended, leaving 4 out of 9 dead of last armed group, and one suicide.
http://a1on.mk/wordpress/archives/488375 …

05-09-2015, 08:53 PM
Macedonia police fight an 'armed group from a neighbouring state' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32674121 …

2 crime groups from Kosovo hired to incite conflict in Macedonia http://www.focus-fen.net//news/2015/05/09/371667/libertas-2-crime-groups-from-kosovo-hired-to-incite-conflict-in-macedonia.html …

http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/27372/1/ …

05-09-2015, 09:02 PM
@AlexandruC4 Reports that Macedonian police battled with more than 120 well trained and armed terrorists
http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/27367/45/ …

Minister of Interior confirms 5 policemen killed in #Kumanovo fighting

PoliceMin Gordana Jankulovska press conf.:
5 policemen dead, 30 wounded.
#Macedonia #Kumanovo

05-10-2015, 07:29 AM
Problem seems to be still there--this from this morning--shooting has not been verified.

Cvetin Chilimanov @Cvetin
#Macedonia Reports of renewed shooting in Kumanovo after a largely peaceful night

Jasmin Mujanović @JasminMuj
#Kumanovo also saw fighting during the 2001 insurgency in #Macedonia. Situation right now seems volatile. pic.twitter.com/67nCKdJHFj

Killed police in #Kumanovo: Zharko Kuzmanovski (Tetova, aged 32), Nenad Serafimovski (Gostivar, aged 28), Sasho Samojlovski (Tetova,aged 32)

Chronology & status of more notable security incidents in #Macedonia (late 2014-2015) #Kumanovo pic.twitter.com/ic8DpoFtGl
PoliceMin Gordana Jankulovska press conf.:

05-10-2015, 09:12 AM
Problem seems to be still there--this from this morning--shooting has not been verified.

Cvetin Chilimanov @Cvetin
#Macedonia Reports of renewed shooting in Kumanovo after a largely peaceful night

Jasmin Mujanović @JasminMuj
#Kumanovo also saw fighting during the 2001 insurgency in #Macedonia. Situation right now seems volatile. pic.twitter.com/67nCKdJHFj

Killed police in #Kumanovo: Zharko Kuzmanovski (Tetova, aged 32), Nenad Serafimovski (Gostivar, aged 28), Sasho Samojlovski (Tetova,aged 32)

Chronology & status of more notable security incidents in #Macedonia (late 2014-2015) #Kumanovo pic.twitter.com/ic8DpoFtGl
PoliceMin Gordana Jankulovska press conf.:

Fighting in #Kumanovo continues for the second day. Ambulances were seen carrying more wounded policemen.
http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/fighting-continues-2nd-day-northern-macedonian-town-30935965?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter …

Heavy fighting continues in #Kumanovo this morning, gunfire audible in new video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRinT2EHEbQ …

In #Kumanovo shootings started again this morning after a calm night. Helicopters, droned, police forces are positioned in front of houses.

05-10-2015, 10:29 AM
BREAKING: RESPONSIBILITY FOR ATTACK IN KUMANOVO, MACEDONIA IS CLAIMED BY KOSOVO GROUP "NATIONAL LIBERATION ARMY" (NLA)http://www.24sata.hr/svijet/stanje-i-dalje-napeto-ek-trazi-istragu-sukoba-u-makedoniji-418537 …

Why there is such a lack of official info,where are domestic media,why are leaders not explaining and calming down citizens? #Kumanovo

Its twelve o'clock and still no press conference by Ministry of Interior on situation in #Kumanovo (13 hours after last one).

Macedonia: Firefighting continues in Kumanovo this morning, reports of black smoke rising above the city http://www.mediafax.ro/externe/confruntarile-armate-s-au-intensificat-la-frontiera-dintre-macedonia-si-kosovo-video-14237945 …

05-10-2015, 10:34 AM
Well worth reading three times through to fully understand the threat.

Russia has unprecedented intelligence and counter intelligence operations underway in the entire European area --not being seen by European inte/CIl orgs as they had gotten virtually out of the Russian CI business after the Wall came down--AND that includes the US.

Russian intelligence operations are part and parcel of their nonlinear warfare doctrine and we have seen massive use of that in the Ukraine and Crimea over the last year.

Russian intelligence general Leonid Reshetnikov stirs the Balkans for #Putin. Here's how @20committee http://20committee.com/2015/04/27/pu...kan-offensive/ …

05-10-2015, 12:47 PM
Macedonian officials: by 1pm today total number of killed police officers in clashes in #Kumanovo is 8.
@MilanDinic1 pic.twitter.com/aCBdTMpMz2

Morning front pages of leading Serbian dailies interpreting #Kumanovo events as beginning of a war 4 #GreaterAlbania. pic.twitter.com/GglwlBEiM1

Vincent Triest @VincentTriest
The Albanian @Balkanwebcom says #Macedonia declares state of emergency, due situation in #Kumanovo. Any Macedonian sources?

BREAKING NEWS: Macedonian security forces surround a district of the northern town of Kumanovo after ... http://bbc.in/1Rr4M4r #BBCNews

Sporadic gunfire in Kumanovo, 8 Police Officers KIA, protests in Tirana http://serb.in/76e

Macedonian police releases all arrested children and females. Males are still in policestation near #Kumanovo http://alsat-m.tv/News/193346/te-arrestuarit-merren-ne-pyetje-ne-stacionin-policor-ne-autokomande …

05-10-2015, 01:10 PM
Several trucks full of soldiers just drove into neighbourhood where remaining fighters are said to be holed up #Kumanovo

BREAKING: Macedonian police is pulling back heavy weaponry from the city of #Kumanovo.Check bullets window of the APC pic.twitter.com/JteUU9perl

Crossroads at police cordon is a circus. Whole neighbourhood seems to be out to watch closely as nothing happens #Kumanovo

Current attention is shifting to much to #Kumanovo. If you want updates about demonstrations in Skopje (#protestiram) follow @marcelvdsteen

There are still men that participated in #Kumanovo situation in the city. Koha says that Mirsad Ndrecaj aka NATO isn't arrested yet.

Several news websites have been hacked yesterday by the Kosovo Warrior Group. Macedonian media makes link with #Kumanovo.

#Kumanovo pic.twitter.com/RNOrHr1ppe

#Kumanovo pic.twitter.com/gVeRmn6SO8

Better photo of the APC brought away from battle scene in #Kumanovo #Macedonia

BREAK: Ministery of Interior says that armed men #Kumanovo are from an disbanded group from Kosovo Liberation Army (Brigada 113 Drenicë).

HERE we go again with Russian FM “blaming” the West and US again—first class paranoia:

Russia's foreign ministry deems anti-govt protests in #Macedonia a western-backed "colour revolution" http://tinyurl.com/nfuprqs

05-10-2015, 02:22 PM
#Macedonia police say armed group are former UCK from Kosovo; lead by Muhamed Krasnici aka Malisheva & Mirsad Ndrecaj aka 'commander NATO'.

FM Ivica Dacic (also presiding over #OSCE): "#Serbia ready to react sharply to any attempt of destabilization" via @TanjugNews

#Macedonia PM Gruevski about the killed policemen: "We lost 8 people, who maybe prevented murder of over 8.000 people." Praises police.

Police spokesman Kotevski:
37 policemen wounded.
30 terrorists apprehended, most of them from #Macedonia, one from #Kosovo.

Ilija Nikolovski, retired general who commanded forces during 2001 Macedonian war, said police were served to terrorists like "fresh meat"

05-10-2015, 03:47 PM
@MarQs__ @SrbinSaMarsa looks like Serbian Propaganda

Albanian nationalist call for more attacks on #Macedonia to create new state, Albanian media reports.
Via @SrbinSaMarsa

BREAKING: Police release pictures with mugshots #kumanovo. On shoulder of one of armed men you can see Albanian flag. pic.twitter.com/cL2ElQqPsa

Russian trolls of course are also all over #Kumanovo incident: US is behind it... #lol pic.twitter.com/WpEkWXAxvb

Cvetin Chilimanov @Cvetin
#Macedonia Gruevski says police faced an experienced terrorist group, with members who fought in the Balkans, and the Middle East

05-10-2015, 07:27 PM
Terrorist leader:"Macedonians are lying! We are not captured.The real war ll start 12 of May!
http://webtribune.rs/voda-terorista-makedonci-lazu-nismo-uhapseni-opsti-rat-pocinje-12-maja/ …

5 #Kosovo war-veterans masterminded the terror plan in #Macedonia: Mirsad Ndrecaj, Sami Ukshini, Beg Rizaj, Dem Shehu & Krasniqi Malisheva.

Electricity just went off in #Kumanovo
Via @JordanIva

It's been clear for months that a crisis was brewing in Macedonia and that Gruevski would try to retain power. Yet no focus from the EU/US.

Now, even with violence breaking out, the only focus on US media is the easy narrative of return to ethnic violence in the Balkans.

05-11-2015, 01:17 PM
"A lot of blood found in houses" says @botasot http://botasot.info/lajme/403565/sa-shume-gjak-ne-shtepite-e-kumanoves/ …

People in #Kumanovo: We lack the basis conditions. Power grid, sanitary sewer and water pipes destroyed.

A resident of 'Lagjja e Trimave', #Kumanovo & a police-man have gone missing 48h ago, without a trace (Koha reports) http://koha.net/?id=27&l=56912

Ramush Haradinaj: I am shocked by the events in #Kumanovo. He says no reason for conflict: "Albania in NATO, Kosovo is independent

It is clear that armed men in #Kumanovo hated Ali Ahmeti, the former commander of UÇK in Macedonia. But when is Ahmeti going to speak?

Commander of armed men #Kumanovo made FB post before attacks: "Ali Ahmeti is a traitor and sold our war" (2001) &"we love death above enemy"

Thomas Moens @TMoens
Serbian tabloid announces that tomorrow the war for Greater Albania will start. - Good thing everybody is keeping calm #Kumanovo

Even disregarding suspicion of direct gov. instigation in #Kumanovo, surely big questions r.e. how ppl and weapons got there in 1st place?

BREAKING: Macedonian gov have not captured Mirsad Ndrecaj, alias "commander NATO". Media claimed that yesterday. Unknown location.

05-11-2015, 01:54 PM
Photos of the aftermath of this weekend's battle against gunmen in #Macedonia http://bit.ly/1PdIbtx pic.twitter.com/tO8YwAVzw5

05-11-2015, 05:24 PM
Peaceful protest in front of Government #Skopje #Macedonia #protestiram pic.twitter.com/3rUWbKjCNE

From the 28 arrested in #Kumanovo, 11 are from #Macedonia, 16 are from #Kosovo, 1 is from #Albania

Macedonian Police arrest ethnic Albanian Border Guard Arsim Bajrami
Still unclear why (express).

All arrested members of the armed group in #Kumanovo can be found here: http://vincenttriest.nl/2015/05/11/list-of-arrested-members-in-kumanovo/ …

International Community gives strongest message yet to Gov in #Macedonia on the mis/management of wiretapping scandal

05-11-2015, 06:07 PM
New video of Macedonian Police show sniper rifles, heavy machine guns and loads of other weapons. Where did they found this stash? #Kumanovo

Macedonian police post a new video, showing fighting in close combat in #Kumanovo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FZu_DEPqxw …

05-12-2015, 12:57 PM
Watch now for a Russian informational conflict move to create further tensions in the Balkans--nice start for them today. Things had calmed down thus no need for this Russian Today statement.

Russia is throwing benzine on the fire. @RT_com: "22 People Killed as Macedonian Ethnic Flashpoint Heats Up". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85Wy8uafhXk …

Ethnic Albanian minister of Local Administration is visiting #Kumanovo. First ethnic Albanian with a political function visiting city

05-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Statement of the UCK about the #Kumanovo attacks. "We are betrayed"http://vincenttriest.nl/2015/05/12/declaration-of-uck-12-05-2015/ (Mod's Note: not in English and no translation option given)

Ali Ahmeti about #Kumanovo: "9 and 10 may is not the will of the Albanian nation." First reaction in 3 days since situation in #Macedoni

05-12-2015, 05:41 PM
For journalists writing about #Kumanovo. I translated full declaration."We are betrayed, fight goes on"/ Please RT http://vincenttriest.nl/2015/05/12/nla-macedonia-declaration-no-5-12-may-2015/ …

05-12-2015, 06:30 PM
Menduh Thai, Albanian leader of opposition party: #Kumanovo, the situation in Macedonia is to worry about

Also Balkanweb is publishing statement of UÇK or NLA. #Kumanovo https://twitter.com/Balkanwebcom/status/598192537891971072 …

Albanian media: "Kosovo Intelligence Service had warned that the Macedonians were trying to recruit Kosovars for criminal acts"

05-12-2015, 07:31 PM
Bodies of Mirsad Ndrecaj (Commander NATO) & Beg Rizaj (Comm. Begu) identified among 14 dead of #Kumanovo armed group, (ALSAT)

Macedonian minister of interior affairs resigns!

05-14-2015, 09:40 AM
At last a decent explanation for what is happening in Macedonia, last week's violence has a very small part to play:https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/heather-grabbe/deep-roots-of-macedonia%27s-current-turmoil-%E2%80%93-and-way-forward

It starts with:
For nearly two decades, Macedonia has been a pressure cooker of public anger at corruption, deteriorating governance and chronic unemployment. Now the valve has blown. This year, union-organised strikes were followed by student protests against flawed education reforms. Then the opposition party released recordings of conversations that exposed government wire-tapping of more than 20,000 citizens. Quickly dubbed “bombs”, these recordings were released over the last three months by the main opposition party leader at press conferences. On them appear the voices of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, senior officials, journalists, judges and security officials conspiring in electoral and judicial fraud, and organising systemic corruption.

05-15-2015, 08:59 AM
During the recent anti-Maidan demonstration in Moscow one heard the following chant---"from Serbia to Siberia" referring to all Slavic people's.


Russia will provide Serbia with necessary assistance on Kosovo issue — Russian FM
May 15, 11:19 UTC+3

Russia will only accept such decisions on settling the issue that will satisfy Serbia

MOSCOW, May 15. /TASS/. Moscow will provide its Serbian partners with the necessary assistance on Kosovo, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, stressing that Russia will accept only those decisions on settling the issue that will satisfy Serbia.

Lavrov commented on the Kremlin’s official stance on Kosovo’s independence with due regard to the new realities in an interview with the Serbian Politika newspaper ahead of his visit to Belgrade on Friday.

"We warned that introducing into the international practice a model of declaring the independence of certain territories would create a precedent," the Russian foreign minister said.

"We have stated many times that the western alliance led by the US has been broadly applying double standards of late thus violating the fundamental principles of the international law and without hesitating to directly interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states," he said.

The consequences of this stance have affected the people of the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and today Ukraine where ultranationalists took power as a result of the February 2014 coup in Kiev backed by Washington and Brussels and "by their actions brought the country to the brink of collapse and unleashed the bloody civil war," he said.

Amid those events, the citizens of Crimea "in full compliance with the norms of the international law," namely with the right of people to self-determination enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter and many other international documents, called at a referendum in March 2014 for proclaiming independence from Ukraine and rejoining Russia, Lavrov said.

"In this context, the attempts to cast doubt on the Crimeans’ free expression of will by those who orchestrated Kosovo’s separation from Serbia, without any referendum, are purely absurd," he said.

Lavrov stressed that Russia’s position on the Kosovo issue is simply clear and unchanged. "Solving this issue is possible only based on the international law and in the framework defined by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244," he said.

Speaking on Belgrade’s efforts in this direction, Lavrov said "we would accept only those decisions that will satisfy Serbia." "On our part, we are ready to provide our Serbian partners with further necessary assistance," he stressed.

Serbia is playing a delicate game of balancing the middle--meaning they want to be part and parcel of the EU but want the independence to do their own game with Russia--the EU has told them they basically must make a choice.

Will be interesting to see how they finally swing--toward a fascistic Russia or towards travel free visas and economic development..

05-15-2015, 03:07 PM
The Kosovar state media RTK is saying that Ali Ahmeti, most important ally of #Gruevski, has resigned. This is huge! http://www.rtklive.com/en/?id=2&r=1949

05-15-2015, 04:43 PM
Kosovo police raid homes of suspected Kumanovo gunmen http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_15268/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=h8KeBLQt …

05-15-2015, 07:57 PM
AP Interview: Clashes show Macedonian border is vulnerable | AP | http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:b9730fedbb544059bd5c936c7ad2f1 6b …

05-16-2015, 10:26 AM
Former leader of commando's #Albania: Untrue can kill us in one hour, we have more brave men then #Macacedonia, #Serbia & #Rusia together

So Ali Ahmeti, leader of coalition party #Gruevski, confirms that one ethnic Albanian escaped from #Kumanovo. Current location #Kosovo.

Ramush Haradinaj is against formation of ethnic Serbian division in Kosovar Army.

BREAKING: Ivanov sending letter to countries of UN saying that "It is the fault of Kosovo and several ethnic Albanian politicians" (S:B-Web)

Without a clear path to Nato and EU the risks of Macedonia fracturing are overwhelming. Greek veto is irresponsible. http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21651262-after-long-political-ferment-short-burst-fighting-danger-or-distraction …

Each day brings a new explanation... Serbian Daily claims #Kumanovo Shooting staged by Former Security Chief https://shar.es/1r5wME

05-17-2015, 09:25 AM
For first time in history Albania "united" all Albanian parties in Macedonia. Ali Ahmetin (BDI), Menduh Thain (PDSH) Zijadin Seln (RPDSH), Vesel Memedin(RDK) & Bilall Kasamin (Besa) meet in Pogradec, Albania. Happend one day before protests in meeting Min Foreign Affairs and Speaker was present. Details are unclear...but source say #Kumanovo main theme.

Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, organised the meeting. Details unclear

The Economist shared this picture, Albanian media: is this the best map of Greater-Albania? (S: Zeri) pic.twitter.com/X3nvqdPNqB

05-17-2015, 10:50 AM
Another "colored revolt in the wind"????

High hopes for a peaceful protest today in #Skopje #protestiram, for now life going on as usual in the cafes ...

Macedonia protesters say to occupy streets until leader quits http://reut.rs/1KXoHTp via @Reuters 17 May

People are getting ready in #Skopje for protests against #Gruevski

Something really big is going to happen, check out video of massive happy crowd gathering on edge of #Skopje https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGNvsdPTGa8 …

Police is making ready for protests saying reports on the ground. 1,5 hour to go! pic.twitter.com/M4Bec4AlTT

Protesters hand out folders in Macedonian and Albania. "Don't use violence against police, no stones or weapons" pic.twitter.com/yDFtszqoEb

Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt
I believe the demonstration in Skopje today will be peaceful and impressive. Key is what happens afterwards. http://balkanist.net/op-ed-countdown-gruevski/ …

Today #Macedonia unites across political, ethnic, religious borders to protest for democracy, independent judiciary, free speech...(

05-17-2015, 10:52 AM
Russian plans for disrupting the EU and the US in the Balkans are progressing nicely.

Support for Serbia's EU membership fell from 56.4 to 41.1 percent - survey http://inserbia.info/today/2015/05/support-for-serbias-eu-membership-fell-from-56-4-to-41-1-pct-survey/ … via @InSerbiaNetwork 17 May

05-17-2015, 01:09 PM
To all those saying Albanians are fighting for greater Albania. Here you go: pic.twitter.com/jlRVvgD2FO

The more #Gruesvki try to divide #Macedonia the more people gather to ask for his resignation ! https://twitter.com/olimp7/status/599905474927063040 …

Not even 2pm and thousands filling Skopje streets. Amazing atmo. Albanians, Macedonians together. Even Turkish and Roma flags
Crowd dancing and a playful waterfight has broken out in the midday heat

#Skopje (via @BabaMiRada) pic.twitter.com/YizztBpshO

For every riot cop in front of govt there are approx 5 red shirt volunteer protest marshals between them and crowd

05-17-2015, 02:13 PM
A comprehensive report on the peaceful demo in Skopje now:
Huge crowds (est. 40k) joined a major anti-government rally in Skopje, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski amid a political crisis sparked by a mass surveillance scandal.

Not spotted this before. Does this mean the government will falter, if not fall:
wo days after calling the police action in Kumanovo a success, Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, the chief of the secret police, Saso Mijalkov, as well as the Transportation Minister, Mile Janakieski - all heavily implicated in the illegal surveillance scandal - resigned.

05-17-2015, 04:07 PM
Protesters rally in Moldova to back reunification with Romania, say no to Russian pressurehttp://www.neurope.eu/ap_feed/protesters-rally-in-moldova-to-back-reunification-with-romania-say-no-to-russian-pressure/ …

Not a single incident at the protests in #Skopje! That is already good step forward for Balkan, hopefully an inspiration for upcoming ones.

05-18-2015, 09:26 PM
EU sources: EU is putting indirect pressure on #Gruevski to resign. Upcoming visit of Gruevski in Brussels this week.

05-18-2015, 09:27 PM
A short background article, which reminds us macedonia has to date avoided the communal bloodshed so vividly seen in the region:https://securitydilemmas.wordpress.com/2015/05/18/macedonia-a-precarious-moment/

05-19-2015, 02:43 PM
Prepping for another "hybrid" intervention? Russia accuses west of stirring revolution in Macedonia: http://on.ft.com/1HnSqEw #FTcticaltech.org/digitalinvestigation …

As I've been telling you, Balkan instability, even war, very much serves Kremlin interests, folks. Get ready. http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-05-19/macedonia-the-latest-u-s-russia-battlefield …

Gosh, if only somebody had warned everybody about this....Russia Gets Paranoid About Macedonia http://www.the-american-interest.com/2015/05/19/russia-gets-paranoid-about-macedonia/ …

05-19-2015, 05:59 PM
BREAKING: ALBANIA INFORMS GREECE THAT IT HAS TERRITORIAL CLAIMS ON THEIR BORDER LINEhttp://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-20174793-albania-sugereaza-are-pretentii-teritoriale-din-partea-greciei.htm …

05-19-2015, 07:31 PM
.@AFP: Without providing evidence, Macedonia's PM accused the opposition of being backed by foreign intelligence http://news.yahoo.com/30-000-supporters-macedonian-pm-stage-counter-rally-185340225.html …

05-20-2015, 09:22 AM
BREAKING: Albania will veto Macedonia's request to join NATO. PM Rama just said that in meeting against terrorism.

Albania going to Veto accesion of Macedonia to Nato, PM Rama: "no part of #NATO without full implementation of Ohrid agreement.

05-20-2015, 12:32 PM
Albanian media says that big police force is heading to "Kodra e diellit" in Tetovo. Unconfirmed.

BREAKING: public prosecuter Albania asked for 2 Albanian MP's of PM Edi Rama up to 1 year prison. Case for hitting opposition MP Strazimiri.

05-20-2015, 02:33 PM
John Schindler @20committee
Latest Kremlin Active Measure: Terrorist raid in Macedonia was "really" false flag US/UK SOF from KFOR. All the rage in Skopje right now.

The essence of provokatsiya is creating problems in order to solve them. True in 1890, true in 2015

05-20-2015, 03:53 PM
#Turkey ready to arm Armed Forces of #Kosovo, that soon will be formed. http://www.balkanweb.com/site/mediat-turqia-gati-te-armatose-kosoven/ …

05-20-2015, 04:22 PM
The Kremlin thinks that the massive protests rocking a Balkan nation are an outside job to hurt Russia http://read.bi/1Px5DlC

Developments in Macedonia directed from outside — Russian FM Lavrov http://tass.ru/en/world/795744

08-06-2015, 10:00 PM
Last night, police and intelligence forces in Macedonia raided multiple locations in the small Balkan country, seeking to root out the Islamic State infrastructure that has established a foothold in recent years.

More, even if short:http://20committee.com/2015/08/06/islamic-state-raids-in-macedonia/

08-10-2016, 05:49 PM
Prompted by the next post I have merged three threads here; one referred to Wahhabi activity in the Balkans and a commentary on the Dayton Accords. A free text search found that Bosnia appears in over two hundred threads, but only these threads could be merged.

There is a separate, historical thread on Kosovo Independence, which covered 2008-2010 and it is has been closed:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=4924

08-10-2016, 05:52 PM
A quick overview 'Radicalisation in Bosnia: old wounds reopened by an emerging problem':https://theconversation.com/radicalisation-in-bosnia-old-wounds-reopened-by-an-emerging-problem-63534? (https://theconversation.com/radicalisation-in-bosnia-old-wounds-reopened-by-an-emerging-problem-63534?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20 for%20August%2010%202016%20-%205407&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20f or%20August%2010%202016%20-%205407+CID_b7fae395864f85da796cab333059043f&utm_source=campaign_monitor_uk&utm_term=ethnic%20division%20is%20fuelling)

11-06-2016, 03:10 PM
Russian, Serbian, Nationalists Accused of Plotting Montenegro Coup :: Balkan Insight

11-06-2016, 07:49 PM
Montenegro has officially accused some of detained terrorists fighting in East-Ukraine among pro-Russian terrorists

Montenegro: Russians behind coup attempt, plot to kill PM. Some have fought for pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine

11-07-2016, 09:59 AM
Novorossia Russian mersenary Aleksandar Sindjelic, fought in eastern Ukraine now involved in Montenegro pro-Russian planned/organized/led coup attempt against their Western focused PM.

11-22-2016, 09:05 PM
The puzzling story of an attempted coup in Montenegro and maybe a plot to murder the Serbian Prime Minister - with suspected Russian backing and using a criminal gang who'd served in Eastern Ukraine.

Note the report is now eleven days old, "crowded out" by other matters:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/11/serbia-deports-russians-suspected-of-plotting-montenegro-coup

12-03-2016, 05:23 AM
Neo-Nazi training in NATO member Hungary and an attempted coup in Monte#negro: The Russian bear is getting bolder

12-14-2016, 06:06 PM
Suspect In Alleged Montenegro Coup Plot Pictured With Lavrov In Belgrade

12-27-2016, 06:13 PM
Moldovas new pro-Russian president fires defence minister for 'flirting with NATO'


12-28-2016, 06:12 PM
Montenegro Issues Warrant For Arrest Of Russians, Serbs In Alleged Coup Plot

"Russia wants not only a 'New Yalta',
but also western endorsement of its right to interpret rules as it sees fit"

01-15-2017, 07:00 PM
Trump's great friend Putin is now causing a potential explosion in the Balkans....HOW is Trump going to reign in his friend and protector Putin...???


BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — A Serbian train halted at the border with Kosovo and bearing signs reading "Kosovo is Serbian," has fueled a major crisis in the Balkans and escalated a potential Russia-West row over dominance in the heart of the Balkans.
Serbia accused Kosovo's leaders on Sunday of "wanting war" and warned that it would defend "every inch" of its territory, a day after the train, decorated in Serbian Christian Orthodox symbols and flags, was prevented from entering the neighboring nation.
Kosovo, supported by much of the West, declared independence from Serbia in 2008. But, Serbia and its Slavic Orthodox ally, Russia, do not recognize the split.
Serbia has sought to maintain influence in Kosovo's north, where most of the country's Serb minority lives. NATO-led troops have controlled Kosovo's borders since a three-month air war in 1999 to stop a bloody Serbian crackdown against ethnic Albanian separatists.
Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic issued the latest warning after the passenger train, painted in the colors of the red, blue and white Serbian flag, was prevented from crossing into Kosovo, where his government contends ethnic Serbs are under threat from Kosovo Albanians.
"Yesterday, we were on the verge of clashes," Nikolic said after a meeting of the country's top security body following the train's overnight return to Belgrade. He accused the Kosovo Albanians of "wanting war."
"We are a country which has to protect its people and its territory," Nikolic said, in the strongest rhetoric since the NATO-led troops took control of Kosovo's borders in 1999.
Serbia officially is seeking European Union membership, but has lately been sliding toward the Kremlin and its policies to increase its influence in the Balkans. Serbia has strained relations with most of its neighbors — something many analysts believe is a Russian influence.
Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said he had contacted the United States and the European Union to express his country's concerns.
"The time of provocation, conflicts and wars should belong to the past," Mustafa said, adding that such moves "are unacceptable, unnecessary actions that do not contribute to the normalization of the relations between our two countries."
Nikolic, who is staunchly pro-Russian, said the EU and the West have never been on Serbia's side or come to its aid.
"Why were the so-called international community and the Albanians so upset about one train?" Nikolic asked. "Maybe because it had 'Kosovo is Serbian' written on it, and because it had pictures of our icons inside."
He also urged that Serbia halt its EU membership negotiation in Brussels, including a key part that calls for normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.
"My suggestion now is only to talk in Brussels when this train is allowed to pass. ... If there is no freedom of movement, what kind of Western civilization are we talking about then?" he said.
Nikolic also slammed the outgoing Obama administration, and the U.S. support of Kosovo's independence — comments that reflected the general presumption here that President-elect Donald Trump will be more favorable toward Russia and Serbia.
Referring to the naming of several locations in Kosovo after former President Bill Clinton, he said: "It seems to me that these are the last gasps of the outgoing American administration, whose representatives must earn the names of streets and squares they received for directly supporting, sponsoring the independence of Kosovo."
Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have soared following the recent detention in France of Ramush Haradinaj, a former Kosovo prime minister, on an arrest warrant from Serbia.
Kosovo has called the warrant illegitimate and urged France to ignore it, while Serbia is urging Haradinaj's quick extradition to face war crimes charges.
1987 is calling, it wants "We will defend the Serbs of Kosovo" back.
Slobodan Milošević was not available for comment.

Serbia seems bent on getting its pre-1912 borders back. That's a very achievable goal, guys -- keep it up. Just do everything Putin says.

THIS is on top of the recent Russian mercenary coup attempt in Montenegro and their voiced anger at Macedonia for wanting to join the EU and NATO......

01-16-2017, 06:20 PM
Putin makes his Balkan move...good thing nothing bad has ever happened with Russians egging on Serb nationalism

NATO In Panic. Putin and Lukashenko arming Serbia for the coming Balkan war. Says this pro gov paper in #Serbia.

This headline, which some thought was alarmist, makes much more sense now.

Serbia wants to annex part of #Kosovo using '#Crimea model': president

Serbia plans to seize a slice of northern Kosovo just as Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea region in 2014, Kosovo's president told Reuters on Monday, as the two Balkan neighbors trade accusations of wanting to ignite a new regional war.

Kosovo special police units on Saturday prevented a train painted in Serbia's national colors and bearing the words "Kosovo is Serbia" from crossing the border.

Serbia does not recognize the independence of Kosovo, its former province, and did not seek Pristina's permission for the passage of the train, which it paid for and organized. On Sunday Serbia's president, Tomislav Nikolic, said Kosovo's action had shown it wanted war with Belgrade.

Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci said the train was aimed at "provoking" Kosovars in order to create a pretext for Serbia to intervene militarily and annex northern areas of Kosovo, home to some 50,000 ethnic Serbs who refuse to accept the province's independence and want to be governed again by Belgrade.

"Serbia’s intention is to use this train, which was donated by Russia, first to help carve away the northern part of Kosovo and then ... attach it to Serbia. It is the Crimea model," Thaci said in an interview.

He was referring to Ukraine's Crimea peninsula, home to Russia's Black Sea fleet and populated mainly by ethnic Russians who after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 continued to feel loyalty to Moscow rather than to the newly independent government in Kiev.

Crimea's ethnic Russians welcomed Moscow's annexation - carried out initially by soldiers wearing unmarked uniforms to disguise their identity - though the move also triggered Western economic sanctions against Russia.


Serbia lost control of Kosovo when NATO air strikes forced Belgrade to withdraw its troops in 1999 after they had killed 10,000 ethnic Albanian civilians. NATO still has around 5,000 troops stationed in Kosovo to keep the fragile peace.

As well as Serbia, its ally Russia and some other countries also refuse to recognize Kosovo's 2008 independence.

After talks with Serbia's military top brass and state security chiefs in Belgrade on Sunday, Serbia's Nikolic threatened to send troops back into Kosovo.

"If they are killing Serbs, we will send the army, all of us will go, I will go as well, it would not be my first time," said Nikolic, who is a former member of the ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party and in the 1990s fought alongside Serb paramilitaries in Croatia.

Responding to Nikolic's remarks, Thaci said any attempt by Serbia to annex northern Kosovo would set off "a chain reaction across the whole Western Balkans".

Belgrade and Pristina both aspire to join the European Union and normalizing relations is a condition of their progress, but Serbia continues to block Kosovo's membership of international organizations such as the United Nations.

Bilateral relations came under renewed strain this month when former Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj was arrested in France on a warrant from Serbia, which accuses him of war crimes.

01-16-2017, 06:26 PM
Vladimir Putin’s murky plot to cleave Balkans from West


In the ill-lit back room of an Orthodox church richly decorated with bone-white marble, a burly priest poured another shot of homemade brandy as he railed against attempts by the Montenegrin government to throw in its lot with the West.

“NATO is nothing but an occupying force,” said Momcilo Krivokapic, 71, dressed in black robes and with a large silver crucifix dangling at his chest.

Krivokapic, a senior cleric, is one of a colourful cast of characters who have turned his Mediterranean homeland into the flashpoint of a dangerous new Cold War that pits a resurgent Kremlin against a weakening West.

It has emerged that the multiple tentacles of Russian interference, which also includes a plot to overthrow the Montenegrin government — and to prevent the country’s planned accession to NATO next year — extended into Krivokapic’s church of St Nicholas in the port city of Kotor.

In a curious ceremony the priest, who sports a long white beard, gave his blessing to a shadowy Russian-backed paramilitary organisation, the Balkan Cossack Army, as members of President Vladimir Putin’s favourite motorcycle gang and a self-styled Russian “general” looked on.

Kotor’s deepwater port, which was built for large battleships and is coveted by the Kremlin and NATO, is one of the reasons this picturesque Mediterranean nation of just 620,000 people is at the centre of a tug of war between Russia and the West.

The Kremlin’s interest in the country is part of wider Russian muscle-flexing across southeastern Europe where it is sponsoring political parties, staging military manoeuvres and developing a mysterious “humanitarian” centre in Serbia that NATO suspects is a cover for espionage. In a further boost for the Kremlin, pro-Russian candidates won presi#dential elections last month in Moldova and Bulgaria.

Western concerns at the Kremlin’s activities in the Balkans, long seen as Europe’s weak underbelly, have been highlighted by a confidential report adopted by NATO last week that sounded the alarm about Russia’s “destabilising” activities in the region.

The report accuses Russia of forging ties with elites in targeted countries, supporting anti-Western groups and buying its way into the energy and media sectors. “As part of Russia’s effort to reassert itself on the world stage, there’s been an increase in activities in the western Balkans, including destabilising behaviour,” the report states.

NATO, it argues, should work with the EU to counter “Russian disinformation” and help Balkan nations increase their “resilience” to the Kremlin’s malign influence.

With just 2000 men under arms, Montenegro — the smallest of the six republics that once made up the socialist former Yugoslavia — will contribute little to NATO, many of whose members are under pressure from US president-elect Donald Trump to increase military spending to 2 per cent of their gross domestic product.

But the political and strategic significance of its accession — coupled with a parallel attempt to join the EU — is huge.

Montenegro is the only country on Europe’s Mediterranean coast outside NATO; a government source called it the “last piece” of “unclaimed real estate” left from Lisbon to the Syrian port of Latakia.

“The western Balkans could be Europe’s next conflict,” said Adam Thomson, until last month Britain’s ambassador to NATO and now director of the European Leadership Network, a think tank.

The importance to Russia of a friendly Mediterranean port became clear in October as its aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov struggled to find a berth to refuel en route from Russia to Syria.

It was against this background that the Balkan Cossack Army, made up of Russian paramilitaries and locals who fought in the Balkan civil wars of the 1990s and the present conflict in Ukraine, came to Krivokapic for a blessing.

The Night Wolves, a Russian motorcycle gang beloved of Putin, travelled almost 3000km from Moscow to attend the event, presided over by Viktor Zaplatin, a self-styled Russian general who fought in several murky conflicts instigated by the Kremlin.

He addressed the crowd in the name of Alexander Borodai, a suspected Russian war criminal targeted by international sanctions for his involvement in Ukraine.

Soon after the creation of the paramilitary outfit, which is now under investigation by authorities, Montenegro was shaken by claims of a Russian-backed plot to seize government institutions after parliamentary elections on October 16.

Two Russians, Eduard Shirokov and Vladimir Popov, who allegedly worked for GRU, Russia’s military intelligence, have been charged with plotting a coup.

Investigators claim the pair operated from Belgrade, capital of neighbouring Serbia, from where they are accused of masterminding a conspiracy to infiltrate fighters among Montenegrin police and security personnel on election night and cause bloodshed that would lead to a takeover by the pro-Russian opposition.

Their aim, it was alleged, was to capture or kill the then prime minister, Milo Djukanovic, who is credited with orchestrating Montenegro’s NATO application, and replace him with a Russian crony.

“We face an aggressive power which initiated this (plot) to stop the expansion of NATO,” thundered Djukanovic, who has since stepped down in favour of a close confidant, amid speculation he is contemplating a run for the presidency.

The Kremlin has warned Montenegro against joining the alliance but denies any involvement in the plot, which has led to the arrest of 20 people there and in Serbia.

Western officials, however, see the episode as a further sign of Putin’s determination to use a mixture of soft and hard power in Europe to weaken democratic governments and test Western resolve by expanding Moscow’s zone of influence.

A source in the Montenegrin cabinet claims the paramilitary groups and the attempted coup are part of an “unequivocal message” from the Kremlin that amounts to: “We are back and you belong to us.” The EU, he claims, has given up on integrating the Balkans because of concerns about migration, leaving a vacuum that Putin sees as an “open invitation”.

Montenegro’s prosecutors initially charged Aleksandar Sindjelic, a convicted criminal from Serbia who fought with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, with leading the coup. He has since been declared a “protected witness” so he can testify against the Russians.

Sindjelic, who was deported from Serbia to Montenegro in dubious legal circumstances, told prosecutors of his links to the Russian defence ministry; he also recalled how the two Russian agents had hosted him in a luxury apartment in central Moscow and gave him €200,000 ($283,000) in cash to prepare logistics.

A cache of weapons was found in Serbia, from where the Russians operated, but Montenegro’s authorities failed to link it to the alleged coup. With no weapons yet found in Montenegro, prosecutors are being ridiculed by opposition and critics in the media who claim the plot was invented by Djukanovic.

The revelations have embarrassed Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s pro-Western Prime Minister, who is said to have known nothing about the plot, even though his secret service reportedly was aware of it.

Serbia, which maintains military neutrality but aspires to join the EU, has steered a pro-Western course since the fall of Slobodan Milosevic, its former leader and a staunch Moscow ally who died while on trial for war crimes in the conflicts that raged through the region in the 90s.

“The secret service monitored the Russians throughout their operation but Vucic was never told,” said a top Montenegrin government source who has been working with Serbian authorities. “When he found out he was furious … Serbia’s Prime Minister does not have his secret services under control.”

Asked about the plot during a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels late last month, Vucic appeared to want to send a message to Russia. “Serbia will never be a stage for preparing criminal acts against other countries,” he said. During the visit Vucic sought help to combat the Kremlin’s “enormous pressure”, diplomats say.

Days after the story of the alleged coup attempt emerged, Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s security council and a close aide of Putin, arrived on a sudden visit to Belgrade, offering an informal deal on security co-operation. Diplomats and local officials described the visit as “crisis management”.

NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg has pledged not to accept “any interference” in Montenegro’s accession to NATO, which needs the ratification of all 28 member states.

“I welcome the open investigation both in Montenegro and Serbia related to the attempted … coup,” he said during Vucic’s visit last month, urging alliance members to speed up the ratification process.

NATO officials had hoped the process could be completed before Trump took office next month, but the US Senate failed to ratify it before its legislative session ended last week. Trump’s admiration for Putin has alarmed Western #officials but delighted pro-Russian activists in the Balkans.

“The election of Donald Trump was a blessing — as if God extended his hand over us,” said Krivokapic, voicing hopes the new president will strike a deal with Putin and abandon the Balkans to Russia.


01-16-2017, 06:50 PM
Putin makes his Balkan move...good thing nothing bad has ever happened with Russians egging on Serb nationalism

NATO In Panic. Putin and Lukashenko arming Serbia for the coming Balkan war. Says this pro gov paper in #Serbia.

This headline, which some thought was alarmist, makes much more sense now.

Serbia wants to annex part of #Kosovo using '#Crimea model': president

Albanians aren't Belgians. Their tolerance for Putin-backed Serb provocations will be limited. Get ready for fireworks, peeps.

01-18-2017, 10:14 AM
“New troubles in the Balkans”

01-18-2017, 03:36 PM
"Bosnian Serb leader wants U.S. ambassador declared persona non grata"

01-18-2017, 06:13 PM
“Balkan autumn” VS “Russian spring” — how Russia tried to hold on to the Balkans in 2016:

01-18-2017, 07:01 PM
US Imposes Sanctions on Bosnian Serb Leader #Dodik

01-19-2017, 08:52 AM
Next to be destabilized by Putin: NATO member Romania? Putin’s Old Moldova Map Alarms Romania

IT was not "an accident" Putin gave the new proRussian Moldavian President a 17th century map of Moldavia which included portions of Ukraine and Romania.....

Moldavia is under massive internal stress as the election was a fraud with hundreds of thousands of paper ballots not delivered to the Moldavian embassies around the world for Moldavians to vote....and there was major voter fraud recorded inside Moldavia...with the ballots of entire anti Russian voting districts "lost" enroute to official counting...

01-19-2017, 01:09 PM
Russians came in as journos to visit military base in Albania, got kicked out as spies.

Mod's Note: Link has unexplained footage and text not in English. It has little merit.

01-20-2017, 11:50 AM
Serbian President’s War Talk Startles Veterans

01-20-2017, 11:58 AM
Russians came in as journos to visit military base in Albania, got kicked out as spies.

Mod's Note: Link has unexplained footage and text not in English. It has little merit.

Video was from Albanian defense side indicating that the Ukraine had pointed out that three so called journalists wanting to do an article on a Albania base were in fact identified Russian intel types....who had been previously reporting in Ukraine for Russian militay news channel....and they had shown great interest in a key Albanian military facility...you will see two OH 58s Bell Rangers being flown in the video and I do not believe Albania has them in their inventory....

Vvideo in native language...

01-20-2017, 05:04 PM
The Caspian Times

"#Trump will relinquish #Balkans to #Putin" - #German analyst

01-21-2017, 11:48 AM
A Tale of Two Soldiers :: Balkan Insight

Well worth reading.....

01-25-2017, 06:38 PM
@ForeignPolicy: very much a worse case scenario. "Why I predicted a #Kosovo crisis in March"

01-25-2017, 07:02 PM
The Balkans are unstable enough on their own. With Russian "help" they may explode all over again.


01-26-2017, 07:11 PM
Lewandowski, POTUS' ex campaign manager, first major post-elxn gig: advising Serb nationalists in #Bosnia, #Serbia.

01-28-2017, 09:20 PM
Belarus is acting as proxy and arming #Serbia with Mig-29s and Buk SAMs

02-04-2017, 10:05 AM
Read this interesting new article on @NATO Review Magazine about the current situation in the Balkan countries.

02-05-2017, 10:14 AM
"Pro-American guys in Bulgaria are turning against US because they cannot tell difference between Putin and Trump."

02-05-2017, 10:28 AM
This is Romania's anti-corruption uprising in its third day.

Protesters promise us a bigger crowd today.

Resistance, Eastern European style

02-05-2017, 03:20 PM
Serb bulldozers demolish wall in Kosovo's divided city

Serbian MOD: Serbia to get 6 Ex RuAF MiG-29s until this May. All Rus MiGs+4 Serbian AF MiGs to be upgraded in Serbia w/ Rus help @rianru

02-05-2017, 07:34 PM
While Trump and Putin are in their bromance...and Trump runs over the rule of law......Romanians show what they think of the rule of law......

More than 220,000 Romanians protesting for #democracy and #ruleoflaw with their smartphones

From tonight.....

02-05-2017, 07:38 PM
bucharest #romania largest protest this year, capital bathed in lights, crowd call for gov resignation

02-06-2017, 09:20 AM
Romania's resistance.
Take II from yesterday's night.
~600k flooded 1.9m Bucharest

AND trump blasts a judge over Trump's lack of understanding just what the rule of law is all about...he should ask Romanians today....what they think about the American concept of "the rule of law".....

02-06-2017, 09:53 AM
The media here have not covered the demonstrations in Bucharest well till yesterday, nor offered an explanation; so this article helps to explain how simple and complicated it is:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/05/romania-victory-protesters-corruption-creativity-solidarity? (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/05/romania-victory-protesters-corruption-creativity-solidarity?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H+categories&utm_term=211903&subid=10047113&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2)

A BBC report yesterday drew attention to the age range present, including children:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38876134

02-07-2017, 06:10 PM
Balkan Insight @BalkanInsight
Balkan jihadi warriors remain safe online

02-08-2017, 09:31 AM
In Serb village, praise for Putin and hopes for Trump – My dispatch from Putinovo for @POLITICOEurope

02-09-2017, 05:35 PM
I'm sure Russia Today declaring Romania a real threat to Russia had nothing to do with huge anti-corruption protests

Pay attention: it's all connected

02-09-2017, 06:12 PM
Romania takes to the streets, Moldova tried to. On limits to people power (geopolitical schisms are key) #rezist

US Congressman who is known as a proRussian/trump supporter stated.....

"Macedonia does not exist as a nation state should be divided into two parts".....

02-10-2017, 10:23 AM
Romania takes to the streets, Moldova tried to. On limits to people power (geopolitical schisms are key) #rezist

US Congressman who is known as a proRussian/trump supporter stated.....

"Macedonia does not exist as a nation state should be divided into two parts".....

Careless talk costs lives: Macedonia Blasts U.S. Congressman's Claim It's 'Not A Country,' Should Be Divided

02-12-2017, 07:34 PM
Huge tricolor formed by protesters in Bucharest chanting 'Resignation'outside govt headquarters

02-12-2017, 07:38 PM

OPINION: What is happening in Romania is uncontainable, inexhaustible, inextinguishable civic courage in action

AND Trump tries to limit the rule of law...

02-13-2017, 10:21 AM
Reference the assassinated Donbas war criminal Givi....

Meanwhile in #Serbia ...

02-13-2017, 05:02 PM
Finally! Serbia's message to Trump. America first, Russia also first, and Serbia first after that
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=XcKkKKUviEg …

02-16-2017, 10:51 AM
Serbian President Nikolic ‘Planning Re-Election Bid’: Media :: Balkan Insight

02-16-2017, 12:52 PM
BREAKING: Albanian police arrested an Albanian arms dealer with 45 kg of explosives, 10 hand grenades and large amount of military grade ammo.......will not say what he was doing with it

Ylli D. was arrested close to the main entrance of Tirana with a huge amount of explosives. Remains unclear why.

02-17-2017, 04:22 PM
.@KRIKrs, nominated for @IndexCensorship award, excel in dangerous conditions in #Serbia. Mass protests in Belgrade:

02-17-2017, 07:12 PM
Bosnia to Revive Genocide Lawsuit against Serbia #Bosnia #BiH #Serbia #Balkan #Europe #EU

02-18-2017, 09:45 AM
NATO Warned Of Increasing Security Threats To #Kosovo From #Serbia

02-18-2017, 10:38 AM
The prime minister stuck between Putin and Trump in the Balkans
Interview with Dusko Markovic

02-18-2017, 08:30 PM
Balkan Newsbeat @BalkanNewsbeat
President Tomislav Nikolić to form breakaway party from #Serbia's Progressives after falling out with PM Aleksandar Vucic over new term

02-18-2017, 09:27 PM
6 months later foiled coup in #Montenegro & PM assassination attempt makes into international MSM.

Kind of progress.

Reconstruction: The full incredible story behind Russia's deadly plot to stop Montenegro embracing the West

02-20-2017, 05:58 AM
Russia stirs friction in Balkans, as NATO keeps an uneasy peace


02-20-2017, 12:38 PM
"Now we know that the Russian state authorities were involved" - Katnic about the Montenegro's coup

02-21-2017, 02:08 PM
Montenegro coup suspect who was photographed standing near Lavrov in Belgrade has been detained by Serbia:

02-22-2017, 08:21 AM
Montenegro on Alert Over New Cyber Attacks

Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko #Markovic has accused Moscow of interfering in local elections

MFA Russia

#Zakharova: We have noted that the Montenegrin authorities continue to fuel an anti-Russia campaign

Under the rubric of .....REALLY?

MFA Russia

#Zakharova: Montenegro’s anti-Russia policy contradicts the interests of its people and centuries-long traditions of #RussiaMontenegro ties

02-24-2017, 07:40 AM
Serbia tabloids running conspiracy theory that #Kosovo is killing the Russian diplomats around the world. This is what Serbs are being fed.

02-24-2017, 09:25 AM
The Economist | Western Balkans: Russian overtures

02-24-2017, 03:30 PM
Montenegro Coup Claims Leave Russian Media Dumbfounded

02-26-2017, 10:20 AM
Top Russian GRU spy will be indicted in #Montenegro for plotting to prevent the country's @NATO accession

02-27-2017, 08:33 PM
Putin’s Balkan Terror Plot Exposed

New evidence links the Kremlin to efforts to destabilize Montenegro and slow its path to NATO
By John R. Schindler • 02/27/17 8:30am


Well worth reading.......

03-01-2017, 01:38 PM
Republika #Srpska’s President, Milorad #Dodik, to visit #Moscow, #Russia during Federica #Mogherini's visit to #Bosnia-#Herzegovina.

Duma MP Zatulin asset Uskovski w a Polish collaborator looked for Serbs in Belgium for Russian propaganda diversions

03-01-2017, 05:19 PM
Macedonia's president was appointed by ruling party. Now, that president won't let opposition form govt-even though it has majority of seats

03-01-2017, 07:05 PM
Macedonia's president was appointed by ruling party. Now, that president won't let opposition form govt-even though it has majority of seats

Major crisis is in progress now....Macedonia might be in its biggest crisis ever, since the Ohrid Agreement

President Ivanov does not accept to mandate Zaev to form gov, asks him to drop the so-called '#Tirana platform' #Macedonia, full crisis

Although fmr PM Gruevski won 2 more MPs then Zaev, he wasn't able to form a majority. He needed ethnic Albanian parties, but they refused

Even Ali Ahmeti, former rebel leader,& key ally to Gruevski refused. Ahmeti is working together with Albanian parties to get better deal

Now we are in a complete bizarre situation, working together with Ahmeti (fmr rebel leader) was seen as only viable option for Gruevski

President Ivanov not only refused to give Zaev a mandate, he called the co-operation between ethnic Alb parties as a plan from Tirana

Why does the Albanians want to work with Zaev? He promised them turning Albanian into a nation-wide official language. Sparking support of Albanians who see their role in MK society as marginalized. Gruevski seems unable to offer them better deal than 'language deal

03-01-2017, 07:22 PM
Statement of the #EU on the escalating crisis in #macedonia

03-02-2017, 03:59 PM
Rumbling Balkans threaten foreign policy headache for Trump

03-02-2017, 04:16 PM
In case you're wondering if #Russia has position on #Macedonia's President refusing to allow opposition to form gov.


03-03-2017, 03:00 PM
Balkan Insight @BalkanInsight
Serbian Radical MPs Boo EU Foreign Policy Chief

03-03-2017, 05:15 PM
Pro-Russian forces in Montenegro call for Steve Bannon's help against NATO

03-03-2017, 05:17 PM
Hacked correspondence shows Kremlin’s efforts to promote “Russian world” in Eastern Europe by funding radicals


03-04-2017, 09:20 AM
Russia Accuses West of Backing 'Greater Albania'

03-04-2017, 12:32 PM
The Kremlin’s Balkan Gambit: Part I via @bellingcat

03-07-2017, 12:25 PM
Streets packed in Southern-Serbia, as for the first time in history the Albanian President visits the ethnic Albanian part in Serbia.

03-09-2017, 05:42 AM
When brother Trump calls to boycott

A poster with Trump being used in an anti NATO campaign....by proRussian political party....

When brother #Trump calls to boycott #Montenegro

03-09-2017, 08:46 AM
Macedonia's Ruling Party 'Playing With Fire' As Political Crisis Continues
Balkan stories coming thick and fast now!

03-09-2017, 07:02 PM
Two men linked to an alleged pro-Russian coup in Montenegro are planning an unauthorised poll against joining NATO.

03-09-2017, 07:21 PM
EU peace mission in Macedonia is a radical step - but if worst comes to worst that option must be there.

03-09-2017, 07:53 PM
BREAKING: Sources say Albanian opposition vows not to take part in the general elections. At least six parties have agreed, some publicly.

03-10-2017, 05:34 PM
Some persons, that identify themselfs w UCK in Macedonia, are threatening Macedonia's President in a press release.

03-10-2017, 05:56 PM
U.S. opposes current move to create Kosovo army - wants it to happen with agreement of Serb minority & constitutional amendment. And not now

Kosovo Parliament, according to Speaker Kadri Veseli: "Law for Kosovo Armed Forces, ready within a few days

Police in Kosovo seize counterfeit notes with face value of 2 million euros

03-10-2017, 06:50 PM
Ali Ahmeti says that he will be new speaker of Macedonian Parliament and will do his duties in Albanian (!)

03-10-2017, 08:06 PM
Letter of Albanian opposition bloc to voting comission demanding 'technocratic gov'. Otherwise opposition will not take part in election.

Macedonian Minister Nuhiu says nothing to worry about in Macedonia. No special forces, no armed threat (cc @Elida_Z)

03-11-2017, 12:49 PM

Huge blow for the Cabinet of PM Rama. Loved by the gov for his reforms, hated by the opposition for lack in results fighting organized crime

BREAKING: Minister of Interior Affairs @SaimirTahiriAL resigns.

03-11-2017, 06:27 PM
Macedonia in English @Macedonia_en
Another atrack on jounalists covering the protests organized by VMRO-DPMNE took place yesterday in #Skopje

03-12-2017, 12:47 PM
Boris Johnson: Russian spies may have planned to kill Montenegro’s former Prime Minister Milo Djukanović

03-12-2017, 03:29 PM
Russian destabilisation of Balkans rings alarm bells as EU leaders meet

03-12-2017, 04:48 PM
Albanian PM Edi Rama will explain at 17:00 why he sacked 4 ministers.

03-14-2017, 10:05 AM
From The Economist Espresso: Tirana soars: Albania old and new

03-16-2017, 02:41 PM
MFA Russia 🇷🇺

#Zakharova: Pristina’s idea of creating a regular #Kosovo army contradicts #UNSC Resolution 1244

03-16-2017, 04:21 PM
At Western Balkan 6 meeting in Sarajevo Isa Mustafa, Kosovo PM, makes point that Serbia-Kosovo will continue and is not in danger.

03-16-2017, 05:09 PM
US puts Albania, Bosnia and Serbia on blacklist of major money laundering countries

03-18-2017, 01:07 PM
President Radev of #Bulgaria: "#Turkey's interference in our elections is a fact & it is absolutely unacceptable."
http://m.novinite.com/articles/179294/President+Rumen+Radev%3AThe+EU+Must+Have+a+Clear+P osition+on+Turkey%27s+Intervention+in+Bulgaria#

03-20-2017, 09:31 AM
EU’s Own Credibility is at Stake in #Macedonia

03-21-2017, 07:17 AM
AGAIN the first long use of information warfare by Russia in the Balkans to drive their narrative/agenda....

Russia unleashed a massive information war against Ukraine a FULL two years before annexing Crimea and invading eastern Ukraine.

How influence of Russian media risks making Serbia a Moscow bureau

03-21-2017, 07:44 AM
AGAIN the first long use of information warfare by Russia in the Balkans to drive their narrative/agenda....

Russia unleashed a massive information war against Ukraine a FULL two years before annexing Crimea and invading eastern Ukraine.

How influence of Russian media risks making Serbia a Moscow bureau

Here is the real reason for Russian activities in the Balkans outside of agitating EU and NATO....

A gas pipeline.....
The Southern Gas Corridor: Challenges to a geopolitical approach in the EU’s external gas supplies which would sidestep Russia's Gazprom...they want the pipeline stopped at all costs as it would cost Russian massively in lost gas revenues...and political influence...

03-21-2017, 06:16 PM
50.000 gather in Skopje. 40 rallies across #Macedonia gather 150.000 people in largest protests vs Tirana platform

03-24-2017, 11:13 AM

Albania Forms Commission on Mystery Spy Device

After claims broke in May that police had got hold of a mysterious device that could intercept communications, opposition MPs have won their demand for a parliamentary commission of inquiry.

Albania's parliament on Thursday approved the request of 35 opposition MPs to create a commission of inquiry into the mysterious electronic device “IMSI Catcher”, which some claim has been used to illegally intercept communications. The opposition accuses the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, and police officials of using the device - given to them by Italian police as part of a training exercise - to intercept the communications of heads of institutions, leaders of parties, businessmen and journalists. The temporary commission will be comprised of 11 members - five MPs from the opposition and six from the ruling majority. In their request, the opposition MPs emphasized that the aim of the commission was to prevent such cases in future and identify those responsible for the misdeed. "We want to obtain knowledge of the full legal documentation used for this device ... to monitor the concrete behaviour and actions of the authorities included in this case, in order to shed light on this scandal," the request of the MPs reads. The prosecution already opened investigations into the case when the affair broke in May, while more information is still being gathered. An official source from the General Prosecution told BIRN that their investigation is continuing. "The prosecutors are waiting for the Italian authorities to reply to some requests for documentation that were made to them," the source told BIRN. When news of the use of “IMSI Catcher” broke in May, both the opposition and President Bujar Nishani accused the authorities of breaching the constitution. The head of Albania's Information Service, SHISH, Visho Ajazi, on May 19 told the parliamentary commission on security that the mysterious device that had entered in the country for police training purposes could pose a risk to national security. But Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri and the police insisted the device was not a piece of wiretapping equipment, although through it, telephone numbers used in a given area could be identified. Tahiri later mocked the opposition allegations, while at the police fair in Tirana on June 7, among the equipment on display was a black box captioned: "Is there a wiretapping device in here???". The Italian police in a letter to Albanian authorities, sent from senior police officer Gianpaolo Zambonini, backed the stand of Minister Tahiri, assuring that the device was not able to intercept communications. "The system is not able to carry out any kind of audio, SMS or data interception," the Italian police letter read.

Notice the Italian police basically lied.....

An IMSI-catcher (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) is a telephony eavesdropping device used for intercepting mobile phone traffic and tracking movement of mobile phone users. Essentially a "fake" mobile tower acting between the target mobile phone(s) and the service provider's real towers, it is considered a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack.

NOTE....in this is included the Italian surveillance company that was recently hacked in 2016 and over 400G of data stolen and released on the internet....The Hacking Team probably sold the technology to the Italian police....

Optima was a GSM and 3G based IMSI catcher, capable of tracking a phone's location, and intercepting phone calls and SMS messages. But that was years ago: The company likely has developed more advanced features since then. According to a 2015 email included in Italian surveillance company Hacking Team dump, Cellxion may have an IMSI catcher that can inject code using 3G, and in the company's annual report for 2015, Cellxion writes "Thanks to the foresight of planning an upgradeable and flexible platform we are still at the forefront of addressing the technical and operational needs of our customer base."


03-24-2017, 04:25 PM
EU Commission President @junckerEU says President Trump may trigger a potential war in Western Balkans:

03-25-2017, 04:25 AM
EU Commission President @junckerEU says President Trump may trigger a potential war in Western Balkans:

If I recall correctly, neither the EU nor its previous iterations did anything in the Balkans, which were pacified by American interventions. Juncker is truly the goofiest of the Eurocrats, and probably the dirtiest...

03-25-2017, 05:38 AM
If I recall correctly, neither the EU nor its previous iterations did anything in the Balkans, which were pacified by American interventions. Juncker is truly the goofiest of the Eurocrats, and probably the dirtiest...

Would actually agree.....

03-25-2017, 11:25 AM
If I recall correctly, neither the EU nor its previous iterations did anything in the Balkans, which were pacified by American interventions. Juncker is truly the goofiest of the Eurocrats, and probably the dirtiest...

I am no fan of Mr Juncker, but this is a re-writing of history - with the USA riding to the rescue of the EU and the people in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Yes, just one part of the Balkan jigsaw and my remarks only apply to Bosnia.

The EU collectively made bad decisions at the start of Yugoslavia breaking up and once the civil war began - not in Bosnia - stood back relying on diplomacy. When Bosnia slipped into mayhem a number of EU nations contributed to the much-criticized UNPROFOR, which IIRC the USA made no contribution. It did send an envoy to head one mission in part of Croatia.

As the Bosnian civil war escalated, with horrors committed by all three sides, there were times when NATO, not the EU, threatened and used air power from August 1995 - a good part being provided by the USA (based in Italy IRRC).

The key event from my reading now years ago was the Serbian siege of Sarejevo; this was broken by the deployment of heavy artillery and mortars to Mt. Igman - an independent force, with Dutch, French & UK troops - who fired upon Serbian artillery.

Remember the Croats had launched an offensive in north-western Bosnia, which had significant US support, not "boots on the ground", in August 1995 and took significant Serbia territory.

The Dayton negotiations then went into high gear and the peace accords followed in November 1995. Only with the deployment of IFOR in December 1995 did US troops deploy to Bosnia; a significant two brigade force from Germany, with three allied brigades alongside.

I am sure there is a casualty list somewhere, but I would wager accidents aside the USA paid in gold, not blood when it was present on the ground.

03-25-2017, 01:39 PM
Ivan Krastev: #Russia will test @NATO in #Balkans because can be sure that it won't be a priority of the US.

03-25-2017, 01:41 PM
Would actually agree.....

My reference was to Juncker himself as many around Merkel would like to see him basically shut up for awhile...

Loose cannon that tends to overstate and misstate....

03-25-2017, 07:35 PM

Balkan Gambit: Part 2. The Montenegro Zugzwang
March 25, 2017
By Christo Grozev

04-01-2017, 09:29 AM
Tensions are building up between the Socialist Party of Albania (PSSh) and the Socialist Movement of Integration (LSI). Coalition between LSI will have a very good position at the coalition building table. LSI worked together with Democrats (2009-13) and Socialists (2013-17) those parties will be important for the outcome of the election. Without LSI, it will be difficult for Rama to win 71 seats alone

04-03-2017, 07:36 AM
Balkanist Magazine @Balkanist
Op-Ed: Europe Should Brace Itself, a New Autocracy is on the Rise in #Serbia

Vucic has won a crushing 1st round win in #Serbia's presidential election. Signs of growing autocracy in the country

04-04-2017, 11:03 AM
Via Open Democracy a viewpoint by:
David Stefanoski is a student at the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace at the University of Skopje. He was a co-ordinator of the original student protests in Macedonia and active in protests and plenums in the country.

The sub-title:
A maelstrom of scandals, drama, violence and anger has seen Macedonia sliding towards collapse in recent months, with serious implications for the Balkans as a whole.
Link:https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/david-stefanoski/what-hell-is-going-on-in-macedonia? (https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/david-stefanoski/what-hell-is-going-on-in-macedonia?utm_source=Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=5c60bf98a6-DAILY_NEWSLETTER_MAILCHIMP&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_717bc5d86d-5c60bf98a6-407365113)

04-06-2017, 11:22 AM
A Quarter-Century Later, Sarajevans Still Haunted By Siege #Bosnia #Serbia

04-07-2017, 06:14 AM
Serbian president-elect who earlier wanted 'Greater Serbia' now calls for 'New Yugoslavia'.

You can't blame their immediate neighbours for being bit anxious

04-08-2017, 06:36 PM
Massive protests in Serbia for the 6th day in a row against the elected President

04-08-2017, 07:08 PM
Protests against the #Serbia president elect Vucic continue. This kind of instability could explode..

04-12-2017, 07:59 AM
Trump Campaign Chief ‘Worked for Montenegrin Independence’ :: Balkan Insight

04-12-2017, 06:10 PM
Bosnian Serbs Unveil Monument to Russian War Volunteers

04-13-2017, 08:21 AM
Vladimir #Putin is bound to safeguard the cross until #Russian empire is restored - say #Serb veterans in #Bosnia


Interestingly many have forgotten that the Russian Orthodox Church called for a crusade when Putin announced he was heading to Syria...to fight IS.....

04-13-2017, 03:54 PM
Montenegro becomes 29th member of NATO, which expands for the first time since 2009

04-17-2017, 10:55 AM
No end in sight for the constitutional crisis in Skopje. Trenches look even deeper.
Grave situation.

04-27-2017, 04:41 PM
Serbian tabloids have been publishing sensationalist reports about the possibility of war with Albania and Kosovo

04-29-2017, 11:27 AM
Pushkov laments on Montenegro decision join NATO saying in no outside threat situation pointless and the alliance is helpless with terrorism

04-30-2017, 10:16 AM
Violence against Macedonia MPs prompts western fears that simmering tensions could erupt into bloodshed.

04-30-2017, 11:07 AM
Moscow reiterates its right to defend its security in response to Montenegro's entry into NATO

04-30-2017, 07:58 PM
Macedonia is the lynchpin of (in)security in SE Europe.

Macedonia collapsing into ethnic war is the longstanding Balkan nightmare scenario. It won't take much Kremlin push.

Trump likely has no clue.

Putin surely does.

Well worth reading......


Russians at NATO‏
Verified account
#MFA:Those who voted to join @NATO will be responsible for consequences of external actors' plans to deepen dividing lines in Europe&Balkans

05-02-2017, 05:33 PM
Why are six U.S. senators bolstering a thuggish regime in the Balkans? Report from Macedonia by @maxRtucker

Six US Senators being used by Russia propaganda efforts against Macedonia....why is that????

Why the trouble in #macedonia is so dangerous and its #europe neighbours should be more careful

05-22-2017, 08:35 AM
Russian propaganda alert: Young Croats shouting their support "for the House of Spremni".

05-22-2017, 05:46 PM
The Fates of Balkan and Western Democracy are Inseparable :: Balkan Insight

05-24-2017, 09:42 AM
Mark Galeotti @MarkGaleotti
A brief note on my sense that Patrushev is now Putin's "Boyar for the Balkans", with an agenda...

06-26-2017, 12:00 PM
US Air Force WC-135C Constant Phoenix "Nuke sniffer" heading over Romania

06-26-2017, 12:34 PM
Macedonia's media war has torn families apart. Read a tale of two brothers here -