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09-10-2015, 04:25 PM
More Russian threats----first Bulgaria and now Sweden again--------second time in last than 1.5 months.

MFA Russia ‏@mfa_russia
#Zakharova: Sweden’s accession to #NATO would have military & political implications requiring #Russia to take retaliatory steps @RusEmbSwe

09-10-2015, 05:31 PM
Russia wants more patrols along the demarcation line but will not allow OSCE to monitor the entire Russian/Ukrainian border just two crossing points.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Moscow calls on the OSCE to intensify Special Monitoring Mission patrols along the line of contact in Donbass - http://goo.gl/VI5Orm

09-10-2015, 07:05 PM
MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Risks of disruption of gas supplies to Ukraine’s Donbas in winter still quite high - http://goo.gl/cZPbuQ

NOT sure why there would be a disruption as Russia has been sending the gas directly to them??????

Maxim Tucker @MaxRTucker
Embarrassing: Even Kadyrov dismisses Moscow claims #Ukraine's 'geek' PM fought in Chechnya http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=2662726 … pic.twitter.com/2llpzy5RLL

Security Service of #Ukraine detained terrorist spy in #Lugansk Region. http://lugansk-news.com/security-service-of-ukraine-detained-terrorist-spy-in-lugansk-region/ … pic.twitter.com/CCrqRITO64

Hey world, FYI. In the space of 24 hours #Russia has questioned Bulgaria's sovereignty & threatened Sweden militarily

09-10-2015, 07:33 PM
Col. Lysenko: Militants have not yet shown any real desire to withdraw heavy weapons
http://112.ua/ato/boeviki-poka-ne-demonstriruyut-gotovnost-otvodit-tyazheluyu-tehniku-lysenko-257608.html …

"DNR" organization plans to hold their Elections on November 2 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/10-september-dnr-organization-plans-to-hold-their-elections …

09-11-2015, 05:22 AM
Not a single ceasefire violation yesterday and after midnight. We have a complete ceasefire.

Lavrov drops quiet bombshell. Could Kremlin actually be thinking of sticking to Minsk? Believe it when you see it.

Reference Russian threats against Sweden----
'Retaliation' is for an attack. Since when would #Sweden joining #NATO be an attack on #Russia? Really?

Russian FSB agent identified via social media –was in the uniform of a Ukrainian special riot policemen during Maidan—

09-11-2015, 09:35 AM
Poroshenko: Ceasefire not a dream any more. Today 1st day of no shelling in 1.5 years!

Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, September 11, 2015, 00:00 EET *No single hostile armed provocation was recorded* pic.twitter.com/pxj6DVmCxz

Poroshenko at #YESUkraine2015 'Minsk agreement not tbc in 2016. It have to be fulfilled in 2015'

Fighting stopped in #Ukraine BUT: #Russia still controls the border, #Russia|n soldiers are still there, not a single weapon was withdrawn.

The lack of intl response for the Crimea annexation encouraged Russia to continue, says @Poroshenko.
Hard to argue with that now

09-11-2015, 09:36 AM

Say Russia's 9/11 (apt bombings) was an inside job & we'll kill you.
Say the real 9/11 was an inside job & we'll hire you at Russia Today.

09-11-2015, 09:37 AM
Wolfgang Ischinger, Munich Security Conference, says NATO enlargement was not designed to confront Russia, outreach to RU was in parallel

Russia wants #Ukraine to feed #Donbas while they will continue ruling that territory" - chief UA negotiator in #Minsk. #YESUkraine2015

FM Klimkin says he's frustrated with lack of "comprehensive and consistent response" of the West in this crisis

09-11-2015, 09:53 AM
Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Strobe Talbott: ceasefire less abt permanent peace, than an attempt to lull Western govts, esp in Paris, not to roll over sanctions

Russian corruption is amazing---another case of it----
Metal bars painted gold apparently found in the vaults of the latest Russian bank to go bust: http://www.banki.ru/news/lenta/?id=8291660 … (RUS)

What the heck is this Pro-Kremlin Grinsberg doing in Kyiv
Grinberg: Donbass needs autonomy. No Ukraine in NATO. "Western arrogant triumphalism" drives Russian insecurity.

THEN he states this internal Russian contradiction---
Grinberg: we have to live together. No alternative to Minsk. There are responsible ppl in Russia who think Donbass is Ukraine.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Let us stop dreaming up. #Donetsk and #Luhansk are #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/4gZMQnAL3G

09-11-2015, 09:53 AM
Russian FM states yesterday if the Ukraine talks to the Russian mercenaries then they could allow the Ukrainian elections to happen their occupied zone—WHICH has to actually happen under Minsk 2.

Ukrainian response---does not surprise me
.@poroshenko rules out talks with Russian-led militants http://uatoday.tv/politics/poroshenko-rules-out-talks-with-russian-led-militants-491625.html … pic.twitter.com/ixyBbhPpNq

Poroshenko: We know exact location of Russian troops and weapons. None of their soldiers returned to Russia
http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2015/09/11/7080912/ …

Col. Andriy Lysenko: According to UA special services, hostile Russian soldiers and equipment have not been withdrawn from Donbas

Col. Lysenko: No single flight of enemy UAV was detected in last 24 hours

ATO spox: In Dnepropetrovsk region, SBU eliminated Web-operated communication line of militants with their Russian “curators”.

Vital Probe of Odesa May 2 Tragedy stymied because of questions answered?
http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1441584924 …

09-11-2015, 10:01 AM
The Western threats to Russia are so frightening, that Putin's daughter actually lived in the West, as well as Lavrov's and the rest.

As a matter of fact, Russians are feeling so insecure about NATO that their sanctioned propagandists BEG to issue them visas

More Russian corruption-----
System's rotten to the bone:5 Billion rubles stolen in the process of construction at Russian cosmodrome "Vostochny" http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1696450.html …

Klmikin: #Russia wants to create biggest-ever frozen conflict in history of Europe. Putin wants Eurasian Union for geopolitical leverage

FM Klimkin: RU pursuit of Customs Union proof Russia pursuing old imperial model, not western model of inclusion

09-11-2015, 10:07 AM
Am not convinced this ceasefire will hold as Russian troops have not moved one inch towards withdrawal under Minsk 2--is an informational warfare drive by Russia to hinder the EU sanctions roll over in December--especially aimed at the French as being viewed the less supportive right now due to their farmers being hurt by the sanctions and French farmers are none for their vocal complaints and votes.

Will continue to track and post anything that is of interest around Minsk 2 implementations or lack thereof and will cover immediately if the fighting breaks out again.

But overall will slowly fade into the background with the postings-----it has been an interesting year and the postings clearly point to five distinct single points of failure within the Russian non linear warfare that deserve some serious discussion in the coming months AS well as how to counter the Russian weaponization of information, economics and cyber warfare/cyber crime.

There has been more than enough materials posted in the two Ukrainian war threads to conduct this discussion and research.

09-11-2015, 11:35 AM
70% of #Donetsk budget is from #Russia, says rebel commander Khodakovsky. As for military aid, that's "taboo topic." http://m.fontanka.ru/2015/09/07/163/print.html …

The Kremlin's demand in Minsk: Ukraine to feed|fund Donbass, Russia to control it" - Kuchma

Purgin abducted by Russian special services
http://www.unian.info/politics/1121373-purgin-abducted-by-russian-special-services.html … pic.twitter.com/nHuktVUsRk

Did you know that 20 Russian warships have visited #NATO member Spain since Russia invaded & annexed Crimea in 2014? http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2015/09/us-should-condemn-spains-military-support-to-the-russian-navy …

09-11-2015, 01:40 PM

September 11, 2015

Putin Seeking to Destabilize Ukraine While ‘Imitating’ a Russian Pullback in Donbas, Portnikov Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, September 11 – In an effort to get the West to end its sanctions on Russia, Vladimir Putin will continue to sharply reduce pro-Moscow military actions in the Donbas over the next month, Vitaly Portnikov says; but even as he does so, the Kremlin leader will do everything he can to destabilize and thus discredit Ukraine from the inside.

This combination, Portnikov argues, suggests that Putin is preparing for a “Minsk 3” agreement when he meets with the leaders of France, Germany and Ukraine in Paris on October 3, an agreement that will require “joint guarantees.” Otherwise, the four could have met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (liga.net/opinion/249844_minsk-3-o-chem-budet-dogovarivatsya-normandskaya-chetverka-v-parizhe.htm).

It appears, the Ukrainian analyst says, that “if it isn’t seeking a way out of the dead end it finds itself in the Donbas, Russia will attempt to imitate this exit” in order to extract as much as possible from the West. Indeed, since August 29 when Hollande, Merkel and Putin spoke on the telephone, “the intensity of fire from the side of Russian forces … has fallen sharply.”

That fall-off, Portnikov continues, has prompted the French president to speak “even about the possibility of lifting sanctions against Russia” if the Minsk accords are fulfilled. It is unlikely that Holland would have said that “if he did not feel that the Kremlin beast was not really close to withdrawal and needed support from the civilized world.”

Putin “really is in a very complicated situation, perhaps the most complex from the moment power was transferred to him by Yeltsin,” Portnikov says. The Russian economy is collapsing, and even his advisors are talking about the lack of sufficient gold reserves to support the ruble.

The Kremlin leader may soon not have the money needed to pay its social security obligations, and Putin and his entourage “remember what happens with Russians when bravura television hysterics are not accompanied by the payment of their accustomed subsidies, pensions and salaries.”

This means, he suggests, that “Russia is again in the customary fog of revolt and destabilization” itself. Putin has to do what he can to avoid that, and one important step in that direction is to eliminate sanctions or at least ensure that there won’t be new and more serious ones imposed.

Putin always faces a serious problem in the Middle East, Portnikov argues, primarily because he wants to show that he can support a totalitarian regime that has loyally supported Moscow. If he doesn’t back Syria’s Asad, he will have shown that he won’t or can’t support even his allies, not a message the Kremlin leader wants to send.

“But the resources of the Kremlin adventurist are really limited, and for sending forces to Syria, Putin needs relief in the Donbas,” and hence the current reduction in violence there. In this situation, what concessions is Putin prepared to make, given his own goals and given the attitudes of the West?

According to Portnikov, it is quite likely that even Putin hasn’t decided yet and that he realizes that what will happen in Paris on October 2 will depend to a large extent on what happens over the next three weeks.

Putin may very well keep violence in the Donbas at a low level: that will help him with his Western interlocutors. But he will beyond any doubt “rock the boat” of Ukraine “because it is important to him that [Ukrainian President] Poroshenko will arrive in Paris without any sense of prospects and be ready for new concessions” of his own.”

Moreover, over this period, the Ukrainian analyst suggests, Putin may also take actions in the Middle East designed to drive up the price of oil, something that will give him more leverage and reduce that of the West on Russian behavior.

With regard to Ukraine, it seems clear that Putin will now “throw all his reserves into the destabilization of the situation” there, making use of everyone from “the most anti-Ukrainian chauvinists to the most patriotic patriots” to embarrass and weaken Ukraine both in reality and even more in the eyes of the West.

Thus, Portnikov says, the next few weeks are critical because “the stakes in October are really high.”

09-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
RUAF VHF comms in Gulf of Finland

Russia is not interested in work to close Ukrainian-Russian border - Kuchma https://twitter.com/BBC_ua/status/642315240626094080 …

'Murmansk' Electronic Warfare Complex Takes Root in Crimea: https://en.informnapalm.org/5320-murmansk-electronic-warfare-complex-takes-root-in-crimea/ … via @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/NZHRQMNhh5

RU says Ukraine should remain unitary sovereign state. I assume they will return Crimea. What else can it mean? https://twitter.com/MID_RF/status/642304995623309313 …

09-11-2015, 02:02 PM
Really worth reading in light of Putin's move into Syria--Long but really worth it---


Putin’s Strategy is Far Better than You Think

Michael Kofman

September 7, 2015

Is Vladimir Putin a strategic genius or not? In a recent War on the Rocks article, the scholar Joshua Rovner comes down hard in the “not” camp, arguing that Putin is a terrible strategist and laying out the ramifications of his strategic incompetence for the United States and its NATO allies. This is another salvo in a long-running debate between competing Western narratives of Russia: an alarmist position perpetually worried that “the Russians are coming,” and a dismissive one that believes Russia is a giant Potemkin village destined to fall apart as a result of self-defeating behavior. Unfortunately both views are wrong, but Western analysis often see-saws between these two perspectives as soon as one falls out of favor. One of the shortfalls of Rovner’s article is that it fails to explain what Russia’s strategy is, which in turn raises a more important question: Does American failure to understand Russia’s strategy make it a poor one?

Russia in perspective

First, there needs to be a more balanced and informed understanding of Russia. A quote, variously attributed over the years to Churchill, Talleyrand, or Metternich sums it up well: “Russia is never as strong as she looks, nor as weak as she looks.” Russia is a regional power in structural decline, but retains a remarkable capacity to muddle through, hang around, and cause trouble. It has often appeared to be the sick man of Europe (a term originally used to describe the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century), technologically backwards, with a political system that does not meet the demands of modern society. Napoleon and Hitler, among others, have made the mistake of assuming that Russian weakness and backwardness made the country an easy mark.

Since early 2014, Russia has suffered from a recession followed by an economic crisis, largely due to a sharp decline in oil prices. While Western sanctions have multiplied the hardship, Russia’s economic problems are structural and its current economic crisis a result of global factors that have nothing to do with events in Ukraine. They are due, in fact, to Saudi Arabia’s efforts to keep oil prices low in an effort to crush the U.S. shale extraction industry (and from a U.S. point of view, this is nothing to be happy about, even if it comes at Russia’s expense). China’s economic downturn is also little cause for cheer.

Whether a good or bad strategist, Putin is no economist. Even his close associates like former finance minister Alexei Kudrin reminded him of this on a regular basis. Russia’s budget is inexorably tied to the price of energy, as was the Soviet Union’s. Vladimir Putin did not invent this dependence, but he has done little to improve it beyond some technological bright spots and the defense industry. Yet Putin’s domestic support is somewhat explained by the fact that Russia experienced an economic boom for much of his rule, which translated into higher standards of living and expendable income.

Despite economic weakness, Russia is militarily the strongest it has been since the Cold War, fielding the most capable, modernized, and well-funded force it is likely going to have for the foreseeable future. This year, spending on defense as a share of GDP will likely peak at 4.2 percent, up from 3.4 percent in 2014. The total force has been growing and could be over 800,000 today, with a consistently increasing percentage of contract soldiers that are tested through snap drills and exercises. No NATO country is increasing defense spending, the size of the force, and its readiness, and procuring new equipment , at the rate Russia has been since 2009. Due to the current economic crisis, Russia’s modernization programs will take a haircut, but its main limitations are technical rather than financial. Russia may not be able to defeat NATO, but its conventional power is sufficient to impose major costs in a conflict with the West or crush any former Soviet republic.

The Kremlin knows how to use force

Rovner argues that Russia’s annexation of Crimea is “ham-fisted” and states that Putin lacks understanding of the “relationship between military violence and political objectives.” This is a puzzling assessment given that Russia has consistently demonstrated its ability to use military force to achieve desired political ends. Russia’s counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism campaign in Chechnya was by all accounts brutal, but successful. It stabilized a notoriously restless region to the point that Russia could be bold enough to host the Sochi Olympics nearby in 2014. Russia’s brief war with Georgia in 2008 demonstrated terrible military inadequacies, but still achieved its strategic purpose by ending any serious consideration of NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine. Eventually, that defeat also resulted in an inglorious end to President Mikhail Saakashvili’s political career in his country; Georgia seeks him on political charges and he now serves as governor of Odessa in Ukraine.

Compared with the war in Georgia, Russia’s annexation of Crimea demonstrated a decisive and competent use of force to achieve political ends. Without losing a single soldier, Moscow seized the most strategically important part of Ukraine, from which it can control almost the entire Black Sea. This secured basing rights for its fleet, and will allow it to deploy anti-access and area-denial weaponry, covering most of the sea and southern Ukraine. In and of itself, the loss of Crimea creates a permanent territorial dispute in Ukraine’s borders — a frozen conflict of sorts with strategic consequences for its aspirations of Western integration. In eastern Ukraine, Russia has demonstrated flexibility and willingness to escalate. In the span of only a few months, it has cycled from political warfare to state-sponsored insurgency, hybrid war, and limited conventional war. Granted, the first three proved ineffective in getting Ukraine and the West to negotiate a compromise that would lead to federalization, but they were economy of force measures, leaving room for escalation and improvisation as necessary.

Lawrence Freedman has also criticized Putin’s strategy in War on the Rocks. These assessments often fall victim to reading Putin’s speeches and statements as though Russia’s strategy can be found therein. Putin’s statements are not official declarations of policy, but instead a supporting theatrical role to whatever strategy is being implemented. Freedman believes it is unhelpful to call Putin a good strategist, but it is even more problematic to underestimate and misunderstand your opponent. From a purely analytical standpoint, Russia has done reasonably well in pursuit of his objectives in Ukraine. Whether weak or strong, Russia faced a basic challenge: how to impose control and influence on Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe. Certainly Moscow lacks the military strength to occupy all of Ukraine, but that is a null point. The point is to control Ukraine without owning it. The memory of the Soviet war in Afghanistan is still fresh in Russia, and its leadership has no interest in a costly proxy war with the West, especially one that would also destroy Ukraine in the process.


In February 2014, Russia capitalized on local agitation and discord in eastern Ukraine through informal networks. Many in the West see this as a pre-planned contingency, but it is difficult to understand the basis for this theory. If it was a well planned-out special forces mission, a pudgy historical re-enactor named Igor Girkin, with a paramilitary rabble from Crimea, would not be leading it.

Instead Moscow tried to leverage the networks of business elites, oligarchs, and pro-Russian agitators that had been on the fringe of Ukraine’s politics. Ukraine was an oligarchy, with plenty of powerful non-state actors in the east that lost big when the president was ousted. They worked with Russia to take advantage of the confusion and public anxiety, setting up “people’s” mayors and governors, with Russian intelligence helping to orchestrate the protests. These self-declared anti-Maidan leaders barely lasted days and were arrested by local Ukrainian authorities. The effort was cheap political warfare, hardly the professional special forces operation that is often described in the West. The investment was actually quite low compared to what Russia hoped to gain out of it: Ukraine’s capitulation to a federalization scheme. One can conclude that this was either the worst planned and executed subversion effort in recent history, or more likely, the best Russia could come up with in a hurry.

Separatism in eastern Ukraine began as an ad hoc approach to get Ukraine on the cheap, and Russia simply kept escalating in a quest for the lowest price. After political warfare failed in March, Russia switched to direct action in April and May in the hope of scaring Ukraine into believing that a large-scale secession of “Novorossiya” was possible. Putin’s speeches were part of the effort to convince and frighten Kiev, not official statements of Russian strategy. A brief “hybrid war” followed from June to August, when Russia understood that Ukraine did indeed have the will to resist and still had some functioning military capability, enough to take on a small force of insurgents. At that point, only overt use of force would accomplish what Moscow wanted, hence it openly invaded.


Putin doesn’t seem to be doing too badly


09-11-2015, 05:54 PM
Ukraine MFA preparing diplomatic steps in response to #Berlusconi's illegal entry into occupied #Crimea.
http://ru.krymr.com/content/news/27242526.html …

Breaking: SBU accuses volunteer battalion commander of a plot to kill Ukraine's Minister of Internal @AvakovArsen

According to SBU, the commander has been detained, and the plot included killing MP&volunteers http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article;jsessionid=0034B06698AA9A94AA073C0CDA2F690 E.app1?art_id=158846&cat_id=39574 …

Donetsk @14720Maro [fb] "This morning around 6am along H21 route 19 trucks drove, loaded with guess what? military bunks

Fantastic photos of the Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers intercepted by RAF Typhoons yesterday http://wp.me/p2TYIs-8JN pic.twitter.com/GhkP9LC8UE

The Red Web: The Struggle Between Russia's Digital Dictators and the New Online Revolutionaries - a starred review. http://www.shelf-awareness.com/readers/2015-09-11/the_red_web:_the_struggle_between_russia_s_digital _dictators_and_the_new_online_revolutionaries.html …

09-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Militants simulate withdrawal of heavy weapons, - ATO speaker http://en.censor.net.ua/n351509

Sweden summons #Russia ambass to explain "consequences"if Sweden join #NATO http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34225903 … pic.twitter.com/wWEYdrquNN

09-11-2015, 06:50 PM

11.09.15 15:14

“We received weapons in Rostov. They promised to pay $4,500 per month,” interview with Russian mercenary

According to the Russian mercenary, who returned to Russia from the Donbas, the citizens of the Russian Federation participated in war on the territory of Ukraine for money.

Censor.NET published interview of "LPR" militant Vyacheslav Isaev with the Russian Dozhd TV channel earlier in August. The transcription of the text, which was not included in the video of the interview, was later published on the listock.ru.

"I was promised to get paid. They even put a firm figure - $4,500 per month. I was planned to go there as an instructor, to teach insurgents military tactics and assist the Russian people in general. We gathered in St. Petersburg in the office of private military company, received munitions there. The weapons were provided in Rostov. We also received armored vehicles there. We entered Donbas through Severnyi border crossing point. It was not actually a border crossing point but a section of the border, which was opened for entry," terrorist Isaev said.

He also confirmed that the citizens of Russia participated in the war in Donbas for money: "The majority of them came there being promised money. I guess someone got paid while others were scammed. I was paid nothing at all."

09-11-2015, 06:53 PM

'Day Without Shelling' in Ukraine Ends This Afternoon with Russian-backed Separatist Attacks on Avdeyevka, Opytnoye

18:27 (GMT)

As we reported, President Petro Poroshenko noted this morning at the YES Conference that this was the first 24-hour period without shelling in southeastern Ukraine in 18 months.

Since the latest "ceasefire" was declared September 1 as the Minsk peace talks continue, fighting has been reduced and yesterday there was only one Ukrainian soldier and one civilian hurt by shelling.

But unfortunately, the day wasn't over yet.

An hour ago, the ATO [Anti-Terrorism Operation] press center announced on their Facebook page that from 12:35 to 13:02 south of Avdeyevka, Ukrainian positions were pummeled once again with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms, and one Ukrainian serviceman was injured.

At 17:20, Russian-backed separatists fired from the direction of Spartak from large-caliber artillery and grenade-launchers on Ukrainian positions in Opytnoye.

Even so, Ukrainian Armed Forces are using the relative calm to attempt to restore utilities in Zaytsevo and Mayorsk areas and are also building bridges in Krasnogorovka and Soledar. Schools that were hit by artillery fire early this year in Luganskaya and Svetlodar are being repaired, and mines are being removed from around grain silos.

Donetsk 21:26
"Kalinovka - something exploded?"
https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/642403858984103936 …

Donetsk 21:27
"It was salvo what i've heard in center?"
"In center was loud, it seems that at Kalinovka somewheare" https://twitter.com/CatBoobon/status/642403985207488514 …

20:17 Heavy volleys
21:05 Quiet
21:27 Machine guns
21:35 Quiet
21:39 Again volleys https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/642416735006625792 …

Action around Krasnogorovka/Mariinka - booms (AGLs?), machineguns, varying intensity, last 2 hrs or so

09-11-2015, 07:22 PM
I have written a number of times here --Putin wants a completely new Yalta.

I would bet that his actions in the Ukraine and Syria are in fact designed to drive that conversation.

Question is will Obama cave and give him his new spheres of influence as he did in pressuring the Ukraine into unilateral appeasement moves with no reciprocal demands on Putin.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Russia called for development of dialogue on consolidating the Yalta-Potsdam system & the #UN Charter http://goo.gl/OpyJVZ @RF_OSCE

At Russia’s initiative, Serbia, the current chair of the OSCE, held a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Belgrade on September 8. The event was attended by delegations of the OSCE countries and prominent members of the scientific community. The conference was opened by First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić. Noted Russian scholar and public figure Natalia Narochnitskaya, president of the Historical Perspective Study Foundation, was one of the key speakers at the meeting.

During the meeting the Russian delegation led by Director of the Foreign Ministry Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Anatoly Viktorov and representatives of other countries and the expert community rebuffed attempts to falsify the history of World War II, forget the historical feat of the Soviet people who routed Nazism and liberated Europe, and revise the principles and verdict of the Nuremberg Trials, which have become part of international law.

During open debates, Russian experts called for consolidation of solidarity, renunciation of confrontation in international relations and development of dialogue on consolidating the Yalta-Potsdam system and the UN Charter with a view to maintaining durable and stable peace and security.

Rasmussen: "The Russian masterplan is to reestablish spheres of influence + prevent Euro-Atlantic integration of neighbours

09-11-2015, 07:39 PM
Really worth reading in light of Putin's move into Syria--Long but really worth it---


Putin’s Strategy is Far Better than You Think

Michael Kofman

September 7, 2015

As for truce: some pro-UKR in occupation think Russia organized it for Putin's visit to UN...
they say local militia, which breached ceasefire all the time was replaced in the frontlines with RUS regulars.

It was confirmed by Gen Staff that in Sector M in the first 2 lines are RU regulars, and only in 3rd line are "militia".

Kremlin Believes Kyiv Not Complying With Minsk Agreements, Their Deadlines Missed, Peskov Says http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/11-september-kremlin-believes-kyiv-not-complying-with-minsk …

09-11-2015, 08:06 PM

'Day Without Shelling' in Ukraine Ends This Afternoon with Russian-backed Separatist Attacks on Avdeyevka, Opytnoye

18:27 (GMT)

Donetsk 21:26
"Kalinovka - something exploded?"
https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/642403858984103936 …

Donetsk 21:27
"It was salvo what i've heard in center?"
"In center was loud, it seems that at Kalinovka somewheare" https://twitter.com/CatBoobon/status/642403985207488514 …

20:17 Heavy volleys
21:05 Quiet
21:27 Machine guns
21:35 Quiet
21:39 Again volleys https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/642416735006625792 …

Action around Krasnogorovka/Mariinka - booms (AGLs?), machineguns, varying intensity, last 2 hrs or so

21:51 #Donetsk @AlfaNubovsky sometimes closer a bit, mostly behind the airport, sometimes shooting in the airport

21:51 #Donetsk Kyivsky ds @AlfaNubovsky All evening we can hear battle sounds northward,

09-11-2015, 08:08 PM
Ukraine MFA preparing diplomatic steps in response to #Berlusconi's illegal entry into occupied #Crimea.
http://ru.krymr.com/content/news/27242526.html …

Breaking: SBU accuses volunteer battalion commander of a plot to kill Ukraine's Minister of Internal @AvakovArsen

According to SBU, the commander has been detained, and the plot included killing MP&volunteers http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article;jsessionid=0034B06698AA9A94AA073C0CDA2F690 E.app1?art_id=158846&cat_id=39574 …

Donetsk @14720Maro [fb] "This morning around 6am along H21 route 19 trucks drove, loaded with guess what? military bunks

Fantastic photos of the Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers intercepted by RAF Typhoons yesterday http://wp.me/p2TYIs-8JN pic.twitter.com/GhkP9LC8UE

The Red Web: The Struggle Between Russia's Digital Dictators and the New Online Revolutionaries - a starred review. http://www.shelf-awareness.com/readers/2015-09-11/the_red_web:_the_struggle_between_russia_s_digital _dictators_and_the_new_online_revolutionaries.html …

The Aviationist @TheAviationist
Interesting details about the Tu-160s intercepted by the RAF are emerging: they were supported by 1 Mainstay, 2 Midas and 2 Mig-31s

09-11-2015, 08:15 PM

Kremlin Now Wants Russians to See Sanctions as Having Nothing to Do with Ukraine, ‘Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ Says

19:56 (GMT)

Staunton, September 11, 2015

Moscow has “shifted from the logic of a dispute to the logic of isolation” and is seeking to convince Russians that Western sanctions imposed following the Crimean Anschluss and Russian invasion of the Donbas have nothing to do with those events but rather reflect permanent Western hostility to Russia, Nezavisimaya gazeta says.

In a lead article today, the editors of that Moscow paper draws that conclusion on the basis of a recent declaration by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov that sanctions will remain in place for a long time because they are intended to limit Russia’s ability to act independently.

Ryabkov’s words, the paper says, “reflect a transition to the completely isolationist logic in which the Russian authorities act today;” and that in turn reflects the conclusions of Presidential advisor Sergey Glazyev that Russia must move in the direction of “still greater economic isolation from the West.”

“Initially, immediately after the flight of Viktor Yanukovych, the annexation of Crimea, and the beginning of the conflict in the Donbass,” the editors say, “the logic of the Russian authorities was somewhat different.” Then, it stressed Russia’s “right to defend its ‘own,’ that is the Russian speakers” and drew parallels between Crimea and Kosovo.

No one spoke then, the paper continues, about sanctions remaining in force for any length of time apparently because the Kremlin believed that the West would “recognize their senselessness and cancel them not being able to live without Russia.” Now, the worsening of the economic situation has led to “a change in logic.”

For the Kremlin now, “citizens must be convinced that sanctions are not the result of Crimea or the Donbass.” Instead, a new “’correct’” interpretation is being offered: “the West and especially the United States cannot deal with our stormy growth, wants to slow it, and Ukraine is the occasion for doing so.”

In the former interpretation, there is great room for diplomacy; in the new one, there is little room left because Russian diplomats must soon follow politicians and television commentators in insisting that “’the West always hates us, it wants to ruin us, there is nothing to talk about with it.”

But such a shift raises some questions, the paper’s editors say. “For example, if the Russian authorities always knew that the West would not allow the strengthening of Russia, then why did they so poorly prepare the country for the present and as they assert inevitable pressure on it?”

Other questions also arise: Why didn’t the Russian authorities try to make the ruble less dependent on the price of oil? Why didn’t they try to find alternative sources of credit? And perhaps most important, because of the enormous support they enjoy from the population, why didn’t they use “this resource to carry out systemic reforms?”

If the authorities were not willing to do that in the “fat” years, they certainly will not do so in the “lean” ones now, Nezavisimaya gazeta concludes.

Of course, there are at least two other explanations for Ryabkov’s statement, one domestic and one foreign political. Domestically, the Kremlin may fear that ever more Russians will draw a direct line between what Putin has been doing in Ukraine and their current suffering. Such a shift in opinion could threaten the regime.

And in foreign policy terms, Rybkov’s statement may have a double purpose. On the one hand, it may lead some in the West to call for a reduction in sanctions in order to show Russia that the West doesn’t “always” hate it. And on the other, if sanctions are loosened or cut back, the new logic now on offer in Moscow will allow the Kremlin to take credit

09-12-2015, 05:26 AM
"They Shot At Our Own People, Sold Ukrainians Weapons": TV Rain Interviews Russian Fighter
http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-this-week-tv-rain-interviews-russian-volunteer-fighter-returned-from-the-donbass/#9922 … pic.twitter.com/mrZke9MEAo

Important tell-all from Russian volunteer fighter in Donbass back in Moscow - on criminality of LNR, assassinations, even killing their own.

"To say that Russia has taken such a huge number of Ukrainian refugees is a bare-faced lie." http://www.dw.com/en/putin-blames-us-for-migrant-crisis-in-europe/a-18694852 …

09-12-2015, 07:55 AM
Example of the effectiveness of the Russian weaponization of information--Russia shelled Debaltseve massively in their attack on the UAF and yet the locals blame the UAF who was fighting for their survival and withdrew.

"90% of locals are sure, Debaltseve was ruined bu UAF. Useless to talk round"

DNR 'sociology': only 29% of locals support DNR (i.e. 71% don't support, sounds real) http://frankensstein.livejournal.com/652023.html

09-12-2015, 07:59 AM
#Russia's proxies fired 5 times upon Ukrainian troops on 11 Sep, were most active near Opytne and South of Avdiivka https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1065474746796664 …

This is up from a previous zero attack day and it was with heavy artillery for the first time in a week or so.

09-12-2015, 05:29 PM

2015/09/11 • News, War in the Donbas

Former Russian mercenary to Donbas addresses Putin: “It’s not worth it”

Vyacheslav “Isa” Isaev, a Russian mercenary who joined the “rebels” in the Donbas, later became disillusioned with Russia’s war there. In a candid interview to Russian independent TVRain channel, he revealed the inner workings of Russia’s hybrid army, including Russian supplies and training, internal rivalry, and banditism. Here is a summary of the interview.

My name is Vyacheslav Isayev, I’m from Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad region. Like everyone, I followed the call of my heart, to help the Russian people who are dying there.

How did you get there?

I went to a private military company. We met at their office in St. Petersburg. We were equipped. We didn’t get the weapons until we got to Rostov [Russian city near the Ukrainian border].

What kind of people got into your battalion?

People that wanted to start a new life, change their fate. Mostly they were good, kind guys. There were people like tractor drivers who could drive a tank.

Isa tells me about vehicles and weapons supplies from Russia like a mundane, commonly known fact.

The vehicles we captured from the Ukrainians were transferred to Russia. We were given battle-ready tanks in exchange for damaged ones. First, ammo was brought in, then came the vehicles. The ammo, the vehicles, the trucks – we got everything together.

Have you witnessed any weapons trade?

Of course I have. I believe it all went to the Ukrainian side. More than that: I think we never saw more than a half of what was “supplied” to us. Our guys [the Russian-backed militia] did it, those in charge of the warehouses. Traitors, what else to call them? Each unit had its own supervisors helping with weapons and advice.

Their rivalry was overwhelming. There were cossacks that obeyed no one, some special forces units too. Some units never went to combat but grew rich by selling metal for scraps and kidnapping people.

Why the kidnappings?

In order to extort money and property.

So they were basically bandits?

I would say so, yes. Sergey, I can’t recall his last name… he had two sons. Both died fighting in the militia. His younger son was 17. Do you remember that boy, the machine gunner? He was just shot in the back. What’s his father supposed to do? Is this the kind of regime he’d be fighting for?

Was he killed by his own?

Yes, by his own. Was this ammo worth the lives of those people? Most went there for the money.

Did they get paid, or was it like with you?

I believe some did get their money, some didn’t. I got absolutely nothing.

Today, thousands are coming back to Russian from the Donbas. How long will it take for them to adapt to peace? Will they ever?

Most of those who came back either went on fighting, but for Kyiv, or got to prisons. The mind gets disturbed. You can do anything. When you come back here, you realize this kind of attitude is not tolerated. They get into fights with police or other people, trying to prove they are heroes back from the war. But, come to think of it, are we really heroes?

I would like to address Vladimir Putin. Mr. Putin, it’s not worth it. It isn’t worth the lives of Russian citizens. Let [the Ukrainians] settle it out between themselves. It’s all dumb, frankly speaking. What’s it all for? Fighting for Donbas? But it’s the same in our Rostov region.

I don’t know who could want war. I understand if it’s about combat testing the troops. But I don’t think sacrificing our own for those “brothers” is worth it.

09-12-2015, 06:54 PM
The latest poll in #DPR - less than a third of local residents supported the #separatists and #Russia https://plus.google.com/104010886469890350976/posts/gdak66qJsjK …

09-12-2015, 06:55 PM
Something usual is in progress----

19:33 #Donetsk center @kolyapup Wow. Something boomed strongly
19:33 #Donetsk @kondrat619 Volley? Landing? Explosion?

Makeevka explosions, dont know an origine https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/642740604728840192 …

Donetsk @gray_dove The same in Kuybyshevsky district https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/642766444271398912 …

Donetsk @funkermanjke Not just in Kalininsky district [sound was heard], in Kyivsky doors were pulled w/blast wave

19:36 #Donetsk Kalininsky ds @DoneckiiPatriot About 19:36 something exploded loudly, sound came from Kalinina mine direction

@666_mancer [zello]
19:33 "#Makiivka Vostochny: windows-doors were opened" "Something on fire on Gvardeyka, I see glow"

19:32 #Donetsk center @ludmilka1906 Downtown heard single blast, pretty strong one
@relictDon I've heard boom, didn't get where

19:32 #Makiivka @vasyamakeevskiy Some boom
19:35 @nixer79 Boomed strongly. Putilovka-Scheglovka jumped once

19:43 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "Hit on TsOF towards Kalmius station" "Not on mine 8-8 bis,but glow was strong" pic.twitter.com/rMtkWva3AO

19:38 #Makiivka @666_mancer [sn] "Smoke in Pochenkova mine dir'n, glow was there, airblast opened door widely"

19:35 #Avdiivka @bamr69 We've heard massive explosion, unclear where, but windows vibrated
19:47 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] On blocks slagheap is on fire, there was no landing, 61th block

19:46 #Donetsk @g_org_e Ambulances rushed along Mira Ave

19:50 #Makiivka @Palchakkk in mine 8-8bis area, local pro-RUS said, projectiles detonated

Huge explosion rocks basically all of Donetsk. Cause uncertain. https://twitter.com/podrobnosti/status/642763862694084608 …

19:51 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "Sound like smth exploded, strong blast wave and window glasses tinkled"

19:51 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "fire engines moved via draft office towards trust"

Makiivka @666_mancer "Affirm, there were 2 blasts, soft first... strong next one, plaster in corridor fell down"

19:49 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk]Gladkovka sees slagheap tow/Gvardeyka on fire burned after 1st blast,2more then pic.twitter.com/Fc8f7tY7Gs

09-12-2015, 06:57 PM
Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
Well. We know who is transmitting, and why. Stupid article. Dont pay for it. Read instead: http://priyom.org/media/57653/the_buzzer_primer.pdf … pic.twitter.com/aJsqWvzINR

Russian spy radio station is back up and running-----

09-12-2015, 07:09 PM
Something usual is in progress----

19:33 #Donetsk center @kolyapup Wow. Something boomed strongly
19:33 #Donetsk @kondrat619 Volley? Landing? Explosion?

Makeevka explosions, dont know an origine https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/642740604728840192 …

Donetsk @gray_dove The same in Kuybyshevsky district https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/642766444271398912 …

Donetsk @funkermanjke Not just in Kalininsky district [sound was heard], in Kyivsky doors were pulled w/blast wave

19:36 #Donetsk Kalininsky ds @DoneckiiPatriot About 19:36 something exploded loudly, sound came from Kalinina mine direction

@666_mancer [zello]
19:33 "#Makiivka Vostochny: windows-doors were opened" "Something on fire on Gvardeyka, I see glow"

19:32 #Donetsk center @ludmilka1906 Downtown heard single blast, pretty strong one
@relictDon I've heard boom, didn't get where

19:32 #Makiivka @vasyamakeevskiy Some boom
19:35 @nixer79 Boomed strongly. Putilovka-Scheglovka jumped once

19:43 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "Hit on TsOF towards Kalmius station" "Not on mine 8-8 bis,but glow was strong" pic.twitter.com/rMtkWva3AO

19:38 #Makiivka @666_mancer [sn] "Smoke in Pochenkova mine dir'n, glow was there, airblast opened door widely"

19:35 #Avdiivka @bamr69 We've heard massive explosion, unclear where, but windows vibrated
19:47 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] On blocks slagheap is on fire, there was no landing, 61th block

19:46 #Donetsk @g_org_e Ambulances rushed along Mira Ave

19:50 #Makiivka @Palchakkk in mine 8-8bis area, local pro-RUS said, projectiles detonated

Huge explosion rocks basically all of Donetsk. Cause uncertain. https://twitter.com/podrobnosti/status/642763862694084608 …

19:51 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "Sound like smth exploded, strong blast wave and window glasses tinkled"

19:51 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk] "fire engines moved via draft office towards trust"

Makiivka @666_mancer "Affirm, there were 2 blasts, soft first... strong next one, plaster in corridor fell down"

19:49 #Makiivka @666_mancer [vk]Gladkovka sees slagheap tow/Gvardeyka on fire burned after 1st blast,2more then pic.twitter.com/Fc8f7tY7Gs

Video moments after the explosion in Donetsk http://vk.com/id6464908?z=video6464908_171434942%2Fe57315f5202b7 3b84f …

Makiivka @666_mancer "#Donetsk pro-RUS report: in #Butovka mine skip shaft area an Ural w/ammo blew up after it flamed up"

09-12-2015, 07:18 PM
Staromykhailivka 21:44
At Chkalova 2 incoming. The edge tow Krasnohorivka was hit. 6 shells landed smwh at 17:50 https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/642770692870676480 …

Avdiivka 21:05
Periodically small arms, grenade launchers https://twitter.com/tiamat007/status/642760857739522048 …

09-12-2015, 08:00 PM
The UKRn SBU shut down a Russian based pirate-cable-TV channel in Kharkiv:

https://translate.google.pl/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article%3Fart_id%3D158940%26cat_id%3D39574&edit-text=&act=url … [v @SpecGhost]

09-12-2015, 08:31 PM
More RF "tourists". UA border guard caught two Russians in uniform w/o insignia in Luhansk. (They're now ex RF mil) http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8578.htm …

Unknown fighter № 1514
#Donetsk, Mospino https://twitter.com/Ukr_Che/status/642792704582283264 …

Yakut cossack: "Russia is encircled with NATO bases... we gotta fight Ukraine" <rus news article> https://twitter.com/bura_tino/status/642781679808065536 …

Russian TV spreading falsified letter from Swedish prosecutor regarding Ukraine to discredit Sweden http://www.svd.se/falskt-svenskt-brev-i-rysk-tv-okand-avsandare/om/sverige …

Another ‘LPR’ terrorist gave himself up to Ukrainian authorities. VIDEO http://en.censor.net.ua/n351670

09-13-2015, 10:55 AM
This is a sample of this isolationist mentality of the Obama Administration—they were actually part and parcel of the so called Normandy Five when we were in Normandy for the first meeting—THEN Obama pulled out leaving it for the Europeans to handle with it now being the Normandy Four.

After the Kerry Sochi Putin meeting where Kerry actually criticized the Ukrainian President in front of Putin the US attempted to setup a back channel between Nuland and Russia in order to get back into the Normandy format---Russia has effectively sidelined the US and frozen them out of the following meetings and basically the meetings are going in circles as Putin wants the political points inside Minsk 2 to be fulfilled and is basically refusing to implement the military points-ie total and complete POW exchanges, total withdrawal of Russian troops and her mercenaries, restoration of the Ukrainian border, total and complete withdrawal of all heavy weapons verified by OSCE and a total and complete monitoring by OSCE—none of that has been achieved.

Nuland and her counterpart had several meetings but lately not a single one as they were not going anywhere and after she was accused of pressuring the Ukraine into a unilateral appeasement move with no reciprocal demands on Russia she has not been to the Ukraine until yesterday.

Russia has gone into a ceasefire right now because of Syria, Putins UN visit, the coming potential EU sanctions rollovers in December etc.

Below is from yesterday’s meetings---NOTICE Germany is harping that progress is being made and the Ukrainian response was nothing was achieved—all the Russians wanted to do was talk about elections and yet they are still occupying eastern Ukraine and per Minsk 2 they should have been pulling out by now-along with their mercenaries and should have exchanged the remaining 189 POWs.

It is really worth reading the Minsk 2 agreement in order to see what Russia has never implemented all the while demanding the Ukraine fulfill every point.

Notice just how Germany wants progress so they can get back to business as usual.

AND just where is the US in all of this????? AWOL across the board—that is isolationism not retrenchment.

Klimkin: Normandy talks as confrontational as they were before. https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/642922454671851520 …

Russia refused to pass to Ukraine the control over Ukraine's border – Klimkin nothing achieved.

Germany says 'significant progress' made at #Ukraine meeting
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/12/us-ukraine-crisis-germany-stei... …

Time for sustained cease-fire, meaningful progress in implementation of Minsk Agreements, says OSCE SG on Ukraine http://www.osce.org/node/181686

ATO press center: 3 militant attacks recorded yesterday. No casualties among UA forces
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1066153943395411&id=82065100... …

@waterloo_2014 Rumours are spread, RUS troops and hardware being withdrew. I didn't note that. Drills in progress, ready 'to Kyiv'...

@hingar66 Affirm. Many of them in #Starobesheve-#Dokuchaevsk, not going away but intrenching... https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/642988583507349504 …

09-13-2015, 11:26 AM
Reference Moldavia----

BREAKING: Fights in Chisinau between the unionists with Romania and anti-govt demonstrators http://www.publika.md/2398191 prin @publikatv

09-13-2015, 11:27 AM
Business as usual over Baltic sea: Denmark intercepts Ru bomber near territorial airspace http://bit.ly/1i80YXZ pic.twitter.com/VAXNxg9hfE

Interesting seizure in Polovynkyne, #Luhansk 9M311 missiles, plus RPG, grenades, ammo...but heck---, Tunguska missiles? pic.twitter.com/2MCRiMPNoJ

In the middle of the Russian ceasefire in the Ukraine and in direct violation of Minsk 2 they claim they want the Ukraine to totally fulfill---this-----

Through #Maryinivka 3 columns of 10 trucks with GRAD MRLS seen coming from the direction of Russia. https://twitter.com/ntv135790/status/643001431587467265 …

09-13-2015, 11:28 AM
This is a sample of this isolationist mentality of the Obama Administration—they were actually part and parcel of the so called Normandy Five when we were in Normandy for the first meeting—THEN Obama pulled out leaving it for the Europeans to handle with it now being the Normandy Four.

After the Kerry Sochi Putin meeting where Kerry actually criticized the Ukrainian President in front of Putin the US attempted to setup a back channel between Nuland and Russia in order to get back into the Normandy format---Russia has effectively sidelined the US and frozen them out of the following meetings and basically the meetings are going in circles as Putin wants the political points inside Minsk 2 to be fulfilled and is basically refusing to implement the military points-ie total and complete POW exchanges, total withdrawal of Russian troops and her mercenaries, restoration of the Ukrainian border, total and complete withdrawal of all heavy weapons verified by OSCE and a total and complete monitoring by OSCE—none of that has been achieved.

Nuland and her counterpart had several meetings but lately not a single one as they were not going anywhere and after she was accused of pressuring the Ukraine into a unilateral appeasement move with no reciprocal demands on Russia she has not been to the Ukraine until yesterday.

Russia has gone into a ceasefire right now because of Syria, Putins UN visit, the coming potential EU sanctions rollovers in December etc.

Below is from yesterday’s meetings---NOTICE Germany is harping that progress is being made and the Ukrainian response was nothing was achieved—all the Russians wanted to do was talk about elections and yet they are still occupying eastern Ukraine and per Minsk 2 they should have been pulling out by now-along with their mercenaries and should have exchanged the remaining 189 POWs.

It is really worth reading the Minsk 2 agreement in order to see what Russia has never implemented all the while demanding the Ukraine fulfill every point.

Notice just how Germany wants progress so they can get back to business as usual.

AND just where is the US in all of this????? AWOL across the board—that is isolationism not retrenchment.

Klimkin: Normandy talks as confrontational as they were before. https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/642922454671851520 …

Russia refused to pass to Ukraine the control over Ukraine's border – Klimkin nothing achieved.

Germany says 'significant progress' made at #Ukraine meeting
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/12/us-ukraine-crisis-germany-stei... …

Time for sustained cease-fire, meaningful progress in implementation of Minsk Agreements, says OSCE SG on Ukraine http://www.osce.org/node/181686

ATO press center: 3 militant attacks recorded yesterday. No casualties among UA forces
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1066153943395411&id=82065100... …

@waterloo_2014 Rumours are spread, RUS troops and hardware being withdrew. I didn't note that. Drills in progress, ready 'to Kyiv'...

@hingar66 Affirm. Many of them in #Starobesheve-#Dokuchaevsk, not going away but intrenching... https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/642988583507349504 …

Germany's FM Steinmeier: UA and RU "close" t agreement.
Ukraine's FM @PavloKlimkin: there are differences btw parties on "almost all issues"

09-13-2015, 11:46 AM
One important fact that many do not understand about the Ukraine----

Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt
About a third of the most fertile soils of the world are in Ukraine. Food demand will grow fast in the decades ahead. pic.twitter.com/2fd71bjVgU

Historically even Hitler attempted to haul off the soil in 1941/42 back to Germany for his farmers.

Regiment #Azov is becoming a powerful unit within the Ukrainian National Guard.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s16bcA1K0o … pic.twitter.com/fG1n45pK27

09-13-2015, 12:16 PM
Russia now stating there are no Russians in eastern Ukraine although the demo trainer in this video is definitely GRU Spetsnaz---

Sharp shift in OPSEC in the Kremlin. Trainer is evidently from Spetsnaz as the training centers around sabotage attacks---
"We are not there anymore ... not even >volunteers<."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMrKV6gRoRI … pic.twitter.com/XQwHFsoHZC

Suddenly Russian army trainers don't wanna be recognised anymore in Donbas ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Xm_Em7Qz0 … pic.twitter.com/jqOvOEcKDY

Ukrainian border guard service reports 3 enemy drone flights were recorded in the zone of ATO yesterday
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8583.htm …

Truce in Donbas used to perform preparation of forces – Poltorak
http://www.unian.info/war/1122028-truce-in-donbas-used-to-perform-preparation-of-forces-poltorak.html … pic.twitter.com/WepSmLaDNN

Militant subversive groups (Spetsnaz) are active in #Luhansk region, tried to attack Ukr stronghold near Syze, were repelled http://mediarnbo.org/2015/09/13/zvedeni-dani-shhodo-situatsiyi-u-zoni-ato-13-veresnya/ …

09-13-2015, 12:32 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Declared Support for Putin Not a Measure of Support for Regime, Milov Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, September 13 – Russians continue to support Vladimir Putin as a kind of “distant ‘ambassador of Russia to the world’ who somewhere defends [their] ‘interests,’” but “the gap between support of Putin and the absence of support for real power locally and the system of power built by Putin as such is enormous,” Vladimir Milov says.

The Russian politician and former deputy energy minister says that “Putin is Putin, but the real administration in Russia is being carried out in an entirely different way. Putin doesn’t participate in it … and people have had enough of the monopoly system of administration” the Kremlin leader has put in place (kasparov.ru/material.php?id=55F4568D6E1D6).

Many haven’t noticed this divide, Milov continues, because they are distracted by television reporting on “’Putin and his international adventures,’ but the dissatisfaction of people is very obvious” especially since “the Ukrainian theme, Crimea and the Donbas in general do not have importance. These are marginal themes which in general don’t agitate people.”

To be sure, he continues, “the passivity and the lack of faith in the possibility of change for the better among people is great.” Consequently, “the task of politicians is to overcome this passivity and shake people up.” Despite polls and voting patterns to the contrary, “this is a completely achievable task.”

Putin’s ruling “United Russia” Party “is an absolutely dead brand, like monarchy in 1917. No one will follow it anywhere,” and thus it is far from clear “how they will raise this dead body for the 2016 Duma elections.”

“In general,” Milov says, “this situation looks like the one in 2011 [when protests spread across Russia] even though all sociologists predicted ‘business as usual’” and confidently predicted “victory for the party of party in the Duma elections.”

There is a reason sociologists do so: they “telephone one and the same set of grandmothers once a month who answer in the same way.” Politicians have a better grasp of the situation, he suggests, because “they work on the land and feel the real attitudes” of the people. And thus he urges everyone to remember that “no sociologists predicted” the 2011 protests.

09-13-2015, 12:43 PM
Interesting statement from the German FM---

GermanForeignOffice ✔ @GermanyDiplo

FM #Steinmeier on yesterday’s progress re #Ukraine: Tough piece of work! Now working group needs to implement results http://bit.ly/1J5GwNl

ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that the Ukrainian FM stayed that absolutely nothing had been achieved as usual since the Russians were unwilling to discuss the returning of POWs and the border to the Ukraine control as stated in Minsk 2.

Germany desperately wants to go back to business as usual as do the French so are they spinning lies into truths?????

09-13-2015, 12:51 PM
VIDEO With"ceasefire"on #Ukraine troops strengthen position #Donetsk Airport https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=6&v=XdRVttiiSRk … pic.twitter.com/3qZVStzMRx

58yo tank crew comman/ 'Malyar' is #Donetsk native, volunteered to the army. 1yr on his tank http://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2015/09/13/voni-zavzhdi-tam-de-najgaryachishe-voni-ukrainski-voini-tankisti!--/ … pic.twitter.com/z75GOQWvNr

How #Russia officers are recruited to war in #Ukraine. Story of major #Vladimir Starkov. http://en.censor.net.ua/r351570

Putin’s gas pipelines and #Ukraine:
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/12/putins-gas-pipelines-and-ukraine/ …

09-13-2015, 12:56 PM
Reference Moldava----

At least 15,000 people have gathered in the capital #Moldova to call for government dismissal

http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2809432 pic.twitter.com/58xVpHjNSx

09-13-2015, 05:06 PM
Top Russian general reports to the Kremlin about military operations in #donbas - Matios http://uatoday.tv/news/top-russian-general-reports-to-kremlin-about-military-operations-in-donbas-ukrainian-prosecutor-492637.html … pic.twitter.com/cEbwKE1fPU

Reference Polish border areas where there have been alleged Russians UAVs active lately--

Local law enforcement source: "Russian spy drones have been constantly crossing the border"

- still there
- definitely Polish army
- definitely monitoring UAVs
- at least 4 heavily armed soldiers

09-13-2015, 05:20 PM
Despite the official info, #Ukraine troops forbidden to spread info abt being shelled & shot at.

Why this secrecy? https://twitter.com/theinsider_ua/status/643103108353142784 …

Sporadic shooting from time to time all after-noon around #Maryinka.

09-13-2015, 06:00 PM
Reference Moldavia----

Moldova: "we Demand to return the status of the state. Not stolen and usurped country" pic.twitter.com/sgnc3t5wy4 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-moldova-we-demand-to-return-the-status-of-the …

Fear prevents #Moldova protest from expanding, ppl afraid of escalation like in Ukraine - @lokshin pic.twitter.com/rDPpVqjwIk

Moldova protesters call it a social uprising, not geopolitical’- http://en.hromadske.tv pic.twitter.com/b858BuISqr

Moldova govt used pro-EU policies as a shield for corruption, @lokshin explains
http://en.hromadske.tv pic.twitter.com/F5zz3Tz43u

Hromadske Int. @Hromadske
#Moldova oligarchs have very strong influence on every aspect of public life, that’s what people angry about -

09-13-2015, 06:02 PM
Gazprom promises to continue supplying gas to "LDPR" in winter, though no one knows who's going to pay for it. pic.twitter.com/BaWdGF6yGQ

MLRS Grad in Krasnyy Luch pic.twitter.com/xhG40KxLmh http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-mlrs-grad-in-krasnyy-luch …

2 held #Russia soldiers,Viktor & Nicholas Barsukov entered #Ukraine in uniforms w/o insignia https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://lb.ua/news/2015/09/13/315846_zaderzhannomu_granitse_rossiyskomu.html&usg=ALkJrhjZD588B7b5q4ego0PJLL1Op1If_A … pic.twitter.com/OarV1V5Pjp

A journalist spent 3 weeks with the Donbas Battalion. Here are the photos: http://bit.ly/1KLbQs5 pic.twitter.com/jzJUi2Zwe9

MLRS GRAD drills at occupied Donbas on 10, September pic.twitter.com/iMD9rvV03f http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-mlrs-grad-drills-at-occupied-donbas-on-10-september …

Exercises at Shyrokii Lan pic.twitter.com/h6s3WMX5b9 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-exercises-at-shyrokii-lan …

Luhansk, exhibition of destroyed equipment http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-lugansk-exhibition-of-destroyed-equipment- … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/GldBybnT10 via @666_mancer

09-13-2015, 06:07 PM
Isolation taught Putin a lesson’, now he’s trying to roll back some of his decisions, @radeksikorski thinks pic.twitter.com/j2PtwhbOcL

Member of #Russia's parliament claims that Obama,not Putin, took away free public transport from Russian retirees. 😱
https://twitter.com/gniloywest/status/642048986849935360 …

09-13-2015, 06:19 PM
Gazprom promises to continue supplying gas to "LDPR" in winter, though no one knows who's going to pay for it. pic.twitter.com/BaWdGF6yGQ

MLRS Grad in Krasnyy Luch pic.twitter.com/xhG40KxLmh http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-mlrs-grad-in-krasnyy-luch …

2 held #Russia soldiers,Viktor & Nicholas Barsukov entered #Ukraine in uniforms w/o insignia https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://lb.ua/news/2015/09/13/315846_zaderzhannomu_granitse_rossiyskomu.html&usg=ALkJrhjZD588B7b5q4ego0PJLL1Op1If_A … pic.twitter.com/OarV1V5Pjp

A journalist spent 3 weeks with the Donbas Battalion. Here are the photos: http://bit.ly/1KLbQs5 pic.twitter.com/jzJUi2Zwe9

MLRS GRAD drills at occupied Donbas on 10, September pic.twitter.com/iMD9rvV03f http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-mlrs-grad-drills-at-occupied-donbas-on-10-september …

Exercises at Shyrokii Lan pic.twitter.com/h6s3WMX5b9 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-exercises-at-shyrokii-lan …

Luhansk, exhibition of destroyed equipment http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-lugansk-exhibition-of-destroyed-equipment- … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/GldBybnT10 via @666_mancer

Russian MoD: Ukraine kidnapped Russian military and his brother from Rostov region http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-september-russian-mod-ukraine-kidnapped-russian-military …

09-13-2015, 06:23 PM

In Ukraine, General Winter now working against Russia, Felgengauer says

Russia has often had General Winter as its ally against invaders with mud and cold working against them, but now Russia faces General Winter as an enemy in Ukraine – and it is the weather rather than any change in Kremlin policy that makes it unlikely Moscow will launch major new offensives there until 2016, Pavel Felgengauer says.

In a comment for “Novoye vremya,” the Moscow military analyst argues that “the present relative calm in the Donbas must be connected in the first instance with the fact that the real time for the conduct of massive offensive military operations in this region has ended.” Thus, no new offensives should be expected “before January at the earliest.”

That was the case last year, he points out, and stresses that “this of course does not mean that in October, November or December exchanges of fire will not be renewed,” only that “wide-scale maneuver military actions are improbable.”

In the Donbas, it is easiest to fight when the ground is dry as in the summer or completely frozen as in late winter because that allows for movement not just along highways but across open country, Felgengauer points out. When the ground is soft or muddy as now, it is difficult to conduct such operations.

There is an additional factor, the independent military analyst says. “On October 1, the fall draft begins.” The Russian military will be in some turmoil as approximately 130,000 draftees from a year ago are allowed to go home and 130,000 new ones take their place. The latter will not yet have the training for major operations.

At the same time, Felgengauer says that he does not agree with those who argue that Russia will withdraw from the Donbas anytime soon. Not only is the tank army still there but Moscow has orchestrated a change in leadership in the “DNR” so that body has a more compliant head.

Consequently, he suggests, the current relative quiet “will not last forever but only for a certain time.”

09-13-2015, 07:37 PM
Ukraine armed forces will receive 400 more armored vehicles by year end https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-minoborony-anonsirovali-novye-postupleniya-voennoy-tehniki-188543_.html&prev=search … pic.twitter.com/t4Yc1K0gtB

From #Novoluhanske direction heard assault rifles and few explosions, sounds like there is a fight. https://twitter.com/parazit90f/status/643141486926823424 …
they fire on Ukr positions or in the air?

Towards #Sanzharivka shooting heard from smth large caliber. https://twitter.com/kmet7575/status/643144714301112320 …

OSCE: Aerial surveillance imagery revealed significant concentration of military equipment in the area of “LPR”-controlled #Alchevsk

80 military-type trucks, and 29 pieces of unidentified military equipment.

Six heavy artillery systems, seven (towed) battlefield guns, three main battle tanks (MBT), 43 armoured vehicles,

Kremlin-backed militants inadvertently acknowledge minimal public support :: http://khpg.org http://khpg.org/en/index.php?id=1442062097 …

09-14-2015, 10:44 AM
ATO spox: UA reconnaissance officers found & deactivated 14 hostile mines near Hnutove village in Mariupol region pic.twitter.com/New89wQ9Jf

ATO spox: Two UAF servicemen KIA, 2 WIA and 1 MIA in clashes yesterday | УКРІНФОРМ http://www.ukrinform.ua/ukr/news/doba_v_ato_dvoe__zagiblih_dvoe__poranenih_odin_zni kliy_bezvisti_2094974 …

2 Ukrainian soldiers KIA, 2 WIA, 1 MIA on Sunday.
Decrease in attacks doesn't lead to decrease in Ukrainian casualties.

Regiment #Azov training + epic rifle dance behind the correspondent.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDOkQP5A-VE …
#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/VNR3MjWrKX

09-14-2015, 10:45 AM
Russian proxies attack ATO forces eight times overnight http://uatoday.tv/news/russian-proxies-attack-ato-forces-eight-times-overnight-492913.html …

ATO spokesperson: Donetsk sector: 1-hour-long shootout between militants and UA Army took place yesterday near Luhanske village

Col. Lysenko: In the evening, several hostile armed provocations occurred near Lozove and Luhanske villages

Col. Lysenko: In the evening, several hostile armed provocations occurred near Lozove and Luhanske villages

ATO spokesperson: Enemy sniper attacked UA servicemen near Maryinka

Col. Andriy Lysenko: Militants were inactive at the frontline stretching from Dzerzhynsk to the Donetsk airport

Col. Lysenko: Cease-fire truce was fully observed yesterday in the Mariupol sector

09-14-2015, 10:56 AM
Russian EMERCOM now tweet "Donetsk and Luhansk oblasti(regions)". Forget DNR LNR pic.twitter.com/qZwpYxHohp

09-14-2015, 01:57 PM
Varios mines found in Gnutove (NE of Mariupol) via @DefenceU PMN-2 and TM-62M with the "2" slightly erased? pic.twitter.com/UaFfl6NWPr

Russian 8th Brigade Servicemen Return From Donbas as Cargo '200'or Disabled https://en.informnapalm.org/the-russian-8th-brigade-s-servicemen-return-from-donbas-as-cargo-200-or-disabled/ … pic.twitter.com/Nt1vvNq2Yb

New Russian tactics being used in Ukraine—instead of artillery they are now conducting Spetsnaz style raiding parties for hit and run attacks.

Artillery ceasefire simply a change of tactics? Two #Ukraine soldiers killed, 2 wounded, 1 missing after rebel raid and firefight, says Kiev

09-14-2015, 05:35 PM
Ukraine’s border guards detain deputy commander of Russian platoon
http://www.unian.info/society/1123020-ukraines-border-guards-detain-deputy-commander-of-russian-platoon.html … pic.twitter.com/rbIqEeRvRJ

Public executions held in militant-occupied #Ukraine: Tymchuk http://uatoday.tv/politics/public-executions-held-in-militant-held-ukraine-tymchuk-493273.html … pic.twitter.com/Wf0GFX6b0Z

SBU neutralized "DPR" information group.
http://goo.gl/Zcs8sv pic.twitter.com/0HBL8R9ufo

Russian artillery at work again against UAF positions---
Krasnogorivka outskirts shelled by ruscists, as of 20 minutes ago.

multiple confirming reports, locals report the same

Krasnohorivka @hyeva_maryinka [vk]
17:37 Booms, strong ones
17:40 Artillery - #Borysivka, Mayak cafe

Drunk #DNR #terrorists shoot civilians in occupied areas of #Donbass https://plus.google.com/104010886469890350976/posts/8EseB4GTbwT … pic.twitter.com/Rxvd5C1Sqv

SBU neutralizes militant informers (Photo)
http://www.unian.info/society/1123189-sbu-neutralizes-militant-informers-photo.html … pic.twitter.com/z4XPICwPwY

09-14-2015, 05:54 PM
Can any #Russia military watchers explain the purpose of single/double wire fences around 3 tents in this imagery? pic.twitter.com/zyzknoPJWn

13:59 @felixsteal Constant drills in that area - #Komsomolske area, #Dokuchaevsk, #Amvrosievka, #Donetsk, #Makiivka. Almost everywhere there

20:01 #Maryinka @hyeva_maryinka [vk] About an hour ago they started to shell. Now all together - now shooting, then booms, then quiet

19:25 #Khartsyzk @natroso 9-10 tanks thru the center tow/OstrovskogoSt&2 Ural trucks w/escort. Allegedly fr/#Zhdanivka tow/#Zuhres-#Ilovaysk

19:10 #Donetsk @JRijJyY08AkRzL8 Wind from the east brings faint armoured hardware roar from the line #Khanzhonkove-#Ilovaysk-#Kuteynikove

09-14-2015, 06:53 PM
Russia Duma dep stuck in tank, threatens to shoot witnesses if he can’t get out. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/530560.html … pic.twitter.com/bslTsHONDZ

09-14-2015, 07:34 PM

Russia may concede on Syria for free hand in Ukraine — analysts

First Deputy Speaker of Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy reports that Russia is building two military bases in the Belgorod Oblast and significantly expanding its military presence on the border with Ukraine in preparation for further aggression. The former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council discussed these developments on the Inter TV channel, September 13

According to Parubiy, a new military base is being build near the town of Valuyki in the Belgorod region, 25 km from the Ukrainian border, and an old Soviet base in Boguchar is being restored.

“Aside from Valuyki, a base is being prepared –actually restored — in Boguchar, Belgorod Region, right next to the Ukrainian border. An entire army… is being transferred there from Nizhny Novgorod,” he said.

Parubiy said Russia’s actions are designed to frighten and pressure the Ukrainian government while preparing the groundwork for a possible full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He pointed out that the most combat-ready units of the Russian army have already been transferred to the Ukrainian border.

Furthermore, according to Parubiy, Russia intends to carry out extremely large military exercises, involving about 100,000 soldiers, in the Central district in late September-early October.

Paribiy predicted that relative calm would prevail in the ATO zone until the end of September, before Putin’s trip to New York on September 28-29 for the UN General Assembly meeting. He also discounted any notion that Russia is expanding its military presence near the Ukrainian border only to have a bargaining chip with the West. Putin will be willing to bargain with the West, he believes, but it will be only to offer some concessions on Syria in exchange for a free hand in Ukraine.

“I can confidently say that on September 28-29 in New York Putin will be bargaining with the West over Syria. He will offer some concessions if they close their eyes on what is happening in Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea,” he said

As previously reported, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has determined that there are 50,500 Russian troops and militants in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and that some 200 Russian military training camps for Russian soldiers and militants have been deployed to Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

The pessimistic view of Russia’s intentions is seconded by Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer , who believes the huge Russian tank army that Putin has been supporting for more than two years indicates that Russia is preparing for war in Ukraine.

“Preparations for war are taking place on the border in Ukraine. Very large military forces have been concentrated there. Moreover they have been supported for more than two years. In Donbas alone there is an entire tank army consisting of Russian troops and local militants and two companies. The number of Russian mercenaries is reaching 40,000 and there are about 60 tank units. And of course this is serious and for the long-term, since the crisis in Ukraine has not been resolved and it is not clear if it will be resolved at all,” he said.

Felgenhauer also thinks any assumptions that Russia will now concentrate on Syria are mistaken since Ukraine is many times more important than Syria for the Russian Federation.

09-15-2015, 10:26 AM
Ukraine's LNR invites @SenJohnMcCain to monitor vote. Response: "I don't monitor elections in imaginary countries" http://zn.ua/POLITICS/makkeyn-otklonil-priglashenie-priehat-na-vybory-v-lnr-188690_.html …

How important are night vision devices on #Ukraine's front-lines? Read first-hand accounts http://www.peoplesproject.com/en/reports/first-hand-accounts-from-72nd-brigade/ … pic.twitter.com/1pFguFoNbP

In Odessa, six members of the communist party have been arrested for allegedly trying to murder a Euromaidan leader http://lb.ua/news/2015/09/15/315985_odesse_predotvratili_ubiystvo.html …

'Pantsir-S1' And 'Ural-43206' in Ukraine: https://en.informnapalm.org/pantsir-s1-and-ural-43206-in-ukraine/ … pic.twitter.com/WNnyXiQGsq

Members of terrorist group coordinated by #Russian secret service were detained in #Odessa http://lugansk-news.com/members-of-terrorist-group-coordinated-by-russian-secret-service-were-detained-in-odessa/ … pic.twitter.com/M0A8COciqL

09-15-2015, 10:27 AM
Russia's proxies continued chaotic attacks upon Ukr troops in Artemivsk sector. Fired a total of 7 times on 14 Sep https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1067450829932389 …

Michael Weiss ✔ @michaeldweiss
Dropping Thursday. pic.twitter.com/DPjToRPvGq
Article titled---“An invasion by any other name”

Battle at #Spartak, near #Donetsk. "Ceasefire? No, not heard." https://youtu.be/VDaOFlUQNHI via @YouTube

Dokuchajevsk 22:45
3 (RU) tanks, 10 BMP, 2 MTLB, 5 cars out of the city towards #Olenivka https://twitter.com/shuttle1907/status/643510797264646146 …

Donetsk oblast today.
Because why not! ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xS8UtfBLKs …

Col. Motuzyanyk: UA servicemen prevented a terrorist attack near Mariupol by locating specially equipped cache pic.twitter.com/7Ueza4BmaU

Weapons, explosives discovered in #Putin's 'humanitarian aid' http://uatoday.tv/politics/weapons-explosives-discovered-in-putin-s-humanitarian-aid-493498.html … Photo http://facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua pic.twitter.com/IJn0Obpskk

ATO spokesperson: No single flight of enemy UAV was recorded within the military operation area in the last 24 hours

09-15-2015, 10:28 AM
It's not the first Russian invader, who got lost in this area, while traveling from #Donetsk to #Novoazovsk. pic.twitter.com/aGazvvBqud

plus the two brothers who were lost while looking to buy cattle in their brand new RuArmy uniforms

Ukrainian state border service detained another Russian invader (from #Yakutsia), who got lost near #Berezove. pic.twitter.com/wd17dKvUTm

09-15-2015, 10:30 AM
CSTO Summit: Putin makes overtures to West as he urges resumption in conversations on building Euro-Atlantic security partnership.

Putin doubles down on support for Syria's armed forces at CSTO summit. Urges Assad to negotiate with "reasonable" opposition.

Putin also talks up spectre of Islamic State in Afghanistan. He's worried about it,

Central Asian leaders at CSTO summit are all about Islamic State. Worry about recruitment among their citizens.

CSTO summit: Nazarbayev bemoans that citizens from alliance members are joining ranks of radical organisations #Tajikistan

09-15-2015, 12:10 PM
VIDEO App 1 yr ago largest #Russia invasion convoy of 30+ vehicles entered #Luhansk #Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rDe9y5T2VI … pic.twitter.com/O1VgXDhjNC

Militants restrict access for OSCE observers
http://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ukrnews/1884579-militants_restrict_access_for_osce_observers_33435 0.html … pic.twitter.com/FUKFdoNScf

(Pro-)Russian forces D-30 artillery training in occupied Eastern #Ukraine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jguu5_pvZWE … pic.twitter.com/BTxrp7S2Ge

Latest Russian soldier detained in #Ukraine says he was there to buy cattle. Also said T-72 tanks make good tractors pic.twitter.com/HxtZ7Db3mS

09-15-2015, 05:13 PM
Appears Russian military is starting to slow step an offensive again--slow stepping menaing they start small SA attacks, then small mortar and auto grenade or RPG attacks all the while being ignored by the MSM as "nothing is really happening"--then when all are lulled then the shellings start again.

According to the military, Russian-backed forces have stepped up their attacks today, resuming attacks in the Mariupol area with mortars.

At around 10 am, Russian-backed forces shelled Ukrainian positions in Chermalyk with 82 mm mortars and fired on Gnutovo with grenade launchers.

At 16:30, the ATO Press Centre says that a Ukrainian defensive position in Marinka, west of Donetsk, was fired on with genade launchers, anti-aircraft artillery and small arms.

There were corresponding reports of fighting in the area on social media this afternoon---

Militants intensified fire in several ATO areas. https://twitter.com/zona_ato/status/643830314268127232 …

Maryinka @hyeva_maryinka [vk]
16:20 Quiet, black smoke over boarding school or further

Maryinka @hyeva_maryinka [vk]
16:28 Fr/bus station bridge one can observe fire&smoke near Karavansky pond, like a tank or BMP downed

UA C/p at Debaltseve attacked: 2 KIA, 1 WIA, 2 captured by DNR... https://twitter.com/ryabtchuk_roman/status/643830999382663168 …

13:52 #Maryinka @faina_ukr Ongoing battle in bearding school area. Very loud one

14:40 #Shakhtarsk @spice4russia 5 tanks fr/Shakhtarsk to #Torez
@natroso They were moving along #Donetsk bypass fr/S coming round #Makiivka

Does this sound like a solid ceasefire in progress or slow stepping????

For the last week to Dnipropetrovsk were delivered 56 wounded and 6 dead from ATO zone http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-september-for-the-last-week-to-dnipropetrovsk-were-delivered …

09-15-2015, 05:15 PM
OSCE Sec. General Zannier tells us that Russian-backed militants may have shot down OSCE drone

http://bit.ly/1isC9Xx pic.twitter.com/4llWpmw3yO

09-15-2015, 05:36 PM
We're going to have to develop TTPs [tactics, techniques & procedures] to address" Russia's "long-range SAM array" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-has-closed-the-air-power-gap-with-nato-us-general-warns …

Gen. Gorenc warned last year: "1/3 of Poland is under Russian IADS [integrated air defense system] coverage" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-has-closed-the-air-power-gap-with-nato-us-general-warns …

Russia's "modern long-range SAM systems...are being layered in a way that makes access [in Europe]...more difficult" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-has-closed-the-air-power-gap-with-nato-us-general-warns …

Alarming" that Russia can create "anti-access/area denied [zones] that are very well defended" by SAM batteries http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-has-closed-the-air-power-gap-with-nato-us-general-warns …

Gen. Gorenc on #Russia air power: Invested in "a very large modernization" & have improved both "quality & quantity" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/russia-has-closed-the-air-power-gap-with-nato-us-general-warns …

09-15-2015, 06:47 PM
Well worth reading........................


Karen Dawisha

Signs of rift within Putin's kleptocracy

September 15, 2015

Back when the future president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, was still working at the Mayor's Office of Saint Petersburg, shiny new Mercedes cars were not quite as ubiquitous on the streets of the city as they are now. However, there were two parked in the yard of a newly renovated building that was to be converted to South Africa's consulate. Vladimir Putin and Sergey Shoigu © RIA/Scanpix One of them belonged to Anatoly Sobchak, the then Mayor of Saint Petersburg. The other one was Putin's, who was at the time in charge of liaisons with foreign countries. One day, the Mayor's Office received a phone call; the caller, after introducing himself, said he was interested in procuring new cars and asked if someone at the city administration could recommend a good local Mercedes-Benz dealership. In fact, there were no Mercedes-Benz dealerships in Saint Petersburg.

"From the next day, Putin stopped driving his Mercedes. But Sobchak did not," says Karen Dawisha, an American analyst and the author of Putin's Kleptocracy. Who Owns Russia? Related articles: Putin's Russia. The dangerous illusion of independent and western oligarchs (5) Putin’s Russia: What did Nemtsov’s assassination reveal about the current regime? "But he [Putin] did not sell his Mercedes either. It remained in the yard.

This is just to say that from a very early stage they understood that Putin was interested in acquiring wealth, but was going to be very careful in announcing that," she adds.

Dawisha learned this little anecdote from someone in the intelligence community who at the time was working in Saint Petersburg and watching Putin. The analyst says that American and Western European intelligence services had their eye on Putin from a very early stage. Still, they pushed a panic button when, in 1998, he was appointed to head the Federal Security Service (FSB)."But then it was a matter of months until he was prime minister, named by [President Boris] Yeltsin as his heir apparent. And immediately after that were the apartment bombings and the beginning of the war in Chechnya, which was too late [to react]," Dawisha summarizes how P

Putin's meteoric rise to power caught Western intelligence quite unprepared.
Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin © Reuters/Scanpix Finally, on 11 September 2001, the United States was shocked to its core by terrorist attacks in New York and Washington and threw all its resources into war on terror. Putin was left alone to build his kleptocratic regime run by the siloviki, former agents of the Russian security agencies.

The meaning of exposés on preposterous wealthIn her book, Dawisha analyses the development of Russia's current power elite since the collapse of the USSR. The conclusion she draws is that siloviki from the KGB built a regime based on the silovarch class: former KGB agents turned into state-backed oligarchs who use national resources to build their personal wealth and influence.However, the solidity of this class seems to have started cracking after Russia's economy took a hit from targeted Western sanctions, a response to Moscow's aggression against Ukraine, and record-low oil prices which caused the rouble's exchange rate to plummet.


09-15-2015, 06:49 PM
Ah.... the very cornerstones of the Russian non linear warfare ie weaponization of information and cyber warfare comes back to roost......

Kremlin hit by "very powerful" cyberattack:
http://hill.cm/FvLyCpe pic.twitter.com/3fXVy6NdhK

09-15-2015, 07:03 PM
Head of FSB Patrushev: US is to blame for hostility between Russians and Ukrainians

pic.twitter.com/GlcZePykHX http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-september-head-of-fsb-patrushev-us-is-to-blame-for-hostility …

So the US is directly responsible yet Putin wants to talk?????

Dmitry Peskov: Putin is open to dialogue with Barack Obama pic.twitter.com/7RRoqS3Rxg http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-september-dmitry-peskov-putin-is-open-to-dialogue-with …

09-15-2015, 07:04 PM
Would actually agree with this------

Russia's already lost its own information war NATO says
http://www.unian.info/world/1124550-russias-already-lost-its-own-information-war-nato-says.html … pic.twitter.com/iZMknMimIw

09-15-2015, 07:22 PM

Putin Losing in Ukraine, Looks to Syria
September 14, 2015

Ulrich Speck

In Ukraine, the Kremlin’s overarching goal has been to bring that country back under Russian control. But as Ukraine has become a stronger state that is integrating itself with the West, the likelihood for the Kremlin’s success is getting smaller every day. In order to distract from this strategic defeat, Russian President Vladimir Putin has increased his military engagement in Syria. In the Kremlin’s view, Syria is another country where the United States and Russia fight for dominance, and it seems that Putin thinks that Syria presents an opportunity to win. The West should tread carefully, and take Moscow’s initiative as a further sign that a major diplomatic push is way past due in Syria – but not on Putin’s terms.

Russia will not announce defeat in Ukraine. But Ukraine’s resistance against the Russian-led attack in Donbas in combination with support from the West has made it impossible for Moscow to win back control over Ukraine any time soon without a major war. Instead of falling back into Russia’s sphere of domination, Ukraine has started along the long and hard road toward building a liberal-democratic nation state.

The Minsk II ceasefire has given Ukraine needed breathing space, moving the conflict from the military field to the diplomatic field. Russia had hoped that it could achieve its goal with diplomatic means, exerting pressure on Ukraine and its Western backers to accept a wide-ranging autonomy of Donbas and legal opportunities to Moscow’s proxies to block nation-wide policies it did not like.

But neither Ukraine nor the West is ready to accept Russia’s interpretation of Minsk II. Instead of becoming a tool to control Ukraine, the Donbas region is becoming another “frozen conflict,” a Russian-controlled enclave, similar to Transnistria. Under economic stress because of the fall of oil prices and Western sanctions, and without substantial support from other important players (such as China), the Kremlin seems to be ready to give up on the goal of reintegrating Ukraine, at least for the moment.

Increasing Russia’s role in Syria presents an opportunity for Putin to put Moscow back in the center of global politics, distract from the quagmire that the Donbas has become, and to score points abroad and at home.

Russia has always been a staunch supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, delivering weapons and shielding his regime from international condemnation by using its veto at the UN Security Council. But the Russian military build-up in Syria late last week caught the West by surprise.

By signaling to everybody that Russia is fully committed to keep Assad in power, Putin is exploiting Washington’s insecurity about its Syria strategy. While the United States and other Western governments have taken a stance against the Assad regime in the past, they have nevertheless focused their fight on the self-proclaimed Islamic State group (ISIS), not on the Assad regime. Putin wants to demonstrate that he, in contrast, is a bold actor with a strategy and a reliable patron in the region. His other message is that the time of regime change is over and that Russia stands ready to defend autocratic clients (taking a similar role to the one Russia played in the 19th century as the bulwark of monarchic legitimacy against Western liberalism and revolution).

At the same time, Putin is hoping that if he can pull together a strong anti-ISIS campaign under the headline of the “war on terrorism,” the West may again see Russia as a reliable player ready to work for solutions in regional crises.

Like the Ukraine adventure, the Syrian engagement is a risky game. Assad may be just like former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych: a man of the past that Putin tries vainly to keep in power. Assad will certainly not be able to regain control over Syria; at best he will be able to defend the territory he has managed to keep, or parts of it. Russia alone will not be able to substantially change the balance of power. ISIS may even be able to push Assad out, leaving Russia with no cards to play in Syria anymore. This would be an eerie repeat of Russia’s bid for influence in Ukraine.

In any case, Western policymakers should resist the temptation to align themselves with Russia in Syria. They should make clear that they understand that Assad’s terror is the root cause of the violence in Syria and that his bombing campaigns against civilians are the main drivers of the refugee crisis. They should understand that it is time for a major diplomatic initiative to push for a transformation in Syria, in order to set-up a post-Assad government that would be supported by the West in its fight against ISIS. The refugee crisis and Russia’s stepped-up military involvement should serve as a wake-up call: the longer the war in Syria drags on, the more costly it will become, in all regards.

09-15-2015, 07:33 PM
Russian propaganda agency "NewsFront" showed movie "American Provocation. MH17". Blaming Ukraine


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOkw4uzDbNQ …

09-16-2015, 10:27 AM

Another form of Russian non linear warfare-----actually indicated in their eight phases.

Anton Shekhovtsov

Russian Politicians Building an International Extreme Right Alliance

September 15, 2015

Explorations of the Global Far Right

21:58 (GMT)

Russia seems to be getting serious about building an international alliance of extreme right parties that would aim at undermining the liberal democratic consensus in the West. In addition to providingfinancial support for parties such as France's Front National and using extreme right activists and politicians as tools of propaganda, Russia is now building what it calls the "World National-Conservative Movement" (WNCM). A number of the internal documents (passed to me by the Moscow-based "Sova Centre") provide an insight into the agenda and structure of the WNCM.

The logo of the World National Conservative Movement

The driving force behind the movement is the St. Petersburg branch of the extreme right Rodina (Motherland) and the Russian Imperial Movement. Rodina was founded in 2003, and one of its co-founders was current Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. While Rogozin is not a member of the party now, he is rumoured to maintain the contacts with the party. The Russian Imperial Movement, whose self-described ideology is "Christian Orthodox imperial nationalism," was founded in 2002.

The chair of the organising committee of the WNCM is a prominent member of Rodina Yuriy Lyubomirskiy. The phrase "national-conservative" in the title of the movement should not confuse the readers. "National-conservatism," while being a legitimate term in political science, is only a misleading self-description of the WNCMto avoid the term "extreme right."

The WNCM describes itself as "an international association of political parties, organizations and private citizens formed on a voluntary and equal basis by representatives of various countries and peoples on the basis of their commitment to achieving the goals" of the movement.

The manifesto of the movement claims that the world is governed by the ideology of "liberalism, multiculturalism and tolerance". This, in the view of the activists, results in "the erosion of nations, massive migration from countries with foreign civilizational bases, falling away from religion, replacement of spirituality by materialism, impoverishment of cultures, destruction of the family and healthy moral values" through "abortion, propaganda of debauchery and acceptance of sexual perversions." Furthermore, the manifesto refers to the "super-national institutions" such as the EU and NATO, and argues that these forces represent "the global cabal" which, in the Russian cultural discourse, is essentially a euphemistic reference to the global Jewish conspiracy. The WNCM aims to counter liberalism and globalisation by staging a "conservative revolution" and bringing far right parties to power in Western societies. The manifesto claims that a "victory of the conservative revolution even in one country [...] will provide an example for other countries." Establishing the WNCMis considered the first step in this direction.

The scope of the Russian project is rather impressive, and the list of parties and groups that the founders of the WNCM have invited to participate in the movement consists of 58 organisations. The majority of them come from Europe and the US, but there are also organisations from Chile, Japan, Mongolia, Syria, and Thailand. The political positions of the majority of these parties leave no doubt that the WNCM is an extreme right, rather than a "national conservative," movement. Here are some of the names from the list: Nordiska Motstndsrrelsen and Nordisk Ungdom (Scandinavia), Danskernes Parti (Denmark), Golden Dawn (Greece), Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Germany), Falanga (Poland), Generace Identity(Slovakia), Renouveau franais (France), Noua Dreaptă (Romania),British Unity (UK). The list, however, also features less extreme - yet still far from the mainstream right - political parties such asPerussuomalaiset (Finland), Jobbik (Hungary), Slovensk nrodn strana (Slovakia), Kongres Nowej Prawicy (Poland), and some others. However, the core of the organisations invited to the WNCM is clearly on the extreme right, verging on neo-Nazism.

The complete list of the invited groups and organisations is found at the bottom of this article.

Some of the organisations invited to participate in the WNCM already took part in the "International Russian Conservative Forum" that took place in St. Petersburg in March this year, and the idea to found theWNCM was most likely conceived at that event. Back then, Rodina's initiative looked insignificant, but today the WNCM goes further than just a framework for conferences, and its programme gives evidence that the movement is focused on action.

In particular, the WNCM is going to create an information network consisting of the web-sites and pages on social networks as a platform for exchanging information and experience, defend "persecuted national-conservatives and activists" by petitioning the governments, provide "humanitarian help" to Serbs in Kosovo, Christians of the Middle East, and "inhabitants of Novorossia" - a region in Eastern Ukraine occupied by Russia-backed separatists. It should be noted that, in April 2014, Rodina and the Russian Imperial Movement formed the All-Russian Social Movement "For Novorossiya" that called for the annexation of not only Crimea but most of Ukraine's territory too.

A more frightening part of the programme is the intention of the WNCM to organise "joint camps for military and athletic instruction" and form volunteer international brigades that would be used in zones of military conflict. It is hardly surprising that one of the organisations invited to take part in the WNCM is "Unit Continentale" that was formed in summer 2014 by French and Serbian ultranationalists who volunteered to go to Eastern Ukraine to support Russia-backed separatists. Moreover, in July-August 2015, the Russian Imperial Movement advertised a week-long military camp called "Partisan" and invited men to learn survival techniques, urban guerrilla tactics, military topography, as well as practicing with Kalashnikovs and other weapons.

It may be too early to sound alarm, but the formation of a Russia-backed far right international movement that will have a military component may become a serious challenge to democratic societies in Europe.

Complete list of invited organisations (Note that some of them do not exist (any more)):

For the list refer to the above link----

09-16-2015, 10:29 AM
US Department of Defense approved $9,049,306 contract to supply RQ-11B Raven UAV for #Ukraine http://lugansk-news.com/us-department-of-defense-approved-9049306-contract-to-supply-rq-11b-raven-uav-for-ukraine/ … pic.twitter.com/yGcXr4jcyi

Ukraine wants Western weaponry if #Putin #Minsk deal fails http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/15/us-ukraine-crisis-arms-idUSKCN0RF20O20150915 … pic.twitter.com/EnLhzNkGPV

Security Service of #Ukraine found big cache of weapon in #Lugansk Region. Video https://youtu.be/O0af1gtFDRQ

They mostly surf the Internet to learn about central banking mechanisms" - great piece on DNR's Central Bank: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-15/the-central-bank-with-no-currency-no-interest-rates-but-atms …

09-16-2015, 03:47 PM
Will post here tomorrow a link to an extremely important article concerning the death of Russian soldiers fighting in the Ukraine.

I had taken a bet on just how long would it take for someone to follow up a so called leak on an article claiming over 2000 Russia dead in the Ukraine that Russia massively tried to convince western MSM was a fake story.

TOOK only 15 days for a western media outlet to run with it-a great journalist wrote it---Michael Weiss who has written a leading book on the ISIS..

BUT absolutely no one else out of the MSM.


09.16.151:13 AM ET

Finding Putin’s Dead Soldiers in Ukraine

An exclusive excerpt from a new report shows how Russia has covered up its dirty war in Eastern Europe.

On September 17, The Interpreter, a special project of the Institute of Modern Russia, will be presenting “An Invasion by Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine,” an in-depth forensic accounting of evidence showing Russian weaponry and Russian soldiers in combat in the occupied regions of east Ukraine. Since Vladimir Putin has to date denied any involvement by his armed forces in the year-and-a-half-long war, one of the more difficult aspects of proving the contrary has been documenting “Cargo 200”—a long-used military euphemism to describe Russian war dead. The following excerpt from “An Invasion,” written by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick, examines one case in particular and nicely ties it in with attempts by Russian civil society to get to the bottom of a “missing” paratrooper company of Russia’s Pskov Airborne Troops Division, said to have been killed in action in Ukraine.

The Curious Case of Leonid Kichatkin

Trying to follow up on clues left on VKontakte, Russia’s answer to Facebook, can be frustrating—and ultimately dangerous to reporters. Anatoly Vorobey, a Russian-language blogger based in Tel Aviv who blogs at avva.livejournal.com, discovered just how unreliable social media can be for investigating such cases.

In late August 2014, he posted a picture of the logbooks from a Russian BMD-2 infantry fighting vehicle. The logbook included a listing for Leonid Kichatkin, age 30, a senior sergeant in the unit. Several days after Vorobey’s discovery, a notice boxed in red was posted to Kichatkin’s VKontakte page that read: “Dear Friends!!!!!!!!!! Lyona [Leonid] was killed funeral Monday at 10:00 wake in Vybuty. Who would like to bid farewell please come we will be glad to see you. If anything call [telephone number] Wife Oksana.”

Vorobey found earlier posts from Oksana on her own page, saying first that she was waiting desperately for news of Leonid, then that “life had stopped,” and finally that she expected her husband’s coffin “within five days.” All of this, plus the condolences of friends, appeared to be unmistakable proof that Kichatkin was among those killed at Lutugino.

By Sunday, August 24, however, Kichatkin’s page on VKontakte had been removed. At about the same time, Oksana (or perhaps someone else who had assumed control over her account) wrote: “My husband is alive and well and we are now marking the baptism of our daughter.”

Ivan Vasyunin, a journalist from Russkaya Planeta, posted a notice on Twitter that he had reached Oksana and also spoken to a man who identified himself as Leonid, and that the couple had asked people not to call.

Secret Funerals for the 76th

Slon.ru’s Aleksei Ponomarev reported on August 25, 2014, that the funerals for the dead paratroopers had been closed to the public. He was told by a local eyewitness that about 100 people were present at the service, conducted at a small cemetery near a 15th century church, not far from the military base of the 76th Division. The funeral was under police guard, and no outsiders were permitted to attend.

Relatives of the alleged slain said they had heard nothing from the men since August 15 or 16; worse, they said, the 76th’s commanders told them to keep quiet and not talk to the press or anyone else.

Military spokesmen denied the stories, even though wreaths from the military were found on the graves. Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov, commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, said that “everyone is alive and well in our assault paratroopers division.” Major General Igor Konashenkov of the Russian Defense Ministry also said such information was “a falsehood” when Ukrainian forces said they had seized a Russian BMD with documents of paratroopers killed or captured.

When pictures of the soldiers’ graves began to appear on social media, pro-Kremlin trolls said the images had been Photoshopped, and a debate about the authenticity of the news ensued. Hoping to get to the bottom of the story, on August 25, Novaya Gazeta’s Nina Petlyanova and Irina Tumanova, a reporter from the St. Petersburg newspaper Fontanka, traveled to Pskov Region to find out more.

Initially, when Petlyanova called the Kichatkins, Oksana Kichatkin once again insisted that her husband Leonid was alive, and that his VKontakte page had been hacked. Oksana gave the phone to a man who said he was Leonid, was alive and well, and had not gone anywhere because his wife was “pregnant, plus there are three children.” He also offered to “sing a song for you or dance for the video camera” to prove his status as living.

Baffled, the journalists continued to the graveyard near the 76th Division base, where they found a grave with the name of Leonid Yuryevich Kichatkin and the dates of his life, September 30, 1984–August 19, 2014, as well as wreaths from military units. They found a major standing near the grave who told them that two soldiers had just been buried, Kichatkin and another whose grave read “Aleksandr Sergeyevich Osipov [December 15, 1993–August 20, 2014].” The major turned out to be the father of Aleksandr Osipov. He was mourning that he had sent his own son off to war in Ukraine.

As is customary at Russian gravesides, the major had a little table with bottles of vodka, bread, and tomatoes for the wake. He and the journalists drank to the memory of Aleksandr, and the major said: “He wanted to be a hero... Soldiers have a job to do. Somebody has to pay their debt to the motherland.” He said that Aleksandr’s convoy had been caught between mortar and Grad fire after spending only a week in Ukraine. He didn’t know how many had been killed, but said there were more to bury.

Near Kichatkin’s grave, the journalists also discovered one of Kichatkin’s relatives, who said that the family had held a brief service for Kichatkin, who had “been killed near Lugansk while fulfilling his military duties.” That was all he knew. By now, the telephone number Petlyanova had been calling, on which Kichatkin’s wife and her supposed husband had previously responded to queries, had been disconnected.

The pair returned the next day, August 26, to investigate the other graves with Vladimir Romensky of TV Rain and Ilya Vasyunin of the Russian news site Russkaya Planeta; however, they were pushed back by a group of local thugs whom they believed had been directed by the authorities. They then met up with other reporters from Novaya Gazeta and Fontanka and attempted another visit and were attacked again, but Romensky and Vasyunin managed to film their ordeal.

In one of these videos, which became emblematic for the Russian media community of the thwarted attempts to cover the Cargo 200 issue, the journalists were shown caroming around a graveyard in a car as hooded thugs in tracksuits threw rocks at the vehicle to try to break their windows and wielded large screws to try to puncture their tires. One reporter made a frantic call to police to try to get the authorities to intervene; another reporter tried to get the attackers to back off, saying that he and his colleagues would leave the cemetery. Meanwhile, clearly seen in the background of the video were fresh graves, heaped with flowers under wooden cross-barred Russian Orthodox crosses and wreathes from the Russian Airborne Division. As one YouTube commentator, Dmitry Shchelokov, noted on TV Rain’s video posting:

These aren’t thugs hiding their faces; this is Putin showing his face. This is the essence of Putin’s policy, just as in the attack on Ukraine—hidden faces, obvious intentions and obvious contractors [to carry out the job]. Putin’s FSB sent their thug stand-ins to prevent the journalists from finding the graves of the Pskov paratroopers, killed in Ukraine, a small crime to cover up the tracks of a bigger crime of Putin.

Russian military officials denied any relationship of the incident to the war in Ukraine. But TV Rain also reported that Sergei Kovalchenko, editor-in-chief of the Telegraf wire service, was stopped at the cemetery in Vybuty on August 26 as well. Venera Galeyeva of Fontanka also tweeted about the attack.

On August 30, Petlyanova reported that Kichatkin’s relatives were being threatened with the loss of any death benefits or pensions connected to their loved ones if they spoke to the press. The division commander stonewalled the reporters. Relatives of the alleged slain said they had heard nothing from the men since August 15 or 16; worse, they said, the 76th’s commanders told them to keep quiet and not talk to the press or anyone else.

The Missing Paratrooper Company

Ultimately, an entire company of Pskov paratroopers was reported to have been killed fighting in Ukraine in August, Pskovskaya Guberniya and Slon.ru reported on September 2. After these outlets published the news of the three paratroopers’ funerals, they were contacted by other paratroopers who requested anonymity but gave them a tape of an interview with soldiers in the company. The soldiers on the tape claimed that only 10 men had survived out of 80 and that as many as 140 could have died.

09-16-2015, 03:51 PM
Zakharchenko thinks fake elections Oct 18 will mark completion of state construction of DNR:
http://dan-news.info/politics/glava-dnr-zaxarchenko-podpisal-ukaza-o-provedenii-mestnyx-vyborov-18-oktyabrya.html … pic.twitter.com/Pf4So7EBHh

Zakharchenko vows to push on with local #Donetsk vote despite talk of #Minsk compliance. Illegal election would derail fragile peace efforts

THIS is why Russian urgently wants the Ukraine to drop their blockade and fund the Donbass instead of Russian budget money-----this is not exactly how Putin envisioned his takeover of the Donbass—he wanted to take it BUT have the Ukraine pay for it monthly—not Russians paying for it.

Russia transfers USD 40 mln monthly for pensions in occupied #Donetsk region http://uatoday.tv/news/russia-transfers-usd-40-mln-monthly-for-pensions-in-occupied-donetsk-region-494815.html … pic.twitter.com/uX1E34QkEq

Sep.16, Rus militants and armored vehicles near Sontseve. #Ukraine https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/644117429170348032 …

09-16-2015, 03:58 PM

Russia is a stable nation surrounded by ceasefires. pic.twitter.com/mVmZ7FTin8

09-16-2015, 04:19 PM
MFA of Ukraine ✔ @MFA_Ukraine
.@poroshenko urged 2 prolong&broaden sanctions in reactn 2 irrespnsble decision on holdng illegal elections in Donbas pic.twitter.com/wTBXxe7485

Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt
The fake Oct 18 local elections now announced in separatist Donetsk are clearly in violation of the Minsk agreement.http://dan-news.info/politics/glava-dnr-zaxarchenko-podpisal-ukaza-o-provedenii-mestnyx-vyborov-18-oktyabrya.html …

MO of Ru subversive, deadly landmines are no match for soft skin vNew ehicles, Today https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1654149774853833&set=a.1610335752568569.1073741835.100007764793287&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/rtTQurotOi

09-16-2015, 04:21 PM
MFA of Ukraine ✔ @MFA_Ukraine
.@poroshenko urged 2 prolong&broaden sanctions in reactn 2 irrespnsble decision on holdng illegal elections in Donbas pic.twitter.com/wTBXxe7485

Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt
The fake Oct 18 local elections now announced in separatist Donetsk are clearly in violation of the Minsk agreement.http://dan-news.info/politics/glava-dnr-zaxarchenko-podpisal-ukaza-o-provedenii-mestnyx-vyborov-18-oktyabrya.html …

MO of Ru subversive, deadly landmines are no match for soft skin vNew ehicles, Today https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1654149774853833&set=a.1610335752568569.1073741835.100007764793287&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/rtTQurotOi

Looks like that means "not Ukrainian law," direct violation of Minsk which they signed https://twitter.com/Interpreter_Mag/status/644151409361948672 …

09-16-2015, 04:24 PM
Institute for Modern Russia and Atlantic Council to Release The Interpreter's Report 'An Invasion by Any Other Name: The Kremlin's Dirty War in Ukraine'

14:55 (GMT)

Tomorrow, September 17, the Institute for Modern Russia and the Atlantic Councli will co-host the presentation of a new report from The Interpreter titled An Invasion by Any Other Name: Russia's Dirty War in Ukraine prepared by the Liveblog Team.

The report summarizes 550 days of reporting on Russia's war on Ukraine using regional news, social media, and sources in the area to provide compelling proof of Russia's troops and armor in the Donbass, still denied by President Vladimir Putin.

The first part of the report provides evidence of Russian armor spotted in combat in Ukraine which could only have been supplied by Russia as the tanks and other hardware are not in Ukraine's arsenal.

The second part of the report chronicles the struggle of the independent media and non-governmental groups in Russia to cover the story of "Cargo 200" -- the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in combat returned to the Motherland. Some 600 Russian contract soldiers and volunteers have been documented as killed in the Donbass.

A livestream of the event can be found here.

09-16-2015, 04:25 PM
Zakharchenko Announces Local Elections In Occupied Territory Will 'Be Held In Accordance With DNR Constitution'

13:22 (GMT)

The pro-separatist Donetsk News Agency (DAN) reports that Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), has signed a decree for local elections to be held on October 18.

The elections will, Zakharchenko said, be conducted in several rounds, due to the budget and security issues.

The first round will include elections for the leadership of several districts, including Amvrosievka, Novoazovsk, Starobeshevo, Telmanovo, Gorlovka, Debaltsevo, Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk, Yenakievo, Zhdanovka, Makeyevka, Snezhnoye, Torez, Khartsyzsk, Shakhtyorsk and Yasinovataya.

Zakharchenko claimed that the electoral process will be complete by mid-2016.

An announcement on the DNR 'government portal,' dnr-online.ru, states that the elections will be held "in accordance with the Minsk agreements and the constitution and laws of the DNR."

Zakharchenko said (translated by The Interpreter):

"We have absolutely nothing to do with the local elections that will be held on Ukrainian territory. We are fulfilling the Minsk agreements, Kiev is on record as not doing so."

However, as Ukrainska Pravda notes, the DNR elections will constitute a violation of the Minsk agreement, according to which local elections must be held in compliance with Ukrainian law and be monitored by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

As OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier told The Interpreter's James Miller last week, the organisation will not be able to conduct election monitoring in separatist-held territory this October due to a lack of cooperation on the part of Russian-backed separatists.

09-16-2015, 04:58 PM
Luhansk Governor Heorhiy Tuka said he would seek the dismissal of all the teachers who have supported Russian-backed proxies of the self-proclaimed “Luhansk People’s Republic”:
I will never get tired of fighting with the teachers who were actively involved in pro-Russian protest movements and campaigned in favour of the pseudo-referendum, but continued working at their schools and teaching children. He added that the dismissal of these people was one of his top priorities and that he would carry out this task very meticulously.

09-16-2015, 04:59 PM
Ukrainian forces make biggest discovery of weapons intended for Russian-backed militants
http://uatoday.tv/crime/ukrainian-forces-make-biggest-discovery-to-date-of-weapons-intended-for-russian-backed-militants-494896.html … pic.twitter.com/ZKkt6zZVua

09-16-2015, 08:50 PM
Meanwhile in #Syria. Command vehicle R-149BMRA Kushetka-B of tactical level. As in Luhansk a year ago pic.twitter.com/99JdTrtbXB

LPR base near Krasnyi Luch
43 MLRS BM-21 Grad
16 howitzers Gvozdika
10 towed howitzer Msta-B
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/182421 … pic.twitter.com/vAT0qIGROX

Smolensk area, #Russia: Another Mi-24 helicopter fell @SobiNewsRussia pic.twitter.com/oQFtVdmO9T

09-16-2015, 08:55 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 9.14

Posted on September 16, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

The situation remains rather tense in the ATO zone; the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups intensified their activities along several sections of the demarcation line simultaneously. Shelling of the ATO forces’ positions was observed from small arms and RPGs. Occasionally, sporadic fire by terrorists from AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers and 82-mm mortars was observed.

In particular, activity by Russian terrorist forces’ sabotage and reconnaissance groups was recorded in the area of Avdiivka, in the direction of Artemivsk, near Stanytsia Luhanska, in the areas between the towns of Popasna and Shchastya, and Volnovakha and Telmanove. The enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups are scouting out the ATO forces’ tactical rear and combat detachments; [they] carry out short-lived attacks on the strongholds and checkpoints of Ukrainian troops, and install landmines in the area – during the last few days, seven landmine and trip wire explosions by ATO servicemen were recorded.

In the area between Luhanske and Myronivske, a group of snipers operated under cover of heavy machine guns.

In the area of ​​Mar’inka, the ATO forces were fired at from small arms and 82 mm mortars.

South of Telmanove, in the vicinity of Mykolayivka, several enemy infantry groups carried out two short fire strikes on the positions of Ukrainian troops.

In addition, the relocation of Russian-occupier troops and the transfer of supplies to the places of their deployment continues. In particular, a convoy of four BMP-2 armored personnel carriers, two MT-LB vehicles, and two KAMAZ [cargo trucks] arrived in Starobesheve from Amvrosiivka. South of Luhansk, in the vicinity of Novosvitlivka, a ​​mechanized infantry unit of militants on board of an APC was observed, accompanied by 4 fuel tankers. Two terrorist tank companies arrived in the area of Yenakijeve, accompanied by a BRM-1K armored reconnaissance vehicle and 6 army [cargo] trucks.

In the area of Makiivka, a battalion defense area is being constructed (up to 5 km [3.1 miles] along the frontline and over 2 km [1.2 miles] deep).

The “LNR” [Luhansk Peoples’ Republic] began to staff the so-called border detachment that would be posted at the Russian-Ukrainian border on the territory controlled by Russian-terrorist forces. As of this time, two units have been formed, up to one combined arms company in size.

Public executions started in Horlivka. A local commander of a checkpoint was shot dead by Russian servicemen for an attempted unauthorized fire from an artillery unit.

Russian command in the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk handed down and carried out an execution of two local terrorists for insubordination.

09-16-2015, 09:21 PM
Russian Moldavia Embassy activities---

Russia's Ambassador to Republic of Moldova visited peacekeeping positions in Transnistria http://goo.gl/qFaCH8 pic.twitter.com/2FauIuXujy

What is a Russian Ambassador in Moldavia doing in Transnistria??

09-16-2015, 09:51 PM

Russian EU envoy: West and Russia involved in active information war

September 16, 11:31 UTC+3

BRUSSELS, September 16. /TASS/. Russia and the West are now engaged in the active phase of information war, and Moscow is winning, Russia’s envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov has told TASS in an interview.

The diplomat said the fact that the success is on the Russian side raises fears in the West.

"If we speak impartially, then the information war elements have been always present. And now taking into consideration the general political situation, of course, it is more active than earlier," Chizhov said.

"For many years and decades, we were inferior in this battle both due to efficiency and the ability to use technical means. Now our information space has become much more attractive for the consumers of information in the West," the diplomat said.

Russia’s journalists and media managers hold the credit for this, but there are also other objective reasons behind this process: the Western audience needs the alternative viewpoint, Chizhov said.

"This demand creates a niche where our TV channels and news agencies are acting more and more successfully," he said.

"I’m not saying that everything is ideal, there is still a long way to go, but the Russian mass media are acting more and more successfully. The fact that our opponents dislike this is rather natural," Chizhov added.

The EU has no consensus on the prospective response to Russia’s information warfare, Chizhov said. The Baltic states have already asked for money to finance the Russian-language TV channel.

"In this context, Finland, their closest neighbor which used to be a sponsor not so long ago, said: "You should have thought before closing the Russian-language mass media outlets."

Finland has a Russian-language TV channel and six radio stations, he said.

The EU has announced that a team of specialists would start working in September to "counter misinterpretation of information on the EU policy" in the Russian-language media space.

The target audience is the Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The European Parliament calls this body a counter-propaganda group.

09-16-2015, 10:03 PM

Russia holds western separatist congress while imprisoning Russian ‘separatists’

16.09.15 | Halya Coynash

Russia’s endorsement of “the right of nations to self-determination” begins beyond its borders, including those that it has arbitrarily redrawn. A congress of separatists from around the world is due to take place in Moscow on Sept 20, with participants’ travel costs paid for by the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia whose only disclosed income is from a Kremlin-patronized fund. The news comes in a week that has seen Tatar leader Rafis Kashalov imprisoned for supposed ‘calls to separatism’ and Darya Polyudova standing trial on similar charges. In both cases the charges pertain to criticism of the regime and of Russia’s occupation of Ukrainian Crimea and war in Donbas.

RBC.ru has drawn attention to the planned congress of separatists from other countries, the second international congress organized by the Anti-Globalization Movement. The stated aim of the event is to create “an international working group coordinating the actions of independence fighters from around the world”. The invitation states that in the clash between two fundamental tenets of international law – the inviolability of state borders and the right of nations to self-determination, the members of the congress support the latter.

According to the organizers, such a congress is taking place for the first time at a time when issues pertaining to the gaining of independence by small ethnic groups and territories are ever more immediate. Anti-Globalization Movement leader Alexander Ionov refused to give RBC details about the participants expected on Sept 20. He claimed this was for security reasons and that western countries might try to stop delegates leaving for Moscow. The movement’s website mentions various ethnic groups and territories, including the Texas Nationalist Movement, a secessionist organization sporting their own ‘republic’; the Uhuru Movement, described by Wikipedia as a radical political organization centred on the principles of Pan-Africanism; the Irish Sinn Fein which began as the political wing of the Irish Republican Army or IRA, and others. Not one ethnic group or territory within the Russian Federation is mentioned, despite the latter having 185 different ethnic groups including those, for example, in Chechnya who are demanding full independence. Last year many delegates from indigenous groups in Russia were prevented or obstructed when they tried to attend the UN Conference on Indigenous Peoples. Russia also put pressure on the organizers to stop them inviting Crimean Tatar leaders Mustafa Dzhemiliev and Refat Chubarov whom Russia banned from their homeland shortly after annexing Crimea.

Friends in high places

Two ‘honourable’ members of the Anti-Globalization Movement are named, with their photographs given: Syria’s highly-controversial but Russian-supported President Bashar Hafez al-Assad and Iran’s and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the no less contentious Iranian President until 2012.

RBC reports that the Movement has been registered as a regional NGO since March 15, 2012. Its head Alexander Ionov is also a member of the presidium of ‘Officers of Russia’. That is headed by Anton Tsvetkov, head of the security commission of Russia’s Civic Chamber, and includes Josef Kobzon, the singer under international sanctions for his active support for Russia’s annexation of Crimea and aggression against Ukraine.

This ‘regional NGO’, it transpires, is willing to pay participants’ travel and accommodation costs. Ionov told the journalists that their funding comes from donations and from government grants, and that these are supposedly sufficient to cover at least one international conference a year (this is, in fact, the second).

RBC could find no information about the government grants in the relevant databases. The NGO does, however, regularly take part in the ‘National Charitable Fund’ competition, and has twice received grants – last year for 1 million roubles; this year for 2 million (as of Sept 16, both grants would come to around 45 thousand USD).

RBC explains that the National Charitable Fund was created at the end of 1999 at the initiative of Vladimir Putin (then Prime Minister). Its stated aim is to provide funds supporting military servicemen and the development of military-patriotic projects. It has various sponsors and is under President Putin’s patronage.

RBC points out that the cost of renting a hall in the President Hotel is 45 thousand roubles on a Saturday or Sunday. The final press conference will be held on Monday, Sept 21 at a venue where halls cost between 20 and 30 thousand roubles for 1-4 hours. The return flights for participants coming from the USA, Latin America and European countries will also not be cheap.

The previous conference under an anti-war banner was held in December 2014. The nature of the event, and the shared view as to villains and heroes can best be gauged from the report by Joe Lombardo, one of five participant members of the United National Antiwar Coalition [UNAC]. As well as their own presentations, they heard addresses from “a number of leaders from Novorossia (the area declared independent by the people of Eastern Ukraine), including Oleg Tsarev, the speaker of the Parliament of Novorossia and Alexander Kofman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

Lombardo explains how that spoke at length to “one of the fighters for the defence forces in Donetsk”, who is not named. This person told him that he had originally been a Euromaidan protester, but that “it became clear to him that neo-Nazis were playing a leadership role and were fomenting anti-Russian sentiment. He eventually left Kiev and joined the defence forces in the East.”

The Declaration produced condemns “the crimes and murders perpetrated against the people of Novorossia” and “strongly condemns political repression, particularly in countries that have positioned themselves as democratic nations.” It asserts that “events in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine demonstrate the predatory foreign policy of the US and its NATO allies” and speaks of the US government’s “depressing statistics in the field of human rights.”

The ‘depressing statistics’ reported by all international human rights NGOs, as well as by the Russian Memorial Human Rights Centre regarding human rights violations in Russia were not mentioned.

It can be assumed that the defenders of self-determination on Sept 20 will also find nothing to say about the trial of Tatar leader Rafis Kashalov and the 3-year sentence passed on Sept 14. Kashalov was found guilty of ‘hate speech’ and ‘calls to separatism’ over critical comments on his social network page about Putin and Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea (all posts can be assessed here). They will doubtless also ignore the trial which has just begun of Kuban activist Darya Polyudova, who is also charged with having made ‘calls to separatism’ on April 4, 2014. According to the prosecutor, “acting out of hatred for the political regime in the Russian Federation”, and intending to carry out public appeals to carry out extremist activities, she held a single-person picket with a placard which she then posted on the Internet. It read: “Not war against Ukraine, but revolution in Russia! Not war, but revolution!”

Polyudova is one of three Krasnodar residents who tried to hold a peaceful march in support of ‘federalization for Kuban’ in September last year. She spent a considerable amount of time in detention, and the other two fled to Ukraine, expecting similar treatment. All have been placed on Russia’s Federal List of Terrorists and Extremists.

Russia’s demand for Ukraine’s federalization, or at least ‘decentralization’, has been in stark contrast to its treatment of those in Siberia and Kuban who tried to hold marches only in favour of greater autonomy. Polyudova could pay for this with a period of up to 5 years imprisonment, others have ended up in exile.

None of this is new. In Soviet times, there were plenty of communists who would be put up in good Intourist hotels and could be relied upon to slam oppression and discrimination in the USA, while finding everything in the Soviet Union exemplary. The former KGB agent now in the Kremlin and patron of the National Charitable Fund surely remembers that period well. He and his cronies, as well as the militants the Kremlin is funding and controlling in eastern Ukraine, have long shed the ideological coating, but use exactly the same techniques. Depressingly they still find takers.

09-17-2015, 06:53 AM
More proof Russian leadership is all over the map without a clear concept since most of their attempts to get back to business as ususal is not working………..
Russian Embassy, UK ✔ @RussianEmbassy
Rus EU envoy: Business as usual between Russia and EU now impossible and undesirable. pic.twitter.com/zEIiXHpf0Q

Great article on huge gas field find off #Egypt coast. #Italy - #Russia relationship cooling
http://www.jamestown.org/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=44373&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=a2bc78213d489990f6c5ece447aab20d#.VfpQYN-qpBc …

“As Putin plays for time, time is also working against him, especially on the economic front,” says Kennan's Pomeranz http://j.mp/1VYhiJV

The newest russian "aidconvoy" is on its way to #Donbas, over 100 trucks. https://twitter.com/unian/status/644375683024732160 …

09-17-2015, 06:54 AM
Further evidence that US politicians have no earthly idea about foreign policy and this includes the current WH.

On the topic of #Russia: "Number one, they have to respect you," #Trump says. "I would talk to him. (Putin) I would get along with him."

Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g …

Russian Prosecutors Claim Terrorism in Dagestan Is Increasing, Governor Says It Is Declining
http://www.jamestown.org/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=44374&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=919adb3a4d616c4dcabe4eac715bf929 …

09-17-2015, 11:28 AM
It is interesting that three journalists from the BBC where placed on a sanctions list by the Ukrainian State Security Service—AND the entire journalist world was up in arms –it has to be a bad mistake—

THEN it was revealed that all three where able to travel into and out of the Russian occupied zones via Russia SOMETHING that BBC seems to have overlooked.

SO from the point of view of the Ukrainians they entered the Ukraine illegally end of story. Noticed the rants by the global journalists has gone silent when they learned about the illegal entries.

Freedom of speech doesn't give me the right to slander someone, but some journalists think freedom of press gives them the right to do it.

I question the motives of journos who rage over Freedom of Press bc of UA ban, but they said nothing when Ukr POWs were interrogated on Utube!

What I understand journs ban has nothing to do with media: either they travel to Crimea from Moscow or 're taken for observers.Stupid mistake

Not a single Western journalist reports or complains about crimes committed by Russian government https://twitter.com/halyapuff/status/644451092240142336 …

09-17-2015, 11:34 AM
NOW does everyone fully see the West has lost the informational war??

EU's effort to fight Kremlin propaganda is hindered by lack of funding and support http://www.politico.eu/article/eu-russia-propaganda-kremlin-media/ … pic.twitter.com/9O4ra0ePej

09-17-2015, 11:36 AM
Tactical Tech ✔ @Info_Activism
Seven years of malware linked to Russian state-backed cyberespionage http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/09/seven-years-of-malware-linked-to-russian-state-backed-cyberespionage/ … pic.twitter.com/MD9cZeXiqE

Russian strategy: temporarily calm E #Ukraine to avoid West arming Ukr in retaliation for #Syria buildup?

Russian FM totally surprised by the rollover of EU sanctions—lashes out—BUT where are they to find new markets when even the Chinese market disappeared on them????

RussianMissionEU @RusMission_EU
Deputy FM #Meshkov to @rianru: "If sanctions hysteria continues, Russia will have to shift its foreign economic relations to other regions"

More Russian disinformation and or outright lies----
Kremlin's sabotage of Polish-Ukrainian relations
http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/17-09-2015/132012-ukraine-0/#sthash.2BhxiAih.uxfs&st_refDomain=t.co&st_refQuery=/y5BdTlltTW …

09-17-2015, 11:42 AM
Am seeing lately more video footage coming out of the 2014 Maidan period--video depicts brutality.

Just-released video of Berkut massacring @5channel reporter and cameraman during Maidan. Very brutal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjmPdoTGZoU …

09-17-2015, 11:47 AM
From the world of Russian altered state of reality:

Russian Propagandist "Montenegro´s accession to NATO is a crime towards Russia" https://twitter.com/edvlimonov/status/644443423152410625 …

Begs the question ---crime against what......??????

09-17-2015, 11:52 AM
Russia is attempting to pull off the soft annexation of eastern Ukraine while all are looking at Syria----

Plotnitsky said that the occupied part of the #Luhansk region begins integration with Russia http://novosti.dn.ua/details/259800/

THIS is a clear, concise and deliberate violation of Minsk 2 by Russia--Putin feels he can get away with it as the Us and Europe are busy now in Syria and having a refugee problems cause by him.

Preliminary elections" held in russian occupied #Makiivka http://novosti.dn.ua/details/259797/

09-17-2015, 11:54 AM
Really unusual news about Putin and Finland. How does he own property in Finland if Russian President???????

Russia complains over 'gay bar' on president's plot in Finland http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/16/russia-complains-gay-bar-president-plot-finland … pic.twitter.com/Xh0XgCQhgf

09-17-2015, 12:12 PM
I had mentioned countless times during the early days of the Russian annexation of Crimea that Russia was in full violation of the INF--AS well as the OSCE agreements to destroy Russian armored vehicles.


Impasse Over U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty Hardens As Washington Threatens 'Countermeasures'

WASHINGTON -- Russia risks provoking "military and economic countermeasures" if it continues to stonewall over a U.S. accusation that it violated a bedrock of nuclear arms control, the United States' lead arms-control negotiator says.

The comments by Rose Gottemoeller, undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, highlight the seriousness that the U.S. administration has attached to the alleged violations of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Last year Washington formally accused Moscow of being "in violation of its obligations."

Gottemoeller told RFE/RL in an interview that Russia had been engaged in a "fishing expedition" to learn "what precisely we know and how we obtained that information" instead of trying to resolve the dispute.

"We don't make determinations on arms-control violations lightly," Gottemoeller said. "So I want to make clear that this violation is not a technicality or a mistake as some have suggested. We are talking about a missile that has been flight-tested as a ground-launched cruise-missile system to these ranges that are banned under this treaty."

Russia has denied the accusation, and in turn said Washington was at fault for missile-defense projects in Eastern Europe.

NOTE: This is a typical Russian response in order to flip the arguments and turn them away from the original discussion--typical Russian Orwellian doublespeak--when it is used then you know Russia is avoiding, lying or distorting--they are doing so often they do not even realize even social media sees through it..

The INF treaty, the first to outlaw an entire category of already-deployed weaponry and allow for physical on-site inspections, is considered by many historians as a pivotal event in European security and arguably the life of the Soviet Union.

Its fraying comes with relations between Russia and the West at post-Cold War lows, marked by tensions over Moscow's forcible annexation of Crimea and other actions in Ukraine and U.S. concern at apparent efforts by Russia to strengthen its foothold in Syria. Russia has also raised the profile of its military activities in and around Europe, while the United States has announced the deployment of advanced fighter jets and heavy weaponry to Central and Eastern Europe.

No Will To Confront Moscow?

Like many agreements, the INF treaty spells out a dispute-resolution procedure, called the Special Verification Commission (SVC).

But since Washington first formally leveled its accusations, there has been no meeting of the commission; the last time it convened was October 2003. More perplexing, or even worrisome in the eyes of many experts, some with long government experience, is that there has been no effort to convene it.

"The United States isn't making a huge issue about it because it doesn't know what to do about it," says James Acton, a physicist and head of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

"The willingness to go toe to toe with the Russians seems like something the White House doesn't want to do," says Thomas Karako, a former staff member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Russians don't think we're serious. They think they're going to get away with it."

Long-Running Concerns

The way the U.S. administration sees it, there is little doubt about the facts.

"Despite providing the Russian government with extensive points on these matters, it's more than enough information in our view for the Russian government to pinpoint the missile system of concern," Gottemoeller said. "The Russian Federation repeatedly asks for additional information. In our view, they're seeking to find out what precisely we know and how we obtained that information. It's a fishing expedition."

The 1987 agreement, signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, eliminated an entire class of missiles: nearly 2,700 intermediate-range ballistic and cruise missiles, the majority of them Russian. It also was the first to allow for intrusive on-site inspections.

The deal did not concern sea- or air-launched intermediate-range missiles.

According to two arms control experts, U.S. intelligence began detecting what the administration says were indications of treaty violations as far as back as 2010, and possibly earlier, and began raising the issue with Moscow in 2013, quietly, but at high levels.

U.S. officials also began briefing some European allies, though it was the annual U.S. compliance report published in July 2014 that set off alarm bells in many European capitals.

09-17-2015, 12:18 PM
Soviet colonel #Russia Stanislav Petrov saved world fr Nuclear War https://www.yahoo.com/movies/s/russian-saved-world-recalls-decision-50-50-062250867.html … & #Putin wants to start it pic.twitter.com/8m08Yt4azM

09-17-2015, 12:19 PM
OSCE ODIHR-HCNM report identifies widespread human rights violations in Crimea since its occupation and annex by Rus


09-17-2015, 12:20 PM
ATO spox: SBU officers detained colonel, officer of Military counter-Intelligence, for bribery

Col. Motuzyanyk: Two flights of enemy UAVs were recorded within the military operation area near Mariupol

ATO spox: Yesterday, 3 hostile armed provocations with use of small arms took place near Kriakivka & Sanzharivka villages

Col. Motuzyanyk: Ukrainian Armed Forces did not incur any casualties; no single UA serviceman was wounded in action in last 24 hours

Tymchuk: The so-called ("DPR") Motorized Infantry Brigade "1 AK" deployed in Horlivka, was reinforced by 120 people
https://m.facebook.com/dmitry.tymchuk?fref=ts&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fen.censor.net.ua%2Fnews%2F3522 70%2Fhorlivka_terrorists_reinforced_by_120_people_ donetsk_public_authorities_protection_enhanced_med ium&_rdr …

09-17-2015, 01:18 PM
It is interesting that three journalists from the BBC where placed on a sanctions list by the Ukrainian State Security Service—AND the entire journalist world was up in arms –it has to be a bad mistake—

THEN it was revealed that all three where able to travel into and out of the Russian occupied zones via Russia SOMETHING that BBC seems to have overlooked.

SO from the point of view of the Ukrainians they entered the Ukraine illegally end of story. Noticed the rants by the global journalists has gone silent when they learned about the illegal entries.

Freedom of speech doesn't give me the right to slander someone, but some journalists think freedom of press gives them the right to do it.

I question the motives of journos who rage over Freedom of Press bc of UA ban, but they said nothing when Ukr POWs were interrogated on Utube!

What I understand journs ban has nothing to do with media: either they travel to Crimea from Moscow or 're taken for observers.Stupid mistake

Not a single Western journalist reports or complains about crimes committed by Russian government https://twitter.com/halyapuff/status/644451092240142336 …

BBC journalists removed from sanctions list BUT social media brings up a great point----

UK journos live in Moscow sin 1991? What "neutral" can they report about Ukraine fr Moscow? Let BBC base in Kyiv.

09-17-2015, 01:20 PM
Russian FM states that Poland has declared war on Russian monuments--

Ru MinDef summoned military attachs of Poland on demolition of the monument to Chernyahovsky http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-september-russian-defense-ministry-summoned-military-attachs?ll=55.751850000000005;37.63915999999995&zoom=8 via @RT_russian

Since when does a war monument become Russian territory?

Russian Foreign Ministry marks the day of Soviet invasion into Poland by accusing Poland of starting a war on Soviet monuments

09-17-2015, 01:22 PM
Border Guard Service: 2 enemy drone flights were recorded yesterday near Mariupol.
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8643.htm …

Militants Do Not Pull Back Heavy Weapons – #OSCE
http://ukraineunderattack.org/en/35217-militants-do-not-pull-back-heavy-weapons-osce.html … pic.twitter.com/Qj6X1DLQ85

More Russian FM altered state of reality---the Ukrainian sanctions has nothing absolutely nothing to do with Minsk 2 and everything to do with Russian annexation of Crimea and Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine.

Russian MFA: Kyiv Sanctions undermine Minsk agreements http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-september-russian-mfa-kyiv-sanctions-undermine-minsk-agreements … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/fmgXDS6HWE via @RT_russian

09-17-2015, 01:43 PM
Why Russia keeps trying to score points on this topic is beyond me as they fully have the Ukrainian answer as to why they do not talk to the Russian supported occupation mercenaries---they were never legally elected under Ukrainian law as simple as that.

But Russia still tries to earn propaganda points----

Russian MFA: Kyiv refuses to do dialogue with Donbas http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-september-russian-mfa-kyiv-refuses-to-do-dialogue-with …

09-17-2015, 01:53 PM
Russian TASS article yesterday claimed Russia is winning the information war with the West and with a 700M USD a year budget one would think so.

BUT then this today--faking the numbers??????

Question More?
Leaked docs purport to show that RussiaToday hugely exaggerates its viewership

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/17/putin-s-propaganda-tv-lies-about-ratings.html … pic.twitter.com/Ia4rVUBCY0

09-17-2015, 01:56 PM
Prosvirnin tells @tvrain that the police raid of his home is part of the Kremlin’s new strategy to “cram” Novorossiya back into Ukraine.


09-17-2015, 02:07 PM
Post 2356
BBC journalists removed from sanctions list BUT social media brings up a great point----

UK journos live in Moscow since 1991? What "neutral" can they report about Ukraine fr Moscow? Let BBC base in Kyiv.

When the Maidan and then Crimea episodes happened the BBC (all parts) had a large team based in Kiev, some expats, some locals. Those numbers may have dropped since then, due mainly to budget cuts and concerns over health & safety.

09-17-2015, 02:09 PM
So was the Russian FM lying again as he had often in the past year????

Russia FM Lavrov said DNR, LNR ready to hold elections Oct 25 per #Ukraine law, but DNR leaders now say elections Oct 18 per own rules

Many skeptical about Lavrov's statement. #Russia now has chance to use influence with DNR, LNR & show it's not just empty posturing.

09-17-2015, 02:21 PM
So was the Russian FM lying again as he had often in the past year????

Russia FM Lavrov said DNR, LNR ready to hold elections Oct 25 per #Ukraine law, but DNR leaders now say elections Oct 18 per own rules

Many skeptical about Lavrov's statement. #Russia now has chance to use influence with DNR, LNR & show it's not just empty posturing.

Kremlin approves fake elections in occupied Donbas. Minsk 2 is dead! https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news/status/644515060736499712 …

AND Obama's strategic strategy for the Ukraine has worked wonders again....??

09-17-2015, 02:24 PM
A very interesting idea that one never hears much about from US media sources and or the MSM.


2015/09/17 • Analysis & Opinion

How the UN was fooled by Russia

Article by: Oleksandr Merezhko

At the UN Security Council Russia, represented by Mr. Churkin, while keeping a self-important air, in fact taunts Ukraine, blocking all important decisions by using the right of veto (for example, after the annexation of Crimea). The discussion on launching a peacekeeping operation in Ukraine will be obstructed in the similar fashion. It is not possible to exclude Russia from participation in the discussion and voting on Ukrainian issues on the ground of being a transgressor in the conflict, and Russia cannot be expelled from the Security Council – the UN Charter will not allow it. But there is one judicial mechanism that Ukraine can use to negate Russia’s veto power.

In 1991 Russia declared itself a successor-state of the USSR, and took its place in the UN Security Council. But, legally speaking, all former Soviet republics which are now independent states could be regarded as the USSR’s successor-states.

The difference between the succession and continuation is that in the first case occurs a transfer of rights and obligations from one state to another state. In the second case – we are talking about the state which changed, for example, its name, some borders, political system, but at the same time retained its identity.

Take Ukraine as the case. Ukraine exists as a state since the year of 1917. It changed the name: used to be Ukrainian Soviet Republic, now Ukraine. In the course of time its constitution, political order, some borders changed. But the core identity remained intact.

In Russia’s case the opposite is true. USSR and Russia are two different subjects of international law. In 1991 the USSR had ceased to exist. This is why logically and legally Russia cannot be a ‘continuation’ of the state that ceased to exist as a geopolitical entity. By taking place of the USSR in the UN Security Council Russia grossly violated the UN Charter. If one will read the relevant documents, only USSR is referenced there, and not a word about Russia.

According to the UN Charter, Russia should have appealed to the UN General Assembly and Security Council to start the membership application from scratch. For example, Serbia was forced to take this path after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Even though Serbia was a part of the Federation of Soviet Republics of Yugoslavia (FSRY), no one took it for the whole FSRY. It did not happen in the case of Russia.

In 1991 the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) – an aggregate of former Soviet Republics – approved the resolution to support Russia’s bid to take over the USSR’s membership in the UN, including the membership in the Security Council and other international organizations. Then Yeltsyn simply sent the UN a notification that ‘we are just, you know, taking the USSR’s place’. No one protested (this is a separate question – why), and this can be the only justification for Russia’s objections, should its membership in the UN be declared unlawful.

There is a legal subtlety that annuls the validity of the above mentioned CIS resolution. An agreement of CIS heads of states is a political decision, not an international treaty. It must not contradict the UN Charter (article 103), and cannot be regarded as a legal ground for Russia’s membership in the UN.

Some Russian authors also concede that the CIS decision was a political one, but argue that at the time that was an only possible solution, that someone had to take over the USSR’s responsibilities etc. But those are not legal arguments. The UN Charter was violated, and this is the most important consideration.

This is why now Ukraine can and should rescind its decision to support Russian membership in the UN as the successor of the USSR, and the situation should return to the ‘status quo ante’. E.g. the question on who should take the place of the USSR in the United Nation should be re-opened. This, by the way, should also open path to the Security Council’s reform.

In short, if our diplomats will show the willpower, decisiveness, methodical approach, and see this matter to its end, we will be able to restore the international rule of law, and kick out the aggressor from the UN. It will give a huge relief to the other nations, who are also harassed by this impostor.

09-17-2015, 02:26 PM
New Russian MLRS weapons system being used in their major exercise----

Grad-K's (2B26) at Ashuluk range during 'Tsentr-2015'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ETyKpPa-j0 … pic.twitter.com/zEw5A4ZPk4

09-17-2015, 02:32 PM
Appears that when a Russian sub is on the move it is always followed by a sub rescue vessel---do they not trust their own ship builders or their naval captains OR both?????

Russian Navy Submarine Rescue Ship Pioneer MOSKVYY Cls Sayaniy followed Novorossiysk up the @Bosphorus pic.twitter.com/km3GDpe2Wp

Latest batch of Project 636 submarines, like Novorossiysk, are to be based in the Black Sea. Russian made batteries / pic.twitter.com/oSmWIHVyVO

russiannavy new addition to #blacksea fleet

09-17-2015, 02:33 PM
Number of Russian naval units passing the Bosphorus have virtually doubled in the last four weeks.

Frequency of passages nearly doubled during the last 4 weeks pic.twitter.com/kEN5pXtaW0

????????????--why the sudden upturn

09-17-2015, 05:42 PM

Russia Using Syria to Overshadow Ukraine, Analysts Say

By Ivan Nechepurenko

Sep. 15 2015 20:11

The recent flood of media reports claiming that Russia is boosting its military presence in Syria has detracted international attention from the Ukraine conflict in what analysts say is likely a deliberate ploy on Moscow's part.

This month, for the first time since 2013, the topic of Russia-Syria has firmly overshadowed that of Russia-Ukraine both on Google Trends and Twitter activity graphs.

Since Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014 after mass protests led to a change of government in Kiev, Russia-West relations have been dominated by the ongoing political crisis in Ukraine and the armed conflict in its east.

Western countries have imposed sanctions against Russia and accused it of supporting separatists fighting government troops in eastern Ukraine. Russia insists a peace process in Ukraine can only be achieved if the Kiev government engages with representatives of the self-proclaimed people's republics in the war-torn east.

But as a sweeping refugee crisis has hit Europe, followed by reports that Russia has been establishing a forward operating base in the Syrian Alawite stronghold of Latakia, the Ukraine crisis has faded into the background.

“Syria is a bigger problem for the West, so Russia can use the uproar about it to camouflage what is happening in Ukraine,” said Dmitry Oreshkin, an independent political analyst.

“It is clear that for the Kremlin, there isn't a good exit strategy from the conflict [in Ukraine's east]. Syria is a good way to distract attention while the Ukraine situation is frozen,” Oreshkin said in a phone interview.

Changing Trends

On Monday, 16,627 tweets were posted on the topic of Russia and Syria, while only 1,074 tweets mentioned Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis. In previous months, that picture was drastically different, with Ukraine well above Syria in Twitter coverage. The data was acquired via the Topsy Twitter search and analysis service on Tuesday.

Google Trends, a tool that measures the level of public interest in a topic by analyzing search requests, shows a similar picture: So far this month, interest in Russia-Syria has far surpassed interest in Russia-Ukraine.

Looking at media coverage, the same trend becomes evident. While there were 102,000 news stories on the topic of Russia and Ukraine in the past month, 690,000 stories were devoted to the subject of Russia and Syria in the same period, according to data from the Google News search engine.

Russia's pro-Kremlin media has also been shifting its attention away from Ukraine and focusing on Syria, the BBC reported last week.

Two prominent war reporters who were posted in eastern Ukraine have been transferred to Syria: Semyon Pegov, who works for LifeNews, a private TV station widely believed to have links to the security services, and Yevgeny Poddubny, who works for the state-run VGTRK radio and television company, the BBC reported.

“The Kremlin does not want to talk about the issues that the West is worried about, such as Ukraine. So it is looking for something that could change the agenda,” said Vasily Gatov, a visiting fellow at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy.

“So there is an attempt to divert public attention away from Ukraine — Syria is just one of the options,” he said in written comments.

Developments on the Ground

Military activity in the rebel-controlled regions of eastern Ukraine has been substantially downscaled in direct correlation to public interest and media coverage this month.

“We know where Russians and their proxies are still hiding weapons, their tanks and their artillery. For now the order has been given to cease fire, but for how long?” Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko told The Independent newspaper in an interview published Sunday.

Speaking to a number of Ukrainian television stations on Sunday, Poroshenko said that not a single breach of the cease-fire had been recorded in the past two days.

“Ukraine has not had this for 18 long months,” said Poroshenko in the interview, broadcast by 112 Ukraine TV.

On Monday, Poroshenko ordered the postponement of a new wave of army mobilization after the cease-fire in the country's east continued to hold, TASS news agency reported.

Uncertainty Mounts in Syria

Regarding Syria, on the other hand, a slew of reports continue to allege an increased Russian military presence. Two unidentified U.S. officials told Reuters on Monday that Russia has positioned about half a dozen tanks at an airfield in Syria.

“We have seen movement of people and things that would indicate that they plan to use that base there, south of Latakia, as a forward air operating base,” Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis told journalists at a news briefing, as quoted by Reuters.

Russia has insisted that nothing has changed in its military assistance to Syria, which it says is vital to the fight against the Islamic State and other extremist groups in the country. Speaking in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin reiterated that stance.

"We are supporting the government of Syria in the fight against terrorist aggression, [we] are offering and will continue to offer it necessary military-technical assistance," Putin said in a speech at a meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

"Without the active participation of the Syrian authorities and the military, it would be impossible to expel the terrorists from that country and the region as a whole, and to protect the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional Syrian people from destruction," he said, according to a transcript on the Kremlin's website.

Earlier this month, Putin said that Russia was “looking at various options,” when asked if there was any chance of Russian troops participating in a military operation in Syria as part of a coalition.

Russia is revamping the Latakia airfield in order to make sure it can receive flights from Russia carrying weapons bought by Syria and humanitarian aid, an unidentified representative of the Defense Ministry was cited as telling the Vedomosti business daily Monday.

Syria has already served as an avenue for cooperation between Russia and the West. In 2013, Putin brokered a deal for the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons that prevented U.S. military involvement in the conflict.

The effort was short-lived, however, as it was followed by the Ukraine crisis that erupted just a few months later.

09-17-2015, 06:21 PM
Post 2356

When the Maidan and then Crimea episodes happened the BBC (all parts) had a large team based in Kiev, some expats, some locals. Those numbers may have dropped since then, due mainly to budget cuts and concerns over health & safety.

The heartburn coming from the social media side is that all of the BBC reporters first went into occupied zone then called the fighting a "civil war" which they still do and then leave back to Moscow via the occupied zone very rarely coming into Kyiv nor have they done much reporting from the UAF side.

And there is not a office at all in Kyiv when other western media have outlets there.

Secondly two articles went sent into the 24 hour news cycle critical of the Ukraine even in the face of social media pointing out they were Russian fakes and BBC did not retract them.

Lastly there is a current feeling that with the massive Russian clamp down on any reporting out of Moscow that does not reflect what Russia wants one will lose their residence visas--there is some truth to that assumption.

BBC has an interesting question to answer--why are they not in Kyiv as a major news outlet OR will that presence be viewed by Moscow as anti Russian thus revoking their visas??

This is an example of one of the BBC reporters comments in his article----and it is not slanted???

BBCNews ... and dismisses reports of Russian Army troops in Ukraine as "allegations" which are "denied by Moscow" ...

09-17-2015, 06:25 PM
Russian FM states that Poland has declared war on Russian monuments--

Ru MinDef summoned military attachs of Poland on demolition of the monument to Chernyahovsky http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-september-russian-defense-ministry-summoned-military-attachs?ll=55.751850000000005;37.63915999999995&zoom=8 via @RT_russian

Since when does a war monument become Russian territory?

Russian Foreign Ministry marks the day of Soviet invasion into Poland by accusing Poland of starting a war on Soviet monuments

Soviet Gen.I.#Chernyakhovsky is executioner ofPL National #Army: pic.twitter.com/B1sZUmkrJA

09-17-2015, 06:34 PM
New Russian MLRS weapons system being used in their major exercise----

Grad-K's (2B26) at Ashuluk range during 'Tsentr-2015'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ETyKpPa-j0 … pic.twitter.com/zEw5A4ZPk4

Troops from Kazakhstan and Nicaragua(!) taking part in Exercise Tsentr-2015 http://ria.ru/defense_safety/20150914/1249995275.html …

Photo of Russian military police commandos at strategic exercise Center-2015
Read more at: http://defence-blog.com/army/photo-of-russian-military-police-commandos-at-strategic-exercise-center-2015.html … pic.twitter.com/8lIbkg4xHA

TASS: #Russia to test automated electronic warfare force control system in Center-2015 drills - http://tass.ru/en/defense/821451 …

09-17-2015, 06:37 PM
Abroskin: This evening militants shelled one of the neighborhoods of Krasnohorivka from a tank
https://m.facebook.com/Vyacheslav.Abroskin/posts/1501027266856609 …

Lithuania issues #Russia dip note for interrupting navigation in her exclusive econ zone http://m.baltictimes.com/article/jcms/id/135786/ … pic.twitter.com/TvjpouZSDp

Russia still absolutely not fulfilling Minsk 2----
Amb Baer: There have been massive restrictions on @OSCE_SMM access in separatist-controlled territory in #Ukraine http://goo.gl/mMGJTF

09-17-2015, 06:38 PM
Air Force Freak
‏@AlRFORCEFREAK RUAF SW bomber voice net active. At least one bomber in contact with ground control.

c/s STUPEN acting as relay for c/s TABLITSA and c/s 63917

This is an interesting development--there has been recently no such activity by the Russian AF.

09-17-2015, 06:44 PM

Drilling Rigs of ‘Chernomornaftogaz’ Were Captured By The Russian 104th Regiment’s Paratroopers

Another OSINT investigation discloses evidences that the servicemen of the 104th paratrooper regiment of the 76th paratrooper division of Russia’s airborne forces took part in the capturing the ‘Chernomornaftogaz’ company.

It will be recalled that Yuriy Prodan, the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, stated in the exclusive interview for UNIAN that the drilling rigs were taken under the control of ‘men in green’ armed with AKs. The Ukrainian information agencies used to call them as ‘separatists’ (in Russian).

The fact that the ‘separatists’ belonged to the regular forces of the neighboring aggressor-state was realized pretty fast. But the information about the exact involved military units has not been made public until today.

Recalling the eighteen months old event is caused by finding the relevant photo proofs and information during our new OSINT investigation.

A profile of Ivan Kozlov, a ‘veteran of the Crimea annexation’, was found in the VK social network (photo album archive, contact list archive). As for 2014, he was a serviceman of the 104th paratrooper regiment of the 76th paratrooper division of Russia’s airborne forces. Kozlov’s album has a set of pictures uploaded in December, 2014, where the operation of capturing the Crimea (including the ‘Chernomornaftogaz’ infrastructure) is shown.

Here are the screenshots with the facts which led us to the conclusions we have made.

Kozlov’s album also stores the photo where he poses with Aleksandr Osipov, his brother-in-arms from the 104th regiment, who died in Donbas in August of 2014, carrying out criminal orders issued by his Russian command. Osipov’s recon unit got under the Ukrainian artillery shelling. He was buried without pathos and honors near Pskov, in Vybuty village cemetery on August 24, 2014 (reported by LJ ‘Potsreotizm’ on September 11, 2014).

Reference information:
• the 104th guards paratrooper regiment (military unit No. 32515) is a part of the 76th guards paratrooper division, the unit whose ‘Ukrainian assignments’ have been disclosed by InformNapalm informational scouts for several times. The home base of this military unit is the village of Cherekha, Pskov Oblast, Russia. As you can remember, 2 servicemen from this unit were captured by the Ukrainian forces in the end of August, 2014.
•‘Chernomornaftogaz’ is a part of the National Joint Stock Company ‘Naftogaz of Ukraine’ and specializes in petroleum and natural gas exploration in the areas of Black and Azov seas. On the Crimea annexation moment ‘Chernomornaftogaz’ owned 17 production fields (11 gas fields, 4 gas condensate fields and 2 oil fields). The total ultimate reserves of all the fields are estimated as: gas – 58.56 billion cub. m, gas condensate – 1.231 million tonnes, oil – 2.53 million tonnes.

09-17-2015, 06:57 PM
Risks in the Baltics are increasing: Lithuania Issues Note to Russia Over Baltic Sea Conduct http://www.baltictimes.com/lithuania_issues_note_to_russia_over_baltic_sea_co nduct/#.VfrUqe21im4.twitter …

09-17-2015, 07:29 PM
The heartburn coming from the social media side is that all of the BBC reporters first went into occupied zone then called the fighting a "civil war" which they still do and then leave back to Moscow via the occupied zone very rarely coming into Kyiv nor have they done much reporting from the UAF side.

And there is not a office at all in Kyiv when other western media have outlets there.

Secondly two articles went sent into the 24 hour news cycle critical of the Ukraine even in the face of social media pointing out they were Russian fakes and BBC did not retract them.

Lastly there is a current feeling that with the massive Russian clamp down on any reporting out of Moscow that does not reflect what Russia wants one will lose their residence visas--there is some truth to that assumption.

BBC has an interesting question to answer--why are they not in Kyiv as a major news outlet OR will that presence be viewed by Moscow as anti Russian thus revoking their visas??

This is an example of one of the BBC reporters comments in his article----and it is not slanted???

BBCNews ... and dismisses reports of Russian Army troops in Ukraine as "allegations" which are "denied by Moscow" ...

BRKNG Today: #BBC blocks me asking WHY they call Russian aggression "the civil war in Ukraine"
FREEDOM of speech?

09-17-2015, 07:34 PM
Yes. A Russian tank in Donetsk tonight.
@NDRSKG @el_roosevelt pic.twitter.com/So9gDpvHXs
Identification markings ae painted over

21:47 #Butovka mine area @rechnikato 1/2hr ago there was shooting, 5 RPG shots and something boomed strongly. Now quiet

#Donetsk Abakumova @hyeva_maryinka [fb?]
At 19:00 it ceased, smoke on the horizon. Since 19:10 it started over

#Donetsk Abakumova @hyeva_maryinka [fb?] "Since 16:00 rumble is audible towards #Staromykhaylivka, #Borysivka. "

19:37 #Donetsk @papandopoolo Wow, BMPs, SPGs and tanks, rehearsal indeed on Artema St

19:08 #Donetsk @papandopoolo "In Lenina Sq kind of parade rehearsal, Artema St is cordoned off, what will we celebrate?"

#Donetsk @666_mancer [vk]
18:18 Krasniy_Horodok booms to the utmost
18:41 Svobody Sq: loud rumble too. At us?
- Fr/us&one hears them flying

10:25am #Izvaryne @MedicNiko About 40 'aid convoy' trucks passed. Mobile communication down

#Donetsk, Lenina Sq: RUS tanks, another parade rehearsal? @666_mancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRGOdIIJzwU …

Militants shell Krasnohorivka outskirts
http://www.unian.info/war/1127058-militants-shell-krasnohorivka-outskirts.html … pic.twitter.com/u8Vb5KgETB

09-17-2015, 08:26 PM
VIDEO #Ukraine developed rapid AK gun magazine loader "Podavach" in operation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQkVYvlHHC4 …

U.S. Mission to OSCE ✔ @usosce
We look to #Russia to condemn misguided separatist statement about staging sham polls on Oct. 18 - http://1.usa.gov/1P3DuhG

Rally with fake IPDs took place in #Kyiv. http://novosti.dn.ua/details/259820/ Isn't there anyone happier to fake? pic.twitter.com/Hz1erBCmZK

Lot's of #Russia|n equippment in #Donetsk tonight: https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/644609052425748482 …

09-17-2015, 08:56 PM
Yes. A Russian tank in Donetsk tonight.
@NDRSKG @el_roosevelt pic.twitter.com/So9gDpvHXs
Identification markings ae painted over

21:47 #Butovka mine area @rechnikato 1/2hr ago there was shooting, 5 RPG shots and something boomed strongly. Now quiet

#Donetsk Abakumova @hyeva_maryinka [fb?]
At 19:00 it ceased, smoke on the horizon. Since 19:10 it started over

#Donetsk Abakumova @hyeva_maryinka [fb?] "Since 16:00 rumble is audible towards #Staromykhaylivka, #Borysivka. "

19:37 #Donetsk @papandopoolo Wow, BMPs, SPGs and tanks, rehearsal indeed on Artema St

19:08 #Donetsk @papandopoolo "In Lenina Sq kind of parade rehearsal, Artema St is cordoned off, what will we celebrate?"

#Donetsk @666_mancer [vk]
18:18 Krasniy_Horodok booms to the utmost
18:41 Svobody Sq: loud rumble too. At us?
- Fr/us&one hears them flying

10:25am #Izvaryne @MedicNiko About 40 'aid convoy' trucks passed. Mobile communication down

#Donetsk, Lenina Sq: RUS tanks, another parade rehearsal? @666_mancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRGOdIIJzwU …

Militants shell Krasnohorivka outskirts
http://www.unian.info/war/1127058-militants-shell-krasnohorivka-outskirts.html … pic.twitter.com/u8Vb5KgETB

23:25 #Avdiivka @tiamat007 Intermittent small arms and heavier weapons shooting sounds in #Butovka shaft direction at 23:00 & 23:15

Donetsk Abakumova @hyeva_maryinka As of 21:00 it ceased, just seldom far automatic arms' bursts

09-18-2015, 10:33 AM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 9.15

Posted on September 18, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

The situation in the ATO [anti-terrorist operation] zone remains tense. Russian-terrorist troops continue shelling and armed provocations, and using sabotage and reconnaissance groups to conduct raids into the rear of the Ukrainian troops.

In the area between the settlements of Travneve and Zaitseve, an infantry terrorist group of 15-20 militants dispersed throughout the “greenery” fired small arms on the ATO control and supervisory point and stronghold.

On the Artemivsk direction of operations, namely, in the area of Lozove, Ukrainian positions were shelled from heavy machine guns. The ATO forces’ positions near Mayorsk, Sanzharivka, and Krymske were also fired on.

A group of enemy snipers continue to operate in the area of the settlement of Luhanske.

Between the settlements of Trokhizbenka and Shchastya, activity by an enemy sabotage and intelligence unit was observed.

In some areas near the contact line, Russian-terrorist troops are combing the area, in search of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the ATO forces, and conduct “preventive” shelling of the “greenery” located in the neutral zone.

[The enemy] continues engineering and earthworks to equip a battalion defense region east of Makiivka. Between the towns of Chermalyk and Mykolaivka, the terrorists continue laying minefields.

The regrouping of enemy forces continues, as does the supply of material and technical resources to the positions of Russian occupation forces:

– Near the towns of Mar’inka and south of Avdiivka, terrorists are regrouping at the front line, and 3 IFVs [infantry fighting vehicles] were withdrawn from their positions;

– South of Starobesheve (in the direction of Komsomolske), terrorist positions were reinforced with four armored combat vehicles [ACVs];

– 5 IFV [infantry fighting vehicles] were deployed to the area of Novoazovsk;

– A tank unit, withdrawn from Horlivka, was redeployed to the Vuhlehirsk area;

– A terrorist mechanized infantry unit on board of APCs [armored personnel carriers], up to one company in strength, was transferred to the area of Mykolaivka (east of Luhansk).

Representatives of the so-called”Prosecutor’s Office” of the “DNR” started work in the so-called “motorized infantry regiment” of the “1st Army Corps” (of the “DNR” [Donetsk Peoples Republic]), whose militaries had previously shot several residents of the Novoazovsk district while drunk. According to some reports, the gang is to be disbanded.

According to sources in the “LNR” [Luhansk Peoples Republic], the Russian Federation is planning a delivery of large volumes of rubles [Russian currency] to Luhansk in late September.

09-18-2015, 10:34 AM
ATO spox: In Poltava, SBU blocked another Internet communication channel of militants with their Russian curators pic.twitter.com/mfAiM4EgzI

Russia is still not in compliance with Minsk 2 and OSCE monitoring----
Col. Lysenko: Members of the so-called “LPR” continue to prevent the SMM from monitoring areas close to UA-RU border pic.twitter.com/fxGZgCZGTr

U.S. outraged by Russia's decision to once again block expansion of the OSCE SMM on the Russian-Ukrainian border.
http://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-politics/1885674-us_outraged_by_russias_blocking_expansion_of_osce_ smm_to_ukraine_334446.html …

ATO spokesperson: 1 flight of enemy UAV was recorded within the military operation area near Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region

09-18-2015, 10:35 AM
Russian Spetsnaz has now turned to a mine booby trap campaign against the UAF with results BTW---

The two Spetsnaz Ukrainian POWs were in fact on a similar mine laying mission set when ambushed.

2 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 5 wounded by Russian mines yesterday

09-18-2015, 10:39 AM
Here we go again with another Russian attempt to get the missile defense system removed from Europe--all the while in full violation of the INF on a particular cruise missile that can with this system be defended against AND was it not just Iran that stated they have tested a longer range missile to does in fact threaten Europe?????

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Head of the FM ’s Department on Arms ControlI Mikhail Ulyanov: Iran’s missile program is not a threat to Europe
http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150918/1027176854.html#ixzz3m4zvWYLf …

This is the same Russian FM that states repeatedly they are not in violation of the INF.

09-18-2015, 11:08 AM
Technically speaking while nothing to do with the Ukraine and Syria--actually quite interesting nevertheless.

OTH--over the horizon radars are design for anti missile/long range aircraft defense

Growing Volume of Russian Military Radio Traffic and OTH Radar Signals Interfering With Ham Radio Signals

September 18, 2015

IARU Monitoring System Reports Russian Military Traffic on Ham Bands

ARRL Letter

September 17, 2015

The September edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS http://www.iarums-r1.org/) newsletter has reported that Russian Military traffic in the Amateur Radio 7 and 14 MHz bands increased during August. At least some of these intruders were likely to be audible in other parts of the world. Monitors in Europe reported a Russian over-the-horizon (OTH) radar in Gorodezh on 14.108 MHz, causing strong interference daily and often exhibiting splatter. In addition the Russian Navy was reported active frequently on 14.192.0 MHz using FM CW. Other monitoring stations in Germany reported numerous Chinese OTH radars in other bands, including on 75 meters.

Region 1 IARUMS Coordinator and veteran monitor Wolf Hadel, DK2OM, recently told https://youtu.be/Hu5OdwBZwYE the Rusk County Amateur Radio Club http://www.RuskCountyARC.com in East Texas that some of the worst offenders are OTH facilities in Russia and Iran. The signals can result in broad swaths of noise in the 20 meter band, he said. During his VoIP talk, Hadel pointed out that recruiting volunteer monitors with the “right equipment” is difficult, and he encouraged club members to join the hunt for ham band intruders.

According to Region 1 monitors, intruding signals said to be coming from Spanish fishing vessels have now been reported on all amateur bands – shared and exclusive. A beacon, reported to be in Kazakhstan, has been transmitting “V” on 7027.5 kHz continuously. Apparent North Korean diplomatic traffic from the DPRK embassy in Moscow has been heard r1.org/iarums/sound/10133dprk.wav on 14.109.5 MHz.

Mario Taeubel, DG0JBJ, observed 31 OTH radars on 20 meters, 28 OTH radars on 15 meters, and 11 OTH radars on 10 meters during August. In addition, a Chinese OTH radar has often appeared on 80 meters in IARU Region 3.

Monitors in Europe also have monitored transmissions between taxi drivers and dispatchers on Amateur Radio frequencies, primarily on 10 meters.

The ARRL recently forwarded reports from IARU Region 2 and Hawaii to R2 Monitoring System Coordinator Jorge Del Valle, TG9ADV. These included so-called drift net beacons on 10 meters (28.281 and 28.226 MHz), as well as digital, radar, and phone intruders heard on 20 meters in Hawaii.

Authorized by the IARU Administrative Council, IARU Monitoring System http://www.iaru.org/uploads/1/3/0/7/13073366/iaru-resolution11-1.pdf volunteers work under the guidance of the IARU International Monitoring System Coordinator and regional coordinators. The IARU Monitoring System operations are coordinated under the Monitoring System Committee.

09-18-2015, 11:10 AM
Russian sanctions optimism -----
We'll kill the dollar with our bread!" Meet some of the true believers of #Russia's import substitution http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-patriotic-trade-fair-import-substitution/27252333.html …

Cheese destruction statistics are out! This week Russia destroyed 736 tons of sanctioned European, American products http://ria.ru/economy/20150918/1260164427.html …

In official stmt @MFA_Ukraine confirms that they helped gathering info on people 'sharing anti-Ukraine propaganda' https://www.facebook.com/UkraineMFA/posts/890363184350936 …

Ukrainian Defense Ministry launches operation against "saboteurs" and smuggling in ATO area http://www.capital.ua/ru/news/52971-minoborony-nachinaet-okhotu-na-kontrabandistov-v-zone-ato …

Now @rosbaltru has picked up the Bloomberg story about the gradual "freezing" of the conflict in the Donbas. Waiting for Peskov's rebuttal.

Upcoming issue: Russia's Black Sea Fleet will not accept Ukraine's Navy as a regional competitor. Recipe for war. https://twitter.com/UnianInfo/status/644813423117795328

09-18-2015, 11:26 AM
Ukrainian reconnaissance unit operating behind enemy lines http://uatoday.tv/politics/ukrainian-reconnaissance-unit-operating-behind-enemy-lines-496117.html … pic.twitter.com/Al2O8JH8Ix

A Ukrainian reconnaissance unit watching the enemy ahead.
They operate on the edge of government controlled territory in the Donetsk region.

Some shrubbery and fields of grass separate these men and militants backed and supported by Russia.

Ever since the newly agreed ceasefire several weeks ago shelling has stopped in the region but these men say the militants are scouting the area.

Vadym Dimoglo, Ukrainian military personnel: "We keep watch because now they walk in groups of five men, they're obviously professionals. I think a regular worker would not be able to do this."

During the day it's quiet in the area but at night the soldiers say it's a different story. One of the newly arrived soldiers tells us,

Sasha Trutko, Ukrainian military personnel: "At first it's pretty hard to get used to the falling mortars and you're shaking and praying even though before you didn't know how to pray."

One serviceman told us he traded his life in a fast paced city for these barricades.

Oleksiy Kravets, Ukrainian military personnel: "I turned 60 on July 4th and I thought these young guys are fighting and I already have grown up children. So I thought that I'll go help those young guys and protect my country."

After more than a year of war hundreds of ordinary Ukrainian men have joined the army and received military experience but there is still a long way to go. It's a belief even the soldiers carry.

09-18-2015, 12:03 PM

While this is in German—highly recommend reading it as Mark is one of the leading global SMEs on the Russian military and his blog In the Shadows of Moscow” is worth following----and he has just released a thorough book on the Russian Spetsnaz.

Mark Galeotti: Die „Gerassimow-Doktrin“ und Russlands nicht-linearer Krieg

Der Autor, Dr. Mark Galeotti erforscht russischen Geschichte und Sicherheitsfragen seit den späten 1980er Jahren. Seine Ausbildung absolvierte er an der Universität Cambridge und der LSE. Heute ist er Professor für Global Affairs am „Center for Global Affairs“ der „School of Professional Studies“ an der New York University und ein assoziiertes Mitglied der NYU für Geschichte, Russisch und Slawistik. Bis 2008 war er Leiter der „History in the UK“ sowie Leiter der Abteilung für die Erforschung der „Organisierten Kriminalität in Russland und Eurasien“ an der Keele Universität.

Wie auch immer Sie es nennen, ob „nicht-linearer Krieg“ (was ich bevorzuge), „hybrider Krieg“ oder „spezieller Krieg“, die russischen Operationen, zunächst auf der Krim und im Osten der Ukraine, haben gezeigt, dass Moskau sich in Zukunft verstärkt auf neue Formen der Politik konzentriert. In vielerlei Hinsicht ist dies eine Erweiterung dessen, was ich an anderer Stelle als Russlands „Guerilla- Geopolitik“ bezeichnet habe. Sie geht von der Anerkennung der Tatsache aus, dass neue Taktiken benötigt werden, die sich auf die Schwächen des Gegners konzentrieren und direkte und offene Konfrontationen vermeiden. Um in einer Welt bestehen zu können, deren internationale Ordnung vom Kreml zunehmend als lästig empfunden wird und in Anbetracht der Mächte und Allianzen mit größerer rein militärischer, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Stärke. Um ehrlich zu sein, sind dies Taktiken, gegen welche die NATO – noch immer in letzter Konsequenz eine Allianz zur Bekämpfung und Abschreckung einer mit massenhaftem Panzereinsatz geführten sowjetischen Invasion – weder Wissen noch Erfahrung hat, damit umzugehen. (In der Tat könnte man den Standpunkt vertreten, dass das gar nicht Aufgabe der NATO ist, was allerdings auf einem anderen Blatt steht.)

Wie so oft weist uns die späte Einsicht eines raffiniert-scharfzüngigen Besserwissers dringend darauf hin, dass wir das hätten erwarten können wegen eines zu seiner Zeit unbemerkten Artikels des russischen Chefs des Generalstabs Valery Gerassimow. Der Fairness halber sei angemerkt, dass er in der Zeitschrift „Wojenno-promyshlenny kurier“, also dem Kriegsindustrie-Kurier erschien, den zu lesen nur wenige Menschen in der Welt das Vergnügen haben. Nichtsdestotrotz, stellt er die beste und am höchsten autorisierte Aussage dessen dar, was wir, zumindest als Arbeitsbegriff, die „Gerassimow Doktrin“ nennen (was nicht heißen soll, dass es notwendigerweise seine Erfindung war). Ich und jeder andere an diesen Entwicklungen Interessierte verdanken es Rob Coalson von RFE/RL, der diesen Artikel bemerkte und in Umlauf gebracht hat. Die folgende Übersetzung stammt von ihm (Dank an Rob für seine Erlaubnis, es zu benutzen) versehen mit meinen verschiedenen Kommentaren und Interpretationen.

Military-Industrial Kurier, 27. Februar 2013

(Die Kommentare des Autors sind eingerückt. Die Hervorhebung durch Fettschrift im Gerassimov-Text stammt ebenfalls vom Autor)

Die Bedeutung der Wissenschaft für die Vorhersage

General Valery Gerasimov, Chef des Generalstabs der Russischen Föderation


09-18-2015, 12:11 PM
While there is a so called Russian ceasefire in eastern Ukraine—HERE is the reality----

Horlivka: not a single armor unit removed, only repaired. reinforced and reloaded with ammo. https://twitter.com/nativesss1/status/644807989262712833 …

Here we go again—NOW Russia wants to defend all religions in the Ukraine------altered state of Russian reality----

RussianMissionGeneva @mission_russian
Different religious & ethnic groups, incl. Muslims and Russian Orthodox, are under threat by rising #Ukrainian nationalism -NGOs at #HRC30

09-18-2015, 12:15 PM
Appears the Russian statements at this meeting have been contradicted by the OSCE and the UNHRC---especially in the Crimea----

RussianMissionGeneva @mission_russian
Russian NGOs briefs #HRC30 on serious violations of #humanrights in #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/H4BzbyIZnP

09-18-2015, 12:37 PM
Appears the Russian statements at this meeting have been contradicted by the OSCE and the UNHRC---especially in the Crimea----

RussianMissionGeneva @mission_russian
Russian NGOs briefs #HRC30 on serious violations of #humanrights in #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/H4BzbyIZnP

Ah...when the shoe fits wear it--appears Russia is super sensitive about the accusations of Russian human rights violations in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

From their propaganda outlet Sputnik today----

Change of Mandate

13:42 18.09.2015Get short URL

If OSCE's humanitarian structures fail to stop basing their work on "gaining maximum situational benefits from Western patrons," Russia will be forced to raise the issue of transforming their mandates.

Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly, Ilkka Kanerva.

© AP Photo/ Mikko Stig/Lehtikuva

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian Foreign Ministry accused several institutions of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) of self-promotion on Friday.

"Unfortunately, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) and the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media continue to exist in a virtual reality, completely isolated from the pressing problems of OSCE member states," the ministry said in a statement.

"If OSCE's humanitarian structures fail to stop basing their work on self-promotion and gaining maximum situational benefits from Western patrons, and begin to focus on real humanitarian issues in the OSCE area, we will be forced to raise the issue of seriously transforming their mandates, organizational structure, and financing," the statement reads.

Remember it is the OSCE that is to carry out the Minsk 2 elections in the Russian occupied zones--so is Russian trying to negate the OSCe so they cannot be used to monitor the elections that are to be held under Ukrainian elections laws????

BTW--Russian cannot change anything in the OSCE without a majority vote----they make it sound like they control the OSCE which in fact they do not.

09-18-2015, 09:41 PM
Militant leader #Zakharchenko calls for readiness for new war in Donbas

http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-september-militant-leader-zakharchenko-calls-for-readiness … pic.twitter.com/Pkt3fjXC4X

09-18-2015, 10:23 PM
Military equipment of occupying #Russia|n forces in #Donetsk
Sept 18 - more photos & tactical signs

TT @BuTaJIu4eK

Confirmation: the tanks, armour seen cruising around #Donetsk lately are #Russia|n military
pic.twitter.com/21EO8Cf7d9 https://twitter.com/Kateryna_Kruk/status/644986021252321280 …

More #photos of #Russia's occupying forces tanks, armor in #Donetsk, complete w/ tactical markings:
MT @BuTaJIu4eK

09-18-2015, 10:25 PM
Italian mercenary reported detained in #Luhansk region, "looking for his mom".
SBU helping him now.

09-19-2015, 06:40 AM
More evidence of Russian soft annexation of eastern Ukraine—this info flow points to Russia actual annexation and not a resolution.

Maxim Tucker @MaxRTucker
Moscow dispatching bureaucrats to govern #Ukraine's rebel regions - must read Bloomberg report http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-18/putin-tightens-reins-on-ukraine-rebels-putting-conflict-on-ice … pic.twitter.com/Eca3CV0dTG

09-19-2015, 08:56 AM
Last night 1 UA soldier was killed & 1 wounded after being blown up during a pursuit of unknown persons near Bolotene
http://ato.lisichansk.in.ua/na-luganshhini-vtrati-osobovogo-skladu-zs-ukraini.html …

The @USArmy ran 16 scenarios of Russia invading the Baltics, and NATO lost every single time http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/09/18/exclusive-the-pentagon-is-preparing-new-war-plans-for-a-baltic-battle-against-russia/ … pic.twitter.com/IFDUdl5bfi

Putin to Saakashvili in 2004 "NATO can not defend Baltics" https://twitter.com/exen/status/645143528184655872 …

09-19-2015, 02:41 PM
Ukrainian army starts special operation to find and destroy sabotage & reconnaissance groups in ATO zone http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-september-army-starts-special-operation-to-find-and-destroy …

Continuing Problems With Russia’s ICBM Force - September 19, 2015 Russia Struggles http://strategypage.com ... http://tmblr.co/ZC3D0x1uXTdmz

Border Guard Service: Four enemy drone flights were recorded in the ATO zone during the past day
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8667.htm …

(Pro-)Russians telling lies, looking for another pretext to attack Svitlodars'k power plant.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLPl-w63178 …

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Dzhemilev tells me disappearance of Crimean Tatars continuing — "authorities pretend they die from fights or drugs" pic.twitter.com/JOQIHloe9W

09-19-2015, 03:04 PM
Kremlin denies #Russia has been threatening Sweden, 'They are free to join #NATO if they want, we have nukes though' pic.twitter.com/qyaqzMuNJX

09-19-2015, 05:00 PM
Valid critique on the western mainstream media coverage of both Syria and the Ukraine………

We're also due for thoughtful criticism on how we the media covered Syria over the past year http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikegiglio/assads-strategy-is-to-create-refugees#.ka2rGaGre … pic.twitter.com/RYITgsIo5n

09-19-2015, 05:02 PM
1 Ukrainian soldier got killed and 1 injured by mines on Friday.
Russian invaders new weapon of choice.

09-19-2015, 06:43 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=tk-SJAbLW14 … Elex will b 'fair&democratic' as 'final attribute of statehood.' Didn't mincesk words,did he? pic.twitter.com/kJPkr8ORmg

09-19-2015, 07:16 PM
DNR uses "flea bites" tactics - close combat, hit-n-run, diversion tactis <UA link, vid> http://podrobnosti.ua/2059953-na-donbasse-boeviki-ispolzujut-taktiku-bloshinyh-ukusov-video.html …

09-19-2015, 07:28 PM
Most Russian military activity in the last days---serious fighting-----

MAryinka 21:37
Volleys, somewheare far away https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/645306405919043585 …

Avdiivka 21:14
Assault rifles, explosions https://twitter.com/JuZolyshkaLia/status/645300043482824704 …

Avdiivka 21:48
It was quiet for 10 minutes, now it has started again https://twitter.com/fingerw80/status/645308849684135936 …

Avdiivka 21:30
Battle at Butovka mine https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/645304807616552960 …

Krasnohorivka 21:45
Periodically hearing machine guns towards Borisovka https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/645311173798305792 …

Noisy towards Butovka mine or #Spartak https://twitter.com/VadyXaXa/status/645309901569454080 …

Donetsk #Petrovka 22:30
Volley heard and sudden drop. Assault rifles towards Oleksandrivka.
https://twitter.com/Don_Riccio/status/645322430521716736 …

09-19-2015, 07:29 PM
OSCE: Aerial surveillance imagery revealed in area of ("LPR") Krasnyi Luch, 5 MLRS in violation of withdrawal lines
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/183241 …

RU military column(s) on M4
Are they running out of white paint for their humanitarian raids?
https://archive.is/SanBb pic.twitter.com/Y4uRuVLfyb

Display of Russian army weapons in occupied #Donetsk oblast
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GOryKMcZZ4 …

09-19-2015, 08:40 PM
Most Russian military activity in the last days---serious fighting-----

MAryinka 21:37
Volleys, somewheare far away https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/645306405919043585 …

Avdiivka 21:14
Assault rifles, explosions https://twitter.com/JuZolyshkaLia/status/645300043482824704 …

Avdiivka 21:48
It was quiet for 10 minutes, now it has started again https://twitter.com/fingerw80/status/645308849684135936 …

Avdiivka 21:30
Battle at Butovka mine https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/645304807616552960 …

Krasnohorivka 21:45
Periodically hearing machine guns towards Borisovka https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/645311173798305792 …

Noisy towards Butovka mine or #Spartak https://twitter.com/VadyXaXa/status/645309901569454080 …

Donetsk #Petrovka 22:30
Volley heard and sudden drop. Assault rifles towards Oleksandrivka.
https://twitter.com/Don_Riccio/status/645322430521716736 …

Many eye witnesses report battle between #Avdeevka and #Donetsk tonight.
Probably in the Spartak - Butovka area.

#Donetsk #Pisky, airport, #Optyne rattles. Mortars shelling. https://twitter.com/062_Region/status/645323767779041281 …

09-20-2015, 07:50 AM
From the Russian informational warfare---

frmr RT anchor @lizwahl: I became target of a Russian propaganda conspiracy theory http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/19/former-rt-anchor-i-became-a-target-of-russian-propaganda-conspiracy-theory/ …

Sputnik really blew it with this report that Obama has failed to uphold the Budapest Memorandum ALSO signed by Russia –seems sputnik forgot that little piece of history—AND Russian/Putin/Lavrov all complain the West is rewriting history all the time.

It seems the Russian govt employees working at Sputnik forgot that Russia is also a signatory to the Budapest Memo. pic.twitter.com/ZtZnDGyFR9

09-20-2015, 07:51 AM
Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainian activists closing the road from Chongar to Crimea. #blockade #блокадакрыма https://twitter.com/adagamov/status/645483102538723328 …

Td Crimean Tatars start blockage of roads leading to peninsula.they say:trading w/ #Crimea as nothing happened is building business on blood

Russia invaded & annexed Crimea, but Ukraine continues to feed it, sending 8000 tons of food in the last 7 days alone http://finance.obozrevatel.com/economy/75826

BBC News - The warrior Cossacks of Ukraine http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34292278 …

From holiday hotspot to an authoritarian nightmare, new OSCE report on #Crimea under #Putin makes depressing reading http://www.osce.org/odihr/180596

09-20-2015, 07:52 AM
Many eye witnesses report battle between #Avdeevka and #Donetsk tonight.
Probably in the Spartak - Butovka area.

#Donetsk #Pisky, airport, #Optyne rattles. Mortars shelling. https://twitter.com/062_Region/status/645323767779041281 …

ATO: Militants resumed sporadic fire on UA positions yesterday evening. Used grenade launchers, AA gun, small arms.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1070338112976994&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1070338112976994%3Atl_objid .1070338112976994&__tn__=%2As …

Maryinka 9:20AM
The same scenario as yday, shooting at night somewheare and calmed down in the morning. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/645487371526512640 …

09-20-2015, 11:41 AM
More information on #CrimeaBlockade "Tatars launch economic blockage of occupied #Crimea." http://www.unian.info/society/1128903-crimean-tatars-launch-economic-blockage-of-occupied-crimea.html … pic.twitter.com/9RCrdKLI6w

Crimean illegal Vice PM Sheremet's reaction on Crimean Tatars trade blockade is as follows: "we are strong enough to calm down these riots"

Russian media focuses on presence of Right Sector at #CrimeaBlockade.

Controversial reports from Kalanchak: 3 loaded trucks have been let into #Crimea #CrimeBlockade https://twitter.com/Bezruck/status/645550214925975552 …

The most romantic motto of (earlier) #Euromaidan-"Police with the people!"- seems t come true at #CrimeaBlockade. So far,the rally protected

Kherson police painted zebra stripes across the road so that the protesters would be "leally on Ukrainian soil".

Field kitchen has arrived and is providing hot meals to the protestors--this will be a long protest it seems.

CrimeaBlockade participants strolling along the newly-painted zebra crossing.
Pic by @kutiepov frm @HromadskeTV team pic.twitter.com/7Wsrk87YyM

RT's Bryan MacDonald wonders if 1 to 3 km traffic jam is a #CrimeaBlockade success as @APHClarkson raises question. pic.twitter.com/30SFCyYynH

09-20-2015, 12:05 PM
More information on #CrimeaBlockade "Tatars launch economic blockage of occupied #Crimea." http://www.unian.info/society/1128903-crimean-tatars-launch-economic-blockage-of-occupied-crimea.html … pic.twitter.com/9RCrdKLI6w

Crimean illegal Vice PM Sheremet's reaction on Crimean Tatars trade blockade is as follows: "we are strong enough to calm down these riots"

Russian media focuses on presence of Right Sector at #CrimeaBlockade.

Controversial reports from Kalanchak: 3 loaded trucks have been let into #Crimea #CrimeBlockade https://twitter.com/Bezruck/status/645550214925975552 …

The most romantic motto of (earlier) #Euromaidan-"Police with the people!"- seems t come true at #CrimeaBlockade. So far,the rally protected

Kherson police painted zebra stripes across the road so that the protesters would be "leally on Ukrainian soil".

Field kitchen has arrived and is providing hot meals to the protestors--this will be a long protest it seems.

CrimeaBlockade participants strolling along the newly-painted zebra crossing.
Pic by @kutiepov frm @HromadskeTV team pic.twitter.com/7Wsrk87YyM

RT's Bryan MacDonald wonders if 1 to 3 km traffic jam is a #CrimeaBlockade success as @APHClarkson raises question. pic.twitter.com/30SFCyYynH

09-20-2015, 12:10 PM
More information on #CrimeaBlockade "Tatars launch economic blockage of occupied #Crimea." http://www.unian.info/society/1128903-crimean-tatars-launch-economic-blockage-of-occupied-crimea.html … pic.twitter.com/9RCrdKLI6w

Crimean illegal Vice PM Sheremet's reaction on Crimean Tatars trade blockade is as follows: "we are strong enough to calm down these riots"

Russian media focuses on presence of Right Sector at #CrimeaBlockade.

Controversial reports from Kalanchak: 3 loaded trucks have been let into #Crimea #CrimeBlockade https://twitter.com/Bezruck/status/645550214925975552 …

The most romantic motto of (earlier) #Euromaidan-"Police with the people!"- seems t come true at #CrimeaBlockade. So far,the rally protected

Kherson police painted zebra stripes across the road so that the protesters would be "leally on Ukrainian soil".

Field kitchen has arrived and is providing hot meals to the protestors--this will be a long protest it seems.

CrimeaBlockade participants strolling along the newly-painted zebra crossing.
Pic by @kutiepov frm @HromadskeTV team pic.twitter.com/7Wsrk87YyM

RT's Bryan MacDonald wonders if 1 to 3 km traffic jam is a #CrimeaBlockade success as @APHClarkson raises question. pic.twitter.com/30SFCyYynH

UA businessmen threaten to destroy any blockade at Crimean checkpoints by using their own cargo trucks in case UA authority support blockade

Video report from the checkpoint on border between #Kherson region and occupied #Crimea,more: https://plus.google.com/104010886469890350976/posts/bKHipCwx9Fd … http://24tv.ua/n613298

Tartar demands-----

Free access to Crimea for Crimean Tatar leaders and activists - Dzemilev, Chubarov,etc pic.twitter.com/SYi2GFsBsH

The end of legal proceedings against Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainian citizens pic.twitter.com/6EhIsePwil

Free access of international journalists and HR observers to #Crimea. pic.twitter.com/dWcIBiz63w

Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar media must be free to work in Crimea. pic.twitter.com/p8oYFIKXHw

Release of UA hostages held in Russia: #FreeSavchenko, #FreeSentsov and others pic.twitter.com/JhCqSPBPBy

Crimea Tatars +Right Sector blockade shipments of food + other goods to #Crimea from #Ukraine side of defacto border pic.twitter.com/xf3IsVhLES

09-20-2015, 12:11 PM
Is the Ukraine under pressure from Western leadership actually lying about the daily Russian attack numbers in order to give the perception the ceasefire really is a ceasefire—yes it appears that way.

ATO HQ last days not disclose certain numbers of attacks, and seems that reporting not all incidents pic.twitter.com/exIVjWjoCe

09-20-2015, 12:14 PM
OSCE reports increased weapons movements in #Putin created "LNR" #Luhansk http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/183241 …pic.twitter.com/qI6DiLE0Eq

09-20-2015, 12:46 PM
UA businessmen threaten to destroy any blockade at Crimean checkpoints by using their own cargo trucks in case UA authority support blockade

Video report from the checkpoint on border between #Kherson region and occupied #Crimea,more: https://plus.google.com/104010886469890350976/posts/bKHipCwx9Fd … http://24tv.ua/n613298

Tartar demands-----

Free access to Crimea for Crimean Tatar leaders and activists - Dzemilev, Chubarov,etc pic.twitter.com/SYi2GFsBsH

The end of legal proceedings against Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainian citizens pic.twitter.com/6EhIsePwil

Free access of international journalists and HR observers to #Crimea. pic.twitter.com/dWcIBiz63w

Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar media must be free to work in Crimea. pic.twitter.com/p8oYFIKXHw

Release of UA hostages held in Russia: #FreeSavchenko, #FreeSentsov and others pic.twitter.com/JhCqSPBPBy

Crimea Tatars +Right Sector blockade shipments of food + other goods to #Crimea from #Ukraine side of defacto border pic.twitter.com/xf3IsVhLES

Maxim Tucker @MaxRTucker
Crimean Tatars and #Ukraine ultra-nationalists have blocked all three land routes to occupied #Crimea. Expect furious response from #Russia.

1st truck in line at Chaplynka makes U-turn & goes back to mainland #Ukraine #CrimeaBlockade https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1034412866582702&set=a.467572406600087.107479.100000419949795&type=1 … pic.twitter.com/ie223HkBqe

Medvedev once claimed th Crimea question was "closed". #CrimeaBlockade shows tht Crimean Tatars, Ukrainian activists & military disagree

Poroshenko's refusal to cut supply of #Crimea aids #Russia's occupation of #Ukraine territory. There is a word for that: #collaborationism

Blockade #Ukraine - #Crimea connection. More than 150 trucks are on the queue ... #CrimeaBlockade pic.twitter.com/XDUsIUSv8b

Right Sector is only small part of participants in #CrimeaBlockade. Groups as diverse as battalions,Avtomaidan and Cr Tatar activists are in

Protesters ban trucks from crossing the border between #Ukraine and Crimea annexed by Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wues_Z5JnGI … pic.twitter.com/eW5hMM5Jrh

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Again on subject of cooperation: officially border guards say will let lorries through; unofficially nationalistic paramilitaries in charge

What Ukraine govt will do?
No reaction => sign of weakness.
React => 'you're not a patriot' attacks
Hard dilemma. https://twitter.com/olliecarroll/status/645585462468419584 …

CrimeaBlockade will show #Crimea' structural dependance on #Ukraine, yet likely to re-enforce emotional loyalty to #Russia the occupier

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Lots of angry lorry drivers at Chaplina crossing point, who are being told they are not patriots for feeding Crimea pic.twitter.com/JBHN6H9VZE

The food blockade of Russian occupied #Crimea should have commenced spring 2014.
But! Better late than never!
https://twitter.com/rex_Zlo/status/645568775421599744 …

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Blockade seems to be working but how long this protest can go on for. Crimean Tatar leaders themselves unsure.

A surprising alliance between notorious Right Sector & @poroshenko people in contoversial #CrimeaBlockade https://twitter.com/olliecarroll/status/645588304897908736 …

09-20-2015, 01:07 PM
BTW—there are a number of American “separatists” at this meeting in Moscow---do they get treated any differently than say IS by Homeland Security, the FBI and the NSA???????

There is an meeting of foreign separatists in #Moscow now at which each attendee would get 4 years of prison if they were Russians...

Official list of foreign participants of the separatist conference. pic.twitter.com/9bfG28TKFk

09-20-2015, 01:13 PM

How close we came to Armageddon: Russian bombers began to arm nuclear bomb in UK airspace

PILOTS in one of the two Russian supersonic bombers intercepted near UK skies last week had started the countdown to arm a nuclear bomb, sources revealed last night.

By Marco Giannangeli, EXCLUSIVE

PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Sep 20, 2015

The discovery was made after RAF specialists analyzed a four-second signal transmitted from one of the Tupolev Tu-160 bombers, known by Nato as "Blackjacks", in the days following Thursday's incursion.

Analysts at RAF Boulmer, Britain's Control and Reporting Centre, confirmed that the Russian bombers had begun the sequence to arm nuclear weapons while carrying out the incursion.

It is not the first time they have done this and comparison with a similar signal transmitted by a TU-95 "Bear" bomber revealed Russian air crew had begun the countdown during an incursion last year, as well.

The Sunday Express revealed that the bomber involved in the February 2014 incident had been carrying a submarine-busting nuclear depth charge designed to attack Britain's Trident-carrying Vanguard submarines.

"All I can say is that we now know it related to the first stage of arming a nuclear device," said a senior RAF source last night.

Last week's air incursion, which was intercepted by Two RAF Typhoon jets, was the seventh this year by Russian forces.

RAF Boulmer, in Longhoughton. Northmberland, is the headquarters of the Air Surveillance and Control System force and the nerve centre of UK air security operations. Once a target is tracked the information is fed into the NATO network operated by the Combined Air Operations Centre at Uedem, Germany and the RAF's Air Defence Operations Centre at Air Command, High Wycombe.

However it was only when a female analyst decoded last week's transmission that it was realised Russia had carried out a similar exercise last year.

Aviation expert Justin Bronk, of the Royal United Services Institute think tank, said the revelation confirmed a "worrying" development in Russian strategy.

"Putin does not allow his air force to fly with cruise missiles because he is so worried about defections, but dual purpose bombs such as nuclear depth charges are a different matter. And these are designed to be a direct threat to or nuclear deterrent.

"It is entirely probable that Russian crews have been practicing arming drills. The whole process can take several minutes, and it is important to be able to carry out quickly."

He added that the lack of Nimrod maritime surveillance patrol aircraft made the situation more worrying.

Britain's Nimrod fleet, which was scrapped as part of the SDR in 2010, used to perform so-called "delousing" exercises, whereby it would give advanced warning of Russian aircraft when Trident-carrying Vanguard submarines set off on patrol.

Putin does not allow his air force to fly with cruise missiles because he is so worried about defections, but dual purpose bombs such as nuclear depth charges are a different matter

"There is no doubt that, by going through even the initial stages of the nuclear arming sequence, Russia is sending Britain clear signals. This is classic Cold War operation, and it is not a game."


09-20-2015, 01:20 PM
Bitter humor----but when looking at the Obama FP—actually true……

Concern, bargaining, anger, depression, then acceptance.
Barack Obama's 5 stages of dealing with Russia.

09-20-2015, 01:31 PM
PART of the Russian Center 2015 exercise goes badly -----

Oops... Amphibious landing exercise in #Kazakhstan : 4 BTR-80 APC sunken & 4 soldiers drowned #Центр2015 pic.twitter.com/hjb8ouXQXj

09-20-2015, 06:24 PM
Maxim Tucker @MaxRTucker
Crimean Tatars and #Ukraine ultra-nationalists have blocked all three land routes to occupied #Crimea. Expect furious response from #Russia.

1st truck in line at Chaplynka makes U-turn & goes back to mainland #Ukraine #CrimeaBlockade https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1034412866582702&set=a.467572406600087.107479.100000419949795&type=1 … pic.twitter.com/ie223HkBqe

Medvedev once claimed th Crimea question was "closed". #CrimeaBlockade shows tht Crimean Tatars, Ukrainian activists & military disagree

Poroshenko's refusal to cut supply of #Crimea aids #Russia's occupation of #Ukraine territory. There is a word for that: #collaborationism

Blockade #Ukraine - #Crimea connection. More than 150 trucks are on the queue ... #CrimeaBlockade pic.twitter.com/XDUsIUSv8b

Right Sector is only small part of participants in #CrimeaBlockade. Groups as diverse as battalions,Avtomaidan and Cr Tatar activists are in

Protesters ban trucks from crossing the border between #Ukraine and Crimea annexed by Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wues_Z5JnGI … pic.twitter.com/eW5hMM5Jrh

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Again on subject of cooperation: officially border guards say will let lorries through; unofficially nationalistic paramilitaries in charge

What Ukraine govt will do?
No reaction => sign of weakness.
React => 'you're not a patriot' attacks
Hard dilemma. https://twitter.com/olliecarroll/status/645585462468419584 …

CrimeaBlockade will show #Crimea' structural dependance on #Ukraine, yet likely to re-enforce emotional loyalty to #Russia the occupier

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Lots of angry lorry drivers at Chaplina crossing point, who are being told they are not patriots for feeding Crimea pic.twitter.com/JBHN6H9VZE

The food blockade of Russian occupied #Crimea should have commenced spring 2014.
But! Better late than never!
https://twitter.com/rex_Zlo/status/645568775421599744 …

Oliver Carroll @olliecarroll
Blockade seems to be working but how long this protest can go on for. Crimean Tatar leaders themselves unsure.

A surprising alliance between notorious Right Sector & @poroshenko people in contoversial #CrimeaBlockade https://twitter.com/olliecarroll/status/645588304897908736 …

15:08 #Chaplynka @krymrealii 188 eighteen-wheelers are stopped @berdynskykh_k pic.twitter.com/55bStrGvbg

Chaplinka-#Armyansk: image #1 - Right Sector, #2 Khersom battalion @ryabtchuk_roman pic.twitter.com/J7SSLV484F

Kalanchak district, 6km away from CP. Crimean tatars, border guards and #Skadovsk self-defense gather pic.twitter.com/iizo6kkdLo

Reports that Crimean illegal authorities decided to push some military to the north of Crimea pic.twitter.com/Q3SN5yXxpP http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/20-september-reports-that-crimean-authorities-decided-to …

About 240 trucks left on night on the way to blocked Crimea pic.twitter.com/8bccBQFXGF http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/20-september-about-240-trucks-left-on-night-on-the-way-to …

09-20-2015, 06:30 PM
10:03 @SvobodaLuhansk Yesterday evening through #Krasniy_Luch towards #Debaltseve 20 items of new tanks/Grads moved

Ukraine authorities held a man from #Luhansk at CP in #Krasnoarmiisk with explosives http://www.mvs.gov.ua/mvs/control/main/ru/publish/article/1640672 … #Russia pic.twitter.com/p7TGOo64B9

09-20-2015, 06:49 PM
Many do not realize that the Ukrainian Cyborg fighters at the Donetsk Airport broke the Stalingrad record for being surrounded and resisting.

It took a so called truce by the Russian Spetsnaz under the guise of recovery of Russian KIAs which allowed them using gas to overcome the Ukrainians who then blew up the building with them in it.

VIDEO: Combat footage from the 242 day defence of Donetsk airport by Ukrainian forces
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nD7WFbu-5lM&feature=youtu.be&a= … pic.twitter.com/ztNscke01A

09-20-2015, 06:51 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=Nmz2ATGvlOY …

Activists block food traffic to #Russia-held #Crimea.Will #Donetsk & #Luhansk b next?#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/lyZxNMPWpt

09-20-2015, 08:10 PM
Donetsk 22:48
Gvardeyka - hearing the roar of military equipment since 10 mins, towards the bypass road. https://twitter.com/Palchakkk/status/645686005815726081 …

22:35 #Horlivka @mihailovith Hardware column passed, about 10 items, towards dividing line - to #Komsomolets-#Gagarina

Horlivka 23:30
Armored column passed through Stroitel in the city, seems like Gvozdikas and Urals https://twitter.com/ahab7822/status/645696455915638793 …

23:30 #Horlivka @ahab7822 [Just now] through Stroitel micro-ds a column of armoured vehicles moved like Gvozdikas & Urals.Tow/block 245

09-20-2015, 08:11 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=Nmz2ATGvlOY …

Activists block food traffic to #Russia-held #Crimea.Will #Donetsk & #Luhansk b next?#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/lyZxNMPWpt

VIDEO #Ukraine activists & Tartars blockade entry to #Crimea declare "Crimea Maidan" https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4&v=9tJtBitnuz4 … pic.twitter.com/ZzvovfMVcZ

09-20-2015, 09:04 PM
Donetsk 22:48
Gvardeyka - hearing the roar of military equipment since 10 mins, towards the bypass road. https://twitter.com/Palchakkk/status/645686005815726081 …

22:35 #Horlivka @mihailovith Hardware column passed, about 10 items, towards dividing line - to #Komsomolets-#Gagarina

Horlivka 23:30
Armored column passed through Stroitel in the city, seems like Gvozdikas and Urals https://twitter.com/ahab7822/status/645696455915638793 …

23:30 #Horlivka @ahab7822 [Just now] through Stroitel micro-ds a column of armoured vehicles moved like Gvozdikas & Urals.Tow/block 245

23:10 #Krasnohorivka @666_mancer [vk] Machine guns. Various intensity, but audible. Sometimes heavier weapons.#Stalino road/#Borysivka dir'n

09-21-2015, 09:16 AM
Dmytro #Tymchuk: more ammo for Rus proxies came to #Ilovaysk by railway. Situation got more complicated over weekend https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.tymchuk/posts/755108121284512 …

Militants fired 4 times upon Ukr troops on 20 Sep, opened fire near Luhanske / Mayorsk to provoke return fire https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1070825952928210 … |EMPR

Press Officer: The situation in sector "C" has begun to deteriorate. Militants yesterday fired on Luhanske & Mayorsk
http://112.ua/ato/obstanovka-v-sektore-s-nachinaet-obostryatsya-press-oficer-259638.html …

Ukraine dejavu
"Neutral" German media speaks of "hope for peace" because of "Russian #offer", puts "American concerns" against it...

Tymchuk: In #Lutuhyne area RU forces pulled 5 SPG's (2S1 "Gvozdika").
To Ilovaysk a trainload of ammo and equipment arrived from Russia.

Leader of Luhansk Peoples Republic sets Nov. 1 as date for local elections in violation of Minsk Protocol http://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/rolling_news_russian/2015/09/150921_ru_n_dnr_elections?utm_source=via+BBC.ua&utm_medium=twitter …

09-21-2015, 09:18 AM
Russian "paths to war"---by Bellingcat

New detailed report from Bellingcat on Russia's military involvement in Ukraine https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/09/21/bellingcat-investigation-russias-paths-to-war/ …

09-21-2015, 09:23 AM
US social media giants simply do not nor do they want to fully understand
Russian weaponization of information..

WHAT a totally stupid idea by FaceBook-----but a question I have raised here a number of times comes to mind again--is FB really answering to the massive Russian oligarch investment into it??????

New Facebook Dislike Button Will Delete Posts With 10 Dislikes
The Kremlin trolls will just love this. Rethink req'd
http://usatoday.com.co/new-facebook-dislike-button-will-delete-posts-with-10-dislikes/ …

09-21-2015, 09:54 AM
One has to love the Russian belief they are the greatest solution thinkers---if the electricity and water are fully cut which is the next blockade steps then what?

The Crimeans have already forced food shortages by their hamster purchases as they fully believed the food blockade was coming.

RU gang leader of #Crimea, Aksenov:
If #CrimeaBlockade, Russian supplies will fully replace Ukrainian within 2 wks.
https://twitter.com/aksenov_sv/status/645878794503495680 …

Russian then has to provide at the minimum 7K tons of food a day just to replace the Ukrainian losses.

AND the ferry service in winter is always a nightmare?????

THIS depicts just how independent Crimea is from the Ukraine--and how he is basically lying.

More than 800 trucks in the queue at the Ukrainian border to the Crimea. This shows that the #Crimea is still dependent on #Ukraine.

09-21-2015, 10:14 AM
One has to love the Russian belief they are the greatest solution thinkers---if the electricity and water are fully cut which is the next blockade steps then what?

The Crimeans have already forced food shortages by their hamster purchases as they fully believed the food blockade was coming.

RU gang leader of #Crimea, Aksenov:
If #CrimeaBlockade, Russian supplies will fully replace Ukrainian within 2 wks.
https://twitter.com/aksenov_sv/status/645878794503495680 …

Russian then has to provide at the minimum 7K tons of food a day just to replace the Ukrainian losses.

AND the ferry service in winter is always a nightmare?????

THIS depicts just how independent Crimea is from the Ukraine--and how he is basically lying.

More than 800 trucks in the queue at the Ukrainian border to the Crimea. This shows that the #Crimea is still dependent on #Ukraine.

New drone footage shows Tatar blockade of #Crimea http://uatoday.tv/news/new-drone-footage-shows-tatar-blockade-of-crimea-497494.html …

There is an interesting twist at work here--Russia annexes Crimea and expects the Ukrainians to continue paying for the Russian enclave????

They had assumed the same for eastern Ukraine but also got hit with an economic blockade there as well.

09-21-2015, 11:38 AM
And the Ukraine was not invaded????

Ua losses statistics published: 1915 killed, 7053 wounded, 271 MIA, 76 remain prisoners https://inforesist.org/stali-izvestny-poteri-vsu-s-nachala-ato/ … pic.twitter.com/c97j0bwXS4

AND this is for just one year's worth of fighting----

09-21-2015, 01:37 PM
RU gov't assumes oil prices may drop below $35, but won't name exact figure "not to scare the people" http://top.rbc.ru/economics/20/09/2015/55febc7d9a7947604b8d3ff4 … much better now

RU TV controlled by Alina Kabaeva fakes photo with US ambassador "attending" opposition rally in Moscow. https://twitter.com/rentvchannel/status/645658877426593792 …

The 3 Ukrainian paratroopers captured near Crimea (Sep 5) are still being illegally held Russian FSB - Lysenko
http://www.ukrinform.ua/rus/news/zahvachennie_vozle_krima_desantniki_do_sih_por_u_r ossiyan__lisenko_1787509 …

09-21-2015, 01:38 PM
Another great social media open source analysis product from bellingcat.

The new @bellingcat report comes with an interactive map of Ru camps and border crossings. https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.knightlab.com/storymapjs/80e03612c0fdf764d9422be26cdf4b97/russias-path-s-to-war/index.html … pic.twitter.com/1mIUXPaHV9

09-21-2015, 04:03 PM
Germany criticizes #Russia for not pressing DNR, LNR to cancel their plans & hold elections in accord with #Ukraine law per Minsk II.

Video of the operation, interesting captures http://youtu.be/p5djWJayRZk pic.twitter.com/cxp4OFXpSq

Small arms dealers detained by @ServiceSsu in #Mykolayiv http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=159812&cat_id=39574 … pic.twitter.com/mTJkA1YrKO

LT issues note to Russia over repeated interruption by RU navy of civil navigation in Lithuania's EEZ in Baltic Sea pic.twitter.com/Bib7knVD08

09-21-2015, 05:30 PM

March 29, 2014

Understanding Provocation

One of the most powerful tools the Kremlin has in its secret arsenal of Special War is provocation, what they call provokatsiya. While Moscow cannot claim to have invented this technique, which has existed as long as there have been secret services, there’s no doubt that Russians have perfected the art and taken it to a whole new level of sophistication and deviousness. At times, it can become a strategy all on its own (not always, mind you, with edifying results).

Provokatsiya simply means taking control of your enemies in secret and encouraging them to do things that discredit them and help you. You plant your own agents provocateurs and flip legitimate activists, turning them to your side. When you’re dealing with extremists to start with, getting them to do crazy, self-defeating things isn’t often difficult. In some cases, you simply create extremists and terrorists where they don’t exist. This is causing problems in order to solve them, and since the Tsarist period, Russian intelligence has been known to do just that.

While this isn’t a particularly nice technique, it works surprisingly well, particularly if you don’t care about bloody and messy consequences. Credulous Westerners are a big help. Perhaps the most infamous Kremlin case of provokatsiya was the TRUST operation of the 1920s. In the aftermath of the Russian Civil War, Bolshevik control was incomplete and Moscow faced the problem that a large number of Whites, their recent enemies, had gotten sanctuary in Europe, where they plotted the reconquest of Holy Russia.

Soon the White emigration klatched in the cafes of Paris and Berlin was invigorated by tantalizing rumors that there existed a secret anti-Bolshevik movement underground in the USSR, calling itself the Monarchist Union of Central Russia. Before long, prominent Whites gave this shadowy group their political and financial support, as did several Western intelligence services who desired the end – or at least the harassment – of Bolshevism. Intelligence from inside the Soviet Union was a scarce commodity at the time. Some emigres were even prompted to clandestinely return to Russia in the hope of aiding the resistance. Among them was the famous revolutionary Boris Savinkov, who had broken with the Bolsheviks and was one of Moscow’s top public enemies.

But word of Savinkov dried up once he reached Russia, as it did for all the emigres and spies who tried to enter the Soviet Union to establish contact with the underground resistance. They were dead. The TRUST operation was all a mirage; there in fact was no Monarchist Union of Central Russia, it was a front for Soviet intelligence. By 1926, Western intelligence began to suspect the truth, but by that point the Soviet secret police had been running their false-flag operation for five years, during which time it had eliminated or neutralized several of its top enemies while causing them, and several Western spy services, to waste time, money, and energy on a mirage that was actually Soviet-run.

Russians have employed this crafty model countless times since, as have the many intelligence services that have received training in the dark arts from Moscow. Cuban intelligence is notorious for this – it can be reliably assumed that many of the most hard-line anti-Castro exiles are actually on their payroll – while in the 1990s the Algerian military intelligence service, the feared DRS, executed an enormous version of the TRUST operation against its Islamist foes, defeating them in detail, but at the cost of thousands of innocent lives.

This model must be kept in mind during current discussions of Ukraine, where the Kremlin assures us that the government in Kyiv are “fascists” planning a “Nazi” takeover. While there are right-wingers in Ukraine who have troubling views, their numbers are inflated for effect by Moscow, something which too many Westerners accept uncritically. Moreover, some of the most hardline Ukrainian nationalists are secretly under Moscow’s control, and there’s nothing new about this.

The Soviet secret police infiltrated far-right Ukrainian emigre groups in the 1920s and 1930s, provoking them into self-defeating acts and killing off their leaders. Similar provocation was employed after the Second World War by Stalin’s secret police to crush resistance in Western Ukraine, which lasted into the early 1950s, while throughout the Cold War, Ukrainian rightists abroad were targets for surveillance, harassment, and sometimes assassination by the KGB.

Since the Soviet collapse, similar Russian provocations in Ukraine are broadly understood by security circles in Kyiv, which is part of why the SBU, Ukraine’s Security Service, is now attempting to reign in far-right groups like the Right Sector (Pravyy Sektor): not only are they potentially dangerous to democracy, they may be on Moscow’s payroll too. This has come to a head due to the death this week of the notorious far-right activist Oleksandr Muzychko, AKA Sashko Billy, a vocal hater of Russians and Jews, who fell in a murky shootout with police in the Western Ukrainian city of Rivne. Muzychko was so extreme that he actually fought in Chechnya in the 1990s with the local resistance – Moscow accused him of war crimes there – and his funeral turned into a far-right rally against the government in Kyiv. Predictably, all this got huge coverage in Russian media, which is eager to demonstrate the “fascist” nature of all Ukrainians who do not wish to be ruled by the Kremlin.


09-21-2015, 06:08 PM
Russia still arming Ukraine rebels despite truce: NATO chief http://f24.my/1gGSpm0 pic.twitter.com/hEWPviFNIO

RU-led terrorists in occup. eastern #Ukraine fear that Putin shot down NovoRussia project, thus started to defect from troops - ATO press

09-21-2015, 07:00 PM
Strong dejavu feeling reading pages 147-48 about 1979 and Afganistan. Minus weapons support.

https://books.google.be/books?id=M51ssIgLMl8C&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=%22soviet+options+in+southwest+asia+after+the+i nvasion+of+afghanistan%22&source=bl&ots=Blba4pgWSl&sig=zxB2QTLzjQN27iNbb5DLuXRMmZk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAWoVChMI072giuaIyAIVxj8aCh1BHQU1#v=on epage&q=%22soviet%20options%20in%20southwest%20asia%20af ter%20the%20invasion%20of%20afghanistan%22&f=false

09-21-2015, 07:14 PM
SBU neutralized "LPR" subversive group planning to blow up bridge across Dnipro in Dnipropetrovsk. http://en.censor.net.ua/n352820 prin @censor_net

Donetsk, Kievskiy district, Putilovskiy area - loud action...
ok, whole Donetsk listens to remote artillery

09-22-2015, 05:23 AM
Putin’s hybrid warfare in Ukraine is straight out of the Soviet playbook, via @TheStudyofWar http://read.bi/1QtVmT6 pic.twitter.com/ILOCTdNvrD

UKR Embassy in USA ✔ @UKRintheUSA
.@bellingcat issues report detailing numerous cases of crossings of UA territory by RU troops http://bit.ly/1MmMv4Y pic.twitter.com/E0IG2M1qoe

Civil war debunked: @bellingcat probes online evidence of Moscow's secret Ukraine invasion
https://www.bellingcat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/russia_s_path_s__to_war.pdf … pic.twitter.com/wKgCAgjrLZ

Putin's Philosopher Ivan Ilyin - a conspiracy theorist and a Russian nationalist with a core of fascistic leanings. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian-federation/2015-09-20/putins-philosopher …

09-22-2015, 12:30 PM
Russian forces prepare for "tank biathlon" at Savur-Mohyla, 5km from UA-RU border https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5301 … pic.twitter.com/igsSP6FqRt

Russian occupation forces to hold "LPR v DPR tank biathlon" in Horlivka 24-26 Sep https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5297 … pic.twitter.com/cKU89tbzyq

Russian (hybrid) army unit "Diesel" are acc'd to their propaganda preparing for "tank biathlon"! 21 Sep https://youtu.be/Z-lcI7xbYls?t=26s …

Despite "temporary" Minsk truce, Russian (hybrid) army combat training continues https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5294 … pic.twitter.com/n9s4ql7BzA

Border Guard Service: 1 enemy drone was recorded in the ATO zone yesterday, near Trokhizbenka. #Ukraine
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8693.htm …

Videos of Russian (hybrid) army air defence exercises in occupied-Donetsk, Ukraine 19 Sep https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5292 …

09-22-2015, 01:57 PM
Russian forces prepare for "tank biathlon" at Savur-Mohyla, 5km from UA-RU border https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5301 … pic.twitter.com/igsSP6FqRt

Russian occupation forces to hold "LPR v DPR tank biathlon" in Horlivka 24-26 Sep https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5297 … pic.twitter.com/cKU89tbzyq

Russian (hybrid) army unit "Diesel" are acc'd to their propaganda preparing for "tank biathlon"! 21 Sep https://youtu.be/Z-lcI7xbYls?t=26s …

Despite "temporary" Minsk truce, Russian (hybrid) army combat training continues https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5294 … pic.twitter.com/n9s4ql7BzA

Border Guard Service: 1 enemy drone was recorded in the ATO zone yesterday, near Trokhizbenka. #Ukraine
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8693.htm …

Videos of Russian (hybrid) army air defence exercises in occupied-Donetsk, Ukraine 19 Sep https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5292 …

Russian (hybrid) "Vostok" army tank crews combat training (aka "tank biathlon") occupied-Donbas 22 Sep https://youtu.be/ubElh6SviJs?t=8s …

09-22-2015, 02:57 PM
Occupation: Tank crews and officers at Torez training ground wear Russian Federation badges not DPR/LPR pic.twitter.com/m4iG20Pjql

Russian armoured recovery vehicles (ARV) at Torez training ground, Donetsk 22 Sep https://youtu.be/d0Gi-XrYcLQ?t=593 … pic.twitter.com/142lWT37IM

Russian Tanks Appear In 'DNR Tank Biathlon' http://bit.ly/1LKORrz pic.twitter.com/rN4VSFc3mT

Conclusive evidence:
The 6th Armored Brigade of the RF defeated Ukr armed forces in #Ilovaisk
http://censor.net.ua/photo_news/352971/6ya_tankovaya_brigada_rf_na_donbasse_ubitye_plenny e_sojjennye_tanki_fotorassledovanie … pic.twitter.com/bOOcB3OukV

One of the best satellite-based analysis of the Russian army invasion & battle for #Ilovaisk.
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.fi/search/label/Ilovaisk … pic.twitter.com/lwgAB6WPvj

Russian trolls just keep on stating it was the artillery that defeated the Ukrainians not Russian troops----

UkrCyborgs 93rd Brigade post video clips of battle for #DonetskAirport https://inforesist.org/bojcy-93-j-brigady-vylozhili-video-boev-za-doneckij-aeroport/ … pic.twitter.com/JdEmyT3kQo

VIDEO #Ukraine SBU arrest a #Putin "DNR" artillery spotter passing info to #Russia(n) gunners https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=3&v=b0mZkutFdBY … pic.twitter.com/0cJPELjDSq

09-22-2015, 07:11 PM
Appears Russia needs to reread the treaty----

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia

#US plans to modernize nukes in #Germany infringe Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150922/1027333999.html … pic.twitter.com/8RuOw85ls0

09-23-2015, 05:03 AM
Appears that Russia is now starting a slow step up in attacks again--from zero to four daily to now nine--slow but steady increases.

For a number of reasons;

1. Russian buildup resistance by US and ME Sunni players is higher than Russia anticipated--Russian opinion polling shows an unusually high Russian resistance to it as well

2. Tartar blockade of Crimea is now actually smoothly going forward thus Russia will be forced to feed Crimea themselves and there is a blockade starting yesterday on the Transistrian border that will force Russia to also feed them

Kind of a reverse non linear warfare via food blockades----

Acc. to ATO press office there were 9 ceasefire-violations yday in #Donbas. UAF pos. at #Mayorsk were under small arms, RPG fire fr 6PM-7PM.

09-23-2015, 09:42 AM
All trucks at Chonhar returned back to mainland, 25 stand at Kalanchak, 49 at Chaplynka, neither let into #Crimea https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 …

Not a single food delivery truck is getting into Crimea now—AND Russian Crimea leader claimed Russia could replace the average 7-8K tons of food daily within two weeks BUT not a single 18 wheeler has been seen on the Kerch ferry runs---reverse non linear warfare?

Mobile checkpoints for Kherson battalion installed at admin border as #Crimeablockade goes on https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 … pic.twitter.com/izAoerdtHB

09-23-2015, 09:43 AM
All trucks at Chonhar returned back to mainland, 25 stand at Kalanchak, 49 at Chaplynka, neither let into #Crimea https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 …

Not a single food delivery truck is getting into Crimea now—AND Russian Crimea leader claimed Russia could replace the average 7-8K tons of food daily within two weeks BUT not a single 18 wheeler has been seen on the Kerch ferry runs---reverse non linear warfare?

Mobile checkpoints for Kherson battalion installed at admin border as #Crimeablockade goes on https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 … pic.twitter.com/izAoerdtHB

The people who burned western food are complaining Ukraine is blocking food entering Crimea. #CrimeaBlockade

09-23-2015, 09:44 AM
Press Officer: Situation in sector C worsened. Whole evening militants fired on positions near Luhanske & Svitlodarsk
http://112.ua/ato/boeviki-vchera-pochti-ves-vecher-obstrelivali-iz-strelkovogo-oruzhiya-luganskoe-i-svetlodarsk-voloshin-260139.html …

Rus proxies fired 9 times upon Ukr troops on 22 Sep, used grenade launchers, small arms in Artemivsk, Luhansk sector https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1071777849499687 …

Rus proxies fired 9 times upon Ukr troops on 22 Sep, used grenade launchers, small arms in Artemivsk, Luhansk sector https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1071777849499687 …

More paranoid apocalyptic fictions from Russian "media":
REN TV: "US prepares for #nuclear conflict in #Donbass."
https://twitter.com/rentvchannel/status/646560398334914560 …

Greece got over 450 billion € from #EU, but still blocks 2 key EU projects:
1) #Macedonia Naming Dispute
2) #Ukraine Association Agreement

09-23-2015, 10:21 AM
Ukrainian Military Reports Attacks Throughout Almost All Of Last Night Near Gorlovka http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-583-ukrainian-military-reports-attacks-throughout-almost-all-of-last-night-near-gorlovka/#10111 … pic.twitter.com/eQujSSF4tg

Col. Andriy Lysenko: Ukrainian deminers continue disarming mine traps lodged by militants pic.twitter.com/znFidorbbR

Col. Lysenko: 16 trucks transported 275 tons of food products donated by @ICRC to residents of the occupied territories

Massive Deployment of Russian Troops & Equipment from Occupied Abkhazia: https://en.informnapalm.org/massive-deployment-of-the-russian-troops-and-equipment-from-the-occupied-abkhazia-is-registered/ … via @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/OqFWUtZH73

ATO spokesperson: UA police blocked a channel of illegal coal supply from temporary occupied territories pic.twitter.com/sxfx58KQCG

09-23-2015, 10:21 AM
Col. Lysenko: SBU @ServiceSsu detained an official from Luhansk region who is accused in collaboration with militants of so-called “LPR”

Col. Andriy Lysenko: One flight of enemy UAV was recorded near Talakivka village

Col. Lysenko: Donetsk sector: Militants used grenade launchers & small arms firing at UA positions near Svitlodarsk water reservoir

ATO spox: Luhansk sector: 1 hostile armed provocation was recorded near Sokilnyky village: militants attacked with grenade launchers

Col. Andriy Lysenko: Ukrainian Armed Forces did not incur any casualties; no single Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action

09-23-2015, 01:17 PM
ServiceSsu detained the administrator of the anti-Ukrainian groups in social networks http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/23-september-sbu-detained-the-administrator-of-the-antiukrainian … pic.twitter.com/ngGqCbl2yZ

#russiannavy SSC-1B Sepal + SSC-3 Styx coastal defense cruise missiles launched http://militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=389902 … pic.twitter.com/Vn6YO4jQNO

Just in case Russian Embassy UK later deletes this tweet (as the Ambassador did) pic.twitter.com/nMwoMdfxV3

Oh look..#Russia's Ambassador is mimicking Peskov's veiled threat to Germany earlier today.
https://twitter.com/rianru/status/646601967540830208 …

Reference the BUK used to shot down MH17----
VIDEO 2nd of 3 additional videos on #MH17 crash after being shot down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFaUbrdZlMg … pic.twitter.com/KPDnzK6O6S

Deploying Iskander-M systems to Kaliningrad is a perennial Russian threat eg http://sputniknews.com/military/20140507/189649212.html … & http://sputniknews.com/us/20150528/1022658842.html …

#Ukraine 's trade blockade against Russia spreads to Transnistria border http://flip.it/7TVBV

09-23-2015, 02:57 PM

Moscow Pushing Mensk Around on Air Base, Belarusian Security Experts Say

September 23, 2015

Staunton, September 22 The Mensk Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Research says that Moscow has not succeeded in gaining the agreement of the Belarusian side to the establishment of a Russian airbase in Belarus but is going ahead anyway, confident that it can push Mensk around given Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s lack of allies elsewhere.
In a report released September 22, the Center points out that even the language the Russians used when they announced that Vladimir Putin had been presented with an accord on the issue on September 2 shows that there was no agreement to the base from the Belarusian side.

The Russian side described the accord as one that had been “worked up with the Belarusian side” rather than the traditional terminology, “agreed to” by both. This means, the report continues, that over the last three months, “consensus on the issue of creating a Russian air base” in Belarus “had not been achieved.”

It also means that the Moscow announcement “is a unilateral initiative” by the Russian side and intended to “accelerate the process” toward an agreement “by the Belarusian side.” And that is the case, the report continues, even though Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev declared that an agreement “should be signed at a comfortable time” for Mensk.

That formulation too is important, the Belarusian Center report continues, because the current moment is “extremely unfavorable” from the point of view of the Belarusian side. First of all, “almost half of the population of the country – more than 45 percent – are against” an agreement. Lukashenka would not want to offend voters just before the presidential election.

Second, the report continues, “the creation of a Russian military base in Belarus instantly crosses out the diplomatic efforts of Mensk, undertaken in 2014-2015 in support of the peace process in Ukraine.” A base would cost Mensk its “neutral status” and undermine Ukraine’s trust in Mensk.

Third, the establishment of such a base would “complicate [Belarusian] relations with Western partners and in fact stop the process of normalization which has been going on for several years.” That in turn would reduce the chances that Belarus could get loans from the IMF or other international bodies.

And fourth, “the establishment of a Russian military base would mean the drawing in of Mensk into the logic of confrontation in Eastern Europe, something which would have negative consequences for Belarus’ cooperation with China” and especially with the possibility that Belarus would be part of a new China-sponsored Silk Road to Europe.

In addition to the issue of timing, there are serious questions arising from the draft agreement. The agreement as written opens the way for further Russian expansion of its forces in Belarus and seeks to force Mensk to agree to any of them in advance, something that a sovereign government inevitably will resist.

The draft accord also includes a “no less strange” provision calling for the base to be used to repel” acts of armed aggression by international terrorist formations,” a proposition that given Moscow’s tendency to refer to Ukrainian resistance as terrorist opens the door for the use of this base against Belarusians as well.

The accord also gives the base commander a unilateral right to make use of Belarusian airspace, a provision that could be used to introduce forces into Belarus against its will that could threaten Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries and at the very least raise tensions across the entire region.

And perhaps most worrisome of all, the accord says that Russian military personnel based there can be used “outside the boundaries of the base” if the Belarusian side is kept informed. How that could be used is obvious given how Moscow made use of Russian military personnel in Crimea.

In short, this accord would drag Belarus into a new cold war with the West, “a development of events which for Belarus would be a catastrophe,” the report concludes. But it points out that this would have negative consequences for Russia as well because it would further isolate Russia and keep it from going beyond its raw materials-based economy.

“War, the escalation of tensions in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the entire post-Soviet space destroys the chance for development” in Russia, the report says. “This is obvious including from the publicly recognized failure of the import substitution policy in Russia over the last years.”

One of the authors of this report, Yury Tsarik, repeated its arguments to Kseniya Kirillova, adding importantly that at his September 18 meeting with Vladimir Putin, Lukashenka continued to resist signing the base accord despite Russian pressure for him to do so and an indications Moscow will go ahead regardless.

09-23-2015, 03:21 PM
"DNR" will break Minsk agreement and declare war if #Kyiv will hold referendum on accession to NATO http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/23-september-in-dnr-will-break-the-minsk-agreement-and-declare …

Zakharchenko playing his role perfectly: If Ukraine moves toward NATO rebels will restart war http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2015/09/23/7082382/ … pic.twitter.com/Q4fgf6riqe

BUT is not eastern Ukraine Ukrainian so how can a Ukraine declare war on a Ukraine??????

At least even the Russian FM says eastern Ukraine is in fact Ukrainian-----

More Russian lies----they based the SS20 in 1976 in theory as the “response to the Pershing 2 based in 1983—anyone see a problem here????
Russia may put missiles in Kaliningrad if U.S. upgrades nuclear arms in Germany - Interfax
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/23/us-usa-nuclear-germany-russia-idUSKCN0RN12920150923 …

Russia has had the SS21 in and out of Kaliningrad over the last year so what is new there????? AND just how to we know it is not there—Russia stated they had withdrawn it the last time but there was no verification at all—so is it still there?????

09-23-2015, 04:56 PM
Russian building a second large military base next to the Ukrainian border----
"The guys from Nizhny Novgorod are already here [at Boguchar]" http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/23/us-ukraine-crisis-russia-base-idUSKCN0RN1P120150923 … VK site of one of the units: https://vk.com/army54046

AND we heard about the base development at Boguchar HERE first. Full credit to @russiandefpolic :)

Original source (in Russian) http://4725.ru/news/sobutiya/08/2015/1360752793.html …

More details on new Russian 20th Combined Arms Army garrison for 5,200 soldiers at Boguchar, Voronezh region. 26 Aug https://translate.google.ie/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2F4725.ru%2Fnews%2Fsobutiya%2F08%2F20 15%2F1360752793.html&edit-text= …

And you thought World of Tanks was only a virtual game.
(DNR organizes first-ever "Tank Divisions Competition" pic.twitter.com/eRe97TXngb

Coincidentally Russia is investigating World of Tanks for possible revealing of secret information.

RFE/RL gives @askai707 some well-deserved praise in new article on his work on Russia's 6th Tank Brigade in Ilovaysk: http://www.rferl.mobi/a/27265175.html

09-23-2015, 05:03 PM
Russian TV recently: destroying imported food vital for Russia’s security

Today: Ukraine’s blockade of Crimea unacceptable, food will spoil.

09-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Russia Update: Kremlin Does Not Confirm Claim that Putin and Obama Will Meet at UNGA http://bit.ly/1WiL8ZH pic.twitter.com/uPTSE2edey

Putin said that Islam is one of #Russia's State religions? News to me... https://twitter.com/dimsmirnov175/status/646614459939733504 …

Sounds like Kremlin messaging to folks in Syria/Iraq: "Please don't hurt our troops, pretty please!"

09-23-2015, 05:33 PM
Old Russian Cold War TTP----------

AN-26 (!), SU-25, MIG-29 Belorussian AF drilled landing on road near Minsk today via BELTA pic.twitter.com/1zbQ8gLhfw

09-23-2015, 05:37 PM
This matter-of-fact statement, from an internal DNR report from 27 Aug'15, hacked today by Anonymous International.


09-23-2015, 05:48 PM

http://www.b1.ro/stiri/externe/rusia-avertizeaza-ca-armata-ucrainei-se-pregateste-de-razboi-cu-ucraina-mae-verificam-autenticitatea-informatiilor-speram-ca-statul-ucrainean-nu-a-intreprins-o-astfel-de-masura-125602.html …

09-23-2015, 05:52 PM
Press Officer: Situation in sector C worsened. Whole evening militants fired on positions near Luhanske & Svitlodarsk
http://112.ua/ato/boeviki-vchera-pochti-ves-vecher-obstrelivali-iz-strelkovogo-oruzhiya-luganskoe-i-svetlodarsk-voloshin-260139.html …

Rus proxies fired 9 times upon Ukr troops on 22 Sep, used grenade launchers, small arms in Artemivsk, Luhansk sector https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1071777849499687 …

Rus proxies fired 9 times upon Ukr troops on 22 Sep, used grenade launchers, small arms in Artemivsk, Luhansk sector https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1071777849499687 …

More paranoid apocalyptic fictions from Russian "media":
REN TV: "US prepares for #nuclear conflict in #Donbass."
https://twitter.com/rentvchannel/status/646560398334914560 …

Greece got over 450 billion € from #EU, but still blocks 2 key EU projects:
1) #Macedonia Naming Dispute
2) #Ukraine Association Agreement

Huh, REN TV has deleted their tweet. Guess it was a little too embarrassing, even by Russian propaganda standards.
https://twitter.com/ystriya/status/646580894778683392 …

09-23-2015, 06:02 PM
Russia outraged by blockade of #Crimea intending to wage grievance to international organizations. http://en.censor.net.ua/n353111

09-23-2015, 06:12 PM
Videos taken by the two Russian Spetsnaz taken as POWs in May 2015--videos are with the link below


Well worth the viewing-----

Captive Russian commandos Yerofeyev and Aleksandrov on scout before engagement near Shchastia on May 16, 2015. VIDEO

New evidence of the murder of Ukrainian soldier Vadym Puhachev by Russian special forces captain Yevgeny Yerofeyev has been released.

The videos have been made available for Censor.NET by volunteer Vsevolod Kozhemiako who, in his turn, obtained them from the soldiers who had captured the saboteurs.

The videos were shot by sergeant Aleksandrov. While on scout, he was ordered to record route's "points" and landmarks. He used an American Garmin navigator with GPS and not Russian GLONASS.

As reported by Censor.NET Chief Editor Yurii Butusov on his Facebook page, the commander at the strong hold "Fasad," an officer of the 92nd Mechanized Brigade clarified the details in the photos and videos found in Aleksandrov's mobile phone:

"I have been on the scout around the neighborhood for several times, and I want to clarify all the details for the sake of accuracy of the information. Yerofeyev group's route is clear. Here are my comments on the photos:

I personally defused 20 antitank mines TM-62 during the scout to Vesela Hora village on May 2, 2015. In total, a group of 10 people went there, including me, my anti-aircraft gunners and Aidar battalion fighters. I gave away all mine fuses to B.

The mines appear in the photos twice:


X 5398940

Y 7519175

H 48

fused - planted either by Herman or Buria back in fall 2014

X 5398567

Y 7518880

H 42

Yerofeyev's group halted for rest at a derelict recreation house, left end of Vesela Hora village.

X 5398673

Y 7518768

H 40

Previously, some Ukrainian troops deployed there, most probably the 1st Armored Brigade.

Russians' camp, shown in the video, was located on the chalk mount in the so-called "Interior Ministry village," here are the coordinates in SK42:

X 5399616

Y 7520777

H 117"

09-23-2015, 06:21 PM
Reference the number of Russian mercenaries killed over the last year of fighting---

Ukraine: Militants’ cemetery Donetsk, Russian mercenaries call "Walk of Fame" has more than tripled over the year.

Militants threat to shoot OSCE monitors
http://www.unian.info/war/1132419-militants-threat-to-shoot-osce-monitors.html … pic.twitter.com/YlSvXT2OBr

It's a shame #Odessa court released a 28 Brigade's battalion commander, who was accused in 1 mln bribe for 10 trucks of goods for terrorists

09-23-2015, 06:26 PM
All trucks at Chonhar returned back to mainland, 25 stand at Kalanchak, 49 at Chaplynka, neither let into #Crimea https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 …

Not a single food delivery truck is getting into Crimea now—AND Russian Crimea leader claimed Russia could replace the average 7-8K tons of food daily within two weeks BUT not a single 18 wheeler has been seen on the Kerch ferry runs---reverse non linear warfare?

Mobile checkpoints for Kherson battalion installed at admin border as #Crimeablockade goes on https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522183917939763 … pic.twitter.com/izAoerdtHB

14:06 @solomazheka In #Volnovakha 18-wheelers traffic rose sharply in both directions like never before. #Crimea|n ones searching new way?

09-23-2015, 06:38 PM
In Lugansk, the world is now even more colorful ... typical insurgents Ukrainian woman. pic.twitter.com/au9BOyvkR2

Givi's "Somalia" has left staff corps(?) and reorganized into separate assault battalion under command of DPR MoD https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5322 …

09-23-2015, 07:04 PM

Putin’s desperate attempt to legalize “Krymnash” (our Crimea)

Article by: Andriy Zaremba, Crimean political commentator

The war in Syria is the Kremlin’s last hope to achieve recognition, albeit informal, of Russian-occupied Crimea and partial easing of sanctions without withdrawing Russian troops from the Donbas region of Ukraine.

On September 28, Vladimir Putin will mount the rostrum of the UN General Assembly and urge the West to start a joint fight against terrorism in the Middle East. Even if he does not focus on Ukraine, the meaning of his message is clear: “Let’s forget what happened in Crimea and the Donbas and join forces to fight ISIS”.

The Russian tactical plan for Syria is seemingly logical. The Kremlin wants to stop the ongoing disintegration of the Syrian state, remove Bashar al-Assad as president or at least urge him to retire calmly from the political scene, and ensure Russian influence in the region. Russian authorities believe that by providing technology and help from the Russian Special Forces to the Syrian state they will be able to push ISIS into Iraq and let the United States deal with the terrorists on their own. The Kremlin would like to create a certain scenario for that region, namely that Washington “has let the genie out of the bottle” and can no longer cope with the consequences. Vladimir Putin is trying to demonstrate to the “vile” West, which has not welcomed Russia into the bosom of the family, that the United States is not the only country willing to assume the role of global policeman, ready to bring order to the world.

On the quiet, Russia will try to negotiate preferential treatment for Crimea and the occupied regions, without withdrawing its troops. Putin needs to prolong and postpone the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. The “DNR” puppets have already voiced such proposals.

Putin’s “cunning plan” looks good on paper. In reality, it is somewhat flawed. The main argument has to do with the war against ISIS. We know that this group is fighting against the Assad regime and the opposition. If the Kremlin decides to wage a real war against the Islamists in Syria, it may indirectly help other oppositionists. They, in turn, can destroy the government forces without fearing that ISIS will attack them from the rear. If Moscow starts military operations against everyone, it would be a direct military challenge to the United States. After all, back in August, Barack Obama authorized the use of US aircraft to protect the moderate Syrian opposition. Russian military officials do not fully understand against whom and how they will be fighting in Syria. That is why John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, recently stated that he does not see a military solution to the Syrian war.

It is useless to search for a deeper meaning in the Kremlin’s plans. After the Russian authorities officially called Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk a “mujahidin”, even the most naive “vatnik” should understand that basic intelligence is missing somewhere.

The Kremlin is desperately trying to break out of international isolation and shed its international pariah status.

The entire Russian propaganda machine is currently working towards that goal: the lull in the Donbas war, the “fake coup” in the “DNR”, the pathetic and meaningless state visits to Crimea, the attempts of Russian diplomacy to portray Russia as an important player in the war against ISIS, the behind-the-scenes agreements on Bashar al-Assad’s resignation, etc.

We have noted many times that the Kremlin has no coherent foreign policy strategy. Putin and his team operate tactically, according to the situation at hand. The Kremlin basically wants to stop the expansion of sanctions and does not care to look after the losers in the Donbas. The Russian president is guided by “kid logic” – if you don’t make them bend, they will destroy you.

In the medium term, Moscow hopes that oil prices will bounce back, that the “people’s republics” of the Donbas will be co-opted by Ukraine under Kremlin terms, and that “Krymnash” (our Crimea) will be formally recognized by the West. Then, having built up its military forces and gathered more funds, Putin will again start playing dirty in Ukraine. His constant ravings about “one brotherly nation” (Russians and Ukrainians) has to be understand as a complete denial of Ukraine’s right to independence and statehood.

The Ukrainian government and the members of parliament should have no illusions. The Moscow “Frankenstein” will not stop. It does not need a reason to interfere in Ukrainian affairs. Lavrov and Churkin will quickly come up with something or other.

In the meantime, the attention of Europeans is focused on the refugee problem. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated that it is impossible to solve the Syrian problem without Moscow’s participation. These “discrepancies” in official statements made by the U.S. and Germany should come as no surprise. The West has chosen to act against Putin’s Russia by installing a strategy of slow economic strangulation. The ultimate goal is to demoralize the Russian kleptocratic elite and persuade it to revise the policies of the regime.

A priori, Europe cannot forgive the Kremlin for militarily redrawing its borders, but it refuses to put too much pressure on Moscow.

Washington and Brussels are seriously worried about a sudden collapse of Putin’s vertical, which might lead to Russia turning into one big “DNR” fully armed with nuclear weapons.

The “Russian bear” has both feet trapped in Crimea and Donetsk, and now he’s sticking his paw into another hive of evil Syrian “bees”. Why should we interfere with his plans? Let him get stuck in another foreign conflict, wasting both resources and lives. In the eyes of the Russian public, “Krymnash” was legitimized by Putin’s third presidential term, but the Syrian gamble will put a damper on everything.

It is one thing to kill Ukrainians, thus protecting the local population from mythical right-wingers and banderites, but another to send Russian soldiers to a foreign country for who knows what reason. “Vatniks” are now puzzled why the “Russians” in the Donbas do not need more protection, but Bashar al-Assad does… Even TV “magicians” like Sergei Kurginian and Vladimir Solovyov cannot explain such a political volte-face.

So the Kremlin is loudly silent about sending troops to Syria, while the Russian Ministry of Defense continues to chant that “we’re only providing military equipment and specialists”.

Moscow is slowly but surely repeating the mistakes of the Soviet Union in the last years of its existence.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was originally meant to protect important installations and the state borders of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The Soviet authorities “suddenly” discovered that Afghanistan was not a monolithic state, but a country inhabited by warring tribes. The Soviet Union was gradually drawn into a war of attrition with various tribes and clans. It was a war for which the USSR was neither technically or morally prepared. Afghanistan became a shameful defeat for Moscow, foreshadowing the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Don’t mention Crimean Tatar Mejlis because we say it doesn’t exist,’ Russian occupiers order media http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/23/dont-mention-crimean-tatar-mejlis-because-we-say-it-doesnt-exist-russian-occupiers-order-media/ …

09-23-2015, 07:16 PM
West has lost the weaponization of information war with Russia----

Thousands killed, but EU fights #Russia warmongering #propaganda with 8-man ‘task force’
http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1442971348 … pic.twitter.com/DtWZDdXNP2

09-23-2015, 08:20 PM
33 Russian army tanks to participate in DPR vs LPR "tank biathlon" near Torez, 24-26 Sep http://dan-news.info/defence/v-tankovyx-sostyazaniyax-mezhdu-dnr-i-lnr-primut-uchastie-33-boevyx-mashiny.html … pic.twitter.com/fxblMPOj6P

Avdiivka @tsnkvlt Outside the town, heavier than grenade launcher. In #Lastochkine reply by UKR was heard https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/646775244703686656 …

Avdiivka @tsnkvlt My kindered on the phone told me... There were no impacts on the town

Source for bottom-right photo (Russian tanks crossing the M04(?) in Ukraine) is https://youtu.be/afm27LOrAeQ

09-24-2015, 05:28 AM
ATO press center reported 4 ceasefire-violations for yesterday, w small arms. At 2AM russian forces hit #Staromykhailivka w 122-mm mortars.

Lugansk. Locals from the East of the city report that they heard military convoys moving through the area at 22:50 and 2:00 am.

Putin's goal is to create as many anti-western axis as possible, it's a long term strategy http://www.cepa.org/content/putins-new-deception-call-anti-terror-coalition# …

09-24-2015, 10:09 AM
'We are preventing a third world war': the foreigners fighting with Ukrainian rebels http://gu.com/p/4ct93/stw my report from Donetsk.

Mariupol activists are to join Crimean Tatars for #Crimeablockade, get ready to start to Chonhar, Chaplynka this am https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1702268673339811&id=100006700849337 …

Kherson region police chief Kiva: #Crimeablockade protest moves 10km deep into mainland Ukr, 0 trucks at checkpoints https://www.facebook.com/kivailya/posts/522397064585115 …

09-24-2015, 10:11 AM
More Russian/Soviet twisting of the reality of European history---

RU ambassador in Venezuela:"USSR never invaded #Poland,never committed war crimes there." RU vs common sense
http://wyborcza.pl/1,75477,18898588,ambasador-rosji-polska-byla-hitlerowskim-sojusznikiem-a-zsrr.html …

NOTICE Russian MFA states nothing about the non stop large scale Russian exercises on the eastern flank of NATO started before NATO exercised.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
We observe on #NATO’s eastern flank non-stop rotation of forces, deployment of #US equipment http://on.fb.me/1OvJJh0 pic.twitter.com/TQGIWxGUa7

Russians continue their stealing of Ukrainian assets---
ATO spokesperson: JCCC one more time noted systematic militants` plunders of Donbas infrastructure and facilities

09-24-2015, 10:35 AM
ATO spox: Luhansk sector: enemy for 3 times attacked with small arms UA positions near Krymske village; enemy snipers were active there

Col. Andriy Lysenko: Yesterday, the only sector where militants violated ceasefire was the Luhansk sector

Col. Andriy Lysenko: As a result of mine explosion near the Bakhmut road, 1 UA serviceman was killed, 2 more – wounded

ATO spokesperson: Donetsk and Mariupol sectors: no single hostile provocation was recorded

Col. Lysenko: Illegal armed groups attacked UA armored vehicle near Zolote town, no single serviceman was injured

Russian units are undergoing extensive exercises near the Ukrainian border—as well as inside eastern Ukraine---
And we all know, where "drills" in areas bordering #Ukraine led last year about the same time ...
https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/646976771917762561 …

There has been heavy constant Russian artillery exercises ongoing in eastern Ukraine along with extensive tank exercises----since the Russian move into Syria.

09-24-2015, 10:50 AM
Strange report as there has been no real indication of fighting to incur these loses--- UNLESS Spetsnaz as there has been some guerrilla fights ongoing across the ATO----

UK Delegation OSCE ✔ @UKOSCE
OSCE observes Russian vehicles with inscriptions meaning 'military personnel killed in action' crossing from Ukraine back into Russia

"Tank biathlon" near Torez. Photos c/o @666_mancer. IOHO Russian Army using biathlon to transfer more tanks x-border pic.twitter.com/q8XWIzhRm0

Evidence of #RussianAggression in #Ukraine. Full presentation in English https://www.dropbox.com/s/vval5hz0dun6wf6/proof-eng.pdf?dl=0 … pic.twitter.com/u4R29Pe9uG

09-24-2015, 11:21 AM
Sector "M": Booby-trapped bodies found outside Donetsk
http://www.unian.info/war/1132992-sector-m-booby-trapped-bodies-found-outside-donetsk.html … pic.twitter.com/zPtBKA6v1j

Ukrainian reconnaissance officers found booby trapped bodies in the village of Sopyne.

09-24-2015, 11:34 AM
Professional sniper from #Iran planned to join pro-#Russian terrorist groups. Read more at http://lugansk-news.com/professional-sniper-from-iran-who-planned-to-join-terrorist-groups-on-the-east-of-ukraine-was-detained-by-border-guard-service/ … pic.twitter.com/oKvXTcWsFz

RuNAVY TU-142 (antisubmarine a/craft) completed drill on staging sonar buoys over Barents sea via @rianru pic.twitter.com/uA9cOsimhq

Kremlin-speak decoded: Ukraine's food blockade of Crimea is working... I'm hungry! https://twitter.com/tassagency_en/status/646997449823899649 …

Crimean official says Ukraine’s food blockade of the peninsula has failed http://tass.ru/en/politics/823358 …

Another Ukrainian soldier was killed and 2 injured by a Russian-laid mine in Eastern #Ukraine yesterday.

Russia Deploys the Military Equipment of the 7th Base to Rostov Oblast: https://en.informnapalm.org/5502-russia-deploys-the-military-equipment-of-the-7th-base-to-rostov-oblast/ … via @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/egRXqoVOni

09-24-2015, 11:34 AM
West has lost the weaponization of information war with Russia----

Thousands killed, but EU fights #Russia warmongering #propaganda with 8-man ‘task force’
http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1442971348 … pic.twitter.com/DtWZDdXNP2

How US started countermoves in the USSR almost 40 years ago.

https://books.google.be/books?id=M51ssIgLMl8C&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=%22soviet+options+in+southwest+asia+after+the+i nvasion+of+afghanistan%22&source=bl&ots=Blba4pgWSl&sig=zxB2QTLzjQN27iNbb5DLuXRMmZk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAWoVChMI072giuaIyAIVxj8aCh1BHQU1#v=on epage&q=brzezinski%20radio&f=false

09-24-2015, 12:57 PM
Ukraine Reports Use Of Heavy Artillery Near Donetsk http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-584-ukraine-reports-use-of-heavy-artillery-near-donetsk/#10125 … pic.twitter.com/laB12rZM3N

About 10,000 hectares in the ATO area have been mined by the militants - Tymchuk
http://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ukrnews/1888365-militants_mine_about_10000_ha_in_ato_area__334591. html … #Ukraine

09-24-2015, 02:38 PM
GRU operative from St. Pete, fighting in Donetsk (http://gruz200.net/?n=953 ), killed in Syria 9/22. The IRONY. http://vk.com/wall-3223620_1228475?reply=1228606 …

Does everyone finally see the relationship between the eastern Ukraine and Syria from a non linear warfare perspective??

One of the recent tweets by the RU mercenary in Donetsk, killed in Syria two days ago. pic.twitter.com/ZgWIIsAUMG

09-24-2015, 02:43 PM
'Head of Air Defense Forces of the Russian 6th Army' Fights in Donbas:

https://en.informnapalm.org/5507-head-of-air-defense-forces-of-the-russian-6th-army-fights-in-donbas/ … via @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/e49xmfT7uu

09-24-2015, 06:11 PM
Russia|n military Strela-10 SAM system on display at the tank biathlon in occupied #Donbas

https://youtu.be/WS9i9UFFTbo?t=55s … pic.twitter.com/DCguz9TNIM

23 Sep: #OSCE visited “LPR” training in Kruhlyk (31km south-west of Luhansk) 28 Russian tanks (T64/T72) live firing http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/184821 …

23 September 2015 - OSCE UAV was shot down while flying over RU-controlled territory northeast of #Mariupol. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/647117212449402880 …

09-24-2015, 07:45 PM
Russia|n military Strela-10 SAM system on display at the tank biathlon in occupied #Donbas

https://youtu.be/WS9i9UFFTbo?t=55s … pic.twitter.com/DCguz9TNIM

23 Sep: #OSCE visited “LPR” training in Kruhlyk (31km south-west of Luhansk) 28 Russian tanks (T64/T72) live firing http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/184821 …

23 September 2015 - OSCE UAV was shot down while flying over RU-controlled territory northeast of #Mariupol. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/647117212449402880 …

UK Delegation OSCE ✔ @UKOSCE
Russia challenged in FSC over Russian jamming station used to jam SMM UAVs in Ukraine - no plausible answer

09-24-2015, 10:07 PM
Tank explodes in eastern Ukraine killing children-----
Version: girl at the tank biathlon in Torez died due 2 explosion of missiles, MANPADS
► http://goo.gl/ITzydP Boom pic.twitter.com/2hF0IiNq4N

Russian-led "#DPR" paramilitary held a "tank biathlon" (!)
Children climbed in, found some dials, blew themselves up pic.twitter.com/NQNRdNWVRS

09-25-2015, 05:32 AM
Ukraine crisis: Rebels order UN agencies to leave http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34355394 …

Putin on Charlie Rose interview: "The syrian people should decide the government". But in Ukraine..not so much..

09-25-2015, 03:50 PM
Russian POW captured by the UAF when he was lost is sentenced—
RUS army major #Starkov is sentenced to 14yrs for 'participating in aggressive war against #Ukraine' https://www.facebook.com/MatiosAnatolii/posts/530114490473009 …

Pushilin " DNR & LNR must prepare for the integration into Russia" https://twitter.com/obozrevatel_ua/status/647393806086729728 …

09-25-2015, 06:15 PM
Russian theft of Ukrainian industrial assets still continues----

23 Ukrainian industrial outlets in Luhansk region looted by #Russia &moved to Russia. It should be compensated http://mignews.com.ua/regiony/lugansk/5185704.html[/url] …

09-25-2015, 06:18 PM
VIDEO: Ukrainian aircraft pilots having fun..
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5umYNdBPkTM … pic.twitter.com/fngL4vUgFS

Russia is making it harder for NATO to access & defend Baltic states in case of a conflict Russia has installed a very strong access denial weapon coverage to include areas of NATO
http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/general-us-forces-in-europe-missing-three-key-capabilities …

Rail transport of Boguchar (Voronezh) Reservists 4-9 Sep to Vladimirskii Lager (Vladimirsky Lager), Pskov region pic.twitter.com/yY0zhT3vhw

Loading a tank from Boguchar base on the platform at Kantemirovka railhead 4 Sep VIDEO http://ok.ru/video/33038338803 … pic.twitter.com/BgQTtc3w8E

Reservist column from Boguchar arrived at Kantemirovka railhead (3 Sep) for loading H2200 transport next day pic.twitter.com/2sEX59Ytw1

Loading tanks, IFVs and support from Boguchar at Kantemirovka railhead 4 Sep (Source: http://ok.ru/group/53645283885299 …)

09-25-2015, 06:58 PM
Tanks parked at Boguchar camp, Voronezh region (50km from Ukraine) 31 Aug http://ok.ru/video/32881576691 … pic.twitter.com/QsL8y4WtUW

Reactivated 10th GTD is core (permanent readiness formation) of 20th Combined Arms Army (Garrison/HQ Boguchar) http://fortruss.blogspot.ie/2015/07/russian-army-to-re-activate-10th-guards.html …

50km from Ukraine border: Russian army base at Boguchar, Voronezh region, 30 August 2015 http://ok.ru/group/53645283885299 … pic.twitter.com/yqmsTeGYgd

Militants try to provoke armed standoff with ATO forces on Friday
http://www.unian.info/war/1134745-militants-try-to-provoke-armed-standoff-with-ato-forces-on-friday.html … pic.twitter.com/KzDI0dIyk6

ATO press service reported only chaotic provocative shooting in Donbas. At Zaitsevo RU grenades were falling 100m in front of UAF positions.

Local man arrested in Chernihiv: weapons, ammo, pro-Novorossiya leaflets seized
http://www.unian.info/society/1134759-local-man-arrested-in-chernihiv-weapons-ammo-pro-novorossiya-leaflets-seized.html … pic.twitter.com/IWYGDtDHLy

09-25-2015, 08:44 PM
Tanks parked at Boguchar camp, Voronezh region (50km from Ukraine) 31 Aug http://ok.ru/video/32881576691 … pic.twitter.com/QsL8y4WtUW

Reactivated 10th GTD is core (permanent readiness formation) of 20th Combined Arms Army (Garrison/HQ Boguchar) http://fortruss.blogspot.ie/2015/07/russian-army-to-re-activate-10th-guards.html …

50km from Ukraine border: Russian army base at Boguchar, Voronezh region, 30 August 2015 http://ok.ru/group/53645283885299 … pic.twitter.com/yqmsTeGYgd

Militants try to provoke armed standoff with ATO forces on Friday
http://www.unian.info/war/1134745-militants-try-to-provoke-armed-standoff-with-ato-forces-on-friday.html … pic.twitter.com/KzDI0dIyk6

ATO press service reported only chaotic provocative shooting in Donbas. At Zaitsevo RU grenades were falling 100m in front of UAF positions.

Local man arrested in Chernihiv: weapons, ammo, pro-Novorossiya leaflets seized
http://www.unian.info/society/1134759-local-man-arrested-in-chernihiv-weapons-ammo-pro-novorossiya-leaflets-seized.html … pic.twitter.com/IWYGDtDHLy

Why the big deal about development of Russian 20th Army base at Boguchar? Look at the map and proximity to Ukraine: pic.twitter.com/BSwQCsBGNh

09-25-2015, 08:48 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 9.25

Posted on September 25, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

In the ATO zone, shellings by Russian-terrorist forces were observed. Over the past 24 hours, the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces between Katerynivka and Popasna were shelled by a sniper group that worked under cover of heavy machine guns; erratic militant fire from small arms was recorded north of Strohnativka, between Mar’inka and Krasnohovorivka, as well as near Shumy, Avdiivka, and Zaitseve.

Information about Putin’s plans to “cut the DNR and the LNR loose” continues circulating among the soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces. Career officers of the Russian Army are not as inclined to take “vacations” on Ukrainian territory and participate in terrorist activities of illegal armed groups in Donbas. Terrorists also actively discuss the information about “[Putin’s] adieu.” Militants are increasingly discussing the idea of being prepared “to stop the war” on the condition of a guaranteed amnesty from Kyiv.

Terrorists are assembling a “special forces company of the DNR” in a city of Novoazovsk; [the company will be staffed with] up to 50 people, who will function as interior troops. The unit will conduct sweeps in the district, monitor checkpoints, etc.

Deployment of a gang was detected in the area of Starobesheve (along the Kuteinykove–Starobesheve–Mospyne line). The gang includes up to 20 different AFVs and 8 tanks. Its personnel was transferred to this area from Donetsk on board of army trucks and civilian passenger vehicles.

In the area of Novofedorivka, an artillery battalion of Russian-terrorist forces was deployed on previously equipped positions. The battalion includes one battery of MLRS BM-21 “Grad” and one battery of 2S1 “Akatsiya” self-propelled artillery guns.

Active delivery of ammunition to the positions of terrorist mortar units (82 mm mortars) was observed in the Petrovskyi and Kyivskyi districts of Donetsk.

Nine covered boxcars with ammunition and equipment, and three platforms with two T-72 tanks on each arrived at the Ilovaisk train station.

The IR network identified a base of special forces of the Russian GRU of the General Staff in the vicinity of Lutuhyne.

The “head” of the “DNR” terrorist organization Aleksandr Zakharchenko is actively preparing for the so-called elections. Following his order, printed media entitled Evening Donetsk is currently in the works. The [newspaper] will cover information “about the state of the economy and industry of the DNR,” and most importantly, [it] will become the information mouthpiece of Zakharchenko’s PR campaign for fictitious elections. The appointed editor of the newspaper is Tatyana Dubova, a photojournalist of the Donetsk bureau of a Russian news agency RIA “News” and former chief editor of the Donetsk “Vesti” [newspaper]. The newspaper will launch on September 30.

The Presidential Administration of Russia ordered the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Investigative Committee, and the Foreign Ministry to urgently prepare materials [in order] to discredit the Ukrainian leadership during Putin’s speech at the UN General Assembly. The Russian President will try to accuse the Ukrainian authorities of crimes against humanity on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions using “pictorial materials” akin to a “crucified Slavic boy” [circulated on Russian TV in July of 2014].

The management of the “Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works” is negotiating with relevant “ministries and departments” of the “LNR” terrorist organization and their Russian supervisors regarding the sale of their products outside the “LNR,” particularly in Europe. Ukraine’s failure to return railway cars to the occupied territories posits a particular problem in this respect. In turn, Russian supervisors are suggesting that businesses operating on the territory of the “LNR” engage in “foreign economic activities” with Russia using wire money transfers, as follows: they would use Ukrainian registration documents to open accounts in a NBCO (Non-Banking Credit Organization), and “LNR” registration documents to [open] accounts in the so-called “LNR State Bank,” to subsequently transfer the money from NBCO accounts to the “LNR State Bank.”

09-25-2015, 08:49 PM
Crimea new #Russian defence positions + quick response vehicle base on new #Ukraine "border" pic.twitter.com/5QSMAPYIio

09-26-2015, 07:49 AM
Crimea blockade uncovered smuggling scheme. "At least 13% of trucks going from Ukraine to Crimea ended up in Russia,"
http://voxukraine.org/2015/09/24/crimea-past-evidence-and-future-prospects-eng/ …

ATO: yesterday militants 8 times violated the ceasefire. All violations were recorded in the Artemivsk direction.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1073066402704165&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1073066402704165%3Atl_objid .1073066402704165&__tn__=%2As …

Geoffrey Pyatt ✔ @GeoffPyatt
Minsk Agreements call for local elections in eastern Ukraine to be conducted under Ukrainian law & int'l observation pic.twitter.com/8NnTuLkIEI

Western Ambassadors accuse Russia of breaking Intl. Humanitarian Law, risking lives of 3M people. Via @vBeckerath

09-26-2015, 11:30 AM
Near Simferopol occupation forces demolish houses of Crimean tatars http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/26-september-near-simferopol-occupation-forces-demolish-houses … pic.twitter.com/klq2Cvzz8b via @freecrimea2015

Russia wants to create a second large refugee stream towards Europe...?
https://twitter.com/USEmbassyKyiv/status/647446599124287488 …

Finnish foreign minister Soini: If Sweden applies for NATO membership, Finland probably follows (link FIN)
http://www.verkkouutiset.fi/kotimaa/soini%20jos%20suomi%20natoon%20suomi%20perassa-41224 …

Russia's place in the UN Security Council unlawful, argues Oleksandr Merezhko: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/17/how-the-un-was-fooled-by-russia/ …

Reference the Russian shot down of MH17----

Russia could face a barrage of legal action http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/26/flight-mh17-russia-could-face-legal-action-over-downing-of-jet-over-ukraine#st_refDomain=t.co&st_refQuery=/hL1coIkzN2 …

09-26-2015, 12:39 PM
Russians started to seek Volunteers in Donbas to be send to fight in Syria


09-26-2015, 03:03 PM
Can this be true????

.@HuffingtonPost praises UK man embedded w Russian hybrid forces in Ukraine, friends with sanctioned war criminals.
https://storify.com/ystriya/graham-1 …

.@HuffingtonPost gives platform to UK man illegally in Ukraine who questions POWs in defiance of Geneva Conventions
https://storify.com/ystriya/graham-2 …

09-26-2015, 03:09 PM
24 Sep article (in Russian) on new 20th Combined Arms Army base at Boguchar, Voronezh region and other developments http://www.vz.ru/society/2015/9/24/768616.html …

tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/2293617 … Poland's State Dept calls in for a "talk" Russia's ambassador, who said Poland bears partial responsibility for WWII.

09-26-2015, 07:05 PM
Explosions are heard in #Krasnohorivka http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/26-september-explosions-are-heard-in-krasnohorivka …

21:30 "Still doesn't want to calm down"

09-26-2015, 09:56 PM
Krasnohorivka 22:20
"Few volleys, but heavy"
Still shelling after 23:30

00:41 #Alchevsk @ua_ares Sounds like more than one column of armoured vehicles on move. Roar stops then resumes in 5-10 min.

Direct Russian threat against the Ukraine—clear and concise---question is --did the West even register the threat????

Pushilin: "if Ukraine joins NATO, we will liberate not only remaining Donbass, but other territories as well". Not an uncoordinated message.

VIDEO #Putin forces equipped with "Igla" 9K38 MANPAD & MKTK-1A "Judist" ECM Vehicles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST2algOw_pA … pic.twitter.com/r8mPipvCH7

Ukraine SBU discovered a mined cache of RPGs, Anti-tank missiles etc #Severodonetsk https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article%3Bjsessionid%3DC14AE9AD2E113D118E5CFEF12CA 19494.app1%3Fart_id%3D160291%26cat_id%3D39574&usg=ALkJrhiDsXZycfCcplAicB1EjY2nytIMyA … #Putin pic.twitter.com/1roSCmUtLm

Ukraine SBU discovered cache of Grad BM21 rockets near #Mariupol https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article%3Bjsessionid%3DC14AE9AD2E113D118E5CFEF12CA 19494.app1%3Fart_id%3D160364%26cat_id%3D39574&usg=ALkJrhhOcl4518kaodMr4yy0AphEMaBH7A … #Russia #Putin #War #Syria pic.twitter.com/z5R2LIty9i

VIDEO Castel Erwan - #Putin Novo-whatever fighter from #France in #Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifRjXjPrOMg … pic.twitter.com/NUigsIwKV6

Crimea Triangle: Where do Missing Trucks from Ukraine Go?
http://voxukraine.org/2015/09/24/crimea-past-evidence-and-future-prospects-eng/ …

09-26-2015, 10:13 PM
Video of Russia-Estonia spy exchange is straight out of Cold War. Only things missing: Berlin, fedoras & cheap suits


09-27-2015, 10:14 AM
After photoshopping $40,000 watch from Patriarch Kirill's wrist, #Russia's Orthodox Church takes it one step further pic.twitter.com/3GbeWONZDK

Russian infowar media extremely fast with reported bomb blast in Odessa this morning---
Kremlin media very early with reports of the terrorist attack in Odesa. pic.twitter.com/dP4Ucdf7Pl

UPDATE: Explosive planted near emergency exits of building, no casualties reported #Odessa - @1tv_od @EuromaidanPR pic.twitter.com/uR8Fheq1JR

See the relationship from a sabotage attack to the Russian info war media reporting—clear and concise as they knew in advance of the bombing---

The powerful explosion near the Security Service building in #Odessa Ukraine was first reported by Russian media as if they had prior info.

Sep 25, OSCE again observed large concentrations of mil. equipment in LPR & DPR territories.
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/185741 … pic.twitter.com/zfRpTQMrXa

1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 1 wounded in a mine attack near #Horlivka yesterday

09-27-2015, 10:26 AM
Russia rewrites history and “forgot” the 1939 Ribbentrop Molotov agreement along the way---

RF Amb to Poland: "Soviet's invasion of Poland was an act of self-defense, not aggression." Unbe-fxxxxxn-believable. http://www.dw.com/en/poland-furious-after-russia-blames-them-for-starting-wwii/a-18743484 …

09-27-2015, 10:31 AM
Russia's investments "in Kaliningrad & Crimea in access denial" make reinforcement of allies, "very, very risky" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/general-us-forces-in-europe-missing-three-key-capabilities …

Gen. Hodges: "#Ukraine is only a symptom... #Russia believes that they're entitled to a sphere where they can dictate what countries do."