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09-27-2015, 10:32 AM
Su-33 & Su-25 jets (#Russia|n Navy, 279 naval fighter regiment) at NITKA training area, Crimea on 9/11
https://youtu.be/MmnmX5nTrd8?t=6m28s …

09-27-2015, 10:58 AM
Humanitarian cargoes are blocked from entering "DNLR" since mid-July, in defiance of Minsk
https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.220820914768385.1073741828.220542374796239/444139735769834/?type=3&permPage=1 … pic.twitter.com/2ZHHTJ25IT

Inside the "Battalion Sparta" base in #Donetsk.
Russian army equipment all around.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTCUnQgCOLw …

09-27-2015, 03:11 PM

Amusement park in #Moscow unveils new attraction called "The Economy of #Russia"


09-27-2015, 03:38 PM
Russia flips out when the US announces normal nuclear weapons upgrades allowed under the treaties Russia signed--then Russian threatens to base SS21s even in Syria.

In other news: "Russia Developing Invisible 'Death Trains' With Nukes" http://sputniknews.com/military/20150926/1027575725/russia-death-phantom-nuclear-train.html … So that WON'T disturb the balance?

09-27-2015, 04:05 PM
Nalobin's #KremlinTrolls network is an eye-opener ..

http://kremlintrolls.com/t/20150810-snalobin_reflux.html … pic.twitter.com/Mmg24qBnuq

09-27-2015, 04:06 PM
Reference Moldavia---

MOLDOVA: Anti-gov't protests continue, 20,000 demonstrating in #Chisinau - ABC @raminmazur

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/20000-protest-moldovas-pro-european-government-34077851 … pic.twitter.com/1AFFG8zFOb

09-27-2015, 04:48 PM
Mark Galeotti @MarkGaleotti

Relative quiet in #Donbas; #Kohver swapped. Why, it's almost as if #Russia is trying to minimize embarrassments before #Putin-#Obama meet!

09-27-2015, 05:59 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=VUPRVwtj0kY …

Hellhole. #Ukrainian Smerch MLRS battery hit by #Russian fire 6/30/15, video claims.


09-28-2015, 05:01 AM
Alternative math of #Russia24 TV channel "The satellites of Russia will increase *sevenfold*, up to *48*" @davidmsk pic.twitter.com/QXmUm6W2Fk

Apparently, Russian delegation walked out during President @poroshenko speech at the UN http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/vistup-prezidenta-ukrayini-na-samiti-z-prijnyattya-cilej-sta-36032 … pic.twitter.com/sQ05XFmjvP

Russian delegation left UN General Assembly during Poroshenko's speech out of protest. https://twitter.com/tvrain/status/648242478273961984 …

Of course, Putin reserves the right to define legitimate, govt, actions, overthrowing, take part, & never.. #Russia https://twitter.com/rt_com/status/648281392602836992 …

09-28-2015, 07:40 AM
'Sporadic' fighting in #Mariinka continues despite truce which mainly holds. 4 #Ukraine soldiers wounded there yesterday.
4 Ukrainian soldiers were injured in (pro-)Russian attacks in Eastern #Ukraine yesterday.
All in #Marinka between 21:17 and 22:17.

Not a joke--actually stated--
How can I be a gangster if I worked for the KGB?" -- Vladimir Putin, not joking.

Putin in his 60Minutes interview fully blames the US for the Ukrainian color revolution----

If Putin has evidence of CIA role in ouster of Yanukovich, why have we never seen it? Wouldn't Russia have incentive to publish?
Putin description of US role in ouster of Yanukovich on @60Minutes is complete fiction. Was his intel out of Ukraine then flawed?

Typical Russian info war comments--make them but provide no evidence---

Russian soldiers to be send from Donbas to Syria in October https://twitter.com/zn_ua/status/648406546691571712 …

09-28-2015, 08:22 AM
Russian ambassador summoned to Polish foreign ministry today for making excuses for the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/11894469/Poland-summons-Russian-ambassador-after-he-blames-Warsaw-for-Second-World-War.html …

09-28-2015, 10:09 AM
Situation in sector "S" tense. militants try to provoke UKR forces wuth RPGs and heavy machine guns - Press Officer

http://112.ua/ato/situaciya-v-sektore-s-napryazhennaya-boeviki-vedut-provociruyushhiy-ogon-voloshin-261122.html …

Pervomaisk. Multistorey Buildings As Shields for Russian Militants: https://en.informnapalm.org/pervomaisk-multistorey-buildings-as-shields-for-russian-militants/ … via @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/2uqDNfLfk8

09-28-2015, 10:41 AM

Why are the Kremlin’s Proxies in Donbas provoking a Humanitarian Catastrophe?


Halya Coynash

It remains unclear why the so-called ‘Luhansk people’s republic’ [‘LNR’] have ordered all but one western aid organization to leave the Luhansk oblast, or why one of the militant leaders has yet again announced plans for “integration with Russia”. The militants’ current anti-Western line and their decision to drive international organizations out of militant-controlled areas will certainly reduce interference in the pseudo-elections that both so-called ‘people’s republics’ have announced. Such behaviour must, however, make it even less likely that western countries would accept ‘elections’ which are so flagrantly in breach of the Minsk Accord.

UN officials reported on Sept 24 that the LNR ‘de facto authorities’ had ordered all UN agencies in Luhansk to get out by the following day. This followed the rejection of applications from all UN agencies and international NGOs, except the Red Cross, to work in the area. The Red Cross was untouched by the bans, yet its humanitarian convoy was forced to return on Sept 25 without being allowed to enter militant-controlled areas.

Stephen O’Brien, the Under-Secretary-General for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, called the failure to allow humanitarian access “a blatant violation of international humanitarian law”, which will have “a serious impact on some 3 million people as winter approaches”. People in the militant-controlled area will be deprived of food, shelter and non-food supplies, including vital medication.

O’Brien called on “everyone with influence over the de facto authorities” to ensure resumption of the aid. Moscow is widely understood to be where those “with influence” are to be found, but they have made no comment.

Ukrainian billionnaire Renat Akhmetov’s humanitarian aid is also not affected by the ban. Jock Mendoza-Wilson from Akhmetov’s Foundation is reported to have suggested that the militants are hoping to receive humanitarian aid from Western countries via Russia. His idea is that the aid would be presented as though from Russia. It seems difficult to believe that western agencies would agree to this, especially given that they would be in breach of Ukraine’s law on temporarily occupied territory if they entered such territory from Russia, without Ukraine’s permission.

Akhmetov is widely considered to be hedging his bets and has never come out as strongly as other oligarchs in opposition to the events in Donbas. His Foundation’s presence in militant-controlled areas has generally been non-problematical, unlike that of international bodies.

One of the NGOs banned is Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). The organization stressed that they provide critical medical and humanitarian assistance in Luhansk and that the ban will deprive vulnerable people of essential healthcare and medicines. ‘LNR’ leaders have, however, targeted this renowned NGO for a particular smear campaign, claiming that it has used medication beyond its sell-by date, etc.

A very obviously orchestrated protest by young people to “see MSF out” of the area was highly reminiscent of the staged protests in early July against the OSCE Monitoring Mission. Those earlier protests coincided with a serious arson attack against the Mission and other disturbing incidents. There was concern then that the militants were seeking to drive out the Monitoring Mission, and the same fears seem warranted now. Nobody has presented any proof for allegations against MSF, and the accusations seem especially dubious given that almost all NGOs have been thrown out, not just MSF.

The less independent organizations, the better if you have something to hide. The de facto leaders of the so-called ‘Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics’ are insisting on holding ‘elections’ in October and early November in direct breach of the Minsk Accords. There is no way that they can comply with the agreement reached in Minsk since this requires free and fair elections held in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. As well as the fact that these pseudo-elections have not been agreed with Ukraine, they will also be held without free media, without real opposition and almost certainly with armed gunmen in close proximity to so-called polling stations.

Over recent weeks, in the run-up to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s trip to the UN, there have been all kinds of conciliatory noises from the militants and from Russian Foreign Minster Sergei Lavrov. The militants, we are told, are now willing to accept integration into Ukraine. and there was even a rather theatrical ‘coup’ on Sept. 4 in which pragmatist Denis Pushilin is supposed to have ousted ideologue Andrei Purgin.

Pushilin and his cronies have yet again changed their tune. Interfax.ru reports that Pushilin stated on Friday, Sept 25, that “It is clear that Ukraine will do everything it can to push us away, and we must be ready to integrate into the Russian Federation.” His comments came after a forum in Luhansk which discussed integration with Russia, and were accompanied by comments about the ‘elections’ they are planning. He claims that these will be attended by “several international observers”. It seems likely that he meant the same far-right or neo-Stalinist politicians who have proven so helpful in ‘observing and approving’ the previous ‘elections’ one year ago; the pseudo-referendum in Crimea and plenty of others.

Well-known Ukrainian journalist Denis Kazansky called Pushilin totally without principles and willing to do whatever he’s told. Why the above-described developments have taken place now remains to be seen, but it is most unlikely that Pushilin and his cronies were acting without prompts from Moscow.

09-28-2015, 11:01 AM
Activists blocked railroad to Crimea near Chervonyi Chaban http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/28-september-activists-blocked-railroad-to-crimea-near-chervonyi … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/lDi9Se9U0c via @ryabtchuk_roman

Tartars have effectively cut all Ukrainian tuck transports to Crimea--now rail is being cut--Russia has undertaken absolutely no attempt to feed the Crimea after the trucks were stopped even though they trumpeted they could within two weeks replace the 7-8K tons of food daily.

Russia's squadron entered Ukraine's territorial waters, facing #Mariupol. https://twitter.com/LastnewsUA/status/648246301163958273 …

We have rumint (credible src) 9th Inde' Motor Rifle Brigade have been tasked to "prepare for Kharkov" pic.twitter.com/hGOtLzk7ik

09-28-2015, 12:07 PM
Betting a Starbucks of choice here in Berlin if Putin's speech does not have at it's core this speech from him in 2008.


Will be interesting if it does and what Obama's response will be in the face of it----

Remember Putin is driving on three core geo political goals and Obama has to yet to have defined a single top geo political goal in years.

09-28-2015, 12:13 PM

AvtoVaz CEO: '#VolkswagenScandal can't happen with our cars, only software in them is in the driver's mobile phone'


09-28-2015, 01:01 PM
Russian hand grenades in #Ukraine showing F1, RG42, RGD-5, RGN and RGO pic.twitter.com/oGmZuj3alE

09-28-2015, 01:05 PM
Russian nuclear sable rattling before UNGA speech--

Live-firing of Iskander-M tactical missile successfully completed in southern Russia

September 28, 15:19 UTC+3

The missile was fired to a distance of 300 kilometers at a target simulating a command centre of a maneuver enemy

© Dmitry Rogulin/TASS

MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. Service launch of an Iskander-M missile was successfully performed by personnel from a missile unit of the Eastern Military District at a firing range in Russia’s southern Astrakhan region, spokesman for the military district Alexander Gordeyev said on Monday.

"The missile was fired to a distance of 300 kilometers at a target simulating a command centre of a maneuver enemy. The launch was successful," he said, adding that following the drills the army unit and the Iskander-M missile system would return to the base of their permanent deployment in the Siberian republic of Buryatia.

Iskander tactical ballistic missile systems are capable of hitting both small-size and large-area targets at a distance of up to 500 km to destroy missile and multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery guns, aircraft and helicopters at aerodromes, command posts and communications centers.

The Iskander tactical ballistic missile complex includes a launcher, a loader-transporter, a routine maintenance vehicle, a command post vehicle, an information post, an ammunition equipment set and training aids.

09-28-2015, 07:15 PM
Latitude 67N SIGINT ‏@Sigint67n

RUAF strategic air force sw net up with voice traffic. Backfires?

09-28-2015, 07:48 PM
The history of the Ilovaysk battle flag showed to Putin at #UNGA today.


Putin stated to the Ukrainian forces they would have a green corridor to withdraw from Ilovaysk encirclement and then the Russian army units massacred the withdrawing forces.

And one can trust Putin????

09-29-2015, 06:17 AM
Betting a Starbucks of choice here in Berlin if Putin's speech does not have at it's core this speech from him in 2008.


Will be interesting if it does and what Obama's response will be in the face of it----

Remember Putin is driving on three core geo political goals and Obama has to yet to have defined a single top geo political goal in years.

At UN Putin offered no ideas for resolving Syria or IS problems or that matter the Ukraine.

After reading his entire text-----

Only replayed strident anti-US, anti-Western themes--EXACTLY the same themes of his speech in 2008 and remember 2008 was the year that Russia started it's aggression against Georgia and then onwards and upwards until the invasion Ukraine.

09-29-2015, 07:19 AM
Sep 27, OSCE recorded large concentrations of mil equipment in DPR & LPR controlled areas including TOS-1 "Buratino"


09-29-2015, 08:49 AM
More undeniable evidence Russia sent tanks to fight in Ukraine via @bellingcat by @askai707

https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/09/29/russias-6th-tank-brigade-pt-2/ …

09-29-2015, 08:51 AM
Sep 27, OSCE recorded large concentrations of mil equipment in DPR & LPR controlled areas including TOS-1 "Buratino"


The TOS-1 had been reported by social media as having been in eastern Ukraine six months ago BUT never clearly id'd with a photo.

This is kind of a smoking gun discovery by OSCE----

09-29-2015, 09:57 AM
The TOS-1 had been reported by social media as having been in eastern Ukraine six months ago BUT never clearly id'd with a photo.

This is kind of a smoking gun discovery by OSCE----it is Russian military controlled ---not Russian mercenary.

Max firing range of old TOS-1 "Buratino" is 3.5km http://www.military-today.com/artillery/tos1.htm …, for newer TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" is 6km
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/tos_1a.htm …

Thermobarbaric" is how colleagues describe the Russian TOS-1A heavy flamethrower (incendiary & thermobaric) MLRS assault artillery system.

If Russian occuaption forces are combat training DPR/LPR crews on thermobaric MLRS (TOS-1/1A) they intend to support infantry/tank assault.

Remarkable that the @OSCE saw a Russian TOS-1 in Ukraine, absolutely no way it's Ukrainian http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/186276 …

You couldn't get a more Russian military vehicle than the TOS-1 if it was driven by Putin himself while chugging vodka and caviar.

For reference, here's an example of a Russian TOS-1, as spotted by the @OSCE in Ukraine, in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfacUxfJbFI …

09-29-2015, 10:07 AM
My translation of @askai707's last part to his study of Russia's 6th Tank Brigade in Ilovaysk now up on @bellingcat: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/09/29/russias-6th-tank-brigade-pt-2/ …

Appears Putin has not “gotten it”—meaning the real reasons for the sanctions Russian annexation of Crimea and the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine.

Putin: Unilateral sanctions in bypassing UN Charter used to remove market rivals
http://www.unian.info/politics/1137066-putin-unilateral-sanctions-in-bypassing-un-charter-used-to-remove-market-rivals.html … pic.twitter.com/qSIflKBWfm

Two civilians were wounded from mine explosions in Donetsk region yesterday - Regional State Administration
http://donoda.gov.ua/?lang=ua&sec=02.03.09&iface=Mobile&cmd=view&args=id:30652;tags%24_exclude:46 …

09-29-2015, 10:21 AM
Somehow Putin seems to have forgotten to include the Ukraine and Syria in this UNGA statement yesterday as posted by a Russian Ambassador.

Alexander Yakovenko ‏@Amb_Yakovenko ·
Putin to UN: sovereignty means freedom, every person and every state being free to choose their future.

09-29-2015, 10:34 AM
What an altered state of reality resides in Russia these days---it is definitely not reality based that is for sure.

NASA Mars water news timed to interrupt #Putin's @UN speech–#Russia MP, #Molotov's grandson http://vybary.belsat.eu/en/news/deputat-dzyarzhdumy-zsha-imknulisya-perabits-vystup-putsina-navinoj-pra-vadu-na-marse/ … pic.twitter.com/k3mtqaQTW3

09-29-2015, 10:44 AM
Russian FSB & nazi Yulia kharlamova calmly goes to #Odessa & SBU is bombed. Who could have blown up @ServiceSsu?

Who actually blocks #minskagreements? pic.twitter.com/F3jcdgOIWN

09-29-2015, 11:59 AM
Max firing range of old TOS-1 "Buratino" is 3.5km http://www.military-today.com/artillery/tos1.htm …, for newer TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" is 6km
http://www.military-today.com/artillery/tos_1a.htm …

Thermobarbaric" is how colleagues describe the Russian TOS-1A heavy flamethrower (incendiary & thermobaric) MLRS assault artillery system.

If Russian occuaption forces are combat training DPR/LPR crews on thermobaric MLRS (TOS-1/1A) they intend to support infantry/tank assault.

Remarkable that the @OSCE saw a Russian TOS-1 in Ukraine, absolutely no way it's Ukrainian http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/186276 …

You couldn't get a more Russian military vehicle than the TOS-1 if it was driven by Putin himself while chugging vodka and caviar.

For reference, here's an example of a Russian TOS-1, as spotted by the @OSCE in Ukraine, in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfacUxfJbFI …

From a Russian military perspective, TOS-1A are not weapons for use by the rank-and-file... http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2015/03/04/russias_devastating_thermobaric_rocket_tanks_10769 3.html … pic.twitter.com/NoV23uNL98

Russian NBC Troops regiment with TOS-1A is being transferred from Nizhny Novgorod to Boguchar (Voronezh region) 50km from Ukraine.

We heard rumint that Boguchar motor rifle troops are training for urban warfare (scenario: Kharkiv). TOS-1A was used against Grozny in 2000

Possible that @OSCE SMM observed TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" rather than older (30 barrel) TOS-1 "Buratino" at Kruhlyk? http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/186276 …

09-29-2015, 12:38 PM

Russia Again Flight Tests Illegal INF Cruise Missile

Obama administration still weighing response—years after violation detected

BY: Bill Gertz
September 28, 2015 5:00 am

Russia flight-tested a new ground-launched cruise missile this month that U.S. intelligence agencies say further violates the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, according to Obama administration defense and security officials.

The missile launch Sept. 2 was the latest flight test for what the Pentagon is calling the SSC-X-8 cruise missile. The cruise missile did not fly beyond the 300-mile range limit for an INF-banned missile, said officials familiar with reports of the test.

However, intelligence analysts reported that the missile’s assessed range is between 300 miles and 3,400 miles—the distance covered under the landmark INF treaty that banned an entire class of intermediate-range missiles.

The SSC-X-8 test also involved what officials called a “nuclear profile,” meaning that the weapon is part of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces.

An earlier flight test of the missile prompted the administration, backed by U.S. intelligence agencies, to declare the system a breach of the INF treaty.

Disclosure of the SSC-X-8—the first unofficial identification of the suspect missile—comes as President Obama is set to meet in New York with Vladimir Putin.

Talks between the two presidents on Monday are expected to focus on increasing Russian military operations in Syria and Ukraine.

White House officials would not say whether the president would raise the SSC-X-8 flight test and other INF noncompliance issues with Putin on the sidelines of the annual U.N. General Assembly meeting.

The cruise missile test is the latest sign from Moscow that it has no plans to return to compliance with the INF treaty despite U.S. efforts in talks held since May 2013.

The administration is under growing pressure from Republicans in Congress to respond to the INF violation, which has rattled nerves among NATO allies concerned by a major buildup of Russian nuclear forces and public threats by senior Russian officials to use nuclear weapons.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.), chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces, has been pressing the Pentagon to respond to the INF breach. He said that continued Russian missile tests that violate INF treaty provisions would be unsurprising because there has been no pressure on Putin to change course.

“It is time for the White House to get out of the way of the [Defense Department] so that it can field military responses to this treaty violation,” Rogers said. “We must make sure the Russian Federation cannot obtain a military advantage from this or any of its other arms control violations.”

“What’s more, the mullahs in Tehran are watching: when Putin gets away with cheating on INF, the IRGC gets ideas about what it will do under President Obama’s misbegotten nuclear deal,” he added.

“We do not comment on intelligence matters,” said Alexandra Bell, a spokeswoman for the State Department’s arms control bureau, when asked about the missile test.

Yuri Y. Melnik, a Russian Embassy spokesman, said that his government is unaware of any new U.S. allegations regarding a cruise missile test this month in violation of the INF treaty.

“As to the ‘old’ allegations, we can confirm again that they are groundless,” Melnik said in an email. “The U.S. administration did not give us explanations [of] what these violations exactly were. Russia is not in violation of the INF Treaty.”

Russia repeatedly has denied violating the INF treaty and countered U.S. charges with assertions that U.S. drones and target missiles, which are not covered by the 1987 accord, have violated the treaty.


Michaela Dodge, a defense policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said that as Moscow is continuing to violate almost all arms control obligations, the most recent INF treaty violation is unsurprising.

“Despite congressional pressure, the administration is way overdue with a meaningful response to previous Russian violations of the INF Treaty—and Russia is quick to take advantage,” she said.

“The treaty has outlived its strategic utility,” Dodge added. “As long as the treaty remains in force, the United States and its European allies will not devote meaningful resources into thinking through implications of Russia’s violations for the military balance in Europe, which is why the United States should withdraw from the treaty.”

Arms control experts said the Russian cruise missile flight test highlights the need for a U.S. response to the INF violation.

“Like most arms control aficionados, Obama never seems able to say the word ‘violation,’” said John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former undersecretary of state for arms control. “Now would be a good time to learn.”

Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon strategic nuclear forces policymaker, warned that the new missile is part of a large-scale buildup of Russian forces that is dangerous.

“The number of strategic and intermediate-range nuclear armed and nuclear capable missile systems announced by the Russian Defense Ministry and reported in the Russian and Western press is staggering,” said Schneider with the National Institute for Public Policy.

“Yet if one reads the congressional testimony of senior administration officials almost nothing specific is being said about this.”

Schneider said the administration so far has refused to identify the cruise missile system that it says is an INF treaty violation.

“To its credit, the Obama administration now says that nuclear deterrence is its highest priority and Russia is the biggest threat,” he added. “Yet the allocation of dollars in the defense budget does not match this.”

U.S. nuclear modernization efforts are over a decade from completion and pale in comparison to Russian strategic modernization, which includes new missiles, submarines, and bombers.

“We are now making unilateral reductions in our nuclear capability to comply with the seriously flawed New START Treaty and pretending the even more seriously flawed Iran deal is going to prevent Iran from enhancing its nuclear weapons capability,” Schneider said. “This is dangerous.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the latest test of a Russian INF missile “is only the most recent indicator of their long history of cheating on such agreements.”

Cruz said he wrote to the president 38 days ago seeking the release of a Pentagon report on the INF missile violation and the threat it poses to U.S. and allied security.

“Despite my request, the report is still being withheld,” said Cruz (R., Tex.).

Obama’s scheduled meeting with Putin on Monday is “no doubt in a last-ditch attempt to salvage the disastrous ‘reset’ initiated by Secretary Clinton,” Cruz said.

“We have to let go of this dangerous delusion,” he said. “It is now more important than ever that President Obama prioritize the safety and security of the American people over his political legacy and release this pivotal document so we can see Russia for what it is, not what President Obama wants it to be.”‎

A State Department official said that talks with the Russians are continuing and that “we have made it abundantly clear that we are also consulting with allies and reviewing a range of appropriate options—diplomatic, economic, and military—to respond to Russia’s continuing violation of its treaty obligations.”

While the United States remains committed to seeing Russia return to INF limits, “we do not want to see another action-reaction cycle, like the one we saw during the Cold War,” the official said.

“However, while it is our desire to seek a diplomatic resolution, our patience is not unlimited,” the official said. “We have made clear that we will protect our allies and ourselves and deny Russia any significant military advantage, if it persists in its violation.

The White House has been holding up a report produced by the Pentagon assessing the risk to U.S. security posed by the new Russian cruise missile.

The Free Beacon reported in August that Russia is close to deploying a new supersonic naval cruise missile that is not covered by the treaty. Defense officials have said that a ground-launched version of the naval missile, the SSN-30A, may be the illegal INF missile.

It could not be learned whether the SSC-X-8 is a ground-launched variant of the SSN-30A, dubbed “Kalibr” by the Pentagon.

Gen. Joseph Dunford, the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a Senate hearing last month that Russia was “the greatest threat to our national security.”


“At issue is a ground-launched cruise missile with a range capability of 500 to 5,500 kilometers,” Gottemoeller told Russia’s Interfax in June. “We are confident that the Russian government is aware of the missile to which we are referring.”

Gottemoeller declined to comment on the recent Russian cruise missile test.

She told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty two weeks after the SSC-X-8 test that Russian government requests to the United States for information about the INF missile were a part of a “fishing expedition” aimed at learning U.S. intelligence information about the missile and how it was obtained.

“We don’t make determinations on arms control violations lightly,” Gottemoeller told RFE/RL. “So I want to make clear that this violation is not a technicality or a mistake as some have suggested. We are talking about a missile that has been flight-tested as a ground-launched cruise-missile system to these ranges that are banned under this treaty.”

09-29-2015, 12:44 PM
This speech parallels exactly Russian non linear warfare--read and fully understand just what he is saying.


Putin’s new world order

By Paul R. Gregory

9/29/15, 7:59 AM CET
Updated 9/29/15, 10:32 AM CET

The president of Russia uses a Putin-speak in his speeches that we must parse word for word, in our own best interests. Only after translating them into normal speech do we learn what he has said and why. His speech Monday to the United Nations General Assembly made seven overlapping and interdependent points that are worth translating.

Unlike Barack Obama’s passionate address, Putin delivered his remarks in the measured and moderate tones of a world statesman. They were still words of warning: Join us in a broad coalition and leave nondemocratic regimes alone, or catastrophe will strike.

Following are the major points that Putin wished his audience to take back to their respective countries:

First, the United States and its Western allies are responsible for the sad state of world affairs owing to their foolhardy interventions on behalf of democratic revolutions. Democratic revolutions are the dreams of those who have unrealistic views of the world. The USSR learned that it could not export socialist revolution; the West must learn that it cannot export democratic revolution.

Second, the United Nations, not some agglomeration of prosperous Western powers, should guarantee peace and security for all, not just to a select few singled out for narrow benefit. Only the U.N. can form a broad coalition that can put an end to the terrorist threats of ISIL. The matter is urgent. If such a coalition is not formed soon, the migrant flow to Europe will reach into the millions, not tens of thousands, and no country will be safe from terrorist attack, says Putin.

Three, Russia’s status as a veto-welding member of the U.N. Security Council is not affected by Russia’s recent disagreements — namely, the United Nations’ condemnation of the Crimean annexation and Russia’s veto of a criminal tribunal to punish those responsible for shooting down Malaysia Airlines MH17. Such disagreements, even among the major Western powers, have disrupted the work of the Security Council since the U.N.’s founding. Putin tells his audience that the fact that Russia disagrees with certain U.N. resolutions is normal and does not affect its veto power.

Fourth, the West must understand that the choice between governmentalism (‘gosudarstvennost’) and chaos must be made in favor of the former. The Assad government may not be ideal, but it is the only institution of statehood that exists. Libya’s Gaddafi regime was tyrannical, but what came afterward has been worse. Well-intentioned actions that destroy a nation’s “governmentalism” leave vacuums that forces of evil, such as ISIL, fill. The ranks of ISIL, for example, were populated with the disaffected remnants of Saddam Hussein’s regime. No such thing as a moderate opposition exists, as shown by America’s comedic efforts to train and arm anti-Assad forces.

Fifth, the West must suppress its appetite for supporting democratic opposition forces that challenge “governmentalism” in regimes whose human rights, press freedom, and election procedures fall short of Western ideals. (Not stated by Putin is that he includes Russia in this category; hands off Russia’s internal affairs.) The West’s meddling in Ukraine had the unanticipated consequence of what Putin calls a “spontaneous civil war,” with over 8,000 deaths.

Sixth, the world must return to normal trading patterns, “harmonized” by the World Trade Organization and the U.N. This new order cannot be a diktat of the strong but must be fair and even for all, perhaps including a common market between the European Union and Putin’s proposed Eurasian Union. Sanctions, which are imposed for political reasons and personal financial gains, would have no room in such a world order. The sanctions against Russia must be lifted immediately. The West knows they are not fulfilling the purposes for which they were levied.

Seventh, the Western world must respect the security concerns of Russia over NATO expansion. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, NATO enlargement can only be seen as encircling and threatening Russia’s sovereignty. If the world goes to a common market of common markets (European Union with Putin’s Eurasian Union), there is no reason to be concerned about the EU expanding to include Ukraine.

* * *

Putin’s U.N. speech did not deviate from previews he gave weeks earlier. His broad coalition will include the Assad government as a non-negotiable condition. Putin portrays himself as the knight on a white horse galloping in to save the day for the bumbling Obama. Putin is betting his new world order on the U.N., where less than half of its members are classified as free and where his “leave bad regimes alone” message resonates.

Putin cleverly weaves together points to which Western audiences would agree (we have indeed made a mess of the Middle East and Ukraine) with ideas that are wrong or inoperable. He does not explain how a broad coalition can be formed that includes warring Sunni and Shia factions. Nor does he tell us how his Eurasian Union can blend with the European Union, when both are founded on completely different economic and political principles. Are the Western countries supposed to lift sanctions if Putin’s armed forces fight only against anti-Assad forces? Is the West supposed to tolerate ruling regimes, no matter how terrible, just because they can promise a state that prevents vacuums from being formed?”

Putin was the center of attention in New York. This is what drives him. Instead of Putin the ostracized, he is now Putin the creator of a new world order.

09-29-2015, 12:53 PM
Russia has ignored two serious OSCE calls to remove their so called "peacekeeping troops" from Transnistria as the OSCE determined/agreed to deadline for their removal is vastly overdue.

Moldova called on OSCE tocontribute to withdrawal of Rus troops from Transnistria. https://twitter.com/informatorsu/status/648821604873568256 …

The Russian military began an urgent military drills in Transnistria http://ln.is/liveuamap.com/en/201/z4FMo …

09-29-2015, 01:01 PM
This speech parallels exactly Russian non linear warfare--read and fully understand just what he is saying.


Putin’s new world order

By Paul R. Gregory

9/29/15, 7:59 AM CET
Updated 9/29/15, 10:32 AM CET

THIS falls under the "you have got to be kidding me" rubric------

Russian station NTV on how the int'l press has recognized #Putin's global domination http://www.ntv.ru/novosti/1539896/ …

09-29-2015, 01:33 PM
"DNR Ministry of Communications" stops work of Ukrainian mobile operators in "DNR" from October 1

They'e crazy??? https://twitter.com/newsdaily_ukr/status/648839548198350848 …

09-29-2015, 01:52 PM

29 September 2015

Syrian Gambits Will Not Erase Putin’s Ukraine Problem

By Paul Quinn-Judge

Speaking to American talk show host Charlie Rose over the weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his own recipe for wise leadership: identify problems in time and react accordingly. Viewed through the prism of events in eastern Ukraine, this looks very much like retrospective wisdom. After more than a year of improvising a policy in Donetsk and Luhansk, Putin seems to be looking for a way out. Syria is helping, for now at least, by drawing attention at home and abroad away from Ukraine. But he cannot wish the problem away.

Indeed, Putin’s task on the ground in Ukraine is becoming more complicated. If Russia really wants to pull out, it has to wind up a small but stubborn political local leadership and a quite large militia structure of at least 20,000 fighters that it has generously equipped with artillery and heavy armour. It will discover, if it has not done so already, that separatist leaders have developed their own, usually corrupt, interests, and may not go quietly, and that fighters, abandoned to their own resources, may turn to crime.

Putin will also eventually have to clear up the situation along Russia’s own border with the separatist entities, which has turned into a flourishing centre for contraband. For now, managing Russian domestic opinion may seem easy. On 28 September, when Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama met in New York, one Russian language-website founded last year to support the eastern separatists today is carrying battlefield reports from across Syria; another told its readers that the mere rumours of Russian troops on the way is causing panic among the Islamic State (IS). But the day is approaching when Putin will have to explain to his own people why the glorious revolution in the east turned into what most would call just another bardak. A mess.

The Kremlin has begun to take action in the last few months, stepping up pressure on its allies in the east. There have been changes in the separatist leadership. Obstreperous military commanders have been squeezed out. More recently the second-ranking leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) – Andrei Purgin, very pro-Russian but firmly opposed to compromise with Kyiv – was abruptly arrested and detained by Donetsk’s Ministry of State Security (MGB).

Separatist leaders say reorganisation of the Donetsk military forces have replaced local warlords, Cossacks and others, with regular officers. The large units that reported directly to top leaders – DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko, or Security Council secretary Alexander Khodakovsky – have, in theory at least been subordinated to a regular military structure. Its real leadership is unknown, but probably Russian.

A backdrop to these changes is the steady stream of reminders to the separatists that they are part of Ukraine – something they indignantly deny. One particularly blunt reminder came in a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson. The Minsk agreement of last February, which lays out a complex and so-far little implemented roadmap, “states clearly that Donetsk and Luhansk are part of Ukraine”, she said. “Let’s not fantasise. Let’s get on with implementing this document”.

“‘If we fire back, we get into trouble. If we don’t, morale plummets’, an officer in Donetsk tells me.”

During a recent meeting in Donetsk with a senior security official, my host paused to take a call. He listened impassively to a long report from a clearly shaken local commander, then hung up. Our Russian military minders are “screaming” at one of our artillery positions for responding to Ukrainian shelling, the official explained. “If we fire back, we get into trouble. If we don’t, morale plummets”, he remarked. Such complaints are sometimes accompanied by warnings that ammunition and supplies may be cut.

It should be easy for Moscow to control its far smaller clients. Russia arms, feeds, and funds the breakaway areas. Only two Donetsk leaders have even a modicum of independence, another member of the leadership told me recently. (Make that one now: soon after our conversation the second of the two leaders was arrested). “The rest of us”, he said, “handle “technical issues”. Separatist leaders obediently attend negotiations in the Minsk format, but they cannot even change the punctuation of any statements, he said.

Already in May 2014, Russia seems to have decided it would not incorporate eastern Ukraine into Russia militarily. Putin likely received convincing intelligence reports that incorporating the east would be much messier and complicated than Crimea. “They ran out of ideas for us over a year ago”, one leader constantly says. Meanwhile, the Russians failed to organise a political or administrative structure, losing time in what looked like a permanent holding pattern. They treated us like “a suitcase without a handle”, another leader remarked, “it’s useless, but you can’t bring yourself to throw it out”.

“The separatist rank and file have been suspecting for months, if not longer, that Putin was preparing to dump them.”

During this time of constant improvisation in the Kremlin, some of the new local leaders were busy. Powerful criminal groups sprung up with both local political clout and serious firepower. A thriving cross border trade sprang up, with guns, drugs, consumer good, scrap metal and coal crossing both the border with Russia and the line of separation between separatists zones and the rest of Ukraine.

Little of what is happening now is a surprise to the separatist leadership. Rank and file have been suspecting for months, if not longer, that Putin was preparing to dump them. A month or so ago I asked leaders in Donetsk whether such a scenario was possible. One answered with a long and circuitous speech which boiled down to: “Yes”. Andrei Purgin, cautious and still very supportive of Russia, sidestepped slightly, saying: “This is a complex and slippery question”. He did not rule it out, though.

Another problem, one of the subtler analysts in the leadership remarked, is that for the past year hardliners and moderates in the Kremlin have not reached any consensus about what to do next. “At times the military aid tap would flow abundantly, and we felt something was going to happen”, one recalled. “Then it dried up again, and we were told to implement the Minsk agreement. The towers of the Kremlin were fighting against each other”, he said.

The political confusion and competition in Donetsk is thus a reflection of the struggle in Moscow, and it is not slowing down. When I asked which side Putin was on, the analyst demurred. In fact Putin might not be on either side. He may well be where he often is: in the middle, trying to work out which way to go. Military success in Syria may help him by pushing Ukraine off the headlines. But it will not solve the problem he created in eastern Ukraine – and perhaps in the long run at home.

09-29-2015, 03:47 PM
Ukrainian president @poroshenko tells @washingtonpost all the separatists are now fully controlled by #Russia

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/poroshenko-ukraine-is-fighting--for-global-democracy-and-freedom/2015/09/28/520f1690-65fb-11e5-9223-70cb36460919_story.html …

09-29-2015, 03:49 PM
Rights activists say Muslims in Crimea being invited for 'preventive talks' with FSB | Права человека в России http://hro.org/node/23104

09-29-2015, 05:50 PM
Girkin/Strelkov opposes Russian surge in Syria as he fears it weakens Moscow's hand in Ukraine. Has Dugin commented?

https://twitter.com/InfoResist/status/648863026897125376 …

OSCE identified modern Russian rocket system TOS-1 Buratino banned by UN Convention near Lugansk http://lugansk-news.com/osce-identified-modern-russian-rocket-system-tos-1-buratino-banned-by-un-convention-near-lugansk/ …

Ukraine ANTONOV delivered two RSAF Boeing AH-64D Apache helicopters to Singapore Armed Force's Exercise Wallaby2015 https://twitter.com/cqplanespotting/status/648911489940725760 …

Putin unhappy with the #Baltic states' goal of integrating with Europe's power grid http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50380 …

09-29-2015, 07:59 PM
Russian minority in Białystok is asking Putin for a "plan to stabilise Poland"

http://poland.liveuamap.com/en/2015/29-september-russian-minority-in-biaystok-is-asking-putin … pic.twitter.com/PetK3XAjBi via @Exen

09-29-2015, 08:15 PM
Russian attacks are back on tonight----

23:06 #Avdiivka @owl_ok What fires over there? Like not that strongly, but each 10-15 seconds. In #Opytne?

21:50 #Krasnohorivka @666_mancer [vk] Sounds like grenade launchers, we've become disaccustomed to

22:40 #Krasnohorivka @hyeva_maryinka Quiet so far.

22:27 #Staromykhaylivka @Huyovyi_Kolhoz It went silent here.

Russian Spetsnaz on the attack again------
ATO press office: Today from 9.50AM to 11.35AM there was a battle with enemy DRG at NW outskirts of #Zaitsevo. Attack repelled.

21:33 #Staromykhaylivka @Huyovyi_Kolhoz We[UKR]'re under fire since 19:40. At 21:15 we were given the go-ahead for opening suppress fire...

Krasnohorivka 22:10
Very LOUD!

23:12 #Donetsk @Don_Riccio Something heavy has moved along Petrovskogo towards Tekstilschik

23:11 #Avdiivka @owl_ok "Crickets and assault rifle bursts. R for romantically"

Evening party in #Krasnohorivka:
20:45 Assault rifles, machine guns
21:10 Volleys
21:20 Volleys
21:35 Continues
21:50 Sounds like AGL

09-29-2015, 08:49 PM
Pentagon's top Russia official stepping down day after Obama's handshake photo with Putin is a clear sign of protest

http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/pro-defense-farkas-wrightewing-214223 …

Following Pres Obama-Putin talks, Defense Sec Carter has directed his staff to open lines of communication with Russia on "deconfliction"

09-29-2015, 09:01 PM
VIDEO #Russia(n) tanks in #Putin`s DNR with Russian military marking & camouflage

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nr6h99N1ss … pic.twitter.com/I7OK7swQlU

VIDEO (taken from #Russia(n) side) #Ukraine troops defensive line near #Spartak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gNKR5JdSwk … pic.twitter.com/Uc5ototfgj

VIDEO #Ukraine SBU held arms smugglers in Chernivtsi region with poss. links to insurgents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UystfNSYtec … pic.twitter.com/bCZXSNm8q9

09-30-2015, 11:48 AM
In Avdiivka, SBU seized 20 boxes containing 125-mm tank shells. #Ukraine
http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=160696&cat_id=123452 … pic.twitter.com/zEQXIAfxxs

Nineteen boxes of 125mm munitions recovered from a booby-trapped house in #Avdiivka, #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/6pIuis6Dq3

09-30-2015, 04:09 PM
DNR's envoy declares end of the war in Ukraine http://ria.ru/world/20150930/1294016703.html …

09-30-2015, 08:15 PM
DNR's envoy declares end of the war in Ukraine http://ria.ru/world/20150930/1294016703.html …


Russian heavy weapons remain on contact line in violation of Minsk agreements. http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/293508.html …

Based on the agreements yesterday ALL weapons are to be withdrawn---well just another agreement signed by Russia and not implemented------

In #Maryinka direction since 2 hours ongoing hostilities.
22:12 https://twitter.com/StopTerror2015/status/649300803484811265 …

Donetsk, #Pisky, #Optyne shooting, small arms, mortars
22:14 https://twitter.com/062_Region/status/649301402787909632 …

Avdiivka 22:16
Ongoing shooting in the area of Tsarska Okhota and Butovka mine https://twitter.com/rechnikato/status/649301896084238336 …

North-East from #Donetsk - shooting, machine guns, not intense. https://twitter.com/edikko/status/649302036207509504 …

21:50 #Donetsk
Butovka mine - #Spartak area, shooting, small arms, machine guns.

21:57 #Avdiivka @VadyXaXa Restless in [mine's] upcast pit or #Opytne direction

22:55 #Donetsk Kyivsky @AlfaNubovsky From the north we can hear battle sounds

22:55 #Avdiivka @owl_ok Battle in the airport-#Opytne-Butovka direction. I can hear AGL, machine gun and intermittently something heavy

Donetsk 22:40
#Spartak-#Optyne - it does not cease. https://twitter.com/UkraineSuper1/status/649309028758241280 …

23:03 #Donetsk
Airport/Optyne/Butovka - silence for a minute, then the concert continues https://twitter.com/owl_ok/status/649313562683404288 …

Avdiivka 22:57
Shooting, assault rifles, few explosions https://twitter.com/JuZolyshkaLia/status/649312049131061248 …

Maryinka area (some strong explosions were heard in #Krasnohorivka and even #Kurakhove + shooting).

UAF servicemen reports from Butovka mine that they are under fire since 1 hour (22:50) from small arms and AGL.

Sounds of battle can be heard north of #Donetsk tonight too (Airport, #Optyne, #Avdeevka)

23:03 #Avdiivka @owl_ok Silence lasts for a minute at most and then the concert resumes.Sounds a bit like dubstep

09-30-2015, 08:33 PM
The Ukraine started the movement and it has grown and grown---

More than 100 Countries Now Seek Limits on Russia's #Veto Power in #UN Security Council

09-30-2015, 09:09 PM

Russian heavy weapons remain on contact line in violation of Minsk agreements. http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/293508.html …

Based on the agreements yesterday ALL weapons are to be withdrawn---well just another agreement signed by Russia and not implemented------

In #Maryinka direction since 2 hours ongoing hostilities.
22:12 https://twitter.com/StopTerror2015/status/649300803484811265 …

Donetsk, #Pisky, #Optyne shooting, small arms, mortars
22:14 https://twitter.com/062_Region/status/649301402787909632 …

Avdiivka 22:16
Ongoing shooting in the area of Tsarska Okhota and Butovka mine https://twitter.com/rechnikato/status/649301896084238336 …

North-East from #Donetsk - shooting, machine guns, not intense. https://twitter.com/edikko/status/649302036207509504 …

21:50 #Donetsk
Butovka mine - #Spartak area, shooting, small arms, machine guns.

21:57 #Avdiivka @VadyXaXa Restless in [mine's] upcast pit or #Opytne direction

22:55 #Donetsk Kyivsky @AlfaNubovsky From the north we can hear battle sounds

22:55 #Avdiivka @owl_ok Battle in the airport-#Opytne-Butovka direction. I can hear AGL, machine gun and intermittently something heavy

Donetsk 22:40
#Spartak-#Optyne - it does not cease. https://twitter.com/UkraineSuper1/status/649309028758241280 …

23:03 #Donetsk
Airport/Optyne/Butovka - silence for a minute, then the concert continues https://twitter.com/owl_ok/status/649313562683404288 …

Avdiivka 22:57
Shooting, assault rifles, few explosions https://twitter.com/JuZolyshkaLia/status/649312049131061248 …

Maryinka area (some strong explosions were heard in #Krasnohorivka and even #Kurakhove + shooting).

UAF servicemen reports from Butovka mine that they are under fire since 1 hour (22:50) from small arms and AGL.

Sounds of battle can be heard north of #Donetsk tonight too (Airport, #Optyne, #Avdeevka)

23:03 #Avdiivka @owl_ok Silence lasts for a minute at most and then the concert resumes.Sounds a bit like dubstep

00:00 #Avdiivka @fingerw80 Pretty intense [battle heard] - automatic arms, landings like to Tsarska_Okhota area http://wikimapia.org/15230396/

10-01-2015, 05:48 AM
00:00 #Avdiivka @fingerw80 Pretty intense [battle heard] - automatic arms, landings like to Tsarska_Okhota area http://wikimapia.org/15230396/

UAF servicemen, 93rd brigade, Butovka mine nr #Avdiivka, 12:39AM:
We are under fire from RPG, AGL, small arms since 3 hours.

Their report: Shooting at #Zaitsevo (~20:50, AGL, heavy machine guns) and #Luhanske (~23:00, random fire from small arms).

ATO press office claims only 2! ceasefire violations yday and quiet from midnight to 6AM. This is BS. Just read my timeline fr yday evening.

NOTICE just how the Ukrainian Armed Forces ie the government is lying about the attack numbers---some say to give the impression for the West that all is calm and fine on the eastern front--NOT what the troops are saying--

Example--the attacks are still occurring--

Horlivka 6:54AM
Salvos 10 minutes ago. https://twitter.com/_John__Carter_/status/649432241202962432 …

10-01-2015, 05:56 AM
Russia|n #language,#propaganda at center of #Baltics #war over airwaves:

http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/sep/23/russian-language-propaganda-at-center-of-baltics-w/#.VgToYDP6FAs.twitter … ic.twitter.com/GZN7308o4b

10-01-2015, 12:53 PM
12 Ukrainian soldiers got killed and 48 injured in the ongoing Russian aggression vs. #Ukraine in September.

Shkiryak: Another group of Russian mercenaries arrived near Mariupol to assist the terrorists
http://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-crime/1891522-new-russian-soldiers-dislocate-in-mariupol-says-shkiryak.html … pic.twitter.com/GfnVsJxiz3

10-01-2015, 04:10 PM
Weird. For second time in week, Kremlin Spox Peskkov denies Putin asked for meeting with foreign leader (first Obama, now Poroshenko).

10-01-2015, 04:35 PM
Weird. For second time in week, Kremlin Spox Peskkov denies Putin asked for meeting with foreign leader (first Obama, now Poroshenko).

Poroshenko to demand Russia cancel sham elections in Donbas
http://www.unian.info/politics/1139883-poroshenko-to-demand-russia-cancel-sham-elections-in-donbas.html … pic.twitter.com/r1UiRj8mKf

10-01-2015, 04:57 PM
Basurin: the removal of equipment under the new agreement in DNR will begin after LNR pic.twitter.com/dJ9dsJ0ogZ http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/1-october-basurin-the-removal-of-equipment-under-the-new …

In Dnipropetrovsk the security service of Ukr stopped activity of a money-laundering center pic.twitter.com/s6pqkS6HmM http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/1-october-in-dnipropetrovsk-the-security-service-of-ukraine …

10-01-2015, 05:00 PM
Shellings and attacks begin again tonight------

19:50 #Donetsk @mynuhagunavo "Distant booms are audible even in the south of Donetsk"

10-01-2015, 06:20 PM

Putin and Obama agreed on far more about Ukraine and Syria than they’ve acknowledged, Illarionov says

Neither the Russian nor the American side put out an official statement about the meeting of the two presidents in New York, but the comments by Vladimir Putin and US Secretary of State John Kerry suggest the two agreed on far more about Ukraine and Syria than Moscow or Washington have acknowledged, according to Andrey Illarionov.

The Russian analyst says it one must “distinguish between solemn declaration and hidden agreements” which can lead to war, and thus it is especially important not to be caught up in either the words of Vladimir Putin or the content of Barack Obama’s UN General Assembly speech in assessing where things are headed.

Despite the emotional terms in which they were couched, Illarionov says, both the Putin and Kerry versions of the agreement achieved “differ little from one another.” Moreover, “both sides noted that the negotiations were open, civic and constructive.”

According to Kerry, “a significant amount of time’ was devoted to Ukraine, and Putin and Obama reached four points of accord:

“1. We together want to solve ‘the Ukrainian crisis.’
2. The joint task of Russia and the US is to seek the fulfillment of Minsk-2.
3. For this in particular, on October 2 will take place a meeting of Hollande, Merkel and Putin in Paris (Kerry did not consider it necessary to mention the name Poroshenko).
4. [And] the task is to seek the fulfillment of Minsk-2 in the course of the next three months before the end of 2015.”

“That is all,” Illarionov says. There was no mention by the US of the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory, an end to external support of the separatists, establishment of Ukrainian control over the internationally recognized border, or an end to the annexation of Crimea.

Again, the Russian analyst continues, according to Kerry, Putin and Obama reached the following agreements on Syria:

“1. Syria must be preserved as united and secular.
2. There must be developed (continued) military actions against ISIS.
3. There must be an administered transition process within a definite period of a change in the political regime in Syria…
4. Disagreements remain relative to what this transition process means and what could be its results.
5. In this transition process must participate Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar…
6. A coalition between the US and Russia in the war against ISIS is ‘absolutely possible’ once there is agreement on the transition process.
7. [The US now does not demand Assad’s immediate ouster.]
8. [Concerning Iran,] ‘The Iranians obviously will be a component of this process.”

Kerry made three other comments, Illarionov remarks.
•First, he said that the US had asked Moscow to use its good offices to prevent Assad from using barrel bombs against the population.
•Second, he stressed how pleased he personally was to have “a chance to speak with President Putin.”
•And third, Kerry said that if Russia acted alone in Iraq, it could have serious negative consequences for Russia and for Putin personally.

All this suggests, the Russian analyst continues, that there were real agreements between Putin and Obama on both Ukraine and Syria. (Adding to that impression is the fact that Obama chose not to meet with the Ukrainian president at UNGA but handed off that task to Vice President Joe Biden.)

And he argues that Russian bombing in Syria “is nothing other than the direct result of agreements between Putin and Obama. Without Obama’s approval, the Russian military actions in Syria would have been either impossible or unilateral. Now, however, they have received official cover from the US administration.”

“With all due respect to those who hold dear and who sincerely believe in the correct, wise and remarkable words spoken from time to time by Mr. Obama,” Illarionov says, “all the same one must distinguish between solemn declarations which do not have practical consequences and hidden agreements behind which wars begin” especially when such agreements involve authoritarian regimes.

10-01-2015, 06:22 PM
Sep 30, OSCE UAV spots concentration of heavy weapons in “DPR” areas close to contact line

http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/188651 … pic.twitter.com/JCqIYaTI6e

10-02-2015, 10:24 AM
Notice the Us name here--Nuland---she is the US rep that is attempting to throw the Ukraine un der the bus and agree to Russian demands on eastern Ukraine--REGARDLESS of what Obama publicly states.

She was the driving force behind a bad "special law for the Donbas law" that many in the Ukraine see as a sell out.

As DW has learned from diplomatic circles in Paris, the "Morel Plan" is most likely not a purely European offer. Several proposals for the implementation of the Minsk Protocol have already been directly discussed between Washington and Moscow. In May, Assistant US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, said that Washington wanted to strengthen its role in the settlement of the Donbass conflict.

According to the Paris sources, general outlines for compromises on contentious issues were discussed between Nuland and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin in late July. Afterwards, Morel was tasked with working out the details. Upon preliminary approval of Morel's proposals, French President Francois Hollande called for a meeting of the heads of state participating in the "Normandy format" in Paris this October.

DW: US Asst Sec of State Nuland and Russia's Dep FM Karasin are behind the "Morel Plan" for DPR/LPR elections http://www.dw.com/en/french-diplomatic-plan-to-permit-elections-in-eastern-ukraine/a-18756787 …

Morel Plan" - French diplomatic plan to permit separatist DPR/LPR elections in eastern Ukraine http://www.dw.com/en/french-diplomatic-plan-to-permit-elections-in-eastern-ukraine/a-18756787 … via @dw_global 2 Oct

10-02-2015, 10:29 AM
Notice the Us name here--Nuland---she is the US rep that is attempting to throw the Ukraine un der the bus and agree to Russian demands on eastern Ukraine--REGARDLESS of what Obama publicly states.

She was the driving force behind a bad "special law for the Donbas law" that many in the Ukraine see as a sell out.

DW: US Asst Sec of State Nuland and Russia's Dep FM Karasin are behind the "Morel Plan" for DPR/LPR elections http://www.dw.com/en/french-diplomatic-plan-to-permit-elections-in-eastern-ukraine/a-18756787 …

Morel Plan" - French diplomatic plan to permit separatist DPR/LPR elections in eastern Ukraine http://www.dw.com/en/french-diplomatic-plan-to-permit-elections-in-eastern-ukraine/a-18756787 … via @dw_global 2 Oct

Basically what the Morel Plan will do is give Russian massive control and influence over Ukrainian decisions--and the Ukraine then must economically support a region THAT is still under Russian control--Remember Russia still have not completed a single point in Minsk 2 YET the US/EU/Russian demands they implement everything without a single reciprocal move by Russia---

AND that is not a US "sell out"??

10-02-2015, 10:30 AM
Col. Lysenko: SBU detained looters who were plundering non-ferrous metals from infrastructure facilities in ATO area pic.twitter.com/xGD3nbufQu

ATO spox: SBU ceased operation of two money-laundering centers controlled by militants pic.twitter.com/WJ9oS83ov3

Col.Lysenko: SBU detained enemy female diversionist who was a member of former illegal “Oplot” terrorist organization pic.twitter.com/MOQfIM8OVL

10-02-2015, 10:36 AM

The Real Reason Russia Is ‘Helping’ Syria

Timothy Snyder

Sept. 30, 2015

Eighteen months ago, when Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, confusion prevailed in the West. Today, as Russia sends troops, armor, and aircraft to Syria, we are once again perplexed. On Monday President Vladimir Putin provided the explanation: Russia’s intervention is aimed to defeat ISIS and reduce the flow of refugees to Europe. A review of the last major Russian intervention, in Ukraine, might help us to evaluate this claim.

The superficial links between the two conflicts are obvious. For the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine, a ceasefire is holding. This has allowed Moscow to send special forces from Ukraine to Syria. The naval base in Crimea is now used to project Russian power southwards.

The deeper connectionis Russian doctrine. Authoritarian leaders are legitimate, while popular resistance is not. President Putin’s claim to oppose Islamic terrorism is true enough. But he also opposes, with equal fervor and greater determination, secular democrats in his own country and in Europe. Russia invaded Ukraine not to halt a “military coup,” as President Putin rather oddly claimed on Monday, but to hinder a democratic movement by military action. In Syria, Russia has helped and presumably will continue to help Assad repress all resistance, not just the Islamicist variety.

From Moscow’s perspective, there is not much difference between university students protesting in Kyiv for closer ties with the European Union and Islamicist terrorists gaining ground in Syria. In both cases, Russian leaders can, quite understandably, see a coming domestic problem. If people can gather peacefully in Kyiv, why not in Moscow? If Islamic terrorism can work in Syria, why not in southern Russia?

But the more important factor is domestic public opinion. Russia is a television culture, and Russian television news is devoted almost entirely to the world beyond Russia. In the last few days, Russian television has completely changed the subject: from Ukraine to Syria. What must not be mentioned is that Russia has not achieved its goals in Ukraine. The Ukrainian war shows that Russia can fail even when the European Union pays only a very small amount of attention to the conflict. What Russian leaders seem to want in Syria is a war without EU sanctions, which they can win for the viewers at home.

Russian leaders seem to fear the European example more than they fear Islamic terrorism. The post-communist and post-Soviet countries that have joined the European Union are not only freer but richer than Russia. President Putin presented this in his speech Monday as heedless expansionism, setting aside the basic fact that the EU enlarged at the initiative of the new member states. Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent one more post-Soviet country from succeeding in ways that Russia has not.

The war in Ukraine was thus never about Ukraine alone. It was always about the destruction of the European project as such. If the European Union fails, then there is no danger that Russians will see Europe as an alternative. If Europe fragments into nation-states, Russia becomes a much stronger player. Thus Russia seeks to destroy the European Union by supporting radicals and populists who oppose European integration and seek a return to the nation-state. Although President Putin spoke of a revived “anti-Nazi coalition,” his friends in Europe include fascists.

So Ukrainian experience gives reason for skepticism about Putin’s claim that Russia is intervening in Syria to help Europe with its refugee problem. The politics might well be exactly the opposite. Having found a powerful ally in its quest to end European integration, the European far right has followed Moscow’s lead on the Ukrainian conflict. But the natural subject of Putin’s allies in Europe is immigration. By supporting the Assad regime, Russia helps to produce the refugees that drive European politics rightward.

Syrian refugees who arrive in Europe must be treated humanely and according to law. At the same time, European leaders might consider the possibility that Russian policy in Syria is aimed toward the transformation of the country into a refugee factory. In Ukraine, Russian intervention generated two million refugees among precisely the people Moscow claimed it was protecting. In Syria, it has been the Assad regime, which Russia has now supported, that has been responsible for the vast majority of the refugees.

Whether opposing European Union or Islamicist terrorism, the domestic sources of Russian policy are the same. The problems that Russia faces are inside Russia, and insoluble from beyond Russia. There is no principle of political succession in Russia today, and so Kremlin is telling its people stories about the infallibility and immortality of a leader. In a televisual culture, domestic news is all but absent, and Russia’s presence on the world stage becomes the only story. But the power to change the subject from Ukraine to Syria, as President Putin was trying to do in New York, is not the power to make the story go on forever.

But did President Putin even manage to change the subject? He made some good points about American policy in Iraq. But when he sought the words to define just what he opposed, he gave an eerily accurate description of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. He denounced “zones of anarchy,” which is what Russia created in the Donbas. He decried “belief in one’s exceptionality,” thought it was precisely the idea that Russia as big brother can decide whether Ukraine exists was given as the reason for war. He spoke of the “tragic consequences” of exporting one’s own social model and the dangers of creating “protectorates.” That is indeed the lesson of the Ukrainians killed and displaced by policies known as the “Russian spring” and “New Russia.”

President Putin spoke of the “universality” of international law regarding “sovereignty.” And here he was quite right. If Russia were serious about law and sovereignty, President Putin might have announced at the UN that Russia is withdrawing its support from its separatist clients in Ukraine and withdrawing its troops and armor from sovereign Ukrainian territory. If he had said these things, then the world would have had very good reason to listen.

10-02-2015, 11:31 AM
Is the Ukraine "bending the news" in order to make it look like Russia is holding to the ceasefire---YES.

Is it pressure from the West---yes it is---

UA army acting officer: Yes, Starohnativka and Mariinka was shelled, with howitzers. https://twitter.com/SPaWN_ua/status/649609022279172096 …

NSDC stated no attacks yesterday????

10-02-2015, 02:24 PM
Geoffrey Pyatt ✔ @GeoffPyatt

Cooperation with SMM monitoring a binding obligation under the new weapons withdrawal agreement. LPR not complying. https://twitter.com/osce_smm/status/649837974868377600 …

Daniel Baer ✔ @danbbaer

Russia's lamentations abt "truth" & "dialogue" wd be less laughable if they weren't currently occupying neighbor & lying about it.

Find difference in clothes ...
Above - Russian military in Syria
Below - "drivers" of humanitarian convoy to Donbass pic.twitter.com/cJkDRT5txn

10-02-2015, 04:45 PM
The MSM goes crazy when OSCE spots ONE TOS-1A thermobaric MLRS system

Ukrainian MoD said in March that separatists had used seven TOS-1 Buratino systems and that one of them had been destroyed by its forces.

seems MSM was not paying attention to social media which was reporting it daily----

Ukrainian military spox: "The Russian army has it [TOC-1A]. It was used against us in the area of Donetsk airport." http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/02/uk-ukraine-crisis-russia-idUKKCN0RW0UP20151002

.@OSCE says TOC-1 were spotted in #Russia-occupied #Ukraine 4the 1st time, but in Aug 2014: https://twitter.com/RobPulseNews/status/649975855477825536 … https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/649906699411787776 …

It scares me sometimes that tweeps seem to know about Russian deployments inside and near Ukraine before NATO does. Hope I'm wrong

10-02-2015, 06:01 PM
Germany's Merkel---turning on the Ukraine now--trying to get the economic sanctions lifted for Herman business

Putin pushing for amnesty for all "DPR" & "LPR" leaders, Hollande supporting, unsurprising. https://twitter.com/shaunwalker7/status/650005530719715329 …

Hollande says #Ukraine must introduce amnesty for all election participants in rebel-held DNR and LNR.

NOTICE---Putin and the West are virtually forcing the Ukraine into implementing all the political points in the Minsk WITHOUT a single military point being implement by Russia and her mercenaries--unilateral appeasement by the West in order to get back to business as usual.

NOT a single reciprocal demand being made on Russia---and that is again what negotiation???? Sounds like simply caving.

10-02-2015, 06:02 PM
Crimean Tatars continue blockade of occupied peninsula, - VICE News. VIDEO http://en.censor.net.ua/n354585

10-03-2015, 05:39 PM
There has been NO withdrawal of Russian army "LPR" tanks! 15km redepolyment to sheds to hide from drones ≠ withdrawn! pic.twitter.com/lqYe5VdXoU

Russian LPR forces withdraw 50 tanks *15km* from contact line "to new places of deployment" https://vk.com/dnrarmy?w=wall-51146063_5405 … pic.twitter.com/uGzDrWWeXn

It's not a "withdrawal", it's a "show of force" https://youtu.be/V0dRthT5YOI pic.twitter.com/0hgFMiZJpp

Russian army terms explained...
"Withdrawal" - We move our tanks 15km down the road from one base to another https://youtu.be/IAZ8hpsA5FU?t=2m6s …

Basurin says DPR won't withdraw tanks until 15days of "quiet" have passed. Today he lies "situation has detriorated" http://dnr-online.ru/za-proshedshie-sutki-vsu-vosemnadcat-raz-narushili-rezhim-prekrashheniya-ognya-eduard-basurin/ …

You can see where this is heading... "situation deteriorates" so Russian (DPR) army moves its withdrawal date 18 Oct to 19 Oct to 20 Oct etc

10-03-2015, 05:40 PM
Russian Armed Forces (Southern MD) are using "withdrawal" to consolidate their hold on Donbas https://vk.com/rgdnr?w=wall-4743070_110848 … pic.twitter.com/sVjjrt4Ca3

OSCE observers discovered militants' heavy military equipment near #Mariupol. #Ukraine https://twitter.com/radiosvoboda/status/650345587091591172 …

Russia moves thermobaric warheads that INCINERATE targets into Ukraine while world's attent..
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3257396/Russia-moves-deadly-new-weapons-equipped-thermobaric-warheads-Ukraine-world-s-attention-Syria.html … pic.twitter.com/6hZV4qVgwM

Hiding tanks in sheds. Combat training. New recruits. Consolidated command. Looks like Russian army plans on staying.

10-03-2015, 06:50 PM
Russian Armed Forces (Southern MD) are using "withdrawal" to consolidate their hold on Donbas https://vk.com/rgdnr?w=wall-4743070_110848 … pic.twitter.com/sVjjrt4Ca3

OSCE observers discovered militants' heavy military equipment near #Mariupol. #Ukraine https://twitter.com/radiosvoboda/status/650345587091591172 …

Russia moves thermobaric warheads that INCINERATE targets into Ukraine while world's attent..
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3257396/Russia-moves-deadly-new-weapons-equipped-thermobaric-warheads-Ukraine-world-s-attention-Syria.html … pic.twitter.com/6hZV4qVgwM

Hiding tanks in sheds. Combat training. New recruits. Consolidated command. Looks like Russian army plans on staying.

OSCE spots three AN-2 planes in occupied territory in Donetsk region
http://www.unian.info/war/1141536-osce-spots-three-an-2-planes-in-occupied-territory-in-donetsk-region.html … pic.twitter.com/0pxiz4a1hS

AN-2 is the standard Spetsnaz insertion aircraft---

10-03-2015, 07:42 PM
Greece #nationalists supported the recent action of #RightSector in #Odessa https://plus.google.com/104010886469890350976/posts/C531ky882R7 … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/JOpyQpMoy0

Donetsk, outgoing shots by DNR are reported...

OSCE UAV was also jammed in several areas near Mariupol yesterday. pic.twitter.com/zJzz4Bw0zy

Also no electricity in #Severodonetsk and #Popasna. The explosion was at #Shchastya power plant maybe? Luhansk without power

Heavy explosion on the East of #Lugansk at about 21:00. All city immediately lost electric power. Mobile connection was lost for some time.

10-03-2015, 09:13 PM
After all quiet day DNR's Basurin said that "today situation worsened" and couple hours later now outgoing shelling from #Donetsk.

What is clear that there was smth outgoing from #Donetsk and explosions in #Donetsk and #Makiivka.

Russian terrorists are shelling #Makiivka from #Donetsk!

Donetsk 22:05
"It was outgoing. Could be heard going towards north-west"

Donetsk 22:03
Railway station - second explosion already. Deaf, but powerful.

Dozens of reports.
And ruscists are yelling now that SAMs were used.

I've seen many reports like "smth flew over us", "like jet engine"...

10-04-2015, 06:56 AM
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins (aka bellingcat)

Looks like my stupidest Syria trolls are joining forces with my stupidest Russia/Ukraine trolls for some pure strain trolling stupidity

10-04-2015, 03:36 PM
Russian army column in occup.#Ukraine's #Luhansk oblast.
(calling themselves "LPR")
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_3TYGyDp4 … pic.twitter.com/Me6k701Tux

10-04-2015, 05:06 PM
Meanwhile in Russian-occupied Eastern #Ukraine ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8RtWairIvI …

10-04-2015, 06:14 PM
RUAF Tu-95 with hardpoints for Kh-101 noted @ Ramenskoye 30SEP15. (C) A.Karpulev pic.twitter.com/A9GbYQJFwG

10-05-2015, 05:28 AM
YES the Ukrainian government is basically lying about the ceasefire holding--in order to appease the West so they can get back to business as usual.

There has been a concentrated series of mercenary ambushes, booby trapped mines and mine ambushes with UAF loses climbing coupled with sudden fire attacks that last 5-10 minutes then stop usually at night.

This is starting to cause an issue with the mid level field commanders who are now openly complaining that the government is lying.

ATO press office: "In the ATO area yesterday the enemy fully adhered to the peace agreements".

BUT is not the truth as a number of UAF were killed and wounded from mine strikes-----

10-05-2015, 11:30 AM
While the Human Rights Watch blasted the Ukraine for it's ALLEDGED use of cluster munitions which turned out to be massive Russian propaganda--WHEN now Syrian social media literally posts actual use of cluster munitions by the Russians--TOTAL SILENCE......why is that????

Why is @hrw completely silent on #Russia killing civilians using clusterbombs in #Syria?
http://www.hrw.org pic.twitter.com/8DHaFRYvJq

10-05-2015, 11:34 AM
Evidence of Russia Shipments of Weapons and Munition to Ukrainian Occupied Areas
http://gur.mil.gov.ua/en/content/russia-armed-aggression-against-ukraine.html … pic.twitter.com/jXpNZfQQbo

10-05-2015, 12:21 PM
Odesa 2May suspect says Russia financed it all

http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1444010513 …

10-05-2015, 04:20 PM
Reportedly plane traces over Donetsk. + reports of jet over Antratsyt http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-october-reportedly-plane-traces-over-donetsk-today-also …

Russian Prosecutor General summons open source sleuth @RuslanLeviev, who traced Russian troops' presence in Ukraine & Syria. https://twitter.com/RuslanLeviev/status/651027213786157056 …

10-05-2015, 05:27 PM
Near Popasna, Luhansk region SBU found a cache of ATGMs pic.twitter.com/vOSCkNOLkO http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-october-near-popasna-luhansk-region-sbu-found-a-cache-of …

#Donbas battalion vehicle hit a mine in M sector (#Mariupol area). 1 serviceman was killed, 2 got wounded http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-october-donbas-battalion-vehicle-hit-a-mine-in-m-sector …

10-05-2015, 05:46 PM
Ukraine defies Russia’s demands to pardon militants prior to Donbas elections

http://www.unian.info/politics/1143411-ukraine-defies-russias-demands-to-pardon-militants-prior-to-donbas-elections.html …

10-05-2015, 06:21 PM
Donetsk 20:37
Railway station area - heard very strong explosions towards the airport, already 4 pcs. https://twitter.com/TaylerRid/status/651088931551899648 …

Donetsk, now...
Ruscists claim their air defence is again shooting down (Ukr) drones...

Donetsk 20:34
Center - 2 salvos! https://twitter.com/CatBoobon/status/651088250413649920 …

Video from #Donestk tonight: Possible launch from a Strela-10 AA system:
http://ok.ru/video/33275906575 …

Donetsk 20:40
This fell on a house at the Koval str 57. Damaged roof, no casualties.
Apparently from Strela-10. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/651109084746371073 …

Anti-air fire in Donetsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-october-antiair-fire-in-donetsk … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzv5G_ofcjo … pic.twitter.com/63eNlw3Wx6 via @tombreadley

Donetsk, half an hour ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzv5G_ofcjo …
End of ceasefire agreement? Will probably get ignored like earlier violations of it.

Consistent reports: Air traces of either jets or SAM/ASM observed today in skies above #Russia-occupied #Makiivka (away fr. frontline). #АТО

Pro-Russia claims are about Ukrainian drones being shot down
https://twitter.com/StormBringer15/status/651093065357258752 …

Donetsk 20:40
It dropped to a private house at Kovalja 57.No victims and fire. Damaged roof.
Withdrawal of weapons? https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/651109084746371073 …

A series of explosions in #Donetsk
https://twitter.com/segodnya_online/status/651096195146846208 …

10-05-2015, 06:26 PM
Lavrov: A special status must be conferred on Donbass permanently, as stipulated in Minsk, and must be sealed in the Ukrainian constitution.

mfa_russia Mr. Lavrov snuck the word "permanently" in there. Show me where it says that in Minsk agreements. It does not.

10-05-2015, 07:26 PM
Yalta syndrome: the apparent ease with which European strategists and diplomats entertain spheres of influence..."

http://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_our_confusions_over_russia_and_eastern_ europe_2049 …

Air attacks" are reported by DNR for 2nd consequent day and jet traces today. Provocations soon? pic.twitter.com/hHouqnZMMs

Purportedly, tail of the SAM missile fired u/unknown circumstances over #Donetsk/#Makiivka area earlier today. #АТО https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/651109084746371073 …

Pro-RU accounts began to claim explosions over #Donetsk due to #DNR 'intercepting' a missile, highly unlikely
Still no clear info on events

10-06-2015, 05:33 AM
From the debris on the ground and Ukrainian reports, it looks like Russians just fired SAM to scare people.

Captured #Donetsk insurgent got weapon in #Russia at a base near #Rostov. Video transcript at http://lugansk-news.com/captured-donetsk-insurgent-said-that-he-got-weapon-in-russia-at-military-base-near-rostov/ … pic.twitter.com/geiWuUI8Ml

10-06-2015, 09:50 AM
LPR militants simulate tank withdrawal, masking them in forests

http://www.unian.info/war/1143943-lpr-militants-simulate-tank-withdrawal-masking-them-in-forests.html … pic.twitter.com/XptZSmYAzv

Col. Lysenko: Three flights of enemy UAVs were recorded within the military operation area near Marinka & Mariupol

Krasnohorivka, UA positions, now: "we're being shot at with machineguns, full alert" https://twitter.com/AMykhailova/status/651311802287058944 …

Report from UAF servicemen, #Krasnohorivka area. 11:23AM
"They are firing at us with machine gun. We in combat." https://twitter.com/AMykhailova/status/651311802287058944 …

Tymchuk: Russian (hybrid LPR) forces are simulating the withdrawal of military equipment on Luhansk front http://www.unian.info/war/1143943-lpr-militants-simulate-tank-withdrawal-masking-them-in-forests.html …

10-06-2015, 01:49 PM
LPR militants simulate tank withdrawal, masking them in forests

http://www.unian.info/war/1143943-lpr-militants-simulate-tank-withdrawal-masking-them-in-forests.html … pic.twitter.com/XptZSmYAzv

Col. Lysenko: Three flights of enemy UAVs were recorded within the military operation area near Marinka & Mariupol

Krasnohorivka, UA positions, now: "we're being shot at with machineguns, full alert" https://twitter.com/AMykhailova/status/651311802287058944 …

Report from UAF servicemen, #Krasnohorivka area. 11:23AM
"They are firing at us with machine gun. We in combat." https://twitter.com/AMykhailova/status/651311802287058944 …

Russia|n military echelon in Matveyevo-Kurgansky District, Rostov region, close to #Ukraine's border y'day

@tsnua pic.twitter.com/zWMV1oGQWP

Tymchuk: Russian (hybrid LPR) forces are simulating the withdrawal of military equipment on Luhansk front http://www.unian.info/war/1143943-lpr-militants-simulate-tank-withdrawal-masking-them-in-forests.html …

Ukrainian Soldier Wounded In Skirmish Near Tryokhizbenka. http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-596-ukrainian-foreign-minister-says-putin-agreed-for-osce-to-be-given-full-access-to-occupied-territory/#10274 … pic.twitter.com/nsjUKM3qXy

ATO Daily Briefing: Luhansk reg: ATO forces repelled hostile armed group and forced it out of UA-controlled territory; 1 UA soldier wounded

10-06-2015, 06:17 PM
(pro)Russian 'volunteers' DPR unit. Source (added 6 Oct) https://vk.com/id205292010?w=wall205292010_2759%2Fall … Location: probably near Komsomolske pic.twitter.com/9tppCMKUHR

Usage of Russian ‘Tor’ Missile System Is Registered in DPR
https://en.informnapalm.org/usage-of-russian-tor-missile-system-is-registered-in-dpr/ … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/u7lUZHkYD6

Oct 5, OSCE UAV continued to record concentration of heavy weapons in “DPR”-controlled areas
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/190316 … pic.twitter.com/8XK7xSYCDI

10-06-2015, 07:09 PM
Russian military faces budgetary ‘death spiral’ after cutoff from foreign suppliers

http://geopolitical-info.com/en/defense-and-security/russian-military-faces-budgetary-death-spiral-after-cutoff-from-foreign-suppliers … pic.twitter.com/4VMkLhjd0t

10-07-2015, 10:58 AM
CRITICAL If Confirmed-----

What the heck is it doing in eastern Ukraine?????????

New @Aero_Dnipro1 drone image show DNR w/ an unidentified weapon. Possibly 9K52 Luna-M SR-Ballistic Missile?


10-07-2015, 11:00 AM
Moscow youth leaders to get training in information warfare
https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/10/06/moscow-youth-leaders-to-get-training-in-information-warfare …

Sabotage acts---
Railway blown up at Kup'yans'k-Vuzlovyi station, #Kharkiv Oblast. https://twitter.com/XAPKIB/status/651696633823019008 …

Military enlistment and registration office blown up at night in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, #Odesa oblast https://inforesist.org/v-odesskoy-oblasti-vzorvali-voenkomat/ …

Russia's notorious "Investig. Commitee" wants "authority to prosecute people abroad", particularly those "hurting Russian INTERESTS".

ATO spokesperson: In Avdiivka, UA police confiscated an anti-tank grenade launcher, 2 grenades & 90 AK-74 cartridges pic.twitter.com/dVwxL1p1AQ

ATO spox: TNT bombs, grenades and a large number of ammunition were found to the north of Mariupol pic.twitter.com/QUoAJubvvy

10-07-2015, 11:09 AM
Col. Andriy Lysenko: SBU detained an informant of militants in Kramatorsk who had been sharing classified UA Army information with militants.

10-07-2015, 12:02 PM
CRITICAL If Confirmed-----

What the heck is it doing in eastern Ukraine?????????

New @Aero_Dnipro1 drone image show DNR w/ an unidentified weapon. Possibly 9K52 Luna-M SR-Ballistic Missile?


Withdrawal symptoms...
Russian "good faith"
FROG-7 (Luna-M) short-range ballistic missile in range of Mariupol 1 Oct https://youtu.be/uAaSe_22i1I

10-07-2015, 06:19 PM
Militants shell Ukrainian outpost near Troitske, four troops wounded
http://www.unian.info/war/1146024-militants-shell-ukrainian-outpost-near-troitske-four-troops-wounded.html … pic.twitter.com/1RGkpjYpn8

ATO: Militants violated ceasefire, firing on UKR positions near Troits'ke with ATGM. 4 soldiers wounded
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1077784448899027&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1077784448899027%3Atl_objid .1077784448899027&__tn__=%2As …

10-08-2015, 06:06 AM
Crimean blockade getting Moscow’s attention http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/10/08/crimean-blockade-getting-moscows-attention/ … pic.twitter.com/jHGiAAo6kk

10-08-2015, 08:43 AM
Tymchuk: Russian forces seem to withdraw some heavy weapons from front lines in Ukraine but are actually hiding them nearby & deploying more

Servicemen confirmed the info about tonight's battle near #Pisky.
Another battle "unnoticed " by ATO press office.
https://twitter.com/UaForces/status/652015121242394625 …

10-08-2015, 03:32 PM
Reference the shot down of MH17----

MH17: Bellingcat identifies those involved in transporting Buk
http://www.unian.info/world/1147078-mh17-bellingcat-identifies-those-involved-in-transporting-buk.html … pic.twitter.com/ypRiubnoiH

Want to know what happened to #MH17 ahead of the release of the Dutch Safety Board report? Check out our primer https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/10/08/mh17-the-open-source-evidence/ …

Exploring Russia’s 53rd Brigade’s MH17 Convoy with StoryMap https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/10/08/exploring-russias-53rd-brigades-mh17-convoy-with-storymap/ …

10-08-2015, 03:59 PM
Ukraine continues to withdraw heavy weapons from the front lines even as Russian attacks have resumed (especially in Luhansk).

10-08-2015, 08:16 PM
Reference MH17----

AirLive.net ‏@airlivenet
ALERT Missile fragments 'found in #MH17 bodies' http://ift.tt/1JUjkC7

10-09-2015, 04:22 PM
Azov battalion: militants occupied Kominternove near #Mariupol, kidnapped 1 civilian http://azov.press/ukr/viys-ka-teroristiv-zaynyali-naselenniy-punkt-kominternovo … pic.twitter.com/rVSzYOUjWN

Border Guard Service: 3 enemy drone flights were recorded yesterday near Mariupol. #Ukraine
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8906.htm …

Russian mercenaries are getting free water—meaning there are not paying the Ukrainian government for water being delivered.

Russia still have implemented a single point under Minsk 2 yet complains constantly about the lack of implementation by the Ukraine which has implemented already a significant number of the Minsk 2 points.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Zakharova: #OSCE report on water access in Donbass - #Kiev violates international law http://bit.ly/1GAuEmK pic.twitter.com/31NbKLUxVs

NOTICE Russia FM does not state just what international la is being broken--BUT Russian troops invading a neighboring nation is not a violation nor is the military annexation of Crimea NOT a violation of international law?????

10-09-2015, 05:31 PM
8 Oct, OSCE SMM observed Russian:
9x 2S1 Gvozdika at Uspenka
22x T-64 tanks at Myrne
3x tanks close to Bezimenne http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/191346 …

10-10-2015, 03:18 PM
Ukraine SBU-(#Putin)little green men want to setup"Peoples Republic of Bessarabia"in #Odessa

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://antikor.com.ua/articles/67387-zelenyh_chelovechkov_iz_pridnestrovjja_planirovali _zavesti_v_odesskuju_oblastj_pod_rukovodstvom_odno&usg=ALkJrhihFcBFQehnylKfZKWfc7hmnL9j4Q … pic.twitter.com/vBLEFXWinK

There was an explosion in a multi-story building in #Russia occupied #Donetsk #Ukraine http://mediafox.com.ua/news/522594 #Putin pic.twitter.com/ah0rJ1OdGw

Someone blew up Givi's tank storage? https://twitter.com/raging545/status/652858241077133312 …
Zlitna st 11A, that's where Givi's Somali based it's tanks..

Donetsk #Spartak: Shooting and explosions
15:00 #Donetsk @UkraineSuper1 Shooting and booms at #Spartak

10-10-2015, 04:28 PM
Ukraine SBU-(#Putin)little green men want to setup"Peoples Republic of Bessarabia"in #Odessa

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://antikor.com.ua/articles/67387-zelenyh_chelovechkov_iz_pridnestrovjja_planirovali _zavesti_v_odesskuju_oblastj_pod_rukovodstvom_odno&usg=ALkJrhihFcBFQehnylKfZKWfc7hmnL9j4Q … pic.twitter.com/vBLEFXWinK

There was an explosion in a multi-story building in #Russia occupied #Donetsk #Ukraine http://mediafox.com.ua/news/522594 #Putin pic.twitter.com/ah0rJ1OdGw

Someone blew up Givi's tank storage? https://twitter.com/raging545/status/652858241077133312 …
Zlitna st 11A, that's where Givi's Somali based it's tanks..

Donetsk #Spartak: Shooting and explosions
15:00 #Donetsk @UkraineSuper1 Shooting and booms at #Spartak

Russia|n propaganda tools claim that burning building in #Donetsk was hit by #Ukraine tank shell

10-10-2015, 07:20 PM
RT ✔ @RT_com
Any NATO movement toward Russia’s borders will lead to reciprocal steps - Kremlin http://on.rt.com/6tdu pic.twitter.com/q1ExyBMXr4

Fireman Fiblips" on the scene of Donetsk self-inflicted DPR (Somali HQ?) blaze https://vk.com/rgdnr?w=wall-4743070_112078 … pic.twitter.com/t9ISB3RF9S

OSCE says their UAVs are still under heavy video & data jamming over “DPR”-controlled areas east and north-east of #Mariupol.

OSCE, Oct 9: In Komsomolske area 7 MBTs, other military equip. seen, in the area of Sontseve 23 MBTs and other military equipment observed.

10-10-2015, 07:28 PM
Russia|n propaganda tools claim that burning building in #Donetsk was hit by #Ukraine tank shell

Finally: Givi's Terror HQ today in #Donetsk shelled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGvWHyt8CtA … pic.twitter.com/tnUXCVPtTC

Apartment block explosion in Donetsk (Zlitna St, 11a) earlier is clearly an attempt by (pro)Russian forces to destroy Minsk agreement.

Donetsk: possible attack directions. Just another 'TV-shelling' for Russian TV pic.twitter.com/hOvfx6MsjV

Donetsk, #Butovka mine
UAF servicemen: From 7PM ~ 9PM we were under 80-mm mortars, AGL, small arms fire. https://twitter.com/kazarin13/status/652898087321649152 …

Building was hit and was on fire on this side -towards the city! #Donetsk airport is on the other side pic.twitter.com/pBOu5gHZpI

Russians claim it was done by Ukraine tank shooting. Sounds like typical Russian provocation to restart conflict.

10-10-2015, 07:42 PM
Boroday: "The number of RU volunteers who fought in Ukraine is up to 50,000. We want them to be treated as military veterans under RU law"

10-10-2015, 08:31 PM
There was some report minutes ago from #Alchevsk about some strange booms.

In/near #Stakhanov explosions/shots and flashes. https://twitter.com/uzheumer/status/652942384309891072 …

Alchevsk 23:30
Very loud booms. Window frames, wall trembles. Feels like from the city something heavy pounding. https://twitter.com/ua_ares/status/652944417666527233 …

10-11-2015, 01:53 PM
Syrotine, #Luhansk rgn: #SBU found a weapons cache @LUGANSK_TODAY http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=162313&cat_id=39574 … pic.twitter.com/nl8pctcbEX

DNR communists" in occupied #Donetsk hold 'rally' to support militants
http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2015/10/11/7084460/ …

10-11-2015, 04:20 PM
Reference MH17 shot down----

Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins

Russian newspaper owned by the Russian government publishes a piece attacking @Bellingcat's #MH17 work.

http://www.rg.ru/2015/10/11/samolet-site.html …

10-11-2015, 05:08 PM
For those that do not believe Americans can fall for and or support the Putin "narrative" and support the Russian info warfare--think again.

Well worth the reading of this article-----


Putin’s New American Fan Club?

Their board includes a famed ex-senator. Their goals couldn’t sound more benign. But a new outfit to promote “debate” between the U.S. and Russia has a decidedly pro-Putin lineup.

It is, most would agree, a worthy goal: to promote “open, civilized, informed debate” on Russian-American relations and bring about “a conclusive end to cold war and its attendant dangers.” But there are reasons to believe that the American Committee for East-West Accord, which is having its formal launch with a Capitol Hill event scheduled for November 4, may be involved in a less admirable mission.

“The more organizations there are having country-to-country conversations, exchanges and partnerships, the better, [especially in] an increasing atmosphere of anti-Americanism there and anti-Russianism here,” New School international studies professor and writer Nina Khrushcheva, a granddaughter of the late Soviet leader, told The Daily Beast in an email. Like several other analysts, however, Khrushcheva voiced concern that the group’s potential positive role was compromised by some of its members’ knee-jerk tendency to blame all tensions on the West while excusing the Kremlin’s and Vladimir Putin’s actions.

The committee’s seven-person board of directors includes former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ), former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union Jack Matlock, and former Procter & Gamble CEO John Pepper. But its co-founders are two men who were part of the group’s forerunner, the American Committee on East-West Accord, a pro-détente organization that existed from 1974 to 1992. Stephen F. Cohen, the Russian history scholar, earned a certain notoriety last year with his dogged defense of Putin at the height of the Russia-Ukraine conflict; Gilbert Doctorow, a like-minded Brussels-based U.S. expatriate and self-styled “professional Russia-watcher,” has had a long career in multinational business as well as scholarship and punditry.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Cohen credited both himself and Doctorow with the idea of an advocacy group to counteract the new Cold War. “The model I had in mind was the American Committee, and it began to fester in my mind to re-create the equivalent,” says Cohen; the change from “on” to “for,” he says, was intended to make it “more proactive.” Both men began to publicly promote the initiative in early 2014. Doctorow, as ACEWA’s European coordinator, organized its first events in Brussels, including a panel last March that featured Cohen as well as Nation editor-in-chief Katrina vanden Heuvel, Cohen’s wife and frequent co-author on Russia-related issues.

Actively promoted in The Nation, ACEWA is clearly something of a Cohen-vanden Heuvel project. While vanden Heuvel is not a board member, Cohen told The Daily Beast that she “does help,” sometimes by mentioning the group’s activities to her contacts in Congress. Her father, William J. vanden Heuvel, a retired career diplomat and former United Nations ambassador, serves on the committee’s board and was even listed as its president in its incorporating papers. ACEWA also appears to have close ties to his philanthropy, the Melinda and William J. vanden Heuvel Foundation: The address listed on the committee’s tax filing last March is the foundation’s Manhattan address (and that of the investment firm Allen & Co., in which he is a senior adviser). None of the ACEWA representatives contacted by The Daily Beast would comment directly on whether the organization—whose U.S. budget is listed at $30,000 for this year—is financed by the vanden Heuvel Foundation; but both Cohen and Doctorow confirm that for now, its funding comes from board members.

Cohen’s views have been widely described as pro-Putin and “Moscow-friendly,” labels he has hotly disputed. Similar charges have been leveled at other people and organizations linked to ACEWA; the March 2015 World Russia Forum in Washington, D.C., where Doctorow made a pitch for the Committee, was skewered by The Daily Beast’s Jamie Kirchick as “a gathering of Kremlin apologists, conspiracy theorists, and other assorted nut jobs.”

To ACEWA’s founders, such language validates the need for the committee, showing that dissent from a bellicose, Russia-bashing party line is marginalized in American discourse. “McCarthyite” attacks on Russia-policy dissenters have been decried by Cohen, Doctorow (who hailed Cohen as the “Great vanden Heuvel Foundation: The address listed on the committee’s tax filing last March is the foundation’s Manhattan address (and that of the investment firm Allen & Co., in which he is a senior adviser). None of the ACEWA representatives contacted by The Daily Beast would comment directly on whether the organization—whose U.S. budget is listed at $30,000 for this year—is financed by the vanden Heuvel Foundation; but both Cohen and Doctorow confirm that for now, its funding comes from board members.

Cohen’s views have been widely described as pro-Putin and “Moscow-friendly,” labels he has hotly disputed. Similar charges have been leveled at other people and organizations linked to ACEWA; the March 2015 World Russia Forum in Washington, D.C., where Doctorow made a pitch for the Committee, was skewered by The Daily Beast’s Jamie Kirchick as “a gathering of Kremlin apologists, conspiracy theorists, and other assorted nut jobs.”

To ACEWA’s founders, such language validates the need for the committee, showing that dissent from a bellicose, Russia-bashing party line is marginalized in American discourse. “McCarthyite” attacks on Russia-policy dissenters have been decried by Cohen, Doctorow (who hailed Cohen as the “Great American American Dissident”) and James Carden, the former National Interest columnist who is now editor of ACEWA’s website.

Yet the drubbing Cohen has received was due largely to his propensity for crossing the line into Kremlinesque spin. During the Crimea grab, he asserted that “we don’t know that Putin went into Crimea”; later, he insisted that the Russia-backed insurgents of Donetsk and Luhansk were “resisters” with a valid claim to self-defense since those regions had “voted overwhelmingly for autonomy” (never mind that the separatist-controlled vote was a blatant farce and polls showed most locals opposing secession).

Speaking to The Daily Beast, Cohen defended some of his statements; for instance, he explained that he did not know at the time whether the “little green men” who executed the Crimea takeover were new special forces sent from Russia or Russian troops already stationed there under a treaty with Ukraine. (In fact, they wore no insignia, and Putin claimed they were “local self-defense units.”) However, Cohen concedes that he might have been “insufficiently critical of Russia’s contribution to the crisis”—but says it was a “conscious strategy” to counteract a one-sided media narrative. “Russia’s side of the story was not being told, and I knew I was going to get grief for trying to tell it as I understood it,” says Cohen, adding that he was further constrained by very limited television airtime.


10-11-2015, 06:02 PM
Reference MH17-----

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant

Two days to go until the Dutch Safety Board's MH17 report is released, Russia already crying foul.

http://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/10/russians-angered-dutch-probe …

If Russia did believe the Almaz-Antey findings, it would use the DSB report to buttress a "Ukrainian Buk did it" theory. But, clearly not.

Russia continue to do everything in its power to undermine the meticulous official Dutch investigation into MH17. https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/653249134330257408 …

Moscow asks UN aviation agency to intervene into #MH17 probe - report
http://on.rt.com/6tm4 pic.twitter.com/A3tAsULTBQ

10-11-2015, 06:05 PM
RU proxies in E #Ukraine leader #Plotnitskiy about #Russian future plans - EMPR Video with EN subtitles

http://empr.media/video/terrorist-leader-about-russian-future-plans/ …

10-11-2015, 07:41 PM
#Russia's propagandist Kiselyov: "Any American aircraft carrier can be destroyed with 3 missiles of this caliber." pic.twitter.com/5cpk5ZX1KA

10-11-2015, 07:43 PM
Emergency officials: Ukraine destroyed 42,000 explosives planted by Russian forces, many disguised as kids' toys

10-12-2015, 10:35 AM
Russia|n Federation Occupying Military Forces ID'd in #Alchevsk #Ukraine

v @BuTaJIu4eK
Eng: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Finformnapalm.org%2F13023-alchevsk-mesta-skoplenyya-okkupatsyonnyh-vojsk-rf&edit-text= … pic.twitter.com/SzfbRw3vMr

10-12-2015, 10:50 AM
Reference Dutch MH17 shot down report coming out tomorrow----

Peskov preparing ground 4 tomoro report on #MH17: seems series of facts presented by #Russia not considered, for reasons we dont understand

Peskov re #MH17 report: we will study it carefully but disappointed at lack of necessary involvement of Russian experts in investigation

Col. Andriy Lysenko: Russia-backed militants instigated provocative attacks from small arms near Shyrokyne. Ceasefire holds elsewhere

10-12-2015, 11:22 AM
Reference the Dutch Report on the downing of MH17 being released tomorrow--Russia is complaining that the hound is being chased ---by the fox

Taken from Sputnik International the world famous Russian propaganda outlet owned by the Russian government

Dutch Investigators 'Sloughed Off' Cooperation With Russia on MH17 Crash

© REUTERS/ Maxim Shemetov
13:17 12.10.2015(updated 13:27 12.10.2015) L

MH17 Crash Investigation

Russia has expressed its disappointment several times over the fact that the Dutch investigations on the cause of the downing of the MH17 airlines last year over eastern Ukraine have basically sloughed off cooperation with Russian specialists, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Peskov said that a number of factors into the downing of the MH17 flight in March 2014 presented by Russia to the Dutch Safety Board “was not taken into consideration” during the investigations.

“What will be published tomorrow [by the Dutch Safety Board] will be thoroughly studied by our experts and specialists, but the Russian side has expressed several times its disappointment to the fact that there is a lack of needed cooperation and involvement of Russian specialists in the investigations,” Peskov told journalists.

The board claimed in its preliminary report that the plane broke up in-air from structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects.


10-12-2015, 12:56 PM
SBU: Russian officials coordinated the terrorist group who planned to blow up Kyiv recruitment office

http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/295903.html …

10-12-2015, 05:40 PM
The Russian 74th Brigade’s contract servicemen fight in Donbas as hooligans.

https://en.informnapalm.org/the-russian-74th-brigade-s-contract-servicemen-fight-in-donbas-as-hooligans/ … pic.twitter.com/MNYQXJ5XeL

10-12-2015, 05:41 PM
Russia calls on U.S., Romania to give up plans to deploy MK-41 vertical launch systems http://m.rbth.com/news/2015/10/12/russia_calls_on_us_romania_to_give_up_plans_to_dep loy_mk-41_vertical_lau_50005.html …

10-12-2015, 05:43 PM
Reference MH17-------

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia

#Lavrov:Russia is the only country to provide satellite data.Ukraine hasn't provided data on the dialogue between military controllers #MH17

But they actually did give the data months ago-----

10-13-2015, 09:54 AM
Reference MH17----

MH17: Dutch Safety Board to issue final report. Pro-Putin trolls preparing for long day...

Even the manufacturer of the BUK confirms the launch site to be mercenary held territory---

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Here's our in depth report that shows Almaz-Antey's proposed launch site was under rebel control https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/07/13/zaroshchenske-launch-site-claims-and-reality-a-bellingcat-investigation/

Russian BUK producer Almaz-Antey presentation live on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNKFb4KLy04 …

Almaz-Antey claims that it's just a "coincidence" that their press conference is same day as DSB report. Не думаю! https://twitter.com/christogrozev/status/653854838032310272 …

10-13-2015, 10:00 AM
Reference MH17----

MH17: Dutch Safety Board to issue final report. Pro-Putin trolls preparing for long day...

Even the manufacturer of the BUK confirms the launch site to be mercenary held territory---

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Here's our in depth report that shows Almaz-Antey's proposed launch site was under rebel control https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/07/13/zaroshchenske-launch-site-claims-and-reality-a-bellingcat-investigation/

Russian BUK producer Almaz-Antey presentation live on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNKFb4KLy04 …

Almaz-Antey claims that it's just a "coincidence" that their press conference is same day as DSB report. Не думаю! https://twitter.com/christogrozev/status/653854838032310272 …

Expect all 4 Ds of #Russia #propaganda on #MH17 today: Dismiss investigators, distort claims, distract from evidence, dismay w consequences.

BFM: "You claim your experiment cannot be falsified. But this is not true. Will you order independent expertise?"
A: "We don't need experts"

WOW......it is really seldom that the MSM uses the term URGENT--but on Russia Today they used it to get in front of the news cycle on the Dtuch MH17 report bein released-----

URGENT: Tests by BUK producer contradict Dutch commission on missile type used to down MH17 http://on.rt.com/6tq1

WSJ: "Your own suggested launch site was also under "rebel" control?"
A.A. "Snezhnoe was certainly, this place - one can still argue about"

Even the BUK manufacturer cannot get the correct missile version right??????
Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version.
A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Various tweets boasting of shooting down Ukrainian AN26 on 17/07/14 near Torez. Before they realised it was #MH17

10-13-2015, 10:21 AM
ATO spox: In Severodonetsk & near Shchastya, UA law enforcers found 2 huge arsenals

Terrorist from #Brazil fighting for #Russia took photo on his tank that was later burnt in Feb 2015 near #Debaltseve https://twitter.com/askai707/status/653524546511859712 …

ATO spox: No flights of enemy UAVs were recorded yesterday in ATO area

10-13-2015, 11:59 AM
Expect all 4 Ds of #Russia #propaganda on #MH17 today: Dismiss investigators, distort claims, distract from evidence, dismay w consequences.

BFM: "You claim your experiment cannot be falsified. But this is not true. Will you order independent expertise?"
A: "We don't need experts"

WOW......it is really seldom that the MSM uses the term URGENT--but on Russia Today they used it to get in front of the news cycle on the Dtuch MH17 report bein released-----

URGENT: Tests by BUK producer contradict Dutch commission on missile type used to down MH17 http://on.rt.com/6tq1

WSJ: "Your own suggested launch site was also under "rebel" control?"
A.A. "Snezhnoe was certainly, this place - one can still argue about"

Even the BUK manufacturer cannot get the correct missile version right??????
Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version.
A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Various tweets boasting of shooting down Ukrainian AN26 on 17/07/14 near Torez. Before they realised it was #MH17

Dutch Safety board: #MH17 crashed because of a 9M314M warhead detonated outside the airplane. We have excluded any other cause.

Аccording to the Dutch report findings BUK missile exploded here - 1 meter away on the left from the cockpit

Close-up #MH17

Here's a link to the Dutch Safety Board's report on #MH17:
http://cdn.onderzoeksraad.nl/documents/report-mh17-crash-en.pdf …

10-13-2015, 01:00 PM
Expect all 4 Ds of #Russia #propaganda on #MH17 today: Dismiss investigators, distort claims, distract from evidence, dismay w consequences.

BFM: "You claim your experiment cannot be falsified. But this is not true. Will you order independent expertise?"
A: "We don't need experts"

WOW......it is really seldom that the MSM uses the term URGENT--but on Russia Today they used it to get in front of the news cycle on the Dtuch MH17 report bein released-----

URGENT: Tests by BUK producer contradict Dutch commission on missile type used to down MH17 http://on.rt.com/6tq1

WSJ: "Your own suggested launch site was also under "rebel" control?"
A.A. "Snezhnoe was certainly, this place - one can still argue about"

Even the BUK manufacturer cannot get the correct missile version right??????
Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version.
A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Various tweets boasting of shooting down Ukrainian AN26 on 17/07/14 near Torez. Before they realised it was #MH17

From the Russian info warriors----

Russia state media's take-away from the #MH17 report: "The Report confirmed fully Almaz Antey's version" https://russian.rt.com/article/123278

10-13-2015, 04:49 PM
Expect all 4 Ds of #Russia #propaganda on #MH17 today: Dismiss investigators, distort claims, distract from evidence, dismay w consequences.

BFM: "You claim your experiment cannot be falsified. But this is not true. Will you order independent expertise?"
A: "We don't need experts"

WOW......it is really seldom that the MSM uses the term URGENT--but on Russia Today they used it to get in front of the news cycle on the Dtuch MH17 report bein released-----

URGENT: Tests by BUK producer contradict Dutch commission on missile type used to down MH17 http://on.rt.com/6tq1

WSJ: "Your own suggested launch site was also under "rebel" control?"
A.A. "Snezhnoe was certainly, this place - one can still argue about"

Even the BUK manufacturer cannot get the correct missile version right??????
Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version.
A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Various tweets boasting of shooting down Ukrainian AN26 on 17/07/14 near Torez. Before they realised it was #MH17

In 6 sentences, the DSB destroys 16 months of conspiracy theories created by Russian state media.

DSB didn't just find Buk shrapnel fragments, but also a fin, missile engine nozzle, and data cable.
via @AricToler

10-13-2015, 05:02 PM
For those that do not think the Russian troll system is not automated-----

To let you know:
The automatised pro-Assad/Putin spam attack on me continues since 16 hrs.
@Twitter @Support @hilfe say they can't stop it.

1 Ukr soldier KIA, 3 WIA today as result of Russ attacks in Donetsk Airport http://bit.ly/1OzyW44 pic.twitter.com/YiKs6X8MFB

10-13-2015, 06:08 PM
In 6 sentences, the DSB destroys 16 months of conspiracy theories created by Russian state media.

DSB didn't just find Buk shrapnel fragments, but also a fin, missile engine nozzle, and data cable.
via @AricToler

If you don't understand why Almaz Antey held its press conference right before the Dutch Safety Board's, just watch Russian TV right now.

Russia State TV: "The Malaysian Boeing was downed by a missile no longer in Russia's arsenal but still in Ukraine's" https://player.vgtrk.com/iframe/video/id/1430377/start_zoom/true/showZoomBtn/false/sid/vesti/?acc_video_id=659377&time_play=148&isPlay=true&showPopUpBtn=false&showZoomBtn=true …

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: #MH17 report is"attempt to come to a biased conclusion and fulfil political orders"
http://tass.ru/politika/2343538 …

BREAKING Tjibbe Joustra, Chair of Dutch Safety Board @Onderzoeksraad: Buk missile was fired at #MH17 from pro-Russian rebel-controlled area

Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant
Future arguments will centre on bow-tie shaped missile fragments that Almaz Antey insists shouldn't be there.

10-13-2015, 06:14 PM
Notice just how the NYTs tends to mellow negative Russian info----

Just a shame that @nytimes lets Russia take the edge off what is a truly damning report, that Russian missile shot down civilian plane #MH17

10-13-2015, 07:16 PM
In 6 sentences, the DSB destroys 16 months of conspiracy theories created by Russian state media.

DSB didn't just find Buk shrapnel fragments, but also a fin, missile engine nozzle, and data cable.
via @AricToler

Fragments point to only one specific war-head"

"the microphone in the cockpit recorded the sound of the missile, and based on the delay, we could calculate the direction of the missile"

10-13-2015, 07:27 PM
ServiceSsu exposed the saboteur who tried to plant bomb in public place in Dnipropetrovsk
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-october-sbu-exposed-the-saboteur-who-tried-to-plant-11 …

10-13-2015, 07:30 PM
Russian electronic warfare unit in Donetsk today http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/13-october-russian-electronic-warfare-unit-in-donetsk-today … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/RBUm5aoMiH

as expected Kremlin's info-warfare bots flood Twitter with the 2 headlines #Russia wants remembered from #MH17 report pic.twitter.com/ra6Ws8oVEI

Four Igla-style MANPADS launch tubes and batteries seized in Ukraine
http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=162746&cat_id=39574 …

10-14-2015, 07:23 AM
Russia is still stealing Ukrainian coal-----

In “LPR”-controlled #Dovzhanske OSCE SMM observed approx. 50 trucks most loaded with coal, waiting to cross into #Russia.

OSCE observe 12 Oct Russian
12 2S1 Gvozdika SPGs @ Uspenka
24 tanks (T-64) @ Myrne
21 tanks (T-64/T-72) @ Kruhlyk http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/191966 …

Russian militant with new mortar near Alchevsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-october-russian-militant-with-new-mortar-near-alchevsk … pic.twitter.com/uMdGLQBX7g via @BuTaJIu4eK

10-14-2015, 07:34 AM
Another organization following the Russian info warriors line on the "non state" Ukraine----amazing how western groups follow Putin----

stopwar.org.uk follow the RF line that Ukraine is not really a country.

http://stopwar.org.uk/index.php/news/the-six-most-disastrous-us-interventions-of-the-21st-century …

BUT the STW UK group has not said a single word about the Russian invasion of Syria------

10-14-2015, 07:36 AM
Russia’s Reality Trolls and the MH17 War of Misinformation | Foreign Policy - http://go.shr.lc/1LjWzte
Really worth reading and fully understanding the Russian info war abilities to change narratives in mid stream----

SBU detained members of diversionary group which was preparing attacks in #Kramatorsk

10-14-2015, 07:39 AM
Reference MH17----

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins

Russia Today is yet again attacking me and @bellingcat, now almost daily for a week. It just seems like sour grapes now #MH17

RT has been going to town on you personally yesterday and today...and it's still pre 8am.

10-14-2015, 10:17 AM
Russian attacks are starting again to increase against the UAF----

One killed, 3 wounded in Ukrainian forces over last 24 hours - #АТО Staff

ATO Briefing: Militants initiated 10-min long provocative fire from small arms by Avdiivka & Spartak. Ceasefire holds in all other areas.

Col. Lysenko: More illegal arms storages discovered & seized by UA law enforcement in Lysychansk, Shchastya, Avdiivka

ATO spox: One more militant returned to gov-controlled territories & agreed to work with UA law enforcement under SBU reintegration program

ATO spox: SBU detained “LPR” female informer who planned terrorist attacks in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region

ATO spox: Ukraine’s Emergency Service de-activated 18 explosive ordnances in Donetsk

10-14-2015, 10:19 AM
Reference MH17-----

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins

Why would Russia show radar data at it's July 21st 2014 #MH17 conference but delete the raw data so they couldn't present it to the DSB?

Section of the DSB #MH17 report is interesting, Russia's dodgy reasons for not providing radar data pic.twitter.com/zVGjPUZzVc

Russian response to the Dutch MH17 report has them now woven literally around the flag pole with multiple crazy and surreal statements coming out of Moscow---
Russia now says doubts Dutch #MH17 investigators really found remains of BUK missile. Photos show fragment that shldn't have survived blast

This confirms the above comment about the BUK fragments---actually stated yesterday by Russian officials
"If we were allowed to take part in invest'n, we might have been convinced. We can't just believe words of NL they found bow-tie fragments"

RossAviation: "only if we are allowed to co investigate, the investigation will be objective and believable"---they really, really, really stated this--typical Russian fox chasing the hound statement designed to just muddie the waters

10-14-2015, 10:24 AM
So is now Russia going to go to war over TTIP because they are not part of it??

Seems so----

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Zakharova: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement's opaqueness reflects all disadvantages of such closed projects

Russian vision is an economic zone from Portugal to the Russian Far East ALL under Russian control ie hegemony.

10-14-2015, 10:26 AM
Expect all 4 Ds of #Russia #propaganda on #MH17 today: Dismiss investigators, distort claims, distract from evidence, dismay w consequences.

BFM: "You claim your experiment cannot be falsified. But this is not true. Will you order independent expertise?"
A: "We don't need experts"

WOW......it is really seldom that the MSM uses the term URGENT--but on Russia Today they used it to get in front of the news cycle on the Dtuch MH17 report bein released-----

URGENT: Tests by BUK producer contradict Dutch commission on missile type used to down MH17 http://on.rt.com/6tq1

WSJ: "Your own suggested launch site was also under "rebel" control?"
A.A. "Snezhnoe was certainly, this place - one can still argue about"

Even the BUK manufacturer cannot get the correct missile version right??????
Novaya: "You spoke only about BUK M1 vs M2. But you omitted BUK M1-2, the interim version.
A.A: We are talking about something else (?)

Various tweets boasting of shooting down Ukrainian AN26 on 17/07/14 near Torez. Before they realised it was #MH17

Yesterday Almaz-Antey walked back #MH17 story saying it was 9M38 not 9M38M1. Today Russia trying to walk even that back, "no single version"

RossAviation: "Almaz Antey did not prove it was a BUK missile. They just calculated how it could have happened if it WAS a BUK"

10-14-2015, 11:54 AM
Reference MH17-----
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins

Why would Russia show radar data at it's July 21st 2014 #MH17 conference but delete the raw data so they couldn't present it to the DSB?

Section of the DSB #MH17 report is interesting, Russia's dodgy reasons for not providing radar data pic.twitter.com/zVGjPUZzVc

Russian response to the Dutch MH17 report has them now woven literally around the flag pole with multiple crazy and surreal statements coming out of Moscow---
Russia now says doubts Dutch #MH17 investigators really found remains of BUK missile. Photos show fragment that shldn't have survived blast

This confirms the above comment about the BUK fragments---actually stated yesterday by Russian officials
"If we were allowed to take part in invest'n, we might have been convinced. We can't just believe words of NL they found bow-tie fragments"

RossAviation: "only if we are allowed to co investigate, the investigation will be objective and believable"---they really, really, really stated this--typical Russian fox chasing the hound statement designed to just muddie the waters

RossAviation: "The report includes a list of Russian inputs we gave in July. None of them were accepted, which we find unacceptable

This is kind of like the criminal telling the jury what he the criminal wants them to believe??????

RossAviation: "The DSB report incorrectly interprets the Almaz Antey data about the launch site, as it mis-interprets how missile met MH17.

Christopher Miller ✔ @ChristopherJM

Rus aviation chief throws hands up: "Why didn't Dutch join OSCE in Hrabove?" B/c nobody had access. Behold, my pic: pic.twitter.com/vF49N7HPVh

10-14-2015, 12:28 PM
Again Russia ignores what they do not like to hear----this is not the opinion of the IMF concerning their 3B Euro bond loan-----

Russian Finance Minister: failure to repay $3bln debt by Ukraine would mean default
http://www.unian.info/economics/1152274-russian-finance-minister-failure-to-repay-3bln-debt-by-ukraine-would-mean-default.html … pic.twitter.com/nYA4fbDku2

10-14-2015, 01:53 PM
Edward Lucas ✔ @edwardlucas

Russian Propaganda, Disinformation, and Estonia's Experience | Foreign Policy Research Institute http://www.fpri.org/articles/2015/10/russian-propaganda-disinformation-and-estonias-experience …

10-14-2015, 01:54 PM
Tymchuk: Russian forces withdraw tanks from Horlivka to strengthen units in Donetsk-Khartsyzk-Shakhtarsk-Snizhne https://www.facebook.com/Ukrinform/photos/a.259306760777976.64944.130251917016795/989743487734296/?type=3&theater …

10-14-2015, 02:11 PM
The rag tag UAF has become a massively modernized fighting force in under 16 months-----

Promo video for the UA Defender's Day :-))
https://youtu.be/Hh4cQ7IDyDo pic.twitter.com/t0H2OI5dth

War machines rise from tank cemetery in #Ukraine
http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/war-machines-arise-from-kyivs-tank-cemetery-399967.html …

10-14-2015, 02:19 PM
Ex-militants defect to #Ukraine under new security service operation

http://uatoday.tv/politics/ex-militants-defect-to-ukraine-under-new-security-service-operation-513019.html …

10-14-2015, 02:24 PM
Lavrov says #Russia "knows violance cannot solve" every problem. Then moves on to talk about #Ukraine. Irony clearly lost on him.

10-14-2015, 09:35 PM
Oct 13, OSCE UAV recorded large concentration of over 60 tanks in area of Ternove ("DPR"-controlled area)
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192216 …

Lavrov: Russia will not allow the blockade of #LNR and #DNR and controlling the borders by Ukr pic.twitter.com/cCaG8sbL4G http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-october-lavrov-russia-will-not-allow-the-blockade-of-lnr …

Some reports that Russia massing SOF in Petrovsky district of Donetsk
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-october-some-reports-that-russia-massing-sof-in-petrovsky …

10-15-2015, 11:29 AM
UKR Border Service: Oct14 at 18:30 betw/Herasymivka&Krasniy_Derkul Kraz truck tripped roadside bomb, 9 injured http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_8944.htm …

10-15-2015, 11:30 AM
New York Times World ✔ @nytimesworld

How Russia maintained its military influence after the Cold War ended: http://nyti.ms/1G7gY89

WHO woke the Swiss up????
Forbes: Swiss banks massively close Russians' accounts: The largest Swiss banks UBS and Credit Su...

Ukraine gives Russia 2 weeks to agree to debt restructuring (from @AP) http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:2edfff766e9e4061a8be00caa26080 c0 …

Ukraine at #OSCE PC: Militants shelling near Troitske tht left 1 killed&. 2 wounded shows tht more must be done 2make ceasefire sustainable

There is definitely no "mine" ceasefire---mercenaries changed tactics and now use mine attacks against UAF and civilians--
In ATO Area 11 Soldiers Were Wounded By Explosive Devices - Lysenko http://ukraineunderattack.org/en/39721-in-ato-area-11-soldiers-were-wounded-by-explosive-devices-lysenko.html …

RuMOD to get 9 complexes of EW "Moscow-1" in 2015 via @KRETRussia pic.twitter.com/wcs8cddKm3

10-15-2015, 11:47 AM
Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine are up to something: intensive combat training (incl live firing) and concentrating armour.

Russian occupation forces concentrating tanks & other equipment, acc'd to #OSCE 13 Oct http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192216 … pic.twitter.com/HOZBonyqUK

10-15-2015, 11:50 AM
Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews

Russia’s Top 180 Lies about Ukraine

http://www.russialies.com/russias-top-180-lies-about-ukraine/ …

10-15-2015, 02:43 PM
UKRAINE: The UK request an explanation from #Russia after TOS-1 Buratino spotted in eastern #Ukraine.

10-15-2015, 05:23 PM
OSCE SMM observers continue to be denied access by Russian 'DPR' occupation forces, Donetsk region, 14 Oct pic.twitter.com/cXfusPJOcA

OSCE drone spotted two Russian army 152mm D-20 towed-howitzers in a field south of “DPR”-controlled Donetsk, 14 Oct http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192446 …

14 Oct, #OSCE observe construction of roads & positions for weapons systems at DPR forces training ground at Ternove pic.twitter.com/CEBokvKPUJ

10-16-2015, 09:19 AM
3 Ukr servicemen are wounded: hit a mine when patrolling nr Krasna Talivka close to Rus border pic.twitter.com/UASD3LBgHA http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-october-3-ukr-servicemen-are-wounded-hit-a-mine-when-patrolling …

Mine warfare---the "new ceasefire".

OE eastern Ukraine 16 Oct: Some see Russian ceasefire and withdrawal. We see Russian consolidation and redeployment

Ukraine Today and Stopfake join efforts to expose false #media reports
http://uatoday.tv/society/ukraine-today-and-project-stopfake-join-efforts-to-expose-false-media-reports-514123.html … pic.twitter.com/DN8fGORcom

This concerns the Russian troops refusing to go to the Ukraine--only now coming out in Russian media.......
Timing is interesting. Militiamen imprisoned in July, but Gazeta.ru only reporting this when Syria is in headlines https://twitter.com/APHClarkson/statuses/654944643734478848 …

10-16-2015, 09:20 AM
Reference MH17----

How the Dutch Safety Board Proved #Russia Faked #MH17 Evidence https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/10/15/how-the-dutch-safety-board-proved-russia-faked-mh17-evidence/ …

10-16-2015, 09:28 AM
Reference MH17----

How the Dutch Safety Board Proved #Russia Faked #MH17 Evidence https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2015/10/15/how-the-dutch-safety-board-proved-russia-faked-mh17-evidence/ …

TOTALY under the rubric--"just what the heck does Russia think"??

Suing the EU because Russia tries to show it did not shot MH17???????

Russian BUK missile-maker Almaz-Antey will sue EU for 10 million RUB it spent for own "#MH17 investigation" http://izvestia.ru/news/593266

It appears the Russian info warriors have literally "gone over the cliff"-------
Only in Russian TV: German kids are #forced to change migrants' underwear. Why don't migrants change it themselves? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDqhlmNKRJg …

10-16-2015, 09:41 AM
TOTALY under the rubric--"just what the heck does Russia think"??

Suing the EU because Russia tries to show it did not shot MH17???????

Russian BUK missile-maker Almaz-Antey will sue EU for 10 million RUB it spent for own "#MH17 investigation" http://izvestia.ru/news/593266

It appears the Russian info warriors have literally "gone over the cliff"-------
Only in Russian TV: German kids are #forced to change migrants' underwear. Why don't migrants change it themselves? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDqhlmNKRJg …


Buk missile maker to sue EU for cost of tests made necessary by #MH17 deliberately ramming their missile.

10-16-2015, 09:45 AM
Strelkov: "There is a technical agreement w #Ukraine on the transfer of "DNR" and "LNR" back to the Ukr as an autonomy, but Ukr oppose this"

Strelkov: "Novorossia" project permanently closed.
https://twitter.com/lradar_official/status/654929046770466817 …

What a scary read. Praising Putin for taming nations and keeping them peacuful:

DPR" disarms, detains own militants
http://www.unian.info/society/1153978-dpr-disarms-detains-own-militants.html … pic.twitter.com/HLOZm2lNbs

10-16-2015, 11:16 AM
Russia FM re ICC investigation into war crimes in 2008 war in Georgia: https://twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/654945649302110208 …

ATO spox: SBU found arsenal near Artemivsk with MANPADS Igla, 53 hand grenades, 17 grenade-rounds and ammo pic.twitter.com/fEYPuWDzGk

Col. Lysenko: In Stanytsia Luhanska, 2 local residents were killed on tripping over militants` booby traps

Col. Lysenko: 2 flights of enemy UAVs were recorded yesterday in Donetsk region; 1 enemy UAV was detected at the UA-RU borderline

10-16-2015, 02:02 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 10.14

Posted on October 16, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

In the ATO area in Donbas, fire strikes by Russian-terrorist troops continue, mostly with the use of small arms (in addition, terrorists used 82 mm mortars, heavy machine guns, and AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers). Militants use weapons to accomplish two main missions: to cover the “entry-exit” of their sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the rear of the ATO forces, and to attempt to provoke the return fire of Ukrainian troops.

The enemy actively uses specialized weapons and equipment, which allows them to operate quietly and discreetly (silencers, night-time and day-time optoelectronic devices, scanners, etc.). The increased presence of Spetsnaz sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Russian intelligence services is observed at the first line of the front (GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federal Security Service). These sabotage and reconnaissance groups are distinguished by their use of “mine traps,” attempts to conduct short firing raids on the isolated strongholds (positions) of the Ukrainian troops, etc.

The activity of Russian-terrorist forces is observed in the following areas:

– Practically along the entire length of sector “A” (especially along the Seversky Donets River), a never-ending “war of small groups” (raids, ambushes, counter-ambushes, roadside bombs) is observed;

– In the area of Luhanske–Myronivske–Troitske (up to the outskirts of Popasna), sniper groups are operating under cover of mortar fire and heavy machine guns;

– From Shumy and Mayorske to Avdiivka, militant sabotage and reconnaissance groups repeatedly tried to penetrate into the rear of the Ukrainian troops; on several occasions, terrorists used armored vehicles;

– In the area of ​​the Donetsk Airport, [the enemy] attempted to fire at the positions of ATO forces from the “neutral [demarcation] line;” sniper operations were observed; the enemy tried to operate with small infantry and reconnaissance groups, including [the groups] under cover of armored vehicles;

– From Mar’inka and practically as far as Hranitne and Mykolayivka, as well as in the area of Mariupol, Sakhanka, Shyrokyne, Pavlopil, and Chermalyk, militants used small arms, as well as 82 mm mortars and AGS-17; the activity of sabotage and reconnaissance groups was also observed.

The enemy is reinforcing their formation in the area of Donetsk–Khartsyzsk–Shakhtarsk–Snizhne by using forces withdrawn from the Horlivka bridgehead (which is presented as “withdrawal of equipment and weapons” – heavy armored vehicles and weapons with a caliber of less than 100 mm). A militant tank company was transferred to the vicinity of Shakhtarsk (T-64B tanks).

A combined terrorist unit was transferred to the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk (about 220 people in total, the transfer took place in groups of 25-30 people), with two automatic 2B9 “Vasilek” [“Cornflower”] mortars, five 12.7 mm caliber machine guns, and four units of SPG-9 “Kopye” [“Spear”]. This unit arrived to reinforce the Krasnohorivka–Mar’inka direction.

In the area of Lyman-Tsvitni Pisky (north of Stukalova Balka), “LNR” militants set up their frontline base under the guise of a “transit point to withdraw equipment” which, if necessary, would allow [them] to deploy a strike group of 2-3 reinforced battalions (one of them a tank battalion) in the vicinity of ​​Shchastya–Stanytsia Luhanska.

The so-called “Ministry of State Security of the DNR” is conducting several investigations into the “disappearances” of weapons and ammunition in “DNR” gangs. In one of the cases, such “disappearance” involved more than 200 units of small arms.

10-16-2015, 02:04 PM
OSCE_SMM evidence shows combined #Russia'n-separatist forces are in contravention of their #Minsk commitments

Ukraine's @Aero_Dnipro1 recon video of Russian fortifications, occupied Crimea 25 Sep 2015

Kremlin creation "Fund of Democracy" has a go at map making. Very subtle, almost subliminal. Keeping it classy.

Base of the Russian Occupation Forces in Yenakiyeve:
https://en.informnapalm.org/base-of-the-russian-occupation-forces-in-yenakiyeve/ …

Finnish researcher: Russia ramping up its information war

10-16-2015, 04:10 PM
Seems lots of Russian military movement through Crimea at the moment
https://twitter.com/UkrWatchTower/status/654954039583637504 …

VIDEO: Russian military equipment moving through occupied Crimea. 14/10/2015
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vEnyJa7ge40&feature=youtu.be …

10-16-2015, 05:40 PM
Novoazovsk. Not good news. RF intensively accumulates heavy weapons and resources. OSCE is not allowed https://twitter.com/NataliLeman/status/655055015741169664 …

10-16-2015, 06:36 PM
Oct 15, OSCE Recorded a convoy of 31 military-type trucks on the outskirts of Luhansk city
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192756 …

Notice the word MAY------
Russia may allow Ukraine to control its border in Donbas only after {it recognizes} elections in Donbas - Russia's Lavrov

Russian Mission OSCE @RF_OSCE
Russian #OSCE Envoy Alexander #Lukashevich: Foreign arms deliveries to Kiev may worsen situation in conflict zone http://tass.ru/en/politics/829482 …

U.S. Mission to OSCE ✔ @usosce
#Russia’s proxies in #Ukraine continue to threaten OSCE SMM monitors, and the prospects for progress:

SBU: "DPR” & “LPR” disrupt negotiations to release hostages. They attempted to blackmail Ukrainian side, making unacceptable demands.

The first Ukrainian graduates-instructors of Ukrainian special forces "KORD" :-))
https://twitter.com/Artem_Shewa/status/655092452051832832 …

10-16-2015, 06:52 PM
Oct 15, OSCE Recorded a convoy of 31 military-type trucks on the outskirts of Luhansk city
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192756 …

Notice the word MAY------
Russia may allow Ukraine to control its border in Donbas only after {it recognizes} elections in Donbas - Russia's Lavrov

Russian Mission OSCE @RF_OSCE
Russian #OSCE Envoy Alexander #Lukashevich: Foreign arms deliveries to Kiev may worsen situation in conflict zone http://tass.ru/en/politics/829482 …

U.S. Mission to OSCE ✔ @usosce
#Russia’s proxies in #Ukraine continue to threaten OSCE SMM monitors, and the prospects for progress:

SBU: "DPR” & “LPR” disrupt negotiations to release hostages. They attempted to blackmail Ukrainian side, making unacceptable demands.

Shooting reported at #Donetsk airport after earlier reports of Kamaz full of troops moved towards it

10-17-2015, 06:27 AM
October 14. One day of truce on the East of #Ukraine. 11 military WIA and 2 civilians killed
http://lugansk-news.com/one-day-of-truce-on-the-east-of-ukraine-11-military-wia-and-2-civilians-killed/ …

Russia-led separatists throw out arms, ammo into garbage pits, fearing responsibility for killings - intel. info released ATO press center

"@JarnoLim:Will speak today:#Russia|ns(and others)are testing the boundaries of #cyber-#battlefield.

U.S. Mission to OSCE ✔ @usosce
#Russia-backed separatists in #Ukraine still barring vast majority of humanitarian aid orgs:

10-17-2015, 06:56 AM
John Schindler @20committee

Want to deter Russian aggression in Europe? I told you how 16 months ago.

Obama's done NONE of this. NATO neither.

http://20committee.com/2014/06/03/defending-natos-eastern-frontier-a-modest-proposal/ …

10-17-2015, 01:46 PM
Dnipro-1 batt done footage from Kherson-Crimea border, lots of RU mil. equipment, fortifications

Video: #Ukraine electronically intercepts & downs Russian spy drone front line with occupied #Crimea (2 min 05 sec) https://youtu.be/fXq9RxOhPbY

Do not think for a moment Russia does not have a Syrian information war going on parallel to the Ukraine.
Partial view of influence of #Russia|n propaganda on social media by @webradius
http://kremlintrolls.com/t/20151012-rumfa.html …
pic.twitter.com/Rt6j0yT7c7 v @SpecGhost

10-17-2015, 06:40 PM
Russian drone downed and captured near #Mariupol. Video show those who launched it
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-october-russian-drone-downed-an-captured-near-mariupol …

10-17-2015, 07:09 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 10.16

Posted on October 17, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

Russian-terrorist forces continue armed provocations against the ATO forces. Several attempts to incite return fire by Ukrainian troops were observed, while sabotage and reconnaissance groups continue to operate [in the area].

Militants continue to regroup and to resupply illegal armed groups with combat equipment and personnel; as well as to better equip their positions, both at the front line and in the tactical and operational-tactical depth of their combat formations, including with the use of minefields.

In the area of ​​Holmivskyi, terrorists fired AGS-17 grenade launchers at the neutral line for 15 minutes, followed by firing automatic weapons in the same direction for another 10 minutes. A similar provocation was carried out south of Avdiivka.

In the vicinity of Mar’inka, Berezove, Chermalyk, and south of Avdiivka, several militant infantry groups were detected, advancing towards the neutral line to carry out reconnaissance and surveillance.

East of Novozvanivka, several unaimed shots from 82-mm mortars were recorded.

North of Sakhanka, towards Kominternove and Hnutove, as well as in the area of ​​the Bakhmut highway, militants are actively moving their troops and armored vehicles. In the first instance, several army trucks with personnel were accompanied by two BTR-80 APCs.

In the vicinity of Horlivka, four tanks and two BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles from a reserve group of a “battalion” stationed in the southern outskirts of the city were observed moving in the direction of Yenakijeve.

South of Torez, militants set up a “tank firing field,” to which 14 tanks and 10 different APCs were relocated.

Units of militants stationed south of Donetsk continued to receive reinforcements in the form of armored vehicles. A convoy of armored vehicles (8 AFVs) were observed in the vicinity of Kuteinykove.

Militants moved armored vehicles behind the Telmanove – Novoazovsk highway. North of Novoazovsk, [these vehicles] are concentrated in at least several areas.

Terrorists set up intermediary positions along the Pervomaisk–Kirovsk–Berdyanka line. At least 10 different AFVs were reported [at these positions].

A unit of the so-called “Odessa” separate motorized rifle brigade (up to 200 people in strength) relocated to the militant training ground near Lutuhyne. Combat equipment previously accumulated on the territory of this “training center” is used in the course of combat training.

“Free movement” for terrorists in uniforms and with weapons has been limited in Donetsk. Militants were commanded to change into civilian clothes when “exiting their unit locations”; open carry of weapons was [also] banned.

In Donetsk, pro-Russian terrorists are insistently trying to implement a set of measures under a collective propaganda slogan of “success stories in the peaceful life of the young republic.” Businesses are encouraged to purchase goods in Russia for resale in the occupied territories. At the moment, large retail chains are swamped with Russian goods. Despite this, products of Ukrainian origin (especially food), smuggled and sold in small “outlets,” are more popular [in the area].

In Donetsk, a group of Russian state managers is working to “switch” areas under “DNR” [Donetsk People’s Republic] control to using the Russian ruble. In addition, a Russian paramilitary unit is responsible for “delivering monetary supplies” from the Russian territory.

10-17-2015, 07:12 PM
Russian (hybrid) forces continue to violate Minsk agreement + active combat training 16 Oct
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192801 …

UAF informed OSCE: RU forces have 100mm SPGs & GRADs @ Novosvitlivka, Novoaleksandrovka, Mikhaylovka & Krasnoarmeysk https://inforesist.org/razvedka-soobshhila-o-gotovyashhihsya-diversiyah-so-storonyi-boevikov/ …

A member of #Russian Orthodox Army detained by Security Service in #Kharkiv.
See details at http://lugansk-news.com/a-member-of-russian-orthodox-army-detained-by-security-service-in-kharkiv/ … pic.twitter.com/xoS0Z27RpJ

10-17-2015, 08:15 PM
Russian (hybrid) forces continue to violate Minsk agreement + active combat training 16 Oct
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/192801 …

UAF informed OSCE: RU forces have 100mm SPGs & GRADs @ Novosvitlivka, Novoaleksandrovka, Mikhaylovka & Krasnoarmeysk https://inforesist.org/razvedka-soobshhila-o-gotovyashhihsya-diversiyah-so-storonyi-boevikov/ …

A member of #Russian Orthodox Army detained by Security Service in #Kharkiv.
See details at http://lugansk-news.com/a-member-of-russian-orthodox-army-detained-by-security-service-in-kharkiv/ … pic.twitter.com/xoS0Z27RpJ

Oct 16, OSCE notes 2 GRAD MLRS absent from "DPR" holding area. Also, UAV continued to record "DPR" mil equipment close to contact line

US repeats call on #Russia and its proxies to stop jamming OSCE monitors' UAVs in #Ukraine
http://goo.gl/awl7Wq -

10-17-2015, 09:29 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: The socio-political situation in Donbas on 10.17

Posted on October 17, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance: (the socio-political situation in the regions of Donbas on 10/17/2015)

In the so-called “liberated territories:”

Amongst the patriotic inhabitants of Kramatorsk, there is growing dissatisfaction about the fact that people who actively cooperated with the terrorists are currently running for office. In particular, Andrey Vasfeyev (of the party “Strong Ukraine,” a deputy of the city council), who actively collaborated with “DNR” [“Donetsk Peoples’ Republic”] militants during the occupation of the city, is running for the City Council. Among the candidates running for the post of mayor is Nikolai Kutepov (of the party “Strong Ukraine,” Director of “Krammashproekt,” deputy of the city council), who participated in the so-called “Referendum” in the spring of 2014 as a member of the election commission, located in the premises of the City Council captured by militants, and who also actively helped the rebels to create a “tax system” allowing for the de facto robbery of the businessmen and companies of the city.

In the occupied territories:

The leadership of the “LNR” [“Luhanks Peoples’ Republic”] has prepared a “decree on denying recognition of S. Kurchenko’s corporate rights to property located on the territory of the republic.” An investigation of the fraudulent actions committed by S. Kurchenko is underway, in particular, concerning his attempt “to monopolize the sales of fuel, lubricants and chemical products” in the militant-controlled territory of the Luhansk region. At the same time, Russian “supervisors” instructed the management of the “Luhansk Information Center” to conduct an information campaign against S. Kurchenko. In addition to the “LNR Media,” relevant material will also be distributed in the Russian mass media (RIA News, LifeNews), including the relevant documents recording the results of the investigation of S. Kurchenko’s fraud by the so-called “law enforcement authorities of the LNR.”

Background information: According to IR Group’s data, after the contract for supply of fuel and lubricants was signed between the companies owned by S. Kurchenko and the “energy authorities of the LNR,” USD 3 million was transferred from the budget of the “LNR” to the business accounts of S. Kurchenko. The companies in question did not fulfill their contractual obligations to supply fuel and lubricants.

The leaders of the Luhansk episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate, [UOC-MP] have begun to refute claims made by the representatives of the “LNR” management about the impending “zombification” [brainwashing] of students in “LNR” schools [by the church]. In particular, the episcopate leaders officially rebutted the claim by the “Minister of Education and Science of the LNR” V.G. Tkachenko about an agreement signed between the “Ministry of Education” and the Luhansk UOC-MP episcopate on cooperation in the sphere of the spiritual education of young people in secondary schools in the “LNR.” The clergy of the Luhansk episcopate called the relevant statement of “minister” Tkachenko “premature.”

Russian “supervisors” instructed the “DNR” ringleaders to carry out preparations for the local elections scheduled for February 21, 2016. At the same time, representatives of the “LNR authorities” are forbidden from commenting on the possibility of holding elections in the “DNR” in March 2016. Rumors circulating amongst the members of the “LNR” armed gangs claim that “there will be no elections,” indicating that the “LNR / DNR” will instead become part of the Russian Federation.

“DNR” militants are dismantling the carriage depot of the Donetsk railway (Donetsk city, Artemivska Street). Some of the depot materials and supplies are being exported to the Russian Federation.

The “DNR” leaders have reported on the successful “autumn conscription” of citizens from the occupied territories, aged 18 to 26. Some 5,000 people were recruited to the ranks of the armed groups of the “DNR” in this “draft.” According to the information disseminated, “military service” will come in the format of the “protection of the public order and protection of objects;” these “recruits,” allegedly, will not participate in military action.

10-18-2015, 06:41 AM

Dmitry Tymchuk: The socio-political situation in Donbas on 10.17

Posted on October 17, 2015

'A family from Krasniy_Luch didn't pass through customs to Russia due so son's LNR passport...'

Men complained, RUS border guards lead them to peel stickers w/DNR flag fr/the plates saying no such country

10-18-2015, 06:47 AM
Putin has an array of European allies willing to advance his cause.
Soviet Union had 'useful idiots' "
New term ?
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2015/10/vladimir_putin_s_fellow_travelers_the_russian_pres ident_has_an_assortment.html# …

Russian army equipment in #Luhansk, occupied Eastern #Ukraine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ2Rrh9XBg8 … pic.twitter.com/G9M8s3alPJ

10-18-2015, 11:31 AM
Leader of "LNR" Plotnitsky has suspended the "head of the state security"

http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-october-leader-of-terror-group-lnr-plotnitsky-has-suspended …
pic.twitter.com/FlFzwVTn4r via @GazetaRu

Russian (hybrid DPR) forces building defences 17 Oct, somewhere in Russian-occupied Donetsk, Ukraine

Interesting thought?????
I get the feeling from Russian/pro-Russian/DPR/LPR social media that Syria is some kind of payback for failure to seize Ukraine

10-18-2015, 11:53 AM
2 Ukrainian soldiers were injured in (-pro) Russian attacks on #Pisky near Donetsk on Saturday.

Russian ground and shelling attacks are slowly starting again it seems......
RU again shooting at Shirokyne. UKR withdrawal of weapons in this region may be fatal. https://twitter.com/0629ComUa/status/655635890593792000 …

Police seized cache of weapons and explosives near Serhiivka village, Donetsk region
http://www.mvs.gov.ua/mvs/control/donetsk/ru/publish/article/236839 … pic.twitter.com/X1gUwLj8TB

Police continues to seize arsenals of weapons in Donetsk region
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-october-police-continues-to-seize-arsenals-of-weapons …
pic.twitter.com/YYfKLfZLDn via @24todaynetua

News from "Lugansk People's Republic". The "Minister" arrested for smuggling coal to Ukraine https://youtu.be/s5bizJwh_Nw pic.twitter.com/paKhchiQl1

11:57 #Donetsk @HeleneHelene5 'I can hear heavy salvos from the direction of Durna_Balka' Maybe just drills???????

Russian drone downed and captured near Mariupol
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-october-russian-drone-downed-an-captured-near-mariupol …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXq9RxOhPbY …

Unlike the Soviet Union, Russia is essentially a crime syndicate masquerading as a state, says @PowerVertical http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/10/russia-containment-putin-soviet/410968/?utm_source=SFFB …

10-18-2015, 01:20 PM
Donetskgormash plant in Donetsk city aka main Russian repair plant for RU & captured vehicles (via @JulianRoepcke) http://wikimapia.org/14297020/Plant-Donetskgormash …

Part of Donetskgormash plant burned down on 1 Feb 2015 but was fully restored and repairing tanks by 15 March http://russia-insider.com/en/2015/03/16/4562 …

Are Russians still manufacturing 82mm mortars in Donetskgormash plant? (Photos 27 Dec 2014) http://ww.corbisimages.com/Search#pg=sharifulin+valery&cat=23&p=4&sort=2 … pic.twitter.com/8m9KUtoIh8

10-18-2015, 02:34 PM
Donetskgormash plant in Donetsk city aka main Russian repair plant for RU & captured vehicles (via @JulianRoepcke) http://wikimapia.org/14297020/Plant-Donetskgormash …

Part of Donetskgormash plant burned down on 1 Feb 2015 but was fully restored and repairing tanks by 15 March http://russia-insider.com/en/2015/03/16/4562 …

Are Russians still manufacturing 82mm mortars in Donetskgormash plant? (Photos 27 Dec 2014) http://ww.corbisimages.com/Search#pg=sharifulin+valery&cat=23&p=4&sort=2 … pic.twitter.com/8m9KUtoIh8

Russian Army "withdraws" 82mm mortars from Luhansk while manufacturing them in Donetsk!

http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-donetsk-ukraine-27th-dec-2014-an-employee-assembling-a-82mm-mort-76935144.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=1E994CA5-425F-4145-B07C-8185FF4A31F9&p=224005&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26sortby%3d2%26qt%3dED4KFM %26qt_raw%3dED4KFM%26qn%3d%26lic%3d3%26mr%3d0%26pr %3d0%26aoa%3d1%26creative%3d%26videos%3d%26nu%3d%2 6ccc%3d%26bespoke%3d%26apalib%3d%26ag%3d0%26hc%3d0 %26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%26loc%3d0 %26ot%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d 0xFF%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26archive%3d1%26n ame%3d%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26userid%3d%26id %3d%26a%3d%26xstx%3d0%26cbstore%3d1%26lightbox%3d% 26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d %26apalic%3d%26tbar%3d1%26pc%3d%26simid%3d%26cap%3 d1%26customgeoip%3d%26vd%3d0%26cid%3d%26saveQry%3d %26editorial%3d1%26t%3d0%26edoptin%3d …

10-18-2015, 04:29 PM
Russian-led militants violate ceasefire, two Ukrainian soldiers wounded
http://uatoday.tv/politics/militants-violate-ceasefire-two-ukrainian-soldiers-wounded-515332.html …

Russian tank at Sontseve, Donetsk region, Ukraine 17 Oct - Minsk violation (via @GirkinGirkin) https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/655747527329849344 …

Meet the Russian FSB propaganda resource in UK - The Russian-owned "Independent"
http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/putin-s-aim-is-clear-to-restore-the-principle-of-sovereignty-to-international-affairs-a6698221.html … pic.twitter.com/J1AiThDyPZ

Donetsk airport area - tank shooting. In the area of the #Butovka mine heard the sound of heavy machinery http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-october-donetsk-airport-area--tank-shooting-in-the-area …

10-19-2015, 11:16 AM
Russia's sniper with Russian weapon was killing Ukrainian people during revolution of dignity in Ukraine in 2014

Analysis of battle actions in #Ilovaysk area after invasion of Russian troops on Aug24-29 2014 http://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2015/10/19/analiz-illovausk--14354/ …

In Eastern Russia exercises of brigade of electronic warfare w/newest complexes "Krasuha-C4" https://twitter.com/KasparovRu/status/656047101659340800?s=09 …

Donetsk militants say Russian arms supplies become irregular
http://www.unian.info/war/1156231-donetsk-militants-say-russian-arms-supplies-become-irregular.html …
[I]They are now going to Syria-----

Another weapons cache---
And another one in Kryvyi Rih, #Ukraine, grenades, PKMs, AKs, TNT and det.cord,..

Another capture of grenades, mines and #MANPADS in #Ukraine by @ServiceSsu
http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=162976&cat_id=39574 …

ATO spokesperson: Near Vrubivka village, Luansk region, UA security services blocked a minibus carrying illegal cargo to occupied Donbas

Col. Lysenko: RU information & propaganda war continues in Donbas: UA servicemen in ATO area constantly receive demoralizing SMS-messages

10-19-2015, 07:30 PM
Propaganda Works: Lesson 128 > @MoscowTimes: More Than One-Third of #Russians Blame U.S. for EU Migrant Crisis

I remember him so well:berkut commander who took part in #Maidan dispersal.
he's still working in interior min!!! pic.twitter.com/343w0jiLyz

site of mass grave of Ukrainians who died at Transit Prison #25 Lviv awaiting deportation to Siberia

existence of such a grave was long suspected before it was found at Topolna Street , North Lviv just over 1 yr ago

"DPR" fighters denied OSCE's access into #Lukove (41km N-E of #Mariupol), and threatened the SMM to be shot if will return to the location.

OSCE UAVs continued to spot concentrations of (RU) mil. equipment in violation of the withdrawal lines.

DNR mobilized 3500 local residents (to replace the #Russia(n) troops)
https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://www.0629.com.ua/news/998592&usg=ALkJrhjnUVhiMayRcztjvnUHs8TpOy3qmA … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/EMuKEQBFhC

OSCE UAV was jammed near Zaichenko, East to the Mariupol
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-october-osce-uav-was-jammed-near-zaichenko-east-to-the … via @GirkinGirkin

OSCE spots heavy weapons of militants not withdrawn as agreed
http://www.unian.info/war/1156990-osce-spots-heavy-weapons-of-militants-not-withdrawn-as-agreed.html …

10-20-2015, 09:41 AM
OSCE again denied border access. Also OSCE overheard threats to be shot at by LPR militants
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/193151 … pic.twitter.com/6Z8MD1BelB

Raid. Documentary film on the 95th Airborne raid deep into enemy held territory
Supported by Ukrainian Defense Ministry Military TV of Ukraine released a documentary Raid. The story describes unique operations of the Ukrainian highly mobile airborne troops late August - early...

ATO HQ: Panic spreads among militants in Donbas. Many terrorists are planning to escape with their families to RF
http://www.unian.net/war/1157314-boeviki-planiruyut-sbejat-s-semyami-v-rossiyu-shtab-ato.html …

SBU reports about 800 Ukrainian MIA's
http://www.unian.info/society/1157407-sbu-reports-about-800-ukrainian-mias.html …

Near Shchastya, SBU seized large cache of weapons, ammunition and explosives.
http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=163295&cat_id=39574 … pic.twitter.com/1uCvF3wtQD

Donetsk region, Police seized stash of weapons and Explosives along with "DPR" flag
http://112.ua/kriminal/v-verhnetoreckom-doneckoy-obl-obnaruzhen-taynik-s-boepripasami-i-flagom-dnr-265973.html … pic.twitter.com/y3SOWcwMhQ

10-20-2015, 09:47 AM
SOssetia leader says plans referendum on joining #Russia http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=28670 …

Another Russian annexation......

10-20-2015, 09:48 AM
Kremlin reserve funds depleted, too much mil spending, can't borrow to cover deficit, import substitution failing.
http://bit.ly/1LDMv1Q .

600 additional #Russia|n fighters + equippment deployed near #Donetsk airport area - Tymchuk https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.tymchuk/posts/766690096792981 …

10:50 #Donetsk @AlfaNubovsky 1 MT-LB w/troops and a minibus rushed along Kyivsky Ave towards the airport

10-20-2015, 11:35 AM
They haven't withdrawn...
Russian occupation forces T-72B tanks in eastern Ukraine 17 Oct https://vk.com/wall-69830270?q=%23%D0%A1%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BA%D0%B8 _%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%B2_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0 %D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0&w=wall-69830270_56901%2Fall …

Ukraine Live: Electricity Pylons Near Frontier With Occupied Crimea Damaged By Blasts
http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-610-both-sides-begin-withdrawing-tanks-and-artillery-from-debaltsevo-area/#10510 … pic.twitter.com/YF59iWrEyn

Field Experiments of the Russian Occupation Army in Donetsk
https://en.informnapalm.org/field-experiments-of-the-russian-occupation-army-in-donetsk/ …

Explosive Devices Kill 1 Soldier, Wound Another And A Civilian Over Last 24 Hours
http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-610-both-sides-begin-withdrawing-tanks-and-artillery-from-debaltsevo-area/#10509 …

NOT much of a true ceasefire if you ask me............
7 Ukrainian Soldiers Wounded in Recent Days Brought to Mechnikov Hospital: Chief Physician
http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-609-berkut-officer-who-led-attack-on-maidan-protest-still-a-commander-in-interior-ministry/#10503 …

Office for Foreign Affairs France
"Russian Intelligence killed on Maidan ."
via @RutheniaRus @xordiza

Tymchuk: militants are still accumulating forces and weapons near Spartak and Donetsk Airport.
http://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-defense/1900545-terrorists-directing-forces-towards-donetsk-airport-tymchuk.html …

Ukrainian military documentary "The Raid" with Eng subs was released yesterday:

10-20-2015, 05:14 PM
OSCE spots 27 tanks of Russian proxies outside Mariupol
http://www.unian.info/war/1158235-osce-spots-27-tanks-of-russian-proxies-outside-mariupol.html … pic.twitter.com/9ng7cTrcwC

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Estonia expansion of iAmari Airbase to be provocative & aimed at destabilizing situation in East.Europe http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151020/1028812189/estonia-airbase-nato-russia.html#ixzz3p842QoM3 …

BUT invading eastern Ukraine and Syria on the other hand is not...typical Russian thinking.......

10-20-2015, 06:14 PM
Roland Oliphant @RolandOliphant

"MGB" [secret police] the LNR announce a no-stone unturned investigation into corruption at the top. I.e., a purge.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFvl_6W4Q2Y&feature=youtu.be …

10-20-2015, 06:46 PM
RussiaToday calls CNN "abhorrent, evil" for calling Chechen separatists "rebels" instead of "terrorists"


BUT Russian terrorists in the Ukraine are "separatists".........

10-20-2015, 07:21 PM
Withdrawal symptoms...
At least 25 Russian army tanks at Sontseve, eastern Ukraine 20 Oct (via @GirkinGirkin)

Russia(n) Special Services ‘volunteers’ fight in the east of #Ukraine
http://en.censor.net.ua/photo_news/356999/russian_special_services_volunteers_fight_in_the_e ast_of_ukraine_photos …

Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
It appears as we have had some quite some activity in the Russian Baltic Navy today

10-21-2015, 07:42 AM
Soldiers of the Russian Federation, who refused to fight in Ukraine, Sentenced to imprisonment.
https://twitter.com/USEmbRu/status/656726733694050304 …

06:48 #Stakhanov @DNSRRSTRTS I can observe a jet plane flying from south northbound over Kirovske, normal to Lenina Ave

07:23 #Stakhanov @DNSRRSTRTS One more aircraft heading back [north-south] exactly at a height of Sun

07:07 #Stakhanov @DNSRRSTRTS The second aircraft with contrail, heading south-north, angle of view 20-30°

07:40 #Severodonetsk @eksarevskiy Each morning. Maybe UKR...
#Stakhanov @DNSRRSTRTS They fly over Donets river from Schyastya northward

08:32 #Severodonetsk @eksarevskiy Maybe we observe different planes, those ones I see fly from occupied territory to Ukraine, going back

10-21-2015, 10:26 AM
Is the Ukrainian government actually lying because western leaders have pressured it to cave in and implement all aspects of Minsk 2 with no reciprocal moves made by Putin??????

The reality in the front lines is different from the "all quiet" daily ATO "report".

You can see the results of this daily "all quiet" in the overcrowded Dnipropretrovsk military hospital.

10-21-2015, 10:33 AM
OSCE says it is still waiting for east #Ukraine militants to confirm weapons pullback
http://uatoday.tv/politics/osce-says-it-is-still-waiting-for-east-ukraine-militants-to-confirm-weapons-pullback-517405.html … pic.twitter.com/7qc3sqep4w

10-21-2015, 10:51 AM
Eastern #Ukraine: People removed separatist flags in #Donetsk city center
Frustrations rising bc #Russia's politics

10-22-2015, 10:25 AM
The US has shipped advanced radar to Ukraine. But they are modified & can't see into Russia.
http://on.wsj.com/1MTFbA1 pic.twitter.com/GhjXlP3eke

ATO spokesperson: Near Katerynivka village, Donetsk region, UA law enforcers defused a cache of weapons

ATO spox: UA counterintelligence officers discovered 20 kg of TNT – saboteurs planned to use it for acts of terror

Russia 2014: No Russian soldiers are fighting in #Ukraine
Russia 2015: 30k Russian soldiers are members of Ukraine War Veterans Association

Col. Oleksandr Motuzyanyk: SBU prevented enemy saboteurs crossing the contact line

ATO spox: 1 UA serviceman was wounded in the result of an explosive device detonation near Zolote town, Luhansk region

10-22-2015, 10:34 AM
Russian troops and her mercenaries are still not in full compliance with the current withdrawal being monitored by the OSCE.......

Many reports, including #OSCE reports, indicating that #Russia|n equipment only withdraws some km, change positions or just hide.

Ukraine army says they withdraw, reports indicating they really do

So can one really trust the Russians on anything they say and or do???

10-22-2015, 02:37 PM
Russian soldier: Without Russian army Donbas militants would not last a month
http://www.unian.info/war/1160486-russian-soldier-without-russian-army-donbas-militants-would-not-last-a-month.html … pic.twitter.com/ZWVWqooavi

Russia's #Yandex maps accidently reveal #Russia's military bases in #Ukraine (VIDEO)
http://uatoday.tv/politics/russia-s-yandex-maps-accidently-reveal-russia-s-new-military-bases-in-ukraine-518503.html … pic.twitter.com/C4xRiBzeTw

10-22-2015, 03:33 PM

Once again @RF_OSCE refuses in #oscepc to provide info about how RU sophisticated weaponry #Zhytel and #BuratinoTOS-1 apeared in #donbas

Russia's occupying forces in #Donbas obstruct, deny access to @OSCE weapons monitors who see GRAD's, MBT's missing pic.twitter.com/Y6ftoMIqry

10-22-2015, 04:54 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Russian Hybrid War in Belarus Could Take One of Two Forms, Denisenko Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, October 22 – Viktor Denisenko, a Belarusian researcher at the University of Vilnius, says that a Russian hybrid war in Belarus could take one of two forms – “with Lukashenka” or “without Lukashenka” – but that in either case, Belarus would likely lose not only the conflict but its sovereignty as a country.

In a report to the Congress of Belarusian Researchers earlier this month, Denisenko noted the term “hybrid war” had been popularized by the US at the end of the 1990s and used with extraordinary effectiveness by Russia since that time (ej.by/news/politics/2015/10/22/kakovy-perspektivy-belarusi-v-gibridnoy-voyne.html).

Although the term “hybrid war” did not appear in the Russian-language Internet until 2009, in fact, Moscow had been practicing it for some time. In Denisenko’s view, “elements of hybrid war were in the the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939, the annexation of the Baltic countries by the USSR in 1940,” the invasion of Georgia in 2008, and the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

In all these conflicts, he pointed out, “Russia acted quickly, harshly, ignored international norms, and denied obvious events. Drawing on this practical experience,” he said, “one can conclude that at present, Russia is the most experienced country as far as the conduct of hybrid operations is concerned.”

Denisenko said that the best definition of hybrid war, at least from the Russian perspective, has been offered by Georgy Pocheptsov who described is “a model of war which seeks to conceal its military character and also the participation in it of governmental structures.” Thus, constantly changing disinformation becomes critical to its success.

With regard to Belarus, he argued, there are two possible variants. The first, which could be called “without Lukashenka,” would arise in a situation in which the current Belarusian president would have somehow left his post. Moscow would then declare any succeeding government “illegitimate” and seek to overthrow it by supporting pro-Russian forces within Belarus in the name of stability and the defense of its “compatriots.”

But the second variant of hybrid war would be one “with Lukashenka” still in place and the Kremlin deciding to removing him from office, first by spreading compromising materials about him and then by more active measures. In this case, Davidenko said, Moscow would talk about defending a fraternal people and ensuring stability as well.

In either case, Denisenko suggested, Belarus would likely lose and become either a Russian protectorate or be directly incorporated into the Russian Federation with the complete loss of its sovereignty. He said he does not see any possibility that Belarus could win if Moscow were intent on victory and can only hope that this situation does not arise.

While Denisenko does not discuss what might make that possible, the obvious answer would be a change in the position of the West which despite its differences with the Lukashenka regime would make clear that any move to destroy the Belarusian state would be opposed by the United States, the European Union and NATO.

10-22-2015, 05:52 PM
Spetsnaz-trained Russian sniper captured by Ukraine's Security Service

http://uatoday.tv/politics/spetsnaz-trained-militant-sniper-captured-by-ukraine-s-security-service-518620.html …

10-22-2015, 08:36 PM
Putin threatens but will never exit existing treaties as he knows the US has a higher number of nuclear weapons it can station in Europe but does not under the existing treaties.

Putin hints that Russia will exit all NPT and ICBMs treaties, cause of US missile defense. "Weapons rules again"

10-22-2015, 08:40 PM
OSCE UAV was heavily jammed while flying over “DPR”-controlled areas of Pervomaiske & Novolaspa (57 and 58km N-E of Mariupol, respectively).

OSCE SMM report confirms Ukr WIA's are NOT reported by the ATO staff. They keep saying "no WIA/KIA" since days.

10-23-2015, 12:21 PM
Russian State-Sponsored Hackers Targeted #MH17 Investigators

Hug: In ‘DPR’-controlled areas many international humanitarian orgs can't operate due to difficulties with obtaining so-called accreditation

UAF Border Guards caught own command covering smuggling in ATO area. VIDEO
http://ln.is/en.censor.net.ua/vid/j4pIP …

Civilian injured in booby-trap blast in Donetsk region
http://www.unian.info/society/1161354-civilian-injured-in-booby-trap-blast-in-donetsk-region.html …

We repeat:
Russian General Staff see NO military border between Rostov region (Russia) & DPR/LPR (occupied Ukraine) https://twitter.com/GorseFires/status/657500206066442240 …

Attention is on Syria, but DON'T forget Russia has 50,000-60,000 combat troops close to Ukraine's eastern border

10-23-2015, 12:33 PM
UA Army HQ: New truce breaking by russians creates predisposition for Minsk agreements scrapping

http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/23-october-ua-army-hq-new-truce-breaking-by-russians-creates …

10-23-2015, 12:36 PM
Reference MH17----

In violation of ICAO rules Russia has concealed from investigators DSB primary radar data #MH17 (p38 of main report)

10-23-2015, 12:38 PM
Rzhev, Tver Oblast 9 May 2015 - Russian Air Force storage. For modernising or sale overseas?

10-23-2015, 12:52 PM
ATO Daily Briefing: @OSCE_SMM recorded 29 militants` tanks not withdrawn from the contact line by militants of so-called “LPR”

ATO Daily Briefing: Yesterday militants violated cease-fire by using small arms & grenade launchers to west of Donetsk & near Shyrokyne

Col. Lysenko: In Kramatorsk, UA police found arsenal: 2 TNT blocks, 7 grenades & ammo

ATO spokesperson: UA security officials blocked illegal production and sale of alcohol beverages in near-front zone

ATO spox: 2 militants, having disappointed in ideas of RU-backed Donbas people`s republics, voluntarily returned to Ukraine

10-23-2015, 09:21 PM
Russian Embassy, UK Verified account 
‏@RussianEmbassy #Putin:one cannot defeat #terrorism while using some of the terrorists as a tool to achieve one's selfish interests, like regime change

Sounds like Putin's actions in the Ukraine does it not???

10-24-2015, 01:04 PM
Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n

RUAF VHF traffic in Baltic Sea. Planes that arrived yesterday out on naval recce mission?

10-24-2015, 02:57 PM
Russian MoD admits that it is pulling Russian Spetsnaz troops out of the Ukraine and sending them to Syria.

BUT has not Putin, his MoD and the Russian FM ALL stated "there are no Russian troops in the Ukraine".

10-24-2015, 06:19 PM
Ukraine's @ServiceSSU captured,detained a publisher of pro-Kremlin terrorist paper Novorussia on occupied territory http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=164362&cat_id=39574 …

Avdiivka 16:23
Again shooting, small arms, AGL, one UAF servicemen WIA.
https://twitter.com/rechnikato/status/657910282409394176 …

OSCE 23 Oct: Russian occupation forces continue "business as usual" despite 15km pullback
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/194351 …

Russian soldiers (spetsnaz) parade somewhere in occupied Donetsk, Ukraine 24 Oct
https://vk.com/svdonbass?w=wall-76371964_2713 …

Russia sent ENOT to purge LPR of 'rogue' cossacks, police, etc in April.
MUST SEE video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA31FrHejy0 …

.@OSCE_SMM's Hug says heavy weapons "still in some cases at the contact line" in E #Ukraine and some have "disappeared" before w/drawal

In the printing house of Akhmetov in #Mariupol were found additional ballots
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/24-october-in-the-printing-house-of-akhmetov-in-mariupol …

10-24-2015, 06:37 PM
Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
RUAF VHF traffic in Baltic Sea continues - Su24 flying naval missions?

A garrison court in a south Russian town fr which soldiers were sent to UA heard 68 cases of desertion for past year
http://www.svoboda.org/content/article/27324539.html …

10-25-2015, 08:50 AM
Strela-10 in #Luhansk yesterday pic.twitter.com/LST3uH9DXQ http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/25-october-strela10-in-luhansk-yesterday …

Regardless of what the West and the leadership of the Ukraine think...there is no true ceasefire......

Donbas militants attack Ukrainian troops near Pisky at night
http://www.unian.info/war/1162772-donbas-militants-attack-ukrainian-troops-near-pisky-at-night.html … pic.twitter.com/ZXprvIfIol

Russia no longer denies its special forces were in Ukraine: Defense ministry says they are now redeployed to Syria
http://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-said-to-redeploy-special-ops-forces-from-ukraine-to-syria-1445636834 …

Azov & RS captured & passed to @ServiceSSU a Russian extremist of #Crimea, chief of Fund for sponsoring terrorists.

10-25-2015, 02:51 PM
Russia is still nowhere close to being in full compliance with Minsk 2 requirements...

Meanwhile in occupied eastern #Ukraine, heavy #RussianArmy arms remain all around ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gjwehwxRHA … pic.twitter.com/En1YPMINMA

One Ukrainian soldier wounded in east #Ukraine conflict zone
http://uatoday.tv/news/one-ukrainian-soldier-wounded-in-east-ukraine-conflict-zone-520231.html …

Do we have a Russian Armed Forces Colonel filming an invisible #Russia army, special forces?
https://youtu.be/R9XvKYO6Mco?t=3m21s …

10-25-2015, 03:52 PM
BREAKING: Fighting in Pisky- Donetsk airport. Heavy machine guns, RPGs http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/25-october-fighting-in-pisky-donetsk-airport-heavy-machine …

A column of Russia|n tanks in Donbas filmed by Russia-backed fighters from their car, Oct 20
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/25-october-a-column-of-russian-tanks-in-donbas-filmed-by …

Report of large convoy of military equipment on the way from Makiivka to Donetsk
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/24-october-report-of-large-convoy-of-military-equipment-on …

10-25-2015, 07:08 PM
Russia is playing tricks in order to not comply with the withdrawal of their armor from the front lines per Minsk 2.
Russia|n tank near the frontline, #Donetsk region
Novoazovsk district (geo 37.910206, 47.216189)

DNR authorities in E. Ukraine: We kicked out @MSF for espionage and giving "psychological trainings” that caused “social disorientation”.

10-26-2015, 12:34 PM
Tymchuk: Russian-terrorist forces continue to conduct SAF reconnaissance of ATO forces' positions.
https://m.facebook.com/dmitry.tymchuk/posts/769261816535809?pnref=story …

Plotnitsky: LNR will hold elections to @OSCE standards & w/out #Ukraine—@rianru
..using alleged FSB organ @OSCE_SMM?

ATO Daily Briefing: Last 24h, as a result of militants` attack near Pisky, 2 Ukrainian servicemen were wounded

10-26-2015, 01:24 PM
Russia's EW effort in Ukraine/Syria is 'blinding' US Army, OSCE.
http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/10/21/russia-winning-the-electronic-war/ …

10-26-2015, 01:43 PM
The skeletal remains of a six man Russian Spetsnaz team were discovered by the UAF -had evidently been ambushed--by whom not known.....when not known as well.

10-26-2015, 08:15 PM
Oct 14, at a storage site, "DPR commander” ordered OSCE to hand over its weapons withdrawal form and leave the site

Oct 24, OCSE recorded concentration of 45 tanks in "DPR"-controlled Ternove
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/194516 … pic.twitter.com/0IpiXnIqaO

BBCWorld think Kornilov is an aid worker, yet his SM posts show he's a #Russia|n soldier fighting in #Ukraine:

10-26-2015, 08:44 PM
Russian shellings underway in the Ukraine AGAIN--ceasefire broken by Russian troops and her mercenaries.....
There're few signals that being unhappy with local elections results in #Ukraine, Kremin may order punishment with renewing shelling & fire.

Militants shell ATO forces near Donetsk airport on Monday, kill one soldier
http://www.unian.info/war/1164802-militants-shell-ato-forces-near-donetsk-airport-on-monday-kill-one-soldier.html …

Donetsk 22:40
Kyivskyi ds continues to hear heavy outgoing singles from airport area
https://twitter.com/AlfaNubovsky/status/658745050990514176 …

Donetsk 22:31
Volleys from something heavy heard fr either Durna Balka or Smolyanka-Azotny ds https://twitter.com/HeleneHelene5/status/658742817225883648 …

Donetsk 22:19
Heavy outgoing from the airport area https://twitter.com/_John__Carter_/status/658739713298333696 …

North-West #Donetsk
Machine guns and mortars. Shooting since about 1 hour. https://twitter.com/edikko/status/658740041263489024 …

Donetsk "Two distinct heavy artillery volleys. Right now. Direction from the airport"
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/26-october-donetsk-two-distinct-heavy-artillery-volleys-right …

Donetsk 22:48
Battle in airport area, artillery working, endless shooting there
https://twitter.com/Buzzing_Rook/status/658746966885736448 …

Staromykhailivka 22:42
Noisy https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/658745938505240576 …

Fighting between #Donetsk and #Peski still ongoing, even heavy weapons reportedly used. Most intense since last ceasefire it seems.

Donetsk 22:45
Railway station - airport area tank working or SPG.
https://twitter.com/HuAdvokatos/status/658746394119962625 …

Maryinka 22:47
Periodically hearing deaf volleys like towards #Staromykhailivka or perhaps smwh around #Pisky

Battle in #Staromykhailivka area, #Mariinka listens to volleys

Donetsk 22:47
Petrovka - hearing salvos. Average intensity. https://twitter.com/Don_Riccio/status/658746921981493254 …

Artillery is working in the #Donetsk airport area. What the hell is going on?

VK: "Now in Volvo-center and #Staromykhailivka area battle ongoing"

Donetsk 23:01
Railway station - airport - heavy volleys again.
https://twitter.com/HuAdvokatos/status/658751183046189057 …

Soldier in #Pisky tells me that separatists are firing grads tonight

Heavy equippment can be heard on the move in #Donetsk
https://twitter.com/Guderian_Xaba/status/658751040158846979 …

Russian troops and her mercenaries are now in complete violation of Minsk 2 and to argue any differently is a basic lie.......

10-26-2015, 09:20 PM
Russian shellings underway in the Ukraine AGAIN--ceasefire broken by Russian troops and her mercenaries.....
There're few signals that being unhappy with local elections results in #Ukraine, Kremin may order punishment with renewing shelling & fire.

Militants shell ATO forces near Donetsk airport on Monday, kill one soldier
http://www.unian.info/war/1164802-militants-shell-ato-forces-near-donetsk-airport-on-monday-kill-one-soldier.html …

Donetsk 22:40
Kyivskyi ds continues to hear heavy outgoing singles from airport area
https://twitter.com/AlfaNubovsky/status/658745050990514176 …

Donetsk 22:31
Volleys from something heavy heard fr either Durna Balka or Smolyanka-Azotny ds https://twitter.com/HeleneHelene5/status/658742817225883648 …

Donetsk 22:19
Heavy outgoing from the airport area https://twitter.com/_John__Carter_/status/658739713298333696 …

North-West #Donetsk
Machine guns and mortars. Shooting since about 1 hour. https://twitter.com/edikko/status/658740041263489024 …

Donetsk "Two distinct heavy artillery volleys. Right now. Direction from the airport"
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/26-october-donetsk-two-distinct-heavy-artillery-volleys-right …

Donetsk 22:48
Battle in airport area, artillery working, endless shooting there
https://twitter.com/Buzzing_Rook/status/658746966885736448 …

Staromykhailivka 22:42
Noisy https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/658745938505240576 …

Fighting between #Donetsk and #Peski still ongoing, even heavy weapons reportedly used. Most intense since last ceasefire it seems.

Donetsk 22:45
Railway station - airport area tank working or SPG.
https://twitter.com/HuAdvokatos/status/658746394119962625 …

Maryinka 22:47
Periodically hearing deaf volleys like towards #Staromykhailivka or perhaps smwh around #Pisky

Battle in #Staromykhailivka area, #Mariinka listens to volleys

Donetsk 22:47
Petrovka - hearing salvos. Average intensity. https://twitter.com/Don_Riccio/status/658746921981493254 …

Artillery is working in the #Donetsk airport area. What the hell is going on?

VK: "Now in Volvo-center and #Staromykhailivka area battle ongoing"

Donetsk 23:01
Railway station - airport - heavy volleys again.
https://twitter.com/HuAdvokatos/status/658751183046189057 …

Soldier in #Pisky tells me that separatists are firing grads tonight

Heavy equippment can be heard on the move in #Donetsk
https://twitter.com/Guderian_Xaba/status/658751040158846979 …

Russian troops and her mercenaries are now in complete violation of Minsk 2 and to argue any differently is a basic lie.......

You can measure Putin's frustration about the (foreign-caused) stalemate in #Syria by the KIA/WIA in #Ukraine.
Heating up again.

Militants also reporting of battle near Donetsk airport -Pisky-Spartak-Opytne-Kyevskiy
district pic.twitter.com/isglvyhJ0I

10-27-2015, 01:10 PM
Remarks by the @OSCE on the #UkraineElections.
#Russia is the only real obstacle to #democracy in #Ukraine.

Russia: "76th Air Assault Div. did not fight in #Ukraine!"
#Putin awards 76th a campaign medal for successful military missions in Ukraine.

Russia Ministry of Defense: “Special forces were pulled out of #Ukraine and sent to #Syria."
#EU/#US/#Kyiv's reaction to this admission: 0!

Russia|n military plane (RA-61718) flew close to Swedish/Estonian/Latvian airspace this am:
http://www.flightradar24.com/data/airplanes/RA-61718#7d058dd …

10-27-2015, 01:28 PM
For all you war nerds out there, an assessment of Russia's electronic calpability https://russiandefpolicy.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/how-good-is-russian-electronic-warfare-part-i/ …

Russian plan to withdraw from INF missile treaty dates to 2007, former defense sec says
http://freebeacon.com/national-security/gates-russia-sought-to-abandon-nuclear-missile-treaty-in-2007/ …

10-27-2015, 03:05 PM
For all you war nerds out there, an assessment of Russia's electronic calpability https://russiandefpolicy.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/how-good-is-russian-electronic-warfare-part-i/ …

Russian plan to withdraw from INF missile treaty dates to 2007, former defense sec says
http://freebeacon.com/national-security/gates-russia-sought-to-abandon-nuclear-missile-treaty-in-2007/ …

Remember Putin's Oct 2007 Munich speech? The one the Beltway cognoscenti had no idea what to make of?

10-27-2015, 04:52 PM
Today #Russia military aircraft RA-61718 flew roundtrip St Pburg flying nr Gotland over Kaliningrad but DIDN'T land!

Russia|n FSB and GRU Spetsnaz take action in Norwegian waters — @BarentsObserver

http://thebarentsobserver.com/2015/10/fsb-takes-action-norwegian-waters#.Vi3NwLzczIJ.twitter …

10-27-2015, 07:56 PM
Ceasefire shattered in #Pisky in east #Ukraine as shelling hits house
http://uatoday.tv/politics/ceasefire-shattered-in-pisky-in-east-ukraine-as-shelling-hits-house-521936.html … \

Crater analysis & detection toolkit (ARCADE) inspired by @bellingcat profiled on @PopSci.
http://www.popsci.com/can-an-algorithm-find-craters-in-satellite-images …

This (from Google Earth 13 Oct 2014) is approx what Yandex blanking out. Why? What are Ivans up to? Note trenches

"There is no data for this location" - Yandex blanks out Russian army base at Sontseve
https://maps.yandex.com/?ll=38.023727%2C47.528864&z=17&l=sat%2Cskl …

ATO:Today militants violated ceasefire. They fired on UA positions near Zaitseve with grenade launchers, small arms
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1086734444670694&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1086734444670694%3Atl_objid .1086734444670694&__tn__=%2As …

10-27-2015, 08:33 PM
Ceasefire shattered in #Pisky in east #Ukraine as shelling hits house
http://uatoday.tv/politics/ceasefire-shattered-in-pisky-in-east-ukraine-as-shelling-hits-house-521936.html … \

Crater analysis & detection toolkit (ARCADE) inspired by @bellingcat profiled on @PopSci.
http://www.popsci.com/can-an-algorithm-find-craters-in-satellite-images …

This (from Google Earth 13 Oct 2014) is approx what Yandex blanking out. Why? What are Ivans up to? Note trenches

"There is no data for this location" - Yandex blanks out Russian army base at Sontseve
https://maps.yandex.com/?ll=38.023727%2C47.528864&z=17&l=sat%2Cskl …

ATO:Today militants violated ceasefire. They fired on UA positions near Zaitseve with grenade launchers, small arms
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1086734444670694&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1086734444670694%3Atl_objid .1086734444670694&__tn__=%2As …

Russian occupation forces rotating/redeploying main battle tanks at will. #OSCE SMM 26 Oct
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/194861 …

10-27-2015, 08:41 PM
Quick Reaction Alert - 27 Oct: #Swedish #Gripen QRA followed and identified Russian Tu-134 in SE #Baltic http://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/aktuellt/2015/10/incidentflyget-overvakade-rysk-flygning/ …

10-28-2015, 08:01 AM
Like tonight, shooting on the verge of audability, small arms, volleys.
#Novhorodske, Zhelezne 8:34AM https://twitter.com/LeeZernoganja/status/659257011297779712 …

10-28-2015, 08:29 AM
Back on the previous Ukrainian military tread now closed--there was when the OSCE first got into the Ukraine an OSCE observer thrown off the SMM because social media picked up his twitter anti Ukrainian comments.

Surprise! suspended @OSCE monitor in #Ukraine turns out to be a #Russia|n GRU officer
http://www.unian.info/politics/1166116-suspended-osce-monitor-confirms-hes-russian-gru-officer.html …

10-28-2015, 09:17 AM
Russian unleashes a massive information war on the West as part of their efforts in the Ukraine and now Syria and "whines" when it comes back at them.

What is interesting--this "whining" is not about organized western official responses--BUT rather aimed at social media efforts conducted against Russia.

Wolves pretending to b sheep. #Russia 2 hold debate in Brussels on anti-Russian info war allegedly waged by the West

10-28-2015, 09:21 AM
The ceasefire that never was.......still getting UAF killed and wounded daily...

Tkachuk: A Ukrainian soldier was wounded after tripping explosive device in the area of Zolote this morning.
http://112.ua/ato/v-luganskoy-obl-boec-vsu-podorvalsya-na-vzryvnom-ustroystve-ego-gospitalizirovali-s-oskolochnym-raneniem--tkachuk-268048.html …

Stirol full of ruscist "withdrawn" tanks.
https://twitter.com/uraband001/status/659284314228695040 …

Ceasefire violations reported in east Ukraine

TSN yday recorded the shelling of UAF positions at #Butovka mine near #Avdivvka with 120-mm mortars
http://tsn.ua/ato/boyoviki-vidkrili-vogon-iz-zaboronenih-120-mm-minometiv-bilya-avdiyivki-522140.html … via @tsnua

BUT the ATO Center claimed in their public daily presentation "THAT no violations occurred"??????

Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
Traffic on RUAF strategic sw voice net - Tu22s?

10-28-2015, 09:24 AM
Russian Navy ramping up tensions in the Baltic Sea Region (You can see tweet? Russians at NATO block us. Ha ha!) https://twitter.com/natomission_ru/status/659159392869326849 …

Russians at NATO
‏@natomission_ru Crew of Admiral Grigorovich guard ship performed gun firing in the Baltic Sea
http://eng.mil.ru/en/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12061912@egNews …

10-28-2015, 09:46 AM
Ceasefire violation. Fighting between Krasnohorivka and Staromykhailivka now: Russian forces attack Ukrainian positions, blame it on Ukraine

Based on several reports in social media (mainly GRU-coordinated reporting by terrorseparatists, which says it is deliberately planned)

Russian army sappers search for and dealing with UXO in occupied Donetsk region, Ukraine 27 Oct
https://youtu.be/nfdhiTjSDW8?t=3s …

More of the same (RT_com) clearly showing this mine clearance was staged by Russian forces for benefit of cameras

VIDEO Russian occupiers tank transport, refuelling, woodland concealment, maintenance, ERA. Summer 2015, Ukraine
https://youtu.be/pWpBJ-jpqyQ?t=10s …

The battle near #Donetsk airport
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/28-october-the-battle-near-donetsk-airport …

UK Delegation OSCE ✔ @UKOSCE
Vehicles marked 'Russian military killed in action' observed by #OSCE Observer Mission moving from Russia to Ukraine and back.

10-28-2015, 11:28 AM
Russian troops and her mercenaries are NOT in any compliance with the latest Minsk agreements to pull back from the front lines....they have not pulled back to the required distance, they constantly move the vehicles around to confuse the OSCE, they hide and camouflage the vehicles to not be seen by OSCE drones and the list simply goes on and on and on.......

OSCE: Instead of withdrawing artillery "LPR" is moving it between shooting grounds.

10-28-2015, 11:50 AM
We are slowly getting back to war in the Ukraine again........

War is back. Zakharchenko of DNR promised to go on war if his conditions are not met, UA promised rapid response...

Russia|n proxies shell #Ukraine positions near #Avdeevka
http://www.unian.info/war/1166386-russian-proxies-shell-ukrainian-positions-near-avdiyivka.html …

ALL heavy weapons WERE to be pulled back--apparently the Russians did not comply......typical--a lot of talk no actions thus simply lying all the time and the West still "trusts" Putin........they need to get real.

Russia|n proxies shell #Ukraine positions near #Avdeevka
http://www.unian.info/war/1166386-russian-proxies-shell-ukrainian-positions-near-avdiyivka.html …

Near Krymske, on the bank of the Seversky Donets River, SBU found a cache of ammunition.
http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=164786&cat_id=39574 … pic.twitter.com/aTa7zdja0i

Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
RUAF VHF traffic in Gulf of Finland. Consistent with transport plane out St Petersburg?

10-28-2015, 12:03 PM
Organized crime is now a major element of Russia statecraft

http://www.businessinsider.com/organized-crime-is-now-a-major-element-of-russia-statecraft-2015-10 …

10-28-2015, 01:02 PM
Although this applies to the current Russian overall geo political goals--it applies equally well with the Russian Syrian adventure seen as part and parcel of those geo political goals....

Well worth reading..........and fully understanding the implications of the article....


Why there must never be another Yalta – and how we can make sure there won’t be

By Paul Goble

in Edmonton, Canada, 23-24 October 2015

There are three main reasons why events in the past are recalled. Sometimes it is on an anniversary and many are inclined to make reference to them as a marker of the passage of time. More often, someone or other wants two draw lessons – positive or negative – from those events for the present And perhaps most often of all it is because someone wants to hold one event or another up for emulation in the service of his or her own goals.

Yalta is one such event. That we are marking the anniversary because it is a round one is one thing, but the other two reasons are vastly more important. On the one hand, Yalta is a clear example of something that must never be allowed to happen again because any repetition would have consequences even more dire than the original. And on the other, it is something Vladimir Putin and his regime routinely talk about as their ideal of what the international system should again become.

But like many who claim they have a conservative agenda and only a desire to restore this or that aspect of the past, the current Kremlin leader is in fact a radical revolutionary who has selected out of all the things the original Yalta accord meant only three things. Moreover, he seems entirely pleased to pursue a course which would inevitably lead to disaster not only for others but also for his own country. And he utterly fails to recognize that he can be stopped and disaster prevented if the West recognizes what he is doing, why he must be stopped, and even more why he must be punished for what he is doing.

Those three things are my subject here because I believe that unless we think about what Putin’s references to Yalta mean now, we will fail to adequately understand why Putin is so wrong and what is at stake.

Putin’s Tendentious Version of Yalta

Yalta is neither the French Revolution nor the American Civil War, but it has been the subject of an enormous number of books and articles over the years. What is striking is how selective Vladimir Putin has been in his understanding of what that meeting stood for, a selectivity which serves his purposes of aggression against Ukraine and his other neighbors. For him, Yalta was not a temporary accord to deal with the problems of the final months of World War II but a model of how the international system was and from his perspective should be. He could not be more wrong.

That system as created at Yalta in Putin’s estimation has three aspects and only three: First, in it, the only measure of a state’s power is its military strength. Those countries with the strongest militaries get seats at the table; those without, don’t. Second, the countries whose military strength entitles them to a seat at the table have the right to make decisions about those who are not there and to impose their will on them regardless of international law. And third, those militarily powerful countries have the right to spheres of influence around them that other powerful countries must respect and that within those spheres the militarily powerful have the right to dispose of things as they see fit, up to and including forming an empire with themselves at the center.

This reading of Yalta has led Putin in recent months and years to violate the three bedrock principles of the international system that the United States took the lead in putting in place over the last century. First, Putin has acted to unilaterally redraw the borders of neighboring states. He and his supporters claim that they are doing no more than the United States did in Yugoslavia, but that is simply false. The United States did not organize the transfer of Kosovo to Albania. Instead, what we are seeing is naked aggression, covered by a trumped up “referendum” and a massive propaganda effort in Russia and the West.

Second and more seriously, Putin has decided that in service of this goal, ethnicity is more important than citizenship, thus reversing the hierarchy which was the basis of the anti-Hitler coalition and of the formation of the United Nations. Not only does that promote more nationalist and nativist behavior and refugee flows, but invites other countries with large overseas “compatriot” communities – such as China – to follow the same course. A world of that kind will inherently be more unstable and more authoritarian – and thus more inclined to permanent war.

And third and most seriously of all, Putin has challenged the nation-state as the organizing principle of the world and insisted that empires are not only legitimate but necessary. That inevitably entails both repression against minorities and all others within those imperial states and repression against those absorbed into these empires of whatever form, a condition that inevitably will spark resistance and mean that the collapse of his empire, when it comes, will truly be the nightmare many had but that did not occur in 1991, a “Yugoslavia with nukes.”

A Second Yalta Would Be Worse than the First

Those are just some of the negative consequences of a new Yalta. In fact, there are three others which matter even more. First, if at the Yalta conference, the West made concessions because it was in a position of relative weakness in Eastern Europe, now it would be making concessions when it is in a position of strength if it chooses to be. It would be a triumph of bombast over reality unprecedented in modern times. That would not only lead to the demoralization of the West but would undermine international recognition of and support for those values, making it easier for other despots to challenge those values and the West and in fact guaranteeing that they would do so.

Second, such a step would be the end of NATO and of the Atlantic alliance more generally. That would put all of Europe and not just those on its eastern borders at risk of the worst forms of aggression. It would represent the achievement of what has been a Moscow goal since 1945, since Yalta in fact.

And third, it would open the doors to a Hobbesian world far worse than any of us can imagine.


10-28-2015, 01:07 PM
Fighting Continues To Escalate North Of Donetsk
http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-618-fighting-continues-to-escalate-north-of-donetsk/ …

Where are Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine hiding those tanks they "withdrew"? (Photo:@Aero_Dnipro1)

Too little attention is paid to Russian concealment tactics using electro-optical/thermal camouflage nets.

Hi-tech camouflage nets (eg "Volchitsa-KR") used to conceal air defence assets
http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-SAM-DefAids.html#mozTocId160951 …
http://defensetechs.com/wp-content/uploads/catalogos/EN/Armament%20and%20Defense/air_def%201%20defensetechs.pdf … [page 96]

Russian Ural 4320 truck with camouflage system, Bronnitsy 2011

10-28-2015, 02:05 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

‘A War between Russia’s Regional Elites and Moscow has Begun’

Paul Goble

Staunton, October 28 – The battle over Transaero is “only an occasion and indicator of what is taking place: a war between regional elites and the center,” Andrey Shepilov says. And on is outcome rather than on what is happening in Ukraine and Syria hinges the survival of the Russian Federation in its current borders.

The line of this “front,” the Russian analyst says, runs not through other countries but along the Urals, and it is becoming ever more threatening given that the Kremlin is running out of resources and the regional elites have concluded that they must act because for them it is a “now or never” situation (szona.org/vojna-mezhdu-regionalnymi-elitami-i-tsentrom-nachalas/).

This war which could end with the disintegration of the Russian Federation isn’t receiving the kind of media attention that the fighting in Ukraine and Syria has, but, Shepilov argues, “the resources which are being used in this battle exceed those of Syria and the Donbas taken together.”

Still more ominous, he suggests, is that “all the resources have been thrown into battle by the Kremlin and it most likely doesn’t have any reserves left.”

All this can be seen if one carefully follows the Transaero case. “The first news [about it] was strange: the government of Russian suddenly decided that those who owned shares in the private aviation company Transaero must sell them to the state aviation company Aeroflot for … one ruble.”

This is totally without precedent or legal justification: “Even under the autocracy, the tsar couldn’t order his subject to sell his property for nothing however much he might want to.”

Then, the general director of Transaero was removed and a representative of Aeroflot appointed, with the management of the first being subordinate to the management of the latter. “This might be called a raider seizure but [under those] the raiders formally imitate the laws governing their actions.”

The next step in this drama came when the Aeroflot representative now in charge of Transaero didn’t try to save the company but rather to drive it into bankruptcy, even though Transaero was meeting all its debt obligations – at least until the change of control. But then the new managers ordered the company not to pay and thus set the stage for bankruptcy.

Following that, Transaero began to cancel flights. Aeroflot agreed to carry the passengers but at a far higher price that was then charged to Transaero than the original tickets cost. That only exacerbated the situation at Transaero which then cancelled more flights for which Aeroflot then received more money.

The Kremlin apparently expected that everyone involved would simply go along convinced that they had no choice. But that didn’t happen: Transaero’s employees filed suit and also launched a petition drive on change.org. In the very first days, that collected “more than 120,000 signatures.”

“And then happened what should have happened.” Those who held Transaero shares refused to sell them to Aeroflot. That eliminated whatever cloak of normal order had been cast over this and showed that Moscow wanted to destroy Transaero and would not be constrained by law or anything else, Shepilov says.

The government then declared Transaero bankrupt, something it does not have the legal power to do: Even in Russia, “only a court” can take that step. And that showed just how far the Kremlin was prepared to cross a line that it had not crossed earlier as in the case of the destruction of Yukos where the formalities were observed even if rights were not.

This was a clear signal to business and the elites: “’You are nothing … you are our property to do with as we like. Neither law nor society will defend you. From now on, only one law will operate in the country: the whims of the first persons of the state.’” The elites herd and realized that if they did not act now, they might never have another chance.

Others are pointing to the threats to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation that the collapse in oil prices and the ruble and the rapid drawing down of the reserve fund pose. Konstantin Borovoy among others says that Russia “will not be preserved in its current borders” (glavpost.com/post/29sep2015/opinion/61579-konstantin-borovoy-rossii-v-ee-nyneshnih-granicah-ne-sohranitsya.html).

The reasons for that conclusion are two-fold. On the one hand, the Kremlin’s retrenchment is hitting the regions furthest from Russia the hardest, with those east of the Urals and Kaliningrad especially hurt by Moscow’s actions. (For a map of how the breakup may occur, see hrendyabliki.com/v_rf_prospali_bunt/.)

And on the other, regional elites recognize that as the economic situation worsens, Moscow will only cut back further leaving them at an ever greater disadvantage. If they don’t act now, as Shepilov says, they may never again have as many resources as they do at present to defend not only their regions but even their personal power.

10-28-2015, 02:20 PM
Fighting Continues To Escalate North Of Donetsk
http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-618-fighting-continues-to-escalate-north-of-donetsk/ …

Where are Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine hiding those tanks they "withdrew"? (Photo:@Aero_Dnipro1)

Too little attention is paid to Russian concealment tactics using electro-optical/thermal camouflage nets.

Hi-tech camouflage nets (eg "Volchitsa-KR") used to conceal air defence assets
http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-SAM-DefAids.html#mozTocId160951 …
http://defensetechs.com/wp-content/uploads/catalogos/EN/Armament%20and%20Defense/air_def%201%20defensetechs.pdf … [page 96]

Russian Ural 4320 truck with camouflage system, Bronnitsy 2011

Watch @OSCE_SMM cooly 'observing' #Russia's army operate advanced Russian radar in #Ukraine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPFh-pLUUlo …

10-28-2015, 02:34 PM
Reference the Russian information war as part and parcel of their non linear warfare whether in eastern Ukraine and or in Syria.

Don't treat RU news agencies as media but as tools of mind control
"The West should take on the Putin P.R. machine"


10-28-2015, 02:35 PM
1 Ukr serviceman was WIA in a militant attack North of Horlivka (nr Zaitseve) Donetsk region
http://mediarnbo.org/2015/10/28/zvedeni-dani-shhodo-situatsiyi-v-zoni-ato-28-zhovtnya/ …

10-28-2015, 05:08 PM
Yesterday we reported rumint RU General Staff is speeding up 20th Army deployment to near Ukraine border https://twitter.com/GorseFires/status/659399439308750849 …

Went from RUMINT to confirmed

Over 300 AGS-17 grenades and RPGs seized by @ServiceSsu near Maryanko #Ukraine http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=164841&cat_id=39574 … pic.twitter.com/fMl1H69MN4

Where was the @OSCE_SMM while #Ukraine POW's were made to dig out dead Cyborgs from the rubble at #Donetsk airport?
https://twitter.com/RobPulseNews/status/570941879044481025 …

10-28-2015, 07:27 PM
Withdrawal of (pro-)Russian heavy equip. shows once again extend of #RussianArmy support.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RJ9lJ7Urgg …

Acc. to UAF servicemen, situation in Donetsk front lines is very different as the one pictured by ATO briefing tells
http://tsn.ua/ato/u-zoni-ato-zagostryuyetsya-situaciya-na-doneckomu-napryamku-522782.html …

The Russian ships fired missiles near the Crimea
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/28-october-the-russian-ships-fired-missiles-near-the-crimea …

Donetsk 19:54
Towards #Optyne serious battle.
https://twitter.com/DonBender07/status/659428070798028800 …

Heavy explosion in Staromykhailivka
http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/27-october-heavy-explosion-in-staromykhailivka …

Donetsk 20:05 - rumbles, assault rifles and large caliber tow. Putilovka. Artillery working. No salute, loud! https://twitter.com/kozerog_62/status/659430760160587776 …

Small arms, tanks, mortars - #Donetsk airport area and surroundings are noisy again this evening

10-29-2015, 09:22 AM
That's 67 Russian army tanks spotted by OSCE in one day at handful of locations. How many more are concealed?