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06-14-2015, 04:47 PM
A new thread for updates and comments on the confrontation between Russia and the Ukraine primarily, which now appears to be Phase Three of a War.

The previous thread 'Ukraine: military aspects ((Aug '14 to mid-June '15))' is now closed and accessible via:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=21016

There are a number of other, smaller relevant threads which remain open. Either on the Ukraine or more Russian aspects, they are IIRC all in the Europe arena.

06-14-2015, 04:51 PM
U.S., EU ready new sanctions to deter Putin (but stop because fight ended?) Check KIA/WIA


06-14-2015, 04:53 PM
U.S., EU ready new sanctions to deter Putin (but stop because fight ended?) Check KIA/WIA


Pushilin says '#Ukraine on the brink of major war; situation could escalate in hours.' http://ria.ru/world/20150614/1069906480.html …

One Ukrainian soldier killed, twenty-one wounded in Donbas in last day http://www.unian.info/war/1089153-one-ukrainian-soldier-killed-twenty-one-wounded-in-donbas-in-last-day.html … pic.twitter.com/QmenGf3mcf

Reports of more #Ukraine casualties from todays fighting coming in:
https://twitter.com/JulianRoepcke/status/610121115499933697 …

OSCE Recorded Disappearance of Militants' Heavy Weapons from Holding Areas http://ukraineunderattack.org/en/17513-osce-recorded-disappearance-of-militants-heavy-weapons-from-holding-areas.html … via @UaUnderAttack

Militants fire Grad systems on Luhansk villages on Saturday
http://www.unian.info/war/1089170-militants-fire-grad-systems-on-luhansk-villages-on-saturday.html … pic.twitter.com/08GhITGgb1

#Ukraine: UA troops shelled by heavy artillery. Broken agreement with #Minsk:http://bit.ly/1IUdg1M pic.twitter.com/W0RFUvNtG6

06-14-2015, 04:54 PM
#Russia troops attacking directly into just 1 #Donbas town isn't an offensive; when they advance deep into #Ukraine, then it's an offensive.

AFP reporter injured in east Ukraine shelling - in English https://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp-reporter-injured-east-ukraine-shelling-154540885.html … via @yahoosg

Russian Nazi taken POW today @JulianRoepcke pic.twitter.com/fdhol3Husc

The "DNR"'s Basurin says, Ukrainian forces broke the ceasefire 185 times in the last 24 hours.

Russian ground forces DPR tactical group "Somalia" (cmdr Tolstykh/"Givi") at Donetsk airport via GRU @EgoRZemtsoV pic.twitter.com/rDEV3hmLiM

Russian ground forces LPR unit "Ghost" (ex-Mozgovoy) in Russian-occupied Donbas via GRU @EgoRZemtsoV 14 Jun pic.twitter.com/OFVSEXG7Dt

Russian aircraft flies 500 feet above #NATO warships, officials (almost) 'very uncomfortable': http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/13/politics/nato-russian-flyover-baltic-sea/index.html … pic.twitter.com/UVjzd74HJl

19 Enemy Drones Recorded Over Day - Motuzyanyk http://ukraineunderattack.org/en/17531-19-en

06-14-2015, 04:56 PM
Another strong evidence of #Russia special forces' presence in #Ukraine http://yle.fi/uutiset/8073906 (in Fin)

Leaders of LPR sets miners under pressure. Work without pay, or fighting in ranks of militia. http://nv.ua/ukraine/events/glavari-lnr-ugrozhayut-otpravit-shahterov-na-voynu-za-otkaz-rabotat-bez-zarplaty-53651.html … pic.twitter.com/JIbpD1pwvN

Rodina and Novotoshkivske under shelling from Pervomaisk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-june-rodina-and-novotoshkivske-under-shelling-from-pervomaisk … via @GirkinGirkin

RUS ability to recruit volunteers to fight in Donbas is waning http://voc.tv/1QXepom pic.twitter.com/h83Aeo8CmI
With reservists losing interest in fighting #Ukraine, will #Russia send more regulars now?

Militants shelling of #Marinka continued throughout the day, injuring at least one civilian http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-june-militants-shelling-of-marinka-continued-throughout …

2 Ukr troops KIA, 3 WIA in the Russian shelling of #Maryinka http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/14-june-2-ukr-troops-kia-3-wia-in-the-russian-shelling-of …

06-14-2015, 04:56 PM
For two former Spetsnaz service members who Putin claimed were never on active duty and are POWs—this is a rather strange Russian action if they were in fact “former service members”???

Friend of Erofeev: "Relatives have been isolated from the whole world. We [their friends] have also been processed. I can't say more"

.@novaya_gazeta reporter unable to get in touch with relatives of captured Spetznaz; told by officers' friends: "They have been isolated"

Spetznaz Alexandrov: "I was able to chat with my wife on VK only,no one answers phones. Wife deleted her profile after a few chat attempts"

Spetznaz POW : "Ukrainian wounded soldiers are met back home as heroes. RU wounded soldiers are being hidden and disowned back home"

RU consul told Alexandrov "We can't get in touch with your wife or relatives, either". He laughs it off as a lie.

06-14-2015, 05:07 PM
FaceBook has been attacked by Ukrainian bloggers for blocking hundreds of Ukrainian FB accounts when Russia trolls challenged those accounts for so called violence or offensive subject matter. FB response to the Ukrainian complaints was basically to fluff them off and conduct business as usual.

After sending FB numerous examples of FB actively doing the Russian info war troll work for them.

Seems now that FB might just have gotten the message that they are being played by Russian trolls.

The issue of account blocking is getting attention. #Facebook representative to visit #Ukraine http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/12/facebook-representative-to-visit-ukraine/ … pic.twitter.com/OFT4RHZWII

06-14-2015, 05:29 PM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

WASHINGTON— Late yesterday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives considered H.R. 2685, the “Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2015.” During consideration of the legislation, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) and Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) offered bipartisan amendments to block the training of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary militia “Azov Battalion,” and to prevent the transfer of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles—otherwise known as Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS)—to Iraq or Ukraine.

“If there’s one simple lesson we can take away from US involvement in conflicts overseas, it’s this: Beware of unintended consequences. As was made vividly clear with U.S. involvement in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion decades ago, overzealous military assistance or the hyper-weaponization of conflicts can have destabilizing consequences and ultimately undercut our own national interests,” said Rep. John Conyers. “I am grateful that the House of Representatives unanimously passed my amendments last night to ensure that our military does not train members of the repulsive neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, along with my measures to keep the dangerous and easily trafficked MANPADs out of these unstable regions.”

Ukraine’s Azov Battalion is a 1,000-man volunteer militia of the Ukrainian National Guard that Foreign Policy Magazine has characterized as “openly neo-Nazi,” and “fascist.” Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who oversees Ukraine’s armed militias, announced that Azov troops would be among the first units to be trained by the Pentagon in Operation Fearless Guardian, prompting significant international concern.

Since their initial use on a battlefield in 1978, MANPAD attacks have resulted in nearly 1,000 civilian deaths.

Added Conyers, “Both U.S. and Israeli officials have feared that these weapons could be used by terrorists to bring down commercial jets. As the boundaries are increasingly blurred between insurgents fighting the Syrian government and those fighting the Iraqi government, providing additional arms could further destabilize the Middle East. The same can be said for Ukraine, where an anti-aircraft missile allegedly downed Flight MH17 last September, killing 298 civilians. The possibility that MANPADS—or any weapon—could fall into the hands of radical groups in Iraq, Syria, or Ukraine, would unquestionably increase the already-devastating human toll in both of these volatile regions.”

According to Reuters, The Azov battalion originated from a paramilitary national socialist group called "Patriot of Ukraine", which propagated slogans of white supremacy, racial purity, the need for authoritarian power and a centralized national economy. Azov’s controversial founder, Andriy Biletsky, organized the neo-Nazi group the Social-National Assembly (SNA) in 2008.

“The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites,” wrote The Telegraph. Since Azov was enrolled as a regiment of Ukraine's National Guard in September and started receiving increased supplies of heavy arms, however, Biletsky has toned down his rhetoric, Reuters reported. According to the Washington Post, battalion members “could potentially strike pro-Russian targets on their own — or even turn on the [Ukrainian] government” if it pursues a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

06-14-2015, 05:34 PM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

Seems the good Congressman "forgot" to ask the Ukrainians what they think of the "so called Nazi Regiment Azov" that he passed an amendment on in the Defense Spending Bill.

RESIDENTS OF #MARIUPOL THANK THE #AZOV FOR LIBERATING THE CITY FROM THE #TERRORISTS OF #DNR https://www.facebook.com/uarighttraditions/posts/856890501064360[/url] … pic.twitter.com/VehTCZed4M

AND I am not so sure he fully understands that Russia has it's fill of Nazi's BUT I see he is not condemning Russian Nazi's--SO why the sudden deep interest in "so called Ukrainian Nazi's"?????

Captured by #Ukraine near #Mariupol, #Russian soldier with Nazi tattoo! The real fascists CAUGHT IN BIG LIE! pic.twitter.com/h7wVL4T4B6

Captured near #Shyrokyne , an RU soldier, nazi supporter and with his RU documents https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=851319028239305&set=pcb.851319124905962&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/HWvlaklSg7

Ukraine Right Sector captured another #Russia(n) soldier by call sign "June" in #Shyrokyne http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://112.ua/ato/v-shirokino-sily-ato-vzyali-v-plen-voennosluzhashhego-rf-duk-ps-237206.html&usg=ALkJrhi5X86HFk6pxOVtL3epIbba2m3QBQ … pic.twitter.com/kfkpVnO5Ms

06-14-2015, 05:37 PM
And Basurin only says what Lentsov (Russian Army) wants him to say - for domestic consumption in Russia (They believe it!)

Hot spots of Ukraine Conflict as of June 12, 2015
http://en.hromadske.tv pic.twitter.com/2rhB7nwyfY

We agree. These are probing attacks and small unit tactics, not "offensive" tactics.

Several terrorists’ mortar shells hit five-storey apartment building in Triokhizbenka http://en.censor.net.ua/n339989

Numerous reports on social media that #Avdiyivka coke plant as been shelled again today. Augurs (more) trouble for Mariupol steel industry

Terrorists shelled Zolote and Marinka checkpoints http://en.censor.net.ua/n340006

Former US ambassador says Congress ready to send weapons to Ukraine - watch on - http://uatoday.tv http://uatoday.tv/politics/wroclaw-global-forum-former-us-ambassador-says-congress-poised-to-send-weapons-to-ukraine-438796.html …

Today 74 years ago #Soviets sent 65000 innocent people from #Baltics #Ukraine & #Moldova to #Siberia just like that. pic.twitter.com/F0CpLu2B8w

06-14-2015, 05:49 PM

Donbass on Brink of Major War, Conflict May Escalate Any Time - DPR

11:47 14.06.2015(updated 11:51 14.06.2015)

The conflict in southeastern Ukraine can escalate at any time, representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) at the Minsk peace talks Denis Pushilin said Sunday, pointing to a threat of a major war between Kiev forces and independence supporters amid a ceasefire enforced in the region.

DONETSK (Sputnik) – Kiev forces launched a military operation against independence supporters in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in April 2014. In February the two sides signed a ceasefire deal, but sporadic fighting has continued in Donbass despite the agreement.

"We are actually on the brink of a major war right now. Our conflict is not an internal Ukrainian one, it is fully in line with what is happening in Syria, Yemen, the uprising in Macedonia,… and could lead to very tragic consequences and, as a result, things can escalate in a matter of hours."

Pushilin told RIA Novosti that the stance of the international community on the Donbass conflict could determine whether fighting in Ukraine’s southeast would finally stop.

"Some major developing countries are giving a certain signal even through their neutrality and non-interference [in the conflict], that they are not supporting a military solution, they are for the continuation of the peace process. A singe decision that seemingly has no influence on anything could become critical and tip the scales one way or another."

Pushilin added that the conflict in Donbass could go on for dozens of years.

"It is not that we will be under fire for 10 years. What’s meant here is whether a full solution on political issues will be found in the conflict. This can take a very long time. This process is unpredictable," Pushilin explained.

According to Pushilin, the DPR is doing everything to bring an end to shelling in southeastern Ukraine.

"What is most important for us now is the issue of the ‘all-for-all’ [prisoner] exchange and the presence of some representatives from the other side who do not consider it necessary to intensify the prisoner exchange process in the agreed ‘all-for-all’ format, they are trying to find some other ways and are slowing down [the process] with their actions," Denis Pushilin told RIA Novosti.

The DPR negotiator stressed that the prisoner swaps was the main issue of discussion among members of the humanitarian subgroup of the Contact Group on Ukraine, which includes representatives from Kiev, the self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, Moscow and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

The lifting of the economic blockade imposed on Donbass by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko amid fighting between Kiev forces and local independence supporters will top the agenda at the upcoming talks in Minsk, the DPR envoy said.

"The lifting of the economic blockade," Pushilin said when asked about the key issues to be discussed during the talks.

An economic subgroup of the Contact Group on Ukraine is scheduled to meet in the Belarusian capital on June 23.

06-14-2015, 05:55 PM

Putin is caught in a classic trap
Pavel K. Baev, The Brookings Institution

Jun. 8, 2015, 1:54 PM

Putin is caught in a classic trap: Russia’s military advantage is fading and certain to decrease further.

Sergey Aleksashenko wants everyone to stop calling Russia weak. He contends that Russia is actually stronger than many people believe—to include U.S. President Barack Obama and British military historian Lawrence Freedman among other prominent voices. But Russia is weak and Russian President Vladimir Putin is even weaker.

Aleksashenko misunderstands Russian strength because he makes three critical errors. First, he assumes that strength and weakness are static and so fails to look at trends.

Second, by focusing on the weakest of Russia’s neighbors, he fails to notice that most Eastern European states are not intimidated by Russia. Finally, he wrongly believes that Russia’s strengths can be effectively used by Putin to maintain his grip on power.

First, strength and weakness are dynamic—that is, they change over time. In spite of Russia’s current displays of military strength in Ukraine, the former superpower is steadily and irreversibly weakening. As Aleksashenko knows—better than most officials in Moscow, in fact—Russia’s current economic crisis cannot be willed into recovery, and the economy is set to break through one false bottom after another.

What is less obvious for many Russia-watchers is that the military strength demonstrated so pompously on the Red Square during the May 9 Victory Day parade is also in decline. In Ukraine, the lack of any meaningful political or strategic Russian goals erodes the morale of the troops who are clandestinely deployed there. Nervous about the domestic political consequences of growing casualties, Putin has classified information about warzone deaths as a state secret.

The costs of the war are mounting, and over-spending in the Armaments 2020 priority procurement program is yet another item in the list of embarrassing fiscal setbacks. It is clear to serious Russian economists that military expenditures have been out of control for the last four quarters at least. Such spending cannot be sustained indefinitely, and deep cuts in the defense budget are certain this year.
Second, Alakshashenko’s description of Russian intimidation of its neighbors misses that many of Russia’s neighbors do not find it fearsome. While Georgia sees the need to tread carefully and avoid confrontation (even when signing an association agreement with the EU), Estonia and Latvia have turned their exposure to Russian pressure into a strategic advantage, requesting and receiving substantial support from NATO.

Moscow continues its military provocations in the Baltic theater, but it realizes that the military balance there is ultimately not in its favor. In the Arctic, Finland has joined the international Arctic Challenge 2015 exercise, which makes use of the Rovaniemi air base; Finland is apparently unperturbed by the fact that Russia’s newly-formed Arctic brigade is deployed just 30 miles across the border from this city.

It is prudent of NATO to be vigilant along its northern flank, but Russia has little or no capacity for simultaneously waging two “hybrid wars.” Back in 1940, Stalin amassed some 600,000 troops for the swift occupation of three defenseless Baltic states; now, Putin can deploy only about 50,000 troops for the (very probable) upcoming offensive in Donbass.

Finally, even the strengths that Russia genuinely possesses do not necessarily strengthen President Vladimir Putin’s grasp on power. The example of Russian gas exports to Europe is a case in point. As Aleksashenko rightly points out, Russia has leverage in some ways.

Russian gas exports to Europe, for instance, are essential for the economies of both, whatever proposals for alternative “green” sources the EU energy strategy entertains. This is a main source of Russia’s economic and political strength. (Though, even here, the opportunities for converting these exports into an instrument of security policy are curtailed by the joint stance of the consumers led by Germany.)

06-14-2015, 06:09 PM
How long before all DPR/LPR units are "federalized" into Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? 11 Jun pic.twitter.com/6PX1LfZUsg

Sources and full size photos:
https://vk.com/dnrarmy?z=photo-93369497_369628314%2Fwall-51146063_3828 …

Some still call them "militants" or "rebels" or "separatists". They are DPR units of the Russian Army pic.twitter.com/JgbwOYba2A

06-14-2015, 06:10 PM
Russoterrorist units try to break UKROP position in #Shyroyine south of main road Novoazovsk - Mariopol

In #Pisky near #Donetsk Airport (remains)a bomb went of killing 2 #Ukraine soldiers injuring 3 http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do%3Fviyskovi_pidirvalisya_na_fugasi_v_ra yoni_piskiv_ye_zagibli%26objectId%3D584531%26tag%3 Dukrayina&usg=ALkJrhjXeZYYYddvjfilpRlLqsaH1YFA1Q … pic.twitter.com/XpfIN9zjGX

VIDEO: Ukraine - train with RUS 203-mm self-propelled guns 2S7 "Pion"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTRj0oGeoQs&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/KGwAEU508r

06-14-2015, 06:12 PM
Russoterrorist units try to break UKROP position in #Shyroyine south of main road Novoazovsk - Mariopol

In #Pisky near #Donetsk Airport (remains)a bomb went of killing 2 #Ukraine soldiers injuring 3 http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do%3Fviyskovi_pidirvalisya_na_fugasi_v_ra yoni_piskiv_ye_zagibli%26objectId%3D584531%26tag%3 Dukrayina&usg=ALkJrhjXeZYYYddvjfilpRlLqsaH1YFA1Q … pic.twitter.com/XpfIN9zjGX

VIDEO: Ukraine - train with RUS 203-mm self-propelled guns 2S7 "Pion"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTRj0oGeoQs&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/KGwAEU508r

"No one in western military has expereinced what Ukraine now has" - says Kremenetsky of @DefenceU pic.twitter.com/3kzsjM6UIe

This is exactly what he is talking about-----

#Shyrokyne was under Russian artillery from 16:10-17:35. 122 and 152 mm.
Ukrainian forces were NOT allowed to return fire.
Z. Shkyryak

06-14-2015, 07:11 PM
How long before all DPR/LPR units are "federalized" into Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? 11 Jun pic.twitter.com/6PX1LfZUsg

Sources and full size photos:
https://vk.com/dnrarmy?z=photo-93369497_369628314%2Fwall-51146063_3828 …

Some still call them "militants" or "rebels" or "separatists". They are DPR units of the Russian Army pic.twitter.com/JgbwOYba2A

Anyone with Q's about the why/how of Russian Army's relationship with DPR/LPR units, Google > roman auxiliaries < pic.twitter.com/qfoZIa0hng

Russoterrorists 'dnr' acquire new weapons from Kremlin and a brand new designation
"Republican Guards" #PutinAtWar pic.twitter.com/jSe5auv2w2

16 May, DPR decreed all militia units to be "armed forces" based on Russian Federation model http://rg-dnr.info/page/parlament-dnr-prinyal-zakon-o-sozdanii-voorujennyih-sil … https://twitter.com/ukrainik/statu

06-14-2015, 07:13 PM
"No one in western military has expereinced what Ukraine now has" - says Kremenetsky of @DefenceU pic.twitter.com/3kzsjM6UIe

This is exactly what he is talking about-----

#Shyrokyne was under Russian artillery from 16:10-17:35. 122 and 152 mm.
Ukrainian forces were NOT allowed to return fire.
Z. Shkyryak

NIGHT VIDEO Massive attack #Marinka last night by attacking #Putin forces on #Ukraine troops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmPZZ031Mv4 … pic.twitter.com/9mEvFcIphO

06-14-2015, 07:16 PM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

Cannot believe the good Congressman would believe social media would not have run down what was behind his amendment.

http://zik.ua/en/news/2015/06/14/antiukrainian_provocation_in_usa_was_bankrolled_by _s_liovochkin_598626

Anti-Ukrainian provocation in USA was bankrolled by S. Liovochkin

Ex-Regions heavyweight member Serhy Liovochkin was behind the anti-Ukrainian provocation in the United States aimed at declaring the ‘Azov’ volunteer battalion a neo-Nazi unit and banning to give Ukraine mobile AA missiles, Ihor Mosijchuk, a Radical party lawmaker, writes in Facebook June 14, citing his own investigation.

“The links to US Congress adopting a ban to provide instructors for ‘Azov’ servicemen and supply mobile AA Stinger missiles lead to Kyiv,” he writes.

The lobbying was done, under contract with Liovochkin, by US spin doctor Paul Mannafort whose services had been used by ex-president Yanukovych, Mosijchuk says.

The ban was initiated in the Congress by Congressman John Conniers

06-14-2015, 07:33 PM
Reference Moldavian elections---Transnistria

http://agora.md/stiri/9909/rata-de-partcipare-la-corjova-unde-militarii-rusi-verificau-unii-votanti …


http://www.realitatea.md/live-text--alegeri-locale-chisinau--cine-sunt-favoritii-la-functia-de-primar-al-capitalei_22295.html …

06-14-2015, 07:50 PM
#Donetsk 22:29
Proletarka - Loud BOOM minute ago, unclear what was https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610174902444924929 …

Anti-aircraft guns shooting again over the southern outskirts of #Luhansk... Very loud. https://twitter.com/Edward_Lugansk/status/610156011400335360 …

#Donetsk 21:17
Trudovsky ds - loud volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610155148371955714 …

#Russia|n snipers firing from trenches on the #Marinka front line near #Donetsk City
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=174&v=AJyWZK2B_f0 …

VIDEO Russian Hybrid Battlegroup 'Diesel' says it's ready to attack.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jPL5IyKhYA … pic.twitter.com/EsJg34VtOB

"Separatist" leader Givi wounded in ammunition dump strike in #Donetsk https://www.facebook.com/vasul.andriyv/posts/656180247846542?pnref=story … pic.twitter.com/PJToucgrBD
Militant Givi, who forced Ukrainian POWs to eat uniform patches, rumored to have been wounded.

Strelkov aka Girkin (on the left) 1992 in Bosnia pic.twitter.com/jDfRCidc7i
The individual who started the so called “separatist” movement in the Donbas
GRU and FSB officer

#Avdiivka small arms shooting, sounds like tanks at #Optyne and something heavy at #Pisky. https://twitter.com/bamr69/status/610157922870513665 …

Yesterday a #Russia(n) convoy of 10 Urals,13 armored vehicles,etc entered Shahtarsk #Ukraine http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://uapress.info/uk/news/show/80901&usg=ALkJrhjWhvJ7e9LTLcDNk1BDp-0cHtxrQQ … pic.twitter.com/XlumiwWlAU

Rus backed fighters firing from trenches on the front line in Donetsk region (@rConflictNews) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyWZK2B_f0 … pic.twitter.com/MWDWpGbBah

Ground fighting is still ongoing here--------
#Marinka 22:15PM
Skirmish in road police post area

Ground fighting is ongoing here------
Ongoing battle https://twitter.com/Olga_kievljanka/status/610169041995608064 …

15:22 #Volodymyrivka, #Artemovsk raion @solomazheka the 2nd a day UAV flew over fr/NE to/SW fr/#Novomykhaylivka tow/Kyrylivka

Militants keep intensely firing at Ukr forces and towns: 65 times during the day. Highest no. at #Donetsk direction https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1013523328658473 …

Volunteer Bogdan Kovalyov: No truce today in #Marinka - 2 KIA and 15 WIA http://censor.net.ua/news/340038/v_rezultate_obstrela_marinki_pogibli_2_ukrainskih_ voina_15_raneny_volonter_bogdan_kovalev?utm_medium =twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed …

Today in #Pisky perished a Dnipro-1 regiment serrviceman, head of #Donetsk Leninsky ds Svoboda party org Ihor Kanakov @vo_svoboda

06-14-2015, 08:33 PM
#Donetsk 22:29
Proletarka - Loud BOOM minute ago, unclear what was https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610174902444924929 …

Anti-aircraft guns shooting again over the southern outskirts of #Luhansk... Very loud. https://twitter.com/Edward_Lugansk/status/610156011400335360 …

#Donetsk 21:17
Trudovsky ds - loud volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610155148371955714 …

#Russia|n snipers firing from trenches on the #Marinka front line near #Donetsk City
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=174&v=AJyWZK2B_f0 …

VIDEO Russian Hybrid Battlegroup 'Diesel' says it's ready to attack.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jPL5IyKhYA … pic.twitter.com/EsJg34VtOB

"Separatist" leader Givi wounded in ammunition dump strike in #Donetsk https://www.facebook.com/vasul.andriyv/posts/656180247846542?pnref=story … pic.twitter.com/PJToucgrBD
Militant Givi, who forced Ukrainian POWs to eat uniform patches, rumored to have been wounded.

Strelkov aka Girkin (on the left) 1992 in Bosnia pic.twitter.com/jDfRCidc7i
The individual who started the so called “separatist” movement in the Donbas
GRU and FSB officer

#Avdiivka small arms shooting, sounds like tanks at #Optyne and something heavy at #Pisky. https://twitter.com/bamr69/status/610157922870513665 …

Yesterday a #Russia(n) convoy of 10 Urals,13 armored vehicles,etc entered Shahtarsk #Ukraine http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://uapress.info/uk/news/show/80901&usg=ALkJrhjWhvJ7e9LTLcDNk1BDp-0cHtxrQQ … pic.twitter.com/XlumiwWlAU

Rus backed fighters firing from trenches on the front line in Donetsk region (@rConflictNews) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyWZK2B_f0 … pic.twitter.com/MWDWpGbBah

Ground fighting is still ongoing here--------
#Marinka 22:15PM
Skirmish in road police post area

Ground fighting is ongoing here------
Ongoing battle https://twitter.com/Olga_kievljanka/status/610169041995608064 …

15:22 #Volodymyrivka, #Artemovsk raion @solomazheka the 2nd a day UAV flew over fr/NE to/SW fr/#Novomykhaylivka tow/Kyrylivka

Militants keep intensely firing at Ukr forces and towns: 65 times during the day. Highest no. at #Donetsk direction https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1013523328658473 …

#Putin created DNR mercenary "Givi" HQ was blown to bits by #Ukraine artillery http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://uapress.info/ru/news/show/81092&usg=ALkJrhhYr9ll8J00S6ly0L1aDl8U-JQMMA … pic.twitter.com/LhDuzfttnc

06-14-2015, 08:36 PM
Seems the good Congressman "forgot" to ask the Ukrainians what they think of the "so called Nazi Regiment Azov" that he passed an amendment on in the Defense Spending Bill.

RESIDENTS OF #MARIUPOL THANK THE #AZOV FOR LIBERATING THE CITY FROM THE #TERRORISTS OF #DNR https://www.facebook.com/uarighttraditions/posts/856890501064360[/url] … pic.twitter.com/VehTCZed4M

AND I am not so sure he fully understands that Russia has it's fill of Nazi's BUT I see he is not condemning Russian Nazi's--SO why the sudden deep interest in "so called Ukrainian Nazi's"?????

Captured by #Ukraine near #Mariupol, #Russian soldier with Nazi tattoo! The real fascists CAUGHT IN BIG LIE! pic.twitter.com/h7wVL4T4B6

Captured near #Shyrokyne , an RU soldier, nazi supporter and with his RU documents https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=851319028239305&set=pcb.851319124905962&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/HWvlaklSg7

Ukraine Right Sector captured another #Russia(n) soldier by call sign "June" in #Shyrokyne http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://112.ua/ato/v-shirokino-sily-ato-vzyali-v-plen-voennosluzhashhego-rf-duk-ps-237206.html&usg=ALkJrhi5X86HFk6pxOVtL3epIbba2m3QBQ … pic.twitter.com/kfkpVnO5Ms

The Right Sector published an interview with the Nazi russian mercenary captured at Shyrokyno https://youtu.be/7WCNzHY4-rw

06-14-2015, 08:53 PM
#Donetsk 22:29
Proletarka - Loud BOOM minute ago, unclear what was https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610174902444924929 …

Anti-aircraft guns shooting again over the southern outskirts of #Luhansk... Very loud. https://twitter.com/Edward_Lugansk/status/610156011400335360 …

#Donetsk 21:17
Trudovsky ds - loud volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610155148371955714 …

#Russia|n snipers firing from trenches on the #Marinka front line near #Donetsk City
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=174&v=AJyWZK2B_f0 …

VIDEO Russian Hybrid Battlegroup 'Diesel' says it's ready to attack.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jPL5IyKhYA … pic.twitter.com/EsJg34VtOB

"Separatist" leader Givi wounded in ammunition dump strike in #Donetsk https://www.facebook.com/vasul.andriyv/posts/656180247846542?pnref=story … pic.twitter.com/PJToucgrBD
Militant Givi, who forced Ukrainian POWs to eat uniform patches, rumored to have been wounded.

Strelkov aka Girkin (on the left) 1992 in Bosnia pic.twitter.com/jDfRCidc7i
The individual who started the so called “separatist” movement in the Donbas
GRU and FSB officer

#Avdiivka small arms shooting, sounds like tanks at #Optyne and something heavy at #Pisky. https://twitter.com/bamr69/status/610157922870513665 …

Yesterday a #Russia(n) convoy of 10 Urals,13 armored vehicles,etc entered Shahtarsk #Ukraine http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ru&u=http://uapress.info/uk/news/show/80901&usg=ALkJrhjWhvJ7e9LTLcDNk1BDp-0cHtxrQQ … pic.twitter.com/XlumiwWlAU

Rus backed fighters firing from trenches on the front line in Donetsk region (@rConflictNews) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyWZK2B_f0 … pic.twitter.com/MWDWpGbBah

Ground fighting is still ongoing here--------
#Marinka 22:15PM
Skirmish in road police post area

Ground fighting is ongoing here------
Ongoing battle https://twitter.com/Olga_kievljanka/status/610169041995608064 …

15:22 #Volodymyrivka, #Artemovsk raion @solomazheka the 2nd a day UAV flew over fr/NE to/SW fr/#Novomykhaylivka tow/Kyrylivka

Militants keep intensely firing at Ukr forces and towns: 65 times during the day. Highest no. at #Donetsk direction https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1013523328658473 …

Volunteer Bogdan Kovalyov: No truce today in #Marinka - 2 KIA and 15 WIA http://censor.net.ua/news/340038/v_rezultate_obstrela_marinki_pogibli_2_ukrainskih_ voina_15_raneny_volonter_bogdan_kovalev?utm_medium =twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed …

Today in #Pisky perished a Dnipro-1 regiment serrviceman, head of #Donetsk Leninsky ds Svoboda party org Ihor Kanakov @vo_svoboda

And it just keeps on------

#Kirovsk 23:25
Several powerful outgoing https://twitter.com/AngelMorbit/status/610181928310976513 …

06-14-2015, 08:55 PM
Serious ongoing ground fight this evening---Russian troops may have broken across the Minsk 2 contact line—NOW the serious question for Obama is –do you stand on your G7 statements concerning if the fighting gets worse harder sanctions will be imposed???—IF not then what is the worth of anything any future US President states on anything???

#Marinka 23:20
Sound of battle again, from the Sovkhoz (state farm) area https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610183322984140800 …

Marinka 23:35
Fight continues. Sovkhoz (state farm), and Novomarinka area. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/610185108977524737 …

This is the only realistic scenario for that firing direction.
Russian forces between #Marinka and #Krasnohorivka. pic.twitter.com/fhuO6IKXZ4

Krasnohorivka 23:13
Explosions https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610183136031469569 …

Second serious fighting is ongoing here as well as the Russians are also attempting to cross the Minsk 2 line here as well.

VIDEO Fierce fight erupts near #Donetsk Airport (ruins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qfPMF1GLyk … #Ukraine #Russia #Putin pic.twitter.com/Lez6wn2YSI

06-14-2015, 09:03 PM
Battle restarted in #Mariinka tonight according to multiple sources. Daylight already brought several #Ukraine casualties

06-14-2015, 09:18 PM
Serious ongoing ground fight this evening---Russian troops may have broken across the Minsk 2 contact line—NOW the serious question for Obama is –do you stand on your G7 statements concerning if the fighting gets worse harder sanctions will be imposed???—IF not then what is the worth of anything any future US President states on anything???

#Marinka 23:20
Sound of battle again, from the Sovkhoz (state farm) area https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610183322984140800 …

Marinka 23:35
Fight continues. Sovkhoz (state farm), and Novomarinka area. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/610185108977524737 …

This is the only realistic scenario for that firing direction.
Russian forces between #Marinka and #Krasnohorivka. pic.twitter.com/fhuO6IKXZ4

Krasnohorivka 23:13
Explosions https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/610183136031469569 …

Second serious fighting is ongoing here as well as the Russians are also attempting to cross the Minsk 2 line here as well.

VIDEO Fierce fight erupts near #Donetsk Airport (ruins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qfPMF1GLyk … #Ukraine #Russia #Putin pic.twitter.com/Lez6wn2YSI

If this is in fact true then Obama has a serious creditability problem on his hands if the US does not react.

Appears Russian troops have in fact broken across the Minsk 2 contact line.

Russia|n forces break through #Ukraine defensive lines in #Marinka. Close combat fighting around the hospital now.

06-15-2015, 05:26 AM
AND the shellings just keep on shelling----an example just from the night--still ongoing into the morning now.

"Chopped up very strongly with mortar shells, 5 minutes every hour, poor #Marinka... Again in smoke" https://twitter.com/Ykrainaponadyse/status/610248791896272896 …

#Luhansk 1:33AM
AA-gun shooting again it city south-east https://twitter.com/LUGANSKA_JUNTA/status/610206095206948864 …

"Also in #Shchastya the whole evening SPGs and AA-guns play ping pong with shells." https://twitter.com/eugen_bullfinch/status/610209833871101953 …

#Horlivka 4:35AM
Shooting, something heavier. https://twitter.com/_John__Carter_/status/610259179849302017 …

#Volnovakha 4:03AM
Towards #Starohnativka / #Staroignatievka heavy rumble since 20 minutes. https://twitter.com/lapa545/status/610251329760555009 …

#Donetsk 3:44AM
Kirovskyi district - Continuously from 3:30 artillery salvos began or MRLS singles https://twitter.com/ropogckou/status/610246449700409344 …

#Donetsk 3:49AM
Petrovka - heavy singles outgoing https://twitter.com/zzzwefzzz/status/610247610415357952

Lysychansk 3:40AM
Assault rifles shooting https://twitter.com/rescuero/status/610245466220032000 …

06-15-2015, 05:30 AM
Reference Moldavian elections---Transnistria

http://agora.md/stiri/9909/rata-de-partcipare-la-corjova-unde-militarii-rusi-verificau-unii-votanti …


http://www.realitatea.md/live-text--alegeri-locale-chisinau--cine-sunt-favoritii-la-functia-de-primar-al-capitalei_22295.html …


#Russia passports handed out in #Transnistria as Russian media claim #Ukraine planning war: http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1434310866 … pic.twitter.com/OiXRG8xcYO

06-15-2015, 05:33 AM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

The Congressman should show some concern for the sheer number of Russian Nazi's fighting in the Ukraine and or in the Russian military. But he did not as he was false informed it seems by someone with other interests.

A member of Russian Special Forces company which stormed the Crimean Parliament is an identified neo-Nazi pic.twitter.com/cjWSqu32NV

06-15-2015, 05:34 AM
#Russian TV proudly shows its illegal armed groups setting up #landmines in Ukraine. https://youtu.be/H0KmJq9cww0 pic.twitter.com/OBIs4P6HcT

Format of hybrid war changing, #Russia will try to undermine #Ukraine's stability from within – Poroshenko http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/271764.html …

Volleys of MLRS "Grad" in Donetsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-volleys-of-mlrs-grad-in-donetsk …

06-15-2015, 09:24 AM
More on the two Russian Spetsnaz POWs: He claims he can validate and prove he is still a Russian active duty soldier.

Alexandrov, who was arrested in Donbass agreed to file civil lawsuit against MoD of RF for unfair dismissal from AF https://twitter.com/meduzaproject/status/610370061682016256 …

06-15-2015, 09:29 AM
AND the shelling and ground attacks numbers are climbing way past the highest number of daily attacks before Feb 2015 AND YET not a word out of DC, Paris, Berlin---just how strange is that after all the so called new sanctions being talked about during G7--but that is the problem--it was simply all talk.

ATO: Militants attack Ukrainian troops more than 40 times overnight
http://www.unian.info/war/1089360-ato-militants-attack-ukrainian-troops-more-than-40-times-overnight.html … pic.twitter.com/TjhqYgLGVM

Latest map shows that intense fighting resumes along the frontlines. Minsk 2 ... dead ... uhm, yes? https://twitter.com/NSDC_ua/status/610371782244179969 …

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, June 15, 12:00 EET pic.twitter.com/hCeY2Tt848

28th Brigade report record number of attacks on their positions yesterday.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1100531369960755&substory_index=0&id=1060798357267390&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1100531369960755&__tn__=%2As … pic.twitter.com/nDhpiZrkJS

Rus terrorists also made a failed attempt to storm UKR positions near Olenivka - 28th Brigade

Severodonetsk 11:58AM
"Sounds like outgoing. Where?" https://twitter.com/trankvillina/status/610370699769815040 …

#Severodonetsk 11:55AM
Hear powerful explosions https://twitter.com/xy_gorlov4an/status/610370070909460480 …

Shelling of #Ukraine's positions has increased since arrival to #Donbas of #Russia's 29th 'humanitarian convoy' https://twitter.com/radiosvoboda/status/610346554755575808 …

Militants in #Donetsk held a mortar in the building of Service Station pic.twitter.com/H0helhF7Zc http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-militants-in-donetsk-hold-the-mortar-in-the-building …

Gas and power supply on the occupied territory of #Donbas. #Ukraine http://daily.rbc.ru/investigation/politics/15/06/2015/5579b4b99a7947b063440210 …

Russian officials in documents call occupied Luhansk and Donetsk region as zone "T1" and "T2" http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-russian-officials-in-documents-call-occupied-luhansk …

Detainee militant says that his RU comrades are in abandoned apartments in Donetsk & looting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WCNzHY4-rw … pic.twitter.com/HEmmF9a9LA

5am, a heavy shelling started on Taramchuk and Berezove, monotonous and loud, like this whole "truce". https://twitter.com/Darren_Aro/status/610371902448795648 …

They say Between 22:00-00:00 rus terrorists fired with GRAD & mortars on Mariinka. During the day fired on Berezove with GRAD & tanks

Traffic on the highway "Slavyansk-Donetsk-Mariupol" from #Volnovakha to #Donetsk and back is closed as of Monday. https://twitter.com/Legioner_sniper/status/610370089880276993 …

Ukrainian soldier killed in Krymske, part of village left without power after shelling
http://www.unian.info/war/1089375-ukrainian-soldier-killed-in-krymske-part-of-village-left-without-power-after-shelling.html … pic.twitter.com/X4kmiM8KAB

#Russia'n-separatists militants systematically destroy railway stations in the #Donbas with tanks: #Urkzaliznytsia. https://twitter.com/24todaynetua/status/610337310769573888 …

Residents of Donetsk blocked Artema str.They demand a stop to shelling. pic.twitter.com/1WlCPs9ZcK http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-residents-of-donetsk-blocked-artema-strthey-require …

06-15-2015, 09:32 AM
OSCE in Vienna is holding a conference on journalism in conflict/war zones and the protection of journalists.

Propaganda is not the main problem, the main problem is double standards - a key message from Russian delegation #journosafeOSCE Weird!

Russian delegation complains about 'double standards': why everybody trash their propaganda, but ignore Ukrainian

Russian delegation attack Ukraine at #journosafeOSCE. But there are 35 of us from Ukraine. We will answer

Ban of Russian channels, detention of journos from Russia, arrests of anti-war reporters in Ukraine, Russian rep complains

Sweden to the OSCE @SwedeninATOSCE
@OSCE @OSCE_RFoM #JournoSafeOSCE apparently also an arena for Russian misinformation: laughter around the room as we hear known narrative

#Russia rep to #OSCE: "propaganda can be different" , "Russia is the only OSCE place where there is NO crisis #journosafeOSCE

There are multiply audible smirks at #journosafeOSCE while Russian rep goes on with a primary example of whataboutism pic.twitter.com/ZeLA3a1M1Q

Russian oppositional journalist was surprised to see Russian propaganda on #journosafeOSCE - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153397318215987&set=a.10150752236630987.460829.751205986&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/8l2QkuoX9V

Russia brought their fantasy books about some concentration camps in Ukraine. Again. They do this again after Belgrad. #journosafeOSCE

06-15-2015, 09:44 AM
OSCE in Vienna is holding a conference on journalism in conflict/war zones and the protection of journalists.

Propaganda is not the main problem, the main problem is double standards - a key message from Russian delegation #journosafeOSCE Weird!

Russian delegation complains about 'double standards': why everybody trash their propaganda, but ignore Ukrainian

Russian delegation attack Ukraine at #journosafeOSCE. But there are 35 of us from Ukraine. We will answer

Ban of Russian channels, detention of journos from Russia, arrests of anti-war reporters in Ukraine, Russian rep complains

Sweden to the OSCE @SwedeninATOSCE
@OSCE @OSCE_RFoM #JournoSafeOSCE apparently also an arena for Russian misinformation: laughter around the room as we hear known narrative

#Russia rep to #OSCE: "propaganda can be different" , "Russia is the only OSCE place where there is NO crisis #journosafeOSCE

There are multiply audible smirks at #journosafeOSCE while Russian rep goes on with a primary example of whataboutism pic.twitter.com/ZeLA3a1M1Q

Russian oppositional journalist was surprised to see Russian propaganda on #journosafeOSCE - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153397318215987&set=a.10150752236630987.460829.751205986&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/8l2QkuoX9V

Russia brought their fantasy books about some concentration camps in Ukraine. Again. They do this again after Belgrad. #journosafeOSCE

Over 300 Ukrainian journalists disappeared or killed - highest in OSCE region in 15years #journosafeOSCE

#journosafeOSCE RU desperatley tries to convince audience that OSCE and UN are biased while talking about annexed Crimea. Nothing new...

06-15-2015, 09:45 AM
AND the shelling and ground attacks numbers are climbing way past the highest number of daily attacks before Feb 2015 AND YET not a word out of DC, Paris, Berlin---just how strange is that after all the so called new sanctions being talked about during G7--but that is the problem--it was simply all talk.

ATO: Militants attack Ukrainian troops more than 40 times overnight
http://www.unian.info/war/1089360-ato-militants-attack-ukrainian-troops-more-than-40-times-overnight.html … pic.twitter.com/TjhqYgLGVM

Latest map shows that intense fighting resumes along the frontlines. Minsk 2 ... dead ... uhm, yes? https://twitter.com/NSDC_ua/status/610371782244179969 …

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, June 15, 12:00 EET pic.twitter.com/hCeY2Tt848

28th Brigade report record number of attacks on their positions yesterday.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1100531369960755&substory_index=0&id=1060798357267390&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1100531369960755&__tn__=%2As … pic.twitter.com/nDhpiZrkJS

Rus terrorists also made a failed attempt to storm UKR positions near Olenivka - 28th Brigade

Severodonetsk 11:58AM
"Sounds like outgoing. Where?" https://twitter.com/trankvillina/status/610370699769815040 …

#Severodonetsk 11:55AM
Hear powerful explosions https://twitter.com/xy_gorlov4an/status/610370070909460480 …

Shelling of #Ukraine's positions has increased since arrival to #Donbas of #Russia's 29th 'humanitarian convoy' https://twitter.com/radiosvoboda/status/610346554755575808 …

Militants in #Donetsk held a mortar in the building of Service Station pic.twitter.com/H0helhF7Zc http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-militants-in-donetsk-hold-the-mortar-in-the-building …

Gas and power supply on the occupied territory of #Donbas. #Ukraine http://daily.rbc.ru/investigation/politics/15/06/2015/5579b4b99a7947b063440210 …

Russian officials in documents call occupied Luhansk and Donetsk region as zone "T1" and "T2" http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-russian-officials-in-documents-call-occupied-luhansk …

Detainee militant says that his RU comrades are in abandoned apartments in Donetsk & looting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WCNzHY4-rw … pic.twitter.com/HEmmF9a9LA

5am, a heavy shelling started on Taramchuk and Berezove, monotonous and loud, like this whole "truce". https://twitter.com/Darren_Aro/status/610371902448795648 …

They say Between 22:00-00:00 rus terrorists fired with GRAD & mortars on Mariinka. During the day fired on Berezove with GRAD & tanks

Traffic on the highway "Slavyansk-Donetsk-Mariupol" from #Volnovakha to #Donetsk and back is closed as of Monday. https://twitter.com/Legioner_sniper/status/610370089880276993 …

Ukrainian soldier killed in Krymske, part of village left without power after shelling
http://www.unian.info/war/1089375-ukrainian-soldier-killed-in-krymske-part-of-village-left-without-power-after-shelling.html … pic.twitter.com/X4kmiM8KAB

#Russia'n-separatists militants systematically destroy railway stations in the #Donbas with tanks: #Urkzaliznytsia. https://twitter.com/24todaynetua/status/610337310769573888 …

Residents of Donetsk blocked Artema str.They demand a stop to shelling. pic.twitter.com/1WlCPs9ZcK http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-residents-of-donetsk-blocked-artema-strthey-require …

Terrorists shelled Ukrainian army’s positions and villages for more than 100 times in the last day - ATO press center http://en.censor.net.ua/n340050

One of many factories. #Luhansk machine building plant stands w/o equipment, all taken to #Cheboksary, #Russia. https://twitter.com/uanews3/status/610027611964764160 …

#Tymchuk:#Russia intel. behind attack on #Ukraine Consulate in Rostov,prepared on same base as"tourists" for #Donbas https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.tymchuk/posts/709777469150911 …

06-15-2015, 09:46 AM
Geoffrey Pyatt ✔ @GeoffPyatt
Given ongoing #russianaggression, making very clear to US businesses the econ + reputational risks of attending St Petersburg Forum (@SPIEF)

Geoffrey Pyatt ✔ @GeoffPyatt
Want to see American businesses join us in sending strong message to #Kremlin – must comply with #Minsk, end occupation of #Crimea.

Geoffrey Pyatt ✔ @GeoffPyatt
Our msg to those considering @SPIEF: #Russia is flouting most fundamental principles of international law. Not time for “business as usual”

06-15-2015, 09:57 AM
Needs no explanations:

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Luhansk sector: Popasna, Shchastya, Krymske, Novotoshkivske. Militants launched 30 Grad rockets at Troyitske pic.twitter.com/uqZ4mYaO3o

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Other hotspots: Horlivka, 1 Grad missile attack by Novomykhaylivka followed by tank attacks, 1 civilian injured in Krasnohorivka

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: Pro-Russian insurgents conducted intensive attacks near airport. UA border guards repelled attack by Verkhnyotoretske
Note: this was an attempted Spetsnaz border crossing.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Mariupol sector: Fighting in Shyrokyne. Militants used 122mm artillery & “Grad-P” systems

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Pro-Russian militants continues breaking ceasefire, firing at residential districts of frontline cities

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
2 Ukrainian soldiers KIA, 20 got wounded in the last 24 hours.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian servicemen spotted 25 flights of enemy UAVs yesterday

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian services resumed gas supply to Mariupol, Volnovakha, Avdiivka.

06-15-2015, 09:58 AM
The Congressman should show some concern for the sheer number of Russian Nazi's fighting in the Ukraine and or in the Russian military. But he did not as he was false informed it seems by someone with other interests.

A member of Russian Special Forces company which stormed the Crimean Parliament is an identified neo-Nazi pic.twitter.com/cjWSqu32NV

Seems the local Ukrainian media has a far different view of Azov as does the good Congressman:

Holding back #Putin’s Red Tide in #Shyrokyne (#photo essay):
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/15/holding-back-putins-red-tide-in-shyrokyne/ …
AZOV pic.twitter.com/pubxQtm4G2

06-15-2015, 10:00 AM
Will comment on this later today.

Ukraine'll not pay for deliveries of Russian electricity to the occupied territories of Donbass - "Ukrenergo" https://twitter.com/sergvlady/status/610382142829428737 …

06-15-2015, 12:48 PM
Appears the "locals" seem to be getting fed up with their mercenary government now they are conducting "flash demos".

Zaharchenko tries to pacify protesting anti-war crowd not very successful https://youtu.be/TkDWt_oAk64

Donetsk: #Zakharchenko can not calm the residents. Some people begin to disperse, others provide further questions. https://twitter.com/aa_borodulin/status/610394528084828160 …

Zaharchenko promises the residents of Oktyabrsky, whose homes have been destroyed, a safe place to stay. #Doentsk pic.twitter.com/wsJJsGsGQB

People in Donetsk stage a peace protest. For the first time since the war began https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/15/hundreds-attend-first-large-peace-protest-in-eastern-ukraine …

Local residents call out:'Stop the war' 'Give our destroyed housing back' 'Away with you all'

novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html … About 500 people turn out for anti-war protest in Donetsk. Zakharchenko addresses the crowd, who yell & interrupt him
Donetsk resident in flash rally against DNR's use of residential quarters as shelling launch-sites; "get out of here" http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html …

Protesters in Donetsk say terrorists shell from residential areas and these are hit in response: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html …

That's what I've said about, they demand to 'fling back UKR arty' according to Lifenews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B12Y7jr0Ylg&feature=youtu.be …

06-15-2015, 12:53 PM
Appears that Russia is now formally admitting it is hurting or they would not been evidently trying a trial balloon like this—Russia is having a hard time getting the Ukrainians attention—they are weathering the shelling and ground attacks, have basically blockaded the mercenaries in a corner and are getting financial help from the West—they are in no hurry to do deals with Russia and in the meantime Russia is struggling to financially support their mercenaries and the daily war costs for the military deployment are pushing 30M USD a day.

top.rbc.ru/politics/15/06/2015/557ea3169a7947375ffa6b5c … Media reports that Moscow has sent a secret peace proposal, though a source says leadership in Kiev must change 1st.

Kremlin's terms for #Minsk3: DPR/LPR (ie Russia) to control entire territory of Donbas region?! https://translate.google.ie/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvesti-ukr.com%2Fdonbass%2F103515-dlja-poroshenko-podgotovili-minsk-3&edit-text= … via @JoergForbrig

Moscow's next trap for Kyiv? @vesti reports Minsk 3 proposal to include autonomy for full Luhansk/Donetsk oblasts, amnesty for rebels......creation of national militia, gov't reshuffle or snap election in Kyiv http://vesti-ukr.com/donbass/103515-dlja-poroshenko-podgotovili-minsk-3 …

06-15-2015, 12:55 PM
Russian troops and her mercenaries and their heavy weapons are on the move.

Tymchuk: Ukrainian armed forces have recorded 20 trucks with a pontoon bridge system to south of Luhansk http://www.unian.info/war/1089411-tymchuk-1000-militants-and-artillery-sent-to-horlivka-and-debaltseve.html …

Tymchuk: 14 Jun Russian forces also moved 3x 9K35 Strela-10 short-range SAM systems between the village of Sadove and the town of Khartsyzk

Tymchuk: On 14 June Russian forces redeployed 2x TOR SAM systems through Shakhtarsk (+ 2x BTR-80 amphibious APCs and 3x KAMAZ trucks)

Tymchuk: On 14 June Russian forces deployed 450-500 troops + 6x 2S1 Gvozdika SPGs + 5 D-30 howitzers near Horlivka http://www.unian.info/war/1089411-tymchuk-1000-militants-and-artillery-sent-to-horlivka-and-debaltseve.html …

Tymchuk: Russian forces forward deploy 1000+ troops and many 122/152mm artillery units to Horlivka and Debaltseve http://www.unian.info/war/1089411-tymchuk-1000-militants-and-artillery-sent-to-horlivka-and-debaltseve.html …

06-15-2015, 12:57 PM
DNR and LNR is called zone T1 & T2 in Russia government
via @InfoResist And someone still believes in Novorossia

Seems some Russian officials just cannot let go of the past---moderator on Russian TV
"We lost the country in 1991. Now we recovering....returned Crimea, and finally the battle with the West!" - Prohanov at #NTV.

After #Ukraine hit Givi's ammo store Russia's DNR troops shelled RESIDENTIAL areas in #Donetsk
http://podrobnosti.ua/2040696-pod-donetskom-tjazhelyj-boj-raznesli-shtab-boevikov-givi.html … pic.twitter.com/J2qOw5FRp2

Rostov-on-Don in #Russia, close to Ukraine, with 5000 new no-name graves pic.twitter.com/flZWSi0Ukf

Russian MoD: Moscow will boost forces on Western flank should US store heavy arms in Baltic states and eastern Europe http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russian-officials-react-to-us-plans-to-store-arms-in-the-baltics/523613.html …

Fighting intensifies in the #Donbas. #Russia forces attacking with heavy artillery:
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/14/fighting-intensifies-in-the-donbas/ … pic.twitter.com/YxRWkir2ya

Minsk dies one more time - Zakharchenko: the DNR is an independent state, will "never be part of Ukraine": http://ria.ru/world/20150615/1070093401.html …

Ghost Army in #Ukraine. Identified soldiers who captured Council of Ministers of Crimea http://lugansk-news.com/putin-ghost-army-in-ukraine-meet-viktor-shaforostov-russian-special-forces-soldier-who-captured-council-of-ministers-of-crimea/ … pic.twitter.com/VWtElkbgxF

Image of the situation in East #Ukraine #Russia(n) forces spreading like a cancer in #Donbas pic.twitter.com/QEYOo1wfJO

06-15-2015, 01:40 PM
Seems the local Ukrainian media has a far different view of Azov as does the good US Congressman Conyers:

Holding back #Putin’s Red Tide in #Shyrokyne (#photo essay):
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/15/holding-back-putins-red-tide-in-shyrokyne/ …
AZOV pic.twitter.com/pubxQtm4G2

During Cold War, Rep Conyers tight with World Peace Council a known KGB front. Some things never change.

Two #Azov soldiers troll #Russia media online,pretend they're USA soldiers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxtQzJghF24 …
Full report here: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/15/holding-back-putins-red-tide-in-shyrokyne/

06-15-2015, 01:42 PM
Appears that Russia is now formally admitting it is hurting or they would not been evidently trying a trial balloon like this—Russia is having a hard time getting the Ukrainians attention—they are weathering the shelling and ground attacks, have basically blockaded the mercenaries in a corner and are getting financial help from the West—they are in no hurry to do deals with Russia and in the meantime Russia is struggling to financially support their mercenaries and the daily war costs for the military deployment are pushing 30M USD a day.

top.rbc.ru/politics/15/06/2015/557ea3169a7947375ffa6b5c … Media reports that Moscow has sent a secret peace proposal, though a source says leadership in Kiev must change 1st.

Kremlin's terms for #Minsk3: DPR/LPR (ie Russia) to control entire territory of Donbas region?! https://translate.google.ie/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvesti-ukr.com%2Fdonbass%2F103515-dlja-poroshenko-podgotovili-minsk-3&edit-text= … via @JoergForbrig

Moscow's next trap for Kyiv? @vesti reports Minsk 3 proposal to include autonomy for full Luhansk/Donetsk oblasts, amnesty for rebels......creation of national militia, gov't reshuffle or snap election in Kyiv http://vesti-ukr.com/donbass/103515-dlja-poroshenko-podgotovili-minsk-3 …

Well that trial balloon did not last long----went over like a "lead balloon it seems"

RBC: The Kremlin has denied reports about offering a "compromise" on Donbass to Kiev. https://twitter.com/ru_rbc/status/610404062798942208 …

06-15-2015, 01:45 PM
Appears the "locals" seem to be getting fed up with their mercenary government now they are conducting "flash demos".

Zaharchenko tries to pacify protesting anti-war crowd not very successful https://youtu.be/TkDWt_oAk64

Donetsk: #Zakharchenko can not calm the residents. Some people begin to disperse, others provide further questions. https://twitter.com/aa_borodulin/status/610394528084828160 …

Zaharchenko promises the residents of Oktyabrsky, whose homes have been destroyed, a safe place to stay. #Doentsk pic.twitter.com/wsJJsGsGQB

People in Donetsk stage a peace protest. For the first time since the war began https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/15/hundreds-attend-first-large-peace-protest-in-eastern-ukraine …

Local residents call out:'Stop the war' 'Give our destroyed housing back' 'Away with you all'

novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html … About 500 people turn out for anti-war protest in Donetsk. Zakharchenko addresses the crowd, who yell & interrupt him
Donetsk resident in flash rally against DNR's use of residential quarters as shelling launch-sites; "get out of here" http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html …

Protesters in Donetsk say terrorists shell from residential areas and these are hit in response: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1694493.html …

That's what I've said about, they demand to 'fling back UKR arty' according to Lifenews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B12Y7jr0Ylg&feature=youtu.be …

More commenting on this topic----

youtube.com/watch?v=9GmN7HHo2VY … Surprise! #Donetsk's #Russia-picked #Zakharchenko cornered by war-ravaged locals. pic.twitter.com/cxNZ5irXTB
Looks like Donetsk's already famous "anti-war" rally also featured people calling to push back Ukrainian troops.

Anti-war rally in #Donetsk (unclear who organized)
Zakharchenko: What's your name?
Lady: No way! So that I get shot?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkDWt_oAk64&feature=youtu.be …

06-15-2015, 01:58 PM
It is interesting to see how the American “Left” is positioning itself over the Ukraine.

Even though this writer is American—he words and arguments are largely the same ones being used by Russian propaganda.

It also appears that the American “Left” still is roaming the world in search of something that does not exist and fell apart in 1991.

Russian propaganda 4Ds--dismiss, distract, distort, dismay ---all designed to create 2Ds--distrust and doubt.


Kiev Pronounces Minsk Agreement Dead
June 14th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

It was dead on arrival like the two previous 2014 ceasefire agreements - not worth the paper they were written on despite Russia and Donbass freedom fighters fully observing them.

The Kiev Post is a junta regime house organ. Its reports are virtual press releases. Independent journalism is banned in Ukraine.

Regime approved views alone are permitted. Violators risk harassment, arrests, imprisonment or death.

On June 5, the Kiev Post headlined Minsk is Dead: Now What?"

The broadsheet turned truth on its head claiming a nonexistent "Russia(n) renewed military offensive in eastern Ukraine provides the latest evidence that the Kremlin violates the Minsk II peace agreement at will."

Fact: No so-called "Russian aggression" exists - not now or earlier. Claims otherwise are Big Lies.

Fact: The whole world knows Kiev and Washington bear full responsibility for naked aggression on Donbass. It continues daily.

The Kiev Post called prospects for peace dim. It failed to explain why. It lied claiming "Russian-separatist forces launched a renewed assault on…Maryinka."

Kiev and Washington bear full responsibility for all acts of aggression on Donbass. Self-defense forces respond only in self-defense as international law allows.

Illegitimate Kiev prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk lied claiming Russia "order(ed) its terrorists" to attack Ukrainian forces. Truth is polar opposite - what Western leaders and echo chamber media refuse to acknowledge despite clear irrefutable evidence.

The rest of the Kiev Post's report was full of rubbish blaming Donbass freedom fighters for blatant junta crimes.

On June 11, Russia's Foreign Ministry accused Washington of destabilizing Ukraine in a statement saying:

"Unlike Russia, the United States not only fails to make any real efforts to resolve the crisis in Ukraine and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the (eastern) Luhansk and Donetsk regions, but in fact it spurs the current authorities in Kiev to continue the fratricidal civil conflict."

On June 10, Kiev for the first time claimed Russia occupies Donbass (the so-called Anti-Terrorist Zone). A letter signed by its illegitimate foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin states:

"Taking into account the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which took place with the participation of regular (units) of the Armed Forces of the RF and the illegal armed formations, which are directed, ruled and financed by the Russian Federation, an anti-terrorist operation is being carried out…"

"The Russian Federation, which in fact occupied separate territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions and carries out management of them, bears full responsibility for the provision and protection of human rights in these territories in accordance with the international humanitarian legislation and internationally established human rights."

Kiev blames Russia for its own high crimes. It outrageous accused Moscow of seizing control of 169 Ukrainian municipalities.

On June 10, Tass reported Ukraine intending to impose a complete food, transport and financial blockade on Donbass based on pending legislation, according to Ukrainian Choice public movement leader Viktor Medvedchuk.

This means Donbass residents "will be left by the state to their devices," he explained. Kiev "is not even trying to launch the negotiation process with the Donetsk and Lugansk republics."

Meanwhile, Russians overwhelmingly support Putin. Recent Pew Research poll numbers showed his approval rating reached 88%.

His Ukraine policy has 83% popular support. Relations with China are supported by 90% of Russians, and his US agenda got an 85% approval rating.Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


06-15-2015, 03:27 PM

#Russia passports handed out in #Transnistria as Russian media claim #Ukraine planning war: http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1434310866 … pic.twitter.com/OiXRG8xcYO

Read here abt Russia's incredible claims that Ukraine is planning to attack Transnistria. Russia's purpose not clear http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1434310866 …

06-15-2015, 03:28 PM
Sweden Denounces Russias Unpredictable Airspace Provocations http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-sweden-denounces-russias-unpredictable-airspace-provocations … pic.twitter.com/6lXOk8ie4I

Has Givi died from his wounds?
https://twitter.com/raging545/status/610450898687512576 …

Report: #Givi the leader of the "battalion "Somalia" DOA after a shell hit the militant's HQ in #Donetsk http://patrioty.org.ua/likaryam-ne-vdalosya-vryatuvati-givi-boyovik-koshmar-povidomiv-pro-smert-svogo-bosa/ …

Zakharchenko: DNR is an independent country and will not be part of Ukraine http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-zakharchenko-dnr--is-an-independent-country-and-wont … via @EgoRZemtsoV

And it is a violation of Minsk agreement. There are no "DNR" or "LNR" there https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/610466297474846720 …

06-15-2015, 03:51 PM

Putin’s unrealizable dream vs. his all too-real nightmare

2015/06/15 •

That Vladimir Putin lives in a different reality than do other world leaders is now more or less common ground. Now, two commentators have described respectively what the Kremlin leader dreams about and what his worst nightmare might turn out to be.

In a commentary of Kyiv’s “Novoye vremya,” Yury Felshtinsky, a Russian historian who now lives in the US, says that Putin’s dream is that the world will treat his Russia as having a status equal to that of the United States, something the writer says is beyond his capacity to achieve.

For Putin, Felshtinsky says, “the US is the main problem. Not Chechnya, not Georgia and not Ukraine.” But he has a problem: “Perhaps America would be glad to recognize Russia as an equal partner but Russia has nothing besides Gazprom, and the earnings of Gazprom are less than those of the American company Apple.”

“America has no ideology regarding Russia. It wants to see Russia as it wants to see everyone else as a peaceful and reliable partner in politics and business,” he continues. However, “there cannot be relations of parity between the two because Russia in the literal sense is not a great power. It exports raw materials and imports everything else.”

“Over the course of the last century,” he writes, Russia “has destroyed its farmers and its own intellectuals, carried out the terror famine in Ukraine, and conducted a global purge of its own Soviet communist nomenklatura and army. And the Soviet Union fought with Hitler only because the latter attacked it.”

In contrast, “Washington dreams only about one thing” – that Russia will stop causing problems. “No one ever expected anything good from Russia, only something bad,” although when periods of a warming of the relationship happen, “all are ready to accept this as a long-term strategic change and look with hope into the eyes of Putin, a KGB guy who, as President Bush said, one could believe.”

“Unfortunately,” he writes, “ordinary Americans on the whole do not think or know anything about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: if you turn on the main American television channels, you won’t hear about Crimea, Luhansk or the Donbas.”

And when Putin annexed Crimea, “almost all world leaders indicated to Putin that they were ready to recognize the annexation if Putin would declare an end to his plans for seizing the territory of the former Soviet republics.” Putin spat in their faces, declaring the existence of a Russian world that he would defend and denying that Ukraine was a state at all.

But now it is clear that Putin’s Russia doesn’t have the resources to carry out his threats. “There is a lot of boldness, bluffing, and even more bad behavior, but the boorishness of Zhirinovsky and Rogozin won’t help you to take on America.” What you can do and what Putin has done is to harm Russia.”

“One can intimidate the entire world with nuclear weapons; one can help Iran and North Korea; one can kill Nemtsov; one can poison Kara-Murza; and one can ban the import of sprats from the Baltics,” Felshtinsky says. But those who will suffer as a result of this ban are not the Balts but the Russians.

Putin, of course, “is thinking in other categories. This is already not about money; it is about eternity, empire and glory. Putin has to prepare Russia for global isolation from the West in the case of the beginning of a major war. Sprats are a serious test of Russians’ firmness, because if they are not ready to live without sprats, they won’t fight for Putin. But if they will, then they will be able to do everything else.”

“The time for talks with Russia, unfortunately, has passed,” Felshtinsky concludes. “Russia does not plan to reach agreement with the West, but the West sincerely does not understand how one can reach an agreement with a negotiating partner if he does not plan to agree on anything.”

If Putin’s dream is to have his country be treated as the equal of the United States, his nightmare is that he is on course to become a second Gorbachev and preside over the disintegration of his country into a plethora of smaller states with himself ousted from the stage of big politics and history.

In a comment on Ekho Moskvy, Aleksandr Goldfarb, the head of the Litvinenko Foundation in London, says that there are some good reasons why Putin may have such fears. The Soviet Union fell apart “quickly and unexpectedly” because of the coming together of five factors: there was a war in Afghanistan, a collapse in oil prices, the non-existence of the Soviet economy, corruption and cynicism among the elite, and pressure from the West.

Now, all five of these have been recreated: there is a war in Ukraine, a collapse in oil prices, a systemic economic crisis, corruption and “colossal income differentiation,” and Western sanctions and “a course directed at isolating Russia.”

“Economists predict,” Goldfarb says, “that the stabilization fund will run out of money within a year, that then inflation will reach 25 percent and social dissatisfaction will rise. Oil apparently isn’t going to become more expensive. The Ukrainian fiasco will be no smaller than [the Soviet one] in Afghanistan, and the West will not weaken sanctions.”

Moreover, he continues, “whatever anyone says, [the West] has clearly adopted a course directed at regime change” in Russia. “In this situation, Putin has three options.”

First, he can leave office and transfer power to one of his slightly less corrupt comrades in arms, hoping against hope that they won’t turn him over to the international court even as they reverse his policies and his support disappears “like smoke.”

Second, Putin can “tighten the screws, extend the war, completely break with the West and build a mobilization economy.” That could extend his rule for “many years,” but he could achieve these things only by instituting the kind of purges of his colleagues that Stalin used to maintain his power.

And “finally” there is “the third path: do nothing and await the collapse of the economy, an uncontrolled disintegration with an unpredictable outcome” as the situation spins “out of control.”

06-15-2015, 03:53 PM
OSCE in Vienna is holding a conference on journalism in conflict/war zones and the protection of journalists.

Propaganda is not the main problem, the main problem is double standards - a key message from Russian delegation #journosafeOSCE Weird!

Russian delegation complains about 'double standards': why everybody trash their propaganda, but ignore Ukrainian

Russian delegation attack Ukraine at #journosafeOSCE. But there are 35 of us from Ukraine. We will answer

Ban of Russian channels, detention of journos from Russia, arrests of anti-war reporters in Ukraine, Russian rep complains

Sweden to the OSCE @SwedeninATOSCE
@OSCE @OSCE_RFoM #JournoSafeOSCE apparently also an arena for Russian misinformation: laughter around the room as we hear known narrative

#Russia rep to #OSCE: "propaganda can be different" , "Russia is the only OSCE place where there is NO crisis #journosafeOSCE

There are multiply audible smirks at #journosafeOSCE while Russian rep goes on with a primary example of whataboutism pic.twitter.com/ZeLA3a1M1Q

Russian oppositional journalist was surprised to see Russian propaganda on #journosafeOSCE - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153397318215987&set=a.10150752236630987.460829.751205986&type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/8l2QkuoX9V

Russia brought their fantasy books about some concentration camps in Ukraine. Again. They do this again after Belgrad. #journosafeOSCE

As tension rises in room, Russian commenter says: "What ever we don't like, we call propaganda." #journosafeOSCE

A participant has just accused the OSCE of deliberately displaying "anti-Russian" tweets at #journosafeOSCE conference :) Nonsense.

Russian delegation accuses me, @StankoNastya of hijacking #journosafeOSCE hashtag, being paid by 'intl Russophobic orgs' whatever it means ��

06-15-2015, 03:53 PM
100+ Hectares On Fire After Grad Attack Near Tryokhizbenka - Forestry Agency http://bit.ly/1cVUU1W pic.twitter.com/6gjL4z8Y9m

Constant attacks on #Pisky, among them 120 mm mortar strikes, killed one Ukrainian trooper today.

Russian forces keep shelling #Avdeevka residential areas on a daily basis, using 122 mm artillery.
#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/ixaVBpLKvR

'Novorossiya' Is Not Dead - Separatist Leaders Discuss Unification With Each Other, Not With Ukraine http://bit.ly/1BdEM

Zakharchenko has announced "offensive military exercises" around #Donetsk

Rus OSCE envoy: the real separatists are not #Donbas fighters but those in #Ukraine who impose a blockade on them pic.twitter.com/yFItvYOUrq

Wonder if GWP's cell/mobile signal gave #Ukraine the lock-on to target Givi & his thugs?

06-15-2015, 04:33 PM
Ah........now we know the core demand from Putin--let's see the current list of countries that want to join NATO are the Ukraine, Moldavia, Georgia, and several from the Balkans ---so in fact does Putin want a full veto right over NATO actions and decisions????

A guarantee of no @NATO expansion in the East would significantly reduce tensions in relations between Russia and the West, Kudrin claims.

06-15-2015, 04:58 PM
Two Soldiers Wounded In Lugansk Region As Shells Strike Residential Areas http://bit.ly/1C8XzMk pic.twitter.com/tqfEtHBqcG

#Mariupol 7:35PM
Canonade can be heard in the city.

Today RU forces 33 times shelled UKR positions using almost all types of weapons. Hottest area in Donetsk direction
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1014376448573161&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1014376448573161&__tn__=%2As …

Over the weekend, OSCE recorded 594 explosions in and around Donetsk airport
JUNE 14 REPORT http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/164491 …

Chechen Battalions in #Ukraine (named for Dudaev & Sheikh Mansour) meet and reaffirm their unity https://www.facebook.com/JovharEskar/posts/834280876660161 …

3 #Ukrainian soldiers killed & 2 wounded in combats near #Maryinka today

Here's the alleged [telephone] denial from Givi.. (via Kremlin outlet LifeNews)

S.Koshkina,@lb_ua, rep. of #Russia's special forces arrived to #Ukraine during #Maidan at least 3 times pic.twitter.com/f36pUmZLq7

Once more - breaking down Russia's foreign propaganda outlets. pic.twitter.com/XVJMG6JP3n

Interesting in that Russia has not confirmed that they have withdrawn the Iskanders from Kaliningrad that it stationed there during a recent snap exercise. They went in but no one can confirm they came out.

#Russia blackmails #West by #Iskanders in #Kaliningrad & changes in force posture in #Belarus http://charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ … pic.twitter.com/M1fvKN2rde

06-15-2015, 05:13 PM
More commenting on this topic----

youtube.com/watch?v=9GmN7HHo2VY … Surprise! #Donetsk's #Russia-picked #Zakharchenko cornered by war-ravaged locals. pic.twitter.com/cxNZ5irXTB
Looks like Donetsk's already famous "anti-war" rally also featured people calling to push back Ukrainian troops.

Anti-war rally in #Donetsk (unclear who organized)
Zakharchenko: What's your name?
Lady: No way! So that I get shot?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkDWt_oAk64&feature=youtu.be …

People @ #Donetsk rally shouted: "Shame on "DPR!" "U made us live shield!" "DPR" betrayed us&took families 2 Rostov!" pic.twitter.com/1cTJGzleTY

GWP spotted in #Donetsk at the anti-war rally, introducing his 'media handler' to a woman :-)
https://youtu.be/FPZ9XkHzCQs?t=2m9s … pic.twitter.com/KQ35DPSc1L

06-15-2015, 05:39 PM
More commenting on this topic----

youtube.com/watch?v=9GmN7HHo2VY … Surprise! #Donetsk's #Russia-picked #Zakharchenko cornered by war-ravaged locals. pic.twitter.com/cxNZ5irXTB
Looks like Donetsk's already famous "anti-war" rally also featured people calling to push back Ukrainian troops.

Anti-war rally in #Donetsk (unclear who organized)
Zakharchenko: What's your name?
Lady: No way! So that I get shot?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkDWt_oAk64&feature=youtu.be …

Telling comment by a so called ethnic Russian Ukrainian----interesting he openly calls the DNR forces cowards for hiding behind civilians

Man says there is no #Minsk, never was; & DPR should go & fight in the fields w/ #Ukraine forces, not at their homeshttps://youtu.be/FPZ9XkHzCQs?t=10s …

Human shields: essentially the man is saying DPR not to use residential areas as cover to fire from, at #Ukraine troops, who fire back.

06-15-2015, 05:41 PM
Ukrainian authorities say 10 soldiers have been killed & 20 wounded in the past 24 hours. equals Escalation

S.Koshkina, Ed @lb_ua: #Crimea annexation & #Odessa 2 May were thoroughly planned by #Russia pic.twitter.com/HzaHWI6eQ5

There is some good painters out there in the big world, thats for sure. pic.twitter.com/DDHjY7hdAp

Russia AND NATO Both Up The Ante, Both Discuss Moving Arms Into Eastern Europe http://bit.ly/1C90u7I pic.twitter.com/nYQ8RyY7jD

.@OSCE_SMM drone spotted 60 tanks, 6 howitzers, 23 APCs in separatist territory E and S of Donetsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-oscesmm-drone-spotted-60-tanks-6-howitzers-23-apcs …

#Russia(n) websites reporting #Putin terrorist "Givi" died from wounds http://myrussianews.ru/politika/smi-glavar-podrazdeleniia-opolchencev-somali-givi-ymer.html … pic.twitter.com/sLfIboaQlr

06-15-2015, 05:55 PM
Russia threatens the US if it stations weapons near the Russian borders BUT then it somehow forgot it signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act…………………..

#Russia blackmails #West by #Iskanders in #Kaliningrad & changes in force posture in #Belarus http://charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ … pic.twitter.com/M1fvKN2rde

#Russia agreed with #NATO PREPOSITIONING in 1997. Check out NATO-Russia Founding Act part IV http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm … pic.twitter.com/jqeu8eVhIp

Part IV Continued…………

NATO reiterates that in the current and foreseeable security environment, the Alliance will carry out its collective defence and other missions by ensuring the necessary interoperability, integration, and capability for reinforcement rather than by additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces. Accordingly, it will have to rely on adequate infrastructure commensurate with the above tasks. In this context, reinforcement may take place, when necessary, in the event of defence against a threat of aggression and missions in support of peace consistent with the United Nations Charter and the OSCE governing principles, as well as for exercises consistent with the adapted CFE Treaty, the provisions of the Vienna Document 1994 and mutually agreed transparency measures. Russia will exercise similar restraint in its conventional force deployments in Europe.

06-15-2015, 06:38 PM
Russia threatens the US if it stations weapons near the Russian borders BUT then it somehow forgot it signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act…………………..

#Russia blackmails #West by #Iskanders in #Kaliningrad & changes in force posture in #Belarus http://charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ … pic.twitter.com/M1fvKN2rde

#Russia agreed with #NATO PREPOSITIONING in 1997. Check out NATO-Russia Founding Act part IV http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm … pic.twitter.com/jqeu8eVhIp

US affirmed Budapest Memo + no NATO for Ukraine in 2009. Nothing scary for Russia til Euromaidan booted Putin puppet https://twitter.com/liveuamap/status/610507600124317697 …

#Russia says will retaliate if U.S. weapons stationed on its borders
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/15/us-russia-usa-europe-idUSKBN0OV17A20150615 …

06-15-2015, 06:40 PM
#Russian neo-nazi identified as paratrooper who took part in #Crimea annexation. READ http://lugansk-news.com/russian-neo-nazi-identified-as-paratrooper-who-took-part-in-crimea-annexation/ … pic.twitter.com/Y0wvaOT5Rf

@LUGANSK_TODAY another soldier from the same unit identified. Read details at http://lugansk-news.com/putin-ghost-army-in-ukraine-meet-viktor-shaforostov-russian-special-forces-soldier-who-captured-council-of-ministers-of-crimea/ … pic.twitter.com/gT0Yd4esyS

06-15-2015, 06:42 PM
Shellings and ground attacks are on again this evening---STILL no response from Obama, Hollande and Merkel

Kirovsk constant explosions can be heard

20:48 #Kirovsk @AngelMorbit Sounds of very massive volleys or explosions

19:41 #Mariupol @priazovsky Rumble fr/#Shyrokyne

19:38 #Horlivka @waringorlovka Quiet

20:55 #Horlivka Kalinovka @HU_belochka Quiet

20:35 #Horlivka @xy_gorlov4an "They warm up"

19:35 #Mariupol @sir_T_Lawrence RUS woke up - distant cannonade

#Shyrokyne this evening, view fr/RUS side @666_mancer pic.twitter.com/anpNBsaUf3

20:20 #Horlivka @eco127127 Shooting or it just seemed?

20:23 RUS src: AGL grenades are landed in the west,Gagarina&19-20 mine

Shyrokyne: 5 wounded via @1inoplanet9nin1

Shyrokyno, tonight https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/610504533307957248 …

Donetsk-Makeevka connecting road: tracked vehicles roar @OSCE_SMM https://twitter.com/TombstoneDjack/status/610502185412128768 …

Avdeevka, complete silence, easy to explain - DPR asked for silence till 17:00 https://twitter.com/bamr69/status/610463327572099073 …

Right Sector reported 1 KIA today at #Shyrokyno

De facto, #Russia's regular army engages #Ukraine directly (special ops). So proxies or collaborators? pic.twitter.com/7hwYRSS06D

From midnight to 6 pm, Russian forces conducted 33 attacks vs. the Ukrainian line of defense. 27 in #Donetsk and 6 in #Luhansk region.

21:26 #Horlivka @tgorlovka In Komsomolets one can hear mortar rounds and small arms shots

Shyrokine: ruscists are attacking UA positions RIGHT NOW @OSCE_SMM

3 #Ukraine soldiers killed, 2 wounded by #Russia|n forces in #Marinka today.

In all their Glory
#DNR, #LNR, #novorossiya #russia
Their "fallen heroes" pic.twitter.com/zbNQaZYa4c

06-15-2015, 06:59 PM
Russia threatens the US if it stations weapons near the Russian borders BUT then it somehow forgot it signed the NATO-Russia Founding Act…………………..

#Russia blackmails #West by #Iskanders in #Kaliningrad & changes in force posture in #Belarus http://charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ … pic.twitter.com/M1fvKN2rde

#Russia agreed with #NATO PREPOSITIONING in 1997. Check out NATO-Russia Founding Act part IV http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm … pic.twitter.com/jqeu8eVhIp

NATO plans to store equip for 150 men per Baltic country. Russia: "No choice, must deploy Iskanders in Kaliningrad" http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/15/us-russia-usa-europe-idUSKBN0OV17A20150615?utm_source=twitter …

Jorge Benitez: Putin wants to intimidate "the US & Western Europeans to respect Russia's sphere of influence" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

.@NATOSource director Jorge Benitez: Putin "relies on threats & coercion because he believes they work" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

Benitez: "The more Putin uses military units to try to bully the West, the more he galvanizes Western opposition" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

Spiral theorists, get your popcorn. Russia will deploy reinforcements to the border, if NATO adds tanks to the Balts https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/15/russia-will-retaliate-if-us-stations-new-tanks-in-eastern-europe …

Russia tells U.S. that Baltic 'aggression' will get 'land, sea and air response' #Kaliningrad. http://ln.is/tumblr.com/J1Owa …

Russia blackmails EU by Iskanders in Kaliningrad and “changes in force grouping” in Belarus - Charter'97 15 Jun http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ …

Belarus and China hold joint exercise Dashing Eagle 2015 at Brestsky 15-27 June near EU borders - Charter'97 15 Jun http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155576/ …

@Guderian_Xaba According to Kremlin logic, YES. NATO is to equip an entire company in each Baltic state --> Iskanders necessary.

06-15-2015, 07:01 PM
Telling comment by a so called ethnic Russian Ukrainian----interesting he openly calls the DNR forces cowards for hiding behind civilians

Man says there is no #Minsk, never was; & DPR should go & fight in the fields w/ #Ukraine forces, not at their homeshttps://youtu.be/FPZ9XkHzCQs?t=10s …

Human shields: essentially the man is saying DPR not to use residential areas as cover to fire from, at #Ukraine troops, who fire back.

#Donetsk rally 2day was arranged by Natalia Vitrenko's Socialist party,whose members are now "DPR MPs".Curves of fate pic.twitter.com/sFcAwGkQFI

Another Kremlin Propagandist who tweets exactly the opposite why people protested pic.twitter.com/yn1Gan1GVe

youtube.com/watch?v=q1Afj_hZaqo … Woman:'We need peace!' #Zakharchenko: 'You want #Ukraine to put you in a concentration camp?' pic.twitter.com/G3oHvzaG34

06-15-2015, 07:07 PM
Shellings and ground attacks are on again this evening---STILL no response from Obama, Hollande and Merkel

Kirovsk constant explosions can be heard

20:48 #Kirovsk @AngelMorbit Sounds of very massive volleys or explosions

19:41 #Mariupol @priazovsky Rumble fr/#Shyrokyne

19:38 #Horlivka @waringorlovka Quiet

20:55 #Horlivka Kalinovka @HU_belochka Quiet

20:35 #Horlivka @xy_gorlov4an "They warm up"

19:35 #Mariupol @sir_T_Lawrence RUS woke up - distant cannonade

#Shyrokyne this evening, view fr/RUS side @666_mancer pic.twitter.com/anpNBsaUf3

20:20 #Horlivka @eco127127 Shooting or it just seemed?

20:23 RUS src: AGL grenades are landed in the west,Gagarina&19-20 mine

Shyrokyne: 5 wounded via @1inoplanet9nin1

Shyrokyno, tonight https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/610504533307957248 …

Donetsk-Makeevka connecting road: tracked vehicles roar @OSCE_SMM https://twitter.com/TombstoneDjack/status/610502185412128768 …

Avdeevka, complete silence, easy to explain - DPR asked for silence till 17:00 https://twitter.com/bamr69/status/610463327572099073 …

Right Sector reported 1 KIA today at #Shyrokyno

De facto, #Russia's regular army engages #Ukraine directly (special ops). So proxies or collaborators? pic.twitter.com/7hwYRSS06D

From midnight to 6 pm, Russian forces conducted 33 attacks vs. the Ukrainian line of defense. 27 in #Donetsk and 6 in #Luhansk region.

21:26 #Horlivka @tgorlovka In Komsomolets one can hear mortar rounds and small arms shots

Shyrokine: ruscists are attacking UA positions RIGHT NOW @OSCE_SMM

Has not be verified---
Heavy fighting in #Shyrokyne this evening. Many #Ukraine fighters wounded.

#Horlivka 21:45
Lenina mine settlement - a lot of ruscist military equipment on move.
Towards Stroitel. https://twitter.com/NeonDok/status/610521420389580800 …

A few tanks from #Makeevka towards #Khartsyzsk https://twitter.com/pandenik/status/610507502594166785 …

Khartsyzk 21:30
Judging by the sound the tanks went towards #Zuhres, #Shakhtarsk https://twitter.com/natroso/status/610517160415358976 …

Luhansk 10:06PM
Towards #Stanitsya_Luhanska rumble again, you can hear it from east https://twitter.com/vzglyd2/status/610523696965533696 …

06-15-2015, 07:28 PM
OSCE Says Violence Continues To Intensify Near Donetsk And Elsewhere http://bit.ly/1JTWtKO

VIDEO Direct hits of Russian artillery on residential building in #Avdiivka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHl3FuJQ6ig … pic.twitter.com/xwWzQVTPS5

youtube.com/watch?v=q1Afj_hZaqo … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi7a2olZBM8 … #Zakharchenko calls for offensive, then says it's what #Ukraine plans pic.twitter.com/VW4LpgLlPL

Kremlin's proxy in occupied Donbas, Andrei Purgin: Unification of DPR and LPR is possible in principle. http://novosti.dn.ua/details/252626/

#Belarus started drills near the border with Ukraine pic.twitter.com/H6cHbGOJUS http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-belarus-started-command-post-teaching-near-the-border …

In the meantime Russia keeps a bunch of soldiers and heavy equipment on both sides of Ukraine border. But that's OK. https://twitter.com/HuffingtonPost/status/610469345978896387 …

06-15-2015, 07:42 PM
NATO plans to store equip for 150 men per Baltic country. Russia: "No choice, must deploy Iskanders in Kaliningrad" http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/15/us-russia-usa-europe-idUSKBN0OV17A20150615?utm_source=twitter …

Jorge Benitez: Putin wants to intimidate "the US & Western Europeans to respect Russia's sphere of influence" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

.@NATOSource director Jorge Benitez: Putin "relies on threats & coercion because he believes they work" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

Benitez: "The more Putin uses military units to try to bully the West, the more he galvanizes Western opposition" http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/is-russia-brinkmanship-the-new-norm …

Spiral theorists, get your popcorn. Russia will deploy reinforcements to the border, if NATO adds tanks to the Balts https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/15/russia-will-retaliate-if-us-stations-new-tanks-in-eastern-europe …

Russia tells U.S. that Baltic 'aggression' will get 'land, sea and air response' #Kaliningrad. http://ln.is/tumblr.com/J1Owa …

Russia blackmails EU by Iskanders in Kaliningrad and “changes in force grouping” in Belarus - Charter'97 15 Jun http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155565/ …

Belarus and China hold joint exercise Dashing Eagle 2015 at Brestsky 15-27 June near EU borders - Charter'97 15 Jun http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2015/6/15/155576/ …

@Guderian_Xaba According to Kremlin logic, YES. NATO is to equip an entire company in each Baltic state --> Iskanders necessary.


US prepositioning in the Baltics: heavy metal politics and hostages to fortune

by Mark Galeotti

There is much about the present Russo-Western confrontation that is symbolic, even when it comes to the tanks rumbling around the Baltic plans or the Russian aircraft screaming past and sometimes into NATO airspace. Essentially, it is a combination of the macho posture of alpha male animals, trying to overawe their rival by any means short of the murderous, and the stately diplomatic dance of hint, demarche and denunciation, in heavy metal form.

Consider, for example, the likely deployment of heavy equipment in the Baltic states, a pre-deployment of enough kit for a full brigade. More than anything else, this is a piece of theatre intended to reassure the Balts that they would not be left high and dry if the big, bad Russians ever invaded, and warn Moscow that Washington is indeed serious about its obligations to its NATO allies.

In military terms, after all, it is harder to see this as serious. Why? All this hardware is pretty pointless without (a) the 5,000 or soldiers to go with it and (b) without the time to take the tanks and other pieces of kit out of storage and get them ready for action -- even at the most basic level, they need fuel, ammunition and other consumables. Presumably if -- and I don't believe this would ever happen -- the Russians ever were to invade the Baltic states, they would do so through a surprise blitzkrieg, as one of their massive military "exercises" on the borders suddenly reveals itself to be an intervention force. I can't see Moscow feeling the need to give NATO fair warning and notice!

The sad truth is that the Baltic states are pretty much impossible to defend in purely military terms. The borders are open, the terrain is pretty flat, the settlements small. That in no way minimizes the determination of the Balts, and the Russians would have to expect subsequent bitter guerrilla warfare as patriots fight back from the woods or in the cities, but Moscow's ability to take the region in the first instant is hard to question.

The corollary? It is that, in purely military terms, Washington is prepositioning a cache of modern weapons for the Russians to capture.

Of course, the point is that this is not what anyone expects to happen: if -- again, let's stress that if -- Russia chose to step up its aggression against the Baltic states, it is almost certain to be through indirect, covert or deniable means, not a storm of armour and airpower. The calculation in Washington is that at least by pretending to make a serious military commitment to the Baltic states (and one which makes it certain and obvious that any Russian offensive will bring it into face-to-face contact with US soldiers), it deters Moscow from any such moves. And so we have another demonstration of the many ways in which if not war but military force can be the instrument for politics by other means.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Moscow warns #US not to store military hardware near #Russian border - http://bit.ly/1MX9xiw @RusEmbUSA

06-15-2015, 07:57 PM
Ongoing battle, we have 1 KIA, 5 WIA.
#Mariupol https://twitter.com/sviritat/status/610525473462947841 …

#Mariupol 22:05
3 ambulances just rushed towards #Shyrokyno https://twitter.com/PozyvnoiMol/status/610527553078607872 …

A lot of military equipment of militants on Lenin Avenue in Horlivka http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/15-june-a-lot-of-military-equipment-of-militants-on-lenin …

#Berezove checkpoint on #Donetsk-#Mariupol road closed, because of heavy ruscist shelling. https://twitter.com/Darren_Aro/status/610529073840955395 …

21:45 #Shakhtarsk @Helgi__UA 7 Ural trucks, 1 BTR, 1 minibus, 1 jeep fr/#Donetsk direction eastwards

20:40 #Kirovsk @AngelMorbit Distant volleys
@thisnameerror Fr/checkpoint in #Irmino,today also Grad fired fr/there at 25th cp

This pro-Russian terrorist brags that she has killed 24 Ukrainian soldiers in battle & 2 POWs. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3124278/Ukrainian-female-sniper-reveals-went-tax-worker-pro-Russian-executioner-killed-two-prisoners-begged-lives.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline … pic.twitter.com/tGHLXvSdgF

21:30 #Alchevsk @GirkinGirkin Active troops movement at checkpoint in Volgogradska St

22:46 #Stakhanov @yellowbtr A covered Grad cruises around #Stakhanov

19:59 #Alchevsk @protiv_voiny Along Kirova St "8-10 tankettes" sped tow/#Perevalsk

Alchevsk @GirkinGirkin "20:00 UPD: there were 12 brand-new BMPs" https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/610537295675027457 …

21:56 #Horlivka @_John__Carter_ West. Closer and closer

21:55 #Horlivka 245th block @NeonDok Many mil vehicles are going along Lenina Ave

06-15-2015, 09:19 PM
#Analysis #Map
Artillery fire clearly coming from the north.
Thanks to @Tim__Lock for geolocating it. pic.twitter.com/tWOHgyxMCs

QUIZ! Go to NATO -Russia Founding Act.Find a sentence #Russia HAS NOT violated. CLAIM A PRIZE! http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm … pic.twitter.com/zvkf4jUtzn

Pro-invasion TV claims, #Ukraine uses phosphorus shells vs them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRYkIdvjrv0 …

23:46 #Luhansk @LuhanskJunta Again one can hear RUS cannons, not fr/Zmiyina_Hora[near Stanytsia] as usually, further.Too dull

23:40 #Donetsk @donetskye Single 122mm shot fr/Azotny area

#Shyrokyno - Ukr soldier shooting with AGL on russian positions https://youtu.be/4OYLTFwr7o4

#Shyrokyne battle footage - the chechens from Sheikh Mansour battalion firing at russians https://youtu.be/ZwkKLdespso

By refusing to honor ECHR verdict in YUKOS case, Russia is consciously seeking to be kicked out of Council of Europe http://top.rbc.ru/politics/15/06/2015/557f149f9a794723d5e1b78f …
Seems as if Russia is trying to save themselves 50B USDs as that is the penalty that had to pay in the YUKOS case.

23:20 #Shakhtarsk @Helgi__UA 5 BMP fr/#Donetsk eastwards

At #Stanitsya_Luhanska serious battle https://twitter.com/xyevii_kharkov/status/610539212572618752 …

Shakhtarsk 23:10
5x BMP from #Donetsk towards east. https://twitter.com/Helgi__UA/status/610542470015885313 …

Through #Horlivka center in direction of #Dzerzhynsk passed armor, artillery, but they are silent until now. https://twitter.com/nativesss1/status/610539025745747968 …

#Russia|n troops attack #Stanytsia #Luhanska after shelling of #Ukraine Army positions

Lithuanian_MoD @Lithuanian_MoD
Russia has been long concentrating its modern military equipment near the borders of the #BalticStates. Nothing new is in the RU claims

#Russia's F/Min warns US plan 2 site heavy weaponry close 2 its borders cld lead 2 "new military stand-off with poss dangerous consequences"

06-16-2015, 04:47 AM
UN High Commission for Human Rights notes collapse of law&order in DNR /LNR: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16077&LangID=E …

#Donbas is waking up
Local women in occupied #Donbas to invader (or puppet): "LEAVE US ALONE!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RGaYpsvXM …
He just walks away.

#Russia playing its favourite game of "let's fly a reconnaissance plane with transponder switched off" over Lithuania
http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/nato-jets-alerted-by-russian-plane-over-lithuania.d?id=68254410 …

06-16-2015, 04:48 AM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 6.15

Posted on June 15, 2015

Operational data from Information Resistance:

Over the past weekend (June 13-14, 2015), the activities of the Russian-terrorist forces in Donbas have intensified. The positions of Ukrainian troops, as well as settlements under the control of Ukrainian authorities, were shelled with heavy weapons; in several sectors, enemy infantry groups have attempted to move towards the positions of Ukrainian troops (all such attempts were stopped by the ATO forces’ fire).

During the last 24 hours, we observed fire strikes from 120-mm mortars and 122-mm artillery on the settlements of Opytne, Vodyane, Pisky, Krasnohorivka, Mar’inka, and Avdiivka (continuous shelling throughout the entire day). To the south of Donetsk (in the vicinity of Novomykhaylivka, Slavne, and Stepne), terrorists have used BM-21 Grad MLRS. In the same area, the enemy used tanks (a group of 5-6 vehicles was spotted near Opytne and to the southwest of the settlement; a tank group was also operating in the vicinity of Novomykhaylivka, after transferring there from Dokuchajevsk through Olenivka). Enemy infantry groups made attempts to pull forward to the positions of Ukrainian troops. Overall, we observed significant reinforcement of Russian-terrorist troops operating in the direction of Mar’inka and south of it, and to the north in the direction of Krasnohorivka.

In the vicinity of Nova Laspa and Starohnativka, the terrorists attempted to attack the advanced positions of the ATO forces using several infantry groups operating under cover of 120-mm mortar fire. After the ATO forces opened dense retaliatory fire, insurgents employed 122-mm artillery. Nevertheless, the ATO forces succeeded in pushing the insurgent infantry groups back to their original lines.

In the Artemivsk sector (near Zolote, Popasna, and Novozvanivka), insurgents fired at the positions of Ukrainian troops using AGS-17 grenade launchers, as well as 120-mm and 82-mm mortars. Fire strikes were carried out on the front echelons of the ATO forces, and in several instances – on [Ukrainian troop] strongholds.

In the vicinity of Luhanske [a settlement in Donetsk Oblast not to be confused with the city of Luhansk], insurgents continue using tanks and mortars in tandem. The enemy is trying to methodically destroy the advanced positions of the ATO forces in order to prevent the consolidation of Ukrainian troops on the positions occupied by the latter.

North of Troitske, insurgents employed BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher systems (2 units).

Almost all Ukrainian troop positions along the arc north of Donetske, from Novotoshkivka to Trokhizbenka (including Krymske, Sokilnyky, and Prychepylivka) were shelled and attacked during the past 24 hours. In this area, the enemy employed the forces of three mobile fire groups, which included armored vehicles (3-4 tanks and 4-5 armored combat vehicles in each), ZU-23-2 mobile anti-aircraft systems, and mortars mounted on vehicles. Terrorist infantry groups attempted to approach the advanced positions of the ATO forces, supported by AGS-17 grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. The terrorists also used several BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers (BTR-70 and BTR-80) to give direct support to their infantry groups northeast of the Bakhmut motorway.

During the past 24 hours in the Seaside [Mariupol] sector, insurgents shelled the objects and positions of ATO forces in the vicinity of Shyrokyne, as well as positions located north and northwest of that settlement (including near Pavlopil and Chermalyk). The terrorists mainly used small arms and AGS-17; however, by nightfall, the insurgents deployed two batteries of 2S1 122-mm self-propelled artillery guns and up to four Grad-P 9P132 (“Partisan”) [Grad-P Light portable rocket system] units towards Bezymenne, and used them to fire directly on ATO forces’ positions near Shyrokyne, as well as on the road leading to that settlement from the northwest.

Movements of insurgent vehicles and personnel:

• An insurgent unit (450-500 personnel, in several groups) has been transferred to the vicinity of Horlivka, through Yasynuvata and Yenakijeve. Artillery is being transferred as well (six 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled guns and five D-30 howitzers spotted over the last 24 hours);

• Two Tor-M1 anti-aircraft units transferred through Shakhtarsk. The convoy was escorted by two BTR-80 armored personnel carriers and 3 Kamaz trucks;

• Three Strela-10M self-propelled artillery systems were spotted on the stretch between Sadove and Khartsyzk;

• A local insurgent unit (at least 550 personnel in total) is being transferred from Alchevsk to Debaltseve in small groups (5-6 trucks in each);

• A convoy (four BTR-80 armored personnel carriers and four 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery guns) moved through Alchevsk in the direction of the Isakivske reservoir;

• South of Luhansk, we spotted 20 trucks with pontoon equipment (with the tactical numbers wiped on all of them).

06-16-2015, 07:46 AM
Russian humor:

Ukraine didn't shoot down a Russian drone. It's pro-Russian drone bought by concerned locals in a Donetsk flea market pic.twitter.com/9fP6aGzy9C

Russian military drone shot down over Ukraine. Surely another homemade product by some elderly knitting group ladies angry at Kiev

More humor----
Today in 1940 USSR invades Estonia to prevent it "forming an anti-Soviet alliance". Thus were the Estonians liberated from themselves

06-16-2015, 07:47 AM
List of shame. AKA members of new far right EU Parliament bloc, “Europe of Nations & Freedoms”http://www.politico.eu/article/frances-national-front-forms-bloc-in-european-parliament/ … pic.twitter.com/QiKPZfXwit

Evidence RUSSIAN GRU SOLDIERS posed as #UA BERKUT on MAIDAN @SimonOstrovsky @Max_Fisher @maxseddon http://tinyurl.com/FalseBerkut

#Russians are sacrificing freedom for greatness but are getting neither.
themoscowtimes.com/opinion/opinion/article/russians-crave-greatness-but-at-what-cost/523686.html …

06-16-2015, 07:49 AM
And the shellings and ground attacks just keep on --well into now a full week and YET still no response from Obama, Hollande, Merkel--how strange is that??

Heavy Russian shelling continues in eastern Ukraine. In the last 24 hours, 2 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, and several more were wounded.

Yesterday in the evening militants drastically intensified activities: fired 30 times at Ukr forces till midnight https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1014772605200212 …

#Shyrokyno 15.06.2015
2 KIA (update) https://twitter.com/sex_Dombas/status/610511410469171201 …

03:05am #Sumy: Blast in Svoboda party office https://youtu.be/f02AwKrrhqg http://www.0542.ua/news/858575 pic.twitter.com/PvT4d7kdkq

Another reported Ukrainian engagement with a Spetsnaz unit—
2 #Ukrainian servicemen KIA, 2 WIA in fighting w/ militant subversive group near Kryakivka, #Luhansk region http://moskal.in.ua/?categoty=news&news_id=1828 …

@Guderian_Xaba The enemy group snuck in Ukr controlled territory from the right bank of the Seversky Donets river. pic.twitter.com/Mvjipz2XR3

Gov. Moskal: Near #Kryakivka (#Trokhizbenka) there was a battle with russian sabotage and recon group, 2 Ukr soldiers KIA and 2 WIA, heavy fighting ensued

Also at about 5am thus morning militants bombarded positions of the Ukrainian military in Shyrokyne with 120-mm mortars - Sector M spox

Over last 24 hours RU forces attacked UKR positions in Sector M 10 times. Used artillery, mortars. 2 soldiers wounded
http://www.mariupol.tv/news/war/mariupol/4460/pod_mariupolem_raneny_dvoe_voennosluzhashih.html …

Result of Rus GRAD MLRS attack on Trehizbenka
http://moskal.in.ua/index.php?categoty=news&news_id=1829 … pic.twitter.com/8RWjdIXhlp

06-16-2015, 07:54 AM
And the shellings and ground attacks just keep on --well into now a full week and YET still no response from Obama, Hollande, Merkel--how strange is that??

Heavy Russian shelling continues in eastern Ukraine. In the last 24 hours, 2 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, and several more were wounded.

Yesterday in the evening militants drastically intensified activities: fired 30 times at Ukr forces till midnight https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1014772605200212 …

#Shyrokyno 15.06.2015
2 KIA (update) https://twitter.com/sex_Dombas/status/610511410469171201 …

03:05am #Sumy: Blast in Svoboda party office https://youtu.be/f02AwKrrhqg http://www.0542.ua/news/858575 pic.twitter.com/PvT4d7kdkq

Another reported Ukrainian engagement with a Spetsnaz unit—
2 #Ukrainian servicemen KIA, 2 WIA in fighting w/ militant subversive group near Kryakivka, #Luhansk region http://moskal.in.ua/?categoty=news&news_id=1828 …

@Guderian_Xaba The enemy group snuck in Ukr controlled territory from the right bank of the Seversky Donets river. pic.twitter.com/Mvjipz2XR3

Gov. Moskal: Near #Kryakivka (#Trokhizbenka) there was a battle with russian sabotage and recon group, 2 Ukr soldiers KIA and 2 WIA, heavy fighting ensued

Also at about 5am thus morning militants bombarded positions of the Ukrainian military in Shyrokyne with 120-mm mortars - Sector M spox

Over last 24 hours RU forces attacked UKR positions in Sector M 10 times. Used artillery, mortars. 2 soldiers wounded
http://www.mariupol.tv/news/war/mariupol/4460/pod_mariupolem_raneny_dvoe_voennosluzhashih.html …

Result of Rus GRAD MLRS attack on Trehizbenka
http://moskal.in.ua/index.php?categoty=news&news_id=1829 … pic.twitter.com/8RWjdIXhlp

Ukr casualty numbers for yday coming in soon. Another bloody day for the army.
I can't understand, Kiev & Europe won't change their stance.

IMHO it seems that Obama, Hollande and Merkel have informed the Ukraine they must hold to a truly failed Minsk 2 at all costs or why else would the Ukraine simply "allow it troops to be killed and wounded daily without a solid form of resistance".

EXAMPLE: yesterday one unit got shelled by 120mm mortars and returned fire with 82mm mortars--AND exactly what is the effective range of a 120mm vs. an 82mm mortar?? --some heck of a resistance as more were wounded.

AT some point the Ukrainian Army on their own and to keep from getting more killed and wounded will fully respond to the Russian attacks.

06-16-2015, 08:09 AM
Well worth downloading the article and reading it as it comes from a Finnish assessment of Russia's non linear warfare (western term hybrid warfare).

We now have more than enough of true evidence with which to analyze the success and or failure of the Russian non linear warfare and in effect the West should be clearly able to both recognize it and to now counter it--only countering the info war piece is still eluding the West.


Russia’s Hybrid War in Ukraine:
Breaking the Enemy’s Ability to Resist

Published 16.6.2015

András Rácz

Download PDF (405 Kb)

Since the change of power in Ukraine in February 2014, Russia has been swift to occupy and annex the Crimean peninsula. In April 2014, separatist riots broke out in Eastern Ukraine, following a very similar pattern to those in Crimea. These actions were accompanied by a strong and intensive, well-coordinated diplomatic, economic and media campaign both in Ukraine and abroad, also supported by pressure exerted by the large Russian military units lined up along the border with Ukraine.

The form of warfare Russia employed in Ukraine in 2014, often called hybrid war, has been aimed at defeating the target country by breaking its ability to resist without actually launching a full-scale military attack. In line with contemporary Russian military thinking on ‘new generation warfare’, hybrid war is built on the combined use of military and non-military means, employing basically the whole spectrum of a state’s policy inventory, including diplomatic, economic, political, social, information and also military means.

This report aims to seek answers to two main research questions. First, what are the main features and characteristics of Russia’s hybrid warfare as conducted in Ukraine? Derived from the first, the second research question is focused on the operational prerequisites for the Russian hybrid war. In other words, is the Russian hybrid war a universal warfare method deployable anywhere, or is it more country or region-specific?

06-16-2015, 08:12 AM
This is interesting if in fact true--could be equally as well Russian disinformation. will monitor to see if more comes out via social media which this came from.

According to Gerashenko and presumably leaked plan, Ru forces Kharkiv 1st https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/610707075249885184 … pic.twitter.com/fyI9Ro4WRI

"On 8,9 April Ru Gen Staff approved plan of capturing of Ukraine up to Dnipro in 15 days"
https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/610706643077210112 … pic.twitter.com/iN5vMhNCKy

Ukrainian deputy MIA Gerashenko: US move troops to Europe cause Putin plans to occupy whole "left bank of Dnipro" http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-gerashenko-us-move-troops-to-europe-cause-putin-plans …

"Leaked plan" more looks like disinformation or "student graduate work", quite low level, though could be draft https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/610709107188830208 …

06-16-2015, 08:26 AM
Will comment on this later today.

Ukraine'll not pay for deliveries of Russian electricity to the occupied territories of Donbass - "Ukrenergo" https://twitter.com/sergvlady/status/610382142829428737 …

In Russian non linear warfare --the use of economic pressure is one of the key factors.

When Russia attacked Georgia and created a "Russian enclave" they supplied the enclave with natural gas and electricity and then suddenly billed Georgia 6B USDs for the outstanding bill.

Russia has repeated the same tactic with the Donbass region--supplying gas and electricity.

BUT here is the big difference the Ukraine fully understands the Russian game--when Gazprom stated they would supply gas the Ukraine waved off on payments using the existing gas delivery contract as the legal argument--meaning the gas is not coming via a certified and approved Ukrainian controlled crossing point and is not being correctly metered by the Ukraine thus the supplies are out of contract bounds and the Ukraine refused to pay and still does refuse.

The Ukraine threatened Gazprom with passing the billing conflict off to the EU anti trust division to be included in the current anti trust violations being charged against Gazprom.

Now the same thing is occurring with electricity and the Ukraine is again using the same argument and will not pay--not within the existing delivery contracts and not metered at the approved Ukrainian controlled locations.

Then the Ukraine not so subtlety points out that the outstanding debt back to the Ukraine owed by Russian for simply taking over Ukrainian property and assets in the Crimea total 367B USDs including an additional 2.6B USD for water, gas and electricity deliveries into the Crimea.

Seems that Russia underestimated the ability of the Ukraine to push back.

06-16-2015, 08:38 AM
A really good piece of EU research on the use of Russian propaganda in 2015.

Worth taking the time to go through it.

Was just released in time for the Vienna OSCE conference on journalism in conflict zones and propaganda.


Perfect example from yesterday as seen in Russian TV.

#Donetsk yday @Serzzze #Footage cut off by Russian TV: #Donetsk residents to militants:"leave us alone!" https://youtu.be/28RGaYpsvXM

06-16-2015, 08:44 AM
From Post 72 and cited in part:
Evidence RUSSIAN GRU SOLDIERS posed as #UA BERKUT on MAIDAN @SimonOstrovsky @Max_Fisher @maxseddon http://tinyurl.com/FalseBerkut

From the link; originator 'eugene7' which is dated nine months ago. In the comments 'fereglovesyou':
All the links you posted show these guys in Crimea. Where are the photos that show them on the Maidan?

'eugene7' responds:
I've just re-checked all links. You are right. I though there were photos from that building with a long corridor police was sleeping in. But it looks like all text about Kiev is actually not confirmed. My bad. Let's wait a bit more and see if more will pop-up.

As I recall other, better photos of the shooters @ Maidan have appeared, although conclusive to some IIRC, others disagreed. It appears plausible that the Berkut contingent from the Crimea, known to have been present @ Maidan, changed sides when Russia asserted itself in the Crimea, hence the photos.

06-16-2015, 08:55 AM
Little know Russian historical aspect of their signing of the Ribbentrop Molotov 1939 treaty that Putin now verbally states was a "good thing for Russia" after he condemned it in 2009.

On April 28 1940, Representatives of the USSR discussed the "Jewish question" with Hitler's representatives in Moscow pic.twitter.com/ya4jdtm7Tn

The USSR agreed to hand over Jews who had fled to the USSR back to German hands. Many of which died in concentration camps

Seems to be at odds with the Russian current view that they have great relations with their Russian Jewish population.

06-16-2015, 09:10 AM
From Post 72 and cited in part:

From the link; originator 'eugene7' which is dated nine months ago. In the comments 'fereglovesyou':

'eugene7' responds:

As I recall other, better photos of the shooters @ Maidan have appeared, although conclusive to some IIRC, others disagreed. It appears plausible that the Berkut contingent from the Crimea, known to have been present @ Maidan, changed sides when Russia asserted itself in the Crimea, hence the photos.

A follow up with a TASS press release from that period.

Crimean Berkut police to preserve name as it incorporates into Russian Interior Ministry

March 24, 17:44 UTC+3

SIMFEROPOL, March 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Crimea’s Berkut police unit incorporated into the Russian Interior Ministry will preserve its old name, Russian Interior Ministry Vladimir Kolokoltsev said at a meeting with the unit’s officers in Simferopol on Monday.

Kolokoltsev said that Berkut had proven to be an efficient and well-functioning unit which showed high level of training and moral strength in hard conditions.
There were indications that after the disbanding of Berkat a number of the Kyiv members fled to the Crimea but that would have been after the Maidan not before. Others remained in Donetsk and formed the mercenary Ghost volunteer BN following the former Ukrainian Commander of Alpha.

In another comment in that thread and right after the shot down of MH17 he (the Ghost BN Commander)openly critiqued the shot down having been conducted by the mercenaries--he later retracted that publicly recorded statement and has not made a single statement for the public since then.

Way back in the first Ukraine military thread just after Crimea there was posted a couple of photos of a Kyiv Berkat member in Russian Spetsnaz uniform in Crimea--and in another Russian VK (FacebooK) page indicating that a member of Spetsnaz had been in the Ukraine prior to the Maidan conducting recons.

The VK page was in fact from a actual Russian Spetsnaz individual not a former Berkat.

NOTE: from a 3 Sept blog comment:

If you wondered, who killed people on #Euromaidan: soldiers from #Russia in #Ukraine uniform!
https://twitter.com/lennutrajektoor/status/507072131424063488 … pic.twitter.com/KZK9ARCrd1

06-16-2015, 09:12 AM
And the shellings and ground attacks just keep on --well into now a full week and YET still no response from Obama, Hollande, Merkel--how strange is that??

Heavy Russian shelling continues in eastern Ukraine. In the last 24 hours, 2 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, and several more were wounded.

Yesterday in the evening militants drastically intensified activities: fired 30 times at Ukr forces till midnight https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1014772605200212 …

#Shyrokyno 15.06.2015
2 KIA (update) https://twitter.com/sex_Dombas/status/610511410469171201 …

03:05am #Sumy: Blast in Svoboda party office https://youtu.be/f02AwKrrhqg http://www.0542.ua/news/858575 pic.twitter.com/PvT4d7kdkq

Another reported Ukrainian engagement with a Spetsnaz unit—
2 #Ukrainian servicemen KIA, 2 WIA in fighting w/ militant subversive group near Kryakivka, #Luhansk region http://moskal.in.ua/?categoty=news&news_id=1828 …

@Guderian_Xaba The enemy group snuck in Ukr controlled territory from the right bank of the Seversky Donets river. pic.twitter.com/Mvjipz2XR3

Gov. Moskal: Near #Kryakivka (#Trokhizbenka) there was a battle with russian sabotage and recon group, 2 Ukr soldiers KIA and 2 WIA, heavy fighting ensued

Also at about 5am thus morning militants bombarded positions of the Ukrainian military in Shyrokyne with 120-mm mortars - Sector M spox

Over last 24 hours RU forces attacked UKR positions in Sector M 10 times. Used artillery, mortars. 2 soldiers wounded
http://www.mariupol.tv/news/war/mariupol/4460/pod_mariupolem_raneny_dvoe_voennosluzhashih.html …

Result of Rus GRAD MLRS attack on Trehizbenka
http://moskal.in.ua/index.php?categoty=news&news_id=1829 … pic.twitter.com/8RWjdIXhlp

09:05 #Horlivka @DobryShubin "No shelling in Horlivka for 2 days and sone dismay seizes [us]"

AND it starts again—maybe the mercenaries just ran out of munitions and had to resupply—at the height of the fighting in Feb 2015 they were firing an average of 150 tons of munitions per day.

10:30 #Donetsk @666_mancer [vk]'Proletarsky:Distant singles for 1/2hr' 'Budenovka hears' 'In City too,dull but clear&massive'

11:30 #Donetsk @BylByleva Distant volleys heard in the center,Leninsky ds
11:35 [vk] Yuzhnye_Sklony (Leninsky): Rumble

11:42 #Donetsk @relictDon Single gunshots fr/Azotny areafor about 15min, small arms was heard before

Ukrainian authorities have the access roads to the #DNR locked again. Only the connection #Donetsk - Gorlovka is open

06-16-2015, 09:25 AM
Is this Russian statement something attune to “calling the kettle black” themselves??

Russian prime minister calls provision of IMF funds to Ukraine ‘large-scale theft’http://www.unian.info/politics/1089843-russian-prime-minister-calls-provision-of-imf-funds-to-ukraine-large-scale-theft.html … pic.twitter.com/8zPoXvtkW9

Putin and his military leadership using non linear warfare--the economic aspect of hybrid warfare assumed based on the lousy Ukrainian economic conditions they could drag out the fighting and thus break the Ukrainian will to resist and give into the concept of a "federalized eastern Ukraine".

Not only has that not happened the IMF contrary to it's on standards is providing the Ukraine with another large billions transfer and has openly stated it will continue to do so--thus ensuring the Ukrainian economy will not collapse as was planned and hoped for by Putin and company.

Which if the figures are correct at a 4-5M USDs a day to fight in eastern Ukraine was a distinct possibility BUT it seems the war costs are also dragging on the Russian side at an estimated 38-51M USDs per day and they have been doing that since August 2014 PLUS having to actually financially support the Donbass with another 4-6B Rubles per month just to keep running and afloat.

That is actually why you see them virtually pleading with the West to use their influence to get the Ukraine to stop their economic blockade of Donbass--BUT the Ukrainian argument of "if we do not control it we are not paying for it" still is a valid argument for the West.

There has been a massive amount of corruption conducted by the mercenaries with the Russian "humanitarian aid and funds coming in" and not much of both is getting through to the locals--which even the GRU/Spetsnaz has not been able to stop.

06-16-2015, 09:46 AM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

Department of state: #the U.S. had no plans to train battalion #Azov. pic.twitter.com/PoD7tNkrt2 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-department-of-state-the-us-had-no-plans-to-train …

This DoS statement seems to imply two questions;

1. why did the good Congressman not fact check his information concerning the projected training of Azov

AND even more importantly--

2. WHO fed him the "wrong information" and what did he get for his efforts outside of press coverage????

06-16-2015, 09:59 AM
In #Аntrasyt area (#Luhansk reg.) a large convoy of GRADs arrived from Russia, they went to the Novopavlivka mine. https://twitter.com/Karlik_Pu/status/610561373697896448 …

#Avdiivka shelling 14.06.2015
HighRes: http://img.ly/C3wx pic.twitter.com/h93Gq4ZGW3

AND this after even the JCCC with a Russian general actually accused and verified that the mercenaries were in fact firing phosphorus shells.

Russia MoD war propaganda accuses Ukraine of using phosphorus shells.
If you tell a lie often enough...
https://twitter.com/zvezdanews/status/610551884751990785 …

@ystriya Phosphorous shells my backside! (That's a glowing fuse head FFS). Someone with a blowtorch and a videocam more like!

From another world of “Russian reality”
Russian Investigative Committee official wants probe into U.S. moon landing, suggests it was faked http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-russian-investigative-committee-official-wants-a …

VIDEO @SimonOstrovsky following the path of Russian soldiers taking selfies in Ukraine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zssIFN2mso … pic.twitter.com/dV87kBPWbx

VICE News ✔ @vicenews
.@SimonOstrovsky sets out to prove that Russian soldiers are fighting in Ukraine: http://bit.ly/1cY2vgs pic.twitter.com/F8TFtzaHR1

06-16-2015, 10:01 AM
And round three of the Russo Ukrainian war is still grinding on with little to no comments from Obama, Hollande and or Merkel.

He seems to have arisen from the dead so to speak—his HDQs was definitely hit and destroyed --
VIDEO 'Givi' commander of Somali brigade clearly not killed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DkbNV14JNg …

Scums who took selfie w/ cut-off ears of Ukrainian soldier identified
Anatoly Gritsenko & friends: https://vk.com/id207175274?z=photo207175274_347665009%2Fphotos207 175274 …
v @xyevii_kharkov

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Russian regulars to occupy key posts in forthcoming military administrations to control and direct militant forces

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
A Donetsk miner told Ukrainian operatives that he was forced to repair RU tanks under threat of being killed
NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian border guards spotted 13 flights of enemy UAVs

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Luhansk sector: RU proxies fired at Novotoshkivske – 122mm artillery. Clash in Sokilnyky-Kryakivka-Tryokhizbenka triangle.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: Militants fired at UA troops by Maryinka from Grad missile systems twice; Intensive fighting Hranitne-Horlivka

Dnipro-1 Aero reconnaissance found 200 heavy units of the militants in #Luhansk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxPW_NhX2c … http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-aero-investigation-found-200-pieces-of-heavy-equipment?ll=48.57604;39.32487&zoom=15 …

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Fighting continued in Shyrokyne, Mariupol sector. Militants use mortars and artillery that exceed 100mm caliber.

06-16-2015, 01:13 PM
"#Russia is no party in the conflict in #Ukraine."
But 8 Russian TV channels spread daily lies by the "DNR's" Basurin pic.twitter.com/g9imTim1xV

#Russian GRU #Yerofeyev identified on video taken in #Lugansk, #Ukraine in January 2015. Read http://lugansk-news.com/russian-gru-soldier-yerofeyev-identified-on-a-video-taken-in-lugansk-ukraine-in-january-2015/ … pic.twitter.com/Or6snP8ROo

Graham Phillips filming 'actress' with fake tears at Donetsk rally calling on Zakharchenko to start an offensive. pic.twitter.com/50qeKVR7LQ

DRONE FOOTAGE from Lugansk showing Russian military bases: 6 MTLB 12 BMP 14 BTR 47 Ural 49 Kamaz 63 tanks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxPW_NhX2c …

Screenshots from Russian military bases at Lugansk filmed by Ukrainian drone.

Powerful explosion in Donetsk, a strong shock wave reported. No details. - 62.ua http://www.62.ua/article/859314?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter …

14:20 @666_mancer '#Donetsk city: rumble', 'Shakhtarska Sq: massive explosion' 'DOK: car alarms went off'

Zakharchenko's soldiers look extremely nervous at y'days anti-war rally in #Donetsk
https://youtu.be/an5FAc8mLnk?t=2m38s … pic.twitter.com/BQHkyKBkk8

06-16-2015, 01:14 PM
Someone ask Bato Dambaev and @SimonOstrovsky if @Bellingcat's methods work https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2zssIFN2mso&feature=youtu.be … #PutinAtWar pic.twitter.com/7CaJbDCEQI

Herashchenko: Russia has plan for occupation of left-bank Ukraine
http://www.unian.info/politics/1089995-herashchenko-russia-has-plan-for-occupation-of-left-bank-ukraine.html …

Kasyanov: Only #CrimeanTatars have right of self-determination in Crimea under UN rules: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/15/only-crimean-tatars-have-right-of-self-determination-in-crimea-kasyanov-says/ … pic.twitter.com/Lr908KgxCp

VIDEO: Lugansk - 200 pieces of military equipment found by Regiment Dnipro-1 UAV
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxPW_NhX2c&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/fj2S4F8Rq9

Though #Russia soldier Dambaev has deleted pics of him fighting in #Ukraine, his friends have not:

#Kremlin logic: It's fair for us to threaten you with nuclear strikes, but your defensive measures are destabilizing. pic.twitter.com/nGmVfeJDSV

United Russia deputies question Baltic independence and claim 1991 recognition was 'treason'. http://tvrain.ru/articles/deputaty_usomnilis_v_legitimnosti_gossoveta_sssr-389250/ …

Putin’s Nuclear Plan Is Working: DC musters only intermittently credible response as Kremlin tries to undermine NATO http://www.wsj.com/articles/putins-nuclear-plan-is-working-1434392929 …

#Russ. terrorists' ammunition depot near #Luhansk ,Polk "Dnipro"s video https://twitter.com/Doctor_Stefan/status/610779868406640640 …

06-16-2015, 02:35 PM
Officer recruited by Russian special services found operating in SBU ranks
http://www.unian.info/society/1090065-officer-recruited-by-russian-special-services-found-operating-in-sbu-ranks.html … pic.twitter.com/3xIBahRQSf
Ukraine: the lieutenant colonel of SBU detained, he passed secret information to Russian intelligence

Mariupol frontline #Ukraine:
“Straight ahead, regular #Russia|n forces of the 42nd Div, which controls the Chechens" pic.twitter.com/FfQCqXbYj4

NBS @Latvijas_armija
Armed Forces on 16 JUN in LV EEZ 20 nmi from territ. waters spotted RU Navy's SS-750 Kashtan-class submarine support ship.

More aggressive Russian propaganda----
Prokhanov: "Let this bomber fly over Florida: Stalin's hand will touch it and say, 'Don't be stupid, America!' " pic.twitter.com/FU8yn054nV
Stalin icon will be on board, so "when the bomber flies over NATO borders, they see the power of Izborsk & Saratov" pic.twitter.com/zRC7TIb3Lt

At anti-war protest in Donetsk, "DNR leader" Zakharchenko admits separtists fire heavy weapons from near school. http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-antiwara-protest-donetsk/27074917.html …

RUS Armed Forces UAV pictured @ Kubinka 15JUN15 pic.twitter.com/eWR08A7Jzi

Simon Ostrovsky ✔ @SimonOstrovsky
I re-enacted a Russian soldier's trip to #Ukraine to prove Moscow is at war there http://bit.ly/1JRKEX3 pic.twitter.com/MrjoHGtHcm

Separatists fire white phosphorous rounds in #pisky, trying to kill #Ukraine troops sheltered in cellars pic.twitter.com/YPL9YHdBC6

DNR Announces Resettlement Of Shelled Villagers, But Zakharchenko Considers Yesterday's Protest A 'Provocation'. http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-484-2-soldiers-killed-2-wounded-fire-and-destruction-in-the-lugansk-region/#8824 …

Zakharchenko does not exclude that the rallies on the "DNR" territory will be forbidden pic.twitter.com/q3yDJr1Qg6 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-zakharchenko-does-not-exclude-that-the-rallies-and …

Ukraine soldiers raised the Ukrainian flag on hilltop near #Horlivka/#Gorlivka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwGrIqpCekY … #Russia pic.twitter.com/eUM6nSLFFv

Polish neo-nazi Dawid Hudziec fights for #Russia in #Donetsk
https://vk.com/honorek85 pic.twitter.com/5Rz5CeabXT

06-16-2015, 02:38 PM
"#Russia is no party in the conflict in #Ukraine."
But 8 Russian TV channels spread daily lies by the "DNR's" Basurin pic.twitter.com/g9imTim1xV

#Russian GRU #Yerofeyev identified on video taken in #Lugansk, #Ukraine in January 2015. Read http://lugansk-news.com/russian-gru-soldier-yerofeyev-identified-on-a-video-taken-in-lugansk-ukraine-in-january-2015/ … pic.twitter.com/Or6snP8ROo

Graham Phillips filming 'actress' with fake tears at Donetsk rally calling on Zakharchenko to start an offensive. pic.twitter.com/50qeKVR7LQ

DRONE FOOTAGE from Lugansk showing Russian military bases: 6 MTLB 12 BMP 14 BTR 47 Ural 49 Kamaz 63 tanks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxPW_NhX2c …

Screenshots from Russian military bases at Lugansk filmed by Ukrainian drone.

Powerful explosion in Donetsk, a strong shock wave reported. No details. - 62.ua http://www.62.ua/article/859314?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter …

14:20 @666_mancer '#Donetsk city: rumble', 'Shakhtarska Sq: massive explosion' 'DOK: car alarms went off'

Zakharchenko's soldiers look extremely nervous at y'days anti-war rally in #Donetsk
https://youtu.be/an5FAc8mLnk?t=2m38s … pic.twitter.com/BQHkyKBkk8

This is why social media open source analysis has become so important in the fighting in the Ukraine.

This particular Russian Spetsnaz officer (POW) claimed during his video interviews he had only arrived in the Ukraine in early April--social media open source analysis was able though through video footage taken from the net--proved he had been in the Ukraine since January 2015--a really big difference.

Of the two POWs he has been the "quietest' of the two and has not had much to say vs his SGT. He has said actually very little if anything.

Now we know why----

#Russian GRU #Yerofeyev identified on video taken in #Lugansk, #Ukraine in January 2015. Read http://lugansk-news.com/russian-gru-soldier-yerofeyev-identified-on-a-video-taken-in-lugansk-ukraine-in-january-2015/

06-16-2015, 05:07 PM
Russian-backed militants take over two supermarkets in Luhansk pic.twitter.com/4UIc3wRkFw http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-russianbacked-militants-take-over-two-supermarkets …

This is interesting in that there have been today a number of tweets indicating that Russian troops ie officers are taking over administrative positions in the Donbass in order to control the extensive corruption and massive fraud that is ongoing among the various mercenary groups which largely answer to warlords and gang leaders.

If one goes back to the video interview of the captured Russian Spetsnaz officer--one of their SF mission sets was "watching the mercenaries"--his term but being a GRU officer it has a deeper meaning.

In this case control the supermarkets means one controls the supply chain thus can set the prices--there has been indications that many of the "so called ethnic Russians" shop in Ukrainian controlled zones as the Prices are much cheaper.

06-16-2015, 05:11 PM

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
I embedded w/ #Ukraine army in #pisky for 8 days Constant separatist artillery barrages, tank attacks & sniper fire. Cease-fire is a fiction

Pisky is one of the major hotspots located next to the destroyed Donetsk Airport.

06-16-2015, 05:14 PM
#Stoltenberg : Russian military rhetoric is dangerous http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-stoltenberg--russian-military-rhetoric-is-dangerous …

Arrested Russian journo Pavel Kanygin, allegedly tests positive for drugs; will be deported today to #Russia by DPR:

#Russia claims that #NATO would break its commitment by pre-positioning equipment in E. Europe. Untrue. pic.twitter.com/ScYzZ6mKeR

06-16-2015, 05:21 PM
Seems that all wars have their own rap themes even in say Iraq where several US soldiers even poduced their own record labels.

More war-themed rap from Donbass, this time from Ukrainian Azov battalion, set to them shooting at DNR in Shyrokyne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG-PCE5n87c …e

06-16-2015, 05:26 PM
Department of state: #the U.S. had no plans to train battalion #Azov. pic.twitter.com/PoD7tNkrt2 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-department-of-state-the-us-had-no-plans-to-train …

This DoS statement seems to imply two questions;

1. why did the good Congressman not fact check his information concerning the projected training of Azov

AND even more importantly--

2. WHO fed him the "wrong information" and what did he get for his efforts outside of press coverage????

This rap video from Azov might help the good Congressman to "see and understand" the Ukrainian war and who Azov is fighting.

More war-themed rap from Donbass, this time from Ukrainian Azov battalion, set to them shooting at DNR in Shyrokyne

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG-PCE5n87c …e

The good Congressman must ask himself if this looks like a crazed bunch of Nazi's running around overthrowing the Ukrainian government OR are they heavily engaged defending that very government????

If the good Congressman paid attention to the video not a single Nazi symbol anywhere to be seen-- what was seen was the Ukrainian colors on some of their uniforms.

06-16-2015, 05:42 PM
#Stoltenberg : Russian military rhetoric is dangerous http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-stoltenberg--russian-military-rhetoric-is-dangerous …

Arrested Russian journo Pavel Kanygin, allegedly tests positive for drugs; will be deported today to #Russia by DPR:http://novayagazeta.livejournal.com/3253602.html

#Russia claims that #NATO would break its commitment by pre-positioning equipment in E. Europe. Untrue. pic.twitter.com/ScYzZ6mKeR

Ah... the truth always wins over Russian propaganda-----

Arrested Russian reporter Pavel Kanygin yesterday filmed Donetsk residents complain about being used as human shields, heckle Zakharchenko

The Russian reporter deserves an Ukrainian medal for his honesty----

Donetsk militants detained and beat @novaya_gazeta reporter @pavlikmail before deporting him to #Russia: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2748187

This single event actually shows that the Russian "hybrid warfare" is dying a slow death-----telling.

Then we have a UK Journalist who worked for RT UK and then the Russian MoD News medai now in the Donbass and who should have been arrested by trhe UK for POWs torture videos when he returned to the UK but was not even questioned.

Graham W Phillips‏@GrahamWP_UK ·

Graham W Phillips retweetete Simon Ostrovsky
One dishonest, unethical journalist defends another, as @SimonOstrovsky sticks up for DPR detained Pavel Kanigin

06-16-2015, 05:49 PM
New anti-EU, anti-immigration, far right group, “Europe of Nations and Freedoms”. Or, more aptly, "Putin's Minions":


Remember Russian non linear warfare is just the "means" to achieve the Putin desired political warfare "end state" of--

1. the discrediting and damaging of the EJU
2. the discrediting and damaging of NATO
3. disconnecting the US fully from Europe

06-16-2015, 05:59 PM
More and more Russian propaganda is coming into play as the fighting is becoming more intense and more evidence of Russian troops on the ground is almost a daily event now.

Russian Embassy, UAE ✔ @RusEmbassyUAE
IMPORTANT! Press release on the allegations of #Ukraine's Embassy in #UAE http://goo.gl/xjdr6b pic.twitter.com/zqQa61fFhN

Remember Russian propaganda 4Ds--dismiss, distract, distort, dismay is designed to create 2Ds ----distrust and doubt.

Which of the 6Ds is the Russian Embassy in the UAE using in this release.

Simply one of the best examples I have seen in recent Russian propaganda reflecting all 6Ds in one statement--actually hard to do.


After nearly six-month break, the Embassy of Ukraine in Abu Dhabi once again decided to remind about itself and come out with another portion of propaganda bubbles. Kiev is obsessed with mythical ‘Russian aggression' but cannot find it on the ground, therefore goes on fighting the ‘arch foe' on paper.

The new product of Ukrainian imagination does not differ much from all the previous ones and does not go beyond lies and disinformation. Here are our clarifications on some of the issues raised.

First of all, Ukrainian claims about shelling by self-defence forces of Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics (DPR and LPR) look pathetic and are nothing more than an attempt to cover their own ceasefire violations which are systematically reported by OSCE Special Monitoring Mission as well as civil monitoring groups and DPR and LPR authorities.

Kiev mentions 50 shelling cases of its positions on one particular date of the 14th of June, at the same time it ignores the fact that the city of Donetsk and surrounding areas, especially Gorlovka, live under nearly constant bombardment by Ukrainian forces that only escalated at the beginning of June. There are massive destructions in the residential areas, daily news about dead and wounded among local civilians. Obviously, this is not a subject the Ukrainian Embassy would like to touch.

Our Ukrainian colleagues decided to be creative and accuse Donbass militia of ‘destroying critical infrastructure' e.g. a pipeline in Yasinivataya suburb, thus deeming self-defence forces responsible for ‘depriving locals of gas'. There is at least lack of common sense. Donetsk militiamen defend their homeland so why would they harm themselves and worsen already severe social-economic situation caused by the war and nearly total blockade enforced by Kiev.

All questions should be addressed to the opposite side. What about numerous power stations, heating and sewage plants across Donbass deliberately targeted by Ukrainian artillery? What about technical teams being shot at while trying to repair them? What about thousands of people hiding from Ukrainian bombs and shells in basements for months, deprived of most basic facilities and services even when power- and pipelines are intact?

This time Kiev is backing its claims with a map, which actually works completely against it. What did they mean by those randomly marked tanks and artillery units inside Donetsk and Lugansk regions? Where is the Ukrainian army, or those three boats in Azov Sea are everything left for now? Perhaps Kiev was carried away by hiding from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission its real tanks and howitzers and concealed them on the paper map too?

On the ground there are a lot of indications that the Ukrainian side has already been ridiculing the implementation of Minsk agreements. It did not only bring the heavy weaponry back to the frontline but is even increasing its numbers. The president of Ukraine openly admits that ‘the ceasefire is only needed to rebuild and upgrade Kiev's army'. As soon as this task is completed there might be another attempt to solve the Donbass issue by military aggression, which is in fact the Ukrainian aggression against its own people. This new round of their propaganda campaign could perfectly be a prelude to the escalation on the ground.

Last but not least – a couple of words about the attacks on Ukrainian diplomatic missions. The Ukrainian side ‘expresses strong protest' over what happened in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don on the 12th of June but seems to completely forget the ‘audacious attack' on the Russian Consulates General in Kharkov and just a day before and in Lvov – on the 12th of June. The leaflet says about ‘deliberate provocation' against Ukrainian missions but how should one call the attack on our Consulates exactly on the same day they were holding the National day events? By the way, did the Ukrainian authorities ‘investigate and punish those responsible' for the siege of the Russian Embassy in Kiev last June?

06-16-2015, 06:09 PM
More and more Russian propaganda is coming into play as the fighting is becoming more intense and more evidence of Russian troops on the ground is almost a daily event now.

Russian Embassy, UAE ✔ @RusEmbassyUAE
IMPORTANT! Press release on the allegations of #Ukraine's Embassy in #UAE http://goo.gl/xjdr6b pic.twitter.com/zqQa61fFhN

Remember Russian propaganda 4Ds--dismiss, distract, distort, dismay is designed to create 2Ds ----distrust and doubt.

Which of the 6Ds is the Russian Embassy in the UAE using in this release.

Simply one of the best examples I have seen in recent Russian propaganda reflecting all 6Ds in one statement--actually hard to do.


Well done @UkrEmbUAE - Whatever you said has gotten the Kremlin in a flap. Keep up the good work :) https://twitter.com/RusEmbassyUAE/status/610867950627766276 …

06-16-2015, 06:11 PM
Ah... the truth always wins over Russian propaganda-----

Arrested Russian reporter Pavel Kanygin yesterday filmed Donetsk residents complain about being used as human shields, heckle Zakharchenko

The Russian reporter deserves an Ukrainian medal for his honesty----

Donetsk militants detained and beat @novaya_gazeta reporter @pavlikmail before deporting him to #Russia: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2748187

This single event actually shows that the Russian "hybrid warfare" is dying a slow death-----telling.

Then we have a UK Journalist who worked for RT UK and then the Russian MoD News media now in the Donbass and who should have been arrested by the UK for POWs torture videos he filmed when he returned to the UK but was not even questioned.

Graham W Phillips‏@GrahamWP_UK ·
Graham W Phillips retweetete Simon Ostrovsky
One dishonest, unethical journalist defends another, as @SimonOstrovsky sticks up for DPR detained Pavel Kanigin

Some protection the Russian MFA provides these days--

Russian MFA promised to protect Pavel Kanygin, who was detained in "DNR" http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-russian-mfa-promised-to-protect-pavel-kanygin-who …

Photo of beaten Russian journalist----

Pavel Kanygin was beaten up in the car. He was asked if he was for "the Ukries" or "for them". He said he was for peace. Big mistake

06-16-2015, 06:18 PM
One of the best recent examples of Putin literally residing "in another altered state of reality".

The Ukrainians are taking serious troops loses and their civilians are being shelled in excess of over 100 attacks a day largely verified by OSCE and are only returning fire in order to defend themselves ie today they returned fire with 82mm mortars after recieivng fire from 122mm and 152 mm heavy artillery.

AND they have never crossed the contact line AND yet Putin states the following during a press conference from today.

Putin: May I ask why EU & USA don't want to make Ukraine follow the Minsk accords? :[ https://twitter.com/AnnalenaLauren/status/610865012043849728 …

Russian has never complied with Minsk 1 and 2 and continue to ship in heavy weapons, munitions and troops into the Ukraine AND yet he states this--one must really ask "just what has he been smoking lately"??

Putin seems to have totally forgotten that the first point in Minsk 2 that had to be fulfilled before anything else took place was ---

1. a total and complete ceasefire

That has never happened---

06-16-2015, 06:22 PM
Andrey heard big blast in Donetsk centre, open windows slammed https://twitter.com/aa_borodulin/status/610873455433621504 …

SBU & State border service found more than 70 shells in abandoned warehouse near Berezove
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ru/about/news/news_7502.htm … pic.twitter.com/lfOrZ5fbTj

Russian 64th MIB, m/u 51460 from Khabarovsk, hiding in plain sight on pro-#Russia media of #Zakharchenko in #Donetsk: pic.twitter.com/luz9IJV4k8

#Ukraine army has eliminated several #Russia|n snipers near #Shchastya, #Luhansk Region
http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do?poblizu_shhastya_neytralizovani_kilka_ vorozhih_snayperiv&objectId=585222&tag=ukrayina …

Russian AF on the move again ---
Russian Air Force VHF radio communications in Bay of Finland... via @uascan https://twitter.com/uascan/status/610875975874818048 …

Is Russian Air Force about to pay #BALTOPS2015 a visit? https://twitter.com/uascan/status/610878929012944896 …

youtube.com/watch?v=5It1zarINv0 … Ring a bell? 60s-80s #KGB stuff behind today's confused masses. pic.twitter.com/R6uvBxpHVT

06-16-2015, 06:38 PM
Typical Putin bluster during a press conference--

Putin: #Russia to boost nuclear arsenal with 40 ICBM missiles http://www.bbc.com/news/world-33151125 …

BUT really this was not mentioned by him.......

#Russia replacing old ICBMs that should have been retired years ago. Putin trying to make splash with old news to keep tensions up?

BUT then the truth wins out--production of the new model is way behind schedule and he is still 20 short of his 40 total while many parts for them come from the Ukraine and have not been delivered.

06-16-2015, 06:49 PM
Andrey heard big blast in Donetsk centre, open windows slammed https://twitter.com/aa_borodulin/status/610873455433621504 …

SBU & State border service found more than 70 shells in abandoned warehouse near Berezove
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ru/about/news/news_7502.htm … pic.twitter.com/lfOrZ5fbTj

Russian 64th MIB, m/u 51460 from Khabarovsk, hiding in plain sight on pro-#Russia media of #Zakharchenko in #Donetsk: pic.twitter.com/luz9IJV4k8

#Ukraine army has eliminated several #Russia|n snipers near #Shchastya, #Luhansk Region
http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do?poblizu_shhastya_neytralizovani_kilka_ vorozhih_snayperiv&objectId=585222&tag=ukrayina …

Russian AF on the move again ---
Russian Air Force VHF radio communications in Bay of Finland... via @uascan https://twitter.com/uascan/status/610875975874818048 …

Side comment--the 64th MIB it appears has not left the Ukraine-- is now near Matriupol and controlling the Cossack units fighting against the Azov Regiment.

06-16-2015, 06:55 PM
Seems to be Russia's ie Putin's worst nightmare---

Remember it was a combination of a serious arms race, with a collapsing economy coupled with falling oil prices that triggered the Soviet Union collapse.

He is now in the same repeat position as the Soviet Union was in the early 1990s.

Putin fully understnads he cannot hold keep pace with the US if it slides into another arms race--but Putin does not seem to equally realize that his actions and bluster are in fact calling a new arms race into play--one he cannot win.

Russian MoD deputy: "NATO tries to push Russia into a new arms race" http://www.mediafax.ro/externe/oficial-rus-nato-incearca-sa-impinga-rusia-spre-o-noua-cursa-a-inarmarii-14461051 …

06-16-2015, 06:59 PM
Andrey heard big blast in Donetsk centre, open windows slammed https://twitter.com/aa_borodulin/status/610873455433621504 …

SBU & State border service found more than 70 shells in abandoned warehouse near Berezove
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ru/about/news/news_7502.htm … pic.twitter.com/lfOrZ5fbTj

Russian 64th MIB, m/u 51460 from Khabarovsk, hiding in plain sight on pro-#Russia media of #Zakharchenko in #Donetsk: pic.twitter.com/luz9IJV4k8

#Ukraine army has eliminated several #Russia|n snipers near #Shchastya, #Luhansk Region
http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do?poblizu_shhastya_neytralizovani_kilka_ vorozhih_snayperiv&objectId=585222&tag=ukrayina …

Russian AF on the move again ---
Russian Air Force VHF radio communications in Bay of Finland... via @uascan https://twitter.com/uascan/status/610875975874818048 …

Is Russian Air Force about to pay #BALTOPS2015 a visit? https://twitter.com/uascan/status/610878929012944896 …

youtube.com/watch?v=5It1zarINv0 … Ring a bell? 60s-80s #KGB stuff behind today's confused masses. pic.twitter.com/R6uvBxpHVT

RUAF VHF comms in Finnish Bay, consistent with tactical aircraft: su24 or su27?

06-16-2015, 07:03 PM
The Russian sanctions are in fact hurting otherwise Russia would have not wasted their time with this press release--telling.

Russian diplomat accuses Kiev of fuelling crises for maintaining anti-Russian sanctions

June 16, 18:34 UTC+3

According to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexey Meshkov, it's done ahead of large international events

NOTE--what he means here is the G7 Meeting and the coming EU Meeting as well.

VIENNA, June 16. /TASS/. The Ukrainian authorities are interested in the deterioration of the situation in the east of the country ahead of large international events to preserve the sanctions pressure on Russia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexey Meshkov said on Tuesday answering a question from a TASS correspondent.

"It’s obvious that there are forces in the world and in Ukraine, which are interested in the deterioration of the situation on the ground in the run-up to major international events, including EU summits, in order to urge the international community to extend sanctions and impose new ones," he said.

"Our principled position is: Russia did not impose sanctions, we are not asking anyone to lift them," Meshkov added.

"We are realists, we carefully analyze what our Western partners say. But the general idea is that the sanctions logic should continue until full implementation of the Minsk agreements, whose term expires at the end of the year," the Russian deputy foreign minister said. Meshkov added that he found it strange that "the responsibility for the implementation of the agreements, which should be honored by the two parties to the Ukrainian conflict, was placed on Russia."

06-16-2015, 07:11 PM
The Russian sanctions are in fact hurting otherwise Russia would have not wasted their time with this press release--telling.

Russian diplomat accuses Kiev of fuelling crises for maintaining anti-Russian sanctions

June 16, 18:34 UTC+3

According to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexey Meshkov, it's done ahead of large international events

NOTE--what he means here is the G7 Meeting and the coming EU Meeting as well.

The last sentence is interesting in that the Russians view the implementation of Minsk 2 to be only until the end of the year.

WHAT happens if nothing is implemented by then??

Seems the Russians are saying--we will run out the clock and THEN you have nothing to use to extend the sanctions on us as the Minsk 2 Agreement is null and void thus the sanctions must be lifted.

From the current logic of Putin and his FM that actually makes some sense--this is the first time I have seen that argumentation being publicly stated.

Also appears that Russian somehow is still taking the party line they have absolutely nothing to do with what is ongoing in eastern Ukraine.

06-16-2015, 07:17 PM
Ah... the truth always wins over Russian propaganda-----

Arrested Russian reporter Pavel Kanygin yesterday filmed Donetsk residents complain about being used as human shields, heckle Zakharchenko

The Russian reporter deserves an Ukrainian medal for his honesty----

Donetsk militants detained and beat @novaya_gazeta reporter @pavlikmail before deporting him to #Russia: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2748187

This single event actually shows that the Russian "hybrid warfare" is dying a slow death-----telling.

Then we have a UK Journalist who worked for RT UK and then the Russian MoD News medai now in the Donbass and who should have been arrested by trhe UK for POWs torture videos when he returned to the UK but was not even questioned.

Graham W Phillips‏@GrahamWP_UK ·

Graham W Phillips retweetete Simon Ostrovsky
One dishonest, unethical journalist defends another, as @SimonOstrovsky sticks up for DPR detained Pavel Kanigin

Seems the UK Journalist called the video reporting of the anti war demo yesterday a "blatant dishonest report".

Ouch........ the truth must have hit home for the UK Russian propaganda journalist to respond like this towards a Russian reporter.

GWP apparently endorsing a journalist being tortured, beaten while detained by "DPR" in eastern #Ukraine
@sterion75 pic.twitter.com/cPh16KSxa8

Pavel Kanygin of @novaya_gazeta: they beat me and said "you are junky, StateDept and SBU give you drugs as a salary" https://twitter.com/novaya_gazeta/status/610890131403337728 …

06-16-2015, 07:18 PM
Another loud explosion in area of #Donetsk Chemical Reagents plant. Blast wave was felt in #Yasynuvata. pic.twitter.com/IlX68fn3fK

Donetsk 21:55
"Residents first reported that explosion at chemical plant, warehouses burning, they are in basements https://twitter.com/PVB40/status/610884183288881152 …

#Donetsk Kuibishevsky ds - smoke rising from the chemical plant https://youtu.be/1_LNq3aqMaM

A Russian artillery servicemen with RF military ID was caught near Donetsk. https://twitter.com/podrobnosti/status/610884196098248704 …

#Pisky 9:50PM
A pair of powerful explosions now. https://twitter.com/arthurnkua/status/610882100649172993 …

Fight in Horlivka http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/16-june-fight-in-horlivka …

#Donetsk 9:53PM
Heavy artillery working, in north. https://twitter.com/TaylerRid/status/610882927694585856 …

#Donetsk 4:55PM
Huge convoy with RU military equipment (tanks, SPGs, fighters) was seen moving towards Petrovka. https://twitter.com/eralash_fm/status/610807895731646464 …

#Shyrokyno is shelled with SPGs, canonade can be heard in #Mariupol https://twitter.com/0629ComUa/status/610893819609923584 …

06-16-2015, 07:29 PM
Anders Aslund @anders_aslund
Devastating report by Ukr MP @Leshchenkos about SBU Chair Nalivaychenko's work for Firtash. Key political event now. http://vchaspik.ua/politika/325945sergey-leshchenko-skelet-firtasha-v-shkafu-nalivaychenko …

A modern-day schism: Ukraine to split from Russian Orthodox Church in a blow to the "Russian World" http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/russian-orthodox-church-facing-ukraine-split/523690.html … via @MoscowTimes

Is it a new "bragging gap"? Russia Says Its New Microwave Cannon Can Kill Drones and Warheads with Ease http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a16044/russian-anti-drone-microwave-gun/ … via @PopMech

06-16-2015, 07:35 PM
Really really well written----


Is the Kremlin Worried About NATO’s Reinforcements in Europe?
Fake Russia certainly is.

By James Stavridis
June 16, 2015

Is the Kremlin Worried About NATO’s Reinforcements in Europe?

Memo: Our Winning Strategy in Europe
From: Russian Strategic Planning Cell
To: President Vladimir Putin

1. Let me begin by congratulating you, Mr. President, on our outstanding series of strategic moves in Europe. We have consolidated our annexation of Crimea, which now finds its rightful place back as part of Mother Russia. Your series of “snap exercises” all around the periphery of our country have clearly frightened NATO. Additionally, the brilliant concept of “hybrid warfare,” combining the deployment of Spetsnaz special forces, additional Russian troops and trainers in unmarked uniforms, vigorous propaganda, information warfare, and cyberattacks has everyone’s attention. And NATO freely admits it is not ready to face our new mix of tactics.

2. While we have lost a little bit of economic muscle from the combination of Western sanctions and falling oil prices from their glorious peak, we are a tough people — and naturally your approval ratings within Russia remain at stratospheric levels. We assess that by working with our Chinese friends, over time, we may be able to improve our international balance of trade positions despite the sanctions; and the future of our Eurasian Customs Union (despite an oddly small number of participating nations) is bright.

3. Geopolitically, we are reassembling a “ring of steel” of alliances around Russia with powerful allies like Belorussia, Armenia, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and the newly formed emerging nations of Luhansk and Donetsk in the Donbas of Ukraine. Not quite what we enjoyed with the Warsaw Pact, but you can’t have everything.

4. There is one small problem I would like to bring to your attention, however: the intention of the United States to pre-position heavy military equipment in Eastern Europe. Thus far, the NATO nations have been “keeping an eye” to the east, but have not significantly raised their defense spending from an anemic level of 1.5 percent, well below the 2 percent goal they aspire to and that the United States continues to champion. But we are somewhat concerned that the addition of these pre-positioned units may actually galvanize the Western alliance. Let me explain.

First, these pre-positioned military stocks represent a real improvement in response times for NATO forces. If we were to rightfully intervene in one of the NATO Baltic nations on behalf of the down-trodden Russian minorities there (a case you have elucidated with extreme eloquence and brilliance, as always), the presence of these pre-positioned stocks of armor, artillery, ammunition, communications, transport, and missiles will be available to NATO — and especially U.S. troops — sent from bases in Germany, Italy, and in the United States.

Second, this will probably be only the first step toward permanently stationing other NATO and especially U.S. troops in Eastern Europe. This, of course, is something we have fought against with all our might since the tragedy of the implosion of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin Wall. (You were right to call this a major geopolitical disaster of the 20th century, of course). Given Western perceptions about our “threat to the Baltics,” there will be a steady drumbeat from the Eastern European NATO members to add troops to the forward-positioned military stockpiles.

Third, given the presence of the stockpiles, there will inevitably be a whole series of NATO exercises revolving around using them. We can expect a great deal of rotational deployment in and around the area of these caches, to include not only troops coming to work with the equipment, but inevitably their supporting arms — high-performance aircraft, guided-missile ships, Special Forces and their V-22 Osprey transports, and on and on. This will be problematic from a number of dimensions, including the need for us to conduct frequent (and costly) demonstrations and exercises ourselves. Recently, our deployments have been somewhat less than perfect.

5. So the question for us is simple: How do we respond? Our planning cell has been looking closely at the options, and unfortunately they are not very compelling.

Assuming you will want to follow through on our bold and absolutely correct comments about moving our forces to the borders of NATO countries, this will put an expensive burden on our armed-forces budget. Despite raising it significantly over the past several years, we are still in need of modernization for our strategic rocket forces, our advanced fighter aircraft, and our maritime power projection — especially submarines. Moving troops around is expensive and will reduce resources to these priority systems. We could move more missiles into Kaliningrad, of course, but this does not seem to have gotten NATO’s attention.

We could respond politically, perhaps by obstructing Western efforts with Iran to obtain a nuclear agreement, find a sensible solution in Syria, or make difficulties in Afghanistan. Here the problem is that we actually do not have a great deal of leverage (with the possible exception of Iran). We have rightfully departed the old and tired G-8 (now pathetically called the G-7) and have little ability to influence via that route. So not much is available to us along these political and diplomatic lines. And so long as oil prices remain relatively low, our economic tools are limited.

Mr. President, I am sure you have already rejected any idea of actually executing the Minsk agreements in Ukraine? While I fully recognize the vital importance of supporting the heroic leaders of Luhansk and Donetsk, I am just a bit worried about the long-term cost of rebuilding that part of Ukraine, as well as the entire Crimea. What else can we consider?

I know this is delicate, but perhaps it is time for a little Maskirovka?

I know this is delicate, but perhaps it is time for a little Maskirovka? Perhaps we should at least think about a sort of feint, wherein we nominally abide by the Minsk accords, settle for another “frozen conflict” with Ukraine (we can continue to manipulate events easily), and thus splinter the resolve of the Europeans? Brussels no doubt would be thrilled to have the chance to get back to “business as usual” (read: doing nothing) and is desperately seeking any excuse to do so. Even a hint of a relaxation in our posture — and something of a military withdrawal of some of our units from Ukraine — would be sufficient enough to begin breaking apart Western solidarity on this issue.

The good news is that the Americans have not made a final decision yet on the pre-positioned military stocks, and we would encourage the soft power advocates in their government to stop this idea. It would also reduce the growing possibility of the Americans (or others) providing some level of offensive weapons to the Ukrainian government.

If you agree, we could provide options to appear more accommodating on the surface, perhaps reducing easily traceable weapons, trainers, and forces in Ukraine. We could adjust our strategic public messaging to take a more conciliatory line. Naturally, we would redouble our more easily obscured support via cyber, cash, untraceable weapons, deep-cover agents, and the like — all the things you personally did so masterfully in your career in the KGB.

6. Please do not mistake our enthusiasm for all that is happening! If you don’t like this idea, we will continue with our current approach. As you often say in reference to having a “Plan B,” the best Plan B is so often simply to work harder at Plan A! After all, with our new Armata tanks, we can still roll to Kiev anytime we want. As Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin so cleverly mentioned a few weeks ago, “tanks don’t need visas.” His Twitter account is fabulous, by the way, and an inspiration to all right-thinking Russians.

7. The future is bright!

Very respectfully,

Your Strategic Planning Cell

06-16-2015, 07:41 PM
Russian humor for the evening before the shelling and ground attacks start which appear to be late this evening.

We're hoping that US faked moon landings so when @Rogozin goes there to his planned base, no one can bring him back

06-16-2015, 07:49 PM
Really really well written----


Is the Kremlin Worried About NATO’s Reinforcements in Europe?
Fake Russia certainly is.

By James Stavridis
June 16, 2015

Moscow: "Could be “dangerous consequences” if the U.S. stations military equip near E Ukraine." Putin is nervous. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/16/russia-warns-us-not-store-weapons-near-ukraine/ …

06-16-2015, 07:51 PM
This rap video from Azov might help the good Congressman to "see and understand" the Ukrainian war and who Azov is fighting.

More war-themed rap from Donbass, this time from Ukrainian Azov battalion, set to them shooting at DNR in Shyrokyne

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG-PCE5n87c …e

The good Congressman must ask himself if this looks like a crazed bunch of Nazi's running around overthrowing the Ukrainian government OR are they heavily engaged defending that very government????

If the good Congressman paid attention to the video not a single Nazi symbol anywhere to be seen-- what was seen was the Ukrainian colors on some of their uniforms.

The good Congressman must really spend some time with the Azov Regiment.

VIDEO: Azov Battalion under fire from artillery in Shyrokyne

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONF9w1LG-g&sns=tw …

06-16-2015, 10:22 PM
Russian Oksana Nikadimova fights in Nazi unit #Русич. ALSO has 'journalist' permit so she can spy during OSCE-trips. pic.twitter.com/or9gll7BEk
See this thread by @noclador
https://twitter.com/noclador/status/610847372554309632 …

Here's a further explanation of just how wacky & closed Putin's inner circle of Chekist consiglieri actually is. http://20committee.com/2015/01/24/russias-emerging-holy-war/ …

The Decline of International Studies: Why Flying Blind Is Dangerous v @ForeignAffairs https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2015-06-16/decline-international-studies?cid=soc-tw-rdr …

#Russia’s General Staff Plan on Left-Bank #Ukraine occupation made public by #Ukrainian MP Herashchenko DOCUMENT http://en.censor.net.ua/n340241

Regiment #Azov under intense Russian artillery fire in #Shyrokyne.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONF9w1LG-g …

VIDEO Quite a large group of Russian fighters had been captured after battle of Luhvynove
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vNc2Pzl6eI …
No new footage since then.
This assault possibly went terribly wrong for rebel forces.

VIDEO Donetsk 16 June. Powerful explosion near military factory 107.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J12p0oct0os …

Same Msta-S? 1) in #Ukraine http://bellingcat-vehicles.silk.co/page/1072-Novoazovsk%3A-Msta-S … 2) Back in RU with a soldier https://archive.is/rVCn7 pic.twitter.com/0lnrloJuub

This is how #Russia(ns) bury civilians in occupied Pervomaisk #Luhansk https://twitter.com/xyevii_kharkov/status/610715611551956992 … pic.twitter.com/mL8LSuAgMs

DNR KGB officer pointed a pistol to me and said if I moved, he would shoot me..He said I cooperated with Ukrainians" http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1694538.html …

Even at conference on security of journalists in Vienna, the RU delegation showed out a propaganda film about "atrocities of Kiev karatels"

Novaya Gazeta's correspondent in Ukraine arrested by DNR's KGB "for owning a business card of Ukrainian jouranlist" http://www.novayagazeta.ru/columns/68841.html …

06-17-2015, 05:46 AM
Am bringing this forward into the thread as a perfect example of just how US Congressman seem at times to be either "bought" by lobbyists or simply know nothing about which they claim to stand for.

Jun 11 2015

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

If the good Congressman is truly concerned about Nazi's fighting in the Ukraine--here is something he can sink his political teeth into and come out a winner.

Challenge the journalist credentials of this particular Russian journalist who is often with OSCE as they tour the Ukrainian frontline positions.

THEN the good Congressman should check this individuals' active membership in a Russian Nazi group also fighting at the same time in the Ukraine.

So the good Congressman could couple defending against Russian propaganda, helping the OSCE as they are often willingly and or unwillingly being used for spying by the Russians and he could openly challenge Russian Nazi's in the Ukraine.

I would say that is a win, win, win......

Member of Nazi unit 'Русич', Oksana Nikadimova allowed to spy during OSCE-trips?http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.com.tr/2015/06/nazi-fighter-oksana-nikadimova-allowed.html … pic.twitter.com/QLmpSpvNeO

06-17-2015, 05:49 AM
Donetsk 2:26AM
Far to the south-west hear battle. Already since two hours does not subside. https://twitter.com/relictDon/status/610951521237344258 …

@Guderian_Xaba Subsequently under cover of 120mm mortars another russian gang of no less than 150 criminals attacked our positions

Fierce battles for #Логвиново #Lohvynove with RU invaders North-West of the demarcation line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vNc2Pzl6eI … https://twitter.com/DajeyPetros/status/610921745655144449 …

A number of Russian fighters were taken prisoner in the initial fighting –major battle failure by the mercenaries nothing being reported on their failures yet.

ATO presser: After midnight an assault group of about 30 militants unsuccessfully attacked our positions in the area of #Marinka.

#Marinka 06:40AM
For 5 hours Marinka was under continuous bombardment. Currently relatively quiet. https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611033588046397440 …

#Donetsk 6AM
Petrovka - everything is in smoke, don't see #Marinka https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/611021138865594368 …

This is from the realm of "Russian altered state of reality"----
VIDEO Russian 'Hybrid' Commander: we inflicted astronomical losses at Marinka to Ukrainians.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=143&v=ic45inILO5o … pic.twitter.com/kgBC5EIdMf

10 Former #KGB Officers Who Are Now Filthy Rich > http://www.businesspundit.com/10-former-kgb-officers-who-are-now-filthy-rich/ …
Putin is estimated to have pulled to the side approximately 40B USD and has five mansions.

Ukraine gets hold of #Russia's military plan for large-scale invasion:
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/17/ukraine-gets-hold-of-russian-plan-for-large-scale-invasion/ …
NOTE: some commenters have openly questioned whether this was a fake disinformation by the Russians BUT then this kind of sums up the overall thought---

Anybody here seriously think Russian General Staff has NOT planned ALL scenarios for full-scale war with Ukraine? pic.twitter.com/nhRCkLJXwY

06-17-2015, 05:58 AM
Also another 40 attacks were recorded overnight, including 120 mm mortars, 122 mm artillery and the - good to hide from the OSCE - #Grad-P.

JCCC — OSCE: power station and filtration and pumping unit of Siverskyi Donets — Donbas channel under attacks http://www.mil.gov.ua/en/news/2015/06/16/jccc-osce-power-station-and-filtration-and-pumping-unit-of-siverskyi-donets-donbas-channel-under-attacks/ …

Russian forces attempted another storm of #Marinka tonight, the Ukrainian army says.
Two groups - 30 and 150 fighters - were repulsed.

In #Marinka all night was battle. On Lenin street at least 100 hits (shells). Roofs and windows shattered. https://twitter.com/mariinka_UA/status/611037563072217088 …

Video from #Ukrainian Army UAV flying over #Lugansk
Just in 2 hours they located
63 tanks
32 APC
96 military trucks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxPW_NhX2c …

@LUGANSK_TODAY dear @OSCE_SMM why don't you get out of Korona restaurant and go and look at the Russian tanks in Lugansk?

ATO presser: #Troitske was shelled from a portable MRLS GRAD

USEmbassyTallinn ✔ @USEmbTallinn
While #Putin says there are no soldiers in #Ukraine, their social media profiles prove otherwise https://goo.gl/Djt036 #UnitedForUkraine

06-17-2015, 09:23 AM
Looks like Russian Air Force is showing off its anti-shipping capabilities for benefit of #BALTOPS2015 in Baltic Sea Region via @uascan

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
RUAF VHF comms south in Baltic Sea

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
Hello Foxhound

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
RUAF VHF traffic in Gulf of Finland

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
Hello Backfire

06-17-2015, 09:26 AM
For those SWJ readers that still assume Russia is moving into the Ukraine due to "humiliation" or NATO expansion to the East--think again the video below came out in 2012 and mirrors remarkably well Russian moves in 2014/2015.

Both the content and date of this video make it really interesting in light of Russian moves against the Ukraine—so already in 2012 they are thinking of complete takeover?????

Russia has been planning this for a long while--some comments indicated as early as 2002.

2012 video called "Ukraine 2015": "Donbass volunteers liberating Ukraine from dictatorship"
http://youtu.be/GXISTcz-sO0 pic.twitter.com/EQ4FOQTKWD

06-17-2015, 09:35 AM
Well taken point==pointed out by Canada NATO concerning Putin’s threat against NATO if it forward stations defensive weapons .

Worried about potential #NATO storage? #Russia has hundreds of tanks, APCs, artillery in active use in E #Ukraine https://twitter.com/CanadaNATO/status/611059179491618816 …

Right now the Russian mercenaries have more tanks and artillery than five combined NATO armies including Germany and France.

06-17-2015, 09:37 AM
Separatist" website openly says #Russia journo "got his mug punched" 4 covering Monday's #Donetsk anti-war rally: pic.twitter.com/cKkjrtwLcb

A BUK M-1 on display at Russia's military fair. Remember: "only Ukraine has this version"... pic.twitter.com/78ctW08w9w
via @shaunwalker7

In my opinion there is still a severe lack of videos and photos coming from Ukrainian side and we are flooded with Russian propaganda stuff.

Russia (just) announcing it can fry drones out of the sky. Why not give us a demonstration? https://twitter.com/PopMech/status/610947621973291008 …

After Putin and the Turkish President met in Baku—announced with great fanfare about the pipeline NOW 72 hours later from Gazprom itself.

That was quick! Turkish-Russian gas pipeline 'facing obstacles'... https://twitter.com/Nervana_1/status/610968265502892032 …

06-17-2015, 09:41 AM
.@SimonOstrovsky: "The truth is that the evidence for #Russia's active role in the war in #Ukraine is everywhere"
https://news.vice.com/article/russia-denies-that-its-soldiers-are-in-ukraine-but-we-tracked-one-there-using-his-selfies?utm_source=vicenewstwitter …
Example: pic.twitter.com/g1WGq2srys

Russian "altered state of reality":
United #Russia lawmakers question legitimacy of #USSR State Council recognizing #Baltic independence http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/russian-lawmakers-question-legitimacy-of-ussr-state-council-recognizing-baltic-independence.d?id=68269318 …

Le Pen politically brought by Russia for 11M Euros—not a bad investment it seems.
Putin's Fascist International forms political group in European parliament led by neo-Nazi Le Pen's NF http://www.politico.eu/article/frances-national-front-forms-bloc-in-european-parliament/

RU hybrid army artillery hiding spot in #Krasnoarmiiske https://archive.is/s0YV2 Wanna go take a look at it, @OSCE? pic.twitter.com/2bn4aHh113

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, June 17, 00:00 EET pic.twitter.com/DkIe251qzU

5 Ukrainian soldiers wounded in Luhansk region yesterday. Terrorists fired with GRAD MLRS on Troitske - Moskal

Seleznev: Russian militants use ammunition seized in #Crimea http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-seleznev-russian-militants-use-ammunition-seized … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/kHh6p0K176 via @radiosvoboda

THIS is one of the most important parts of Minsk 2--the immediate exchange of prisoners military and civilian--the mercenaries on their own simply declared they are no longer exchanging like for like.

So in effect both Russia and her mercenaries are in clear violation of Minsk 2.

270 Ukrainians are in captivity of militants, - Geraschenko http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-270-ukrainians-are-in-captivity-of-militants--geraschenko … pic.twitter.com/4q7T1SHGQO via @unian

06-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Looks like Russian Air Force is showing off its anti-shipping capabilities for benefit of #BALTOPS2015 in Baltic Sea Region via @uascan

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
RUAF VHF comms south in Baltic Sea

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
Hello Foxhound

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
RUAF VHF traffic in Gulf of Finland

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
Hello Backfire

As we said, two Russian Air Force Tu-22M3 mritime strike bombers (anti-shipping) plus fighter escort. #BALTOPS2015 https://twitter.com/Latvijas_armija/status/611104230393401344 …

NBS @Latvijas_armija
Air Policing jets on 17 JUN in international airspace above the Baltic Sea near LV border identified RU AF 2x Tu-22M un 2x MiG-31.

NBS @Latvijas_armija
Air Policing jets on 16 JUN in international airspace above the Baltic Sea near LV border identified RU AF 1x A-50, Il-20, An-26; 2x MiG-31.

Naturally transponders turned off------

NBS @Latvijas_armija
Armed Forces on 16 JUN in LV EEZ 27 nmi from territ. waters spotted RU Navy's Kilo-class sub, Parchim-class corvette, and support ship Bira.

06-17-2015, 10:11 AM
One does really have to wonder if the entre Russian government has been "drinking the kool aid" for so long they cannot tell reality from unreality.

It is a serious issue when government officials truly start to believe their own propaganda lies as then when key decisions must be made their own massive biases just get in the way and they potentially make fatal decisions simply because they do not see the true "reality".

Putin and his government is right now on that path and it is becoming more evident that they have indeed entered "an altered state of reality".

TASS: Peskov: Russia is not threatening Western countries, just forced to take reciprocal measures. https://twitter.com/tass_agency/status/611106027904176128 …

Hm... reciprocal measures? Which western country invaded Ukraine? https://twitter.com/XSovietNews/status/611106539663937536 …

‏@Amb_Yakovenko MFA: Russian TV news channels blocked in #Ukraine, Baltic states. Right of access to information denied to millions.

06-17-2015, 10:15 AM
Another "normal" day on the Ukrainian eastern front--and not a single word out of Obama, Hollande and Merkel about the massively increased combat activities by Russia and her mercenaries--not a single word or press statement..

It is almost as if they are desperately attempting to hide themselves under the rug to avoid making serious decisions.

One would think that after a large number of Ukrainian military have been killed and wounded in this latest Russian offensive push one of them would make some kind of statement????? You would think but then......

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
SBU prevented an attempt to smuggle goods used in production of Russian T-90 tanks, aviation and space equipment

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian servicemen spotted 3 flights of enemy UAVs

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Luhansk sector: Isolated armed provocations. Militants used 120mm mortars & IFVs near Krymske.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: hotspots – airport, Maryinka, Krasnohorivka. Enemy snipers became more active near Spartak village.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Mariupol sector: Shyrokyne – only hotspot. Militants used mortars and the artillery to target Ukrainian troops

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Number of ceasefire violations slightly decreased. But pro-RU militants still use heavy artillery, mortars, tanks.

06-17-2015, 10:17 AM
Another "normal" day on the Ukrainian eastern front--and not a single word out of Obama, Hollande and Merkel about the massively increased combat activities by Russia and her mercenaries--not a single word or press statement..

It is almost as if they are desperately attempting to hide themselves under the rug to avoid making serious decisions.

One would think that after a large number of Ukrainian military have been killed and wounded in this latest Russian offensive push one of them would make some kind of statement????? You would think but then......

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
SBU prevented an attempt to smuggle goods used in production of Russian T-90 tanks, aviation and space equipment

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian servicemen spotted 3 flights of enemy UAVs

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Luhansk sector: Isolated armed provocations. Militants used 120mm mortars & IFVs near Krymske.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: hotspots – airport, Maryinka, Krasnohorivka. Enemy snipers became more active near Spartak village.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Mariupol sector: Shyrokyne – only hotspot. Militants used mortars and the artillery to target Ukrainian troops

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Number of ceasefire violations slightly decreased. But pro-RU militants still use heavy artillery, mortars, tanks.

#Hirske 11:30
From Solnechna shooting towards Zolote or Stakhanov https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/611099538833719296 …

Russian 2S1 Gvozdika 122mm artillery in hidden place 7 kms from contact line.
https://www.google.com/maps/@47.22554,37.91372,649m/data=!3m1!1e3 …
https://twitter.com/el_roosevelt/status/611093745338068992 …

VIDEO Ukrainian sappers clearing booby traps, mines, unexploded shells.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOmDKbqF7QM …

10 Ukraine troops WIA in Maryinka. https://twitter.com/novostidnua/status/611103953066041344 …

14 #Russian tanks & 48 APCs were spotted near #Illovaisk & #Mariupol by #OSCE, @sprotiv reports http://ift.tt/1HRDVei r

These Russian 2S1 Gvozdika are not just parked there. They are being used. Likely to shoot at #Shyrokyne. pic.twitter.com/WInM5fawMR

Shyrokyne shelled 7 times over past day. Enemy troops are being concentrated near Hranitne - Mariupol Defense HQ http://en.censor.net.ua/n340384

06-17-2015, 11:14 AM
This is what makes US foreign policy a bit strange and supports the concept that the US has thrown the Ukraine under the bus---if one takes a look at this DoS Kerry statement one could in fact conclude that he is critiquing the Ukraine as much as Russia.

BUT in the last ten days Ukrainian loses have been high in just attempting to keep Russian troops and her mercenaries from crossing the contact line and even OSCe has verified relentless shellings of Ukrainian positions and YET this statement comes out of DoS. On top of it the UA is not responding in kind unless truly threatened with being overrun by Russian troops.

Example—yesterday they returned fire with 82mm mortars when the Russian were firing 122mm and 152mm heavy artillery at them.

Does this DoS statement make sense to anyone other than Kerry himself.

WASHINGTON – Instead of trading mutual accusations of shelling and violation of the Minsk agreement, the parties to the Ukrainian conflict should take greater efforts to implement these agreements through negotiations, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said.

Does Kerry truly not realize that unless there is a verified silent ceasefire with no fire coming from anyone—negotiations will never work????

If you are the Ukraine--would you stop to smell the coffee when you are getting shelled and ground attacked and still have POWs the mercenaries have not exchanged--dare say I would not--noticed Kerry went into none of that.

It is almost like he is just giving the problem "lip service".

06-17-2015, 11:15 AM
Maj-Gen Taran: ATO forces ready to repel Russian forces concentrating near Hranitne village http://en.censor.net.ua/news/340384/shyrokyne_shelled_seven_times_over_past_day_terror ist_troops_are_being_concentrated_near_hranitne_ma riupol … pic.twitter.com/1kRzBS3zln

Only passport and code from SBU now needed to cross the ATO borderline with Russia-occupied territory of #Donbass. https://twitter.com/donetsk62ua/status/611116045554749440 …

Militant of the battalion "Ghost" was arrested in Luhansk region http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-militant-of-the-battalion-ghost-was-arrested-in-luhansk …

SBU blocked the attempt of fake movement "national Council of Bessarabia" pic.twitter.com/7kWnxIylx0 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-sbu-blocked-the-attempt-of-the-criminal-proliferation …

Jun16 16:55 #Donetsk @eralash_fm Along Petrovskogo St tow/Petrovka a very long column moved - cannons, SPGs, tanks, troops

Shyrokyne shelled seven times over past day. Terrorist troops are being concentrated near Hranitne, - Mariupol HQ http://en.censor.net.ua/n340384

06-17-2015, 11:30 AM
The militants again shelled a checkpoint Zolote in the Luhansk region http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-the-militants-again-shelled-a-checkpoint-zolote-in … #Ukraine via @ukrpravda_news

Consequences of heavy explosion yesterday in Donetsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-consequences-of-heavy-explosion-yesterday-in-donetsk … pic.twitter.com/aztnlDgjtp via @neviglases

Donetsk, huge crater, what exploded there yesterday?
Source: https://vk.com/wall22440138_1714 … pic.twitter.com/jCfu2w73N4

Looks like Russian forces deliberately making massive craters near Donetsk to pin blame on Ukraine breaking Minsk eg https://youtu.be/8qXZDJoEGkQ?t=7s …

Russia|n army tanks near #Donetsk City

#Russian annexation of captured #Ukraine territories proceeding: Border post being dismantled in #Luhansk. https://twitter.com/24todaynetua/status/611014248131620864 …

Captured UKR border crossing point Dolzhansky is cut for scrap metal [too] @24todaynetua pic.twitter.com/eEAWJSa6Je http://24today.net/open/445106

#Lysychansk 1:09PM
Loud explosion heard
"in the area of Lysychansk Rubber Products Plant" https://twitter.com/lis_ukrop/status/611113396830904320 …

Hirske 1:17PM
Volleys https://twitter.com/remember7777/status/611113706764795904 …

06-17-2015, 02:48 PM
What Caused The Powerful Explosion That Rocked Donetsk Last Night? http://bit.ly/1LfrOcX pic.twitter.com/FA0FVQ1uMM

"Yesterday a wagon w/120-152mm projectiles detonated on the rails at the chemical plant"
@loogunda @vitaliy00700
@Guderian_Xaba More pictures.
Last pictures.

Last night's HUGE explosion on the Donetsk chem plant DKZKhI grounds was the 3rd since Oct; arms warehouse blew up: http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-485-ukraine-reports-two-assaults-on-marinka-last-night/ …

Keep seeing reports that that DNR's Pushilin was arrested, under charge of espionage for #Ukraine's SBU... :)

06-17-2015, 02:50 PM
Aidar batt reported 4 WIA from #Zolote.
The Ukr checkpoint was shelled there earlier. https://twitter.com/virtyoza_666/status/611152274426097664 …

Ukraine observers record destruction in Stanytsia Luhanska & Toshkivka from June 15 shelling
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1015457565131716&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1015457565131716&__tn__=%2As … pic.twitter.com/ObAxjtCXzn

Ukraine Reports Attacks In Lugansk Region, Shirokino And East Of Volnovakha http://bit.ly/1LfskaE pic.twitter.com/WbkRb2M4j5
The chart indicating the actual current fighting is quite good.

Former Vice Speaker of Ukraine Rada, Koshulynsky is fighting in Donbas as ordinary artilleryman. https://twitter.com/donetsk62ua/status/611140386367610880 …

Russia's military intelligence company that assaulted Parliament of Crimea 2014, identified. https://informnapalm.org/9800-natsysty-v-rossyjskom-spetsnaze-ydentyfytsyrovana-rota-voennoj-razvedky-rf-kotoraya-shturmovala-krymskyj-parlament … pic.twitter.com/GWd5TQmd7L

Andri Taranov on Russian-backed training camps in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/28TJV4pMDr

Zolotoe, #Lugansk reg - gas pipeline broken by militia shellings. https://twitter.com/estebanmunozz/status/611176216100339713 …

06-17-2015, 02:53 PM
I have commented here a number of times on the apparent fact that Facebook has become quite proRussian either because of the oligarch investment into it or the fact that a Russian oligarch controls the EU operations of Facebook—but the company has become a critical link in the Russian propaganda war and seems to not care if they are called out on it.

"Tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian bloggers no longer feel safe on Facebook" http://bit.ly/1Tqqd6r pic.twitter.com/j4h5ymTwE1

Notice this massive despite is not being mentioned at all in the US mainstream IT media and Facebook user groups--it should especially when they fully understand the sheer size of the Russian influence inside Facebook.

06-17-2015, 02:54 PM
This author fully understand Putin and Russia.

New post on In Moscow's Shadows

A Perverse Thought: Finding A Silver Lining In Moscow’s Latest Nuclear Sabre-Rattling

by Mark Galeotti

At times, there is something of the predictably petulant teenager in Russia's strategic responses. NATO lets it be known that it is considering pre-positioning US armour in the Baltic States (as I've said, this is "heavy metal diplomacy" aimed at reassuring the Balts and warning off the Russians more than because there is any serious expectation of war). And in knee-jerk response, Putin announces that

"More than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defence systems will be added to the make-up of the nuclear arsenal this year."

Perversely and paradoxically I find something faintly reassuring about this. Bizarre? Let me explain.

First of all, Russia is updating its nuclear arsenal anyway. Putting aside whether these fabled BMD-beating missiles would anyway work as intended -- the miserable development history of the 3M30 RSM-56 Bulava (SS-NX-32) is a cautionary tale against assuming Russia can deliver world-class technologies these days -- this is essentially Putin repackaging existing deployment plans as if it were some new initiative. In other words, he hasn't anything new to offer.

Secondly, nuclear weapons are that contradiction in terms, an unbeatable weapon that cannot be used. Unless Putin seriously intends to risk global thermonuclear armageddon (something that would have even his generals and cronies thinking twice), of which there is no credible hint, then they are essentially (a) to protect the homeland against existential threat and (b) for posturing. Given that there is no threat of any invasion (no, InfoWars, it is not the case that "Mounting evidence suggests US-dominated NATO heading for direct confrontation with Russia"), this is rather an attempt to worry the West.

Putin knows that using the n-word -- nuclear -- gets us sitting up and paying attention. But essentially, this is just a bit of martial PR, rattling a sabre that he cannot use and which will have no effect unless the West allows itself to be rattled.

How is this encouraging? In comparison with possible alternatives. Had Putin instead announced something that was both new and usable, such as moving a Spetsnaz unit close to the Estonian border, or offering a thousand scholarships to Russian-speaking Balts to come study in Russia (where they could be indoctrinated, recruited, and trained), then I would have been more worried.

06-17-2015, 03:02 PM
Quick historical fact--the Soviet Union collapsed for these reasons.

1. a fall in oil prices
2. they simply could not keep up with the US induced arms race.

Are we now seeing a repeat of that.

1. yesterday the Russian MoD complained bitterly that the US was forcing them into a new arms race
2. then this today indicates oil potentially heading south to the 50 USD a barrel and lower price range.

We're heading for a record oil glut. pic.twitter.com/dbLbNpyou7

06-17-2015, 03:23 PM
Ever since the capture of the two Russian active duty Spetsnaz--it seems social media cannot stop finding them in the web--they really do have some poor net OPSEC.

#Russia's special forces soldiers identifying themselves on Russian TV channels all the time
via @RobPulseNews pic.twitter.com/ccb9m4lT1B

After taking #Debaltseve, #Russia's special forces in #Ukraine no longer hide their identifying insignia's:

06-17-2015, 03:27 PM
This is what makes US foreign policy a bit strange and supports the concept that the US has thrown the Ukraine under the bus---if one takes a look at this DoS Kerry statement one could in fact conclude that he is critiquing the Ukraine as much as Russia.

BUT in the last ten days Ukrainian loses have been high in just attempting to keep Russian troops and her mercenaries from crossing the contact line and even OSCe has verified relentless shellings of Ukrainian positions and YET this statement comes out of DoS. On top of it the UA is not responding in kind unless truly threatened with being overrun by Russian troops.

Example—yesterday they returned fire with 82mm mortars when the Russian were firing 122mm and 152mm heavy artillery at them.

Does this DoS statement make sense to anyone other than Kerry himself.

WASHINGTON – Instead of trading mutual accusations of shelling and violation of the Minsk agreement, the parties to the Ukrainian conflict should take greater efforts to implement these agreements through negotiations, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said.

Does Kerry truly not realize that unless there is a verified silent ceasefire with no fire coming from anyone—negotiations will never work????

If you are the Ukraine--would you stop to smell the coffee when you are getting shelled and ground attacked and still have POWs the mercenaries have not exchanged--dare say I would not--noticed Kerry went into none of that.

It is almost like he is just giving the problem "lip service".

Maybe the DoS should spent sometime with the Ukrainian forward units and then as a Vietnam vet he would appreciate the "shellings".

Is it that hard to call a spade a spade even in the diplomatic world???????

How "one" ceasefire violation looks like:
There were 400 explosions from incoming Russian tank, mortar etc. shells overnight in #Marinka

#Marinka today. Russians shell it with all they have including #Grad missiles and 152 mm artillery.
via ATO pic.twitter.com/MsJjbDVXVP

06-17-2015, 03:28 PM
Zbigniew Brzezinski ✔ @zbig
Do the Germans/French/Italians who don’t want to defend their NATO Baltic allies feel the US shouldn’t defend GR/FR/IT if they’re attacked?

Seems that the Russian Army hides Strela 10s in a medical unit clearly marked by a red cross.

#Shyrokyne: VIDEO by Noah Brooks @NoahBrooks99 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ybBgQlcQVw

This is important for the Baltic NATO members—
Lithuanian MoD: Lithuanian Government just green-lighted signing Status Of Forces Agreement with the United States

06-17-2015, 03:30 PM
I have commented here a number of times on the apparent fact that Facebook has become quite proRussian either because of the oligarch investment into it or the fact that a Russian oligarch controls the EU operations of Facebook—but the company has become a critical link in the Russian propaganda war and seems to not care if they are called out on it.

"Tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian bloggers no longer feel safe on Facebook" http://bit.ly/1Tqqd6r pic.twitter.com/j4h5ymTwE1

Notice this massive despite is not being mentioned at all in the US mainstream IT media and Facebook user groups--it should especially when they fully understand the sheer size of the Russian influence inside Facebook.

Facebook’s block policy accused of facilitating pro-Kremlin trolls | World news | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/17/facebook-pro-kremlin-attacks-russia …

It is just not only Facebook—Twitter as well has been played very effectively by Russian trolls and runs then from the problems when it has been pointed out--BUT they had a Russian oligarch invest over 700M USDs so maybe that is the reason.

Yep! @twitter blocks tweets with link to pravyy sektor website @Support pic.twitter.com/FR3hQ3TsIW

Censorship of #Ukraine web resources in Twitter detected. RT!
@twitter @Support pic.twitter.com/1ef34JAyru

Seems the US social media companies worry about the USD not about US "values".

06-17-2015, 03:56 PM
Russia is disparate to get back “to business as usual”………

Russian Embassy, USA @RusEmbUSA

06-17-2015, 04:26 PM
More evidence of Russian military aggression against Ukraine appeared online.


This is reported by investigative blogger Anton Pavlushko in his new publication for InformNapalm, Censor.NET informs.

In one of the previous OSINT investigations, in the article about the presence of the air defense forces of the Russian Federation in the Donbas (Russian anti-aircraft gunners from 205th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade responsible for downing of Ukrainian aircrafts in the Donbas), there was a photo of the former self-proclaimed "people's governor of the Donbas", leader of Novorossia, terrorist Pavel Gubarev with an Utes machine gun.

Terrorist Gubarev exposes Russian servicemen from the 18th Guards Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Donbas region of Ukraine. PHOTOS

06-17-2015, 04:38 PM
Facebook’s block policy accused of facilitating pro-Kremlin trolls | World news | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/17/facebook-pro-kremlin-attacks-russia …

It is just not only Facebook—Twitter as well has been played very effectively by Russian trolls and runs then from the problems when it has been pointed out--BUT they had a Russian oligarch invest over 700M USDs so maybe that is the reason.

Yep! @twitter blocks tweets with link to pravyy sektor website @Support pic.twitter.com/FR3hQ3TsIW

Censorship of #Ukraine web resources in Twitter detected. RT!
@twitter @Support pic.twitter.com/1ef34JAyru

Seems the US social media companies worry about the USD not about US "values".

Dear Facebook: pls take time—along w/the rest of us—to unlearn what you think you know about Ukraine. This is Russia: pic.twitter.com/ZeCo7qoPBP

06-17-2015, 04:39 PM
Mercenaries from Siberia in Shyrokine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zKCCIvjtCI&feature=youtu.be …

Can't believe I missed this. Russian special forces lay down moves on the dancefloor at military theme park opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKkr9Q4llMc&feature=youtu.be …

If Kremlin was serious about Minsk, it would stop Russian mercenaries like these crossing the border into Ukraine. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3zKCCIvjtCI&feature=youtu.be …

Ukrainian side informed OSCE about night attack on Marinka - militants do not stop attempts to revenge. PHOTOS http://en.censor.net.ua/n340459

Rus forces fired on Troitske with Mortars and portable "Grad-P". In the afternoon fired 40 GRAD rockets on Stepne - ATO

RAF Typhoons in Estonia scrambled 3 times in 24 hours to intercept Russian jets in Baltic https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-emphasises-deep-uk-commitment-during-baltic-nato-visit … pic.twitter.com/SLmP7nfWxP

Other hotspots today - Mariinka, Novotoshkivs'ke, Orikhove, Starohnativka, Hranitne & Zolote – ATO

Feisty Ukraine governor holds war-torn east together http://usat.ly/1ML2atL via @usatoday

EU will extend the sanctions against Russia until Jan, 2016. The Kremlin has failed, Europe stands http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/18/world/europe/eu-agrees-to-extend-economic-sanctions-against-russia.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0 …

06-17-2015, 04:48 PM
Relatively quiet day on the shellings and ground attacks front or they have not been reported yet--let's see if this holds until the evening which is the traditional shelling and ground attack time.

Or they are awaiting the 30th Russian "humanitarian aid" convoy which is usually a munitions and fuel resupply.

Traditionally after each "aid convoy" the shellings get intense.

06-17-2015, 10:13 PM
Intensive evening shellings have started as usual.

Donetsk 11:33PM
Kalinovka - artillery working, heavy https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611270351494979584 …

BREAKING: Heavy shelling of Mariinka from Petrovsky district http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/17-june-donetsk--heavy-shelling-of-mariinka-from-petrovsky …

#Krasnohorivka now quiet.
#Marinka battle. https://twitter.com/BylByleva/status/611265772552343552 …

"Can hear artillery working towards #Pisky" https://twitter.com/arthurnkua/status/611265376752635904 …

Extensive social media open source analysis of this base—excellent work
Meet The Russian Fighters Building A Base Between Mariupol And Donetsk

Long expected arrest of Russian state property abroad to compensate confiscated Yukos has started in Belgium. https://meduza.io/news/2015/06/17/v-belgii-arestovali-rossiyskoe-imuschestvo-po-isku-yukosa …

This is going to cost Russia eventually 150B USDs --they basically refused to accept the court decision which will be costly for them. Their attitude was we are above the law and it is a Russian business issue not an European issue to decide.

06-17-2015, 10:14 PM
Critical if in fact true ---dated today 17/6
Russia|n military intelligence #GRU, filmed by a Kremlin propaganda outlet nr #Kharkiv today
https://youtu.be/Udx88cbm5mY?t=3m44s … pic.twitter.com/izwycrBCwk

VIDEO This is how you quickly park/hide a BMP.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGufYktT6mo …

Interesting bits of Russian kit moving down the M4 Don Highway 17 Jun pic.twitter.com/bQYxpizA09 via @el_roosevelt

4h ago ago: Russian army column going down south on M4 https://instagram.com/p/4CYo17hjaG/ https://instagram.com/p/4CVdKKgLSr/ pic.twitter.com/zHieptyLoU

06-17-2015, 10:16 PM
Reference the shot down of MH17------

Very interesting article on MH17-----
A year after MH17, is Kremlin’s choice finally made?https://cgrozev.wordpress.com/2015/06/17/a-year-after-mh17-is-kremlins-choice-finally-made/

German private detective hired to investigate MH17 says informant has come forward http://tgr.ph/1BjI9Kw pic.twitter.com/TcsJ455dLw

@novaya_gazeta : Rebels controlled Zaroshchenke, where RU accuses Ukraine of placing Buks. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/68846.html …

06-17-2015, 10:21 PM

The Ukrainian army's 20th, 28th and 93rd Brigades are trying to fight off the RF's infantry ground assault at the moment.
Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 24m24 minutes ago

"ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" are attacking #Marinka right now.
- Advisor to the Ukr. Int.Min. Zoryan Shkiryak

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 27m27 minutes ago
Invasion troops launch ANOTHER attack on #Marinka right now!
"#Chechens and #GRU special forces" use T-72, 2S1 and much more!

06-17-2015, 10:24 PM

The Ukrainian army's 20th, 28th and 93rd Brigades are trying to fight off the RF's infantry ground assault at the moment.
Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 24m24 minutes ago

"ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" are attacking #Marinka right now.
- Advisor to the Ukr. Int.Min. Zoryan Shkiryak

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 27m27 minutes ago
Invasion troops launch ANOTHER attack on #Marinka right now!
"#Chechens and #GRU special forces" use T-72, 2S1 and much more!

If this is verified then in fact Russian forces have massively crossed the Minsk 2 contact line and are now in full and complete violation of Minsk 2.

Minsk 2 is now in effect DEAD as a door nail---

AND what will be the Obama, Hollande and Merkel response be tomorrow moring--silence as usual??????

06-17-2015, 10:29 PM
This is the perfect explanation of the failure of US "soft power" being pushed by Obama.

This is just so brilliant I have to post it again.


06-17-2015, 10:34 PM

The Ukrainian army's 20th, 28th and 93rd Brigades are trying to fight off the RF's infantry ground assault at the moment.
Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 24m24 minutes ago

"ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" are attacking #Marinka right now.
- Advisor to the Ukr. Int.Min. Zoryan Shkiryak

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 27m27 minutes ago
Invasion troops launch ANOTHER attack on #Marinka right now!
"#Chechens and #GRU special forces" use T-72, 2S1 and much more!

Near-separatist social media already confirming rebels have mounted new Marinka offensive pic.twitter.com/YKAoG9zIl7

06-17-2015, 10:39 PM
VIDEO Aftermath of Russian attacks on #Marinka today: destruction, destruction & destruction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY1l7xYQ4zM …

VIDEO Ouch! (At least) 16 unknown soldiers buried at Dnepropetrovsk. Their families will never know...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dffzlA3zUwk …

VIDEO of 'DPR' T-72 tank batallion near Torez. But crew is (still) wearing Russian insignia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyfd1e_mi1I … pic.twitter.com/MqYuuvjqM0

#Russia|n military intelligence #GRU, filmed by a Kremlin propaganda outlet nr #Kharkiv today
https://youtu.be/Udx88cbm5mY?t=3m44s … pic.twitter.com/izwycrBCwk

.@Wikipedia says Ukraine used White Phosphorus, but all the quotes come from Russian media.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_phosphorus … pic.twitter.com/iAbTvumUvP

VIDEO - Pisky
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-uh4nNOCVY&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/nKKNSEy9ze

06-18-2015, 02:35 AM
Hi outlaw09

My first post!

I usually just lurk, but the sheer number of your posts, and updates, heck you even quote yourself, has me super curious.

And (can I begin a sentence with a conjunction?) so I have to ask. What's the deal here?

I'm a vet. I live in the US. I want the US to be successful in its foreign policy and global economic endeavors, obviously. Hopefully more so than I feel we have been lately.

But I have to say, I can't blame Russia for getting involved in the Ukraine. I mean, don't they have to? I think Russia would have no choice but to get up to "something" whatever form that something may take. You seem surprised and offended by that. Why?

I won't be offended if you choose not to answer, or want to take this to a private conversation, and I hope I haven't offended you by asking a question you might feel has an obvious answer.

My take? We (the US, I include myself although I don't make policy) got involved in something, and now we are going to shift focus, and pretty much screw over any Ukrainian hopes that we would really take some serious steps there. And Russia will keep sending war materiel and probably human assets on the sly, as much as possible without just sending a blatant invasion force over the border.

06-18-2015, 06:55 AM
Hi outlaw09

My first post!

I usually just lurk, but the sheer number of your posts, and updates, heck you even quote yourself, has me super curious.

And (can I begin a sentence with a conjunction?) so I have to ask. What's the deal here?

I'm a vet. I live in the US. I want the US to be successful in its foreign policy and global economic endeavors, obviously. Hopefully more so than I feel we have been lately.

But I have to say, I can't blame Russia for getting involved in the Ukraine. I mean, don't they have to? I think Russia would have no choice but to get up to "something" whatever form that something may take. You seem surprised and offended by that. Why?

I won't be offended if you choose not to answer, or want to take this to a private conversation, and I hope I haven't offended you by asking a question you might feel has an obvious answer.

My take? We (the US, I include myself although I don't make policy) got involved in something, and now we are going to shift focus, and pretty much screw over any Ukrainian hopes that we would really take some serious steps there. And Russia will keep sending war materiel and probably human assets on the sly, as much as possible without just sending a blatant invasion force over the border.

Blissful--I do not mind your questions --by the way the "self quote" is a posting thing--meaning if I find something that supports and or amplifies a previous posting then I "quote it" and it appears than I am quoting myself.

Here is my personal opinion--I spent over 20 odd years in Berlin from the late 66 to 86 period ie the middle and height of the Cold War and the last 13years of that was spent as a strategic debriefer when we did not even have a term for it- working with all refugees arriving in Berlin-literally from all of the former East Bloc and the Soviet Union working in at least six different languages. I had probably with that job one of the best seats in the house for watching daily events in the former East Bloc and my studies then allowed me to truly enjoy my work--it became so to speak a hobby not work.

During that time I completed a German Diplom in Political Science in one of Germany's redest of red Political Science Depts here in Berlin on top of my MA from Boston U and had countless student friends in the various left "movements" that literally forced me as an American to "debate" and defend that "debate". And friends in the Berlin Riot Police who often "met in the streets of Berlin and engaged in water cannon "debates" with my left friends.

At the same time I was often in East Berlin where on occasions I was strip searched by the GDR Border Guards ie their MfS.

So I know the former East Bloc and all of it's imperfections.

I was then back in Berlin two days before the Wall came down and experienced that event.

But back to the Ukraine---all and I mean all former East Bloc countries have all inherently suffered from what I call the"Soviet disease" --systemic corruption in all of it's various forms.

In order to survive the Communist days corruption big and little became a systemic way of life--coupled with a economic barter system.

Even today in all of those countries who are by the way either members of the EU and or NATO or both--it still survives just hidden beneath the surface.

THEN along comes the Ukraine--which houses some of the best black hackers, a strong Ukrainian mafia and MASSIVE corruption.

Then along comes something the West and the US was not prepared for--the Ukrainian civil society on it's own and regardless of the Russian propaganda--was not supported by the US or the EU--decided they had had enough of the corruption and a total lack of the rule of law and stood up in the Maidan.

Somewhat close to our own development in the 1700s with England but with different reasons.

They as a civil society had decided corruption and the lack of a transparent government and the lack of the rule of law was to no longer to exist in the Ukraine and literally fought for it in the Maidan somewhat akin to our Lexington Green and the Minute Men--and they paid heavily in killed civilians.

BTW--I blame tourism as the core cause of the Maidan--why because a lot of Ukrainians had been traveling since the Wall came down to the EU and had seen the massive differences and many were and are still working in the EU--so they understood there was a big difference and that difference was in the openness of the political system in Europe and a lack of systemic corruption due to the rule of law that is enforced. There was for years an old saying--"travelling educates" and educated they were by Europe and they had come to want the same thing--it is that simple really.

Really just good old human nature at work.

From that moment going forward--they have used the Maidan as the symbol for change--and here is what is not being understood in the US.

They are literally fighting a three front war--1) with Russia physically taking the Crimea and now having well over 10K troops in easterm Ukraine, 2) holding one of the fairest elections in their history since 1991 and now attempting to reform literally an entire society and 3) attempting to stem the systemic corruption/their own oligarchs. AND trying to figure out how to take back all those state enterprises robbed by their own oligarchs in 1990-1994 at the same time.

Here is the kicker--if Russia really wanted a neutral Ukraine--all they had to do was to financially assist them and help with a major aid package--that is simply all they had to do--- building on their deep cultural, historical, religious and language ties. Just assist in their development and stay out of the internal decisions being made by the Ukrainians.

Simply assist that was all Putin had to do---and it would have worked as the majority of the Ukrainians were not all so hep in joining the EU and especially NATO in 2013/2014. In fact it has been the direct actions of Putin that has both motivated and driven the Ukraine to the West simply for safety/security reasons.

BUT that is not how it played out--the core and key question then is WHY not?

Answer is simple--he could not afford to have a similar "Maidan" occur in the streets of Moscow--Russia has an identical set of problems as did the Ukraine led by massive systemic corruption and a large and aggressive Russian mafia and a really large oligarch group who "owns" virtually all of the major companies in Russia.

Right after the Crimea annexation Putin called together his Security Council and they together proposed a sweeping set of law changes to deny any chance for a "Maidan" to occur and all of those changes has been passed and Putin has now converted Russia into an "authoritarian state" with a single leader much like his idol Stalin just with a smile.

Then he unleased his non linear war on the Ukraine with early successes as the Ukrainian Army was virtually just a shell nothing more--but after a year of fighting and taking initially heavy loses the Ukrainian Army has shown a remarkable self confidence and a massive resilience totally surprising even the Russian Army and are holding somewhat now to an edge over the Russians--but are in deep need for anti tank missiles while they are facing well over 700 Russian tanks, night vision, counter battery and ground surveillance radars and drones.

That is all they need militarily--the fighting they will and have stated a number of times--no US boots on the ground--just give us the means to defend ourselves.

This is the short version---

Your question is interesting in that many Americans due to a lack of mainstream media coverage are totally in the dark when it comes to Russia and eastern/central Europe and have been since the Wall came down--but that is another topic for discussion--ie why is that?

The US has to provide whatever assistance the Ukraine can use at this moment ie financial, advice, international political support, training ie military and civil in order that the reforms which the Ukrainians themselves want --be able to succeed---but here is the catch we the US must be also hands off--meaning let the Ukrainians flow wherever their civil society wants to go and just be supportive of that flow--only when the entire civil society is involved in it's own development will that civil society take responsibility for their own creations.

Is that not what we really want these days--then we the US will not have the temptation to become "directly involved" and dictate the outcome that we the US "perceive is the right solution for them"???

We have to realize that other civil societies must find their own way forward--and actually if one looks at all of the Arab and European "Springs" they are driven by the wants of a transparent government and the rule of law, good governance, and an inherent drive to provide security for their families and some form of economic development that benefits everyone--not just a few oligarchs.

It is in the end all about---the "values thing".

06-18-2015, 07:13 AM

The Ukrainian army's 20th, 28th and 93rd Brigades are trying to fight off the RF's infantry ground assault at the moment.
Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 24m24 minutes ago

"ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" are attacking #Marinka right now.
- Advisor to the Ukr. Int.Min. Zoryan Shkiryak

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke 27m27 minutes ago
Invasion troops launch ANOTHER attack on #Marinka right now!
"#Chechens and #GRU special forces" use T-72, 2S1 and much more!

The assault was repelled.
After significant losses and some hours of calm, shelling resumed in the morning.
-Ukr army spox E. Silkin

06-18-2015, 07:20 AM
Russian forces conducted 79 attacks over the #Minsk demarcation line yday, using 120mm mortars,122&152mm arty and MLRS "Grad".

The Ukrainian front near #Stepne was hit by a 40 #Grad missile attack yesterday afternoon.

Another Russian #Grad-P attack happened near #Troitske in the #Luhansk region.

A Russian priest blessed a base of strategic bombers w/the icon of Joseph Stalin. Good morning
http://rusjev.net/2015/06/16/svyashhennik-v-rossii-osvyatil-bazu-yadernyih-bombardirovshhikov-ikonoy-stalina-foto/ … pic.twitter.com/5TkVtLBxTL

Interesting comment about war journalists:
actually he wrote that: there is a hybrid war; journos are soldiers of this war on information front; DNR/LNR are lawless

Reference Chechnya--
Officers in Kadyrov’s Troops Declared Wanted in Nemtsov Case | The Interpreter http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-update-june-17-2015/#8844 …

Yesterday RU forces attacked positions in Sector "M" 10 times. 7am this morning shelled Shyrokyne - Sector M spox
http://www.mariupol.tv/news/war/mariupol/4499/boeviki_udarili_po_shirokino.html …

Ukrainian police detained suspected in murder of journalist Oles Buzina http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-ukrainian-police-detained-suspected-in-murder-of … via @flashnord

06-18-2015, 08:12 AM
#Shyrokyne is under Russian attack since 7am.
Mortars, machine guns, grenade launchers and other small arms used.
- Yaroslav Chepurnoy

Brave UA photographer @gor6777 took pics of Russian armor at Razdolnoye, put on @google maps http://www.interpretermag.com/meet-the-russian-fighters-building-a-base-between-mariupol-and-donetsk/ … pic.twitter.com/Ctw65yYpId

VIDEO 2 of now exact geolocated crater Donetsk: building exploded!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyaa6kwUQFc …
https://www.google.com/maps/@48.0382601,37.6832982,160m/data=!3m1!1e3 … pic.twitter.com/faWYxSmrsl

Stakhanov 10:51AM
Artillery working again, frequent (volleys) https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/611441049559564288 …

Belgian court orders arrest of all Russian property at request of Yukos
http://www.unian.info/world/1090777-belgian-court-orders-arrest-of-all-russian-property-at-request-of-yukos.html … pic.twitter.com/MzAsDv0Teh

Regardless of sanctions US companies still want “business as usual”---how many killed and wounded Ukrainians is the Russia business worth to them—and they talk about “company ethnics and values”.

US firms at St. Pete Forum: "The quiet advice is, ‘If you have to go, go, but keep it low key. No photo ops, please." http://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-struggling-economy-clouds-st-petersburg-economic-forum-1434580810 …

Obama Is Sending Careless Signals to Putin http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/obama-is-sending-careless-signals-to-putin-op-ed/523341.html …

06-18-2015, 08:41 AM
Militants try to break through front line at Maryinka three times overnight
http://www.unian.info/war/1090794-militants-try-to-break-through-front-line-at-maryinka-three-times-overnight.html … pic.twitter.com/wdHEkGP2TB

Ukr checkpoint 29 was hit with a full load of GRADs outgoing from #Stakhanov at 5:15AM

Around Staromar'ivka (next to Hranytne) about 400 pers, 25-30 armored vehicles and artillery https://twitter.com/felixsteal/status/611450437565288448

06-18-2015, 11:51 AM

Claims to Russia’s property in Belgium came as no surprise — minister

June 18, 11:36 UTC+3

"This is a predicted measure and we have seen such risks earlier," Russian Economic Development Minister said Russian Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev

ST.PETERSBURG, June 18. /TASS/. Russia was not surprised by the claims to the country’s property in Belgium and will challenge them, Russian Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said in an interview with the RBC TV channel on Thursday.

"This is a predicted measure and we have seen such risks earlier. The decision of the Stockholm arbitration court gives grounds to countries for taking these actions," Ulyukayev said.

The minister said he has no information on the particular assets concerned.

"Of course, we will assert our position and will seek to cancel these measures," Ulyukayev said.

06-18-2015, 11:55 AM

Claims to Russia’s property in Belgium came as no surprise — minister

June 18, 11:36 UTC+3

Seems that Russia being hardheaded had decided to not respond to the Yukos court decision awarding over 210B USDs in damages to three principle's SO they now are getting hit with seizures of whatever can be frozen--if for example a Russia warship stops anywhere in the world it could actually be seized as a Russian state asset or any of their Aeroflot airliners.

We must keep in mind that the #Yukos decision applies not only to the RU state but also to Rosneft and Gazprom

Russian accounts frozen in France following $63m worth claim from a Swiss firm
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7187993.stm … …

06-18-2015, 11:57 AM
Ukrainian police and military are fighting a two front war 1) the Russians and 2) systemic corruption.


Tornado battalion claims arrest of commander related to his anti-smuggling activities

18.06.2015 | 13:46

The acting commander of the Tornado special police battalion has said that the arrest of its commander is linked to the fact that the battalion soldiers stop trains with contraband goods travelling to territories controlled by Russian-backed militants or coming from them.

The opening of criminal cases against battalion soldiers started when they began detaining trains three months ago, Radio Liberty has reported, quoting one of the soldiers in the battalion.

"Before that, we were on the front line, we suffered attacks from Grad rockets, we were killed – and we were good. But when we noticed [illegal] trade going on with the terrorists, we immediately became looters and murderers," the solider said.

The soldier said that on Tuesday, June 16, the battalion detained another train coming from occupied Alchevsk to Dnipropetrovsk, which included about 20 carriages with pig iron, and in an empty train, in which the guards should have been travelling, officers discovered nine blocks of TNT.

According to the soldier, a subversive group of militants could have been travelling on the train. He argued that his commander was "called all night, receiving demands to let the train go, and in the morning on Wednesday, June 17, he disappeared when he was in hospital in Dnipropetrovsk."

06-18-2015, 11:58 AM
Ukrainian police and military are fighting a two front war 1) the Russians and 2) systemic corruption.


Tornado battalion claims arrest of commander related to his anti-smuggling activities

18.06.2015 | 13:46

BUT then this pops up in the Ukrainian media at the same time so were they also arresting those involved in smuggling and the Ukrainian mafia got teed off?

The BN was being accused of having illegally arrested and holding 10 individuals--so were these 10 working for the smugglers? No indication in the media report.

06-18-2015, 11:59 AM
After an all night of intensive shellings and very strong ground attacks--relative quiet now.

Donetsk 13:00
Tekstilshchik ds - since already 30 minutes hear shots (artillery working or mortars) https://twitter.com/tekstilevskia/status/611474691111395328 …

ATO:--- 3 Ukraine soldiers killed, 14 wounded yesterday by Russian forces in East Ukraine

Russia(n) Military Spending: Drawing Blood From A Stone http://www.forbes.com/sites/markadomanis/2015/05/19/russian-military-spending-drawing-blood-from-a-stone/ … can`t afford it long term pic.twitter.com/PVxxWqwhzy

Is the 'World’s Deadliest Tank' (that broke down) Bankrupting #Russia? http://thediplomat.com/2015/05/is-the-worlds-deadliest-tank-bankrupting-russia/ …

Intelligence of 28 Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine came under machine-gun fire. Two killed https://twitter.com/SputnikATO/status/611483689470586881 …

Two Dnipro-1 battalion servicemen killed in shelling at #Marinka at night. https://twitter.com/dmitry_gordon/status/611480674827173888 …

The Crimean Tatar's TV channel ATR that was closed by Russian occupiers in Crimea, began broadcasting from Kiyv http://goo.gl/fb/PV3gyc

NBS @Latvijas_armija
Air Policing jets on 18 JUN in international airspace above the Baltic Sea near LV border identified RU AF 1X Il-20.

SMM UAVs continue to observe on regular basis large concentrations of weapons near railway line in “DPR”-controlled #Komsomolske - SMM Spox

SMM saw evidence of fighting along contact line N-N-E of #Mariupol, close to “DPR”-controlled #KrasnyiOktiabr - Bociurkiw

Does anyone have a better understanding then this of how the front situation looks like around #Zolote and #Rodina?! pic.twitter.com/VC1bwSxNUc

Russian militants plan for now, possible, is to capture Kurakhove-Dzerzhinsk foothold http://liveuamap.com pic.twitter.com/5xGPeNZTni

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Police force in Donetsk region detained female artillery spotter that collaborated with pro-RU fighters pic.twitter.com/RI6vUlgwuV

06-18-2015, 12:15 PM
Really worth reading as it is an accurate reflection of US actions towards Russia and it goes to the heart that Putin really does believe Obama is a weak leader and willing to compromise on just about anything.


Obama Is Sending Careless Signals to Putin (Op-Ed)By Fredo Arias-King
Jun. 09 2015 18:47

In the world of diplomacy, “signals” and perceived nuances are vital indicators that governments use to interpret the intentions of other countries. Such signals are especially important when dealing with non-democratic regimes.

Dictatorships tend to see the world in a distorted light, which means that they are prone to misinterpreting the signals. Columbia scholar Jack Snyder has described this tendency as “mythmaking.” These misinterpretations begin wars, even wars the regimes are unlikely to win.

Russia's foreign policy makers combine their obsession with personalities with black and white Manichean thinking. Intelligence dossiers on U.S. scholars and officials provide the Kremlin with information on the personalities, biases, and apparent motivations of those in the U.S. administration dealing with Russian interests.

Russian leaders use these dossiers to decipher what an American president and his appointees intend to signal through their statements and actions, regardless of official policy pronouncements or even common sense.

U.S. President Barack Obama has sent some powerful signals to the Kremlin — whether intended or not. Moscow saw Obama’s appointment of Michael McFaul and Fiona Hill as his top Russia hands through the prism of their academic writings on democracy promotion in the post-Soviet space.

Putin broke diplomatic protocol during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry by accusing McFaul of attempting to organize a color revolution in Russia. Significantly, Kerry did not admonish these unfounded attacks on his own ambassador — an unfortunate signal to Putin.

One can only speculate how the Kremlin interpreted the appointment of Celeste Wallander as the senior director for Russia and Eurasia on the National Security Council — in effect, Obama’s current most senior Russia hand together with Victoria Nuland at the State Department.

Wallander has a long record of criticizing not only NATO expansion, but NATO itself. As one of her graduate students at Harvard, I recall her becoming visibly agitated in class when students reflected opinions favorable to NATO’s role in European security. At a panel on NATO expansion in 1998, she blurted in a choked voice, as if about to cry, “How many times do we have to lie to the Russians?” referring to alleged U.S. assurances of not expanding NATO beyond East Germany. (Turns out this view of history is not entirely correct.)

Her tone clashed with that of fellow panelist Andrei Kortunov, a longtime insider of Russian policymaking. Kortunov treated the imminent acceptance of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland into NATO with level-headedness.

Moscow pays careful attention to Harvard faculty whose influence in forming policy on Russia can be profound.

The Kremlin’s intelligence collection would surely have documented Wallander’s public and private anti-NATO proclivities, though her writings on the subject displayed more balance.

Obama's signals to Russia on personnel decisions appear to reinforce other actions.

One was Obama’s long apology to Putin, during a meeting near Moscow, for the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Another was the botched attempt at “reset” following the Russian-Georgian war in 2008.

In a 2012 meeting with Russia’s then-President Dmitry Medvedev, Obama pleaded for Putin to give him more “space” on a range of issues, particularly on the thorny subject of missile defense in Europe. “This is my last election,” Obama said, apparently unaware that journalists were picking up his comments over an open microphone. “After my election I have more flexibility.”

After Putin granted him the requested “space,” Obama canceled a long-standing missile-defense project with Poland—precisely on the anniversary of the Soviet-Nazi invasion of that key ally.

What signals is Obama sending Putin now when he reverses U.S. sanctions on Iran and its nuclear weapons program, announced the intention to end the five-decade ban on Cuba without extracting any concessions from the regime and appointed an anti-NATO scholar to an important foreign policy position?

Obama’s careless signals have already been sent, as have Russian tanks into Ukraine.

Fredo Arias-King is founder of the Washington-based academic quarterly ''Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization.''

06-18-2015, 12:16 PM
Really worth reading as it is an accurate reflection of US actions towards Russia and it goes to the heart that Putin really does believe Obama is a weak leader and willing to compromise on just about anything.


Obama Is Sending Careless Signals to Putin (Op-Ed)By Fredo Arias-King
Jun. 09 2015 18:47

There is an old diplomatic saying--"it is all about the dance" and right now the US President and his NSC simply cannot "dance".

The interesting question might be--Why not??

06-18-2015, 12:43 PM
Seems that Russia being hardheaded had decided to not respond to the Yukos court decision awarding over 210B USDs in damages to three principle's SO they now are getting hit with seizures of whatever can be frozen--if for example a Russia warship stops anywhere in the world it could actually be seized as a Russian state asset or any of their Aeroflot airliners.

We must keep in mind that the #Yukos decision applies not only to the RU state but also to Rosneft and Gazprom

Russian accounts frozen in France following $63m worth claim from a Swiss firm
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7187993.stm … …

Why is it that Russian wants to not follow internationally accepted business practices and somehow always feel they are above the rule of law?

Rosneft has offered to arrest all French assets in Russia http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-rosneft-has-offered-to-arrest-all-french-assets-in … via @ru_rbc

Russia shifted its US assets to offshore custodians: Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
#Belgian arrest is #1. pic.twitter.com/ImMoUHEz0J

Paris Office of Russia Today is arrested in France http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-paris-office-of-russia-today-is-arrested-in-france …

French bailiffs seize Russian property (receivables & bank accounts) for #Yukos http://ow.ly/OtVj1 via @RAPSI_en

06-18-2015, 12:44 PM
Ukrainian police and military are fighting a two front war 1) the Russians and 2) systemic corruption.


Tornado battalion claims arrest of commander related to his anti-smuggling activities

18.06.2015 | 13:46

Civil population is evacuated around Tornado Unit base http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-civil-population-is-evacuated-around-tornado-unit …

06-18-2015, 12:45 PM
Putin|'s response to diplomacy: #Russia|n assault all along the front. MT @NSDC_ua Situation in E #Ukraine June 18 pic.twitter.com/2GFZx2C1uh

Russian forces threaten strategic #Volnovakha area. This is why Russian DPR units concentrate Rozdolne to Telmanove. pic.twitter.com/UBB4ljkl4n

#Popasna @100007182042214 RUS are shelling UKR positions near #Popasna,as of 14:40 no explosions in the town pic.twitter.com/jh5FZV12BP

Shyrokyne under #Russia|n attacks since 7am. Mortars, machine guns, grenade launchers

According to military expert Aleksey Arestovich, militants likey to launch full scale attack in 4-5 days.

http://www.mariupol.tv/news/war/mariupol/4505/boeviki_perejdut_v_nastuplenie_po_vsej_linii_front a_22_iyunya.html …

Latitude 67N SIGINT @uascan
RUAF VHF traffic in Gulf of Finland. Possible transport plane in/out St Petersburg airspace?

.@OSCE_RFoM raises beating & detention of @novaya_gazeta reporter Pavel Kanygin by "DPR" in her opening remarks pic.twitter.com/Gx3Dhs6UDn

06-18-2015, 12:46 PM
SBU exposed a briber border guard pic.twitter.com/7If7oeAMu9 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-sbu-exposed-the-briber-border-guard- …

Putin urged to introduce elements of the Soviet Gosplan and concentrate the reserves http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-putin-urged-to-introduce-elements-of-the-soviet-gosplan … via @rosbaltru

Mines were found under a train in the Donbass pic.twitter.com/IG4lLt6wDE http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-mines-were-found-under-the-train--in-the-donbass

Worth watching---
Absolutely fascinating, on lots of levels. What Russians think of Ukrainians. Street interviews. Eng subs, 8 mins.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjBBOTvByGs …

Russian militants used Grad systems, 152mm &122mm artillery while firing at Tryokhizbenka, Orikhove, Novotoshkivske http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-russian-militants-used-grad-missile-systems-152mm …

DNR" demands Amnesty for the elections in the Donbass pic.twitter.com/5A6hiM2usv http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-dnr-demands-amnesty-for-the-elections-in-the-donbass …

06-18-2015, 12:52 PM

Seven goals of Russian domestic propaganda have laid a trap for the Kremlin, Kirillova says

As a result of its propaganda effort at home, one that has seven main goals, Kseniya Kirillova says, the Kremlin has trapped itself in a situation in which Vladimir Putin can either continue to move toward a broader war or face the prospect of an explosion on the streets of Russian cities and towns. What he can’t do is “turn off the television.”

In a commentary for Novy Region-2 today, the Seattle-based analyst identifies these seven goals that the Kremlin is pursuing at home and shows how they leave the Russian leadership with few good choices and threaten both the Russian population and the world.

The seven goals she describes are:

1. A weakening of critical thought. Moscow’s domestic propaganda effort, she suggests, is directed in the first instance to block any critical thought about what is going on, to provide pre-packaged answers that people are simply to accept, and to drive them into “a situation of chaos and panic” where they will behave as a crowd with the crowd’s “archaic instincts.” To do so, the Kremlin-controlled media plays on the worst rather than the best instincts of the Russian people.

2. The Creation of the Image of the Enemy. Like its Soviet predecessors, the Russian government now is promoting the idea of a single enemy with tentacles reaching out to the world. Thus, the US is the main enemy, and all of its allies are labeled “’American puppets.’” RISI President Leonid Reshetnikov, a Kremlin advisor, delivers what is now the standard Moscow message: he says that it doesn’t matter whether Americans are Democrats or Republicans: both want to destroy Russia albeit in somewhat different ways. Ultimately, because Russia will resist, they will both turn to war.

3. Linking All Domestic Problems to Foreign Affairs. In order to silence any criticism of Russia’s mounting problems at home, Kirillova continues, Moscow propaganda seeks to exploit Russian patriotism and to link all problems to the actions of foreigners in general and the US in particular. That silences most Russians who know little about what is happening abroad and are prepared to accept that conspiratorial version of reality.

4. Stressing the Need for Consolidation of Society to Counter Military Threat. Related to the previous goal, Russian propaganda does not miss a chance to suggest that Russians have no choice but to unite given the foreign threat.

5. Putin Presented as Only Leader Capable of Opposing this Military Threat. No comment is necessary, Kirillova suggests.

6. Preparation for Inevitable Deprivations in ‘War Time.’ Given the threatening environment that Moscow media presents, she continues, Russians are encouraged to think that any deprivations they may face are “’a lesser evil’” of what is going to be the inevitable consequence of the current situation: a wider war. They are not encouraged in any case to think about the possibility of changing course.

7. West Must See Russia as Prepared for War. The only hope Russians are offered by Moscow propaganda is that if they show themselves willing to go to war, the West will conclude that it is too risky to oppose the Kremlin.

06-18-2015, 01:02 PM
Maybe major ground combat in progress---all unconfirmed.

In social networks, there is information about the fighting began at #Mariupol.

Mariupol also talk about a noise like thunder blows from the airport.

@OnlineMagazin There have been reports from Mariupol who heard in the field of military force shots.

06-18-2015, 01:03 PM
Really worth reading as it is an accurate reflection of US actions towards Russia and it goes to the heart that Putin really does believe Obama is a weak leader and willing to compromise on just about anything.


Obama Is Sending Careless Signals to Putin (Op-Ed)By Fredo Arias-King
Jun. 09 2015 18:47

It is a paradox of modern times that, as America matures, its FP grows more ideologically nave, even infantile." http://www.wsj.com/articles/dictatorships-and-obama-standards-1434582659

06-18-2015, 06:40 PM
It is a bit late for this to be settled in court--which Russia basically ignored in the first place thinking this would not happen.


Russia to Challenge State Property Arrest in Court Over Yukos Case
10:33 18.06.2015(updated 11:53 18.06.2015)

Russian presidential aide Andrei Belousov said that Moscow will challenge the arrest of its property abroad in court.

ST PETERSBURG (Sputnik) – Russia will challenge the arrest of its property abroad in court, as the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague decided to award former Yukos shareholders with millions of dollars in compensation from Russia, Russian presidential aide Andrei Belousov said Thursday.

"We shall challenge these decisions regarding both France and Belgium, and all the other countries. We consider that in everything related to The Hague court's decision there was a whole number of legal uncertainties," Belousov told journalists.

According to Belousov, international lawyers are currently working on the case to protect Russia's interests.

Moscow's court of arbitration declared Yukos bankrupt in 2006. State-run Rosneft subsequently purchased about 80 percent of the company's assets.

Yukos's stakeholders claimed the Russian government had illegally forced the energy company out of business, allowing Rosneft to snap up its assets and become the country’s largest oil producer.

The court in The Hague has awarded three companies representing former Yukos co-owners $50 billion in compensation from the Russian government.

On June 17, officials notified 47 Belgian and Russian enterprises registered in the region of Brussels on the requirement to submit a list of Russian assets in their possession within 15 days.

Russia expects that a number of foreign countries will follow Belgium's example and arrest Russia's governmental assets, presidential aide Andrei Belousov said.

Belgian law enforcement notified Belgian, Russian and international companies in Belgium of arrest of Russian state property over the Yukos ex-shareholder court case.

"This was not unexpected for us. We believe that the decisions that were made, were made erroneously… We forecast a number of countries that will introduce analogous measures. I don't want to name them now," Belousov told journalists.

Moscow threatens to arrest Belgian Embassy's property in return
http://www.unian.info/world/1091161-moscow-threatens-to-arrest-belgian-embassys-property-in-return.html … pic.twitter.com/sNGE846VzW

Head of GML announced the arrests of Russian assets in US and UK https://twitter.com/bbcrussian/status/611580997205905409 …

Russian state assets were arrested in Austria http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-russian-state-assets-were-arrested-in-austria … via @GazetaRu

EU Countries Cast Wide Net to Freeze Russian State Assets Abroad in YUKOS Case
http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-update-june-18-2015/#8854 … pic.twitter.com/2zaiYuuFMz

#Yukos shareholders declare war on #Russia assets, accounts frozen/seized in France & Belgium http://www.politico.eu/article/yukos-oil-russia-khodorkovsky-mikhail-putin/ … pic.twitter.com/dDk7tzDOa0

Russian minister does not exclude arrests of Russian assets in EU and USA pic.twitter.com/qZkGfFzBbE http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-russian-minister-does-not-exclude-arrests-of-russian …

Rosneft has offered to arrest all French assets in Russia http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-rosneft-has-offered-to-arrest-all-french-assets-in …

06-18-2015, 06:43 PM
Do #Russia'ns want war? @Babylon13UA explores in a new video
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=410385735811901 … pic.twitter.com/2wbX84I4Na

Russian Tu-214 spy plane flying across Ukrainian border http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-russian-tu214-spy-plane-flying-across-ukrainian-border … pic.twitter.com/8fgvLZXJNq via @belugin

Lugansk: The terrorists rammed the building of bar.
http://24tv.ua/news/showNews.do?boyoviki_vletili_na_bmp_u_bar_ye_postr azhdali&objectId=585906&tag=ukrayina …
There're casualties pic.twitter.com/eUWu90aOXs

VIDEO: PISKY - Under artillery fire from Russian-terrorist forces.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAh-GRGGihY&sns=tw … http://twitter.com/UkrWatchTower/status/611592197683703808/photo/1pic.twitter.com/npXg0Vxg2S pic.twitter.com/oTL0e9bIcS

Russia threatens Sweden with 'military actions' over possible #NATO membership http://www.thelocal.se/20150618/russia-warns-of-risks-should-sweden-join-nato …

06-18-2015, 06:44 PM
Another heavy Russian #Grad volley of 55 rockets hit Ukrainian positions near #Novotoshkivske this morning.

Popasnaya under fire: column of smoke on the outskirts pic.twitter.com/VqGHMCwNKr http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/18-june-popasnaya-under-fire-on-the-outskirts-of-the-column …

Towards #Starobeshevo battle, explosions https://twitter.com/JRijJyY08AkRzL8/status/611560311368351744 …

Also at 12:30 Rus forces began shelling positions in Shyrokyne with heavy artillery. No injuries were reported – Azov

Today Ukr positions in Shyrokyne were fired on from AGS, heavy machine guns, RPG, SPG, & mortars - Regiment Azov
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1074180482612073&substory_index=0&id=879147128782077&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1074180482612073&__tn__=%2As …

OSCE spotted modern radar tracking unit near Lutuhyne. Also OSCE UAV was fired at by militants near Mariupol
REPORT http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/165111 …

OSCE: Some heavy weapon storage sites completely empty in eastern #Ukraine
http://uatoday.tv/news/osce-some-heavy-weapon-storage-sites-completely-empty-441726.html … pic.twitter.com/itzsdcmOgM

Today RU forces shelled UKR positions and civilian areas 40 times. Used Mortars, Artillery, tanks, GRAD MLRS - ATO
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1016076255069847&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1016076255069847&__tn__=%2As …

#Ukraine Security Service seized cargo of Aerospace parts (for missile,tank) on way to #Russia http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/en/publish/article;jsessionid=2A4A857BC0876DC6481DE56C48CE7D0 6.app1?art_id=146264&cat_id=35317 … pic.twitter.com/qdFQBIifH9

VIDEO Russian artillery hitting Pisky #geolocated
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAh-GRGGihY … pic.twitter.com/QGrxUms8g5

Russia faces $100bn corporate debt mountain - Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/globalbusiness/11683564/Russia-faces-100bn-corporate-debt-mountain.html …

06-18-2015, 07:02 PM
I have previously posted this--well worth the reading of the document.

Finnish report on "Russia’s Hybrid War in Ukraine: Breaking the Enemy’s Ability to Resist"
http://goo.gl/Sbbb5z pic.twitter.com/kuvBeSGHNs

06-18-2015, 08:10 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 6.17
Posted on June 18, 2015 by chervonaruta

Operational data from Information Resistance:

Russian-terrorist forces in Donbas continue to actively shell the positions of Ukrainian troops from artillery, 120-mm mortars, and armored vehicles. A decrease in shellings has been observed during daytime and their increase was observed at nighttime. Enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups have become active in several directions.

During the past 24 hours, terrorists have become increasingly active in the entire western sector in the direction of Donetsk. The positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian objects have been shelled in the vicinity of Opytne, Pisky, Krasnohorivka, Mar’inka, Avdiivka, Starohnativka, Novomykhaylivka. Terrorists have mostly used 120-mm mortars and 122-mm artillery systems (the enemy actively uses 2S1 “Carnation” 122-mm self-propelled guns that can quickly change their firing positions; the enemy also uses artillery groups (batteries of 3-4 systems, rarely 5-6 systems). As a rule, the command of Russian-terrorist forces has focused the fire of several artillery groups at a particular sector – typically in the vicinity of Mar’inka, Opytne, and south of the Donetsk on the Starohnativka – Hranitne stretch. An insurgent sniper group was observed once again near Mar’inka. In addition, armed confrontations [between the ATO forces and] insurgent infantry groups have been recorded in the vicinity of Mar’inka; these groups have attempted to attack the ATO forces’ advanced positions.

The enemy carries out attacks mainly from infantry weapons in these directions – AGS-17 and large-caliber machine guns; mobile units with ZU-23-2 and 82-mm mortars are used often [as well]. The following tactic is employed: terrorists infiltrate the “neutral zone” using shrubbery in small groups of 10-15 people (as a rule, a group includes a “Kord” heavy-caliber machine gun, one or two unassembled AGS-17 or a 82 -mm mortar), occupy a firing position, and disguise themselves. After this, “an imitation group” opens brief fire from small arms on the positions of the ATO forces to provoke retaliatory fire and identify the positions of Ukrainian troops. Then, the first group opens fire from the “neutral zone” at the identified targets. To cover the retreat, insurgent groups use mobile 82-mm mortars and Zu-23-2.

In the coastal direction, near Shyrokyne and northwest of it (including areas in the vicinity of Pavlopil and Chermalyk), the enemy has actively used 120-mm mortarts and 122-mm artillery during the past 24 hours (the so-called “Novoazovsk” artillery group operated with six D-30 guns and eight ACS 2S1″ Carnation”). In the daytime, the ATO forces observed and opened fire at several enemy spotters in the “neutral zone.” The movement of insurgent armored vehicles along the position was observed (four tanks and up to 10 ACVs).

In the Artemivsk direction, the reinforcement of insurgent mortar groups with 122-mm artillery that had operated earlier was recorded. In particular, the arrival of an artillery division, two batteries in size (eight 122-mm weapons), was observed in the area near Novhorodske. Near Myronivske and Zolote, insurgents used tank groups (2-3 tanks in size) in the evening to fire at the positions of the ATO forces; their retreat was covered by 120-mm mortars.

In the vicinity of Krymske, Novotoshkivka, Shchastya, and Stanytsia Luhanska, insurgents have fired from small arms and AGS-17. Near Trokhizbenka, behind the river Seversky Donets, an armed confrontation between an ATO outpost and a sabotage and reconnaissance group of terrorists that attempted to infiltrate into the tactical rear of the Ukrainian troops was observed.

In the vicinity of Stanytsia Luhanska, ATO forces have neutralized a sniper group of Russian Spetsnaz (Russians have casualties) with successful counter-sniper actions.

The movement of an insurgent group (up to 50 people) with five ACVs (two BMP-1 and three BMP-2) has been observed from Khartsyzsk towards Ilovaisk.

The enemy continues to regroup artillery in the Kyivskyi district of Donetsk. Two to three weapons get transferred partly to the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk, and partly – in the southern direction. Predominantly, 122-mm D-30 howitzers get transferred, and a transfer of a four-weapon battery of 152-mm 2A65 “MSTA-B” howitzer has been recorded.

The transfer to Donetsk of a mixed group of eight tanks, eight ACS (six ACS 2S1 “Carnation” and two 2S3 “Acacia” self-propelled guns), and 25-26 ACVs has been recorded.

In Luhansk, terrorists continue to accumulate their armored vehicles (in the Kamenobrodskyi district, the area of the former antiaircraft missile battalion – about 25 tanks in varying degrees of readiness and 32-34 AFVs are accumulated). During the last 24 hours, four more tanks and two BTR-80s have arrived at this “base” from the south.

A mass “return” of insurgents (that used to fight in the “armies of the DNR and LNR”), disguised as peaceful civilians, has been observed in Artemivsk and Dzerzhynsk (a territory controlled by ATO forces). Local authorities and law enforcement pay no attention to the “return” of these insurgents.

06-18-2015, 08:12 PM
Shellings are on again--- waiting for the corresponding ground attacks.

OSCE Spots Equipment Staging Near Rail Line Near Key Base Of The Russian Hybrid Army: http://www.interpretermag.com/ukraine-live-day-486-significant-overnight-attack-on-marinka-launched-by-russian-backed-fighters/#8850 …

Donetsk 21:37
Myasokombinat - hearing occasionally heavy distant volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611615194993827840 …

Makeevka 22:22
Loud volleys somewheare towards #Spartak https://twitter.com/VasyaMakeevskiy/status/611615897380352000 …

Donetsk 22:20
Incoming around Zasyadko mine https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611617289650241537 …

#Makeevka 22:11
Center - heavy single volley https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611617021915209728 …

Donetsk 21:20
Ruscists began cross-shelling Tochmash (plant) - Butovka (mine) https://twitter.com/UkraineSuper1/status/611600042084954112 …

Donetsk 21:26
"Heard incoming at Putilovka, difference betw volleys and explosions was 3-4 sec, even 2 sec 2 times" https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/611603973452242945 …

Donetsk 9:46PM
Putilov market is burning https://twitter.com/donetsk_ukrop/status/611605926911545344 …

20:06 #Shakhtarsk @Helgi__UA 4 BMP, 1 MT-LB, 12 T-72 tanks(!), 2 Ural trucks tow/#

Makeevka 23:15
Continuous explosions towards #Donetsk https://twitter.com/VasyaMakeevskiy/status/611628486705475584 …

Loud rumble towards #Debaltsevo. Not thunder. https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/611627690035122176 …

Dzerzhynsk 11:06PM
Shelling https://twitter.com/dimetros7776/status/611625812496936963 …

Stakhanov 10:49PM
"Something exploded or it was a very loud outgoing (salvo)"

"It was heard in #Kirovsk too" https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/611621831548796928 …

Russia again rejects expanding #Ukraine border monitoring OSCE. http://flip.it/k3Gz0

Towards #Marinka explosions. https://twitter.com/DmitriyKatsapov/status/611620263071977472 …

Ruscists again shelled Putilovka and passed it as return fire from Ukr.
Since 2 weeks non-stop shelling. https://twitter.com/funkermanjke/status/611618847980826624 …

Yasynuvata 22:26
Sound of battle in north. Around #Spartak, airport or #Pisky. mostly small arms, somtme explosions https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611621085914759169 …

Donetsk 21:37
Myasokombinat - hearing occasionally heavy distant volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/611615194993827840 …

06-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Numbers-Stations.com @Spy_Stations

5855 kHz Black Sea Russian Naval CW mentioning BOEWOJ PODGOTOWKI - combat readiness

06-18-2015, 08:38 PM

Weapons of Mass Deception. Part One

16 June 2015 Vasily Gatov

The overwhelming scale and deeply destructive nature of the Kremlin’s information war has only recently drawn attention of the Western mainstream media and policymakers. In part one of his essay, prominent Russian media analyst Vasily Gatov, visiting fellow at the Center of Communication Leadership and Policy, University of Southern California, explains the origins of the Russian propaganda and Putin’s anti-Western narrative.

As consumption of mass media has increased dramatically in modern times, outscoring all other human habits in absorbing hours and minutes of life, the idea of “information weaponry” has become a kind of banality. Propaganda, framing, agenda setting, and dozens of other armaments have been recognized since 1921, when Walter Lippmann first described the mechanics of mass media influence over public opinion. He was followed by the “father of public relations,” Edward Bernays, who formulated the tools and secrets of the propaganda trade and laid the groundwork for huge tribes of later propagandists.

Winding the clock forward, we can see how propaganda and mass media helped, if not formed, the initial success of the Nazi Party in Germany. We can see how Stalin brainwashed the whole population of the largest country in the world. We can observe the total propaganda assault of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, and its cruel policy of censorship. We must acknowledge, too, that Bernays’ colleagues and followers in the propaganda profession made large contributions to these “information wars” as well.

Starting in 1917, a Soviet narrative appeared that was ideological, Marxist, and aggressive; it offered a story of the proletarian fight for freedom and equality, while redefining freedom in an Orwellian way, as a subjection of individual interests to the class’s interests. The Soviet narrative was quickly recognized as a dangerous weapon by many Western governments. During the first half of the twentieth century, the countermeasures taken against it could be disgusting and cruel. During the Red Scare the United States persecuted and deported thousands of European socialists and communists who had fled their home continent. Those who embraced the communist narrative were massacred in Spain under Franco’s regime. Every Western country persecuted leftists one way or another as they strove to fight the possible dangers of subversion. Later in the century, these countries shifted to the more advanced and “soft” weapons in their arsenal, including those designed to allow the West to infiltrate Soviet territory and affect Russia’s domestic situation (measures that were, in fact, a response to the USSR’s attempts to infiltrate and influence the Western public sphere).

In 1991, an important turning point occurred with the collapse of the USSR and the consequent dismissal of one of the major wielders of “information weaponry.” Clearly, support for the Soviet narrative had also collapsed. Meanwhile, there was (and still continues to be) a major discussion on whether the confrontation of narratives occasioned by the Cold War transformed the nature of the mass media in the West; the 1998 Herman and Chomsky treatise Manufacturing Consent offered a structured model of this mutation. The purpose of this article is not to argue with the propaganda model or reinforce its legacy, but rather to offer a different angle on the model that comes from observations of the recent changes in the current Russian narrative and its tools of war.

The New Old Narrative

1991 is so important in this context because the date symbolizes the defeat of an organized Soviet narrative. It would be totally misguided to say that communist ideas about the utopian nature of the “just” society that would overturn exploitation of the masses were only promoted by Russians. The “natural left” has always existed, and there are still many who support this ideology, but what happened in August of 1991 marks the end of the funding that was previously made available to those who supported this narrative. It is unlikely that we will ever have the chance to expose the full scale of Soviet investment in this cause, not only because those archives are still classified, but also because this investment was diverse, delivered through many channels, including the governments of the USSR’s various client-states. One thing is certain: this was a well-funded system, built around the twin aims of aggression and submission.

The West, in response, crafted its own system to counter Soviet propaganda and wage its own campaign. Unlike the USSR, where ideology was the top priority of the governing party, Western countries needed a lot of organizational engineering to get their systems up and running. It was a difficult task for them, as most governments in the West were either legally prohibited from owning mass media outlets or were very limited in their access to and control of editorial policy (which was necessary to disperse the messages and other narrative elements that would counteract the Russian effort).

To put the record straight, a revanchist part of the Russian political elite (the same elite that Putin later decided to join and lead) interpreted 1991 as the “illegitimate victory” of the West. This narrative was never mainstream in the Russian public sphere, but it has always been present there.

Yet the system was built in the West, and it played a distinctive role in the end of the USSR and the fall of the Eastern bloc. There is no doubt the Soviet Union fell victim to many factors, including self-inflicted damage. What is interesting—and, to an extent, the key to the present-day conflict in the media space—is how much the West’s counternarrative (or so-called “active measures” against the USSR) really affected the Western mass media, as well as Western education, ethics, communication, and values, and transformed it into what Chomsky portrayed as an evil factory of consent.

When Vladimir Putin first outlined the framework of a new Russian narrative in his Munich Speech in 2007, it came as a surprise to policymakers—but not to policy experts. The Russian public sphere had never let go of the 1991 defeat. The first step in understanding what happened is to look at the various interpretations of the USSR’s collapse. While the West largely agreed that the Soviet empire was destroyed by its own internal controversies, policy mistakes, and economic inefficiency, some Russians viewed the collapse as an inspired, treacherous coup d’état by the United States and their allies. In their opinion, the defeat was “illegitimate,” as the Soviet Union was not crushed militarily but collapsed as a result of a secret operation, when the converted leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) “capitulated” and surrendered to the “world hegemon.” This is a twisted logic, but without explanation of its origin one can hardly understand Putin’s sorrow over and lament for the “tragic finale” of the USSR and the alleged humiliation of the Soviet nation that followed.

To put the record straight, a revanchist part of the Russian political elite (the same elite that Putin later decided to join and lead) interpreted 1991 as the “illegitimate victory” of the West. This group embraced a worldview centered on the idea of a U.S.-led plot that successfully established Mikhail Gorbachev as General Secretary of the CPSU; persuaded him to retreat from “the Soviet sphere of influence”; weakened Soviet military power; and eventually opened the door to a cabal of crooks who seized control, dismantled the USSR, and threw the nation into despair.

This narrative was never mainstream in the Russian public sphere, but it has always been present there. Once again, the central idea of this narrative is “illegitimate victory and consequent humiliation.” With this structure as a centerpiece, the idea then interprets every following event—whether political, military, or even cultural—as proof of the plot and the “criminal intentions” of a West that still aims to discover other means of humiliating the country.

When Russian privatization was carried out under the guidance of Harvard advisers, the promoters of this narrative immediately interpreted their presence as proof of the United States’ intention to purchase the assets of Russian companies cheaply and destroy the country’s economy. When the West neglected Russian public opinion on the Yugoslav Wars (regardless of the real reasons for that neglect), this same group saw its disregard as further reinforcement of the humiliation hypothesis. Russians perceived the Dayton agreements as an attack on the Serbs; the handling of Kosovo in the following years deepened Russian resentment of Western ignorance of some important “red lines” (supposedly drawn sometime in the 1870s and neglected ever since but revived when it became necessary to justify Russia’s presence in the Balkans). When NATO used its power to quell Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, the promoters of the Soviet narrative used the event as an additional argument to bolster their hypothesis of the humiliation and aggression that the United States was plotting for Russia.

The abovementioned part of the Russian elite used every real (or imaginary) incident to strengthen its conspiracy theory. By the time of Putin’s Munich speech, this narrative had become sufficiently powerful to become a national narrative. The Russian president did nothing different from what other populist leaders do: he took control of and publicized this narrative under his own name.


06-18-2015, 08:48 PM

Weapons of Mass Deception. Part Two

17 June 2015 Vasily Gatov

In part one of his essay, prominent Russian media analyst Vasily Gatov explained the origins of Putin’s anti-Western narrative and the current Russian propaganda campaign. In this second installment, he focuses on the twisted logic behind this narrative and the mistakes of the West, and he provides recommendations on how to counter the Kremlin’s offensive.

Launching an Offensive Against the West

There is another side of the story that I merely touched on at the beginning of this article. By 2007, the West had very mixed feelings about Russia, as did Russians. Those mixed feelings were communicated through the mass media. Some opinions expressed in the mass media on Russia and Russian politics (as well as on Putin personally) were critical, while some were neutral and some positive. Overall, Russia received the treatment from global media that it deserved—it was portrayed as a large, diverse, transitional country with nuclear power, a questionable democracy, apparent corruption, and a lack of soft power that at the same is both interesting and rich.

The Western press did display one bias that can hardly be denied: it described Russia in a much more critical way than Russians would have liked, especially when it focused on one particular Russian—President Vladimir Putin.

The question remains of whether the Western press has really been diverted by the perils of the Cold War to become a tool of the capitalist governments carrying out a century-long operation against Mother Russia (regardless of who governs it). When you approach this issue with the twisted logic of the elite narrativists mentioned earlier, you are doomed to discover all the elements of an orchestrated, manipulative campaign. It’s hard to argue with this position, as it is bolstered by “evidence” that runs the gamut from fake quotes by Winston Churchill to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated historical document that has been largely used to support numerous conspiracy theories. But by looking deeper, one can see the difference of perception: while Russian people and their leaders suffer from what they perceive as humiliation, Western media view this perception only as a subject of reporting and publishing opinions.

The new Russian narrative has developed since 2007, and it continues to expand, feeding on every action (or lack thereof) of the Western governments. Through Russian communication channels (including foreign propaganda such as RT, domestic state-controlled media, and top-level diplomacy), U.S. foreign policy is presented as a lasting diabolic plot aimed at dismantling Russia. Everything feeds this narrative. Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria; the ISIS threat; the development of private spaceflight companies; fracking; the Internet, social networks; iPhones; Hollywood; the U.S. higher education system, which lures in the best students from all over the world—all these, according to the twisted logic of many Russians, are undeniable “facts” that prove the existence of a U.S. conspiracy against Russia.

However, it is hard to explain why, until recently, Russia seemed to have tolerated U.S. global dominance and the American government’s cruel plot. It is even harder to explain why Russia now demands approval of and respect for its policies (e.g., the annexation of Crimea and its proxy war in eastern Ukraine) from the United States if it views the latter as such an aggressor.

The charge of waging this new narrative has inevitably returned Russia to the former Soviet communications policy of pervasive propaganda, whether open or covert. The difference is that the Soviet weapons were loaded with possibly deadly communist ideas designed to combat the unlimited, wild capitalism of the 1920s. Today, the Russian weapons of information warfare are loaded with deception. Communism offered a dream of universal equality and the just distribution of wealth. Russia today relies on concussive weaponry that aims to damage the messaging system of the Western democracies. When RT adopts the slogan “Question more,” does it imply that the public should question the government more, and if so, on what subject? The Communist narrative was bound to the crucial issues of the society; Putin’s narrative, appropriated to undermine the Western worldview, aims to discredit the very concept of truth and interfere with public opinion.

Most importantly, some (if not all) weapons Russia employs target the Russian audience, too. Putin’s narrative is the only one that dominates the national mass media, and even though his critics spend a lot of time trying to expose the deceptive nature of this view, by spending so much time and effort on this task, they actually expand the narrative, giving more authority to Putin’s distorted worldview.

“Arsenal of Democracy”

Western media bodies, like the Broadcasting Board of Governors in the United States or the BBC World service in the United Kingdom, seem inept when it comes to Russia, as they also spend a lot of time “explaining the truth” and arguing with the Kremlin’s worldview. Instead of taking proactively steps, they only respond to Russian information attacks, merely hoping that their antidote of “the truth” will work before the Kremlin’s lies poison the overriding narrative.

As Western culture is increasingly predisposed toward self-reflection, the poisoning of the narrative induces a discussion of “What has the West done wrong with Russia?” The mistakes of the West with regard to Russia were many, and there’s no time machine that will allow these countries to go back and retroactively correct them. The lessons of history should provide guidelines for the West to not repeat these mistakes. However, the question remains: Why does Russia repeatedly cause the West and particularly the United States to fail to build a successful bilateral relationship?

Ideally, the Kremlin should be ignored. The West has to adopt a sort of news boycott on Russian events (or, even better, opinion editors might agree to declare a kind of boycott on “Russian issues”).

Sometimes loaded words speak louder than anything else. Putin doesn’t wish to hit a playback button and return Milosevic to Belgrade or resurrect Saddam Hussein. Nor does he mean that the European Union and NATO have to expel the Eastern European states. His core message is—and has been since the early days of his leadership—"Don’t mess with my personal political dominance, don’t challenge me at home, and don’t foster political and civic powers that can offer an alternative to me." Scared by the Ukrainian uprising in 2004, and shocked by the Arab Spring, Putin consolidated all the media power at his disposal and fired a cannonade at the West that can be boiled down to the following message: “Stay away from my domain and my people.” It was a turning point: Putin lost control of the narrative. From that moment on, the narrative took control of him, as it did with millions of Russians who were overexposed to this loud outcry.

The arsenals of the media war are growing on both sides. Russia is a favorite target of U.S. hawkish conservatives, who represent a remnant of the Cold War mentality (although there is truth to their concerns: Russia still possesses a large nuclear arsenal and thus theoretically poses a threat to U.S. security). Furthermore, the Russian government supports illiberal, sometimes xenophobic social attitudes and values, which exposes it to criticisms from the left. Putin’s Russia returned to the logic of “spheres of influence,” a stance that frightens former Soviet client-states and neighbors. Western politicians have started campaigns to reduce the power of Russian interests abroad and have offered support to the opposition in Moscow. Journalists have flooded the Western media with stories revealing the regime’s alleged and real crimes. In describing the new Russian/Putin threat, columnists have invoked the language last used by Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. Most, if not all, of this retaliation is justified and sincere. People in the West see the aggression projected from Moscow. But in the Kremlin’s eyes, the retaliation certainly looks orchestrated by someone in the White House or the State Department.

Under these circumstances, the West should realize that it is time for, to quote Roosevelt, the deployment of the “arsenal of democracy.” But the worst thing for the West would be to fire back at Russians using the same weapons that the Kremlin has employed. Telling the truth about Russian woes, including those that derive from corruption, is not a solution either. Investigations must be conducted and exposés must be published by Russian journalists and concerned citizens. Demonization of Putin by the Western media will continue to be ineffective, as it is perceived as a form of treachery and further triggers the feeling of national humiliation.

While it may feel terribly unjust and offensive to the West to be a target of a propaganda campaign that spreads lies, the only sensible response is avoidance of any escalation of conflict. Indeed, Putin’s dominant narrative needs to be countered—but when the Western states imposed sanctions against Russian individuals and companies last year following Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine crisis, this measure was the single most effective action that fed the aggression narrative. When Western media joined the leaders of their countries in mocking Putin as a crook, they only added fuel to the fire.


06-18-2015, 08:53 PM

South-Eastern Ukraine: the “Baked Alaska Conflict”

by Mark Galeotti

What can we call the miserable, simmering-occasionally-boiling-over war in south-eastern Ukraine? While writing something for a Serious Publication, I came up with the analogy of the baked alaska. For those of you who don't know this delightful dessert, it's ice cream on a cake base, covered with meringue which is then quickly cooked. Now, there is nothing delightful about the Donbass war, but the baked alaska does give us a useful simile even if one which, for wholly understandable reasons, the Serious Publication thought seems a little too light-hearted for such a bloody and miserable conflict.

I can't see Minsk-2 or any other initiatives leading to a meaningful political settlement and the region's reintegration into Ukraine for some time yet. But nor do I see a plausible "Crimean variant" with the Donbass incorporated into Russia. So, at heart, the conflict is already frozen.

At the same time, though, Moscow and its local proxies/puppets/allies (at different times, they have different roles, and we ought not to forget that they have a worrying degree of agency themselves) have adopted and will probably maintain a strategy of tension. At the borders of the region they control, we see constant small- and medium-scale attacks intended both to put pressure on Kiev and also as a form of political "reconnaissance by fire". While a major offensive of the sort that would lead in all probability to an increase in the sanctions regime may be unlikely, if they see an opportunity for smaller-scale, local advances, they they can gladly exploit it. Again, I don't see this changing.

Frozen at heart, decidedly hot at the edges: I give you the "baked alaska conflict."

06-18-2015, 08:59 PM

Just got off work, and caught your reply.

Clear and concise, and understood.

I will do some digging, maybe recent history of the former USSR satellite countries, and their current relationships to Russia. I pay attention to SME's, it's clear I am lacking enough background knowledge to have an informed opinion on the bigger picture in Ukraine.

Thanks for the reply.

06-19-2015, 05:46 AM

Just got off work, and caught your reply.

Clear and concise, and understood.

I will do some digging, maybe recent history of the former USSR satellite countries, and their current relationships to Russia. I pay attention to SME's, it's clear I am lacking enough background knowledge to have an informed opinion on the bigger picture in Ukraine.

Thanks for the reply.

Blissfull--try Googling for info on Russian mafia, Russian corruption and Russian criminal gangs as a starter.

Then shift to the area of say how did Poland make the transition even though they have not joined the Euro zone--- economically they are moving forward well.

What is more interesting is checking just how the Baltics came through this last financial crisis.

Any more questions--just ask.

The key though to all of this is fully understanding the Russian use of information warfare and they are using it in ways even I have not seen before and it is effective.

06-19-2015, 05:49 AM
BATTLE FOOTAGE #Ukraine troops "persuading" #Putin forces to vacate a house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1sf1vGWxjA … pic.twitter.com/YHAL33QIpe

This early morning abt 03:13 #Popasna Cheryomushki micro-ds was shelled. http://m.vk.com/wall-59104429_217705?offset=50 … pic.twitter.com/wdKeDdutzL

In sector M overnight #Shyrokyne was shelled with 152-mm artillery and #Chermalyk with 120-mm mortars.

Kanygin is one near #Borodai showing V sign. That's the whole Russia in it - https://twitter.com/olliecarroll/status/611713878544748544 …
Oppositionists talking of 'Russian Crimea', 'independent' journos joyfully meeting terrorists.

Donetsk 6:07AM
From the area of mine-29 artillery firing towards #Marinka https://twitter.com/relictDon/status/611732033291853828 …

#Donetsk 5:58AM
Budyonnovsky ds - One can hear very distant occasional heavy shots. A little vibration in the air https://twitter.com/UrriKara4en/status/611730350763569153 …

Stakhanov 2:03AM
"Constant hum, cannot understand fr what"
"Shells fly"
"Can be convoy of military equipment" https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/611670658888634368

06-19-2015, 05:49 AM
Donetsk 15 minutes after shelling russian propagandist Graham fiblips was already on scene to film the desired video http://sprotyv.info/ru/news/kiev/15-minut-posle-obstrela-doneck-aerosemka-video?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&_utl_t=tw …

Russia warns of 'risks' should #Sweden join #NATO > http://www.thelocal.se/20150618/russia-warns-of-risks-should-sweden-join-nato … #föpol

US citizen fighting with Russian mercenaries—will he be arrested as a terrorist upon returning to US?????
youtube.com/watch?v=RlUOKR18g-A … 'Texas' ☭ recalls what happened to #Russians firing at #DonetskAirport fr MONASTERY. pic.twitter.com/8VigdxWRWF

Vladimir #Putin's confrontation with West 'artificial' says dissident Mikhail Khodorkovsky http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/vladimir-putins-confrontation-with-west-artificial-says-dissident-mikhail-khodorkovsky/articleshow/47717625.cms …

A fascinating long read about the agile armies of Russian Internet trolls: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html?smid=tw-share&_r=3 … (by @AdrianChen)

A #Winning #Strategy For #Ukraine | @todayszamancom http://www.todayszaman.com/op-ed_a-winning-strategy-for-ukraine_388403.html …

Ten battalions of Airborne Troops are ready to immediately perform combat missions in Russia and abroad - Shamanov http://www.militarynews.ru/Story.asp?rid=1&nid=380219 …

As a remedy against Western sanctions, Putin decided to give coffee for free to all Russians. (Next phase is vodka.) https://twitter.com/shaunwalker7/status/611498200822861826 …

06-19-2015, 10:31 AM
AND Russia really really really really wants Minsk 2 to be fulfilled BUT then this:

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
@OSCE_SMM reports their UAV attacked by pro-RU militants. Another UAV jammed by sophisticated mil equipment.

Russian-led illegal armed groups fire at OSCE observation drone near Mariupol.
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/165111 … pic.twitter.com/p8BFW0RXRI

OSCE observes modern radar-tracking unit in Russian-controlled Luhansk region of Ukraine.
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/165111 … pic.twitter.com/abHrr92h1d

Russia again blocks expansion of #OSCE border observation - READ: http://1.usa.gov/1JWWSOc pic.twitter.com/wEjhzY43T8

06-19-2015, 10:31 AM
New Russian Air Force Tu-214R spy plane tracked as it flew close to the border with Ukraine. http://theaviationist.com/2015/06/18/tu-214-r-spotted-along-the-border/ … pic.twitter.com/MwMTzFR7w5

probably not operational even though the route seems to suggest they are testing some new sensor in a real scenario..
flightradar24.com/LX9201/68f3592 pic.twitter.com/fsMo4z9r4b

06-19-2015, 10:37 AM
Putin and his FM has tended to act as if Russia is above the rule of law and both seem to also be in denial of what contracts, court decisions and seizures all have in common.

After the Swedish ruling on Yukos Russia had a set time to respond--they simply did not respond thus the court moved to seize--everyone with a credit card knows how the failure to pay a debt works--seems the Russians do not.

Initially there is a 50B USD court seizure order with another 100B USD Yukos outstanding decision coming and it will also go against Russia.

On top of all that Russian companies have a total of 100B USDs in company bond debt coming due the second half of 2015 and a large number of them will not be paid back--thus more court decisions and seizures are coming at Russia.

So 150B USD due for Yukos--and another 100B USD due on company bonds equals 250B USD--just about all of their strategic foreign currency reserves would be destroyed.

No wonder they are over reacting----

Russian fury at Belgium asset seizure in Yukos oil case - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33197782 …

Moscow will respond reciprocally to seizure of its assets abroad - Lavrov http://russia.liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-moscow-will-respond-reciprocally-to-seizure-of-its … pic.twitter.com/s1ZiJAc3NR via @RT_com

06-19-2015, 10:39 AM
Zuhres @roootik In the morning there were also 4 T-72 on flatbed [trucks] and 1 Uragan

Zuhres @roootik [This night] besides tanks there were also light track and wheel vehicles (they didn't count it)

two RF railway stations, Matveev Kurgan and Pokrovskaya are preparing 2 trains with mil equip for DPR https://twitter.com/dneprcity/status/611808413954260993 …

Militants shelled Popasna with "Grad": one soldier wounded pic.twitter.com/Mceeq8ZxWE http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-militants-shelled-popasna-with-grad-one-soldier-wounded …

Part of militant infantry was destroyed near Zolote pic.twitter.com/FxUvRRCJND http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-part-of-militant-infantry-was-destroyed-near-zolote …

In occupied Donetsk do not subside volleys: the bombardments of residential areas pic.twitter.com/VmGG26GD5i http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-in-occupied-donetsk-do-not-subside-volleys-the-bombardments …

When the US cannot and or will not provide drones to the Ukraine then their civil society crowdsources them.
Ukraine's crowdfunded military drone https://youtu.be/CK4myw8PQKk

06-19-2015, 10:42 AM
NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Three persons detained in Stanytsia Luhanska; their 3 AK assault rifles, Makarov pistol, 196 ammunition rounds confiscated.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
SBU operatives confiscated F-1 grenades, 5.45mm ammo, RPG-7 rockets hidden in the cache next to Ukrainian military station

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Ukrainian border guard spotted 8 flights of enemy UAVs

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Luhansk sector: Militants fired from Grad multiple rocket launchers by Novotoshkivske; used 120mm mortars near Zolote & Popasna

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: enemy snipers active, militants used 120mm mortars. Shelled residential residential dstrcts of Vodyane from 122mm artillery

8am this morning Ukr pos. in Shyrokyne fired upon from AGS, RPGs, SPGs. Few terrorists killed on return fire - AZOV
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1074663969230391&substory_index=0&id=879147128782077&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1074663969230391&__tn__=%2As …

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Mariupol sector: Fighting persisted in Shyrokyne. Militants fired from 152mm artillery 3 times; provocation by Chermalyk

Yesterday I saw at flea market in #Donetsk. pic.twitter.com/ujogtRgVLm

Already identified by social media as being in eastern Ukraine---
Nice pic of the 9K333 Verba MANPADS - KBM says it is now available for foreign customers. pic.twitter.com/SlLKpvO8wt

People in #Donetsk attempted to gather for protest meeting again at admin building but were dispersed http://www.ostro.org/general/society/news/473222/ … via @ostro_v

Second such demo in the last week--seems those so called ethnic Russian Ukrainians are growing tired of their "liberators".

06-19-2015, 10:42 AM
PHOTO Russian #Airforce Tu-95MS #10 [RF-94128] «Saratov» with new #Missile pylons for Kh-101/102 ALCM. «Armiya-2015» pic.twitter.com/i7ZWTlhtui

06-19-2015, 12:36 PM
Ah....the beauty of the "rule of law" when it is applied correctly and fairly--Russia loses in a court of law, Russian ignores that court because they as Russia feel above the law, then Russian assets get seized THEN complains bitterly about needing an international law to protect her assets?????

Nothing like double standards--YET Russia claims to be a democratic state.

Russia's Hybrid War Tentacles Chopped off in France and Belgium
http://uatoday.tv/opinion/russia-s-hybrid-war-tentacles-chopped-off-in-france-and-belgium-442236.html … pic.twitter.com/YQsDobmryV

Lavrov promises a "mirror response to Europe", in revenge of RU's assets being seized by courts around EU. The new "Mutual Seizure Doctrine"

Lavrov hopes courts will allow seizure in Russia of state property of countries that ta http://24today.net/open/448337 pic.twitter.com/NTxkYqmtfJ

I'm not adherent of conspiracies" -says Lavrov, then says assets seizures are NATO "punishing" Russia for Ukraine
http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

For Min Lavrov sees conspiracy in Rus state property arrest & appeals to internat convention in its defense: Irony. http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

Kremlin threatens to steal Belgian embassy in RU, if Belgium doesn't INTERFERE in court system to release RU assets" http://www.rusemb.org.uk/foreignpolicy/3211 …

Russia demands $75 million from #Ukraine, saying it will win time to pay off other creditors & avoid default http://sputniknews.com/business/20150619/1023570791.html …

Russia's foreign minister reminds Europe that freezing assets can go both ways. https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/19/moscow-will-reciprocate-arrest-of-russian-state-assets-in-europe …

06-19-2015, 12:37 PM
Russian equivalent of hacking Twitter---it is equally as effective and it seems Twitter was caught off guard about the ability.

A massive bot net of fake account keeps swamping the above hastags with nonsense at about 150 tweets/minute & @twitter @Support does nothing

If you want to see how incompetent @twitter security @support is: check out live feeds of #Украина #Крым #крым #Донбас #Донецк #Луганск.

06-19-2015, 12:40 PM
Rally in the center of Donetsk against occupying "government". http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-rally-in-the-center-of-donetsk-against-occupying …

Statement of Russia about new missiles has an irritant effect - Nuland pic.twitter.com/akdLrC4j9M http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-statement-of-russia-about-new-missiles-have-an-irritant …

ATO: Militants attack Ukrainian troops 90 times overnight http://www.unian.info/war/1091302-ato-militants-attack-ukrainian-troops-90-times-overnight.html …

To #Aleksandrivka RU reinforcements arrived, 70-80 fighters at 1PM. To Petrovka 4 Ural trucks arrived, unknown cargo https://twitter.com/felixsteal/status/611861766872662016 …

In German—well done analysis of the so called leaked Russian General Staff invasion plan for the Ukraine.
Analyse der Dokumente des Generalstabs Russlands zur Besetzung der Ukraine. - http://InformNapalm.org ... http://fb.me/7zw4SZ9pc

Battalion "Tornado" will appeal against the arrest of the commander of a company pic.twitter.com/knzb70OQeE http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-battalion-tornado-will-appeal-against-the-arrest …

Tornado batt. was given a deadline to lay down arms or their base might be stormed.
170 fighters barricaded there. https://twitter.com/EspresoTV/status/611863912351268868 …

06-19-2015, 12:41 PM
War - always advancing technology in the countries involved... good video report about #Ukraine's drone development. https://twitter.com/ItsBorys/status/611837781480972288 …

Volunteers and troops in #Ukraine building drones and putting bombs on drones
A video I made for VICE.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CK4myw8PQKk …

A member of the terrorist group "Communist revolutionaries" was detained in Odessa pic.twitter.com/049fPkoOK0 http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-the-member-of-the-terrorist-group-communist-revolutionaries …

Rafael Lusvarghi – "I am a great fan of Alexander Dugin" - in Brazil and in "Novorossia" now
http://translate.google.com.ua/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.guerrilhagrr.com.br/post/98282234850/as-contradicoes-de-rafael-entrevista-traduzida-e&prev=search … pic.twitter.com/w5tsczd8xX

Serb merceanry in the Donbass---
No, this is not serbian mercenary Dejan Beric, but a local "miner/tractor driver" in #Donetsk http://informator.lg.ua/?p=99009 pic.twitter.com/QhKB8D8o9H

Shyrokyno is under constant russian fire from virtually all available weapons.
1 Azov fighter WIA.
#Mariupol https://twitter.com/InfoResist/status/611873863836807168 …

Why does the Donetsk Chemical Factory constantly have mega explosions and craters?
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.de/2015/06/why-does-donetsk-chemical-factory.html … pic.twitter.com/hGSyqqCcQu

Russian neo-Nazis in #Donetsk in search of the holy grail. (RNU) ������ pic.twitter.com/LUaU2v0jfb

Poll numbers on what Russians believe belongs to Russia-----
Here are the numbers that should actually concern Russia's neighbors: http://thediplomat.com/2015/06/pew-survey-irredentism-alive-and-well-in-russia/ … pic.twitter.com/2ckGCFYnSI

NATO Secretary General: Russia has transferred well over 1,000 pieces of heavy equipment to...
http://www.unian.info/war/1091468-nato-secretary-general-russia-has-transferred-well-over-1000-pieces-of-heavy-equipment-to-separatists.html … pic.twitter.com/greNIuAi4i

06-19-2015, 12:58 PM
Ah....the beauty of the "rule of law" when it is applied correctly and fairly--Russia loses in a court of law, Russian ignores that court because they as Russia feel above the law, then Russian assets get seized THEN complains bitterly about needing an international law to protect her assets?????

Nothing like double standards--YET Russia claims to be a democratic state.

Russia's Hybrid War Tentacles Chopped off in France and Belgium
http://uatoday.tv/opinion/russia-s-hybrid-war-tentacles-chopped-off-in-france-and-belgium-442236.html … pic.twitter.com/YQsDobmryV

Lavrov promises a "mirror response to Europe", in revenge of RU's assets being seized by courts around EU. The new "Mutual Seizure Doctrine"

Lavrov hopes courts will allow seizure in Russia of state property of countries that ta http://24today.net/open/448337 pic.twitter.com/NTxkYqmtfJ

I'm not adherent of conspiracies" -says Lavrov, then says assets seizures are NATO "punishing" Russia for Ukraine
http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

For Min Lavrov sees conspiracy in Rus state property arrest & appeals to internat convention in its defense: Irony. http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

Kremlin threatens to steal Belgian embassy in RU, if Belgium doesn't INTERFERE in court system to release RU assets" http://www.rusemb.org.uk/foreignpolicy/3211 …

Russia demands $75 million from #Ukraine, saying it will win time to pay off other creditors & avoid default http://sputniknews.com/business/20150619/1023570791.html …

Russia's foreign minister reminds Europe that freezing assets can go both ways. https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/19/moscow-will-reciprocate-arrest-of-russian-state-assets-in-europe …

And the saga continues………

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Our answer to seizing Russian property abroad will be reciprocity. This is the only way to act on the international stage

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They have not released the accounts of state-owned Russian companies only

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: In France, they seized the accounts of our embassy, our mission to #UNESCO and our trade mission. But they have backed off

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: At this stage, we are working to secure the release of our diplomatic missions’ accounts @amrusbel

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They have taken the same illegal step in Belgium by announcing the seizure of our diplomatic missions’ accounts @amrusbel

06-19-2015, 01:01 PM
There is something to this comment--as Russia has attempted to engage the US in a "new Yalta agreement".

.@MunSecConf Wolfgang Ischinger at @GLOBSEC “Russia can’t imagine the world without spheres of influences" pic.twitter.com/oKhMyNvDvA

06-19-2015, 01:16 PM
If anyone fully understands Orwellian double speak then these are great examples.

Putin on Minsk peace: We have put our signature on these documents and we will seek their implementation but we cannot do it alone.

Seeking implementation is not the same thing as actual implementation----especially since Ptuin transferred over 1000 pieces of heavy weapons into eastern Ukraine AND he has no “influence”…?

Another great example:

Putin reminds that his main security concern is not NATO expansion, but US missile defence shield plans. Says risk sparking a new arms race

BUT was it not both Putin and Lavrov that repeatedly stated –it was the NATO expansion that caused all of the problems—so now it was not NATO expansion………?

Putin is deeply afraid of a true new arms race as that is what caused the Soviet Union to break apart in the first place along with a fall in oil prices--both we now have ongoing.

06-19-2015, 04:11 PM
I have commented here a number of times that it appears that Obama has a great reluctance to engage in verbal support for and to arm the Ukraine at least with defensive weapons.

AND more importantly over the last two weeks of intense shellings and ground attacks not much has come from him and his DoS Kerry other than Kerry's rather recent open criticism of the Ukraine for not holding to and implementing
Minsk 2.

To an outsider it appears that he has taken a not so subtle approach to actually supporting Putin in the Ukraine in exchange for Russian support in Iran and Syria.

BUT if history tells us anything--it is that we must go back into it in order to understand the actions of the actors today.

This might in fact be the core reason for Obama's reluctance---history is repeating itself.

After basically being responsible for the disarmament of the Ukraine he does not want to go into the history books as the one who rearmed the Ukraine.


By David Martosko, U.S. Political Editor

Published: 06:58 GMT, 5 March 2014 | Updated: 07:06 GMT, 5 March 2014

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine

Obama traveled to Ukraine with Sen. Dick Lugar in 2005 just seven months after he became a senator, touring surplus weapons stockpiles
•Most of the small arms and ammunition were left over when Soviets withdrew from Eastern bloc nations, and later dumped in Ukraine
•The two senators secured U.S. funding to help destroy the weapons instead of leaving them intact
•Ukraine exported more than 700,000 small arms in 2004-2007, including 101,000 each to Libya and the UK, and 260,000 to the U.S.
•But most of the ammunition stockpiles – crucial for keeping a standing army battle-ready – were destroyed
•Ukraine is in a staring match with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has designs on recapturing portions of the former Soviet nation

Is he actually looking at his legacy and that precludes him from actively getting directly involved in the Ukraine???

06-19-2015, 04:28 PM
This is an interesting interview as it appears that Russia has come full circle in their "myths" on why they are in the Ukraine and took Crimea.

First during Crimea it was "humiliation, then it was NATO expansion, then it all the fault of the US wanting to dictate to the whole world, then it was not accepting Russia as a superpower BUT notice not a single word is wasted on maybe they are at fault--"it is everyone else's fault".

NOTICE that he has come full circle and now includes all "myths" into one interview.

BUT at no point does he indicate that the former Ukrainian President who fled his own country did so in the middle of the night taking millions with him--AND his own Parliament and Party of Regions "stripped him of his powers and position"---that is a long way from a junta that he keeps beating the drum about.


West's support for state coup in Ukraine prime cause of crisis in Ukraine — Putin

June 19, 16:01 UTC+3

St PETERSBURG, June 19. /TASS/. The prime cause of the crisis in Ukraine was the West's support for the anti-constitutional coup and not Russia, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday as he answered questions at a plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"We are not the root-cause of the showings of the crisis that are taking place in Ukraine," he said. "They shouldn't have supported the anti-state and anti-constitutional coup, the armed seizure of power that eventually ignited a tough confrontation and de facto a civil war in that country."

The vanishing of the bipolar world and the disintegration of the USSR threw the U.S. and its Western partners into a state of euphoria of some kind - instead of building good-neighborly relations, they started exploring new territories. In part, NATO began its eastwards expansion.

"Quite possibly, some of our partners might have gotten an illusion that a global center like the Soviet Union had existed in the postwar world order and now that it was gone, vacuum appeared and it was to be filled urgently," he said.

"I actually think that’s an erroneous approach to the solution of the problem," Putin said.

Putin suggests way of settling crisis

As for ways for settling the crisis, the Russian president said Kiev needs transition from manipulations to practical work. The Ukrainian parliament should have passed a resolution to implement the law on the special status of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, the Russian president said.

The Ukrainian parliament should have passed a resolution to implement the law on the special status of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, the Russian president said.

"Our friends in Kiev fulfilled this decision formally and along with a resolution adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on implementing this law, they made amendments to the law, as far as I know, to article 10, which fully disavowed this action," Putin said.

"This is manipulation and nothing else and it is necessary to switch from manipulations to practical work," he said.

Putin said that in addition to the above mentioned steps Kiev should carry out a constitutional reform, decentralisation, should adopt a law on municipal elections and announce amnesty so that the Minsk agreements can be fulfilled.

"A political dialogue is impossible with people face a threat of criminal prosecution," he said adding that all this should be implemented with the consent of Donetsk and Lugansk.

"But unfortunately, we cannot watch any dialogue," the Russian president said. "There are only hints that it is going to start, but too much time has passed since the Minsk agreements were signed."

Putin has again pointed out that both sides are far from a direct dialogue on economic revival of these regions.

"The thesis ‘we have no money’ does not work in this case," he said in conclusion. "If the current Ukrainian authorities think that it is Ukraine’s territory and there live the Ukrainians who enjoy the right to be provided with disability benefits or pensions and who have earned them working in accordance with the Ukrainian law, then the Ukrainian authorities cannot deny payments of these benefits as they just have no right to behave so! They are violating their own constitution.".

Putin also added that Russia hopes for trust-based dialogue with Ukraine.

In spite of all the current complexities, the Russians and Ukrainians make up a single nation, a single ethnos with a shared history and culture and they are destined to have a common future. he said.

"We have a shared history, a shared culture with common spiritual roots," Putin said. "Whatever may happen, Russia and Ukraine will be destined to a shared future in one way or another," the president noted.

He recalled that Russia had initiated the process of disintegration of the USSR and the granting of sovereignty to other former Soviet republics.

NOTE: This is a telling statement as it absolutely does not reflect the actual breakup of the SU and the heavy hand the SU used in 92-94 in order to hold on those Republics who wanted to break away.

"Nothing has changed in this sense since then, and today Russia and Ukraine are bound by very practical things in addition to all those ties that formed over centuries," Putin said. "These are the common engineering, energy and transport infrastructure, common regulations, and so on and so forth."

"Last but not least, we're linked by an opportunity to speak the same language without obstacles," he said.

06-19-2015, 05:30 PM
Lutuhyne @HuLutujka 'Commandant' of Lutuhyne S.Drapov is arrested

Militants fired 50 times today at Ukrainian army positions pic.twitter.com/tsKzDDRJxJ http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-militants-50-times-has-fired-at-ukrainian-army-positions …

Lysenko warns of possible radiation leak due to explosion at chemical products factory in...
http://www.unian.info/society/1091531-lysenko-warns-of-possible-radiation-leak-due-to-explosion-at-chemical-products-factory-in-donetsk.html … pic.twitter.com/tTETVph6h6

[B]Tymchuk: Russian forces in E Ukraine received large payments in US dollars. Only other time this happened was before Debaltseve was captured

Putin: we are not arming anyone in Donbas. Weapon appeared only when Ukrainian army has started to kill http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-putin-we-are-not-arming-anyone-in-donbas-the-weapon …

People are forced to join the ruling 'parties'- LNR 'Peace to Luhansk region civic organization'& DNR 'Donetsk republic civic movement'. Mostly 'state employees' are forced upon pain of dismission - there were reports fr/smaller cities of both regions.

This week’s whopper Top Extremism- and Terrorism-Related Stories in Russia http://extremistrussia.com/2015/06/19/top-extremism-and-terrorism-related-stories-in-russia-12-19-june-2015/ …

06-19-2015, 05:34 PM
Ah....the beauty of the "rule of law" when it is applied correctly and fairly--Russia loses in a court of law, Russian ignores that court because they as Russia feel above the law, then Russian assets get seized THEN complains bitterly about needing an international law to protect her assets?????

Nothing like double standards--YET Russia claims to be a democratic state.

Russia's Hybrid War Tentacles Chopped off in France and Belgium
http://uatoday.tv/opinion/russia-s-hybrid-war-tentacles-chopped-off-in-france-and-belgium-442236.html … pic.twitter.com/YQsDobmryV

Lavrov promises a "mirror response to Europe", in revenge of RU's assets being seized by courts around EU. The new "Mutual Seizure Doctrine"

Lavrov hopes courts will allow seizure in Russia of state property of countries that ta http://24today.net/open/448337 pic.twitter.com/NTxkYqmtfJ

I'm not adherent of conspiracies" -says Lavrov, then says assets seizures are NATO "punishing" Russia for Ukraine
http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

For Min Lavrov sees conspiracy in Rus state property arrest & appeals to internat convention in its defense: Irony. http://top.rbc.ru/politics/19/06/2015/5583e9a49a79473579b4bc6b …

Kremlin threatens to steal Belgian embassy in RU, if Belgium doesn't INTERFERE in court system to release RU assets" http://www.rusemb.org.uk/foreignpolicy/3211 …

Russia demands $75 million from #Ukraine, saying it will win time to pay off other creditors & avoid default http://sputniknews.com/business/20150619/1023570791.html …

Russia's foreign minister reminds Europe that freezing assets can go both ways. https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/06/19/moscow-will-reciprocate-arrest-of-russian-state-assets-in-europe …

Amusingly, #Russia accuses #Belgium of "an openly hostile act" that "violates recognised norms of international law" http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33197782 …

Khodorkovsky on Russian assets seizure: 'This is a landmark moment for our country' http://uatoday.tv/politics/khodorkovsky-on-russian-assets-seizure-this-is-a-landmark-moment-for-our-country-442413.html …

Russian humor:
Belgium, with massive cash reserves stored in Rubles, faces ruin if we seize them.

Russia threatens retaliation against European state-controlled companies http://on.wsj.com/1GwECXW prin @WSJ

06-19-2015, 05:46 PM
All quiet before the next storm of shellings and ground attacks.

20:28 #Dokuchaevsk @Serzzze Shooting

Ukraine:#drone recon confirmed
heavy #military equipment:#Putin's #Russia|n #army:#Ukraina:http://lugansk-news.com/ukrainian-drone-confirmed-concentration-of-russian-troops-in-lugansk-63-tanks-detected-in-2-hours-flight/ … pic.twitter.com/46fL1OEFW7

Ukrainian drone confirmed concentration of Russian troops in Lugansk. 63 tanks detected during two hour flight.

Intelligence unit of Ukrainian Army Regiment “Dnipro-1″ published a video recorded by the drone that was flying over Lugansk. In 2 hours flight they confirmed concentration of Russian troops on the East of Ukraine. They checked several bases and found 63 tanks, 32 APCs and 96 military trucks.

“Dnipro-1″ used “Leleka-100″ UAV, that is Ukrainian drone manufactured by design department “DeViRo”. The video was recorded on June 6 2015.

1st stop of the drone was at 48.597967, 39.176593 There is military training ground there near Oleksandrivsk (also spelled as Aleksandrovsk), that was a location of Ukrainian army unit # 3035. That base is if frequently used by terrorists for their exercises. The drone spotted 24 tanks, 12 BMP (APC), 14 BTR (APC) and 11 “URAL” military trucks.

See our reports regarding that base with videos how combined Russian and terrorist groups are training there http://lugansk-news.com/russian-army-units-taking-part-in-military-actions-on-a-side-of-terrorists-in-lugansk-ukraine-video/ and here http://lugansk-news.com/pro-russian-terrorists-are-getting-ready-to-attack-tank-units-training-near-lugansk-video/

The second base Ukrainian UAV checked was at 48.580154, 39.267585. There are 14 tanks and 7 military trucks spotted there.

The 3rd terrorists base recorded by the drone is located at 48.538784, 39.356152 on the territory of “Transpele” transportation company. 23 tanks were identified there, big amount of military cargo trucks and trucks with fuel.

That’s the biggest base previously reported at our website here http://lugansk-news.com/russian-military-base-with-bpm-97-vystrel-located-in-lugansk-photos/ and here http://lugansk-news.com/confirmed-location-of-over-dozen-tanks-on-russian-base-in-lugansk-ukraine/

Ukrainian drone was also flying over the city center in the middle of the day and that was Saturday. The city is not damaged, but there are no people and very little traffic. Before Russian invasion Lugansk was very busy place with traffic problems in the center like any other big city around the world. About 500 000 people were living in Lugansk before 2014.

06-19-2015, 05:59 PM
ATO Staff spokesman: Russia-backed militants break ceasefire 224 times in the last three days
http://uacrisis.org/26886-anton_myronovych …

08:45am #Donetsk @Serzzze Up to 100 RUS troops on 3 BTR & 1 UAZ passing circus along Leninsky Ave westwards

From Mospine to Komsomolske: 3 groups of armor, 30-35 tanks and 55-60 BMPs each. https://twitter.com/Legioner_sniper/status/611781127104299009 …

1 civilian was killed and one wounded after hitting a mine near Donetsk today - Abroskin
https://m.facebook.com/Vyacheslav.Abroskin/posts/1466910400268296?pnref=story …

06-19-2015, 07:43 PM
Taken from comments made today by the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov--then the reality in the eastern Ukraine followed by the complete Minsk 2 to show how the Russian FM lies using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create 2Ds ---distrust and doubt.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It’s vital that we helped the #Ukrainian people resolve a crisis that is not #Russia’s doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to punish us for #Ukrainians’ refusal to unanimously approve a state coup

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to shift the blame to us for bringing the situation in #Ukraine to an unconstitutional overthrow

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It was their choice. They suspended any communication with #Russia, and are now searching for ways to resume it without losing face

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: If they propose unblocking communications channels, we won’t be vindictive; we will reciprocate

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: The rights of Donetsk and Lugansk as part of #Ukraine must be fully respected during conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They also depend on us politically. We are urging respect for their legitimate rights as part of the #Ukrainian nation

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Of course, we can influence Donetsk and Lugansk. They seriously depend on us, in particular for humanitarian assistance

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These people have a different view of the situation. They live under constant shelling. Some of them have been driven to despair

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: I believe that we don’t have a moral right to dictate to them what they must or must not do

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Our main achievement is that following #Minsk2 Donetsk and Lugansk agreed to search for a solution as part of #Ukraine

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We have convinced Lugansk and Donetsk to support #Minsk2, to agree that its implementation must ensure #Ukraine’s integrity

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Under #Minsk2, almost nothing depends on #Russia apart from the pledge to influence the sides, which we have been doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These regions must have special status within #Ukraine, as provided for in #Minsk2 in terms of the decentralisation of power

Lavrov: #Russia supported #Minsk2 wholeheartedly and without any reservation. It fully meets our stance on conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Lavrov: Questioning the potential of #Minsk2 and #Ukraine’s integrity would amount to bowing to extremists

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We want Kiev to implement all provisions, including decentralisation, constitutional reform and amnesty

06-19-2015, 07:46 PM
Taken from comments made today by the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov--then the reality in the eastern Ukraine followed by the complete Minsk 2 to show how the Russian FM lies using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create 2Ds ---distrust and doubt.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It’s vital that we helped the #Ukrainian people resolve a crisis that is not #Russia’s doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to punish us for #Ukrainians’ refusal to unanimously approve a state coup

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to shift the blame to us for bringing the situation in #Ukraine to an unconstitutional overthrow

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It was their choice. They suspended any communication with #Russia, and are now searching for ways to resume it without losing face

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: If they propose unblocking communications channels, we won’t be vindictive; we will reciprocate

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: The rights of Donetsk and Lugansk as part of #Ukraine must be fully respected during conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They also depend on us politically. We are urging respect for their legitimate rights as part of the #Ukrainian nation

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Of course, we can influence Donetsk and Lugansk. They seriously depend on us, in particular for humanitarian assistance

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These people have a different view of the situation. They live under constant shelling. Some of them have been driven to despair

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: I believe that we don’t have a moral right to dictate to them what they must or must not do

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Our main achievement is that following #Minsk2 Donetsk and Lugansk agreed to search for a solution as part of #Ukraine

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We have convinced Lugansk and Donetsk to support #Minsk2, to agree that its implementation must ensure #Ukraine’s integrity

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Under #Minsk2, almost nothing depends on #Russia apart from the pledge to influence the sides, which we have been doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These regions must have special status within #Ukraine, as provided for in #Minsk2 in terms of the decentralisation of power

Lavrov: #Russia supported #Minsk2 wholeheartedly and without any reservation. It fully meets our stance on conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Lavrov: Questioning the potential of #Minsk2 and #Ukraine’s integrity would amount to bowing to extremists

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We want Kiev to implement all provisions, including decentralisation, constitutional reform and amnesty

Does this below appear to be the so called Russia interest in resolving the conflict AND OR Russia actually contributing to the conflict.

News from LPR&DPR terrorist republics:
1) Russian militants received salary in USD
2) allowed to use heavy artillery
3) huge forces massing

06-19-2015, 07:58 PM
Full Minsk 2 Agreement---

NOTICE what exactly the first two points in this agreement are followed by the next points that had to be implemented followed by the remaining critical points.

Putin and Lavrov both seem to want to go straight to decentralization, amnesty and special status WITHOUT implementing the critical first series of points in the agreement.

SO why the smoke and mirrors?????? Just implement fully the first six points and all else falls into place---WHY do they constantly put the cart in front of the horse.

WHY do they do it--because Russia does not want to implement a single point of Minsk 2--you see that in the multiple statements made by the Russia FM.

• Immediate and full ceasefire in particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine and its strict fulfilment as of 00.00 midnight (Kiev time) on Feb. 15, 2015.

• Pull-out of all heavy weapons by both sides to equal distance with the aim of creation of a security zone on minimum 50 kilometres apart for artillery of 100mm calibre or more, and a security zone of 70km for MLRS and 140 kilometres for MLRS Tornado-S, Uragan, Smerch and tactical missile systems Tochka U.
– for Ukrainian troops, from actual line of contact;

– for armed formations of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine, from the contact line in accordance with the Minsk memorandum as of Sept. 19, 2014

• The pullout of the above mentioned heavy weapons has to start no later than the second day after the ceasefire and finish within 14 days.

• This process will be assisted by OSCE with the support of the Trilateral Contact Group.

• Effective monitoring and verification of ceasefire regime and pullout of heavy weapons by OSCE will be provided from the first day of pullout, using all necessary technical means such as satellites, drones, radio-location systems etc.

• On the first day after the pullout a dialogue is to start on modalities of conducting local elections in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation and the Law of Ukraine “On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts,” and also about the future of these districts based on the above mentioned law.

• Without delays, but no later than 30 days from the date of signing of this document, a resolution has to be approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, indicating the territory which falls under the special regime in accordance with the law “On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts,” based in the line set up by the Minsk Memorandum as of Sept. 19, 2014.

• Provide pardon and amnesty by way of enacting a law that forbids persecution and punishment of persons in relation to events that took place in particular departments of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine.

• Provide release and exchange of all hostages and illegally held persons, based on the principle of “all for all”. This process has to end – at the latest – on the fifth day after the pullout (of weapons).

• Provide safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid to the needy, based on an international mechanism.

• Define the modalities of a full restoration of social and economic connections, including social transfers, such as payments of pensions and other payments (income and revenue, timely payment of communal bills, restoration of tax payments within the framework of Ukrainian legal field)

• With this aim, Ukraine will restore management over the segment of its banking system in the districts affected by the conflict, and possibly, an international mechanism will be established to ease such transactions.

• Restore full control over the state border by Ukrainian government in the whole conflict zone, which has to start on the first day after the local election and end after the full political regulation (local elections in particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts based on the law of Ukraine and Constitutional reform) by the end of 2015, on the condition of fulfilment of Point 11 – in consultations and in agreement with representatives of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group.

• Pullout of all foreign armed formations, military equipment, and also mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine under OSCE supervision. Disarmament of all illegal groups.

• Constitutional reform in Ukraine, with the new Constitution to come into effect by the end of 2015, the key element of which is decentralisation (taking into account peculiarities of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, agreed with representatives of these districts), and also approval of permanent legislation on special status of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts in accordance with the measures spelt out in the footnotes, by the end of 2015.

06-19-2015, 08:27 PM
Taken from comments made today by the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov--then the reality in the eastern Ukraine followed by the complete Minsk 2 to show how the Russian FM lies using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create 2Ds ---distrust and doubt.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It’s vital that we helped the #Ukrainian people resolve a crisis that is not #Russia’s doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to punish us for #Ukrainians’ refusal to unanimously approve a state coup

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They decided to shift the blame to us for bringing the situation in #Ukraine to an unconstitutional overthrow

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: It was their choice. They suspended any communication with #Russia, and are now searching for ways to resume it without losing face

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: If they propose unblocking communications channels, we won’t be vindictive; we will reciprocate

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: The rights of Donetsk and Lugansk as part of #Ukraine must be fully respected during conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They also depend on us politically. We are urging respect for their legitimate rights as part of the #Ukrainian nation

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Of course, we can influence Donetsk and Lugansk. They seriously depend on us, in particular for humanitarian assistance

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These people have a different view of the situation. They live under constant shelling. Some of them have been driven to despair

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: I believe that we don’t have a moral right to dictate to them what they must or must not do

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Our main achievement is that following #Minsk2 Donetsk and Lugansk agreed to search for a solution as part of #Ukraine

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We have convinced Lugansk and Donetsk to support #Minsk2, to agree that its implementation must ensure #Ukraine’s integrity

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Under #Minsk2, almost nothing depends on #Russia apart from the pledge to influence the sides, which we have been doing

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: These regions must have special status within #Ukraine, as provided for in #Minsk2 in terms of the decentralisation of power

Lavrov: #Russia supported #Minsk2 wholeheartedly and without any reservation. It fully meets our stance on conflict settlement

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Lavrov: Questioning the potential of #Minsk2 and #Ukraine’s integrity would amount to bowing to extremists

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: We want Kiev to implement all provisions, including decentralisation, constitutional reform and amnesty

The Russian FM lies using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create 2Ds ---distrust and doubt

To verify the lie just simply check the actual Minsk 2 Agreement and ask a very simple question--has Russia implemented a single point in the Agreement???? Then compare it against the ongoing reality in eastern Ukraine against the Minsk 2 Agreement.

06-19-2015, 08:58 PM
Shakhtarsk 23:25
"25 trucks with escort from #Donetsk towards east.
Russian bitches stealing." https://twitter.com/Helgi__UA/status/611994797671383040 …

23:25 #Shakhtarsk @Helgi__UA 25 escorted 18-wheelers fr/#Donetsk eastwards.
#donbasreports [museums going east?]

Hundreds of #Putin mercenaries from #Crimea & #Rostov arrive in #Donetsk http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=uk&u=http://fakty.ictv.ua/ua/index/read-news/id/1553987&usg=ALkJrhg7bmWlBmP49QHZ2vuhcEmGSvYT-w … pic.twitter.com/i3ogjzQ9Ck

23:21 @DmitriyKatsapov It sounds like another battle in #Maryinka

According to the "miner/tractor-driver" from Tyumen he has a military contract for 3 years of fighting in Donbass." https://twitter.com/nixer79/status/611981505842298880 …

OSCE monitors see many of Donbas militants' weapons banned by Minsk pic.twitter.com/RcVXr66TKN http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/19-june-osce-monitors-see-many-of-donbas-militants-weapons …

Well, that's a lot of ammo... A lot...
Molodohvardiis'k mine area, #Krasnodon district, #Luhansk region. #Ukraine https://twitter.com/Katz_741/status/611957287368925184 …

youtube.com/watch?v=7bvEE9dbr4w … '#Somalia' Russians wax 'I'll be back!' at #DonetskAirport. Back to #Russia in boxes?#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/08ZmXlCTPr

VIDEO #Putin DNR-Whatever #Zakharchenko now developing a growing business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRZ2-Gx5Ni4 …Marijuana pic.twitter.com/dRpj6WJNc0

@nolanwpeterson "Ukrainian sniper in #Pisky #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/IGZGV2KV3I"

Putin: "US exit from the Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty pushed Russia towards a new arms race" http://www.mediafax.ro/externe/vladimir-putin-iesirea-sua-din-tratatul-abm-impinge-rusia-spre-o-noua-cursa-a-inarmarii-14476444 …

#OSCE SMM saw *66* Russian T-72/T-64 main battle tanks (MBT) in different areas of occupied Donbas on 18 Jun http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/165461 …

06-19-2015, 09:07 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 6.18

Posted on June 19, 2015 by tilamuse

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Operational data from Information Resistance:

The activity of the Russian-terrorist forces in Donbas continues to increase. Besides fire strikes (including the ones from heavy weapons), attempted tactical offensives by [insurgent] gangs have increased in several directions.

Starting from the evening of June 16 and until the morning of June 18, Russian-terrorist forces have made at least five attempts to break through the defenses of Ukrainian troops in the vicinity of Mar’inka, at the same time carrying out massive shellings of the ATO forces’ positions. At the moment, the situation in this area more closely resembles the situation near the Donetsk airport (DAP) during its defense by Ukrainian troops in the winter of 2014—2015, when terrorists concentrated significant forces to shell ATO troop positions and carried out offensive actions continuously.

On the night of June 16 to 17, 2015, [insurgent] gangs attempted to perform the task they desperately failed to accomplish on the afternoon of June 3, during a large-scale assault on Mar’inka. At dusk, an enemy tactical group numbering 100-120 people accumulated in the vicinity of a [collective] farm, and another group (up to 50 people) collected from the direction of Olexandrivka. Meanwhile, three T-72B tanks of terrorists came up to the “neutral zone” and shelled the ATO forces’ positions with high-explosive shells, alternating between reaching the distance of direct fire, and leaving the starting line. After a relatively short shelling (each tank released 10 to 15 rounds), insurgents began shelling the positions of Ukrainian troops from 120-mm mortars, covering the retreat of their tanks. After the pulling back their armored vehicles, the insurgents launched an attack (trying to enter the flanks of the Ukrainian units), which was foiled by dense automatic machine-gun fire, from the ATO forces’ AGS-17 and 82-mm mortars.

During the past 24 hours, insurgents were also particularly active in the direction of Artemivsk.

Insurgents used 9P132 “Grad-P” MLRS in the vicinity of Troitske; the shells [for this system] are delivered by insurgents in “UAZ” vehicles. Meanwhile, the enemy has also used BM-21 “Grad” MLRS in this area.

Terrorists have used 122-mm artillery and 120-mm mortars massively – south of Donetsk (in the vicinity of Hranitne and Starohnativka).

In the area of Shchastya and Stanytsia Luhanska, the enemy has fired from infantry weapons; an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group has also been observed. Terrorists have fired on the positions of the ATO forces in the vicinity of Toshkivka, Novotoshkivka, Krymske, and Triokhizbenka from SPG-9 “Spear” grenade launchers and AGS-17; 152-mm artillery has also been used.

Movements of insurgent equipment and forces:

• A convoy (15 Kamaz / Ural tented trucks, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers on a trailer, and two MT-LB) proceeded through Yenakijeve towards Horlivka.

• In Luhansk, a build-up of armored vehicles continues – five tanks and two BMP-2 have arrived; a “Strela-10M” air defense missile system was detected in a convoy.

• The transfer of six BMP-2 was observed between Obilne and Starobesheve in the direction of Donetsk. BMPs look as if they have been “restored” after combat.

• Seven tanks, one Ural [truck] with a ZU-23-2 and four Kamaz [trucks] accompanied by “DNR police”cars have arrived in the Kyivskyi district of Donetsk from Makiivka.

• Transfer of a 152-mm 2S3 “Akatsiyia” self-propelled artillery accompanied by two BTR-80 was observed between Lutuhyne and Novofedorivka; the vehicles were moving in the direction of Krasnyi Luch.

06-19-2015, 09:14 PM
And the saga continues………

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: Our answer to seizing Russian property abroad will be reciprocity. This is the only way to act on the international stage

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They have not released the accounts of state-owned Russian companies only

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: In France, they seized the accounts of our embassy, our mission to #UNESCO and our trade mission. But they have backed off

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: At this stage, we are working to secure the release of our diplomatic missions’ accounts @amrusbel

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Lavrov: They have taken the same illegal step in Belgium by announcing the seizure of our diplomatic missions’ accounts @amrusbel

Rossiya 24 cut off the live broadcast from P's meeting with news agencies right after AFP's question about Russian assets seized in Europe.

06-20-2015, 05:48 AM
Debaltsevo 4:01AM
Rumble, it's not thunder https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/612062734075711488 …

#Dzerzhynsk 3:54AM
Shooting, small arms, AGS, artillery. Sounds like battle towards #Mayorsk https://twitter.com/blessmaster/status/612060909998051328 …

Horlivka, #Dzerzhynsk
4:40 very loud
5:00 took a brake? https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/612090310273957888 …

Since 40 minutes battle towards #Mayorsk, shooting, tanks, AGS https://twitter.com/mihailovith/status/612074727620935680 …

Shakhtarsk 7:20
BTR, 12 Urals w ruscists, command post vehicle, field kitchen, water tanker tow #Donetsk https://twitter.com/Helgi__UA/status/612114625782521856

Shakhtarsk 7:38
9x BMP and MT-LB towards #Donetsk https://twitter.com/Helgi__UA/status/612118225225035776 …

Sytin: Russia's regime wants to return to post-WW2 world order https://balticscholars.stanford.edu/?p=1193

@RFERL #Russia|'s become a nation of conspiracy theorists;the Kremlin is leading the charge http://bit.ly/1Ga4vuw pic.twitter.com/4cDLYcBPXK

06-20-2015, 12:50 PM

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 6.19

Posted on June 20, 2015 by tilamuse

Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Operational data from Information Resistance:

Russian-terrorist forces remain active in Donbas and continue mounting large-scale offensives on the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian objects, while also carrying out tactical offensives in a number of areas. During the past 24 hours, insurgents were active in areas that had been [previously] considered relatively “calm” following the signing of the Minsk II Agreements.

In the vicinity of Mar’inka, terrorists continue their attempts to storm the ATO forces’ positions in order to initiate a battle for the settlement [area]. Under cover of 122- and 152-mm cannon artillery and 82- and 120-mm mortars, enemy infantry groups try to approach the advanced positions of Ukrainian troops in order to force a short-range (under 200 meters [219 yards]) firefight. During the last 24 hours, insurgents used four tanks, two BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle, and two BTR-80 armored personnel carriers in their attempted offensives. As a result of retaliatory fire by the ATO forces, one terrorist T-72B [tank] was damaged (but was able to return to the starting line), as well as one terrorist APC.

An insurgent group (450-500 people) was seen arriving in the vicinity of Donetsk. [The group has been] trained in Russian-terrorist “training camps” in occupied Crimea and Rostov-on-Don (Russia). Some of the insurgents are residents of Donbas; at least 70% are Russian mercenaries, including amnestied criminals. An insurgent unit (up to 600 people, 100 of which have been unloaded in Makiivka) has arrived from Russia on board buses, accompanied by approximately 20 Russian soldiers. Vehicles, weapons, and equipment for this group were delivered to Donetsk earlier. Insurgents were brought to the vicinity of the Krytyi market where they changed into fatigues without insignia. Within hours, two reinforced companies from this group (about 220 people) were deployed to the zone of active combat operations near Mar’inka.

Over the past twenty-four hours, Russian-terrorist artillery and rocket artillery equipment has been active in the vicinity of Pisky, Opytne, and Vodyane. Professionally trained Russian specialists have arrived in this area (specialists in troop command organization, as well as ones in the use of different types of troops and establishing cooperation between them). In this area, the insurgents deployed armored vehicles (5-6 units) that fired on the settlement of Vodyane from “no man’s land.”

In the vicinity of Hranitne and Stepne, terrorists deployed mobile ZU-23-2 artillery units and 82-mm mortars mounted on vehicles. Several times over the past 24 hours, insurgents carried out precision fire from heavy machine guns in these areas.

In the Seaside [Mariupol] sector, insurgents fired on the ATO forces’ positions near Shyrokyne, using 122-mm artillery, 120-mm mortars, and AGS-17 grenade launchers. In this area, terrorists operate with 2 artillery groups (squadrons) and 3-4 battery level mortar units.

Over the past twenty-four hours, terrorists shelled Nelepivka and Novgorodske using 120-mm mortars. The residential areas took the brunt of the shelling.

Insurgents shelled the settlement of Troitske (Artemivsk sector) twice, using 152-mm artillery (this is the “work” of the artillery group previously transferred to the vicinity of Irmino through Stakhanov). At this time, two terrorist artillery squadrons are concentrated in this area (22-24 cannon artillery units of both of the main calibers). The settlements of Luhanske, Svitlodarsk and Myronivske were also shelled by insurgents using cannon artillery (122-mm) and mortars (82-mm and 120-mm).

Terrorists shelled the ATO forces in the vicinity of Novotoshkivka using Grad BM-21 multiple rocket launcher systems [MRLS].

The positions of Ukrainian troops were shelled from cannon artillery (122-mm) in the vicinity of Zolote, where [the enemy] also attempted close-range fire on a Ukrainian stronghold using the armored vehicle weaponry. (Insurgents used six BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles; as a result of retaliatory fire, one BMP-2 was destroyed due to the detonation of ammunition. [Ukrainian troops] also destroyed parts of the two insurgent infantry groups that used small arms in an attempt to provide cover for the regrouping of their armored vehicles.)

Clashes took place in the vicinity of Sokilnyky, Krymske, and Orikhove. Near Krymske, enemy infantry groups attacked [Ukrainian] checkpoints and attempted to penetrate the tactical rear of the ATO forces. All of the enemy’s attempts to this effect were repelled with retaliatory fire from the Ukrainian troops.

In the vicinity of Shchastya, insurgents used AGS-17 and heavy machine guns for unaimed fire.

A tactical insurgent group concentrated in the area of Obozne is being quickly reinforced with troops transferred through Stukalova Balka. Up to 14 tanks and 28-30 infantry fighting vehicles are already deployed in this area. Artillery is being deployed north of Luhansk (approximately a composite artillery squadron, using 122-mm Gvozdika 2S1 self-propelled artillery guns, and D-30 howitzers).

Three armored terrorist groups are concentrated on the stretch between Mospyne and Komsomolske (up to 30-35 tanks and 55-60 various armored combat vehicles in each); another group is stationed south of Telmanove (up to a battalion in strength, with 18-20 tanks and 26-27 ACV).

More equipment and armaments are being transferred through Alchevsk to reinforce the Stakhanov-Pervomaysk insurgent group. Over the last twenty-four hours, we spotted 26 trucks, as well as five BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, two BTR-80 armored personnel carriers [APCs], two MT-LB trucks with 120-mm mortars, and 4 tanks.

All units of the “Army of the LNR” [Luhansk People’s Republic] were paid wages (including all wages in arrears) for April and May of this year, in US dollars. A week earlier, the “Army of the DNR” [Donetsk People’s Republic] were also paid wages in US dollars. During the entire conflict in Donbas, such large-scale payments had only been made once before, in January 2015, before the events on the Debaltseve springboard.

06-20-2015, 12:51 PM
Ammunition depot in #Donetsk. Grad rockets are in abundance, even without ammunition factory. pic.twitter.com/RcR0SGcmcS

Ukrainian soldiers neutralized Russian terrorists’ unit near Mariupol http://en.censor.net.ua/n340807

Putin is facing a multi-million-pound legal action for Boeing crash http://en.censor.net.ua/n340809

Border service detained four militants near Berezove, one of them is citizen of RF http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/20-june-border-service-detained-four-militants-near-berezove …

Since 4AM battle towards Mayorsk, shooting, tanks http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/20-june-since-4am-battle-towards-mayorsk-shooting-tanks …

Orlovske North to Mariupol under shelling, Ukrainian forces return fire http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/20-june-orlovske-north-to-mariupol-under-shelling-ukrainian …

ATO update: Seven Ukrainian soldiers wounded in Donbas in last day
http://www.unian.info/war/1091762-ato-update-seven-ukrainian-soldiers-wounded-in-donbas-in-last-day.html … pic.twitter.com/JbnXD7q0gk

06-20-2015, 12:56 PM

Russia’s Military Orders Research To Prevent Color Revolution

Posted By: Brendan ByrnePosted date: June 19, 2015 02:47:42 PM

Reporters were informed that a major research project will study coups produced by mass protest.

Sergey Shoigu, Russia's Defense Minister, claimed that the military will sponsor the research, which aims to prevent the recurrence of social unrest which Russia suffered in 1991 and 1993, according to RT.

Defense Minister outlines research plans

Coups produced by mass protest are known as "color revolutions" in Russia, and the military appears to be preparing itself to prevent such an occurrence in Russia. “Some people say that the military should not be involved in political processes, some say the direct opposite. We will order a study on the phenomenon of color revolutions and the military’s role in their prevention,” Shoigu said during a speech at the Army 2015 forum.

Army 2015 is being hosted at the site of the new Patriot Park, a military theme park opened by Russian President Vladimir Putin this week. The forum provides an opportunity for foreign officials to browse the latest selection of Russian military hardware, as well as listening to a series of speeches from political figures.

“We have no right to allow the repetitions of the collapses of 1991 and 1993,” said Shoigu. “How to do it is another story, but it is clear that we must deal with the situation. We must understand how to prevent this and how to teach the younger generation so that it supported the calm and gradual development of our country.”

Russia's sees dangerous precedent in Arab Spring and Maidan

According to Shoigu, color revolutions are responsible for ongoing problems across the Arab world and in Serbia, as well as in Ukraine. He went on to call the current crisis in Ukraine "a major tragedy in the row of color revolutions."

Other Russian political figures have also spoken of their desire to prevent a color revolution in Russia. In March Nikolai Patrushev, head of Russia's Security Council, stated that the organization would develop a detailed plan in order to prevent a color revolution or any other form of regime change sparked by mass protest.

At the time he claimed that the Security Council already had a number of measures which could be used to that end, such as initiatives to combat "network protest activities," and propaganda to break the "romantic revolutionary stereotype."

President Vladimir Putin has also spoken on the issue during a speech to the Interior Ministry. “The extremists’ actions become more complicated,” he said. “We are facing attempts to use the so called ‘color technologies’ in organizing illegal street protests to open propaganda of hatred and strife on social networks.”

Attempts to prevent rallies and anti-government protests

The Interior Ministry later drafted a bill which proposed amendments to laws covering rallies, including car protests and sit-ins. Experts from the Ministry said that clarification would reduce legal ambiguity and benefit Russian society.

Putin decried the role of color revolutions in geopolitical strife during a speech in November. “In the modern world, extremism is used as a geopolitical tool for redistribution of spheres of interest. We can see the tragic consequences of the wave of the so-called color revolutions, the shock experienced by people in the countries that went through the irresponsible experiments of hidden, or sometimes brute and direct interference with their lives,” he said.

Anti-government protests in January were met with counter-protests from conservative activists. Officials claimed that the anti-government protesters were outnumbered ten-to-one by their conservative counterparts.

Along with legal changes and strategies to defeat grass-roots revolutionary movements, the news that the Russian military is preparing itself for the eventuality of a popular uprising is worrying news for civil liberties.

06-20-2015, 01:20 PM
Railway station, airport - under thunderstorm cover artillery working

Another 7 Ukrainian soldiers were injured in Russian attacks across the #Minsk demarcation line yesterday.

13:55 @MitAndersen Along #Donetsk road fr/#Makeevka tow/Donetsk a tank on flatbed truck moved

11:28 @JRijJyY08AkRzL8 In #Starobesheve diction massive booms.
11:48 @RabindrantTagor I can't hear in #Komsomolske

Horlivka @ItechVK Recently in one of early mornings a truck (long vehicle w/a trailer) went loaded w/yellow cut pipes(like small gas ones)

Alleged looters held by #Russia's 'DNR militiamen' in #Sloviansk
But what happened to them after the photos?

Ukrainian troops repel five attacks by Russian-backed militants on Friday
http://www.unian.info/war/1091777-ukrainian-troops-repel-five-attacks-by-russian-backed-militants-on-friday.html … pic.twitter.com/uVR82Xmrw3

15:35 #Donetsk @HuAdvokatos Heavy outgoing [volleys in the airport]

US: Russian Forces in #Ukraine Are Thwarting Peaceful Solutionhttp://www.voanews.com/content/putin-calls-greater-western-role-ukraine/2829767.html …?

06-20-2015, 01:21 PM
Seems that Russian stealing in the Donbass is reaching new levels—first it was and still is coal, then it was scrap steel, and then scrap zinc and now anything that is copper—what the heck—is there that much of a shortage inside Russia that Putin is not telling us or is it simply just good ole soviet corruption at work??????

youtube.com/watch?v=dUUQqUkawwQ … Copper seems top priority. New #Cargo200 design? pic.twitter.com/oDC977d4bZ

Investigators, Prosecutor's Office start search at Tornado special task force base, no threat of conflict escalation http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/investigators-prosecutors-office-start-search-at-tornado-special-task-force-base-no-threat-of-conflict-escalation-interior-ministry-391588.html …

06-20-2015, 01:28 PM
Both the Russian FM Lavrov and Putin were arguing yesterday for "an amnesty" for the mercenaries in order to get an election process and dialogue going.

BUT again both did not seem to have read the Minsk 2 Agreement that states clearly all foreign fighters and that includes Russian citizens must leave the Ukraine and the rest must disarm--then amnesty comes into play.

"The Minsk agreements have a provision obliging Ukraine to declare an amnesty for the separatists. However, according to the Geneva Convention, only minor crimes are subject to amnesty, and in the course of disarmament of the parties. Heavy criminals cannot qualify for an amnesty," political expert Oleksandr Palij told Glavnoe June 20.

Minor crimes include participation in guarding the infrastructure or construction work.

Those with blood on their hands can’t be amnestied, the expert said.

Demanding an amnesty, the separatists forget that in line with the Minsk agreements all foreigners have to leave the conflict zone - all Russian mercenaries, “volunteers” and others. When this provision is fulfilled, Ukraine will declare an amnesty,” the expert said.

Have come to the conclusion both the Russian FM and Putin simply do not read what Russia signs for agreements and THEN complain later that the Agreements are not being adhered to such as Minsk 2.

06-20-2015, 01:35 PM
Amusingly, #Russia accuses #Belgium of "an openly hostile act" that "violates recognised norms of international law" http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33197782 …

Khodorkovsky on Russian assets seizure: 'This is a landmark moment for our country' http://uatoday.tv/politics/khodorkovsky-on-russian-assets-seizure-this-is-a-landmark-moment-for-our-country-442413.html …

Russian humor:
Belgium, with massive cash reserves stored in Rubles, faces ruin if we seize them.

Russia threatens retaliation against European state-controlled companies http://on.wsj.com/1GwECXW prin @WSJ

After both the Russian FM and Putin threw a tantrum in their press conferences yesterday about Russia assets being frozen due to the Yukos court decision we get this today.

Our position is clear: Russia does not recognize the authority of this court"
- Putin on the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague

BUT then they forgot the following it seems:
Russia is a signatory to a pair of international agreements underpinning Yukos arbitration.
https://twitter.com/ArianaGicPerry/status/612197970419818496 …

Ah... the rule of law is a beautiful thing when it works--it did more to shock Russia than anything Obama, Hollande and Merkel have done in the last year.

BUT did a single journalist call out the hypocrisy of Putin and his FM especially after the statement above--NO.

Russia doesn't recognize Permanent Court of Arbitration - established at the initiative of Czar Nicolas II of Russia pic.twitter.com/L6FPxBcJES

Russia, member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration for over 100 years.
http://www.pca-cpa.org/showpage.asp?pag_id=1038 … pic.twitter.com/c8xv2pvCmD

Putin's cronies from Gazprom will be charmed, I'm sure.
http://www.pcacases.com/web/search/ pic.twitter.com/nIcVf7M5Ql
Gazprom has a court challenge filed against them by one of the Baltic states-----

06-20-2015, 01:51 PM
Hi outlaw09

My first post!

I usually just lurk, but the sheer number of your posts, and updates, heck you even quote yourself, has me super curious.

And (can I begin a sentence with a conjunction?) so I have to ask. What's the deal here?

I'm a vet. I live in the US. I want the US to be successful in its foreign policy and global economic endeavors, obviously. Hopefully more so than I feel we have been lately.

But I have to say, I can't blame Russia for getting involved in the Ukraine. I mean, don't they have to? I think Russia would have no choice but to get up to "something" whatever form that something may take. You seem surprised and offended by that. Why?

I won't be offended if you choose not to answer, or want to take this to a private conversation, and I hope I haven't offended you by asking a question you might feel has an obvious answer.

My take? We (the US, I include myself although I don't make policy) got involved in something, and now we are going to shift focus, and pretty much screw over any Ukrainian hopes that we would really take some serious steps there. And Russia will keep sending war materiel and probably human assets on the sly, as much as possible without just sending a blatant invasion force over the border.

Blissfull---for Russian info a really good blog site to start with.


06-20-2015, 04:55 PM
And the shellings and ground attacks just keep on........

Appears the Russian mercenaries and Russian troops are not getting along....
Donetsk showdown
"Rosa Luxembourg str 2, went on to assault, blasted doors" https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/612278711442927616 …

#Donetsk - sounds like some showdown in barracks (3 dormitories) @ the intersection of Komsomolske and Luxembourg st https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/612265940315701249 …

17:20 #Donetsk @PVB40 [fb] Another infighting - barracks in Rozy_Luksemburg St are being carried

As a result of shelling in Mariinka this morning 2 civilians killed and 1 wounded. 3 Ukr soldiers wounded also
http://112.ua/ato/vsledstvie-utrennih-obstrelov-marinki-pogibli-2-mirnyh-zhitelya-raneny-4-cheloveka-administraciya-238854.html …

17:00 #Donetsk @AlfaNubovsky At 15:30 as thunderstorm finished, outgoing volleys fr/storages area in Ekonomichna started

Shooting in #Pisky and periodically in #Marinka https://twitter.com/arthurnkua/status/612287212567285760 …

Donetsk 17:57
Shchetinina ds - hearing single volleys, far away https://twitter.com/DoneckiiPatriot/status/612273451521470468 …

06-20-2015, 04:56 PM
Starobeshevo 6:11PM
Ruscists shooting with something heavy, the whole area hears volleys https://twitter.com/hubeshevo/status/612276651737673728 …

Donetsk 19:15
Kalininskyi ds - powerful volleys https://twitter.com/hu_ukrop/status/612293503566090240 …

Donetsk 18:00
Kalininskyi - hearing heavy singles far away https://twitter.com/DoneckiiPatriot/status/612274042607792128 …

Lots of shelling in and around #Donetsk reported. 2 civilians killed in #Mariinka due to shelling.

Today, militants 37 times attacked UKR positions. Used 120-mm mortars and 152-mm howitzers - ATO press center

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1019136824763790&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1019136824763790&__tn__=%2As …

DPR" "doctor" with AK. Next separatists are going to say Ukr Army shot their doctors dead. pic.twitter.com/x2OXlF3d73

PHOTOS: Border guards detained DPR subversive group near Berezove
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_7555.htm … pic.twitter.com/H25LzRfyAn

06-20-2015, 04:57 PM
19.06: Russian hybrid army BMPs in #Luhansk at this location: https://maps.yandex.com/222/luhansk/?text=Ukraine%2C%20Luhansk&sll=11.574832%2C48.134602&sspn=0.247879%2C0.180865&ol=geo&oll=39.307806%2C48.574039&ll=39.423332%2C48.572198&z=14&l=stv%2Csta&panorama%5Bpoint%5D=39.399629%2C48.562286&panorama%5Bdirection%5D=189.186257%2C6.732143&panorama%5Bspan%5D=130.000000%2C52.386905 … pic.twitter.com/PDYwJgVUaE

Russian hybrid army BMP (with 9th May parade sticker) hidings in civilian area in #Donetsk pic.twitter.com/OApoooO8Lc

RU hybrid army tank in Brianka https://instagram.com/p/4ICPj5HPzq/ Business in the background = geo loc: http://wikimapia.org/29733891/uk/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%87%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D1%8F-%C2%AB%D0%9F%D1%96%D0%BA%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%BA%C2%BB … pic.twitter.com/HomuHx1iYK

APC with Russian Army marks in Russia-2013 and Donbas-2014 v. @askai707 @BuTaJIu4eK

01.06.2015: RU hybrid army column in #Luhansk
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTihumDLZE8 … (+ geo info by uploader) pic.twitter.com/OBq09o7vtN

01.06.2015: Russian hybrid army column in #Luhansk at around 48.565497, 39.210927: http://streamable.com/p9id

06-20-2015, 05:49 PM
A perfect example of just how badly this Administration blew the Ukrainian issue.

Initially Obama was in the first Normandy meeting and then for some strange reason the US no longer cared and was not involved deferring to the EU ie Merkel.

Now they are back in but at the bilateral level not directing involved with the negotiations where some in Europe have from the very beginning stated they should have been.

Notice though that the Russians elegantly keep the US out of the Normandy group even though they were at the first meeting.

Initially the US announced this bilateral level in a short press release.

NOW read the Russian version and then ask the question after reading it--do they see the US coming to them a "victory"--yes they do just as they viewed DoS Kerry coming to them at Sochi a "victory"..

Then using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create the 2Ds --distrust and doubt--- reread the press release and see if you can spot the propaganda.


Kremlin: U.S., Russia to jointly coordinate Ukraine crisis settlement

20.06.2015 | 19:55

The Kremlin has announced that the United States and Russia have agreed to coordinate efforts on a bilateral basis to regulate the situation in Ukraine, without engaging Washington in the Normandy format.

"And, so as not to break everything up, we have agreed together that we will be coordinating our activities on Ukraine on a bilateral basis for the time being," Russian presidential chief of staff Sergei Ivanov said in an interview shown in a Saturday analytical program hosted by Sergei Brilyov on the Rossiya-1 TV Channel.

According to him, there was an agreement to set up a special U.S.-Russian bilateral format with the participation of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin, who had to coordinate U.S. and Russian efforts in settling the Ukraine crisis.

"In principle, we could do this – expand the Normandy format by including one more country, engaging the U.S. But the Normandy format is so fragile now that this step would simply be risky," Ivanov said.

In his words, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's visit has "demonstrated that the Americans are also starting to worry" that the situation in Ukraine might go out of control.

"As for the situation that is going out of control, as they often like to say. No matter how ironically this might sound, they should be quite accustomed to this. Hasn't it gone out of control in Iraq? Hasn't it gone out of control in Libya? Or hasn't it gone out of control in Syria? Now it's also gone out of control in Ukraine. Excuse me my language, but wherever they meddle, the situation goes out of control," Ivanov said.

"And most likely, they have started wishing to really settle that crisis," he added.

Ivanov stressed that Russia supports the existing Ukrainian borders, which include the Donbas territory seized by Russian-backed militants now.

"I believe we have exerted very serious influence, because the rebels have made a fundamental step – they've changed their position. They already voted for their independence last year, but now they say: 'We are ready to remain part of Ukraine if the Minsk agreements are implemented,'" he said.

06-20-2015, 05:58 PM
A perfect example of just how badly this Administration blew the Ukrainian issue.

Initially Obama was in the first Normandy meeting and then for some strange reason the US no longer cared and was not involved deferring to the EU ie Merkel.

Now they are back in but at the bilateral level not directing involved with the negotiations where some in Europe have from the very beginning stated they should have been.

Notice though that the Russian elegantly keep the US out of the Normandy group even though they were at the first meeting.

Initially the US announced this bilateral level in a short press release.

NOW read the Russian version and then ask the question after reading it--do they see the US coming to them a "victory"--yes they do just as they viewed DoS Kerry coming to them at Sochi a "victory"..

Then using the Russian propaganda 4Ds --dismiss, distract, distort, dismay designed to create the 2Ds --distrust and doubt--- reread the press release and see if you can spot the propaganda.


Kremlin: U.S., Russia to jointly coordinate Ukraine crisis settlement

20.06.2015 | 19:55

For those that after reading this Russian FM press release feel that the Russians truly want a settlement based on Minsk 2.

This is a video covering just eight days on the last 14 days of intense Russian shellings and ground attacks in full violation of Minsk 2 and what was the US response to this--working in a bilateral fashion????

New documentary by @nolanwpeterson provides a great look at the ukrainan front lines around Pisky Ukraine.

This Is What the Ukraine War Looks Like: 8 Days on the Eastern Front Line

06-20-2015, 06:15 PM
Russia will take steps to protect its assets abroad - head of Kremlin administration
June 20, 18:08 UTC+3

VLADIVOSTOK, June 20. /TASS/. Russia will timely take steps in response to the attempts to claim its assets abroad, head of the Kremlin administration Sergey Ivanov said in a TV interview on Saturday.

"That there will be counter measures I don’t doubt at all, - he said. - We can and should act by using counter measures ".

"Obviously, counter steps will be taken inevitably and quite quickly," - Ivanov said.

In July 2014, The Hague Arbitral Tribunal ruled that Russia should pay almost $50 billion to the companies affiliated with the former Yukos shareholders - Hulley Enterprises Limited (Cyprus), Veteran Petroleum (Cyprus) and Yukos Universal Limited (Isle of Man).

Moscow repeatedly expressed disagreement with the court’s ruling.

Earlier this month it was reported that Belgian bailiffs were trying to use Russian property to satisfy the claims of Yukos Universal Limited as part of the court’s decision.

In particular, the bailiffs obliged a number of Russian companies operating in Belgium and their banks to provide lists of the assets they manage in the country within 15 days. According to the Belgian authorities that was necessary for the implementation of the court’s decision.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry also reported that the accounts of the Russian embassy have been frozen as well as the accounts of Russia’s permanent missions in the EU and NATO in Brussels. Actions to freeze Russian assets were also taken in France.

Russia is a signatory to a pair of international agreements underpinning Yukos arbitration.
https://twitter.com/ArianaGicPerry/s...97970419818496 …

Russia doesn't recognize Permanent Court of Arbitration - established at the initiative of Czar Nicolas II of Russia pic.twitter.com/L6FPxBcJES

Russia, member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration for over 100 years.
http://www.pca-cpa.org/showpage.asp?pag_id=1038 … pic.twitter.com/c8xv2pvCmD

06-20-2015, 06:51 PM

The first time I have seen a coherent discussion of this administration and what it needs as a strategy.

Well worth the reading of the article.


Toward More Robust Engagement?

Struggling to contain IS and curtail Iran’s nuclear ambitions, not to mention follow through on its commitment to reorient U.S. global strategy to the Asia Pacific, the Obama administration has been slow to recognize the seriousness of the Russian revisionist challenge currently playing out in Ukraine. That is, Russia’s actions aim not just at carving up Ukraine, but at upending the post-1991 settlement in Europe, while checking the expansion of European norms, values, and institutions.

What happens in Ukraine has a larger significance for the United States than the administration likes to acknowledge, because at the end of the day, Russian intervention is less about Ukraine per se than about establishing new parameters for relations between Russia and the West. Moscow is unhappy with what it perceives to be its exclusion from Europe’s post–Cold War security system and is at once seeking to prevent the expansion of that system closer to its borders (through intervention in Ukraine) and to weaken it from within (through a range of financial, energy, media, and other tools deployed within the European Union). Underlying this entire offensive is a growing conviction among the Russian elite that Russia, along with the rest of the former Soviet world, is inherently incompatible with the liberal democratic West and that these two cultural-civilizational blocs are locked in a long-term struggle for influence across Europe and Eurasia.

Though Ukraine is not a NATO member and the United States has no explicit obligation to protect it from its larger neighbor, Washington’s hopes for both a secure Europe and a productive relationship with Russia turn on what happens in and around Ukraine. If Russia succeeds in keeping Ukraine weak and the West divided, its revisionist ambitions are likely to expand. Conversely, frustrating Russian ambitions in Ukraine is the first step toward reengaging Moscow from a position of strength, which is critical to establishing a new equilibrium in Europe. Given the stakes, Washington has a clear interest in finding a settlement in Ukraine that not only ends the fighting, but that also reinforces the secure, liberal Europe that has been a touchstone of U.S. global engagement since the end of the Cold War.

Given the scope of Russian ambitions, not to mention Moscow’s success in compromising elements of the European political and economic establishment, no effective strategy for countering Russia’s revisionist ambitions is conceivable without much more robust U.S. engagement. Washington is the only actor capable of getting the West to speak with one voice and the only one with the realistic ability to offer a hard power response to Russian military activities.

While administration officials recognize the scope of Russian actions, the need for at least limited cooperation at a time when the United States is wary of renewed overstretch has made Washington cautious about confronting Moscow directly. Outside pressure, including from Congress, as well as growing frustration with Russian intransigence is pushing the White House in a more assertive direction, even as it remains wedded to the Minsk-II agreement—of which it is not even a signatory—as the basis for a lasting solution.


From Kyiv to Moscow, via Washington

At least in Europe, Russia has become a revisionist power. To the extent that the United States and its allies value the post–Cold War settlement, with its embrace of liberal values and the vision of a Europe whole and free, they need to prioritize the defeat of Moscow’s revisionist aims much more so than they have done so far, starting in Ukraine. The United States in particular needs to view itself as a central player in the drama. A more prominent U.S. role would go some way toward meeting Moscow’s demand for recognition as a great power, since it is only the United States that, as a great power itself, can confer that recognition by sitting at the table to discuss a resolution to the crisis. At the same time, the United States has a far larger arsenal of tools available, not to mention the capacity to escalate the economic, political, and even (indirectly) military pressure on Moscow in a way that the Europeans are unlikely to do.

Under its least Euro-centric administration in a century, Washington has been slow to appreciate the significance of what is happening on Europe’s doorstep. In Ukraine specifically, Washington can do more through both energetic diplomacy and additional pressure (military and nonmilitary) against Russia, buying the Europeans time to address the other aspects of the Russian challenge.

Rebuffing Russia’s ambitions in Ukraine is the first, and most important, step in renewing the U.S. commitment to a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace. It is not a task that Washington can afford to offload onto the Europeans.

06-20-2015, 06:57 PM
RU Spetsnaz are being defeated by Ukrainian teachers and car mechanics

Marinka 19:30
First started w assault rifles, then something heavy. Sound of party towards Novomarinka. https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/612297759811600384 …

Mariinka being shelled with 82 mm mortar, grenade launchers and light arms https://twitter.com/radiobabay/status/612314451610611712 …

Donetsk 21:07
Kirovskyi ds - from Abakumov mine area hear battle, small arms and heavy. https://twitter.com/UrriKara4en/status/612321293497724928 …

More armor with same tactical sign of Russian 11th Dep. Engineering Brigade from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky seen in Donbas.

Russian BTR-80 with same tactical signs. #1 Kamensk-shakhtinsky, 2013. #2 Donbass, 2014.pic.twitter.com/AYUIYHMkS1

Azov servicemen detained ruscist fighter at #Shyrokyno http://inforesist.org/u-shirokino-bojcy-azova-zaderzhali-naemnika-armii-dnr/?_utl_t=tw …

Ukrainian sniper in #Pisky #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/huqieQrhe0

Since over 1 hour russians are shelling #Marinka https://twitter.com/100007182042214/status/612332478867636224 …

Donetsk 21:20
Petrovka - Heard explosions, assault rifles shooting. https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/612324570113155072 …

Donetsk 21:34
Proletarsky ds - couple of volleys, west direction https://twitter.com/DoneckiiPatriot/status/612327999501914112 …

Donetsk 10:06PM
Hum heard in Donbas Arena area, military equipment on move? https://twitter.com/CatBoobon/status/612335649925017602 …

Donetsk 10:11PM
Mashzavod - hearing monotonous volleys far to the southwest https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/612336950746476544 …

Donetsk 22:22
Volleys intensity again increased, Petrovka rumbles. More powerful and closer. https://twitter.com/PVB40/status/612339957043200000 …

06-21-2015, 05:57 AM
VIDEO Sort of security/webcam captures nightly battle at #Marinka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1f_crt91mA …

VIDEO Russia's Hybrid Infantry in 'action' in Ukraine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvDSZqNQEw …

This Russian fighter took a video selfie in #Ukraine to tell friends back home in Chelyabinsk he didn't find fascists pic.twitter.com/lNrxImftyk

Here comes the next multi hundreds of millions of USDs lawsuit against this time Putin himself.
MH17: families of victims prepare class action against #Putin: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10993470/Putin-facing-multi-million-pound-legal-action-over-alleged-role-in-MH17-crash.html …

The Russian economy has ended... even without any sanctions: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/19/the-end-of-russias-economy/ …

Russia is pouring troops and weapons into its European enclave — via @RFERL http://read.bi/1QG9L3g via @bi_contributors

Russia forces fired white phosphorus rounds @#Ukraine mil. @#Pisky
https://twitter.com/RobPulseNews/status/612351751824506880 …

2 civilians were killed and 1 civilian & 3 Ukrainian soldiers injured in Russian shelling of #Marinka on Saturday.

06-21-2015, 06:07 AM
We are seeing shellings and ground attack numbers that are the same as what we saw in the two months before the so called signing of a ceasefire
in Minsk 2.

Attack numbers ranging from 65 to 110 per day.

AND absolutely not a single comment out of Obama, Hollande and Merkel--appeasement through silence is the mantra.

If we appease Putin just maybe he will go away.

Yesterday Militants 83 times violated ceasefire. This morning already more than 15 times shelled Ukr positions - ATOhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1019544081389731&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1019544081389731&__tn__=%2As …

Russia really wants a Minsk 3 in order to cement on the ground advances that have been made since Minsk 2 and to cement in no electoral process under Ukrainian law and a general amnesty for all fighters AND to not have to withdraw ALL foreign fighters that means all Russians and her merceanries.

06-21-2015, 06:45 AM

Russia’s Military Orders Research To Prevent Color Revolution

Posted By: Brendan ByrnePosted date: June 19, 2015 02:47:42 PM

Balance this article with this article from the Russian General who some say developed the Russian UW strategy non linear warfare--really well worth the read. I had posted this a while ago but now with the Russian MoD chief's article--it is good to review the two together.


Military-Industrial Kurier, February 27, 2013

(My comments are indented and italicised and in red, and the bold emphases are also mine)


General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation

In the 21st century we have seen a tendency toward blurring the lines between the states of war and peace. Wars are no longer declared and, having begun, proceed according to an unfamiliar template.

The experience of military conflicts — including those connected with the so-called coloured revolutions in north Africa and the Middle East — confirm that a perfectly thriving state can, in a matter of months and even days, be transformed into an arena of fierce armed conflict, become a victim of foreign intervention, and sink into a web of chaos, humanitarian catastrophe, and civil war.

There is an old Soviet-era rhetorical device that a ‘warning’ or a ‘lesson’ from some other situation is used to outline intent and plan. The way that what purports to be an after-action take on the Arab Spring so closely maps across to what was done in Ukraine is striking. Presenting the Arab Spring–wrongly–as the results of covert Western operations allows Gerasimov the freedom to talk about what he wants to talk about: how Russia can subvert and destroy states without direct, overt and large-scale military intervention.

The Lessons of the ‘Arab Spring’

Of course, it would be easiest of all to say that the events of the “Arab Spring” are not war and so there are no lessons for us — military men — to learn. But maybe the opposite is true — that precisely these events are typical of warfare in the 21st century.

In terms of the scale of the casualties and destruction, the catastrophic social, economic, and political consequences, such new-type conflicts are comparable with the consequences of any real war.

The very “rules of war” have changed. The role of nonmilitary means of achieving political and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, they have exceeded the power of force of weapons in their effectiveness.

For me, this is probably the most important line in the whole piece, so allow me to repeat it: The role of nonmilitary means of achieving political and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, they have exceeded the power of force of weapons in their effectiveness. In other words, this is an explicit recognition not only that all conflicts are actually means to political ends–the actual forces used are irrelevant–but that in the modern realities, Russia must look to non-military instruments increasingly.

The focus of applied methods of conflict has altered in the direction of the broad use of political, economic, informational, humanitarian, and other nonmilitary measures — applied in coordination with the protest potential of the population.

All this is supplemented by military means of a concealed character, including carrying out actions of informational conflict and the actions of special-operations forces. The open use of forces — often under the guise of peacekeeping and crisis regulation — is resorted to only at a certain stage, primarily for the achievement of final success in the conflict.

This is, after all, exactly what happened in Crimea, when the insignia-less “little green men” were duly unmasked as–surprise, surprise–Russian special forces and Naval Infantry only once the annexation was actually done.

From this proceed logical questions: What is modern war? What should the army be prepared for? How should it be armed? Only after answering these questions can we determine the directions of the construction and development of the armed forces over the long term. To do this, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the forms and methods of the use of the application of force.

What Gerasimov is signalling here, and it may prove an important point, is that the Russian military needs to be tooled appropriately. This may mean a re-opening of the traditional hostilities with the politically more powerful defence industries (that want to pump out more tanks and the other things they produce) over quite what kind of kit the military gets. When former defence minister Serdyukov announced a moratorium on buying new tanks, Putin slapped him down and restated the order. Shoigu and Gerasimov will have to be more savvy if they want to make progress on this one.

These days, together with traditional devices, nonstandard ones are being developed. The role of mobile, mixed-type groups of forces, acting in a single intelligence-information space because of the use of the new possibilities of command-and-control systems has been strengthened. Military actions are becoming more dynamic, active, and fruitful. Tactical and operational pauses that the enemy could exploit are disappearing. New information technologies have enabled significant reductions in the spatial, temporal, and informational gaps between forces and control organs. Frontal engagements of large formations of forces at the strategic and operational level are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Long-distance, contactless actions against the enemy are becoming the main means of achieving combat and operational goals. The defeat of the enemy’s objects is conducted throughout the entire depth of his territory. The differences between strategic, operational, and tactical levels, as well as between offensive and defensive operations, are being erased. The application of high-precision weaponry is taking on a mass character. Weapons based on new physical principals and automatized systems are being actively incorporated into military activity.

All worthy enough, but in fairness nothing we haven’t heard before.

Asymmetrical actions have come into widespread use, enabling the nullification of an enemy’s advantages in armed conflict. Among such actions are the use of special-operations forces and internal opposition to create a permanently operating front through the entire territory of the enemy state, as well as informational actions, devices, and means that are constantly being perfected.

This, on the other hand, does show something of a different nuance, with the renewed emphasis on “internal opposition”, something which harkens back to Soviet-era playbooks rather than post-Soviet military doctrine, which was largely cleared of such language except in some specific contexts such as counter-insurgency.


06-21-2015, 09:27 AM
Russian terrorists blasted a bridge for vehicles near Troitske https://twitter.com/fhntv29/status/612545945633443840 …

Russian artillery bombarded #Marinka till about 1AM, but they did not storm

'Psuedo-ceasefire' broken repeatedly in combat zone
http://uatoday.tv/politics/psuedo-ceasefire-broken-repeatedly-in-combat-zone-442890.html … pic.twitter.com/NkjEOzHvhE

Belgium to unblock frozen Russian diplomatic accounts: FM http://f24.my/1IVKATk pic.twitter.com/rWvBdCbF4f

Donetsk last night. Heavy sound of ceasefire in the city:https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=30&v=5BRJX2A4lAE …

Russian active duty soldiers identified in the Ukraine via their social media accounts----
youtube.com/watch?v=rfkuLlKkmy8 …

Russian officers in Ukraine logging 4 times more violations by rebels than by Ukraine army, according to @OSCE http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/165476 …

Militants shelled Gnutovo, Mariinka, Mayorske http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/21-june-militants-shelled-gnutovo-mariinka-mayorske …

During the last day militants 7 times fired on positions of border guard units. 1 wounded - Border guard service
http://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/about/news/news_7558.htm …

Canada at NATO ✔ @CanadaNATO
How #Russia is reinforcing its Baltic fortress-city http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-is-pouring-troops-and-weapons-into-its-european-enclave-2015-6?IR=T … pic.twitter.com/MTHJ3J6RgR


06-21-2015, 11:57 AM
OSCE observers recorded movement of militant tanks, armored vehicles and SPGs in Donetsk region - Lysenko
http://m.censor.net.ua/news/340904/nablyudateli_obse_zafiksirovali_peredvijenie_tanko v_bronirovannyh_mashin_i_sau_terroristov_na_donetc hine …

VIDEO #Russia(n) REGULAR ARMY units fighting in #Shyrokyne with #Putin created "DNR Militia" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvDSZqNQEw … pic.twitter.com/zCw06qE1uC

OSCE monitors confirm militants in Donbas use heavy weaponry
http://www.unian.info/war/1091907-osce-monitors-confirm-militants-in-donbas-use-heavy-weaponry.html … pic.twitter.com/L8bI28Qm0u

Multiple reports suggest that #Putin #Russia(n) forces #Pisky using banned White Phosphorous on #Ukraine troops pic.twitter.com/f0O9E2pPVm

Militants use prohibited weapons: 2-meter craters left in the ground. Armor or concrete slabs cannot withhold it. VIDEO

http://en.censor.net.ua/video_news/340348/militants_use_prohibited_weapons_2meter_craters_le ft_in_the_ground_armor_or_concrete_slabs_cannot_wi thhold

A soldier of the 93rd brigade showed a hole in the ground left by an unknown caliber ammunition, much more than the 'allowed' 100-mm caliber weapons, which obviously also had an incendiary effect.
The characteristic damage was shown by fighter of the 93rd brigade Vasyl in the town of Pisky, Censor.NET reports citing Ukraine's Military Channel.Source: http://en.censor.net.ua/v340348Source: http://en.censor.net.ua/v340348

06-21-2015, 12:13 PM
VIDEO: Fighters of Right Sector holding their positions in Shyrokyne
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSqrnrsQwA&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/judMRA3tKK

Ukraine, Pesky.
Night hunters for Russian drones
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=34&v=RRhpxTqs8_k … pic.twitter.com/wVxx8T8pPQ

Russian invaders near #CP31,#Luhansk region, give interview.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFzDyY-F6PM …
Said that shelling was serious:tanks had shot and left. They're not happy.Their sniper started to work after Ukr sniper.
They think:Ukr violate Minsk-2 and provoke response.
OSCE-rear rats and do nothing.They complain that they have no fuel

VIDEO #Russia(n) Army sniper firing on #Ukraine troops #Shyrokyne near #Mariupol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SygsrGXIZco … pic.twitter.com/wENILnRBgr

Eye-witness: the #Russia|n's wiped out TWO full #Ukraine battalions in 3-mins using thermobaric weapons:pic.twitter.com/iuOQp6jR3V

06-21-2015, 04:09 PM
Historian Timothy Snyder: 'History Is Always Plural' http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-ukraine-interview-bloodlands-timothy-snyder-history/27082683.html …

Russian 'volunteers' use mobile devices which give away their positions. UKRAINIAN TROOPS DO NOT use your mobiles! pic.twitter.com/CsEANJAgLT

Lithuania's ambassador to #Ukraine says Vilnius is ready to start shipping defensive weapons to help stop Russia seizing more territory

The electrical unit of a water station, that supplies water to Lugansk, was destroyed. The unit cannot be recovered. pic.twitter.com/DybO7xi5gu

Anatomy of an info-war: How #Russia’s propaganda machine works, & how to counter Ithttp://www.stopfake.org/en/anatomy-of-an-info-war-how-russia-s-propaganda-machine-works-and-how-to-counter-it/ …

Russia|n propaganda largely relies on 4 Ds:
Dismiss the critic
Distort the facts
Distract from the main issue
Dismay the audience

Depicted in chart form:


06-21-2015, 04:10 PM
How Russian Sergeant ‘Volunteered’ During Occupation of Crimea and Donbas: https://en.informnapalm.org/the-case-of-potilytsyn-how-russian-sergeant-volunteered-during-occupation-of-crimea-and-the-war-in-donbas/ … @en_informnapalm pic.twitter.com/Wr1Bn3uMMw

Humanitarian supply from Russia. Militias in Donetsk with a KAFP sniper rifle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1YyTdVIw7o … ������ pic.twitter.com/DiJQ5OGizc

Translated: a #Russia|n GRU soldier firing a KAPF sniper rifle in #Ukraine at Ukrainians. https://twitter.com/OnlineMagazin/status/612608276367298560 …

On the outskirts of #Donetsk, always looks like in #Russia. pic.twitter.com/gu704Nl9PH

06-21-2015, 04:11 PM
Russia's drugged up "zombie's" didn't flee the battlefield when #Ukraine fired on them-expendables in Russia's "M&M" troop strategy(25:00)

Russia sent "zombie's' into battle after forcing 1k #Luhansk prison inmates to drink vodka & take a pill of lithium, dexedrine & demirol.

Reference video----

Also mentioned in the same referenced video:

Eye-witness: the #Russia|n's wiped out TWO full #Ukraine battalions in 3-mins using thermobaric weapons:pic.twitter.com/iuOQp6jR3V

06-21-2015, 04:26 PM
Russian Spetsnaz teams on the attack today and during daylight hours--a change in tactics.

Lithuanian mil intel chief: Ru 2 further increase its military activities, 2 use hybrid means 4 testing NATO resolve pic.twitter.com/XWqPm1WU0j

At #Lebedinske and #Pavlopol (near #Mariupol) Ukr military repelled two russian DRG groups attack. https://twitter.com/WFieryHorse/status/612645278445895680 …

Ukraine forces also repelled attack of enemy DRG near Krymske - ATO press center

Donetsk 6:59PM
In the north double salvos and immediately hits, but further away https://twitter.com/Buzzing_Rook/status/612651180553031680

Militants fired 565 times at Ukr positions and towns. Compared to May is a visible escalation - #ATO news center https://www.facebook.com/ato.news/posts/1019839038026902 …

Militants increased attacks on Mariinka today. Other hotspots - Avdiivka, Opytne, Pisky, Vodyane, Berezove, Karlivka & Butovka mine

ATO spox insists on withdrawal of Russian forces' heavy weaponry from contact line http://www.unian.info/war/1091968-ato-representative-insists-on-withdrawal-of-militants-heavy-weaponry-from-contact-line.html …

06-21-2015, 04:28 PM
Russian paratroopers dying in Donbas each day and Ukrainians dont even attack just defend

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXkoPXYWAnQ … …

06-21-2015, 04:50 PM
Russian invasion forces, fighting in #Shyrokyne.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MvDSZqNQEw …

From the Ukrainian Russian Armed Forces JCCC—
Russia attributes 78% of the ceasefire violations to DNR/LC.
Ukraine attributes 20% to its own forces.

Here he says it !!
(in Putinish)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1BK_r_c51c …

06-21-2015, 06:48 PM
Shellings, ground attacks and Spetsnaz attacks all day long---

Donetsk 20:00
Kyivsky ds, railway station - LOUD https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/612668731454525440 …

Donetsk 7:50PM
Kalinovka - several remore volleys https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/612663840652828672 …

As of 19:30 Ukraine positions in Shyrokyne and Berdyansk are being shelled from 152mm artillery & 120-mm mortars.

Canonade can be heard in #Mariupol. Loud sounds of heavy artillery. https://twitter.com/EmMemvm/status/612661861482409984 …

At Lebedinske and Pavlopol Ukr military repelled two Russian saboteur groups attack http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/21-june-at-lebedinske-and-pavlopol--ukr-military-repelled …

06-21-2015, 06:49 PM
Why do we see only Russian passports every time when POWs get captured ? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=853684951368614&id=100001813520333 … pic.twitter.com/KOqBsTOTis

Russia new strategy in #Ukraine: #Putin 19th June: No ceasefire before Russia allowed to dictate constitution. http://venajavsukraina.blogspot.fi/2015/06/russia

DPR" militant from Mykolaiv surrendered to "Azov" servicemen. pic.twitter.com/G9rfWeyaig http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/21-june-dpr-militant-from-mykolaiv-surrendered-to-azov-servicemen …

Nevermind the other (DPR) clowns, the staffie on the right looks/sounds like a Russian ground forces officer https://youtu.be/yawPFIFpLCI?t=2m29s … 20 Jun

RU fascist party http://rosndp.org/ members fight in #Mozgovoy's communist Prizrak bat. https://vk.com/club91790432 pic.twitter.com/EBYNaajgIF

Donetsk People's Republic just nationalized Rinat Akmetov's Parallel petrol stations network. New logo, new name pic.twitter.com/REzKAJxrFD

Long wait for fuel in #Donetsk. Shortages in recent days. pic.twitter.com/6CFug4qKFf

06-21-2015, 06:51 PM
Ukraine observers recorded evidence of militant GRAD MLRS attack on 29th checkpoint, June 18
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1019843161359823&id=820651001279041&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1019843161359823&__tn__=%2As … pic.twitter.com/jfwuwEVsxV

youtube.com/watch?v=EgPpo7AC8Ys … 'Totalitarian' '#Ukraine has become one big torture camp.' Oh yeah, look at all the torture. pic.twitter.com/KmSsuYMrl0

Clashes between militants and Ukrainian Army near #Donetsk_Airport (#Spartak). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpn0oDThEGo …

VIDEO Documents of #Putin "DNR Separatists" (with #Russia(n) passport) held at #Ukraine CP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2eQH0IFoqM … pic.twitter.com/3EOJllN0l6

VIDEO Four #Putin created "DNR Separatists" (#Russia(ns)) held at a #Ukraine checkpoint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVNA-_b523E … pic.twitter.com/q4SKDM3UyG

Remains of a #Grad missile that hit Ukrainian army #CP29 near #Zholobok.
#Luhansk pic.twitter.com/h6R9C9wZI8

Severe clashes between pro-Russian troops and Ukrainian forces in #Spartak, N of #Donetsk.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpn0oDThEGo … pic.twitter.com/CTeQHXnW2n

VIDEO #Putin created "DNR Militia" (idiotic) live fire training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIdFb-v36cI … #Ukraine #Russia GENIUSES! pic.twitter.com/QZYEQ8xG7k

At a checkpoint in the Donetsk region, another "Donbass militant" detained
https://twitter.com/Fake_MIDRF/status/612686073148350464 …

Russia reinforces its "western flank" via @Defence24pl 21 Jun. Translation to English: https://translate.google.ie/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.defence24.pl%2F234799%2Crosja-wzmacnia-zachodnia-flanke&edit-text= … pic.twitter.com/znjZjL5maV

VIDEO Russian Mentality? Drunk Russian woman to policemen "Putin'll kill you" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8JXHfwpxCo … … pic.twitter.com/VlQaKZ4oqV

If that is idiotic then this it the way #Putin DNR "TEST" body armor #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/Sa5eMiFNKB

06-21-2015, 07:08 PM
Militants have shelled ATO positions 48 times so far today. 5 servicemen WIA, 2 KIA. - ATO press service. pic.twitter.com/RQ69aPtFQO

06-21-2015, 08:04 PM
Someone released the balloons near Pisky. on Friday, Givi's men wasted several rounds of ammunition trying to shoot them down

Ukraine forces laugh hysterically after they intercepted radio comms. Givi came to the conclusion the balls were likey armored.

Givi's Battalion angered after they were unable to shoot down Ukr balloons near Donetsk airp.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=501005766723532&id=346164665540977&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.501005766723532&__tn__=%2As … pic.twitter.com/SNjgMZFJej

Stanytsia_Luhanska town is under fire again today. The #Ukraine's 93rd brigade has 2 KIA's on Sunday.

Putin's failure in Mariinka was the 1st significant conventional war failure, exposed Russian armed forces capabilities.

Ukraine army to receive up to 100 Repaired T80 tanks shortly https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unian.net%2Fwar%2F1091017-voennyie-na-dnyah-poluchat-sotnyu-novyih-tankov-t-80-sovetnik-prezidenta.html&edit-text= … pic.twitter.com/S7lQxO86aT

Russia the only country in the world with an army made up of only "VOLUNTEERING SOLDIERS" https://twitter.com/en_informnapalm/status/612615988274720768 …

Ukrainian special force unit "SOKIL" training & performance #videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?t=88&v=0F1M9cgoMi4 … pic.twitter.com/lbOBUdL4RC

Russian forces conducted 48 attacks on the Ukrainian line of defense between midnight and 6 pm.
120 mm mortars, 152 mm artillery used.

06-22-2015, 05:03 AM
An average early morning on the Ukrainian eastern front---wonder what Obama, Hollande and Merkel will have to say about it?? Forgot silence is their mantra. Going to be a long day if this keeps up.

07:46 #Horlivka @mihailovith A column moves towards mine #5 - SPGs, tanks, kamaz-ural trucks

Lysychansk 3:17AM
Sounded like GRADs, i woke up https://twitter.com/Lisichansk_UA/status/612776388492427268 …

2:59AM Smth heavy falls, on the verge of hearing
4:06AM Here we go, now a bit closer intense shelling https://twitter.com/blessmaster/status/612771750779162624 …

Stakhanov 3:05AM
"Howitzers work in the city, #Popasna towards you?"
"On us pouring loudly in #Toshkovka" @NetVojne https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/612773730784296960 …

04:06 #Donetsk #Kyivsky ds @Shymanovski Heavy volleys far in the NW

#Donetsk 4:05AM
Heavy volleys somewhere far away in the north-west https://twitter.com/Shymanovski/status/612788624938127360 …

06:57 #Donetsk @GirkinGirkin Hornyak settlement in Kybyshevsky ds was shelled almost at 4. Casualties

06:44 #Svitlichne, 29th chackpoint area @pidpillia Battle, mortars, small arms, maybe tanks

06:17 #Donetsk @hyeva_maryinka [vk] 'Kirovsky ds was awoke at 4am w/mortars'

04:11 #Lysychansk @Lisichansk_UA 'You've got lazy separatists, our RUS shelled at 3am and went to bed'

04:06 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster 'So it began, now shey shell more intense and closer'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pEjOCt7lhw … 2 bombings rock 2 Savings Bank of #Russia outlets in #Kyiv, #Ukraine. #FSB doesn't sleep

Checkpoint 29 area, Svitlychne - battle! Mortars, small arms, possibly tanks.
Good morning #Ukraine! https://twitter.com/pidpillia/status/612828575901851648 …

Around 4AM village #Hirnyk (#Donetsk reg.) was shelled, there are victims. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/612831843717517312 …

"Kirovskyi district - awakened around 4AM by mortars. When it will end!?" https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/612821793565446144 …

Another Ukrainian child receives her father’s posthumous award: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/21/image-of-the-day-another-ukrainian-child-receives-her-fathers-posthumous-award/ …

Patrushev: "We cannot prevent RU citizens" from going to Donbas, cannot close the border:
Is #Russia a failed state?

BUT when the OSCE wants to monitor the border as required under Minsk 2 Russian recently refused to allow the monitoring????

06-22-2015, 05:15 AM
An average early morning on the Ukrainian eastern front---wonder what Obama, Hollande and Merkel will have to say about it?? Forgot silence is their mantra. Going to be a long day if this keeps up.

07:46 #Horlivka @mihailovith A column moves towards mine #5 - SPGs, tanks, kamaz-ural trucks

Lysychansk 3:17AM
Sounded like GRADs, i woke up https://twitter.com/Lisichansk_UA/status/612776388492427268 …

2:59AM Smth heavy falls, on the verge of hearing
4:06AM Here we go, now a bit closer intense shelling https://twitter.com/blessmaster/status/612771750779162624 …

Stakhanov 3:05AM
"Howitzers work in the city, #Popasna towards you?"
"On us pouring loudly in #Toshkovka" @NetVojne https://twitter.com/samotniyvovk/status/612773730784296960 …

04:06 #Donetsk #Kyivsky ds @Shymanovski Heavy volleys far in the NW

#Donetsk 4:05AM
Heavy volleys somewhere far away in the north-west https://twitter.com/Shymanovski/status/612788624938127360 …

06:57 #Donetsk @GirkinGirkin Hornyak settlement in Kybyshevsky ds was shelled almost at 4. Casualties

06:44 #Svitlichne, 29th chackpoint area @pidpillia Battle, mortars, small arms, maybe tanks

06:17 #Donetsk @hyeva_maryinka [vk] 'Kirovsky ds was awoke at 4am w/mortars'

04:11 #Lysychansk @Lisichansk_UA 'You've got lazy separatists, our RUS shelled at 3am and went to bed'

04:06 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster 'So it began, now shey shell more intense and closer'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pEjOCt7lhw … 2 bombings rock 2 Savings Bank of #Russia outlets in #Kyiv, #Ukraine. #FSB doesn't sleep

Checkpoint 29 area, Svitlychne - battle! Mortars, small arms, possibly tanks.
Good morning #Ukraine! https://twitter.com/pidpillia/status/612828575901851648 …

Around 4AM village #Hirnyk (#Donetsk reg.) was shelled, there are victims. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/612831843717517312 …

"Kirovskyi district - awakened around 4AM by mortars. When it will end!?" https://twitter.com/hyeva_maryinka/status/612821793565446144 …

Another Ukrainian child receives her father’s posthumous award: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/21/image-of-the-day-another-ukrainian-child-receives-her-fathers-posthumous-award/ …

Patrushev: "We cannot prevent RU citizens" from going to Donbas, cannot close the border:
Is #Russia a failed state?

BUT when the OSCE wants to monitor the border as required under Minsk 2 Russian recently refused to allow the monitoring????

"Interestingly ruscists posted the news before all others"
(about the Sberbank blasts tonight in #Kyiv) https://twitter.com/fhntv29/status/612764518951878656 …

UPD: 07:46 #Horlivka @mihailovith A column moves towards mine #5 - about 10 SPGs/tanks, 4-5 kamaz-ural trucks

07:58 #Horlivka @ahab7822 Tanks & BMPs along #Lenina Ave out of the city

06-22-2015, 03:10 PM
FSB hound @SimonOstrovsky out of #Russia & deny journo papers 4 RU, after Selfie Soldiers doc!
http://www.npr.org/2015/06/21/416208144/snapshot-sleuthing-confirms-russian-military-presence-in-ukraine … pic.twitter.com/5e0SrriVil

Clearly @SimonOstrovsky has done a +1 job of exposing that #Russia sends it's military stripped of insignia to #Ukraine to act as Partisans!

RussiaLies nonstop. Here is yet another #propaganda #fake disseminated by @RT_com, @lifenews_ru, @GazetaRu & others. pic.twitter.com/w2S8KdT41P

Russian Lie: US paid $5 bln for the #Maidan.
#Truth: US spent $5 bln over 22 years in #Ukraine, incl to help remove nukes pic.twitter.com/bN0CZf4kFu

Mistranslation as a #Propaganda Weapon?
Great examples here in Michele Berdy's article.
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/translation-is-new-weapon-in-propaganda-war/515105.html … pic.twitter.com/sINvgAVx0P

Butter 1 of few remaining #Ukrainian products in #Donetsk. Shoppers unhappy w/ high prices accuse #Kiev of genocide pic.twitter.com/JuDbN9Zr2E

Video's called: Sending goodies to Russian invaders.
Taken from insideof the self-propelled artillery https://twitter.com/UVivat/status/612987223668097025 …

Seems like somebody at @BoschGlobal is using the Bosch GmbH IP for russian propaganda and trolling. https://twitter.com/RobPulseNews/status/612982425472339968 …
The owner of that website appears to have scraped the IP's from the trolls visiting their site. Trolls are stupider than dumb.

15:57 #Svitlodarsk @hu_svetlodarsk #Luhanske is being heavily shelled

17:15 There are casualties - 4 ambulances going there are reported. UKR arty started to reply

12:22 #Donetsk @666_mancer [fb] Putilovka can hear volleys half-day, now ceased then started over, for now have just shelled

17:12 #Avdeevka @JuZolyshkaLia It seems to me, landings are in 9th block area,it was the 2nd one

16:33 #Avdeevka @tiamat007 "It feels like Severne-Vodyane is being wiped off the map"

16:26 #Donetsk @666_mancer 'like landings in the north, Kuybyshevsky ds' 'rumbles fr/#Yasynuvata & #Pisky directions'

16:30 #Donetsk @Serzzze A tank & a minibus went via Kalinovka eastwards

VIDEO: Pisky - Terrorists completely ignore peace agreements
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsXI9b8lgls&sns=tw … pic.twitter.com/UNi34jglHO

Ukraine asks OSCE to check level of radiation in Donetsk reg controlled by Russia due to concerns over possible damage to nuclear waste site