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View Full Version : Hard to Find Military Books

03-06-2007, 12:06 AM
Long time SWC Member "hailerpublishing" has excercised great restraint in not humping our legs every time someone mentions an old out of print book. As far as I can tell, it only happened once in this thread (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=279).

But Jamie has some good relevant stuff available. So let me put in this plug. Though for some of you it will be like waving scotch in front of an alcoholic, take a look at:

From the "about" page:

I founded Hailer Publishing to make sure that the great books of yesterday are available for today's readers at a reasonable price. Although, the emphasis will be on books about military history and strategy, I hope to expand my offerings to include unique books from a whole cross section of interests.

The genesis of Hailer Publishing was more than a decade ago when I was given a recommended reading list while in graduate school. Many of the books were long out of print and hard to find (this was before the ubiquity of the internet), and if I could find them they were too expensive for a struggling graduate student. The titles that have provided the continuing inspiration are A.J. Marder's five volume series: From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow. Considered by many to be the seminal work on the Royal Navy and its development up to, and subsequent activities in WWI (1904-1918 timeframe), it carried a hefty price tag of $1,200 used. Over a decade later (2004) I looked for the books on the internet, and they were still $1,200; Hailer Publishing was off and running.

03-06-2007, 04:29 AM
I'm in heaven!!! There are several books I have been looking for that have been out of print for a long time.

I guess I have to set up a paypal account....

03-06-2007, 06:57 AM
I have used www.abebooks.com to find out of print books. This e-shop has connected network of bookstores and browser helps you to find best price.

03-06-2007, 01:38 PM
If you look on hailerbooks home page, the bookshelf on the front page includes "A Sense of History". This book inspired me to seriously study history, as it made it alive and exciting and gave it relevance, to me.

03-06-2007, 02:52 PM
thanks for the posting, and thanks for the nice notes. as a tiny operation, I will take all the free press I can get. Also, please let me know if there are books out there that you would like to see back in print. generally, they need to be pretty pricey used, as that indicates a decent market, and that means I can compete when I offer a new book for $25 that is listing for $125 used.

On the shameless plug front, I should have Frank Kitson's book: "Low Intensity Operations" out this week.

Jamie Hailer

Smitten Eagle
03-06-2007, 03:41 PM
I have used www.abebooks.com to find out of print books. This e-shop has connected network of bookstores and browser helps you to find best price.

alibris.com isn't bad either. I ususally go to them for hard-to-find books. Also, most of these bookstores can get you in-print and just-released books for significantly less than you'd pay in a big-box B&N type store.

It pays to shop around though. Prices fluctuate quite a bit. Van Crevald's "Fighting Power" book went from $60 to about $120 in the span of a week.

03-06-2007, 04:44 PM
the best one is www.bookfinder.com, as they link to all the major used book sites.


03-06-2007, 04:54 PM
Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945 (Hardcover) by Mark Axworthy (Author), Cornel Scafes (Author), Cristian Craciunoiu (Author)

I've seen it advertised for as low as $150, but I've never seen one SELL for that. I know people who've spent $500+ for that book, and I'd chunk down $50 without thinking twice for it. And know others who would, also.

03-06-2007, 05:45 PM
Selous Scouts: Top Secret War. LtCol Ron Reid-Daly as told to Peter Stiff.

I got my copy from some NOVA website about 9 years ago, but paperbacks are becoming more scarce and you're lucky to see one cheaper than $50.

Harcopy versions are reaching $100, and don't even ask about the hardcopy versions of Pamwe Chete.

J Wolfsberger
03-06-2007, 06:19 PM
Though for some of you it will be like waving scotch in front of an alcoholic...

And a fine, 20 year old single malt it is.

03-06-2007, 06:28 PM
How about the book, The Jungle is Neutral? Don't even remember the author's name...Spencer Chapman???? I'm kicking myself I didn't get that book in my youth when it was still available. I guess I will have to add A Sense of History to my list. I was amazed to see the reprints of the Devil's Guard and the follow on books on there. :)

03-06-2007, 06:41 PM
One of my all time favorite book sellers is Lancer Militaria. I met the owner at the SOF convention(at least at the time) and talked books with him for a long time. He was a really good guy. I just went to their site assuming I could get a copy of Pamwe Chete and about blew a gasket. They don't have it or Fireforce any longer. Damn...:mad:

03-06-2007, 06:54 PM
Hey Bismark !

That's a fantastic read !!!

THE JUNGLE Is NEUTRAL, F. Spencer Chapman

He literally spent 3 years on the loose in the jungle. He was also training Chinese communist guerrillas. As I recall he lived and fought with them, and unfortunately even admired their rank & file. He was afterall, their prisoner.

Regards, Stan

03-06-2007, 07:37 PM
I guess that brings up the whole issue of the Stockholme syndrome.....:rolleyes: It does bring to mind a book I read on either Edson or Chesty Puller on their early days observing the Japanese training while stationed somewhere in China.(Manchuria???) He was impressed with how the troops were so disciplined and trained so very hard every day. They concentrated on fast road marching and conducting a lot of night operations. I will have to dig that book out. I will also have to buy, The Jungle is Neutral, if I can find it. Along with Pamwe Chete, Fireforce, the Sir Thompson book, and the Kitson book. And a slew of books that Slapout recommended on policing in Shanghai. With all of that reading to do...thank god, I am still :D single....

03-06-2007, 08:00 PM
Bizmarck, there is another one coming out about Shanghai I am fixing to recommend. All about the life W.E.Fairbairn and his adventures there. I will let you know. :cool:

03-06-2007, 08:01 PM
Slapout has more reading material for the 'more' mature audiences :eek:

You are however correct RE Stockholm syndrome. Funny how that still works to this day !

BTW, don't use Google, rather www.dogpile.com. It includes google, but broader searches.

03-06-2007, 11:06 PM
The Marine you guys are talking about was BGen Evans F. Carlson (http://www.janeresture.com/carlson_about/index.htm), awarded the Navy Cross three times, and commander of the 2nd Marine Raiders Battalion. He accompanied Zhu De's Eighth Route Army in 1937-38 during their guerrilla war against the Japanese. He came out of that war a committed believer in the evil of Japanese aggression and a proponent of the Eighth Route Army's style of guerrilla warfare, which he put to use in the 2nd Marine Raiders. He also brought the slogan "Gung ho!" into the vernacular, another souvenir of his time in China.

03-07-2007, 12:10 AM
Bizmarck, Issue #7 of SWJ has an article about the raiders by Eric Evans, good stuff and free.

03-07-2007, 12:15 AM
That makes sense now. Edson was with the Chinese and Puller saw the Japanese training pre war. I combined 2 different biographies into 1. It's all coming together. I'm looking forward to reading those Shanghai books.

03-27-2007, 09:05 PM
I'm in heaven!!! There are several books I have been looking for that have been out of print for a long time.

I guess I have to set up a paypal account....
I don't know what your specific interests are, but if you are interested in the Algerian War of 1954 - 1962, a book by Alistair Horne called "A Savage War of Peace" has been reprinted in October 2006 and is available at the Seattle Borders at 1501 Fourth Avenue. Hope this helps.

04-04-2007, 08:08 PM
Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945 (Hardcover) by Mark Axworthy (Author), Cornel Scafes (Author), Cristian Craciunoiu (Author)

I've seen it advertised for as low as $150, but I've never seen one SELL for that. I know people who've spent $500+ for that book, and I'd chunk down $50 without thinking twice for it. And know others who would, also.

I've been on this one for a while, and hope to nail down the rights VERY soon. I have an offer in, and now just need them to give me a yes or no.

Thanks, and keep 'em coming.

BTW, I should have a reprint of "A History of the Cossack Corps" and a report on "German Exploitation of Arab Nationalist Movements in WWII". Both were written by German generals we captured after WWII.

04-04-2007, 08:11 PM
I've tried on both, and both are tied up in litigation amongst Reid-Daly and peter Stiff. I keep hearing rumors its settled, but it seems to go on for a while. I would love to do both.

That said, in the case of Africa I should have a NEW history of riverine warfare in Africa. It looks very good.

Thanks and keep the recs coming.




04-04-2007, 08:16 PM
Chris Cocks has reissued Fireforce at www.30degreessouth.co.za

good luck

04-18-2007, 11:24 AM
A guy I worked with needed an old interior guard manual, and finally found it here - http://www.military-info.com/

From their site:

Welcome to the "Lost and Found Department."

We have largest number of out of print military manuals and articles (over 9700, covering a period of over 200 years) listed for sale on the web.

04-18-2007, 01:49 PM
Just purchased "The Praetorians" from Hailer...great service and had the book in days. I spoke with Mr. Hailer about trying to get a run of "The Centurion" done, since I can't find a copy for anything less thatn $200! He said its a matter of how much he'd have to pay to do the reprint. Oh well...worth an effort!

04-25-2007, 07:19 AM
Any chance of the Combat Studies Institute at Ft. Leavenworth digitally publishing additional high demand but hard to find works via their CSI Reprints (http://www.cgsc.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/csi.asp#reprints) collection?

Tom Odom
04-25-2007, 01:45 PM

Send an email and ask them. Like all things, CSI (http://usacac.army.mil/CAC/csi/INDEX.asp)fights for a budget and demands for reprints help them in that fight.

Better yet, get your chain of command to echo your email to csiweb@leavenworth.army.mil

