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06-22-2016, 08:06 AM
#Assad air force MiG-23 bomb civilians south west of #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpvWCtmye1o …

Russia/Assad have long been using incendiary weapons across #Syria but this mth in #Aleppo, almost on a daily basis

06-22-2016, 08:08 AM
Kyle Orton is standing out as somebody having really clear insight into the 'great picture', and then being able to word that in fantastic fashion. My hat is off for his work.


More of 'funny' news about the catastrophic end of regime's 'On Tabqa' Offensive.

Namely, you know the situation is really bad when even such regime-fans like Leith Fadel aren't trying to downplay the catastrophe that struck loyalists, but start talking about 'disasters' and calling for court-martials:

- Desert Hawks and Syrian Marines left the 555th Regiment at Sufiyah and withdrew all the way to Zakiyah; 23 soldiers are confirmed dead; dozens MIA, 49 wounded (https://twitter.com/leithfadel/status/745458334162006016)

- I am literally sick to my stomach after hearing what happened in west Raqqa. Some of these commanders should be court marshaled. (https://twitter.com/leithfadel/status/745457950437736448)

- Disastrous turn of events force the Syrian Army to withdraw from west Raqqa (https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/disastrous-turn-events-force-syrian-army-withdraw-west-raqqa/):

Who knows: perhaps some day Eliah might going to come to the idea to call Suqour as-Sahra and Dir as-Sahel for what they are. Sectarian militias, composed of loyalist Ba'ath officers and gangs of Shabiha. Then it wouldn't be surprising these 'elite branches of Syrian Armed Forces' are running away and leaving the SyAA behind, and on its own.


Not to be outdone, some Russian (https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/745289054120456192) reporter is citing similar details (roughly): catastrophe in Raqqa (and east of Palmyra too). Daesh 'attacked Suqour as-Sahra around 19.00hrs causing it to flee', many 'SAA' soldiers dead', 'Raqqa Task Force completely destroyed' and forced out of the Raqqa Governorate (i.e. its forward lines are about 2-3km inside Aleppo Governorate now). Daesh attacked the Syria Tel with 'dozens of car bombs', causing 'hundreds of casualties', and some 'SAA' (probably that 555th SF Regiment) are trapped there now inside a small pocket.

Mind: subsequently - and apparently after realizing what a panic he's causing - he changed the tune of his messages to 'organized withdrawal'. Ho-hum...

Considering Russian SF troops (https://twitter.com/Hamosh84/status/744560581273853952) were around too, one is left to wonder what happened with them...


On the top of this, the Daesh claims (https://twitter.com/Terror_Monitor/status/745297933801684992) the capture of two tanks and a 23mm cannon on the Ithriya-Raqqah road.

My assumption is that this is only the start of actual problems. Namely, regime simply has not enough troops to do what it is trying to do in so many places, while there is meanwhile a clear limit of what Putler is ready to do for Assad, and the IRGC able.

In this case, the regime went for the Daesh all on its own. The Daesh figured out that the loyalists were advancing on a narrow front along one road, and then attacked simultaneously at several points into their northern or southern flank. In this way, it cut them off from reinforcements, then prompted survivors to flee in all possible directions, and then choped up remaining pockets of resistance.

To make things better, this happened after all the possible pro-regime tweeps were reporting 'dozens of Russian air strikes' and 'air support' for this operation. Eventually, it turned out the VKS is doing its usual business of massacring civilians instead of providing CAS - this time in Raqqa (https://twitter.com/Raqqa_SL/status/745380775869091840). There are already reports (https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/745394045053198336) citing 'dozens of casualties'.

Shame on all of them.

CrowBat....I admit I have been reading and following Kyle's work for a number of years as he clearly and concisely puts everything into a perspective that can be understood and his info is solid and he is not from the intel world.....shame that the Obama WH/Kerry never reads his writings nor asks for input in their so called decision making processes...especially as what Kyle suggests as well as others has never been talked about by Obama/Kerry/Rhodes, JCoS, CENTCOM, CIA and the entire NSC.......

One does have to wonder WHY?????

06-22-2016, 11:17 AM
Syrian rebels destroyed a pro-#Assad position north of #Aleppo with mortars.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_YVF1hD_Cs …

Bombing raids on #Douma near #Damascus this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-DZMbwUjI0 …

2 children killed, some civilians wounded, in air strikes on #Aleppo this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGc-E6uI10A …

Syrian rebels TOW destroys 23 mm regime gun south of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDi2O0j7UKs&feature=youtu.be …

JaN (#JaF) used a T-72 with Iranian Mirage-1 (IR jamming anti-#ATGM) during S. #Aleppo offensive

06-22-2016, 11:33 AM

A Humanitarian Intervention in the West Wing

The State Department's Syria dissenters realize it’s time to plan for a post-Obama Middle East.

By Frederic C. Hof
June 20, 2016

The decision of 51 State Department officials to sign a document dissenting from President Barack Obama’s Syria policy elevates perspective over distortion. These officials resuscitated the artificially depressed reputation of the United States in the eyes of despairing and disgusted Syrians, their neighbors, and American allies in Europe. They killed the White House pretense that critics of the administration’s Syria policy are partisan politicians, war-mongering neoconservatives, and clueless think tankers. Although their dissent will not likely alter the Obama administration’s failed policy over its final six months, it’s a meaningful gesture that might help to restore U.S. honor.

Those who signed the document exhibited courage and character. Secretary of State John Kerry and his media spokesman have forthrightly defended those who dissented in the right way in the proper channel. Still, by speaking out, these diplomats knowingly put their careers on the line. When the document and the names of its authors become public — as they inevitably will — those who felt morally compelled to dissent will be subjected to all manner of abuse and harassment by back-shooters lurking anonymously in the digital world and, more quietly, in the corridors of the government. One can only hope the White House will not count among those questioning their motives and qualifications.

The essence of the administration strategy to date has been to divide, artificially and ineffectively, the problem of Syria in two: an Islamic State half, and a Bashar al-Assad half. The former has been harassed with coalition air attacks and ground operations by a Kurdish militia. The latter has been left free to conduct an unlimited campaign of civilian eradication, one that has benefited the Islamic State incalculably in terms of local and worldwide recruitment while creating a humanitarian catastrophe and a migrant crisis. Assad and the Islamic State are inescapably two sides of the same coin, one purchasing the destruction of Syria and the dispersal of its people.

Obama has vowed to degrade and destroy the Islamic State. His director of central intelligence, John Brennan, just told Congress that this is not going so well. How can it — at least in Syria — with Assad piling onto his own citizenry endless war crimes and crimes against humanity? Since late September 2015, Russia has joined the regime and Iran in both facilitating and committing crimes against civilians. Moscow, incidentally, loses no sleep over Syrians emptying into Turkey and Western Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoys and promotes the resulting nativist, populist drift of European (and American) politics.

None of the foregoing is disputed by the administration. Barely a day goes by without some senior American official or spokesperson condemning a civilian-centric military campaign by the Assad regime supported by Russia and Iran, one that guts the Geneva peace process on which Obama has bet everything. But the likelihood of peaceful political transition for Syria and the protection of its civilians (two issues that are inextricably linked) have been left entirely at the disposal and discretion of three parties: Assad, Iran, and Russia. Kerry earnestly implores these parties to show mercy. He may as well speak to a mirror. His boss has given him nothing beyond a smile and a shoeshine with which to work.

It would be reasonable to conclude that Obama has reluctantly accepted mass murder in Syria as a cost of doing nuclear business with Iran. No doubt he hates it. No doubt he wants it to stop. But to push back against Assad — to take limited military steps to make his attempts at mass murder slightly more difficult — risks angering Tehran and perhaps causing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to abandon the nuclear agreement. Indeed, while the agreement was being negotiated the president assured his Iranian counterpart in writing that Tehran’s murderous client — a person who has put Syria at the service of Iran’s Hezbollah militia in Lebanon while breathing oxygen into the lungs of the Islamic State — would not be attacked as the United States chased the Islamic State in eastern Syria.

No doubt resisting mass murder in Syria would offend Iran. Would it be enough to cause Tehran to renounce the nuclear agreement and the economic benefits connected thereto? My assessment is probably not, although the risk is not zero. Preserving the ability of Hezbollah to menace Israel and imprison Lebanon is of paramount importance to Tehran. Iran knows that Assad is essential to its grand strategy: Even Syrian army officers reportedly cringe at their country’s subordination to foreigners, and surely Syria’s humiliation would not last long in a post-Assad era. Khamenei has had no problem pursuing policies and practices in Syria that undermine the fight against the Islamic State and threaten America’s regional partners, even as he authorized closure on the nuclear agreement. It is Washington that has been unable to walk and chew gum simultaneously, with millions of people paying the price.

All of this requires urgent review by the U.S. government. The State Department dissenters have proposed a specific military methodology with cruise missiles to make it hard for the Assad regime to kill on an industrial scale where and when it wants. Although such action might well complicate and frustrate some aspects of civilian slaughter, the real center of gravity in this matter lies with the intent and leadership of the American commander in chief. If he decides that U.S. passivity in the face of a monumental massacre causing lethal political fallout is no longer sustainable, he must make clear his desires to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and demand from the Pentagon a range of options aimed at making it hard for Assad to do his worst. It might be that cruise missiles aimed at Syrian military aircraft bases would top the list. But this is a matter for military professionals to sort out and for the president to decide.

There are, to be sure, risks associated with changing course and protecting civilians — at least some of them — from mass homicide. These risks cannot be swept under the carpet. Yet neither can the risks associated with leaving 100 percent of leverage in the hands of mass murderers — Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime — be ignored. The progressive emptying of Syria caused by the symbiotic Assad-Islamic State relationship cannot be permanently contained by Turkey and other neighbors of Syria. And as long as civilians are on the bull’s-eye the prospects for diplomacy and political compromise are zero.

Fifty-one State Department officials who have loyally helped to implement a dysfunctional White House policy have finally said, “Enough.” Even if Obama is content to bequeath to his successor a humanitarian abomination and geopolitical catastrophe, these officials have placed before the world the proposition that the United States can and ultimately will do its duty. They have rendered a powerful service. They deserve the thanks of the nation.

06-22-2016, 11:59 AM
Russian/Assad Raqqa offensive is going from bad to worse in hours not days....

#IS regain Talila east of #Palmyra
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.520560&lon=38.531199&z=14&m=b …

Aleppo/#Hama: #ISIS has killed 30+ pro-#Assad forces east of #Ithriya since the morning.

Aleppo/#Hama: #ISIS has captured the #Ithriya Main Regime Barrier, #Ithriya Oil Field & several regime checkpoints.

SAA BM-27 Uragan with #Russian Airborne VDV marking on the side, during Tabqa offensive #Raqqa #Syria

06-22-2016, 12:17 PM
Report from battle against #Daesh in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPEw5_Jvb9s …

Had been previously posted but now identified as ammo/POL/vehicle point....
Rebels hit a regime vehicle/ammo -depot in northern #Aleppo /#Mallah farms front
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_YVF1hD_Cs …
Was definitely a POL point as well.....

Aleppo View to Tel Eis with its 2 radio towers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmMstv_5a8A … …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.002313&lon=36.998177&z=15&m=b … …

Report from frontline at Mallah farms in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVXWxAVcwpM …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.279707&lon=37.136278&z=14&m=b …

SDF storming the Silos at southern entrance of #Manbij
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.508049&lon=37.962012&z=15&m=b …

FSA sniping #Assad-forces on #Aleppo's main square
(~1 km distance)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDh1rVgrJNI …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.206797&lon=37.147501&z=17&m=b …

Precise sniper shot from Thuwar Al-Sham neutralized a 14.5 mm machine gun in #Aleppo.

06-22-2016, 12:26 PM
Perfect example of just how little the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH cares about genocide and war crimes against humanity.......it's all "about the legacy.... stupid"......

This much harm is unbearable but to understand why incendiary weapons are so deplored watch 2013 @hrw #Syria clip

Overnight incendiary munition use in Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4Thc26npzY …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snYaxq7lhDQ …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIeLGPIGxAg …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOjMKHTM4YA …

The Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH had over five long years to do "something...anything"....and yet all they found were excuses and blamed others...just about as bad as Putin is in "blaming others"........

06-22-2016, 12:37 PM
Iran changes diplomatic lineup. #Russia's DM visits #Syria and meets Assad. Now this

Assad reportedly just tasked Syria's Electricity Minister with forming a new government

06-22-2016, 12:42 PM
Obama Admin Battling Internal War Over Iran Access to U.S. Dollars
http://freebeacon.com/national-security/obama-admin-battling-internal-war-giving-iran-access-u-s-dollars/ …

Giving Iran Access to U.S. Dollars
Internal strife as Treasury rejects State Department efforts to appease Iran

BY: Adam Kredo
June 22, 2016 4:59 am

The Obama administration is at odds over whether to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system, a move that is opposed by parts of the administration, according to communications exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Tensions have been brewing between the State and Treasury Departments over contradictory statements about U.S. efforts to boost Iran’s economy and give it unprecedented access to U.S. dollars, according to conversations with sources who described a deepening internal divide over the issue.

While top administration officials had promised Congress that such access would never be granted under last summer’s nuclear agreement, some in the administration have changed their tune.

Secretary of State John Kerry recently participated in a public diplomacy campaign to encourage European governments and businesses to reengage with Iran, a move that was undertaken at the behest of the Iranians, who had publicly griped that the Islamic Republic was not receiving enough economic benefits as promised under the nuclear deal.

The administration’s efforts on Iran’s behalf sparked anger on Capitol Hill among critics of the nuclear accord, who have been pressuring the administration to promise that it will not grant Iran access to the U.S. dollar, either in the United States or abroad.

While the administration declined to make such a promise when pressed earlier this year by Sens. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Mark Kirk (R. Ill.), Treasury Department officials are now telling Congress that the administration is committed to blocking Iran from the U.S. marketplace—promises that appear to contradict efforts underway at the State Department.

Several sources both inside and outside of Congress told the Free Beacon that Treasury officials—who oversee the international sanctions regime on Iran—are upset with what they believe is the State Department’s misguided diplomacy on behalf of Iran.

“It’s no secret that Treasury officials are seething with anger at Secretary Kerry,” said one congressional adviser apprised of the situation. “They say he’s endangering corporations and banks because he keeps declaring that Iran is open for business and safe to enter, suggesting that the secretary doesn’t quite understand how U.S. sanctions or financial crime risks work.”

“In reality Iran is a financial cesspool, and any firm that listens to Kerry is taking on enormous risk, and Treasury is running out of ways to tell him that,” the source said.

The June 7 promise was offered just weeks before airline giant Boeing announced a landmark deal to sell Iran a cadre of new planes.

“The U.S. Department of Treasury is not working on behalf of Iran to enable Iranian access to U.S. dollars elsewhere in the international financial system, nor are we assisting Iran in gaining access to dollar payment systems outside the U.S. financial system,” the letter states. “The administration has not been and is not planning to grant Iran access to the U.S. financial system.”

There are not efforts to promote business with Iran, according to the letter, that go further in its guarantees than any past communication with lawmakers on the issue.

“The concerns that remain regarding Iran’s economy, such as transparency issues, corruption, and regulatory obstacles, have given businesses and banks pause when considering whether to engage with Iran,” the Treasury Department writes. “We have been clear with audiences here and abroad that Iran has a lot of work to do to address these areas of concern if it wants to attract investment and trade.”

“We are encouraging our European partners to make clear to Iran that Iran must address the shortcomings in its financial system if it wants to reintegrate into the international economy,” the letter adds. “When we speak to the private sector … it is not to encourage them to do business with Iran.”

A senior congressional aide who works with the Obama administration on Iran issues confirmed the internal tensions, telling the Free Beacon that the Treasury Department’s latest communications to Congress directly contradicted Kerry’s actions.

“The Treasury Department’s letter couldn’t be more in conflict with Secretary of State John Kerry’s de facto role as Tehran’s trade representative,” said the source. “This inconsistency in the administration’s message should deeply concern any and all international banks and companies thinking about venturing into the Iranian market.”

The Treasury Department, in its latest correspondence with Congress, makes an explicit promise to completely block Iranian access to U.S. dollars; it also guarantees that the Obama administration is not encouraging any company to reengage in business with Iran, according to a copy of the communication obtained by the Free Beacon.

The Treasury Department letter further criticizes Iran for its ties to terrorist financing and corrupt business practices.

“Iran is a high-risk jurisdiction and has been designated as such by the international standard setting body on anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing,” the letter states.

“Until Iran has addressed other concerns we have with its behavior outside the nuclear file, the U.S. financial system (including the branches of U.S. financial institutions abroad) will remain off limits to Iran an U.S. persons will not [be] able to provide financial services or products to Iran without explicit authorization,” the Treasury Department vows.

The latest promises from Treasury Department officials come after months of protest by Rubio and Kirk, who have pressured the Obama administration to freeze out Iran from every sector of the American financial system.

In all the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH spin just what did they actually promise Iran THAT they have not told the US public and Congress.....which they have admitted they spun......

06-22-2016, 03:06 PM
CrowBat.........something of interest......

Russia'n report from battle in Tabqah on the road when they get some direct hits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlPS7XwRcP0 …

Appears things are going bad in a hurry........

Clashes reach now last regime outsposts east of Ithriya -main barrier
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.410878&lon=37.894249&z=14&m=b …

ISIS is attempting to storm the Artillery Brigade near Deir ez zor Airbase with 2 carbombs until the moment

06-22-2016, 03:20 PM
Pro-Assad FB page mocks electricity minister's selection as new #Syria PM: "Spontaneous power cuts in celebration"

06-22-2016, 03:31 PM
The current Obama/Rhodes highly "successful" Syrian policies....

Child burned in western #Aleppo after #Russia'n airstrikes with "White Phosphorus"

Which Russian MoD states they do not use nor drop......BUT WAIT Russian Today video disproved the MoD statement as a lie......

06-22-2016, 03:49 PM
IS-pic of #US B-52 bomber above #Manbij
Sorry, but this is not World War III

Idlib city: Jaish al-Fatah captured 6 men carrying explosive belts

FSA storm Raghbiyah & Tal Ahmar near Al-Ra'i border town to #Turkey
Why not take the area in the center?

Turkey army shelling #IS-held Al-Ra'i after #FSA arrived at western town entrance
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.609465&lon=37.446899&z=13&m=b …

The #FSA captured 2 more villages towards al-Rai, repeating the same long front mistake as in early April.

Regime & Iranian-led forces are in big trouble as they didn't get the #RuAF full & massive aircover they expected in S. #Aleppo & #Tabqa.

Happening now: new SAA attempt to storm Daraya featuring tanks and minesweepers

06-22-2016, 03:54 PM
Shoygu: Protection afforded by us for #Raqqa has ended.
Assad: Can I have my militia abandon #SAA there?
Shoygu: ...

Several proAssad trolls have been arguing that the "Desert Hawks" did not abandon anyone as there is no 555th Regiment....

"My argument is that there is no 555th Regiment" -@World_Conflict_
"SAA’s 555th Regiment of the 4th Mechanized.."

Yusha Yuseef
Don't believe in all news reported by foreign reporters,There is NO 555 Regiment at all. If part of story is false, then source is all wrong

The Syrian Arab Army’s 555th Regiment of the 4th Mechanized Division – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) – carried out a successful military operation in the northeastern countryside of Hama, liberating another village from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) terrorists on Thursday

https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-liberates-another-isis-controlled-village-ne-hama/ | Al-Masdar News

06-22-2016, 04:07 PM
Watch this - Morning Joe: Syria is a crisis infecting the entire globe
via @morning_joe

Abdul Wahed Abdul Ghany, #MediaActivist died as he was wounded by gov shells’ fragment on Al Malah Front, Jun 21

Syrian photojournalist Abdo Abdo has died of his wounds. Via @Elizrael
https://www.facebook.com/lizrael/posts/10154224107771358 …

06-22-2016, 04:37 PM
CrowBat...confirms your comments from today....

Raqqa offensive failed mainly cause Russia , #Russia didn't give any air support the whole period of the offensive,its not #SAA to blame

So regime militants + #SAA decided to commence this extremely risky offensive knowing #RuAF refused to take part?

BUT WAIT.........
NO #RuAF support !!? ,so what about Russian boots on the ground and artillery support

Now #Iranian and regime forces are furious about #Russia´s refusal to fully act on their behalf.

06-22-2016, 04:43 PM
IRGC plans in a nutshell
http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/06/soleimani-bahrain-quds-force-isa-qassim-iran.html …

Soleimani issues rare political statement on Bahrain

Iranian politicians and military commanders have condemned the Sunni ruling family in Bahrain for revoking the citizenship of the country’s top Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.

Author Arash Karami

Posted June 21, 2016

No statement surprised and gained more traction in Iranian and regional media than that of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force. “They certainly know that trespassing the sanctuary of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim is a red line whose crossing will set fire to Bahrain and the region and will leave people with no path but armed resistance,” the statement by Soleimani read.

It continued, “The Al Khalifa will pay the price of their actions, and its result will be nothing but the annihilation of this bloodthirsty regime.” Soleimani also had a warning to Bahrain’s allies, saying, “The supporters of Al Khalifa should know insulting Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim and the continuation of pressure on the people of Bahrain is the beginning of a bloody uprising.” Saudi Arabia, Iran’s regional rival, and the United States, which has stationed its 5th Fleet in Bahrain, are the country’s two most important allies and have helped the country weather the storm of protests led by the country’s Shiites, who make up the majority of the country.

Soleimani’s issuance of an extremely harsh political statement is a rare move for the general, who is currently in Syria and fighting alongside forces aligned with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia against mostly forces aligned with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States and Turkey. Reformist newspaper Etemaad called the statement an “unprecedented warning of Gen. Soleimani to Bahrain.” Conservative Vatan-e Emrooz referred to the statement as an “ultimatum to Bahrain’s rulers.” The statement made the front page of half a dozen Iranian newspapers.

Qassim is known as the spiritual father of the country’s now-banned opposition group Al-Wefaq, whose leader — Sheikh Ali Salman — is serving a nine-year jail sentence. Qassim was born in Bahrain in 1937 and conducted his clerical studies in Najaf, Iraq, and Qom, Iran.

Two advisers to President Hassan Rouhani, who has been reportedly trying to mend fences between Iran and regional neighbors, took a softer position with respect to Qassim. Hamid Aboutalebi, deputy chief of staff for political affairs, while critical of crushing dissent, tweeted that the path to resolving the crisis in Bahrain is through “peaceful” means, which both the people of Bahrain and Qassim had advocated and spoken of. Hesamodin Ashna, presidential aide for cultural affairs, wrote on Facebook that the newly appointed deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, has his “first serious challenge” in part from Soleimani’s statement.

[B]Conservative analysts praised Soleimani’s statement. Mehdi Mohammadi, who was an adviser to Saeed Jalili, wrote that “Soleimani’s statement was the beginning of a movement in Iran’s strategy in the region.” Mohammadi said he would write more on the topic later, but he viewed this new “geopolitical movement” as the “finishing of military operations in Syria and Iraq, creation of a resistance army in the region, development of intelligence infrastructure against the Saudi-Israel alliance and the removal of the moderate Western-inclined.”

Conservative analyst Sa’adollah Zaeri said it was natural for Soleimani to oppose the decision by Bahrain to revoke Qassim’s citizenship. He added, “Until now, we have spoken with a soft position toward the Al Khalifa regime, and this regime has shown that it does not the ears to listen to peaceful speech.”

Also condemning Bahrain’s decision to revoke Qassim's citizenship are the IRGC, Iran’s parliament, Iran’s allies in the region, including Hezbollah, and Iraq’s Hadi al-Amiri and Qais Khazali.

Appears the Iranians are making good on their US Obama/Rhodes guarantees that they can become the regional hegemon in the entire ME...not sure exactly where those Obama/Rhodes assumed "Iranian moderates are these days"......

06-22-2016, 05:22 PM
Chief of staff of SAA 10th Division KIA on the Ithriya-Raqqa highway https://twitter.com/SyriaWarReports/status/745661873463373824 …

BUT hey the "elite" Assad "Desert Hawks" and Marines did not run for their lives did they?????

What the heck..........
It has begun. "SAA LOST THE RAQQA CAMPAIGN BECAUSE ISIS MAGICALLY GREW A NERVE GAS ROCKET PROGRAM!" https://twitter.com/TheArabSource/status/745622055358369792 …

From proRegime Russian commenter;
Syria frontlines

SAA and #DesertHawks keep the front and planning counterattack. #Tabka

IS took control at Syriatel tower on the road #Athria - #Raqqa. Terrorists continue flank attacks.

Raqqa and Deir az Zaur #SAA offensive stopped: #IS flank attack and kamikadze.
http://riafan.ru/530368-voina-v-sirii-smertniki-neudachniki-ig-ne-mogut-vzorvatsya …

06-23-2016, 05:45 AM
Aleppo north rif new updated map
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/06/22/syriaaleppo-north-rif-new-updated-map …

FSA capture Al-Raghbiyah and Tal Ahmar villages from #IS north #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.635745&lon=37.406130&z=15&m=b …

NOW Russia bombs Raqqa even though they have largely ignored IS for over seven months.....trying to coverup their massive offensive failure.....

#Raqqa Death toll increase to 32 civilians who got killed due the Russian Airstrikes on Raqqa city yesterday and 150 injured #Syria #ISIS

06-23-2016, 05:48 AM

Russia unleashes lethal aerial arsenal on Aleppo

Russia is breaching international conventions by dropping incendiaries similar to white phosphorus on to residential neighbourhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo in what is thought to be the prelude to a ground assault to retake the city from rebel forces.

Photographs have also shown what experts believe to be a thermobaric bomb, the most powerful explosive apart from a nuclear weapon, being detonated next to urban areas, with potentially devastating effects for civilians.

Video footage has emerged showing the glowing showers of what is thought to be thermite raining down on a rebel-held suburb in the west of Aleppo.

Rest of story is behind a paywall....

Incendiary weapons take gruesome toll on civilians. So why is #Russia using them in #Syria?

Another footage for #Russia|n jets burning NW #Aleppo in #Syria by Phosphoros bombs.
Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZn_M3Ng-VI …

BTW Russia is also extensively dropping thermobarbic bombs as well....

06-23-2016, 05:52 AM
IslamicState Claims Twin Suicide Attacks On #SAA Backers In East Of #Palmyra.

The killing More than 37 elements of #SAA. In an #ISIS attack with tow car bombs In silos area eastern of #Palmyra yesterday evening.

Main Areas Where Russian Air-force attacking by deadly bombs in North of #Syria (Updated)
HD https://goo.gl/DEsWSP

Jaish al Fatah repelled assault by Shiite militias in southern #Aleppo in this area
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.051736&lon=37.038860&z=14&m=b …

Fateh Army police force in #Idlib arrested a sleep cell smuggling #ISIS fighters from #Turkey

06-23-2016, 05:57 AM
CIT (en) ‏@CITeam_en
Acc. to Amaq, a roadside IED hit the Ru soldiers' vehicle btw Bir Nbaj and Bir-Abu-Al-Elaj on Raqqa-Ithria highway http://wikimapia.org/#lang=ru&lat=35.526079&lon=38.283577&z=12&m=b&search=Al-Raqqa …

ANOTHER THREE Russian troops killed in the Raqqa offensive.....
Raqqa road: Location of IED blast where 3 #Russia'n soldiers were killed inside KamAZ-63501-truck

IS video shows Kamaz truck destroyed by IED which they claim was transporting Russian soldiers
http://twitter.com/tri54poli_/status/745730885232664577/video/1 …

The axles' positions don't match armored Kamaz but match a 63501-AT artillery truck, which was the one destroyed.

The truck has an armored sidelite with a gunport (h/t @askai707) which is only seen on artillery and armored trucks

BINGO...you have to appreciate the abilities of social media OSINT for this tidbit.....
CIT (en) ‏@CITeam_en
One of the Ru soldiers' photos released by IS apparently shows the 18th motorized brigade in Eastern Ukraine

The 18th motorized brigade has been spotted in Ukraine in 2014 (right) with white triangles on vehicles

Another IS-released photo shows soldiers with patches of 18th motorized brigade (based in Chechnya)

In this video was filmed bag with russian medicine.

06-23-2016, 06:07 AM
Regime shelling on Al-Ghantu town in northern #Homs

MENA_Conflict ‏@LlamameIshmael
Reasons Raqqa op failed: Syrian commanders. Er... Russians. Lack of firepower? No wait! IT WAS A CHEMICAL ATTACK! Yeah, that's the ticket

IS' #AmaqAgency Claiming Several #YPG Fighters Killed In #US Airstrike Mistakenly Hits Them In N Of #Manbij.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
If this is true: oh dear.

BUT WAIT...where are those 300 or so US SOF and their JTACS???????

Not confirmed as of yet.....
Islamic State forces reportedly leave al-Rai in northern Aleppo

Russia 'caught out' using incendiary weapons in report by own channel Russia Today
RT's Accidental Investigative Reporting division could win awards.

06-23-2016, 06:15 AM
Confirmed from yesterday's postings.....
SAA Major General Hassan Sa'do- Chief of Staff of the Division 10 killed during failed #Raqqa offensive

Aftermath of another #Russian incendiary ammunition attack on #Huraytan today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5kLhfAJYQw …

#ISIS terrorists, hunting fleeing #Assad terrorists in S-E #Aleppo province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THEu5o4-I40 …

This little boy was more lucky and survived #Assad's murder attempt.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx89qV09KoU …

EXTREMELY GRAPHIC but the world needs to know.
#Assad crimes in #Talbisah today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eknHv2Eli0c …

#Assad regime artillery pounded al-Ghantu in #Homs tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEXaTvql1i4 …
Several wounded.

06-23-2016, 06:59 AM
SDF/#YPG drink tea & watching the battles btw #FSA & #Daesh in northern #Aleppo
- to take territory benefit later without heavy fights

As they are definitely not even attempting to fight IS inside Manbij......

06-23-2016, 07:02 AM
Russian Syrian Express is on the move again...pace is picking up....

Russian Navy's Ropucha Cls LLC Georgiy Pobedonosets (Victorious) northbound on the Bosphorus. Returning from Syria

Cameras & sensors get cleaning. In general G. Pobedonosets 016 looks in good shape.

06-23-2016, 07:14 AM
3 Weeks
The unfolding failure of the combined #Assad/#Putin #Raqqa offensive to capture #Tabqa.
via @Syria_Protector

06-23-2016, 08:20 AM
Russian war in Syria is -no sacred Christmas story of the lone Star of Bethlehem in the skies above the ME--
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Y1yVuTTa8 …

It is a hardcore story of the killing of civilians by the deliberate targeting of the RuAF and their use if cluster, incendiary and thermobaric munitions....all with the approval of the Obama/Rhodes WH and the UN......

Sometimes it is in fact that simple to "call out"......

BUT hey they are at least not doing anything "stupid" are they??

06-23-2016, 11:47 AM
A "Russian" air strike killed4 civilians in #Aleppo including a child & wounded 9.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfXRYw3lF7Q …

In #Fallujah the US is resetting the conditions that led to #IS's rise, @MPPregent points out.

Charles Lister
U.S. arms supply to anti-#ISIS group in N. #Aleppo prompts 275% recruitment increase:

It’s all really quite simple:
#Syria rebels *want* U.S. support & partnership, but elsewhere, without it, AQ is the true benefactor.

Imad Khamis (sanctioned by the EU since 2012) is #Syria’s new PM, now tasked with forming #Assad’s new parliament.

06-23-2016, 11:50 AM
Iranian-led militias set up main defensive position on Tell Al-Hader, after fall of Al-Eis.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.987139&lon=37.042937&z=15&m …

Main checkpoint with earth barrier blocking western entrance of Al-Hader, S. #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.991567&lon=37.042068&z=18&m …

Pro #Assad-media blame #Russia for the defeat against #IS on road to #Raqqa that killed 100+ #SAA soldiers

Recent sat image shows Rebels levelled military base on Tell Othman after they seized it
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.419334&lon=36.438378&z=17&m …

Steady helicopter landings reported in Deir Ezzor as Lebanese and Palestinian militia reinforcements arrive

ISIS hunting down pro-Regime forces on Ithriya-#Tabqa road. T-55 knocked out & T-62 seized.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THEu5o4-I40 …

Ahrar Al-Sham today from N. #Latakia hills to E. #Qalamoun desert (#Damascus).

06-23-2016, 12:02 PM
FSA Army of Victory report TOW #ATGM strike on regime ammo car Jabal al-Akrad #Latakia

White House: Airstrikes against #Assad regime might ignite war and president #Obama prefers continue focusing on fighting #IS.

Following Obama announcement, Assad/Russia are expected to escalate their attacks across Syria destroying any chance of a political solution

THIS is the same exact argument used by the Obama/Rhodes WH in not providing TOWs and counter battery radars to UAF in eastern Ukraine while under full scale attack by the Russian Army......there they even argued that TOWs and counter battery radars ARE "offensive weapons".....whereas in Syria TOWs are a "defensive weapon".......

Basically this now opens the flood gates for both KSA and Turkey to make their moves under the argument the US is absolutely doing nothing thus we will......and if these Russian cluster and incendiary air strikes continue and as the resulting videos make their rounds in the ME...they will make their moves....

06-23-2016, 12:07 PM
YPG arrested many civilians in Aranda #Afrin for "Conscription"

AND this proAssad commenter is back again after taking a break from twitter.....
Ivan Sidorenko
#Syria #Darayya #Iraq #Iraqi Liwa al-Imam al-Hussein (The Imam Hussein Brigade) fighting in Area

Darayya Just Today So Far Atleast 68 Aerial Bombs are dropped on Terrorist Held #Darayya City.

Iraqi militias trying to hand over parts of #Damascus to #Assad.

06-23-2016, 12:51 PM
Assad/Putin/SAA are constantly resupplying IS why not at least try to resupply the FSA just to be fair.....????

So much for the organized regime retreat along the Ithiriya-Raqqa highway, they forgot to take all this with them.

More footage of the BM-21 which ISIS captured from SAA on Itriyah road.

And as always, SAA is completely overloaded with weapons which they leave for ISIS. ATGMs, MLRS, lots of ammo.

Islamic State also releases video of taking barrier near Abu Alaij showing destruction of Syrian government position

FSA took Qsajq & Tel Ahrmar from #Daesh in northern #Aleppo
also expell them again! from Tel Battal after counter assault last night

#SDF / #ISIS frontline verification in western #Manbij city.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa5sX8_L_9s …
#Aleppo #Syria

Jaish Al Sham joins Ahrar Al Sham AAS

06-23-2016, 12:56 PM
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Just noticed something about the RT incendiary bomb video, looks like some bombs have lugs further back than others

Which makes me think there's also RBK-500 AO-2.5RTMs on there. Pic one and two are the ZAB type, pic 3 the AO type

Syrian Civil Defence putting out a fire started by an alleged incendiary bomb attack in Haritan,
Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY7ppRmPeoU …

06-23-2016, 01:12 PM
3 Weeks
The unfolding failure of the combined #Assad/#Putin #Raqqa offensive to capture #Tabqa.
via @Syria_Protector

SAA & allies advanced 25-30km towards Tabqa in 3 weeks and it all got rolled back in a day by IS.

06-23-2016, 01:38 PM
Charles Lister
U.S. arms supply to anti-#ISIS group in N. #Aleppo prompts 275% recruitment increase:

It’s all really quite simple:
#Syria rebels *want* U.S. support & partnership, but elsewhere, without it, AQ is the true benefactor.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton

Who could have imagined that empowering actors we like best would, you know, strengthen them, draw others to them.

Certainly not the Obama/Rhodes WH.....because how would they know if these "new friends" would not do "stupid things".....like things that would damage the "legacy".......

06-23-2016, 06:53 PM
FSA took over al-Rai border town in northern #Aleppo & defeat #Daesh
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.610223&lon=37.448530&z=14&m=b …

Tom&Jerry game between #ISIS and rebels near Turkish borders could end soon IF the rebels united there forces and US jets helped them

NSyA members and other Rebel groups captured Al Rai town in N.#Aleppo from #ISIS, #Syria
NSyA in Tanf and the Hawar Killis base are not the same, they only share the flag, command and room is different

Side of the clashes with #IS inside al-Ra'i village north #Aleppo.

Huge blast by some sort of a Russian bomb dropped on Tal Msaibin village northern Aleppo countryside today.
Possibly thermobaric.....

Clashes continue inside al-Ra'i and reports of #IS SVBIED targeted rebel forces inside the town.

Oil trucks enter rebel-held north #Aleppo Azaz pocket from #IS territories.

Khaled Al-Issa, who was seriously injured with Hadi al-Abdallah, finally got his German medical visa approved!

06-23-2016, 06:58 PM
T-55 from Al-Hamza Brigade shelling #ISIS in strategic Al-Rai, N. #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.613323&lon=37.444153&z=11&m …

Precise Jaish Al-Mujahideen's SPG-9 shots inside Regime fortified building in #Aleppo.

No water since Friday in AlJoura & AlQusur districts in besieged #DeirEzzor. Pumps stopped working because of lack of diesel

Islamic State attempt to take the Deir Ezzor artillery battalion fails for third time in a month

06-23-2016, 07:08 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
Our response to Russia's Ministry of Defense statement
https://www.facebook.com/CITeam.org/posts/619310171555297 …

Russia tries to discredit Russians who linked troops in Syria to those deployed in Ukraine war as Ukr propagandists https://twitter.com/citeam_ru/status/746033865999908864 …

If I was the Russian MoD I would too.........

06-24-2016, 06:56 AM
13th Division blew up with a #TOW a bulldozer near Khalasah, S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIT8oli6sNM …

From battle north #Aleppo against #IS

Halab Today @HalabTodayTV reported infighting between regime forces in Tal Malah & Judaydah check points north Hama.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.294532&lon=36.530313&z=14&m=b …

06-24-2016, 07:10 AM
CrowBat....from this proAssad/Russian commenter...appears that there was a strong Russian artillery and GRU Spetsnaz component in the Raqqa attack that got badly beaten back....

Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 · 14h14 hours ago
#Syria #Raqqa #To_Raqqa #To_Tabqah #Tabqah Post by #SAA #SyrianArmy Soldier Z Raqqa Campaign Story #Russian #

06-24-2016, 07:28 AM
Jabhat al-Nusra claims to capture 1 Iranian fighter, 1 Hezbollah fighter & 3 Iran-backed Iraqi al-Nujaba militia fighters in south Aleppo

Syrian rebels claim to capture 7 Lebanon's Hezbollah fighters in Aleppo.

06-24-2016, 07:49 AM
Russia first deployed SPBE sensor fuzed submunitions in #Syria in October 2015:

More #Russia cluster munitions use…
This time in Kafr Naha, #Idlib - using SPBE sensor fuzed submunitions:

As some of you asked for the YT link.
It's raining death.
No fighters in the area of course!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DoJadcClb0 …
Only civilians in this this area....

Also a "good morning" from the #Kremlin to the suburbs of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5KcN6oTi6o …

"Clapping" for #ISIS?
http://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/115791/0/%E2%80%9CClapping%E2%80%9D-for-ISIS …

06-24-2016, 08:58 AM
Clashes erupted on several fronts in N. #Aleppo, from #Zahraa to #Handarat, where pro-Regime forces are trying to advance. Battles ongoing.

06-24-2016, 11:25 AM
Cameron's such an amateur wimp. He should have dug into the cities, shelled the countryside, and sent his tanks into Stoke-On-Trent #Like_Assad

4 jet air strikes, 10 barrel bombs from helicopters on #EastGhouta since the morning.
3 civilians killed, more wounded so far.

06-24-2016, 02:30 PM
Suspected #Assad air strike on #KafrShams near #Daraa city.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqYQa8prXQc …

Funeral in #Hrodna: #Belarus'ian serviceman killed in #Syria
http://belsat.eu/en/news/funeral-in-hrodna-belarusian-born-serviceman-killed-in-syria/ …

CCTV report about "Raqqa offensive" (June, 21) :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWZtpZKpQTU …

After #Tabqa offensive failed few days ago, #ISIS is still advancing towards Ithriya & also making gains E. of #Palmyra vs pro-Regime forces

Sharvan Darwish: IS detain 900 Kurdish civilians in northern Syria in 3 weeks
http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/article85719842.html …

06-24-2016, 03:50 PM
IS captured more loyalist positions east of Ithriya, now only 5km from the city itself

Update: after today's gains, #ISIS is now 5 km far from Ithriya & ~8 km from #Palmyra Airbase.

Afghan top commander of #IRGC's Fatemiun Hakim Hoseini(recently killed):We're 12,000-14,000 in Syria,earn 450$/month

SDF took over Sharia school complex in west part of #Manbej
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.515224&lon=37.916361&z=17&m=b …

06-24-2016, 06:54 PM
Russia deliberately deploying banned weapons in #Syria - UN must investigate - @SyrianHNC_en

"German Nazi party politician plans 3rd trip to Syria, praises Assad regime"
http://m.tagesspiegel.de/politik/ex-npd-chef-udo-voigt-in-treue-fest-zu-diktator-assad/13779784.html …

Assad loyalists detail how regime gave no helicopter support so Assad could watch Daraya bombing from his palace.

06-24-2016, 08:06 PM
CrowBat....from this proAssad/Russian commenter...appears that there was a strong Russian artillery and GRU Spetsnaz component in the Raqqa attack that got badly beaten back....

Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 · 14h14 hours ago
#Syria #Raqqa #To_Raqqa #To_Tabqah #Tabqah Post by #SAA #SyrianArmy Soldier Z Raqqa Campaign Story #Russian #
Their detachment from the 291st Artillery Brigade run away leaving at least four intact MSTA-Bs to Daesh...

06-25-2016, 05:33 AM
Their detachment from the 291st Artillery Brigade run away leaving at least four intact MSTA-Bs to Daesh...

CrowBat......interesting that the so called Russian full time contract army unit elements broke and ran...that means they must have a great fear of being captured by IS.....

06-25-2016, 05:37 AM
Faylaq Al-Sham's #Kornet strike on pro-Regime militias near #Handarat, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weNxmXMyCd4 …

VIDEO: Incendiary munitions used in the village of Kafr Hamrah in Aleppo, #Syria.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWKVhKHAJMg …

Well know Syrian anti Assad activist who survived 4 barrel bombs on one day and hit with an IED assassination attempt in his home in Aleppo has died of his injuries....

Rest in peace Khaild al-Issa..

FSA forces enter al-Ra'i again yesterday and control parts of the town after expelled by #IS yesterday.

06-25-2016, 04:44 PM
Russia's Unhelpful Game In Syria

Not a secret.
Trade of food vs. fuel between rebels and #ISIS north of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD1q0Mn2E60 …

In #Assad's territories happens exactly the same but in a much bigger scale.
But he and #Russia wouldn't admit it.

Footage GRAPHIC!
Dozens of pro-#Assad troops flee after a failed assault in north. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHyn2XrtwUA …

Also in southern #Syria, the #FSA keeps using the TOW to weaken the forces of evil.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8LRZbPNhcI …

#FSA TOW vs. #ISIS car near Al-Rai.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCyFDR51iI …
#Aleppo #Syria

3 civilians from one family killed, 5 wounded in #Assad regime barrel bomb attack on #Rastan (#Homs province).

June 25, 2016 | Updated #Manbij City map !
HD: http://i.imgur.com/QnYNYcX.png

06-25-2016, 04:53 PM
Really intl.coalition, stop telling us you can't find #ISIS targets.
This 20m flag in Al-Rai is visible from Turkey!

Iran announced the death of 3 more Afghan Fatimiyoun members, killed recently in #Syria.

Damage assessment of Rebel tunnel bomb in Khalidiyah (7th Dec.'15), #Aleppo: 4 buildings totally levelled (~5,000m²)

Rebels spotted huge Iranian-led forces convoy under aerial escort leaving Ramoussah area to reinforce garrison in Al-Hader, S. #Aleppo. #JaF

Rebels in #Damascus prov. (esp. in #Daraya & E. #Ghouta) are under increased pressure as Regime is redeploying troops & tanks from S. Syria.

Rebels blew up a 14.5 mm gun as clashes erupted again in #Kabana where pro-Regime forces are trying to advance w/ #RuAF support, N. #Latakia

By attacking from Zahraa & Khalidiyah, pro-Regime forces are now trying another way to besiege Rebel-held #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.238597&lon=37.121429&z=14&m …

GRAPHIC. 16th Division killed many pro-Regime forces this morning in #Aleppo. 1 from Anadan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgxtrNWg0WY …

06-25-2016, 04:58 PM
16th Division contribution to repel pro-Regime forces in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saDVvulO1OY …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vqUcKj4GsY …

Multiple explosions reported in Ithriya as #ISIS claims it blew up a BM-21 Grad launcher with shelling.

Another mass retreat by pro-Regime forces under Rebel fire in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHyn2XrtwUA …

Heavy clashes between rebels & regime continue for 3rd week on the al-Bahariya front in rural #Damascus

Jaish Mujahideen shelled the Military Academy in #Aleppo w/ Katyusha
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.181671&lon=37.093964&z=15&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmhD7EO6Eio …

Jaish Fateh ambushed pro-Regime militias trying to sneak near Shughadilah's dam, S. #Aleppo. 2 KIA & several wounded http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.020364&lon=37.076368&z=14&m …

Suqur Al-Jebal destroyed with a #TOW an #ISIS pick-up in outskirts of Al Rai, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCyFDR51iI …

Shabab Sunnah fired a second #TOW vs BMP in Burd barrier, Suweida.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VToJZjT6m9k …

Rare #TOW strike in Suweida province: vs bulldozer by Shabab Sunnah.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=32.511354&lon=36.541300&z=12&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8LRZbPNhcI …

Pro-Regime forces launched another assault this time on Zahraa-Khalidiya axis in #Aleppo. Another fail.

Besieged Rebels from N. #Homs pocket launched a surprise night attack in S. #Hama & took Ramilah (1 tank seized).
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.041944&lon=36.876812&z=13&m …

06-25-2016, 05:02 PM
Fires caused by Russian airstrikes with incendiary weapons today in Kafrhamra, north rural #Aleppo

Rebels kill about 50 Shiite militants as Nasrallah vows to take Aleppo

(Zaman Al Wasl)- Syrian activists said 48 Shiite militants, mostly Iranian and Afghan, were killed by rebels on Friday in the northern province of Aleppo as Hezbollah leader vowed to send more militiamen to the war-torn country.

More 18 Palestinian militants loyal to Bashar al-Assad have been killed in al-Zahraa battlefield, main Shiite stronghold in Aleppo, activists added.

The high death toll among Assad's allied militias come as rebels made slow gains against Islamic State fighters and regime forces after setback.

On Friday, the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement said it will send more fighters to Aleppo, a battleground where it has suffered heavy losses fighting alongside regime forces against insurgent groups.

Hassan Nasrallah said thousands of Hezbollah's Sunni militant foes had recently entered Syria via the Turkish border with the aim of taking over Aleppo and its surrounding countryside.

"We are facing a new wave...of projects of war against Syria which are being waged in northern Syria, particularly in the Aleppo region," Nasrallah said in a speech broadcast live on the group's Al Manar TV.

"The defense of Aleppo is the defense of the rest of Syria, it is the defense of Damascus, it is also the defense of Lebanon, and of Iraq," he said.

"We will increase our presence in Aleppo," he said. "Retreat is not permissible."

Aleppo has been a focus of intensified fighting in the months since peace talks in Geneva broke down and a ceasefire deal brokered by Washington and Moscow unraveled.

06-25-2016, 05:05 PM
-Incendiary Weapons-

The United Nations is concerned by the opposition's accusations that incendiary weapons have been used in Syria but said on Friday it is unable to verify the reports.

The Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee called on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday to launch an investigation into its accusations that Russia has used air-delivered incendiary weapons and cluster bombs in Syria.

The Russian mission to the United Nations was not immediately available to comment on the accusations.

"We are concerned about the reports of the use of incendiary weapons in Aleppo, Syria," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said. "We are not in a position to verify these reports."

"We expect that all parties and states involved in the conflict will refrain from their use in this way," he said.

Russia deployed warplanes to Syria last year to support al-Assad against rebels seeking to end his rule. A crackdown by Assad on pro-democracy protesters five years ago sparked a civil war, and Islamic State militants have used the chaos to seize territory in Syria and Iraq.

06-25-2016, 05:08 PM
Syria #Aleppo 30 dead Shiilte militia men tried to enter Bani Zeid + 18 dead from pro regime al Quds brigade in Zahraa

DeirEzzor: #Russia'n airstrikes killed 50 people in Al-Quriyah -probably mainly residents
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.959121&lon=40.542126&z=14&m=b …

50 dead #Assad-forces in eastern #Homs during fights against #IS

Regime loses dozens of soldiers in a failed attempt to infiltrate Bani Zeid neighborhood in Aleppo city

Aleppo 30 dead Shiilte militia men tried to enter Bani Zeid + 18 dead from pro regime al Quds brigade in Zahraa

06-25-2016, 05:19 PM
Russian Syrian Express......

BМФ #ВФ Vologda-50 carried four 40ft. ISO container boxes to #Tartus #Syria. Cargo ship entered Marmara 15:00GMT

2015 addition to #SyriaExpress & #ВМф #вф, Vologda-50's former names x-Dadali, xx-Durmuş Usta still clearly visible:

06-26-2016, 06:19 AM
CrowBat......interesting that the so called Russian full time contract army unit elements broke and ran...that means they must have a great fear of being captured by IS.....
Everybody around them run away, so what shall they do?

IMHO, one shouldn't misinterpret extremely cautious deployment of Russian ground forces so far, with something like 'Russian invincibility', or even 'Russians deploying superheroes' in Syria.

06-26-2016, 06:41 AM
Everybody around them run away, so what shall they do?

IMHO, one shouldn't misinterpret extremely cautious deployment of Russian ground forces so far, with something like 'Russian invincibility', or even 'Russians deploying superheroes' in Syria.

Am surprised though that the Russian Staff did not have a contingency plan using GRU as their QRF......tells me they were overconfident themselves as well....

06-26-2016, 10:00 AM
AFAIK, yes, part of the problem was Russian ignorance of the actual situation.

But, essentially, this frontline is 'not their (Russian) problem'. So - even if they've deployed that artillery battery there: why should they care?

On the other hand, precisely the 'fact' the Daesh can show the destroyed truck, even photos from a captured cell phone, but not the bodies of three Russians it says it has killed there, makes me think the Russians in question were extracted after all.

06-26-2016, 11:22 AM
Report: Russian, Syrian air strikes kill 82 people, including 58 civilians

More statements from those so called Iranian moderates the Obama/Rhodes WH tilted towards....

Iran supreme leader: Bahrain's move against top cleric risks violence

Heavy clashes still ongoing between rebels & regime forces/militias trying to advance under heavy air cover & shelling on the Mallah front

Regime & militias again tried to advance into Mallah under heavy air cover, arty & rocket fire but retreated after heavy clashes w/ rebels

Russia|n airstrikes also targeted Hraytan & Mallah in rural #Aleppo with both regular & cluster bombs this morning

06-26-2016, 11:34 AM
BUT WAIT...the entire leadership of the West, western MSM and the UN stated they have no such evidence of Russian use of incendiaries against civilian targets........they really actually do not care.

Remember even the US with it's massive BILLION USD IS and ISR assets "claimed they could not figure out who bombed in the middle of the night four major hospitals and IDP camps...

So exactly "how could they "see" the use of incendiaries at night"....??

First ever incendiary ammunition air strikes on #Aleppo CITY itself tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGhHkn3fae8 …

#Assad/#Putin war planes hit several towns in rural #Idlib w/ cluster ammo tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRWB2rT05mk …

Carte blanche from UN/West to keep using incendiary bombs.

06-26-2016, 11:54 AM
Graphic footage
#Assad/#Putin jets attacked children in #Hayyan near #Aleppo today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQSn1__iojo …

Since 2011.......
From the #Damascus suburb of #Daraya today, Assad bombs & IRAM rockets continue to fall on the besieged town

Pro-Regime forces are advancing on #Mallah front as #RuAF stepped-up airstrikes, 10s of them with cluster & incendiary bombs, N. #Aleppo.

T-55 from Al-Hamza Brigade shelling (again) #ISIS in Al Rai, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CI9uFrLWuo …

16th Div. repelling pro-Regime forces on Khaldiyah front, #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.231120&lon=37.119884&z=14&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZKU7RvUYE4 …

Sham Front clashing w/ pro-Regime forces in Saif Al Dawla, #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.188529&lon=37.126923&z=14&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3a8py07WmM …

Heavy clashes at several frontlines at northern & western frontlines of #Aleppo city + nonstop airstrikes

Fierce clashes on Ramliyah front as pro-Regime forces are trying to regain control of the location they lost to Rebels yesterday, S. #Hama.

Jaish Al-Fateh repelled an assault from Iranian-led militias on #KhanTuman front amidst intense shelling on rebel locations in S. #Aleppo.

06-26-2016, 11:56 AM
Clusterbombs dropped by #RuAF, supposedly smart fused & seek vehicles/armor. Watch them misfire off each other

Second attempt by pro-#Assad forces to capture #Mallah Farms north of #Aleppo today. 200+ #Russia|n airstrikes on the rebels so far

US airstrikes on silos area at southern entrance of #Menbij
still unclear who is in control
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.507066&lon=37.961326&z=16&m=b …

06-26-2016, 04:46 PM
#Assad forces bombing #Daraya today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOB6-9rz0v4 …

#Assad air force bombing raids on #EastGhouta today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALvi5grMIYE …

“How To Break Up With Al Qaeda and Date ISIS” my 1 graphic for describing war inside jihad
http://www.fpri.org/2016/06/break-al-qaeda-date-isis/ …

It's mostly whispers, but Khaled al-Issa's death has contributed further to resentment at Jabhat al-Nusra's assertive influence in N. #Syria

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Frustrating watching some diminish potential value of military pressure on #Assad, while showing little/no appreciation of #Syria dynamics.

06-26-2016, 05:33 PM
Russian Syrian Express........

ВМФ #Cф NF Ropucha class LST Georgiy Pobedonosets 016 arrives to Sevastopol
https://twitter.com/az1ok/status/746718996045697024 …

06-26-2016, 05:53 PM
UN can't verify use of incendiary weapons in Syria.
It's not looking

06-26-2016, 06:07 PM
US-vetted #FSA TOW groups
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/06/26/syria-us-vetted-fsa-tow-groups …

IS claim destroyed SDF/YPG BMP with ATGM north Manbij #Aleppo.

Usual sight of destruction following Assad airstrikes on Binish in N. rural #Idlib today. 2 dead & over 10 wounded

Assad airforce drops "surrender or die" probaganda leaflets over Kafranble village #Idleb

Teleportation in Russian Federation already works. Leutenant Gorbunov who was never in Syria, returned in box https://twitter.com/elvin2019/status/746676787317440512 …

06-26-2016, 07:02 PM
Rebels regained some points they lost earlier to pro-Regime forces in #Mallah due to unprecedented shelling. Fierce clashes ongoing. #Aleppo

Issam Al Reis
Statement from the #FSA #Southern_Front on the critical situation in #Daraya.
560+ barrel bombs in 20 days

Someone remind Issam that the “truce” they made w/ regime down south allowed regime to redeploy forces to #Daraya

Clashes between #FSA and #IS in Tilalyn villages near Mare north #Aleppo.

SNHR: gov forces & its allies warplanes missiles fired on Hayan school in #Idlib partially damaging Jun 26.

06-27-2016, 04:39 AM
#IRGC commander says #Iran will target bases of Kurdish "terrorist" groups "anywhere", including northern #Iraq

IC has been over the last week shelling more and more Kurdish positions in northern Iraq.

Clashes between PDKI Pşmerga and the Iranian regime in Sewlala.

06-27-2016, 05:24 AM
What the heck.....Crow Bat....anything on your end about this...how it they get a fairly well conditioned SA8??

Jaish al-Islam �� reveals new
SA-8 Gecko 9K33 OSA-AKM anti-Air missile system, used to down a helicopter in E #Ghouta

Video is detailed and apparently true....

Jaish al-Islam claim downed a regime army helicopter in #EastGhouta with 9K33 Osa. Let's hope it's the one carried #Assad in his visit today

Location of the crash according to Jaish al-Islam spox @islamalloush2 is Al-Bahariyah village here:
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.530377&lon=36.526709&z=15&m=b …

06-27-2016, 05:27 AM
Local activists reported over 100 Russian/Assad airstrikes on Malah farms today in support of the ground attack.

Russian airforce incendiary munitions strikes on Huraytan village west #Aleppo.

Hayyan today. Residential buildings burn after #Assad barrel bombs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUJAqGW6dxo …

06-27-2016, 05:30 AM
What the heck.....Crow Bat....anything on your end about this....

Jaish al-Islam 🎥 reveals new
SA-8 Gecko 9K33 OSA-AKM anti-Air missile system, used to down a helicopter in E #Ghouta

Video is detailed and apparently true....
Yes, it seems the JAI made its other (there were at least two inside Eastern Ghouta) 9K33/SA-8 system to work again (two were captured in January 2013 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AaH7Lp9xIo&feature=youtu.be); curiously, Russians claimed (http://www.armyrecognition.com/syrian_syria_conflict_revolution/russian_air_force_has_destroyed_in_syria_osa_sa-8_gecko_air_defense_missile_captured_by_terrorists _13112153.html) both of them as destroyed: one on 15 October, the other on 31 December 2015). This morning, they claimed (https://twitter.com/putintintin1/status/747202225257197568) a helicopter shot down over al-Bahariyah (https://www.jaishalislam.com/subject/443), on the SE side of the pocket they're holding in Eastern Ghouta - and showed a video (arguably: very limited, in order not to show the range and bearing) as a proof.


(Should that one be taken down, here the original at JAI's website (https://www.jaishalislam.com/subject/443))

As far as I can say, everything on that video is authentic, and no, there are no 'flares' dropped by the helicopter, but that's a missile.

Range was originally about 21.7km (outside the range for SA-8), before the system switched to narrow FOV.

So, the shot appears authentic. What's unclear is if the helicopter was actually shoot down: contrary to usual practice (when video would show the burning helicopter going down), this video stops after the missile detonated. That said, all of previous videos of SA-8 deployments used to cease at the time of the hit, too.

Regime claims (https://twitter.com/HalaJaber/status/747223811083337728) there were two helicopters and one was damaged but landed safely at Damascus IAP.

I consider this claim for 'suspect' to say the least: regime is actually never confirming (nor denying) any kind of aircraft/helicopter losses.

06-27-2016, 05:30 AM
Who says the Syrians are not after five years of war the greatest improvisers....

Syrians use unexploded Russian incendiary munitions dropped on Aleppo in cooking - @Bani_Omaia

They cut the sub munitions in half and then use a match to ignite the contents...appears to work great....

06-27-2016, 05:32 AM
It cannot be that our very own ally Jordan is doing this...think again...they play often a double game......

JORDAN: #US weapons being sent to Syrian rebels being stolen by Jordanian Intel and sold on black market.


Appears that those black market weapons were used to kill two US individuals....

06-27-2016, 03:42 PM
Yes, it seems the JAI made its other (there were at least two inside Eastern Ghouta) 9K33/SA-8 system to work again (two were captured in January 2013 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AaH7Lp9xIo&feature=youtu.be); curiously, Russians claimed (http://www.armyrecognition.com/syrian_syria_conflict_revolution/russian_air_force_has_destroyed_in_syria_osa_sa-8_gecko_air_defense_missile_captured_by_terrorists _13112153.html) both of them as destroyed: one on 15 October, the other on 31 December 2015). This morning, they claimed (https://twitter.com/putintintin1/status/747202225257197568) a helicopter shot down over al-Bahariyah (https://www.jaishalislam.com/subject/443), on the SE side of the pocket they're holding in Eastern Ghouta - and showed a video (arguably: very limited, in order not to show the range and bearing) as a proof.


(Should that one be taken down, here the original at JAI's website (https://www.jaishalislam.com/subject/443))

As far as I can say, everything on that video is authentic, and no, there are no 'flares' dropped by the helicopter, but that's a missile.

Range was originally about 21.7km (outside the range for SA-8), before the system switched to narrow FOV.

So, the shot appears authentic. What's unclear is if the helicopter was actually shoot down: contrary to usual practice (when video would show the burning helicopter going down), this video stops after the missile detonated. That said, all of previous videos of SA-8 deployments used to cease at the time of the hit, too.

Regime claims (https://twitter.com/HalaJaber/status/747223811083337728) there were two helicopters and one was damaged but landed safely at Damascus IAP.

I consider this claim for 'suspect' to say the least: regime is actually never confirming (nor denying) any kind of aircraft/helicopter losses.

Damascus: #Syria|n rebels shot down an #Assad Mig29 near #Sayqal Airbase just 10 hours after they shot down the helicopter. Pilot killed.
Pro #Syria regime FB page admits #JaI shootdown, says jet was taken out with "heatseeking" missile over SE #Damascus

06-27-2016, 04:06 PM
Heavy artillery, MRLS - GRADs, ATGM's attempting to pave the way, assadist forces bewildered trying to respond to artillery. #Lattakia

Breaking. Rebels start the battle to seize Jebal Turkmen, N. #Latakia.

Destroyed transport car + main battle tank in Jabal Turkman/Akrad so far, also clearance of Shahrourah village in Turkman. #Lattakia

Shahrourah village couldve possibly been empty, I dont think it was stormed, nonetheless large wide shelling of assadists continues.

06-27-2016, 04:09 PM
Reports Rebels blew up again with a #Kornet an artillery piece (130 mm cannon) on Sh. Yussef hill (E. #Aleppo) used to fire on Castillo road

06-27-2016, 04:11 PM
My latest: "What Do Syrians Want?" | Dissent Magazine
https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/what-do-syrians-want-islamic-state-war-resistance-assad-regime …

06-27-2016, 04:13 PM
Russian Syrian Express on the move again......

ВМФ #ЧФ BSF Tapir class LST Saratov transported, what it looks like a KamAZ truck above the tank deck to #Tartus

06-27-2016, 04:14 PM
EU Mythbusters
✔ @EUvsDisinfo MANIPULATION is a tough job: sometimes you need to delete the evidence. DisinfoDigest:

06-27-2016, 05:45 PM
Heavy artillery, MRLS - GRADs, ATGM's attempting to pave the way, assadist forces bewildered trying to respond to artillery. #Lattakia

Breaking. Rebels start the battle to seize Jebal Turkmen, N. #Latakia.

Destroyed transport car + main battle tank in Jabal Turkman/Akrad so far, also clearance of Shahrourah village in Turkman. #Lattakia

Shahrourah village couldve possibly been empty, I dont think it was stormed, nonetheless large wide shelling of assadists continues.

#Nusra 57mm heavy technicals as usual put in to use against assadists in #Lattakia

Mortars, heavy technicals & 130/120mm gun pieces thrashing assadists heavily currently. #Lattakia

Assadists already leaving few posts in Turkman & making cries for help in Kinsibba front. #Lattakia

First Coastal Division targets group of assadists via TOW ATGM #Lattakia

Regime troops taken completely by surprise by the rebel firepower......

06-27-2016, 06:04 PM
So far Jaish al-Fath gains in Akrad Mount:
Mazghulah and Hakoura villages:
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.765388&lon=36.166949&z=16&m=b …
Rasha hil: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.740782&lon=36.191819&z=16&m=b …

SPBE with chutes failing to deploy? #Syria https://twitter.com/NorthernStork/status/747471043137265664 …

Russia's Bombing of Anti-ISIS Units Show Its Contempt of U.S. and Low Priority in Fighting ISIS - @FredericHof

Another good looking 2A28 Grom mounted on a technical (Aleppo)

06-27-2016, 06:10 PM
TEHRAN- To cover disastrous performanceS in #Syria and #Iraq, Gen. #Qassem #Soleimani is trying to recycle himself as political leader.

Official Islamic agency IRNA praises #Labour #Jeremy Corbyn for "resisting pressure by warmongers" to resign. Corbyn is old ally of mullahs.

Ayatollah Saduq recommends Muslims learn #Persian to read #Khomeini. But even native Persian-speakers don't understand his illiterate prose

IRGC news-site RAJA publishes photos of university students "chumming up" in mixed gender academic outings, warns of "grave danger to Islam"

06-27-2016, 06:32 PM
Damascus: #Syria|n rebels shot down an #Assad Mig29 near #Sayqal Airbase just 10 hours after they shot down the helicopter. Pilot killed.
Pro #Syria regime FB page admits #JaI shootdown, says jet was taken out with "heatseeking" missile over SE #Damascus
Yup, though it turned out it was a MiG-23 shoot down near as-Sien AB (aka Tsaykal).

'Culprit' should've been another of JAI's SA-8s (so much about reliability of Russian claims about destroying these).

Guess, Saudis are sending their greetings...

06-27-2016, 06:36 PM
#Nusra 57mm heavy technicals as usual put in to use against assadists in #Lattakia

Mortars, heavy technicals & 130/120mm gun pieces thrashing assadists heavily currently. #Lattakia

Assadists already leaving few posts in Turkman & making cries for help in Kinsibba front. #Lattakia

First Coastal Division targets group of assadists via TOW ATGM #Lattakia

Regime troops taken completely by surprise by the rebel firepower......

Assadist forces paranoid & freaking out firing dozens of flares one after the other to try & see advance #Lattakia

06-27-2016, 06:42 PM
First Coastal Div. wiped out with a #TOW a minibus carrying troops in Kinsabba, N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_-qRp68haQ …

Yarmouk Battle: Jaish Al-Fateh & Allies are leading a Blitzkrieg by seizing at least 6 locations/hills since the start in N. #Latakia.

Rebels are also advancing on Jebal Al-Akrad front & seized control of Mazghala & surroundings, N. #Latakia. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.764901&lon=36.171756&z=15&m …

Faylaq Al-Sham's contribution to the Coastal Battle "Yarmouk" launched today in N. #Latakia.

Jaish Al-Fateh (here Ahrar Al-Sham) launched also an offensive in Jebal Al-Akrad, N. #Latakia.

First Coastal Division #TOW strike on pro-Regime forces on Kinsabba front, N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZw0aeK-NMQ …

Jaish Al-Izza blew up with a #TOW a tank (T-62) in N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqtof2HyyCY …

Rebels make first gains in Jebal Turkman as they assert control of Tell Abu Ali & Bayda. N. #Latakia. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.788193&lon=36.108799&z=15&m …

Mallah: Rebels managed to contain pro-Regime forces on the 2nd day of offensive (after initial gains) backed by intense bombing. N. #Aleppo

Heavy clashes ongoing in #Mallah. Rebels using what seems to be a US M72 LAW. N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyhKWyXlsnY …

06-27-2016, 06:44 PM
Jaish al-Islam lets the cat out the bag.

After downing helicopter w 9K33 Osa in Ghouta, it's revealed/used its SAM system in #Qalamoun too.

Map. The current military situation in #Aleppo city.
HD - http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/f588/777wpv1lx73r635zg.jpg …

Jaish al-Fath capture al-Hamrat village and close on Kinsaba in Akrad Mount #Latakia.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.755097&lon=36.153479&z=15&m=b …

06-28-2016, 06:48 AM
Heavy artillery from Jaish Al-Nasr, Ahrar Al-Sham & Jaish Al-Izza in action to support Yarmouk Battle in N. #Latakia

Yarmouk Battle: Rebels have almost completely surrounded Kinsabba's stronghold they lost 4 months ago, N. #Latakia

Faylaq Al-Sham took out a tank with a #Kornet in Jebal Al-Akrad, N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8zivZQxSLk …

Latakia Rebels use S-5 pod air2ground rockets

Of the 8 groups, participating in the #Latakia offensive.
In my estimate, 6-7 of them are supplied by / via Turkey.

One of two #FSA groups taking part in the #Latakia offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9sZGXMFaS0 …

Huraytan right now.
Illumination and artillery shelling every few seconds.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG7-Yz452Gc …

Jaish al-Fateh used 130 mm M46 and 122 mm D-30 artillery in their #Latakia offensive today.
Fresh ammo ...

Three days after #SDF said they control the silos south of #Manbij, the #US bombed them ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpWkD0n1v8Y …

1 civilians killed, 8 wounded, in 2 #Russian air strikes on #Saraqib, #Idlib prov.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsffmB_2dbQ …

06-28-2016, 06:58 AM
The same day, #Erdogan apologises for downing a Russian jet over #Latakia, Turkish-backed troops start a push there!

The same day, #Erdogan apologises for downing a Russian jet over #Latakia, Turkish-backed troops start a push there!

Syrian rebels destroy a regime tank amid a heavy offensive in #Latakia province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8zivZQxSLk …

New Syrian Army #NSyA releases names of #ISIS responsible for the execution of 5 media activists in Deir ez-Zor

06-28-2016, 11:42 AM
The so-called "Butcher of Hama", Rifaat al-Assad, also owns a £10m property in Mayfair, London. Now charged in France

But wait...who is exactly besieging whom...has nothing to do with sanctions...

MFA Russia
✔ @mfa_russia #Zakharova: Sanctions against Syria imposed by the US and EU are a major problem aggravating the humanitarian situation in #Syria

Assad is the chief hindrance......

06-28-2016, 11:46 AM
But at least one #FSA group (Jaish Al-Ezzah / Army of Glory) is in "D-30 sharing" w/Jaish al-Nasr.
Known fr. Aleppo.

This #FSA group received fresh former Yugoslavian 120 mm #M75 mortars for the offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k-l97DSu4M …

#FSA with foreign-supplied 120 & 82 mm mortars in the #Latakia offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLQxPZ6_Y7c …

Jaish al-Nasr & Jabhat al-Nusra fire w/ 2 different D-30 in #Latakia.
But ammo comes from the same.

FSA Fursan al-Haq's military commander Lt. Mohamed Bayoush survived IED targeted his car in Kafranble #Idleb.

UN transfers Syria co. Jacob el-Helu accused of siding with Assad gov following Syria Campaign "Taking Sides" report

06-28-2016, 11:52 AM
Clashes about control of Silos at eastern entrance of #Palmyra
btw #Assad-forces & #IslamicState continues

Big crowd in Tehran commemorates #Pakistani fighters members of Zeynabiyoun brigade killed in #Syria #Iran

#ISIS advanced and controlled AlMaghara town in the northern countryside of #Raqqa after clashes with #YPG

Fateh Halab took out with a #Kornet a 130 mm cannon in Tell Sheikh Yussef, E. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWYgOMDsUYo …

Yarmouk Battle: after Rebels seized 13 locations/hills, intense airstrikes/shelling as pro-Regime forces try to counter-attack, N. #Latakia.

06-28-2016, 12:01 PM
~72 hrs before major #ISIS offensive on #Marea & #Azaz, up to 50 IS vehicles (supplies/transport) gathered in #Dabiq

Shuhada Al Islam Brig sniped 7 Assad soldiers on SW Front of Daraya yesterday. Regime deploys elites forces there

Shuhada Al Islam Brig sniped 7 Assad soldiers on SW Front of Daraya yesterday. Regime deploys elites forces there

ISIS advancing against #YPG in Northern #Raqqa.

DeirEzzor: #ISIS has destroyed 2 #Assad regime tanks south of #DeirEzzor with ATGM today.

Latakia: #Syria|n rebels have captured 13 villages and mountains/hills from pro-#Assad forces since yesterday.

06-28-2016, 12:20 PM
~72 hrs before major #ISIS offensive on #Marea & #Azaz, up to 50 IS vehicles (supplies/transport) gathered in #Dabiq...and the CENTCOM ignored these completely, as usually...


Here a quick write-up about service history of Syrian Mi-25s, with some 'add-ons' regarding their newest 'combat operations': The Hind Gunship Is One of Syria’s Worst Terror Weapons (https://warisboring.com/the-hind-gunship-is-one-of-syrias-worst-terror-weapons-a590dff95a4e#.i6wulcqsv).

06-28-2016, 12:58 PM
After much Russian propaganda fanfare of the Turks apologizing for the shot down.....seems to have been all lies.......

TUR denies apologising for shooting down #RUS aircraft, no compensation, apology was only to families of bereaved
http://aa.com.tr/en/todays-headlines/erdogan-s-letter-to-putin-does-not-include-apology-/599158 …

06-28-2016, 01:02 PM
Not confirmed....yet

NSA, based near Tanaf, reportedly advanced in the desert along Syrian-Iraqi border and are within 20km of Abu Kamal...almost a 250km jump for them....

US backed group of "New Syrian Army" has launched an offensive on Abu Kamal town on Iraq border
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=tr&lat=34.470335&lon=40.926819&z=9&m=b …

06-28-2016, 02:24 PM
Russia is in Charge in Syria: How Moscow Took Control of the Battlefield and Negotiating Table

Iran's Khamenei names new armed forces chief

Russian airstrikes also targeted & destroyed multiple @SyriaCivilDef rescue vehicles in Kafrhalab, #Aleppo earlier today

Russian airstrikes targeted Hayan, Kafrhamra, al-Bab & Hraytan in rural #Aleppo today, no reports of casualties so far

Another Russian "vodka moment"....among many lately.....when Russia says it will not do somethin then they usually do it..experiences from eastern Ukraine.....

Russian ambassador to Syria: we don't expect Syrian government to launch offensives for Raqqa or Aleppo

Majority of positions in Turkman returned to Assadists, along with SyAF helicopter support. + False death of Muslim Shishani #Lattakia

06-28-2016, 02:52 PM
Not confirmed....yet

NSA, based near Tanaf, reportedly advanced in the desert along Syrian-Iraqi border and are within 20km of Abu Kamal...almost a 250km jump for them....

US backed group of "New Syrian Army" has launched an offensive on Abu Kamal town on Iraq border
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=tr&lat=34.470335&lon=40.926819&z=9&m=b …

Al_Bukamal: Reports that a few 100 fighters from "New #Syria|n Army" wants to capture the #ISIS stronghold #Al_Bukamal. No chance in hell.

06-28-2016, 03:01 PM
Read this push in #Latakia as an extension of Jaish al-Fateh ops, drawing in local FSA groups & their TOWs.
Like #Idlib in 2015.

Big offensive on Jabal al-Turkman in #Latakia.
Nusra, TIP & Ahrar lead force.
Faylaq al-Sham, 1st Coastal Div & Jaish al-Nasr rear-guard.

Suffice to say, when Jaish al-Islam uses x1 9K33 ‘Osa’ to down x1 aircraft, it’s to make a pt.
Using x2 ‘Osa’s’ in 12hrs = big escalation.

Nusra/AQ-linked Abdullah al-Moheseni has been wounded in an airstrike that targeted his car in #Idlib, #Syria. https://twitter.com/ansa6950/status/747443317533638656 …

06-28-2016, 03:05 PM
Over the past 2 years Isis leaders on record complained locals don't join jihad. Isis & Nusra have failed to turn DoZ into jihadi stronghold

Fighters who were forced out of Deir Ezzor went on to fight the Assad regime elsewhere in Syria, several died defending Mare' in Aleppo.

The Shaytat fighters for example went three separate ways to fight Isis: one with the regime, one with the SDF and one with the rebels.

Many are itching to go back and expel Isis from their areas. Why don't they do that? Washington's Syria policy.

The anti-Isis coalition's high command was made aware of all these things, but still showed contempt for civilian livelihood & fighters role

06-28-2016, 05:17 PM
NewsMap: Battle of Quweik Plain - June 28, 2016, #Aleppo #Syria
#pingpong #IS
HD: http://newsmap.pl/news/sytuacja-na-polnocnym-froncie-aleppo-28-czerwca-2016#news-9387 …

NewsMap: #IS offensive towards #AynIssa - June 28, 2016
#IS vs. #SDF
HD: http://newsmap.pl/news/ofensywa-panstwa-islamskiego-na-ajn-isse#news-9400 …

Assad-forces on the verge to besiege rebel held eastern #Aleppo
Last supply road in danger

NSyA & #FSA advancing on #Iraq #Syria border towards Deir Ezzor #سوريا #دير_الزور
http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/b681/3kk5d3yo9529fepzg.jpg …

06-28-2016, 05:21 PM
CrowBat.....anything on your end about this so called "airborne op" ie via actual airborne trained troops or via copters.......either way it covers 250 kms in a hurry....

"New Syrian Army" 1st #US backed airborne mission against #IslamicState in #Syria near AbuKamal border town to #Iraq

New Syrian Army #NSyA and allied forces have reached the outskirts of al-Bukamal and are advancing into it.

NSyA commander says they are at the gates of al-Bukamal will advance into the city in a few hours.

06-28-2016, 05:29 PM

Reporting Syria: 'There's a direct threat for everyone'

Attempts to silence Syrian journalists and activists continue unabated by the regime and armed rebel groups.

By Tom Rollins

Beirut - He is mourned and remembered far beyond Syria and the modest patch of earth where he now rests. The death of Syrian citizen journalist Khaled al-Essa has raised further questions about the risks facing journalists and media activists covering the conflict in Syria.

Essa, 24, from Kafranbel in the northern Idlib countryside, had become one of the most recognisable faces among the Syrian activists and journalists still working inside the country, bringing images of the aftermath of air strikes on civilian areas to the outside world.

On June 16, Essa, and fellow citizen journalist Hadi al-Abdullah, were critically wounded in an apparent assassination attempt in Aleppo. The bombing, reportedly caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) left just outside Abdullah's home in a rebel-held part of the city, came just days after both activists were injured in a barrel bomb attack on Aleppo’s Jisr al-Haj, where the two were reporting.

Bloodied and bandaged, Essa and Abdullah were photographed back at work the next day although they were said to be in a critical condition following the IED attack. Essa was taken to Turkey for emergency treatment.

Activists had been working to get Essa out of Turkey so that he could receive life-saving treatment in Germany. On Friday, the German Foreign Ministry reportedly secured Essa a visa. However, it came too late.

He succumbed to his injuries shortly after 11pm that night.

Essa's death only confirms the fact that Syria remains one of the world’s deadliest countries for journalists. Journalists and media activists can be easily hit while covering the conflict or the Syrian daily life, or be the target of an assassination.”

Alexandra El Khazen, head of the Middle East desk at Reporters Without Borders

In a Facebook status published on his page on Saturday, Abdullah - who is still recovering in hospital - mourned the loss of his friend and colleague. "What do I do now?" he wrote. "Come on Khaled, my soul waits for your soul."

"Khaled was no doubt extremely courageous; he dedicated his life to wanting to show what was happening in his country," said Yasmin al-Tellawy, a journalist often working inside Syria.

"But he was gentle, kind-hearted and emotional under all the laughter. He cared deeply," Tellawy, who was also a close friend of Essa, told Al Jazeera.

Several activists celebrated Essa's work following the news of his death. "Without Khaled; many insights into the brutality of the Assad [regime] would not have been possible," wrote Palestinian-Syrian activist and blogger Salim Salamah.

"Without him, as well, many insights into the beauty of Syrians and their resistance would not have been possible."

There is now mounting speculation about who was responsible for the IED that ultimately killed Essa. Several reports have placed the blame on al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate - not least because it previously cracked down on an activist-media centre in Essa's hometown, where he used to work alongside Abdullah and well-known Syrian rights activist Raed Fares


06-28-2016, 05:56 PM
US: No change in Iran behavior in Syria since nuclear deal

Seems like #NSyA received alot more technical from the coalition recently in secret prior to offensive. New Toyota truck type

06-28-2016, 06:40 PM
Important development......

Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiyah (#FSA) has joined the #NSyA offensive towards Abu Kamal, both are from #DeirEzzor

06-29-2016, 07:32 AM
Several of the Russian air strikes on cities north of #Aleppo yday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj2UgNsazhk …

Why wars are the richest soils for terrorism:

Interview w/ one of the Syrian rebel defenders of the last entrance of #Aleppo (engl. subs).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl4SQDEbzKI …

The #US-backed (#Russian-bombed) #NewSyrianArmy battles #ISIS near #AbuKamal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ-h6mGFa8c …

06-29-2016, 07:35 AM
At least 14 terrorist attacks struck #Turkey in the last 12 months, killing 200+ people.

AND CENTCOM and the Obama/Rhodes WH doe not understand the sensitivity of the Turks towards YPG/SDF/PKK......

06-29-2016, 07:39 AM
No doubt: #US backed #NSyA/#FSA- operation in #AbuKamal border town #Syria/ #Iraq is a "glory-or-grave-job"

The al-Bukamal Op is a high-risk, high reward play. They've been doing sabotage, but will they try and hold territory.

English captions added:

Want a reason why we can't work with Assad? Here's 7,000: Syrians who died in state detention were tortured/executed
@syriahr http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/05/tens-thousands-die-syria-government-prisons-160521173306410.html …

At least 60,000 people have died in Syrian government detention since 2011. Most dead as a result of torture or...

Genocide in Syrian since 2011 and yet the Obama/Rhodes WH did not want to doing anything "stupid"....like look the other way....

06-29-2016, 08:29 AM
New #Syria'n Army confirm airborne mission on Abu Kamal border town to #Iraq
"air dropped behind enemy lines"

Syria Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Forces (southern #FSA) involved in battle for Abu Kamal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ-h6mGFa8c …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.473732&lon=40.922699&z=11&m=b …

And the response from Russia......probably "mistakenly bombing" them again as they are attacking the chief Russian ally in Syria.....Islamic State....

US planes dropped leaflets on #AbuKamal to stay away from #IS positions
"New Syrian Army" try to advance on border city to #Iraq

06-29-2016, 08:32 AM
Lots of dead #Assad-forces after failed assault in southern Ramouseh district
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.156380&lon=37.130957&z=15&m=b …

IslamicState seized area near Ain Issa in northern #Raqqa from #YPG/#SDF

From Jaish al Fatah battle in #Latakia /Kurds mountains

Rebels deployed several tanks (T-55s & T-62) during Yarmouk Battle, N. #Latakia.

Second Coastal Division contribution to Yarmouk Battle, N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObsdp4_gvE …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDTimf9s0bI …

1st Coastal Div. shelling Regime in N. #Latakia w/ howitzer & Grads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp_hXFRIxQ4 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUsGhfTvBdE …

10 main Rebel groups from Jaish Al-Fateh (#JaF) & #FSA are involved in Yarmouk Battle. N. #Latakia

06-29-2016, 08:41 AM
CrowBat....it is actually amazing to watch the integration of JaF/FSA and JaN in a whiplashing of the Assad forces and the Russian AF and ground forces on multiple fronts at the same time and the integration of their battle tactics and weapon systems to include SA8 firings.......and to include airborne ops against IS. they are starting to look like a well organized military force instead of rag tag individual units fighting separate battles.

So are the CIA, Turks and Saudi's finally ever so slowly moving in the right direction....?

Or have the Assad forces and RuAF slowly run out of energy and manpower and the rebels have waited for this moment???

06-29-2016, 08:50 AM
FSA & #NSA troops liberated areas around #AbuKamal from #ISIS.
#US-airborne mission should be THE news.

06-29-2016, 09:36 AM
CrowBat.....anything on your end about this so called "airborne op" ie via actual airborne trained troops or via copters.......either way it covers 250 kms in a hurry....

IMHO/AFAIK, it wasn't that much 'in a hurry': they were advancing in that direction since days.

Also, while the small (500 combatants, max) NSyA is the centrepiece of this operation, there are several other FSyA units involved too. Liwa Ahmed Abdo is the centrepiece of the ground advance, together with the Jaysh Usud ash-Sharkia (https://twitter.com/arabthomness/status/747859177305948160) (Eastern Lions Army).

Reports are chaotic (and too many), but it seems that three US helicopters (http://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2016/29-june-sohr-claim-3-us-helicopters-dropped-a-group-of-fsa) have parachuted NSyA fighters about 3km outside al-Bukamal. In cooperation with sleeper cells (https://twitter.com/RaoKumar747/status/747847202664493056) infiltrated into the town, and followed by a ground advance (https://twitter.com/BosnjoBoy/status/747829441494159360) of the Abdo Martyrs Brigade FSyA, as well as in cooperation with ISF (on the Iraqi side of the border), and supported by US air strikes that should have demolished (https://twitter.com/RaoKumar747/status/747860965794975744) the Daesh HQ in Aisha Hospital in al-Bukamal, they should have already cut off (https://twitter.com/Mzahem_Alsaloum/status/747903958044270593) the Daesh link to al-Qaim (on the Iraqi side), perhaps even secured the border crossing itself, and then entered the industrial area (https://twitter.com/RaoKumar747/status/747968327012745216) of the town.

A Daesh arms depot in the north of al-Bukamal was blown up (http://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2016/29-june-nsya-affiliated-groups-conduct-sabotage-behind-the) by one of 'sleeper cells', and the NSyA should've meanwhile captured even the al-Hamadan (https://twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/747962811234410496) airfield (no 'air base').

This attack appears to have caught the Daesh unprepared, then although it executed five locals for supposed cooperation with the FSyA, its main force in this part of Syria is currently busy attacking the PYD/YPG in Ain Issa (https://twitter.com/ArtRosinski/status/747817847036977153) area.

06-29-2016, 09:42 AM
CrowBat....it is actually amazing to watch the integration of JaF/FSA and JaN in a whiplashing of the Assad forces and the Russian AF and ground forces on multiple fronts at the same time and the integration of their battle tactics and weapon systems to include SA8 firings.......and to include airborne ops against IS. they are starting to look like a well organized military force instead of rag tag individual units fighting separate battles.
IMHO, one shouldn't mix the cooperation of the Rad al-Mazalem OR (AAS + FSyA) with the JAF (AAS + JAN + about a dozen of FSyA and independent moderate Islamist groups) in NE Lattakia, with what the JAI is doing in Eastern Ghouta and Qalamoun, or the NSyA against Daesh in southern Dayr az-Zawr.

These are actually three entirely independent operations, with different objectives - and, most importantly: different backing.

The RAM and the JAF are Turkish-supported; JAI is Saudi-supported, while the NSyA is US-supported. General concensus about the RAM + JAF offensives into NE Lattakia is that they aim to lessen Assadist pressure on NW Aleppo.

The JAI - i.e. Saudis - seems to have found a way to reactivate at least two out of five (http://www.adnki.net/AKI/?p=7247) SA-8 TELARs they captured in operational condition, back in 2013 (actually: they captured 6, but 5 were operational).

And the NSyA's offensive on al-Bukamal... is a product of US imagination about 'strangulating' Daesh through cutting off one of its major communications between Iraq and Syria.

I'm not sure if this is going to work: the NSyA (and allies) have next to no armour, few ATGMs, and must rush to capture al-Bukamal before Daesh can re-shuffle its forces and launch an organized counterattack. And then, the insurgents are going to be overdependent on US air support for their survival.

06-29-2016, 10:29 AM
Suspected #Russian air strikes on #Idlib city continued this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D5K0yV10Zc …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=109WrzaXAqU …

Syria'n regime continues to kill prominent revolutionary leaders in #Damascus suburb #Qudsayya

Assad regime air strikes on #KafrZita this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLyDPWshNU …

06-29-2016, 10:31 AM
CrowBat....think the Russians are actually goin for Aleppo in the face of their saying which no one can really believe anything they say...that they were not going to attack Aleppo...

Reports of 60(!) #Russian air strikes north of #Aleppo this morning.
Focus on #Huraytan & other cites around.
Serious in capturing Aleppo.

06-29-2016, 10:40 AM
There is an extensive "Turkish" IS network in Turkey. Have been active since May 2015. It's organized, like IS, in Iraq and Syria.

Sr US counter-terrorism official says “it is very likely” #IstanbulAttack was the work of 35 ISIS fighters sent to Turkey ahead of Ramadan

Note there were many rumors that ISIS amn al-kharjee head Abu Suleyman al-Firansi was arrested by Turkey en route from Azaz. A week ago.

06-29-2016, 10:49 AM
FSA & #NSA troops liberated areas around #AbuKamal from #ISIS.
#US-airborne mission should be THE news.

IS-media claim killed 40 & captured 15 NSyA/FSA -fighters.
Also IS back in village

IslamicState in #DeirEzzor reportedly sending reinforcements columns to #AlBukamal as #NSyA stops on outskirts probing for weaknesses

US airstrikes on vehicles & ammo left behind by #NSyA & seized by #IS in desert west of Abu Kamal
Next #US failed assault?!

URGENT - #NSA defeat is now confirmed as in the retreat after losing more than 35 fighters around #Bukamal and in the desert

Abu Kamal ops using interesting template: sleeper cells sowing mistrust, secret tribal agreements, special forces support and CAS

The Isis attack that has killed dozens you're not hearing about

Seems the NSA communication lines are also targeted, as #ISIS attacked the T2 pumping station #Syria

06-29-2016, 11:02 AM
"Vodka moment".....what does the Russian FM think after constantly bombing with incendiary and cluster munitions and continued staving civilians.......

MFA Russia
✔ @mfa_russia #Kinshchak: Compromise at #Syria talks is hard due to High Negotiations Committee stance

06-29-2016, 02:25 PM
Catching up after an "away day" and thanks to a "lurker" for pointing out this excellent analysis 'No end in sight: Failed Tabqa offensive reveals underlying shortcomings of regime force' on Oryx Blog:http://spioenkop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/no-end-in-sight-failed-tabqa-offensive.html

Apologies if cited before.

06-29-2016, 03:00 PM
Catching up after an "away day" and thanks to a "lurker" for pointing out this excellent analysis 'No end in sight: Failed Tabqa offensive reveals underlying shortcomings of regime force' on Oryx Blog:http://spioenkop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/no-end-in-sight-failed-tabqa-offensive.html

Apologies if cited before.

David...thanks had not caught this one.....CrowBat has been doing some good analysis of the actual fighting as well....

06-29-2016, 03:37 PM
Rebels pounding Dahiyat al-Assad west #Aleppo with artillery seems preparing for a new offensive.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.175470&lon=37.082494&z=15&m=b …

Rebels engage with Assad forces trying to retake positions lost y'day in Akrad Mount #Latakia.
https://twitter.com/islamic_front/status/748161658753777664 …

Today's hype about NSyA operation is only surpassed by hype about ISIS counter-attack.

Rebels seems sustained all their gains from y'day in Akrad & Turkmen Mounts except for Ayn al-Qantara near Kinsibba.
https://twitter.com/NorthernStork/status/747884111017164800 …

Aleppo Rebels retook Arab Slom part of #Mallah farms, destroyed a tank & a technical
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.283928&lon=37.139368&z=15&m=b …

Jaish_Fateh launch counterattack at Mallah area and claims control of Arab Saloum village south of al-Asamat

Mallah: after wide pre-emptive shelling, Rebels started a counter-offensive & retook some areas from pro-Regime forces. N. #Aleppo.

Rebels captured Ard al-Wata and Ayn al-Qantara villages in Akrad Mount now closing on Kensabba from two sides.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.749612&lon=36.174717&z=15&m=b …

NSyA paying high price for US irrealistic plans: there's no quick & easy victory vs #ISIS.

Vehicles, weapons & gear, including satellite devices, directly shipped from US by Unicorr into #ISIS hands. #NSyA

Reports #RuAF intensified airstrikes on #Mallah as pro-Regime offensive stalling since 48hrs. Russia committed to besiege Rebel-held #Aleppo

Jaish_Fateh launch counterattack at Mallah area and claims control of Arab Saloum village south of al-Asamat

06-29-2016, 03:38 PM
The #terror continues in #Syria.
1 womand, 3 children killed in air strike on #Saraqib.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6EUv2Am7Vk …

06-29-2016, 08:06 PM
Mallah area in Northern outskirts of #Aleppo city is now completely under Opposition factions control.

Under heavy #RuAF airstrikes, Opposition factions launched counter offensive in North #Aleppo; captured several areas near Handarat.

Aleppo Rebels retook Arab Slom part of #Mallah farms, destroyed a tank & a technical
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.283928&lon=37.139368&z=15&m=b …

Jaish_Fateh launch counterattack at Mallah area and claims control of Arab Saloum village south of al-Asamat

Nusra artillery open fire in N-Aleppo to regain lost farms.
PS. Didn't know #JN had an own 2S1 Gvozdika

Faylaq Al-Sham took out with a #Kornet a firing 23 mm gun with on #Mallah front, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Cdwz9vcSY …

Massive SVBIED detonated by Jaish Al-Fateh during counter-offensive in #Mallah. N. #Aleppo.

Despite airstrikes, Rebels have seized back all areas in #Mallah they lost to pro-Regime forces days ago. N. #Aleppo

FSA Levant Front | tank shelling regime positions during recapture of al-Mallah #Aleppo:

TOW strike by Sultan Murad on #ISIS sniper nest near Dudiyan, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfesXc_shUo …

Tajamu Fastaqem annihilated with a #TOW a Gvozdika on #Mallah front, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9rDVq1RA0w …

Jaish Al-Izza blew up with a #TOW a barrier in Tell #Mallah, making casualites. N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGNO_iiG8zU …

06-29-2016, 08:08 PM
Dozens of #Russian air strikes north of #Aleppo today.
#Huraytan and #Anadan hit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0PtNl9tJe4 …

Suspected #Russian air strikes north of #Aleppo today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcT0_MVo7iE&feature=youtu.be …

06-29-2016, 09:42 PM
CrowBat....think the Russians are actually goin for Aleppo in the face of their saying which no one can really believe anything they say...that they were not going to attack Aleppo...

Reports of 60(!) #Russian air strikes north of #Aleppo this morning.
Focus on #Huraytan & other cites around.
Serious in capturing Aleppo.
Russians are going exactly nowhere. They're all the time - and together with Assadists - massacring civilians in Anadan, Hreitan and further south (even in Idlib City again), just NOT bombing the frontlines, i.e. NOT providing at least interdiction strikes for Assadists, and surely enough: NEVER bombing what they (and ever more insurgents) call 'al-Qaida' (namely the JAN).

Correspondingly (and unsurprisingly), insurgent ATGM-teams knocked out several of Assadist artillery pieces (here Fastaqam Union's TOW vs 2S1 Gvozdika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9rDVq1RA0w), then the 'al-Qaida' - i.e. the JAN re-deployed (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/748240723527483392) its 'shock' troops to the Mallah farms, hit the Tiger Force (https://twitter.com/Step_Agency/status/748197325210787840) with two VBIEDs (https://mobile.twitter.com/natroska/status/748221829819600896?p=v).

Combined with a big attack by insugents of the HNAZ (Harakat Noureddin az-Zenghi) against the al-Qods al-Filistini Brigade that was in Hindarat, this caused the Assadists to run away (https://twitter.com/MIG29_/status/748221383138811904) - with the usual excuse of 'heavy pressure', 'heavy clashes', and other blahblah.

Bottom line: Mallah area is now under complete control (https://twitter.com/archicivilians/status/748218794431156224) of insurgents and jihadists, and the Castello Road safe again.

BTW, here the driver of one of the VBIEDs in question:

Best of all is that the heroes of the Tiger Force and al-Qods retreated (https://twitter.com/DavidJo44018987/status/748224002368344064) from all of Ard al-Mallah this time, which means they were thrown further back than their starting lines... unsurprisingly, there are even some reports about the insurgents advancing further towards north. We'll see what comes out of that, tomorrow in the morning.


Meanwhile, whatever CIA or CENTCOM idiot planned that NSyA assault on al-Bukamal, the character in question proved as 'good' at his job as any of Assadist mini-Napoleons.

Namely, the Daesh quickly counterattacked there and forced the NSyA (https://twitter.com/Syria_Rebel_Obs/status/748111461352869888) to retreat out of the town. At least the known losses are limited to five KIA and 2 WIA (https://twitter.com/RaoKumar747/status/748176114821046276) - so far.

That is: Daesh claims (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/748141006336462848) 40+ KIA insurgents, 15 captured, and is already boasting (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/748152469788700672) with equipment and arms once again provided directly by the USA...

Rumour has it: the NSyA actually run out of ammo, because Americans refused to provide enough of the same....


Overall, this war is meanwhile a championship of idiotic megalomaniacs that think they're running the show.

06-30-2016, 07:40 AM
Let's face the truth!
The only thing that saves #Aleppo from being cut-off are foreign arms.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHoxfEQNEfQ …

The #FSA destroyed an #Assad regime 122 mm artillery piece in southern #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4VAZZL1M14&feature=youtu.be …

Very short range Metis strike (16th Division) on T-72 in Khaldiya, #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4z_Mi_pIkY …

Faylaq Al-Sham took out with another #Kornet a firing 23 mm gun on #Mallah front, N. #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3qn0MJtjms …

Faylaq Al-Sham blew up with a #Kornet an #ATGM team in #Mallah, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icB6u9Lev8U …

An assault by Nureddin with MBT & BMP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31p_YiyJTgY …

06-30-2016, 08:23 AM
BTW, seems after the latest failure of the Tiger Force and al-Qods in NW Aleppo, Moscow is back in 'gloves are off' modus (or at least about to switch back to that mode).

Can't talk about too many details, but let me observe that it very much looks as if they're in the process of taking-over the SyAAF - as a part of a campaign to rip the regime away from the IRGC.

Probably related to this are rumours about 'hot activity' at places like Hmemmem AB and Istamo helidrme - which were followed by a wave of 'disappearances' (see: arrests) of most of pilots/officers that used to have internet accounts.

One thing never stops amazing me: those pilots/officers still serving with the SyAAF can really only be described as 'fanatic loyalists'. Yet, the AFI can't stop treating them as worst and most dangerous opponents of the very regime to which they are so loyal...

06-30-2016, 01:13 PM
This proves what the entire Arab Sunni ME has stated for months since the Russians came into Syria.....Obama/Rhodes WH has done a "Golden Handshake" over Syria and that in fact this explains the reluctance of the Obama/Rhodes WH to end the Assad genocide....

Obama in 2014 stated...."we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...and in eastern Ukraine and Syria he has never fulfilled a single thing and never fulfilled a single point of Minsk 2...SO WHY is he going to suddenly change his tiger strips......AND put the brakes on Assad


Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria

By Josh Rogin June 30 at 7:01 AM 

The Obama administration has proposed a new agreement on Syria to the Russian government that would deepen military cooperation between the two countries against some terrorists in exchange for Russia getting the Assad regime to stop bombing U.S.-supported rebels.

The United States transmitted the text of the proposed agreement to the Russian government on Monday after weeks of negotiations and internal Obama administration deliberations, an administration official told me. The crux of the deal is a U.S. promise to join forces with the Russian air force to share targeting and coordinate an expanded bombing campaign against Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, which is primarily fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Under the proposal, which was personally approved by President Obama and heavily supported by Secretary of State John F. Kerry, the American and Russian militaries would cooperate at an unprecedented level, something the Russians have sought for a long time.

In exchange, the Russians would agree to pressure the Assad regime to stop bombing certain Syrian rebel groups the United States does not consider terrorists. The United States would not give Russia the exact locations of these groups, under the proposal, but would specify geographic zones that would be safe from the Assad regime’s aerial assaults.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter was opposed to this plan, officials said, but was ultimately compelled to go along with the president’s decision. For many inside and outside the administration who are frustrated with the White House’s decision-making on Syria, the new plan is fatally flawed for several reasons.

“One big flaw is that it’s clear that the Russians have no intent to put heavy pressure on Assad,” said former U.S. ambassador to Syria Robert Ford. “And in those instances when the Russians have put pressure on, they’ve gotten minimal results from the Syrians.”

There’s not enough reliable intelligence to distinguish Jabhat al-Nusra targets from the other rebel groups they often live near, Ford said. And even if the Syrians agreed not to bomb certain zones, there would be no way to stop Jabhat al-Nusra and other groups from moving around to adjust. Moreover, increased bombing of Jabhat al-Nusra would be likely to cause collateral damage including civilian deaths, which would only bolster the group’s local support.

“It makes no sense to me,” said Ford. “If they are trying to destroy al-Qaeda in Syria, do they really think bombing them is the way to do it? F-16s do not solve recruitment problems with extremist groups.”

One administration official complained that the plan contains no consequences for the Russians or the Assad regime if they don’t hold up their end of the bargain. Fifty-one U.S. diplomats signed a dissent letter this month calling on the White House to use targeted military force against the Assad regime as a means of increasing the pressure on Assad and giving the U.S. real leverage.

Kerry has been threatening for months that if Assad doesn’t respect the current cease-fire, known as the “cessation of hostilities,” that there was a “Plan B” of increasing arms to the Syrian rebels. But the White House has now scuttled that plan in favor of the proposed Russia deal, which could actually leave the rebels in a far worse position.

Because most Jabhat al-Nusra fighters are fighting Assad, if the plan succeeds, Assad will be in a much better position. Meanwhile, the other Sunni Arab groups that are left fighting Assad will be in a much weaker position, said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The strategy could allow Assad to capture Aleppo, which would be a huge victory for his side in the civil war.

“If the U.S. and Russia open up on Jabhat al-Nusra, that changes the dynamics on the ground in Aleppo and Idlib,” he said. “It would definitely benefit the Assad regime and it could potentially benefit the Kurds and ISIS.”

For Russia, the deal is not just about Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin sees increased military cooperation as an acknowledgment of Russian importance and a way to gradually unwind Russia’s isolation following the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. That’s why Carter was initially opposed to the plan, officials said.

“The Russians have made it very clear that they want military-to-military cooperation with the U.S., not just to fight terrorism, but to improve their world standing,” said Tabler. “It is a way to be welcomed back into the fold.”

State Department spokesman John Kirby declined to comment on the specifics of the proposal but defended its basic principles.

“We have been clear about Russia’s obligations to ensure regime compliance with the cessation of hostilities. We have also been clear about the danger posed by al-Qaeda in Syria to our own national security,” he said. “We are looking at a number of measures to address both of these issues.”

For the White House, the priority in Syria is not solving the Syrian civil war, which most White House officials believe is intractable, or forcing the ouster of Assad. Senior administration officials admit that Russia and Assad are violating the cease-fire and failing to show the will to advance the political process. But the White House has decided not to go back to the plan of increasing pressure on the Assad regime.

“Analytically speaking, the path of military escalation by one side or the other is not likely to lead to a final outcome in Syria,” one senior administration official told me. “It’s essentially a stalemate.”

The White House wants to keep the cease-fire in place for as long as possible, despite the violations, and wants to keep the political process going, despite the lack of progress.

“We want to keep the violence as low as possible for as long as possible,” the official said. “What we have to look at is, what is the alternative? And the alternative is either the levels of violence that we saw months ago . . . or we could see the violence get even worse.”

CIA Director John Brennan said Wednesday in remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations that Russia is “trying to crush” anti-Assad forces and that Moscow has not lived up to its commitments regarding the cease-fire or the political process in Syria. Nevertheless, Brennan said, the United States needs to work with Russia.

“There’s going to be no way forward on the political front without active Russian cooperation and genuine Russian interest in moving forward,” he said.

If the price of getting Russia on board with the Syrian political process is to further abandon the Syrian rebels and hand Assad large swaths of territory, it’s a bad deal. It’s an even worse deal if Russia takes the U.S. offer and then doesn’t deliver on its corresponding obligations.

The Obama administration is understandably trying to find some creative way to salvage its Syria policy in its final months. But the proposal that Obama offered Putin will have costs for the U.S. position vis-à-vis Russia as well as for the Syrian crisis long after Obama leaves office.

The Obama/Rhodes WH is effectively locking the next US President into what Obama wants them to do and effectively locking them into what he wants them to do with the Russians...WITHOUT a single proven reciprocal offer by Russia either in eastern Ukraine and in Syria....

Try this one! By jointly bombing Nusra, the US hopes to make it seem like a defender of the Syrian people against imperialist aggression....

06-30-2016, 01:29 PM
I just published “BMG-71 TOW ATGM Syrian Opposition groups in the Syrian Civil War”
https://medium.com/p/bmg-71-tow-atgm-syrian-opposition-groups-in-the-syrian-civil-war-2636c6d08d68 …

06-30-2016, 01:41 PM
This proves what the entire Arab Sunni ME has stated for months since the Russians came into Syria.....Obama/Rhodes WH has done a "Golden Handshake" over Syria and that in fact this explains the reluctance of the Obama/Rhodes WH to end the Assad genocide....

Obama in 2014 stated...."we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...and in eastern Ukraine and Syria he has never fulfilled a single thing and never fulfilled a single point of Minsk 2...SO WHY is he going to suddenly change his tiger strips......AND put the brakes on Assad


Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria

By Josh Rogin June 30 at 7:01 AM 

The Obama/Rhodes WH is effectively locking the next US President into what Obama wants them to do and effectively locking them into what he wants them to do with the Russians...WITHOUT a single proven reciprocal offer by Russia either in eastern Ukraine and in Syria....

Try this one! By jointly bombing Nusra, the US hopes to make it seem like a defender of the Syrian people against imperialist aggression....

The Obama/Rhodes WH openly stated they did not want to be seen doing "stupid ####" and this is one of the stupidest moves I have seen from this WH in 70 odd years of US FP.....

Goal of Russian intervention in Syria wasnt just to prop up Assad; it was to help Obama reach his inevitable conclusion about this conflict.

POTUS confirms the utter bankruptcy of his admin. "Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria."

The only thing this approach will do is to tell the Arab Sunni world that America is not their friend (or confirm it)

06-30-2016, 02:14 PM
Iran covertly recruits Afghan soldiers to fight in #Syria
more solid reporting by @SuneEngel

06-30-2016, 02:22 PM
This proves what the entire Arab Sunni ME has stated for months since the Russians came into Syria.....Obama/Rhodes WH has done a "Golden Handshake" over Syria and that in fact this explains the reluctance of the Obama/Rhodes WH to end the Assad genocide....

Obama in 2014 stated...."we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...and in eastern Ukraine and Syria he has never fulfilled a single thing and never fulfilled a single point of Minsk 2...SO WHY is he going to suddenly change his tiger strips......AND put the brakes on Assad


Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria

By Josh Rogin June 30 at 7:01 AM 

The Obama/Rhodes WH is effectively locking the next US President into what Obama wants them to do and effectively locking them into what he wants them to do with the Russians...WITHOUT a single proven reciprocal offer by Russia either in eastern Ukraine and in Syria....

Try this one! By jointly bombing Nusra, the US hopes to make it seem like a defender of the Syrian people against imperialist aggression....

Russia Is Sending Jihadis to Join ISIS:confused:
via @thedailybeast

06-30-2016, 03:58 PM
2 dozen #Assad-forces killed by #IslamicState in
Al Talila reserve near #Palmyra
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.498635&lon=38.463135&z=12&m=b …

06-30-2016, 03:59 PM
White House officials say Assad/Russia can't be trusted, so the plan is to work with Assad/Russia. I just work here

Putin: Russia sincerely wants to resolve the crisis in Ukraine
http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/30-june...lve-the-crisis … via @RT_russian

Sincerely killing 2 Ukrainian service men, injuring 11 more, over the last 24 hours during 61 artillery and ground attacks....

NOW 3 killed, 15 wounded.Ukrainian army was under attack with mortars, tanks and artillery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl5vCtcxf14 …
http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/30-june-tsn-3-killed-15-wounded-ukrainian-army-was-under …

Resolve yes but not to fulfill even Minsk 2..... AND Syria....?????

Just another day of #Assad bombing #Daraya with the world having its head up its ***.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_2pZD9KNT8 …

More air strikes towns west of #Aleppo today.
Intl. community?
Deaf, dumb & blind!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juvLR3CL3e4 …

The #FSA destroyed a regime ammunition depot north of #Aleppo w/ the TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcjvfMPkfZk …

Heavy air strikes north of #Alepp continue.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_9n9XVFeJo …

06-30-2016, 04:19 PM
Regime forces launched counter offensive and retook some positions, including Ayn Qantarah, Art al-Wata and Tall Abu Ali. #Latakia #Syria

Recently activity of #Aleppo Nayrab Airbase is very reduced but still has ~33 warplanes, jet trainers & helicopters.

Daraya: Assad regime attempts to break in. 42 barrel bombs. Tens of artillery & missiles shells

Dropped yesterday by RuAF...in Idib.......
SPBE submunitions
http://armamentresearch.com/rbk-500-spbe-cargo-munitions-employed-in-syria/ …

"Sheikh Ahmed al-Assir Brigades” threatens attacks on #Hezbollah, #Iran & Iranian military aircraft in #Lebanon:

06-30-2016, 04:41 PM
This proves what the entire Arab Sunni ME has stated for months since the Russians came into Syria.....Obama/Rhodes WH has done a "Golden Handshake" over Syria and that in fact this explains the reluctance of the Obama/Rhodes WH to end the Assad genocide....

Obama in 2014 stated...."we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...and in eastern Ukraine and Syria he has never fulfilled a single thing and never fulfilled a single point of Minsk 2...SO WHY is he going to suddenly change his tiger strips......AND put the brakes on Assad


Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria

By Josh Rogin June 30 at 7:01 AM 

The Obama/Rhodes WH is effectively locking the next US President into what Obama wants them to do and effectively locking them into what he wants them to do with the Russians...WITHOUT a single proven reciprocal offer by Russia either in eastern Ukraine and in Syria....

Try this one! By jointly bombing Nusra, the US hopes to make it seem like a defender of the Syrian people against imperialist aggression....

BUT WAIT...it appears that the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH have not read through the entire 2016 National Defense Authorization Act and I am sure DoD does not want to lose money over of a "stupid" decision....

Worth nothing the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act currently prohibits US-Russia military cooperation:

SO now the Obama/Rhodes WH is simply going to override Federal Law in the name of "legacy"??????

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister ·
Have we learned nothing at all?
Not only will this not work, it’ll only drive more support to Jabhat al-Nusra:

06-30-2016, 04:47 PM
UN #Syria Envoy DeMistura (due in DC tom'rw) says he's aiming for next round of talks in July, to secure a political transition in August.

24 opposition aid orgs (incl. @SyriaCivilDef & @snhr) have told UNSG they’ll soon withdraw from #Geneva process unless civilians protected.

Anti-talent of the kind possessed by the United Nations isn't available to just anybody: finely honed attribute.

06-30-2016, 04:49 PM
If the YPG had fought Assad, Iran, Russia, NDF, Hezbollah for 5yrs, they’d appear as-difficult-to-justify an investment as the FSA.

Syria’s mainstream opposition is undoubtedly a complex movement, but to deny their capabilities over 5yrs of conflict is just naïve.

Backing the FSA vs. terrorism in Syria brings short-term risks.

Backing the YPG vs. terrorism brings serious long-term risks.

06-30-2016, 04:56 PM
Syria-based filmmaker targeted in drone strike (in S. #Aleppo)?
He's worked for several major Western news orgs.
SO who fired at him and is using drones in Syria??????

"Did Jabhat al-Nusra assassinate #Syria activist Khaled al-Issa?”
[Many Syrians think so…]

US filmmaker @BilalKareem has been targeted x4 times in 3wks in N. #Syria.
He’s worked for CNN, BBC, ITV & more.
http://cage.ngo/press-release/cage-demands-answers-into-drone-strike-against-us-journalist-in-syria/ …

06-30-2016, 04:57 PM
Despite #Nasrallah speech, #Hezbollah sources *allegedly* claim troops are resisting expansion of #Aleppo battle:

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
I'm told - though can't confirm - #Hezbollah has refused to expand deployment to #Aleppo city after insisting it cannot be fully recaptured.

06-30-2016, 05:02 PM
CIA director says Iran must do more in fight against ISIS
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/cia-director-says-iran-must-do-more-in-fight-against-isis/#.V3Rrkin_fcc.twitter …
via @NewsHour

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
"I have a dream"

BUT WAIT...Kerry stated Iran has been helpful in many ways.......
didn't even caveat with "except for torture + sectarian expulsion"

07-01-2016, 10:31 AM
Drone #footage
#Kinsabba after its capture by Syrian rebels from pro-#Assad regime forces.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix74F1394BI …

What the heck is this....??
After Rebels repelled pro-Regime offensive in #Khaldiya, reports that #YPG is now simultaneously attacking Rebels there w/ Regime, #Aleppo.

For the second time this week, regime forces fails to advance in Bani Zeid neighborhood and suffer heavy casualties. #Aleppo

In 1 week Jaish Islam claimed downed in E. #Damascus:
- 1 helicopter (hit)
- 1 Mig-29 (no visual proof)
- 1 Mig-23

Yarmouk Battle: Jaish Fateh took strategic Kinsabba (lost mid. Feb.) & surroundings, seized 6 tanks/BMP. N. #Latakia

07-01-2016, 10:33 AM
JaishIslam has reportedly shot down an #SyAAF Su-22 over Jayroud in #Damascus countryside then they said MiG23

SyAAF Maj. Noures Hassan who ejected from the jet was captured acc to Opp sources

Some are saying it was a possible MiG21...still unconfirmed as to what type was shot down....

07-01-2016, 11:00 AM
Frontline verification south of #Kinsabba.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYNiON60UGw …

Arms arms arms - Ahrar al-Sham with regime and its allies booty in #Kinsabba.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-jgual26Lk …

UP to 6 tanks and or BMPs were captured intact.......

Rebels where the #RussianArmy and #Assad's troops toured #Kinsabba w/ journalists on the 1st of March.

Rebels captured multiple weapons in #Kinsabba.
Imo JaF offered ard 80% of the ground troops.
Other groups supported.

Syrian rebels captured five locations in #Latakia prov. incl. the strategically important town of #Kinsabba

A Syrian rebel coalition has recaptured the town of #Kinsabba overnight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaQX6D-9JIo …

The #FSA hit a pro-#Assad position in southern #Aleppo with the "Fagot" ATGM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImgzQZOTw2s …

07-01-2016, 11:03 AM
Can anymore crazy statements like this come out of the Obama/Rhodes WH...

First they cannot determine who has been conducting precision night time air strikes on Syrian hospitals when only the US coalition and the Russian AF has the ability..SO was the US by accident if not the Russians... someone in the Obama WH is playing cover up.....WHY??????

NOW this....come on US MSM just how much more lying by the Obama Wh and DoD will you allow..there are tens of cluster munition and incendiary munition attacks on Syrian civilians both day and night time COMPLETE with Russian Today info war video footage and tens of dud Russian cluster and incendiary sub munitions.....

AND yet this...can anyone in their right mind explain this??????

State Department spox:"United States is not in a position to confirm the allegations by Syrian opposition of Russia using cluster munitions"

07-01-2016, 11:05 AM
Can anymore crazy statements like this come out of the Obama/Rhodes WH...

First they cannot determine who has been conducting precision night time air strikes on Syrian hospitals when only the US coalition and the Russian AF has the ability..SO was the US by accident if not the Russians... someone in the Obama WH is playing cover up.....WHY??????

NOW this....come on US MSM just how much more lying by the Obama Wh and DoD will you allow..there are tens of cluster munition and incendiary munition attacks on Syrian civilians both day and night time COMPLETE with Russian Today info war video footage and tens of dud Russian cluster and incendiary sub munitions.....

AND yet this...can anyone in their right mind explain this??????

State Department spox:"United States is not in a position to confirm the allegations by Syrian opposition of Russia using cluster munitions"

BUT WAIT they do know BUT are unwilling to call Russian use out in the UNSC...wonder WHY?????

State Department spox: "Russia and Assad need to be more careful about distinguishing between terrorists, civilians and parties to the CoH."

07-01-2016, 11:12 AM
Jaish al Islam in battle against Daesh in eastern Qalamoun

Footage of #FSA Central Division after took over Kinsabba in #Latakia mountains & their booty

The "Fagot Program", parallel to #TOW, started in January. ~8% known stockpiles fired so far by Rebels (an increase)

Main targets (83x Regime, 5x #ISIS & 1x #YPG/#SDF) are armor (24%), machine guns (26%) & infantry (16%).

Rebels fired at least 89 #ATGM in June (+33%), mainly in #Aleppo province (76%)

Jaish Al-Fateh defeated in #Kinsabba Sahel factions, highly motivated militias linked to Assad personality cult.

07-01-2016, 11:59 AM
18 civilians killed including (7children & 4women) after SSM's targeted civilian homes in Otaya-DamascusCountryside.

Russian extremists are flocking in their thousands to join ISIS

Footage: why #Kinsabba is important to secure Rebel locations on N. & E. flanks, N. #Latakia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBmXGusfMTw …

"al-Masdar news quoted army commander as saying: "Areas seized...by militants are empty and eventually has no strategic significance." THEN why did they fight so hard to keep this empty space?????

"Ground to ground" missile hits #Huraytan, north of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohI3VV_pHVw …

Jaish al-Islam now says,it downed the jet,which was a Sukhoi Su-22.
Guess,the #Gecko was back in action!
Meaning s.o. supplies them w/ ammo.

07-01-2016, 04:37 PM
Istanbul airport bombers were ...
http://reut.rs/296uhrO .
Worth reading @LaurinaviciusM on FSB/GRU links to ISIS
http://academia.edu/11302740/Do_tr …

07-01-2016, 04:47 PM
Comment from a proAssad pro Putin supporter....

JN #AQ and allies managed to recover in less than a day what #Russia and allies struggle to recover in months.

07-01-2016, 04:54 PM
And delivering on mosques & civilians around #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xDcOVy2aGw …
50+ strikes PER DAY

BREAKING PHOTO: Official spokesperson for Jaysh al-Islam posts a photo of the Syrian pilot they captured, executed.
MORE: They say that the pilot was executed by Jabhat al-Nusra and not by Jaish al-Islam.

Assad air forces basically a 'criminal enterprise' and his pilots are nothing but war criminals.

Suspected #Russian Su-24 over #Idlib on its way to bomb #Aleppo province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2mtQz46bvw …

Rare clear #footage of bomb (type), dropped on #Huraytan north of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5vwngcF0no …

Another captured arms storage in the city with 3 BMP-1, not seen before.

07-01-2016, 05:01 PM
Assad accuses the West for having double morals: publicly blaming him while cutting deals behind closed doors

Assad states that the West is secretly cooperating with him against rebels
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-assad-idUSKCN0ZG28G …
Confirming what we all already knew.

Daraya today.
Never-ending #terror by #Assad vs. the civilian population.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afISzqZFVjo …

Death toll is now 25 civilians killed in Assad airforce attacks on Tariq al-Bab area east #Aleppo.

Opposition factions advancing again in North #Latakia and took control of Wadi Basour, Qarmil and Ayn Ghazal villages.

07-01-2016, 05:18 PM
25+ dead after airstrikes on market in #Aleppo' s
Helwaniyah district
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.206745&lon=37.197990&z=16&m=b …

Aleppo Gathering of Al Quds brigade in Baath Center of Nayrab Palestinian Camp
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.174994&lon=37.221100&z=17&m=b …

07-01-2016, 05:20 PM

Syria's Assad air forces basically a 'criminal enterprise', US envoy says

Syria's Bashar al-Assad air force is a 'criminal enterprise' that attacks Syrian civilians, President Barack Obama's envoy to the anti-Daesh coalition charged Tuesday.

"The regime air force, as far as we can tell, is basically a criminal enterprise dropping barrel bombs and attacking civilians under the pretext of attacking Nusra," Brett McGurk said during congressional testimony referring to the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's Syrian branch.

"So long as this is going on it's a petri dish for extremist organizations," he added during a Senate Foreign Relations hearing.

The U.S. has been trying to buoy a fragile cessation of hostilities agreement that was brokered in February. Under the accord, Syria's warring parties are to refrain from military action, but Nusra and Daesh are excluded from its protections.

Assad and his principal military ally, Russia, have maintained that their efforts are targeting terrorists, including Nusra and the groups that work with it.

But critics, including the U.S., have alleged that the real targets are Syrian rebels fighting Assad's forces.

McGurk added that Iran has recently surpassed Russia in its influence with the Syrian government, and questioned whether Moscow has a long-term strategy for the war-stricken country.

"I frankly don't think they [Russia] have one," he said. "They came in to try to bulk up the Assad regime, and then I thought they could find the glide-path out of Syria, but that's really not proven to be the case."

McGurk maintained that the only way to end the conflict is to achieve a political transition.

But Russian and Iranian battlefield support for Assad has strengthened his hand at the negotiating table, complicating diplomatic efforts to see him removed from power.

The U.S. is leading more than 60 nations in an international campaign to defeat Daesh in Iraq and Syria.

In Syria, an ongoing offensive to retake the strategic city of Manbij, which the coalition is supporting with airpower and advisors, is intended to isolate Daesh's self-proclaimed Syrian capital, Raqqa, McGurk said.

"The Manbij operation is going on right now. It's hard fighting," he said. "Once that is done that sets the conditions for Raqqa."

07-01-2016, 05:24 PM
Yarmouk Battle: more spoils from #Kinsabba: 3 BMPs, ammo, ATGM, rocket launcher... #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH7ksibMxqs …

Sahel factions: pro-Assad highly motivated but ignorant of who they fight (captured told "I love Baghdadi") #Latakia

Reports more locations falling into Jaish Al-Fateh hands after #Kinsabba's seizure, esp. S. & along M-4. N. #Latakia

Opposition factions advancing again in North #Latakia and took control of Wadi Basour, Qarmil and Ayn Ghazal villages.

Jaish al-Islam interview regime army Su22 pilot crashed in East Qalamoun.

Thwart al-Reqqa Brigade part of SDF claim discovered 800 meter #IS tunnel under grain silos in Manbij

07-01-2016, 05:34 PM
Does the Obama/Rhodes WH really know what they are doing at all any more???? Or in the drive to achieve some kind of peace in Syria for his legacy they have simply lost their minds along the way......


U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia

By Karen DeYoung June 30 at 6:48 PM 

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”

“The Russians got off on the wrong foot in Syria,” Carter said. The stated purpose of airstrikes Russia began last fall was “to fight ISIL and . . . assist the political transition in Syria towards a post-Assad government.”

“They haven’t done either of those things,” he said. ISIL, along with ISIS and Daesh, is an alternative term for the Islamic State.

Senior administration officials declined to discuss details of the proposal, saying that publicizing the content of diplomatic talks would undermine their possible success.

“We’ve made no bones about the fact that if the Russians, with their military presence in Syria, proved to be willing to focus those efforts against Daesh, then that’s a conversation we would be willing to have,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

“There have been proposals offered by multiple parties,” he said. “We’re certainly not going to start laying those out publicly.”

The United States and Russia, while backing opposing sides in Syria’s civil war, co-chair an international task force that agreed early this year — along with Assad and the opposition — to support a “cessation of hostilities” and begin negotiations for a political solution that would allow the international community to turn its full attention to the fight against the Islamic State.

More than 400,000 Syrians have died in the civil war, which has also displaced half the population, with millions fleeing to neighboring countries and beyond.

The Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, are not parties to the truce. The administration has charged that Russia and Assad’s forces have violated it by continuing to launch airstrikes and other attacks on the anti-Assad opposition and civilians, under the guise of targeting the terrorist groups.

“What has prevented us from being able to more effectively coordinate militarily is that what the Russians have been militarily doing is propping up Assad and not going after ISIL,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said.

Russia has defended its actions, and those of Assad, by saying that U.S.-backed opposition fighters are interwoven with Jabhat al-Nusra forces, especially around the northwestern Syrian city of Aleppo.

While violations of the truce have escalated throughout Syria’s populated western third, Aleppo has become the epicenter of fighting. Jabhat al-Nusra forces are principally massed to the south of the city. While the administration has acknowledged some overlap in opposition-held areas to the north, officials charge that Russia’s principal interest in bombing there is to help Assad’s forces close rebel and humanitarian supply lines across the nearby Turkish border.

The advance of Islamic State fighters to areas close to Aleppo and other populated areas has also brought U.S. and Russian aircraft into closer proximity over the complicated Syrian battlefield. The Islamic State has rarely clashed with Assad.

In early May, as the cease-fire and U.N.-shepherded peace talks headed toward collapse, Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed to send senior military officers to “sit at the same table” in Geneva, where they set up a center to monitor violations.

Weeks later Russia — which has long sought more coordination with the West in Syria — proposed joint airstrikes against Jabhat-al-Nusra with the U.S.-led coalition that is bombing Islamic State positions.

Although U.S. officials were dismissive, the proposal unsettled U.S.-backed opposition representatives, who feared a backroom U.S.-Russia deal. They have said they will not return to the negotiating table until the violence abates.

Kerry and other U.S. officials have remained in close contact with their Russian counterparts, trying out a series of possible initiatives to revitalize the cease-fire, including the new offer of increased intelligence sharing on terrorist positions. Kerry is “fixated” on the Syria issue, “and he will stay so,” Kirby said.

Kerry has long advocated a more robust U.S. strategy to help the anti-Assad opposition, including additional weapons systems and the possible bombing of Assad’s military assets. Internal unhappiness with the current strategy, and the humanitarian disaster the war has brought to Syria, led 51 U.S. diplomats last month to write an internal “dissent channel” appeal for U.S. military action.

While President Obama has steadily increased U.S. attacks against the Islamic State in Syria, he has rejected entreaties for more direct involvement in the civil war, saying that he does not see how it would improve the situation.

But Obama has blessed efforts to persuade Russia to change its policies, including the intelligence offer.

Administration officials believe that the Russians have no deep attachment to Assad himself but fear his removal would spark a collapse of Syrian institutions and allow terrorist expansion — something the Obama administration has said will happen if Assad remains.

In an address Thursday to Russian ambassadors gathered in Moscow from across the world, President Vladi#mir Putin said that he was “prepared to work with any future president” and was interested in closer cooperation with the United States in international affairs.

“However, we consider unacceptable the approach on the part of the American establishment, which believes that they can decide in what issues they will cooperate with us,” Putin said.

07-01-2016, 06:09 PM
Iranian 107mm rockets seized from Assad's loyalists in #Latakia #Syria

Russian Air Force back in action in Latakia after Syrian rebels advance. Turkey-Russia ties not totally thawed yet https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-reemerges-northern-latakia-strike-jihadists-near-turkish-border/ …

15 years old Gholam A. Amiri, Afghan immigrant living in Iran and Fatemiyojn Div. fighter, killed in combat in Syria.http://www.iribnews.ir/fa/news/1142140/%D8%AA%D8%B4%DB%8C%DB%8C%D8%B9-%D9%BE%DB%8C%DA%A9%D8%B1-%D8%AF%D9%88-%D8%B4%D9%87%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B9-%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C%D9%86-%D9%88-%D9%82%D8%B1%DA%86%DA%A9 …

US DoD's train & equip program in #Syria: trained 100 since Jan, not able to fight SAA

07-01-2016, 06:30 PM
What really went on in the al-Bukamal battle against Isis this week http://thebea.st/29aIsMc
by @michaeldweiss

A US intervention against Nusra in Syria will have the same positive results. US clearly siding with Assad will affirm Nusra's narrative.

Jaish al-Fath take Ayn al-Ashra, Shir Qabuh, Tall al-Naqba SW Kinsibba in Akrad Mountain #Latakia countryside.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.757518&lon=36.136007&z=15&m=b …

Alot more Pkm, 12/14mm machine guns were captured all over the hills, not made in to media yet. Mostly brand new ghanaim. #Lattakia

Unconfirmed reports Assad forces retreated from Ayn al-Ghazal, Marj al-Zawiya & Qasatel near M5 highway SW Kinsibba.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.748916&lon=36.120644&z=15&m=b …

07-01-2016, 07:05 PM
CrowBat...anything on this on your end????

Nusra:Technical error crushed Syr jet not #JaishAlIslam who mistakenly killed pilot while trying 2 get him by force

07-01-2016, 07:09 PM
Obama's data: 473 strikes killed 2,477 combatants, 90 civilians.
Ours: 528 killed 4,189 combatants, 474 civilians.

07-01-2016, 08:53 PM
CrowBat...anything on this on your end????

Nusra:Technical error crushed Syr jet not #JaishAlIslam who mistakenly killed pilot while trying 2 get him by force
Nusra's rubbish.

Pilot - Maj Noures Hassan - ejected safely and was captured by the JAN.

Video of the crash site can be seen here:

He was then brought to the joint operations room (run by the JAI and the JAN), and interviewed:

And then one of the JAN idiots there executed him (i.e. shot him in the head, from behind, as can be seen here (https://twitter.com/islamalloush2/status/748890983056740352), GRAFFIC!!!).

The 'episode' left the JAI 'shocked', as they officially announced here (https://scontent-kul1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13567322_513346402183502_4810977210243996330_n.jpg ?oh=2ea9248c7e0129353d4917c46c2416b0&oe=5803F004).

Now, I am all against doing such things. If nothing else, Hassan was certainly a good potential source of intel.

Tragically, somebody there was probably longing for any kind of revenge after so much death and destruction caused by such like Hassan. After all, it's not for nothing I wrote here (https://warisboring.com/the-hind-gunship-is-one-of-syrias-worst-terror-weapons-a590dff95a4e#.6szqu3dwy):

In the words of several of SyAAF pilots, there is no other priority but to — literally — “cause mass destruction” and “burn Sunnis.”

That's precisely what no less but 5 of them (Hassan's colleagues) have mentioned to me in different interviews over the last two months.

Unsurprisingly, even somebody as blind as the US admin is meanwile caling Assadist flying service a criminal enterprise (http://www.dailysabah.com/syrian-crisis/2016/06/28/syrias-assad-air-forces-basically-a-criminal-enterprise-us-envoy-says).