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03-16-2007, 12:39 PM
We conducted some test on a HUMVEE....started fires, forgot the hotdogs and marshmellows:(

Inside the wheelwell temp reach 900 C, on the sensor located between the rear seat and the fabric, temperature maintained about 2 C above ambient.

03-16-2007, 01:36 PM
Hey Nichols !
A few quick questions without giving away secrets.

What was used to set and/or maintain the 900 degrees ?
How far from the wheelwell was the fabric and sensor ?

Our fire dept performed a similar test at 500 C. to see what their clothing would do. Not good. They used a large propane torch to start and maintain the fire. They also cooked the sensor :eek:

Regards, Stan

03-16-2007, 01:53 PM

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory bubbas controlled the monitoring...placement and type of sensors and so on.

1st test was thermite grenade, right front tire.

2nd test was gas/deisel mix, right front tire.

3rd test was thermite grenade, left rear tire.

4th test (graph and pictures) gas/deisel mix, left rear tire.

The fabric was lined inside the wheelwell and draped on top of the fender.

That fire department that you mentioned might want to use pyroman for future testing.

There is a point where if the people are wearing a fireproof suit.....they will go to vahalla anyways. The heat from breathing, or in the fireman's perspective; With the current technology, if they are in a fire to long they will be boiled alive from thier sweat.:mad:

03-16-2007, 02:09 PM
It appears your HUMVEE was used for other testing :D

A thermite grenade ? Now that's sounds like fun !

Tom and I had a single grenade on our safe top in Zaire. There was little classified left at that point, and the safe was filled with 12 ga. rounds :D

I often wondered who would get the honor of stuffing it into the safe while the other began the 100-yard dash :D

03-16-2007, 02:36 PM
We had the same type of problem in Bangui, the safes and storage of ammo/classified. There was at least 4000 rds of 5.56 which we couldn't shoot because the squirrels had sent the mini 14s away. A SOF detachment came through right before we closed down and they took the rounds that we didn't have weapons for.

All classified, I had no hurry soooo.........desintegrator......much better then shredding or burning:D

03-16-2007, 02:56 PM
You bring back fond memories of the C.A.R. When our C12 would go there to support IMET and FMF. I had a some rather stressful moments after sending a student from Bangui.

Following his English Language training, arrived on post for follow-on MOS training and decided to visit the post barbershop. Thinking he was still in the jungle, removed his t-shirt for the haircut. The barber, a female screamed and ran out of the barbershop. Frustrated, our gentleman left the barbershop and roamed the post.

He approached a young and attractive female and began a light conversation which progressed to a quick squeeze :eek:

She was not impressed and her dad was the Provost Marshall :mad:

When we did get him home again, he had the nerve to ask for a Certificate of Completion.

Gotta love Africa !

03-16-2007, 03:37 PM

Did you really think that WAWA wouldn't apply when you sent that student there?:D

You can take the man out of WAWA but you can't take WAWA out of the man.:wry:

Tom Odom
03-16-2007, 05:14 PM
From nichols


Did you really think that WAWA wouldn't apply when you sent that student there?

You can take the man out of WAWA but you can't take WAWA out of the man.

Absolutely true but...

Stan and I and I suspect you, too, have seen the VERY same behavior from wild assed white boys in Africe (or elsewhere)...come to think of it I have been a WAWBIA when the mode was right :wry:


03-16-2007, 05:41 PM
I could do this all night, but it wouldn't improve my comprehension.

The Zairois were far better at this routine. For years we would use Swissair with a stop in Zurich before flying the next day directly to Lackland....Something like that.

The Swiss Embassy called us one day. The last student that RON'd left with not only the minibar contents, but the frig, bed and frame, towels, et al. How did he get that out of the hotel ?

We were later forced to use Sabina (gotta love the Belg) they would spray the aircraft when one of the locals got on board and again upon landing.

They thought they were smarter than the Swiss, and kept the Zairian in the airport for 18 hours. That was a real bad move. Not only did he get out of the airport, he broke into the tax free shop for a smoke and whiskey first :D

Regards, Stan

03-16-2007, 06:12 PM
Me thinks Air Afrique can bring out the WAWBIA in all of us:eek:

I've just about finished reading another book that brings back memories:rolleyes:

French Lessons in Africa: Travels With My Briefcase

I rank it up there with Malaria Dreams.

03-17-2007, 08:02 AM
That's a great book. I found 'Travels With My Briefcase' funny, even though it was mostly true stuff !

Air Afrique was actually ranked 4th in Sub-Sahara :eek:

We had 'Scare Zaire' vs Air Zaire.
Imagine flying without yaw/pitch dampers :eek:

Do you recall what happened when Zaire didn't pay Brussels for landing and other fees ? The Belg impounded the DC10. Then, out of pure stupidity sent their weekly Sabina 747 to Zaire :confused:

When the 747 got to return, there was little on board worth mentioning. Although, her pilots did get her airborne again :D