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09-13-2016, 10:32 AM
The first true test of the Kerry/Lavrov deal is this Turkish humanitarian aid convoy of 33 trucks driving now straight for eastern Aleppo....will it be bombed by the Russians which they have previously done to all previous Turkish aid convoys OR will it pass through to Aleppo OR will it be shelled by Assad regime troops....???

Reports now of first convoy of aid trucks crossing #Turkey border into #Syria following start of #Syriaceasefire on Monday evening

09-13-2016, 10:48 AM
After Rafsanjani Calls To Moderate Iran Saudi Policy, Khamenei Gives Anti-Saudi Speech

Egyptian Researcher Ahmad Abdou Maher Criticizes Ancient Islamic Jurisprudence: "Idiocy and Insanity"

09-13-2016, 10:49 AM
Q: What happens if Assad bombs civilians?

@Statedeptspox: goal is to prevent it

Q: But what if? Shoot down?

Spox: Won't ans hypothetical

Reference the Kerry/Lavrov Eid "deal"....there are clear indications as stated by Kerry that there are at least 4 possibly 5 side agreements that they will not release for public viewing nor do the Syrian opposition even know about them...NOR has the US and or Russia answered the info requests of the HNC and armed group.....telling actually....

The State Dept - just the State Dept - changed its guidance 3 times in the course of 90 minutes.

Kerry's comments & @StateDept correction means Assad can bomb Nusra outside agreed safe zone as part of new CF (without US OK)

You're asking technical q's about a confidential deal that everyone seems to be saying something different about

SO exactly just what is Kerry trying to cover up and what has he committed the US to and has he "sold out"....the Syrian opposition after five years of rebellion????

Just maybe.......

09-13-2016, 11:04 AM
"Anyone supplying #Syria opp groups has absolutely no control over ultimate destination of weapons".

Not only is #SAA stupid enough to store huge amounts of ammo near front lines (Ayyash), corruption does the rest.

Ceasefire in Syria?
Ceasefire in Ukraine still working well too. 3 Ukraine soldiers killed in past 24 hours by Russian forces and proxies

09-13-2016, 02:48 PM
We are now about two hours away from going into day 2 of a 7 day ceasefire and YET the UN still cannot OR better yet WILL not delivery the agreed to humanitarian aid WHICH is a core part of this ceasefire just as they could/would not after Geneva 2........

UN spox denies Turkish report that UN aid convoy heading to E Aleppo. Conditions aren't secure enough, "very early hours" of ceasefire.

IN Syria and the UN should know this BUT WAIT they spend their entre time in a Damascus 4Star hotel......"conditions are never secure enough".....

BUT WAIT...here is the real truth the UN and Kerry/Lavrov do not want you to know.....

Syria'n goverment refuse aid supplies for 300.000 people in besieged parts of #Aleppo city

Syria No aid trucks arrived via Castello road (guarded by #Russia'n soldiers) in rebel held E- #Aleppo or kurdish Sheikh Maqsud until now

09-13-2016, 03:04 PM
Assad now is breaking the ceasefire.......

Syria Regime artillery shelling on #Aleppo's northern suburbs

Syria No airstrikes on "Non-#IslamicState" -areas until now, but sporadic artillery shelling by regime in #Aleppo & northern #Daraa

BUT NOW Russia violates their own ceasefire by deliberating attacking an IDP camp on the Jordanian border.....

Syria Reports: #Russia'n airstrikes hit #refugee camp (ppl. from #Palmyra & #Sukhna) in desert at border to #Jordan

MORE violations......

Syria #Assad forces shelling the villages of Alqrasi and Zitan in #Aleppo's south

Artillery shelling in southern #Syria at Harra & Aqraba towns

MAJOR ASSAD violation...this area is to be A DMZ protected by Russian troops....AT least that is what Kerry/Lavrov have stated.....

Syria #Assad-forces refuse to leave Castello road supply road in northern #Aleppo until now- despite #Russia'n soldiers guards

Syria #Assad-forces shelling Zaytan town in southern #Aleppo with heavy artillery
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.057981&lon=37.010965&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Hezbollah shelling #Zabadani in west of #Damascus
BUT WAIT...is Hezbollah even included in this Eid ceasefire?????

No reports of airstrikes on rebel held areas today. Shelling and gunfire continue

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces shelling also Northern #Aleppo with heavy artillery now.

09-13-2016, 03:12 PM
Kyle W. Orton Verified account 
The State Department clarification yesterday said the U.S. aim was to stop #Assad bombing areas containing the opposition or #JFS.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
So either #Assad:
- can bomb JFS outside JIC-designated areas
- can bomb JFS in coordination w/ JIC
- cannot bomb JFS at all
Important which

This letter was sent from #US to #Syria armed groups shows #Kerry approving regime's air strikes IS CORRECT

Hassan Hassan ‏@hxhassan
Says the regime can bomb "*outside* the designated areas mentioned above" once JIC is formed. Not what Kerry said.

09-13-2016, 03:17 PM
EU Mythbusters
✔ @EUvsDisinfo ProKremlin narrative that West is against Russia has become STRONGER. Latest #DisinfoReview:

Aric Toler ‏@AricToler
People spreading fake photos of Syrians downing an Israeli F16. Photo found on a 2014 message board post.

09-13-2016, 04:17 PM
Hama: Rebels destroying #Assad tank with ATGM at #Mount_Zayn_al_Abdeen north of #Hama City today.

Hama: This video proves that rebels control #Iskandarīyah village and most other positions north of #Mount_Zayn_al_Abdeen.

09-13-2016, 04:19 PM
We are now about two hours away from going into day 2 of a 7 day ceasefire and YET the UN still cannot OR better yet WILL not delivery the agreed to humanitarian aid WHICH is a core part of this ceasefire just as they could/would not after Geneva 2........

UN spox denies Turkish report that UN aid convoy heading to E Aleppo. Conditions aren't secure enough, "very early hours" of ceasefire.

IN Syria and the UN should know this BUT WAIT they spend their entre time in a Damascus 4Star hotel......"conditions are never secure enough".....

BUT WAIT...here is the real truth the UN and Kerry/Lavrov do not want you to know.....

Syria'n goverment refuse aid supplies for 300.000 people in besieged parts of #Aleppo city

Syria No aid trucks arrived via Castello road (guarded by #Russia'n soldiers) in rebel held E- #Aleppo or kurdish Sheikh Maqsud until now

Assad regime: "Plans to send aid into Eastern #Aleppo was not coordinated with us or approved by us."

Assad approval was not part and parcel of the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire UNLESS it was hidden in their five secret agreements they do not want to openly publish......

Actually of one really goes through the at least public version of the agreement....delivery of aid to all besieged areas including Aleppo is key for the continuing of the joint Russian/US JIC...

09-13-2016, 04:27 PM
FSA Army of Eastern Lions destroyed an #ISIS technical with a BGM-71 TOW in the al-Tais area in the Syrian Desert

09-13-2016, 04:30 PM
During Live Russian MoD Briefing from #Aleppo Russian&Syrian soldiers on #Castello road came under fire

They did not state from whom?????

09-13-2016, 05:09 PM
Assad now is breaking the ceasefire.......

Syria Regime artillery shelling on #Aleppo's northern suburbs

Syria No airstrikes on "Non-#IslamicState" -areas until now, but sporadic artillery shelling by regime in #Aleppo & northern #Daraa

BUT NOW Russia violates their own ceasefire by deliberating attacking an IDP camp on the Jordanian border.....

Syria Reports: #Russia'n airstrikes hit #refugee camp (ppl. from #Palmyra & #Sukhna) in desert at border to #Jordan

MORE violations......

Syria #Assad forces shelling the villages of Alqrasi and Zitan in #Aleppo's south

Artillery shelling in southern #Syria at Harra & Aqraba towns

MAJOR ASSAD violation...this area is to be A DMZ protected by Russian troops....AT least that is what Kerry/Lavrov have stated.....

Syria #Assad-forces refuse to leave Castello road supply road in northern #Aleppo until now- despite #Russia'n soldiers guards

Syria #Assad-forces shelling Zaytan town in southern #Aleppo with heavy artillery
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.057981&lon=37.010965&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Hezbollah shelling #Zabadani in west of #Damascus
BUT WAIT...is Hezbollah even included in this Eid ceasefire?????

No reports of airstrikes on rebel held areas today. Shelling and gunfire continue

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces shelling also Northern #Aleppo with heavy artillery now.

Assad-forces shelling Kafr Nasij (triangle of death) in southern #Syria with artillery

Syria Clashes btw rebels & #IS continues in eastern #Qalamoun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u0CaHGw-sw …

Heavy regime artillery shelling on #Harra town in southern #Syria

Syria #Hama #Assad-forces shelling Kawkab from Maan
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.328151&lon=36.806602&z=13&m=b …

09-13-2016, 05:11 PM
SO did Kerry and Obama "buy the Russian agreement to the ceasefire"....

Russia says U.S. lifts sanctions concerning helicopter project - RIA

The United States has lifted some of the sanctions it imposed on Russia's state arms trader Rosoboronexport concerning a helicopter project, RIA news agency quoted Russia's Foreign Ministry as saying on Tuesday

Part of Syria deal? Russian media abuzz, USG silent

2 years ago 63 Mi-17's got delivered by Rosobornexport (USG bought them for Afghans). This move reportedly allows for them to be serviced.

09-13-2016, 05:23 PM
Assad regime: "Plans to send aid into Eastern #Aleppo was not coordinated with us or approved by us."

Assad approval was not part and parcel of the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire UNLESS it was hidden in their five secret agreements they do not want to openly publish......

Actually of one really goes through the at least public version of the agreement....delivery of aid to all besieged areas including Aleppo is key for the continuing of the joint Russian/US JIC...

Syria 2 convoys of ~40 aid trucks for #Aleppo city still wait in #Idlib to get access

The Jerusalem Post Verified account 
Second aid convoy crosses into Syria from Turkish border town

09-13-2016, 05:32 PM
Assad-forces shelling Kafr Nasij (triangle of death) in southern #Syria with artillery

Syria Clashes btw rebels & #IS continues in eastern #Qalamoun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u0CaHGw-sw …

Heavy regime artillery shelling on #Harra town in southern #Syria

Syria #Hama #Assad-forces shelling Kawkab from Maan
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.328151&lon=36.806602&z=13&m=b …

Charles Lister Verified account 
#Syria monitor @syriahr reports *0 casualties* in the first 24hrs of the ceasefire, within designated CoH areas.

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
SOHR’s reports conflict w. oppo news from #Idlib & #Damascus, claiming 24 fatalities today:
http://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/122835/Assad-Russia-violate-truce-massacres-in-Idlibs-Maaret-Mesreen-Douma …

09-14-2016, 04:18 AM
I had posted yesterday a Russian military video depicting a Russian and a Syrian soldier on Castello Road that claimed they were being shelled......after open source analysis looked at the video it was determined to be propaganda ...all so called incoming turns out to be outgoing shelling......

Putin propaganda fails as usual. Not a -single- whistle of a round being fired in their direction. All outgoing.

09-14-2016, 07:00 AM
Day TWO Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire..

Syria #Assad-forces shelling villages in "triangle of death" in northern #Daraa province with Grad rockets

Syrian government sieges drive out Sunni population, shift demographics to surround itself with allies
WOW...now even WSJ "see's" ethnic cleansing...BUT not the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH.....

Syria Clashes at regime held Hader in #Quneitra continues
Rebels still control Tel Hamriya

Hama : Regime helicopters barrel bomb the village of #Zalaqiat.

Syria Helicopter cast barrel bombs tonight on Atshan in NE-#Hama

Syria Regime tanks shelling #Houla in NW #Homs

Aleppo : Regime helicopters barrel bombs the city's #Tariq_al_Bab neighborhood.

Syria Warplanes bombing Rashedin &Khan Thoman at southern outskirts of #Aleppo

09-14-2016, 07:03 AM
Interesting new IS video of their shot down of the Russian Mi35 copter that was actually providing CAS......will try to get the link.

VIDEO: New footage from #ISIS shows the shooting down of a Russian helicopter in early July near Palmyra - @Dalatrm

09-14-2016, 07:07 AM
IMPORTANT....the Russian MoD video of their being shot at on the Castello Road was a propaganda attempt to block all humanitarian aid from using the Castello Road.....WHAT is interesting is that the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was also designed to use the rebel crossing point ......

Putin TV with fake action show on #Aleppo's Castello supply road to block #UN aid supplies to besieged city

Syrian regime is blocking aid from entering eastern Aleppo, claims UN

Aleppo: All Turkish aid trucks returned to #Turkey, after #Assad regime denied access to Eastern #Aleppo.

IMPORTANT...one of the key points in the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was the immediate delivery of aid into eastern Aleppo during the SEVEN day air strike ceasefire.....WE are ccurrently on DAY TWO heading into DAY THREE and still no aid deliveries made anywhere to any besieged areas.....

BTW I am now calling this the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan because;
1. we have had four different DoS statements as to what Kerry said and or did not say about the US supporting Assad airstrikes
2. humanitarian aid which was to immediately start if the chaos plan held...has not started and is as usual being blocked by Assad as he needs to starve the Sunni's into submission
3. airstrikes have been largely replaced by Assad artillery strikes AND nothing is being said
4. apparently we now have Russian sanctions being pulled by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH as a "bribe payment" to Russia....BUT WAIT we have had over 33.3B USDs in cash and gold already paid to Iran as a "bribe" as part of the Iran Deal which also had "secret agreements"......

5. AND worst of all we have five separate agreements that have been deemed "secret" and no one knows what they are...smacks of the "Iran Deal"....

AND...... simply put Assad is back to barrel bombing and air strikes hours into the so called Kerry/Lavrov chaos plan....AN open, clear and concise violation of the chaos plan.

BUT WAIT ...he can do this as there is absolutely no enforcement mechanism built into the chaos plan.....

09-14-2016, 07:29 AM
Day TWO Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire..

Syria #Assad-forces shelling villages in "triangle of death" in northern #Daraa province with Grad rockets

Syrian government sieges drive out Sunni population, shift demographics to surround itself with allies
WOW...now even WSJ "see's" ethnic cleansing...BUT not the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH.....

Syria Clashes at regime held Hader in #Quneitra continues
Rebels still control Tel Hamriya

Hama : Regime helicopters barrel bomb the village of #Zalaqiat.

Syria Helicopter cast barrel bombs tonight on Atshan in NE-#Hama

Syria Regime tanks shelling #Houla in NW #Homs

Aleppo : Regime helicopters barrel bombs the city's #Tariq_al_Bab neighborhood.

Syria Warplanes bombing Rashedin &Khan Thoman at southern outskirts of #Aleppo

MAYBE both Kerry and Lavrov need to urgently use Google and read what is defined for the word "ceasefire".....

1. An order to stop firing.
2. Suspension of active hostilities, cessation of hostilities; a truce

In Kerry's comments at the Geneva press conference he started that the ceasefire means not a single bomb or artillery shell being fired....AT that is what he implied it meant.....

BUT if one reads their chaos ceasefire plan there really is no definition of what is really considered to be a successful ceasefire......

WHAT we are now getting from their comments in MSM is ..."the ceasefire is largely holding".....

EXACTLY what we have heard every single day of Minsk 2 and the UAF is being killed and wounded by daily aggressive Russian shelling's and ground attacks......BUT "the ceasefire is largely holding there to"......

Nothing but hypocrisy .....and an attempt to simply cover up the failures of Minsk 2 and any Syrian ceasefire.....

09-14-2016, 07:33 AM
Damascus: Several #Israel|i airstrikes on pro-#Assad forces at #Qatana town 18 kilometers west of #Damascus now.

Damascus: #Israel|i airstrikes have hit #Assad regime Brigade 121 in #Kanaker, 25 kilometers southwest of #Damascus.

Israel|i Air Force bombing pro-#Assad forces in #Quneitra Province tonight. #Assad regime shooting back with AA guns. #Golan

Comment out of Syria.....
Israel can bomb pro-#Assad forces everywhere around #Damascus, but the coward #Obama can't.

09-14-2016, 07:40 AM
IMPORTANT....the Russian MoD video of their being shot at on the Castello Road was a propaganda attempt to block all humanitarian aid from using the Castello Road.....WHAT is interesting is that the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was also designed to use the rebel crossing point ......

Putin TV with fake action show on #Aleppo's Castello supply road to block #UN aid supplies to besieged city

Syrian regime is blocking aid from entering eastern Aleppo, claims UN

Aleppo: All Turkish aid trucks returned to #Turkey, after #Assad regime denied access to Eastern #Aleppo.

IMPORTANT...one of the key points in the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was the immediate delivery of aid into eastern Aleppo during the SEVEN day air strike ceasefire.....WE are ccurrently on DAY TWO heading into DAY THREE and still no aid deliveries made anywhere to any besieged areas.....

BTW I am now calling this the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan because;
1. we have had four different DoS statements as to what Kerry said and or did not say about the US supporting Assad airstrikes
2. humanitarian aid which was to immediately start if the chaos plan held...has not started and is as usual being blocked by Assad as he needs to starve the Sunni's into submission
3. airstrikes have been largely replaced by Assad artillery strikes AND nothing is being said
4. apparently we now have Russian sanctions being pulled by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH as a "bribe payment" to Russia....BUT WAIT we have had over 33.3B USDs in cash and gold already paid to Iran as a "bribe" as part of the Iran Deal which also had "secret agreements"......

5. AND worst of all we have five separate agreements that have been deemed "secret" and no one knows what they are...smacks of the "Iran Deal"....

AND...... simply put Assad is back to barrel bombing and air strikes hours into the so called Kerry/Lavrov chaos plan....AN open, clear and concise violation of the chaos plan.

BUT WAIT ...he can do this as there is absolutely no enforcement mechanism built into the chaos plan.....

While pro-#Assad forces shelling rebel-held areas across #Syria with heavy artillery, #Russia accusing rebels of breaking the "ceasefire".....

NOTICE neither the Russians NOR the US say a single word about Assad violations ESPECIALLY the latest verified Assad barrel bombings and air strikes AS the rebels have no AF......

Hey, like @JohnKerry said, there may be ceasefire violations: like everyday round the clock , just like before ceasefire started!!

09-14-2016, 07:45 AM
SYRIAN PROOF SyAAF destroyed entire Israeli air force over the Zionist-occupied Golan!!!!!!!!!

09-14-2016, 07:48 AM
Promo of Jaish al Nasr fighting, presumably in northern #Hama. #FSA
includes #ATGM clips.

09-14-2016, 08:07 AM
FROM another ceasefire that the US/Russia alternatively state..."it is largely holding" BUT actually the ceasefire Minsk 2 is dead in the water since it was signed...SO if Russia cannot hold to this ceasefire agreement WHY does Kerry/Obama "believe" they will hold to one in Syria??????

Looks like pro Russians want to empty their ammo storages before they start the newest ceasefire in the new ceasefire in the old ceasefire..

There was heavy artillery fire from #Makeevka all night. Locals say heaviest outgoing fire since a long time:

56 pro Russian attacks in eastern #Ukraine yesterday until midnight. A new 'ceasefire record' this month.

Shelling in eastern #Ukraine last night until late night. There was very strong artillery fire from #Donetsk. Outskirts & #Avdeevka hit.

Fighting is reported from e.g. east of #Mariupol, #Donetsk, #Avdeevka, #Horlivka, #Debaltseve area

BREAKING: Heavy shelling in
multiple places in eastern #Ukraine tonight including heavy artillery and Grad-P attacks

With such high casualties, rising number in attacks & use of heavy artillery we can certainly say ceasefire is dead.

09-14-2016, 08:08 AM
FROM another ceasefire that the US/Russia alternatively state..."it is largely holding" BUT actually the ceasefire Minsk 2 is dead in the water since it was signed...SO if Russia cannot hold to this ceasefire agreement WHY does Kerry/Obama "believe" they will hold to one in Syria??????

Looks like pro Russians want to empty their ammo storages before they start the newest ceasefire in the new ceasefire in the old ceasefire..

There was heavy artillery fire from #Makeevka all night. Locals say heaviest outgoing fire since a long time:

56 pro Russian attacks in eastern #Ukraine yesterday until midnight. A new 'ceasefire record' this month.

Shelling in eastern #Ukraine last night until late night. There was very strong artillery fire from #Donetsk. Outskirts & #Avdeevka hit.

Fighting is reported from e.g. east of #Mariupol, #Donetsk, #Avdeevka, #Horlivka, #Debaltseve area

BREAKING: Heavy shelling in
multiple places in eastern #Ukraine tonight including heavy artillery and Grad-P attacks

With such high casualties, rising number in attacks & use of heavy artillery we can certainly say ceasefire is dead.

07:18 #Horlivka @NovaGorlivka "...RU calmed down only before 5 a.m., entire town's west boomed"

09-14-2016, 08:22 AM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
#Iran's FM in @nytimes attacks Saudis and "Wahhabism," without a trace of irony as destabilising exporters of hate.

BUT WAIT not a single mention of Khomeini's Revolutionary Islam preaching's, or the IRGC, Hezbollah, QUD's Force, AFG/Pakistani/Iraqi Shia militias ....OR their taking of the US Embassy or their bombings of US forces in the ME OR ESPECIALLY their harboring of AQ inside Iran.

NOTHING about that whatsoever in the article........"selective forgetfulness"

09-14-2016, 08:25 AM
By clinging to "sovereignty" in #Syria, the UN has become an accomplice/complicit in/to expulsions and massacres.
v @LN_Lara1

WHO would have thought it ever possible that the UN supports "ethnic cleansing, starvation and genocide"........with millions of USDs going to a genocidal dictator as "bribes" and the Syrian UN Staff residing in a 5Star hotel overseeing all of this....

Aleppo residents protest agnst UN, as its trucks wait on Turkish border. "We want freedom not week's worth of aid"

09-14-2016, 08:37 AM
IMPORTANT....the Russian MoD video of their being shot at on the Castello Road was a propaganda attempt to block all humanitarian aid from using the Castello Road.....WHAT is interesting is that the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was also designed to use the rebel crossing point ......

Putin TV with fake action show on #Aleppo's Castello supply road to block #UN aid supplies to besieged city

Syrian regime is blocking aid from entering eastern Aleppo, claims UN

Aleppo: All Turkish aid trucks returned to #Turkey, after #Assad regime denied access to Eastern #Aleppo.

IMPORTANT...one of the key points in the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan was the immediate delivery of aid into eastern Aleppo during the SEVEN day air strike ceasefire.....WE are ccurrently on DAY TWO heading into DAY THREE and still no aid deliveries made anywhere to any besieged areas.....

BTW I am now calling this the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan because;
1. we have had four different DoS statements as to what Kerry said and or did not say about the US supporting Assad airstrikes
2. humanitarian aid which was to immediately start if the chaos plan held...has not started and is as usual being blocked by Assad as he needs to starve the Sunni's into submission
3. airstrikes have been largely replaced by Assad artillery strikes AND nothing is being said
4. apparently we now have Russian sanctions being pulled by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH as a "bribe payment" to Russia....BUT WAIT we have had over 33.3B USDs in cash and gold already paid to Iran as a "bribe" as part of the Iran Deal which also had "secret agreements"......

5. AND worst of all we have five separate agreements that have been deemed "secret" and no one knows what they are...smacks of the "Iran Deal"....

AND...... simply put Assad is back to barrel bombing and air strikes hours into the so called Kerry/Lavrov chaos plan....AN open, clear and concise violation of the chaos plan.

BUT WAIT ...he can do this as there is absolutely no enforcement mechanism built into the chaos plan.....

NOTICE the game Assad and Putin/Lavrov play with humanitarian aid...it is a key provision inside the new Chaos ceasefire plan.....BUT UN states it cannot deliver anything as they are being blocked by Assad.....

THEN Assad states this today......

Syrian govt rejects aid to Aleppo not coordinated through it and U.N.: SANA

Syria's government said on Tuesday it will reject any aid deliveries to Aleppo that are not coordinated through itself and the United Nations, particularly aid from Turkey, state media reported.
"The Syrian Arab Republic announces its rejection of humanitarian aid entering Aleppo which is not coordinated through the Syrian government and the United Nations, in particular from the Turkish regime," state news agency SANA said, citing a foreign ministry official.

SO Assad and UN play merry-go-around with excuses for non delivery AND Kerry says nothing and the Russians certainly say nothing.....

BUT WAIT.....the Russians have literally rammed 59 so called humanitarian aid convoys into eastern Ukraine WITHOUT asking for UN or Ukrainian approval nor inspections....WHICH have largely been military resupply runs....

WHAT is good for the goose (eastern Ukraine mercenaries/Russian troops) is APPARENTLY not good for the gander (Syrian rebels).

HAS Kerry been sleeping at the wheel and has he never been briefed on the Russian so call "aid convoys to eastern Ukraine"????????

09-14-2016, 08:45 AM
Ah.......the truth always wins out...finally US MSM is thoroughly understanding the slight of hand trick the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH pulled with their latest Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan......

The #US-#Russia deal on #Syria is a face saving manoeuvre for #Obama and #Kerry, nothing else.

WASHINGTON — The agreement that Secretary of State John Kerry announced with Russia to reduce the killing in Syria has widened an increasingly public divide between Mr. Kerry and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has deep reservations about the plan for American and Russian forces to jointly target terrorist groups.
Mr. Carter was among the administration officials who pushed against the agreement on a conference call with the White House last week as Mr. Kerry, joining the argument from a secure facility in Geneva, grew increasingly frustrated. Although President Obama ultimately approved the effort after hours of debate, Pentagon officials remain unconvinced.
On Tuesday at the Pentagon, officials would not even agree that if a cessation of violence in Syria held for seven days — the initial part of the deal — the Defense Department would put in place its part of the agreement on the eighth day: an extraordinary collaboration between the United States and Russia that calls for the American military to share information with Moscow on Islamic State targets in Syria.

“I’m not saying yes or no,” Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, commander of the United States Air Forces Central Command, told reporters on a video conference call. “It would be premature to say that we’re going to jump right into it.”
White House officials were also dubious. “I think we’d have some reasons to be skeptical that the Russians are able or are willing to implement the arrangement consistent with the way it’s been described,” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said Monday at a briefing. He added, darkly, “But we’ll see.”

In Mr. Kerry’s view, the administration has needed to do everything it can to restrain the forces of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria from continuing to bomb civilians. Once the Russians entered the war, that meant making the deal with President Vladimir V. Putin — one in which the Russians would pressure Mr. Assad to stay out of the skies.

For Mr. Kerry, the search for a reduction in violence in Syria, and ultimately a political agreement that will ease Mr. Assad out of office, is a matter of legacy and reputation. His first major project as secretary of state, reviving Middle East peace talks, collapsed before his first year in office was complete. His next major effort, the Iran nuclear deal, was far more successful, and he ultimately found a way to persuade the Iranians to ship most of their nuclear material out of the country and dismantle key facilities.

Video Idlib Province in Syria was hit by deadly airstrikes ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday, which began on Monday, the same day as a cease-fire. An area resident, Muhammed Najdat Kaddour, filmed the scene.

But the Syria deal, as Mr. Kerry himself conceded at the State Department on Monday, is far more complex, in part because there are so many other players, beyond Washington and Moscow, with stakes in the outcome. In private, he has conceded to aides and friends that he believes it will not work. But he has said he is determined to try, so that he and Mr. Obama do not leave office having failed to alleviate a civil war that has taken roughly half a million lives.

The first full day of the cease-fire passed on Tuesday with no notable violations, but an atmosphere of deep mistrust prevailed in Syria’s war-ravaged areas, residents and monitoring groups reported. The skepticism was fed partly by what appeared to be delays in expediting United Nations aid deliveries to the northern city of Aleppo and other combat zones where civilians have long been deprived of food and medicine. Relief for these areas is an important component of the cease-fire agreement.

The United Nations mediator in the conflict, Staffan de Mistura, told reporters in Geneva that there had been a “significant drop in violence” since the cease-fire plan took effect at sundown on Monday. But he said United Nations relief trucks bound for Aleppo, lined up at southern Turkey’s border with Syria, had not received assurances of safe travel. Mr. de Mistura also said the Syrian government had still not provided required authorizations for deliveries to other locations, “but we are eagerly hoping and expecting the government to issue them very soon.”

The divide between Mr. Kerry and Mr. Carter reflects the inherent conflict in Mr. Obama’s Syria policy. The president has come under increased fire politically for his refusal to intervene more forcefully in the five-year civil war, which the United Nations says has killed more than 400,000 people, displaced more than six million and led to a refugee crisis in Europe. But keeping large numbers of American ground forces out of Syria has also created space for Russia to assume a greater role there, both on the battlefield and at the negotiating table.

The result is that at a time when the United States and Russia are at their most combative posture since the end of the Cold War, the American military is suddenly being told that it may, in a week, have to start sharing intelligence with one of its biggest adversaries to jointly target Islamic State and Nusra Front forces in Syria.

“I remain skeptical about anything to do with the Russians,” Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, who recently stepped down as NATO’s supreme allied commander, said Monday in an interview. “There are a lot of concerns about putting out there where our folks are.”
In an email, Peter Cook, the Pentagon press secretary, said: “As Secretary Carter has said, Secretary Kerry has worked tirelessly to try and ease the suffering of the Syrian people and bring about a diplomatic resolution to the Syrian civil war. If fully implemented, this arrangement could advance those important goals.

The Defense Department, he added, “will carry out its responsibilities, but it’s really up to Russia and the regime to comply with the terms and finally start doing the right thing in Syria.”

SOUNDS like the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan is really really working well.......

1. massive Russian and Assad air strikes three hours into the ceasefire with a large loss of civilian lives
2. continued Assad barrel bombing and air strikes today ALONG with heavy artillery shelling's
3. AND absolutely not a single aid convoy from ANYONE being allowed by Assad to be delivered.....

AND this is DAY TWO going into DAY THREE of a SEVEN DAY ceasefire...

NOW that sounds like the beginnings of a highly successful ceasefire to me.......????

09-14-2016, 10:04 AM
Putin himself warned Kerry via Lavrov that striking Assad in 2013 would jeopardize the Iranian nuclear negotiations.

Talk about then "freezing" the entire remaining four years of US FP.....just with one warning.....SO who made the decision to "freeze" US FP.....and tilt to Iran???

SO was this the reason for that sudden "Rose Garden walk" then backing down from his own "red line"...

THERE is also some talk that the Iranians also threatened Obama if he attacked Assad right up to the signing of the agreement and it goes IMHO to the comments in the Obama 20,000 word interview "that Syria is in the Iranian sphere of influence" WHICH is strange when one knows that 78% of the Syrian population is Sunni.......

09-14-2016, 10:14 AM
The song of “A Factory of Hope " video and translated.

09-14-2016, 10:27 AM
NOTICE the game Assad and Putin/Lavrov play with humanitarian aid...it is a key provision inside the new Chaos ceasefire plan.....BUT UN states it cannot deliver anything as they are being blocked by Assad.....

THEN Assad states this today......

SO Assad and UN play merry-go-around with excuses for non delivery AND Kerry says nothing and the Russians certainly say nothing.....

BUT WAIT.....the Russians have literally rammed 59 so called humanitarian aid convoys into eastern Ukraine WITHOUT asking for UN or Ukrainian approval nor inspections....WHICH have largely been military resupply runs....

WHAT is good for the goose (eastern Ukraine mercenaries/Russian troops) is APPARENTLY not good for the gander (Syrian rebels).

HAS Kerry been sleeping at the wheel and has he never been briefed on the Russian so call "aid convoys to eastern Ukraine"????????

Next big test for Syria deal: can Russia stop Assad blocking food and medicine from reaching civilians.

Putin helped to reset the siege on Aleppo & now controls the checkpoints, they are directly helping him.

It is not a thing of what degree, RU went all in on Aleppo. Their airstrikes set siege again & now troops stand guard.

BUT WAIT.....REMEMBER when the Russian Syrian Ambassador publicly stated...."Assad has no plans to attack Aleppo"....so who was lying Assad or the Russian Ambassador????

BUT WAIT...on the first day of EiD and after prayer Assad stated he is going to retake all of Syria...naturally with the help of Russia and Putin.....

09-14-2016, 10:38 AM
Syria #IslamicState launch new attempt to avance in #DeirEzzor city against #Assad-forces.
Airstrikes & clashes ongoing

Syria: Russia delivers aid to Qamishlo and Hasakah for families of dead regime soldiers

BUT WAIT still no humanitarian aid convoys to eastern Aleppo as per the Kerry/Lavrov chaos ceasefire plan.......a key component of the agreement

Syria Why #UN doesn't parachute supplies by air into besieged #Aleppo?
Does it for #DeirEzzor city (regime besieged by #IS) for months now!

Turkish aid rotting now because terrorist #Assad allows no food supplies to Eastern #Aleppo
Assad regime blocks 1st aid delivery to #Aleppo - breaking 1-day-old US-#Russia deal terms

Syria Calm in #Aleppo city & no breaches of ceasefire since morning.

09-14-2016, 10:46 AM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Nuance - #Syria’s opposition has *not* rejected the US-#Russia deal altogether.

- The CoH (+ aid) is accepted
- JFS targeting is rejected

It’s certainly hedging at its purest - covering all poss bases.

Private responses also differ to public statements.

Bear in mind, opposition factions don’t expect JIC phase of the deal to succeed, hence why we’ve not seen an explicit rejection [yet].

For JFS, all that matters is the JIC phase - hence their public messaging of the opposition having totally rejected the deal in full.

09-14-2016, 10:51 AM
Syria Update: Death Toll Rises to 96 from Pro-#Assad Airstrikes on #Idlib City Last Saturday

09-14-2016, 10:59 AM
MFA Russia ✔
We consider unilateral ceasefire by Donetsk & Lugansk to be major practical step taken to strengthen silence regime

BUT WAIT..it is interesting that Russian FM uses the term "silence regime" as that is exactly what they called their own declared "silence regimes" (three of them) in Syria and surprise surprise...Russia NEVER held to a single "silence regime that they declared".....

Taking bets on just how long this eastern Ukrainian "silence regime" holds....all past Russian ceasefires inside the Minsk 2 ceasefire never held longer than 4 hours.....before they started shelling again.....

09-14-2016, 11:02 AM
MFA Russia ✔
We consider unilateral ceasefire by Donetsk & Lugansk to be major practical step taken to strengthen silence regime

BUT WAIT..it is interesting that Russian FM uses the term "silence regime" as that is exactly what they called their own declared "silence regimes" (three of them) in Syria and surprise surprise...Russia NEVER held to a single "silence regime that they declared".....

Taking bets on just how long this eastern Ukrainian "silence regime" holds....all past Russian ceasefires inside the Minsk 2 ceasefire never held longer than 4 hours.....before they started shelling again.....

@mfa_russia While Russian Army commanders reorganise, resupply and refresh their frontline and rear. Fooling no one.

EXACTLY what happens every time Russia called a ceasefire in Syria....Assad rushed troops and supplies everywhere and the rebels respected the ceasefire......

09-14-2016, 02:52 PM
Where is Abu Hamzah al Khalidi, the head of al Qaeda's military commission, currently? He's in #Iran:

Syria Reports of fighting about control of Al Tabni at #Euphrates btw #IS & local gunmen

FSA took huge area from #IslamicState (~1000km˛?) west of #Euphrates river along border to #Turkey

09-14-2016, 02:55 PM
Assad and Putin continue to violate the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan.....

BUT WAIT Russia wants to extend it TWO more days....YET under the same chaos plan humanitarian aid should have been delivered BUT Putin cannot it seems control Assad.......

Syria'n regime (or #Russia) carried out more than 20 airstrikes since ceasefire
(in #Aleppo, #Idlib, #Hama provinces)

Syria Airstrikes on Khan Shaykhun in southern #Idlib with victims

Syria Airstrike on outskirts of Al-Lataminah in northern #Hama

Syria Airstrikes on Khan Al-Sibel located at highway #Hama -> #Aleppo

Syria Airstrikes in northern #Hama

Civilian wounded and killed including again children

NOTICE not a single word from Kerry about the lack of humanitarian aid being delivered as agreed to....as he knows it is a core/key demand by the HNC and both he and Larvor stated it would be delivered....

09-14-2016, 02:57 PM
Killing for #Assad: #Russia's War in #Syria

Part 1 >> https://youtu.be/IMHdOEWLFsc#

Part 2 >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X83li_62Nyo&feature=youtu.be#…

09-14-2016, 03:09 PM
"I have killed more than 200 times more innocent people than 9/11 victims, but I remain Mr. President with Embassies AND a UN seat....No one calls me a terrorist"..........

Guess who????

09-14-2016, 03:12 PM
Syria.....All these parties against a people fighting for freedom, the rule of law and good governance.

09-14-2016, 03:23 PM
Can Putin’s #AircraftCarrier Stay Afloat on Its #Syria Mission?
FP, September 13, 2016

2 days more without aid supplies to Eastern #Aleppo. 2 days more for pro-#Assad forces in #Ramouseh to dig in

The ceasefire the US and Russia brokered in Syria is 'an Assad regime victory in disguise'

The Syrian ceasefire brokered by the US and Russia has temporarily put a stop to fighting in some parts of the war-torn country, but it could have unintended consequences that end up working in favor of the leader that US-backed rebels are trying to oust.
The ceasefire which went into effect on Monday will, in theory, allow humanitarian aid to get through to besieged areas like Aleppo, a Syrian city where civilians have lived with daily bombardments and a dire lack of food and medical supplies. The ceasefire is also meant to facilitate joint efforts between the US and Russia to target terrorists in Syria.

But, the week-long truce has raised red flags for local actors who 'see it as an Assad regime victory in disguise,' according to a report published this week by The Soufan Group, a strategic security firm.

The concerns are derived from skepticism about Russia’s true aim in the region. The country inserted itself into the Syrian civil war last year under the pretense of fighting terrorists, but Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be more focused on bolstering the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, a longtime ally.

For instance, the last time a ceasefire was put into place, Russia and the Syrian regime used it to regroup and eventually target moderate rebels who oppose Assad, senior Pentagon officials recently told Foreign Policy. Some anti-Assad rebel groups receive support from the US.
Fred Hof, a former special adviser for transition in Syria under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, told Business Insider in an email that while it's "too early to tell who the winners and losers are" in the ceasefire, it could end up benefitting Assad at the expense of other interests.

"The agreement would be an unadulterated triumph for the Assad regime if the result is one ultimately reflecting the Russian-American neutralization of the anti-Assad Nusra Front, but with no corresponding strengthening of the non-extremist Syrian armed opposition," said Hof, who is now the director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council.

Basically, if the moderate rebels fighting to oust Assad don't benefit enough from the ceasefire, then the Syrian regime, which is no friend to the US or to the Syrian people, will be the clear winner of the deal.

There are many players on the Syrian battlefield, and rebels encompass extremist elements — like ISIS and the Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, which recently rebranded as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham — as well as moderate groups that want to oust Assad but don't share the Islamist goals of the extremist groups.

US officials have called on Assad to step down, but the military has so far declined to get involved directly in removing him from power, leaving that job for the moderate rebels that have received US support.

And once the extremist groups are gone, Assad is likely to focus on destroying whatever moderate elements of the opposition are left.
"[The] ceasefire will benefit the Syrian government if it is able to concentrate forces and attack against the former Nusra Front (now Fateh al-Sham), seizing strategic positions from it and setting itself up later to pivot against more moderate elements of the armed opposition," Robert Ford, a senior fellow with the Middle East Institute and US ambassador to Syria between 2010 and 2014, told Business Insider in an email.
What is further complicating the situation is the fact that moderate rebels have become increasingly enmeshed with Islamist groups, namely Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, which is not a party in the ceasefire. Because the Islamist groups tend to have more arms and money than other rebel groups, partnering with them on the battlefield became a matter of survival for the moderate rebels.

As of right now, the moderate rebels would have to trust the US and Russia if they were to separate completely from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham.
"Separating from Nusra is something the non-extremist opposition would like to do, but under current conditions it would not be easy," Hof said. "But if it somehow happens and Nusra is subsequently neutralized, what would stop Assad and his allies from pouncing on the non-extremist armed Syrian opposition?"

To earn the trust of the Syrian opposition, the Americans would have to persuade Russia that if the Assad continues to massacre civilians, the US would take action. "Nothing good will happen in Syria until civilians come off the bullseye," Hof said. "But the country's worst actors — the Assad regime, Russia, Iran and ISIS — have used mass murder and terror to great advantage thus far."

And Russia isn't exactly a reliable partner in Syria.
"The Russians have consistently shielded the Syrian government from the repercussions of its renewed use of chemical weapons, war crimes such as indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and blocking humanitarian aid access," Ford said. "They have repeatedly lied to try to absolve the Syrian government if its crimes."

Therefore, Russia isn't likely to help serve the ultimate interests of the Syrian people, which is deposing the despot whose regime has killed more Syrians than any terrorist group.

"The Americans should be very wary of any thought that the possibility of new US-Russian military coordination in Syria will lead to any change in Russian goals or behavior," Ford said. "There is certainly no sign that Russia is prepared to push really hard on the Syrian government to make some big compromises at a political negotiation the Obama administration hopes might solve the Syrian crisis."
Even US officials admit that Russia might be less than trustworthy in this deal.

"I think we'd have some reasons to be skeptical that the Russians are able or are willing to implement the arrangement consistent with the way it's been described," White House press secretary Josh Earnest said during a Monday briefing. "But we'll see."#

09-14-2016, 03:40 PM
SYRIA: Russia claims ceasefire was violated 60 times in first 48 hours - @AlArabiya_Eng

MORE: Most ceasefire violations in #Syria made by Ahrar Al-Sham according to Russian statement. - @AlArabiya_Eng

You have got to laugh at the Russian statistics.....they seem to have conveniently "forgot their own air strikes caught on video and Assad's barrel bombs and air strikes and the continuing Assad shelling's and air strikes (20) just today.....

They claim the same exact thing when it is Russian troops and her mercenaries who shell and launch ground attacks 50, 60, OR 95 times in 24 hours....all the while claiming ...it ain't us...it's them"....

JUST a typical Russian ploy to avoid having to actually deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo and other besieged Sunni areas....

09-14-2016, 03:45 PM
SYRIA: Russia claims ceasefire was violated 60 times in first 48 hours - @AlArabiya_Eng

MORE: Most ceasefire violations in #Syria made by Ahrar Al-Sham according to Russian statement. - @AlArabiya_Eng

You have got to laugh at the Russian statistics.....they seem to have conveniently "forgot their own air strikes caught on video and Assad's barrel bombs and air strikes and the continuing Assad shelling's and air strikes (20) just today.....

They claim the same exact thing when it is Russian troops and her mercenaries who shell and launch ground attacks 50, 60, OR 95 times in 24 hours....all the while claiming ...it ain't us...it's them"....

JUST a typical Russian ploy to avoid having to actually deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo and other besieged Sunni areas....

BREAKING: Most ceasefire violations in #Syria made by Ahrar Al-Sham, controlled by US

09-14-2016, 03:48 PM
BREAKING: #Russian army says killed 250 fighters and around 15 pickups with mounted machine guns and anti-aircraft guns

Sure.............................................. ...?

09-14-2016, 04:05 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
John Kerry: pleased with the #IranDeal and frustrated on #Syria, doesn't see that the one is the cause of the other.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
Pentagon, NATO terrified of sharing intel with #Russia. Kerry's "inner team of advisers" sees this as "reflexive Cold War-era thinking."

NOW we are into the FOURTH DoS "explanation" of what Assad can and cannot bomb...REALLY Kerry and DoS do not want to admit they got taken by Putin on allowing Assad to be part of the joint operations....

Key from State:
- #Assad's jets allowed to hit #JFS outside JIC areas
- Even that restriction only applies once US-Russia airstrikes begin

Even after 7-days "sustained" reduction of violence, once JIC forms, still no theoretical restrictions on Assad.

- US-Russia will target #JFS in some areas
- #Assad can bomb #JFS outside those areas + #IS anywhere
- Assad promises not to bomb rebel

BUT WAIT Hezbollah is a US named "terrorist group" as is Kathib Hezbollah and QUDs Force......AND the PKK as well.....

BUT they are not being bombed?????

DoS/Kerry are CLEAR as muddy water if you ask me.....

09-15-2016, 05:13 AM
This is the perfect example of a so called Russian new ceasefire in an old Russian ceasefire parallel to the main ceasefire Minsk 2

Avdiivka Promka - #Yasynuvata blockpost - ceasefire in full swing, heavy explosions. 6:45AM

MORE from the new old parallel existing Russian ceasefire that was to go into effect at mid night last night....

RU forces also shelled with mortars Luhanske, Zaitseve, Avdiivka, Pisky, Leninske, Shyhrokyne, Vodyane, Chermalyk, Pavlopil.

09-15-2016, 05:18 AM
Core question addressed to CENTCOM, the entire Obama WH and specifically Kerry....do they not fully understand that by openly supporting YPG which is a fig leaf for PKK an US named "terrorist group" they are in fact supporting the PKK drive for an independent Kurdistan.....

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
The #PYD rejects the #HNC's transition plan as too centralized, denounces #KNC for going along with it.

09-15-2016, 05:30 AM

From yesterday....

So far, not so good. 48 hours into ceasefire, convoy to Aleppo still stuck at Syrian border.

From today into Day Three

YET humanitarian aid deliveries to Aleppo and other besieged Sunni areas totaling over 770,000 civilians IS in fact the main core key element of this so call chaos ceasefire plan....

BTW....the Russian asked for 48 hour extension truly applies will be used to move more Assad regime troops into attack positions the second the ceasefire is over....especially around Aleppo....

09-15-2016, 05:34 AM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton

Beyond Khomeini'ism, there's al-Qaeda:
Analysts slam #Iran's Zarif for blasting Wahhabism but ignoring own record

MANY so called analysts and Kerry/Obama WH seem to have totally forgotten the Khomeini jihadist concept called "Islamic Revolutionary Islam"....

Some folks get a little testy when #Iran's long-standing alliance with al-Qaeda gets brought up. Still true.

NOTICE that Obama/Rhodes/Kerry seem to have not heard about it.......

09-15-2016, 08:07 AM
DAY THREE of the new ceasefire inside the CoH existing ceasefire that never did hold......

Airstrike on Kafr Zita in northern #Hama
~30 airstrikes on entire #Syria since "#ceasefire" 4 days ago
This was daily rate for #Aleppo/day

Syria Airstrikes on Lataminah in northern #Hama

Syria Several airstrikes Ma`arrat Hurmah & Sheikh Mustafa /
Jabal Zawiya in #Idlib

Daily death toll of killed civilians in #Syria reduced about 90% during #ceasefire bc only sporadic airstrikes now & not hit towns anymore

Russian air strikes as they have the ability to bomb at night not the Assad AF....
Syria Night airstrikes on #Aleppo's northern suburb Huraytan

Syria Night airstrikes on northern #Hama

Syria Several airstrikes in western #Aleppo

09-15-2016, 08:11 AM
amnestypress ‏@amnestypress
Satellite images of grave sites offer glimpse into makeshift refugee camp in no man's land

Refugee shelters on Syria-Jordan border rose from 365 last year to more than 8,000 today

Jordan will not allow these IDPs mainly from the Palmyra and DeirEzzor fighting in nor has the UN provided virtually nothing in the way of humanitarian aid to them.....

UNDER the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire chaos plan they were supposedly to receive aid...nothing as of yet and yet this is day three.....

09-15-2016, 08:32 AM
Ammar al-Husseini- #IslamicState-commander from #Iran responsible for slaughter of a dozen men in #DeirEzzor

09-15-2016, 08:54 AM
UN food convoys for besieged #Aleppo rotting in the sun bc no access by #Assad-regime since 3 days

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
#Russia under pressure already, as its "proxy" in #Damascus is already blocking aid intended for #Aleppo.

Step 1 of deal already breached.

Comments from media spokesperson from Ahrar al Sham.....
أبو عز الدين ‏@LabibAlNahhas

Assad continues to block aid delivery to #Aleppo.A serious violation of the presumed CoH that shows the usual lack of seriousness.

Armed Rev. Groups documented at least 57 #CoH violations so far; 2 very serious ones committed by #Russia the co-chair of the CTF

Russia obsession with designating #Ahrar goes on: falsely blaming them for the majority of Armed Rev. Groups presumed violations

NOTE: the Russian propaganda statements concerning Ahrar al Sham ARE actually being picked up and reported UNCHECKED/SIMPLY PASSED ON AS IS by US MSM NBC/CBS.....

Events on the ground so far confirm all the reservations and concerns expressed by Armed Rev. Groups are justified.

Russia & #Assad are moving again from scorched earth approach to targeting strategic locations. They did that in the previous #CoH

Armed Rev. Groups retaliated in #Aleppo in self-defence in accordance with our statement, and will continue doing that.

Reports of #Assad forces movement in the coast area and near Jisr Al-Shugour in preparation for a big assault

ACTUALLY AAS is fully correct....in every past Russian Assad declared regime of silence, or 48 hour ceasefires AND especially with the CoH....Assad regime forces repositioned and rearmed undisturbed and then launched major heavy new attacks.....

THIS is exactly the same tactic Russia uses in eastern Ukraine when they declared a ceasefire inside a ceasefire inside Minsk 2.....

09-15-2016, 09:10 AM
UN food convoys for besieged #Aleppo rotting in the sun bc no access by #Assad-regime since 3 days

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
#Russia under pressure already, as its "proxy" in #Damascus is already blocking aid intended for #Aleppo.

Step 1 of deal already breached.

Comments from media spokesperson from Ahrar al Sham.....
أبو عز الدين ‏@LabibAlNahhas

Assad continues to block aid delivery to #Aleppo.A serious violation of the presumed CoH that shows the usual lack of seriousness.

Armed Rev. Groups documented at least 57 #CoH violations so far; 2 very serious ones committed by #Russia the co-chair of the CTF

Russia obsession with designating #Ahrar goes on: falsely blaming them for the majority of Armed Rev. Groups presumed violations

NOTE: the Russian propaganda statements concerning Ahrar al Sham ARE actually being picked up and reported UNCHECKED/SIMPLY PASSED ON AS IS by US MSM NBC/CBS.....

Events on the ground so far confirm all the reservations and concerns expressed by Armed Rev. Groups are justified.

Russia & #Assad are moving again from scorched earth approach to targeting strategic locations. They did that in the previous #CoH

Armed Rev. Groups retaliated in #Aleppo in self-defence in accordance with our statement, and will continue doing that.

Reports of #Assad forces movement in the coast area and near Jisr Al-Shugour in preparation for a big assault

ACTUALLY AAS is fully correct....in every past Russian Assad declared regime of silence, or 48 hour ceasefires AND especially with the CoH....Assad regime forces repositioned and rearmed undisturbed and then launched major heavy new attacks.....

THIS is exactly the same tactic Russia uses in eastern Ukraine when they declared a ceasefire inside a ceasefire inside Minsk 2.....

Are #Assad & allies preparing an attack on parts of #Idlib, by exploiting "CoH" and impending anti-JFS strikes?

09-15-2016, 09:12 AM
Reports: BUT not confirmed as the FSA has seen no moves by Assad and Putin to start delivery of humanitarian aid and by pulling back and then no aid arriving it would give Assad forces greater Aleppo territorial gains...meaning they pulled back from hard fought gains and then nothing arrived except more Assad mercenary forces moving into their former positions.....

Assad regime & FSA forces will begin withdrawing personnel & weaponry from Castello Rd area, from tomorrow.

This Reuters report confirms today the non movement....highly suspect that the anti Assad opposition NOW fully feels that absolutely no humanitarian aid will flow as Kerry/Lavrov CLEARLY indicated it would is the ceasefire largely held....WELL it has "larely held " and Assad is fully blocking the UN and the Red Crescent from delivering aid to Aleppo and other besieged areas.

Rebels now firmly believe Assad and the Russians are simply using the ceasefire to reposition and rearm for another round of heavy major attacks...

Syrian government forces and rebels had yet to withdraw from a road to be used to deliver aid to Aleppo on Thursday morning, a war monitor and a senior rebel official said, a step that must happen for the delivery to take place under a U.S.-Russian deal.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Director Rami Abdulrahman said each side wanted the withdrawal from the Castello Road to happen simultaneously. The Britain-based Observatory follows the war using a network of contacts in Syria.
Russia said on Wednesday it was preparing for the Syrian army and rebel fighters to begin a staged withdrawal from the road.
"The regime is ready ... to withdraw but will not move unless the opposition begins to withdraw," Abdulrahman said.
A senior Syrian rebel official in Aleppo said a withdrawal by rebel factions was under debate "because the agreement stipulates that the regime must respect the truce but that did not happen."
"Even yesterday it targeted the area surrounding the Castello," the official told Reuters.
There was no comment from state media or the army about the proposed withdrawal. A Syrian military source said on Wednesday that armed groups had violated the ceasefire 15 times in the Aleppo area in a 24-hour period.

NOTICE Russia and the US say absolutely not a single word ABOUT the total lack of the flow of humanitarian aid.....telling......

BTW...not a single Russian soldier seen in attempting to establish the Castello Road as a DMZ which was also a key point inside the Kerry/Lavrov agreement.....

09-15-2016, 09:32 AM
Reports: BUT not confirmed as the FSA has seen no moves by Assad and Putin to start delivery of humanitarian aid and by pulling back and then no aid arriving it would give Assad forces greater Aleppo territorial gains...meaning they pulled back from hard fought gains and then nothing arrived except more Assad mercenary forces moving into their former positions.....

Assad regime & FSA forces will begin withdrawing personnel & weaponry from Castello Rd area, from tomorrow.

This Reuters report confirms today the non movement....highly suspect that the anti Assad opposition NOW fully feels that absolutely no humanitarian aid will flow as Kerry/Lavrov CLEARLY indicated it would is the ceasefire largely held....WELL it has "larely held " and Assad is fully blocking the UN and the Red Crescent from delivering aid to Aleppo and other besieged areas.

Rebels now firmly believe Assad and the Russians are simply using the ceasefire to reposition and rearm for another round of heavy major attacks...

NOTICE Russia and the US say absolutely not a single word ABOUT the total lack of the flow of humanitarian aid.....telling......

BTW...not a single Russian soldier seen in attempting to establish the Castello Road as a DMZ which was also a key point inside the Kerry/Lavrov agreement.....

REMEMBER the Assad mercenary forces have still ringing in their ears the Assad Eid public statement that he is going to recapture all territory end of story....so why pull back and why delivery humanitarian aid....

NOTICE Putin and Lavrov did not contradict his statements.....

09-15-2016, 09:46 AM
So if this article is anywhere close to be accurate then SF does have some serious "new issues" especially if one SF soldier refers to the FSA Southern Front as JaN (AQ) now rebranded as JFS.

If SF soldiers do not fully and inherently understand the mission set and the ground players and have no earthly idea of the NCA strategic strategy when WHY not stand up and simply their own command what the hell is ongoing?


US Special Forces sabotage White House policy gone disastrously wrong with covert ops in Syria
By Jack Murphy 09.14.2016

“Nobody believes in it. You’re like, ‘#### this,’” a former Green Beret says of America’s covert and clandestine programs to train and arm Syrian militias. “Everyone on the ground knows they are jihadis. No one on the ground believes in this mission or this effort, and they#know they#are just training the next generation of jihadis, so they are sabotaging it by saying, ‘#### it, who cares?’”
“I don’t want to be responsible for Nusra guys saying they were trained by Americans,” the Green Beret added. A second Special Forces soldier commented that one Syrian militia they had trained recently crossed the border from Jordan on what had been pitched as a large-scale shaping operation that#would change the course of the war. Watching the battle on a monitor while a drone flew overhead, “We literally watched them, with 30 guys in their force, run away from three or four ISIS guys.”

Something is very wrong inside SF if this is an accurate picture and report....

This does not include the CENTCOM support via SF for the YPG...just a fig leaf for the US named terrorist group PKK....

NOTICE SF accompanies YPG/SDF/PKK But not FSA SF on operations....why is that?

09-15-2016, 09:50 AM
Russia's Defense Ministry has set up some super low resolution webcams to watch the cease-fire in #Aleppo

09-15-2016, 09:54 AM
Bombs dropped....that is a clear violation of the so called Russian ceasefire

#Assad regime air strikes on the village of Shaykh Mustafa in #Idlib prov.

#Assad forces small arms fire against the rebel-held town of #Basil in #EastGhouta.

09-15-2016, 10:00 AM
The Brave New Era of ethical foreign policy under Obama ... in reality it wasn't....

09-15-2016, 03:05 PM
So if this article is anywhere close to be accurate then SF does have some serious "new issues" especially if one SF soldier refers to the FSA Southern Front as JaN (AQ) now rebranded as JFS.

If SF soldiers do not fully and inherently understand the mission set and the ground players and have no earthly idea of the NCA strategic strategy when WHY not stand up and simply their own command what the hell is ongoing?


US Special Forces sabotage White House policy gone disastrously wrong with covert ops in Syria
By Jack Murphy 09.14.2016

Something is very wrong inside SF if this is an accurate picture and report....

This does not include the CENTCOM support via SF for the YPG...just a fig leaf for the US named terrorist group PKK....

NOTICE SF accompanies YPG/SDF/PKK But not on FSA operations....why is that?

CORE question since VP Biden publicly announced that YPG had to abandon Manbij and move back east of the Euphrates BACKED up by two similar statements by the DoS.......

IS in fact CENTCOM and SF basically violating orders given them by the National Command Authority.........OR did the NCA just utter the words to placate Turkey and never were going to follow through......APPEARS so.....

US-soldiers still with kurdish #YPG badges- makes #Turkey not happy

So it basically looks like that SF fully supports a Kurdish terrorist group, does not obey NCA and refuses to fight IS with the FSA proxy Southern Front......strange is it not.......

BUT WAIT...SF is also violating the CENTCOM orders to take off the YPG patches......seems they did not follow that as well......appears that they have gone "off the reservation".......

09-15-2016, 03:58 PM
Assad-forces continues shelling al-Harra town in southern #Syria with artillery

Syria #Damascus New footage from Madaya/#Zabadani besieged by #Hezbollah

Syria'n regime & kurdish #YPG flags still hoisted along Castello supply road toward eastern (rebel held) #Aleppo

Syria : Russia has deployed 1L271 “Aistenok” mortar fires surveillance radar to monitor ceasefire in Aleppo

09-15-2016, 04:00 PM
Syria #IslamicState shelling regime held Thermal Power Plant in E-#Qalamoun with mortar shells -means pushed deeper

Syria #Iran'i militias shelling strategic Al-Eis town in southern #Aleppo with heavy artillery

Syria #Assad-forces shelling #Rastan town in northern #Homs with artillery
-several people injured

Video of the regime attacking #Rastan, #Homs with mortar shells.

Video of warplanes attacking Sheikh Mustafa village in #Idlib, Qasioun reporting it as a ceasefire violation

Daraa: Heavy fighting between #FSA rebels and pro-#Assad forces in #Daraa City. Regime using heavy artillery. #Ceasefire

09-15-2016, 04:04 PM
Reports: BUT not confirmed as the FSA has seen no moves by Assad and Putin to start delivery of humanitarian aid and by pulling back and then no aid arriving it would give Assad forces greater Aleppo territorial gains...meaning they pulled back from hard fought gains and then nothing arrived except more Assad mercenary forces moving into their former positions.....

Assad regime & FSA forces will begin withdrawing personnel & weaponry from Castello Rd area, from tomorrow.

This Reuters report confirms today the non movement....highly suspect that the anti Assad opposition NOW fully feels that absolutely no humanitarian aid will flow as Kerry/Lavrov CLEARLY indicated it would is the ceasefire largely held....WELL it has "larely held " and Assad is fully blocking the UN and the Red Crescent from delivering aid to Aleppo and other besieged areas.

Rebels now firmly believe Assad and the Russians are simply using the ceasefire to reposition and rearm for another round of heavy major attacks...

NOTICE Russia and the US say absolutely not a single word ABOUT the total lack of the flow of humanitarian aid.....telling......

BTW...not a single Russian soldier seen in attempting to establish the Castello Road as a DMZ which was also a key point inside the Kerry/Lavrov agreement.....

Assad/Putin blocking over 40 Turkish Red Crescent humanitarian aid trucks carrying tons of aid for eastern Aleppo.....

NOW GOING into DAY FOUR and still no aid going anywhere to any besieged Sunni town and especially nothing yet to Aleppo

THIS WAS A KEY element of the so called Kerry/Lavrov chaotic ceasefire plan.....

BUT WHERE there is no Assad/Putin to block aid......

Syria: #Turkey supplied 25 tons of flour, rice & noodles to #Jarablus (80km NE of #Aleppo)

09-15-2016, 04:07 PM
Charles Lister
Verified account
Very interesting interview w. @EyadShaar1:

“11+ Nusra leaders defected since JFS rebrand"


Turkey can now provide Ahrar with a channel to #Moscow = a good thing.
#Syria can only be solved politically.

Eyad Sha’ar (Abu al-Hassan al-Tabuki) has been a key military figure in Ahrar, but recently became chief aide to its Political Leader.

09-15-2016, 04:27 PM
NOTICE Russia says nothing.......

LBCI News English
Verified account
#US, #France say Syrian government trying to spoil peace talks |http://bit.ly/1SKydQP#|

Muallem's remarks are a two finger warning to the Russians. Let's see how they react.

Zero aid arrived in Eastern #Aleppo 72 hours after the start of the new #Syria|n fake #ceasefire. #Assad & #Putin fooling the world again.

UN crying that it is the Assad regime that is blocking aid.....BUT remember Russian FM Lavrov stated publicly that assad would adhere to the agreements....APPEARS the Russian FM was outright lying AGAIN as usual.....

09-15-2016, 04:29 PM
Really............going to happen....never in a thousand years.......

Russia|n Deputy Foreign Minister: "#Syria|n opposition has to give up its demand for departure of #Assad as a goodwill gesture ".

ANOTHER Russian vodka moment.....

09-15-2016, 04:35 PM
FIRST it was SF wearing YPG uniform patches, then CENTCOM telling SF to take them off, THEN SF putting them back on and NOW US FLAGS........

NOT exactly sure if US SF wants to be in the middle when the Turks arrive after the Russian ceasefire ends....as they have firmly signaled they will enter Manbij SF or no SF.....

American forces place US flag on the border town of GiręSpî (Tal Abyad) to warn Turkey not to attack SDF there.

BUT WAIT Turkey has warned both the US and SDF which is really part and parcel of YPG/PKK...Turkey has clearly and concisely told the US and the Kurds it will not tolerate Kurdish forces controlling the Turkish border......WHY..... the Turks view the SDF/YPG allowing PKK troops to move back and forth across the SDF controlled border areas...AND they view the SDF/YPG as part of PKK..A US named terrorist group......

MAYBE CENTCOM, SF and the Obama WH urgently need to speak French...........

PYD is carrying out PKK policy in Syria, Massoud Barzani tells Le Monde:

09-15-2016, 04:50 PM
Syria #IslamicState shelling regime held Thermal Power Plant in E-#Qalamoun with mortar shells -means pushed deeper

Syria #Iran'i militias shelling strategic Al-Eis town in southern #Aleppo with heavy artillery

Syria #Assad-forces shelling #Rastan town in northern #Homs with artillery
-several people injured

Video of the regime attacking #Rastan, #Homs with mortar shells.

Video of warplanes attacking Sheikh Mustafa village in #Idlib, Qasioun reporting it as a ceasefire violation

Daraa: Heavy fighting between #FSA rebels and pro-#Assad forces in #Daraa City. Regime using heavy artillery. #Ceasefire

BREAKING: Russia says US not fulfilling its obligations under Syria ceasefire agreement
Says the signatory to numerous international treaties it nonetheless willfully ignores

NEITHER ARE the Russians and Assad......Humanitarian aid has not been delivered as agreed to by Russian FM Lavrov.......

09-15-2016, 05:29 PM
Hama : Regime warplanes make several airstrikes on the village of #Masasna.

Assad-forces continues shelling al-Harra town in southern #Syria with artillery

تنسيقية مدينة تدمر
75,000 Syrians are trapped near Jordans border.

#JFS Mujahideen defend Petra Mountains and Bi'r Al-Afaa'ee against khwawrij

09-15-2016, 05:37 PM
Acc. to #Assad's media regime forces are successfully fighting rebel forces in the south.

BUT WAIT....appears Assad regime verifies that they are in complete violation of the ceasefire in southern Syria

Fighting between #FSA and #Assad forces in #Daraa city, involving artillery attacks by the regime.

Audible and visible.
#Assad's mortars fall on civilians in #Rastan - today.

#Assad regime artillery attack on #Rastan city (#Homs prov.) today.

09-15-2016, 05:41 PM
How the Naqshbandi order of Turkey does Zikr

09-15-2016, 05:47 PM
FIRST it was SF wearing YPG uniform patches, then CENTCOM telling SF to take them off, THEN SF putting them back on and NOW US FLAGS........

NOT exactly sure if US SF wants to be in the middle when the Turks arrive after the Russian ceasefire ends....as they have firmly signaled they will enter Manbij SF or no SF.....

American forces place US flag on the border town of GirSp (Tal Abyad) to warn Turkey not to attack SDF there.

BUT WAIT Turkey has warned both the US and SDF which is really part and parcel of YPG/PKK...Turkey has clearly and concisely told the US and the Kurds it will not tolerate Kurdish forces controlling the Turkish border......WHY..... the Turks view the SDF/YPG allowing PKK troops to move back and forth across the SDF controlled border areas...AND they view the SDF/YPG as part of PKK..A US named terrorist group......

MAYBE CENTCOM, SF and the Obama WH urgently need to speak French...........

PYD is carrying out PKK policy in Syria, Massoud Barzani tells Le Monde:


YPG terror group raising a #USA flag every 5 meters fearing an imminent incursion by #Turkey's army..

Turkish F16 above Tal Abyad now. Will they bomb US flags?

Maybe ISIS should start using American flags too. I mean they're as opportunistic as these sneaky guys.

09-15-2016, 05:56 PM
Ahrar Al Sham claim Assad is planning to attack Sahel http://en.eldorar.com/node/3237

Hama : Warplanes are attacking #Al_Zuwar.

S. Aleppo : Regime forces in Al Hader shell the Opposition in #Al_Eis.

Hama : A Regime helicopter dropped barrel bombs on #Zur_Al_Nasiriya.

09-16-2016, 05:55 AM
For those SWJ readers who honestly think Assad and Putin and Kerry will hold to this latest so called ceasefire......

From another war front where Russia unilaterally declared also a SEVEN day ceasefire...which really is just a new ceasefire inside an already existing three ceasefires INSIDE the core ceasefire Minsk 2.

Yesterday the German and French FMs finally after two years visited the Minsk 2 frontlines and saw the destruction for the first time BUT stated this ceasefire has to be extended in order to achieve a lasting peace....

WELL a full 24 hours later into this so called new ceasefire we get this......

ATO HQ reports 30 pro Russian attacks yesterday. A high number for a ceasefire. 30 attacks,incl. mortars&RPGs.

BUT WAIT........
Seems #Steinmeier was misinformed,claiming in @heutejournal the ceasefire in E #Ukraine was "widely holding". Attacks down from 50 to 30 does not make a true "largely holding ceasefire...just a reduction in attacks...BUT not a ceasefire

NOTICE anything?? Even in Syria where there is an average of over 20-30 a day
NOTICE anything?????

Even in Syria in a Russian so called ceasefire we are averaging in DAY FOUR an average of 20-30 Assad/Russian attacks.....

AND there both Lavrov and Kerry state....."the ceasefire is largely holding"....A true ceasefire means exactly what the English word states....no fire whatsoever by any side....

OTHERWISE everything mentioned is a lie as fire has not ceased either in eastern Ukraine and or Syria WHERE Russia could if it wanted control ALL parties from her side...BUT Putin does not want to........

09-16-2016, 06:00 AM
#YPG (or American soldiers?!) hoist #US flags in Tell Abiad to avoid Turkish attacks...

09-16-2016, 06:09 AM


THIS is and was a core key element of the so called Lavrov/Kerry chaos ceasefire plan........

DID another notice that both the US and Russia rushed this ceasefire plan as the rebels were whiplashing the Assad regime forces and gaining territory from Assad????

NOW there are major reporting coming in that Russia wants the nine days in order to reposition, refit, rearm and reposition Assad regime troops fro several major offensives when the ceasefire formerly ends.....

Humanitarian Access @aidaccess
Syria Is Delaying Aid Deliveries in Violation of Cease-Fire, U.N. Says

09-16-2016, 06:14 AM
BBC World Service
Verified account
US State Dept says it has 'legitimate reasons' for not releasing Syria deal details

SURE...just as the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH spun the US Congress and public on Iran Deal by not revealing any of the so called secret agreements.

Kerry is doing the same exact thing here as well...

Kerry is asking the Syrian opposition to "trust me" and he then states you do not need to see the agreements as I am the all knowing.....that is a leap of faith that many in the ME would not take at face value based on Kerry's ME track record.

His actions simply reinforce the ME "perception that he is in the pocket of the Russians and wants the destruction of the Syrian opposition and to maintain Assad in power as a favor to the Iranians for signing the Iran Deal.....

As with Trump not releasing his tax records....WHAT is Kerry hiding that he does not want people to see and to fully understand....WHAT has he agreed to that say DoD has not signed up for.........????

09-16-2016, 06:16 AM
BBC World Service
Verified account
US State Dept says it has 'legitimate reasons' for not releasing Syria deal details

SURE...just as the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH spun the US Congress and public on Iran Deal by not revealing any of the so called secret agreements.

Kerry is doing the same exact thing here as well...

Kerry is asking the Syrian opposition to "trust me" and he then states you do not need to see the agreements as I am the all knowing.....that is a leap of faith that many in the ME would not take at face value based on Kerry's ME track record.

His actions simply reinforce the ME "perception that he is in the pocket of the Russians and wants the destruction of the Syrian opposition and to maintain Assad in power as a favor to the Iranians for signing the Iran Deal.....

As with Trump not releasing his tax records....WHAT is Kerry hiding that he does not want people to see and to fully understand....WHAT has he agreed to that say DoD has not signed up for.........????

BTW....the list of serious questions posed to him by both the armed opposition groups and the Syrian HNC.....HAVE NOT BEEN ANSWERED....why is that?????

AND the humanitarian aid that Kerry signed the US up for STILL HAS NOT BEEN DELIVERED.....

09-16-2016, 06:33 AM
BBC World Service
Verified account
US State Dept says it has 'legitimate reasons' for not releasing Syria deal details

SURE...just as the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH spun the US Congress and public on Iran Deal by not revealing any of the so called secret agreements.

Kerry is doing the same exact thing here as well...

Kerry is asking the Syrian opposition to "trust me" and he then states you do not need to see the agreements as I am the all knowing.....that is a leap of faith that many in the ME would not take at face value based on Kerry's ME track record.

His actions simply reinforce the ME "perception that he is in the pocket of the Russians and wants the destruction of the Syrian opposition and to maintain Assad in power as a favor to the Iranians for signing the Iran Deal.....

As with Trump not releasing his tax records....WHAT is Kerry hiding that he does not want people to see and to fully understand....WHAT has he agreed to that say DoD has not signed up for.........????


REMEMBER there have been an increasing number of "comments" from unnamed senior EU diplomats who openly question what Kerry is actually doing with the Russians both in eastern Ukraine and now Syria AS he discusses nothing with them before he wheels and deals.....

AFP news agency
Verified account
Obama gathers advisers amid unease over Syria deal

Laurent Barthelemy, Andrew Beatty•September 16, 2016

Washington (AFP) - US President Barack Obama will huddle with top national security aides -- including his secretaries of state and defense -- Friday, amid deep unease over a tenuous Syria ceasefire deal.
Barely a week since the United States and Russia agreed to halt bombing and let humanitarian aid into Aleppo, shaky implementation looks set to dominate a meeting ostensibly about countering the Islamic State group.
The deal has somewhat quieted the bombs over Syria's second city, but aid convoys have not been allowed to reach the roughly 250,000 civilians besieged by government forces.
Washington and Moscow are already trading blame over who is responsible.
"Right now, the trucks that could bring them lifesaving assistance are idling on the wrong side of the border," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Thursday.
"That's the direct responsibility of the Assad regime and their benefactors in Moscow."
A Russian military spokesman earlier slammed the United States for what he called "rhetorical fog" intended "to hide the fact that it is not fulfilling its part of the obligations."
Only the Syrian army is observing the ceasefire, he said, pointing the finger at US-backed rebel groups.
Since US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed the deal with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov after marathon talks in Geneva, Obama has increasingly been forced to referee disputes within his own administration about the agreement.
Some within the Pentagon have expressed deep skepticism that Russia will live up to its side of the bargain and believe Kerry is being led down an alley.
Russia, critics say, has repeatedly used talks to blunt criticism of its support of Assad, sow doubt among US allies on the ground and buy time for Syrian forces to improve their position.
But White House and State Department officials have argued any ceasefire, even if imperfect and even if fleeting, offers desperately needed respite from a brutal five-year civil war that has killed 300,000 people.
Privately they express concern that Russia may be stalling for time, but say ultimately talks are the only way the Syrian war will come to an end.
The White House has warned that deeper military cooperation with Russia -- a tacit vindication of the Kremlin's war in Syria -- will not come until Moscow fulfills its obligations.
"What really matters here is that the president of the United States supports this agreement, and our system of government works in such a way that everyone follows what the president says," said State Department spokesman Mark Toner.
While debates within the administration continue, the White House is also coming under fire from outside for refusing to make details of the agreement public.
Even allies like France have gone as far as publicly stating they want more details.
"The United States has certainly been in touch with our other allies and partners to help them understand exactly what we are trying to achieve," said Earnest.
"I think that we've been quite clear about the details in terms of what the arrangement requires on both sides."

NOTICE the contradiction in this PR from Friday and the PR from Kerry yesterday.....

THE US HAS NOT INFORMED IT'S ALLIES nor the the armed opposition nor their negotiation team HNC....

Kerry appears to be truly lying again and again just as he did in the Iran Deal and the WH is spinning as much now as they did in the Iran Deal as well....

09-16-2016, 06:44 AM

REMEMBER there have been an increasing number of "comments" from unnamed senior EU diplomats who openly question what Kerry is actually doing with the Russians both in eastern Ukraine and now Syria AS he discusses nothing with them before he wheels and deals.....

AFP news agency
Verified account
Obama gathers advisers amid unease over Syria deal

Laurent Barthelemy, Andrew Beatty•September 16, 2016

NOTICE the contradiction in this PR from Friday and the PR from Kerry yesterday.....

THE US HAS NOT INFORMED IT'S ALLIES nor the the armed opposition nor their negotiation team HNC....

Kerry appears to be truly lying again and again just as he did in the Iran Deal and the WH is spinning as much now as they did in the Iran Deal as well....





Russia complains US hasn't provided it with precise location/composition of "moderate opposition" or the SURNAMES OF THEIR COMMANDERS.

Russia implicitly threatens that regime will not allow in any aid until this information is provided




09-16-2016, 06:54 AM

REMEMBER there have been an increasing number of "comments" from unnamed senior EU diplomats who openly question what Kerry is actually doing with the Russians both in eastern Ukraine and now Syria AS he discusses nothing with them before he wheels and deals.....

AFP news agency
Verified account
Obama gathers advisers amid unease over Syria deal

Laurent Barthelemy, Andrew Beatty•September 16, 2016

NOTICE the contradiction in this PR from Friday and the PR from Kerry yesterday.....

THE US HAS NOT INFORMED IT'S ALLIES nor the the armed opposition nor their negotiation team HNC....

Kerry appears to be truly lying again and again just as he did in the Iran Deal and the WH is spinning as much now as they did in the Iran Deal as well....

More #SyriaCeasefireFail: The French, and perhaps the entire "ISSG" outside Iran and Russia, have not seen the text of the deal

APPEARS both the WH and Kerry are spinning and lying again..as we have previously seen in the Iran Deal.....

Unusually well informed commenter:
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
UNSC Member states with stake in #Syria conflict haven’t seen the US-#Russia deal.
Neither has #Syria’s opposition or [likely] the regime.

Senior source:
All key #Syria armed factions will meet on 18th September to discuss how to proceed on engaging with the US-#Russia deal.

As of now, the 7-day initial cessation of hostilities will end on 19th Sept; then the anti-#ISIS/AQ “JIG” will form.

This fits opposition strategy so far, which was to accept the ceasefire component of the deal, but [in theory] oppose strikes vs. JFS.

- #Saudi = supportive of US-#Russia deal
- Rumored #Hama offensive is on hold until a decision is made at 18th Sept meeting.

- #Turkey is supportive of US-#Russia deal, as calm facilitates its operations in N. #Aleppo (= preparations now for Al-Bab).

NOTICE none of this is being reported in western MSM nor in DC........

09-16-2016, 06:57 AM
Russia claims regime axis has begun withdrawing forces from Aleppo areas
ABSOLUTELY unconfirmed as there are no drone coverage providing exact movement information minute by minute.

THIS Russian announcement came via their propaganda media Channel 1 TV NOT the Russian MoD.......not that the MoD tells the truth.....

Первый канал
Verified account
Сирийская армия начала отвод сил в районе Алеппо, согласно условиям перемирия

09-16-2016, 07:06 AM
Russian Syrian Express on the move again.......

Russian Navy's Sorum Class Tug MB-31 northbound on the Bosphorus returning from the Med.

09-16-2016, 07:09 AM
I got news from a city admin in E #Aleppo
"There are violations but mostly small arms. Attacks by aircraft reduced by 90%."

STILL NO HUMANITARIAN AID in Day Four going into Day Five.....

09-16-2016, 07:14 AM
Very important reading on #Syria, given ongoing aid access issues: Meaning non delivery thus a major violation of the Lavrov/Kerry deal

- “Siege Watch” -


By July 2016:

- 1,005,257 people (UN says 590,000) were living under siege in 40+ communities (UN says 18).

NOTICE ANYTHING?????....after it has become widely known that the UN lives in a 5Star Damascus hotel, and has paid millions of USDs for Assad corruption AND has not delivered virtually any aid unless to Assad regime towns.....

IT continues to hedge the actual numbers of those besieged and the actual number of besieged towns/villages.....WHY is that???

UN is definitely not in Syria ....."neutral".......

LARGELY never mentioned by western MSM and especially the BBC reporting out of Syria by proAssad BBC reporters.....

Responsibility for besieging #Syria’s people:

88% - #Assad regime (BTW includes Hezbollah and Kurdish YPG/SDF/PKK troops)
10% - #Assad regime & #ISIS
2% - Opposition

09-16-2016, 07:27 AM
One minute ago...reports of major Assad barrel bombing..core ceasefire violation.....

Syria Airstrikes with barrel bombs on Sinjar in eastern #Idlib

Syria Intensive overflights of reconnaissance planes in northern #Hama, #Idlib & #Aleppo

Russian major ceasefire violations...as only they can bomb at night....

Syria #Idlib 4 night airstrikes on Al-Taman'ah east of Khan Shaykhun

Syria #Idlib Night airstrikes on Dayr ash Sharqi near
Maarrat al-Numan

Serious concerns being voiced by the armed opposition that the Russians are slowly pre offensive on Idlib bombing as the regime is threatening a major offensive on Idlib.....

09-16-2016, 07:36 AM
another major violation that the Russians and Us say nothing about....ALL the while Russia media claims the regime forces are moving back...sure they are attempting to move forward undercover of the so called ceasefire.....

Syria #Assad-forces launch ground assault tonight on "1070 apartments" in southern outskirts of #Aleppo

Syria 20+ airstrikes conducted by #Russia & #Assad-regime on NON-#IslamicState targets yesterday

Syria Airstrikes on Souran & Ma'ardas in northern #Hama 2 hours ago

Syria 50+ people killed in #IS held towns by dozens of airstrikes yesterday

Syria Airstrike on Atshan in northern #Hama

Syria Airstrikes with cluster bombs last night on #Rastan town in northern #Homs
Another rumored Assad regime offensive target when the ceasefire is over....

Syria Regime artillery shelling on southern #Aleppo's Khan Thoman

Syria Regime sniper shot dead & wounding people in #Aleppo city neighborhoods

Syria #IslamicState convoy of 20 vehicles incl. several buses leave al-Bab town east of #Aleppo toward Maskaneh #Raqqa
Expect assault?

#Syria Night airstrikes on #Halfaya & #Lataminah towns in northern #Hama

NIGHT TIME air strikes avoid video footage coming out that it was the Russian AF conducting the strikes.....

09-16-2016, 07:44 AM
MORE indicators that confirm the armed opposition's claims that the Assad regime together with key night time Russian air strikes and day time Assad barrel bomb and artillery strikes are preparing for major offensives after the ceasefire ends...THUS the Russia request to extend the ceasefire by two days in order to facilitate these moves.......

Syria Regime reinforcements arrived in northern #Hama's Khattab area

The so called ceasefire foresaw forces remaining in their places and not moving around and repositioning themselves using the cover of the ceasefire.....

OR did it and that is in the secret agreements that Kerry does not want to be released anytime soon not even to the allies....

09-16-2016, 07:52 AM
Assad regime not holding to the humanitarian aid being delivered to Aleppo...regime troops have not pulled back regardless of what Russian media is reporting...this confirms it........

Regime kills 2 and injures one in Bastan al-Qasr after men try to get oil in #Aleppo

They were shot at in an area that is suppose to be the DMZ for aid deliveries....BUT regime troops are still there and are still shooting......so much for Assad adhering to the agreement as the Russians said he would.

09-16-2016, 11:14 AM
MORE indications that the Assad regime is using the "time out" to reorg, refit, rearm and plan major new offensives when the "time out for the rebels ends"....

Latakia: #Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun militias and #Assad "Desert Hawks" preparing new offensive in Northern #Latakia.

09-16-2016, 11:21 AM
CENTCOM and SF have outstayed their invitation now that TAF and FSA are on the offensive in northern Aleppo...especially since CENTCOM/SF are being viewed as supporters of YPG/SDF/PKK who have been constantly attacking FSA and Arab Sunni villages......

Aleppo: #US soldiers in #Al_Rai, Northern #Aleppo, this morning.

25 #US members went to #AlRaii to give #ISIL locations to fighter jets in the sky east of #Azaz

Aleppo: Angry #FSA rebels have forced the #US soldiers to drive back to #Turkey.

US troops and their affiliated groups were expelled from the boiler # Çobanbey (2) #Halep
WHAT is extremely interesting in the smart phone video was the fact that these 25 SF were accompanied by TWO US Abrams tanks....so who is driving them for SF???

FSA/TAF now view CENTCOM/FSA to be just another extension of the Assad regime mercenary army....

CENTCOM and the Obama WH are going to get someone killed because they seem to not fully understand the dynamics now inside Syria after TAF has entered...NOR do they seem to understand the FSA anger at YPG/SDF/PKK ethnic cleansing of Arab Sunni villages while being advised by CENTCOM/SF NOR the anger of FSA at being attacked in eastern Aleppo by YPG/SDF/PKK.

09-16-2016, 11:30 AM
MAJOR Assad regime offensive underway now.....AND this is not a "ceasefire violation of a major type"?????

Damascus: Pro-#Assad forces attacking #Jobar District in Eastern #Damascus with heavy artillery & ground forces.

Syria: Airstrikes on Jobar, Damascus
… pic.twitter.com/YwGQlBueud

TOTAL violation as the rebels in Jobar DID NOT attack or fire on anyone....OUT RIGHT Assad offensive and the use of air strikes BOTH in direct violation.....Russia and the US say not a single word...why is that??????

09-16-2016, 11:39 AM
ALL of this is happening under the so called Lavrov/Kerry so called chaos ceasefire plan .....DAY FOUR

Aleppo: Rebels repelled #Assad regime attack on "1070 Apartments Project" and killed several pro-#Assad forces.

MORE indicators that Assad/Putin are using the chaos ceasefire to prepare for massive offensives across all of Syria......

Syria: Pro-#Assad forces preparing offensives in Southern #Aleppo, Northern #Hama & Northern #Latakia. The rebels shouldn't wait any longer

Aleppo: Reports that #Iraq|i Shia militias massing in #Al_Hader town to attack #Al_Eis in the coming days.

Syria Regime reinforcements arrived in northern #Hama's Khattab area

Idlib: 10+ #Assad/#Russia|n airstrikes on #Idlib Province last night.

09-16-2016, 11:47 AM
I am now calling this.....the Russian/US Lavrov/Kerry so called chaos ceasefire plan is now fully failing and the fighting is ramping up again.....

Assad and Putin air strikes on rebel positons not on JFS/IS have been steadily increasing with each passing day of the so called ceasefire...Russia does not have their so called partner under control at all BUT WAIT Russian FM stated Assad would adhere to the agreement.....well he is not......

Syria #Hama Airstrikes on Al-Lataminah

Syria Airstrikes on Al-Jinah in western #Aleppo

Syria Several airstrikes on Khan Shaykhun town in south #Idlib
Lots of injured

Syria Airstrikes on Kawkab in northern #Hama

Syria Airstrikes also on #Morek town
Seems regime back in daily business
#Ceasefire collapsing

BACK to double tapping Syrian first responders......there is no ceasefire now at all as the Russians and US remain totally quiet....
Syria Civil defence/#WhiteHelmets-HQ in Al-Taman'ah out of service after hit by number of airstrikes

09-16-2016, 11:51 AM
DAY FOUR GOING ON NOW DAY FIVE of the so called Lavrov/Kerry chaos ceasefire fire plan.....


Syria #UN food convoy for E-#Aleppo now in regime held
Kiffin village (back to #Turkey?)

Syria Shiite regime loyalists in Nubbol & Zahraa block road & announce to loot #UN convoy for #Aleppo when passing

Syria regime loyalists challenge aid for rebel-held #Aleppo

09-16-2016, 11:55 AM
Turkish Army tanks and armour enter Hawar Kilis village near Azaz north Aleppo as part of #euphratesshield operation

Kerry/Lavrov might have made a deal without really asking the Turks what they are going to do....TAF slowly moving into position to effect the besieging by Assad of eastern Aleppo....

A TAF armored infantry division sized force together with FSA are ready to move on al Bab.....and then they are not far at all from Aleppo......and they have Turkish AF CAS.....AND then it is on to Manbij......

CENTCOM/SF and the YPG/SD/PKK have some serious decisions to make in a rather short timeframe over the next 72 hours......

09-16-2016, 12:08 PM
Russian drone shot down by rebels anti aircraft at North Hama.

09-16-2016, 12:34 PM
CENTCOM and SF have outstayed their invitation now that TAF and FSA are on the offensive in northern Aleppo...especially since CENTCOM/SF are being viewed as supporters of YPG/SDF/PKK who have been constantly attacking FSA and Arab Sunni villages......

Aleppo: #US soldiers in #Al_Rai, Northern #Aleppo, this morning.

25 #US members went to #AlRaii to give #ISIL locations to fighter jets in the sky east of #Azaz

Aleppo: Angry #FSA rebels have forced the #US soldiers to drive back to #Turkey.

US troops and their affiliated groups were expelled from the boiler # obanbey (2) #Halep
WHAT is extremely interesting in the smart phone video was the fact that these 25 SF were accompanied by TWO US Abrams tanks....so who is driving them for SF???

FSA/TAF now view CENTCOM/FSA to be just another extension of the Assad regime mercenary army....

CENTCOM and the Obama WH are going to get someone killed because they seem to not fully understand the dynamics now inside Syria after TAF has entered...NOR do they seem to understand the FSA anger at YPG/SDF/PKK ethnic cleansing of Arab Sunni villages while being advised by CENTCOM/SF NOR the anger of FSA at being attacked in eastern Aleppo by YPG/SDF/PKK.

This confirmed by Turkey PM Şimşek, Turkey says Al-Rai will be taken soon, Al-Bab likely next. Major push underway

He also confirmed the push back of the US SF...who had arrived to participate...appears to me to be now strictly a TAF/FSA and Turkish AF operation.......

STILL curious as to who was driving the two US Abrams tanks in the one video....

09-16-2016, 02:16 PM
Jordan's @QueenNoor shares Amnesty report bashing Amman for stranding 75,000 Syrian refugees in miserable conditions

Reference the Assad/Putin air strikes on a Eid marketplace the day before the ceasefire went into effect....

After more than 5 days @SyriaCivilDef finished the search and rescue in #Idlib city 94 people killed and 150 injured

09-16-2016, 02:18 PM
BBC World Service
Verified account
US State Dept says it has 'legitimate reasons' for not releasing Syria deal details

Kerry can't hide his culpability, working to help close the siege of Aleppo again, forever

If the deal goes off rails due to something like UN not transferring aid due to Assad blocking, it'll stay hidden

UN envoy "#Syria gov't promised permits for UN aid convoys B4 the ceasefire. They have not been received"

09-16-2016, 02:22 PM
Syria #Hezbollah shelling besieged #Zabadani town west of #Damascus

Syria Airstrikes on Harbinafsah & Zara in northern #Homs

Syria Barrel bombing in northern #Homs

NEITHER ASSAD NOR PUTIN are claiming these air strikes are against IS/JaN....simply bombing FSA and in full violation of their agreed to ceasefire...
TYPICAL for Russian ceasefires....one would think Kerry would have learned by now not to trust a single thing Russia says .....he has not.....

09-16-2016, 02:40 PM
MORE on US SF being pushed out of Syria back into Turkey.....

HERE is just how bad the US info warfare is......
Reportedly 25 US FACs joined the #EuphratesShield operation entered from al-Ra'i to support TuArmy/FSA push to IS held al-Bab north Aleppo.

FIRST of all there is no such thing as a FAC....there is a JTAC which is AF driven and not necessary USAF SOF.....

Secondly the entire unit acted and responded as a SF unit would NOT JTACS would and or will act....

Normally JTACs are assigned to specific units that they will be supporting and if JTACs were among the 25 THEN I am beating no more than 2 to 3 which were potentially USAF JTACS "assigned to SF" with the rest as SF for personal protection.......
[/B]THUS a majority of these 25 were in fact SF............

I have worked with and trained JTACS and none of the US personnel in the video or still photos were carrying the JTAC configed equipment....

Reports FSA refused to cooperate with them and even there were clashes

Turkey SOF also reported to be in the fray of #AlRai, now turning into a debacle for #USA with hostile #FSA

Rumours of #DeirEzzor Ahrar Al-Sharqiyah deciding to quit #euphrates_shield op over #US #SOF presence in #AlRai #Aleppo

Watch as #US #SOF flash a "hang loose" hand sign to angry #FSA on drive out of #AlRai #Cobanbey

New photos undoubtedly cast away doubts over identity of #USA #SOF in #AlRai #Cobanbey with US-trained #Syria #VSO

SOMEHOW the US thought that the FSA would allow themselves to be wrapped into the US's idea of being anti IS...NOT thinking that FSA is in fact syriab with their own agenda.....FSA has repeatedly stated to the US...FIRST help us remove Assad and THEN we will ourselves remove Assad.....BUT Kerry/Obama never seemed to find them "moderate' enough.....

US #SOF reportedly chased out of #AlRai #Aleppo as #FSA started chanting "Americans we're coming 4 ur slaughter"

[B]The US thinks local actors will forget America's lack of commitment as quickly as the US itself forgets its allies. They don't

APPEARS that Kerry/Obama/CENTCOM completely misread the anti Assad opposition.....the FSA has repeatedly stated to the US...help us remove Assad and we ourselves will remove IS...that has been they agenda from the very beginning .....

09-16-2016, 03:16 PM
N. #Hama: Jaish Al-Izza downed this Russian drone Orlan-10 used to coordinate airstrikes.

E. #Ghouta: Jaish Al-Islam thwarted an attempt by pro-Regime forces to sneak into its positions in Hawsh Nasri.

09-16-2016, 03:18 PM
MORE on US SF being pushed out of Syria back into Turkey.....

US #SOF reportedly chased out of #AlRai #Aleppo as #FSA started chanting "Americans we're coming 4 ur slaughter"

HERE is just how bad the US info warfare is......
Reportedly 25 US FACs joined the #EuphratesShield operation entered from al-Ra'i to support TuArmy/FSA push to IS held al-Bab north Aleppo.

FIRST of all there is no such thing as a FAC....there is a JTAC which is AF driven and not necessary USAF SOF.....

Secondly the entire unit acted and responded as a SF unit would NOT JTACS would and or will act....

Normally JTACs are assigned to specific units that they will be supporting and if JTACs were among the 25 THEN I am beating no more than 2 to 3 which were potentially USAF JTACS "assigned to SF" with the rest as SF for personal protection.......
[/B]THUS a majority of these 25 were in fact SF............

I have worked with and trained JTACS and none of the US personnel in the video or still photos were carrying the JTAC configed equipment....

Reports FSA refused to cooperate with them and even there were clashes

Turkey SOF also reported to be in the fray of #AlRai, now turning into a debacle for #USA with hostile #FSA

Rumours of #DeirEzzor Ahrar Al-Sharqiyah deciding to quit #euphrates_shield op over #US #SOF presence in #AlRai #Aleppo

[B]Watch as #US #SOF flash a "hang loose" hand sign to angry #FSA on drive out of #AlRai #Cobanbey

New photos undoubtedly cast away doubts over identity of #USA #SOF in #AlRai #Cobanbey with US-trained #Syria #VSO

EuphratesShield: US strategy backfiring after months of sporadic support vs #ISIS as #FSA expelled from Al-Rai newly arrived US forces.


I am more than interested in the second photo as they are not US SF.....anyone have an idea who they are and or where from....??

09-16-2016, 03:20 PM
SW. #Aleppo: Rebels repelled this morning a Regime attack on 1070 Project & are still in control of its main parts.

But Regime preparing at least 3 campaigns:
- N #Latakia
- S #Aleppo: gathering of Iranian-led forces in Al-Hader
- N #Hama counter-offensive

09-16-2016, 03:23 PM

STILL NO AID being delivered by anyone WITH Turkey standing by but not receiving approval and the UN is doing nothing but stating "we have no Assad approvals"

BUT WAT the Russians stated that Assad would adhere to the agreement...WHICH he is not and both Assad and Putin are still attacking and conducting air strikes.....

Aleppo: on 4th day of ceasefire airstrikes drastically reduced but humanitarian aid not yet entered besieged E. #Aleppo (since 12 days now)

09-16-2016, 03:28 PM
Ceasefire is now largely failing AND no humanitarian aid has been delivered anywhere....

Numbers of air strikes and locations being hit are climbing rapidly....

Reporter pearls maize: warplanes targeted the town of Brive gene western Aleppo with four thermobaric bombs

3 martyrs, 1 adult and 2 children, and several injured at Khan Sheiykhoun, Idlib as a result of regime airforce bombing.

Back to dozens of #AssadPutin air strikes on civilians in the northern provinces.
Plus no aid for Aleppo.

09-16-2016, 03:49 PM
MORE on US SF being pushed out of Syria back into Turkey.....

HERE is just how bad the US info warfare is......
Reportedly 25 US FACs joined the #EuphratesShield operation entered from al-Ra'i to support TuArmy/FSA push to IS held al-Bab north Aleppo.

FIRST of all there is no such thing as a FAC....there is a JTAC which is AF driven and not necessary USAF SOF.....

Secondly the entire unit acted and responded as a SF unit would NOT JTACS would and or will act....

Normally JTACs are assigned to specific units that they will be supporting and if JTACs were among the 25 THEN I am beating no more than 2 to 3 which were potentially USAF JTACS "assigned to SF" with the rest as SF for personal protection.......
[/B]THUS a majority of these 25 were in fact SF............

I have worked with and trained JTACS and none of the US personnel in the video or still photos were carrying the JTAC configed equipment....

Reports FSA refused to cooperate with them and even there were clashes

Turkey SOF also reported to be in the fray of #AlRai, now turning into a debacle for #USA with hostile #FSA

Rumours of #DeirEzzor Ahrar Al-Sharqiyah deciding to quit #euphrates_shield op over #US #SOF presence in #AlRai #Aleppo

Watch as #US #SOF flash a "hang loose" hand sign to angry #FSA on drive out of #AlRai #Cobanbey

New photos undoubtedly cast away doubts over identity of #USA #SOF in #AlRai #Cobanbey with US-trained #Syria #VSO

SOMEHOW the US thought that the FSA would allow themselves to be wrapped into the US's idea of being anti IS...NOT thinking that FSA is in fact syriab with their own agenda.....FSA has repeatedly stated to the US...FIRST help us remove Assad and THEN we will ourselves remove Assad.....BUT Kerry/Obama never seemed to find them "moderate' enough.....

US #SOF reportedly chased out of #AlRai #Aleppo as #FSA started chanting "Americans we're coming 4 ur slaughter"

[B]The US thinks local actors will forget America's lack of commitment as quickly as the US itself forgets its allies. They don't

APPEARS that Kerry/Obama/CENTCOM completely misread the anti Assad opposition.....the FSA has repeatedly stated to the US...help us remove Assad and we ourselves will remove IS...that has been they agenda from the very beginning .....

A dispute erupted when FSA fighters accused U.S. SOF of being pro-YPG = American personnel withdrew; some to #Turkey, some to Tathamus.

Heated tempers & YPG relations aside, this was big mistake by FSA.

But it does go to show the diplomacy now required to make it work.

Notwithstanding damage caused by all-cards-in relations with YPG, just imagine the consequences of joint military action with #Russia????

Via multiple sources:

- U.S SOF are back in Al-Rai, accompanied by FSA units.

- Those involved in earlier protest have been “discharged."

NOW the narrative become clearer.....supposedly the US SF were to accompany TAF when they first crossed into Syria....BUT where pulled back by CENTCOM.....NOW we have Sf actively supporting TAF/FSA and we have SF supporting the Kurdish YPG/SDF/PKK.....

CAN things get any clearer than this ??????????

US Special Operations Forces in northern Syria for the first time are now accompanying, advising and assisting Turkish forces:Pentagon

09-16-2016, 03:56 PM
Fighting steadily escalating in #Syria - reports of heavy combat around #Damascus, #Hama & #Aleppo.
Aid still being blocked by regime too.

We’re now 5 days into the initial 7-day ceasefire, and *not even one* substantive aid delivery has taken place, anywhere in #Syria.

IMPORTANT referencing the above comments.......as it will have to do with potential JFS resumption of combat operations as Assad and Russia have not adhered to their own so called ceasefire.....

Upcoming statement by JFS leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani?
[If yes, watch carefully, given context]

09-16-2016, 04:00 PM
Turkish #TSK Sabra M60T in preparation for the offensive on al-Bab. #FSA #Euphrates_shield

Syria has not granted ‘a single permit’ to aid besieged Aleppo, says U.N. official:

Russian And Regime Jets Bomb Rebel-Held Areas While Denying But Threatening Escalation

09-16-2016, 04:11 PM
FIRST it was SF wearing YPG uniform patches, then CENTCOM telling SF to take them off, THEN SF putting them back on and NOW US FLAGS........

NOT exactly sure if US SF wants to be in the middle when the Turks arrive after the Russian ceasefire ends....as they have firmly signaled they will enter Manbij SF or no SF.....

American forces place US flag on the border town of GirSp (Tal Abyad) to warn Turkey not to attack SDF there.

BUT WAIT Turkey has warned both the US and SDF which is really part and parcel of YPG/PKK...Turkey has clearly and concisely told the US and the Kurds it will not tolerate Kurdish forces controlling the Turkish border......WHY..... the Turks view the SDF/YPG allowing PKK troops to move back and forth across the SDF controlled border areas...AND they view the SDF/YPG as part of PKK..A US named terrorist group......

MAYBE CENTCOM, SF and the Obama WH urgently need to speak French...........

PYD is carrying out PKK policy in Syria, Massoud Barzani tells Le Monde:

NOW I am not even sure the US knows it's own narrative anymore......nothing but total confusion coming out of DoD and the Obama WH.....

WHAT are a number of US SF supposedly doing in a border town together with SDF that borders directly Turkey WHEN Turkey states openly that they will remove SDF from the borders....

Initial reports indicate US Special Ops forces in Tell Abyad Syria put up US flag to show identity as they came under fire: US officials

NOTICE they say nothing as to who supposedly was firing on them??????

09-16-2016, 04:22 PM
IT only took the Obama WH and maybe Kerry as he has been largely silent FIVE DAYS since Geneva AFTER stating DoD was still stuck in Cold War thinking......

#BREAKING US says no cooperation with #Russia until #Syria aid flows: @AFP

BUT WAIT....aid is no longer needed as the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire is today going down in flames from increased Russian/Assad air strikes and ground attacks....

Putin got what he wanted...a stop to the combat operational momentum that the rebels had, a refit, rearm and repositioning of the Assad regime forces for three major ground offensives and a final attack on Aleppo.....

ALL thanks to Kerry and company in the Obama WH.....coupled with a lot of DoD confusion as to what side they are supporting....

09-16-2016, 04:26 PM
IT only took the Obama WH and maybe Kerry as he has been largely silent FIVE DAYS since Geneva AFTER stating DoD was still stuck in Cold War thinking......

#BREAKING US says no cooperation with #Russia until #Syria aid flows: @AFP

BUT WAIT....aid is no longer needed as the Kerry/Lavrov ceasefire is today going down in flames from increased Russian/Assad air strikes and ground attacks....

Putin got what he wanted...a stop to the combat operational momentum that the rebels had, a refit, rearm and repositioning of the Assad regime forces for three major ground offensives and a final attack on Aleppo.....

ALL thanks to Kerry and company in the Obama WH.....coupled with a lot of DoD confusion as to what side they are supporting....

The highly touted Kerry successful Russian Geneva ceasefire in THREE words....

It is over.......

EastGhouta, #Aleppo, #Idlib, #Hama, #Homs (video).
#AssadPutin and the #SyriaCeasefire ...

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces trying to storm "1070 Apartments Project" in Southern #Aleppo City now. Second attempt since last night.

Aleppo: #Assad/#Russia|n warplanes bombed #Deir_Hafer town & nearby villages, killed 4 children & destroyed many homes today.

Damascus: Rebels have repelled #Assad regime attack at #Hawsh_Nasri village in Eastern #Ghouta and killed several pro-#Assad forces today.

Damascus: Rebels have repelled the #Assad regime attack on #Jobar District, killed 20+ pro-#Assad forces and destroyed 1 #Assad tank.

Homs: #Assad airstrikes on #Harbinafsah town & #Zara village in Northern #Homs.

09-16-2016, 04:38 PM
Russia|n MoD : "The #Syria|n Army is the only side committed to the ceasefire agreement."

HOPE the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH have both heard and read this Russian MoD statement???????

09-16-2016, 05:33 PM
A dispute erupted when FSA fighters accused U.S. SOF of being pro-YPG = American personnel withdrew; some to #Turkey, some to Tathamus.

Heated tempers & YPG relations aside, this was big mistake by FSA.

But it does go to show the diplomacy now required to make it work.

Notwithstanding damage caused by all-cards-in relations with YPG, just imagine the consequences of joint military action with #Russia????

Via multiple sources:

- U.S SOF are back in Al-Rai, accompanied by FSA units.
[/B]- Those involved in earlier protest have been “discharged."

NOW the narrative become clearer.....supposedly the US SF were to accompany TAF when they first crossed into Syria....BUT where pulled back by CENTCOM.....NOW we have Sf actively supporting TAF/FSA and we have SF supporting the Kurdish YPG/SDF/PKK.....

CAN things get any clearer than this ??????????

US Special Operations Forces in northern Syria for the first time are now accompanying, advising and assisting Turkish forces:Pentagon

SF ONLY allowed back into northern Aleppo AFTER Turkish mediation with FSA

09-16-2016, 05:37 PM
“The White Helmets”

Now out on @netflix. Take 40mins out of your day to watch this:


09-16-2016, 05:42 PM
Syria: “Jayesh Al-Ezza” drop a Russian drone in #Hama countryside (Video)

09-16-2016, 05:58 PM
One of the major Russian ceasefire demands that evidently Kerry had agreed to but not released was the naming of Ahrar al Sham and Jaish al-IslamI to the terrorist list.....

NOW the so called ceasefire is truly dead in the water......

Al-Mudin citing a source at the MOM: the US has added Ahrar al-Sham and Jaish al-Islam to the no-bomb friendly groups.

Russia had complained bitterly over the last few days that the US was not fulfilling all the agreements especially the naming of AAS.....

They have been silent about this demands the last 24 hours...

09-16-2016, 06:03 PM
Several airstrikes on #Souran in No-#Hama

Airstrikes on Dara Aza in western #Aleppo

Airstrikes on northern #Aleppo's Anadan & Huraytan suburbs

Airstrikes on Atarib town west of #Aleppo

Hama: Heavy #Assad airstrikes on #Souran town in Northern #Hama now.

Homs: #Assad helicopter attacking towns and villages in Northern #Homs with barrel bombs today.

Helicopters reportedly bombing Kawkab in northern Hama

Syria Helicopters cast barrel bombs on Morek town in northern #Hama

Damascus: #Hezbollah sniper has killed 1 civilian in besieged #Zabadani today.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces have seriously injured 2 children in #Sheikh_Saeed District of #Aleppo City today

09-16-2016, 06:05 PM
SO exactly who does the US SF now work for since in theory they were suppose to be advisors to TAF/FSA.....??????

Syria #US-Special-Forces set up base in Tal Ahmar some km west of al-Rai in northern #Aleppo

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform

Syrians don't want western boots on the ground, our man-power is strong enough, just send us real weapons to do the job ourselves

FSA has repeatedly told Obama WH that they will immediately take care of IS ONLY After Assad has been removed from power....FSA had assumed the Obama WH had fully understood that in 2013......

WONDER if CENTCOM and Obama WH now has received this clear and concise message especially after events this morning with the kicking out initially of US SF troops...

US SF only in northern Aleppo via FSA and TAF....NOT via Kerry and Obama WH.....

Aleppo: Ahrar al-Sharqiya leader refusing to work with #US soldiers due to their support of #YPG militias.

Ahrar al-Sharqiya *had* been a CENTCOM-vetted unit but it lost its status recently, after problems w. New Syria Army

Ahrar al-Sharqiya also claim to have been the victim of a recent "U.S airstrike" that “targeted" their leaders in southern #Aleppo.

Some opposition sources suggest Ahrar Sharqiya's decision to join the fight in S. #Aleppo had seen them work alongside Fateh al-Sham.

09-16-2016, 06:17 PM
Russian Syrian Express on the move......

Russian Navy BSF's Buyan-M Class Guided Missile Corvette Zeleny Dol 602 northbound on the İstanbul Strait

Russian Navy BSF's Buyan-M Class Guided Missile Corvette Serpukhov 603 northbound as well
Built at Zelenodolsk Gorky shipyard

09-16-2016, 06:25 PM
Al Jazeera News

The UN has called on the Syrian government to "immediately" allow life-saving aid into eastern Aleppo

09-16-2016, 06:27 PM
(Unconfirmed) Small uprising reported against the Islamic State in eastern Syria following the Eid slaughterhouse video

Al Tabani village in Deir Al Zour was hit with 2 Explosive Vest SVIED hitting 2 IS bases ...

The explosion left many killed, and initial claims is that relatives of those beheaded and hung like cattle are behind the attack ...

09-16-2016, 06:36 PM
UN Security Council meeting to extend "truce" for #Syria for 72h
Regime conducted 25+ airstrikes on rebels today

Syria #UN aid convoy used route Bab Al-Hawa (border crossing) -> Afrin -> Nubbol-Zahraa instead of #Idlib -> western #Aleppo as planned

Western not eastern Aleppo....western is regime controlled......

09-16-2016, 06:45 PM
Several airstrikes on #Souran in No-#Hama

Airstrikes on Dara Aza in western #Aleppo

Airstrikes on northern #Aleppo's Anadan & Huraytan suburbs

Airstrikes on Atarib town west of #Aleppo

Hama: Heavy #Assad airstrikes on #Souran town in Northern #Hama now.

Homs: #Assad helicopter attacking towns and villages in Northern #Homs with barrel bombs today.

Helicopters reportedly bombing Kawkab in northern Hama

Syria Helicopters cast barrel bombs on Morek town in northern #Hama

Damascus: #Hezbollah sniper has killed 1 civilian in besieged #Zabadani today.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces have seriously injured 2 children in #Sheikh_Saeed District of #Aleppo City today

Avdiivka Promka - #Yasynuvata blockpost - battle ongoing, assault rifles, machine guns, AA-gun, RPGs, mortars.

SO much for the Russian seven day ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.......

TSN Confirms Heavy Ukrainian Casualties In Avdeyevka In Last 24 Hours - 6 WIA

09-16-2016, 06:55 PM
Aleppo: Turkish army shelling #ISIS positions around #Baraghida village with heavy artillery now.

09-17-2016, 06:03 AM
SO does Kerry STILL believe the "his ceasefire is largely holding"

#RUSSIA terror attack with incendiary clusters over north #Homs cs, now
#Syria Sep 17

Homs: Heavy fighting between rebels and pro-#Assad forces at #Al_Ghantu, Northern #Homs, last night.

Damascus: Rebels killed several pro-#Assad forces during a failed regime assault at #Al_Bahariyah village, Eastern #Ghouta.

Aleppo: Fierce fighting at 1070 Apartments Project and the Carton Factory in Western #Aleppo ongoing.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces killed and wouded several civilians with heavy artillery in #Bustan_al_Qaser District tonight.

Damascus: Rebels have killed an #Assad commander of the Republican Guard tank battalion in #Jobar District today.

Aleppo: Rebels have killed #Assad Colonel Mahud Aziz Hassan, commander of paratroopers, at Artillery Base today.

Homs: #Russia|n airstrikes on Northern #Homs now.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces attacking al-Rashidin District & "1070 Apartments Project" in Southern #Aleppo City with ground troops now.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces shelling Southern #Aleppo with heavy artillery from #Nayrab Airbase tonight.

Aleppo: Rebels have destroyed an #Assad 23mm cannon with TOW on #Tell_Um_al_Qara, Southern #Aleppo, today.

Hama: Rebels shelling pro-#Assad forces in #Al_Mubattan village, southeast of #Kawkab village, with Grad rockets.

09-17-2016, 06:11 AM

Russia and Assad are in the process of destroying their own ceasefire created with the assistance of Kerry...WHY........ the ceasefire as in eastern Ukraine is designed to take the combat momentum away from the rebels and allowed Assad to rearm, refit and reposition for three major offensives.....

WHAT is surprising is that Kerry seems to never "get it"......

Kerry seems to not fully understand the linkage between Russian actions in eastern Ukraine and Syria...appears he has never heard the term Russian non linear warfare.....

09-17-2016, 06:17 AM
Russia cancelled UNSC #Syria meeting because US refused to release the text of secret cease-fire deal with Russia

Step News reports that 44 people were killed yesterday. 89 killed by Syrian regime and Russia since CoH started.

FSA Homs Corps | graduation of a group of infantry [ft. BMPs, tanks] #Rastan #Homs:

Hunger strike to release #ENKS detainees held by #PYD in #Hasakah continues

09-17-2016, 06:28 AM

-Humanitarian Aid STILL NOT Delivered
-UNSC meeting canceled
-Civilian deaths in Aleppo
-Fighting near Hama,near Tartous, in Aleppo

#Assad's Su-22 ignoring the #SyriaCeasefire, bombing rebels in S #Hama province.

HOW naďve is Kerry and Obama/Rhodes really??

Syria : US reportedly gives #Russia until Monday to deliver Aid to Aleppo. Deal might be in jeopardy otherwise!

Based on the massive increase in the Assad and Russian air strikes and now ground attacks........CEASEFIRE is DEAD

09-17-2016, 06:47 AM
U.S. Special Operations forces begin new role alongside Turkish troops in Syria

NOTICE that the Wapo article did not go into detail actually what happened yesterday when SF troops were basically kicked out of northern Syria by FSA and only with TAF mediation where they allowed back in.

Total number talked about yesterday was 25 SF personnel.....

Wapo elegantly sidestepped the embarrassing event.....

09-17-2016, 03:56 PM
IMPORTANT to watch when one can get it via the internet....THIS will tell us where formerly JaN (AQ) now rebranded JFS is headed in the coming months.....

Al Jazeera will televise an extended interview with Fateh al-Sham leader al-Jolani in 2 or so hrs (8.30pm #Syria time).

09-17-2016, 04:14 PM
The #Idlib-rooted FSA group Liwa Suqor al-Jebel have redeployed most of its forces to counter regime maneuvers near Jisr al-Shughour.

Pro-regime forces have been amassing opposite Jisr al-Shughour for several days. Possible attack in cards:

After yesterday’s incident w. Ahrar Sharqiya, anti-#ISIS ops in N #Aleppo have resumed.
US SOF, #Turkey & 10+ FSA units captured 2 villages

EuphratesShield: #FSA seized over Tathumus & Qantarah from #ISIS, W. of Al-Rai.

VERY important, by @columlynch
“Gaping holes" in #Syria’s chemical weapon declarations"

N. #Hama: many locations like Kawkab, Souran, Kafr Zita & Lahaya repeatedly targeted by Regime airstrikes last 36 hours. #Ceasefire at work

09-17-2016, 04:18 PM
BREAKING: Syria situation is 'worsening' and US is 'responsible' if the truce breaks down: Russian military - via @AFP

BUT WAIT it is Russian and Assad AFs that are still bombing civilians and Assad regime forces conducting ground attacks AND STILL NO AID has been delivered......

09-17-2016, 04:23 PM
Russian MoD staged an interview with a Russian and Syrian officer standing on the Castello Road "WHEN" Russian MoD "claimed" they were being shelled by rebels.....

Aleppo: how Russia staged a false Rebel attack on Castillo Road to fit its narrative about ceasefire violations.

09-17-2016, 04:26 PM
Syria Rebel launch 3. Phase to expel #IS from northern #Aleppo

Syria #Russia'n airstrikes hit grain silos & bread factory of al_Bab town in eastern #Aleppo
only people suffer, but not #IS

Syria #Damascus #Assad-forces try to storm Hawsh Nasri in eastern Ghouta

Aleppo: Regime still controlling ~5% of 1070 Project. No advance since 1 month

Syria #Assad's artillery on Tell Azzan shelling villages in southern rural #Aleppo

Syria #US airstrikes & #Turkey artillery shelling on #IS villages in northern #Aleppo around Kafr Ghan

Syria #Assad regime dropped 10 barrel bombs on Khan ash-Shih south of #Damascus last night

Syria Child killed by airstrike on #Aleppo's northern suburb Huraytan

Syria Several people killed & wounded by shelling on #Talbisa in northern #Homs

Syrian state media reports Israeli airstrikes against regime positions in the Quneitra Province

A large group of IS khawarij tried attacking JFS positions in Al Baadiyah (reef Hama). 3 were killed and 40 captured

Quneitra: an Israeli airstrike struck a position of Golan Regiment (#NDF) in retaliation for mortar shells.

EuphratesShield: #FSA Suqur Jebal withdrew its forces from N. #Aleppo to reinforce fronts where Regime is gathering

09-17-2016, 04:32 PM
Syria Regime & #Russia conducted 60+ airstrikes on rebel held areas since start of non existing "#ceasefire"

09-17-2016, 05:20 PM
Afghan child soldier of #IRGC's Fatemiun brig Ali Ahmad Hosseini killed in Aleppo, Syria, buried in Mahdasht, Iran.

Russian reconnaissance drone over Aleppo, Syria.

S. #Aleppo: Iranian-led forces in Al-Hader shelling Al-Eis & Tell Mamou with heavy homemade rockets. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.931456&lon=37.021179&z=12&m#…

Syria #Damascus #Assad-forces try to storm Hawsh Nasri in eastern Ghouta

09-17-2016, 05:24 PM
Mourning the Syria That Might've Been: How Assad’s forces bombed [and starved] a democratic experiment into oblivion

The UN: Assad's silent partner in starvation

09-17-2016, 05:53 PM
VSO/#FSA N. Thunder Brigade shot down an #ISIS DJI Phantom 4 drone near Baraghita in N. #Aleppo. #EuphratesShield

"Rebels are unlikely to stop fighting as long as the man they blame for the majority of the war’s deaths remains."

Aleppo: Many #FSA rebels returned from Northern #Aleppo to Southern #Aleppo and Northern #Hama to fight against pro-#Assad forces.

Hama: Rebels have captured #Assad T-72 tank and BMP in #Kawkab village some days ago.

Assad propaganda media claiming that pro-#Assad forces are on the offensive in #Aleppo, #Latakia & Eastern #Ghouta.

Aleppo: #Iran-led Shia militias in #Al_Hader shelling #Al_Eis with rockets now.

DeirEzzor: #ISIS has captured the #Assad Artillery Battalion at #Turdah Mountain.

09-17-2016, 06:27 PM

Moscow doubles+ death toll RT @AP BREAKING: Russian military says 62 Syrian soldiers reportedly killed in US-led airstrike on military base.

Al Arabiya English

#Breaking Russian army says US-led coalition has killed 62 Syrian soldiers and wounded 100 in strikes

Saturday, 17 September 2016

More than 60 Syrian government soldiers were killed and dozens of others injured Saturday in US-led coalition air strikes on an air base in the east of the war-torn country, the Russian army said.
“Warplanes from the international anti-militant coalition carried out four air strikes today against Syrian forces surrounded by ISIS in the Deir Ezzor air base,” the army said in a statement.
“Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and a hundred others were injured in these strikes.”
Meanwhile, the London-based monitoring group, the Observatory for Human Rights, said the air raids killed 30 Syrian soldiers.
Earlier, Russia’s defense ministry on Saturday said US would be blamed if truce in Syria collapses, describing Washington as not ready to force Syrian rebels under its control to implement the ceasefire.
“The United States and so-called moderate (rebel) groups under their control did not implement any of the obligations taken under the Geneva agreements,” Russian news agencies quoted Lieutenant-General Viktor Poznikhir as saying.

“If the United States does not take steps needed to fulfil its obligations under the Sept. 9 agreement, then all the responsibility for any collapse of the ceasefire in Syria would lie with the United States,” he added.
The defense ministry said there have been 199 times violations since ceasefire came into force on Monday, dubbing the situation in the conflict-torn country as worsening especially in Aleppo and Hama provinces.
It also said that Syrian town of Muaddami near the capital Damascus was ready to receive humanitarian convoy on Sunday.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also told US Secretary of State John Kerry that military officials from the United States should be fully involved in monitoring a ceasefire in Syria, Russia’s foreign ministry said on Saturday.

In a phone call with Kerry, Lavrov also proposed that documents related to the Syria ceasefire agreement should be published to avoid “any double meaning” over how the deal should be implemented, the ministry said in a statement.

Meanwhile, a senior rebel official in Aleppo warned on Saturday that the ceasefire “will not hold out as air strikes and shelling continued in some places and promised aid deliveries failed to come through.
The ceasefire is the result of an agreement between Russia, which backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with air power, and the United States, which supports some rebel groups, and has cooled fighting since coming into effect last Monday.
On Friday, Washington and Moscow agreed to extend the ceasefire.
“The truce, as we have warned, and we told the (US) State Department - will not hold out,” the rebel official said, pointing to the continued presence of a UN aid convoy at the Turkish border awaiting permission to travel to Aleppo.
“It is not possible for the party (Russia) that wages war against a people to strive to achieve a truce, as it is also not possible for it to be a sponsor of this agreement while it bombs night and day, while on the other side, the other party - America - has the role of spectator,” he said.
Aid is then meant to reach battered Aleppo, where an estimated 250,000 people in the rebel-held half of the city are living under government siege.
But forty trucks carrying desperately-needed food aid were still stuck on the border with Turkey on Saturday.
“Still no progress, but the UN is ready to move once we get the go ahead,” said David Swanson, a spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The UN has said it cannot deliver aid until “all guarantees are in place for safe delivery.”
AFP’s correspondent in Aleppo’s eastern districts said the city was calm on Saturday after a few rocket attacks overnight

The airstrike(s) hit SAA positions in Jabal Tharda, the mountain overlooks DeirEzzor's Airport

Assad regime accusing #US Air Force to bomb pro-#Assad forces south of #DeirEzzor City and allowing #ISIS to advance

Russian MoD says 2 F16 & 2 A10 aircraft carried out the air raid - Interfax

DeirEzzor: #ISIS has captured #Turdah Mountain south of #DeirEzzor City from pro-#Assad forces today.

More likely regime covering up FF incident, VBIED or military defeat. Whatever happened, ISIL took Mt. Thardeh.

As a third option, worth pointing out that RuAF has accidentally struck regime position in Deir Ezzor before.

BUT THEN IS gets into the mix.......

Making things more complicated: Amaq claims air strikes were on their positions, not regime's. Everybody wants some.

09-17-2016, 06:36 PM
Russia bombed Syrians fighting only ISIS, allowing ISIS to advance. Now why does that sound familiar.

Heavy shelling in E. #Aleppo tonight. It's quite clear there's no ceasefire for some fighters. Not clear who's firing but it's sustained.

09-17-2016, 06:48 PM
More than 5 years into #Syria war, #Assad denies any responsibility.

BIG explosions in #Aleppo-the fighting & shelling has lasted 2 hours now,since sunset. No ceasefire. Prospects for real peace unravel again.

DeirEzzor: #ISIS has captured the #Assad 137th Artillery Brigade’s Base at #DeirEzzor Airport.

09-17-2016, 07:07 PM
The Syrian regime media makes no secret out of the fact, it is attacking & advancing.

Assad's media clearly states it is on the offensive in #EastGhouta and in the #Latakia / #Idlib border region.
But the west ignores it ...

Assad regime helicopter and artillery attacks on not less than 6 rebel-held towns and villages west and south west of #Aleppo.

09-17-2016, 07:08 PM
#US soldiers and LOTS of Turkish Army equipment between al-Rai and Tal Ahmar.

09-17-2016, 07:18 PM
IMPORTANT to watch when one can get it via the internet....THIS will tell us where formerly JaN (AQ) now rebranded JFS is headed in the coming months.....

Al Jazeera will televise an extended interview with Fateh al-Sham leader al-Jolani in 2 or so hrs (8.30pm #Syria time).

Jolani says U.S strikes vs. JFS are because JFS is a powerful faction, despite its new “lack of” ties to Al-Qaeda.

Jolani paints recent offensives in #Hama as being aimed towards “liberating” #Homs city from #Assad regime control.

Jolani accused the US-#Russia deal of being only focused on “security issues”, aiming for the opposition’s surrender

Jolani accuses the UN (& De Mistura) of pursuing a methodical policy for #Aleppo’s defeat to the #Assad regime.

Jolani talks about “advanced” unity talks in #Syria, but acknowledges there are differences between some groups.

Jolani says Syrians’ chief concern is rejecting “humiliation”, not seeking food aid from the world’s powers. #Syria

Jolani's talking about the need for governance structures that are separate from military activities in #Syria.

Jolani "De Mistura only appears when Opposition is losing, to demand withdrawal from cities to be handed to Assad Regime".

What is happening in Syria now is “ the transfer of populations to create new demographics.” under the close watch of the UN

Jolani UN is playing the worst role in Aleppo, they agree with Assad Regime on besieging the city and control all roads".

Jolani "The situation in Aleppo is different, it is surrounded by Opposition bases; Opposition has the power and upper hand in the area".

09-17-2016, 07:21 PM
Syria Number of airstrikes on southern #Idlib & northern #Hama towns & villages along highway to #Aleppo

Assad-forces cast barrel bombs on Lajat villages north east of #Daraa in southern #Syria

09-17-2016, 07:27 PM

Moscow doubles+ death toll RT @AP BREAKING: Russian military says 62 Syrian soldiers reportedly killed in US-led airstrike on military base.

Al Arabiya English

#Breaking Russian army says US-led coalition has killed 62 Syrian soldiers and wounded 100 in strikes

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The airstrike(s) hit SAA positions in Jabal Tharda, the mountain overlooks DeirEzzor's Airport

Assad regime accusing #US Air Force to bomb pro-#Assad forces south of #DeirEzzor City and allowing #ISIS to advance

Russian MoD says 2 F16 & 2 A10 aircraft carried out the air raid - Interfax

DeirEzzor: #ISIS has captured #Turdah Mountain south of #DeirEzzor City from pro-#Assad forces today.

More likely regime covering up FF incident, VBIED or military defeat. Whatever happened, ISIL took Mt. Thardeh.

As a third option, worth pointing out that RuAF has accidentally struck regime position in Deir Ezzor before.

BUT THEN IS gets into the mix.......

Making things more complicated: Amaq claims air strikes were on their positions, not regime's. Everybody wants some.

However: #Assad-forces got now a taste of airstrikes-
like ten thousands people before when hit by barrel bombs

Syria #DeirEzzor: Strange: #US strikes killed 80+ #Assad-forces knowingly? Or try to help #Assad-regime against big #IS assault?

Appears that CENTCOM did strike in the area BUT claims they informed the Russian center in order to inform them of the intent to strike and apparently Russia initially did not say anything and only after bombs fell did the Russians notify CENTCOM

SO did Russian allow for the FF in order to pressure CENTCOM into working jointly with them AND was there Russian troops in the position that was struck???????

Russia just confirmed my assumption.........

Russia says/imply: if US-led coalition attacks were a mistake, its because US refusing to coordinate strikes with us

US coalition officials in Qatar operations center informed Russian military ahead of today's strike(s) in Deir ez-Zor.

09-17-2016, 07:35 PM
Months of working on a deal & after all put in place, the US can't even get its partner to deliver on agreed terms.

DAY SIX going on DAY SEVEN and STILL no humanitarian aid delivered anywhere in Syria.......

09-17-2016, 07:43 PM
DeirEzzor: Pro-#Assad forces in #DeirEzzor are in panic. #Assad militias from western #DeirEzzor frontline are on the way to the airport.

Quneitra: Rebels have killed and wounded dozens of pro-#Assad forces with mortars at #Baath and #Khan_Arnabah towns today.

Aleppo: Many #Assad/#Russia|n airstrikes on Southern #Idlib, Northern #Hama and on the highway to #Aleppo City now.

Daraa: #Assad helicopter attacking villages northeast of #Daraa City with barrel bombs now.

DeirEzzor: Fierce clashes between advancing #ISIS and pro-#Assad forces near #DeirEzzor Airport now.

Step News reports that 26 people were killed yesterday. 115 killed by Syrian regime and Russia since CoH started.

Family loses 2 children and their mother is injured after regime airstrikes target a village near Deir Hefr, #Aleppo

In response to the regime targeting civilians and violating the truce in #Homs, #FSA fires rockets on Zara station

Homs: #Assad helicopter attacking #Al_Ghantou town in Northern #Homs with barrel bombs now.

Quneitra: Rebels have killed and wounded dozens of pro-#Assad forces with mortars at #Baath and #Khan_Arnabah towns today.

09-17-2016, 07:55 PM
Will other Rebel Groups Turn their Backs on JFS (Nusra)

Video of mortar strikes on #Talbiseh #Homs today, regime continues to violate the ceasefire

After regime attempted to push in Dael #Daraa during the CoH #Ceasefire, rebels prepare for any future attacks

Southern Front #FSA respond to regime breaches of the Truce in Abtaa, #Daraa and fire artillery on them

Southern Front #FSA target regime forces in #Abtaa after they violate the truce/ceasefire

Rebel discuss clashes in #Jobar, #Damascus after the regime violates the #Ceasefire and attempts to push the area

09-17-2016, 08:09 PM
Turkish backed rebels now amount up to 15,000 fighters & aim to liberate Al Bab & capture Manbij

THIS is extremely interesting since we now have US SF advising and fighting with TAF/FSA (Arab Sunni) and we have US SF fighting on the Kurdish proxy YPG/SDF/PKK side (Kurdish Sunni)......

AND a normal person is suppose to fully understand this CENTCOM Obama WH concept and that this "concept" is not suppose to get any US advisors killed...

09-18-2016, 06:22 AM
I had posted three photos of US flags flying over a YPG/SDF border town...what is interesting is then the narrative around those flags.

1. first it was the YPG raising them in order to not get attacked by TAF and FSA
2. THEN it was US SF that raised them to identify themselves and to keep from being bombed

BUT NOW......
3 US flags are lowered on top of buildings under the control of the PYD/PKK in Tal Abyad.

NOTICE the narrative shifted from YPG controls the town to NOW PYD/PKK....in the end the Kurds are having a serious identity problem and try badly to run from the PYD/PKK association as PKK is a US named terror group.....

09-18-2016, 06:29 AM
However: #Assad-forces got now a taste of airstrikes-
like ten thousands people before when hit by barrel bombs

Syria #DeirEzzor: Strange: #US strikes killed 80+ #Assad-forces knowingly? Or try to help #Assad-regime against big #IS assault?

Appears that CENTCOM did strike in the area BUT claims they informed the Russian center in order to inform them of the intent to strike and apparently Russia initially did not say anything and only after bombs fell did the Russians notify CENTCOM

SO did Russian allow for the FF in order to pressure CENTCOM into working jointly with them AND was there Russian troops in the position that was struck???????

Russia just confirmed my assumption.........

Russia says/imply: if US-led coalition attacks were a mistake, its because US refusing to coordinate strikes with us

US coalition officials in Qatar operations center informed Russian military ahead of today's strike(s) in Deir ez-Zor.

Obama apologizing to Assad for air support gone awry, while UN confirms Assad still using CWs, is really the only way this could have ended.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Obama administration official expresses #US regret for 'unintentional loss of life' after airstrike on #Syria forces.

BUT has Assad and Putin "apologized" for the "unintentional" killing of over 470-500,00 Syrians, genocide, war crimes, torture and disappearances.....????

09-18-2016, 06:35 AM
Since 2012 the Obama WH knew of the genocide, war crimes, torture and starvation being driven as Assad's anti Sunni agenda....BUT decided that doing "nothing stupid"...was the way forward in 2012 which then then there were only 7000 dead....now four years later it is over 470-500,000 and it is still climbing.......

SO this now appears to be a "fig leaf" to cover the Obama WH failure to respond......

Samantha Power saying Russia complicit in Syria's "systematic atrocities." She's right, but it's too little too late.

Samantha Power at UN: "we regret the loss of life" but "since 2011 Assad's regime have been striking Syrian civilians relentlessly"

Power accuses Russia of cynicism because Russia "never called for investigations or emergency UNSC consultations" into Assad's atrocities

Power at UN: "This meeting tonight is a diversion - The Syrian government allowed ISIS to grow and prospered right beside the Assad regime"

09-18-2016, 06:37 AM
Hama: Heavy fighting at #Kawkab village now. Pro-#Assad forces trying to retake the village from rebels.

Latakia: Rebel sniper hunting pro-#Assad forces in Northern #Latakia.

Damascus: #Russia|n airstrike has mutilated the 14-year old Omran in Eastern #Ghouta today

Mortar shells fired from #Syria hitting the Golan Heights daily now. #Israel always retaliates within minutes and bombs pro-#Assad forces.

31 civilians were killed by #Assad, #Russia and #ISIS across #Syria on Saturday.
Most of them , 12, in the #Aleppo region.

09-18-2016, 06:51 AM
HOPE that finally the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH realize exactly who they have been trying to talk to since the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine........

UPDATE: @mfa_russia spox: "After today's attack on Syrian army, we come to the terrible conclusion that WH is defending IS" -

BUT THEN this is the reality that Russia does not talk about at the UNSC meeting they called about Assad being bombed...

Burning inferno after incendiary ammo attack on #Homs towns last night.

09-18-2016, 06:59 AM
HOPE that finally the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH realize exactly who they have been trying to talk to since the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine........

UPDATE: @mfa_russia spox: "After today's attack on Syrian army, we come to the terrible conclusion that WH is defending IS" -

BUT THEN this is the reality that Russia does not talk about at the UNSC meeting they called about Assad being bombed...

Burning inferno after incendiary ammo attack on #Homs towns last night.

Dear USA,
congrats for bombing terrorist forces in eastern Syria.
Although you wanted to support these terrorists against other terror scum.

US strikes Syrian forces will feed conspiracy theories that US in league with IS and give Assad another reason to evade cease/fire

And US "friendly fire" response will feed Isis and other jihadists' propaganda line that US backs the regime.

09-18-2016, 07:12 AM
We are now officially in DAY SEVEN of the Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire.....

Still not a single humanitarian aid delivery by the un....all the while Turkish Red Crescent has been sitting on the border with over 40 trucks carrying tons of food and no premission to enter.

So what will the US response be to a complete and final ceasefire failure?????

MORE Geneva's and MORE talking??????

09-18-2016, 10:30 AM
FSA News @FSAPlatform
#FSA declare start of 3rd phase of Operation #EuphratesShield against #Daesh in N.#Aleppo province with new advances

09-18-2016, 10:33 AM
Russia accuses US of "heavy handedness" after it accidentally bombs Assads troops.

THIS is the same Russia which deliberately bombed 49 hospitals in and around Aleppo and deliberately kills civilians in deliberate air strikes using incendiary cluster munitions and napalm.....THIS is that Russia right?????

More staged Kremlin TV fakes suspected in Syria as Russia seeks to blame anti-Assad forces for ceasefire failure

09-18-2016, 10:35 AM
Syria #IS claim shot down Su-22 jet above #DeirEzzor city

Reports: Pilot Colonel Ali Hamza captured by #IS

09-18-2016, 10:40 AM
Syria'n regime cast barrel bombs on Kawkab village in northern #Hama

Syria Heavy Turkish-artillery sheling on #IS in Tal Ar Gharbi & Tal Aar Sharqi villages in northern #Aleppo

Syria Heavy regime artillery shelling on #Talbiseh town in northern #Aleppo

Syria Helicopter & warplane (sound) bombing #Talbiseh town last night in northern #Homs

09-18-2016, 10:41 AM
Churkin sarcastically: “Out of nothing, the US chose to help the Syrian army in Deir Ezzor.“ ...
He has a point.

USA give close air support to #Syria's #Assad-regime that gassed, tortured & killed tens of thousands people- for a non existing #ceasefire

Who give #US airforce the wrong coordinates for airstrikes near #DeirEzzor airbase which killed 80-100 #Assad-forces?

IF confirmed...this is a sad statement on the Obama/Kerry FP....provide CAS for a genocidal military and deny CAs to those fighting against that genocidal dictator.....MIGTH in fact explain just why Kerry does not want to fully release all the secret agreements around his somewhat chaotic ceasefire that has basically failed due to no humanitarian aid being delivered as Assad/Putin still block all shipments....

Seems this was part of "ceasefire" deal with #Russia: help #Assad-regime with airstrikes against #IS


Question: Is it normal for CENTCOM to carry out strikes vs #ISIS *so* close to #Assad regime troop positions?
(i.e. Was this air support?)

ACTUALLY a very fair question in light of the secrecy Kerry has had in place on the ceasefire agreement...

WHAT is strange about this whole incident is that there have been a number of reports that US led coalition AFs have previously hit Assad forces in their air strikes around DeirEzzor and not much was made of it by Russia and Assad .....

AND Russia has had a number of FF strikes on Assad regime forces killing far more than in this strike....

09-18-2016, 11:09 AM
Ruaf TU-214R above #tartus today

09-18-2016, 11:10 AM
An open source examination disproving the Russian report on the strategic Castello road into Aleppo, along which IIRC aid was supposed to flow:https://citeam.org/the-castello-theater-debunking-russian-mod-and-kremlin-tv-militant-attack-footage/

The source appears to be Russian and recently published a Russian military analysis of the Syrian Army, which appeared here and Outlaw09 found persuasive.

09-18-2016, 11:20 AM
An open source examination disproving the Russian report on the strategic Castello road into Aleppo, along which IIRC aid was supposed to flow:https://citeam.org/the-castello-theater-debunking-russian-mod-and-kremlin-tv-militant-attack-footage/

The source appears to be Russian and recently published a Russian military analysis of the Syrian Army, which appeared here and Outlaw09 found persuasive.

I have a lot of respect for this social media open source analysis Russian group as they have done some solid work both in eastern Ukraine and now in Syria....and in the current "mood" of the ever increasing authoritarian world of Russia....it does take some courage to do what they are doing....as a number of Russian bloggers have recently been arrested for doing similar work...especially in the early days of the eastern Ukraine invasion...

09-18-2016, 11:33 AM
Syria Airstrikes on #Rastan and Al-Ghantu in northern #Homs

09-18-2016, 11:37 AM
However: #Assad-forces got now a taste of airstrikes-
like ten thousands people before when hit by barrel bombs

Syria #DeirEzzor: Strange: #US strikes killed 80+ #Assad-forces knowingly? Or try to help #Assad-regime against big #IS assault?

Appears that CENTCOM did strike in the area BUT claims they informed the Russian center in order to inform them of the intent to strike and apparently Russia initially did not say anything and only after bombs fell did the Russians notify CENTCOM

SO did Russian allow for the FF in order to pressure CENTCOM into working jointly with them AND was there Russian troops in the position that was struck???????

Russia just confirmed my assumption.........

Russia says/imply: if US-led coalition attacks were a mistake, its because US refusing to coordinate strikes with us

US coalition officials in Qatar operations center informed Russian military ahead of today's strike(s) in Deir ez-Zor.

FURTHER proof that the so called Syria Arab Army (SAA) is nothing more now than Shia mercenaries....

Here is a pro Assad commenter....notice who was killed by the Coalition air strike....

Pro-Assad Palestinian al-Jaleel militia lost 7 soldiers in coalition airstrikes targeted Assad army near DairEzzor.

WHAT are Palestinians doing fighting in a largely Arab Sunni rebellion.......

WHAT is extremely interesting is the "official" Russian loss figures immediately After the air strikes....worth really checking their initial statments

THEN checking even the proAssad commenters and understanding how they actually do release losses by names.....THERE has only been a total of these SEVEN that were killed by the air strikes....

NO other regime mercenary forces ie Hezbollah, IRGC or Iraq/Pakistani/AFG Shia mercenaries have released any loss reports as of this afternoon....

FOUR major proAssad commenters have themselves only "claimed" FIVE were killed.....FAR, FAR, FAR lower than the Russian supplied figures.....

Right now these figures are still coming out of the regime...BUT not any other mercenary foreign fighting group is claiming loses in these numbers...

DeirEzzor: 90 pro-#Assad forces confirmed killed, 110 injured by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

NOTICE the Assad regime and the Russian propaganda machine called MoD are NOT indicating how many were actually killed by the IS attacks ongoing at the same time....

09-18-2016, 11:52 AM
Here's video of Churkin at stakeout, expressing himself appalled Samantha Power called his Syrian Air Strike UNSC emergency meeting a stunt

BUT THEN this very same Russian UNSC Ambassador...knows a lot about killing innocents on the battlefield....

RU's Churkin expresses dismay at US committing mistakes on the battlefield during war. He knows this situation well.

Vitaly Churkin placing the veto against UN resolution on #MH17 special tribunal

WONDER if the Russian UNSC ambassador WILL know admit publicly the air strike losses are far far lower than he claimed in front of the UNSC.....

09-18-2016, 11:57 AM
Hama: All attempts by #Assad regime to recapture #Kawkab village failed. #Assad helicopter attacking #Kawkab with barrel bombs now.

Syria #Aleppo #FSA took Qassajiq from #IS

09-18-2016, 12:46 PM
FURTHER proof that the so called Syria Arab Army (SAA) is nothing more now than Shia mercenaries....

Here is a pro Assad commenter....notice who was killed by the Coalition air strike....

Pro-Assad Palestinian al-Jaleel militia lost 7 soldiers in coalition airstrikes targeted Assad army near DairEzzor.

WHAT are Palestinians doing fighting in a largely Arab Sunni rebellion.......

WHAT is extremely interesting is the "official" Russian loss figures immediately After the air strikes....worth really checking their initial statments

THEN checking even the proAssad commenters and understanding how they actually do release losses by names.....THERE has only been a total of these SEVEN that were killed by the air strikes....

NO other regime mercenary forces ie Hezbollah, IRGC or Iraq/Pakistani/AFG Shia mercenaries have released any loss reports as of this afternoon....

FOUR major proAssad commenters have themselves only "claimed" FIVE were killed.....FAR, FAR, FAR lower than the Russian supplied figures.....

Right now these figures are still coming out of the regime...BUT not any other mercenary foreign fighting group is claiming loses in these numbers...

DeirEzzor: 90 pro-#Assad forces confirmed killed, 110 injured by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

NOTICE the Assad regime and the Russian propaganda machine called MoD are NOT indicating how many were actually killed by the IS attacks ongoing at the same time....

IMHO the following happened....IS had a major attack yesterday on the hill where the US hit...which eventually actually did over run Assad regime forces....and where in control of the hill WHEN the US hit it...actually IS confirmed that they had been struck by the US BUT it went under in the initial Russian reporting that Assad troops had been hit.. WHAT also net under during that Russian deliberate "fog of war" was the fact that there had been a number of reports stating that the proAssad regimes forces had broken and run from their position....WAS this the result of the IS success or from the US air strikes.....suspect out of fear of being captured by IS.....

IF we then look at the US reporting that they had been tracking IS in this exact region position then it does not surprise me about the "fog of war"

So were the high loses that the Russians and Assad are claiming actually results of the IS attacks and or the US air strikes?

ESPECIALLY since IS still controls the hill.

WHY do I say this.....this high ranking senior officer was also killed yesterday AND who have been directly fighting as many have been killed as they lead fighting forces...

DeirEzzor: #US airstrikes have killed #Assad General Rami Riad Rahmoun south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

DeirEzzor: #Iraq|i war criminal and Shia militia leader Kasem Abu Majid killed by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City.

It sounds far more heroic to be killed by US FF than to have simply been killed by a bunch of jihadists called IS....

Highly suspect this is the reason Russia created a "fog of war" in the initial hours...so as to not have to admit that maybe they troops were either overrun by IS and or killed by the US.......

This comment is the first to leak out today.....

DeirEzzor: Several reports that up to 7 #Russia|n soldiers were killed by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

Would explain the Russian flip out over the air strike.......

09-18-2016, 12:58 PM
Aleppo #FSA advance from #Dudiyan southwards on Jakka
& Yani Yaban

FSA 13th brigade field commander killed in clashes with #IS north #Aleppo

EuphratesShield: #FSA backed by Turkish armours seized Qassajik from #ISIS W. of Al-Rai & only 2.5 km from border. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.633989&lon=37.349224&z=13&m#…

E. #Damascus: Faylaq Al-Rahman thwarted another Regime attempt to advance in #Jobar & destroyed a T-72.

09-18-2016, 01:16 PM
Obama WH/CENTCOM will have to figure out how to disconnect itself from this "perception"...that the US having worked with PYG/YPG/SDF/PKK as they main proxy would/will be protected from the TAF and FSA......

Turkey has given PYG/PKK clear and concise statements as to their intentions of recovering Arab Sunni territory taken by PKK along the Turkish border and in Manbij they must move out and go east of the Euphrates as told them by the US

Aleppo: #YPG militias in #Manbij were hit by airstrikes today.

Raqqa: #YPG militias from #Tell_Abyad looking at #Akakale, #Turkey. #US flags everywhere on the #Syria|n border.

09-18-2016, 01:26 PM
Russia selective memory: "US supporting #ISIS" but patently ignoring #RuAF strikes vs #FSA fighting exclusively IS in N. #Aleppo & S. Syria.

09-18-2016, 02:24 PM
#Aleppo #FSA advance from #Dudiyan southwards on Jakka
& Yani Yaban

#FSA forces free Qora Kowz & Shair Hill west of al-Rai from #Daesh forces after violent clashes

EuphratesShield: #FSA also advancing S. of Dudiyan as shown by #ISIS claim that it took out a Turkish tank in Jakka http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.606984&lon=37.296696&z=13&m#…

09-18-2016, 02:25 PM
Here's video of Churkin at stakeout, expressing himself appalled Samantha Power called his Syrian Air Strike UNSC emergency meeting a stunt

BUT THEN this very same Russian UNSC Ambassador...knows a lot about killing innocents on the battlefield....

RU's Churkin expresses dismay at US committing mistakes on the battlefield during war. He knows this situation well.

Vitaly Churkin placing the veto against UN resolution on #MH17 special tribunal

WONDER if the Russian UNSC ambassador WILL know admit publicly the air strike losses are far far lower than he claimed in front of the UNSC.....

If emergency meetings were called every time #FSA positions were hit by #Russia, the Security Council would constantly be in session

Power: Imagine how often UNSC would sit if it met each time Asad/Russia hit "a hospital, or a school or a breadline.”

Victims being treated from regime barrel bombing public marketplace square in Dael #Daraa province. 8 dead, dozens injured

Deraa: Assad regime barrel bomb massacre in Dael. Will they get an apology?

Daraa: This is the worst massacre committed by #Assad regime in rebel-held areas since start of the fake #ceasefire last Monday.

09-18-2016, 02:42 PM
IMHO the following happened....IS had a major attack yesterday on the hill where the US hit...which eventually actually did over run Assad regime forces....and where in control of the hill WHEN the US hit it...actually IS confirmed that they had been struck by the US BUT it went under in the initial Russian reporting that Assad troops had been hit.. WHAT also net under during that Russian deliberate "fog of war" was the fact that there had been a number of reports stating that the proAssad regimes forces had broken and run from their position....WAS this the result of the IS success or from the US air strikes.....suspect out of fear of being captured by IS.....

IF we then look at the US reporting that they had been tracking IS in this exact region position then it does not surprise me about the "fog of war"

So were the high loses that the Russians and Assad are claiming actually results of the IS attacks and or the US air strikes?

ESPECIALLY since IS still controls the hill.

WHY do I say this.....this high ranking senior officer was also killed yesterday AND who have been directly fighting as many have been killed as they lead fighting forces...

DeirEzzor: #US airstrikes have killed #Assad General Rami Riad Rahmoun south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

DeirEzzor: #Iraq|i war criminal and Shia militia leader Kasem Abu Majid killed by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City.

It sounds far more heroic to be killed by US FF than to have simply been killed by a bunch of jihadists called IS....

Highly suspect this is the reason Russia created a "fog of war" in the initial hours...so as to not have to admit that maybe they troops were either overrun by IS and or killed by the US.......

This comment is the first to leak out today.....

DeirEzzor: Several reports that up to 7 #Russia|n soldiers were killed by #US airstrikes south of #DeirEzzor City yesterday.

Would explain the Russian flip out over the air strike.......

Possibly the SEVEN Russian KIAs were in fact Spetsnaz......

Reports that 7 Russian special forces killed in coalition airstrikes in Deir Ezzor

09-18-2016, 02:50 PM

STILL no humanitarian aid has been delivered A KEY component of the Larvor/Kerry chaotic ceasefire that is highly secretive.........

SO alone on that single fact their "ceasefire" has and is a total failure....

REMEMBER the US set Monday as the drop dead date for humanitarian aid to be delivered.....

THE SECOND PART of their chaotic ceasefire is just that no dropping of bombs for a solid SEVEN DAYs.....that has failed as well.....

Activists in rebel #Aleppo say airstrikes are hitting them now. If true, they're first strikes since ceasefire + major violation of truce.

Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire is now officially over..dead and buried so to speak....

Syrian activists now reporting airstrikes in three Aleppo neighborhoods.

09-18-2016, 02:56 PM
NOT so subtle threat to Assad being voiced by Russia?????

From a Iranian journalist in Iran
Sources in #Tehran claim that Vladimir #Putin, #Russia presidents has doubts for continuing support for #Syria president #Assad.

Iran Leader, #Khamenei in today speech fully rejected negotiations with #US over regional issues and called such negotiations noxious.

Iran SL to #IRGC Commanders: Why we should leave our identity & follow westerns disgraced and false methods?

Ayatollah #Khamenei: one of #Iran soft power factors is to Absolutely mistrust Global arrogant powers.

Syria #FSA took 5 villages in northern #Aleppo from #IS the past 2 days

09-18-2016, 02:59 PM
THIs is exactly the same reason stated by the Russian mercenaries inside eastern Ukraine when they shell heavily UAF positions.....it is the standard reasoning given in order for Russia and her mercenaries to be the first to conduct attacks.....

So Russia/Syria claims that the air-strikes were to halt an imminent attack by the rebels?

09-18-2016, 03:06 PM
Syria|n civilians dying at the border with #Jordan. because #Jordan denying access and medical treatment.

09-18-2016, 03:10 PM

STILL no humanitarian aid has been delivered A KEY component of the Larvor/Kerry chaotic ceasefire that is highly secretive.........

SO alone on that single fact their "ceasefire" has and is a total failure....

REMEMBER the US set Monday as the drop dead date for humanitarian aid to be delivered.....

THE SECOND PART of their chaotic ceasefire is just that no dropping of bombs for a solid SEVEN DAYs.....that has failed as well.....

Activists in rebel #Aleppo say airstrikes are hitting them now. If true, they're first strikes since ceasefire + major violation of truce.

Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire is now officially over..dead and buried so to speak....

Syrian activists now reporting airstrikes in three Aleppo neighborhoods.

Ceasefire is now formerly over......dead and buried.....

BREAKING: 4 airstrikes reported now in East #Aleppo The first since #Syriaceasefire started 6 days ago

09-18-2016, 03:13 PM
HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend watching this Netflix documentary of the Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets....nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Recommended: "The White Helmets", a 40' Netflix documentary on @SyriaCivilDef. It's free on YouTube:

This film depicts the humanity/humility that is sorely lacking in the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH....

MAYBE the US should play this entire film at the UNSC and then ask the Russian UNSC Ambassador if he has an explanation for why Putin/Russia is supporting a genocidal dictator.....

This is the same civil society that has repeatedly told the Obama WH ....assist us in throwing out Assad and then we will take care of IS....only to be repeatedly ignored by the Obama WH....

Just from today's Russian air strikes....

Many ppl were injured after 2 Airstrikes targeted my neighborhood Karm Al-Jabal in Aleppo city.
2 children were rescued from under the rubble by WH heroes in Aleppo today

09-18-2016, 03:42 PM
Assad regime PR having a hard time 'resisting' the findings & public accusations from the UN about their atrocities

09-18-2016, 03:45 PM
Russia, in its special way, just announced it is about to mount a massive offensive in Aleppo
In Russian

Russian MoD laid out a number of outright lies stating that the armed opposition was planning a major attack thus the need to now attack them basically.....

The ceasefire was designed to allow for the Russian and Assad mercenaries to reorg, refit and rearm for this major offensive against Aleppo....

09-18-2016, 03:50 PM
Syria #FSA "Southern Front" shelling #Assad-forces on Tell al-Sha'ar in #Quneitra

09-18-2016, 04:06 PM
Russia, in its special way, just announced it is about to mount a massive offensive in Aleppo
In Russian

Russian MoD laid out a number of outright lies stating that the armed opposition was planning a major attack thus the need to now attack them basically.....

The ceasefire was designed to allow for the Russian and Assad mercenaries to reorg, refit and rearm for this major offensive against Aleppo....

So Russia/Syria claims that the air-strikes were to halt an imminent attack by the rebels?

09-18-2016, 05:14 PM
Syria Opposition protest against ethnic cleasing of #Homs suburb al-Waer by regime

Israelis reportedly fire on Syrian Army as fight for Golan Heights continues
Article is carried by Russian propaganda media Rupty

Voices from Aleppo: @AP talks to besieged residents of the war-shattered city. From @seldeeb

Quneitra: Southern Front shelling w/ howitzer Tell Shaar in retaliation 4 Regime airstrikes

09-18-2016, 05:25 PM
Possibly the SEVEN Russian KIAs were in fact Spetsnaz......

Reports that 7 Russian special forces killed in coalition airstrikes in Deir Ezzor

Reports that Russian SF commander was among 7 Russian troops killed in #DeirEzzor airstrikes. Either false or Russia holding back info.

09-18-2016, 05:31 PM
Quote of the century: In the Middle East there is room for all men. Just not their ambitions.
- Kamal Jumblat (Later killed by Hafez Assad)

09-18-2016, 05:42 PM
Does Kerry really believe what he is doing lately...........

Syria deal still "salvageable, but aid needs to get in," US official tells me. "Regime track record not good on this."

US extends the siege on Aleppo by pretending Assad has an interest in following through despite previous failures.

Assad forces backed by Russian air support continue advance attempt into #Jobar for 3rd time today after ceasefire

I'm sure the Russians will immediately want to bring this to the Security Council.

09-18-2016, 05:43 PM
Claim that Iranian and Afghan militias have reinforced regime positions in rural Hama

Syria #CoH 10 killed including children in Assad barrel bomb attack in Dael, #Dara today

09-18-2016, 05:47 PM
Hassan Hassan ‏@hxhassan
On how Jabhat Fateh al-Sham's notable change of tone and how it's gaining from Washington's latest blunders

September 18, 2016 Updated: September 18, 2016 05:52 PM

Syrian war enters a new phase as factions realign

Syria’s peace plan is flawed and Jabhat Al Nusra knows it

A week ago, the United States was on track to launch a campaign against Jabhat Fateh Al Sham, formerly Jabhat Al Nusra, in collaboration with Russia. But the deal has so far led to further division between the two countries and deeper solidarity with JFS from a diverse range of Syrian rebel forces and individuals.

Diplomatic tension between Washington and Moscow escalated on the weekend due to Russia’s failure to help aid convoys enter Aleppo. The US gave Russia until Monday to ensure the delivery of aid. Tension peaked after the US-led anti-ISIL coalition killed "by mistake" dozens of Syrian military forces in Deir Ezzor on Saturday.

Meanwhile, JFS – the focus of the latest US effort in Syria – appears to be gaining in some quarters. On the day that the US-Russian diplomatic spat reached a high point, the group’s leader, Abu Muhammad Al Jolani, appeared on Al Jazeera to talk about the international plan to fight his group.
For the first time since its rebranding on July 28, JFS’s tone and conduct seem to be changing amid a noticeable increase in solidarity among various forces in Syria, even as many doubt the group’s true disengagement from Al Qaeda.

Al Jolani highlighted issues to which many in rebel-held areas relate and which jihadist groups often neglect. One was the lack of education for thousands of children in rebel areas, which he said would cause those children to engage in crimes as they grow up. He also suggested an armed struggle would continue "until the toppling of the regime".
Another interesting aspect of his remarks was his favourable tone towards the regional order. He referred to the resistance in Syria as a cornerstone for Arab Sunnis’ opposition to Iranian hegemony in the region, referring to certain countries by their official name, in contrast to the pejorative way his former "emir", Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri, refers to them.

Recent messaging by JFS echoes that tone. The group released a letter of gratitude to rebel organisations that opposed the US-Russian plan to target it. The statement contradicted a fatwa issued only days before by Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, a notorious Al Qaeda ideologue who said rebels who co-operated with Turkey against ISIL in northern Syria were apostates. The way the statement was worded specifically targeted the takfiri attitude within Syria.

Whether JFS has truly split from Al Qaeda is still in question, but many in Syria now view it differently. More importantly, the American plan to target the group is pushing more people to support it, since the US-Russian deal is seen as aiding the regime of Bashar Al Assad.
Even as Washington doubts the group’s disengagement from Al Qaeda – as do many, including this author – the US cannot pretend that nothing has happened since July 28, when the group recast itself as a Syrian group committed to a Syrian cause. In this sense, JFS outplayed the US by its rebranding, and the change in perception requires a new way of dealing with it, regardless of whether American officials believe the group has truly changed its ideology and allegiance.

For many ordinary Syrians, fairly or not, the US targets JFS not because of its ideology but because it is emerging as a powerful rebel force in Syria. The group, they say, has demonstrated time and again that it is committed to the fight against the regime and not to the forceful implementation of sharia, as ISIL did. It then announced publicly, through its leader in May last year, that the group was forbidden by Al Qaeda to use Syria to launch attacks in the West. Finally, it abandoned the name of Al Qaeda in its public discourse.

Russia violates the deal, the US clings to it JFS gains

09-19-2016, 06:51 AM
Reports Turkish jets have bombed #ISIS positions in Baraghida, north rural #Aleppo this morning

09-19-2016, 06:53 AM
EIGHT DAYS into the so called chaotic Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire........

STILL NOT A SINGLE AID convoy delivered anything anywhere....Assad has effectively blocked a 40 truck convoy in Turkey and the UN sat in front of a besieged Sunni town and the aid was blocked there as well.....

UN & Red Crescnt delegation enter #FSA held Moademiya, leaving the aid convoys outside the city, besieged since 2012 by regime forces

09-19-2016, 06:58 AM
U.S. Embassy Syria ‏@USEmbassySyria

.@AmbassadorPower: Since 2011, the Assad regime has been intentionally striking civilian targets...

Power: In the face of these atrocities Russia has never expressed outrage, nor has it ever called for emergency consultation in UNSC.

Power: Imagine how often this Council would be meeting if we were to gather every time the regime or Russia struck a hospital, or a school..

Power: The Syrian govt allows ISIL to grow. It’s busy hitting markets & displaced camps, using chemical wpns that ISIL took root & prospered

SERIOUS QUESTION...why did the Obama WH wait literally until the barn burned down to state this in the UNSC....WHY has not this been drumbeat into every single UNSC meeting since 2012????

BECAUSE the Obama WH is on it's way out in 90 days and does not really care...being active since 2012 would have violated their ME FP of "doing nothing stupid"....AND would have clashed with their geo political goal of tilting fully to Iran in the ME....

Ambassador Power....a so called expert in genocide NEVER used that "word" when she blasted Russia NOR did she use the words "ethnic cleansing".....did she???? Heck she even wrote a 600 page book on the subjects.......

Syria #Assad's ethnic cleansing of #Sunni's (from #Homs al-Waer suburb) continues -deportation to #Idlib province

AND after the ethnic cleansing Assad regime troops will plunder their homes.

BTW......Assad regime forces had threatened to use napalm and incendiary cluster munitions on the remaining civilian population and they were literally starved into submission.......AND the UN did nothing to prevent this EVEN though they had several "participants watching the talks"...later claiming they were not involved.......

Regime aid deliveries included coffins & body bags by Assad regime to pressure al-Waar residents accept forced displacement

09-19-2016, 07:04 AM
DeirEzzor: First #ISIS video from captured Artillery Battalion after #US airstrikes yesterday has been released.

09-19-2016, 07:10 AM
HOPE the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry Wh fully understands that by pushing and then agreeing with the Putin so called ceasefire THEY are actively responsible now for the ongoing massive ground offensives against the anti Assad opposition....

BUT WAIT maybe that was the intention all the time.....

BUT REMEMBER it was the DoS themselves that expressed the dislike of claims that they have a "golden handshake" with Putin for the destruction of the anti Assad opposition......

HATE to say it....this Arab Sunni Syrian "perception" is actually quite valid...

Kerry's ceasefire was used by Assad and Putin to refit, rearm and reposition troops for three major offensives AND it was used to take the combat operational momentum away from the anti Assad forces......

THAT is now Kerry's/Obama's ME legacy.........

Aleppo: fierce clashes as pro-Regime forces launched huge assault on 1070 Project following extremely heavy artillery fire and air strikes.

09-19-2016, 07:27 AM
Comment of the so called US friendly fire incident.........

IS is still standing by their first statement that they were in fact hit by US coalition aircraft...which actually supports the US....interesting that a high ranking Assad General, Commander of a Palestinian mercenary militia and "rumored" that a senor Russian SF Commander "happened to be killed" by the so called air strike WHEN IS claims that they were at the same time were being attacked by the US......

ONE thing is for sure....Russian response was way over the top even for them WHICH indicates something serious did happen ie the potential killing of a senior Russia Spetsnaz field commander.....

We have the Australians and Danish claiming they were the strike aircraft and we have CENTCOM stating they fully informed the Russians of the strike coordinates AND the Russians did not respond to not strike the coordinates.

So was the FF incident a CENTCOM OR Russia/Assad air strike in the wrong place as the Russians have already had over eight FF incidents in the last six months....

OR did actually IS hit a command post when they launched their attack on the airfield AND the Russians are simply taking a cheap shot at the US to cover up that command post hit....

SINCE Russia has arrived in Syria the Russian MoD has not been quite the totally "truthful organization" these days......actually they lie about 98% of the time in their PRs and with their videos......just as they do in eastern Ukraine.

BTW...the Russian "fog of war" was interesting to watch develop vs now what CENTCOM is saying.....

Initial Russian and Assad comments were that two F16s and 2 A10s hit their position then later Assad commenters stated and largely unchallenged by Russia ....Apache's were also used........AND all Russia comments never came off this air strike mix of aircraft..

BUT WAIT only the Danes and the Australians were actually flying the strike...and there were no A10s and no Apache's.....

THE US stated they will pay damages to those families affected by the strike BUT Russia/Assad have not supplied a list of troops killed and the only group claiming any loses was the Palestinian militia who fully named SEVEN...but will not be paid as the US considers them "terrorists".....

09-19-2016, 07:29 AM
Another identified Shia militia in Syria....compliments of a proAssad commenter who always slaps his own created logos on other people's photos....

Syria #MenOfRighteousness Maghaweer Regiment Assad Zainab Group #SyrianArmedForces

09-19-2016, 07:37 AM
From a Assad regime launched ground offensive yesterday WHICH fully violated the ceasefire BUT not mentioned by both US and Russia .....

THIS is one of the three planned Assad/Putin ground offensives that are being launched undercover of the ceasefire........

Assadists tried to storm points in #Lattakia without artillery/air support, as to frame Opp. for "CoH" break. After being expectedly repelled

Assadists also Hit 1CD vehicle, 1CD fires some howitzer shells today. #Lattakia

We used to think.. #Lattakia doesnt have as many Shia militias as some other places. Theyre the spine of regime forces, even on W.Coast now.

Shiites arent as big on photography as they are in #Aleppo but in a lot of Ops, from Jub ahmar - Salma - Kinsibba: Bet."Nujaba"/H.A/Afghans.

As early as post Jaysh al Fatah Idlib/Jisr/Ghab campaign - "Harakat Nujaba" deployed storming Jub Ahmar(Jabal akrad)

Shortly after - the Russian #Putin "Intervention". Which saw all aforementioned forces in use with Jabers militias, next to RuAF/Troops.

09-19-2016, 07:39 AM
JFS is a Syrian group committed to a Syrian cause. Hizbollah is an Iranian militia killing Syrians on Syrian soil supported by Iran backed by Russia (both non Syrians).

Who should be bombed?

09-19-2016, 07:47 AM
From yesterday.....CEASEFIRE DAY SEVEN......

#Assad's jets bombing civilians in besieged #Homs province today.

Also from yesterday......

Also today, the #FSA and #Turkey pushed #ISIS out of several towns N-E of #Aleppo.

09-19-2016, 07:58 AM
DAY EIGHT of the so called "ceasefire" that Kerry signed up for......

Syria Airstrikes on Kafr Nabudah & Morek towns in northern #Hama

Syria Heavy regime artillery shelling from Mount Zayn al-Abdeen toward northern #Hama towns

STILL no aid deliveries and Monday was suppose to be the "drop dead date" that Kerry told Lavrov/Putin aid must be delivered by.......AND??????

09-19-2016, 08:09 AM
U.S. Embassy Syria ‏@USEmbassySyria

.@AmbassadorPower: Since 2011, the Assad regime has been intentionally striking civilian targets...

Power: In the face of these atrocities Russia has never expressed outrage, nor has it ever called for emergency consultation in UNSC.

Power: Imagine how often this Council would be meeting if we were to gather every time the regime or Russia struck a hospital, or a school..

Power: The Syrian govt allows ISIL to grow. It’s busy hitting markets & displaced camps, using chemical wpns that ISIL took root & prospered

SERIOUS QUESTION...why did the Obama WH wait literally until the barn burned down to state this in the UNSC....WHY has not this been drumbeat into every single UNSC meeting since 2012????

BECAUSE the Obama WH is on it's way out in 90 days and does not really care...being active since 2012 would have violated their ME FP of "doing nothing stupid"....AND would have clashed with their geo political goal of tilting fully to Iran in the ME....

Ambassador Power....a so called expert in genocide NEVER used that "word" when she blasted Russia NOR did she use the words "ethnic cleansing".....did she???? Heck she even wrote a 600 page book on the subjects.......

Syria #Assad's ethnic cleansing of #Sunni's (from #Homs al-Waer suburb) continues -deportation to #Idlib province

AND after the ethnic cleansing Assad regime troops will plunder their homes.

BTW......Assad regime forces had threatened to use napalm and incendiary cluster munitions on the remaining civilian population and they were literally starved into submission.......AND the UN did nothing to prevent this EVEN though they had several "participants watching the talks"...later claiming they were not involved.......

Regime aid deliveries included coffins & body bags by Assad regime to pressure al-Waar residents accept forced displacement

EVER notice that the US does not call out Assad and now Putin for ethnic cleansing......the evidence has been there for years and is well documented...but nothing absolutely nothing from the Obama WH outside of words......

The "hybrid" #AssadGenocide continues to happen right before our eyes ...
#AlWaer #Syria

09-19-2016, 08:11 AM
Syria's "White Helmets" -promo for Nobel price

Worth watching this short video trailer promo......

EVER ask yourself just what did Obama actually do in his life time to earn him his Nobel Peace Prize which gave him the "moral right" to engage into Syria in 2012 and restore "peace" saving potentially 470-500,000 lives....now that is what a Nobel Peace Prize stands for. ADD a "legacy worth fighting for"........NOT "doing nothing stupid" which any five year old can do standing on their heads with their eyes closed...listening to the latest hip hop......

09-19-2016, 08:36 AM
Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire unilaterally ended by Assad SAA merceanry/militia army.....??????

Syria #Assad-regime army declare the end of "ceasefire" -no extension

Awaiting for other confirmation of this comment....

NO aid delivered at all and that was the key goal inside the Lavrov/Kerry ceasefire......

09-19-2016, 08:38 AM
EuphratesShield ‏@EuphratesShield
#PresidentErdogan : "We will move down to Al Bab and cease those regions to be a threat." #EuphratesShield

Reuters Top News ‏@Reuters
Turkey-backed rebels could push further south in Syria, Erdogan says

A not so subtle warning to both Assad and Putin .....that Aleppo is not far from where the TAF/FSA with US SF advisors are currently heading towards and that includes Manbij........

09-19-2016, 09:01 AM
Assad might have hidden some of Syria’s deadliest chemical weapons — via @ForeignPolicy

BUT WAIT......Russia with great fan fare loudly announced and certified that Assad was/is CWs free.....#AND that Russia saved Assad from a thousand cruise missile strikes from the US......

SO was Russia lying as usual......???

09-19-2016, 09:05 AM
U.S. Embassy Syria ‏@USEmbassySyria

.@AmbassadorPower: Since 2011, the Assad regime has been intentionally striking civilian targets...

Power: In the face of these atrocities Russia has never expressed outrage, nor has it ever called for emergency consultation in UNSC.

Power: Imagine how often this Council would be meeting if we were to gather every time the regime or Russia struck a hospital, or a school..

Power: The Syrian govt allows ISIL to grow. It’s busy hitting markets & displaced camps, using chemical wpns that ISIL took root & prospered

SERIOUS QUESTION...why did the Obama WH wait literally until the barn burned down to state this in the UNSC....WHY has not this been drumbeat into every single UNSC meeting since 2012????

BECAUSE the Obama WH is on it's way out in 90 days and does not really care...being active since 2012 would have violated their ME FP of "doing nothing stupid"....AND would have clashed with their geo political goal of tilting fully to Iran in the ME....

Ambassador Power....a so called expert in genocide NEVER used that "word" when she blasted Russia NOR did she use the words "ethnic cleansing".....did she???? Heck she even wrote a 600 page book on the subjects.......

Syria #Assad's ethnic cleansing of #Sunni's (from #Homs al-Waer suburb) continues -deportation to #Idlib province

AND after the ethnic cleansing Assad regime troops will plunder their homes.

BTW......Assad regime forces had threatened to use napalm and incendiary cluster munitions on the remaining civilian population and they were literally starved into submission.......AND the UN did nothing to prevent this EVEN though they had several "participants watching the talks"...later claiming they were not involved.......

Regime aid deliveries included coffins & body bags by Assad regime to pressure al-Waar residents accept forced displacement

All key #Syria armed groups threaten to break ceasefire if #Assad regime continues to seek sectarian displacement:

"Is the real Samantha Power being held prisoner in the U.N. basement with access to Twitter ... ?"

The Ambassador From Hell?
Samantha Power wrote the book on how the U.S. government ignores and legitimates genocides. Or was it a handbook?


By Lee Smith

Even die-hard supporters of President Barack Obama’s “realist” approach to foreign affairs are nauseated by the White House’s Syria policy. New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, a vocal supporter of the nuclear weapons agreement with Iran, is fed up with nearly five years of the “fecklessness and purposelessness” of a Syria policy that “has become hard to distinguish” from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s. “Syria is now the Obama administration’s shame,” Cohen wrote last week, “a debacle of such dimensions that it may overshadow the president’s domestic achievements.” Ambassador Dennis Ross and New York Times military correspondent David Sanger also published articles excoriating Obama’s policies in Syria.

There is a military solution, it’s “just not our military solution,” a senior U.S. security official admitted to Sanger. It’s Putin’s.
Perhaps most damning of the stink-bouquets was a Washington Post op-ed from former New Republic literary editor Leon Wieseltier and Harvard professor Michael Ignatieff. “It is time for those who care about the moral standing of the United States to say that this policy is shameful,” they wrote. “If the United States and its NATO allies allow [Putin and his allies] to encircle and starve the people of Aleppo, they will be complicit in crimes of war.”

What made the Post op-ed particularly striking is that Wieseltier and Ignatieff are both friends and former colleagues of Obama’s U.N. ambassador, Samantha Power. Ignatieff taught with her at Harvard, and Wieseltier published early parts of her book on genocide, A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, which described in searing detail the strategies by which American officials typically deflect responsibility for the massacre of innocents.

Power’s 600-page book consists largely of case studies of how the United States responded to 20th-century genocides, like the Turkish genocide of the Armenians, the Nazi Holocaust, Cambodia, Saddam Hussein’s genocidal campaigns against the Kurds, Bosnia, Rwanda, Srebrenica, and Kosovo. As Power notes in the book’s conclusion, “What is most shocking about America’s reaction … is not that the United States refused to deploy U.S. ground forces to combat the atrocities. For much of the century, even the most ardent interventionists did not lobby for U.S. ground invasions. What is most shocking is that U.S. policymakers did almost nothing to deter the crime.”

There can be no doubt that the murderous campaign of sectarian cleansing that Assad and his allies Russia and Iran have been waging against the Sunni Arab population of Syria is a crime of historic proportions—the first genocide of the still-young 21st century, or, if you prefer the language of a recent U.N. report, state-sponsored mass extermination. Power herself has documented it all on Twitter:


If only U.S. policy reflected the clear-eyed view of Russian cynicism in Amb. Power's speech last night.

BUT WAIT...she was placed on a very short leash when she was attacking the Russians constantly in the UNSC for their invasion of eastern Ukraine....and Obama spoke degradingly about her book in his 20,000 interview and he has not allowed her to post much on Twitter until the FF incident in Syria this weekend .....

The only other true major critic of Russian policies in the Obama WH/NSC concerning both eastern Ukraine and Syria basically resigned from DoD as she could not get here views heard inside the Obama WH and his NSC.....
WHY is that?

09-19-2016, 09:35 AM
REMEMBER when the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH and the German FM have repeatedly stated for over nine months that there is no military solution for Syria.....BTW they have said the same exact thing concerning the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine...."there is no military solution"....QUOTE/UNQUOTE

BUT WAIT........

Syrian ceasefire very much starting to fray: “The regime and its allies want a military solution."

Bismarck once stated that sometimes decisions have to be reached by "blood and iron" and right now that is exactly what is ongoing in both eastern Ukraine and Syria and the Obama WH and Kerry are sleeping at the wheel.....

The core question is WHY?????

09-19-2016, 10:02 AM
HOPE that Obama/Kerry have some sort of comment for this outside of the normal platitudes "ceasefire is largely holding"......

Syria #UN aid convoy for besieged Muadamiyat al-Sham suburb of #Damascus was looted at last #SAA 4th Div checkpoint

Reuters India ‏@ReutersIndia 22m
22 minutes ago

Eastern Aleppo aid stuck in Turkey as Syria truce ends

Two 20-truck aid convoys destined for eastern Aleppo with enough supplies to feed 185,000 people for a month are still stuck in Turkey, a U.N. spokesman said on Monday, hours after a ceasefire in Syria expired.

The U.N. has said it does not have sufficient security guarantees from all sides in the conflict, now in its sixth year, to be able to deliver to eastern Aleppo, which is held by rebels battling to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

The aid has been sitting at the border for around a week.

The U.N. also wants to deliver to other hard-to-reach areas in Syria, but says it has not received necessary permissions from the Syrian government to proceed.

The seven-day ceasefire declared by the Syrian army expired at midnight with no announcement of its extension. A Syrian rebel official said the truce had ended, and there was no hope the eastern Aleppo aid would be delivered.

Up to 275,000 people remain trapped in that part of Syria's most populous city without food, water, proper shelter or medical care, said U.N. Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O'Brien.

"I am pained and disappointed that a United Nations convoy has yet to cross into Syria from Turkey, and safely reach eastern Aleppo," O'Brien said in a statement.

He referred to a 20-truck convoy, the first of two that would have carried flour and other food supplies, enough to feed some 185,000 people for one month, he said.

Both convoys are still sitting at the Turkey-Syria border, where they have been for almost a week, U.N. spokesman Jens Laerke said.
Humanitarian access to Aleppo hinges on control of the main road into the besieged rebel-held part of the divided city.

The road needs to become a demilitarised zone in order for aid to proceed. Russia has said the Syrian army had begun to withdraw from the road, but insurgent groups in Aleppo have said they have seen no such move and would not pull back from their own positions around the road until it did so.

"I hope that all parties to the conflict, and those with influence over them, would see the convoy as an opportunity to move forward," O'Brien said.

"Humanitarian aid must remain neutral, impartial and free of political and military agendas."

09-19-2016, 10:29 AM
REMEMBER that famous 2014 Obama press conference statement......

"we will judge Putin on his actions not his words"

AND that very famous sentence Kerry utterly loves to repeat when asked about eastern Ukraine and Syria.......

"we continue to talk to Russia to try to see just how serious they are"........

WELL "actions and seriousness" have never really been defined by both Obama and Kerry......

SO now that they have fully seen Putin's "both his "actions and seriousness"...WHAT's next....???

Syria'n goverment asks #Russia to help mass deportation of Sunni arabs from #Homs bc. their experience under Stalin

Syria Deportation of Sunni arabs from #Homs suburb al-Waer to #Idlib failed........ till now UN had always assisted regime...UN now refuses to assist.....in what is basically ethnic cleansing....

09-19-2016, 10:33 AM
Iran"Fars": Deaths of 9 Shiite militia members from Vatmeon (#Afghanistan) & Zanbion (#Paksitan) brigades killed in southern #Aleppo #Syria

Drone conducted 2 airstrikes on Al-Lataminah town in northern #Hama

09-19-2016, 10:44 AM
Comment of the so called US friendly fire incident.........

IS is still standing by their first statement that they were in fact hit by US coalition aircraft...which actually supports the US....interesting that a high ranking Assad General, Commander of a Palestinian mercenary militia and "rumored" that a senor Russian SF Commander "happened to be killed" by the so called air strike WHEN IS claims that they were at the same time were being attacked by the US......

ONE thing is for sure....Russian response was way over the top even for them WHICH indicates something serious did happen ie the potential killing of a senior Russia Spetsnaz field commander.....

We have the Australians and Danish claiming they were the strike aircraft and we have CENTCOM stating they fully informed the Russians of the strike coordinates AND the Russians did not respond to not strike the coordinates.

So was the FF incident a CENTCOM OR Russia/Assad air strike in the wrong place as the Russians have already had over eight FF incidents in the last six months....

OR did actually IS hit a command post when they launched their attack on the airfield AND the Russians are simply taking a cheap shot at the US to cover up that command post hit....

SINCE Russia has arrived in Syria the Russian MoD has not been quite the totally "truthful organization" these days......actually they lie about 98% of the time in their PRs and with their videos......just as they do in eastern Ukraine.

BTW...the Russian "fog of war" was interesting to watch develop vs now what CENTCOM is saying.....

Initial Russian and Assad comments were that two F16s and 2 A10s hit their position then later Assad commenters stated and largely unchallenged by Russia ....Apache's were also used........AND all Russia comments never came off this air strike mix of aircraft..

BUT WAIT only the Danes and the Australians were actually flying the strike...and there were no A10s and no Apache's.....

THE US stated they will pay damages to those families affected by the strike BUT Russia/Assad have not supplied a list of troops killed and the only group claiming any loses was the Palestinian militia who fully named SEVEN...but will not be paid as the US considers them "terrorists".....

SO now was actually the air strike an intentional strike ...we have now UK, Danes, Australians and US having flown this mission....WHAT the heck were they striking that needed aircraft from FOUR countries?

AND in the end only IS seems to be telling the truth...At least they admitted being hit by aircraft......

So was it Kerry's PLAN B hard at work...and that was why the Russians were extremely T-'d off.....???

Especially when the position hit was evidently a Russian Assad command position.....MAYBE a clear and concise shot across the Russian/Assad "actions" in violating the Russian supported ceasefire????

09-19-2016, 11:17 AM
Perhaps a rather dry academic article, but very timely. The author concludes:
In conclusion, the current ceasefire is unlikely to last. But it is not the ‘last chance’ for peace in Syria. The difficulties with the current ceasefire are a reflection of the recurring problems of terminating civil wars. Further initiatives will occur; some of these also will fail. If a political settlement is arrived at, it is likely to emerge only in the longer term and only, sadly, after continued prolongation of the war.

09-19-2016, 03:33 PM
Perhaps a rather dry academic article, but very timely. The author concludes:

Fully agree...if one looks at the latest HNC presented transition plan first released in UK together with the UK FM.....that was a valid set of discussion points....BUT Assad has to go first......is the bottomline for the armed opposition....

09-19-2016, 03:42 PM
For those SWJ Readers/commenters who still seriously do not believe that eastern ukraine and Syria is not intertwined......

President @Poroshenko at #UNGA: We have no right to turn a blind eye on attacks by Russia of civilian facilities in Syrian Aleppo or Donbas

WHY has not either Kerry or Obama issued the very same statement in front of the UNGA????

09-19-2016, 03:47 PM
REMEMBER Kerry's early Statement..."the ceasefire is largely H
holding"...not exactly sure what planet he was on......

Syria Facts of a week #Ceasefire:
~300 violations by regime incl 80+ airstrikes

BUT WAIT.......
BREAKING: Syria's military declares cease-fire over, blames rebel groups for undermining the agreement.

AND the rebel Groups HAVE NO AF.....BUT WERE allowed the right for self defense if attakced AND attacked they were from the very beginning of the so called failed ceasefire......

09-19-2016, 03:48 PM
Direct results of TAF/FSA attacks on IS.................

Syria Road Kobane->Manbej->Jarablus->Azaz open for civilian traffic
claim Aleppo24news

09-19-2016, 03:51 PM
WATCH NOW for the coming wave of Russian/Assad air strikes and ground offensives that they used the ceasefire as a cover for.....WITH the excellent assistance from Obama/Kerry WH......

Regime: ceasefire end today at 19.00 local time

NOTICE neither the US NOR Russia say a single word.....SO will both now move onto their Joint Intel Center Phase WITHOUT the declared Goal of humanitarian aide being delivered OR a true ceasefire....

09-19-2016, 03:56 PM
Syria #FSA took Kadrish in northern #Aleppo from #IS

Syria #Aleppo After Kadrish #FSA took nearby Sandara from #IS today.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.591687&lon=37.338409&z=15&m=b …

Aleppo24 ‏@24Aleppo ·
#Assad artillery bombing targeted a prison of rebels in Hretan (ex Carrefour Markt). Many prisoners burned.

Artillery & rocket shelling from regime militia forces on Eis & Bans towns in southern rural #Aleppo

#Aleppo #FSA claim failed #IS bomb attack near
Tell'ar Gharbi
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.578420&lon=37.389650&z=15&m=b …

09-19-2016, 04:01 PM
Damascus: that's how the @UN aid arrived in besieged Moadamiyeh after 4th Division "controls". Unfit 4 consumption.

THIS was suppose to be a legitimate UN aid delivery as agreed to by Russia.....

Assad troops deliberately desteroyed the food as starvation is their goal.....

NOTICE neither Obama or Kerry said a single word about Russian/Assad violations concerning the delivery of aid to the beseiged areas.....

Damascus: #UN aid convoy for besieged #Maadamiyeh southwest of #Damascus was looted by pro-#Assad forces today.

THIS point is critical and it concerns the supposedly neutral role of the UN in Syria...IT IS NOT NEUTRAL...

Assad's 4th Division forces destroyed most of the aid for besieged #Maadamiyeh while the #UN employees were present..

Aleppo: In 6 days of the "ceasefire" the #UN was not able to deliver 1 biscuit to Eastern #Aleppo, because #Assad blocking the aid convoys.

AND Russia/US signed off on the deliveries so Russia defintely is supporting now the Assad starvation tactics.....

09-19-2016, 04:03 PM
FINALLY aid rolls on the very last day......

SO was the so called friendly fire incident a not so subtle warning to both Putin and Assad that a PLAN B does exist??????

Today is the last day of the "US ultimatum" to let aid to #Aleppo.
The trucks entered #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIZLDKc_FTA …

QUESTION is now will the aid actually be allowed by Assad troops to enter eastern Aleppo......BETS are....no

09-19-2016, 04:08 PM
Per reports, #Syria’s ceasefire has 90mins remaining.

1 week on & *zero* aid has crossed any borders into Syria, for besieged communities.

There you have it...

#Syria’s Army has announced the ceasefire is over.

Now what?

09-19-2016, 04:15 PM
This former JCoS General Demspy has never been short of words and he was and has been largely correct with his assumptions over the last 15 years.....

"It’s the most dangerous period in my lifetime." Martin Dempsey, recent Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:


09-19-2016, 04:27 PM
Syria Footage of Kawkab in northern #Hama
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.297614&lon=36.805573&z=13&m=b …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ9ZJ9HJPrs&feature=youtu.be …

09-19-2016, 04:28 PM
Light humor......

SyrianArmy declares end of #SyriaCeasefire as it breaches truce more than 300 times

SyrianArmy reaffirms commitment to fight against #civilians after end of #SyriaCeasefire

BREAKING: #SyrianArmy declares end of #SyriaCeasefire after @mod_russia fails to warn them of #US #airstrike

09-19-2016, 04:34 PM
Russian Syrian Express.......

ВМФ #ВФ AUX Fleet cargo vessel Kyzyl-60 returns from Syria & transits Bosphorus towards Black Sea

09-19-2016, 04:40 PM
Pertains to Iranian hacking which has been targeting KSA recently......

Treadstone 71 @Treadstone71LLC
New secondary folder with new files being loaded #iranian #hacking #tools - methods, techniques, taken from the West

Use at your own risk – 2.65GB of tools based on the below listings. They are zipped into one file (basic Winzip – no password). The files are tools, methods, training videos, apk files, pdfs, and more. Sharing them with anyone who wishes to understand a smidgen of their current activities. The link is at the bottom of this page.

09-19-2016, 04:50 PM
Hama: Pro-#Assad forces shelling rebels with heavy artillery from #Mount_Zayn_al_Abdeen now.

Hama: #Assad airstrikes on rebel-held #Morek and #Kawkab now.

Damascus: #Assad Republican Guards getting hit by a rebel missile in #Jobar District.

09-19-2016, 04:53 PM
Erdogan: "They (#US) tell us not to move further. We will go wherever we need to."
Manbij #Afrin #Raqqa

APPEARS that Obama/Kerry tries to control Erdogan and TAF..is that the reason CENTCOM sent along US SF??????

As they defintely are not calling in CAS as the Turkish AF is flying CAS for TAF/FSA

Erdogan: "They (#US) tell us not to move further. We will go wherever we need to."
Manbij #Afrin #Raqqa

AND they will not stop TAF/FSA from taking Manbij and moving towards Aleppo

EuphratesShield: after nearly zero support since start of operation US-led Coalition increased its airstrikes vs #ISIS since mid. September

09-19-2016, 05:03 PM
Per reports, #Syria’s ceasefire has 90mins remaining.

1 week on & *zero* aid has crossed any borders into Syria, for besieged communities.

There you have it...

#Syria’s Army has announced the ceasefire is over.

Now what?

WAR is back on again and Kerry remains silent as usual.......

Syria #Russia'n airstrikes on Urem al-Kubra in western #Aleppo

Syria #Russia'n airstrikes on Qabtian al-Jabal near
Darat Izza in western #Aleppo

Syria Airstrikes & artillery shelling on several neighborhoods of #Aleppo City

Interesting: Major news outlets didn't give much play to the 4 Aleppo airstrikes yesterday. Any theories?

09-19-2016, 05:04 PM
#FSA troops thwart an #ISIS attempt to explode a bomb car in vicinity of Talar village east of Raei village.

FSA advance in northern #Aleppo slower than in #Jarablus bc mines, IEDs, car bombs & more #IS terrorists

09-19-2016, 05:05 PM
Photos from new #ISIS vid showing them overlooking #DeirEzzor AB. Video is zoomed in, still, shows IS has direct LOS

Turkish SOF and #FSA N. Thunder SOF recovering disabled Turkish M113 Armored Personnel Carrier

Turkish special forces soldier using HK416A5 alongside w/ Northern Thunder #FSA special Forces

EuphratesShield: after nearly zero support since start of operation US-led Coalition increased its airstrikes vs #ISIS since mid. September

09-19-2016, 05:11 PM
Syrian rebels enter Lebanese town of Ham in the Bekaa Governorate and capture Hezbollah official

09-19-2016, 05:12 PM

Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Jawlani exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera
English subtitles included

09-19-2016, 05:21 PM
Photos from new #ISIS vid showing them overlooking #DeirEzzor AB. Video is zoomed in, still, shows IS has direct LOS

THIS is actaully interesting as it confirms that IS had in fact taken the hill that was supposedly hit by US/UK/Danes/Australians supposedly killing Assad troops EVEN WHEN IS also claims they were hit on the same hill.....

SO were the so called Assad loses from FF OR from being overrun by IS who then got hit ......

BreakingNews #ISIS has started fierce heavy artillery preliminary bombardment on Deir Ezzor air-base..

Reported that some of the fire is coming from this hill that was supposedly the FF Event....SO IS is still on the hill.......

09-19-2016, 05:29 PM
Again pardon my French...BUT what the hell is Kerry doing.....???

BREAKING: US says it's prepared to extend Syria truce despite violations and Syrian announcement it is over - AP

US says it's prepared to extend Syria truce despite violations and Syrian announcement it is over" ...'let's pretend' ...

Why even bother making/extending it if Assad/Russia violate it at will AND NO AID WAS DELIVERED?

Now the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH is an embarassment to US FP.......

A THREE YEAR OLD could do better by simply throwing darts against a list of options pinned to a wall......

SO Assad/Putin conducts air strikes, starves thousands, adheres to no ceasefire, conducts artillery strikes and ground offensives non stop AND DELIVERS NO HUMANITARIAN AID as agreed to........

BUT WE THE US will look the other way...come on...this is really bad policy that is coming out of this WH.....this is not diplomacy...this is simply surrendering US FP to Assad, Putin and Iran......

THIS will fully now convince the armed opposition to Assad that in fact there has been a "golden handshake" between Obama and Putin for their destruction......

NOW this explains the Erdogan statement stating the US told him to go no further south....AND his response was "kiss me on the cheek"...I will go where I want to as it is my TAF and the armed Syrian opposition FSA that determines where we go...NOT the US.....

09-19-2016, 05:47 PM
DOES KERRY now have an explanation for this AFTER he states the US would extend the ceasefire...FOR WHAT to destroy more aid convoys......

IN from Aleppo minutes ago.......
Unbelievable ...
These bastards bomb the aid convoys, the international community lured into their trap, now ...

AWAITING more confirmation ie reports or video footage of the air strikes which occurred this evening.......this source is usually very accurate with his reports.....

Syrian opposition media reports a convoy of 20 aid trucks was hit multiple time by #Russian jets in Urem al-Kubra.
http://www.shaam.org/news/syria-news/%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%88-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%87%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D8%AF%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%AA%D8%AF%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D 8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D 8%A9-%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A9-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%B9%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B4%D9%83%D9%84-%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8.html …

Aleppo: #Russia|n airstrikes destroyed 20+ humanitarian aid trucks in Western Aleppo, dozens of civilians killed and wounded.


UN confirms the aid trucks were hit in west #aleppo countryside

09-19-2016, 05:56 PM
DOES KERRY now have an explanation for this AFTER he states the US would extend the ceasefire...FOR WHAT to destroy more aid convoys......

IN from Aleppo minutes ago.......
Unbelievable ...
These bastards bomb the aid convoys, the international community lured into their trap, now ...

AWAITING more confirmation ie reports or video footage of the air strikes which occurred this evening.......this source is usually very accurate with his reports......

Syrian opposition media reports a convoy of 20 aid trucks was hit multiple time by #Russian jets in Urem al-Kubra.
http://www.shaam.org/news/syria-news/%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%88-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%87%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D8%AF%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%AA%D8%AF%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D 8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D 8%A9-%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A9-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%B9%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B4%D9%83%D9%84-%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8.html …

Aleppo: #Russia|n airstrikes destroyed 20+ humanitarian aid trucks in Western Aleppo, dozens of civilians killed and wounded.


UN confirms the aid trucks were hit in west #aleppo countryside

BREAKING #Statement
#Russia declares the ceasefire over, blames the United States and Syrian rebels.

Keep in mind that the #Assad regime killed around 150 civilians during the last "ceasefire" week while rebels killed around ZERO.

Aleppo residents: "More airstrikes and barrel bombs hitting Eastern #Aleppo than we can count."

Kremlin ceasefires in Syria proving about as effective as they are in East Ukraine - maybe 'ceasefire' means something different in Russian?

09-19-2016, 06:03 PM
BREAKING #Statement
#Russia declares the ceasefire over, blames the United States and Syrian rebels.

Keep in mind that the #Assad regime killed around 100 civilians during the last "ceasefire" week while rebels killed around ZERO.

Aleppo residents: "More airstrikes and barrel bombs hitting Eastern #Aleppo than we can count."

Where are all the Western "journalists" who praised the #US/#Russia|n deal and the fake ceasefire?

09-19-2016, 06:15 PM
DOES KERRY now have an explanation for this AFTER he states the US would extend the ceasefire...FOR WHAT to destroy more aid convoys......

IN from Aleppo minutes ago.......
Unbelievable ...
These bastards bomb the aid convoys, the international community lured into their trap, now ...

AWAITING more confirmation ie reports or video footage of the air strikes which occurred this evening.......this source is usually very accurate with his reports.....

Syrian opposition media reports a convoy of 20 aid trucks was hit multiple time by #Russian jets in Urem al-Kubra.
http://www.shaam.org/news/syria-news/%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%88-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%87%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D8%AF%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%AA%D8%AF%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D 8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D 8%A9-%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%84%D9%81%D8%A9-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%B9%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%B4%D9%83%D9%84-%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8.html …

Aleppo: #Russia|n airstrikes destroyed 20+ humanitarian aid trucks in Western Aleppo, dozens of civilians killed and wounded.


UN confirms the aid trucks were hit in west #aleppo countryside

ANY info about location of the second convoy? WAS it hit as well????

BOTH convoys were carrying enough aid for 185,000 for a month.....

09-19-2016, 06:20 PM
FROM proAssad/Putin commenter..HAS Russin MoD declared war on the US...most certainly it has it appears.....

Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
#Russian source in #Syria:"We r not interested in the '#USA 7 days game' and we shall protect #SAA from any 'AF mistakes' from now on".