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08-16-2016, 07:16 PM
APPEARS that in fact Russia has in fact stationed nuclear weapons in Syria......

✔ @MEMRIReports Russian Bombers In Iran; Russian Senator: Nukes, Bombers Won't Be In Syria Permanently

August 16, 2016 Special Dispatch No.6577

Russian Strategic Bombers Deployed To Iran; Russian Senator Says Nuclear Weapons, Heavy Bombers Will Not Be Permanently Deployed In Syria

The Russian Ministry of Defense today, August 16, 2016,[1] announced that Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bombers and Su-34 fighter bombers had taken off from Iran's Hamadan airbase in order to strike the Islamic State (ISIS) and Jabhat Fath Al-Sham (formerly Jabhat Al-Nusra) in Syria.[2] This is the first time Russia openly acknowledges it has deployed strategic bombers in Iran.[3]

According to Russia 24, the aim of deploying the bombers in Iran is to shorten the flight time to targets by 60%. The Russia Today channel reported, citing Russian diplomatic sources, that Russia has asked Iran and Iraq to allow Kaliber missiles to pass through their airspace. The Russia Today website added that on August 15, 2016 the Russian Defense Ministry announced the launch of tactical exercises in the Caspian Sea, involving warships bearing cruise Kaliber missiles. According to the ministry, the goal of the exercises is to test the Caspian Sea fleet's ability to respond to sudden crises, including terror-related crises.[4]

Iranian Supreme National Security Council secretary Ali Shamkhani responded to reports on Russia's use of Iran's airspace and facilities in attacks on terrorist elements in Syria, saying: "There is strategic cooperation between Tehran and Moscow regarding the war on terror in Syria, and in this field each [country] uses the abilities and facilities of the other."[5] Furthermore, the Russian daily Izvestia stated that Iran and Iraq have officially authorized Russia to use their airspace for Kaliber MK cruise missile.[6]

Semen Bagdasarov, director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Central Asia, said that Iran understands that the situation is difficult in northwest Syria but lacks the technical capabilities that Russia has."[7]

On August 11, 2016, Russian media also reported that Moscow plans to turn the Hmeymim base, located in Syria's northwestern Latakia province, into a fully operational base. Russian Federation Council Defense and Security Committee first deputy chairman Franz Klintsevich said: "After an agreement on its legal status, Hmeymim will become a base of Russian armed forces, all the appropriate infrastructure will be built there and our servicemen will live in decent conditions." He added that a permanent contingent of Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) could be based at the Hmeymim airbase: "The VKS unit could be increased in accordance with bilateral agreements, but so far, from the perspective of tasks at hand, the forces currently deployed there [at Hmeymim] are enough." He also noted that nuclear weapons and heavy bombers will not be permanently deployed at the Hmeymim base in Syria as this is against international agreements.

Tu-22M3 Strategic Bombers: A Warning To The West

On July 13, 2016, the Russian news agency Ria.ru published an article on strategic bombers titled "If The Enemy Does Not Surrender... Tu-22M3 Strategic Bombers Come To Visit," written by Russia Today analyst Alexander Khrolenko.[8] It stated: "On... July 12, six Tu-22M3 strategic bombers took off from Russian territory, delivered an airstrike against [ISIS] facilities... in Syria, and returned to the base airfield... The strategic bombers seemed to be acting as part of a scheduled operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, as they had before... It is probable that the Syrian events of July 8, when ISIS militants shot down a Mi-25 helicopter with a Russian crew, had an impact on the plans of the RAF. In any case, the connection between the deaths of the pilots and the strike by the Tu-22M3 squad is chronologically quite perceptible. Still, why was the strike made not from land (by thermo-baric ammunition, for example), nor by Kalibr-NK cruise missiles from the sea, but from the stratosphere? Maybe this 'sign from above' was not intended only for the Middle East militants.

"The Tu-22M3 long-range multimode missile-carrying bomber is designed to conduct missile and bomb strikes in operational areas of land and sea theaters of war against stationary and moving objects (optically visible and radar-contrast objects, areas and points) by guided missiles and aerial bombs – as a single unit and as part of an aircraft group. The area of combat operations practically in the center of Syria evidently needed to be cleansed of large military groups and modern weapons. And TU-22M3 long-range bombers (combat radius with payload about 7000 km), capable of performing their task at any hour of the day and in any weather conditions, were very effective.

"Earlier, official representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry stated that the air base in Gvardeiskoye (Crimea) will receive in 2016 a maritime carrier-borne missile-armed regiment, including Tu-22M3 strategic bombers. It is only 980 km from the Crimean air field to Aleppo in a straight line, half an hour of flight... But these planes can do so much more.

"The Tu-22M3 long-range supersonic missile-carrying bomber (NATO reporting name: Backfire-С) is the most modern modification of Tu-22M. It carries on board powerful weapons for the destruction of ship groups in the sea and military industrial facilities deep in the enemy territory. It can conduct reconnaissance using organic on-board radio-electronic equipment, as well as actively and passively jam attacking planes, fighter-interceptor guidance and control systems, and surface-to-air missile systems.

"During the Cold War, Tu-22M3s were a constant headache for NATO headquarters in Europe, and it is no accident that these planes were called 'ship eaters.' Former confrontations were left in the past century, but it is still just one hour's flight for a Tu-22M3 from Crimea to Brussels (the Mediterranean sea is even closer), and missile weapons have become more advanced. Near Aleppo, the power of Tu-22M3 may seem excessive. Of course, Middle Eastern terrorists do not have warships. But they didn't used to have modern Western-made guided missiles either. Is it purely coincidental that a specimen of high technology weaponry (American, according to some reports) has emerged in the area of combat operations, and not for the first time?...

"Russia can greatly increase the number of mission sorties by its composite air group in Syria... and carrier aviation of the Admiral Kuznetsov cruiser (will be on combat duty in the Mediterranean from October 2016 until January 2017). And the armistice could be left in effect only for those who adhere to its terms, including western instructors of the Syrian 'opposition groups.' I think it would be fair.

"Once, Russian leaders warned our Western partners: You'd better not touch Ukraine. They did not listen. And what is the result? The Kremlin's position on the civil war in Syria was not taken into account until recently either. And it looks like our Western partners are still supplying weapons to Middle Eastern terrorists. What are they hoping for? In the German magazine Der Spiegel, Sergey Karaganov, the Russian president's advisor, plainly explains to the West: If Russia has to go to war, it will not be the way you are planning.

"The Tu-22M3 strike in Syria on July 12 may be called a tactical warning on the eve of the Russia-NATO Council meeting [that took place on July 13]. Maybe to someone in Brussels and Washington, it is a chance to realize that Russia is smarter, stronger and more determined than the West likes to think."

08-16-2016, 07:21 PM
Interesting threat with insights into fractured structures of regime loyalties based on criminal networks. https://twitter.com/tobiaschneider/status/765606156031123457 …

Aleppo: #YPG militias from #Sheikh_Maqsoud shelled Eastern #Aleppo with mortars and injured several civilians today.

08-16-2016, 07:40 PM
Al Arabiya English Verified account 
#BREAKING: #Russia use of #Iran base could be in contravention of UN Security Council Resolution 2231

US is fine with it. The Russians kindly called to say they were coming from Iran now. We're good.

https://twitter.com/alarabiya_eng/status/765615911717990400 …

#Russia's use of #Iran base for air strikes in #Syria "unfortunate but not surprising," says @toner_mark.
That is an unfortunate way of putting it.

Would be interesting, relevant section of UNSC 2231. Surprised he said this, expect a walk back.

Russia's air campaign in Syria is about to get much deadlier.... and Washington didn’t see it coming

08-16-2016, 07:52 PM
Footage of the Russian airstrike that targeted the field hospital in Darat Izza, #Aleppo a little while ago

08-17-2016, 05:50 AM
AN interesting question that probably is true.....if in fact we were "spun" by Obama and Rhodes on the "Iran Deal" and both basically admitted it in their released interviews.....WHY should we then trust anything the Obama WH does while still in office....

There have been a serious number of times the US could have called out Putin on his actions in both eastern Ukraine, Syria and with the FSB/SVR/GRU hacking attacks on the US...BUT for some strange and unexplainable reason....total silence out of this WH....why is that???

US intel either wrongly assessed "growing recognition" in Russia to get out of Syria - or lied to US public about it

Russia can veto UNSC action. Which is another example of why it was idiotic to put our Iran policy in Russia hands.
BTW...this was a point that a number of SMEs pointed out to the WH...that namely it is the UNSC that must rule on any violation of the Iran Deal and Russia protects Iran ALWAYS during UNSC resolution votes.....

08-17-2016, 06:03 AM
Reports now of renewed Russian airstrikes targeting Latamna in north rural #Hama with cluster munitions

FSA Sultan Murad reports heavy clashes with Assad forces & YPG on the Bustan al-Basha front in #Aleppo

Russian bombing strikes on over 50 Syrian towns and villages yesterday targeting basically civilians, hospitals, residential areas, schools, markets BUT nothing really against IS.....WHY is that?????

The al-Rih al-Mursala hospital (Bearing Wind) in Darat Izza, #Aleppo was targeted & destroyed by a Russian airstrike

08-17-2016, 06:11 AM
Results of the Russian air strikes THAT the US seems to fully ignore as they "do not want to rock the Putin boat" because after two full years of Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Syrian and a massive cyber war THEY still are trying to "talk to Putin" to see if he is "serious" about "talking"...

Syria: a shocking but must watch insight into a Aleppo field hospital

Many dead after #RUS airstrikes on hospital in Darat Izza town /western #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFLigukwDXI …

THIS was a night time precision strike and only the RuAF can carry that out...

REMEMBER that now infamous Obama 2014 public statement..."we will judge Putin on his actions not his words"......

AND now..it seems the WH "totally forgot" that statement....

WORDS in international relations do count....

08-17-2016, 06:17 AM
Jaish Al-Mujahideen blew up with a #Fagot a group of Nujaba's Iraqi fighters in W. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDZAhHPpLFM …

BUT WAIT I thought the Iraqi Shia militias were in Iraq fighting IS in Mosul...BUT WAIT....sorry that was the Peshmerge.......Kurds not Iraqi's....

08-17-2016, 06:21 AM
A reminder for the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH that their inactions in Syria have now contributed greatly to a full scale sectarian war between Shia and Sunni's...something they could have avoided if they had engaged in 2012.....

Iraqi Shi'i militias in S #Aleppo drag rebels body. "He's an Umayyad. The son of Aicha (i.e. Sunni")

AND now their total support for the PKK Kurdish proxy YPG/SDF in attempting to take Al Bab a fully Arab Sunni town they are actually now triggering an ethno sectarian conflict between Arab Sunni's, Shia and Kurds.....

BUT WAIT I thought Iraqi Shia militias were in Iraq defending Iraq from IS....then why are the Peshmerge taking Mosul????

IT is a really good thing that Assad is not sectarian....

08-17-2016, 06:28 AM
Does this violate Iran's Constitution?

Article 146: "The establishment of any kind of foreign military base in Iran, even for peaceful purposes, is forbidden."

US shared bases under other countries' administration seem to count as US bases (e.g. Incirlik)...
No, according to all possible Assad/Putler fans: it does not.

Then, you know, TFB.3/Nojeh AB was already there, and was not established by Russians. ;)

That's the same like that with shields citing 'smoking prohibited': means only that one can't smoke cigarettes in the designated areas. Cigars and pots are permitted, 'of course'...

08-17-2016, 06:29 AM
Extreme fuel shortages are being reported through out the areas controlled by Assad with massive waiting lines and fuel prices TEN times what they use to be.....getting worse by the day......

08-17-2016, 06:37 AM
No, according to all possible Assad/Putler fans: it does not.

Then, you know, TFB.3/Nojeh AB was already there, and was not established by Russians. ;)

That's the same like that with shields citing 'smoking prohibited': means only that one can't smoke cigarettes in the designated areas. Cigars and pots are permitted, 'of course'...

Worth noting,
1. Russia and Iran do not have a SOFA
2. Russia has interpreted all UNSC decisions and the Iran Deal based on exactly what Iran states
3. Iran has not stated exactly what the conditions were under which they "gave a portion of their airfield entirely to the RuAF.....

ALSO worth noting was the comment yesterday by the Russian Duma rep stating Russia has nukes in Syria....THAT got no play by western MSM.....and it was a further reinforcement of a previous Russian source indicating that "maybe long term" Russia wanted to station nukes in Syria.....in order to surround NATO....

BUT if one relooks the total Russian support now to Iran.....Russian nukes are a given as it balances the Iranian defense against Israeli nukes and those US nukes in Turkey..and reinforces Hezbollah if they go to war with Israel......AND it gives Russia long term a solid voice in any ME developments and or agreements.....

THAT was the reason behind the sudden rush by Putin to have the Duma stamp of approval on the Russian/Syrian SOFA....

BUT what is really interesting is that the US DoS did not walk back their statement so that tells me they fully believe Russia is in violation of the 2231.......

NOTE further US statements.....

US: #Russian use of #Iran base unhelpful, but won't derail #Syria deal talks

At this point Russia can do almost everything and not derail the talks. The U.S. Won't do a thing

08-17-2016, 06:41 AM
Reference the IS CW attack on FSA held Marea yesterday.......

Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins

Video from Marea CW attack, note the black sludge, also seen at the Sept 1st attack (right)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca2OFdy0mwI …

08-17-2016, 06:42 AM
The only field hospital in #Daraya was targeted by Assad air forces with Barrel bombs and #Napalm

08-17-2016, 07:04 AM
The Obama Legacy: And he was a Nobel Peace Prize winner......for doing nothing "stupid" in order to stop exactly this??? Had he engaged in 2012 he could have possibly avoided 470,000 further deaths as below.

Comment from the photographer who posted this
Heartbreak... Look at how tiny that corpse is on the right... #Syria #Aleppo Photo via @AFP pic editor @fgeffardAFP

Mother was killed as well.......

08-17-2016, 07:25 AM
If one wants to vote for an organization that truly does deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts....this group deserves it ........and a number have paid the ultimate price by being killed in deliberate Russian air strikes on them during their rescue operations.....commonly called a Russian "double tap on first responders and their ambulances".....

whitehelmets - idlib ‏@whitehelmets_sy
from the rubble we stand ..
save your life , save syria
humanity heroes #WhiteHelmets

This was the same organization that the US Homeland Security (DHS) recently placed their director back on a plane when he arrived in the US on a valid US Embassy issued visa in order to receive a humanitarian aid award for his organization.....

DHS had responded to a number of fake Russian troll tweets that he was a member of AQ.....

BTW...the Obama WH never said a word about this incident....

08-17-2016, 07:38 AM
Moderate Syrian #Kurds, protesting undemocratic rule and arbitrary arrests by the "Syrian Democratic Forces"' #YPG.

08-17-2016, 07:41 AM
Possible use by the RuAF of a large thermobaric bomb in the middle of a major Syrian city....

No clue what the #Russians are using tonight, but it is HUGE

Initial ground reporting is saying...massive damage to building around the bomb strike...there has been an increasing field reporting of "vacuum bombs" being dropped by the RuAF...first possible photo though....

Video of the strike....does imply a "air fuel bomb"....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFLigukwDXI …

08-17-2016, 07:45 AM
Daraya, minutes ago (last night).
#AssadPutin burn the country and the world is helping them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9xgQagBWN0 …

Nonstop #PutinAssad air strikes continue on towns in #Aleppo region last night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drp-qofRddA …

08-17-2016, 08:00 AM
2016 is when #USA "ensures safety" of #RUS bombers flying fr.#Iran 2kill children in #Syria.

At least 375 civilians killed in heavy airstrikes across rebel-held parts of Aleppo and Idlib in the last 12 days.

Russia’s growing influence in the post-Arab Spring Middle East
http://www.offiziere.ch/?p=28624 http://fb.me/CXt7dixc

08-17-2016, 08:16 AM
Syrian info warfare is having a tough time proving their side of the narrative.....

Al Masdar: pro-Regime forces control 80% of 1070 Project but its footage shows 10%, #Aleppo. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.167147&lon=37.104939&z=17&m …

YPG fully supported by Assad and Putin...but also by the US CIA, CENTCOM, US SOF and the Obama WH....
A #YPG sniper in Sheikh Maqsud killed a 65 year old man in the #Hellok area of #Aleppo.

08-17-2016, 10:47 AM
You're going to love this one, Outlaw...

A U.S. official says the Russian bombers that used an Iranian air base to attack militants in Syria have (http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-08-16/the-latest-iran-allows-russia-to-use-base-for-syria-strikes)

Namely... while it might be so that the Tu-22M-3s 'only' made something like 'refuelling stop' at TFB.3 (sort of, i.e. with at least two nights in between), and might have returned to Russia ever since (this is still waiting for a confirmation), Keystone Cops in Moscow are announcing (https://twitter.com/mod_russia/status/765843649200525312) further air strikes in Syria as flown by Nojeh AB, this time by their Su-34s.

So, it's all the same story, just a different aircraft. :roll:


Ah yes... as promised, my take of this comedy-deployment to Iran: Russia Has Deployed Backfire Bombers to Iran (https://warisboring.com/russia-has-deployed-backfire-bombers-to-iran-977acafd1326#.7a83rocgb)

Tehran violates its own constitution to admit Russian forces...

(Note: it was also a violation of the IRI Constitution that brought the IRIAF into a situation where it cannot fly such missions on its own. Then, the same Constitution is dictating that the government is responsible for properly equipping and training its armed forces - yet Tehran is ignoring its own air force.)

08-17-2016, 12:13 PM
You're going to love this one, Outlaw...

A U.S. official says the Russian bombers that used an Iranian air base to attack militants in Syria have (http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-08-16/the-latest-iran-allows-russia-to-use-base-for-syria-strikes)

Namely... while it might be so that the Tu-22M-3s 'only' made something like 'refuelling stop' at TFB.3 (sort of, i.e. with at least two nights in between), and might have returned to Russia ever since (this is still waiting for a confirmation), Keystone Cops in Moscow are announcing (https://twitter.com/mod_russia/status/765843649200525312) further air strikes in Syria as flown by Nojeh AB, this time by their Su-34s.

So, it's all the same story, just a different aircraft. :roll:


Ah yes... as promised, my take of this comedy-deployment to Iran: Russia Has Deployed Backfire Bombers to Iran (https://warisboring.com/russia-has-deployed-backfire-bombers-to-iran-977acafd1326#.7a83rocgb)

(Note: it was also a violation of the IRI Constitution that brought the IRIAF into a situation where it cannot fly such missions on its own. Then, the same Constitution is dictating that the government is responsible for properly equipping and training its armed forces - yet Tehran is ignoring its own air force.)

CrowBat....western MSM and yes the DoS still has not picked up on this yet........

TEHRAN-Islamic Majlis Security Committee head Borujerdi: High Council of Security approved base for Russia.(But it doesn't have that right!)

Islamic High Council of Security head #Shamkhani:#Russia can use any of our bases.

TEHRAN- Foreign Ministry briefing reporters informally, claims it didn;'t know permission was given to Russia to use Iran's Nozheh Air Base.

TEHRAN:-Islamic Majlis member Falaht-Pisheh:Use of Iranian base by Russia is violation of Articles 146 &176 of Islamic Republic Constitution

TEHRAN-Islamic Majlis Speaker Larijani: We've not been informed of granting any base to Russia but cooperate with Russia to protect Syria..

It is quite possible that Foreign Ministry, even #Rouhani weren't told of #Russian use of Iranian bases. Their role is to hoodwink the West.

Did Putin invade Iran also? Nobody in Iran seems to know how Russians appeared inside Iran...maybe some "little green Iranians dropped in from Mars"......

So Iran is not only in violation of UNSC 2231 you are right they even violated their very own constitution.......BUT again these are the "moderates" that Obama and Rhodes feels should be the next regional hegemon in the ME......

08-17-2016, 12:34 PM
CrowBat....western MSM and yes the DoS still has not picked up on this yet........

TEHRAN-Islamic Majlis Security Committee head Borujerdi: High Council of Security approved base for Russia.(But it doesn't have that right!)

Islamic High Council of Security head #Shamkhani:#Russia can use any of our bases.

TEHRAN- Foreign Ministry briefing reporters informally, claims it didn;'t know permission was given to Russia to use Iran's Nozheh Air Base.

TEHRAN:-Islamic Majlis member Falaht-Pisheh:Use of Iranian base by Russia is violation of Articles 146 &176 of Islamic Republic Constitution

TEHRAN-Islamic Majlis Speaker Larijani: We've not been informed of granting any base to Russia but cooperate with Russia to protect Syria..

It is quite possible that Foreign Ministry, even #Rouhani weren't told of #Russian use of Iranian bases. Their role is to hoodwink the West.

Did Putin invade Iran also? Nobody in Iran seems to know how Russians appeared inside Iran...maybe some "little green Iranians dropped in from Mars"......

So Iran is not only in violation of UNSC 2231 you are right they even violated their very own constitution.......BUT again these are the "moderates" that Obama and Rhodes feels should be the next regional hegemon in the ME......

WHOA...now the highest Obama supported "moderate" gets into the act......

Neither #Islamic #Majlis nor #Russian #Douma have even discussed use of Iranian military bases. Private deal between #Putin & #Khamenei?

WOW.....a neo imperialist working with a Revolutionary Islamist bent on defending the Islamic Revolutionary Islam declared by Khomeini throughout the ME...WHO would have thought this possible in the 21st century?????

SO is Putin not a member of the ROC but rather a "closet Islamist at heart".....his FSB certainly is......

08-17-2016, 12:48 PM
CrowBat......this is just getting worse...........

Khamenei adviser Valayati: #Russia using our bases isn't surprising; we have reached a series of military deals with Moscow. (Who is 'we'?)

NOW the chicken comes home to roost.....

Granting Russia base facilities agreed in Gen. Soleimani's visit to Moscow & Putin's Tehran meeting with Khamenei, claims IRGC agency FARS.

08-17-2016, 12:54 PM
WOW.......now we know just why Obama and Rhodes "spun Congress"............

MASSIVE if anywhere close to being 100% correct........

Deputy Foreign Min.#Araqchi: #Obama gave us private assurance to sideline even sanctions not related to nuclear issue & rein in #US Congress

THIS would seriously explain a number of recent Iranian complaints that made no sense to anything in the "public" Iran Deal narrative......

AND why the recently released "secret document indicating an Iranian ability in ten years to build a bomb" was piled under a massive Obama WH narrative denying the document was correct......

08-17-2016, 01:11 PM
Rebels have killed dozens of pro-#Assad forces since the morning in Southern #Aleppo. Rebels shouldn't wait and advance now.

South #Syria rebels ordered to not attack regime-held town: report
https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/NewsReports/567284-south-syria-rebels-ordered-to-not-attack-regime-held-town-report …

Idlib: #Russia|n airstrikes killed 20+ civilians in #Idlib City and wounded 40+ more.

Aleppo: Rebels repelled #Assad regime offensive in #Ramouseh, Artillery Base, 1070 Apartments, #Rishidin and killed many pro-#Assad forces.

08-17-2016, 01:23 PM
The Turkish and KSA "red line" on al Bab is rapidly approaching........does the US care????

Syria #SDF try to besiege #IS held Arima after seized villages SW of it- now 15km away from al-Bab city
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.453184&lon=37.698212&z=13&m=b …

Last update #Hasakah
10 NDF+ syrian regimes solders killed, 5 arrested.2 kurdish security Asaysh martyred

Syria Rebels regain lost points in Air Force Academy #Ramouseh area south of #Aleppo

Rebel assault on #IS held al Rai town in northern #Aleppo continues

08-17-2016, 01:32 PM
FSA TOW strikes in northern #Hama
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69JqsiyuUF0 …

Syria #Aleppo Lots of dead #Assad-forces after tried to invade Aqrab area
(Gipson market)
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.168212&lon=37.077591&z=16&m=b …

Jaish Izza destroyed w/ #TOW a truck in Zilaqiat barrier, N. #Hama.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.278418&lon=36.609192&z=13&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69JqsiyuUF0 …

3rd day of clashes btw Rebels & #ISIS on Al-Rai front after yesterday's retreat, N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kdO0Pk0g00 …

Pro-Regime forces trying to reach N. part of #Aleppo Artillery Base from 1070 Project. 1 BMP destroyed with #ATGM.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.165701&lon=37.114778&z=15&m …

08-17-2016, 01:46 PM
Syria Commander of airforce college killed in battle to regain his base in southern #Aleppo http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.162556&lon=37.118983&z=16&m=b …

Syria From battlefield in southern #Aleppo today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agnZ-7MZtAM&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.168334&lon=37.080574&z=15&m=b …

Russia is now deliberating destroying grain needed to feed Syrians.........
Syria #RUS airstrikes on grain silos near #Saraqib -far away from front- destroy harvest
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.846204&lon=36.784458&z=16&m=b …

08-17-2016, 01:51 PM
Even turkish back channel to Damascus says Ankara red line is Assad must go
http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/08/turkey-syria-russia-back-channel-diplomacy-damascus-ankara.html …

08-17-2016, 01:58 PM
Part of the secret Obama Iranian Deal...........??

Kyle W. Orton
One of the most dangerous of the 15 men just released from Guantanamo was an agent of #Iran's Ministry of Intel (VEVAK).

08-17-2016, 02:04 PM
Latest @mod_russia video of Su-34 sortie from Iran is in fact old footage of a test aircraft
https://www.google.com.ua/search?safe=off&q=su+34&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSkgEJquFs2_1PzkDQahgELEKjU2AQaBAgBCAkM CxCwjKcIGl0KWwgDEiMYF7gBuQHIBRMaugEbpw3tItQ5hj-HP-wi1TnWJtM5kSHWORowfrOMyYzQz9sESSHvU67IRy33MhXyXIsP JUM0mM5SJZIBJkBbSx9J4xWboyalfq1aIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCA gBEgS51T8BDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiipa6HysjOAhXQKCwKHUc_D7UQ2A4IGigB&biw=1366&bih=658 …

08-17-2016, 02:16 PM
An ISIS insider tells @jenanmoussa and @HaraldDoornbos the story of the meeting that led to birth to the group

FSA captured 2 #IS fighters in al-Ra'i village north #Aleppo

08-17-2016, 02:23 PM
South #Syria rebels ordered to not attack regime-held town: report
https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/NewsReports/567284-south-syria-rebels-ordered-to-not-attack-regime-held-town-report …

Daraa: #Amman-based MOC instructed the Southern Front not to launch an offensive on pro-#Assad forces in #Daraa's #Sheikh_Maskin.

US threatens to cut off funding and weapons if the Southern Front attacks Assad....so is the Obama WH "protecting" Assad for Putin?????

An attack by SF on Assad would in fact be a "tipping point"......and SF has not really attacked IS...so what the heck are they doing just sitting there being paid with US taxpayers money??????

08-17-2016, 02:40 PM
Ahrar Al-Sham inter @ahrar_alsham_en
Thwarting sectarian militias progress to Aero-Technical college & 1070 apartments, killing many including officers

08-17-2016, 03:50 PM
Does the US fully understand that the clash of clashes is coming.....apparently not.....

Aleppo: Rebels and #YPG/#SDF are now just 20 kilometers away from each other.

08-17-2016, 04:30 PM
Breaking. #ISIS already counter-attacking Rebels in Al-Rai. Sultan Murad just blew up with a #TOW ATGM a car-bomb (likely SVBIED) N. #Aleppo

For the third time this year, Rebels seized border town of Al-Rai from #ISIS in N. #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.611945&lon=37.447929&z=12&m …

1st BMP-2 spotted & #Fagot strike vs BVP-1 AMB-S by Jaish Mujahideen in Aleppo ArtilleryBase
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7aaiEFG2E8 …

The 2 phases of pro-Regime offensive on Souq Al-Jibs in W. #Aleppo. Back to square one.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.170010&lon=37.077243&z=17&m …

08-17-2016, 04:50 PM
Syria: Liwa Suqoor al-Jabal (#FSA) rebels raised their flag in the border town of al-Rai (#Aleppo)

Aleppo #FSA Central Division repelled with cannons regime assault on 1070 apartments
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uZ5Hp2wE4M …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.164635&lon=37.102203&z=16&m=b …

Damascus suburb Darayya today

08-17-2016, 04:57 PM
Does the US fully understand that the clash of clashes is coming.....apparently not.....

Aleppo: Rebels and #YPG/#SDF are now just 20 kilometers away from each other.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
#Syria: "[#PYD] leaders…have previously claimed that…Manbij, Al-Bab and Azaz are all historically part of Rojava."

State Dept gives strong impression it won't be asking #PYD to withdraw east of the Euphrates

Syria: security forces of #PYD arrested/kidnapped 11 Kurdish oppositionists on Monday and Tuesday.

08-17-2016, 05:01 PM
More fallout from Obama's Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia Strikes Back by @followFDD's John Hannah.
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/08/16/saudi-arabia-strikes-back-3/ …

08-17-2016, 05:38 PM
Jaish al Aza destroying a regime op room & entire building in N. #Hama with a TOW ATGM. 2nd TOW from this same spot

Russia jets fly more than 1000KM from #Iran, skipping all IS targets there and hit civilians in #Aleppo and #Idlib.

Graphic warning: Maath al Shami reporting from market in #idlib where @Mod_russa and the regime killed civilians.

17 dead and dozens wounded after regime airstrikes hit #Idlib city today. https://youtu.be/q3LC204M1sI

Video of Jaish al Tahrir and other N. #Aleppo rebels entering Al Rai village. https://youtu.be/rz8ZBdG2sbE

Video of an Islamic State fighter captured by #FSA in Northern #Aleppo during op. in Al Rai.

Division 13 fighting Islamic State on the outskirts of Al Rai, northern #Aleppo https://youtu.be/H5p7NO5JtOg

Central division firing artillery on and repelling an attack by regime forces on 1070 apartments, #Aleppo

Regime normal (non-incendiary) bombs/barrel bombs hitting #Darayya today.

Mujahideen Army repelling regime on Gypsum Market #Aleppo. Drone footage of fleeing SAA.

Russian air force targets Shamico farms in #Aleppo with thermite/phosphorus cluster munitions.

08-17-2016, 05:44 PM
Russian Su-34 bombing #aleppo countryside

Conquest army targeting Islamic State fighters with mortars in Tel hussein (possibly #Aleppo?)

Warplanes bombing talbisah, #Homs

Jaish al Aza destroy a regime ammo trucks with a TOW ATGM al-Zalkiat Checkpoint

Jaish al Sunna reporting from Cement plant, regime repelled from rebel side. Close shot near their position at end.

08-17-2016, 06:25 PM
No, according to all possible Assad/Putler fans: it does not.

Then, you know, TFB.3/Nojeh AB was already there, and was not established by Russians. ;)

That's the same like that with shields citing 'smoking prohibited': means only that one can't smoke cigarettes in the designated areas. Cigars and pots are permitted, 'of course'...

I think the constitutionality of the deployment can be interpreted either way.

On the one hand, the Russian composite unit might be the only one using the base, as the IRIAF has 13 or less active combat squadrons and some 17 operational air bases. In addition, the Constitution explicitly states: "...any kind of...", which could prohibit anything other than using Iranian air bases for shuttle runs.

On the other hand, the Russian unit might be in the minority and there is no evidence of any leasing arrangement or dedicated Russian area in which Iranian personnel are disallowed, although one might presume there are.

To me it seems that this is a gray area worthy of a constitutional challenge, however, I doubt any jurist in Iran will want to go down that road.

08-17-2016, 07:10 PM
Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom
When @20committee and I warned 3 years ago what would happen when US outsourced Middle East policy to #Russia
http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/americas-middle-east-policy-collapses-9073 …

08-17-2016, 08:56 PM
I think the constitutionality of the deployment can be interpreted either way.

On the one hand, the Russian composite unit might be the only one using the base, as the IRIAF has 13 or less active combat squadrons and some 17 operational air bases. In addition, the Constitution explicitly states: "...any kind of...", which could prohibit anything other than using Iranian air bases for shuttle runs.

On the other hand, the Russian unit might be in the minority and there is no evidence of any leasing arrangement or dedicated Russian area in which Iranian personnel are disallowed, although one might presume there are.

To me it seems that this is a gray area worthy of a constitutional challenge, however, I doubt any jurist in Iran will want to go down that road.

P.S. CrowBat, you seem to have this Wiggum15 fellow on your tail, and you can't shake him ;)

08-18-2016, 04:40 AM
I think the constitutionality of the deployment can be interpreted either way.

On the one hand, the Russian composite unit might be the only one using the base, as the IRIAF has 13 or less active combat squadrons and some 17 operational air bases. In addition, the Constitution explicitly states: "...any kind of...", which could prohibit anything other than using Iranian air bases for shuttle runs.

On the other hand, the Russian unit might be in the minority and there is no evidence of any leasing arrangement or dedicated Russian area in which Iranian personnel are disallowed, although one might presume there are.

To me it seems that this is a gray area worthy of a constitutional challenge, however, I doubt any jurist in Iran will want to go down that road.

Azor...whether Constitution or not which the hardliners will never follow anyway....as you can see from their own moves to isolate the "moderates" by not even thinking about the Constitution...is the hard differences between the two groups now.

That is what is interesting.....the Constitution was the Khomeini way of appeasing the then 1979 middle class that needed reassurances he was not some flaming radical...which in fact he was if one had taken the time to read all of this writings from say 1965 onwards....

"Revolutionary Islam" is what Khomeini pushed when he took over in 1979 and what he used to compete with KSA......and what KSA sees today as the direct threat against them....especially since the Obama WH has basically told KSA we are tilting to Iran as the regional hegemon...AND what drives the IRGC...the "defenders of the faith"....

In some ways many might not like this...but I consider Revolutionary Islam a key ideological driver behind AQ and now IS.....not Wahhabism.....many do not think that Shia and Sunni's share much but in fact they do share a lot of the same "political" thinking......

08-18-2016, 05:57 AM
83 people were murdered by #Putin, #Assad and #ISIS on Wed, incl. 21 kids & 10 women.
#Aleppo: 38
#Idlib: 19
#RifDimashq: 10

08-18-2016, 06:08 AM
DaratIzza was AGAIN targeted by #BallisticMissiles by the #AssadPutin genocidal alliance.

Sooo, this is the same plane but NOT the same bombing raid.
#WarCrimes TODAY!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzccSSTxerc …

After being quite for a long time, the center of #TerMaeal (#Homs) got hit by jets today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKaU0eyXerI …

Ambulances full of children.
3 killed,17 wounded in another #AssadPutin massacre in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cfBmRW3isc …

Syria: exclusive look into a #Aleppo field hospital, terrorized daily by #Assad warplanes

ISIS is attaking pro-Regime forces in outskirts of Kweires Airport. N. #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.185550&lon=37.588348&z=11&m …

Intense shelling (incl. cluster bombs) to back Regime attempt to recapture Artillery Base.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqhJ0Faxljo …

08-18-2016, 06:11 AM
SRC | #DailyMail: Former prisoners in Assad's Syrian jails reveal guards made men rape one another and rape women to force confessions ....

Inside Saydnaya: Syria's Torture Prison. The story of Assad's torture regime recreated by survivor testimony.

08-18-2016, 06:30 AM
@washingtonpost recalls @POTUS once said stopping atrocities is a core US interest, but he did nothing for Aleppo.

As Aleppo is destroyed, Mr. Obama stands by

By Editorial Board August 16

“DEVASTATING AND overwhelming.” Those are the conditions in the ancient and once-great metropolis of Aleppo, according to the head of delegation for the International Committee of the Red Cross, Marianne Gasser, who was in the Syrian city recently.

“We hear that dozens of civilians are being killed every day and scores more injured from shells, mortars and rockets,” Ms. Gasser said. “The bombing is constant. The violence is threatening hundreds of thousands of people’s lives, homes and livelihoods.”

War crimes appear to be near-constant also. The air forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his chief backer, Russian President Vladimir Putin, target apartment buildings, bakeries and — this is their specialty — hospitals and clinics. The United Nations is investigating credible reports that Mr. Assad again has used chemical weapons, in this case chlorine gas. Water has been cut off from hundreds of thousands of people.

The last surviving physicians in the rebel-held half of Aleppo a few days ago begged President Obama to help. “The world has stood by and remarked how ‘complicated’ Syria is, while doing little to protect us,” they wrote. “The burden of responsibility for the crimes of the Syrian government and its Russian ally must therefore be shared by those, including the United States, who allow them to continue.”

Why would these brave, forlorn doctors look to Mr. Obama for rescue? Perhaps one of them, through the terrible din of war, remembers hearing the president promise to stand by the Syrian people as they were being “subjected to unspeakable violence, simply for demanding their universal rights.”

Mr. Obama made his pledge during an address at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in April 2012. He boasted that he had decreed, in a first for any U.S. president, that preventing mass atrocities “is a core national security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States of America.” That did not mean that the United States would “intervene militarily every time there’s an injustice in the world,” he cautioned. But when it came to Syria, Mr. Obama was clear.

“The Syrian people have not given up, which is why we cannot give up,” Mr. Obama said. “And so with allies and partners, we will keep increasing the pressure, with a diplomatic effort to further isolate Assad and his regime, so that those who stick with Assad know that they are making a losing bet.”

Alas, that was many atrocities ago. According to the Red Cross, more than 12 million Syrians — half the prewar population — have been forced from their homes, with millions more under siege. Hundreds of thousands have been killed. Well over 1 million have been wounded. Iran and Russia continue to place their bets on the Assad regime. And Mr. Obama no longer pledges to stand with the Syrian people, though he remains clear-eyed about what they are facing.

“The regime and its allies,” Mr. Obama observed at a Pentagon news conference this month, are engaged in “vicious attacks on defenseless civilians, medieval sieges against cities like Aleppo, and blocking food from reaching families that are starving.”

But the administration’s response has not changed: a combination of halfhearted support for the rebels, who increasingly gravitate by necessity to more extremist groups; requests to the Russians to behave better; and finger wagging.

“It is deplorable,” the president said during his visit to the Pentagon. Small comfort to the people of Aleppo.

BUT the ground reality is what again?????

August 13: #Assad and #Russia airstrikes destroy Kafar Hamra Pediatric Hospital in #Aleppo

SAMS ‏@sams_usa
"‘Surrender or starve’ strategy signals deeper agony ahead for civilians in #Aleppo, @UN panel warns"

08-18-2016, 06:49 AM
Democracy Now! ‏@democracynow
"Civilians are suffering every day," says Syrian physician @sahloul. "This is the tragedy we are living in."

Ten Times Worse Than Hell: A Syrian Doctor on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aleppo

August 17, 2016

In the latest escalation of the war in Syria, Russia has begun launching airstrikes from an Iranian air base. The New York Times reports this marks the first time since World War II that a foreign military has operated from a base on Iranian soil. The move comes as fighting has intensified around Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. Earlier this month, rebels fighting the Syrian government began a new offensive to break an ongoing government-backed siege of the city. The rebels have been led in part by an offshoot of the Nusra Front, which up until last month had been aligned with al-Qaeda. The International Committee of the Red Cross has described the fight for Aleppo as "beyond doubt one of the most devastating urban conflicts in modern times." The United Nations is warning of a dire humanitarian crisis as millions are left without water or electricity. For more on the humanitarian and medical crisis in Syria, we speak with Dr. Zaher Sahloul, founder of the American Relief Coalition for Syria and senior adviser and former president of the Syrian American Medical Society. He has visited Aleppo five times since the war began.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: In the latest escalation of the war in Syria, Russia has begun launching airstrikes from Iranian air bases—an air base. The New York Times reports this marks the first time since World War II that a foreign military has operated from a base on Iranian soil. The move comes as fighting has intensified around Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. Earlier this month, rebels fighting the Syrian government began a new offensive to break an ongoing government-backed siege of the city. The rebels have been led in part by an offshoot of the Nusra Front, which, up until last month, had been aligned with al-Qaeda. The International Committee of the Red Cross has described the fighting for Aleppo as, quote, "beyond doubt one of the most devastating urban conflicts in modern times." The United Nations is warning of a dire humanitarian crisis, as millions are left without water or electricity. This is U.N. spokeswoman Alessandra Vellucci.

ALESSANDRA VELLUCCI: The commission is gravely concerned for the safety of civilians, including a reported 100,000 children living in eastern Aleppo city, where violence has reached new heights in recent weeks as asymmetric warfare intensifies over control of armed group-held neighborhoods and their principal remaining supply lines.

AMY GOODMAN: On Tuesday, a British aid worker named Tauqir Sharif described the dire situation in Aleppo in this video he posted online.

TAUQIR SHARIF: I’ve just had to watch a woman lose three of her children, who were killed—OK?—and crying over their dead bodies. Thirty people just got killed not far from here in place called Shaar [inaudible]. We were just there yesterday. In a marketplace, 30 people just got killed. So, we’ve had so many dead bodies. You can hear what’s going on here. So, my dear brothers and sisters, please keep us in your duas. We need to get the message out right now. Hospitals are being targeted. People are being killed. OK? And war crimes are being committed. We need a no-fly zone in Syria. We need everybody to start voting for a no-fly zone. This is a massacre going on. This is a genocide.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Last week, 15 of the last 35 doctors in rebel-held eastern Aleppo wrote a letter to President Obama calling for help in getting humanitarian aid to 300,000 civilians trapped in the area and an end to Syrian and Russian bombardment of the besieged city. The letter said that there is an attack on medical facilities every 17 hours, and doctors were being forced to decide who will live and who will die.

AMY GOODMAN: According to the humanitarian group Physicians for Human Rights, there have been more than 370 attacks on 265 medical facilities during the five-year conflict, as well as the deaths of 750 medical personnel. Overall, the death toll in the five-year Syrian conflict has reached close to half a million people. The ongoing war has displaced about half the prewar population, with more than 6 million Syrians displaced inside Syria and nearly 5 million Syrian refugees outside Syria’s borders.

To find about about more the humanitarian and medical crisis in Syria, we’re joined by Dr. Zaher Sahloul, founder of the American Relief Coalition for Syria and senior adviser and former president of the Syrian American Medical Society. He’s visited Aleppo five times since the war began. Last week, he addressed the U.N. Security Council on the humanitarian crisis in Syria. He was a classmate of Bashar al-Assad in medical school. Dr. Sahloul is a critical care specialist in Chicago.

Welcome to Democracy Now!, Doctor.

DR. ZAHER SAHLOUL: Thank you for having me.

AMY GOODMAN: When you heard about the latest attack, even since you’ve just returned from Aleppo, Russia attacking from Iran, your thoughts? And then describe Aleppo to us.

DR. ZAHER SAHLOUL: I mean, my thoughts and my colleagues’ thoughts from Aleppo, which I keep contacts every minute with them, is the same, that everyone is bombing Syrians, and no one cares about ending the crisis. So it looks like the Russians are having fun bombing Syria from different parts, now added Iran to this, Iran bases. The coalition are bombing parts of Syria. They are bombing ISIS and also civilians. The Assad regime is bombing, you know, cities and historic sites and civilians, with barrel bombings and all kind of weapons. The Iranians are bombing Syrians. So everyone is bombing Syrians.

And this is really the story that is not being told in the media. I mean, when people know about Syria or hear about Syria, they think it’s something related to ISIS or that it’s something that is complicated. But what’s happening, that civilians are suffering every day. Children are being mutilated and killed with barrel bombs and air missile bombs. Hospitals are targeted. Schools are targeted. Fruit markets are targeted. And historic sites, like the Old City of Aleppo, are being destroyed. So this is the tragedy that we are living in. We had half a million people killed in Syria so far, half of the population displaced. And so far, we don’t have a light at the end of the tunnel.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And in terms—you mentioned barrel bombs. What exactly are those, and who is dropping them?

DR. ZAHER SAHLOUL: Barrel bombs are an invention of the Syrian regime. It’s a very cheap way to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. I’ve seen it, in my eyes, and the victims also of barrel bombs in my several missions to Syria, especially to the city of Aleppo. So these are barrels that—big barrels stuffed with TNT, half a ton of TNT, and shrapnels, metal shrapnels. And they come in all kind of sizes and shapes. And they’re thrown from helicopters on urban areas, on hospitals, on blocks, on civilian neighborhoods, on fruit markets, on schools. And it can cause a lot of destruction. I’ve seen them. I took pictures of the victims. I took pictures of the buildings that have been destroyed with barrel bombs. It’s a weapon of mass destruction. It’s a dumb bomb; it’s not a smart bomb. And it can kill a lot of people.

And the only thing I’ve seen—you know, when you go to Aleppo, and this is something that, you know, if you go there—and you will see children pointing to the sky, and then you see this dot, which is the helicopter, and you hear the sound, the chop-chop-chop of the helicopter. And then this dot will throw another dot, which is the barrel, and then you have 30 to 40 seconds to run and hide from the barrel, or you can pray, because you don’t know where this barrel will hit. And it’s happening day after day for the past three years. It caused a lot of displacement. Let’s not forget that 2 million of the people of Aleppo are displaced, either inside Syria or became refugees, because of the barrel bombing. And it’s done by the Assad regime, of course. No one else has helicopters.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And how are the medical facilities and hospitals able to function on a day-to-day basis, if you could talk about that? I mean, what’s the relationship between the various rebel groups and the hospitals? Do they interfere with your work? And is the government paying for the salaries of these doctors? Or—talk about the system, how it’s operating.


THIS full interview needs to be inhaled by the Obama WH/entire NSC and then they need to seriously ask themselves the following question....."have we abandoned humanity and our own morals" in order to "not do something stupid".......

Yes might just their own answer of they are honest with themselves......

The story behind the video. His name is Omran and he is 5 years old #Aleppo #Syria
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-18/children-continue-to-pay-price-of-syria-conflict/7761322 …

This boy was rescued by the SCD......

Human Rights Watch: Russia, Syria used banned incendiary weapons on civilians

08-18-2016, 07:07 AM
Think what might in fact occur to IS if Syrians (Arab Sunni's) actually got the support that the US has flowed into their Kurdish terrorist proxies YPG/SDF/PKK??????

The solution to IS has been always Syrian Arab Sunni boots on the ground...BUT the Obama WH "smoke screened" everything behind the myth and debate of who is or is not a "moderate".......

The core question is...can anyone really be a "moderate" in the face of constant genocide, war crimes, torture, starvation, besieging, barrel bombs, CWs, thermite cluster munitions, and now napalm??????

Those are the guys,fighting #ISIS in #Syria w/ minimal foreign support.
They liberated #Rai.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjI8I8OtDxY …

08-18-2016, 07:19 AM
BREAKING: US moves nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania @EurActiv

Indication that US no longer fully trusts Turkey as a NATO partner and the potential fact that Turkey might in fact allow the RuAF to use the base as their FM has stated a couple of times since the coup....

Besides tactically speaking it is a far smarter move....with the missile defense shield in Romania...

08-18-2016, 07:31 AM
One of the best in the verification game, @bellingcat 's Elliot Higgins, is offering his tips & tricks
http://gijn.org/2016/08/16/how-to-get-started-in-online-open-source-investigations/ …

08-18-2016, 07:36 AM
I think the constitutionality of the deployment can be interpreted either way.

On the one hand, the Russian composite unit might be the only one using the base, as the IRIAF has 13 or less active combat squadrons and some 17 operational air bases. In addition, the Constitution explicitly states: "...any kind of...", which could prohibit anything other than using Iranian air bases for shuttle runs.

On the other hand, the Russian unit might be in the minority and there is no evidence of any leasing arrangement or dedicated Russian area in which Iranian personnel are disallowed, although one might presume there are.

To me it seems that this is a gray area worthy of a constitutional challenge, however, I doubt any jurist in Iran will want to go down that road.
There's no doubt it 'can be interpreted'. Point is that this paragraph was added to the constitution precisely with intention of prohibiting such 'non-basing of foreign troops' in Iran, like presence of 20,000 US advisors/instructors in Iran of the 1970s.

They were also 'not in control' of bases, 'not running them', 'not guarding them' etc. But, they were there.

Of course, idealistic writers of that constitution would never come to the idea to expect that only 40 years later there would be a character who's put all the top Iranian clergy into house-arrest because this protested about his lack of qualifications for the post of 'Supreme Leader' - and even less so the same would 'let the Russians to our air bases, a lil bit'...

Like I said before: 'no smoking' also doesn't say whether it's cigarettes, cigars, pipes or pots one shouldn't smoke in designated. It still means 'no smoking', though.

08-18-2016, 07:39 AM
P.S. CrowBat, you seem to have this Wiggum15 fellow on your tail, and you can't shake him ;)
Ah, that sorrow character, naming himself 'Sharpest', 'Winston' etc. in other places (see Amazon.com, Aviationist, Tomcat Sunset Forum etc.).

That's his 'revenge' that I kicked him out of ACIG.info forum, years ago, because he was offending everybody around him while having a nervous break-down - and that the Swedes kicked him out too, apparently because of his MOI and/or IRGC-links (Canadians took him in, nevertheless).

He's not the only Iranian in similar psychological condition. Do you expect me to go 'shaking' all of them? If so, why?

08-18-2016, 07:43 AM
There's no doubt it 'can be interpreted'. Point is that this paragraph was added to the constitution precisely with intention of prohibiting such 'non-basing of foreign troops' in Iran, like presence of 20,000 US advisors/instructors in Iran of the 1970s.

They were also 'not in control' of bases, 'not running them', 'not guarding them' etc. But, they were there.

Of course, idealistic writers of that constitution would never come to the idea to expect that only 40 years later there would be a character who's put all the top Iranian clergy into house-arrest because this protested about his lack of qualifications for the post of 'Supreme Leader' - and even less so the same would 'let the Russians to our air bases, a lil bit'...

Like I said before: 'no smoking' also doesn't say whether it's cigarettes, cigars, pipes or pots one shouldn't smoke in designated. It still means 'no smoking', though.

There're indications coming from inside that Iran refuses to permanently station Russian bombers, combat aviation at its airbase. To be confirmed.

08-18-2016, 07:50 AM
Pro-Regime forces launched an attack on Al-Qarassi front in S. #Aleppo. Jaish Fateh destroyed so far a tank w/ #ATGM http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.094609&lon=37.089157&z=12&m …

08-18-2016, 07:52 AM
There's no doubt it 'can be interpreted'. Point is that this paragraph was added to the constitution precisely with intention of prohibiting such 'non-basing of foreign troops' in Iran, like presence of 20,000 US advisors/instructors in Iran of the 1970s.

They were also 'not in control' of bases, 'not running them', 'not guarding them' etc. But, they were there.

Of course, idealistic writers of that constitution would never come to the idea to expect that only 40 years later there would be a character who's put all the top Iranian clergy into house-arrest because this protested about his lack of qualifications for the post of 'Supreme Leader' - and even less so the same would 'let the Russians to our air bases, a lil bit'...

Like I said before: 'no smoking' also doesn't say whether it's cigarettes, cigars, pipes or pots one shouldn't smoke in designated. It still means 'no smoking', though.

BTW....the talked about replacement for the ailing Khamenei is being quietly referred to as the Khomeini 3.0......so the Obama view that his Iran Deal was to support the growth of Iranian "moderates" was and is a "farce"...was designed for public consumption via spin......

08-18-2016, 08:00 AM
BREAKING: US moves nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania @EurActiv

Indication that US no longer fully trusts Turkey as a NATO partner and the potential fact that Turkey might in fact allow the RuAF to use the base as their FM has stated a couple of times since the coup....

Besides tactically speaking it is a far smarter move....with the missile defense shield in Romania...

Finally. I was expecting this weeks ago, although perhaps the US had to move the weapons covertly...

08-18-2016, 08:13 AM
The story behind the video. His name is Omran and he is 5 years old #Aleppo #Syria
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-18/children-continue-to-pay-price-of-syria-conflict/7761322 …

This boy was rescued by the SCD......he had been buried under the bomb debris of his destroyed home....SCD was still looking for his parents....

Russian warplanes failed to kill this terrorist...wonder if he at five fulfills the Obama WH definition of what a "moderate" Syrian "looks like?....apparently not.....

BUT WAIT the Russians will eventually air strike the hospital M10 where he is being treated........OR "double tap" the SCD ambulance he is being carried in...OR "double tap" the SCD who were still digging for survivors from this deliberate Russian air strike on civilians not IS......

REMEMBER what Obama in 2014 publicly stated....QUOTE "we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...UNQUOTE.

BTW...since the West including Obama/Kerry are not doing anything for Aleppo or Syria in general...praise must go to the UK who has been providing these ambulances and volunteer medical personnel into Aleppo...at least they try and have a certain empathy for humanity.....something totally missing from the "do nothing stupid" Obama Syrian FP......

Remember when Obama could have engaged into Syria in 2012 we had only 7,000 killed Syrians....now four years later that number stands at 470,000 to 500,000 and growing daily via Russian iron dumb bombs, cluster incendiary munitions, thermobaric bombs, and now napalm munitions....

REMEMBER it has been the Salafist jihadi's and FSA that have been fighting to relieve Aleppo from the Assad/Putin besieging and starvation NOT Obama and or the West.....

08-18-2016, 10:22 AM
Rebels destroying #Assad tank with ATGM at #Qarassi, Southern #Aleppo.

Aleppo: Rebels repelled regime assault on #Qarassi, killed many pro-#Assad forces and destroyed 2 tanks & other regime vehicles with ATGM.

08-18-2016, 05:13 PM
No totally clean option on any side in Syria: one can engage anyway and shape the battlefield, or not.
v @AbuJamajem

The Obama WH has chosen not to shape the battlefield and that is their most serious FP mistake in the last eight years......but again he never served in the military....

The "master" of Shia militias @PhillipSmyth with a brilliant piece on the bad elements within the "Good Hashd"
http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/should-iraqs-isci-forces-really-be-considered-good-militias …

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
.@SonerCagaptay for the @WashInstitute on the joint Moscow-Assad role in founding the #PKK
Maybe worth reading for those that do not fully understand the lineage of the PKK a US defined terror group to the current US Kurdish proxy YPG/PYG and the SDF....

08-18-2016, 05:22 PM
So a #US #NFZ for #Hasakah is no problem but for #Aleppo is impossible

If this does not feed the islamist extremist narrative of the US ...then nothing will over the next years.....

BabyBlankets, #BabyFood and #Babies.
The number 1 #AssadPutin "terrorist" targets.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XOMRbEIt9g …

08-18-2016, 05:27 PM
Jihadist/terrorist truck carrying weapons neutralized by an airstrike near Maarrat Al-Numan, #Idlib. Driver killed.

3rd #TOW by Jaish Al-Izza on Zilin barrier in 4 days, this time blowing up a T-72, N. #Hama.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FtkdPCkSI&feature=youtu.be …

Faylaq Al-Rahman launched an operation S. of Muhammadiyah in E. #Ghouta, #Damascus.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.505332&lon=36.423154&z=15&m …

FINALLY US CAS for FSA in their IS attacks...
US-led Coalition destroyed 39 #IS targets during Rebels' 3-days attack on Al-Rai in N. #Aleppo, incl.
- 17 tactical units
- 14 fighting pos.

Since morning #Assad/#Russia warplanes hit #Aleppo's new road (Alramousah) +20 times using cluster bombs
Russian attempts to cut aid route into Aleppo....WHILE claiming wanting to assist in future aid deliveries....

Faylaq Al-Sham took out with an #ATGM a bulldozer on Al-Qarassi front in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-v5rEnn30I …

08-18-2016, 05:37 PM
Airstrikes reported for the first time on Kurdish positions in #Hasakah during clashes with Regime forces.

ATGM strike by Ahrar Al-Sham vs a tank on Al-Qarassi front in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ9ZlU4v6BI …

Rebels repelled the assault launched by Iranian-led militias on Al-Qarassi in S. #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.091835&lon=37.086067&z=12&m …

08-18-2016, 05:38 PM
Aleppo doctors sending an unbearable stream of pictures of kids killed so far today. Most are too graphic to share.

YET the West especially the Obama WH remains totally silent .......

Russia offers a 48 hour ceasefire BUT WAIT Aleppo is suppose to be already part and parcel of the Russian and US COH and Russia has stated there are three so called aid corridors that no one seems able to find AND Russia has stated that is to be already a 3 hour ceasefire every 24 hours....

BUT until now it has been basically all Russian lies believed only by Obama and Kerry it seems.....

08-18-2016, 05:46 PM
Syria reports claiming NDF are advancing in al-Nashwa district #Hasakah
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.496459&lon=40.750179&z=14&m=bs&show=/33171245/Al-Nashwa …

Clashes are ongoing in Hassaka. Do not forget to make duaa for both YPG and regime

Sources in Eastern #Aleppo city report increased availability of goods as supply routes reopen

Syria Rebel-TOW cooking off a T-72 tank in rural #Hama

08-18-2016, 05:51 PM
Those "moderate Iranians' of the Obama Iran Deal are at it again...and not in a good way....

Breaking Hezbollah
Announce Kurds as Zionist in north Syria to legalize the fight against them

A dozen civilians killed today in #Hasaka city by airstirkes, artillery shelling & street fights btw #Assad-forces & kurdish militias

NDF have captured Amal school & New Hospital while Asayish did not capture Bassel roundabout and have been on the defensive so far

2 SyAAF air raids on Hasakah so far, a number of Asayish & YPG bases/HQs have been hit including in al-Mushirfah 3km NW of Hasakah

NDF advance inside neighbourhoods north of city centre amid airstrikes/artillery, YPG evacuate from Tell Baydar conscription/training base

Syria'n airforce conducted strikes on 8 positions of kurdish militias (Barriers & HQs) in #Hasaka city & outskirts

5 people killed by regime artillery shelling on #Hasaka city neighborhood

Exodus from #Hasaka city
-flee battle btw regime forces & kurdish militias

08-18-2016, 05:52 PM
Airstrike on market in #Damascus suburb #Douma

Jabhat Fatah al-Sham recaptured al-Qaras after Shiite militias took it in the morning.

08-18-2016, 06:02 PM
Those "moderate Iranians' of the Obama Iran Deal are at it again...and not in a good way....

Breaking Hezbollah
Announce Kurds as Zionist in north Syria to legalize the fight against them

A dozen civilians killed today in #Hasaka city by airstirkes, artillery shelling & street fights btw #Assad-forces & kurdish militias

NDF have captured Amal school & New Hospital while Asayish did not capture Bassel roundabout and have been on the defensive so far

2 SyAAF air raids on Hasakah so far, a number of Asayish & YPG bases/HQs have been hit including in al-Mushirfah 3km NW of Hasakah

NDF advance inside neighbourhoods north of city centre amid airstrikes/artillery, YPG evacuate from Tell Baydar conscription/training base

Syria'n airforce conducted strikes on 8 positions of kurdish militias (Barriers & HQs) in #Hasaka city & outskirts

5 people killed by regime artillery shelling on #Hasaka city neighborhood

Exodus from #Hasaka city
-flee battle btw regime forces & kurdish militias

Assad forces: "#YPG attacking Christians in #Hasakah. We will do whatever it takes to protect the Christians from #YPG attacks."

NOW Assad has figured out he is an Arab......after killing hundreds of Arab Sunni's
Assad forces calling now on Arabs in #Hasakah and #Qamishli to arm themselves and fight against the #YPG militias.

08-18-2016, 06:41 PM
Rebels repel regime militia advance attempt on Qarasi & Mahrouqat hill axis, reports 2 tanks + bulldozer + vehicle destroyed w/ ATGM

.@Amnesty documents *absolute minimum* 17,723 people murdered in #Assad's custody: "anyone who could be perceived to be opposing the gov't".

The hell of #Rastan in #Homs province.
Nonstop #AssadPutin airstrikes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz1YgVpehx0 …

With Use Of Iranian Base, Russia Is Trying To Send Clear Message
http://www.rferl.mobi/a/27928920.html l
atest from @Interpreter_Mag's

08-18-2016, 06:47 PM
"Hamza al-Khateeb used to love it when the rains..."
13yo, tortured, killed, castrated by Syrian security 5 yrs ago.
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/05/201153185927813389.html …

UPDATE: Regime airstrike hits Mesakin, Mifti and Til Hacer neighbourhoods at 17.45 local time in #Hasakah #Syria

Russia and U.S. duel over Iran air base

08-18-2016, 06:53 PM
AND for Aleppo where both Assad and Putin are committing war crimes and genocide There is not a single F16 available...seriously?????

Breaking coalition warplane force Syrian regimes one to leave #Hasakah sky, now F16 above #Hasakah

AND Obama/Rhodes/Kerry have so often stated a NFZ is not viable....?????

08-18-2016, 06:58 PM
Syrian president Bashar Assad may be losing control over the armed gangs he once empowered

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Another example of the remains of a Russian RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM cluster bomb dropped on Syrians
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsCyf_gOXQI …

Syria #Anadan sub of #Aleppo (~15.000 people) wipped out
by #RUS & #SYR regime airstrikes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teyC9a2mqyM …

A newborn's struggle for life after barrel bomb attack - @mattfrei tells a story of birth & heroism inside #Aleppo:

Video of the aftermath of the Assad/Putin airstrike on a truck carrying babyfood.
Jets targeted a truck loaded with baby food in Maraat an-Numan, killing three and injuring several.

08-18-2016, 07:14 PM
Appears that Obama WH does not quite get the perception they are now creating among the Syrian Arab Sunni....that when it comes to Sunni's they have a "golden handshake" with Putin that allows Assad and Putin to kill as many of them as they want to WHILE the US protects only Kurds.....

Reports US warplanes overflying #Hasakah to prevent SyAF from making further airstrikes on Kurdish forces.

Airstrikes on hospitals,schools,women, children & baby food is OK otherwise. Utterly & completely despicable if true

Regime jets targeted this truck transporting children's milk in Maarit Anuman, killing driver & dumping milk on road

08-18-2016, 07:18 PM
Asayish commander Munir Mohamad & general commander "Lawend" were killed in SyAAF airstrikes on their base

3rd part of our ISIS series talks in details about AlQaeda's Khorasan committee. Read
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/08/18/the-greatest-divorce-in-the-jihadi-world/ …

08-18-2016, 07:19 PM
Possible use by the RuAF of a large thermobaric bomb in the middle of a major Syrian city....

No clue what the #Russians are using tonight, but it is HUGE

Initial ground reporting is saying...massive damage to building around the bomb strike...there has been an increasing field reporting of "vacuum bombs" being dropped by the RuAF...first possible photo though....

Video of the strike....does imply a "air fuel bomb"....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFLigukwDXI …

Russia and Syria using vacuum bombs - devastating civilians
They planned this while US 'tested their intentions'

08-18-2016, 07:24 PM
YPG officials deny any cease fire and hints that it's gonna escalate in Hasakah

08-18-2016, 07:42 PM
Russian Syrian Express....13-17 August..

Russian Navy Natya Class Minesweeper Valentin Pikul 770 northbound on the Bosphorus after 3 months deployment to SYR

Russn Navy Ropucha Class landing ships G.Pobedonosets 016 & Azov 151 northbound on the Bosphorus today @ 19.00 local

Russian Navy's Amur Class Repair Ship PM138 northbound on the Bosphorus. Returning from Syria after 6 months.

Ru Navy's Cargo Vessel Vologda-50 northbound on the Bosphorus. Really slow against wind & strait current, tho empty.

08-18-2016, 07:43 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
.@mod_russia's 18.08 "Hamedan" footage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sp5VscM0OI …

was in fact filmed in Russia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouBUW1qiCu4 …

08-18-2016, 07:46 PM
Russian Syrian Express....13-17 August..

Russian Navy Natya Class Minesweeper Valentin Pikul 770 northbound on the Bosphorus after 3 months deployment to SYR

Russn Navy Ropucha Class landing ships G.Pobedonosets 016 & Azov 151 northbound on the Bosphorus today @ 19.00 local

Russian Navy's Amur Class Repair Ship PM138 northbound on the Bosphorus. Returning from Syria after 6 months.

Ru Navy's Cargo Vessel Vologda-50 northbound on the Bosphorus. Really slow against wind & strait current, tho empty.

Both had cleared on 11 August.....

Russia navy Buyan-M corvettes now conducting military exercises near #Syria
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/2016/08/15/Russia-conducts-naval-exercises-in-Mediterranean-near-Syria.html …

08-18-2016, 07:51 PM
✔ @politico A U.N. report due out soon could pose a new Syria dilemma for Obama

08-19-2016, 01:28 AM
Appears that Obama WH does not quite get the perception they are now creating among the Syrian Arab Sunni....that when it comes to Sunni's they have a "golden handshake" with Putin that allows Assad and Putin to kill as many of them as they want to WHILE the US protects only Kurds.....

Reports US warplanes overflying #Hasakah to prevent SyAF from making further airstrikes on Kurdish forces.

Airstrikes on hospitals,schools,women, children & baby food is OK otherwise. Utterly & completely despicable if true

Regime jets targeted this truck transporting children's milk in Maarit Anuman, killing driver & dumping milk on road

I know that you're passionate about the Syrian situation, but the fact is that it is Russia and the Shia Front that are garnering the anger, rather than the US which did from '03 to '09.

Russia and China weren't blamed for preventing the US from taking out Hussein and Gaddafi, and the Sunni Arab militaries have more than enough active soldiers to occupy Sunni Arab areas of Iraq and Syria as peacekeepers.

08-19-2016, 04:44 AM
I know that you're passionate about the Syrian situation, but the fact is that it is Russia and the Shia Front that are garnering the anger, rather than the US which did from '03 to '09.

Russia and China weren't blamed for preventing the US from taking out Hussein and Gaddafi, and the Sunni Arab militaries have more than enough active soldiers to occupy Sunni Arab areas of Iraq and Syria as peacekeepers.

Azor...here is the problem............

The ME works largely on perception and "myths" or hearsay...it is one of the greatest areas for conspiracy theories AND the chief conspiratorial myths has been for over the last year that Obama and Putin have done a "golden handshake" on allowing Assad to continue in power and both want to destroy anti Assad opposition....

I posted here a series of comments by former US Syrian Ambassador Ford who thoroughly understands the Syrian opposition and he urgently warned the US about the myths and tried to convince Sunni's that the "golden handshake" is not a conspiracy.......

Now if you understand the conspiracy myth concept THEN every move made by the US OR in this case NOT made by the US....is "tested" against this conspiratorial myth.....

And right now I would if I "believed the "golden handshake" would truly believe the US is in bed with Putin.....

Remember I post from the side of the opposition not Assad and have personally spent hours with Iraqi insurgents and have personally seen the "power" of these myths......and gave up trying to make sense on/of just how they are created...but it exists and should if one is formulating US FP for the ME one must ALWAYS fully understand their impact and take them into consideration when formulating FP for the ME.

I am adamant that this WH has never either formulated NOR thought through what exactly "to do nothing stupid" means for Syria.

I am thoroughly convinced that with limited US force in 2012 Obama COULD have avoided 470,000 deaths. BUT Obama never wants to use force thus he failed to see that sometimes political change must be backed up by power projection whether used or not...Putin uses his power projection if one remembers....

In some aspect the US FP for Syria has no longer any concept of "humanity"....

EXAMPLE---YES Kerry and Obama cheer that Russia will do a 48 hour ceasefire BUT guess what...NEXT week sometime...WHICH allows Putin to continue bombings......

BUT Russia HAS never held to any ceasefire that they claim they are holding to....neither in eastern Ukraine nor in Syria...

THAT is a simple fact...and for some strange reason this WH thinks that is a small victory?????

Remember the so called Geneva CoH still in fact exists for Aleppo AND Russia signed off on it...BUT continues to bomb just as they signed off on Minsk 2 and still attack....

08-19-2016, 06:01 AM
Azor...here is the problem............

The ME works largely on perception and "myths" or hearsay...it is one of the greatest areas for conspiracy theories AND the chief conspiratorial myths has been for over the last year that Obama and Putin have done a "golden handshake" on allowing Assad to continue in power and both want to destroy anti Assad opposition....

I posted here a series of comments by former US Syrian Ambassador Ford who thoroughly understands the Syrian opposition and he urgently warned the US about the myths and tried to convince Sunni's that the "golden handshake" is not a conspiracy.......

Now if you understand the conspiracy myth concept THEN every move made by the US OR in this case NOT made by the US....is "tested" against this conspiratorial myth.....

And right now I would if I "believed the "golden handshake" would truly believe the US is in bed with Putin.....

Remember I post from the side of the opposition not Assad and have personally spent hours with Iraqi insurgents and have personally seen the "power" of these myths......and gave up trying to make sense on/of just how they are created...but it exists and should if one is formulating US FP for the ME one must ALWAYS fully understand their impact and take them into consideration when formulating FP for the ME.

I am adamant that this WH has never either formulated NOR thought through what exactly "to do nothing stupid" means for Syria.

I am thoroughly convinced that with limited US force in 2012 Obama COULD have avoided 470,000 deaths. BUT Obama never wants to use force thus he failed to see that sometimes political change must be backed up by power projection whether used or not...Putin uses his power projection if one remembers....

In some aspect the US FP for Syria has no longer any concept of "humanity"....

EXAMPLE---YES Kerry and Obama cheer that Russia will do a 48 hour ceasefire BUT guess what...NEXT week sometime...WHICH allows Putin to continue bombings......

BUT Russia HAS never held to any ceasefire that they claim they are holding to....neither in eastern Ukraine nor in Syria...

THAT is a simple fact...and for some strange reason this WH thinks that is a small victory?????

Remember the so called Geneva CoH still in fact exists for Aleppo AND Russia signed off on it...BUT continues to bomb just as they signed off on Minsk 2 and still attack....

Azor.......something that drives my passion is the simple fact that I have lived a greater portion of my life outside the US and am still outside the US, I speak two languages fluently, I in my older age drive now a still growing 55 person IT security company dueling with the Russians daily, I have spent time in three US wars, I have seen civilians and military personnel die over "politics" when I served in the USA SF in the 60s/70s, I have had US Communist Party card members and well known US Socialists teach me when I took Boston University MA courses, I spent well over 20 years in Strategic face to face debriefings of refugees, border crossers, escaped military personnel AND yes jihadists as well as being an offensive CI investigator during the height of the Cold War in Berlin, and I am a cat owner....

BUT what I have missed for years is the concept of "morale values and humanity" inside the US FP. BTW...we have only had one President that drove on those values and we threw him out because we viewed him as being "weak"....Carter.....

The answer to Syria and also before we went into Iraq was always in front of us...namely the people living in those countries....are the answer good or bad in the end...WE the US must learn to allow the locals to make their decisions whether it helps or harms the US...because in the end it has always been "local not global"......

I am convinced that Saddam was just a few years away from actually being overthrown....and what we are seeing since 2011 in Syria is the same attempt to overthrow Assad....BUT then QJBR/AQI/IS got in the way.....

But the answer also for IS is the Sunni's themselves on the ground...not Shia, not US, not Russia but Sunni's...part of the problem in Iraq was ...WE the US overthrew Saddam not the Iraqi's themselves and thus they never did identify with his overthrowing....Sunni or Shia....the overthrow was dictated from outside Iraq....

I have great respect for what the Ukrainians did in Maidan which was not covered much in the US MSM....just as the US MSM has never really covered the true beginnings of Syria in 2011....OR just how a handful of UAF held a battered airport for far longer than Stalingrad was held and in the end were gassed by the Russian GRU/Spetsnaz......which gave the UAF time to rebuild......much like the Alamo in some aspects...

It takes far more courage to stand up unarmed in front of the police power of a dictator and complain than it does in the US complaining in the local bar...OR on Twitter or FB.......

That type of personal risk taking courage is distinctly missing from this Obama WH....

08-19-2016, 06:11 AM
Azor...this is the perfect example of what I am saying......

I am probably one of the remaining still alive VN vets who has actively called in napalm air strikes to both destroy NVA/VC units as well as protecting my troops....until you have experienced the heat of the blast and the air vacuum being created no one can fully understand napalm and I have the experience of calling it in in the military terms of today..."danger close".....

That is exactly why it was forbidden as a weapon especially it's use against civilians....and signed by Russia.

BUT now for over the last few days it has been used by Assad AND not a single word is being uttered by the West nor the Obama WH....

That is what I mean with the terms "morale values and humanity"....this WH is truly unwilling to take risks.....but when genocide is literally slapping you in the face and war crimes can been seen daily in the local TV THEN one would think that the leader of the "free West" would take action.....BUT no..nothing, nada, nicht......

I never thought at my age I would have seen the US being complicit and participating in genocide and war crimes....especially after Clinton's experiences with genocide...

Khaled Khatib @995Khaled
what is happening in Darya now !!The aircrafts attacked the city by 8 Barrels of Napalm.

08-19-2016, 06:27 AM
Azor..just another example of why "morale values and humanity" is important as a WH policy concept....

We were badly spun and lied to concerning the Iran Deal and yet it still continues and no one is called out by the MSM...why is that....does the MSM think we are so stupid that we will not understand and or they simply bought off as well???

It took reporters 7 months to get the Obama administration to admit that it used $400m to help secure release of US hostages held by Iran.

08-19-2016, 06:45 AM
The story behind the video. His name is Omran and he is 5 years old #Aleppo #Syria
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-18/children-continue-to-pay-price-of-syria-conflict/7761322 …

This boy was rescued by the SCD......he had been buried under the bomb debris of his destroyed home....SCD was still looking for his parents....

Russian warplanes failed to kill this terrorist...wonder if he at five fulfills the Obama WH definition of what a "moderate" Syrian "looks like?....apparently not.....

BUT WAIT the Russians will eventually air strike the hospital M10 where he is being treated........OR "double tap" the SCD ambulance he is being carried in...OR "double tap" the SCD who were still digging for survivors from this deliberate Russian air strike on civilians not IS......

REMEMBER what Obama in 2014 publicly stated....QUOTE "we will judge Putin by his actions not his words"...UNQUOTE.

BTW...since the West including Obama/Kerry are not doing anything for Aleppo or Syria in general...praise must go to the UK who has been providing these ambulances and volunteer medical personnel into Aleppo...at least they try and have a certain empathy for humanity.....something totally missing from the "do nothing stupid" Obama Syrian FP......

Remember when Obama could have engaged into Syria in 2012 we had only 7,000 killed Syrians....now four years later that number stands at 470,000 to 500,000 and growing daily via Russian iron dumb bombs, cluster incendiary munitions, thermobaric bombs, and now napalm munitions....

REMEMBER it has been the Salafist jihadi's and FSA that have been fighting to relieve Aleppo from the Assad/Putin besieging and starvation NOT Obama and or the West.....

Dear Richard,

I live just 300 metres from the attack. Just after 7PM, following the evening prayers, we heard the explosions. I rushed there with three other media activists.

The first thing I saw was three bodies on the ground being carried into an ambulance. Those were the neighbours of Omran’s family. The building was totally destroyed - all six floors were now rubble.

Then I looked up to see another building half destroyed - Omran’s house. The White Helmet rescue workers climbed the stairs of a building nearby as the stairs at Omran’s house were destroyed. I joined in to help.

The first survivor they picked up was Omran and I took my camera and started filming. I found out later that he is just four years old.

It was too dark for good footage but I continued to film and followed him. The White Helmet carried the boy to the ambulance and laid him on the chair. I kept filming. It was then that I realized how traumatized the boy was and I changed the camera from filming to take a still picture.

The tears started to drop as I took the photo. It is not the first time I’ve cried. I have cried many times while filming traumatized children. I always cry. We war photographers always cry. Last night everyone cried.

Omran affected me because he was silent. He didn’t cry. He didn’t say a word. He was shocked.

I thought of my 7 day old baby girl. I thought to myself it could be her. It could be any child in Aleppo or Syria.

The White Helmets team continued to rescue the family members. Omar’s eldest sister who is 11 looked at me and said please don't film. I turned off my camera and told her, “sure my darling, I will not”.

Thank God all Omran’s family are safe. His mother had some bad injuries on her legs. His father suffered a minor head injury. His 7 year old sister went through a surgical operation this afternoon and she is doing well.

Today when I woke up to see the whole world using the photo and talking about it I thought to myself, I hope all photos of children and attacks in Syria go viral so the world knows what life is like here.

If people know what it is like maybe the war will stop, the bombing will stop. Maybe Omran and my daughter Amal can live normally like all children in the world.

Mahmoud Rislan, Aleppo

08-19-2016, 06:52 AM
Azor...this is the perfect example of what I am saying......

I am probably one of the remaining still alive VN vets who has actively called in napalm air strikes to both destroy NVA/VC units as well as protecting my troops....until you have experienced the heat of the blast and the air vacuum being created no one can fully understand napalm and I have the experience of calling it in in the military terms of today..."danger close".....

That is exactly why it was forbidden as a weapon especially it's use against civilians....and signed by Russia.

BUT now for over the last few days it has been used by Assad AND not a single word is being uttered by the West nor the Obama WH....

That is what I mean with the terms "morale values and humanity"....this WH is truly unwilling to take risks.....but when genocide is literally slapping you in the face and war crimes can been seen daily in the local TV THEN one would think that the leader of the "free West" would take action.....BUT no..nothing, nada, nicht......

I never thought at my age I would have seen the US being complicit and participating in genocide and war crimes....especially after Clinton's experiences with genocide...

Khaled Khatib @995Khaled
what is happening in Darya now !!The aircrafts attacked the city by 8 Barrels of Napalm.

EVERY NGHT, the #Assad air force (or #Russia!) uses napalm now.
The world is OK with that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2DJguobtx4&feature=youtu.be …

Incendiary bombs on #Daraya are the new normal now!
Last night:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfgQ6cPIXcQ&feature=youtu.be …

08-19-2016, 06:58 AM
Jaish al Nasr destroyed a pro-#Assad T-72 in #Hama prov. with the TOW yesterday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FtkdPCkSI&feature=youtu.be …

Talbisah last night.
Leftovers of a #Russian bomb, dropped on the city in #Homs province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCeftdrFPJk …

Large drone, DOZENS of air strikes on peaceful towns in northern #Hama province today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8kxmqQVa5A …

From Syrian SCD last night....
Extremely graphic!
Aftermath of air strike on peaceful #KhanShaykhun tonight (#Idlib).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df11Z6u-QTU …

Moment of the eve:
Host: "The regime didn't comment on the new 48 hr. RUS truce. Does it stick to it?"
Assad man: "Well, if Russia said so."

08-19-2016, 07:05 AM
Jaish Al-Mujahideen fired another #Fagot vs a group of Hezbollah in Al-Assad suburb, #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.175297&lon=37.083492&z=13&m …

Fierce attack by pro-Regime on Ramoussah's front after Rebels thwarted w/ #ATGMs 1 overnight attempt to sneak into N. #Aleppo Artillery Base

A dramatic step: #Russia has now killed (in 10 months) more civilians than #ISIS itself in 3 years via @snhr. #Syria
YET we call IS terrorists...AND Russia is what again?????

First Coastal Division shelling pro-Regime forces in N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwGTm8Uco5o …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOicW-tnZTk …

08-19-2016, 07:22 AM
There're indications coming from inside that Iran refuses to permanently station Russian bombers, combat aviation at its airbase. To be confirmed.
There is plenty of resistance against such decisions in Iran, and this is building up. Even 'Supreme Leader' and the IRGC can't spit at the IRI Constitution in such direct and public fashion.

08-19-2016, 07:26 AM
I have often posted here geopolitical reasons to stand up to Assad, economic, counter-terrorism, genocide, war crimes...Iranian revolutionary islam ....Hezbollah..... all's left is little kids who are dodging bombs and napalm because we adults cannot act...sad..really sad

Devastated little kid screams 4 his mom after surviving an Assad airstrike on Douma ystrday. No idea if mom made it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEvriHq1s_Y …
Again rescued by the White Helmets SCD....who have been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for their selfless actions in the face of death and destruction...AND Obama got his for what again?????

WILL not post this video....
Aftermath of another Assad barrelbomb on civilians. Little kid drowning in his own blood:"Where's dad? Where?" #Syria

From 13 December 2015.....
Syria: [Vid is NOT graphic] Just c the fear in the kid's eyes as he takes cover frm anther incoming Assad airstrike

As one (VN SF vet, served in Kuwait and worked in Iraq) who has been viewing open source videos for use in troop training and analysis from first Iraq starting 2004 and now from Syria...yes one get's use to the violence, blood and destruction.....

BUT what I cannot get use to now with this Obama WH is the total "apathy" expressed in their concept of a "do nothing stupid" FP....

There's 5 years of 1000s of little Omrans being blown up in Syria, finally there's one photo to make people care for a day or so. Progress!

08-19-2016, 07:47 AM
I have often posted here geopolitical reasons to stand up to Assad, economic, counter-terrorism, genocide, war crimes...Iranian revolutionary islam ....Hezbollah..... all's left is little kids who are dodging bombs and napalm because we adults cannot act...sad..really sad

Devastated little kid screams 4 his mom after surviving an Assad airstrike on Douma ystrday. No idea if mom made it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEvriHq1s_Y …
Again rescued by the White Helmets SCD....who have been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for their selfless actions in the face of death and destruction...AND Obama got his for what again?????

WILL not post this video....
Aftermath of another Assad barrelbomb on civilians. Little kid drowning in his own blood:"Where's dad? Where?" #Syria

From 13 December 2015.....
Syria: [Vid is NOT graphic] Just c the fear in the kid's eyes as he takes cover frm anther incoming Assad airstrike

As one (VN SF vet, served in Kuwait and worked in Iraq) who has been viewing open source videos for use in troop training and analysis from first Iraq starting 2004 and now from Syria...yes one get's use to the violence, blood and destruction.....

BUT what I cannot get use to now with this Obama WH is the total "apathy" expressed in their concept of a "do nothing stupid" FP....

SCD first responder killed by a Russian "double tap" air strike on first responders last night...

whitehelmets - idlib @whitehelmets_sy
we are tired and sad in lost another hero today
WhiteHelmets Hero Manar abo Mohammad in daraya.
May he rest in peace

AND the Obama/Kerry WH "celebrated as a success in their talks" the Russian announced 48 hour ceasefire SOMETIME next week AFTER they have flattened virtually anything opposition town/village in the coming days...

What a "celebration" as Putin has lied about every ceasefire Russia has previously announced on Syria and especially eastern Ukraine where there is now a full scale war ongoing....

08-19-2016, 08:04 AM
CRITICAL......from this morning....

Air Force Freak @AlRFORCEFREAK
Busy RUS, #RUAF traffic towards Crimea and southern Russia.

Numbers-Stations.com @Spy_Stations
8909 kHz Russian strategic voice comms have problem with microphone feedback prone to create a "backwards music station" effect

My comment....Russian numbers station comms has picked up massively in the last days

Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
RUAF strategic AF sw net up with voice and W marker. Tu95/160 active today?

Now at least 19 airborne, it could be Tu-160/Tu-95/Tu-22s. Syria or some "Dooms day drill"

My comment....there have never been this many airborne at one time in the last say ten years.....highly unusual whatever it is.....

08-19-2016, 08:08 AM
Whole aircraft shelter of #Nayrab Airbase blown up by BM-27's blast after being hit by 1 #ATGM on 17th July. #Aleppo

08-19-2016, 08:29 AM
This is the 3rd time this #Daraya field hospital was targeted by Assad, mission accomplished now, hospital gone

Daraya doctor on Assad's napalm barrel bomb attack at 1AM on last field hospital serving 8K+ civilians
https://youtu.be/1EAno6H6Tu4 #Syria

FSA News ‏@FSATruth · 8h8 hours ago
#Breaking #Daraya
Urgently trying to put out fires burning their only hospital dropped by regime barrelbombs tonight

FSA News ‏@FSATruth · 9h9 hours ago
The only field hospital in #Daraya now totally out of service as hit by regime napalm bomb this evening

Aftermath of a Russian airstrike on al-Hal local market in Hawr, west rural #Aleppo today

08-19-2016, 10:37 AM
Russia and China weren't blamed for preventing the US from taking out Hussein and Gaddafi...It's actually entirely pointless, but I'll repeat it for...probably something like 1,764th time:

1.) Russia and China couldn't do anything to prevent the USA from fooling enough other governments into forming a 'coalition of willing' that then invaded Iraq.

2.) USA didn't remove Q alone: indeed, they were not even playing the 'crucial' role' (if at all, then only in spending billions in PGMs to destroy what was actually rusty and not-working-since-ages Libyan air defences).

If at all, it was the 'NATO & several non-NATO allies'.

And, most importantly: it was the right decision.

Neither the USA nor the 'NATO & several non-NATO allies' are to blame for what happened in Libya after Q was removed.

...and the Sunni Arab militaries have more than enough active soldiers to occupy Sunni Arab areas of Iraq and Syria as peacekeepers.When Sunni Arabi 'militaries' were demanding exactly that, it was the USA that stopped them (see sacking of Prince Bandar).

But, now you would like to blame them?

08-19-2016, 11:22 AM
Russia has violated repeatedly the Geneva CoH which actually still applies to all of Syria.

Russia violated multiple times their own proposed "regimes of silence" usually within minutes after they were to start.

Russia has violated within minutes their own proposed three hour windows of humanitarian aid for Aleppo....

Russia has now proposed 48 hour ceasefire SOMETIME next week...all they are doing is gaining more time to bomb....WHY the global community did not demand "immediately is beyond me"??????

AND I am taking bets for coffee here in Berlin...Russia will not hold to that ceasefire either......

08-19-2016, 11:26 AM
A dramatic step: #Russia has now killed (in 10 months) more civilians than #ISIS itself in 3 years via @snhr. #Syria
YET we call IS terrorists...AND Russia is what again?????

Good thing Obama and Hillary only founded ISIS and not the Russian military.

08-19-2016, 11:31 AM
Pro-Regime forces retreating after failed attempt to advance towards #Aleppo Artillery base.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVwCrtaMw1g …

08-19-2016, 12:18 PM
Aleppo: Rebels killed the #Assad General Izzat Mohammad Hassan in Southern #Aleppo.

Latakia: Rebels killed the #Assad "Desert Hawks" General Adnan Ali in Northern #Latakia.

The #FSA gave newly arrived Iraqi militias S of #Aleppo "a warm welcome".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0NhuxJWlKk …

Pro-Regime forces retreating after failed attempt to advance towards #Aleppo Artillery base.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVwCrtaMw1g …

First confirmation of Su-34s at Hamedan airbase (Iran) on 17 August, Tu-22M3s went back to RF, Stratfor via @jseldin

Woman screaming for her life after another #AsssadPutin massacre.
Common world! Act shocked!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irN80aXorc4 …

Al-Ghantu today.
Just one of many terrible massacred by #AssadPutin on Friday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8bJYE-y1Yk …

Extremely #graphic.
#Baby in #Homs prov. was not as lucky as #Omran.
Still love him world?!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Nr18n43Ro …

There are THOUSANDS of #Omran|s and NOTHING will change if we don't stop #AssadPutun!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFUQvnX0lbs …

Al-Rai after the liberation from #ISIS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPSMF_7QPWk …

FastaqemUnion ‏@fko_union #FSA
FSA revolutionists prevent #ISIS to sneak into liberated #Raie village in Northern Countryside of #Aleppo

AFTER the last night napalm attack on a hospital......
The hospital was entirely destroyed, he told me.
Now 8000 besieged civilians including 3000 children have NO medical assistance anymore.

Several pro-Regime KIA after being hit by 1st Regiment's #Fagot on Ramoussah front, #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHUkmhqjVGE …

Rebels repelled another attempt by pro-Regime forces to advance in 1070 Project and towards N. part of #Artillery base. #Aleppo

Fagot strike by Jaish Mujahideen vs an alleged Hezbollah group in Al-Assad suburb, #Aleppo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmH64-KrCfg …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFUQvnX0lbs …

First Regiment blew up with a #Fagot a T-55 in Ramoussah forcing pro-Regime to flee #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAkNCM6RxI8 …

08-19-2016, 01:00 PM
Interesting .....

With carrier #Kuznetsov headed back to 35th SRZ, NVO questions whether MiG-29KR pilots ready to fly off its deck.

08-19-2016, 08:44 PM
After Outcry Over Rescued Boy, PHR Debunks Russian Denial of Attacking Civilians
http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/press/press-releases/after-outcry-over-rescued-boy-phr-debunks-russian-denial-of-attacking-civilians.html?referrer=https://t.co/1QeLlQ2RQL …

Syria #Aleppo New explosions in bomb production facility (building 305) of
al Safira Defence factories
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.052430&lon=37.333260&z=14&m=b …

Aleppo, heavy shelling by warplanes targeted Tel Almahroukat, and Khan Touman town and road between it and Alramousa.

Hasakah: "Concerned" #US Army pulled special forces from their position after "unusual" #Assad airstrikes in and around #Hasakah.

Syria Clashes continues at Kwers airbase in Eastern #Aleppo btw #IS & #Assad forces

08-19-2016, 08:47 PM
4 dead & more wounded in Assad artillery & mortar shelling & MLRS attack in Talbiseh, #Homs several hours ago

Doctors in Aleppo, Syria, Save Lifeless Baby Born After Airstrike

Reports YPG is targeting the national hospital in Azaz, north rural #Aleppo with artillery & mortar shells

08-19-2016, 09:03 PM
Russia just bombed the neighborhood of Salah a-Din w/ incendiary weapons

Incredible double tap w/ #Fagot by Tajamu Fastaqem on pro-Regime forces in Ramoussah #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEqj_keW0vQ …

11 dead including women & children & tens wounded in Assad airstrikes on Ghanto in #Homs, #Syria a few hours ago

Syria Clashes continues at Kwers airbase in Eastern #Aleppo btw #IS & #Assad forces

Syria #Hasaka Clashes at Red Villas & main market
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.490162&lon=40.771101&z=16&m=b …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.499727&lon=40.749943&z=17&m=b …

Syria: Regime and #NDF militants advancing against #Asayish and #YPG inside #Hasakah city. Clashes ongoing mainly in the city center.

Syria #Assad's army speaker accuses kurdish forces (#Asayish) to steal oil, cotten & kidnapping citizens in #Hasaka

Syria Heavy fighting now in #Hasaka city center

US will scramble jets when it wants to.But protecting civilians from barrel bombs is not a priority #Syria
https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-scrambled-jets-syrian-regime-targeted-kurdish-forces-163827201.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw …

YPG forces control Syrian government-held areas in Hasaka
http://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/d467a4be-fcb9-4d8f-a675-c6944613b0de/YPG-forces-control-Syrian-government-held-areas-in-Hasaka …

Syria Another #RUS airstrike on aid/food truck for #Aleppo city

Footage: clashes with #ISIS before takeover of Al-Rai, N. #Aleppo. #TOW fired & US airstrike
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl6SVfY4FbA …

08-19-2016, 09:20 PM
Ahrar Al-Sham snipers at work on S. #Hama front. 2 KIA.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-ywTs0-Vk …

Russia turned to fire several Kalibr cruise missiles from its warships in Mediterranean Sea towards W. #Aleppo.

Hama: Rebels have declared the entire #Hama side as a military zone, including #Assad supply lines for #Aleppo.

Aleppo: Rebels killed the #Assad General Samer Ahmad Sarim in Southern #Aleppo

Hama: Rebels will launch a new offensive against pro-#Assad forces in Northern #Hama.

YPG: "We fighting now against #Hezbollah and #IRGC militias in #Hasakah."

08-19-2016, 09:31 PM
Syria: (Russian backed) Syrian Gov bombers hit targets dangerously near #US & coalition Spec Op forces. #Pentagon

08-19-2016, 09:38 PM
Crude #BarrelBomb air strike on #Huraytan, N of #Aleppo, today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9lercwTRXc …

Also in the evening, massive #AssadPutin attacks took place across free #Syria.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9mlTLJ9T40 …

Daraya without a Hospital: Open Letter to the United Nations - @UN
(after its destruction by bombs, 8300 r doomed)

BREAKING: US scrambled jets as #Syria regime targeted Kurdish forces: Pentagon
How are Arab Syrians supposed to deal with this? Their children don't get protection but Kurdish militia does.

IDF soldier helping a #Syrian boy this week. 2400 Syrians have been treated in Israel since the civil war began

08-19-2016, 09:50 PM
Interesting white 9K111 Fagot tubes the #FSA uses south of #Aleppo vs. the regime.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmH64-KrCfg …

See the desperate face of a doctor after the last hospital in #Daraya was napalmed ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EAno6H6Tu4 …

Wanna see how ENTIRE #FreeSyria will end, if we allow #AssadPutin to continue?
There you go.
TODAY! #graphic!!!

08-19-2016, 09:53 PM
Must be read.......

The price of powerlessness - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-price-of-powerlessness/2016/08/18/f61d2c34-6575-11e6-96c0-37533479f3f5_story.html?utm_term=.2d72f004e5ef …

An #AssadPutin CLUSTER BOMB attack took place in #Talbisah tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zdjfSRFMQs …

08-20-2016, 02:30 PM
Dear Richard,

I live just 300 metres from the attack. Just after 7PM, following the evening prayers, we heard the explosions. I rushed there with three other media activists.

The first thing I saw was three bodies on the ground being carried into an ambulance. Those were the neighbours of Omran’s family. The building was totally destroyed - all six floors were now rubble.

Then I looked up to see another building half destroyed - Omran’s house. The White Helmet rescue workers climbed the stairs of a building nearby as the stairs at Omran’s house were destroyed. I joined in to help.

The first survivor they picked up was Omran and I took my camera and started filming. I found out later that he is just four years old.

It was too dark for good footage but I continued to film and followed him. The White Helmet carried the boy to the ambulance and laid him on the chair. I kept filming. It was then that I realized how traumatized the boy was and I changed the camera from filming to take a still picture.

The tears started to drop as I took the photo. It is not the first time I’ve cried. I have cried many times while filming traumatized children. I always cry. We war photographers always cry. Last night everyone cried.

Omran affected me because he was silent. He didn’t cry. He didn’t say a word. He was shocked.

I thought of my 7 day old baby girl. I thought to myself it could be her. It could be any child in Aleppo or Syria.

The White Helmets team continued to rescue the family members. Omar’s eldest sister who is 11 looked at me and said please don't film. I turned off my camera and told her, “sure my darling, I will not”.

Thank God all Omran’s family are safe. His mother had some bad injuries on her legs. His father suffered a minor head injury. His 7 year old sister went through a surgical operation this afternoon and she is doing well.

Today when I woke up to see the whole world using the photo and talking about it I thought to myself, I hope all photos of children and attacks in Syria go viral so the world knows what life is like here.

If people know what it is like maybe the war will stop, the bombing will stop. Maybe Omran and my daughter Amal can live normally like all children in the world.

Mahmoud Rislan, Aleppo

Omran's 10-year old brother passes away. Killed by the same airstrike that injured Omran.(Omran was of the lucky few) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4401041461899&set=a.1726971651825.2051472.1164420449&type=3&theater …

08-20-2016, 02:59 PM
YPG and Asayish forces fighting against the regime in #Hasakah, #Kurdistan region.

Assad has no role in Syria's future: Turkey PM

Kurds versus Syrian army battle intensifies, complicating multi-fronted war

Children being treated after they were injured in airstrikes on the city of Adwan in #idlib countryside

Photos from Jaish al Islam recent video showing some of the weapons used in Hawsh al Nasri

Aftermath of an airstrike on #Douma, #Damascus

18 people from Madaya and 18 from Fua & Kefraya allowed out of the towns to recieve medical treatment #Syria #siege

08-20-2016, 03:12 PM
Jaish al Islam @islamarmy05 retaking points in Hawsh al Nasri in #ghouta. Some interesting weapons shown.

Second day of Al-Ghantu #Homs being hit by air strikes

Huge demonstration in Arbin demanding the unification of rebel groups in Eastern #Ghouta

Homs Liberation Movement firing mortars on regime forces in Lukom Iranieh front in response to massacre on al-Ghantu

Owners of cement block factory complains of told to move outside of the industrial area by Hasakah self-manage.

Russian airforce injures three civilians after hitting salah al din, #Aleppo with phosphorus/incendiary bombs.

Muntasir Biallah Brigade repel an attack by al Quds brigade on #Handarat
front, #Aleppo

The father of Suleiman Khashfeh looks at the body of his son after he passed away from injuries in Talbisah, #Homs

Step News Agency reporting on rebels holding W. #Aleppo fronts. Warning: dead bodies shown.

08-20-2016, 03:18 PM
More #Assad terror.
This time a mortar attack on #Waer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0JeatvclZA …

The moderate Syrian islamist rebels that liberated #AlRai from #ISIS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWU-YG9uR9w …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HsGEjV2tYs …

The #Assad air force targeted a busy market in #Douma.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_FVkuGacbI&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dm _FVkuGacbI&has_verified=1 …

Hundreds of rebels enter #Turkey via #Azaz to attack #ISIS in #Jarablus from the Turkish side.

Turkey vetted #FSA massing @ #Karkamis for #Jarablus takeover. Footage shows vanguard crossing from #Azaz to #Kilis

Hundreds of #Peshmerga forces entered #Turkey 2 years ago to attack #ISIS in #Kobane from the Turkish side.
Worked back then.

Extremely graphic!!!!!!
A black bag ... is all you need to collect the victims of the #AssadPutin shelling of #Homs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0WmMv9s304&feature=youtu.be …

08-20-2016, 03:30 PM
Drone-guided JFS mortar fire kills many #Assad forces, trying to storm #Ramouseh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9TpPfEUYLc …

Heavy #AssadPutin bombing raids are happening right now on #Douma, #AlGhantu, northern #Hama province & rural #Idlib

Turkey PM: Turkey to be 'more active' on Syria in coming six months; #Syria govt starting to c Kurds as threat

New Map : Clashes btw Kurdish security forces and pro-gov. militias in #Hasakah city / HD :

08-20-2016, 03:33 PM
NeverFilmBehindTheRPG part 168
Today: Jaish al-Islam vs. pro-#Assad forces in #EastGhouta.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhpmgP_xkp8&feature=youtu.be …

Crowded skies over #Aleppo this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqRznAWD8Vw …

An #AssadPutin CLUSTER BOMB attack took place in #Talbisah tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zdjfSRFMQs …

Pro-Regime pics from 1070 Project show Regime confined in few buildings in NE corner #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.167849&lon=37.107568&z=16&m …

The new access Regime created to reach N. part of #Aleppo Artillery base (Technical College)
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.166571&lon=37.114944&z=18&m …

Continuous clashes & #RuAF airstrikes since this night along axis from Al-Qarassi to Musharfah areas in S. #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.117216&lon=37.105980&z=13&m …

Footage: Jaish Al-Islam (with M79 Osa) advancing on Hawsh Nasri front in E. #Ghouta.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhpmgP_xkp8 …

Jaish Al-Islam reportedly took back several positions in Hawsh Nasri & destroyed a T-72 + 1 BMP in E. #Ghouta.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.558562&lon=36.472721&z=13&m …

Abu Saeed Al-Halabi ‏@Saeed__Saeed01
Regime & Shia militias lost all their counter-attack capabilities after taking huge losses in trying to besiege Aleppo. Back to defence now.

08-20-2016, 03:58 PM
Iran allows Russia indefinite use of Hamadan air base.
https://twitter.com/FastSlon/status/766951386969837568 …

My latest, on #Syria: Who are the rebels, why have they become who they are? & what comes next if they defeat Assad?
http://www.rferl.org/content/ultimate-dilemma-in-syria-staus-quo/27933991.html …

Syria Drone flight at air technical school south of #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9i2rAr0hRY …

Syria #SAA lost 2 colonels in south #Aleppo

Syria Drone flight shows 15-20 dead #Assad-forces at barrier at
air technical school in south #Aleppo

08-20-2016, 04:24 PM
This is truly a Russian "vodka moment"......

RUS lie propaganda channel: "#Syria'n army enter #IslamicState held #Hasaka city"
In reality: fight kurdish forces

BUT WAIT...if they are fighting IS in Hasaka City THEN why is a Russian General going there.....
Reports: #RUS general arrived in #Hasaka to calm the situation btw kurds & regime

BREAKING: YPG call on Kurds & Arabs to unite and defend the region against the 'terrorist' regime.
https://www.facebook.com/YPG/photos/a.786052051416393.1073741828.748067048548227/1197932220228372/?type=3&theater …

08-20-2016, 04:29 PM
JaI regains control of several positions in Hawsh Nasri. Say 14+ regime dead, T-72, BMP, Shilka & vehicle destroyed

08-20-2016, 04:32 PM
Turkish artillery pounds #Jarabulus, drones overhead, hundreds of rebels wait to storm from inside #Turkey.

08-20-2016, 06:47 PM
Hasakah: Fighting between #YPG and pro-#Assad forces resumed in #Hasakah City this evening.

Hasakah: 25 civilians confirmed killed in #Hasakah City in the last 3 days of fighting, including 10 children and 4 women.

Syria at least 15 civilians were martyred in #RuAF airstrike on Urem al-Kubra west #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=tr&lat=36.080182&lon=37.135162&z=11&m=b&show=/19312975/Urem-al-Kubra …

Daraa: Southern Front still refusing to attack pro-#Assad forces.

Daraa: #Assad rocket killed 3 children from the same family in #Daraa Province today.

Aftermath of Russian airstrikes on Oram al-Kubra in west rural #Aleppo where 15 were killed & 10s wounded

- 4 cluster-bomb attacks on the town
- Closest military front is 30kms away
- A number of martyrs and casualties, mostly children

#Hama Military jets rain cluster bombs on the town of Baboleen, Idlib's South countryside
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2TiqckDGbs …

Add another 6 dead & 10s wounded in Russian airstrikes on Kafrhalab in west rural #Aleppo now as well

Rebels foiled all pro-Regime attempts to advance in S. #Aleppo & seized back Oum Qara/Sanoubrat hill http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.145083&lon=37.123661&z=13&m=b …

Many wounded including children in Russia/Assad airstrikes with cluster munitions targeting al-Zubdiya & Saif al-Dawla areas in #Aleppo

The civilians killed by Russian airstrikes with cluster munitions in Kafrjoum, west rural #Aleppo today were a mother & her 4 children

ANHA reports of ongoing and fierce clashes in Hassakah this evening.

Despite repeated attempts & massive shelling to recapture areas, pro-Assad only managed to take NE corner of 1070 Project in 2 weeks #Aleppo

Regime vehicle destroyed by #TIP on Sanoubrat hill after Rebel counter-attack, S. #Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.143957&lon=37.124133&z=16&m=b …

Pro-Regime pics from 1070 Project show Regime confined in few buildings in NE corner #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.167849&lon=37.107568&z=16&m …

08-20-2016, 07:10 PM
Hasakah: #YPG convoy between #Hasakah City and #Tell_Tamer was hit by #Assad airstrikes this evening.

Stupid #Russia|n propaganda showing old video from #Fallujah offensive months ago and saying that it is from #Hasakah today

08-20-2016, 07:10 PM
UN: "We still waiting that #Assad allows us to use the Castillo Road to deliver aid to Eastern #Aleppo."

Syria #UN claim food stocks in eastern #Aleppo empty in 2 weeks
& 300.000 under #RUS & #SYR regime -hunger siege

08-20-2016, 07:26 PM
Aleppo , the injury of “Abo Ahmad Ateek” the military leader of #Jabhit_Fatih_Alsham on #Alqarasi front in the south country side of Aleppo

Syrian Civil Defense in #Idlib putting out a fire after @mod_russia hir a residential area with cluster bombs

Report from JFaS showing footage inside the artillery college, and how they repelled regime forces
https://youtu.be/I9i2rAr0hRY #Aleppo

"Shia Militias" and SAA being killed by JFaS mortar fire on Artillery school front

Rahman Corps sniper takes down regime fighter cleaning his tea cup on the front lines...

Graphic: Victim of an airstrike in #Douma being picked up by @syriacivildef

08-21-2016, 05:50 AM
Daraya’s Only Hospital out of Service as Dozens of #BarrelBombs Pound the District

Part of the ongoing bombing of hospitals can in fact be contributed to DoS Kerry ......if we step back a couple of months to the last round of Geneva talks when the HNC walked away after countless Assad and Putin violations of the then so called CoH.....

REMEMBER DoS has had a CALL 0-800 us here in DC if you are being bombed or there is a Russian/Assad CoH violation....TO this day DoS has not made a single comment on Russian and or Assad violations......why is that???

Back to Geneva......... before and after Geneva .......Kerry very openingly threatened the Syrian opposition.....it is all there to be read and posted here as the comments occurred....several of his comments could in fact be seen as statements to the opposition to simply surrender and to agree to the Assad and Putin demands....BTW MUCH as he has done with the Ukrainians....

So now really Obama and Kerry have basically washed their hands as they only have 60 days or less in office so WHY "do nothing stupid"......????

08-21-2016, 05:55 AM
Russian Syrian Express is taking a toll on their naval vessel maintenance cycle...which they never really had to begin with......

From the northbound transit last night; Ru Navy Ropucha Class Aleksandr Shabalin 110 rejoined the Russian Syrian Express...she had been out for maintenance reasons.....

08-21-2016, 06:34 AM
Crowded skies over #Aleppo this morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqRznAWD8Vw …
That's actually an An-30 - a dedicated, aerial survey/map-making aircraft (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonov_An-30).

One was repeatedly deployed to Syria since November last year - though seldom sighted on the ground at Hmemmem AB.

08-21-2016, 06:40 AM
Syria all-out shelling from regime held #SAA Kawkab artillery base on #Hasakah city tonight
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.543157&lon=40.847168&z=13&m=b …

Negotiations between Kurds and Syrian govt fail over disbanding NDF in Hasakah

Just another school, hit in #Assad shelling of #AlWaer near #Homs yesterday.

08-21-2016, 07:32 AM
Surprise, surprise.......the Kurds are awakening to the "simple fact" they have been duped by both Assad and Putin into thinking they would/could have their own governmental region and independence......

The Arab Sunni opposition forces have been warning them of exactly that problem but YPG/PYG/PKK/SDF sided openly and completely with Assad and Putin in attacking FSA opposition groups and towns.......

NOW they themselves are attacked and YET they are surprised.....?????

Assad warned them in his recent speech when he announced he was going to recapture the entire Syria and occupy Aleppo.....

More than 5 years into the war in #Syria, people in #Hasakah seem SHOCKED, #Assad is able to do such things ...

At least now the Kurds fully and completely understand just what the Arab Sunni's have been going through lately.....

A busy night at the hospital in #Aleppo after over 200 Russian/Assad airstrikes in one day #Syria

The Kurds have failed to understand that their way forward lies in working with the Syrian Arab Sunni's who actually have been largely over the years supportive of the idea of "federated areas"....

BUT they have been badly mislead by both the US and Russia......

08-21-2016, 07:36 AM
Huraytan just north of #Aleppo last night.
The #AssadPutin air strikes continue.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wyu8Ys2kcw …

The brutal #RUS air strikes on towns W of #Aleppo this even flattened entire neighborhoods.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT6WOgqJ3G4 …

In east Aleppo, a father tries to dig his children from rubble of a 3am barrel bomb attack. He survives his 4 kids.

Rebel forces recaptured Um al-Qara hill top south of #Ramouseh, killing several pro-#Assad forces.

Urem Al-Kubra W of #Aleppo.
This was no #earthquake but a #RussianAirStrike.
Many civilians simply buried under the debris and dead....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2wOZUG7lzA …

At least 29 civilians got killed and 50 more wounded by #Russian air strikes on this town four others west of #Aleppo yesterday.

08-21-2016, 07:50 AM
Supporting the #Russian 48hr truce means:
1. Breaching the Russian/US sponsored #Geneva ceasefire for #Syria called the CoH
2. Supporting 5/7 days per week continued slaughter in #Aleppo

Besides Russia and Assad have....have .....have never held to the CoH, the so called Russian announced "regimes of silence"...and the Russian so called three hours a day ceasefire WITH THREE aid corridors THAT never existed ..SO why does Obama/Rhodes/Kerry and the UNSC truly believe Putin this time?

WHY was the Russian announced timed for next week...so he and Assad can keep right on killing and attacking up to the unknown time they will "ceasefire".

This was the same Russian drill concerning the battle of Debaltseve in eastern Ukraine....Putin continued to fight there and took the town EVEN after signing Minsk 2.....

WOW the West has such a short memory these days....????

08-21-2016, 07:55 AM
Supporting the #Russian 48hr truce means:
1. Breaching the Russian/US sponsored #Geneva ceasefire for #Syria called the CoH
2. Supporting 5/7 days per week continued slaughter in #Aleppo

Besides Russia and Assad have....have .....have never held to the CoH, the so called Russian announced "regimes of silence"...and the Russian so called three hours a day ceasefire WITH THREE aid corridors THAT never existed ..SO why does Obama/Rhodes/Kerry and the UNSC truly believe Putin this time?

WHY was the Russian announced timed for next week...so he and Assad can keep right on killing and attacking up to the unknown time they will "ceasefire".

This was the same Russian drill concerning the battle of Debaltseve in eastern Ukraine....Putin continued to fight there and took the town EVEN after signing Minsk 2.....

WOW the West has such a short memory these days....????

NOTICE the West does not hold Putin responsible for violating the CoH, his own proposed "regimes of silence" and his recent three hour ceasefires??????

BUT they cheer when he offers a 48 hour one?????

08-21-2016, 07:58 AM
From the former US ambassador to Syria....

Robert Ford @fordrs58
remember this security system when officials urge continuation of Syrian state institutions. all continue as is ? https://twitter.com/AliTahmizian/status/766351194369458176 …

08-21-2016, 08:05 AM
How online open source investigation was used to identify government and rebels positions on August 21st 2013 https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2014/07/15/identifying-government-positions-during-the-august-21st-sarin-attacks/ …

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
There's over 130 videos from the Aug 21st Sarin attack showing the victims. Here's 1 of them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZepXGT7om6c&index=81&list=PLPC0Udeof3T6sLum45foZO-nGX-FjsfWg …

As with #MH17 and 9/11, many conspiracy theories emerged in the aftermath of the August 21st Sarin attacks https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2014/07/17/august-21st-the-rebels-did-it/ …

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Reminder - Russia said it had clear evidence of rebel culpability in chemical attacks, but refuses to make it public http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/07/it-s-time-russia-published-its-dodgy-chemical-weapons-dossier.html …

Yes, Putin and Assad, those cluster bombs you're using are falling on Aleppo's civilians.

08-21-2016, 08:30 AM
More than 5 years into the war in #Syria, people in #Hasakah seem SHOCKED, #Assad is able to do such things ...

At least now the Kurds fully and completely understand just what the Arab Sunni's have been going through lately.....
While tragic, in the end this is 'not important'.

What would be important is for Oblabla to not only accept, but also publicly admit this, too.

08-21-2016, 03:47 PM
Syria Several sources from both (Kurds & Regime) claim truce now in #Hasaka city

Douma today after more brutal #Assad regime air strikes on innocent children.
via @AFP

08-21-2016, 03:54 PM
Russian Syrian Express......this is the first time posting of a Russian spy ship heading to the Med since posting the Russian Syrian Express......

ВМФ Moma class AGI intelligence vessel Kildin (x-SSV512) transited Bosphorus en route to the Mediterranean

Modernized Moma class intelligence ships have a foremast in the fore well-deck & a low superstructure before bridge.

08-21-2016, 04:04 PM
Rebels: "Phase 4 of the #Aleppo offensive did not begin yet because of all the #Assad regime attempts to advance many times a day."

Aleppo: Rebels repelled all regime attacks in Southern #Aleppo like always before. The #Hezbollah and #IRGC attacks were very weak today.
1. fighting morale is now getting lower and lower
2. running out of manpower to keep throwing troops into a butcher shop to be chewed up

08-21-2016, 04:29 PM
Twitter is back to doing the bidding of Putin and Assad....same old game that was stopped for awhile and now back when Twitter thought no one was watching......

1000s of Twitter accounts, who are interested in the #Syria|n war, suspended during the last few days

08-21-2016, 04:32 PM
Aleppo: #Assad barrel bombs killed 11+ civilians & wounded dozens on a market in #Aleppo City today

5 dead & many wounded by Assad's cluster munitions attack on #Douma earlier reports the Douma Medical Centre

08-21-2016, 04:35 PM
Charles Lister
An extensive UN investigative report is due out soon on #Syria’s CW use. It is expected to accuse #Assad of repeated CW use since 2013.

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
The OPCW (tasked w. implementing #Assad CW destruction) has also discovered 4 "undeclared chemical agents" in #Syria (major violation)

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
But suffice to say, #Russia is expected to veto any resulting recommendation (from OPCW or CW Investigation) for UN action on #Assad.

BUT WAIT...did not Russia celebrate with an official announcement that ALL CW weapons and agents HAD been eliminated in Syria and Assad was "compliant"????????

So who lied.....Assad and or Putin or BOTH??????

08-21-2016, 05:09 PM
Hraytan (Aleppo) @SyriaCivilDef targeted and destroyed today. No casualties, but Center and equipment destroyed.

After reports of #Russian jets, targeting the area ...

LOL or WW3 ?! ...
"Ousted president Saleh offers #Yemen's bases, ports and airports to #Russia (it's army of course)
http://al-bab.com/blog/2016/08/ex-president-saleh-offers-all-yemens-facilities-russia#sthash.w4I3yU1c.dpuf …

08-21-2016, 05:21 PM
Fighting between rebels and #YPG forces seems to increase south of #Azaz.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSYTv6MNOEc …

Syrian IDPs&locals north of #Aleppo demand the #FSA to forcefully retake illegally occupied areas by the #YPG.

Hell-like #Assad bombings on #Daraya today ... as always, unchallenged.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ZS8fl_TJw …

Assad's jets fly attacks on civilians in #TerMaela today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME1ovFpY8Ho …

Several meters long missile hits #TerMaela.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc36gjVKjyg …

Another video of the attack.
Seems to be a parachuted bomb.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDYXo2ZkNxA …

08-21-2016, 05:26 PM
Humanitarian aid going through the #Ramouseh corridor to E #Aleppo.
Ignored by the world.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyV__XREVG0 …

Russia is bombing these convoys and the corridor.
From next week on only 5 of 7 days if it keeps its promise.

Besieged #Homs province this morning.
#AssadPutin business as usual.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rZixemw-Q0 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFF_9I8g774 …

08-21-2016, 05:29 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
In 2003, #Assad's grand mufti, Ahmad Kuftaro, said it was obligatory to wage jihad in Iraq. Assad then bused the jihadists to the border.

Assad's Mufti in 2005 was asked what he thought about Syria sending Jihadis to Iraq. He says: only God can judge :D

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton ·
In 2013, Ahmad Hassoun threatened the West with suicide bombers if they responded to the Ghouta chemical attack.

08-21-2016, 06:13 PM

How Manbij can deliver a post-ISIL success story

Hassan Hassan

August 21, 2016

The fight against ISIL is entering a new stage. The US-led coalition has now recovered 50 per cent of the territory that ISIL seized in Iraq and Syria in 2014, but stagnation on the political front is hampering efforts to retake the other half.

But Manbij, the northern Syrian city liberated last week, is an opportunity to end this stagnation. The US can help present Manbij as an example for how life post-ISIL will look for the millions still living under the yoke of this organisation. If this happens, the road to ISIL’s twin capitals in Raqqa and Mosul will be much shorter and easier to navigate.

The campaign to expel ISIL from Manbij was the second deadliest for the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), after Kobane in late 2014. An insider of the YPG-led Syrian Democratic Forces put the number of dead combatants in the high hundreds.

The dilemma for the YPG is that Manbij is a typical Arab city, and the group might not be allowed to rule it in the same way it has in other towns it has liberated.

During the offensive, Kurdish field commanders complained that the campaign dragged on for too long and bled their militia. The US attempt to spare residents the level of destruction by reducing the number of air strikes contributed to the slow pace of the liberation.

Since they led the battle and lost many fighters, the Kurds might expect to rule the city. Turkey and the Syrian opposition have already warned against attempts to dominate. Despite such concerns, the liberation of Manbij is a rare success in the fight against ISIL. The coalition tried to avoid high civilian casualties from the air and the ground forces showed restraint in the way they conducted themselves. But Manbij can be more than that. It can help compensate for the failure to establish a political formula for ISIL-controlled communities.

Manbij was a key stronghold for ISIL, and a city that can serve as a refuge for the hundreds of thousands of civilians fleeing regime violence in Aleppo and ISIL oppression in eastern Syria. If Manbij is turned into a bastion of good governance, it will be no small success story. Due to its significance, the city’s stability and success will resonate far and wide.

Also, Manbij is easier to turn into a model of success. Unlike other places, it is not a conflict-ridden wasteland. Internally displaced people are already returning.

The city was one of the first to be liberated from Bashar Al Assad almost exactly four years ago, so its residents tend to be less polarised along political or factional lines. Thus, Manbij as a successful model for others who currently live under ISIL to follow, is a relatively straightforward task for the US coalition.

The political front of the fight against ISIL is a direct result of Washington’s preference for military gains. Political stagnation will arguably matter more than it did before.

In Mosul, for example, far more interested parties are vying for a central role in the battle to liberate the city: the Iraqi government is still divided within itself, and, indeed, with the Kurdish Regional Government, as well as with Turkey and the US. Even rival factions to the KRG, such as militias operating in Sinjar, seek to participate to ensure their leverage in their areas near the Syrian border.

08-21-2016, 06:21 PM
Assad's jets fly attacks on civilians in #TerMaela today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME1ovFpY8Ho …

Several meters long missile hits #TerMaela.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc36gjVKjyg …

Another video of the attack.
Seems to be a parachuted bomb.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDYXo2ZkNxA …

This one is probably just a general-purpose bomb with a chute, maybe FAB-500Sh or OFAB-500Sh series.

08-21-2016, 06:26 PM
US commander for #Iraq/#Syria warns #Russia,#Assad he will defend US SOF troops if attacked
http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/21/politics/us-warns-syria-russia-on-attacks/index.html …

08-21-2016, 06:46 PM
FSA destroyed regime picup with 23mm cannon in south #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0O3XtrTYkU …

SDF official says there is no truce, negotiations or ceasefire with Syrian govt in Hasakah.

Civil Defense equipment destroyed in air strikes by Russia/Regime on Huraytan.

Jaish al Islam still engaged in heavy fighting with regime forces in Housh al Nasri

Ahrar al Sham field report about repelling regime forces and capturing territory in southern #Aleppo

New "Shabab al Sunna" force formed in Southern Syria.

Jaish al Aza firing a 130 mm m46 at regime forces in Salhab security points

23 mm technical destroyed and regime fighters killed after Mountain Hawks
brigade TOW hit on Tel Qara, #Aleppo

Jaish Islam reportedly destroyed a BMP as pro-Regime forces launched counter-attack on Haswh Nasri front, E. #Ghouta http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.560064&lon=36.473408&z=14&m …

Fagot strike by Jaish Al-Mujahideen vs an #ATGM team on houses' roof in Hamdaniyah #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZJbfN8Z3Qs …

Backed by shelling/airstrikes, pro-Regime forces managed to take back Tell Sanoubrat in S. #Aleppo. Confirmed. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.145083&lon=37.121944&z=13&m …

08-21-2016, 06:51 PM
"All warfare is based on deception.If your enemy is superior,evade him.If angry,irritate him.(...)if not:split and re-evaluate."-SunTzu

BUT again "doing nothing stupid" is also good......

08-21-2016, 07:13 PM
A note on Yemen in my post on why Russia shouldn't get involved with Chinese expansionism
http://europeans101.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/gunboat-absurdity-what-is-kremlin-up-to.html?m=1 …

08-22-2016, 05:46 AM
A tad bit of good seasonal news from Berlin-Brandenburg Germany in the face of a new week of death and destruction.........so when politicians cannot seem to get anything right these days...Mother Nature does.....

Two local stork families departed on Saturday with a total of four young birds....direction Africa.

Local barn swallows---totaling over 100 this year up from 60 last year departed yesterday ...direction Italy via the Alps....

Foliage has started to turn color....weeks earlier than normal.

Mother Nature rules........and there is nothing a human can do.

08-22-2016, 05:54 AM
NOW back to the Syria opposition war against Iran, Russia, Putin and the Kurds....

Appears Iran is not so happy with Russia.....who would have thought that possible????

Breaking #Iran Def Minister says "#Russia/ns did not act friendly by revealing that they are using our airbase."

BUT WAIT he did not state just how he worked that deal around the violation of the UNSC Resolution and the Iranian Constitution....

#RussianAirForces Legalized an Airbase in #Iran for Terror in #Syria

08-22-2016, 05:57 AM
#Assad fanboys suddenly starting to hate Kurds and like #Erdogan for the sake of their favorite tyrant. Weird.

Kurdish militia launches assault to evict Syrian army from key city of Hasaka:
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-hasaka-idUSKCN10X09O …

Coldkurd™ @ColdKurd
second stage began
#YPG forces breaking the regime bones
Kurdish tanks moving & swings the battlefield overhead NDF Mercenaries

Interesting to see just how far if at all US SOF support will be for this move...in the face of a recent clear and concise Turkish red line warning to hold to the US Obama promises......

08-22-2016, 06:09 AM
The long version of the story, giving an unprecedented look into the investigation is worth a read. @mitchprothero
https://www.buzzfeed.com/mitchprothero/why-europe-cant-find-the-jihadis-in-its-midst …

08-22-2016, 06:14 AM
Putin about Syria: "It's hard to imagine a better exercise [for the Russian forces]."

08-22-2016, 06:23 AM
This one is probably just a general-purpose bomb with a chute, maybe FAB-500Sh or OFAB-500Sh series.

Yup, looks like FAB-250M-62 or -500M-62 with ShN-parachute.

08-22-2016, 06:41 AM
Reports of Russia/Assad airstrikes with incendiary munitions targeting Deir Fool, Teir Ma’ala & Rastan in #Homs, #Syria

Russian airstrikes haven’t stopped targeting Hraytan in north rural #Aleppo today, reports of intense bombardment in the last few hours

FastaqemUnion ‏@fko_union
3 Assad officers killed includes Colonel Mwafq Nser after new failed bid to storm Air Technical College.

Reports of Assad heavy artillery & rocket fire targeting Rwihinah, in #Quneitra,

08-22-2016, 06:48 AM
Clashes between Rojava forces and Syrian regime forces tonight in centre of Gweiran neighbourhood, Hesek. (ANHA)

Kurdish journalists say YPG gave ultimatum to NDF forces in Hasakah city, give up or die.

Hasaka Kurdish forces blow up regime ammo-truck at roundabout of the Unknown Soldier near Guerran district

SDF official says there is no truce, negotiations or ceasefire with Syrian govt in Hasakah.

News of SDF HQ in Hesekê being targeted has now been removed from ANHA website.

08-22-2016, 06:52 AM
Abu Amarah Brig. sniping, firing hell canons, and forcing regime forces to retreat at entrance of air tech entrance

Levant Front firing machine guns and Hell Canons at Hanono Barracks in W. #Aleppo

Jaish al Fatah releases photos of what it claims are two men who defected from regime militias. #Aleppo

08-22-2016, 07:31 AM
NOW back to the Syria opposition war against Iran, Russia, Putin and the Kurds....

Appears Iran is not so happy with Russia.....who would have thought that possible????

Breaking #Iran Def Minister says "#Russia/ns did not act friendly by revealing that they are using our airbase."

BUT WAIT he did not state just how he worked that deal around the violation of the UNSC Resolution and the Iranian Constitution....

#RussianAirForces Legalized an Airbase in #Iran for Terror in #Syria

Iran calls Russia "inconsiderate" for announcing use of Hamedan base for raids into Syria -

Iran defense minister,Dehqan,criticizes Russia:"disclosing military presence in Iranian airbase was show-off&unfair"

08-22-2016, 08:06 AM
Regime trying to advance into Kabaneh in Jabal Akrad, rural #Latakia, clashes with rebels ongoing

2 children killed & others injured in Russian airstrikes with cluster munitions on Kafrnaha in west rural #Aleppo last night

Regime also failed to advance towards Atshan in #Hama following clashes with rebels

Dozens of displaced families from the fighting in #Hasakah arrived in #Qamishli.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ei4ZWLXCjY …

Assad destroyed their homes, #Putin their last hope to return.
Millions of #IDPs in #Syria.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugusp0TKh0c …

Another day of mighty / brutal #Russian air strikes on towns north of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyYM5UNuz-s …

08-22-2016, 08:16 AM
Attack into Jarabulus from Turkey is suspended partly due to the defenses that Turkey failed to stop being built the primary reason was mines but these berms didnt help. New offensive near al-Haluwaniyah.

Like it or not:
Turkey's policy in northern Syria is one of the main factors for the YPG/SDF to expand in the area.

08-22-2016, 08:20 AM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
#Russia/#Assad: 18 incendiary attacks on civilians in nine weeks
[As US prepares cooperation "against terrorists"]

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
Syrian Military Intelligence...the worst offender here, was also the one that oversaw cooperation with AQI/IS.

Syria|Infographic in figures of the regime repression machine via Zaman al Wasl
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/08/21/syriainfographic-in-figures-of-the-regime-repression-machine-via-zaman-al-wasl …

08-22-2016, 08:23 AM
Eastern #Damascus city (#Jobar quarter) this morning.
Dark sky due to air stikes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkMbjO-7xT8 …

6 civilians of the same family, including 3 women and a child, killed in #Russian air strike on Khan al-Asal, W of #Aleppo.

08-22-2016, 08:30 AM
Eastern #Damascus city (#Jobar quarter) this morning.
Dark sky due to air stikes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkMbjO-7xT8 …

6 civilians of the same family, including 3 women and a child, killed in #Russian air strike on Khan al-Asal, W of #Aleppo.

08-22-2016, 10:25 AM
#YPG trades with #ISIS.
Just like rebels and the regime for obvious reasons.
But some deny these facts.

08-22-2016, 10:26 AM
Iran calls Russia "inconsiderate" for announcing use of Hamedan base for raids into Syria -

Iran defense minister,Dehqan,criticizes Russia:"disclosing military presence in Iranian airbase was show-off&unfair"

CrowBat....what do you think of this development??

Iran says Russian use of air base for Syria strikes over 'for now'

08-22-2016, 10:28 AM
Is the Assad regime forces, Hezbollah, IRGC, AFG and Iraqi Shia militias "running out of stream" due to low fighting morale and high loses.....???

Aleppo: Rebels have repelled all #Assad regime attacks in Southern #Aleppo, Northern #Latakia and #Hama Province today.

If so ...then this might be the tipping point for the Assad opposition and Salafists......

08-22-2016, 11:51 AM
Whole SE area of #Nayrab Airbase is now abandoned after #ATGM strikes vs BM-27 (17-07) & helicopter (22-07). #Aleppo

Most amazing part of #Safira arms explosion is not the scale but no pics on ground.

#Damascus: Rebels destroyed 1 #Assad T-72 tank with ATGM in #Hawsh_Nasri village, Eastern #Ghouta, today.

Iran TV shows new tank - #Russia T-90MS or local look-alike (pos prev unseen Karrar)?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HwVh_xQDtQ#t=0m46s …

08-22-2016, 11:52 AM
CrowBat....what do you think of this development??

Iran says Russian use of air base for Syria strikes over 'for now'

Russians “finished” in Iran, as general blasts Moscow’s “betrayal of trust” on air base move

Russia's use Hamadan airbase will be for "as long as needed". Or until we brag about, whichever is first.

Russian Embassy in Tehran confirms that at least for now, Russia has ceased operating from Hamadan. UNSC cold feet? https://twitter.com/ru_rbc/status/767692222196162560 …

It did on fact violate the Russian/US passed UNSC violation far more than the Iranian Constitution and the Russians would have been forced to veto their own violation thus opening admitting they were in violation as well as Iran....which then could have been used to restart Iranian sanctions....via a new UNSC Resolution which Russia could not have voted against....

08-22-2016, 12:14 PM
AssadPutin forces attack the most densely populated areas in #Rastan, #Homs prov.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VNC-wx6Xrg …

After many fails in 1070-Artillery Base, pro-Regime forces increasingly trying to advance on S. #Aleppo front: Qarassi-Amiriyah-Mahrouqat.

Douma minutes ago.
Terrible #WarCrimes by the #Assad air force.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLN6dAAqrco …

Poor Iraqi mercenaries south of #Aleppo
The have no idea where the front &#FSA positions are
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivOh6SaJG2o …
Position was hit from their backside...as they assumed the rebels were in front of them....compass was not working it appears....

Air strikes on peaceful #KhanShaykhun led to a bloodbath among civilians
Summer time is crop shelling time by #AssadPutin forces.
Agricultural land near #Lataminah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvTgd1GY5jw …

Besieged #Homs province this morning.
Heavy air strikes on several towns.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pq8mCPW38s …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye_Av0x8Dhw …

08-22-2016, 12:30 PM
N. #Latakia: Rebels repelled another pro-Regime assault on #Kabana despite important pre-emptive shelling.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.718364&lon=36.232910&z=13&m …

Jaish Al-Islam destroyed a T-72 with an #ATGM on Hawsh Nasri front in E. #Ghouta.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.558562&lon=36.471176&z=14&m …

Syria Seems #FSA Rebels in south #Aleppo have no lack of (brand new)
Grad rockets

17th July: 2 areas impacted with 16 buildings & warehouses wiped out/damaged in #Safira Defense Factories SE #Aleppo

On 5th day of clashes btwn Kurdish/Regime forces in #Hasakah, former advanced in W Nashwa & Gwairan via @ArtRosinski

In E. #Damascus, Faylaq Al-Rahman started operations on Jobar-Zamalka axis while Jaish Al-Islam try to repel a Regime assault on Hawsh Nasri

Some spoils & Regime militias casualties (S. #Aleppo): Baath Brigades (from Nubul), Iran-linked Local Defense Forces

Precise shelling near main gate of Hanano base in center of #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=fr&lat=36.206339&lon=37.169065&z=17&m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFgupDbj9T4 …

08-22-2016, 01:44 PM
Reports that #YPG is in hostilities W/ the regime in #Aleppo or even cut its supply route are baseless.

Kurdish #YPG-forces control Alcastelo road & impose supply blockade for #Assad-regime area in western #Aleppo

Not cut, but firing mortars and snipers to restrict traffic

ALL indications are that YPG has not attacked FSA at all in Aleppo as they have done the last months...probably YPG is rethinking their attacks on FSA...which is a natural ally for them against Assad in the long game...

08-22-2016, 01:46 PM
Another Obama/Rhodes/Kerry "spun Syrian myth" that has utterly no basis in reality....all designed to "do nothing stupid"....

Syrian army/air force hasn't carried out any air strikes against YPG kurdish militias attacking #Hasakeh in the past72hours

It seems there is a defacto no fly zone enforced by US lead coalition though Syrian officials refuse to confirm it

BUT based on the "do nothing stupidity" of the Obama WH.....

"A #NoFlyZone would endanger us & the whole Middle East"
"It's technically impossible"
"It's too dangerous"

08-22-2016, 01:54 PM
May-Aug.: 763 (US) airstrikes vs ISIS & ~5,900 airstrikes (SyAF-RuAF) vs Rebels in Aleppo Prov.

YET Obama wants to work with the Russians to do exactly what?...must be to kill more civilians because that is virtually all the Russians are doing lately...

The Russians have killed more civilians in the last months than IS has done in the last three years....YET IS is called a terrorist group...not sure another who exactly is the "terrorist" inside Syria......????

08-22-2016, 01:56 PM
A cameraman in Aleppo almost gets too close to a cluster bomb attack
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCBC17Lk2n4 …

Syria Kurdish #YPG now control Al-Bassel Roundabout in southern part of #Hsaka city
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.483779&lon=40.755694&z=16&m=b …

Syria Kurdish forces now control all main roundabouts in southern #Hasaka
after battle with #Assad-forces
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.487281&lon=40.743742&z=15&m=b …

YPG takes Economic Facility, Silos and a school used by regime as military base #Hasakah - @cdersim3

08-22-2016, 02:03 PM
Surprise! IRGC implicated in arming Yemeni Houthis with missiles
WHO would have thought this possible since the Iran Deal has been supporting "moderate" Iranians....

Iraqi militias aspire to be like Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Statement [17 AUG 2016] from the KNC/ENKS on increased repression by the #PYD in the Kurdish areas of #Syria.
BUT WAIT why is that a problem as the US knows the PYD is in fact the PKK in sheeeeeeeeeps clothing....

08-22-2016, 02:15 PM
Powerful interview with great colleague @fordrs58 on @CNN:
‘Don’t expect a policy change'

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
10,000s more people are missing in #Syria after kidnap by #Assad regime; many likely dead, but ID & location unknown

Hasakah: 50+ civilians were killed & 150+ wounded in #Hasakah City since start of the fighting between #YPG militias & pro-#Assad forces.

08-22-2016, 02:17 PM
Another Obama/Rhodes/Kerry "spun Syrian myth" that has utterly no basis in reality....all designed to "do nothing stupid"....

Syrian army/air force hasn't carried out any air strikes against YPG kurdish militias attacking #Hasakeh in the past72hours

It seems there is a defacto no fly zone enforced by US lead coalition though Syrian officials refuse to confirm it

BUT based on the "do nothing stupidity" of the Obama WH.....

"A #NoFlyZone would endanger us & the whole Middle East"
"It's technically impossible"
"It's too dangerous"

Daraya,some mins ago
How many tens of thousands of civ could have been saved by a NFZ like the 1 over #Hasakah now?!

08-22-2016, 02:25 PM
Aleppo/#Idlib: Ahrar al-Sham: "Key rebel groups will merge soon."

BREAKING KRG President Massoud Barzani to visit Turkish capital #Ankara tomorrow to hold talks

East Nawsha neighbourhood in Hesek is fully under Rojava forces control. Via reporter @HoshengHesen

08-22-2016, 02:27 PM
This is a very dangerous move by the US Kurdish proxy SDF....as FSA is in the process of attacking it as well as al Bab......

Will lead to a direct confrontation with FSA and Turkey......

Jarablus Military Council announced by groups within the Syrian Democratic Forces.

08-22-2016, 04:50 PM
This is a very dangerous move by the US Kurdish proxy SDF....as FSA is in the process of attacking it as well as al Bab......

Will lead to a direct confrontation with FSA and Turkey......

Jarablus Military Council announced by groups within the Syrian Democratic Forces.

AND it did not take long for the Turkish "red line flag to be waved".....

BREAKING: Turkey PM says creation of any Kurdish entity in northern #Syria 'unacceptable' - @AFP

.@vvanwilgenburg confirms Turkey is firing artillery at US-backed Manbij military council. 'Probably warning shots.'

Even if it's just "warning shots," it's a clear sign that the current anti-IS strategy is inherently unstable

#Turkey artillery heavily bombarding #Manbij military council bases in #Manbij and northern #Sajur river.

Turkey launches artillery strikes on IS, Kurdish PYD in north #Syria: TV @AFP

08-22-2016, 04:56 PM
Multiple deaths in combined #AssadPutin airstrikes on different areas in #Aleppo today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nrLjN0HRHw …

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Important developments in Hasakeh.
#YPG’s non-aggression pact with the #Assad regime (SAA, NDF, SyAF) looks to be fast dissolving.

Assad regime and #Kurdish forces agree on truce in #Hasaka, #Russian delegation mediated

Russia intervened in Syria after request from Khamenei, Iranian sources say
http://www.alhayat.com/Articles/16930101/%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A6%D9%8A-%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AF%D8%AE%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9 … by Mhd Saleh Sidqiyan—via @beirutcalling

Read this important report about how the UN has accepted regime control over aid in Syria

When KGB Castrated Hizbollah: Drop everything you are doing and read this gem from 1986 found by @Ayei_Eloheichem
http://articles.philly.com/1986-01-15/news/26052630_1_hostage-crisis-soviet-captives-islamic-liberation-organization …

08-22-2016, 05:08 PM
Pro-rebel outlet: #Iran troops gradually withdrawing from #Aleppo front, replaced by SAA from Daraa and militias

There's really no SAA. It's just proxy militias and some Shabiha. Maybe a few HezBoys

08-22-2016, 05:16 PM

Published: 17/08/2016 03:32 PM

The Amman-based MOC instructed the Southern Front not to launch an offensive on Daraa's Sheikh Maskin

BEIRUT - The Amman-based Military Operations Center (MOC) that helps coordinate rebel operations in southern Syria has ordered Free Syrian Army-affiliated factions not to attack a strategically located town held by regime forces, according to a pro-rebel outlet.

7al.me cited sources as saying that the MOC summoned leaders in the Southern Front coalition for an emergency meeting Tuesday in which they were warned against launching an offensive to seize Sheikh Maskin, a town lies along a motorway that run northward from Daraa's provincial capital toward Damascus.

A local media activist explained to the outlet that rebels were offered their long delayed monthly salaries in exchange for not seeking to take back control of the town, which regime forces seized in late January 2016 following weeks of fierce battles.

Sheikh Maskin's location is considered militarily important, with a security source telling AFP that the town served as a "launching pad" for rebel operations in southern Syria and was one their "centers of gravity."

The same month that the town fell into government hands, reports emerged that the MOC ordered the Southern Front to halt its operations against the Syrian regime in the Daraa province in order to focus its fight on ISIS-affiliated groups in the region.
According to The National, the MOC suspended payment to Southern Front rebels in June 2016 until they made serious progress against Jaysh Khalid Ibn al-Waleed, which was formed the month before as a coalition of the ISIS-linked Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade and Islamic Muthanna Movement.

The Southern Front has failed to notch any significant military successes since the early summer of 2015, after which its major offensive on the provincial capital Daraa ground to a halt.

Southern Front under fire

7al.me's report comes amid growing criticism by opposition activists and rebel groups—especially Islamist ones—over the Southern Front coalition's seeming reluctance to battle regime forces in southern Syria.

This coming Friday, activists in the opposition-held Daraa province plan to hold a rally against Southern Front commanders to challenge their perceived inactivity.

Already, an official in the powerful Islamist Ahrar al-Sham organization issued a fiery warning to Free Syrian Army-affiliated rebels in southern Syria, saying they were culpable for the regime's recent advances into the besieged western Damascus suburb of Darayya.

In response, the Southern Front announced it will start a "series of battles" in the Daraa province, however it has taken no substantial military moves since issuing its vague declaration.

“We in the Southern Front are continuing our revolutionary and military actions at all levels,” insisted in the statement issued on July 13, 2016.

The coalition fired back at growing allegations that it was no longer pressuring regime forces in southern Syria, declaring, “We have not, and we will not [stop], until the liberation of the last inch of the land of our beloved Syria.”

“We announce in the meantime the [start] of the series of 'Houran Volcano' battles,” the statement said, in reference to the geographic region stretching through the Daraa province.

However, the Southern Front did not specify where it would launch its attacks, or even who it would fight. Factions in the coalition have been engaged in fighting with the ISIS-linked Jaysh Khalid Ibn al-Waleed in the Yarmouk basin near the Golan demarcation line between Syria and Israel.

The Southern Front’s statement blasted both the Syrian regime, calling it an “evildoer,” while also slamming ISIS and “the one who supported them,” an implicit reference to Jaysh Khalid Ibn al-Waleed, which was formed in May 2016 and includes the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, a group with ties to ISIS that was recently blacklisted by the US.

Five groups signed onto the statement: The Division of Decisiveness and Gathering of Righteousness—both groups formed in April 2016 out of mergers of smaller FSA factions—as well as the First Corps, First Artillery Regiment and the lesser-known Assad Allah al-Ghalib Gathering.

08-22-2016, 05:20 PM
'Troll hunting' algorithm could make web a better place
http://www.wired.co.uk/article/google-algorithm-predicts-trolls-antisocial-behaviour …

08-22-2016, 05:25 PM
AND it did not take long for the Turkish "red line flag to be waved".....

BREAKING: Turkey PM says creation of any Kurdish entity in northern #Syria 'unacceptable' - @AFP

.@vvanwilgenburg confirms Turkey is firing artillery at US-backed Manbij military council. 'Probably warning shots.'

Even if it's just "warning shots," it's a clear sign that the current anti-IS strategy is inherently unstable

#Turkey artillery heavily bombarding #Manbij military council bases in #Manbij and northern #Sajur river.

Turkey launches artillery strikes on IS, Kurdish PYD in north #Syria: TV @AFP

James Miller
✔ @Millermena I like how when I warn having YPG run US's anti-IS coalition in Syria could piss off Turkey I was an alarmist. Now Turkey's shelling the YPG

Right now northern Syria looks like a race between groups Turkey supports & those it considers enemies

Aleppo: #YPG/#SDF 2 days ago: "We don't want #Jarabulus." #YPG/#SDF today: "We want #Jarabulus."

Aleppo: Kurdish-dominated #SDF warning #FSA and #Turkey not to capture #Jarabulus or "any #Syria|n territory".

BUT WAIT...this is Arab Sunni areas and FSA is already inside Syria......and is Arab Sunni.

08-22-2016, 05:27 PM
Debut article of @ain92ru at @Arms_Research on 180mm S-23 artillery guns in Syria
http://armamentresearch.com/soviet-180-mm-s-23-artillery-guns-in-syria/ …

08-22-2016, 05:52 PM
Russian Syrian Express......this is the first time posting of a Russian spy ship heading to the Med since posting the Russian Syrian Express......

ВМФ Moma class AGI intelligence vessel Kildin (x-SSV512) transited Bosphorus en route to the Mediterranean

Modernized Moma class intelligence ships have a foremast in the fore well-deck & a low superstructure before bridge.

Any details on moon pools or ROVs /AUVs

08-22-2016, 05:54 PM
CrowBat......something for you.......

Russia is building a second runway at Mozdok, disrupted flight ops may be factor behind deploying Tu-22M3s to Iran

08-22-2016, 06:07 PM
Aleppo: Rebels have repelled new #Assad regime attack on Airforce Technical College and killed dozens of pro-#Assad forces today.

Rebels with a converted tank in #Jobar today.

Rebels have launched an offensive in #Jobar, Eastern #Damascus.

Hasakah: #YPG has captured the Central Prison from pro-#Assad forces.
BUT WAIT Russian mediator has claimed there is a truce....?????

Hama: Rebels shelling #Hama Military Airport with Grad rockets today.

Homs: Rebels shelling #Assad Regime Headquarters in Northern #Homs with Grad rockets today.

Aleppo: #Russia|n airstrikes killed 13+ civilians and caused massive destruction in #Aleppo today

08-22-2016, 06:29 PM
Hasakah: #YPG has captured the Furat University from pro-#Assad forces.

08-22-2016, 06:45 PM
@WSJSolomon: Iran threatened to pull out of nuclear talks if U.S. started hitting Assad forces in Syria

Michael Weiss
✔ @michaeldweiss As I noted at the time, Syria was the 'invisible rider' on the nuke deal:
https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentary/522760-the-invisible-rider-on-the-deal …

Much has been written about the technical points of the P5+1 interim agreement that authorized international sanctions relief in exchange for a slowdown (but not cessation or cancellation) of Iran’s nuclear program. Much attention has also been paid to the anatomy of the deal, with an intense focus on secret Oman-based negotiations the Obama administration held with the Iranians as early as eight months ago. However, the details about breakout capacity, inspections regimes, and the dollar amount of actual sanctions relief have distracted from the invisible rider on this accord, which is Western acquiescence to Iran’s gradual takeover of Syria.

As analysts Mike Doran and James Glassman have written, the six-month nuclear deal may now be used to retroactively explain President Obama’s seeming incoherence in responding to nearly three years of a grave humanitarian catastrophe. At minimum, 110,000 people have been killed and many millions more Syrians internally or externally displaced, all while the Obama administration has recused the United States from getting involved in what the President termed “someone else’s civil war,” knowing that Russia and Iran had no such compunctions.

This is a policy for which he has been roundly criticized, not least by the majority of his own cabinet through well-timed leaks to American broadsheets. Obama’s failure to arm the anti-Assad rebels when they were still moderate and carried expectations of US help; his refusal to publicly disclose intelligence about the Assad regime’s dozen or so “small-scale” chemical weapons attacks even when other Western countries were angrily doing so; his improvised establishment, and then neglect, of a “red line” on large-scale chemical attacks – all this makes sense in the context of pursued rapprochement with Iran. “Rather than merely being feckless,” Doran and Glassman write, “the administration may actually have a long-term plan, and this initial nuclear deal is only a tactic in a broader strategy. The overall aim is a strategic partnership with Iran because the administration sees that country as the only island of stability in a sea of chaos and violence.”

This is the direst assessment that can be made of the White House’s intentions at Geneva, and conclusions that derive therefrom are quite cynical. Yet there’s some evidence to support Doran and Glassman’s thesis.

For one thing, although the administration still clings to vaguely democratic talking points about supporting the Syrian opposition and demanding Assad’s removal from power, it has not prevented Iran’s inheritance of the regime’s security detail, the breathtaking extent of which has never once been publicly articulated or condemned by Obama. True, the US Treasury Department sanctioned a handful of IRGC and Hezbollah figures for their involvement in Syria – not a hard thing to do when both groups had already been heavily sanctioned by the US – but the rhetorical fixation of this administration has always been on the composition of the rebels, specifically its jihadi quotient. When the bulk of the anti-Assad forces in Syria were still either defectors from the regime or civilians who had taken up arms to defend themselves, Hillary Clinton was comparing them to Hamas or saying she didn’t know who they were or saying that arming them might benefit al-Qaeda. (We now know she didn’t agree with this schizophrenic analysis and supported gun-running to the Free Syrian Army, as did almost every other relevant secretary or intelligence chief in the administration.)

Even the supposed realpolitik of White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, who, according to The New York Times, “suggested that a fight in Syria between Hezbollah and al-Qaeda would work to America’s advantage,” was belied by the fact that the CIA shared intelligence with Hezbollah informing it that al-Qaeda-linked groups were planning terrorist attacks in the Party of God-dominated districts of south Lebanon "as well as other political targets associated with the group or its allies in Syria." For McDonough’s let-them-kill-each-other prescription to work, salafi cells in Tripoli or Qara must have also been tipped off by Langley about pending Hezbollah operations against them. Somehow I doubt that ever happened.

Since September of this year, there’s also been another not-so-hidden administration motive for ceding greater control of Syria to Iran: the US-Russia chemical weapons disarmament plan, which resulted in the first UN Security Council resolution passed on the Syria carnage while also re-legitimizing Assad as a necessary Western partner in overseeing the destruction of the regime’s stockpiles of nerve agents. The deadline set for full disarmament is well into next year, at which point Assad will almost certainly still be in power. To remove the stockpiles, either the regime or a third party will need to provide them with safe conduct out of the war-ravaged country on roads that are either in rebel hands or are constantly being interdicted by rebels. The chances of American forces being deployed to Damascus and Aleppo for this undertaking are slim to none. Nor is anyone stupid enough to believe that Jabhat al-Nusra or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham will refrain from attacking dangerous convoys of toxins because of a piece of paper inked in New York. So built right into the chemical accord was a necessary, if unwritten, guarantee that the regime retain or regain control of major highway systems throughout the country. This clearly is not a job for the inept and depleted Syrian Army to carry out on its own. But, as the CIA and the White House surely know, it doesn’t do anything on its own anymore.

The BBC recently investigated confiscated Iranian documentary footage showing IRGC soldiers acting not just in an “advisory” capacity in Syria, but engaged in actual battlefield operations and commanding Iranian-trained militias. According to Philip Smyth, an expert on Khomeinist fighting forces in Syria, “Lebanese Hezbollah has been a prominent conduit used by the IRGC to execute operations. They have acted as field commanders and as core forces – smaller and more elite groups, often ideologically stronger and better trained. These fighters are the forces which rally larger groups of fighters. The National Defense Forces [a group of multinational Shiite militias trained and financed by Iran] and other militia groupings are now better trained, organized, and have been executing a number of key operations against rebel forces throughout the country.” In a recent evolution of their role, Smyth said, the National Defense Forces now even provide infantry support for the Syrian military.

Tellingly, even before the final touches on the interim nuclear agreement were made, the US endorsed Iran as a credible partner in relieving the very humanitarian suffering it has helped to inflict on Syria’s civilian population. As my Foreign Policy colleague Colum Lynch reported on November 22, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Iran began holding their own secret negotiations at the French mission in Geneva on the sidelines of the P5+1 talks aimed at allowing UN aid convoys access to the worst-off areas of the country. (Previously, all aid had to be run through the regime, which would either steal it or only distribute it to loyalist populations).

Well, some of the most blighted places in Syria today are the Damascus suburbs where mass starvation and disease are rampant. The National Defense Forces have been at forefront of the siege of East Ghouta, which the rebels are now furiously trying to break, as well as acting as accomplices to the months-long, state-imposed terror-famine of Moadamiyah, a town in West Ghouta. Evidently, Assad has just consented to allow UN trucks to cross the Syrian borders of Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, but not Turkey, south of which lies the largest stronghold of “terrorists.” The linkage between the Iran deal and this belated act of magnanimity is meant to be obvious to all, but it was also Damascus and Tehran’s Machiavellian gambit of putting atrocities on the table at Geneva alongside spinning centrifuges.

Indeed, both Assad and Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah welcomed the P5+1 nuclear deal, which they would not have done if they thought that it spelled a reduction of Iran’s footprint in Syria rather than an enlargement. On November 24, The New York Times also cited White House aides who said that Obama was amenable to the possibility of turning the deal into the “opening act in a more ambitious engagement with Iran that might give it a role in Syria, Afghanistan, and other trouble spots,” though the aides stipulated that this would “depend on factors that are out of America’s control, like moderates gaining on the ground in Iran.”

There are no moderates in the IRGC or Hezbollah, which already have an expansive role in Syria. Nor will “hardliners” in Iran, such as IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani, ever consent to abandoning Assad or the nation they consider just another province of Iran. The aides’ stipulation reads like a tacked-on rationalization for a fait accompli.
The much-delayed Geneva II conference on Syria, now scheduled for January 22, thus promises to be quite an interesting affair. So far, the regime has categorically ruled out Assad's ouster as Western fantasy and the actual rebels on the ground – as opposed to their irrelevant spokespersons abroad – have said that whatever happens, they will not abide by a ceasefire during the talks.


08-22-2016, 06:49 PM
Damascus: #Assad regime is very nervous about the ongoing & coming rebel offensives & begging #Iran to send more Shia militias to #Syria.

08-22-2016, 06:52 PM
James Miller
✔ @Millermena I like how when I warn having YPG run US's anti-IS coalition in Syria could piss off Turkey I was an alarmist. Now Turkey's shelling the YPG

Right now northern Syria looks like a race between groups Turkey supports & those it considers enemies

Aleppo: #YPG/#SDF 2 days ago: "We don't want #Jarabulus." #YPG/#SDF today: "We want #Jarabulus."

Aleppo: Kurdish-dominated #SDF warning #FSA and #Turkey not to capture #Jarabulus or "any #Syria|n territory".

BUT WAIT...this is Arab Sunni areas and FSA is already inside Syria......and is Arab Sunni.

APPEARS the Kurds "do not get it".......

Daily Kurdistan @DailyKurdistan1
Breaking: Turkish artilery shell YPG positions in North Manbij to help IS.

APPEARS someone did not tell them about ther Turkish "red line" and the Obama "promise" to Erdogan about the Kurds.......

BREAKING Turkey launches artillery strikes on IS, Kurdish PYD in north Syria: TV

08-22-2016, 07:07 PM
BREAKING: Israeli airforce hit a Syrian army post near the Israeli border after mortars from Syria landed on the Israeli Golan Heights

You really have to be kidding........
Syrian Ambassador Jaafari: French intelligence conducted the chemical weapons attack in Eastern Gouta 3 years ago

Ahrar al Sham announced that they were able to able to repel regime attacks on the Aeronautical College, #Aleppo

Al Rahman Corps fighting with regime forces in Jobar. #Damascus

Rahman Corps fighters preparing for their offensive in Jobar. #Damascus

Faylaq al Rahman has started a a new offensive on the outskirts of Damascus called "do not weaken and do not grieve"

Levant front destroying a BMP with a Fagot ATGM in the same spot in air tech. college First regiment hit a BMP.

Muntasir Biallah Brigade targeting regime trying to push into Ramouseh with mortars. Drone footage at end.

Ahrar al Sham sniping a regime fighter on tasneen front, Northern #Homs

Tires being burned in Jobar neighborhood to provide cover from planes trying to strike Jobar area

08-22-2016, 07:18 PM
Smart News video of multiple airstrikes and shelling on Kafr Zita, #Hama countryside

Civil Defense almost hit by Double tap air strike while putting out a fire cause by an airstrike in #Idlib

Civ Defense looking for injured or killed after air regime air strike on flower Association, W. #Aleppo countryside

Barrel bombs hitting #Darayya today.

YPG fighters fighting NDF/SAA/Regime in #Hasaka.

Civil Defense putting out fires & rescuing injured in Jisr al-Shughur caused by Russian airforce cluster bombs

Heavy smoke from airstrikes from regime planes on Jobar, #Damascus.

National Liberation movement teaching fighters how to use ATGM (konkurs) and RPGs

Jaish al Towheed (orig. & dev. Front) targeting regime army HQ in northern #Homs with grad rockets

08-22-2016, 07:19 PM
The point of my argument was to highlight that as much as Sunni Arabs might condemn the West in general, and the United States in particular, for inaction in the face of oppression by the “Shia Front”, I fail to see how they would hold the United States more responsible than Iran or Russia.

As for Operation Iraqi Freedom and the subsequent occupation of Iraq, the United States is rightly held responsible, even though Russia and/or China could have tried harder to prevent the war. Similarly, the Poles and other Eastern Europeans no doubt harbor animosity toward the “Western betrayals” of 1938-1939 and 1944-1946, but they hold the Germans and Russians responsible for the actual crimes committed.

As we are discussing popular perceptions, I am going to hold that the ousting of Ghaddafi is seen as an American initiative, despite the fact that it was the British, French and Qataris overstepping the bounds of the UNSC resolution. Hillary Clinton made the case for the no-fly zone at the UNSC, and the Americans provided the British and French with logistical support and ammunition. Obama was no Eisenhower in this redux of Suez.

Given that the ousting of Ghaddafi was a blow to nuclear non-proliferation efforts, albeit not as mortal as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014, I would say that it was the wrong decision. Intervening in Libya but not Syria was akin to intervening in Kosovo but not Rwanda.

The Saudi military has had no problem intervening in Yemen with US support and threatening to intervene in Syria, nor have the Gulf states cut off funding for Nusra and other Salafi Jihadi groups.

08-22-2016, 07:24 PM
BREAKING: "We will use our air power as needed" to protect US personnel & partners operating in #Syria: Pentagon

MORE: "We're going to defend our ppl on the ground”... "the Syrians should be aware of that" via communications with #Russia

Strongly worded statement against Syrian bombardment of YPG (and possible US SF). "Our people" doesn't apply to US-backed FSA groups, though
WHY is that???????

08-22-2016, 07:24 PM
Russian Raids on Syria From Iran Finished, Tehran Says. Was the PR more important than the use of the base?
http://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-raids-from-iranian-air-base-finished-for-now-tehran-says-1471861287 …

08-22-2016, 10:48 PM
I am in complete agreement as to the conspiracy theories and myths that abound in the Middle East. Indeed, what is most amusing is that many of the believers believer in mutually exclusive ones with equal fervor. Yet as much as it afflicts the Arabs and Persians, I would also argue that the same phenomenon is present in Russia, and in my view it results from an emotional inability to reconcile ethnic or national self-destructiveness.

I am skeptical that the United States is actually being accused of cooperating with the Damascus, Teheran and Moscow axis in order to assign blame for the devastation incurred thus far, or whether the accusation is intended to pressure the United States to make a greater effort to support the armed opposition, namely the Free Syrian Army.

You claim that, “…with limited US force in 2012 Obama could have avoided 470,000 deaths…”, however, this references the highest fatality estimate and ignores that the number of civilian deaths is anywhere from 17% to 34%of the total.

As an aside, this civilian casualty ratio actually compares relatively favorably for instance, to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (90%), Iraq War (59% to 66%), Chechen Wars (56% to 78%), Kosovo War (80%), Second Congo War (97%) and War in Darfur (80%+).

A “limited” American intervention would have certainly provided the armed opposition with greater recognition and moral standing, and it might have spurred Assad to seek negotiations. But what if it led to the collapse of the Assad regime? What if it led to a full-scale Iranian occupation or earlier Russian intervention? What of Syria’s chemical weapons; could a “limited” intervention secure them? What if Assad paid no heed? What if Salafi or Wahhabi Jihadis used American intervention as cover for massacring various minorities accused of siding with Assad e.g. Christians, Alawites, Druze? What of the Arab-Turkish-Kurdish conflict brewing in the north?

As a cat owner, you can see that there are no good options for intervening in that basket of hungry and wet cats that is Syria. ;)

I agree that Carter is underrated and in many respects I see Obama as very similar to Carter in fact. Both were wary of foreign interventions due to domestic considerations and both fell afoul of an electorate that desired on the one hand to end the wars that had failed to deliver victory and prevent further marches to folly, but on the other, to produce a foreign policy victory as consolation for the errors of the previous administrations.

There will never be a vacuum in which Sunni Arabs in Syria and Iraq can exercise self-determination, without the influence of Wahhabism and Salafism from the Gulf states or without the interference of Turkey, Iran and others. In the case of Iraq, the Sunni Arabs are far from helpless victims, having suppressed the Shia majority and Kurdish minority for many decades.

I am very sympathetic to the plight of the secular and moderate Syrian rebels who are taking on Assad, Iran and Russia. However, those of us that want everyone to have freedom and self-determination have had to watch those birth pangs be crushed throughout East-Central Europe from 1944 to 1946, in Hungary in 1956, in Czechoslovakia in 1968, in Iran in 1979 and 2009-2010, in China in 1989 and in Egypt in 2011.

I cannot think of a conflict where the Soviets or Russians did not commit major war crimes, although in Georgia these were mainly done by Ossetian and Abkhaz militias. At this point, I don’t see how eliminating the use of napalm or white phosphorus in Syria is going to meaningfully help the civilians there given that pro-Assad forces have been quite capable of inflicting horrendous injuries and deaths with shrapnel alone.

You mention your proficiency in languages, and I presume those to be German and English. I think that it is safe to say that you are not fluent in German today out of an appreciation of German architecture, except perhaps the “caving” to be had at Zossen-Wunsdorf or the gorgeous Plattenbau of East Berlin...

No, you were part of a unit that was intended to build on the legacy of the Devil’s Brigade/1st SSF in the event of World War III, and wreak holy hell on the NVA and GSFG by taking out their leadership among other special tasks; and I can only assume that a Soviet or Warsaw Pact conscript finding his commander gutted with a dagger would have had more of a psychological impact than say a simple car bomb or a headshot. What I mean to say by this is that terror is part of war, and Assad and his allies are using terror to drive the rebels out of Syria and a good portion of the Sunni Arabs as well from whence anti-Assad insurgencies have come.

Assad is a butcher and the Syrian Civil War is a dirty one, but I’m not convinced that it is more unique than the many other past and current conflicts that the United States has ignored, nor do I see any good options which can stop the killing. The secular or moderate rebels are not strong enough to defeat the Muslim supremacists, the Kurds are fighting purely for their own state and the minority groups are complicit in Assad’s crimes motivated by self-preservation over justice.

I don’t think that the United States is complicit in the suffering in Syria. As brutal as the Shia Front is, it is not launching terror attacks against civilian targets in the West; Daesh is. Western involvement in Syria is mostly about containing the killing to Syria and destroying those groups that want to export their jihad to the West. Fortunately, the supply of TOWs and other equipment allows the rebels to impose costs on Assad and his friends. Unfortunately, Western involvement with the PYD is reaching the point where we need to disengage.

As for the JCPOA, I suspect it is a bad deal primarily because of the blows to non-proliferation in Libya (2011) and Ukraine (2014). I cannot see how Teheran would agree to a deal that can be overturned by a future American president in 2017 or 2021, nor how Teheran can even trust anyone after Libya and Ukraine. I do not see the USD $400 million as ransom, but rather the hostages as an add-on…

08-22-2016, 11:30 PM
Strongly worded statement against Syrian bombardment of YPG (and possible US SF). "Our people" doesn't apply to US-backed FSA groups, though
WHY is that???????

Because the DoD is embedded with the YPG and SDF, whereas support for FSA units comes via the CIA...

08-23-2016, 06:06 AM
Azor...here is the problem.....while you will see often printed that the FSA receives US support.....while partly correct the US has used that aid in order to "control" the FSA....you see that by the threats Kerry has levelled a number of times at the HNC when they were not doing what he wanted them to do during the two Geneva meetings....

If you now look at the ongoing fighting and the sheer volume of new weapons coming in for all opposition forces and that includes JFS (former AQ) the US no longer has a say...BTW...the CIA has been during the last two years restricting the TOWs to FSA when Kerry/Obama would pull the brakes.....

As someone who knows to how to separate a bunch of wet/angry and hungry cats....I cannot seem to understand just why the US is so tight with the Kurds especially YPG which is in fact part and parcel of PKK...PKK I know inherently well from their street killings of Turkish embassy personnel in the BRD in the 70s/early 80s.....especially in a particular area of the BRD that I was responsible for...

There is a true reason the US placed PKK on the terrorist list...so now why are they supporting YPG which has it's historical linkage straight to PKK?...starting with their current logo.....AND why does Kerry and his DoS spend a lot of time tap dancing around that simple fact when journalists raise the question during press conferences?

Go back a reread all the Obama/DoS statements as to why a NFZ will not work....but wait it did work over Iraq defending both Kurds and Shia....but yes it was tedious, boring and costly but it did work.....

NOW by flying instantly to the help of YPG...granted US personnel were "danger near" ...it is now the general perception for Arab Sunni's....they do not count any longer in the Obama ME FP....BTW that view is also largely shared by the leaders of KSA, Kuwait, UAE and Turkey....

BTW...there are a number of solid reports that the Sunni's did offer to take care of IS in both Iraq and Syria by themselves with just US weapons aid/CAS, but it was vetoed largely by the Obama WH, Iraq PM and Assad......

Why does then Obama truly verbally "promise" something to Erdogan and then basically ignores Turkish interests when it comes to the Kurds...?

Leading to a coming major clash as the Kurds feel that the US support "allows" them to take over Arab Sunni territory and then claim it is Kurdish as they feel the US will coming riding to their rescue when things go wrong as it has over the last week....

08-23-2016, 06:18 AM
Azor...here is the problem.....while you will see often printed that the FSA receives US support.....while partly correct the US has used that aid in order to "control" the FSA....you see that by the threats Kerry has levelled a number of times at the HNC when they were not doing what he wanted them to do during the two Geneva meetings....

If you now look at the ongoing fighting and the sheer volume of new weapons coming in for all opposition forces and that includes JFS (former AQ) the US no longer has a say...BTW...the CIA has been during the last two years restricting the TOWs to FSA when Kerry/Obama would pull the brakes.....

As someone who knows to how to separate a bunch of wet/angry and hungry cats....I cannot seem to understand just why the US is so tight with the Kurds especially YPG which is in fact part and parcel of PKK...PKK I know inherently well from their street killings of Turkish embassy personnel in the BRD in the 70s/early 80s.....especially in a particular area of the BRD that I was responsible for...

There is a true reason the US placed PKK on the terrorist list...so now why are they supporting YPG which has it's historical linkage straight to PKK?...starting with their current logo.....AND why does Kerry and his DoS spend a lot of time tap dancing around that simple fact when journalists raise the question during press conferences?

Go back a reread all the Obama/DoS statements as to why a NFZ will not work....but wait it did work over Iraq defending both Kurds and Shia....but yes it was tedious, boring and costly but it did work.....

NOW by flying instantly to the help of YPG...granted US personnel were "danger near" ...it is now the general perception for Arab Sunni's....they do not count any longer in the Obama ME FP....BTW that view is also largely shared by the leaders of KSA, Kuwait, UAE and Turkey....

BTW...there are a number of solid reports that the Sunni's did offer to take care of IS in both Iraq and Syria by themselves with just US weapons aid/CAS, but it was vetoed largely by the Obama WH, Iraq PM and Assad......

Why does then Obama truly verbally "promise" something to Erdogan and then basically ignores Turkish interests when it comes to the Kurds...?

Leading to a coming major clash as the Kurds feel that the US support "allows" them to take over Arab Sunni territory and then claim it is Kurdish as they feel the US will coming riding to their rescue when things go wrong as it has over the last week....

BTW.."clash" is coming even faster than I thought it would.....

BREAKING: Leader of the newly created Jarabulus Military Council has been assassinated #SDF #Syria -

NOTICE the US kept it mouth shut when the SDF announced the creation of the Jarabulus Military Council...that is the not so subtle way SDF/YPG has been "acquiring Arab Sunni territory"....first setup a Military Council....then convince the US that it is IS controlled and presto more territory under Kurdish control...watch what happens in Al Bab where the SDF/YPG also declared a MC...long after FSA indicated that their MC was setup months...long months ago.....

FSA and yes even the former AQ and now JFs has repeatedly warned YPG that their interests lay together with the Arab Sunni's against Assad and then the Kurdish desires could be addressed...as the Arab Sunni groups are also inherently aware of what the Turkish interests are.....

08-23-2016, 06:26 AM
I am in complete agreement as to the conspiracy theories and myths that abound in the Middle East. Indeed, what is most amusing is that many of the believers believer in mutually exclusive ones with equal fervor. Yet as much as it afflicts the Arabs and Persians, I would also argue that the same phenomenon is present in Russia, and in my view it results from an emotional inability to reconcile ethnic or national self-destructiveness.

I am skeptical that the United States is actually being accused of cooperating with the Damascus, Teheran and Moscow axis in order to assign blame for the devastation incurred thus far, or whether the accusation is intended to pressure the United States to make a greater effort to support the armed opposition, namely the Free Syrian Army.

You claim that, “…with limited US force in 2012 Obama could have avoided 470,000 deaths…”, however, this references the highest fatality estimate and ignores that the number of civilian deaths is anywhere from 17% to 34%of the total.

As an aside, this civilian casualty ratio actually compares relatively favorably for instance, to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (90%), Iraq War (59% to 66%), Chechen Wars (56% to 78%), Kosovo War (80%), Second Congo War (97%) and War in Darfur (80%+).

A “limited” American intervention would have certainly provided the armed opposition with greater recognition and moral standing, and it might have spurred Assad to seek negotiations. But what if it led to the collapse of the Assad regime? What if it led to a full-scale Iranian occupation or earlier Russian intervention? What of Syria’s chemical weapons; could a “limited” intervention secure them? What if Assad paid no heed? What if Salafi or Wahhabi Jihadis used American intervention as cover for massacring various minorities accused of siding with Assad e.g. Christians, Alawites, Druze? What of the Arab-Turkish-Kurdish conflict brewing in the north?

As a cat owner, you can see that there are no good options for intervening in that basket of hungry and wet cats that is Syria. ;)

I agree that Carter is underrated and in many respects I see Obama as very similar to Carter in fact. Both were wary of foreign interventions due to domestic considerations and both fell afoul of an electorate that desired on the one hand to end the wars that had failed to deliver victory and prevent further marches to folly, but on the other, to produce a foreign policy victory as consolation for the errors of the previous administrations.

There will never be a vacuum in which Sunni Arabs in Syria and Iraq can exercise self-determination, without the influence of Wahhabism and Salafism from the Gulf states or without the interference of Turkey, Iran and others. In the case of Iraq, the Sunni Arabs are far from helpless victims, having suppressed the Shia majority and Kurdish minority for many decades.

I am very sympathetic to the plight of the secular and moderate Syrian rebels who are taking on Assad, Iran and Russia. However, those of us that want everyone to have freedom and self-determination have had to watch those birth pangs be crushed throughout East-Central Europe from 1944 to 1946, in Hungary in 1956, in Czechoslovakia in 1968, in Iran in 1979 and 2009-2010, in China in 1989 and in Egypt in 2011.

I cannot think of a conflict where the Soviets or Russians did not commit major war crimes, although in Georgia these were mainly done by Ossetian and Abkhaz militias. At this point, I don’t see how eliminating the use of napalm or white phosphorus in Syria is going to meaningfully help the civilians there given that pro-Assad forces have been quite capable of inflicting horrendous injuries and deaths with shrapnel alone.

You mention your proficiency in languages, and I presume those to be German and English. I think that it is safe to say that you are not fluent in German today out of an appreciation of German architecture, except perhaps the “caving” to be had at Zossen-Wunsdorf or the gorgeous Plattenbau of East Berlin...

No, you were part of a unit that was intended to build on the legacy of the Devil’s Brigade/1st SSF in the event of World War III, and wreak holy hell on the NVA and GSFG by taking out their leadership among other special tasks; and I can only assume that a Soviet or Warsaw Pact conscript finding his commander gutted with a dagger would have had more of a psychological impact than say a simple car bomb or a headshot. What I mean to say by this is that terror is part of war, and Assad and his allies are using terror to drive the rebels out of Syria and a good portion of the Sunni Arabs as well from whence anti-Assad insurgencies have come.

Assad is a butcher and the Syrian Civil War is a dirty one, but I’m not convinced that it is more unique than the many other past and current conflicts that the United States has ignored, nor do I see any good options which can stop the killing. The secular or moderate rebels are not strong enough to defeat the Muslim supremacists, the Kurds are fighting purely for their own state and the minority groups are complicit in Assad’s crimes motivated by self-preservation over justice.

I don’t think that the United States is complicit in the suffering in Syria. As brutal as the Shia Front is, it is not launching terror attacks against civilian targets in the West; Daesh is. Western involvement in Syria is mostly about containing the killing to Syria and destroying those groups that want to export their jihad to the West. Fortunately, the supply of TOWs and other equipment allows the rebels to impose costs on Assad and his friends. Unfortunately, Western involvement with the PYD is reaching the point where we need to disengage.

As for the JCPOA, I suspect it is a bad deal primarily because of the blows to non-proliferation in Libya (2011) and Ukraine (2014). I cannot see how Teheran would agree to a deal that can be overturned by a future American president in 2017 or 2021, nor how Teheran can even trust anyone after Libya and Ukraine. I do not see the USD $400 million as ransom, but rather the hostages as an add-on…

BTW...my German is fluent although some Germans claim it is with an "Australian accent" whatever that means and my Russian is "good" after years of using both in my former daily work..and yes even today in my daily working environment.....probably know more about the former DDR and BRD than one truly needs to know/should know and my working really survival Arabic is not so bad.....after hours of video footage. AND yes I found myself being mentioned a large number of times in the Stasi Document Center located here in Berlin when I submitted a review/research request several years ago....which led to charges being filed against two former West Berlin German citizens due to their actions in those documents.

Assad is attempting to drive out 78% of his population thus the genocide, war crimes and starvation....history had bad things to say about the "Crusaders" and their actions in the ME..... but Assad has taken the "Crusaders violence to a whole new level"...AFTER having himself declared Shia by a Iranian religious leaders "fatwa".

BTW the Druze historically speaking are in fact Shia off shoot.....

08-23-2016, 06:50 AM
Another Russian "vodka moment"...BUT WAIT that is exactly what the Kurds who have been receiving Russian military aid and CAS are doing ALONG with US CAS/military aid.....ALL without considering Turkish views... and the views of 78% of the Syrian population.....

Russian Mission UN
✔ @RussiaUN #Churkin: Tightening control over the movement of loads through the Turkish-Syrian border is required

Churkin: Prioritizing some tragedies while leaving the others in shades is a deliberate course of some capitals

Russian Mission UN
✔ @RussiaUN #Churkin: #Russia continues to provide active humanitarian assistance to the #Syria|n population

He is totally 500% correct.....napalm, cluster munitions, incendiary cluster attacks, thermobaric bombs, tactical ballistic strikes, deliberate air strikes against food storage centers, marketplaces, schools, mosques, hospitals (alot of them), burning of harvest crops and crops in the fields to be harvested.....starvation and besieging....

WELL Churkin "forgot" to mention all of that "humanitarian aid"....

08-23-2016, 06:53 AM
Oct 2015 excuse for US inaction on Syria.

@PressSec: "ultimately it's the Russians that will pay the highest price"
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-syria-russia-policy-a958633a-68f7-11e5-bdb6-6861f4521205-20151002-story.html …

BUT WAIT...based on the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry doing "nothing stupid approach to FP".....the US ME FP is currently incoherent, unclear and in tatters....BUT WAIT Russian FP is no better BUT at least they are "winning".....

08-23-2016, 07:11 AM
66 killed today in #Syria inc 12 children & 7 women by Russia, Assad & ISIS. Only in Sukkari, #Aleppo 13 were killed by Russia/Assad bombing

Syria: Nur al-Din al-Zinki announces set up of a humanitarian corridor with Sheikh Maqsood

Syria: this move by Syrian rebels comes after regime closed off all roads to Sheikh Maqsood due to tensions w/ the #SDF & #Hasakah fighting

Reports of intense heavy artillery shelling by regime forces in Sheikh Najar & industrial area targeting the Masakin Hanano area in #Aleppo

Rebels foil pro-regime militia attempt to advance towards Aqrab hill near Aziza village south of #Aleppo

JaI claim 2 T-72 tanks, 1 BMP & 1 dozer destroyed in ambush on tank convoy advancing towards Hawsh Nasri in E Ghouta

Regime MLRS attack on Anadan in north rural #Aleppo yesterday

08-23-2016, 07:14 AM
The Obama WH truly does not want to "pull the trigger" and confront both Assad and Putin...now the serious question is exactly why not....does it actually tie back into the Iran Deal when the US quietly agreed with Khamenei to not attack Assad?????

THIS is the fifth warning in two days and STILL no action on the part of the US other than "stating please stop"?????

Telegraph: #US warns Assad after air strikes near its #Syria base: we will defend ourselves

08-23-2016, 07:24 AM
My latest video: Syrian regime using Shia militias to fight the Kurds in Hasakah...

230 regime troops around Kawbab base, Hesek, have surrendered to Rojava forces according to Ronah TV and ANHA.

YPG shelling regime loyal shiite enclave Nubbol & Zahraa in northern #Aleppo

Regime airstrikes now on kurdish #Afrin city in northern #Aleppo
for 1st time since start of the #Syria'n revolution

This is coming after rising tension since 48 hours and after some mortars fired by #NDF toward Sheikh Maqsud in the afternoon today.

SDF launching waves of mortars from #Sheikh_Maqsud toward regime positions in Bani Zaid and along #Castello road, cutting it tonight.

YPG statement claiming no Castello closure but their mortars are doing it in fact...

08-23-2016, 07:28 AM
Faylaq Rahman used a modified T-72 to breach in Regime 1st defense line in Jobar, #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns41kz3fahA …

August 2016, so far the highest no. of rebel ATGM launches per day since Oct 2015:

08-23-2016, 07:30 AM
People in Aleppo flocking to join JaF with hopes to liberate Aleppo

25% are Kurds
11% are Catholic Christians & other ethnicities.
The rest are Sunni/Shia Arabs.
Why do people keep calling it a Kurdish city?

Posted by proAssad commenter
Lattakia The Martyred #SAA Milad Fayez Kebibo, commander of the suicide squad in #Desert_Hawks
Lattakia Commander W/ Beard From this photo taking yesterday martyred today during New #SAA OP
Posted by anti Assad commenter....
Latakia: Rebels killed #Assad "Desert Hawks" commander Milad Kabibu and most of his fighters in #Latakia today.

Daraa: #FSA rebels shelling pro-#Assad forces in #Daraa City today after #Assad regime killed 3 children yesterday.

Latakia: Rebels killed a group of #Assad "marines" who tried to infiltrate rebel positions in Northern #Latakia today.

Aleppo: #YPG militias shelled pro-#Assad forces in #Nubl, Northern #Aleppo, last night.

Hasakah: #YPG militias killed #Assad Colonel Jehad Assaf in #Hasakah City.

Hasakah: Fierce clashes between #YPG militias & pro-#Assad forces at Post Office in Al-Masaken District last night.

08-23-2016, 07:37 AM
Aleppo: #Qatar|i Red Cross distributing humanitarian aid to civilians in Eastern #Aleppo.
Three trucks of aid from Qatari red cross and partners being distributed in Eastern #Aleppo

AND that so called UNSC and Russia humanitarian aid is again where exactly?????? Never existed.....

Damascus: Rebels killed many #Assad "Republican Guard" forces in the ambush in Eastern #Ghouta.

08-23-2016, 07:39 AM
Aleppo/#Idlib: The 2 main rebel groups Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham will merge. Official statement today should be coming out.

08-23-2016, 07:42 AM
FSA engineering and missile dapartment targeting regime forces in #Daraa. Has been a long time since these guys uploaded anything.

Jaish al Fatah recruitment drive & recruits. Interesting to note, I think they're watching a JFaS SVBIED vid.

“The Islamic State is a stable entity”: interview with Loretta Napoleoni

08-23-2016, 07:46 AM
YPG/SDF/PKK Jarablos military council statement. Claims that leader was killed by Turkish MIT.

Aleppo24 ‏@24Aleppo
#Jarablus battle is soon.
#Tur bombed many #Daesh locations there.
TR raid & destroyed a tank.
Daesh evacuated the northern district.

Why Turkey hits both #ISIS and the #Kurds in northern #Syria
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-33690060 …

Abu Amarah Brigade sniping regime fighters trying to escape Aeronautical School, #Aleppo

Syria #Hasaka Clashes at President Square /eastern entrance to security box btw kurdish forces & #Assad-forces
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.500926&lon=40.743935&z=17&m=b …

Turkish military returns fire in Syria after shells hit border town: NTV

BREAKING Turkish Mil. fires back in retaliation after mortar shells from #Syria hit border town, 40 shells fired at 4 ISIS targets in Syria

Assad Regim parliament member ahmad shelash calling to burn every one under siege so they don't have to starve ...

08-23-2016, 08:03 AM
A week ago, Russian papers were trumpeting military cooperation with Iran. Not today. What's gone wrong?

Iran parliament pushes back on military for Russian base use (from @AP)

SNHR: alleged #Russian warplanes targeted Forensic Medicine in Al Sukari in #Aleppo rendering it inoperable, Aug 22

08-23-2016, 12:20 PM
Syria #Assad's "convoy of indignity" probably leave #Hasaka city today towards... Kawkab or #Qamishli pockets?

08-23-2016, 12:59 PM
Lessons Learned from the OPCW Mission in Syria
http://www.the-trench.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Trapp-20151216-OPCW-Syria-lessons-learned.pdf …

#Aleppo: All regime attempts to advance in Southern #Aleppo failed today. Rebels killed many pro-#Assad forces again.

08-23-2016, 01:05 PM
Impressive #FSA drone footage gives perfect understanding of regime assaults S-W of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J_EaU4dA8M …

Wounded civilians in #Qamishli from the earlier regime bombardment in #Hasakah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orGh66HyCh8 …

More suspected Tu-22 bomb carpets on opposition-held towns W of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxjdtKy6jwA …

A #Russian bomber unleashed a 1.3 kilometer #BombCarpet over Maarath Al-Artik, N-W of #Aleppo.

1.3 kilometers ladies and gentlemen ...
Look at your hometown and imagine what the Russian criminal would have hit and destroyed there ...

Assad forces lost all of the #Ramouseh base again and bomb its northern buildings.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rpSRUrIPY …

08-23-2016, 01:06 PM
Syria #Assad's "convoy of indignity" probably leave #Hasaka city today towards... Kawkab or #Qamishli pockets?

Syria BREAKING: as part of the ceasefire agreement regime forces will completely leave #Hasakah, handing full control to the #SDF

BUT WAIT......
SDF is Kurdish but a majority of the ethnic population there is Arab .......

If the #Hasakah ceasefire agreed with Kurdish forces is implemented, Regime officially lost its 3rd provincial capital after #Raqqa & #Idlib

08-23-2016, 01:11 PM
Huge airstrikes on #Aleppo Artillery Base as a prelude of new assault by pro-Regime forces.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rpSRUrIPY …

SW #Aleppo: 14.5 mm gun destroyed with #TOW on Sanoubrat hill while pro-Assad attack Technical College amidst intense bombing on whole area.

08-23-2016, 01:26 PM
Isis fires five rockets into Turkish city of Kilos following this morning's artillery barrage into #Syria.

ProAssad supporters are lousy/poor losers these days......
Assad loyalist: army should not leave a trace of Asayish in Hasaka/Qamishli, let ISIS in if needed to slaughter all

Intense Assad airstrikes this AM targeting many eastern #Damascus suburbs (Irbin, Douma, Zamalka, Mdeira, Beit Sawa)

Explosions very loud in #Damascus but it's business as usual, Assad bombing entire towns to oblivion is no biggie #ScorchedEarth

Central Division shelled with Grad rockets #Nayrab Airbase in E. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF27Wr_irkU …

Syria Footage from inside Central Prison of #Hasaka after taken by kurdish #YPG forces

Syria #Russia'n airstrikes on As-Sukkari district killed 14 people
incl 6 children
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.173929&lon=37.141728&z=16&m=b …

Faylaq Al-Rahman destroyed with its Omar cannon a Regime position in E. #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgvt9l3zii4 …

As for North, pro-Regime forces only manage to enter ~25 m in #Aleppo Artillery Base from E.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olJ-81BY4po …

E. #Ghouta: Jaish Al-Islam claims destruction of a Shilka while pro-Regime forces launched their strongest assault on Hawsh Nasri front.

Hasakah: #ISIS has captured several villages south of #Shaddadi from #YPG after SVBIED attacks.

08-23-2016, 01:44 PM
Comrades! "What is the work of Hezbollah; what is the work of Russia to kill civilians by airstrikes in Aleppo?” http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/23/u-s-backed-kurds-to-assad-forces-surrender-or-die.html?via=desktop&source=twitter …

If Hexamine wasn't used to make Syrian Sarin, why did the world pay to move it to Finland for destruction? http://www.finlandtimes.fi/national/2014/07/21/8522/2nd-load-of-Syrian-chemical-waste-arrives-for-destruction …

08-23-2016, 01:46 PM
MORE Russian Iranian "confusion"......

Getting better every day

"The flights haven’t been suspended.Iran&Russia are allies in the fight against terrorism."

- Iranian MP Larijani

#Hamedan is still a refuelling point for #RuAF airplanes, but not a forward operating base to attack #ISIL in #Syria

08-23-2016, 02:22 PM
There is some confusion on whether this was a Russian carpet bombing srike or a MLRS strike....

Footage of the regime MLRS attack on the southern al-Rashidin area in #Aleppo today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxjdtKy6jwA&feature=share …

08-23-2016, 02:25 PM
US forces are in Syria not to fight ISIS but to "regime change & partition Syria as per the Joe Biden Plan" - Fars
http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950601001440 …

08-23-2016, 02:25 PM
Borowitz satire: "Trump: Obama Vacationing Instead of Running ISIS"
http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-obama-vacationing-instead-of-running-isis …

08-23-2016, 02:33 PM
Azor...notice the not so subtle hypocrisy and remember then all the Obama statements as to why a NFZ cannot be done at all in Syria.....and then you wonder why the Arab Sunni's have a perception that the US has a "golden handshake with Putin" about the destruction of the Assad opposition....

#PENTAGON SAYS SYRIAN EXCLUSION ZONE (over Hassakah and Manbij) ISN'T A 'NO FLY ZONE. "You can label it what you want", spokesman said.

IF the USAF can fly a so called Syrian Exclusion Zone over the Kurds one can be flown over Aleppo with ease...since it is about exactly one-two minutes of F16 flight time to cover both areas.....all you need to do is to fly a lazy figure 8 all day/night at minimum speed.....and as fuel is low then you change off aircraft and go to refuel...actually quite simple but boring to the pilots...

Was done all the time in Iraq to deter AQI rocket/mortar attacks..........

08-23-2016, 02:48 PM
Shia militias in Syria are basically there doing community service, apparently just there to protect Shia shrines but somehow just got lost inside Syria....

08-23-2016, 02:55 PM
EVEN more Russian Iranian confusion reigns......
✔ @tassagency_en Russian planes left Iranian air base Aug 18 — Iran's Security Council

08-23-2016, 04:10 PM
CrowBat....what do you think of this article....have some serious heartburn with a lot of his comments even though author claims to have actually conducted interviews......not exactly sure who he interviewed....


Washington’s Sunni Myth and the Middle East Undone

Cyrus Mahboubian

August 23, 2016

A Westerner with extensive on-the-ground experience in Syria and Iraq tackles conventional Western views of the civil wars in Iraq and Syria and proposes a dramatic rethinking of the region

He does not seem to be accurate on his understanding of Islam, the Koran, Mohammed, the Shura etc....and does not to seem to fully understand the core differences between Sunnism and Shi'ism or for that matter the inherent differences between a Salafist and a Takfirist.....and they are great if one fully understands the differences...

08-23-2016, 04:55 PM
CrowBat....what do you think of this article....have some serious heartburn with a lot of his comments even though author claims to have actually conducted interviews......not exactly sure who he interviewed....


Washington’s Sunni Myth and the Middle East Undone

Cyrus Mahboubian

August 23, 2016

A Westerner with extensive on-the-ground experience in Syria and Iraq tackles conventional Western views of the civil wars in Iraq and Syria and proposes a dramatic rethinking of the region

He does not seem to be accurate on his understanding of Islam, the Koran, Mohammed, the Shura etc....and does not to seem to fully understand the core differences between Sunnism and Shi'ism or for that matter the inherent differences between a Salafist and a Takfirist.....and they are great if one fully understands the differences...

Cyrus seems to be an apologist for the Shia Front and is basically encouraging the West to simply abandon the Sunni Arabs in Syria and allow the Shias to have their way...

08-23-2016, 05:20 PM
Cyrus seems to be an apologist for the Shia Front and is basically encouraging the West to simply abandon the Sunni Arabs in Syria and allow the Shias to have their way...

Azor.....short comment but to the point.....what bothers me is when people like this discuss Sh'ism and Sunnism without really understanding historically the true difference between the two Islamic branches....

Yes they share the same Koran, but then the differences really start....the Sunni are the mainstream Islam and the two major branches of Islam are Shi'ism and Sufiism which the author did not talk about at all..even though one of the major Sunni Iraqi insurgency groups was in fact Sufi....

Notice he never went into the Khomeini years starting in 1979 with Khomeini vying for control of the entire Shia/Sunni global community and in direct competition with the then King of KSA.....using a fire brand ideology called "revolutionary Islam" which in some ways actually caught more attention within Salafist and Takfirist circles than has the KSA brand of Wahhabism....in some ways Salafist and Khomeini have a lot of shared interests.....in their global view of Western politics and Islamic government....this explains to a large degree just how it is possible for AQ and many in IS to come and go from Iran into Iraq and Syria during the early years when the US was in Iraq and now with Syria...the author also missed that by say 2008-2009 even the Iraqi Shia militias were buying weapons and explosives directly from AQI and AQI was buying the Iranian produced EFP IEDs from the Shia groups as the both shared the same common enemy...the US military....

He also tended to ignore Khomeini's earlier writings on the subject of "revolutionary Islam" which are eye openers if someone like Obama/Kerry took the time to fully read them....they would have realized that there are no "moderates" in the current Iranian government....and the coming replacement being suggested for Khamenei would in fact be a Khomeini v. 3.0.....

But what bothers me the most is....if one stands by one's own research and one is thorough in that research then why hide behind a fake name?...it takes far more academic/personal courage to speak truth to power these days even with a radical view unless one was working one's own research on his bosses dime.....thus cannot speak truth to power.....

Heck there are even Sunni Kurds these days and that was not mentioned at all.....

Report: The US was unable to stop Iraqi Shia militias from carrying out massacres of Sunni civilians

700 civilians still missing after Iranian/US-backed capture of Fallujah fr.ISIS

08-23-2016, 05:26 PM
#Turkey evacuates all 3000 inhabitants from #Karkamış, preparing cross-border offensive vs. #ISIS.

BREAKING DHA reports mortar shell hits #Karkamış from #ISIS-held Jarablus, police instructs residents to leave.

FSA/#VSO 'Hamza Division: Special Forces' will be taking part in the Turkish/US backed #Jarabulus operation.

08-23-2016, 05:33 PM
Syria #JaF stormed first defence btw Um al-Qara' hill & water treatment in south #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.143680&lon=37.131042&z=16&m=b …

Aleppo: Rebels destroying #Assad tank with ATGM at al-Qara Hill in Southern #Aleppo today.

08-23-2016, 05:48 PM
Administration officials dancing around this like teens at the prom—NFZ both feasible and necessary, no more excuses

08-23-2016, 06:06 PM
IslamicState Launches New Offensive Against #SAA Near #Kweiris Airbase In #Aleppo

Ahrar al Sham leader "Hussam Salama" discussing situation in Artillery college and southern #Aleppo.

Ahrar al Sham armor convoys heading out to break regime lines in Um al Qaraa hill in southern #Aleppo.

Video of Ahrar al Sham firing artillery on Om al Qaraa hill. #Aleppo

Ahar al Sham video annoucement the start of operations to take Om al Qraa hill and its surroundings in #Aleppo

FSA Northern Army confiscates weapons being smuggled from Azaz to Islamic State in a fuel tanker.

Al rahman corps targeting regime supply lines in #Jobar, Damascus.

United Nations aid convoy entering al Waer neighborhood in #Homs

Jaish al Islam firing mortars on Abu Ali hill in Turkmen mountains. Interesting mortar set up.
https://youtu.be/da8nU9xvAAc #Latakia

First Regiment destroying a 23 mm technical with a TOW ATGM on Om al-Qaraa hill #Aleppo

SMO reporters embedded with Yarmouk Army record two air strikes that nearly hit their positions meters away, Houran.

Intense fighting as Rahman corps continues to fight regime forces in their new offensive #Damascus.

Extremely close up video of barrel bombs hitting the surroundings of a building in #Darayya.

Jaish al Aza continues to fire artillery at regime positions in Salhab in responseto regime bombings of civilians

Damascus countryside @syriacivdef rescuing civilians after an airstrike hits a residential area in #Douma

08-23-2016, 06:29 PM
New offensive south of #Aleppo.
Ahrar al-Sham deployed weapons need foreign-supplied ammo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac8hHbwzSQg&feature=youtu.be …

TOW strike by Suqur Al-Jebal: the last shot of a T-72 on Tell Oum Qara in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOhVhHY3PNM …

Suqur Al-Jebal blew up with a #TOW a mounted 23 mm gun on Huways front in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DFjoOgXZmM …

Breaking. Jaish Al-Fateh launched a counter-attack on Tell Sanoubrat in S. #Aleppo.

Another #TOW strike reported (Suqur Al-Jebal) on Tell Sanoubrat/Oum Qara took out a T-72. S. #Aleppo. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.146054&lon=37.122803&z=13&m …

E. #Ghouta: Jaish Al-Islam destroyed with #ATGMs a T-72 & 1 excavator on Hawsh Nasri front amidst violent clashes with pro-Regime forces.

3rd #TOW strike in 3 days on Tell Sanoubrat/Oum Qara (S. #Aleppo). This time First Regiment took out a 23 mm gun

Regime increased its shelling (MRLS) amidst repeated failures to regain ground in SW #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxjdtKy6jwA …

08-23-2016, 06:53 PM
Syria Kurds win battle with government, Turkey mobilizes against them

Turkey open to Russian planes at US Incirlik hub
http://www.stripes.com/news/turkey-open-to-russian-planes-at-us-incirlik-hub-1.425113 …

#Russia and #Iran: Historic Mistrust and Contemporary Partnership

Syria|Aleppo Battle|Geolobation shows the importance of the strategic Hill of Um alQra’
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/08/23/syriaaleppo-battlegeolobation-shows-the-importance-of-the-strategic-hill-of-um-alqra …

Last group of Su-34s were forced to leave #Hamedan today morning. No more #RuAF airstrikes against #ISIL from #Iran!

08-23-2016, 07:52 PM
Azor.....short comment but to the point.....what bothers me is when people like this discuss Sh'ism and Sunnism without really understanding historically the true difference between the two Islamic branches....

Yes they share the same Koran, but then the differences really start....the Sunni are the mainstream Islam and the two major branches of Islam are Shi'ism and Sufiism which the author did not talk about at all..even though one of the major Sunni Iraqi insurgency groups was in fact Sufi....

Notice he never went into the Khomeini years starting in 1979 with Khomeini vying for control of the entire Shia/Sunni global community and in direct competition with the then King of KSA.....using a fire brand ideology called "revolutionary Islam" which in some ways actually caught more attention within Salafist and Takfirist circles than has the KSA brand of Wahhabism....in some ways Salafist and Khomeini have a lot of shared interests.....in their global view of Western politics and Islamic government....this explains to a large degree just how it is possible for AQ and many in IS to come and go from Iran into Iraq and Syria during the early years when the US was in Iraq and now with Syria...the author also missed that by say 2008-2009 even the Iraqi Shia militias were buying weapons and explosives directly from AQI and AQI was buying the Iranian produced EFP IEDs from the Shia groups as the both shared the same common enemy...the US military....

He also tended to ignore Khomeini's earlier writings on the subject of "revolutionary Islam" which are eye openers if someone like Obama/Kerry took the time to fully read them....they would have realized that there are no "moderates" in the current Iranian government....and the coming replacement being suggested for Khamenei would in fact be a Khomeini v. 3.0.....

But what bothers me the most is....if one stands by one's own research and one is thorough in that research then why hide behind a fake name?...it takes far more academic/personal courage to speak truth to power these days even with a radical view unless one was working one's own research on his bosses dime.....thus cannot speak truth to power.....

Heck there are even Sunni Kurds these days and that was not mentioned at all.....

Report: The US was unable to stop Iraqi Shia militias from carrying out massacres of Sunni civilians

700 civilians still missing after Iranian/US-backed capture of Fallujah fr.ISIS

Iraq militia massacres worse than U.S. acknowledged. David Rohde is #FacebookLive with Ned Parker:

08-24-2016, 04:39 AM
Operation launched to uproot ISIS militants along the Turkey-Syria border

Reports of Turkish artillery and airstrikes on #IS positions in #Jarabulus north #Syria

Turkey is saying the operation is to open "corridor" for moderate rebels -- early morning in Syria. https://twitter.com/CNNTURK_ENG/status/768288754813460480 …

#Jarabulus: Reports that #Turkey warplanes, not #US, bombing #ISIS in #Jarabulus.
#Aleppo #Syria

08-24-2016, 04:41 AM
Confidential UN reports find that Assad has given inspectors the runaround and may retain chemical weapons.
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/08/23/u-s-and-europe-say-assad-may-have-kept-some-chemical-weapons/ …

08-24-2016, 06:17 AM
Possible warplane (Mode s code: 006885) flying into Syria over #Jarabulus #flightradar24 #Turkey #Syria

Two flights Mode S: 006885 (coming from Syria) & B737-7ES AEW&C code: 4B829F headed East. #Jarabulus #flightradar24

BREAKING Turkish State TV says Turkish Special Forces are now in Syria.

CNN turk reports Turkish tanks entering Syria. Photos of tanks on the border from their YT stream #Jarabulus #Turkey

Possible artillery strike on #Jarabulus from @anadoluajansi:
http://aa.com.tr/tr/live?id=19 H/t TEKBIR on /r/SCW IRC

Another strike in #Jarabulus From @anadoluajansi stream:

Massive explosion in Jarabulus. Possibly airstrike. From @anadoluajansi stream:

Turkish military official denies that tanks crossed the border, in a statement to Turkish media although CNN has shown video footage of them directly next to the border and of them crossing into Syria.....

NE #Aleppo: operation to take #Jarabulus from #ISIS begins w/ pre-emptive Turkish (air)strikes.

Syria: Reports saying #FSA supported by Turkish Special Forces started operations against #ISIS in #Jarablus city.

A lot of talk on Jarablous op whether it is a gesture or warning to Biden. Neither. Turkey is coordinating this op with US-led coalition

08-24-2016, 06:22 AM
Russian air force hits the city of Talbisa with incendiary cluster bombs in #homs

More video of claimed cluster/phosphorus incendiary cluster munitions used in North #Homs

23 mm technical destroyed with TOW ATGM from Mountain Hawks Brigade on Huweiz front, Southern #Aleppo
https://youtu.be/8DFjoOgXZmM #FSA

08-24-2016, 06:40 AM
Possible warplane (Mode s code: 006885) flying into Syria over #Jarabulus #flightradar24 #Turkey #Syria

Two flights Mode S: 006885 (coming from Syria) & B737-7ES AEW&C code: 4B829F headed East. #Jarabulus #flightradar24

BREAKING Turkish State TV says Turkish Special Forces are now in Syria.

CNN turk reports Turkish tanks entering Syria. Photos of tanks on the border from their YT stream #Jarabulus #Turkey

Possible artillery strike on #Jarabulus from @anadoluajansi:
http://aa.com.tr/tr/live?id=19 H/t TEKBIR on /r/SCW IRC

Another strike in #Jarabulus From @anadoluajansi stream:

Massive explosion in Jarabulus. Possibly airstrike. From @anadoluajansi stream:

Appears that while the Obama WH has problems with understanding Erdogan...AT least he holds to his own declared "red lines"...he has been signaling them for the last six months and the US continued to basically ignore them thinking Erdogan would "accept" the Us supported Kurdish YPG/SDF/PKK moves....

Well their "red line" was finally crossed and the Turks have moved into Syria early this morning ....

Turkey is saying the operation is to open "corridor" for moderate rebels -- early morning in Syria. https://twitter.com/CNNTURK_ENG/stat...88754813460480 …

While CNN Turk has been stating this is also an air coalition operation against IS...until now there is no indication of US AF aircraft involved in attacking IS positions....

NOR do we know exactly what the Russian and Assad AFs will do now that the Turkish AF is actively attacking IS positions SOMETHING neither the Assad and Russian AFs were really doing anyway for the last months.

ACTUALLY this move may defacto establish a as the US CENTCOM defines it...."a Syian/Russian Exclusion Zone" over Aleppo....

Obama missed repeated chances to shape the Syrian "political battlefield" since 2012, he repeatedly passed using the smokescreen of "doing nothing stupid"....his legacy will be forever tied to his failure in Syria and eastern Ukraine....

Obama got what we wanted..the regional local actors stepping up and taking charge instead of the US being involved...well now the Salafists, UAE, Qatar, Turkey and KSA are tackling the Shia regional hegemon problem head on.....

The warning via CNN of a "land corridor" to moderate rebels was not a small warning to Russia and Assad.....it was though a major warning to the US as well......as they did absolutely nothing to protect Aleppo....