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03-19-2007, 01:52 AM
I couldn't find the announcement section for upcoming events. The attachment is the first draft.

03-19-2007, 02:15 AM
My XP version of MS Word is unable to open the file, claiming that it may be corrupt. I did not attempt to repair it, but shut it down after that point.

03-19-2007, 02:22 AM
Same here.

I deleted the attachment from nichols' original post.

Nichols, please post as text in a post. Alternately, re-attack and test, or send me the file. webmaster@smallwarsjournal.com

03-19-2007, 07:02 PM
I deleted the picture IOT get it at an acceptable size, once again, Ive been outsmarted by the PC:mad: .......remember, I'm part Polish, left handed, retired Infantryman, hearing aid wearing numbn.......

Okay, here's a cut & paste:

PURPOSE: The purpose of the DVTE workshop/ TDS symposium is to showcase how DVTE and the USMC family of TDS’s provide an environment where Marines Corps leaders can not only practice tactics, techniques and procedures, but also hone their decision-making skills . It is imperative to bring together all Marine Corps organizations involved with DVTE in order to keep the community informed and discuss current issues. The agenda will be comprised of briefs from individual units on how they are using DVTE applications as well as representatives of both TECOM as the requirements developer, and PMTRASYS as the material developer. Addressees are encouraged to pass this on to all who may be interested.

OBJECTIVE: The DVTE workshop/ TDS symposium objective is to bring together Marine Corps organizations that use DVTE and present their method of training, lessons learned, and their needs. It is an opportunity to discuss issues and concerns, share ideas on training methods and the value of DVTE applications. Each organization brings a unique perspective on the usage of DVTE and as this method of training is expanded their ideas lay the framework for future development of the concept.

AGENDA: The symposium will occur over three days. The first day will consist of an introduction to DVTE and Use Cases from simcenters and schoolhouses across the Corps. Day two and three will be broken up into different activities. The following are a list of proposed topics that could be covered during these two days.

When: Monday 23 April 2007 – Wednesday 25 April 2007

Where: II MEF Simulation Center, Camp LeJeune, NC

Coordinating Instructions:
o This symposium is open to all
o More TDS info can be found at www.usmc-tds-msc.com