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View Full Version : Che Guevara era closes: who is left fighting?

09-25-2016, 11:27 AM
A long article inspired by FARC's fight ending after fifty-two years, the full title is 'Che Guevara era closes as Latin America's oldest guerrilla army calls it a day; The Farc’s peace deal in Colombia marks the effective end of a wave of rebel movements inspired by the Cuban revolution, with just a few small groups left':https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/25/farc-che-guevara-era-closes-latin-america-guerrillas

The longest-enduring groups, however, are in Peru, Paraguay and Colombia – all countries that are not coincidentally centres of drug production and smuggling, which is a source of funds and guns.Peru long disappeared off my radar and here that thread has been dormant since 2012, so this is interesting:
Shining Path, Peru Estimated size: 300 combatants