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10-27-2016, 10:02 PM
SO exactly again is he attacking Aleppo WHEN the center of his terrorism lies in Raqqa?Because it's easier to find and bomb civilians.

Besides, when they attempted to attack in direction of Raqqa, back in June, Assadists, the IRGC and Russians got their backsides served on a silver plate.

Don't you recall how the Suqour as-Sahra suddenly collapsed and run away after running into several VBIEDs on that road to Raqqa?

Ever since, nobody reported a single word about the Suqour as-Sahra's heroic Shabbiah any more (except that even its boss was forced to flee Syria).

10-28-2016, 07:22 AM
A 15 meters diameter crater after a #Russian attack on #Douma yesterday.

Russia Today shows #Russian air strikes on #Souran in #Hama yesterday.

10-28-2016, 07:25 AM
The anti Assad forces have deemed this to be the "Mother of all battles"....the fight for Aleppo has now officially started....OPSEC which the rebels have been practicing well lately will keep the initial reports flowing in slowly.....so as to now give Russian and Assad target info....

Zero Hour for #Aleppo
The battle to break the siege started 2 h ago
It's the mother of all battles that will decide the destiny of the city

Yes, civilians will die in the all-out rebel assault.
But the world left rebels no other option by ignoring 275.000 besieged civilians.

10-28-2016, 07:45 AM
Syria #JaF shelling along frontlines south of #Aleppo + Neirab airport + regime supply route at #Khanasser
No info about ground assault

Syria #IslamicState launch assault on regimes Kuweires Military Airbase in eastern #Aleppo

Syria Clashes at south western #Aleppo outskirts amid airstrikes

Syria Buildings of #Aleppo airport shot into fire with rockets

Abna Al-Sham claims repelled Regime assault on #Souran. But clashes still reported in S. part of town 9h after start fighting

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
Coming soon... || #Shiamilitia in #Syria
New #infographics detailing all militia groups that make up regime forces in #Syria

Nour al Dein al Zenki command in #Saladin district, #Aleppo claim nearly 65 regime fighters killed in failed attacks

Sham Legion firing mortars on regime forces in northern #Homs

10-28-2016, 07:47 AM
UN Aid Chief Slams #Assad & Russian Crimes in #Aleppo

Hijab: Calls on #UN to Protect Syrians Fell on Deaf Ears for 6 Years

SNHR: 5 civilians (a father & his 4 children) died due to gov warplanes missiles fired on Ibreha village in #DeirEzZour, Oct 27.

SNHR: 2 victims died in gov artillery shells fired on Kafr Batna city in #DamascusSuburbs, Oct 27

SNHR Image of remnants of incendiary missile fired by gov warplanes on Al Bara town in #Idlib, Oct 27

SNHR: gov forces targeted Al Hashemiyeh Elementary School in Douma in #DamascusSuburbs, damaging it, Oct 27.

SNHR: gov warplanes missiles fired near Obstetrics Hospital in Termaneen in #Idlib, partially damaging its building, Oct 27

SNHR: at least 8 victims died due to gov shelling on Douma in #DamascusSuburbs, Oct 27

SNHR: suspected #Russian warplanes missiles fired on Mohammad Al Sabbagh School in Areeha city in #Idlib, damaging it, Oct 27

According to SNHR, between March 2011 and June 2016, no less than 12,679 were killed due to torture

10-28-2016, 07:55 AM
This is the UN Syria needs. A very brave and principled address from @UNReliefChief to Security Council last night

Unprecedented on Syria, O'Brien calls on UNSC members with “operational military assets” to stop bombs on civilians.

@UNReliefChief: “civilians are being bombed by Syrian and Russian forces, and if they survive that, they will starve tomorrow” #Aleppo

@UNReliefChief: only 11 ambulances left in all of eastern Aleppo

.@UNReliefChief: "Blankets are in such short supply that body bags are being used for warmth instead"

.@UNReliefChef: “This litany of horror must surely shake your moral conscience as it does around the world.”

10-28-2016, 08:01 AM
First confirmed attack axis on al-Assad suburb west Aleppo, rebels shelling Assad and IRGC positions and detonated a remote VBIED minutes ago
2nd remote VBIED was just detonated in Assad/IRGC positions west Aleppo, allegedly photo of the blast

Syrian rebels launch offensive to break #AleppoSiege. 10s of Grad rockets targeting Hemeimeem airbase in Latakia & Nayrab airbase in Aleppo

Big convoys driving through Idlib province. 4 of my friends from Azaz left to Aleppo now #Syria #حلب

Another attack axis could be through minyan industrial (carton factory) area west Aleppo according to this

APPEARS the anti Assad forces are using the good old fashion Arab tactic of "swarm attacks"....multiple attacks...multiple directions in a 360 degree arch...multiple intensity...ALL launched at just about the same time.....to confuse and conceal the real attack axis intentions....

There are as well now reports coming in of follow on anti Assad forces now on the move to backup the attacking forces.....

Should be noted all other fighting fronts are still maintaining pressure on the regime forces so they cannot be pulled off and sent to Aleppo...without risking Assad regime loses of those fronts.

10-28-2016, 08:07 AM
CrowBat....is this accurate???

Regime conscripts are only getting ~15-20 days of training. They are also often lied to about objectives.

Aleppo: #FSA rebels & Turkish army have killed 20 #YPG militias in Northern #Aleppo since Wednesday. 5 were buried in #Afrin today.

Aleppo: All of the 20 #YPG militias were killed during failed attacks on #FSA rebel positions.

10-28-2016, 08:25 AM
Sputnik forgets to remove the AFP description from the picture of a Russian/Syrian bombing on an article on another bombing blamed on rebels

Idlib school
Same #Russian propaganda as with the @UN convoy.
"No damage", but if there is, the was the #US...

BUT WAIT...it was those flying carpets from IS that we shipped in the S300/400s to counter....they did it!!!!!

BUT WAIT.....NOW even Reuters is stating the exact same Sputnik article blaming the rebels for bombing their own school....AND that my friends is exactly WHY western MSM no longer really is "fair and balanced" if they follow and repeat Russian propaganda..totally none fact checked ..

10-28-2016, 08:50 AM
Syrian rebels pray before starting the mother of all battles to liberate #Aleppo along with last preparations prior to attacking.

Ahrar al-Sham announces its participation in the offensive to break the siege of #Aleppo.
"All western suburbs" are being attacked.

It begins.
It's clear, rebels will use all weapons, available.
It's also clear, Salafists and jihadists will lead the fight.
Blame yourself, world.

10-28-2016, 08:52 AM
Heavily foreign-supplied #ShamFront starts the battle to liberate #Aleppo.

10-28-2016, 09:07 AM
EuphratesShield forces seized over Tell Ali from #ISIS after weeks of statu quo in this area South of Sajur Lake.

EuphratesShield forces took control of Deir Al-Hawa, Al-Wash, Ebla & its quarry from #ISIS.

10-28-2016, 09:10 AM
TWO remote controlled VBIEDs used in initial attack...

Photo of remote VBIED detonated in al-Assad suburb

Terrible rebel OPSEC once again.
But it seems they already overran the position in the Al-Assad suburb...was confirmed in one of their released photos.

Syria Rebels claim took this regime barrier in west #Aleppa entrance

CURRENTLY counting 12 groups around JFS, AAS and FSA are involved in the fighting...follow on forces from six other groups are arriving into the area....

10-28-2016, 09:16 AM
TWO remote controlled VBIEDs used in initial attack...

Photo of remote VBIED detonated in al-Assad suburb

Terrible rebel OPSEC once again.
But it seems they already overran the position in the Al-Assad suburb...was confirmed in one of their released photos.

Syria Rebels claim took this regime barrier in west #Aleppa entrance

CURRENTLY counting 12 groups around JFS, AAS and FSA are involved in the fighting...follow on forces from six other groups are arriving into the area....

WELL finally western MSM picked up on the Battle of Aleppo in progress....

AFP news agency

#BREAKING Syria rebels say battle to break Aleppo siege has begun

First rebel advances west of #Aleppo.
#Assad's first line of defence in "Al-Assad" breached.

10-28-2016, 09:18 AM
Russian Syrian Express.....

Russian Navy's Cargo Vessel KYZYL-60 northbound on the Bosphorus

10-28-2016, 09:20 AM
3rd attack axis: Fath Halab #FSA troops start storming Assad/IRGC positions in al-Zahra district west #Aleppo

NOW the western MSM carries so called shelling's by rebels into regime Aleppo as breaking news....WELL if you are fighting the mothers of all battles civilians will be hurt in the process...anti Assad forces warned regime civilians to remain away from military areas.....

AFP news agency

#BREAKING Rebel rockets kill 15 in government-held Aleppo: monitor

Syria #Aleppo Rebels seized Minyan & advance into al-Assad suburb

2 SVBIEDs and 1 remote VBIED targeted Assad/IRGC so far, 2 in al-Assad suburb and 1 in minyan industrial area cartoon factory west Aleppo.

Reports of a 3rd VBIED targeted Assad/IRGC positions in a-Assad suburb west Aleppo. Shock troops breached first defense lines

Ongoing ops to break #AleppoSiege lunched from 3 axises on al-Assad suburb, Miniyan industrial area & al-Zahra. Several positions captured.

10-28-2016, 09:30 AM
IMPORTANT: #SDF searching civilians mobiles and looking in their Apps specially chat Apps & FB in #Manbij.

This act is the same what #Daesh used to do in #Manbij too.

IMPORTANT: Internet services totally stopped today in West side of #Aleppo (under #Assad control)

10-28-2016, 10:06 AM
Russian Syrian Express....

Russian Navy Aux. Fleet Cargo Ship "KYZYL 60" northbound on the İstanbul Strait returns after 17 days from Tartus Syria (12:05 pm local)

Rather slow turnaround time actually....10 days normal.....

10-28-2016, 10:08 AM
Aleppo: Turkish Army senior official:"#Afrin and #Manbij will be liberated from #YPG. Nothing can stop the Turkish Army on this path."

With every new PKK attack on Turkish security forces and population, with every Afrin YPG attack on FSA positions and towns and with every US attempt to delay them...JUST reinforces Erdogan and the TAF believe in this....

Blunt warning to the US and Russia to stay out of Turkish affairs....

10-28-2016, 10:10 AM
Aleppo: Dozens of VBIEDs ready to bomb the way through the #Assad regime lines.

30 car-bomb awaits Assad and IRGC militias in #Aleppo - pro rebels Syrian activists reported.

10-28-2016, 10:27 AM
Syria #Aleppo Rebels captured 10 #Hezbollah members in al #Assad neigborhood

Syria Radio hill targeted by rebels in #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=tr&lat=36.194382&lon=37.134690&z=15&m=b&show=/1685342/Syrian-Media-Building&search=%D8%AD%D9%8A%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B0%D8% A7%D8%B9%D8%A9#

Syria #Aleppo Besieged rebels in Salah Aldien launch also assault toward west

10-28-2016, 10:34 AM
Syria #Aleppo Kurdish #YPG try to seize Tuways from #FSA after last took it from #IS

WHY does not the West MSM, CENTCOM, DoD, Obama and EU stop asking the Turks to stop attacking YPG.....WHY not ask the Y to stop their attacks on FSA and focus only on IS....?????

YPG equals PKK end of story but that is not what the West thinks they are????

10-28-2016, 10:37 AM
Russia has had one full year to attack IS and done nothing...........

Russian Foreign Minister #Lavrov keeps referring to an impending 'intensification' of the fight against ISIS and al-Nusra in #Syria

10-28-2016, 10:38 AM
First confirmed attack axis on al-Assad suburb west Aleppo, rebels shelling Assad and IRGC positions and detonated a remote VBIED minutes ago
2nd remote VBIED was just detonated in Assad/IRGC positions west Aleppo, allegedly photo of the blast

Syrian rebels launch offensive to break #AleppoSiege. 10s of Grad rockets targeting Hemeimeem airbase in Latakia & Nayrab airbase in Aleppo

Big convoys driving through Idlib province. 4 of my friends from Azaz left to Aleppo now #Syria #حلب

Another attack axis could be through minyan industrial (carton factory) area west Aleppo according to this

APPEARS the anti Assad forces are using the good old fashion Arab tactic of "swarm attacks"....multiple attacks...multiple directions in a 360 degree arch...multiple intensity...ALL launched at just about the same time.....to confuse and conceal the real attack axis intentions....

There are as well now reports coming in of follow on anti Assad forces now on the move to backup the attacking forces.....

Should be noted all other fighting fronts are still maintaining pressure on the regime forces so they cannot be pulled off and sent to Aleppo...without risking Assad regime loses of those fronts.

Jaish al-Mujahideen pounding Regime positions with Grad rockets. And he is taking a selfie for his FB profile.

Massive JFS SVBIED explosion leading the assault in the mother of all battles to capture Aleppo.......
Syrian rebel SVBIED vs. #Assad forces in western #Aleppo.

Syrian rebels capture 10 Lebanese Hezbollah & 6 Iraqi Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba members.

At least 4 rebel MLRS systems support #BattleForAleppo, firing Grad missiles.

JFS, 107mm rocket artillery, Self propelled Gvozdika rack filled up, Mortar rounds, - All military grade. #Aleppo

Faylaq al-Sham and FSA Fath Halab troops before moving to al-Zahra district west Aleppo

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en
Pounding Neirab airbase with hunderds of Grad missiles

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en
Dominating the checkponit of 'Satir Almostaoda' near the checkpoint of 'Soura', western side of #Aleppo city

10-28-2016, 10:54 AM
Lavrov: "The Syrian govt. is ready to come to Geneva & negotiate an immediate ceasefire."
Too many lies.They are done.

TYPICAL Russian negotiation tactic when rebels are on an offensive roll and gaining tempo...tries to stop them WHILE TALKING....

Hate to say this....this offensive will play itself out without the US and or Russia.....

10-28-2016, 11:17 AM
OSINT activists: Russia ships secret military cargo from Syria to illegally occupied Crimea.

Possible 200mm WMD CW rounds....???

WHICH based on Russian UNSC statements should not be in Syria at all....!!

10-28-2016, 12:09 PM
Aleppo: Rebels have confirmed killed an #Assad Brigadier General and several other officers in Western #Aleppo.

Aleppo: Reports that pro-#Assad forces in #Hamadaniyah District in Western #Aleppo were bombed by #Russia|n/#Assad warplanes.
As the anti Assad forces get intermingled with regime mercenaries in direct combat the harder it is for the RuAF to provide CAS and more friendly fire incidents will now happen......intermingled forces without direct ground CAS deconfliction is a really hard thing to successfully do....

10-28-2016, 12:21 PM
Aleppo: Brave people of #Aleppo City establishing a no-fly zone above #Aleppo.

On top of a heavy rainy day and very low cloud cover....

10-28-2016, 12:36 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
The Russian Ministry of Defense failed to find evidence of airstrikes on schools in Idlib. We have found plenty:

Wow..who would have thought the Russian MoD would be lying???......AGAIN....

10-28-2016, 12:46 PM
WHAT can I say about this ????????

UN hires Assad's friends and relatives for Syria relief

… unbelievable by @ejbeals

COMES on the heels of previous reportedly of the millions the UN pays Assad for just being inside Syria.

The Panama Papers have a large amount on the corruption flowing through the Assad family.....

10-28-2016, 12:48 PM
AjnadSham claims surrender of group from "Harakat Nujaba" Iraqi Shia militia in Dhahiyat alAssad in #Aleppo

Aleppo: Rebels have captured al-#Assad Suburb in Western #Aleppo.

Aleppo Battle: #JFS seized a tank & a BMP inside Al-Assad suburb as assault continues to seize it from pro-Regime forces.

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#BREAKING || West #Aleppo
#FSA forces have taken control of Dahia al Assad from regime & their foreign militia after intense operations

Aleppo Battle: Rebels widening the frontline as they started pre-emptive shelling on Missile Base in S. outskirts. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.139400&lon=37.102718&z=13&m#…

Rebels ask all civilians to leave military areas in western #Aleppo.
Attacks to intensify.
- Utterly unrealistic of course,

But this is war!
Something entirely else than targeting civilian centres for the purpose of killing civilians - like #AssadPutin do.

FIFTH Anti Assad forces GRAD now spotted in action against regime forces in and around Aleppo....constantly firing as if they have an unlimited supply...and very accurately BTW....

FSA || #Aleppo
Preparing to storm the area Free Syrian Army artillery regiment hit regime's foreign Shia militia on Family House frontline

FSA || Rural South #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army hitting regime positions Jabal Azan with heavy GRAD artillery:

FSA || Aleppo
Free Syrian Army hit regime positions in the Military Academy & Artillery School with Grad missiles:

FSA || #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army forces targeting regime operations rooms & communications network with tank & B9 missiles

FSA || #Aleppo
FSA forces destroy regime Kornet missile launcher on Jamaia al Zahra frontlines with a Fagot missile

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#BREAKING || West #Aleppo
#FSA forces making significant advances, taking the Carton Factory, Soura &Manasher checkpoint & the surroundings

10-28-2016, 12:51 PM
Speaks volumes about Syrians and their relationship to Islam....not Salafist or Wahhabism....LARGELY overlooked by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH.....

@Reuters: "In Germany, Syrians find mosques too conservative"

10-28-2016, 12:52 PM
Major infighting going on right now within Islamic State affiliate JAA in Deraa as security personnel besiege Jamla & arrest Abu Obeida Qahtan

10-28-2016, 01:14 PM
FSA || #Hama
Four regime soldiers killed in west Souran in rural north Hama by FSA Doshka fire

FSA || #Hama
Free Syrian Army forces hit group of regime soldiers & officers in Souran with TOW missile

Amazing work. Who bombs civilians in Syria: profiles of 116 RuAF officers (Infographics):

10-28-2016, 01:56 PM
Jaish al-Fath detonated VBIED in 1070 housing project west Aleppo trying to capture remaining positions under Assad/IRGC.

According to Ajnad al-Sham, al-Aqsa suburb west Aleppo completely under Jaish al-Fath

SDF forces captured Mazare' al-Hawarin, north of Jabal Na'if, from #FSA. Russian jets reportedly prevented airstrikes by Turkish airforce

Kurdish YPG supported by Russia focus its effort on areas already taken from IS to keep FSA away from Aleppo acting as a watch dog for Assad

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en
Shelling positions of sectarian militias in 'Suburb of Assad'

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en
Killing a group of sectarian militias by anti-armor missile during their withdrawal from Suburb of Assad

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en Dominating a block of buildings inside 'Suburb of Assad' and capturing many of sectarian militias

1st reports: SVBIED razed Regime base/HQ in 3000 Project. Waiting for footage to confirm.

Aleppo Battle: Jaish Al-Fateh seized whole Al-Assad suburb, close to #Aleppo 2nd major base (Military Academy). http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.175262&lon=37.081947&z=15&m#…

10-28-2016, 03:31 PM
According to Ajnad al-Sham, al-Aqsa suburb west Aleppo completely under Jaish al-Fath

Did not fuel in Spain and now Malta.....the Russian aircraft carrier is still "smoking along"......she is going to be empty and have to refuel in Syria..SO much for the so called Russian Blue Water Navy...cannot even refuel at sea and underway........

Malta refuses to allow #Russia's elderly aircraft carrier to refuel :"Malta will not be party to the obscenities being committed in Aleppo"

Russia sends another destroyer 'Smetlivy' to join a group of battleships near Syrias Mediterranean coast.

10-28-2016, 03:37 PM
AjnadSham claims surrender of group from "Harakat Nujaba" Iraqi Shia militia in Dhahiyat alAssad in #Aleppo

Aleppo: Rebels have captured al-#Assad Suburb in Western #Aleppo.

Aleppo Battle: #JFS seized a tank & a BMP inside Al-Assad suburb as assault continues to seize it from pro-Regime forces.

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#BREAKING || West #Aleppo
#FSA forces have taken control of Dahia al Assad from regime & their foreign militia after intense operations

Aleppo Battle: Rebels widening the frontline as they started pre-emptive shelling on Missile Base in S. outskirts. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.139400&lon=37.102718&z=13&m#…

Rebels ask all civilians to leave military areas in western #Aleppo.
Attacks to intensify.
- Utterly unrealistic of course,

But this is war!
Something entirely else than targeting civilian centres for the purpose of killing civilians - like #AssadPutin do.

FIFTH Anti Assad forces GRAD now spotted in action against regime forces in and around Aleppo....constantly firing as if they have an unlimited supply...and very accurately BTW....

FSA || #Aleppo
Preparing to storm the area Free Syrian Army artillery regiment hit regime's foreign Shia militia on Family House frontline

FSA || Rural South #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army hitting regime positions Jabal Azan with heavy GRAD artillery:

FSA || Aleppo
Free Syrian Army hit regime positions in the Military Academy & Artillery School with Grad missiles:

FSA || #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army forces targeting regime operations rooms & communications network with tank & B9 missiles

FSA || #Aleppo
FSA forces destroy regime Kornet missile launcher on Jamaia al Zahra frontlines with a Fagot missile

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#BREAKING || West #Aleppo
#FSA forces making significant advances, taking the Carton Factory, Soura &Manasher checkpoint & the surroundings

WHAT the heck can I say.....another Russian MoD "vodka moment" to cover their embarrassment that the regime Shia militias and Hezbollah took a beating today....

Russian Defence Ministry claims all latest attacks by rebels in Aleppo have been thwarted. 8 tanks and 5 APCs destroyed

ACTUALLY have not seen video combat reporting by the rebels of using tanks and APCs..has been a basic artillery barrage support for a heavy urban infantry one on one fight...

The military situation in #Aleppo and first gains of rebels:

Syrian media is reporting from Aleppo....."Everything is OK"....

BUT WAIT....MAYBE the Russian MoD should check in with their troops inside Aleppo.....APPARENTLY they are panicking right about now!!

AFP news agency
Verified account
#BREAKING Russian army general asks Putin to allow Aleppo strikes

Syrian rebels inside the al-Assad suburb.

It is impressive how well-equipped Jabhat Fateh al-Sham is

Also JFS (ex. Nusra) seems foreign-supplied with weapons now.
Not seen so clear so far.

Regime media confirms the total loss of the Al-Assad suburb.

10-28-2016, 03:53 PM
After fully securing the 1070 Apartments and the Al-Assad suburb, rebels push towards 3000 Apartments and the Al-Assad base.

Aleppo Battle: ongoing storming of strategic district "3000 Project" & fierce clashes between Jaish Al-Fateh & pro-Regime forces.

Rebels have been fighting now for over nine straight hours.....have been equipped for night fighting and are still pushing forward....regime forces becoming panicky in their fighting as their is no CAS available at night for them.

This assault is a classic urban infantry fight supported by armor, artillery, GRADs and mortars, RPGs and SPG9s

So far in the rebel #Aleppo offensive: drone video from Faylaq al-Sham & (a little) from JFS


Rebels being supplied along the way by captured regime weapons and ammunition....

NE #Hama: Jaish Al-Nasr took out with a #TOW a firing 57 mm cannon in Sadou checkpoint killing its crew.

Rebels now advancing roughly half way through the 3000 Apartments......
Syria Rebels advance inside 3000 Apartments Project in west #Aleppo city

Syria #Aleppo Several failed airstrikes hit regime troops in western #Aleppo
(Assad Military Academy, Zahraa Artillery Army Base...)

NEW ATTACK now underway.....night fighting is not slowly down the assault.
Aleppo Battle: SVBIED detonated in New Aleppo as Jaish Al-Fateh opened another front.

75 pictures from the fighting in West Aleppo today.

FSA || West #Aleppo
Moment when Free Syrian Army forces advanced taking Assad suburbs (Dahia al Assad) today:

Breaking || #Aleppo
Hezbollah field commander Haj Kinan killed by the #FSA in their operations on west #Aleppo

10-28-2016, 03:56 PM
Lucky #Assad forces in #Souran.
TOW flies through 20 of them without hitting anyone, exploding behind them.

10-28-2016, 04:29 PM
CrowBat......what do you think?.....His Field Commander asks for CAS and this is the answer?????

Putin rejects renewing airstrikes, 2 give US more time to split 'moderates' from 'terrorists' - but they will bomb if 'extreme need'

Reports that #Putin said: "Resumption of aerial bombardment on #Aleppo is not helpful now."

Syria #Aleppo Several failed airstrikes hit regime troops in western #Aleppo
(Assad Military Academy, Zahraa Artillery Army Base...)

10-28-2016, 04:59 PM
BREAKING: Russia fails to win re-election to U.N. Human Rights Council

10-28-2016, 11:19 PM
CrowBat......what do you think?.....His Field Commander asks for CAS and this is the answer?????

Putin rejects renewing airstrikes, 2 give US more time to split 'moderates' from 'terrorists' - but they will bomb if 'extreme need'

Reports that #Putin said: "Resumption of aerial bombardment on #Aleppo is not helpful now."

Syria #Aleppo Several failed airstrikes hit regime troops in western #Aleppo
(Assad Military Academy, Zahraa Artillery Army Base...)
They (the Russians) have blasted away that school in Hass: the Russians know it was them, the West knows it was them, and they all know that enough is enough.

Moscow is meanwhile under verbal assault from all possible directions (except from Western governments): even the UN kicked them out of the HR-council. They know that if they screw up one more time, they'll start facing serious economic sanctions, perhaps even some sort of a NFZ over Syria. So, better stop and not risk another Blamage than provoke even more.

In essence, this shows that even Putler is not trusting himself going too far.

That aside: why should Putler care about Assadists (i.e. Ba'athists), Hezbollah, and the IRGC in Aleppo? He told them to be satisfied with negotiations from February, they insist on 'liberating Aleppo' and 'liberating every inch of Syria'. Even if Putler recently repeated something of this, it doesn't mean he's in agreement and intending to do the same.

10-29-2016, 06:12 AM
CrowBat.....you will like this....

Russia: No air strikes on the school in Idlib.
No 22 children deliberately killed, no Russia aircraft seen and heard over Hass..............BUT a large number of online videos showing exactly what the Russians claim did not exist
The whole world is lying, only Russia knows the truth.

SAME exact drill they did and are still doing on their shot own of MH17.....heck by the time the Dutch government starts a formal criminal case in the coming year against Putin....his FM and the Russian MoD they still will be stating..."it ain't us".....FOR over a year now Russia keeps stating ""we sent our Rostov ATC radar tapes to the Dutch""....BOTH to the world and to the Dutch.....BUT surprise...surprise radar data was never sent.....

Russia Claims Hass School Was Not Hit By Air Strike - Videos Prove It Was

10-29-2016, 06:22 AM
More JFS spoils from Cardboard factory, Anti Tank equipment, Mines, RPG's, ATGM System W. #Aleppo

Aleppo: Intense clashes in #Sheikh_Saeed District tonight. Rebels trying to advance.

Various rounds of ammunition, ATGM System captured from Munasher checkpoint W. #Aleppo

Rebels are now widening the attack front line.......
another Jaish al-Fath VBIED hits Assad/IRGC positions near military research center new Aleppo district

Update || The '3000 apartment project' in W-Aleppo is renamed to '2500 apartement project' after being hit by a massive martyrdom operation.

Aleppo: Locations of the 6 VBIEDs that rebels used to blown up #Assad regime positions & barriers today.

10-29-2016, 06:28 AM
JFS storming Assadists in the Carton factory...there was a two part video series released..trying to get the links and will post them as they are important to watch.....WHY.....the symbology being used is exactly that of the combat videos released in Iraq by AQI and the Islamic Army of Iraq (IAI) the largest Salafist insurgency group at the same time AQI was active....

BTW....a great Islamist/Salafist symbology reference guide was done by the Counter Terrorism Center West Point in about the 2005/2006 timeframe.

Interesting in that these two videos depict JFS fighting hard to attain the "freedom of Aleppo" and against Assad regime forces.....they hit all the emotion points that a Muslim fighter feels when he sees the video...

10-29-2016, 06:29 AM
N. #Hama: Ajnad Kavkaz fighters raided 2 Regime positions in E. outskirts of #Souran, neutralized them & seized a T-62.

10-29-2016, 06:35 AM
#Aleppo 'our generation's shame'


10-29-2016, 06:43 AM
Russian Syrian Naval Express....on the move again....

Russian Navy’s Kashin-class destroyer "SMETLIVIY" DDG 810 southbound on the İstanbul Strait en route to Tartus Syria (8:00 am)

10-29-2016, 07:03 AM
NOW Assad forces even use the Russian eastern Ukraine tactic of shelling their own civilians in their own areas.....

Assad forces targeting residential neighborhood in #Salahidden result of material damage
escaping from front lines = Targeting civilians

Syria Several airstrikes on Salah Aldien neighborhood in #Aleppo city

SO if Putin claims they are not bombing Aleppo THEN WHO is????
Syria Several airstrikes on Salah Aldien neighborhood in #Aleppo city

Ahrar al-Sham tank ride from today's Aleppo offensive https://www.youtube.com/embed/zAmk-T2ygFs#…

Impressive shock wave created by the #JFS SVBIED that struck New #Aleppo district.

INTERESTINGLY YouTube removed this video as it violated their user agreements....BUT WHY did they remove this when tons of other similar videos from the fighting yesterday...THEY POSTED..MANY do not realize the depth of Russian oligarch investment into YouTube/Google/Twitter/Facebook..which have all at one time or another in the last year even blocked proUkrainian posters when Russian trolls complained without checking the troll complaints..

10-29-2016, 07:21 AM
North #Aleppo (Shehba Dam) Situation Map

10-29-2016, 07:38 AM
HEAVY rebel OPSEC is now in place....last posted videos tend to have stopped about 12-14 hours ago...heavy ongoing fighting with rumors of a new attack axis have barely now popped up but nothing supporting that other than rumors...

Fighting continued through the night and is reported to be heavy again this morning with rebels still advancing and regime forces literally fighting to survive and the western Aleppo civilians caught in the middle which rebels are trying to avoid. Repots that some regime shia mercenaries and Hezbollah troops have broken and fled while others hold out...not confirmed.

Suspect about two new fronts will open up to spread thin the regime forces and not allow them to focus strictly on one or two rebel attack axis.

By intermingling now within the regime held western Aleppo it is far harder for Assad and Putin to conduct CAS without hitting their own troops and civilians...

WEATHER....sunny today which would allow for CAS air strikes....cloudy tomorrow and low overcast....then into a rain front for about three days further restricting Assad/Putin CAS air strikes.

Depending on advances expect some footage to be coming out of Aleppo later this evening.

10-29-2016, 07:40 AM
Putin doesn’t think we are serious about defence. We don’t think he’s serious about attack. That’s dangerous

10-29-2016, 08:41 AM
Rebel position with D-30 (122 mm) and M46 (130 mm) artillery pieces west of #Aleppo.

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
#pt: At least 20 armed groups are involved so far in the W. #Aleppo offensive - principally Fatah Halab & Jaish al-Fateh factions.

pts: Planning for this latest #Aleppo offensive has been ongoing for 6+ weeks & began solely as a Fatah Halab (non-JFS/AQ) initiative.

pts: The offensive’s early stages were launched last night due to heavy cloud weather expected for coming 24-36hrs, giving some air cover.

pts: Expect intense JFS media coverage, but do not underestimate the role of Fatah Halab factions, both inside & outside besieged #Aleppo.

pts: Latest opposition gains shown on @Sham_Falcons map - substantial advances, but most challenging positions still ahead.

10-29-2016, 08:44 AM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Sept 20 - Oct 25, 2016:

#Russia just keeps getting better & better at “fighting terrorism” in #Syria.



10-29-2016, 08:45 AM
Brookings ‏@BrookingsInst Oct 27
Why it's time for the U.S. to challenge the status quo in Syria—before it's too late:

10-29-2016, 09:10 AM
InformNapalm Chronicles: a year of Russia destroying Syria:

10-29-2016, 09:59 AM
Second day of offensive started early this morning but just now being posted...

Break #AleppoSiege operation day 2 about to start, pro rebels activists expecting today's clashes to be the most difficult and important.

IMPORTANT....URGENT...CW being used by Assad even on his own civilians

Rebels evacuated civilians in armoured vehicles from al-Assad suburb. reportedly Assad airforce attacking the area with chlorine gas bombs
FSA and #Army_of_Conquest saving the civilians who still Inside Dahet Alassad, And give them the choice wherever they want to Go ️

IRGC linked Iraqi shiite Hezbollah al-Nujaba militiamen killed in al-Assad suburb west Aleppo
Killed pro-#Assad forces in al-#Assad Suburb. On the wall: "I give my soul for #Assad."

Assad/IRGC militias supported by Russian strikes trying to recapture positions lost to Jaish al-Fath west #Aleppo yesterday.
NOW in spite of what Putin said yesterday RUAF is flying CAS strikes...

Just another day of #Russia state propaganda, blaming its caused destruction in #Aleppo on "rebel shelling".

Aleppo: Rebels destroying 23 mm gun with TOW in Artillery Base near Az-Zahraa District, Western #Aleppo.

Aleppo: Rebels shelled pro-#Assad forces in #Ramouseh District with a SPG9 RR today.

Rebels storming #Aleppo Sawmill in Western #Aleppo today. Graphic!

#Assad regime artillery strikes on the Al-Assad suburb, one day after its capture by Syrian rebels.

WHAT is extremely interesting is that the Syrian organization called SOHR which has been rather proRegime lazy in their reporting now fully supports the Assad regime....thus their number can no longer be trusted...

The Turkish-backed / Gulf-armed Sultan Murad Brigade (#FSA) is back west of #Aleppo, dealing blows to the regime.

10-29-2016, 10:12 AM
So now the so called SAA is arresting their own Shia mercenaries for not fighting BUT WAIT...the SAA is in fact the Shia mercenaries.....

Reports of clashes in Hader y’day between regime & Harakat al-Nujaba after regime arrested Nujaba cmdr for escaping & surrendering positions

10-29-2016, 10:19 AM
Assad media said: 15 child killed Today by rockets falling on their school in the west #Aleppo
BTW today is Friday, No schools opened

What can be said for Assad and Putin propaganda..

BOTH Assad and Putin are running literally away from being blamed for killing school children in Hass so every time they get a propaganda chance...they try to change the narrative....away from themselves....

10-29-2016, 10:47 AM
7th VBIED in 2 days hits Assad/IRGC positions in al-Zahra district west Aleppo

#Iran deployed drones over the southern #Aleppo countryside today.

Rebel drone footage of Assad military academy shows defensive trenches west side...on no other side of the academy...

10-29-2016, 01:41 PM
Unconfirmed reports were 3 VBIEDs struck Assad/IRGC in 3000 project west Aleppo

BASED on initial Russian propaganda comments four days ago they were claiming JFS had 30 VBIEDs/SVBIEDs.....

SO 23 more to go before this offensive is over....ALMOST as if rebels are VBIEDing their way through western Aleppo.....

10-29-2016, 01:59 PM
Ahrar al-Sham in #Hama trying to cut Assad/IRGC Ithriya-Khanaser supply road to Aleppo.

FOURTH attack axis in play now......
Aleppo: Reports that rebels attacking regime positions at #Khanaser Highway

That attack goal is relatively easy to fulfill and their positions placed them close to the road anyway....and if only to place the road under direct fire will interrupt the flow of supplies and manpower....causing the Assad regime mercenaries to fight now on five different attack axis....
Aleppo: Rebels launched Phase 2, attacking 3000 Apartments Project, Binyamin, New Aleppo District and regime barriers west of Az-Zahraa.

Appears to have been a major a really major ambush on the road of a large troop convoy heading to Aleppo
JFS & Ahrar al-Sham have reportedly attacked a convoy heading to Aleppp on Khanaser highway

Assad/IRGC reinforcement convoy on its way to Aleppo forced to retreat to Ithriya after lost a tank in Ahrar al-Sham attack earlier today.

Indicates JFS and Sham control the highway and or can interdict when needed to support the fighting in Aleppo which is important.....

10-29-2016, 02:12 PM
JFS #FSA in E #Aleppo say they prepared to take over entire city. Advise civilians "stay away" from centre frontlines and regime HQs

VIDEO: Russian ANNA footage of pro-govt. forces fighting in Western Aleppo yesterday.
INTERESTING Russian video footage..showing intensity of rebel attack...confusion on the part of Hezbollah and their Russian advisors potentially Spetsnaz....
Great OPSEC by #Assad's troops.
They show Russian TV (and us) exact locations of all (lost) strong points in Minyan indstrl area & al-Assad.

Jaish al-Fath and FSA captured the family house park and Mahna housing around al-Zahra artillery base #Aleppohttp://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.226377&lon=37.081647&z=15&m=b#…

'Family House' area near 'Halab Al Jadeed' district is liberated...

Reports: #SDF/#YPG took over former #SAA Infantry College in northern #Aleppo, Fafin, Tel Sussin, Kafr Qarishttp://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.335801&lon=37.217560&z=14&m=b
YPG taking over SAA positions allowing SAA to move reinforcements into the fight...

YPG now 20km away from kurdish towns of
Tel Hasil & Tel Eran near Al-Safira in east #Aleppo
Liberate it from #SAA?

FSA destroyed Assad/IRGC first defense line north al-Zahra artillery base west Aleppo

AND against IS the fighting does not stop....
TAF/FSA has captured Shawa Kabeer and Saghir from ISIS

Ahrar al-Sham drone films Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba IRAM attack on the rebel-captured al-Assad suburb.

Drone footage of al-Assad suburb this morning capture what looks like an airstrike or a barrel bomb attack

Today's rebel attack on #Zahraa district started with another SVBIED vs. the #Assad line of defence.

Syrian rebels took three barriers outside #Aleppo's western Zahraa district.
(not for the first time)

Day 2 of the #BattleForAleppo.
Rebels are still not short of ammo.

Syria Ahrar al Sham detonate remote VBIED in center of Minyan / western #Aleppo city entrance

Aleppo: Rebels detonated a VBIED at Binyamin District and storming the District in Western #Aleppo now.
11th VBIED used now......19 to go if the Russians were correct......
4th VBIED today and the 2nd inside 3000 housing project west Aleppo.

10-29-2016, 02:13 PM
IRGC linked Iraqi PMU (Hashd) sectarian shiite forces say they will go to fight for #Assad in #Syria after taking #Mosul from #IS

BUT WAIT they might be tied up in Mosul for some months to come.....

That "coalition strike" on a Shiite place of worship last week was done by the Iraqis. Russia's claims can't be trusted.

10-29-2016, 02:26 PM
Aleppo: Rebels repeatedly calling on civilians: "Stay away from regime headquarters and frontlines in #Aleppo City."

10-29-2016, 02:29 PM
Russia MoD lies again and again and again and again and again...

This is filed under the rubric of ...Oh REALLY....not what DoD has stated....and it was a Russian AC that barely missed a US fighter...lights off and no transponder......and the Russian AC never even knew the US AC was in front of him?????

Moscow says US has formally apologized for jet that flew dangerously close to Russian aircraft in Syria yesterday.

10-29-2016, 02:31 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
We and @bellingcat never got an answer from @mfa_russia and @rianru about a "report" on UN aid convoy attack

Astonishing footage from inside war-torn #Aleppo in #Syria
via #Periscope @AlabedBana
https://www.periscope.tv/w/auNCwzFEWUVYa1h5WVptamd8MXluSk9renZNWmtKUlnQID183G fTbgoqjnUUL6l3PcPI7qEzyQln68C7QflY#

10-29-2016, 02:42 PM
Worth sending to the Obama WH.....

10-29-2016, 02:45 PM
Example of the explosive power of the rebel VBIEDs being used right now as a form of direct fire 5,000-10,000 lb bomb..has a multiple effects...terror weapon against the Shia/Hezbollah front line troops that have broken and run when they see them coming which indicates a lack of frontline ATGMs and it literally blasts a way through the security checkpoints that need to be taken in order to advance.....

10-29-2016, 02:50 PM
Rebel advances are picking up speed now....the question is can the rebel attacking force keep of the ops tempo as they are on foot and fighting forward all the time within a respite....battle footage is indicating high morale and an amazement with forward progress that will carry them on....handling the clearance of large areas of building with apparent ease....

Aleppo: Rebels have captured Family House Amusement Park, Obari Farms, Mahna Housing and Water Storage from #Assad regime.

Advances are fast and continuing.....
Already outdated. Seems, entire #Minyan was captured by now.
Waiting for confirmation.

Rebels captured most of the #Minyan district in S-W #Aleppo..now confirmed..captured the entire district....

10-29-2016, 02:56 PM
Ahrar al Sham detonate remote VBIED in center of Minyan / western #Aleppo city entrancehttp://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.186953&lon=37.084758&z=17&m=b#…

Syria Race toward al Bab town btw #FSA & #YPG

10-29-2016, 02:58 PM
Rebel advances are picking up speed now....the question is can the rebel attacking force keep of the ops tempo as they are on foot and fighting forward all the time within a respite....battle footage is indicating high morale and an amazement with forward progress that will carry them on....handling the clearance of large areas of building with apparent ease....

Aleppo: Rebels have captured Family House Amusement Park, Obari Farms, Mahna Housing and Water Storage from #Assad regime.

Minyan area west Aleppo completely under Jaish al-Fath control

You do what you do to move forward....innovative to say the least but typical for ME....but not quite a BMP but hey it works for speed.....
Ahrar al Sham fighter's go-pro footage of storming of W. Suburbs of Al-Assad neighborhood on motorcycles

10-29-2016, 03:15 PM
Aleppo civilians now joining the rebels in larger numbers...

Aleppo: Civilians in Eastern #Aleppo forming self-defence militias to defend their families against pro-#Assad forces.

10-29-2016, 03:19 PM
NOW 1800 time wise...getting darker and still overcast/light rain and cloudy limiting Russian CAS.....

NOW WE ARE THE SO CALLED "TIPPING POINT"........regardless of the coming night rebels are driving their advance forward into the night as well.

"Critical situation for regime if rebels enter New #Aleppo"

THEY are about there in the next few hours....actually are inside some areas of New Aleppo already...and reinforcements have been cut off and the Aleppo airfield is under attack and damaged....

10-29-2016, 03:20 PM
Pro-#Assad forces captured and being shown by rebels in Western #Aleppo today.

10-29-2016, 03:27 PM
NOW 1800 time wise...getting darker and still overcast/light rain and cloudy limiting Russian CAS.....

NOW WE ARE THE SO CALLED "TIPPING POINT"........regardless of the coming night rebels are driving their advance forward into the night as well.

"Critical situation for regime if rebels enter New #Aleppo"

THEY are about there in the next few hours....actually are inside some areas of New Aleppo already...and reinforcements have been cut off and the Aleppo airfield is under attack and damaged....

Aleppo Battle: Jaish Fateh took #Menyan Petrol Station & seized 1 BMP. Ongoing attack on area protecting New Aleppo http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.182571&lon=37.080510&z=16&m#…

TIPPING POINT HAS BEEN REACHED......when confusion replaces coordinated resistance....the Assad mercenaries are falling apart rapidly

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces in #Aleppo are confused & begging for #Russia|n help

FSA || West #Aleppo
Advance to Minian means taking control of main gate of the Military Academy & just a few metres away from New Aleppo

Map. A summary of the rebels' gains around #Aleppo in this most recent push.

10-29-2016, 03:32 PM
REALLY NEEDS to be read and then reread.....

Think Iraq Looks Bad Now? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

10-29-2016, 03:38 PM
Aleppo Battle: a SVBIED targeted Al-Zahraa fortifications amidst fierce clashes & shelling, also reported on Military Academy frontline.

Again notice the size of the explosion....in the tons of explosive power.....

10-29-2016, 03:40 PM
JaF factions tell the civilians in Aleppo that the Mujahideen in the city are prepared and ask them to take precautions by staying inside.

Not sure if this warning was for all of Aleppo and or just the regime western side

Possible indicator of full night time operations....thus do not come out at all.....

10-29-2016, 03:42 PM
Aleppo Battle: more Grad rockets targeting pro-Regime forces in W. Aleppo with Sultan Murad's BM-21.

SIXTH GRAD in action and none have been targeted and or destroyed by Assad and or Putin AFs....AND are still firing rockets....

Aleppo Battle: new Grad rockets barrage on #Nayrab Airbase, this time during the night & by Free Idlib Army.

Regime forces trying to counterattack rebel taken northern and western barriers......

10-29-2016, 03:48 PM
FSA capture Salwa south of al-Ghandourah

10-29-2016, 03:51 PM

Syria #IslamicState retreated from northern #Aleppo outskirts & hand over area to #Assad-forces & kurdish #YPG

10-29-2016, 04:00 PM
CrowBat.....again the question arises after DAY TWO of fighting......

Is it because of the lack of children among rebel forces, the Russian air force does not intervene on Assad's side in the #BattleForAleppo?!

NO RuAF CAS has yet to be reported over Aleppo....

10-29-2016, 04:02 PM
FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform 21m
21 minutes ago

#NEW #Infographic || #FSA in #Aleppo

List of Free Syrian Army forces taking part in current Aleppo operations

AND who said inside the Obama WH that the pharmacists, bakers, farmers could not do "joint operations" and drive a military solution..AND there are a lot of "moderates" in this list THAT somehow the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH could not find at all..???

10-29-2016, 04:13 PM
Aleppo: Captured #Iraq|i Shia fighter is in tears and asking for forgiveness.

Rebels are being constantly resupplied with weapons and munitions as they capture them from the regime forces....easing a resupply problem inherent in fast moves..especially RPGs...munitions for all calibers and ATGMs......

10-29-2016, 04:17 PM
As you could imagine.
The #BattleForAleppo is NOT only to reach the eastern districts EVEN though they virtually telegraphed their coming attack.....

The size of the rebel attack, the number of attack axis being used, the use of VBIEDs to lead the way, and the intensity has completely caught Assad regime mercenaries totally flatfooted....

10-29-2016, 04:20 PM
Reporting flows have slowed down greatly........will pick it up again tomorrow on DAY THREE of their offensive to take Aleppo....

10-29-2016, 06:56 PM
Based on that famously accurate reporting by the 500% Russian owned propaganda media outlet Sputnik International......

500 rebels KIW
1000 rebels WIA

AND not a single RuAf bomb dropped.......

BUT WAIT.....they are still attacking and proAssad regime Shia mercenaries/Hezbollah are still losing....

10-29-2016, 07:04 PM
Aleppo: Rebels shelling #Assad Military Academy with Grad rockets tonight.
Syria Rebels evacuated civilians after seized al #Assad neighborhood at western entrance of #Aleppo

Sunset as appears from eastern Aleppo on second day of the Battle


Syria Rebels repelled attack of Shiite #Iraq'i militias in south eastern #Aleppo outskirts -3 captured

Syria VBIED exploded in regime held Zahra Association in west #Aleppo city

Aleppo: Rebels have killed the #Iran|ian Brigade General Mohamed Rabia in #Aleppo.
in addition to fund/equips Lebanese, Iraqi, Afghan militias in Syria, Iran sends its top generals to occupy Aleppo & displace its population

The Euphrates Shield factions took over the villages of Shawi Kabir and Shawi Saghir in rural Al-Bab east #Aleppo, after clashes with Daesh

EuphratesShield forces seized over Qaar Kalbin from #ISIS NW of Al-Bab.

Aleppo: fierce clashes between Rebels & Iraqis from Nujaba militia on Aziza frontline.

Battle: Tajamu Fastaqem fired a #TOW vs entrenched 14.5 mm gun on Tell Uhud.

The Russian MoD was highly correct...there were SIX destroyed tanks on the first day of fighting...BUT only regime tanks....
Aleppo: Destroyed #Assad regime tanks in al-#Assad Suburb.

Aleppo Battle (updated map): on 2nd day of operations Rebels reached New Aleppo District & Military Academy.

10-29-2016, 07:13 PM
Is Russia running out of money????

While Russian government spends tens of millions in Syria, former military employees protest in Moscow with their families *lack of money*

10-29-2016, 07:14 PM
Jaish al-Fath and FSA gains around al-Zahra artillery base were reversed, back to previous lines in this front......Not confirmed....

Syria Report from Tel Kurdi #Damascus
Regime dropped Napalm

Syria #RuAF Suchoi jet dropped cluster bombs on #Aleppo's western suburb
Khan al-Assal to stop rebel advance
RuAF is indeed flying CAS regardless of what Putin says, or said ......

Aleppo: Rebels destroyed an #Assad regime building in #Salah_Aldien District with a tunnel bomb today.

Aleppo: Rebels captured a BMP from fleeing pro-#Assad forces in Western #Aleppo today.

10-29-2016, 07:20 PM
Assad or we burn the al-Assad suburb"
Regime forces use massive firepower vs lost areas w/o trying to regain them.

Possible #Russian air strike on the al-Assad suburb of #Aleppo today.

10-29-2016, 07:25 PM
RECOMMEND following all comments and documents/emails being posted on the Surkov hacked email account.....highly interesting reference Ukraine and other tidbits....

A serious hack on a close Putin advisor...pay back for the US hack?????

Russia's trolls massively spamming #SurkovLeaks hashtag. are they worried there's good stuff in there? :)

Russian online-trolls have commenced massive spam attack on hashtag #SurkovLeaks to bury it in jabber. A good sign.

Surkov Leaks @SurkovLeaks
#SurkovLeaks Part 2: soon...
#followme Subscribe to our twitter feed. Be aware when the apocalypse will start for the Kremlin!

Seems the fact #Ukraine hackers got hold of #Kremlin's mailbox hurts #Putin most.

Interesting tidbit.....
UK press tycoon tried to drum up support for Putin's annexation of #Crimea - my latest on #SurkovLeaks #Russia

Sergey Markov explicitly says- Repressive #Nazi #Ukraine wages undeclared war on #Russia. Is fundamental threat to Russia. Must be destroyed

10-29-2016, 07:27 PM
ANOTHER IMAGE of destroyed #Assad tanks/armor in west #Aleppo suburbs

10-29-2016, 07:30 PM
MASSIVE manpower loss for Hezbollah and a huge embarrassment for Nasrallah and Hezbollah....which is suppose to be fighting their way to Jerusalem through........Aleppo of all places??????

VIDEO #Syria rebels captured 160 #Hezbollah fighters trying to enter #Aleppo as reinforcements

Years ago IRGC was noted for night fighting as was Hezbollah.....a strange turn of events...now FSA and JFS are noted night fighters....
Aleppo: Rebels captured another pro-#Assad fighter in Western #Aleppo today.

10-29-2016, 07:34 PM
Russian Syrian Express......

Russian Navy's Tapir Class LST "NIKOLAY FILCHENKOV" (152) nortbound on the İstanbul Strait returns from Syria after 11 days Med. deployment

10-29-2016, 07:38 PM
NOW the MANPADs are coming out...there were rumors of over 122 being shipped in for the rebels to use for air strike determent....

Daraa: Rebels in #Abtaa town, #Daraa Province, with #MANPADS.
video depicting them....will find the link and post it...

FSA #Southern_Front Infantry Division 46 | "Cobra" #MANPADS monitoring warplanes #Abtaa #Daraa:

With focus on Aleppo, reports today of clashes between FSA Southern Front and regime forces around air defense base east of Dael, Deraa

Aleppo: Rebels have captured a torture chamber from #Iraq|i Shia militias in Western #Aleppo.

10-29-2016, 07:48 PM
AND ANOTHER GENERAL bites the dust this week...third.....one regime...one Hezbollah...one IRGC....

Damascus: Rebels have killed #Assad Brigadier General Bashar Maatha in rural #Damascus today.

10-29-2016, 07:50 PM
Turkey's Erdogan says Ankara aims to reinforce troops on Iraq border

10-30-2016, 06:00 AM

Rebels had fought through the night with night ops to hold captured areas and to build a more solid defense and expand in some areas....this came in early this morning...further reports not confirmed indicate they are gone deeper into New Aleppo.....regime forces are having a tough time figuring out how to defend and flee in some areas when running into rebels units...

Rebels have captured several buildings in New Aleppo.

Ongoing street to street shooting at the moment.

10-30-2016, 06:03 AM

Rebels had fought through the night with night ops to hold captured areas and to build a more solid defense and expand in some areas....this came in early this morning...further reports not confirmed indicate they are gone deeper into New Aleppo.....regime forces are having a tough time figuring out how to defend and flee in some areas when running into rebels units...

Rebels have captured several buildings in New Aleppo.

Ongoing street to street shooting at the moment.

From 15 hours ago.....
Menyan is close to being fully captured. Ongoing fighting East of Menyan.

Al-Zahraa district offensive failed. Regime still in control.

10-30-2016, 06:05 AM
Worrying reports that Tal Kurdi, Tal Sawan & factory area in eastern Ghouta have fallen to regime (back by Hezbollah & Iraqi militias)

The area has seen an intense offensive by regime & co, unprecedented shelling, rocket fire & air strikes w/ incendiary munitions

10-30-2016, 06:14 AM
Russian UAV Птеро-G0 / Ptero-G0 crashed in #Latakia #Syria
http://ptero.ru/uasptero/uasptero.html#… via @Aswed_Flags

ProRussian/Assad commenter posted this.....
Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1
#Syria #Aleppo #NorthernAleppo Al Akhbar Media Man Says New Pro #SAA Group Formed & participated in Infantry School Liberation

NOW the reality........of exactly just how close IS works with the Assad regime...

Syria: #ISIS withdrew from Aleppo Infantry School, Kafr Qaris, Tall Susian, Tall Shair and Fafin villages. Regime took control of the area

NOW what is really interesting is that a new unit had to be formed...meaning leftovers of other units that had been pounded by the rebel offensive....

10-30-2016, 06:26 AM
WELL does one think the Obama WH, and the entire western MSM will get this simple fact...THERE are no Syrians fighting for Assad in Aleppo......

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#Aleppo || #Syria
Details of placement of regime's foreign #Shiamilitia forces across Aleppo frontlines:

10-30-2016, 06:31 AM
Near #Aleppo tonight.
The fear of being targeted by Russian air strikes keeps within limits so far ...

10-30-2016, 07:16 AM
Photo of JaF preparations prior to their night operation into New Aleppo...which is now reported to have made it deeper into New Aleppo.......

Focus of DAY THREE of the offensive seems to be New Aleppo, 3000 complex and clearing the last few pockets of regime troops from 1070 buildings...might in fact be another new attack axis opened to keep regime troops off balance...

Rebels still have not identified the Hezbollah unit the 160 were captured from late yesterday...

10-30-2016, 07:20 AM
Jaish al-Fath start preemptive shelling on 3000 housing project west Aleppo

Jaish Fateh have launched an assault on New Aleppo after securing Minyan district, intense clashes ongoing

Jaish al-Fath start preemptive shelling on Assad military academy west Aleppo

10-30-2016, 07:24 AM
Russia sends subs to Syria
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/russia-sends-subs-to-syria-skp5slfjl?shareToken=75fdab5466a80d183632382a655ab 613#

These subs are absolutely useless against the Syrian opposition. These are moved in to deter the west or attack it.

10-30-2016, 08:40 AM
Jaish al-Fath start preemptive shelling on 3000 housing project west Aleppo

Jaish Fateh have launched an assault on New Aleppo after securing Minyan district, intense clashes ongoing

Jaish al-Fath start preemptive shelling on Assad military academy west Aleppo

According to Jaish al-Fateh, pro-#Assad forces are fleeing parts of the 3000 Apartments complex.
Unconfirmed so far.

10-30-2016, 08:47 AM
CrowBat.....you will like this....

Russia: No air strikes on the school in Idlib.
No 22 children deliberately killed, no Russia aircraft seen and heard over Hass..............BUT a large number of online videos showing exactly what the Russians claim did not exist
The whole world is lying, only Russia knows the truth.
Russia Claims Hass School Was Not Hit By Air Strike - Videos Prove It Was
It's long since it became pointless to discuss argumentation from Keystone Cops in Moscow. One can only watch and... well, if it wouldn't be as sad, one could even laugh about this.

10-30-2016, 08:52 AM
From what I understand, those are the areas, rebels plan to take in 3 phases to reach the eastern districts.

If they take New Aleppo...icing on the cake and a key to keep regime forces off balance......PLUS if Russian/Assad bombing picks up...forces them to physically destroy large areas of western Aleppo and it's own civilians....

10-30-2016, 08:55 AM
Zenki rebel group, pushing pro-#Assad forces out of #Minyan yesterday.

10-30-2016, 08:59 AM
CrowBat.....again the question arises after DAY TWO of fighting......

Is it because of the lack of children among rebel forces, the Russian air force does not intervene on Assad's side in the #BattleForAleppo?!

NO RuAF CAS has yet to be reported over Aleppo....
Don't worry: they are back in the skies over Aleppo and bombing.

The reason they 'apparently stopped' was the usual Russian problem in this war: they didn't know what and where to bomb. As explained months ago in articles like Net-Centric Warfare? Wha's that? (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/net-centric-warfare-whas-tom-cooper?trk=mp-author-card), Here’s the Key to Understanding the Russian Air Force’s Actions in Syria (https://warisboring.com/heres-the-key-to-understanding-the-russian-air-force-s-actions-in-syria-68aa3e4f8d0d#.d36dtzh6a) and elsewhere (including this forum), despite all of their explanations about super-turbo real-time intelligence gathering and whatever else, they need 24-36 hours to react to any major shifts on the battlefield.

Lately, they were so busy massacring civilians, that they entirely missed - never even detected - dozens of huge columns of insurgent units moving on Aleppo. And then they massacred those 22 school kids and their teachers in Hass - and came under unexpectedly bitter public pressure (even if no pressure from Western governments). That gave them a pause.

So, when this offensive came, and regardless how much it was announced, it took them by surprise, and it takes them time to assess what's going on.

This all might sound silly to us, 'armchair warriors' with 'sole connection' to this war via the internet. But, one should always keep in mind: there are immense differences between 'public perception' and 'military realities'. And while any serious student/observer is certainly preferring the latter, it doesn't mean these are always right.

Nowadays, one must add a third aspect to this situation: that of 'reality' and 'internet reality'. As surprising as it might sound (especially for people who grew up without the internet, like me), sometimes the latter is also 'more right'.


BTW, here something you're going to like, Outlaw: somebody hacked my website (ACIG.info) the last night, and inserted some spam for pharmaceuticals instead.

I've got an excellent webmaster though, so no damage was caused at all: the intruder neither damaged the data-base, nor the forum. The website was offline over the night: in the morning, the webmaster removed the hack and that's it, everything is fine again.

I knew that my coverage of the SCW on the forum there is not the least 'popular' within specific circles. But, given the forum has got very few visits actually (something like 150 a day), didn't expect anybody would find it worth an attack...

10-30-2016, 09:21 AM
Vehicle bomb detonated in 3000 Apartments Project

IF Assad is now resorting to CWs ie chlorine THEN he is in serious trouble in Aleppo......

Syria Helicopters dropped Chlorine gas on western #Aleppo suburb Khan al-Assal

Syria #Aleppo Heavy rocket impacts inside Al-Assad Military Academy

FSA News @FSAPlatform
#FSA || West #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army forces targeting the Military Academy & Project 3000 with a range of heavy weaponry

Syria Report from west #Aleppo entrance

10-30-2016, 09:28 AM
NOT CONFIRMED...initial reporting could be just the fog of war rumors

On the Ground News @OgnNews
OGN reporting from the front lines: We just heard on the radios that all regime generals have pulled out of Aleppo

10-30-2016, 09:34 AM
NOT CONFIRMED...initial reporting could be just the fog of war rumors

On the Ground News @OgnNews
OGN reporting from the front lines: We just heard on the radios that all regime generals have pulled out of Aleppo

Syria Rebel tanks shelling former Meridien Hotel in #Aleppo city center

Rebels from Jaish Fateh-Fatah Halab launched 2nd phase of #Aleppo Battle this morning storming New Aleppo, Military Academy & 3000 Project.

10-30-2016, 09:52 AM
Good morning greetings from the well trained Aleppo Air Defense Brigade who is fully supporting the rebel offensive giving a 5000% effort 24 X 7:D

10-30-2016, 10:02 AM
JaF moving this morning into the 3000 complex

10-30-2016, 10:19 AM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Damascus soon to host "conference" - attended publicly by variety of sanctioned individuals & privately many from West

pt: Session 1's "Colonel Samer" almost certainly = Col. Samer Baredi, GID officer responsible for war crimes vs. Douma protests in 2011.

pt: Public participants include 4+ internationally-sanctioned people:

- Bouthaina Shaaban
- Ali Haider
- Fares Shehabi
- Humam al-Jazaeri

10-30-2016, 10:25 AM
Aleppo: Rebels have killed dozens of pro-#Assad forces from #Latakia Province since Friday.

Aleppo: Rebels shelling pro-#Assad forces in 3000 Apartments Project with Grad rockets today.

Aleppo: Rebels shelling #Assad Military Academy also with Grad rockets.

The #US-vetted #FSA's "Fastaqim Union" supports the assault on the 3000 Apartments w/ numerous weapons.

10-30-2016, 10:31 AM
A new SCD martyr in Aleppo today, Ibrahim Hussain Mahmoud was killed by an airstrike during response to save civilians in Al-seekari area.

THIS killing was the result of a Russian double tap strike....

10-30-2016, 10:40 AM
CrowBat...appears "panic" is setting in now.....

Aleppo: #Assad regime supporters accusing #Iran and #Iraq|i militias of betraying the #Assad forces: "They just run away".

BUT WAIT.....WHAT Syrian Arab Army forces are they actually talking about????

Aleppo: Some #Assad regime supporters accusing army officers of selling weapons to rebels and handing over headquarters.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad regime media outlets accusing #Russia of treachery.

Syrian rebels evacuate more civilians from the embattled areas in S-W #Aleppo.

The first pro-regime line of defence in the 3000 Apartments was pierced.
Heavy fighting ongoing.
Outcome 100% open.

Faylaq Al-Sham posts pix of BGM-71 / T-55 position west of #Aleppo.

2 VBIEDs struck Assad/IRGC positions in 1070 and 3000 housing projects today. Airforce trying to slow rebels down with chlorine gas attacks.

Rebels fire DIY "Ansar-5" rockets into the al-Assad military base.

Army Of Islam ‏@Islamarmy_eng3
A map showing fronts and areas of fighting where the mujahedeen repelling the attempts of breaking into Eastern Ghouta by Assad's gangs.

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en 15h
15 hours ago
Repelling an assault of sectarian militias on 'Aziza' village axis, killing and injuring many

10-30-2016, 11:45 AM
CrowBat...appears "panic" is setting in now.....

Aleppo: #Assad regime supporters accusing #Iran and #Iraq|i militias of betraying the #Assad forces: "They just run away".

BUT WAIT.....WHAT Syrian Arab Army forces are they actually talking about????

Aleppo: Some #Assad regime supporters accusing army officers of selling weapons to rebels and handing over headquarters.

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad regime media outlets accusing #Russia of treachery.

I'm very cautious about any such reports.

But then... let's compare certain, usually entirely ignored factors:

- on one side: 100% volunteers, hardened by 6 years of war, rotated in and out of the battle as necessary - and recently receiving not only some excellent training, but equipment too;

- on the other side: a mix of criminals and drafted troops, without any kind of fresh training or decent rest, disillusioned about their fate already since years, plus foreign jihadists - with plenty of religious zeal, no doubt, but also just 2-4 weeks of training.

I'll not name the sides in question: just let you gauge for yourself.

10-30-2016, 12:49 PM
Highly mobile Aleppo logistics unit racing resupplies to the Aleppo AD Bde

10-30-2016, 12:54 PM
I'm very cautious about any such reports.

But then... let's compare certain, usually entirely ignored factors:

- on one side: 100% volunteers, hardened by 6 years of war, rotated in and out of the battle as necessary - and recently receiving not only some excellent training, but equipment too;

- on the other side: a mix of criminals and drafted troops, without any kind of fresh training or decent rest, disillusioned about their fate already since years, plus foreign jihadists - with plenty of religious zeal, no doubt, but also just 2-4 weeks of training.

I'll not name the sides in question: just let you gauge for yourself.

CrowBat.....third comment about this......there is now a certain amount of panic setting in.......

Aleppo: Hysteric pro-#Assad forces driving around in Western #Aleppo and telling civilians that everything is under control.

But you cannot tell me that events like this are not getting back to the civilians and regime forces inside western Aleppo.....

Aleppo: Second attempt by #Assad regime to bring reinforcements to #Aleppo failed. Rebels ambushed the convoy & destroyed many vehicles

AND this will just add to creating more panic........
Aleppo: Rebels declared New Aleppo, #Hamadaniyah, Old Aleppo, Saif Al-Dawla, Amiriyah & #Salah_Aldien Districts to military zones.

10-30-2016, 01:00 PM
Daraa: Rebels attacking Air Defense Base southeast of #Ibta. 2 regime tanks destroyed, including 1 T-72.

10-30-2016, 01:03 PM
CrowBat.....third comment about this......there is now a certain amount of panic setting in.......

Aleppo: Hysteric pro-#Assad forces driving around in Western #Aleppo and telling civilians that everything is under control.

But you cannot tell me that events like this are not getting back to the civilians and regime forces inside western Aleppo.....

Aleppo: Second attempt by #Assad regime to bring reinforcements to #Aleppo failed. Rebels ambushed the convoy & destroyed many vehicles

AND this will just add to creating more panic........
Aleppo: Rebels declared New Aleppo, #Hamadaniyah, Old Aleppo, Saif Al-Dawla, Amiriyah & #Salah_Aldien Districts to military zones.

CrowBat...and this done by Assad on his own civilians does not create LESS panic..if confirmed then rebels are through New Aleppo and into Hamadaniyah

Aleppo: #Assad regime bombing #Hamadaniyah District with chlorine gas. Many civilians in regime-held areas injured.

Aleppo Battle: suffocation cases among civilians in Regime-held Hamdaniyah after Assad choppers dropped chlorine gaz on frontline w/ Rebels

Not a good sign the regime is "winning"...?

10-30-2016, 01:09 PM
Assad & Co losses in #Aleppo in last 48 hours according to Ajnad al-Sham: 85 killed, 30+ captured, 4 armoured vehicles, 3 field guns….
My count of POWs is in the 200 plus range.........counts the 160 Hezbollah taken late yesterday....

Reports multiple Assad airstrikes targeted Dael & Ibtaa in rural #Daraa, #Syria

Aleppo Battle: Sultan Murad destroyed with a #TOW a 23 mm gun on Al-Zahraa front.

Aleppo: Rebels ambushed the #Assad convoy between #Khanaser and #Ithriya.
Unknown number of regime vehicles destroyed......but many.....rest turned around and fled.....

Aleppo: #FSA rebels have captured #Al_Hadjar village from #ISIS.

10-30-2016, 01:28 PM
TIP SVBIED blew up the last buildings remaining in Regime hands in 1070 Project (3rd TIP SVBIED in this area in 48 hrs).
This is one unique way to clear enemy held buildings

We have to be at about 15-16 VBIEDS/SVBIEDS used against regime forces at this stage of the phased operation....

Explosive power again in the 5-10 ton ranges....

10-30-2016, 01:37 PM

Aleppo: Turkish reinforcements, including armoured vehicles, on the way to #Hawa_Huyk village, Northern #Aleppo.

10-30-2016, 01:41 PM
CrowBat....is this strange even for you.....?????

Aleppo: No #Russia|n or #Assad warplanes above #Aleppo, "just" regime helicopters dropping chlorine gas.

10-30-2016, 01:54 PM
Very few statements from the front in western #Aleppo, compared to yday ...quiet for over four hours now
Speaks of the crucial stage of the fighting.

THIS based on the fact that regime reporting and dropping of CW chlorine on two districts seems to indicate the rebels have made a major breakthrough...

THIS based also on the total disregard for regime civilians Assad is dropping CWs on them as well indicating a certain level of battle panic...

MAYBE reporting will pick up later in the evening...but if yesterday was any indicator....rebels will fight through the night again....as they have a certain amount of ops tempo and are pushing steadily ahead...

10-30-2016, 02:11 PM
Another image of improvised "armor" on the turret of a #Syria(n) rebels tank in west #Aleppo

10-30-2016, 02:23 PM
Pro Assad regime sites mourning deaths of General Mohsen Jabbour and Yusuf Salloum killed in Aleppo

FOURTH AND FIFTH Generals killed in this offensive..................

BUT WAIT.....the SIXTH....
Senior Assad regime general Osama Zamam killed in Hama

BUT maybe even more.....
Reports from Iranian media that 4 Iranian military leaders from revolutionary guard have been killed in Aleppo

Assad regime Brigadier General Ayad Hayil Avlak killed in Aleppo @SyriaCasualties

Assad regime Colonel Muwafaq Ali Iys killed in Aleppo @SyriaCasualties

Regime fighter calls his friend in Dahiyah Al Assad to check up on him & gets the shock of his life as Rebels answer

Lying regime news "reporter" gets corrected in his live broadcast...."those weren't airstrikes, those were (rebel) car bombs"

10-30-2016, 02:27 PM
Deraa: Syrian Rebels destroy 4 regime tanks in Abtaa
Fighting there has been defensive in nature over the last few days...

A second BMP seized on #Menyan front in W. #Aleppo.

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#Breaking || #Damascus
#FSA forces shoot down a Phantom drone in mountains east of #Zabadabi in rural Damascus

Issam Al Reis ‏@south_front_sy 2h
2 hours ago
Achievements of this operations so far:
#FSA forces have destroyed...
- 3 tanks
- elephant rocket car
- 23mm cannon
- shilka vehicle

Issam Al Reis ‏@south_front_sy
New #FSA #Southern_Front Operation: Repel the Aggressors
Aims to regain Mehjoura Battalion in #Daraa province

FSA || West #Aleppo
Free Syrian Army hitting regime militia positions hard in 3000 Project:

FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
#Aleppo || #Syria
#FSA Commander & Fatah Haleb Operations Room head Major Yousef Abdul Rahim on the ground monitoring military operations

Free Syrian Army hitting regime militia in 3000 Project in Hamdania area with grad missiles

10-30-2016, 02:32 PM
A Hezbollah in his cell video he sent out just as the fighting started........

Hezbollah forces (Assads best fighters) in disarray in Aleppo crying "they're attacking us with tanks"

10-30-2016, 02:37 PM
This morning rebel tanks shelled with direct fire and hit a major hotel in central Aleppo....

Russian officers & soldiers stationed in meridian hotel in Aleppo receiving early wake up call

THERE are incoming reports of Russian military personnel ie officers having been killed in the fighting.......possible in the tank shelling..not confirmed as of yet....

Seems the hotel tank attack was targeting this.....
FSA || #Aleppo
FSA forces hit group of Nujba & Hezbollah leaders meeting with regime officers with tank rounds:

BUT there was also heavy rebel shelling on this installation where also Russian officers are housed inside western Aleppo...
The military academy contains 7 engineering colleges and a housing complex allegedly where Russian army officers deployed to Aleppo stays.

10-30-2016, 02:49 PM
SEVENTH rebel GRAD system spotted in the fighting....using them as indirect and as direct fire weapons systems.....

10-30-2016, 02:52 PM
Very few statements from the front in western #Aleppo, compared to yday ...quiet for now over four hours
Speaks of the crucial stage of the fighting.

THIS based on the fact that regime reporting and dropping of CW chlorine on two districts seems to indicate the rebels have made a major breakthrough...

THIS based also on the total disregard for regime civilians Assad is dropping CWs on them as well indicating a certain level of battle panic...

MAYBE reporting will pick up later in the evening...but if yesterday was any indicator....rebels will fight through the night again....as they have a certain amount of ops tempo and are pushing steadily ahead...

Russian propaganda channels try to create a chemical attack on #Aleppo by rebels
IRAM "vulcan" pictured is strictly used by regime forces

That blue launcher looks somewhat familiar

"Volcano" rocket from launch to landing in ~18sec
probably on Salma #Latakia

10-30-2016, 02:57 PM
NOW From proAssad/Putin commenters.....

Majd Fahd ‏@Syria_Protector Oct 29
President Al-Assad orders colonel Suhail Al-Hassan"The Tiger" to fight back the jihadists in western #Aleppo.
Huge reinforcements on the way

SAA defensive units have defended Jihadists offensive on Al-Assad engineering military Academy in western #Aleppo.

Yusha Yuseef ‏@MIG29_ Oct 29
#Breaking Exclusive #Aleppo , All Tiger forces and desert Hawks Their mission will be in Aleppo city

10-30-2016, 03:03 PM
How experts traced the DNC hack to Russian spies

10-30-2016, 03:07 PM
Rebels withdraw from the 3000 Apartment complex after being unable to stand their ground vs. reinforced regime forces.

Though not confirmed....

10-30-2016, 03:15 PM
Sham Legion firing giant mortar shells at regime forces in #Aleppo, not sure if rebel-made but possible.

Sham Legion @ShamLegion firing a grad rocket on regime positions in #Aleppo

Russia's "bunker busters" did a real number on underground hospitals.
Maybe terrorist groups will be hit next time

Latakia: dozens of regime fighters killed when rebels fired at their gathering in Saraf village

10-30-2016, 03:21 PM
Culture of Strategic Thought behind #Russia|s Modern Approaches to #Warfare

10-30-2016, 03:54 PM
Daraa: Rebels destroying #Assad bulldozer with TOW at #Ibta today.

"Malta will not be party to the obscenities being committed in Aleppo." Spain, also.
Cyprus? Happily refuels Kuznetzov to help
WHY....Cyprus is the wash machine of the Russian government, mafia, and oligarchs.....this year 92B USDs arrived from Russia and Cyprus sent 94B USDs back to Russia...

10-30-2016, 06:01 PM
Faylaq al-Sham official: rebels still hold Aleppo gains

Faylaq al-Sham confirm rebels still control all their gains from the past 2 days west Aleppo, refers to intensive Assad/IRGC bombing

SyAA/Tiger Forces tanks, armour and trucks going to Aleppo (taken yesterday)

Most probably the convoy rebels trying to block from reaching Aleppo on Ithriya-Khanaser road from Hama.

W. #Damascus: Rebels downed this surveillance drone type "DJI S800 Hexacopter" flying over #Zabdani area.

Aleppo: Abo Amara Brigade blew up a Regime-held building in Salah Al-Din district.

N. #Latakia: First Coastal Division wiped out with a #TOW pro-Regime forces in Saraf, Jebal Turkman.

Jaish al-Fath and FSA repelled Assad/IRGC counterattack on Minyan area west Aleppo, ongoing clashes in 3000 and 1070 hosing projects.

BUT WAIT..regime mercenaries claimed they had recaptured Minyan at noon today...

According to regime media, they recaptured appr.
- 90% of Minyan
- 30% of al-Assad
- 40% of the 1070 complex

10-30-2016, 06:11 PM
CrowBat....is this strange even for you.....?????

Aleppo: No #Russia|n or #Assad warplanes above #Aleppo, "just" regime helicopters dropping chlorine gas.
As said above: they were late, but they are bombing. They're just not bombing civilians in Eastern Aleppo (and, apparently, not those in Idlib either).

Alone the insurgent network of ground observers is reporting take-offs of dozens of VKS aircraft from Hmemmem AB, every single day.

That said, for the Russian to bomb the insurgents, they need fix coordinates. Right now, their FACs are not on the frontlines, because these are fluid. So, what shall they bomb...?

10-30-2016, 06:15 PM
Deny the Russian Navy refueling rights, stuff mysteriously starts blowing up.

JUST how Weird is that????


10-30-2016, 06:16 PM
Rebels withdraw from the 3000 Apartment complex after being unable to stand their ground vs. reinforced regime forces.

Though not confirmed....
Assadists brought most of the Tiger Force all the way from northern Hama, and then the Suqour as-Sahra, plus next to all of Hezbollah/Syria (Aleppo is the centre of that movement) - and launched a counterattack on JASH (Jaysh ash-Sham) -held positions inside District 3000.

Seems, the JASH fell back.

Now, hungry for any good news, plenty of Assad-fans on Twitter & Co became hysteric and started launching reports about the TF driving all the way into Manyan etc. Is all BS: for example, FASH (Faylaq ash-Sham) repeats all the time, 'all the gains of the last two days are under our control, nothing was lost'.

10-30-2016, 06:23 PM
As said above: they were late, but they are bombing. They're just not bombing civilians in Eastern Aleppo (and, apparently, not those in Idlib either).

Alone the insurgent network of ground observers is reporting take-offs of dozens of VKS aircraft from Hmemmem AB, every single day.

That said, for the Russian to bomb the insurgents, they need fix coordinates. Right now, their FACs are not on the frontlines, because these are fluid. So, what shall they bomb...?

CrowBat....good point but the reports of say strong air strikes on other locations just are not coming in??

So are they landing with a full bomb load after flying circles in the sky or simply dumping them in the desert to keep the strike count high????

10-30-2016, 06:24 PM
Ibraheim Mahmoud, member of #SCD from Aleppo, died due to gov shelling on Al Sukari in #Aleppo city, Oct 30.

Hama: 4 Assad "Tiger Forces" killed by rebels at #Souran yesterday.

10-30-2016, 06:27 PM
Assadists brought most of the Tiger Force all the way from northern Hama, and then the Suqour as-Sahra, plus next to all of Hezbollah/Syria (Aleppo is the centre of that movement) - and launched a counterattack on JASH (Jaysh ash-Sham) -held positions inside District 3000.

Seems, the JASH fell back.

Now, hungry for any good news, plenty of Assad-fans on Twitter & Co became hysteric and started launching reports about the TF driving all the way into Manyan etc. Is all BS: for example, FASH (Faylaq ash-Sham) repeats all the time, 'all the gains of the last two days are under our control, nothing was lost'.

Aleppo Seems Minyan is still under rebel control even though Hezb/pro-Assad srcs claim it was captured, advance attempt repelled by rebels

Aleppo Battle: Regime reinforcements from #Hama with at least a dozen armours (T-72s, BMPs & Gvozdikas) & 2 BM-21s.
NOT sure how much of this made it through the ambush as they were trying to get to Aleppo??????

Aleppo: Rebels have repelled #Assad regime counter-offensive against #Minyan in Western #Aleppo and killed many pro-#Assad forces.

[I]JFS repels Assadist attack on Minyan W. #Aleppo

Aleppo: Heavy fighting in 3000 Apartments Project is ongoing.

3000 apt - progress is slow. Rebels captured several buildings. However, there is an issue with regime in 1070 NE making things difficult.

The regime forces in 1070 will keep getting reinforced as they provide cover to 3000 from the southern side

Pro-#Assad militias fire from #Aleppo residential areas, civilian traffic and checkpoints, oblivious of possible counter-battery fire

Footage claims to show #Iran #IRGC #Afghan #Fatimiyoun Brig heading off to support #Syria regime defenses in W. #Aleppo

10-30-2016, 06:36 PM
Deraa: Rebels kill ISIS emir

Breaking: Assad head of intelligence branch in Aleppo killed with 6 fighters accompanying him
Sounds like he and his personnel security escort were ambushed....

Jaish al-Nasr firing an AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher & SPG-9 recoilless rifle at loyalist positions near Jabal Akrad, Latakia

10-30-2016, 07:05 PM
It took the US and the Obama WH just how many years to figure this out?????

US: #Syrian regime using #starvation as ‘weapon of #war’

10-30-2016, 07:18 PM
Something so apparent but never thought about by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH.....

"Suleimani built three armies: Hezbollah in Lebanon. Houthi's in Yemen. PMU in Iraq"

Qassem Soleimani has also linked Mosul with Aleppo.

10-30-2016, 07:37 PM
Deny the Russian Navy refueling rights, stuff mysteriously starts blowing up.

JUST how Weird is that????


Maltese and their fireworks: they're celebrating some saint every single day around the year - and there's always a firework, yes: in the middle of the day (i.e. you hear the crack, but see next to nothing), and all over the place.

It's rather a wonder this is not happening more often.

10-30-2016, 07:44 PM
[B]CrowBat....good point but the reports of say strong air strikes on other locations just are not coming in??
I guess that lots of Russian air strikes are hitting Western Ghouta today. The IRGC and Hezbollah are assaulting there since days and the Khan ash-Shieh Pocket was split into three parts.

10-30-2016, 07:49 PM
Something so apparent but never thought about by the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH.....

"Suleimani built three armies: Hezbollah in Lebanon. Houthi's in Yemen. PMU in Iraq"

Qassem Soleimani has also linked Mosul with Aleppo.
Lets not exaggerate: Houthis have absolutely nothing to do with Iran (and even less so with Soleimani). Hezbollah/Lebanon is also not Soleimani's creation.

That aside, since his failure at Tikrit, he lost all the authority in Tehran and is nowadays used for 'promotion purposes' only.

10-31-2016, 04:39 AM
Lets not exaggerate: Houthis have absolutely nothing to do with Iran (and even less so with Soleimani). Hezbollah/Lebanon is also not Soleimani's creation.

That aside, since his failure at Tikrit, he lost all the authority in Tehran and is nowadays used for 'promotion purposes' only.

So basically we can write him out of the history books other than "show and tell" events...?

10-31-2016, 04:45 AM
Idlib : Four ISIS attacked the Sham Legion and Ahrar HQ near #Saraqeb, two were killed, one ran away and one captured....his explosive belt failed.

10-31-2016, 05:23 AM
Aleppo Battle: Tajamu Fastaqem destroyed with a #TOW a #Kornet launcher on rooftop in New Aleppo.

Aleppo Battle (geolocation): 1st #TIP footage in 1070 Project shows where assault begun overrunning Regime barrier.

2 Iranians #IRGC Mohammad Atabeh and Mohammad Keyhani killed in Aleppo,Syria.

Interesting the combination of who is now fighting together with the Assad regime.....
Assad regime troops &#SDF/#YPG,#Hezbollah,#Iran backed militia are coordinating to launch joint operation against #ISIS held town of al-Bab

10-31-2016, 05:24 AM
Aleppo Battle: #JFS announcing pro-Regime counter-attack on #Menyan repelled & all points initially lost are taken back.

Aleppo: Rebels in Eastern #Aleppo have repelled #Assad regime attack at #Al_Aziza and killed & wounded dozens of pro-#Assad forces today.

Assad regime commander Wissam Izzat killed in Aleppo

B]Assad regime commander of militia Bassam Shaqoul killed in Aleppo[/B]

Abbas Yaseen another Hezbollah General killed in Aleppo......EIGHTH GENERAL this last week KIA

Hezbollah General Ali Hamid Sulayman killed in Aleppo today......NINTH GENERAL this last week KIA

10-31-2016, 06:09 AM
WE keep simply forgetting that what we see in Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Syria and the US elections is Russian non linear warfare hard at work....

There should never been forgotten.....as it drives everything Putin says and does......OR better yet WHT he does not say and does not do...

It behooves every reader to go back to the early Ukrainian threads and reread the Russian military doctrine.....non linear warfare and then research the fact that Iran has a similar doctrine.

Foreign Affairs

The email hacks were part of a long-planned Russian attempt to disrupt the U.S. election.

Report by @Isikoff cited intel reports saying Trump adviser met with player in Putin's Ukraine war. Did @FBI confirm meeting?

Most explosively, @Isikoff cited intel reports alleging Trump adviser met w/ *Kremlin official believed in charge of spying on US election*

10-31-2016, 06:29 AM
So basically we can write him out of the history books other than "show and tell" events...?
He was famed into the sky - for nothing at all. Soleimani was always an 'executor' - of orders from Khamenei and his 'advisors', issued via Vahid (Haghanian, official link between Khamenei and IRGC's generals).

I suspect the reason being a gang of 5-6 'Iranian exiles' that arrived in the West during the last 2-3 years. All are coming from well-positioned (and really 'rich') IRGC-families, all are IRGC-supremacists by their orientation and ideology (these are people who insists 'elites' have to rule over 'illiteral masses', 'Arabs are extremist rats' etc.) - and all are meanwhile working as 'journalists'.

What an accident, isn't it...?

10-31-2016, 06:35 AM
BTW, found you the VKS (i.e. Russian bombers): there are plenty of reports about their activity in Aleppo - but all of these are in Arabic. 'Problem': currently, they're not bombing civilians.

Here a series of Twitter reports by Abdul-Mun'im Zaineddin, activist-journalist who visited the frontlines the last two days (my translations with help of Google Translate, and 'by sense'). Like every decent Arab journalist, he's a 'lil bit poetic', and not entirely factual. And, yes, he's Islamist (although I don't know to what sect he belongs or at least leans towards). But, read his messages below: they're quite clear:

- The news about Russia not supporting the regime in Aleppo with air strikes is not correct. (https://twitter.com/DrZaineddin/status/792854676865748993)

- When Russia was talking about not resuming air strikes, that was for the besieged areas only. As for the frontlines in Western Aleppo, the bombing is intense and non-stop. (https://twitter.com/DrZaineddin/status/792855306392961024)

- All kinds of non-stop bombing on our young men, but despite that, God protects them, and they are determined to continue pursuing liberation and breaking the siege, with the determination of steel. (https://twitter.com/DrZaineddin/status/792856320777027584)

10-31-2016, 06:42 AM
A few hangover reports are still drifting in from yesterday BUT right now total reporting silence on the Aleppo fronts.....

7Muajereenwal Ansar fighters,10JFS,5Yarmouk army,2Falujat Houran,2Jend al-Malahem were killed in regime forces ambush in Mahjura Daraa

Other reporting has this as an attempt to take over an Assad abandoned base attack that failed....

10-31-2016, 06:53 AM
He was famed into the sky - for nothing at all. Soleimani was always an 'executor' - of orders from Khamenei and his 'advisors', issued via Vahid (Haghanian, official link between Khamenei and IRGC's generals).

I suspect the reason being a gang of 5-6 'Iranian exiles' that arrived in the West during the last 2-3 years. All are coming from well-positioned (and really 'rich') IRGC-families, all are IRGC-supremacists by their orientation and ideology (these are people who insists 'elites' have to rule over 'illiteral masses', 'Arabs are extremist rats' etc.) - and all are meanwhile working as 'journalists'.

What an accident, isn't it...?

Thanks for the links...."journalists" you mean agents for the Iranian Security Service that is no different to that of SAVAK....

The IRGC made literally billions out of the sanctions and we re not happy they ended..and the bulk of all Iranian industries/banks/oil are IRGC owned and the Shah was bad and corrupt????.......part of the so called Iran Deal was to remove sanctions on IRGC but Congress is about to renew those sanctions of any IRGC owned, partially owned, hidden ownership businesses.....Obama was not able to control that piece as that lay within the spectrum of Congress.....that is why you hear out of the hardliners their dissatisfaction voiced about every other month lately...that the US failed to fully lift the sanctions...

10-31-2016, 06:59 AM
Russian Envoy Cries Foul, Vows To Regain UN Rights Council Seat


10-31-2016, 07:09 AM
FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform

#Breaking || #WarCrimes

Regime helicopters drop barrelbombs of chlorine gas on civilians in Rashideen & Khan Al Asal areas, west #Aleppo

Russian state propaganda video of "36 injured" in rebel gas attack shows 1 (one!) unfortunate bleeding man.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVIcSSTrFrA&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dp VIcSSTrFrA&has_verified=1#…

Iranian state TV reporting on the same incident showed always the same 4 males in the hospital.
Interestingly......the Iranians got the exact drop area correct REPORTED literally hours AFTER the rebels actually reported it.

BUT the Iranians forgot to mention the areas FSA had chlorine dropped on them.....

10-31-2016, 07:13 AM
WE keep simply forgetting that what we see in Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Syria and the US elections is Russian non linear warfare hard at work....

There should never been forgotten.....as it drives everything Putin says and does......OR better yet WHT he does not say and does not do...

It behooves every reader to go back to the early Ukrainian threads and reread the Russian military doctrine.....non linear warfare and then research the fact that Iran has a similar doctrine.

Foreign Affairs

The email hacks were part of a long-planned Russian attempt to disrupt the U.S. election.

Report by @Isikoff cited intel reports saying Trump adviser met with player in Putin's Ukraine war. Did @FBI confirm meeting?

Most explosively, @Isikoff cited intel reports alleging Trump adviser met w/ *Kremlin official believed in charge of spying on US election*

Breaking: In letter, US Senator accuses @FBI of withholding "explosive" info connecting @realDonaldTrump campaign to Kremlin

10-31-2016, 07:35 AM
Really really quiet on the rebel reporting front.....either good tactical OPSEC or covering bad news up.....

Have not seen this level of no reporting in awhile...

10-31-2016, 07:46 AM
Aleppo Battle: #JFS announcing pro-Regime counter-attack on #Menyan repelled & all points initially lost are taken back.

Aleppo: Rebels in Eastern #Aleppo have repelled #Assad regime attack at #Al_Aziza and killed & wounded dozens of pro-#Assad forces today.

Assad regime commander Wissam Izzat killed in Aleppo

B]Assad regime commander of militia Bassam Shaqoul killed in Aleppo[/B]

Abbas Yaseen another Hezbollah General killed in Aleppo......EIGHTH GENERAL this last week KIA

Hezbollah General Ali Hamid Sulayman killed in Aleppo today......NINTH GENERAL this last week KIA

IRGC eulogises Mohamad Atabeh, of the elite #QudsForce, killed during shelling of #Assad Military Academy, W. #Aleppo

10-31-2016, 08:55 AM
This confirms that there is heavy ongoing regime counterattacks and rebels attacks in progress......

Syria JFS seized tank from attacking #Assad forces in Minyan/ west entrance to New #Aleppo

BUT to capture a tank means regime is on their backfeet......

10-31-2016, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the links...."journalists" you mean agents for the Iranian Security Service that is no different to that of SAVAK....From the Iranian Ministry of Information.

The IRGC made literally billions out of the sanctions and we re not happy they ended..and the bulk of all Iranian industries/banks/oil are IRGC owned and the Shah was bad and corrupt????.......part of the so called Iran Deal was to remove sanctions on IRGC but Congress is about to renew those sanctions of any IRGC owned, partially owned, hidden ownership businesses.....Obama was not able to control that piece as that lay within the spectrum of Congress.....that is why you hear out of the hardliners their dissatisfaction voiced about every other month lately...that the US failed to fully lift the sanctions...Not to talk about Boeing - which (just like Airbus) - can't wait to have its huge contract with IranAir signed...

10-31-2016, 09:24 AM
Really really quiet on the rebel reporting front.....either good tactical OPSEC or covering bad news up.....

Have not seen this level of no reporting in awhile...It's quiet - on English-language platforms, and primarily because the regime cut off all the internet in Aleppo Governorate. Arabic- and Farsi-language Twitters are abuzz as always. It takes time to sort out and digest all the info they're providing.

Here one of newest pointers.

Before anybody continues to read this post - please first check the photo I attached below. Take a good look at it.

By side that it's showing three of (entirely useless, as always) Assadist top generals in command of whatever is left of BPM and NDF militias inside Aleppo. But: pay attention at the map hanging from the wall in the background; pay attention at the set of blue arrows on the left side of that map - and mind: blue denotes insurgents/jihadists.

Interpolate that map with any of the maps showing battlefields in Western Aleppo of the last few days.

Yes, that's right: these arrows are going through al-Assad District, District 3000 and all the way to Eastern Aleppo...

Now, the first time I saw this map was 1-2 days before the latest JAF offensive on Aleppo. Didn't pay a lot attention at it at the time. But, this photo is actually very important. It shows that Assadists had precise details of the insurgent offensive long before this was launched (on 28 October).

Feel free to draw your own conclusions now.

Mine is: neither Russians, nor the IRGC, made any kind of use of such excellent intel.



1.) Putin and his generals are a bunch of braggard egomaniacs with illusions of grandeur. Their operation in Syria was never about anything else but their egos (and, given the big fanfare about their aircraft carrier heading there, I find it difficult to believe they've seen the light). They have no command over anybody in Syria, they have no intel, and - except for bombing civilians - they have no idea what to hit there.

2.) IRGC's generals are a gang of outright stupids; IRGC-supremacists too incompetent but to realize that their conviction that religious zeal can overcome any obstacles at war is just a huge fail. Their stupidity serves Khamenei's purpose though, so he's letting them play with billions in money and thousands of lives of people dumb enough to follow. But, on the battlefield, they are entirely useless: it's since longer in this war that any kind of purposeful planning can be expected from them. If they can achieve anything nowadays, then only through deploying ever more troops and firepower to Syria.

3.) Assad's generals are the same bunch of corrupt criminals they always were: they are so incompetent in military-related affairs that the only fitting description coming to my mind is that of characters unable to walk and chew gum.

4.) The only 'military service' of any kind of worth there (on the side of Assadist regime) is their Syrian military intelligence.

But, what's the worth of a service to which nobody listens?

Back to Russians and the story about them 'not flying and bombing any more'. That's pure hogwash.

Yes, they ceased bombing civilians. But the only reason they stopped doing this is because of harmful effects Putler is no longer willing to accept. See: massive backlash for massacres of civilians.

However, as pointed out above (see the series of Twitters from that Syrian journo), they are bombing. Here additional evidence in this regards: a video showing the eastern side of District 1070, as seen from the Artillery School in Southern Aleppo.


Between others, one can see IRGC-operated 2S1 Gvozdika shelling positions of TIP-jihadists (Turkistan Islamic Party) on the eastern side of the District 1970. They do so because the NE corner of that District is still held by IRGC jihadists, and there is a bitter battle going on there since yesterday.

Now, pay attention at the period 3.15 to about 3.30 or even longer in that video: you can clearly hear the sounds of a jet, and see a series of detonations typical for a CBU.

Then ask yourself: what's the only air force in Syria deploying CBUs?

10-31-2016, 10:15 AM
CrowBat......this just came in as a comment via sat cell.....the Assad AF has been dropping CWs...chlorine now on the eastern Aleppo side as "punishment" for the attacks....

Looks like we have a minor CW war ongoing and the West/UNSC says nothing about it.....

Neue Chlorgas-Attacken des Assad-Regimes auf Zivilisten in #Aleppo.
Diesmal(!) in Oppositionsgebiet.

The four chlorine gas attacks happened after Russia declined to give regime forces air support in the most recent Aleppo battle

10-31-2016, 12:25 PM
IRGC eulogises Mohamad Atabeh, of the elite #QudsForce, killed during shelling of #Assad Military Academy, W. #Aleppo

TENTH GENERAL killed in the last week.....

Aleppo: Rebels have killed the #Iran|ian Brigade General Zaker Heydari in #Aleppo.

ANOTHER Commander literally "bites the dust"....
Hama: Rebels have killed Osama Zamam, commander of the “al-#Assad Shield" militia, in Northern #Hama.

10-31-2016, 12:27 PM
This is why Erdogan announced more Turkish troops and armor on the Iraqi border...

Expect the Hashd to set up a permanent base of operations in Telafar, using it as a link to Syria given regime assets in adjacent Hasakah.

ALSO this is deep into Sunni areas and will set themselves up fro constant IS and Sunni insurgent attacks...

10-31-2016, 12:29 PM
CrowBat...what do you think if the CIT analysis of the school strike...????

Moscow claimed airstrike that killed 22 children was a "deception." @CITeam_ru shows was real & done by #Syria gov't

10-31-2016, 12:42 PM
Aleppo: #FSA rebels have captured #Al_Bash village in Northern #Aleppo from #ISIS.

10-31-2016, 12:47 PM
FSA News
#NEW #Infographic 2 || #ShiaMilitia

Complete list of foreign jihadi Shia militia groups fighting for the regime in Syria

ThisistheSAA - mostly foreign Shia jihadis paid for by #Iran. Highly sectarian #foreignfighters, fighting for a regime Syrians have refused to fight for

10-31-2016, 12:49 PM
FSA News
#NEW #Infographic 1 || #Syria

>> Complete list of #militia groups that make up the #Assad regime's forces in Syria

10-31-2016, 12:57 PM
CrowBat......this just came in as a comment via sat cell.....the Assad AF has been dropping CWs...chlorine now on the eastern Aleppo side as "punishment" for the attacks....

Looks like we have a minor CW war ongoing and the West/UNSC says nothing about it.....

Neue Chlorgas-Attacken des Assad-Regimes auf Zivilisten in #Aleppo.
Diesmal(!) in Oppositionsgebiet.

The four chlorine gas attacks happened after Russia declined to give regime forces air support in the most recent Aleppo battle
What a surprise... and then they all claim 'SAA in Aleppo' is 5-10 times stronger (quantitativelly) than the JAF...

Anyway, more evidence for VKS air strikes (arguably, posted by a big IRGC-fan, but nevermind): example 1 (https://twitter.com/IRGC_QF/status/792874949786628096), example 2 (https://twitter.com/IRGC_QF/status/793072015947300864), and example 3 (https://twitter.com/IRGC_QF/status/793073537284210688).

At least that's keeping them away from bombing civilians...

10-31-2016, 01:47 PM
FSA News
#NEW #Infographic 2 || #ShiaMilitia

Complete list of foreign jihadi Shia militia groups fighting for the regime in Syria

ThisistheSAA - mostly foreign Shia jihadis paid for by #Iran. Highly sectarian #foreignfighters, fighting for a regime Syrians have refused to fight for
Sigh... FSyA still has s..t-poor PR... This list is obsolete, large number of sectarian militias are missing, some of IRGC-controlled Iraqi militias are not in Syria any more, and some of 'entries' are double (that aside, everything is in quite some disorder). Just a few examples:

- 'Palestinian Popular Struggle/Front' = is umbrella organization, which is including the Liwa al-Qods (presented separately)

- 'Palestinian Liberation Army' = is umbrella organization, which is including such units like the Quwwat al-Jaleel (also presented separately)

- 'al-Ba'ath Battalions' = is a part of the Ba'ath Party Militia, which has four different brigades (including such like the Ba'ath Commando Brigade, presently fighting in Western Aleppo)

- 'Iranian 65th Brigade/Green Helmets Unit' = was an expeditionary unit consisting of elements from various commando/parachute and special forces outfits of the regular Islamic Republic of Iran Army. It was deployed in Syria in period March-June this year, and is ever since back in Iran (not only that it got mauled in only major operation it launched, but the IRGC doesn't like the regulars to steal its show).

- 'al-Qods Force' = is part of the IRGC (i.e. organization wrongly presented as a separate entry and wrongly termed as 'Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps': correct designation is 'Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps); the IRGC-QF is in turn in control of most of what is left of Assadist military (except Alawites-only militias), plus units like Fatimioun and Zainabioun brigades, plus all of the Hezbollah Lebanon/Iraq/Syria, plus the Arab National Guard, plus the SSNP, BPM, PFLP-GC, PLA and so many of militias of various Iraqi Shi'a jihadists.

- There is absolutely no evidence for presence of Ansar Allah ('Houthis') in Syria.

10-31-2016, 04:42 PM
Bomb tail found in Hass resembles that of ODAB-500PM fuel-air bomb @wasc_algonquin

Hass, #Syria: Vacuum bomb (high impulse thermobaric weapon or fuel–air explosive) was used against kids in school
https://twitter.com/wasc_algonquin/status/793101349982461952 …

10-31-2016, 04:47 PM
BREAKING: Moscow condemns #Aleppo terrorist attacks involving #ChemicalWeapons - @mfa_russia

Aleppo: Rebels claim to have killed 18 Shiite Baqir militia fighters in Minyan

Iran, Nasrallah warned Turkey vs the violation of Iraq's sovereignty,stressing that any anti-terrorism effort in Iraq needs Baghdad approval

Combined with news of Asaib Ahl al-Haq moving towards Tal Afar, possibility of Turkey-PMF conflict is rising all the time

In the evening of 30 OCT, insurgents from inside besieged #Aleppo, specifically around Bustan al-Qasr, were preparing to break siege.

Severe damage to 3 Iraqi-militia held buildings in the 1070 Apartment complex due to SVBIED
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx-0_q0Lsds …

Aleppo: Dead pro-#Assad forces everywhere after rebel SVBIED attack in "1070 Apartments Project".
Aleppo Battle: group of pro-Regime forces hit by a T-55 shell fired by Zinki in #Menyan.

Aleppo Battle: heavy Rebel shelling & direct hits (esp. with Grad rockets) on Military Academy filmed from inside via ANNA.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQE9XAZT3Yg …

Video of battles and heavy shelling on Tal Kurdi front in #Eastern_Ghota

Portion of 1070 complex maybe still held by Iraqi Shia militants after a massive SVBIED attack....

10-31-2016, 05:14 PM
CrowBat...any ideas on this......????

Russian MOD in Syria held no press-briefings since 10/25.

10-31-2016, 05:35 PM
Something to think about today......

Whatever you think of Clinton, strange lack of similar outrage over 22 million deleted private emails of Bush admin

WHAT you say..check the history..YES they went mssing and was a blatant violation of US federal law.....

30,000 VS 22,000,000 and Trump and the Republicans worry again about WHAT exactly.....????

10-31-2016, 05:41 PM

War Spoils found in Minyan Aleppo: So the Sisi government was supporting the Syrian regime with the support it received from Saudi Arabia

Probably from Morsi time.. Morsi did go to Iran then..

Morsi declared Jihaad in Syria. This is why he was deposed initially....??????

10-31-2016, 05:49 PM
Pro Assad sources now claiming that Russian ground forces will be participating with Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias to "free Aleppo"

Aleppo: another group of regime reinforcements (foreign fighters) wiped out at Menyan

FSA News
#Aleppo ||
#FSA target Political Security buildings in Sulimania today resulting in regime material & human losses:

FSA News
#FSA || #Syria

Free Syrian Army forces kill one of the most prominent IRGC Commanders during West #Aleppo battles:
- Brig. Gen. Thakr Hedri

Ahrar Al-Sham inter ‏@ahrar_alsham_en ·
Pounding sectarian militias positions with artillery in '3000 apartments' project

10-31-2016, 06:08 PM
Sums up the last four days in Aleppo offensive......

Nobody expected it would be easy. Dozens of VBIEDs left. It's a hard and bloody battle.

To the hysteric guys who saying that the rebel offensive failed, because rebels didn't break the #Aleppo siege in 3 days: Calm down!

10-31-2016, 06:12 PM
Russia says, it is not participating in the #BattleForAleppo

I say: We've got them LYING again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWa2BaJ5E7w …
Over #Aleppo today.

Heavy air strikes on the rebel-held #Minyan suburb, west of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfho231kvBQ …

Innocent boy smiles as he tells of an #Assad regime air strike on #Irbin just outside #Damascus today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmV1JQKTm9Y …

#Assad air force Su-22, bombing towns in #Daraa province today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDJO76kIFxk …

10-31-2016, 06:25 PM
CrowBat....what do you think....????
This outlet is known as a Erdogan mouthpiece media outlet......
Turkey-Russia sign landmark agreement on Syria

Russia and Turkey clinched a landmark agreement on a new map of Syria against the US-supported PYD terror corridor in northern border of war-torn Syria

High-level government sources told Yeni Şafak daily that a new map will be drawn including the Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Raqqa, Al-Hasakah and Dery ez-Zor provinces of the country.

The essence of the deal will reportedly allow Turkey-backed forces to enter Aleppo and Assad forces will withdraw from the city. The prewar demographic structure would be taken as the base of this project.

Turkey and Russia will not accept the PYD / PKK terror corridor in northern Syria that aimed to include al-Hasakah, Tal Abyad, Ayn al Arab, Jarabulus, Al Rai, Azez, Marea and Afrin under the name of 'federation', 'canton' or 'autonomous region'.

Both countries will fight jointly against the PYD / PKK terrorist group under Turkish military launched operation Euphrates Shield, according to the new deal.

The areas will be handed over to the local elements and local assemblies after being liberated from the terror groups.


Russia has been bombing #Aleppo today intensively, including with thermobaric bombs. Not a sign of giving up the city..

10-31-2016, 06:27 PM
Must have been Russian rubber boats spotted.....

Russia denies sending three submarines to Syria in preparation for major Aleppo assault
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/russia-syria-submarines-admiral-kuznetzov-aircraft-carrier-vladimir-putin-a7387451.html …

10-31-2016, 06:36 PM
WHATs new.....?????

Pro-putin`s media ANNA NEWS accidentally showed humanitarian aid UN(@WFP) which was stolen by Assad's forces.

10-31-2016, 06:46 PM

'Iran's resistance line extends to Aleppo, not Israel'

Muslim judge of Army of Conquest al-Mohaisany tells Yeni Şafak daily in an exclusive interview that Iran is not resisting against Israel but Syria in Aleppo, and calls the war in Syria a demographic war, not civil war.

A Saudi Arabian religious leader, Abdullah al-Mohaisany, a leader whose popularity recently rose by uniting different sub opposition groups under the same roof in Syria after arriving in the war-torn country, became the Muslim judge of the biggest opposition group, the Army of Conquest. Mohaisany is loved by many people, and gained their love and respect for actively fighting against the terrorists despite being wounded in the clashes. A man being sought by both Iran and the Assad regime, Mohaisany spoke candidly to Turkish Yeni Şafak daily newspaper in Idlib.

Abdullah al-Mohaisany has said that the ongoing war in Syria is demographic war, not civil war, saying that Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime is killing civilians with chemical weapons.

“Civilians are starving. They cannot find any food. Can we talk about any war? The only thing happening is the regime is killing civilians," Mohaisany said.

Iran's 'Safavid project'

Mohaisany said that Iran is not resisting against Israel, saying that Iran's resistance line doesn't extend to Israel, but Aleppo.

“Iran's resistance line starts from Iran and extends till Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. They (Iranian troops backing Assad) commit all their crimes in Aleppo," he said.

“The happenings in Syria, all massacre, killings are part of the 'Safavid project' of Iran. Iran is sending troops to many countries; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon and many others. Iran pays a thousand dollars per month to each and every soldier for them to kill the Syrian residents," he said.


10-31-2016, 06:54 PM
Interesting if actually true......

Iraq Asaib Ahl al-Haq spox claims on 10/30 that US impeding PMU ops n Tel Afar by interfering with PMU comms

http://www.sotaliraq.com/latestnews.php?id=357543 …

10-31-2016, 06:55 PM
CrowBat....what do you think....????
This outlet is known as a Erdogan mouthpiece media outlet......
Turkey-Russia sign landmark agreement on Syria

Russia and Turkey clinched a landmark agreement on a new map of Syria against the US-supported PYD terror corridor in northern border of war-torn Syria

Russia has been bombing #Aleppo today intensively, including with thermobaric bombs. Not a sign of giving up the city..
Always keep in mind: Russians have no say in regards of Syria. Tehran has.

And I can't see anybody in Tehran agreeing with such ideas.

10-31-2016, 07:35 PM
UN extends Syria chemical weapons inspection mandate
http://bigstory.ap.org/article/20b3201264e948f49502faaebd17273c/un-extends-syria-chemical-weapons-inspection-mandate …

10-31-2016, 07:43 PM
SO NOW does the US FBI actively work for Putin as well......?????

Weirder it cannot get.......

FBI's Comey opposed naming Russians, citing election timing: Source

Eamon Javers |CNBC.com

FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI's name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former FBI official tells CNBC.

The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.

In the end, the Department of Homeland Security and The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the statement on Oct. 7, saying "The U.S. intelligence community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of emails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations…These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process."

11-01-2016, 05:30 AM
Always keep in mind: Russians have no say in regards of Syria. Tehran has.

And I can't see anybody in Tehran agreeing with such ideas.

CrowBat... a number of buts....?????

1. then why even announce this via the Turks..which I think is actual based on the media outlet that released it....as there has been a subtle rumor that there was in fact a "deal on Aleppo" coming out of the rebels themselves....maybe rumors maybe not

2. not so sure after the higher than normal loses from the Iranian side with the tons of money which should have flowed into their individual corruption pockets now going to pay mercenaries instead of their bank accounts

3. truly believe there is a far deeper sectarian violent divide coming that Russia is detecting and does not want to push further due to their very large Muslim population at home....signaled by Mosul moves by Shia militias heading to Tal Afar and KH moving into Mosul a US named terror group that CENTCOM/Obama have not said a single word about

4. not so sure Russia is in love with Hezbollah and need them to remain quiet around Israel which has now a large Russian population...

5. would place Russia as the sole mediator in this region and pushing overall the US to the side which is their overall main goal...

But overall the timing is unusual to say the least...

11-01-2016, 06:20 AM
Pro-#Assad militia with T-90 tanks and dozens of air strikes target rebels n S-W A#Aleppo.

AND the US says not a single word......AND they definitely have US blood on their hands
Kataib Hizballah, an #Iran proxy militia and U.S.-registered terrorist organization, joins the U.S.-Iraq #MosulOp

11-01-2016, 06:26 AM
This statement coming from a country declared by the UNHRC to be committing atrocities....

Syria's Foreign Minister: videos of death & destruction in E. #Aleppo are "made up... without doubt"

11-01-2016, 06:28 AM
Pro-#Assad militia with T-90 tanks and dozens of air strikes target rebels n S-W A#Aleppo.

WHAT is extremely interesting with this video is that it only proves they are attacking rebels with them on the outside trying to get in....and basically a lot of the shooting scenes with the individual troops are "staged shooting" for the camera....the technicals fire and then are on the move in order to not be hit by return fire...again telling me they are in an attacking mode against evidently a rebel side that is defending well....and still holding what they gained.....will take some time to geo tag the positon of the fighting....

Also interesting is the smoke extraction system on the fired T90 tank rounds exhausting literally next to the turret..... basically giving away the actual tank position.....and clearly providing a line for sight aiming point for ATGMs...even if defiladed one would still see the round exhaust smoke...

11-01-2016, 10:09 AM
Aleppo: UN Gen Assembly should override Russia's UNSC veto to mandate a no-bombing zone. Here's how

11-01-2016, 10:13 AM
The Number of Causality announced by #Hezbollah in Oct 2016 was 33 Soldiers and 2 Officers, Most of there killed in #Aleppo Recent Battle

Was announced first on 29 October with no follow up for the entire month....highly suspect the number was actually double...to potentially triple due to the unusual number of officers killed that were being reported and a hand count of photos at about 40 that were being posted....which does not agree with JUST 33.

11-01-2016, 04:22 PM
2 days after #ISIS gave #YPG & #Assad 9 villages N of #Aleppo, it started a counteroffensive vs. #Turkey/#FSA, taking 5 villages.

Just like in #Ramadi & despite all US promises,the US-designated #terror org. Kata'ib Hezbollah partps in the #MosulOps

Also today, a Su-24 performed multiple air strikes vs. rebels near #Aleppo.
If same as yday= #Russian.

11-01-2016, 05:38 PM
NOT a lot of combat videos being posted BUT a heck of a lot of photos of either killed regime fighters and or captured regime fighters...

Bashar al-Assad met with “half-a-dozen” U.S/UK journalists & analysts yesterday.
@ABarnardNYT clearly unimpressed:

pt: #Assad:

- Rejects all blame for conflict
- Says U.S backs #ISIS
- Says he’ll be President in 2021
- War crimes accusations are fake

BUT WAIT......
UN Human Rights Council, on #Syria:

- 400,000 killed, mostly by #Assad regime
- Regime responsible for "abomination" of crimes (inc. CWs)
Breaking: UN Human Rights council finds in 1st review of Syria since 2011 that 400,000 people killed in war, most at hands of regime.

Assad denies any crimes. See these summaries, esp of regime prisons:
- UN:

11-01-2016, 05:39 PM
UN-mandated “JIM” CW inspectors in #Syria get a 2-week extension.

#Russia wants expansion to multiple countries (to divert/delay on #Syria)

BUT WAIT as part of the US/Russian "red line deal"...Russia swore to the UNSC that Syria was CWs free...apparently not......

11-01-2016, 05:40 PM
Russia has postponed #Syria peace talks “indefinitely”

[Gearing-up for an all-out assault on #Aleppo...]


11-01-2016, 05:43 PM
The @UN cannot deliver food to besieged eastern #Aleppo.

But pro-#Assad @NewsAnna1 film-crews use @WFP food aid for themselves instead.

pt: Here’s the full video, which also features #Syria’s Army using UNHCR tents at checkpoints in #Aleppo:

11-01-2016, 05:45 PM
Iraqi PMU English ‏@pmu_english 4h
4 hours ago

#BREAKING - Any #Turkish invasion of #Ezidi #Sinjar will face the full force of the #Iraqi #PMU to defend our lands from #Turkey
While PMU claims to defend Iraq, they sent 1000s of troops to support #Assad regime in Syria and announced will send more after Mosul battle

After #IS's statelet falls, the Ba'athi-Islamists are among those waiting for revenge, @Mustafa_Habib33 reports.

11-01-2016, 06:00 PM
53 more images from the West Aleppo battle. Finally including some regime photos.

11-01-2016, 06:20 PM
Russian pilots can't even land on the floating shipwreck Admiral #Kuznetsov.
via @steel_ukrop

There is a 13 second 2005 video clip of a Russian Su33 attempting to land on the Kuznetsov and cannot stop and goes over the side and the pilot ejects literally in the path of the Kuznetsov....

I love the google translated headline..
"The Su-33 has fallen from the deck due to the dangling rope"

11-01-2016, 06:23 PM
Aleppo could be 'bombed into smithereens', warns John Kerry

NATURALLY through no fault of the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH......

JUST what the heck rubric......?????

Today's Russian press on nuclear war, US-Russia confrontation in Syria and on fears that someone might try to assassinate Donald Trump

11-01-2016, 06:41 PM
Battle: last positions Regime holding in NE edge of 1070 Project are split into 3 groups of 18 buildings (yellow, blue & red).

11-01-2016, 06:45 PM
Turkish army deploys tanks from #Ankara and #Cankiri to southeastern #Silopi district near #Iraqi border. #EuphratesShield

Geolocation: Video taken from Cadets Barracks in #Assad academy
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=fr&lat=36.180060&lon=37.086947&z=17&m=b&gz=0;370857131;361800513;33152;20177;0;0;34332;175 79#…
It means that Rebels control fully Dahiya Assad..

This is referencing the SAA video I posted here yesterday....

Had posted his death here......
Iran media eulogies #IRGC Gen Zakir Heidari (ret) killed on W. #Aleppo Frontlines. Gen Heidari was VP of Operations 31st #Ashura Div.

11-01-2016, 06:59 PM
FSA Statement: Aleppo operation will continue until #AleppoSiege ends

11-01-2016, 07:05 PM
Smoke machines being used by rebels to confuse aircraft and drones in #Aleppo, #Syria

Seventh graduating class of "knights of Glory" Jaish al Aza @alaza_army training montage. Nice rock music.

FSA || #Hama
Promo of Free Syrian Army military activities in northern rural Hama:

FSA || North #Hama
Free Syrian Army destroys regime heavy military vehicle with Fagot missile in Souran:

Aleppo | Civilians speak about ongoing fights to break the siege.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/pD3C_Fx-aCk#

11-01-2016, 07:09 PM
Putin Backs Away from Budget Cuts for North Caucasus as Region Destabilizes

11-01-2016, 07:20 PM
Among loyalist fighters claimed killed in TIP's attack on the 1070 apartments are members of the pro-regime Baqir militia (group pic)

The Baqir militia was reportedly formed in mid-2014 under IRGC auspices using fighters drawn from the Aleppo countryside

Its fighters have seen fighting on the southern Aleppo front, as well as alongside Liwa al-Quds at Mallah farms this year

Most recently they have been deployed to New Aleppo and al-Hamidyah

11-01-2016, 07:31 PM
UN knows everything about a single tank shell that struck their office on the frontilne but do not know who bombed the aid convoy last month

BUT cannot get aid nor assistance to Syria IDPs......

An IDP camp in Idlib after a rainy night

11-01-2016, 07:34 PM
From a proAssad/Putin commenter.....so fighting has got to be heavy.....

Syria #Aleppo #Desert_Hawks #Desert_Hawk #Desert_Falcons #Desert_Falcon Field Commander Bashar Shakib (Abu Shakib) Martyred Yesterday

11-02-2016, 05:39 AM
This was always pt of Russia moves like bombing hospitals: to demonstrate globally that no atrocity will move US to protect one-time allies.

Humanitarian aid centre in #Aleppo western countryside destroyed by Russian air strikes 01-11-2016. #Syria

11-02-2016, 05:45 AM
Syrian Pres. Assad’s media blitz to rebrand his regime and revise history is chilling:

AND helped along the way by Western MSM journalists that failed totally during his interviews to openly challenge Assad's own statements....WHY is that????

11-02-2016, 05:46 AM
AND there is still no connection between Russian non linear warfare and Trump?????

Top Russian mob boss Vyacheslav "Yaponchik" Ivankov hid from the FBI in Trump properties & had Trump Org phone & fax # s. Anybody care why?

Interesting read......
.@FullFrontalSamB went to Russia to meet the trolls paid to spread lies about US Politics on social media.

1/3 of pro-Trump internet traffic is from bots. Watch @iamsambee report on Russia's Troll Industrial Complex

11-02-2016, 05:51 AM
Putin places bans MS on Russian government computers...

Here's what's going to happen:
1) Putin bans buying Microsoft
2) Russian businesses/government gets stuck on unpatched Office 2007
3) NSA office party

11-02-2016, 06:33 AM
CrowBat..... anything to this strange posting....

A trusted source confirms arrival of Egyptian soldiers to #Syria
They came on board the Russian Air Force plane @syrianmilitary

11-02-2016, 06:35 AM
FSA recaptured all villages lost in the #IS counterattack north Aleppo, back to old lines

Also Syrian local media talks of #Russian air strikes on multiple positions west and S-W of #Aleppo tonight.
Moscow denies it.

A (since 16 days no) #Russian air strike destroyed a KSA aid storage center west of #Aleppo today.

11-02-2016, 09:55 AM
YOU KNOW WHO IS CALLING THE SHOTS! #Putin said #Russia will hold another truce in #Aleppo #Syria (before bombing the hell out of it)

Russia ALWAYS seems to call for a ceasefire when the rebel offensives are gaining strength and ops tempo....

OR he is waiting for their ACC 1700kms away....

It seems #Russia has given fighters in #Aleppo an ultimatum. Nov 4th - 0900-1900: 2 exit corridors provided. Get out. So what happens next?
"to avoid senseless victims".

BUT WAIT what did Russia do when if offered the Ukrainian military a humanitarian corridor out of an encirclement created by the Russian invasion troops.....they slaughtered them....tried to kill all UAF coming through the corridor against ALL Russian statements for safe passage...

11-02-2016, 09:57 AM
Putin places bans MS on Russian government computers...

Here's what's going to happen:
1) Putin bans buying Microsoft
2) Russian businesses/government gets stuck on unpatched Office 2007
3) NSA office party

MS makes this announcement and hours later Putin forbids MS....connection...probably....

Microsoft says Russia-linked hackers exploiting Windows flaw

11-02-2016, 10:00 AM
(Not!) Iraqi Army forces, advancing west of #Mosul...
Don't mix up Al-Hashd Al Sha'abi's new flag with the Iraqi one

They are threatening after Mosul to send their troops to Aleppo....

11-02-2016, 10:08 AM
Largest #ISIS counteroffensive against #EuphratesShield continues.
8 village retaken by ISIS.
Battles inside #Akhtarin right now.

Reports now, #FSA and Turkish troops regain #Akhtarin after several hours under #ISIS control overnight.

Reports, #ISIS executed civilians, remaining in #Akhtarin

Akhtarin now.
Rebels regained it an hour ago.

"action for retaking other villages is continuous" - also indirect confirmation, many other areas are still under ISIS control this morning.

IS took 6+ villages and Akhtarin last night, designed to slow EUPHRATES SHIELD's march to al-Bab even further.

11-02-2016, 10:13 AM
AND there is still no connection between Russian non linear warfare and Trump?????

Top Russian mob boss Vyacheslav "Yaponchik" Ivankov hid from the FBI in Trump properties & had Trump Org phone & fax # s. Anybody care why?

Interesting read......
.@FullFrontalSamB went to Russia to meet the trolls paid to spread lies about US Politics on social media.

1/3 of pro-Trump internet traffic is from bots. Watch @iamsambee report on Russia's Troll Industrial Complex

Russian businessman boasted of securing "hundreds of millions of dollars" of Russian money for Trump

11-02-2016, 10:17 AM
Verified account
The terrorists, who were included in Interior Ministry's top wanted list for PKK ties, died fighting in YPG ranks

Two so called YPG fighters in this photo were identified as being Turkish wanted PKK members...

Believe CENTCOM, DoD and the Obama WH has a problem on their hands..telling friend from foe......

11-02-2016, 10:20 AM
Nothing like having to change their own propaganda driven image of themselves in the world.......

Russia spending $30-50 mm on PR firms to improve image in the West

Topless Putin commercial during Superbowl?


11-02-2016, 10:33 AM
Aleppo internet is still down and the rebel OPSCE is still holding but on occasion something on the English side gets out indicating still heavy fighting ongoing and rebels not giving up what was captured....

Aleppo Battle: Rebels shelled the #Safira Defense Factories with a barrage of 39 Grad rockets. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.056455&lon=37.333088&z=13&m#…

Aleppo Battle: Rebels foiled a new attempt by pro-Regime forces to advance on #Menyan front. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.188321&lon=37.085552&z=14&m#…

11-02-2016, 02:00 PM
CrowBat..... anything to this strange posting....

A trusted source confirms arrival of Egyptian soldiers to #Syria
They came on board the Russian Air Force plane @syrianmilitary
Sorry, although having contacts that could help find out, I'm so busy with various other 'requests for information, articles' etc., I simply lack the time to find out.

As an example of just one of such requests, and something I'm doing quasi in my 'off time', here a link to a place where I'm trying to help establish the current ORBAT of what is left of the 'SAA' - which of course turns into an ORBAT of all the Assadist-, or at least 'militias fighting on Assad's side' in Syria nowadays: Overview of Assadist Militias (https://www.reddit.com/r/SyrianRebels/comments/5aivut/overview_of_assadist_militias/).

It would be much easier if I would get paid at least 50% of all of related things I'm doing, but that's currently simply not the case...

11-02-2016, 05:17 PM
Shadow Brokers hacking techniques look alot like Russia Vs NSA. Translation, they are a state actor - Russian IS

11-02-2016, 05:36 PM
Aleppo Battle: #JFS targeting Regime reinforcements heading towards Aleppo on Ithriya-Khanasser road.

FastaqemUnion ‏@fko_union
Retaking villages of Masoudia,Tanouza,Thlathina,Bra'an south of Akhtarin town from #ISIS grip.

Syria Facts of kurdish politics (#SDF/#YPG) against Sunni arab population in northern #Aleppo towns & villages

11-02-2016, 05:56 PM
Saraqib today.
#AssadPutin hit #flats, #shops and an #ambulance with their parachute bombs.
This is called #terrorism.
The terror attack from (much) closer.
#Saraqib #Idlib #Syria

Regime/Russia air strikes on residential areas of Saraqib, rural Idlib, have killed at least 8 people & injured more than 50.

Airborne terror attacks on #Saraqib today.
Parachute bombs used.

Also in rural #Damascus (left) and rural #Homs (right), #AssadPutin jets and helicopters kept bombing civilians.

Heavy (since 16 days no!) #Russian air strikes on rebels in #Minyan &along the western #Aleppo front today.

Douma today.
Same procedure as everyday as the world IGNORES the #AssadPutin offensive east of #Damascus.

Helicopters attack #KhanAlShih town using 24 barrel bombs In addition to heavy artillery shelling's.

Towns in #Hama province were hit by more than 30 #AssadPutin air strikes today.

11-02-2016, 06:12 PM
Ben Rhodes talked to David Remnick NPR on why Obama hasn't done more on Syria. Painful to listen to:


NPR: How would you advise new POTUS to solve #Syria?

Rhodes: Well, I’d suggest continuing the counter-#ISIS campaign.

[Yep, that’ll work.]

THIS interview is simply a tap dance...tap dance.....tap dance....tap dance.....tap dance....

11-02-2016, 06:16 PM
EuphratesShield forces reinforced by the newly formed Turkmen #FSA Alpaslan Special Forces. Pic h/t @ruffthecrimedog.

Aleppo: New #FSA brigade named "Alpaslan Special Forces" with Grey wolf signed flag has joined #EuphratesShield operation.

11-02-2016, 06:19 PM
5 Afghans of #IRGC's Fatemiun brigade& 1 Pakistani of Zeinabiun brigade killed in Aleppo, Syria, buried today in Qom, Iran.

S. #Damascus: rare insight of a Syrian Navy Ka-27 dropping bombs on Khan As-Sheih pocket. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.358922&lon=36.105194&z=12&m#…

Aleppo Battle: Jaish Al-Mujahideen shelled #Safira Defense Factories with a barrage of Grad rockets. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.058814&lon=37.336349&z=13&m#…

SW #Aleppo: fierce clashes in 1070 Project as pro-Regime forces try to take back lost positions amidst increasing number of #RuAF airstrikes
Hama: Rebels have blown up a group of #Assad regime officers with TOW in #Souran, Northern #Hama, today.

Turkey M60 tanks on the way to #Silopi near the border with #Iraq.

11-02-2016, 06:27 PM
Aleppo: No news about the rebel offensive to break the #Aleppo siege so far.

TELLING development about the fighting that is intense and heavy despite Russian air strikes....

Aleppo: 6 regime soldiers from New Aleppo District defected to rebels today.
TELLING as well is the continued killing of Assad/Iranian/Hezbollah Generals...
Aleppo: Rebels have killed #Assad Brigadier General Suhail Mustafa, commander of Infantry School, in #Aleppo.

Aleppo: All regime attacks on #Minyan and al-#Assad Suburb were repelled by rebels today. Many pro-#Assad forces were killed.

Aleppo: Rebels have killed 7 #Assad snipers inside #Assad Military Academy today.

Aleppo: Captured #Iraq|i Shia fighter crying: "Stay in #Iraq, don't come to #Syria!"

Aleppo: Captured #Assad regime fighters: "#Hezbollah militias fled and left us alone."

11-02-2016, 06:30 PM
Several options exist for pressuring #Assad & #Russia *before* #Obama leaves office.
Act now, says @SHeydemann:


With #Obama on his way out, pressure is mounting in U.S. to increase pressure on #Assad in #Syria.
by @columlynch:

"What happens in #Syria does not stay in Syria": the "WW3" hysterics should answer for the precedent they're setting

11-02-2016, 06:32 PM
Those who use the “WW3” ploy - are they not answerable for nothing in terms of risk?Excellent by @FredericHof:


Really powerful paragraph from @FredericHof, revealing the sheer vapidity of U.S. admin's rhetoric on #Syria. Must read:
The sheer volume and eloquence of talk about the inadmissibility of mass murder, the requirement for accountability and justice, and the connection between children dead and ISIS alive may impress those whose lips are moving. But verbosity has had no operational companion. Washington proclaims the abomination that is Syria and then stands to the side as Assad and his enablers do their worst to Syrians, to Syria's neighbors, to Western interests, and to the conscience of humanity. As Russia, the regime, and Iran create military facts by terrorizing children and their parents, the leaders of a hollowed-out West intone piously about there being no military solution for Syria: a non-expiring permission slip for doing nothing while people die.

11-02-2016, 06:34 PM
FSA’s Jaish al-Mujahideen fired 39 Czech-made Grad rockets at #Aleppo's Defense Factories - *#Syria's* main barrel bomb manufacturer - today

11-02-2016, 06:48 PM
Yet another sign of collapse in transatlantic consensus: US, Europe at odds over IRGC airline

Airline backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guard expands routes into Europe, Asia despite US terror-related sanctions.

Mahan Airlines has been at the forefront of flying Shia militias into Damascus....

11-02-2016, 06:51 PM
US does nothing to counter Russian information warfare which this is so can they even really get angry for "doing nothing stupid".....

The State Department is fuming over Russia's 'ludicrous,' 'insulting' comments about Mosul

Russian thumbing their nose at Kerry and Obama BECAUSE they are on the verge of leaving anyway ....