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12-07-2016, 10:56 AM
Binnish city this morning.
#AssadPutin kills the population.
It's actually quite easy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJxiWdBZQ5c …

Brutal #AssadPutin air strikes on Da'el in southern #Syria's #Daraa province.
"Liberation" coming soon, I guess.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImGesPFoudk …

Idlib city this morning.
#AssadPutin prepare the "liberation", just as they did in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY4jkhlfc_E …

12-07-2016, 11:20 AM
Russian Spetsnaz COL killed in Aleppo....

NOTICE the Russian...eastern Ukraine and Syria connection...non linear warfare hard at work.....

Russian colonel earlier involved in Donbas occupation killed in Aleppo shelling
http://www.unian.info/world/1665421-russian-colonel-earlier-involved-in-donbas-occupation-killed-in-aleppo-shelling.html …

12-07-2016, 11:22 AM
First footage from #MaaratAlNuman where intense air strikes hit civilian homes shortly ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBrCdlHSQSM …

12-07-2016, 11:24 AM
Dmitry Peskov was asked if #Russia would allow negotiations with rebels to surrender eastern #Aleppo or evacuate civilians.

Kremlin says exit deal for Aleppo rebels still on agenda

12-07-2016, 03:16 PM
EU Mythbusters
✔ @EUvsDisinfo Did you know that this week we published the 50th issue of #DisinfoReview? See the archive of previous issues:

On the new Daily Vertical - Russia is bracing for some cyber payback -

12-07-2016, 03:30 PM
Aleppo: Rebels with a captured #Iran|ian officer in Eastern #Aleppo today.

Like one Russian said: thus far combat value of Adm. #Kuznetsov hasn't been zero, but negative. Nice video, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3b-XR1V6f0 …

Aleppo: Rebels destroying #Assad regime ammunition transporter with TOW in Western #Aleppo today.

12-07-2016, 03:37 PM
NOTICE the Russian...eastern Ukraine and Syria connection...non linear warfare hard at work.....

Russian colonel earlier involved in Donbas occupation killed in Aleppo shelling
http://www.unian.info/world/1665421-russian-colonel-earlier-involved-in-donbas-occupation-killed-in-aleppo-shelling.html …

Russian confirms death of the 5th _TANK_ brigade commander in Syria..
He had been as well a Russian tank brigade commander in eastern Ukraine in 2014/2015....

12-07-2016, 03:49 PM
Azor...an example of what many US writers and MSM are shying away from

The Tahrir Institute
✔ @TimepDC In @thedailybeast, @michaeldweiss & TIMEP's @hxhassan preview how the Trump admin can defeat #ISIS & salvage #Syria


12-07-2016, 03:56 PM
How a seven-year-old Aleppo girl on Twitter became our era’s Anne Frank

Confirmed that her twitter account has been deleted and her last tweet indicated they might have been on the verge of being captured/arrested/killed by advancing Shia militias not the Syrian Arab Army...as the SAA no longer exists...


12-07-2016, 04:04 PM
Dmitry Peskov was asked if #Russia would allow negotiations with rebels to surrender eastern #Aleppo or evacuate civilians.

Kremlin says exit deal for Aleppo rebels still on agenda

To be very clear
Russia not only rejects the opposition request for a 5-day truce for #Aleppo
It also rejects,evacuating 500 heavily injured

TASS Verified account 
Moscow hopes those to blame for strike on #Aleppo hospital will be punished

No no, not THOSE Aleppo hospitals

SEEMS Russians forget that they have destroyed over 45 hospitals and clinics and other medical facilities....YET they demand no one be punished for that!!!!

NOTICE the Iranian position also in Iraq...no different from Aleppo.....

Mosul: "#Iran didn't agree with a humanitarian corridor & camps west of #Mosul & wanted the whole region west of #Mosul to be a kill box."

AND we are not suppose to be seeing a true "sectarian war against Sunni's"?

12-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

A must read report by my @MiddleEastInst colleague @antissa:

“#Syria’s New Media Landscape"
http://www.mei.edu/content/syria-s-new-media-landscape …

12-07-2016, 04:13 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

The debate over the relations (or lack of) between #Assad & #ISIS is too often skewed by exaggeration on both sides; proponents & opponents.

Of course #Assad didn’t “create” #ISIS.

What is worthy of investigation is whether #Assad acted in ways that allowed jihadis to grow.

There *is* a huge amount of solid evidence documenting #Assad’s role in empowering AQI/ISI in #Iraq between 2003-2010. No question.

There *is* a lot of evidence of #Assad regime-linked officials interacting with #ISIS, especially in gas industry & arms black market.

But for 2011-present, most accusations are [inevitably] affected by political motivations. Things too raw to draw conclusive findings.

WHAT is missing from Lister's comments is the evidence that Assad forces...together with YPG have never attacked IS positions and or IS would give up positions and inform Assad forces they were pulling out......

COUPLED with the distinct lack of air strikes by both Assad and Putin on IS positions....

12-07-2016, 04:18 PM
Israel: "#Iran & #Assad are trying to send weapons of mass destruction to #Hezbollah in #Lebanon."

12-07-2016, 04:31 PM
NE #Latakia: Rebels thwarted an attack by pro-Regime forces on #Kabana front.

W. #Aleppo: Safwah Battalions took out with a #TOW an ammo truck in New Aleppo district.

Aleppo: heavy clashes on Sheikh Said front as pro-Regime try to advance while Rebels evacuated salient in Old City (N. of Citadel).

12-07-2016, 04:34 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

Extraordinary hearing some suggest that #Aleppo reveals that #Syria’s war is ending. Dangerously naive - it’s entering a new, brutal phase.


@MSF_Syria has ended its operations in Zaatari, #Jordan due to full closure of #Syria border.

And @sams_usa ended all ops in #Aleppo.

12-07-2016, 04:37 PM
NW #Aleppo: Jaish Al-Islam targeted Regime fortifications on Al-Zahraa front with Elephant rockets.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.226966&lon=37.094178&z=15&m …

"Anger for #Aleppo" (Day 4): Jaish Al-Islam shelled Regime artillery positions on Tell Sheikh Yussuf with Grad & 107 mm rockets.

E. #Damascus: Jaish Al-Islam pounding Regime fortifications on several fronts of E. #Ghouta.

VIDEO: Russian/Syrian incendiary airstrike on Hreitan, near #Aleppo last night -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voX6x5VSWD4 …

First insight of a #RuAF Ka-52 allegedly over S. #Aleppo since the arrival of #Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier in #Syria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8q78R0bk-Y

"Anger for #Aleppo": Sham Front shelled #Nayrab Airbase with a fully loaded BM-21 Grad.

12-07-2016, 04:40 PM
SYRIA: Multiple reports coming in of an airstrike against Turkish backed Euphrates Shield forces near Akhtarin by unknown aircraft

12-07-2016, 04:53 PM
FSA Map || #Aleppo Province

Reality check>

Percentage control in Aleppo province:
13.24% Regime
26.09% Opposition
35.90% Kurdish
24.77% Daesh

12-07-2016, 05:09 PM
Aleppo: Rebels blowing up #Iran|ian command center with TOW in Western #Aleppo today.

Iranian Basij Official Says 50 Student Volunteers Killed Fighting In Syria
http://www.payvand.com/news/16/dec/1041.html …

12-07-2016, 05:37 PM
Binnish, like Kafranbel & other places bombed this week by Russia, are symbols of the anti-Assad movement, among the first towns to protest

12-08-2016, 03:18 AM
Azor....something to think about as this topic has largely gone totally unnoticed by most US writers and MSM when they mention the words Syria... IS....Iran and Assad in the same sentence...

If you take the time to read most of what Lister...Weiss....Orton and Hassan Hassan have written about the connections of Assad to the development and support to first QJBR/AQI and then IS and still continued support via the Kurdish YPG/PKK as well as the Iranian support to IS.....we might have had a far different Syrain discussion coming out of the Obama WH......

I'm not trying to dismiss your sources. In fact, you have provided outstanding coverage of the Ukrainian and Syrian wars, even if at the risk of error because by the time the item is confirmed, it is no longer up-to-date.

I am a steadfast supporter of the Free Syrian Army and White Helmets, as well as of the UAF and paramilitaries in their struggle against Russia.

However, there are reasonable concerns that in Syria, the moderate pro-democrats will be crushed between dynastic and Islamist authoritarian factions (as in Egypt). I say dynastic, because Syrian Ba'athism serves the Assad family just as Iraqi Ba'athism served the Husseins. Their use and misuse of religious and tribal affinities in order to retain and propagate power is no different than the royal dynasties of the Gulf Arab states.

Similarly, in Ukraine, there are paramilitaries with obvious Fascist/National Socialist taints (not unlike Russia's "volunteers"), even if the majority are simply brave patriots, and corruption remains as much a problem under the pro-Western government as it did under the pro-Russian one.

On Disqus, I will take on any person claiming that Assad represents stability and/or that the opposition is comprised of foreign terrorists (what of the IRGC and Hezbollah). But I also want to make sure that Muslim supremacists are not being lionized simply because they are fighting Assad. Question everything, right?

What are your thoughts on the reliability of Al-Monitor (D.C.), The Daily Star (Lebanon) and the Peninsular Qatar (Doha)?

12-08-2016, 08:39 AM
I'm not trying to dismiss your sources. In fact, you have provided outstanding coverage of the Ukrainian and Syrian wars, even if at the risk of error because by the time the item is confirmed, it is no longer up-to-date.

I am a steadfast supporter of the Free Syrian Army and White Helmets, as well as of the UAF and paramilitaries in their struggle against Russia.

However, there are reasonable concerns that in Syria, the moderate pro-democrats will be crushed between dynastic and Islamist authoritarian factions (as in Egypt). I say dynastic, because Syrian Ba'athism serves the Assad family just as Iraqi Ba'athism served the Husseins. Their use and misuse of religious and tribal affinities in order to retain and propagate power is no different than the royal dynasties of the Gulf Arab states.

Similarly, in Ukraine, there are paramilitaries with obvious Fascist/National Socialist taints (not unlike Russia's "volunteers"), even if the majority are simply brave patriots, and corruption remains as much a problem under the pro-Western government as it did under the pro-Russian one.

On Disqus, I will take on any person claiming that Assad represents stability and/or that the opposition is comprised of foreign terrorists (what of the IRGC and Hezbollah). But I also want to make sure that Muslim supremacists are not being lionized simply because they are fighting Assad. Question everything, right?

What are your thoughts on the reliability of Al-Monitor (D.C.), The Daily Star (Lebanon) and the Peninsular Qatar (Doha)?

Azor....a small secret on how I work and or analyze something....as a grey beard strategic debriefer and interrogator working in three languages when the terms never even existed in the Berlin Cold War days I became hooked so to speak on open source intelligence....as I had learned when talking to a normal joe six pack or a nuclear scientist or a student....the human mind and eyes sees things sometimes far better that all the satellites and NSA's in the world...and it is their own personal perceptions and biases that one has to learn how to filter out of the chatter...

AND especially learning one's own biases that helps a lot......I also learned that all the satellites and NSAs in the world cannot look through and or behind a locked door...that takes a human to unlock and enter.....

I read an article and mentally compare it to my intel experience..experience in guerrilla warfare not the theory side..what I have learned in numerous debates in a German university environment ....seen in videos and photos...then I accept or reject the article..........regardless of who writes it...and yes even some very conservative writers are worth listening to....

BUT if I notice the article comes nowhere close to my above filters especially on Iraq..Syria....Ukraine...and Islam I am turned off....and move on...

I was lucky in the mid 70s to have had a US card carrying Communist Party Boston University Professor who had a lot of active duty Army officers in his class....who bluntly stated during the first class...do not write what you think I want to hear and see because of my political leanings....write your own ideas and learn to defend then and I will grade you on your ability to defend your thinking.....was one of the best ever courses I have ever had and on par with anything the German FU was offering.....

He constantly tangled with the Army officers but they accepted his arguments and he theirs and they came out with solid grades much to their surprise....

I read what Weiss...Lister...Hassan...Orton and especially CrowBat write simply because they reflect the current ground reality backed by videos....FSA statements...photos which I feel gives a far better overview of what the heck is ongoing.... example CrowBat has probably one of the best order of battle breakout on the Syrian ground players that rivals anything the CIA has going right now....

What is never talked about inside DC and the Obama WH and coming Trump WH...Syria is simply a open rebellion by 73% of the civil society demanding rule of law....fair economic development....and good governance...and it started peacefully and that should be respected....

What bothers me a lot more is the lack of the understanding in many US MSM articles and writers on just how Crimea...eastern Ukraine..Syria is part and parcel of a very aggression Russian non linear war using an intensive form of information warfare coupled with an elegant use of cyber warfare...

Hate to say it...but it is a war...just with other means and it has three strategic geopolitical goals that have never changed..since actually 2006.

1. damage and discredit NATO
2. damage and discredit EU
3. disconnect the US completely from EU/NATO/ME

All designed to drive a new Russian formulated Yalta 2.0 allowing their political/military influence to expand from Portugal to the Russian Far East...

It really is that simple but many attempt to develop a complicated explanation when one is not necessary...

My concern has been that Obama was actually helping Putin in reaching these goals and that a Trump WH will cement them...as he backs the US away from NATO and the ME....

EXAMPLE....notice this did not gain any traction in the US MSM but it did on social media....this is dangerous especially when before the election everyone on Trump's campaign and Trump himself denied Russian "connections".....

Russian wants in exchange for "being friendly with Trump"....the US sanctions dropped...

AM News: Trump Advisor Arrives in Moscow; Plans to 'Meet With Influential Business People and Thought Leaders' http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-update-december-8-2016/#15694 …
BTW...Carter Page was supposedly dropped as was Manafort from the Trump campaign for being to close to Russia and for is supposedly illegally working as a "paid foreign agent" that the BI was supposedly investigating but we have heard nothing about that..COUPLED with his Moscow visit just before the election supposedly talking to high Russian officials about the future Trump Russian FP.... .

EXAMPLE...with Crimea and eastern Ukraine invasions by Putin we have learned that a number of Republican Congressmen seem to have been receiving large campaign donations from proRussian lobbyist firms in the US...and suddenly they spout the latest and greatest Russian Today political statements...which sometimes first come via Sputnik International.......

Rohrbacher in a number of proRussian statements on Crimea and eastern Ukraine openly stated that the current Ukrainian government was led by a bunch of Nazi's.....he somehow thinks social media "forgot his statements from two years ago"....

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher compares Putin to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in contentious exchange

A total lack of knowledge on the part of Rohrbacher as there is no comparison between Gorbachev and Putin with some Russian ultra nationalists actually claiming now that Gorbachev is a traitor for allowing the SU to collapse....

12-08-2016, 08:48 AM
Russian aircraft carrier just less than 1km from Tartus coast...is she in serious danger of sinking OR maybe a new Russian military use of a smokescreen?????

A story goes around the pilots there's a mysterious carrier that lures the planes to the bottom of the sea.
https://twitter.com/2431956/status/806354061612163077 …

Su-33 from Adm. #Kuznetsov that crashed 3 Dec was Red 67 (RF-06305). Gefest upgraded.

12-08-2016, 09:04 AM
China Pushes Back on Michael Flynn’s ‘Radical Islamist’ Remarks

Reference the Russian propaganda attempt to lionize their killed COL...Tank Brigade Commander....

Dear @EmbassyofRussia,
1. the photo wasn't taken "these days" but in 2015
2. it wasn't taken in #Aleppo but near #Damascus.
3. Nice try.

12-08-2016, 09:35 AM
Izvestya is reporting that infamous chechen units "Vostok" and "Zapad" are protecting Russia's air base in #Syria

Individual from Vostok fought in eastern Ukraine in 2014....

Video allegedly showing the Chechens from the "Vostok" and "Zapad" batallions leaving for Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrysuF4npio …

Izvestiya sources: Chechens going to Syria are Kadyrov's "Zapad" and "Vostok" batlns who fought in Georgia in 2008 http://izvestia.ru/news/650206

12-08-2016, 09:36 AM
Following win for Trump & Russian allies in Europe, Russia increases funding for propaganda channel @RT_com by $19bn
https://meduza.io/news/2016/12/08/rt-uvelichat-byudzhet-na-1-22-milliarda-rubley-bolshe-chem-vsem-kanalam-vmeste-vzyatym …

THE West and the US have basically lost the information war as they cannot even begin to match the Russian expenditures....

Hello, Paris:
#Russia's @RT_com foreign language propaganda channel receive more than $15 million to air shows in French:

12-08-2016, 09:47 AM
Anybody w/ pics of latest model UAZ Patriot SUV/pickup truck (УАЗ-3163, 2360) in actual RU mil service? This one from Latakia Feb16.

12-08-2016, 09:53 AM
Russia running "so called UN peacekeeping ops" in white copters .....

BUT WAIT.....the Russian peacekeeping brigades 14th and 15th all have white vehicles....BUT over the Gulf of Finland??????

Pribylovo attack helis in UN white over Gulf of Finland during next couple weeks?
https://twitter.com/RUSexercises/status/806775095880388608 …

Russian MoD will conduct drills /w combat helis escorting humanitarian aid convos. The helis will be painted in UN peacekeeping white.

12-08-2016, 09:57 AM
bellingcat @bellingcat
How Relevant to Syria is Syria’s Regime? via @bellingcat
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/12/08/relevant-syria-syrias-regime/ …

12-08-2016, 10:07 AM
Nice film of Su-30SM. One copy should be projected at open air Baltic Theater (Kaliningrad) later today. #Су30СМ


12-08-2016, 10:12 AM
British foreign minister says Saudi and Iran stoking proxy wars in Middle East

Let's test the UK FM thesis.....nope have not seen large numbers of KSA backed Shia militias running amuck in the ME lately.......AND/OR KSA chanting the refrain "revolutionary Islam" and "death to the Great Satan"....

Another bad UK FM comment to say the least.......noticed he simply and conveniently forgot Russia.....

12-08-2016, 10:23 AM
Eliot Higgins
✔ @EliotHiggins The Russian Embassy UK now using Twitter to libel academics
https://twitter.com/ShirazMaher/status/806801395449925632 …

Russian embassy UK is one of the most aggressive Russian info warfare centers of excellence.....has a massive record for spreading fake news and outright lies.....in the form of tweets....

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher you precisely support terrorists from al-Nusra&affiliates, & just refused 2 condemn them killing ���� doctors who treated Syrians

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher cruelty of Al-Nusra and their "moderate" friends is well known. Use civilians as human shield, shoot those who flee to safety

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy and Russian aggression?

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher I assume @Amb_Yakovenko will be calling for a full investigation.

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy more libel. You really want to go down this road? I'll invite you to retract these smears and won't be engaging further.

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher smear is calling "war criminals" a legitimate force fighting extremists (who are a threat to UK as well)

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy actually, I don't. I've called out the terrorists loads. But also happy to call out the repeated, daily war crimes of Russia

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher why not condemn war crime by "moderates" killing Russian nurses? Russia brings Syrians peace and food, you side with terrorists

NOTICE the Russian Embassy UK say nothing about their own air strikes against 45 Syrian hospitals and medical facilities....and medical supply warehouses....

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy committing war crimes on a daily basis: bombing hospitals, schools, & besieged civilians. You're proud cos you have no shame

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher Russian Air Force is in Syria by invitation of its Government, proudly defending Syrian people from extremists

12-08-2016, 12:19 PM
Here an official statement about establishment of Jaysh at-Thuwar (https://twitter.com/ArmyYarmouk/status/806363156780056576), in southern Syria.

As far as I can make it out, it is to include:
- Jaysh al-Yarmouk (TOW-equipped),
- Liwa Muhajireen wa'l-Ansar (TOW-equipped),
- Jaysh Mutaaz Billah (TOW-equipped),
- Liwa al-Hassan ibn Ali (not TOW-equipped, but a former member of the Kataeb Sayf ash-Sham, which is TOW-equipped).

The organization in question appears to be related to Jamal Ma'arouf's Syrian Revolutionary Front (SRF), which used to be active in northern Syria, and supported by the USA until destroyed by the JAN (now JFS), in 2015. It's sole remnant in northern Syria is meanwhile a part of the US-supported SDF.

So, to me this hears as if other remnants of the SRF are merging with some elements of the Southern Front FSyA - and this either on behalf of the USA and Jordan, or (and much more likely) Russia.

And inside Eastern Aleppo, all the remaining insurgent groups (bar the few hundred of JFS jihadists and HNAZ Islamists) have united themselves (https://twitter.com/ahlalshami/status/806582918109872129) under the banner of Liwa Ashida'a (FSyA), led by Abu Abd Ashida'a, from Sukari District.

Means: Fatah Halab aka Jaysh Halab is de-facto dissolved.

As usually, this is much too late...

12-08-2016, 12:23 PM
bellingcat @bellingcat
How Relevant to Syria is Syria’s Regime? via @bellingcat
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/12/08/relevant-syria-syrias-regime/ …
Ouch! Sorry, but can't agree with Goldsmith.

Sure, this is all related to Russians and Turks attempting to find their own solution for Syria.

However, sorry: contrary to the IRGC, neither of them is in control of the Assadist regime.

That's why any kind of their mutual agreements are actually irrelevant, and Goldsmith's conclusion wrong.

12-08-2016, 02:40 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
High-ranking Spetsnaz commander among Russian servicemen killed and wounded in Aleppo recently who were awarded by Putin today

He was with the 16th Spetsnaz Brigade which has also fought recently in eastern Ukraine....and was there first in 2015....

His rank is unusual as the rank of COL would have made him the Brigade Commander and why then was he on the forward lines?

Worth reminding that another guy from that Ru brigade killed in Syria was lieutenant colonel Bekish from Belarus http://belsat.eu/en/news/fighting-for-russia-in-ukraine-syria-belarusian-s-way-to-death/ …

12-08-2016, 02:57 PM
BREAKING: Islamic State launches attack to recapture Palmyra from regime. "City in panic, families evacuating," source tells us today.

Homs: Huge gains for #ISIS around #Palmyra. #Assad regime defence lines collapsed on several frontlines.

#ISIS advancing again in the vicinity of #Palmyra 4 KM . It seems that #Assad and #Russia have decided to surrender the city of New

Homs: #ISIS with captured pro-#Assad forces northwest of #Palmyra today.

Breaking. #ISIS claims to be in full control of strategic Hayyal Mount overlooking main road towards #Palmyra and ~5 km SW of Ancient city.

12-08-2016, 03:02 PM
Russian airbase in Iran, airbase in Syria, possibly Turkey, visiting Egypt and now Libya #ObamaLegacy is epic geopolitical failure

12-08-2016, 03:04 PM
ICRC Syria
✔ @ICRC_sy Entering the Old City of #Aleppo yesterday to evacuate people. Ruins lined the narrow streets, making it nearly impossible to get through.

12-08-2016, 03:09 PM
Surprise surprise. Germany says there has been a sharp increase in disinformation campaigns and cyber attacks http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-russia-idUSKBN13X15D?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Co ntent&utm_content=5849456604d301419ffc6c0d&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter …

12-08-2016, 03:14 PM
Aleppo: Rebels destroying #Assad regime vehicle with TOW in northwestern #Aleppo today.

12-08-2016, 03:15 PM
Eliot Higgins
✔ @EliotHiggins The Russian Embassy UK now using Twitter to libel academics
https://twitter.com/ShirazMaher/status/806801395449925632 …

Russian embassy UK is one of the most aggressive Russian info warfare centers of excellence.....has a massive record for spreading fake news and outright lies.....in the form of tweets....

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher you precisely support terrorists from al-Nusra&affiliates, & just refused 2 condemn them killing ���� doctors who treated Syrians

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher cruelty of Al-Nusra and their "moderate" friends is well known. Use civilians as human shield, shoot those who flee to safety

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy and Russian aggression?

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher I assume @Amb_Yakovenko will be calling for a full investigation.

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy more libel. You really want to go down this road? I'll invite you to retract these smears and won't be engaging further.

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher smear is calling "war criminals" a legitimate force fighting extremists (who are a threat to UK as well)

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy actually, I don't. I've called out the terrorists loads. But also happy to call out the repeated, daily war crimes of Russia

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher why not condemn war crime by "moderates" killing Russian nurses? Russia brings Syrians peace and food, you side with terrorists

NOTICE the Russian Embassy UK say nothing about their own air strikes against 45 Syrian hospitals and medical facilities....and medical supply warehouses....

Shiraz Maher
✔ @ShirazMaher @RussianEmbassy committing war crimes on a daily basis: bombing hospitals, schools, & besieged civilians. You're proud cos you have no shame

Russian Embassy, UK
✔ @RussianEmbassy @ShirazMaher Russian Air Force is in Syria by invitation of its Government, proudly defending Syrian people from extremists

Michael Weiss
✔ @michaeldweiss Russian embassy in London accuses one of the leading British scholars on Salafi-jihadism of 'supporting terrorists':

12-08-2016, 03:16 PM
Izvestya is reporting that infamous chechen units "Vostok" and "Zapad" are protecting Russia's air base in #Syria

Individual from Vostok fought in eastern Ukraine in 2014....

Video allegedly showing the Chechens from the "Vostok" and "Zapad" batallions leaving for Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrysuF4npio …

Izvestiya sources: Chechens going to Syria are Kadyrov's "Zapad" and "Vostok" batlns who fought in Georgia in 2008 http://izvestia.ru/news/650206

More information about the "Zapad" & "Vostok" battalions, which were dismantled in 2008 but now they resurfaced
https://defence.ru/article/bataloni-specnaznacheniya-vostok-i-zapad-otpravilis-v-siriyu/ …

12-08-2016, 03:22 PM
UN: The US and Russia are 'poles apart' on terms to evacuate civilians from Aleppo

12-08-2016, 03:30 PM
NW. #Aleppo: Safwah Battalions destroyed with a #TOW a transport vehicle used by pro-Regime forces in town of Al-Zahraa.

NW #Aleppo: Free Idlib Army took out with a #Fagot a fortified position with gun in Al-Zahraa district.

Taking advantage of Russia & Regime focus on #Aleppo #ISIS launched offensive E. of #Palmyra, taking 8 barriers, 3 tanks, #ATGMs & cannons.

Aleppo: despite ferocious shelling pro-Regime forces led by Hezbollah unable to advance since days in Saad Ansari. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.191715&lon=37.134175&z=15&m …

12-08-2016, 05:07 PM
All of Trump’s cabinet and transition team picks seem to share an expertise in the dark art of disinformation.

Congressman+possible secretary of state asks U.S. journalist where she's from. Calls her biased after she says she's originally from Moldova

German intel chief: Russian info/cyber ops seek to weaken/destabilize Germany, strengthen extremist groups & parties http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-russia-idUSKBN13X15D …

Far too little attention is being paid to the quite astounding efforts by Russia to undermine democracies on both sides of the Atlantic.

12-08-2016, 05:09 PM
300 #Turkish Commandos from, 11th Commando Brigade of western #Turkish city of #Denizli, deployed to Al #Bab/#Syria.

12-08-2016, 05:11 PM
Aleppo: Rebels have repelled all attacks by pro-#Assad forces in besieged Eastern #Aleppo today. No gains for #Assad regime today.

Homs: #Palmyra hospital is full with killed and wounded pro-#Assad forces. Fierce fighting around #Palmyra.

12-08-2016, 05:14 PM
"Russian nurses killed in Aleppo" - Russian propaganda caught red handed with faked photos, replaced the photographs.

12-08-2016, 05:16 PM
...and here a video nicelly summarizing - and documenting - the current state of the 'Syrian Arab Army', as well as amounts of 'popular support' for Assadists:


(Really a 'recommended viewing'.)

12-08-2016, 05:23 PM
Izvestya is reporting that infamous chechen units "Vostok" and "Zapad" are protecting Russia's air base in #Syria

Individual from Vostok fought in eastern Ukraine in 2014....

Video allegedly showing the Chechens from the "Vostok" and "Zapad" batallions leaving for Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrysuF4npio …

Izvestiya sources: Chechens going to Syria are Kadyrov's "Zapad" and "Vostok" batlns who fought in Georgia in 2008 http://izvestia.ru/news/650206

Kadyrov denies he has send any troops to #Syria. Shall we write him in Instagram?

12-08-2016, 05:28 PM
CrowBat...what do you think?????

Sergei Lavrov says Syrian military operations in Aleppo have stopped.

MI6 boss: 'Russia wants to make Aleppo a desert' and call it 'peace' – Sky News
http://www.unian.info/world/1669177-mi6-boss-russia-wants-to-make-aleppo-a-desert-and-call-it-peace-sky-news.html …

Lavrov claims Syrian offensive in Aleppo has paused because of a large civilian evacuation effort
From General Lavrov of the Syrian Army?

.... but, but, but .... they are all terrorists ...... per his very own statement few days ago ....

12-08-2016, 05:37 PM
CrowBat...what do you think?????

Sergei Lavrov says Syrian military operations in Aleppo have stopped.

MI6 boss: 'Russia wants to make Aleppo a desert' and call it 'peace' – Sky News
http://www.unian.info/world/1669177-mi6-boss-russia-wants-to-make-aleppo-a-desert-and-call-it-peace-sky-news.html …

The IRGC was assaulting the whole day. They just didn't get through: the insurgents inside what is now actually Southern Aleppo (city) have regroupped under the banner of Liwa Ashida'a (FSyA), led by Abu Abd Ashida'a, from Sukari District. These are Aleppans, protecting their families and homes: they'll not give up just like that.

As described above, the situation is actually such that Russians are trying to negotiate some sort of a cease-fire in order to score PR-points on the international scene, and present themselves as 'in control' of what is going on in Syria.

Actually, they have no say there: they can make their agreements with Turkey, Egypt, babble about 'Syrian Army', even send their troops to fight in Aleppo etc., but the only place relevant for what Assadists are doing, is Tehran, and all the forces in Aleppo are IRGC-controlled.

12-08-2016, 05:46 PM
Aleppo: Rebels at the Omayyaden Mosque today. Pro-#Assad forces failed to capture the mosque.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.199257&lon=37.157071&z=16&m=b …

12-08-2016, 05:55 PM

The IRGC was assaulting the whole day. They just didn't get through: the insurgents inside what is now actually Southern Aleppo (city) have regroupped under the banner of Liwa Ashida'a (FSyA), led by Abu Abd Ashida'a, from Sukari District. These are Aleppans, protecting their families and homes: they'll not give up just like that.

As described above, the situation is actually such that Russians are trying to negotiate some sort of a cease-fire in order to score PR-points on the international scene, and present themselves as 'in control' of what is going on in Syria.

Actually, they have no say there: they can make their agreements with Turkey, Egypt, babble about 'Syrian Army', even send their troops to fight in Aleppo etc., but the only place relevant for what Assadists are doing, is Tehran, and all the forces in Aleppo are IRGC-controlled.

You are right......

While regime supporters produce maps and reports of new areas taken by pro-#AssadPutin forces today ...

SAA is advancing in Sheikh Sa'ed right now, despite the Lavrov's speech''

Aleppo: besieged Rebels managed to fend off pro-Regime assaults on several fronts despite intense shelling. 3 armours taken out

Aleppo: Assad chopper dropped again a canister from #Jordan|ian Company Al-Baha for a chlorine attack on besieged Rebel districts. #Syria

12-08-2016, 06:02 PM
Pro-#AssadPutin forces further advanced, reducing the eastern #Aleppo pocket / ghetto to 13 km^2 for up to 200.0000 people.

12-08-2016, 06:05 PM
After "Russian stated we never bombed hospitals in #Aleppo", #AssadPutin media shows half a dozen destroyed ambulances at 1 hospital
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzYFtFsCVA0 …

After displacing people from #Aleppo, #AssadPutin attack their IDP camps west of the city with MLRS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czU5iZ-FYJc …

12-08-2016, 06:09 PM
HOW do you know when you are winning on the social media front against the Russian info war??????

Russia in RSA ���� Verified account 
A flash reminder for all @JulianRoepcke-type 'experts' / #Putin: If terrorists succeed in Syria, they will return, to #Russia incl.

12-08-2016, 06:25 PM
Hrriyet Daily News
Iranian-made unmanned drone involved in attack on Turkish soldiers in Syria, @cherryontop__ reports

A friend about Turkey: "a big country with small goals".

Iran now?

12-08-2016, 06:36 PM
Hassan Hassan Verified account 
Assad: The liberation of the eastern part of Aleppo lately wasn't part of a political process. It was in the natural context of military ops

Assad: After their failure in Damascus battles, they resorted to Homs and after they failed in Homs they went to Aleppo...

.. the significance of Aleppo was that it was close to Turkey, better for logistical support so they focused on it over the past 2 years.

Assad: Damascus with Homs and Aleppo (lost), that means they no longer have cards with which they can play with their backers.

The newspaper asks Assad about "the saying": Whoever wins the battle in Aleppo wins the war in Syria. Assad: let's assume it's correct...

Assad: Damascus & Aleppo are the two most important cities. Whoever wins militarily [there] makes a major political+military achievement.

Assad: for Aleppo, because the Turkish project is built around it, that makes it particularly important.

Assad: the battle in Aleppo will be a win but we have to be realistic it doesn't mean the end of the war in Syria. A major step for the end.

Assad says throughout the history of Russia-Syria relationship, Moscow never dictated anything on us even when we had our differences.

Assad: Their agents are in a difficult position, so you hear them scream & wail now. Pleas for truces is the only left political discourse.

Watan asks: can we say that truces have ended now?

Assad: practically, they no longer exist. They still insist on truces, especially the US

Watan to Assad: we heard Turkish diplomats visited Damascus & there was talk about a shift in Turkish position, before their intervention!

Assad: after Turkey intervened, Syria has the right to defend its territory but there are military priorities that impose themselves.

Assad: as long as the man leading the Turkish politics is a psychologically disturbed and twisted person like Erdogan, all bets are off.

Watan: then you described the intervention as 'invasion', will things reach a point of military confrontation with Turkey if that continues?

Assad: "We defend the Russian people by preventing terrorism from coming to Russia. They've said in more than one occasion."

Assad says including when we went to Lebanon and we were heavily reliant on them. That's a Russian culture, they respect sovereignty.

12-08-2016, 06:40 PM
re: leftist Assad apologism. Guy who conducted interview with fake "Nusra commander" about to become editor of left. newspaper @derfreitag

12-08-2016, 06:44 PM
ISIS advancing around #Palmyra in E-#Homs; took control of Hayyan Mount & Qasr Hallabat. Activists said many Regime fighters killed. #Syria

12-08-2016, 06:48 PM
The #AdmiralKuznetsov's group is near Tartus.

12-08-2016, 06:50 PM
Aleppo: Photos of #IRGC militiamen from #Pakistan who were killed by rebels in #Aleppo during the last days.

12-08-2016, 07:12 PM
Iran|ian-led militias set up their main defenses around #KhanTuman Dam in S. #Aleppo. HD: https://jpst.it/Qauj http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.034802&lon=37.074738&z=13&m …

Defensive system N. of #KhanTuman Dam, including Sabqiyah. All barriers are connected to Tank Battalion
(here: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.068666&lon=37.117996&z=13&m …)

12-08-2016, 07:24 PM
Homs: #ISIS has killed 97 pro-#Assad forces around #Palmyra today. 5 regime tanks & 1 BMP were destroyed or captured.

12-08-2016, 07:29 PM
More information about the "Zapad" & "Vostok" battalions, which were dismantled in 2008 but now they resurfaced
https://defence.ru/article/bataloni-specnaznacheniya-vostok-i-zapad-otpravilis-v-siriyu/ …

Ramzan Kadyrov denied Chechen soldiers being sent to Syria. However, his right-hand man Magomed "Lord" Daudov saw them off personally

12-08-2016, 07:38 PM
Charles Lister Verified account 

Good God. SecState candidate @DanaRohrabacher *totally* refuses to acknowledge #Russia's proven abuses at home & abroad.


12-08-2016, 10:05 PM
Firstly, I respect your thinking and I do rely upon your knowledge of Russian and Arabic with respect to translating open-source intelligence on the respective conflicts. We both value HUMINT, which was always an American weakness where the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact were concerned. Soviet and allied intelligence was able to use diaspora communities in the West and take advantage of the West’s openness and freedoms to conduct outstanding HUMINT, a necessity given their relatively poor technical capabilities.

Secondly, I have a strong bias against Russia that I work very hard to keep in check when analyzing and commenting on geopolitics concerning Russia and East-Central Europe. This is probably due to the fact that Russia was never defeated in the manner of Germany or Japan, and never underwent de-Stalinization, which is why Russian attitudes tend toward the unreconstructed Stalinist and center on the Muscovite culture inspired by the Mongols and Tatars, rather than the European culture associated with Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

Thirdly, I thought that Putin was objectively good for Russia during his first term as President. Not because I didn’t believe that he orchestrated the apartment bombings as a pretext for renewed war in Chechnya, not because I didn’t believe that he was less discriminate in Chechnya than Milosevic, Qaddafi or Assad, and not because I didn’t believe that he was a KGB officer at heart. But I was being realistic, I saw that bumbling Yeltsin was capable of worse, I knew that the Russian people could not permit Chechnya to secede, and I knew that the Russian people needed a leader to instil in them a sense of pride and strength again, albeit not a Hitler with ICBMs. I also believed that Medvedev’s managed election as Putin’s successor was an outstanding decision, but my hopes for Russia were crushed when Putin returned for a third term. Here we are…

I read what Weiss...Lister...Hassan...Orton and especially CrowBat write simply because they reflect the current ground reality backed by videos....FSA statements...photos which I feel gives a far better overview of what the heck is ongoing.... example CrowBat has probably one of the best order of battle breakout on the Syrian ground players that rivals anything the CIA has going right now....

I am very curious about what the CIA officers involved in Operation Timber Sycamore really think about the rebels, and whether they feel that US weapons are being funneled to Sunni Arab supremacist units at the behest of Turkish, Saudi, Qatari or Jordanian intelligence, or whether they believe that the mission should be expanded so that the FSA has a level playing field against the other factions who receive lavish foreign support.

What is never talked about inside DC and the Obama WH and coming Trump WH...Syria is simply a open rebellion by 73% of the civil society demanding rule of law....fair economic development....and good governance...and it started peacefully and that should be respected....

I agree with you, but after Obama’s “red line” was crossed in 2013, he realized that his public statements about US preferences were being construed as policy goals. After Ghouta, it made no more sense to focus on the Syrian Civil War, as Obama would be accused of permitting it, encouraged to intervene, or accused of preparing a case for intervention along the lines of Operations Iraqi Freedom or Odyssey Dawn. Compare Obama’s statements on race relations and police use of force during his first term with those of his second: you will see the same result.

What bothers me a lot more is the lack of the understanding in many US MSM articles and writers on just how Crimea...eastern Ukraine..Syria is part and parcel of a very aggression Russian non linear war using an intensive form of information warfare coupled with an elegant use of cyber warfare...

Hate to say it...but it is a war...just with other means and it has three strategic geopolitical goals that have never changed..since actually 2006.

1. damage and discredit NATO
2. damage and discredit EU
3. disconnect the US completely from EU/NATO/ME

All designed to drive a new Russian formulated Yalta 2.0 allowing their political/military influence to expand from Portugal to the Russian Far East...

I agree, but I also understand the Russian perspective. In 2008, Russia was pilloried in the media for intervening in Georgia after Georgia’s indiscriminate surprise attack on South Ossetia that killed Russian soldiers (peacekeeping under international auspices) and civilians. Invading territory in a breakaway part of one’s country is still an invasion e.g. American Civil War, 1st and 2nd Chechnya. The Georgian perspective dominated Western mainstream media (e.g. John McCain’s “We are all Georgians now”) and only months later did we learn that:

Georgia had started the war (perhaps the South Ossetians provoked them, but the Georgians started it)
Georgia killed over 160 South Ossetian civilians during its indiscriminate use of rockets, shells and cluster munitions (2/3 of South Ossetian deaths were civilian)
Georgia began the conflict, hoping that NATO would intervene on its behalf if Russia did
Georgia’s actions included war crimes
War crimes attributable to Russia resulted from a lack of precision-strike capability rather than intent, and the actions of South Ossetian and Abkhaz militias whom Russia did not directly control (if Russian generals had to direct air strikes via civilian mobile phones, how could coordinate local militias behind the front?)

I believe that the South Ossetia War galvanized Russian investment in information warfare with respect to propaganda, and that the Kremlin truly believed that Western mainstream media reporting on the war was in the same vein as that on:

Iraq War: Hussein’s non-existent nuclear weapons program and non-existent support for Al Qaeda

Kosovo War: a “genocide” of under 300 civilians of which 36% were Serb, a group of Islamist criminals transformed into “freedom fighters” by US and German intelligence, “refugees” that were using the Serb-Albanian border as a revolving door, and a “humanitarian” US Secretary of State who hated Serbs

Libyan Civil War (after South Ossetia, obviously): another “genocide” of 2,200 people, half of whom were POWs, and a NFZ that became CAS for the rebels on day 1, French arms to the rebels, Qatari special forces embedded with them, and “responsibility to protect” becoming “we came we saw, he died”

When Putin balances the Western media treatment of Kosovo, Iraq and Libya, and then compares it to the treatment of Chechnya and Georgia, he cannot help but see a clear bias. So by the time of Crimea, his machine is ready to swing into action after already cutting its teeth on American disgruntlement over CENTCOM’s wars and the proposed NATO BMD system. Note that Putin does not believe in freedom of the press, as a principle or as a reality, any more than he does free elections, and so he truly believes that Sputnik and RT are no different than CNN, the BBC, FOX, MSNBC, etc.

My concern has been that Obama was actually helping Putin in reaching these goals and that a Trump WH will cement them...as he backs the US away from NATO and the ME....

Russian wants in exchange for "being friendly with Trump"....the US sanctions dropped...

Rohrbacher in a number of proRussian statements on Crimea and eastern Ukraine openly stated that the current Ukrainian government was led by a bunch of Nazi's.....he somehow thinks social media "forgot his statements from two years ago"....

Putin has enjoyed his years as unpredictable showman, always confident that the West will wag its finger at him and keep its mature composure. Now that Trump has been elected, Putin is up against a similar man who would rather create events than react to them, and for whom image is important to popularity and therefore legitimacy.

I do think that Trump is the Reagan to Obama’s Carter, and note that Reagan cooperated with the Soviet Union far more than Carter did, did not invade Iran to release the hostages (strong black coffee can help with that ;) ), and responded rather weakly to the attacks by Iran and Syria in Lebanon as well as to the KAL 007 shootdown. The election was very much about style over substance, as Hillary has a much harder bark than she let on during the campaign…

Rohrabacher is a fool, and has little support…

12-09-2016, 06:48 AM
Firstly, I respect your thinking and I do rely upon your knowledge of Russian and Arabic with respect to translating open-source intelligence on the respective conflicts. We both value HUMINT, which was always an American weakness where the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact were concerned. Soviet and allied intelligence was able to use diaspora communities in the West and take advantage of the West’s openness and freedoms to conduct outstanding HUMINT, a necessity given their relatively poor technical capabilities.

Secondly, I have a strong bias against Russia that I work very hard to keep in check when analyzing and commenting on geopolitics concerning Russia and East-Central Europe. This is probably due to the fact that Russia was never defeated in the manner of Germany or Japan, and never underwent de-Stalinization, which is why Russian attitudes tend toward the unreconstructed Stalinist and center on the Muscovite culture inspired by the Mongols and Tatars, rather than the European culture associated with Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

Thirdly, I thought that Putin was objectively good for Russia during his first term as President. Not because I didn’t believe that he orchestrated the apartment bombings as a pretext for renewed war in Chechnya, not because I didn’t believe that he was less discriminate in Chechnya than Milosevic, Qaddafi or Assad, and not because I didn’t believe that he was a KGB officer at heart. But I was being realistic, I saw that bumbling Yeltsin was capable of worse, I knew that the Russian people could not permit Chechnya to secede, and I knew that the Russian people needed a leader to instil in them a sense of pride and strength again, albeit not a Hitler with ICBMs. I also believed that Medvedev’s managed election as Putin’s successor was an outstanding decision, but my hopes for Russia were crushed when Putin returned for a third term. Here we are…

I am very curious about what the CIA officers involved in Operation Timber Sycamore really think about the rebels, and whether they feel that US weapons are being funneled to Sunni Arab supremacist units at the behest of Turkish, Saudi, Qatari or Jordanian intelligence, or whether they believe that the mission should be expanded so that the FSA has a level playing field against the other factions who receive lavish foreign support.

I agree with you, but after Obama’s “red line” was crossed in 2013, he realized that his public statements about US preferences were being construed as policy goals. After Ghouta, it made no more sense to focus on the Syrian Civil War, as Obama would be accused of permitting it, encouraged to intervene, or accused of preparing a case for intervention along the lines of Operations Iraqi Freedom or Odyssey Dawn. Compare Obama’s statements on race relations and police use of force during his first term with those of his second: you will see the same result.

I agree, but I also understand the Russian perspective. In 2008, Russia was pilloried in the media for intervening in Georgia after Georgia’s indiscriminate surprise attack on South Ossetia that killed Russian soldiers (peacekeeping under international auspices) and civilians. Invading territory in a breakaway part of one’s country is still an invasion e.g. American Civil War, 1st and 2nd Chechnya. The Georgian perspective dominated Western mainstream media (e.g. John McCain’s “We are all Georgians now”) and only months later did we learn that:

Georgia had started the war (perhaps the South Ossetians provoked them, but the Georgians started it)
Georgia killed over 160 South Ossetian civilians during its indiscriminate use of rockets, shells and cluster munitions (2/3 of South Ossetian deaths were civilian)
Georgia began the conflict, hoping that NATO would intervene on its behalf if Russia did
Georgia’s actions included war crimes
War crimes attributable to Russia resulted from a lack of precision-strike capability rather than intent, and the actions of South Ossetian and Abkhaz militias whom Russia did not directly control (if Russian generals had to direct air strikes via civilian mobile phones, how could coordinate local militias behind the front?)

I believe that the South Ossetia War galvanized Russian investment in information warfare with respect to propaganda, and that the Kremlin truly believed that Western mainstream media reporting on the war was in the same vein as that on:

Iraq War: Hussein’s non-existent nuclear weapons program and non-existent support for Al Qaeda

Kosovo War: a “genocide” of under 300 civilians of which 36% were Serb, a group of Islamist criminals transformed into “freedom fighters” by US and German intelligence, “refugees” that were using the Serb-Albanian border as a revolving door, and a “humanitarian” US Secretary of State who hated Serbs

Libyan Civil War (after South Ossetia, obviously): another “genocide” of 2,200 people, half of whom were POWs, and a NFZ that became CAS for the rebels on day 1, French arms to the rebels, Qatari special forces embedded with them, and “responsibility to protect” becoming “we came we saw, he died”

When Putin balances the Western media treatment of Kosovo, Iraq and Libya, and then compares it to the treatment of Chechnya and Georgia, he cannot help but see a clear bias. So by the time of Crimea, his machine is ready to swing into action after already cutting its teeth on American disgruntlement over CENTCOM’s wars and the proposed NATO BMD system. Note that Putin does not believe in freedom of the press, as a principle or as a reality, any more than he does free elections, and so he truly believes that Sputnik and RT are no different than CNN, the BBC, FOX, MSNBC, etc.

Putin has enjoyed his years as unpredictable showman, always confident that the West will wag its finger at him and keep its mature composure. Now that Trump has been elected, Putin is up against a similar man who would rather create events than react to them, and for whom image is important to popularity and therefore legitimacy.

I do think that Trump is the Reagan to Obama’s Carter, and note that Reagan cooperated with the Soviet Union far more than Carter did, did not invade Iran to release the hostages (strong black coffee can help with that ;) ), and responded rather weakly to the attacks by Iran and Syria in Lebanon as well as to the KAL 007 shootdown. The election was very much about style over substance, as Hillary has a much harder bark than she let on during the campaign…

Rohrabacher is a fool, and has little support…

Azor...my personal take on Russia.....I am probably the only on here at SWJ that comments and was actually in the Soviet Union twice in 72 and again in 73 as a student camping my way through the SU each time for over 8 weeks each time...

The SU I saw then shocked me as it was very apparent they were a military superpower but not a superpower in the realms of economics and global politics....the images I had then via photos would make you stop and think you had landed in the years of Tolstoy.....one farming village not far from Minsk had simple wooden clap board sides...no insulation and everyone slept in one area over the wood fired hand made fireplace was a single room with a small dish washing corner and an outhouse.....the housing in say then Leningrad was out of the 20/30s and had three families living within one apartment.......one family per bedroom sharing the bathroom, kitchen and living room.

NOW jump forward to the Putin era and the high price for oil and initially it was invested into the Russian society and the living levels did climb as did the salaries and pensions....BUT somewhere in about 2004 the oligarchs and Putin decided they wanted the better part of the
5T USDs being made in oil every year and it stopped flowing to the civil society...their current rainy day National Reserve is estimated to run completely dry from over 150B USD by the middle of 2018.....largely due to the sanctions and low price of oil...

Right now the brain drain on Russia in the bracket of say 25 to 45....is both massive and very educated.....and strangely while they fully dislike what is ongoing inside Russia and never want to go home they are quite open to the current Russian disinformation and propaganda aimed at them outside Russia....it is that "Russian spirit" that the propaganda plays very effective towards....

Had Putin decided in say 2003/2004 to truly invest the 5T or so into the Russian economy every year to modernize it and rebuild the infrastructure...medical facilities and healthcare and new housing he would be President until say 2050....instead he went the militarization route and we have what we now have a "third Rome Russian jihad built on the ROC".....supporting the view of a "Russian world"......

In some ways NATO got it initially bight with Russia when after the Wall they fully offered to integrate Russia into the EU economy and do jointly a military concept with Russia both of which were turned down by Putin....as NATO after 1991 was in the process of shifting from a war footing to a peacetime downgrading phase and did not view Russia as a true military threat any longer...

I do not pretend to have eaten "knowledge with a spoon" but I have had the opportunity to do things since 1966 that now allows me to sit back and judge exactly what is ongoing around me....what many in the US have never had....

As much as CB and I often push back on you.....you do challenge and have great thoughts about some topics that actually very critical to the US...AND I am not so sure Trump and company fully understand that.....

12-09-2016, 07:03 AM
Azor....one of the things that seriously bothers me with Trump and company is the inherent close ties to Russian individuals never seen before in the US national level politics as well as a total lack of interest by the RP to clarify those ties as well as the Russian info/cyber attacks on the US election process....and now this.....

There was a WOW effect with the new Russian non linear warfare doctrine that has worn off after the over two years of solid fighting in eastern Ukraine and now Syria....which needs to be urgently revisited but it will not under Trump and company.......as he and his security advisors are in fact solidly tied into Putin and his oligarch company...simply based on their investments into 247 Russian companies carrying the name of Trump and his sold real estate to them....

Especially the Russian tie ins into the right wing...neo Nazi and alt right movements inside the US and those in Europe........

It is all tied together inside non linear warfare....and it is a war whether we call it one or not....what I see and push back on Russian cyber activities here inside German would scare most Americans. to the point they would never sleep well again if they use the internet....and what we are seeing now being directed by Russia as info warfare against Merkel.....

The heart of #Calexit beats in–where else? Yekaterinburg. @leonidragozin on Russia & California's secession movement

AND this was being totally overlooked by Obama and it will as well with Trump and company......

Agreed. Russian snap exercises since 2014 have shown they can put significant numbers in the field in 48-72 hrs.
And growing numbers of modernized older platforms continue to shift the regional balance in Nordic/Baltic/C.Europe in Russia's favor.
Russia Seen Moving New Missiles To Eastern Europe

BTW....they are far better at this now in 2016 than they ever were during the height of the Cold War in the mid 80s....

12-09-2016, 07:17 AM
Azor....this is just how crazy it has gotten in the US and one must ask themselves is this really what Americans want.....????

REMEMBER what many around Trump and company want the American civil society to totally forget....."Trump does not speak for the majority of US voters that voted in the election".....Right now popular vote wise HRC has a lead of 2.7M lead over Trump and will probably when the counts are finished have matched the Obama 2008 numbers.... so in fact he does not speak for the majority nor has a so called "mandate" to speak for all Americans.....BUT he constantly deflects/distorts/distracts from this using his twitter feed...MUCH as Russia uses info warfare....

NOW that is a topic for many SWJ contributors to write about BUT they do not..WHY is that????

I will go on record and openly state the info warfare being driven by Russia against both the US and EU is no different than what was/is still being used by the Trump campaign/transition and even now....take every single Trump tweet and or rally/interview statement and then use the Russian 6Ds method of propaganda....Distort....Deflect....Dismay....Dist ract ALL designed to created Doubt and Distrust...and tell me I am wrong????

WHEN it is verified that a US President is blatantly and often lying we as a society are in serious trouble....if it is simply being passed off as "normal".....

THAT is what is actually behind the new term "fake news"....it is simply disinformation/propaganda driven by social media....WHY is the US open to actually "believing it"....take the latest results of the worldwide PISA education studies on the levels of learning reached by 15 year olds......THE US did not even rate in the top 30 countries for our 15 year olds....our own education system is basically failing and failing badly as it is largely profit driven once you leave HS.......

You can't make this ......... up??????

12-09-2016, 07:27 AM
Final note......I am not the only one seeing a "clear and present threat" to the US via Trump and company ties to Russia......

WHY does it take a VN vet and an former Army JAG coupled with Democrats to drive this train....especially when even the Obama WH does not want to talk about it.....

GOP ready to launch aggressive probe of #Russia, despite collision course with #Trump"

https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a50598/russian-talked-to-trump-campaign/ …
Trumps Treasonous Campaign activities with the Russians really should receive MORE attention from Electors.

There's overwhelming evidence of Russian hacking of our elections. By denying it Trump has essentially become a propaganda piece for Kremlin

Trump is uninterested in intelligence briefings
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-has-declined-many-intelligence-briefings-offered-to-him/ …

12-09-2016, 07:34 AM
Azor...this goes to my thoughts on the key Russian non linear warfare cornerstones....1) info warfare...2) cyber warfare.....

I drive a very good IT security company and this is my daily war with Russia ...it is deep..harsh and brutally being fought here in Germany and we are barely hanging in just to keep up as this war is centrally directed by Putin and company while in the West we have to constantly hold to regulations and laws that separate security services and say myself....WHEREAS Russia does not have such restrictions.....

BTW....I personally view this war as being far more dangerous than anything IS can throw at Europe or the US.....

German maker of Israeli submarines says secrets stolen in 'massive' cyberattack
http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.757734 …

German private warnings and some public comments about such potential incidents have been made months ago but one simply cannot protect everything 100% of the time...as long as the world lives on email/Skype/MS this will continue to happen....

BTW....at least the Germans are going full force to inform the general public VS....the US is attempting desperately to hinder any discussions about Russian hacking inside the US...WHY is that????

This is big: unprecedented, stark warning by Germany's BfV against aggressive Russian influence ops, false flags, APT28, goals—full text:

German agency BfV (German Federal Agency for the Defense of the Constitution) is the equal to say the UK MI5

12-09-2016, 07:38 AM
Great little study into the evolution of #Putin's rhetoric. Can't even believe now the stuff he said in 2000. http://intersectionproject.eu/article/politics/kremlin-values-crack-and-fracture

12-09-2016, 07:42 AM
Ramzan Kadyrov denied Chechen soldiers being sent to Syria. However, his right-hand man Magomed "Lord" Daudov saw them off personally

Ah...now we have "clean shaven jihadists" running around in Russian uniforms....

So, huh, Kommersant reports that the chechen soldiers sent to Syria are all shaved so that "they don't get mixed up as ISIS fighters

BUT they are only suppose to be protecting Russian airfields not fight on the front lines????????

12-09-2016, 07:48 AM
Aleppo Heavy Turkish airstrikes & shelling targeting al-Bab as FSA rebels backed by Turkish forces start battle to liberate city from #ISIS

As #Aleppo falls, Turkish-controlled forces seem to have been given permission to to go al-Bab.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNzfzaxLtss …

Endless #EuphratesShield convoy en route to near al-Bab.
Most vehicle have aerial ID markings.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcxKtgI8bLk …

Syria #Aleppo #FSA retook 2 villages from #IS at NW outskirts of al Bab

AND there is no Russia/Turkey "deal" over Aleppo.....?????

12-09-2016, 07:53 AM
Panic in #Idlib city during an air raid alarm yesterday.
The next major city to be entirely destroyed by #AssadPutin.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tXyl0TOWEY&feature=youtu.be …

CTC at West Point
Foreign fighters: IS v AQI. Our new report shows how make-up, scale, scope of problem has evolved. Findings 2 follow https://www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/then-and-now-comparing-the-flow-of-foreign-fighters-to-aqi-and-the-islamic-state …

WELL worth reading anything they produce....

NOTE: the CTC has always produced some very good analysis as they have the ability to hit the US intel DOMEX database for captured documents....which holds millions of captured documents many never translated and analyzed....

12-09-2016, 07:58 AM
Russia Blindsided In Syria As ISIS Launches Attack Against Palmyra

Spot on "the capture of Palmyra was for show, and that show is no longer needed."

12-09-2016, 08:02 AM
CrowBat.....here is more of that so called Russian "humanitarian truce"....all a farce for global PR as you indicated.....Russia as you also indicated has no control over Assad and or Iran right about now......

BREAKING: Heavy Syrian army shelling hits #Aleppo: monitor - AFP

It seems that Syria no longer exists, but it is now is SSSR under control of Khamenei and company...

(Syrian Soviet Socialist Republic)

12-09-2016, 08:18 AM
WHAT is extremely interesting is that some have said for years the way around the Russian USC veto is by using the procedural processes built into the UNGA that actually "foresaw" the eventual blockage by the UNSC of pressing issues....by one of the five permanent parties...

The UNGA process sees the ability to have a clear majority ruling on a specific event and if the UNSC does not then institute the desired results the UNGA can then in turn use this denial to order the UNSC into action as the will of the majority of the UNGA even if the Russians and any of their USC supporters ie China...vote against it....the rest of the UNSC can then override their veto and take action......basing their decision then on the UNGA resolutions...

SO we are now seeing a massive Russian info warfare effort to dismiss anything done by the UNGA.......

Russian Mission UN
✔ @RussiaUN #Churkin: To expect that tmrw #UNGA vote on Syrian resolution going to produce kind of dramatic U-turn in the stn in #Syria is unrealistic

Russian Mission UN
✔ @RussiaUN #Churkin: The draft resolution on #Syria is not strong enough on fighting terrorists –
http://russiaun.ru/en/news/cm_sr0812 …

NOTICE the unique Russian argument against humanitarian assistance....NOT strong enough statement on fighting terrorists....a really weak argument even for the Russians....

12-09-2016, 08:24 AM
ANYONE notice the Russia hypocrisy?

MFA Russia ����
✔ @mfa_russia Strikes that kill or inflict hardships on innocent Syrians are unacceptable and should be strongly condemned http://www.mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/2554027 …

NOT a single mention of their attacks against Aleppo and other Syria rebel held towns and villages....

12-09-2016, 11:07 AM
Syria Airstrikes now on #Aleppo city center (Bustan al-Qasr)
after #Russia announced ceasefire

IMPORTANT....notice the West says not a single word....potentially a SECOND Srebrenica in the making...

SYRIA: Hundreds of Aleppo men & boys reported missing after crossing from rebel areas into gov territory: UN - BBC

Killed, tortured, jailed and forcibly conscripted: the main components of #Assad "liberation" of #Aleppo.

- Hundreds of men turn "missing" after fleeing to #Assad-held #Aleppo
- #JFS stops civilians from leaving the east

GROUND REALITY the rebels by holding back the population is actually protecting them from genocide being currently carried out by Shia militias ALL THE WHILE Russian FM goes around stating there is a so called "ceasefire".....

12-09-2016, 11:15 AM
Yet another vid of Su-35Ss (Red 54–57) arriving to 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment in Besovets, Karelia. This in HD.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxfD15sjnJI …

EuphratesShield forces started operations to control #ISIS-held Al-Bab. Intense #TSK shelling & airstrikes on the city & outskirts.

Syria #Aleppo #FSA retook 2 villages from #IS at NW outskirts of al Bab
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.389817&lon=37.467885&z=15&m=b …

Syria #FSA launch battle for al Bab, #YPG renew assault on #Raqqa, #IS took over #Palmyra gas fields

EuphratesShield: #TSK deployed its first tanks Leopard 2 for future operations in Al-Bab region. #Syria.

AND the US is not constantly stabbing Turkey in the back and not wanting to fight IS.....DOES this make sense to anyone??

EuphratesShield: US asked Turkey to talk w/ SDF & to focus on #ISIS but US-led Coalition withdrew all support 4 attack on #ISIS-held Al-Bab

12-09-2016, 11:20 AM
Just to let you know:
The #Russian-created & agency-spread "#Aleppo ceasefire" news are 100% fake.
Regime & rebels confirm heavy fighting.

Syria #Russia'n Foreign Minister announce temporal cease-fire for #Aleppo city after #Assad rejected it
CrowBat.....confirms that you were right in that Putin controls actually no one outside of maybe Turkey....

Moreover, both(!) confirm, it is the pro-#Assad forces that attack and advance inside eastern #Aleppo.

12-09-2016, 11:25 AM
The fall of #Aleppo to Syrian government forces has #Ankara recalibrating its options in #Syria @amberinzaman


Turkey's shredded Syria policy

Turkey’s outsize ambitions in Syria lie in shreds as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad press on to assert control over the rebel strongholds that remain in Aleppo. Ankara's long-running support for the rebels in the war-ravaged city has seemingly been reduced to appeals from Turkish rebel sympathizers on Twitter, with #HaleplcinAyaktayiz, “We Are Mobilized for Aleppo,” trending on the social media site.

The drama in Aleppo, a city seen as key to a rebel victory against Assad, unfolded as Turkey’s prime minister, Binali Yildirim, held talks Dec. 6 in Russia with his counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, to restore trade and other links that crumbled when Turkey downed a Russian jet over the Syrian border in November 2015.

A critical piece of the Turkey-Russia reset is what to do about Ankara's rebel proxies. The latest developments in Aleppo suggest that some kind of understanding has been reached, with Turkey reportedly mediating on behalf of the rebels and their families for their withdrawal to Idlib.

Ankara is in a hurry because of its paranoia over the Syrian Kurdish statelet it sees emerging along its border. It is desperate to stop the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) from physically linking all the cantons under its control. This, in turn, means preventing the YPG from taking the town of al-Bab from the Islamic State and also striking a deal with Russia, and by extension with the Assad regime, presumably at the Syrian Kurds’ expense.

Murat Yetkin, a prominent columnist, summed up Ankara’s position as follows: “Turkey is trying to find a way to achieve its targets, which have narrowed from overthrowing Bashar al-Assad to stopping the PYD [Democratic Union Party, the YPG's political arm], to having full control over its 910-kilometer [565-mile] border with Syria.” He concluded, “With more uncertainties in the future with the advent of the Donald Trump administration in the US, it won’t matter for Ankara whether it achieves that goal with the US or Russia.”

Until recently, most pundits had reckoned that Turkey would not make any dramatic changes to its Syria policy until a new administration takes office in Washington. This, however, was premised on the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, who echoed Turkey’s calls for a no-fly zone in Syria, winning the election. President-elect Trump, on the other hand, has voiced deep skepticism about the rebels, prompting Turkey to consider cutting its losses.

Still, Turkey can rightfully claim that it has done more than any other state for Syrian refugees. An estimated 2.75 million Syrians are currently living in Turkey, mostly around the Syrian border and in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, the country’s largest cities. Yildirim recently announced that more than $20 billion had been spent so far on their care. His deputy, Veysi Kaynak, told the state-run Anadolu Agency Dec. 7 that 78,824 Syrian children were being educated at refugee centers, while another 133,400 were enrolled in state-run schools across the country.

Indeed, the number of Syrian children receiving an education is gradually increasing, the International Crisis Group (ICG) observed in a comprehensive report on Syrian refugees in Turkey. There was a 50% increase in enrollment between June 2015 and March 2016. Yet, some 400,000 of the approximately 900,000 refugees of school age still do not attend an educational facility.

While the integration of refugees remains only skin deep, there is growing recognition that most of the Syrians are in Turkey to stay. The ICG noted, “Acknowledgement of the need to integrate Syrians into the workforce began in January 2016, when Syrians under temporary protection were granted the right to receive work permits. But with 3.5 million Turkish citizens unemployed, resentment is high about Syrians competing for jobs.” In addition, host communities “widely see Syrians as a security risk,” not least because of their perceived links to jihadist groups.

All of this means that Turkey is unwilling to take additional Syrian refugees, especially in the wake of the July 15 coup attempt and the economic and political chaos that has ensued. Thus, while many Turks continue to pay lip service to Syria’s beleaguered revolutionaries, they may well not object to Ankara’s efforts to keep at bay the fresh wave of refugees that would likely be prompted by their defeat.

12-09-2016, 11:34 AM
Homs: #ISIS has captured #Al_Mahr Gas Field. Regime counter-attack failed. #ISIS seized 2 regime tanks.

12-09-2016, 11:38 AM
Well, this isnt the SAA they film in Aleppo all the time..

"Secular Alternative"
Pro #Syria-regime #Iraq Shi'a militia parading in #Aleppo:
"1, 2, 3, Haidar [nickname for Imam Ali]"
via @InsRepTeam

Iran #AlamTV @HoseinMortada hoists #Hezbollah flag over #Aleppo Citadel
"Hoisting Yellow banner near #Syria flag,it's flying all over city"

12-09-2016, 11:43 AM
E. #Homs: on 2nd day of its offensive #ISIS seized Maher gas fields from pro-Regime forces, 18 km N. of Tiyas Airbase used by #RuAF choppers

12-09-2016, 11:52 AM
Kompromat" in the cyber age. An ominous tale by Andrew Higgins about Russia's efforts to discredit its opponents.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/world/europe/vladimir-putin-russia-fake-news-hacking-cybersecurity.html …

12-09-2016, 12:06 PM
From Interfax today....

14:41 U.S. did not want to recognize al-Nusra as terrorist organization at OSCE session - Lavrov

14:34 Lavrov hopes cooperation with Turkey on Syria will be more productive than with U.S

14:28 U.S. decision to lift ban on arms supply to Syria to impact talks with Russia but not Aleppo situation - Lavrov



14:15 Fighting in Aleppo only suspended and will resume after humanitarian pauses - Lavrov


12-09-2016, 12:11 PM
From Interfax today....

14:41 U.S. did not want to recognize al-Nusra as terrorist organization at OSCE session - Lavrov

14:34 Lavrov hopes cooperation with Turkey on Syria will be more productive than with U.S

14:28 U.S. decision to lift ban on arms supply to Syria to impact talks with Russia but not Aleppo situation - Lavrov



14:15 Fighting in Aleppo only suspended and will resume after humanitarian pauses - Lavrov


Despite Russian claims that hostilities have ceased around Aleppo, residents in the east are reporting heavy bombardment.

It is no exaggeration to state that Russia is lying and cheating on all levels and all the time.

Russia stopped bombing Aleppo in October with planes it denied it was sending the previous September & said it was sending home in March.

Doping: Russia accused of 'unprecedented institutionalized cheating'. Likely Kremlin response - everybody cheats
https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/dec/09/more-than-1000-russian-athletes-benefitted-from-state-sponsored-doping?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other …

12-09-2016, 12:24 PM
The 2 main Regime bases set up on hilltops in S. #Aleppo countryside are Mount Nabi Idris & Mount Arabeen. Both are imp. artillery positions

Mount Nabi Idris is the most important artillery position w/ a permanent base provided with at least 6 howitzers & 5 MRLS (likely BM-21)

Mount Arabeen is the second one where at least 3 howitzers inside the base are visible on recent satellite images. S. #Aleppo

12-09-2016, 12:31 PM
Homs: Video of heavy fighting between #ISIS & pro-#Assad forces near #Palmyra. Pro-#Assad forces fleeing the battlefield.

Aleppo: at least 15 pro Assad fighters have been killed in Jib Jalabi

12-09-2016, 12:33 PM
Could someone please show me what the Arab countries have done for the Syrians. Apart from Qatar? I'm being serious

Jordan along with Obama has killed off southern front & sells Assad chlorine gas. Algeria supports both Assad & Gaddafi from day one

Algeria let the Russian piece of junk refuel at its ports while other European countries refused on MORAL grounds

Egypt has just sent 200 soldiers & that Russian Chechen stooge has sent hundreds of fighters. Iraq is now Iran lite as is Lebanon

Lebanon has dismantled Syrian refugee camps & takes orders from Hezbollah. Jordan treats Syrian refugees just as bad sometimes even worse

For the 9th time in less than a month Assad uses chlorine gas in Aleppo purchased from Jordan!

According to source there's around 200 Egyptian soldiers donated by Sisi to help Assad. 1 dictator helping another

12-09-2016, 12:41 PM
UN-Human Rights Commission Rupert Colville:
Hundreds of civilians missing after arrived in regime controlled areas of #Aleppo city

12-09-2016, 12:46 PM
Feasible plans exist (& have done for some time) to air-drop aid into East #Aleppo.

But there’s no political will.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/08/push-for-east-aleppo-aid-drops-using-gps-guided-parachutes?CMP=share_btn_tw …

(Just 27%) of pro-#Assad militias are Syrian.

Rest Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani, Bahraini & Yemeni.

12-09-2016, 12:52 PM
The impact of US based info warfare......in this case "fake news"....

What have we come to when a woman, based on fake news, threatens a father who lost his 7-year-old-son in Sandy Hook?
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/12/07/us/florida-woman-is-charged-with-threatening-sandy-hook-parent.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2F us&action=click&contentCollection=us&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=30&pgtype=sectionfront&referer=http://www.nytimes.com/section/us?WT.nav=page&action=click&contentCollection=U.S.&module=HPMiniNav&pgtype=Homepage&region=TopBar …

12-09-2016, 03:13 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

The UN confirms what all of us feared - 100s of men & boys are “missing” after crossing/withdrawing into #Assad regime territory of #Aleppo.

Fred Hof: it makes one wonder how serious Obama was about counter-terrorism when he would do nothing to stop #Assad's atrocities.

12-09-2016, 03:16 PM
Fred Hof asks that we at least be spared victim-blaming from the US administration as #Syria's horrors play out.

12-09-2016, 03:20 PM
Obama's CT has not gone well; those "outside of gov't have been under-critical these past few years," says @DaveedGR

Analysis: ‘Trump Might Continue Obama’s Dangerous Syria Policy’


12-09-2016, 03:24 PM
Russian Syria Express....

#ЧФ Black Sea Fleet Nikolai Filchenkov 152 transits Bosphorus. Tapir class LST

12-09-2016, 03:26 PM
Aleppo: Turkish Leopard-2A4 tank fighting against #ISIS near #Al_Bab today.

Syria Rebels killed 70 #Assad-forces in #Aleppo city today

12-09-2016, 03:27 PM
Pentagon Confirms Russia Has a Submarine Nuke Delivery Drone
http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a24216/pentagon-confirm-russia-submarine-nuke/ …

12-09-2016, 03:33 PM
Russian advisors flee IS attack on Palmyra

Syria #IS advance again (from 3 axes) toward #Palmyra -lots of residents fled desert town- #Russia'n advisors withdrawn

12-09-2016, 03:37 PM
No so called Russian "ceasefire"......

25 civilians killed in #AssadPutin air strikes and artillery attacks on besieged eastern #Aleppo today.
Many of them IDPs.

U.N. Warns of Summary Killings in Aleppo, Syria

Two dead regime soldiers fighting in Sheikh Saeed were reportedly civilians displaced from Aleppo city just a wk ago, forcibly conscripted.

12-09-2016, 03:48 PM
Aleppo: Finally rebels in besieged Eastern #Aleppo fighting united, build up defence lines and repelling pro-#Assad forces.

BREAKING Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov calls @Reuters journalist 'an imbecile' (#VIDEO)

ARE Russian nerves getting a tad strained.......?????

12-09-2016, 03:50 PM
WATCH: The Syrian army has released drone footage showing the scale of destruction in Aleppo.

12-09-2016, 03:52 PM
Russian Syrian Express.....

Ship of Interest: Coming from #Tartus #Syria, Cook Islands flag cargo vessel transits Bosphorus en route to Samsun & likely sails to Crimea

HEAVY: #ВМФ #ЧФ BSF Tapir class LST Nikolai Filchenkov 152 transits Bosphorus en route to #Tartus #Syria for its 4th deployment in 2016

12-09-2016, 03:56 PM
Russian pilots raiding Syria from the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier - identified.
Список пилотов-детоубийц ВКС РФ (Ад.Кузнецов список+фото)
https://psb4ukr.net/902579-piloty-ubijcy-s-teploxoda-kuzya/ …

12-09-2016, 04:05 PM
Aleppo: Rebels destroyed 2 #Assad tanks and 1 BMP in Eastern #Aleppo.

Another @SyriaCivilDef center - this time in #KafrNabl - was hit by a #Russian precision air strike.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWCKFEO5Hq0 …

Homs: #ISIS in a captured #Assad regime checkpoint east of #Palmyra (near the silos).

12-09-2016, 04:12 PM
Gulf Arab states that have funded and armed Syrian rebels are not ready to give up on them

DUBAI (Reuters) - Gulf Arab states that have funded and armed the rebels fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are not yet ready to give up on aiding the insurgency, even as the rebels seem headed for defeat.

The past two weeks have seen rebels driven from most of the territory they held in Aleppo, once Syria's largest city, the eastern half of which had been in their hands since 2012. Defeat there would cost them their last major urban bastion.

The insurgents have also lost important territory in the suburbs of Damascus and elsewhere in recent months, with Assad now appearing closer to victory than at any point since protests against him evolved into an armed uprising five years ago.

That has plunged the Sunni Muslim Arab rulers into doubt and introspection, after years of calling for Assad's overthrow and backing the rebels against him in a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

For much of the conflict, countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been providing arms and funds to insurgents vetted as "moderate" by Western intelligence agencies, through a coordination center in Turkey.

They have also offered diplomatic support to opposition groups that consider themselves an alternative government in waiting, and encouraged them to refuse any final settlement that fails to remove Assad from power.

But while the rebels no longer appear to have any path to victory, analysts in the region say the wealthy Gulf monarchies are not ready to give up on them. They could continue to fund and arm a guerrilla insurgency based in rural areas, even if the rebels no longer administer major cities and towns.

"I believe the Gulf states will continue to support the opposition. They will not stop now," said writer and researcher Khaled al-Dakheel.

The Gulf states consider Assad's sponsor Iran to be their arch enemy, are also fighting a war in Yemen against a Shi'ite movement they say is backed by Tehran, and have an interest in perpetuating the Syrian war even if victory is beyond reach.

According to Dakheel, the Gulf rulers are hoping for a boost from Washington with the looming change in U.S. presidential administration. They believe outgoing President Barack Obama was too reluctant to commit military force to confronting Assad and too soft on Iran more generally, and hope for a tougher line from Donald Trump.

So far, Trump has given mixed signals about his plans for the Middle East, promising on the one hand to take a harder line against Iran, but on the other hand suggesting he favors Russia's support for Iran's ally Assad.

Gulf states "will look at the position of the new administration. That position is still vague and presented a confused picture. How can you take a hardline stance and do not mind Assad staying (in power)?" Dakheel said.

Saud Humaid Assubayii, security affairs committee chairman at Saudi Arabia's Shura Council, an appointed advisory body, told Reuters he too expected Gulf Arab officials would wait to see what stance Trump will take on Syria.

Gulf states believe that a stronger line from Obama would have produced a different outcome, he said. Obama threatened to take military action against Assad's government to punish it for using chemical weapons in 2013, but then canceled the strikes at the last minute after a Russian-brokered deal under which Assad agreed to give up his poison gas arsenal.

"The U.S. has its own weight.... America is an important factor," Assubayii said, speaking in a personal capacity. "Of course, if Obama had stood up to his promises, things would have been changed and worked out differently.”

12-09-2016, 04:18 PM
Russia's UN ambo speaking now on his regime's own 'white mans burden': "the phantom notion of moderate Syrian opposition has collapsed"

12-09-2016, 04:21 PM
PHOTOS: German-built Leopard tanks deployed by #Turkey near al-Bab as part of operation against ISIS -

12-09-2016, 04:27 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
Russian military police has arrived to Hmeimim Airbase (sources have said their mission in Syria was to guard it)

12-09-2016, 04:32 PM
Russia cannot seem to realize when they are lying and when they are not lying......

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihwAEImHsbs …
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dw.com%2Fru%2F%25D0%25BB%25D0%2 5B0%25D0%25B2%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B2-%25D1%2581%25D0%25BE%25D1%2581%25D0%25BB%25D0%25B0 %25D0%25BB%25D1%2581%25D1%258F-%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B0-%25D1%2581%25D0%25BB%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B2%25D0%25B0-%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B5 %25D0%25BB%25D1%258C-%25D0%25BE-%25D0%25BA%25D0%25BE%25D1%2582%25D0%25BE%25D1%2580 %25D1%258B%25D1%2585-%25D0%25B2-%25D0%25B3%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B0 %25D0%25BD%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B8-%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B5-%25D0%25B7%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B0%25D1%258E%25D1%2582 %2Fa-36706715&edit-text= …

#Lavrov: #Russia meddling in #Germany elex is 'hogwash,' as #Merkel 'put it' (she didn't)

12-09-2016, 04:35 PM

The IRGC was assaulting the whole day. They just didn't get through: the insurgents inside what is now actually Southern Aleppo (city) have regroupped under the banner of Liwa Ashida'a (FSyA), led by Abu Abd Ashida'a, from Sukari District. These are Aleppans, protecting their families and homes: they'll not give up just like that.

As described above, the situation is actually such that Russians are trying to negotiate some sort of a cease-fire in order to score PR-points on the international scene, and present themselves as 'in control' of what is going on in Syria.

Actually, they have no say there: they can make their agreements with Turkey, Egypt, babble about 'Syrian Army', even send their troops to fight in Aleppo etc., but the only place relevant for what Assadists are doing, is Tehran, and all the forces in Aleppo are IRGC-controlled.

Indeed. I'm tired of Syria being framed as a contest between Erdogan, Obama, Assad and Putin, when in fact, Khamanei is the key foreign player, without whose support, Russia's air group might as well transport Assad to a dacha in Sochi.

12-09-2016, 04:40 PM
The #AdmiralKuznetsov's group is near Tartus.

I'm afraid that this photo looks identical to one I saw of the Kuznetsov traveling along the European coast...


12-09-2016, 04:43 PM
Homs: #ISIS has captured #Jihar Gas Field from #Assad regime. #Palmyra

12-09-2016, 04:53 PM
Russian FMs response when Reuters journalist questioned him about the so called Russian ceasefire in Aleppo.....

Hamburg, #Germany: #Lavrov to Reuters journalists: "What do you want? Debily[=RU for morons/dumbasses]" @pauluskp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xcNkZ9Mu_0 …

12-09-2016, 05:38 PM
Breaking. #EuphratesShield forces are storming #ISIS-held Al-Bab. Two strategic areas (hill & Old City) will determine the fate of the Town.

Sources to AlJazeera: FSA troops enters ISIS controlled #ElBab with Turkish support.
https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/807273442764537856 …

12-09-2016, 05:42 PM
Information Warfare Is #Warfare
http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2016/12/08/information_warfare_is_warfare_110457.html …

12-09-2016, 05:52 PM
Russian UN Ambassador in a jam now..........

122 countries voted in favour of UN resolution - spearheaded by Canada - calling for end to fighting in Syria & access to humanitarian aid

12-09-2016, 05:57 PM
#Russia's high tech T-90 tanks, driven by pro-#Assad militias, are advancing in #Aleppo today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L__y8sF7do0 …

12-09-2016, 05:59 PM
An #Assad air force Su-24 over #Aleppo today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C_23lkK3Qs …

All Russian "ceasefire" claims are lies.

12-09-2016, 06:02 PM
What is left of besieged eastern #Aleppo.
The shame of our time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9qTa6mWEZs …


12-09-2016, 06:10 PM
Aleppo: Sham Front shelled pro-Regime forces on Sheikh Said front with a wave of Grad rockets.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.156034&lon=37.154732&z=13&m …

Rebels launched a counterattack from several axis at Sheikh Saeed and have killed many Liwa Al-Quds fighters and Hazara Shia fighters.

Rebels also captured 8 Hazara Shia fighters after rebels surrounded them in Sheikh Saeed.

Rebels captured 4 more enemy. This time 4 Syrian regime fighters.

Aleppo: fierce Rebel resistance & reorganized defenses stalling pro-Regime forces trying to advance in heart of Rebel pocket (~20 km²).

12-09-2016, 06:12 PM
Group of Afghans of #IRGC's Fatemiun in Aleppo heading back 2Damascus after regular two-months fighting,being replaced by newly arrived ones

12-09-2016, 06:18 PM
Looks like VVP is ratcheting up #SpecialWar against #Ukraine, because it's how Chekists roll. This will not stop with #Ukraine.

Russian SpecialWar is called #Hybridwar and is no longer only #Russia|n aggression against #Ukraine.

Russian Military Draws Lessons From Ukraine and Syria Ops
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/12/09/russian-military-draws-lessons-from-ukraine-syria-putin-war-islamic-state/ …

12-09-2016, 11:15 PM
Azor...my personal take on Russia.....I am probably the only on here at SWJ that comments and was actually in the Soviet Union twice in 72 and again in 73 as a student camping my way through the SU each time for over 8 weeks each time...

Well, Russia was referred to as the “Upper Volta with rockets” for a good reason. One can’t drive forward by looking in the rear-view mirror, but both Nixon’s Détente and Reagan’s rollback were the wrong approaches on Russia, and containment was what eventually worked.

Have you watched the Soviet Union’s ‘Heirs of Victory’ propaganda film? From 1975, it celebrates the thirty year-old victory over Germany and demonstrates Soviet military capabilities. While Western intelligence no doubt studied the film intently, noting the various systems depicted, what struck me was the relatively poor production value which seemed at least a decade behind the West. An intelligence analyst might have asked whether poor civilian optic technology was indicative of Soviet military technology as well. Indeed, we know now that the bomber and missile gaps were non-existent, and that there is indeed a correlation between advanced consumer products and advanced military technology.

NOW jump forward to the Putin era and the high price for oil and initially it was invested into the Russian society and the living levels did climb as did the salaries and pensions....BUT somewhere in about 2004 the oligarchs and Putin decided they wanted the better part of the 5T USDs being made in oil every year and it stopped flowing to the civil society...Had Putin decided in say 2003/2004 to truly invest the 5T or so into the Russian economy every year to modernize it and rebuild the infrastructure...medical facilities and healthcare and new housing he would be President until say 2050....instead he went the militarization route and we have what we now have a "third Rome Russian jihad built on the ROC".....supporting the view of a "Russian world"......

I fully agree. The fact that Putin cannot surrender the helm in his lifetime is proof enough that he has ill-gotten gains. Even if he had initially eschewed corrupting himself, his clients would not have trusted him until he was as dirty as they. Who would trust a mobster who hasn’t made his bones? What dirty cop could tolerate Serpico or others refusing takes?

In some ways NATO got it initially [right] with Russia when after the Wall they fully offered to integrate Russia into the EU economy and do jointly a military concept with Russia both of which were turned down by Putin....as NATO after 1991 was in the process of shifting from a war footing to a peacetime downgrading phase and did not view Russia as a true military threat any longer...

Putin would argue that the West rebuffed Russia, but even Yeltsin wanted “first among equals” status in the EEC/EU, which would have been unworkable. Putin also understood that only by being outside the tent while brandishing nuclear weapons could Russia have any influence.

I do not pretend to have eaten "knowledge with a spoon" but I have had the opportunity to do things since 1966 that now allows me to sit back and judge exactly what is ongoing around me....what many in the US have never had...As much as CB and I often push back on you.....you do challenge and have great thoughts about some topics that actually very critical to the US...AND I am not so sure Trump and company fully understand that...

I try to take a strategic and high-level view of events. I believe that Winston Churchill was a strategic genius with the best understanding of the war, however, he made some major tactical blunders and failed to delegate tasks effectively in some cases.

12-09-2016, 11:19 PM
There was a WOW effect with the new Russian non linear warfare doctrine that has worn off after the over two years of solid fighting in eastern Ukraine and now Syria....which needs to be urgently revisited but it will not under Trump and company.......as he and his security advisors are in fact solidly tied into Putin and his oligarch company...simply based on their investments into 247 Russian companies carrying the name of Trump and his sold real estate to them....

I don’t see any solid evidence that Trump is beholden to Russian oligarchs. What little evidence there is indicates a desire by Trump to do business in the post-Soviet space, many years of failure to break into that market and a statement about Russian revenues prior to the Great Recession.

With respect to Paul Manafort and others associated with Trump’s campaign, here is my take on developments:

Anti-war, anti-martial and isolationist sentiment became pronounced as it became clear that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were failures
The GOP whose foreign policy platform was still Neo-Conservative, was unable to develop a foreign policy strategy that appealed to the changing mood of the American electorate in either 2008 or 2012
Russia supported US politicians who were anti-war or isolationist by a variety of means and as a matter of course
The GOP’s opposition to nominating Trump caused the foreign policy and defense thought-leaders to either withdraw from the arena or join Clinton’s campaign
For most if not all of Trump’s campaign, his only GOP supporters in Congress or at large were those on the isolationist fringe (Manafort would have had no chance to be on the Cruz, Bush, Kasich or Rubio campaigns)
Trump crafted a foreign policy and defense message that was very simple and which cut up the center of the electorate: a stronger military kept at home. In one stroke he catered to the sentiments driving support for Sanders, as well as those Democrats and Republicans who longed for a return of Reagan
The Kremlin had no way of knowing who would win the Republican nomination, let alone the election. I believe that they wanted Trump over Clinton, but also Sanders over Clinton, Obama over Romney, Obama over McCain, Kerry over Bush and Gore over Bush
The election was Hillary’s to lose, and the SVR/GRU certainly did not fabricate the issues with Clinton and the DNC that irritated voters
Anonymous “declared war” on Trump prior to his nomination and… *crickets*
Now that Trump is president and the GOP and establishment are coming to terms with that, you will see a more mainstream approach to foreign policy
When Russia was the primary US adversary from 1945 to 1991, the US took advantage of the Sino-Soviet split, even though that meant cooperating with China. If the adversary is now China, the US will need Russia in the tent
Note that I am not a Trump voter

Especially the Russian tie ins into the right wing...neo Nazi and alt right movements inside the US and those in Europe........It is all tied together inside non linear warfare....and it is a war whether we call it one or not....what I see and push back on Russian cyber activities here inside German would scare most Americans. to the point they would never sleep well again if they use the internet....and what we are seeing now being directed by Russia as info warfare against Merkel.....The heart of #Calexit beats in–where else? Yekaterinburg. @leonidragozin on Russia & California's secession movement AND this was being totally overlooked by Obama and it will as well with Trump and company......

Russia has also ramped up its foreign intelligence operations to levels not seen since Andropov.

You do bring up an outstanding point about Calexit. I am in agreement with Mark Galeotti that Putin neither anticipated nor desired Trump to win, but wanted a known quantity (Hillary) who was brought down a peg.

Therefore, the Kremlin's next move will be to do a 180 and support the anti-Trump movement, questioning the Electoral College, questioning his competence, questioning his appointments. Russia's goal is to neuter the US with factionalism while having a free hand in the former Soviet Union. It wants a strong Trump as much as it wants a strong Clinton.

Agreed. Russian snap exercises since 2014 have shown they can put significant numbers in the field in 48-72 hrs. And growing numbers of modernized older platforms continue to shift the regional balance in Nordic/Baltic/C.Europe in Russia's favor.

Yes, the old Iskander circle-jerk. It is new to many Americans, but not to those who followed BMD/EPAA from 2008-2009 on.

Right now popular vote wise HRC has a lead of 2.7M lead over Trump and will probably when the counts are finished have matched the Obama 2008 numbers.... so in fact he does not speak for the majority nor has a so called "mandate" to speak for all Americans…

Both the Electoral College and the Senate are intended to prevent populous cities and states deciding elections, and there have been compromises and revisions to the electoral votes to compensate for changing demographics. Given Hillary’s “mandate” in New York and California, why doesn’t she run for governor? She knew which states were contested and she knew where she had to visit to edge out Trump but she was too lazy. She took the “Blue Wall” for granted, which even Bill Clinton and Barack Obama cautioned her against, and she danced with Jennifer Lopez in Florida, assuming a free concert by a liberal celebrity of Puerto Rican descent would influence the decidedly conservative Cuban Americans and whites in Florida.

I will go on record and openly state the info warfare being driven by Russia against both the US and EU is no different than what was/is still being used by the Trump campaign/transition and even now....take every single Trump tweet and or rally/interview statement and then use the Russian 6Ds method of propaganda....Distort....Deflect....Dismay....Dist ract ALL designed to created Doubt and Distrust...and tell me I am wrong????

But what has Obama been doing? What about his off-handed remarks about police brutality, race relations, chemical weapons use, Russian aggression, illegals, etc.? Trump is simply controlling the discourse rather than responding to developments within it.

During the Cold War, pro-Soviet propaganda was ridiculous and easily dismissed. However, the Soviets found traction with anti-American propaganda, specifically where Vietnam, nuclear arms, defense spending, support for authoritarian anti-Communists and foreign interventions were concerned.

Instead of taking on the difficult role of prosecutor, where you must state and prove a narrative, Putin takes on the role of defense counsel. Rather than proving a case, he merely has to create reasonable doubt. Note that Russia has never proved how MH17 was downed: it has suggested three alternatives that render Russia blameless and suggested two deflections that render Russia blameless regardless of who shot it down. But after Kosovo, Iraq and Libya, should the onus not be on the US government to prove its case?

THAT is what is actually behind the new term "fake news"....it is simply disinformation/propaganda driven by social media....

Yet the left is also reveling in fake news:

When Russia was digging in in Georgia from 2009 on, slicing off Crimea and setting Donbas ablaze, bombing Syrian towns and cities, violating NATO airspace, threatening NATO members with nuclear attacks, violating the CFE Treaty, violating the INF Treaty and conducting nuclear offensive exercises, barely a word from Obama or the DNC (only Kerry refers to the Russo-Ukrainian War as an “invasion”)
When Sanders is a challenge to Clinton in the primaries, Russia becomes a major foreign policy and defense issue
When Trump is a challenge to Clinton during the election, Trump becomes a Russian agent
When Trump proposes deporting illegal aliens and halt Muslim immigration, he becomes Hitler
Trump is also racist against blacks, based upon a commonplace rental practice and hearsay from a disgruntled ex-employee
No distinction is made between Hispanic Americans and illegals from Mexico and Central America, who are regarded as “refugees”
Trump’s election was the result of a “whitelash” (patently false based on exit poll data)

Azor...this goes to my thoughts on the key Russian non linear warfare cornerstones....1) info warfare...2) cyber warfare...BTW....I personally view this war as being far more dangerous than anything IS can throw at Europe or the US.....

Conceivably, cyberwarfare could be worse than Daesh if an adversary state is able to cause a meltdown at a nuclear reactor in the West without leaving any evidence for attribution. However, this scenario is unlikely. Why? Because if the attack is not part of war, then it is to send a political message which would either be ignored if the meltdown is presumed to be accidental, or would result in full-scale war in retaliation. The Kremlin has as much incentive to destroy a nuclear power plant by code as it does by a nuclear suitcase bomb.

The Soviets found American reconnaissance overflights of their territory in the 1950s and 1960s very vexing. Yet the military satellites of today perform the same functions and are essential to verifying compliance with arms reduction programs. Just as Soviet agents in the West could steal secrets, develop assets, influence people and fight behind the lines in the event of war, Russian cyber-warriors do the same thing today.

12-09-2016, 11:20 PM
Information Warfare Is #Warfare
http://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2016/12/08/information_warfare_is_warfare_110457.html …

I was considering posting this yesterday.

However, according to Clausewitz: "war therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfil our will."

Espionage is not considered warfare, and the actual physical violence meted out during the Cold War espionage of the 1940s-1960s far exceeds the nuisance of propaganda and cyber operations today.

Indeed, Soviet and US soldiers fought each other directly in both Korea and Vietnam, and North Korea murdered over 100 US servicemen without any retaliation.

I agree that the Western definition of information warfare should be broadened, but Russia's definition may be too expansive. Creating an account on Disqus or Facebook or Twitter with which to troll MSM stories is very different from hacking into the CIA to obtain lists of assets in Russia or jamming and spoofing US forces deployed in Lithuania or infiltrating a sabotage virus into a US nuclear reactor.

12-10-2016, 05:55 AM
I was considering posting this yesterday.

However, according to Clausewitz: "war therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfil our will."

Espionage is not considered warfare, and the actual physical violence meted out during the Cold War espionage of the 1940s-1960s far exceeds the nuisance of propaganda and cyber operations today.

Indeed, Soviet and US soldiers fought each other directly in both Korea and Vietnam, and North Korea murdered over 100 US servicemen without any retaliation.

I agree that the Western definition of information warfare should be broadened, but Russia's definition may be too expansive. Creating an account on Disqus or Facebook or Twitter with which to troll MSM stories is very different from hacking into the CIA to obtain lists of assets in Russia or jamming and spoofing US forces deployed in Lithuania or infiltrating a sabotage virus into a US nuclear reactor.

Azor...will post more extensive latter as today is the third advent here in Berlin and I am heading to the various Xmas fairs in the center......

But a quick response........

I personally do not like the terms left and right and but I like the more the simpler terms of liberal and conservative as it takes in the moral beliefs component ......

In many aspects American are really weak on their own history and if they are strong on it they run from it and think it cannot happen again.....

What we saw in this election was a replay of the political movement by the KKK that went mainstream in the early 20s...AND surprise surprise look at the "Rust Belt" states that went strong KKK....REALLY check the KKK election slogans from then and compare them to Trump's slogans and messaging from now...nearly identical. Which is not that unusual if one sees the "alt right"...KKK and Nazi media support for Trump coupled with a vast media outlet side from the "alt right".....

AND what drove the KKK messaging then as it did now Trump....."rural decline vs major urban centers...." rural Americana has been literally dying since industrialization just not now with globalization which is now in a true digitalization phase driven by true automation....you see this development especially in farming with the conversion from single farmer owned farms to mass miles of corporate farmers.....

WHAT amazes me the most is the American utter believe that a pied piper literally with over 278 stated positions stating he is for the common working man does not yet fully realize "they got taken to the cleaners".......

EXAMPLE....check the Carrier deal....Trump takes all kinds of credit "for the making of a deal"...remember his book.....BUT it was all lies....and what was the UTC actual response when the unions tried to do deals by offering cuts exceeding 23M USDs...UTC stated you need to save 65M USDs as that is what we save yearly by going to Mexico..."we will stay but you must accept no benefits and 5 USDs per hour down from 25 USDs and benefits......

Trump stated he saved 1550 jobs BUT WAIT in the end it was only 800 WHICH were to remain anyway...the other 700 or so are going to be lost anyway in the next two years via robots and automation which runs 24 X 7 X 365 .....AND still Mexico...

WHAT Trump and company cannot state is "so American manufacturing if you cannot compete with a robot you are lost"....now his promise to drain the swamp....Gold Sachs ......climate deniers...deregulators... and Generals later do you honesty think he "cares about the common American".

WHAT most Americans do not see is that the shift to automation and climate control actually in the end creates more jobs than it kills especially in the follow on supply chains.....why do you think Germany is so successful year after year...BUT it requires an educated employee base....WHICH the US does not have in the "Rust Belt" regions...and why is it just now that the US is starting to build their own wind generators instead of using German built???? BUT WAIT the Germans are still making money by just licensing the technology.....

NOW to "war"....disagree with you...we are in fact in a war..just with a newer more modern slant...

Russia has it actually right this time with their doctrine of non linear warfare...which has the two key cornerstones....information warfare and cyber warfare....really go back and reread the current Russian military doctrinal view of what is information warfare and how it is linked to "winning a war without a shot being fired".....they fully understood Sun Tzu......

Key element to winning in information warfare is the complete changing of the beliefs of an entire society just not a "few non believers"....thus the building of a global "news network" using RT and Sputnik international in 178 countries and adding more daily...and the intensive use of social media as that is where most get their "news" these days....

Recap of Week: Trump Transition officials believe fake news re: PizzaGate, but doubt CIA on Russian hacking.

This is serious:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/a-big-change-to-us-broadcasting-is-coming--and-its-one-putin-might-admire/2016/12/09/6c6d5786-bcb7-11e6-91ee-1adddfe36cbe_story.html?utm_term=.6d5f846695c3 …
BTW, RussiaToday/RT (free?) in hotel rms, taxis all over DC
So is in exchange VOA and RFE going to get equal air time in Moscow???

U.S. intelligence has identified individuals w/ links to the Russian govt who gave WikiLeaks the hacked DNC emails [
url]https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?hpid=hp_rhp-top-table-main_russiahack-1215p%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.25b0370017a2[/url] …

IF you paid close attention to comments by many Trump voters they do not believe MSM anymore and "learn their news from social media".......

Reinforce the Russian info war side then with a massive social media trolling presence then you have a complete war machine that fires not a single bullet yet changes and influences the thinking of an entire society....OR at least enough to change an election in the case of Trump...

Russian cyber warfare...I will get into far more detail in the coming posts and this is what is driving the Russia information warfare side...as a very effective force multiplier.....again a war term...few pay attention to......

CIA: "Russia tried to tip election in favor of Trump."
GOP: "Da."
Trump transition statement is again that it did not happen and was not done at all by Russia...overriding even the fact that the CIA indicates the RNC was also hacked but their emails were never released by WikiLeaks meaning the Russians are holding blackmail data...THEIR KEY comment is strange....."CIA got it wrong in Iraq so why believe them now"?????

Exxon CEO and Trump's leading candidate for Secretary of State is tight w/Putin, would benefit financially from lifting sanctions on Russia
In one current Exxon/Russian oil deal Exxon stands to make 500B USDs....and that "ain't chump change as they say"....

"To have the PEOTUS simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community puts together... Wow..."
http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/09/technology/trump-russia-hackers-cia/index.html …

US Intelligence Officials Warned Europe About Russian Hackers But It Was Too Late
https://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/us-intelligence-officials-warned-europe-about-russian-hacker?utm_term=.kloagPOVd …

If this happened in a third world country, the United States would warn against it.

Russia hacked Republican National Committee but kept the data, U.S. concludes http://nyti.ms/2hoHtPf

I hope the @nytimes investigates why Comey misled them about the Kremlin's role in the campaign.
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/fbi-russia-election-donald-trump.html?_r=0 …

Here is a November 10 article on Russia admitting ties to the Trump campaign
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/11/world/europe/trump-campaign-russia.html …

BTW....Azor...this is critical...why did the premier US internal CI agency simply "passover" seriously troubling questions concerning key Trump advisors and their ties to the Russian FSB? YET bring up emails that in the end were all duplicates and or personal in nature????

In the Cold War clearance days which were far tighter with clearances these loose connections would have and or could have killed your clearance if not thoroughly explained to a USG CI type....BTW....when the oath is given any civil service member...military member as well as the President "you will defend the US from enemies near and far" are the words spoken.

There is an old saying that I do not use lightly here......"there are traitors among us".......and Snowdon was not the beginning.....

BTW..part of the problem is that the Obama WH was seriously afraid to retaliate due to fears of Russian escalation...the same basic fears drove Obama in eastern Ukraine and Syria...so the inherent question is why....

IMHO...right now the US is extremely venerable to a major hacking attack as our own corporations...banks and critical infrastructure come nowhere close to protecting themselves as they have shied away from anymore major IT investments and security is a costly investment....AND the critical KICKER is...they are unwilling to pay the big salaries to hacking specialists that are needed even if he or she is just 15/16......

I had posted here in SWJ the map depicting the last big DDoS attack on the US and it was impressive....to say the least.....

12-10-2016, 07:02 AM
Azor.....ever notice the Trump "deflection/distorting" of the election....always pointing out the electoral college but failing to indicate he lost the general election by an overwhelming 2.8M votes....

12-10-2016, 08:08 AM
Azor.....ever notice the Trump "deflection/distorting" of the election....always pointing out the electoral college but failing to indicate he lost the general election by an overwhelming 2.8M votes....

GOP denied Obama request for bipartisan denouncement of Russia hacking. A win is more important than nat'l security?http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/us/obama-russia-election-hack.html …

Chuck Todd
✔ @chucktodd So stunned by the Trump transition statement on the Post-CIA-Russia story that I half expect a walk back by tomorrow
Azor...this is from an outside observer who believes in the US and what it represents....

America, you need to take your country back. For us outside observers, it's pretty clear that Russia and oligarchs have captured your country.

AND you know what he is totally correct...when you read this.....never done before by any incoming US President especially since a number of these individuals are civil service and cannot just be fired because they believe there is such an animal called "global warming".....

Trump asked the Department of Energy for the names of every employee who has been to climate change conferences http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/us/politics/climate-change-energy-department-donald-trump-transition.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share …

BLATANT intimidation and this from a President elect who did not win the majority of the general election......

12-10-2016, 08:29 AM
I don’t see any solid evidence that Trump is beholden to Russian oligarchs. What little evidence there is indicates a desire by Trump to do business in the post-Soviet space, many years of failure to break into that market and a statement about Russian revenues prior to the Great Recession.

With respect to Paul Manafort and others associated with Trump’s campaign, here is my take on developments:

Anti-war, anti-martial and isolationist sentiment became pronounced as it became clear that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were failures
The GOP whose foreign policy platform was still Neo-Conservative, was unable to develop a foreign policy strategy that appealed to the changing mood of the American electorate in either 2008 or 2012
Russia supported US politicians who were anti-war or isolationist by a variety of means and as a matter of course
The GOP’s opposition to nominating Trump caused the foreign policy and defense thought-leaders to either withdraw from the arena or join Clinton’s campaign
For most if not all of Trump’s campaign, his only GOP supporters in Congress or at large were those on the isolationist fringe (Manafort would have had no chance to be on the Cruz, Bush, Kasich or Rubio campaigns)
Trump crafted a foreign policy and defense message that was very simple and which cut up the center of the electorate: a stronger military kept at home. In one stroke he catered to the sentiments driving support for Sanders, as well as those Democrats and Republicans who longed for a return of Reagan
The Kremlin had no way of knowing who would win the Republican nomination, let alone the election. I believe that they wanted Trump over Clinton, but also Sanders over Clinton, Obama over Romney, Obama over McCain, Kerry over Bush and Gore over Bush
The election was Hillary’s to lose, and the SVR/GRU certainly did not fabricate the issues with Clinton and the DNC that irritated voters
Anonymous “declared war” on Trump prior to his nomination and… *crickets*
Now that Trump is president and the GOP and establishment are coming to terms with that, you will see a more mainstream approach to foreign policy
When Russia was the primary US adversary from 1945 to 1991, the US took advantage of the Sino-Soviet split, even though that meant cooperating with China. If the adversary is now China, the US will need Russia in the tent
Note that I am not a Trump voter

Russia has also ramped up its foreign intelligence operations to levels not seen since Andropov.

You do bring up an outstanding point about Calexit. I am in agreement with Mark Galeotti that Putin neither anticipated nor desired Trump to win, but wanted a known quantity (Hillary) who was brought down a peg.

Therefore, the Kremlin's next move will be to do a 180 and support the anti-Trump movement, questioning the Electoral College, questioning his competence, questioning his appointments. Russia's goal is to neuter the US with factionalism while having a free hand in the former Soviet Union. It wants a strong Trump as much as it wants a strong Clinton.

Yes, the old Iskander circle-jerk. It is new to many Americans, but not to those who followed BMD/EPAA from 2008-2009 on.

Both the Electoral College and the Senate are intended to prevent populous cities and states deciding elections, and there have been compromises and revisions to the electoral votes to compensate for changing demographics. Given Hillary’s “mandate” in New York and California, why doesn’t she run for governor? She knew which states were contested and she knew where she had to visit to edge out Trump but she was too lazy. She took the “Blue Wall” for granted, which even Bill Clinton and Barack Obama cautioned her against, and she danced with Jennifer Lopez in Florida, assuming a free concert by a liberal celebrity of Puerto Rican descent would influence the decidedly conservative Cuban Americans and whites in Florida.

But what has Obama been doing? What about his off-handed remarks about police brutality, race relations, chemical weapons use, Russian aggression, illegals, etc.? Trump is simply controlling the discourse rather than responding to developments within it.

During the Cold War, pro-Soviet propaganda was ridiculous and easily dismissed. However, the Soviets found traction with anti-American propaganda, specifically where Vietnam, nuclear arms, defense spending, support for authoritarian anti-Communists and foreign interventions were concerned.

Instead of taking on the difficult role of prosecutor, where you must state and prove a narrative, Putin takes on the role of defense counsel. Rather than proving a case, he merely has to create reasonable doubt. Note that Russia has never proved how MH17 was downed: it has suggested three alternatives that render Russia blameless and suggested two deflections that render Russia blameless regardless of who shot it down. But after Kosovo, Iraq and Libya, should the onus not be on the US government to prove its case?

Yet the left is also reveling in fake news:

When Russia was digging in in Georgia from 2009 on, slicing off Crimea and setting Donbas ablaze, bombing Syrian towns and cities, violating NATO airspace, threatening NATO members with nuclear attacks, violating the CFE Treaty, violating the INF Treaty and conducting nuclear offensive exercises, barely a word from Obama or the DNC (only Kerry refers to the Russo-Ukrainian War as an “invasion”)
When Sanders is a challenge to Clinton in the primaries, Russia becomes a major foreign policy and defense issue
When Trump is a challenge to Clinton during the election, Trump becomes a Russian agent
When Trump proposes deporting illegal aliens and halt Muslim immigration, he becomes Hitler
Trump is also racist against blacks, based upon a commonplace rental practice and hearsay from a disgruntled ex-employee
No distinction is made between Hispanic Americans and illegals from Mexico and Central America, who are regarded as “refugees”
Trump’s election was the result of a “whitelash” (patently false based on exit poll data)

Conceivably, cyberwarfare could be worse than Daesh if an adversary state is able to cause a meltdown at a nuclear reactor in the West without leaving any evidence for attribution. However, this scenario is unlikely. Why? Because if the attack is not part of war, then it is to send a political message which would either be ignored if the meltdown is presumed to be accidental, or would result in full-scale war in retaliation. The Kremlin has as much incentive to destroy a nuclear power plant by code as it does by a nuclear suitcase bomb.

The Soviets found American reconnaissance overflights of their territory in the 1950s and 1960s very vexing. Yet the military satellites of today perform the same functions and are essential to verifying compliance with arms reduction programs. Just as Soviet agents in the West could steal secrets, develop assets, influence people and fight behind the lines in the event of war, Russian cyber-warriors do the same thing today.

Deeply in debt to Russia, Donald Trump may have only run for President to avoid bankruptcy
http://www.dailynewsbin.com/opinion/deeply-in-debt-to-russians-donald-trump-may-only-be-running-for-president-to-avoid-bankruptcy/25398/ …

12-10-2016, 08:37 AM
Azor...will post more extensive latter as today is the third advent here in Berlin and I am heading to the various Xmas fairs in the center......

But a quick response........

I personally do not like the terms left and right and but I like the more the simpler terms of liberal and conservative as it takes in the moral beliefs component ......

In many aspects American are really weak on their own history and if they are strong on it they run from it and think it cannot happen again.....

What we saw in this election was a replay of the political movement by the KKK that went mainstream in the early 20s...AND surprise surprise look at the "Rust Belt" states that went strong KKK....REALLY check the KKK election slogans from then and compare them to Trump's slogans and messaging from now...nearly identical. Which is not that unusual if one sees the "alt right"...KKK and Nazi media support for Trump coupled with a vast media outlet side from the "alt right".....

AND what drove the KKK messaging then as it did now Trump....."rural decline vs major urban centers...." rural Americana has been literally dying since industrialization just not now with globalization which is now in a true digitalization phase driven by true automation....you see this development especially in farming with the conversion from single farmer owned farms to mass miles of corporate farmers.....

WHAT amazes me the most is the American utter believe that a pied piper literally with over 278 stated positions stating he is for the common working man does not yet fully realize "they got taken to the cleaners".......

EXAMPLE....check the Carrier deal....Trump takes all kinds of credit "for the making of a deal"...remember his book.....BUT it was all lies....and what was the UTC actual response when the unions tried to do deals by offering cuts exceeding 23M USDs...UTC stated you need to save 65M USDs as that is what we save yearly by going to Mexico..."we will stay but you must accept no benefits and 5 USDs per hour down from 25 USDs and benefits......

Trump stated he saved 1550 jobs BUT WAIT in the end it was only 800 WHICH were to remain anyway...the other 700 or so are going to be lost anyway in the next two years via robots and automation which runs 24 X 7 X 365 .....AND still Mexico...

WHAT Trump and company cannot state is "so American manufacturing if you cannot compete with a robot you are lost"....now his promise to drain the swamp....Gold Sachs ......climate deniers...deregulators... and Generals later do you honesty think he "cares about the common American".

WHAT most Americans do not see is that the shift to automation and climate control actually in the end creates more jobs than it kills especially in the follow on supply chains.....why do you think Germany is so successful year after year...BUT it requires an educated employee base....WHICH the US does not have in the "Rust Belt" regions...and why is it just now that the US is starting to build their own wind generators instead of using German built???? BUT WAIT the Germans are still making money by just licensing the technology.....

NOW to "war"....disagree with you...we are in fact in a war..just with a newer more modern slant...

Russia has it actually right this time with their doctrine of non linear warfare...which has the two key cornerstones....information warfare and cyber warfare....really go back and reread the current Russian military doctrinal view of what is information warfare and how it is linked to "winning a war without a shot being fired".....they fully understood Sun Tzu......

Key element to winning in information warfare is the complete changing of the beliefs of an entire society just not a "few non believers"....thus the building of a global "news network" using RT and Sputnik international in 178 countries and adding more daily...and the intensive use of social media as that is where most get their "news" these days....

Recap of Week: Trump Transition officials believe fake news re: PizzaGate, but doubt CIA on Russian hacking.

This is serious:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/a-big-change-to-us-broadcasting-is-coming--and-its-one-putin-might-admire/2016/12/09/6c6d5786-bcb7-11e6-91ee-1adddfe36cbe_story.html?utm_term=.6d5f846695c3 …
BTW, RussiaToday/RT (free?) in hotel rms, taxis all over DC
So is in exchange VOA and RFE going to get equal air time in Moscow???

U.S. intelligence has identified individuals w/ links to the Russian govt who gave WikiLeaks the hacked DNC emails [
url]https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?hpid=hp_rhp-top-table-main_russiahack-1215p%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.25b0370017a2[/url] …

IF you paid close attention to comments by many Trump voters they do not believe MSM anymore and "learn their news from social media".......

Reinforce the Russian info war side then with a massive social media trolling presence then you have a complete war machine that fires not a single bullet yet changes and influences the thinking of an entire society....OR at least enough to change an election in the case of Trump...

Russian cyber warfare...I will get into far more detail in the coming posts and this is what is driving the Russia information warfare side...as a very effective force multiplier.....again a war term...few pay attention to......

CIA: "Russia tried to tip election in favor of Trump."
GOP: "Da."
Trump transition statement is again that it did not happen and was not done at all by Russia...overriding even the fact that the CIA indicates the RNC was also hacked but their emails were never released by WikiLeaks meaning the Russians are holding blackmail data...THEIR KEY comment is strange....."CIA got it wrong in Iraq so why believe them now"?????

Exxon CEO and Trump's leading candidate for Secretary of State is tight w/Putin, would benefit financially from lifting sanctions on Russia
In one current Exxon/Russian oil deal Exxon stands to make 500B USDs....and that "ain't chump change as they say"....

"To have the PEOTUS simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community puts together... Wow..."
http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/09/technology/trump-russia-hackers-cia/index.html …

US Intelligence Officials Warned Europe About Russian Hackers But It Was Too Late
https://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/us-intelligence-officials-warned-europe-about-russian-hacker?utm_term=.kloagPOVd …

If this happened in a third world country, the United States would warn against it.

Russia hacked Republican National Committee but kept the data, U.S. concludes http://nyti.ms/2hoHtPf

I hope the @nytimes investigates why Comey misled them about the Kremlin's role in the campaign.
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/fbi-russia-election-donald-trump.html?_r=0 …

Here is a November 10 article on Russia admitting ties to the Trump campaign
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/11/world/europe/trump-campaign-russia.html …

BTW....Azor...this is critical...why did the premier US internal CI agency simply "passover" seriously troubling questions concerning key Trump advisors and their ties to the Russian FSB? YET bring up emails that in the end were all duplicates and or personal in nature????

In the Cold War clearance days which were far tighter with clearances these loose connections would have and or could have killed your clearance if not thoroughly explained to a USG CI type....BTW....when the oath is given any civil service member...military member as well as the President "you will defend the US from enemies near and far" are the words spoken.

There is an old saying that I do not use lightly here......"there are traitors among us".......and Snowdon was not the beginning.....

BTW..part of the problem is that the Obama WH was seriously afraid to retaliate due to fears of Russian escalation...the same basic fears drove Obama in eastern Ukraine and Syria...so the inherent question is why....

IMHO...right now the US is extremely venerable to a major hacking attack as our own corporations...banks and critical infrastructure come nowhere close to protecting themselves as they have shied away from anymore major IT investments and security is a costly investment....AND the critical KICKER is...they are unwilling to pay the big salaries to hacking specialists that are needed even if he or she is just 15/16......

I had posted here in SWJ the map depicting the last big DDoS attack on the US and it was impressive....to say the least.....

Azor..BTW......there are currently two global cyber superpowers...Russia and China.....the US comes in at a dismal 3rd place.......

12-10-2016, 08:45 AM
From September: "GOP Blocks Probes Into Trump-Russia Ties"

David Frum
✔ @davidfrum US intelligence community: Russia acted to install Trump. 18 months from now, there won’t be a US intelligence community worthy of the name

Check those that Trump has basically now placed in control of the US IC and how anti IC they are....especially his own bashing of the CIA....

McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump
By Karoli Kuns

According to a bombshell report from the Washington Post, the CIA concluded that Russia actively interfered in the election not just to destabilize our political system, but to actively elect Donald Trump.

This conclusion was not something they just pulled out of thin air. Intelligence agencies had arrived at their conclusion in September, and briefed a bipartisan group in the Senate and House about it then, along with President Obama. The President wanted to go forward with a full disclosure of the report, but Mitch McConnell quashed it, threatening to taint any disclosure with the claim that it was being made merely for political gain.

McConnell was willing to let the Russians meddle in the election because his guy was getting the benefit of their work. This is outrageous.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

In other words, there was active interference on the part of Russia not simply to destabilize our politics, but to actively elect one candidate over another.

Concerned that a unilateral White House statement would appear as though the administration was tilting the election in favor of Democrats, the White House decided to convene a bipartisan panel of elected officials to review the material in the hopes of issuing a unified statement and warning states about possible compromises to their voting systems.

Instead, officials devised a plan to seek bipartisan support from top lawmakers and set up a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 — a group that includes House and Senate leaders, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of both chambers’ committees on intelligence and homeland security.

Look who they sent to that meeting:

Obama dispatched [Lisa] Monaco, FBI Director James B. Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to make the pitch for a “show of solidarity and bipartisan unity” against Russian interference in the election, according to a senior administration official.

Specifically, the White House wanted congressional leaders to sign off on a bipartisan statement urging state and local officials to take federal help in protecting their voting-registration and balloting machines from Russian cyber-intrusions.

Yes, that's right. James Comey knew in September about the CIA's conclusions and was part of the team asked to make the pitch to elevate this issue to the American people on a bipartisan basis. In September. So, by the way, did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had a very specific response to the administration's appeal for bipartisanship.

The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.

According to several officials, McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.

Shall we take a moment to allow that to sink in? Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, sworn to uphold and defend the United States Constitution, chose to threaten the White House with a smear if they disclosed this information to the American people.

What happened to defending against enemies, domestic and foreign, Senator McConnell? Is this treason?

What makes this really interesting is what we can see in the rear view mirror. The Trump campaign fought tooth and nail to end the Michigan recount, in a state where there is some evidence seals were broken on voting machines there.

We don't know if malware was installed on those machines. We do know many machines in Detroit malfunctioned on Election Day, however. But what we don't know is how that impacted the final counts in Michigan, mostly because they ended the recount.

Yes, we had reports of Russian hacks. We had daily dribbles from Wikileaks, clearly intended to drive a wedge between Bernie and Hillary supporters while painting Hillary Clinton as Satan in a pantsuit.

But there's more. There's always more. You may recall the day that Rep. Michael McCaul inadvertently slipped during an appearance CNN and said the RNC was hacked by the Russians, too. (Click for video)

Of course, McCaul walked that back right away, claiming it was a misstatement, but now there's a problem. Apparently the RNC was hacked, but no information released. The only information released by hackers was from the DNC hack.

The New York Times reports:

American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.

They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.

If Rep. McCaul's original claim is to be believed, and there's no reason at this point not to believe it, then it seems pretty clear whom Russia was interested in electing, and it wasn't Hillary Clinton.

Now take those pieces of information and blend them up with this one: Donald Trump, Jr. had a little sit-down with the Russians in October about "Syrian solutions."

Is a pattern emerging here? This is before we consider what Paul Manafort's role in all of this might have been.

The Trump transition issued an incredibly lame statement after this news broke, which said, “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again,’ ”

"The fact that U.S. intelligence agencies say that Russia intervened in our election to elect Donald Trump is an entirely separate matter and if you won't engage with that on the subtance, then telling other people to move on while you ignore it isn't going to persuade anyone."

I have been saying for months that the hacks into the DNC computers and attempts to compromise state voter databases were the equivalent of a 21st century Watergate break-in. But now this has taken a deeper, darker, more sinister tone even than Watergate, where at least it was engineered by Americans.

Mitch McConnell, James Comey and others intentionally aided and abetted foreign aggression against American democracy.

What Comey did may be even worse, because he not only permitted foreign aggression to continue undisclosed, but also inserted himself and the FBI into the election in a different way but with the same goal: To tilt the result toward Donald Trump.

At what point do we call this treason? Where are the hearings? Where are the investigations? This needs to be done by a bipartisan commission and it needs to be done now, before that hotline in the White House turns into Putin's vehicle for pulling President Trump's puppet strings.

This is a hair-on-fire moment for all of us.

THIS is from the leading German MSM that has accurately reported on Russian activities in eastern Ukraine....Syria and the Russian hacking/info warfare against Germany .....interesting that German citizens are better informed and are willing to question things than most Americans...especially when it comes to Russian political/military activities.

Kann er unter diesen Umständen zum rechtmäßigen Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden?http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump/trump-und-die-geheimdienste-49252472.bild.html …

Lesson learned in Ukraine and Syria....WHEN Russia denies something THEN you know it is true.....

12-10-2016, 08:59 AM
Syria Heavy clashes south of #Aleppo Media Building this morning
Regime lost 2 tanks
Rebels claim seized T-90 tank here

ISIS is advancing in central #Homs. #Palmyra now besieged & this captured:

- Jabal Hiyal
- Hallabat
- Al-Mahar oil field
- Jazal oil field

Syria Rebels destroyed regime tank in #Aleppo city

EuphratesShield breached 1st defense line of #ISIS-held Al-Bab after 9 hours of clashes. 40 killed and 2 car bombs destroyed

12-10-2016, 09:04 AM
This is above the 300 just sent......appears Turkey is ratcheting the numbers up...

More Turkish special forces on their way to deployment in Syria

12-10-2016, 09:17 AM
Civilians choking after regime jets drop chlorine-filled barrel bombs on a field clinic in Kalasa district of besieged #Aleppo last night.

Still looking for the video link on this attack.....

12-10-2016, 09:23 AM
After the first Raqqa phase attack which has gone basically nowhere.....

SDF/#YPG press statement for begin of "second phase" of #Raqqa battle this morning

12-10-2016, 09:25 AM
From September: "GOP Blocks Probes Into Trump-Russia Ties"

David Frum
✔ @davidfrum US intelligence community: Russia acted to install Trump. 18 months from now, there won’t be a US intelligence community worthy of the name

Check those that Trump has basically now placed in control of the US IC and how anti IC they are....especially his own bashing of the CIA....

McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump
By Karoli Kuns

THIS is from the leading German MSM that has accurately reported on Russian activities in eastern Ukraine....Syria and the Russian hacking/info warfare against Germany .....interesting that German citizens are better informed and are willing to question things than most Americans...especially when it comes to Russian political/military activities.

Kann er unter diesen Umständen zum rechtmäßigen Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden?http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump/trump-und-die-geheimdienste-49252472.bild.html …

Lesson learned in Ukraine and Syria....WHEN Russia denies something THEN you know it is true.....

NOW we really see the depth and breath of the Russian info warfare kick into high gear....

Russian trolls and bots are out in force spreading disinformation to try to discredit this bombshell WaPo exposé.

Russia bots already spreading the lie that todays "#Putin manipulating #US election" news is a @georgesoros funded @Evan_McMullin/@CIA plot

12-10-2016, 09:29 AM
Syria Source @SyriaSource
Amb. @FredericHof analyzes how the #US is ceremonially washing their hands of the #Syria conflict, esp. in #Aleppo

12-10-2016, 09:56 AM
Here comes the explanation why are the IRGC, Hezbollah, Russians and even few Assadists so keen on assaulting Aleppo: it's easier than fighting the Daesh.

Namely, since this morning, there is a flood of reports from Palmyra area, along which the Daesh - which is said to have re-deployed 500 of its idiots from Iraq to Palmyra area (and another 200 to al-Ba) - is in the process of assaulting the T.4/Tiyas AB. Supposedly, this attack began with a heavy mortar barrage.

Furthermore, according to local activists (https://twitter.com/geopolitiquee/status/807333688082104321) Daesh should have entered the eastern side of Tadmor; most of other sources (this is just one example (https://twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/status/807337212648026117) cite the Daesh 'entering Palmyra from E, W, and NW' - which indicates something like multi-prong attack from nearly all possible directions.

Indeed, meanwhile there are reports (https://twitter.com/PalmyraRev1/status/807303579933569028) that the 'regime' is withdrawing from the eastern side of the town.

Now, let's see if this is influencing VKS and/or SyAAF ops today, and in what fashion. After an entirely quiet night, reported so far (by 10.52hrs local time) were following sorties:

- 08.08: 1 MiG-23 from Shayrat in NE direction (apparently towards Palmyra)
- 08.40: 1 helicopter from as-Safira in NW direction (apparetnly towards Eastern Aleppo)
- 08.51: 1 helicopter from Hama in NE direction (apparently towards Eastern Aleppo)
- 09.04: 1 MiG-21 took-off from Hama in N direction
- 09.07: 1 helicopter from as-Safira in NW direction
- 09.13: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.20: 1 MiG-21 took-off from Hama in N direction
- 09.25: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.31: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.32: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat AB in N direction
- 09.34: 1 Russian helicopter from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.38: 1 MiG-23 from Hama in N direction
- 09.38: 1 reconnaissance aircraft observed high above Latamina
- 09.41: 1 Su-24 from Tiyas AB in N direction
- 09.43: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.44: 1 Su-22 sighted approaching Aleppo
- 09.49: 1 MiG-23 from Shayrat in N direction
- 09.53: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.56: 1 Su-22 from Tiyas in NE direction
- 09.56: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.57: 1 MiG-23 from Hama in N direction
- 09.58: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.03: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.06: 1 Su-24 from Tiyas in NE direction
- 10.10: 1 Su-24 observed over southern Idlib Governorate
- 10.17: 1 helicopter from Hama in N direction
- 10.19: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.19: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.24: 1 Su-24 observed approaching Aleppo
- 10.31: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.32: 1 MiG-21 from Hama in N direction
- 10.40: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.45: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.48: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.52: 1 Su-22 observed approaching Aleppo

Gauging by Twitter-reports, most of involved SyAAF fighter-bombers (and all of helicopters) have bombed Eastern Aleppo, including Sa'ad al-Ansari, Bustan al-Qasr, and Sallahaddin Districts. SOHR reports (http://www.syriahr.com/en/?p=56679) 15 killed, including children. Flying from Tiyas de-facto stopped mid through the morning.

Only SOHR reports (https://twitter.com/syriahr/status/807294077985320963) 'violent clashes...with heavy bombing and violent raids' in Palmyra area. WOA (https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/807326059574231040) is more precise, and cites 'intense clahses at Palmyra Airport' and the 'Hayyal Mountain'.

Overall, the Russians might have sent some of their aircraft in direction of Palmyra; some of SyAAF Su-22s from Shayrat might have been sent there too, of course. But, for all practical purposes, there is no clear confirmation for this as of now.

On the contrary (and: rather ironically), it's the CENTCOM that reports (https://twitter.com/CJTFOIR/status/807241774565572608) 'destruction of 168 fuel tankers in central Syria', the last night. Means: while Russians - who have a military base at Palmyra'a race-course, and who thus should have a critical interest in 'doing something' there - were sleeping, Americans were striking Daesh columns converging on Palmyra, de-facto supporting parties that are responsible for a murder of 500,000 Syrians...

...all of which is just a reason more to demand delivery of all the responsible politicians - from Assad, Putler, Lavrov, and Khamenei, all the way to Oblabla and Steinmeier - to some sort of an international court for war criminals.

12-10-2016, 10:25 AM
Here comes the explanation why are the IRGC, Hezbollah, Russians and even few Assadists so keen on assaulting Aleppo: it's easier than fighting the Daesh.

Namely, since this morning, there is a flood of reports from Palmyra area, along which the Daesh - which is said to have re-deployed 500 of its idiots from Iraq to Palmyra area (and another 200 to al-Ba) - is in the process of assaulting the T.4/Tiyas AB. Supposedly, this attack began with a heavy mortar barrage.

Furthermore, according to local activists (https://twitter.com/geopolitiquee/status/807333688082104321) Daesh should have entered the eastern side of Tadmor; most of other sources (this is just one example (https://twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/status/807337212648026117) cite the Daesh 'entering Palmyra from E, W, and NW' - which indicates something like multi-prong attack from nearly all possible directions.

Indeed, meanwhile there are reports (https://twitter.com/PalmyraRev1/status/807303579933569028) that the 'regime' is withdrawing from the eastern side of the town.

Now, let's see if this is influencing VKS and/or SyAAF ops today, and in what fashion. After an entirely quiet night, reported so far (by 10.52hrs local time) were following sorties:

- 08.08: 1 MiG-23 from Shayrat in NE direction (apparently towards Palmyra)
- 08.40: 1 helicopter from as-Safira in NW direction (apparetnly towards Eastern Aleppo)
- 08.51: 1 helicopter from Hama in NE direction (apparently towards Eastern Aleppo)
- 09.04: 1 MiG-21 took-off from Hama in N direction
- 09.07: 1 helicopter from as-Safira in NW direction
- 09.13: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.20: 1 MiG-21 took-off from Hama in N direction
- 09.25: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.31: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.32: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat AB in N direction
- 09.34: 1 Russian helicopter from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.38: 1 MiG-23 from Hama in N direction
- 09.38: 1 reconnaissance aircraft observed high above Latamina
- 09.41: 1 Su-24 from Tiyas AB in N direction
- 09.43: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.44: 1 Su-22 sighted approaching Aleppo
- 09.49: 1 MiG-23 from Shayrat in N direction
- 09.53: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.56: 1 Su-22 from Tiyas in NE direction
- 09.56: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 09.57: 1 MiG-23 from Hama in N direction
- 09.58: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.03: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.06: 1 Su-24 from Tiyas in NE direction
- 10.10: 1 Su-24 observed over southern Idlib Governorate
- 10.17: 1 helicopter from Hama in N direction
- 10.19: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.19: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.24: 1 Su-24 observed approaching Aleppo
- 10.31: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.32: 1 MiG-21 from Hama in N direction
- 10.40: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.45: 1 Su-22 from Shayrat in N direction
- 10.48: 1 Russian fighter-bomber from Hmemmem AB in eastern direction
- 10.52: 1 Su-22 observed approaching Aleppo

Gauging by Twitter-reports, most of involved SyAAF fighter-bombers (and all of helicopters) have bombed Eastern Aleppo, including Sa'ad al-Ansari, Bustan al-Qasr, and Sallahaddin Districts. SOHR reports (http://www.syriahr.com/en/?p=56679) 15 killed, including children. Flying from Tiyas de-facto stopped mid through the morning.

Only SOHR reports (https://twitter.com/syriahr/status/807294077985320963) 'violent clashes...with heavy bombing and violent raids' in Palmyra area. WOA (https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/807326059574231040) is more precise, and cites 'intense clahses at Palmyra Airport' and the 'Hayyal Mountain'.

Overall, the Russians might have sent some of their aircraft in direction of Palmyra; some of SyAAF Su-22s from Shayrat might have been sent there too, of course. But, for all practical purposes, there is no clear confirmation for this as of now.

On the contrary (and: rather ironically), it's the CENTCOM that reports (https://twitter.com/CJTFOIR/status/807241774565572608) 'destruction of 168 fuel tankers in central Syria', the last night. Means: while Russians - who have a military base at Palmyra'a race-course, and who thus should have a critical interest in 'doing something' there - were sleeping, Americans were striking Daesh columns converging on Palmyra, de-facto supporting parties that are responsible for a murder of 500,000 Syrians...

...all of which is just a reason more to demand delivery of all the responsible politicians - from Assad, Putler, Lavrov, and Khamenei, all the way to Oblabla and Steinmeier - to some sort of an international court for war criminals.

Syria Reports: Regime lost MIG-23 at T-4 airbase btw #Homs & #Palmyra

12-10-2016, 10:34 AM
Assad-forces seized al-Faqi village from Rebels in southern #Syria #Daraa
4 airstrikes hit Barqa

InformNapalm English @en_informnapalm
A guide to Russian propaganda. Part 3:

This base in the S of Qalat Mizra, al-Ghab, is a forward base for Russian troops & also a Auriga Satellite Communications base @InformNapalm

12-10-2016, 10:45 AM
Syria Reports: Regime lost MIG-23 at T-4 airbase btw #Homs & #Palmyra
It took off from Shayrat AB around 12.12hrs local time, got hit somewhere over T.4 and crashed on the way back to Shayrat.

Was a rather short sortie...

12-10-2016, 10:53 AM
The situation around al-Bab, deduced from latest #EuphratesShield images.

12-10-2016, 10:57 AM
While #Lavrov keeps fooling with his lies that there are 'small progress in talks about humanitarian access & a ceasefire' #Steinmeier on #Aleppo:

12-10-2016, 11:01 AM
Near al-Bab today
"Syrian rebels" interviewed by opp. media need Turkish-Arab translation so the viewers understand.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbrAgWyohos …

Besieged eastern #Aleppo today.

HAS anyone seen any videos of this Russian alleged column of 8,000.....just another of the many Russian lies......

12-10-2016, 11:07 AM
Euphrates Shield FSA groups met with #Turkey military planners all-day Wednesday to discuss detailed plans for the Al-Bab assault on #ISIS.

Thursday was given over to final preparations & shaping operations, for the final all-out assault to begin today, on Friday. #ISIS

12-10-2016, 11:14 AM
WHEN a US political party and their candidate are accused of having been actively supported by the Russian SVR and FSB....you would think they would run to the highest mountain and shout......"show me the money and I condemn all Russia involvement if it happened" .AND lay everything out for the American people to see and judge.....THAT is called "transparency"........

BUT no they went straight into denial and accessed the messenger for being totally wrong with their IT based evidence as well as they CI information....

WHY is that?????

"In secure room in Capitol, administration officials laid out evidence showing Russia's role in cyber-intrusions."

BUT WHY did the Republican Party block it?????? OR did they actually know it would happen is the better bet.........REMEMBER WHEN Trump asked the Russians to release the Clinton emails??????

12-10-2016, 11:16 AM
EuphratesShield, N. Aleppo: Turkmen FSA 'Alp Arslan Special Forces' have captured a Chechen foreign fighter in recent clashes with IS. Turkish Grey Wolf symbol is on the flag.....

Aleppo: #FSA rebels were hit by an #ISIS SVBIED near #Al_Bab. Vehicles were destroyed and several rebels killed.

Syria #Aleppo Exodus of residents from #IS held al Bab town after #FSA reach the gates

Syria A dozen #US airstrikes destroyed 4 bridges of Euphrates river west of #Raqqa -also destroyed power station of #Taqba dam

12-10-2016, 11:33 AM
Writings on the Iranian Hossein Mehrabi's coffin:"Iranian,sent in the ranksof Fatemiun,martyred 30Nov,Naqareen,SheikhNajjar,[Eastern]Aleppo"

Naqareen is part of Regime sprawling base on Tell Sheikh Yussef: killed by a Grad rocket.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.223642&lon=37.256355&z=14&m …

12-10-2016, 11:37 AM
EuphratesShield, N. Aleppo: Turkmen FSA 'Alp Arslan Special Forces' have captured a Chechen foreign fighter in recent clashes with IS. Turkish Grey Wolf symbol is on the flag.....
Let me guess about headlines this might prompt in Moscow:

- 'Turkish ultra-nationalists saving and supporting Daesh', perhaps even

- 'Another Turkish attack on Russian Citizens'... :rolleyes:

12-10-2016, 11:40 AM
N. #Hama: Free Idlib Army blew up with a #TOW a Regime pick-up N. of #Souran.

Is CENTCOM trying to control actions of the TAF/FSA inside Syria and to keep them away from YPG/PKK......think so actually.......

This is the second time so called US SOF was suppose to work with the TAF/FSA...but somehow they ended up supporting YPG/PKK....they were seen entering Syria claiming to be supporting TAF/FSA via Turkey then they split off and then went to YPG......

U.S. Central Command
✔ @CENTCOM +203 US spec ops forces will in part directly assist NATO ally Turkey in the counter-ISIL fight

12-10-2016, 11:49 AM
THIS is suppose to be the leader of the "free world".......and yet he lies and lies as much as the Russians do.......

BTW...his own transition staff member Kellyanne Conway said it on CNN.......

SO was she lying or was Trump caught lying?????

This whole thing is turning into an utter farce......

12-10-2016, 11:52 AM
Russian Syrian Express......

Heavily laden #ВМФ Ropucha class LSTM #Бф BF Korolev 130 transits Med-bound Bosphorus en route to #Tartus #Syria

12-10-2016, 11:56 AM
While #Lavrov keeps fooling with his lies that there are 'small progress in talks about humanitarian access & a ceasefire' #Steinmeier on #Aleppo:
Well, hand at heart: one must take Lavrov's statements of this kind literally.

Namely, he's right.

There is no 'Syrian Army' assaulting Eastern Aleppo.

Here clear and undisputed evidence for Lavrov being right. Namely, the place is assaulted by such 'secular alternative' like various of IRGC-surrogates (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We-p-sJTE2E) (note, after all it should be known the IRGC is officially confirmed as deployed in Syria since 2012 (http://foreignpolicy.com/2012/09/21/what-is-iran-doing-in-syria/)), like:

- Liwa Fatimioun (Afghan Hazaras),

- Liwa Zainobioun (https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/806929132328095744) (Pakistani Shi'a),

- Hezbollah (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/802588757383843840) (Lebanon),

- Harakat Hezbollah (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L__y8sF7do0) (Iraq),

- Harakat an-Nujba (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/802667838423044096) (Iraq; here more of photos of them in Aleppo, because they're so handsome (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807375603884244992)),

- 'Islamic Resistance' (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/802587099140657152) (AKA: Hezbollah Syria; also known as 'Local Defence Forces', or 'Local Tribes' in Assadist parlance),

- Liwa al-Qods (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/803117397817380864) (Kids of Palestinian Refugees),

- State of the Shield Battalion (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/804119834736869380) (Iraqi Sadrists),

- LAFA (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/802388879781326848) (Iraqi Mahdists),

etc., etc., etc.

Thus, again: Lavrov's 'Syrian Army' is 100% surely NOT attacking anybody in Aleppo. :D

12-10-2016, 11:58 AM
CrowBat.....is this the same MiG 23 from this morning????

Step News Agency EN @Step_Agency1
MiG 23 warplane crashed after taking off from #Altifor airport eastern of #Homs due to a technical malfunction

12-10-2016, 11:59 AM
Suddenly Russian media reports on many more civilians fleeing #Aleppo than they had previously admitted were still there.

Propaganda fail.

12-10-2016, 12:00 PM
Yup, it is. I.e. it's the same that took off from Shayrat at 12.21hrs and crashed after returning from T.4.

But, it's 'technical malfunction' was most likely caused by 'lead ingestion' or something of this kind...

12-10-2016, 12:04 PM
Corbyn supporter calls the White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef propagandists paid for by the US and UK to continue the Syrian civil war.

Should be interesting to see what they have to say....especially after the UNGA vote yesterday......

LIVE: News conference of France, Qatar, Germany & Turkey FMs now on @AJEnglish
http://www.aljazeera.com/live/ #Syria #Aleppo

12-10-2016, 12:07 PM
US/Russian style info warfare hard at work inside the US......

A viral video of a homeless woman claiming that Trump let her live in one of his hotels for free is false:

InfoWars had a big role in spreading the false video. Meanwhile, this banner on their site falsely claims US gov't is trying to shut them down.

Infowars was and still is one of the main social media outlets still supporting Trump along with Breitbart.com which spreads an unusual amount of fake news....

12-10-2016, 12:23 PM
Homs: #ISIS has captured the last 3 regime checkpoints at #Palmyra grain silos.

12-10-2016, 06:28 PM
Oh man... Assadist famous 'SAA' just folded and fled from Palmyra!

Namely - and following a 'huge (https://twitter.com/watanisy/status/807591591338774528)' attack on Silos (how 'huge' can an attack by 500 idiots get...) - 'SAA' blew up the local ammo dump (https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/807644422829551616) ...and so the Daesh entered Palmyra (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/807612607955955713) and now street fighting is going on. Of course, this is not truth (https://twitter.com/maytham956/status/807645514380365824), because it cannot be truth... (at least not according to Assad-fans)...

Actually, all of Druze militia fled as first (after the Quwwat Nimr took away their heavy MGs, see the report below); then the Shi'a jihadists of the LAFA's Liwa Imam Ali fled, followed by thugs from the Dir al-Quwwat al-Jawwiya/Air Force Intelligence Shield (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807635555127361536)!

(Fighting Daesh is harder than torturing and massacring civilians, I guess...)

The only group left inside the city is the 'Shahin/Panther Detachment' of the Quwwat Nimr/Tiger Force - and their CO was meanwhile KIA, too (this from a well-placed source there). The only support they've got were either Mi-25s or VKS' Mi-35s (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/807645899895619584): the SyAAF managed exactly 7 sorties in support today, while 6 sorties flown by Russians have targeted all the equipment left behind... :roll:

What a catastrophe... No surprise any more, up to two thirds of the town should be under Daesh control now, and thus Hezbollah is said (https://twitter.com/NatDefFor/status/807515526415220736) to be mobilizing in Qusayr area for a counterattack...

But nope: I doubt anybody now is going to come to the idea to understand why the FSyA and AAS in Azaz Pocket had such problems with the Daesh all through this summer...

And sure: damn me as 'hating Russians' and whatever else (and as so often), but meanwhile I've got no doubts about the following: Russians withdrew (two days ago, and as first) although they knew the Daesh is coming - and then in order to 'teach Assadists and the IRGC a lesson'.

Namely, I'm 100% sure, Moscow wants a cease-fire in Aleppo. They have to bear the brunt of international sanctions for what is going on there, while nobody cares about Assad and Iranians - who are thus free to keep on doing whatever they want to do.

Because of that, and because Assadists and the IRGC were as dumb as to send whatever they only could to Aleppo, while they refuse to listen to Russians, the Russians simply left them at their own device. (And, hand at heart: why should Putin care about 'fighting Daesh'...?)

Instead, some Russians are already claiming 'SAA Central Region Command will be responsible if Palmyra falls to ISIS'...


12-11-2016, 07:19 AM
Syria Clashes about control of #Palmyra continues btw #IS & #Assad-forces this morning

Russian airstrikes overnight reportedly forced ISIS fighters to withdraw at dawn. @syriahr says many militants dead, numbers unclear.

BREAKING: Russian jets deliver 64 strikes on militants near #Palmyra, shielding the city

BUT WAIT....IS is fighting in the city streets.....

BREAKING: #IS withdraws from #Syria's #Palmyra after heavy Russian raids. Reports say IS killed over 50 Syrian soldiers.
also fighting at #Homs -> #Palmyra road.

12-11-2016, 08:04 AM
Charles Lister
✔ @Charles_Lister For an excellent overview of all pro-#Assad militias in #Syria, see this on @bellingcat

- 64 domestic
- 53 foreign
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/11/30/assad-regime-militias-and-shiite-jihadis-in-the-syrian-civil-war/ …

12-11-2016, 08:08 AM
129 people, including 39 children, killed by rebel fire on regime-held western Aleppo since November 15: http://m.thenational.ae/world/syria/isil-re-enters-palmyra-as-air-raids-pound-aleppo …

12-11-2016, 08:56 AM

Russian TV shows male refugees, rounded up by pro-#Assad forces. "Militants, posing as civilians".

#Alleppo's #Srebrenica Moment

As Kofi Annan once said about Srebrenica: The #UN "made serious errors of judgement, rooted in a philosophy of impartiality".

12-11-2016, 09:01 AM
Children queuing for #water in eastern #Aleppo today.
Tens of thousands of them remain besieged & bombed by #AssadPutin & #Iran.

12-11-2016, 11:41 AM
The evening and night yesterday were quite interesting to monitor. Namely, while all possible Assad/Putin-fans, but also the SOHR, were reporting 'dozens' of 'violent air strikes' on Palmyra, observers inside Syria couldn't report anything similar.

Certainly enough, there was quite some activity starting around 12.20hrs: one of first of take-offs in question - a MiG-23 from Shayrat - then crashed just 4 minutes later, while returning from an attack on the Daesh near T.4/Tiyas AB.

Afterwards, several Su-22s from Shayrat went in 'NE direction' (towards Palmyra), instead 'N direction' (towards RTP and Eastern Aleppo, as usually). Nevertheless, helicopters from as-Safira continued pounding Eastern Aleppo, as did additional Su-22s from Shayrat.

In the case of Russians, an assessment is much harder, because practically all of their aircraft turn east after launching from Hmemmem AB. Furthermore, some of their aircraft were still bombing places like Ma'arat an-Nauman during the afternoon. Only one thing was kind of 'certain': contrary to what might be expected in an emergency like one caused by the Daesh onslaught on Palmyra, flying activity from Tiyas AB remained very limited through the day: only some 4-5 take-offs were registered (including two by Su-24s, launched late in the afternoon, as reported yesterday). Similarly, Kweres AB launched only 1 sortie by L-39s the whole day.

Another interesting question is: while there are Russian Mi-24s, Mi-35s, and Mi-8s based at Shayrat AB, and Assad-fans reported (https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/807664933769015296) arrival of '2 Mi-28N, 2 Mi-35m and 2 Ka-52 plus 4 possible Ka-52K', or '18 helicopters (https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/807664933769015296)', to 'help Palmyra'... and the coverage of that air base by observers can only be described as 'excellent'... just 3 sorties by helicopters from there were registered the whole day yesterday.

Means: there is no evidence that at least these would have flown more than usually. On the contrary, even during the evening Assadist helicopters from as-Safira continued pounding Eastern Aleppo, while Russians launched only about a dozen of air strikes.

Overall, at least according to what was registered by ground observers in Syria, it was no 'exceptional day', and there is no evidence for Russians flying '60 air strikes on Daesh in Palmyra (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/807869899737563137)', during the evening. On the contrary: the total number of sorties registered was lower than on 9 December. With this, the theory about 'Daesh withdrawing from Palmyra to avoid air strikes' is shaky, to say the least. Alternatively - say: if such reports are coming from Daesh-associated sources - then the Daesh is exaggerating extension of air strikes in order to cover up its own failures for other reasons.


helicopters: 24
L-39: 3
MiG-21: 3
MiG-23: 6
Su-22: 27
Su-24: 16

UAV: 1

VKS: 26
V-MF: 5
helicopters: 3
recce: 1

(Note: these figures are including sorties flown by 10.52hrs, I've listed in my post from yesterday.)

Obviously, this stands in stark contrast to reports (https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/807849513729855488) supposedly based on releases by the Keystone Cops in Moscow (https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/807850256935350272), according to which 'Russians launched 64 air strikes on Daesh', 'helicopters flew 100 air strikes', 'killed 300 Daesh', 'destroyed 11 tanks and other vehicles' and similar. Indeed, even the flying activity of the last night (i.e. after midnight) cannot be described as 'exceptional': Russians launched 4 air strikes and Assadists 3 helicopter strikes between 01.10 and 01.20 - and that was that.

Because this was not the first, but rather 99th time the extension (and supposed effects) of (supposed) 'Russian air strikes' is wildly exaggerated, I lean towards agreeing with those who say that Russians are (actually) refusing to provide support to the regime troops in Palmyra (and there are some authoritative sources saying so (https://twitter.com/Nawaroliver/status/807645084158017536)).

Furthermore, contrary to panic-like reports from yesterday afternoon and evening, there is no evidence the Daesh actually occuppied Palmyra. The only thing confirmed by visual evidence (https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/807881621168910336) is that it captured the Grain Silos - together with one BMP-1 there. It might have captured the Amiriyah Neighbourhood and the Officer Housing too, but, there's no firm evidence for this - yet.

Additional evidence became available only for this being enough to cause plenty of panic between local Assadist troops: not only the Druze militia ('NDF') and the LAFA fled the battlefield, but also the 'elite' Fawj Maghawir al-Badia (https://twitter.com/badly_xeroxed/status/807631361498562564)/Desert Commandos Regiment - a PMC of al-Bustan Organization, announced as elite unit specialized in desert warfare by Assad-fans (https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/807675276150931457)... :roll:

Overall, the entire 'drama' from yesterday appears to be a lots of ballooney: Daesh did crash the outside defences of Palmyra, it did reach Tadmor, it caused a panic between Assadists, but there is no evidence it actually captured the city, nor for such activity of Assadist and Russian air power as reported by regime-fans, or that the Daesh was pushed back by 'heavy air strikes'.

12-11-2016, 12:35 PM
...what is going on THIS morning, on the other hand, is a different story - though then one at least 'indirectly confirming' my conclusions about yesterday (and confirmed by such statements like, ...Russians aren't doing well... (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807741245078536192)).

Namely, after all the others fled, and Russians reacted with anything but '60 air strikes', newest reports indicate the Daesh re-launched its assault, and now the thugs from Quwwat Shahin report things like

- God damn all who contributed to the downfall of Palmyra... (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807903241866448896) (supposedly from the 'NDF commander' in Palmyra)

- the situation is very awful from what you can imagine... A'tar Mountain has fallen and now the city is besieged... (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807895178258292736), or

- Palmyra will fall and forgive me this could be my last post... (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/807880126788763648).

12-11-2016, 01:02 PM
Appears Is had taken the entire town now and the SAA has fled basically...all available Assad forces are in Aleppo....

12-11-2016, 06:46 PM
Military signs now in Arabic...Russian and Persian....AND English .

Pics in #Palmyra show one of the checkpoints written in 4 languages for Iranian Russian Arab English fighters in the #Syrian mixed Army

12-11-2016, 06:50 PM
What you missed in #Syria today:
Dozens of #AssadPutin-caused massacres across the country.
Hundreds killed and wounded - as everyday.

Reports that Regime forces withdrew from Hayyan Company to T4 Airbase

Outskirts of Tiyas airbase now under #ISIS mortar shelling

Greater part of Homsi loyalist militias (& RU detachment) was called up for Aleppo push, left Tadmor exposed.
Remaining forces mostly various mercenary bands, local NDF, Shaitat tribal fighters who have been suffering heavy attrition for weeks.

From a proAssad supporter.....
Ivan Sidorenko @IvanSidorenko1
#Syria #Homs #EasternHoms #Syrian Reporter Says Battles now spin on the walls of the T4 Airport. #Tiyas Airport. With the absence of #Russia

12-11-2016, 06:57 PM
CIT (en) ‏@CITeam_en
Russian state media now shows Russian SOF in combat in Syria, something we have stated since November 2015
.@RuslanLeviev founder of @CITeam_ru @bellingcat contributer in Aug 2015 exposed #Russian ground operation in #Syria

Extremely rare footage of Russian SOF operating in Syria, h/t @SyrianSupporter

Killing fleeing #Aleppo civilians /w ATGM is the footage #Russian state media shows /w pride about their SOF units.

BREAKING #Russian media show destruction of fleeing #Aleppo residents /w personal belongings as defeat of SVBIED.

NOTE: SAME Russian eastern Ukraine 2014 tactic......
Trademark "humanitarian corridor" Ilovaisk style.

Russian state media shocked the nation by breaking the news of Russian SOF participation in #Aleppo campaign.

12-11-2016, 07:06 PM
SRO - On main road, all regime checkpoints from #Palmyra and 10 km to T4 now under #IS sect control. This never happened in May 2015

Syria Weak regime defence of #Palmyra shows there was no plan to lift #IS siege on #DeirEzzor city with tens of thousands civilians inside

12-11-2016, 07:25 PM
What you missed in #Syria today:
Dozens of #AssadPutin-caused massacres across the country.
Hundreds killed and wounded - as everyday.

Reports that Regime forces withdrew from Hayyan Company to T4 Airbase

From a proAssad supporter.....
Ivan Sidorenko @IvanSidorenko1
#Syria #Homs #EasternHoms #Syrian Reporter Says Battles now spin on the walls of the T4 Airport. #Tiyas Airport. With the absence of #Russia

Sergei Roldugin cancels concert in #Palmyra for no apparent reason whatsoever

12-11-2016, 07:32 PM
Syria #IS advance westward on #Homs road (blue)

12-11-2016, 07:40 PM
The Social Network (of Useful Idiots)

A tracker of Russian links to American Hate and fringe groups
By @cjcmichel

12-11-2016, 07:48 PM
IS capture Biyarat, Dawah & Hayyan oil facility W of Tadmor after clashes with Syrian Army. Civilians fleeing Tadmor were wounded in attack

Staff in one of east Aleppo's remaining makeshift hospitals said 30 mins ago they were trapped in basement as chemical attack fills room.

12-12-2016, 06:58 AM
CIT (en) ‏@CITeam_en
Russian state media now shows Russian SOF in combat in Syria, something we have stated since November 2015
.@RuslanLeviev founder of @CITeam_ru @bellingcat contributer in Aug 2015 exposed #Russian ground operation in #Syria

Extremely rare footage of Russian SOF operating in Syria, h/t @SyrianSupporter

Killing fleeing #Aleppo civilians /w ATGM is the footage #Russian state media shows /w pride about their SOF units.

BREAKING #Russian media show destruction of fleeing #Aleppo residents /w personal belongings as defeat of SVBIED.

NOTE: SAME Russian eastern Ukraine 2014 tactic......
Trademark "humanitarian corridor" Ilovaisk style.

Russian state media shocked the nation by breaking the news of Russian SOF participation in #Aleppo campaign.

Vesti had a special on #Russia'n SOF (SSO) ops in #Syria, inc an interview of known SSO Col Vadim Baikulov.

12-12-2016, 07:13 AM
Looks like VVP is ratcheting up #SpecialWar against #Ukraine, because it's how Chekists roll. This will not stop with #Ukraine.

Russian SpecialWar is called #Hybridwar and is no longer only #Russia|n aggression against #Ukraine.

Russian Military Draws Lessons From Ukraine and Syria Ops
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/12/09/russian-military-draws-lessons-from-ukraine-syria-putin-war-islamic-state/ …

Azor.....back to this posted hybrid warfare chart.....in some aspects this chart is now even outdated due to events on the ground and a steady evolution of non linear warfare since 2014......

IMHO we are now seeing the previous two separate elements cyber warfare and information warfare actually merging and supporting each other and now merging with the "active measures" element of espionage.....

Which if one is totally honest is now indicating just how effective non linear warfare is in averting a direct conflict but yet achieving what the aggressor is seeking..... influence and power without a shot being fired...

So that now actually info/cyber and espionage can be seen as a single non linear warfare component....just as the use of conventional...irregular forces and SOF have actually merged as we have seen in eastern Ukraine and now Syria.

12-12-2016, 08:22 AM
IS capture Biyarat, Dawah & Hayyan oil facility W of Tadmor after clashes with Syrian Army. Civilians fleeing Tadmor were wounded in attack
Assadist and Russian flying heroes continued the day in precisely the same fashion like they began it yesterday morning: by ignoring Daesh in Palmyra area. Instead, Russians concentrated on bombing places like Binnish, Ma'arat an-Nauman, Kfar Zita etc. while Assadists continued massacring civilians in Eastern Aleppo and - to a lesser degree - northern Hama.

The pike of activity was reached between 13.00 and 15.00hrs, when up to 20 fighter-bombers were airborne anywhere between Khan Sheykoun, Khan Touman and - especially - Eastern Aleppo (https://twitter.com/Paradoxy13/status/808047043973382144). Mere 5-6 sorties were flown by Su-22s against Daesh in Palmyra area before all the flying stopped for an hour.

Why? Because the IRGC was assaulting Sheikh Saeed District there with everything it has got - and eventually claimed it as captured (https://twitter.com/alqudsbrigade11/status/808072702418362374), together with at least some of Fardous District. Latest news indicate they have captured all areas east of Quweiq River (https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/808216255748571136) - which, yes, means 'the final battle began'.

Around 16.00hrs, L-39s appeared: curiously, the example launched from Shayrat AB bombed something in Kfar Zita area - not the Daesh near (much closer) Palymra.

Similarly, while I was expecting to see plenty of reports about helicopters from Shayrat taking off - there was absolutely no news in this regard the entire evening: after 6 sorties by various Russian helicopters flown over W Idlib and N Hama earlier during the day, not one was launched against Daesh during the afternoon and evening. Sure, there are some rumours (https://twitter.com/UrgentNews5/status/808039659204988932) that a Russian helicopter was shot down and both crewmembers killed, but the source is not only unreliable: absolutely nobody else reported anything similar - especially not the Daesh.

That said, there is not really much to be seen of the much-reported evacuation (https://twitter.com/Step_Agency/status/808040948055834624) of aircraft from Tiyas, either. If at all, some 5-6 aircraft took off from there during the afternoon and evening - and nearly all went in northern direction, some bombing Kfar Zita, others Eastern Aleppo, and at least one apparently deploying chemical weapons against the place called Uqayribat (https://twitter.com/Paradoxy13/status/808054424287477760), near Salamiyah (Hama). Sadly, there are no reports on where are they returning, but it is possible that they subsequently landed at Shayrat instead.

And then, after a series of helicopter strikes on Eastern Aleppo, all the flying activity de-facto ceased at 23.35hrs: as another obvious sign of 'emergency' in Palmyra area, merely two air strikes were launched by Russians around 01.10hrs...

What a surprise then - and obvious evidence for 'USA and Turkey supporting Daesh' - that the last news related to Tiyas were that the a) Daesh began mortaring the village with that name, which is about 5km east of the base, and then b) began assaulting the base itself.

Really... can't hold myself from thinking: are we soon going to see similar photos of long-since-abandoned SyAAF aircraft at Tiyas AB, like we saw them at Tabqa AB, two years ago...?

12-12-2016, 08:40 AM
Palmyra was central to the Kremlin's effort to mobilise Russian public support for its war in Syria. Losing it is a problem for Moscow.

THINK this was behind the release of the Russian SOF video of them fighting in Aleppo....

ISIS asks @mod_russia and @PresidencySy for another concert in #Palmyra

12-12-2016, 09:11 AM
CrowBat....another RuAF mistake?????

Reports Russian airstrikes targeted Assad/pro-Assad fighters on Syriatel hill in Jabal Akrad with incendiary munitions by mistake. #Latakia

Regardless how well #Russian state media downplays fall of #Plamyra it hurts their pride like hell

To all interested on inside to fall of #Plamyra by ex-Russian General Staff general read this interview. (Sorry in RUS)

12-12-2016, 09:14 AM
Regime using men that fled East Aleppo to forcefully fight for them against the rebels.

12-12-2016, 09:17 AM
A list of 48 Assad forces & NDF militants killed around #Palmyra on Friday & Saturday by #ISIS includes 2 Brigadier Generals & 2 Colonels

Damascus #Douma Heavy clashes earlier this AM between rebels & pro-regime fighters trying to advance from multiple direction

Rebels thwarted a pro-regime advance attempt in Salahudin area but seem to have lost Sheikh Sa'id in south east #Aleppo sadly

Reports tens of civilians killed & wounded this morning in besieged #Aleppo by the intense airstrikes

CrowBat....Russian AC or Syrian flying these attacks????

Intense Russian/Assad airstrikes using all types of munitions inc. cluster & incendiary munitions continue in besieged #Aleppo this morning

12-12-2016, 09:20 AM
Syria #Aleppo #Assad forces seized all areas east of Quweiq river channel & reach Hadj roundabout
-Final battle begins-

CrowBat.....anything on this alleged Sarin gas use?????

Syria Unconfirmed reports about airstrikes on #IslamicState held
Uqayribat in eastern #Homs with #Sarin nerve gas

12-12-2016, 09:22 AM
The political #Assad gang makes fools out of our 'diplomacy heroes' (Steinmeier, Kerry & co.) and mocks the suffering besieged civilians.

12-12-2016, 09:25 AM
4 killed children today.
Left in southern Daraa province, right east of Damascus.
Rest in peace.

12-12-2016, 09:48 AM
CrowBat....another RuAF mistake?????

Reports Russian airstrikes targeted Assad/pro-Assad fighters on Syriatel hill in Jabal Akrad with incendiary munitions by mistake. #Latakia
100% yes.

Only Russians are flying there.

12-12-2016, 11:45 AM
To all interested on inside to fall of #Plamyra by ex-Russian General Staff general read this interview. (Sorry in RUS)
A very interesting interview, that much is sure. Has all the elements of becoming the next hit by Keystone Cops in Moscow.

The character in question is nobody less but General of the Army Yuriy Baluyevsky, Chief of Staff of the Russian Army, and his first statement is:

'This [the loss of Palmyra; my note] is a blow to our prestige.'

Wow! A Russian general admitting the loss of Palmyra is a blow to the Russian prestige. I'm lacking words. This alone can be considered a sort of a 'Christmas Wonder'...

The rest of that article - not the least. At best, one might lean towards drawing a conclusion the first statement fell before his first vodka that morning. Namely, Baluyevsky then continued with statements like (rough translation):

'We had foreseen this development...'
Ah, did they? That's why they run away as first?

Then (roughly):

'The fact that the militants do not stop was clear...and related to the humanitarian pause....I understand that it is necessary to ensure the safety of the population, to separate it from fire, but when these pauses last for weeks, militants...get opportunity to recover'...

For this statement alone describing Baluyevsky as an arse-hole would be offence to all arse-holes: he's a thuggish mass-murderer and a liar (and yes: I am ready to say this into his face too, and/or sign this statement, every time of the day).

At least, he didn't fail to send a 'don't tell me I didn't tell you' message to Assadists, by blurting something like:

'...Syrian Army found no trace of concentration of enemy forces in the Palmyra area...this is wrong...and I do not understand them (Syrians)...'
Here one is left to wonder what are then the Russians supposed to do there in Syria - especially with their Tu-214R and (supposed/claimed) '10 satellites in orbit over Syria': all of these are too busy hunting down every member of local councils in Idlib and Aleppo?

12-12-2016, 11:55 AM
Syria #Aleppo #Assad forces seized all areas east of Quweiq river channel & reach Hadj roundabout
-Final battle begins-

CrowBat.....anything on this alleged Sarin gas use?????

Syria Unconfirmed reports about airstrikes on #IslamicState held
Uqayribat in eastern #Homs with #Sarin nerve gas

Something serious must've happened there, then there are reports citing up to 26 killed.

Since there are no columns of refugees underway in that part of Syria, it's hard to find so many people at once place - i.e. kill them with the usual 2-4 bombs.

So, very likely some sort of attack with a chemical weapons.

But, there are no photos or videos, so I consider this as 'still not confirmed'.

12-12-2016, 12:55 PM
Bi'r Marhitan village, SE of #Tiyas/#T4 and due south of the Jifar junction claimed taken by IS.
IS claiming to take the marked junction, last major checkpoint before Jabal Tiyas.
Separately local media reports #Tiyas/#T4 being shelled

Palmyra: #ISIS advancing at #Tiyas Airbase. Regime reinforcements have no significant impact.

ISIS seized the junction with Jihar Oil Field, 8/9 km NE. of Tiyas Airbase. E. #Homs.

ISIS now claims the control over the mountains North of #Tiyas Airbase (location unclear).

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
New @USIP report out today - the result of months of expert collaboration:
"The Jihadi Threat: #ISIS, AQ & Beyond”


12-12-2016, 12:58 PM
Iran frees criminals if they volunteer in Syria

12-12-2016, 01:01 PM
Voice of America/Radio Liberty, for decades reporting to Congress, will now report directly to President. Scary.

In expected news, @VOANews will be merged with @SputnikInt, while Radio Liberty will be turned into a tweet-reading station.

12-12-2016, 01:11 PM
Is the US now "hiding the Kurds"...

Got this #Raqqa operation update email from @CJTFOIR today.
The definition of #SDF does not include anything about #Kurds anymore.

12-12-2016, 01:13 PM
Russian Federation Council made statement on alleged #Russian Army participation in #Syrian ground offensives.

12-12-2016, 01:17 PM
BREAKING: Syrian military's media arm says army is now in control of 98 percent of the city of #Aleppo as the assault continue - AP

REMEMBER several months ago when the Syrian Russian Ambassador publicly stated Assad would not be attacking Aleppo.....just another lie in a very long line of lies.....

12-12-2016, 01:24 PM
Bi'r Marhitan village, SE of #Tiyas/#T4 and due south of the Jifar junction claimed taken by IS.
IS claiming to take the marked junction, last major checkpoint before Jabal Tiyas.
Separately local media reports #Tiyas/#T4 being shelled

Palmyra: #ISIS advancing at #Tiyas Airbase. Regime reinforcements have no significant impact.

ISIS seized the junction with Jihar Oil Field, 8/9 km NE. of Tiyas Airbase. E. #Homs.

ISIS now claims the control over the mountains North of #Tiyas Airbase (location unclear).

IS further advancing towards T4 air base, #SAA reinforcements could not stop. Last major SAA checkpoints captured.
Palmyra: #ISIS has captured the last major regime checkpoint east of #Tiyas Mountain and #Bir_Marhitan village southeast of #Tiyas Airbase.

Russia is busy blaming US for loss of #Palmyra, claiming coalition-backed rebels stopped fighting ISIS in Raqqa so IS cld head for Palmyra

WELL maybe if Russia/Assad had been attacking IS directly instead of the FSA IS might have been beaten.......

12-12-2016, 01:26 PM
Aleppo: #FSA and Turkish army attacking #Al_Bab from north, north-east & west axis.

12-12-2016, 01:29 PM
BREAKING: Major rebel withdrawal from more #Aleppo districts: monitor - AFP

Syria #IslamicState try to besiege Tiyas Airbase T4 located at #Homs -> #Palmyra road.
Only road to west still open

TOS-1 participating in Aleppo battle

Palmyra: countless armored vehicles left by Regime in #ISIS hands. Only here
6 T-55s, 6 T-62s, 4 T-72s, 2 BMPs & 1 Shilka.

12-12-2016, 01:55 PM
APPEARS that YES in fact Sarin gas was used by Assad and allowed by Putin who sworn to the US and UNSC that they had removed all Assad CWs.....

A large-scale #AssadPutin #ChemicalWeapons attack killed at least 35 civilians incl. 11 children & 8 women.
200 injured.

The attack happened yesterday and took place in Uqairbat and the surrounding villages, held by ISIS.
Said to be a revenge for #Palmyra.

FAR MORE than just a routine chlorine gas attack......

12-12-2016, 01:58 PM
Besieged eastern #Aleppo city yesterday.
Refugees and air strikes.

The situation in #Aleppo and #Palmyra this morning.
#AssadPutin lose to #ISIS terrorists because their priority is to bomb women & children.

12-12-2016, 02:30 PM
Reports that ISIS has captured Air Defense base and Defense Mountain

CIT (en) @CITeam_en
JSC Rosoboronexport is the sole state intermediary agency for Russia's exports of defense-related and dual use products h/t@JACM212 #Palmyra

12-12-2016, 02:33 PM
BREAKING: Major rebel withdrawal from more #Aleppo districts: monitor - AFP

Syria #IslamicState try to besiege Tiyas Airbase T4 located at #Homs -> #Palmyra road.
Only road to west still open

TOS-1 participating in Aleppo battle

Palmyra: countless armored vehicles left by Regime in #ISIS hands. Only here
6 T-55s, 6 T-62s, 4 T-72s, 2 BMPs & 1 Shilka.

Looks like Russia deployed Buratinos to Aleppo. (They came into Donbas little over a year ago.):

12-12-2016, 02:37 PM
Pro-Assad official says regime wants Raqqa to be America’s problem: “Let those alarmed by Daesh go and remove it”

12-12-2016, 06:08 PM
Syria #IS published footage from market in #Raqqa after #Russia'n airstrikes with 20 dead
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7CoFkFDI9g&feature=youtu.be …

12-12-2016, 06:43 PM
CIT (en) @CITeam_en
Top commanders of Ru "Wagner" PMC who helped take Palmyra spotted with high-ranking state medals at a Kremlin event

WONDER if they will have to give them back...??????

The Moscow Times
✔ @MoscowTimes Russian TV pundits are embarrassed & more than a little angry about the fall of Palmyra. Here’s our weekend roundup. https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/russian-media-is-triumphant-in-aleppo-as-palmyra-falls-again-56509 …

12-12-2016, 06:50 PM
Handbook on Russian Information Warfare #NATO Defense College. Enjoyable reading, for its clarity, not the content:)
http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=506 …

12-12-2016, 06:51 PM
......no food. Bodies lying on the street. Injured die, there is no place to bury. All FSA fractions allow people to leave, except Zinki

Just received an audio message from E Aleppo: "The situation is so tragic. In every apartment 50/60 people. Inhabitants do not have water,

12-12-2016, 06:56 PM
Syria Reports that #Assad-forces begin to flee from T4 airbase btw #Homs & #Palmyra
Clarity tomorrow

Syria Reports that #Assad-forces conduct field executions in Firdous neighborhood of #Aleppo

Horrific footage from Sakhour district in #Aleppo showing Assad forces & what sounds like Hezbollah doing what they do best

al Jazerra claim 80 people executed far

12-12-2016, 06:58 PM
EuphratesShield forces seized another #ISIS weapon cache near Al-Bab: rockets, hell cannon shells, mortars & explosives.

EuphratesShield forces seized over an #ISIS training camp with a factory & ammunition cache dug under a hill near Al-Bab.

Syria #SDF advance on more villages along east bank of Euphrates river toward #Raqqa

ISIS claims the destruction of 3 warplanes inside #Tiyas Airbase. E.

Vesti's #Russia'n Special Operations Forces (ССО ВС РФ) in #Syria special in YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgkRcwxidbE …

12-12-2016, 07:06 PM
REFERENCE Assad and Putin CWs attack today and it was not chlorine

Reports claiming death toll from chemical weapon attack in east rural #Hama has risen to 85 across Jruh, Salaliya & Hamada Omar villages

Numbers killed is now 101..many were hiding in the basements from previous air strikes....

12-12-2016, 07:13 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

Reports suggest last pockets of opposition-held #Aleppo are falling now.

Desperate pleas coming from civilians trapped under the onslaught.

12-12-2016, 07:15 PM
Ahrar al-Sham has expelled 3 unit commanders for refusing orders from the group’s leadership - all now arrested & referred to Sharia court.

Key Ahrar al-Sham units coming out in support of its existing, elected leadership & refusing any structural changes.

As Ahrar al-Sham struggles to define itself & JFS faces its own internal divisions, worth keeping an eye on figures like @shamalsalam2

12-12-2016, 07:17 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Ahrar's new leadership (headed by Abu Ammar) is close to #Ankara, which opposes fully the prospect of an Ahrar-JFS merger in #Syria.
pt: Ahrar's recent leadership election exposed major strategic differences, relating to relations with #Turkey a future merger with JFS.

pt: One source close to Ahrar al-Sham said this to me today:

'It's not a splinter, but it's the last step en route to Ahrar's breakup.'

pt: While Abu Jaber presents this move as further uniting previously peripheral fighting units, it is in reality a move to assert himself.

pt: This move comes as Jaish al-Ahrar's leader 'Abu Jaber' saw himself increasingly isolated from Ahrar al-Sham.

16 units of Ahrar al-Sham have united and formed a new "sub-faction" of Ahrar, called Jaish al-Ahrar (@AHRAR_ARMY).

12-12-2016, 07:21 PM
Safe bet: Russian tanker Osipov (main supply vessel of the Kuznetsov carrier group) has itself been resupplied in Limassol (Cyprus)

12-12-2016, 07:30 PM
Syrian rebel official: 'We will not make any concessions' to Russia or Assad

Syria #Aleppo municipal stadium in city center transformed
to concentration camp

12-12-2016, 07:34 PM
Isis play for Homs. Timed with fall of Aleppo and coming Raqqa offensive:
http://in.reuters.com/article/mideast-crisis-syria-chemicalweapons-idINKBN14119R …

12-12-2016, 07:53 PM
Syria Queiq river in #Aleppo south of regime hold city center 2013:
110 executed men fished out by residents

Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces, including #Hezbollah, torturing people in Eastern #Aleppo. Video from earlier today.
Deliberate and brutal torture...will not post it......

Includes brutal beatings of wounded and injured......

12-12-2016, 08:01 PM
Human Rights Watch
✔ @hrw "We have no oxygen canisters left...We have no ICU. The medical situation we’re in reduces us to tears"~ #Aleppo doc


ALL Western leaders of all Western nations are now fully and completely complicit in the ongoing genocide in Aleppo.....

NOT a single word out of the entire UNSC....

12-12-2016, 08:04 PM
CrowBat...anything on your end about this Turkish claim??????

Palmyra: Turkish security sources claimed that #Assad regime has deliberately left high-range anti-aircraft missiles for #ISIS in #Palmyra.

Have not seen anything in the various posted videos on this.....

12-12-2016, 08:16 PM
Assad forces conducted field executions against 35 civilians in #Bustan_Alqasr

A24 sources confirmed there were about 7 women executed with other +70 persons in mass execution by #Assad/#Russia in Aleppo

Multiple reports of pro-#Assad forces mass executing rebels & civilians and burning their bodies in the last pocket of #Aleppo.

Mass executions are taking place in East Aleppo at the hands of the regime. Several reports. All trustworthy.

Aleppo Many reports of field executions of civilians & rebels alike by Assad/Iranian militias in Sakhour, Salihin, Bustan al-Qasr & Fardous

12-12-2016, 08:33 PM
Syria #Aleppo Rebels still hold several neigborhoods (were armed uprising started years ago)

12-12-2016, 08:35 PM
APPEARS that YES in fact Sarin gas was used by Assad and allowed by Putin who sworn to the US and UNSC that they had removed all Assad CWs.....

A large-scale #AssadPutin #ChemicalWeapons attack killed at least 35 civilians incl. 11 children & 8 women.
200 injured.

The attack happened yesterday and took place in Uqairbat and the surrounding villages, held by ISIS.
Said to be a revenge for #Palmyra.

FAR MORE than just a routine chlorine gas attack......

Hama: Dozens of civilians were killed and 450 wounded by #Assad poison gas attacks in Eastern #Hama.

Sarin use is being claimed.....

12-12-2016, 10:15 PM
It is clear that the Assadists are engaged in mopping up operations, and that Aleppo has fallen.

How does this set back the FSA in terms of manpower and civilians under its control?

The rebel combatant losses seem rather light according to Wikipedia (yes, I know).

What's next for the FSA?

12-13-2016, 06:45 AM
It is clear that the Assadists are engaged in mopping up operations, and that Aleppo has fallen.

How does this set back the FSA in terms of manpower and civilians under its control?

The rebel combatant losses seem rather light according to Wikipedia (yes, I know).

What's next for the FSA?

Would suggest reading everything written by Weiss...Lister and Orton in the last three months...as they have covered it....

IMHO they are heading for a strong long term guerrilla war with Assad holding major cities but not the countryside and the LOCs to those towns opening him up to a very strong guerrilla based war.....with FSA controlling the countryside vs the cities under Assad.....leads to the interesting question can Assad feed the cities without major aid from Russia and Iran if the FSA controls the countryside?

Basically both FSA and IS have been largely able to openly move around the country at will in large convoys never getting bombed or seen...

The Sunni's now see themselves as the only one's interested in removing Assad and they will not give up that idea....and it appears that Russia is being dragged deeper into that guerrilla war....yes they can flatten cities and towns but in the end Assad and Iran had to move every available soldier into Aleppo to take it...weakening themselves everywhere else in Syria.....they can take short victories but lack the manpower to hold large areas under their control....

Would watch now the Sunni Front States and how they position themselves after the fall of Aleppo....especially what position Turkey takes.....

IF the Shia executions continue against Sunni's in Aleppo....watch the gloves come off FSA and JFS....they have largely refrained from causing Assad controlled areas massive damages from indiscriminate shelling's and attacks..in their drive to protect the overall population of both sides.

12-13-2016, 07:27 AM
BBC News - Have Russian hitmen been killing with impunity in Turkey?

Emergency operations chief of Doctors Without Borders tells @franceinfo he deplores the lack of intl. solidarity with #Syrians

12-13-2016, 07:36 AM
'Liberation' of Aleppo, Assadist-style...

- Reports of children burned alive and mass executions in the street as Aleppo falls to Syrian Army (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/reports-children-burned-alive-mass-9446656#ICID=sharebar_twitter)

- summary execution of 79 (https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/808391879721152512) in Sakhour, Salihin, and Fardous,

- summary execution of 37 in Bustan al-Qasr District (https://twitter.com/AhmadAlkhtiib/status/808378164850270208),

- summary execution of 200 in Qalseh District (https://twitter.com/JulianRoepcke/status/808410550992535553),

- summary execution of 14 from Ajam, Hassan and Masri families, 29 from Fasier, Hajjar, Sande families, 25 from Ako and Fael families in Fardous and Salhin Districts (https://twitter.com/putintintin1/status/808424200964894725),

- massacres by IRGC's Iraqi Shi'a jihadists (https://twitter.com/MohAlkhatieb/status/808437322337419264),

- reports about rape at regime checkpoints (https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808452301367246849),

... and so on. In essence, this is like if Jews would have had the ability to live-stream Nazi massacres during the WWII...

Evidence? Assadists are happily sharing resulting photos around the Twitter (https://twitter.com/djehoety/status/808433880403505154). Sorry if I'm too disgusted to 'share' these.

...all of which is little surprising considering it's not only the worst Shabbiha thugs of Liwa Suqour as-Sahra and the Fawj Maghawir al-Bahr ('Sea Commandos') but also the Syrian Nazis of the SSNP (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/808510425671286784), plus IRGC's Iraqi Shi'a jihadists that were unleashed upon civilians there...

Preliminary figures are indicating that they've already massacred about tenfold more people in Aleppo of the last few days alone, than the Daesh in all of the last two years...

Hope, all the Assad-, Putler- and IRGc-fans are going to enjoy this, and I'm sure they'll do their best to white-wash it. Others can continue to ignore it, just to have 'clean conscience': why care, it's Christmas time...

Fighting-wise, there's not that much to report as the insurgent defences inside Aleppo de-facto collapsed. Few exceptions were such like:
- Katiba Abu al-Joud (JAI) fought to the last in Qalseh District (https://twitter.com/omaralsory641/status/808413034444193792);

- insurgents have thwarted an IRGC advance into Sallahaddin District, but have definitely lost Sheikh Saeed District;

- fighting is currently concentrated on Sallahaddin District.

That's the centrepiece of the uprising in Aleppo ever since mid-2011, so I guess, the battle is going to 'end' there too (massacres: certainly not).

That aside,

- Assadists are already celebrating the end of battle (https://twitter.com/MIG29_/status/808396974114435074); and

- their fans abroad are declaring the battle for over (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/aleppo-conflict-latest-assad-regime-win-rebels-withdraw-a7469731.html), supposedly 'as rebels withdraw' (without saying where, though)...


Flying activity
Russians launched only two air strikes the whole night, then two at 06.45 - guess because they are so 'angry (https://twitter.com/EjmAlrai/status/808413697819418624)' with the Daesh. Assadists started flying around 07.45, when a single Su-22 took off from Shayrat in NE direction... (considering the supposedly 'critical' situation in regards of Palmyra, nonchalance of the regime remains nothing short of 'amazing').

Instead, they then began launching the usual stream of air strikes on Eastern Aleppo - foremost by helicopters from as-Safira. It was only around 10.00hrs that four Su-22s were launched from Tiyas that all went in eastern direction - i.e. presumably attacked Daesh. From time to time, they were followed by single MiG-23s from Shayrat, and - around 11.09 - 'even' by one Su-24...

Russians meanwhile continued at a leisure pace, launching a total of fantastic 6 air strikes by 11.00hrs... Some of these against Raqqa, as can be read further below. Activity of VKS reconnaissance aircraft can also only be described as 'frenetic': one UAV and one recce aircraft (type not recognized) were observed over Khan Sheikhoun, in south-western Idlib Governorate around the noon. 15-20 minutes later, 2 Russians bombed Ma'arat an-Nauman and Sarqib... around 12.40, two others bombed Khan Touman.

Eventually, it was only between 13.00 and 15.00hrs, that ops of Su-22s and MiG-23s from Shayrat picked some pace: about 20 of their take-offs were registered. On the contrary, Su-24s bombed Idlib and few other places around.

Russians then 'took over' around 18.00hr, launching four additional air strikes - and with that, the flying day was over.


helicopters: 16
L-39: 0
MiG-21: 6
MiG-23: 12 (most of these against Daesh)
Su-22: 29 (14-15 of these against Daesh)
Su-24: 8

UAVs: 2

VKS: 25
V-MF: 2
helicopters: 1 (yup, 1 Mi-24)
recce: 1


TSK/FSyA forces have entered the Zamzam District (western al-Bab), but for my taste, the THK and Turkish artillery are now getting much too trigger-happy too, with rather tragic consequences for the local population, as can be seen here (https://jkikki.de/2016/12/09/%d8%b6%d8%ad%d8%a7%d9%8a%d8%a7-%d9%88%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%b1-%d8%ae%d9%84%d9%81%d9%87-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%82%d8%b5%d9%81-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ac%d9%88%d9%8a-%d9%88%d8%a7/) or here (https://jkikki.de/2016/12/12/%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%85%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%87%D8%AF-%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A9-%D9%84%D8%B6%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A7-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B5%D9%81-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%83%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D9%84/) (both videos confirmed to have been taken yesterday.

While I'm still trying to find out what was targeted there, one of local activists has pointed me at the weapon used in both cases as Turkish variant of the GBU-31 (http://www.sage.tubitak.gov.tr/en/urunler/penetrator-bomb-neb) - which is a strange choice: AFAIK, CENTCOM, for example, would never come to the idea to use a 907kg warhead in the middle of a densely populated area. It's simply too hefty.


Russians discovered there's Daesh in Raqqa, so bombed the place - and promptly hit one of local markets, massacring 20 civilians (https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/808372470449340416).

...was the most obvious 'target', I guess...


Multiple air strikes deployed Sarin gas to murder 85 civilians (https://twitter.com/Paradoxy13/status/808336795624755200) in Jruh, Salaliya, and Hamada Omar villages, in Aqeerbat area, in Daesh-held parts of eastern Hama... (that said, there are reports citing up to 93 civilians killed there (https://twitter.com/uossmCan/status/808509485308383233)). That's then called Russians pounding ISIS oil tankers (https://twitter.com/leithfadel/status/808497751503802368).


Meanwhile, Tiyas AB is surrounded from three sides, and the Daesh issued an ultimatum for Assadists there to withdraw or face consequences (see 'massacre'). Assad-fans are reporting (https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/808478266550079488) arrival of '16 SAA special forces'[/URL], but gauging by who is emitting videos of this kind, it's Hezbollah...erm... 'Syrian Arab Army' of course... that's fighting there now:

...and they 'launched a small counter-attack (https://twitter.com/leithfadel/status/808422782199590913)... :roll:

12-13-2016, 07:49 AM
CrowBat...anything on your end about this Turkish claim??????

Palmyra: Turkish security sources claimed that #Assad regime has deliberately left high-range anti-aircraft missiles for #ISIS in #Palmyra.

Have not seen anything in the various posted videos on this.....
Haven't seen any kind of evidence for this.

The total count based on videos and photos released by the Daesh so far is as follows:

- 19 MBTs
- 6 BMPs
- 1 ZSU-23-4

...and colossal amounts of ammo and supplies, supposedly - at least according to this Russian journo (https://twitter.com/SyriaWarReports/status/807980416359481345) - stocked for 'spring offensive on Dayr az-Zawr',

Of course, few minutes later the same came back to waste more electrons by declaring, 'Palmyra was inside great propaganda, it has 'zero military significance because of Russian operation is limited'... :rolleyes:

12-13-2016, 07:53 AM
Syrian regime forces excute all the members of the medical staff in Alhayat clinic in Alkalaseh neighborhood in #Aleppo

White Helmets on the situation in Aleppo now: "All streets and destroyed buildings are full with dead bodies. It's hell."

BREAKING: Syrian military has executed women and children in eastern Aleppo
(Via Al-Jazeera)

As Aleppo is falling, German FM repeats "there's no military solution to the conflict". Don't know what to say

Russia says Syrian govt forces now control over 98% of #Aleppo. Rebel forces control max 3km2.UN alarmed by rpts of atrocities in final push

12-13-2016, 07:55 AM
Charles Lister

Take note - While ploughing unprecedented [foreign] resources into #Aleppo battle, #Assad, #Russia & #Iran accepted #Palmyra loss to #ISIS.

12-13-2016, 07:57 AM
"If we ever wonder when the new Middle Ages began, I'll reply: when the West watched the mass killings in Aleppo"

AND did absolutely nothing and remained absolutely silent.....

“We are people, are being deleted from the human map." A stream of agonizing SOS msgs fm Aleppo, via @ABarnardNYT.

Russia-backed #genocide in #Aleppo: Last Rebels in Aleppo Say Assad Forces Are Burning People Alive

Syria has brought many horrors, but witnessing last desperate words of #Aleppo's activists, teachers, medics, as it falls - no words.

12-13-2016, 08:13 AM
Syria Any pics of rebel ammo /weapons stores seized by #Assad-forces? There must be tons. Regime show only some rusty hell cannons.

Syria 3 years of bombardment with daily 30 dead in #Aleppo = 30.000 dead
- with daily 50 dead in Aleppo = 50.000 dead

Salem Abulnassr Doctor Fr East #Aleppo speak to world,80k Civilians left in 5 districts Besieged

Syrian govt TV accidentally interview woman whose sons were killed by govt airstrikes, too much cog dissonance.

Syria Heavy night clashes at the gates of T4 Tiyas airbase -#IS try to storm it

12-13-2016, 08:15 AM
It is clear that the Assadists are engaged in mopping up operations, and that Aleppo has fallen.

How does this set back the FSA in terms of manpower and civilians under its control?

The rebel combatant losses seem rather light according to Wikipedia (yes, I know).

What's next for the FSA?
In shortest possible terms:

- Most of the FSyA and other insurgent groups are still perfectly intact: it turned out one of major reasons for such a quick collapse of Aleppo is the fact that very few insurgents (less than 4,000, perhaps as little as 3,000, instead of usually reported 7,000-8,000) were left inside Aleppo.

- But, not only the FSyA, but even the Ahrar and various other groups can now be expected to get further extremised by the massacres instigated by Assadists and the IRGC inside Aleppo (Ahrar has already announced that 'gloves are now off');

- foremost, they'll now become more vulnerable to all sorts of al-Qaida's lures than ever before; even more so because for them it's now perfectly clear that not only West betrayed them (and is only a step short of entering a military pact with Moscow and Iran), but that all of their supposed supporters from the Gulf did the same, too.

One can expect some of forces in question to attempt launching an insurgency-style war behind the frontlines - like few of them are already test-running in northern Hama - though that's going to get particularly hard considering the scope of ethnic cleansings there. Nevertheless, even under such conditions, that's only going to bolster al-Qaida'a influence and result in an entirely new, most savage phase of this war one can imagine.

Bottom line: NOW - i.e. in 2017 - all of the West is 'finally' going to get the kind of war in Syria everybody is talking about since 2011: one between Islamic extremists and everybody else.


12-13-2016, 08:15 AM
Jesus friggin Christ was this a deliberate Assad/Putin resupply run for the IS as they face Turkey and FSA?????

Syria #IslamicState publish list of spoils seized in #Palmyra
44 main battle tanks

12-13-2016, 08:19 AM
Aleppo White Helmets: 90+ bodies under rubble we can’t dig out, we hear women & children under rubble we cant rescue due to intense bombing

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Those who could, did nothing.
Germany, US, Turkey etc.

Aleppo this last evening.
The last hours of the town.

1st reactions to the total destruction of eastern #Aleppo: #Russian and #Iranian State news celebrating.
#Hezbollah rejects mass executions.

OrientNews now reports 200 people executed in two neighborhoods alone

12-13-2016, 08:32 AM
Will be ending my posting for the Syrian thread now as this is the final example of a totally failed US FP for the ME....a failed policy for dealing with IS and a failed policy that now proves the US only mouths the words...."rule of law..good governance and transparency".....it has been and is a total farce....

Never ever thought I would experience my own country...it is until 4 January 2017 for me....I never thought I would experience the blatant failure to stop genocide...war crimes....starvation and ethnic cleansing WHEN the US has the ability to stop it.....

The Obama WH with it's "do nothing stupid" was one of the worst WHs in the last 70 odd years as they never ever really had a single strategy other than "doing nothing stupid" and that with winning the Nobel Peace Prize for doing outside of what ....being the first black President??????

Syria will now degrade into a true guerrilla war and those FSA moderate forces that believed the West would help them will turn now to JFS (AQ) as they radicalize....a radicalization forced on them by the US and Obama.......

The threat of IS and radicalized Salafists will haunt the US for the coming decade....and that is the legacy of this Obama WH...they made the problem just worse as well as being totally complicit now in genocide..war crimes...starvation and ethnic cleansing on a scale never seen before in the ME......

Comment from inside Aleppo this morning

R.I.P. Aleppo
Assad, Putin & Iran have killed you.
The world is complicit in your murder.
We won't forget nor forgive those responsible.

BREAKING: Turkey's former Prime Minister @Ahmet_Davutoglu says Syria's Bashar al-Assad is committing a massacre, aided by Iran and Russia.

AND Obama is out golfing this week....

12-13-2016, 11:35 AM
What's happening in #Aleppo , exactly what #Iraq govt trying to avoid in #Mosul - Shiite militia told not to enter the majority Sunni city

Syria -potentially worst case scenario in east #Aleppo - pro-govt Shiite militia from #Iraq #Lebanon let loose on remaining Sunni civilians

Aleppo civilians 'shot on the spot' - UN

12-13-2016, 02:03 PM
A 'BTW' here - prompted not only by hordes of online- Assadists, Putler-fans & Co KG GesmbH AG SPA that are insisting on the legend 'there was never any kind of protesting in Aleppo', and 'these jihadists came from abroad, or from the countryside', but also a host of 'well-informed Western observers'...

...this is what Aleppans protested for, back in 2012:

...this is how 'few' they were:

...and this is how the regime thugs reacted:

At least back then the latter were all Syrians.

Five years later, it took entire armies of Iranians, Afghans, Iraqis, Lebanese, Russians and whoever else to silence them.

12-13-2016, 03:23 PM
CrowBat...anything on your end about this Turkish claim??????

Palmyra: Turkish security sources claimed that #Assad regime has deliberately left high-range anti-aircraft missiles for #ISIS in #Palmyra.

Have not seen anything in the various posted videos on this.....
An update in this regards: the Daesh captured an intact - and fully functional - S-125/SA-3 SAM-site, north of Tiyas/T-4 AB, yesterday afternoon or this morning.

Question is now if they've got anybody who can not only power it up, but also make it operational again.

12-13-2016, 04:51 PM
Palmyra: #ISIS made significant gains (blue) southwest of #Tiyas Airbase and captured the strategic #Tiyas crossroads today.

Putin's premature classical concert in #Palmyra beginning to look like George W. Bush's Iraq "Mission Accomplished" moment

12-13-2016, 04:54 PM
More people have died in the siege of Aleppo (108k) than in the entire Bosnian war of 92-95 (102k). And it's not over yet.

The wires: rebels in Aleppo say agreement with Russia to cease bombardment in the city from this PM.

Aleppo ceasefire will come into effect tonight and also includes a withdrawal plan

NATURALLY typical Russian tactic......
And of course shortly before #UN Security Council meeting

Ceasefire agreement reached after talks mediated by #Turkey

Iraqi Shia militias also involved in slaughter in Aleppo, UN says:

12-13-2016, 05:28 PM
EU: We will not pay to help rebuild Aleppo if Syria's opposition has no political future

12-13-2016, 05:32 PM
Aleppo: Protests in rebel-held areas of #Syria. People are very angry that rebels don't launch offensives against the pro-#Assad forces.

Tents, personal belongings and food left at Russian base captured by IS in Palmyra suggest it was abandoned in haste

12-13-2016, 05:38 PM
Russian MoD claims - journalists\media-activists in #Aleppo are "militants".
Of course they are, let`s kill them!

12-13-2016, 05:48 PM
Jesus friggin Christ was this a deliberate Assad/Putin resupply run for the IS as they face Turkey and FSA?????

Syria #IslamicState publish list of spoils seized in #Palmyra
44 main battle tanks

Palmyra: And people said: "#ISIS will capture no weapons in #Palmyra. #Russia removed everything."