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06-05-2017, 05:54 PM

Yes: "really".

Apparently, Outlaw is privy to secret economic intelligence indicating that Ukraine would be the world's leading agricultural exporter and tiger of Europe, were it not for Russian aggression...

Because of Outlaw's displeasure at PiS governance in Poland, he suggested that the Ukrainian economy was outpacing Poland's. See my responses below:


Basically, the moral of the story is that any opposition to Brussels' and Berlin's writ portends state failure, Great Britain included.

Unfortunately, Outlaw continues to do a great disservice to the causes he allegedly supports: humanitarian intervention by the West, containment of Russia, liberal-socialist domestic policies, anti-carbon policies, etc. The reliance upon anecdotal or plain fabricated evidence, the use of multiple opinion pieces to create a sense of evidentiary consensus, and the parroting of MSM opinions only hardens the opposition.

You will recall years of this particular SWC poster railing against the MSM, and trusting only a handful of sources and social media. Suddenly, the NYT, WaPo, The Guardian (which had touted Assad's election "victory"), CNN, et al can do no wrong...

Azor...since you are the definer of everything correct...come to Berlin and I will set you up with face to face discussions with both the German and Ukrainian Ministers responsible for Agriculture and get you an interview with Monsanto as well....as to their business goals/investments in Ukraine....and I do have some pull still in the German FM that could get you an interview as well on the economic goals being envisioned for Ukraine within EU....

Wish you truely would contribute something other than just words and comments in a cut and paste fashion which is quite easy to do actually and requires little effort after driving CrowBat off SWC.......

Can get you as well other interviews with say UAF reps as well....since they pendle in and out of the military facilities near Berlin..

I rely on what is in fact provable regardless of who prints it....be it MSM...be it a leftist Journal and yes even the right sometimes actually provides data capable of being fact tested..........

BTW you did state if I remember correctly the Trump Russian thingy was a fake as was the Steele Dossier and where are we now ???? Watch the coming two weeks weeks and get back to me on whether the Steele Dossier was correct or not....

Now go back to my initial comments when Brexit passed and then see what I predicted would be the outcome of leaving......we are getting close to those predictions are we not....

And I recall mentioning there would be a Constitutional decision that would state Parliment had to be involved...which did occur if I recall as well...

So contribute not rant....

Might apply to some of the comments here....

Imagine fake tweets from fake people, with fake likes to make you think an opinion in your circle is mainstream ...

Azor...is this not what CrowBat was in fact politley trying to tell you????

Azor........BTW I have been pointing out his somewhat minor point about social media especially why Twitter seems to be so Russian slanted lately...BTW this figure i also mentioned in the Ukrianin thread in 2014.....

And this might be the reason twitter is doing nothing about the Russian Trump bot army: $800 Million from Russia!

Twitter confirms 'significant' round of funding led by Russian investment company
Twitter has confirmed it has received “significant funding” from Yuri Milner’s DST Global.

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I?” :D

06-05-2017, 06:02 PM
Azor......care to comment on this and explain just where the Trump FP answer is for this development???

H Hassan حسن حسن
✔ @hxhassan Read my recent piece situating the crisis in what these countries say Qatar's refusal to deliver on its promises
http://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/qatars-troubles-are-rooted-in-its-support-for-islamists …

06-05-2017, 06:25 PM
Angelo Codevilla: "Punishing The Real Russia Crime: Leaking" (https://amgreatness.com/2017/06/04/punishing-real-russia-crime-leaking/)

Selected Excerpts:

The appointment of a special counsel, as well as the Congressional proceedings to uncover and punish such associates of Donald Trump as may have colluded with the Russian government with regard to the 2016 campaign, are a combination of partisan and Intelligence-bureaucracy warfare. No one has mentioned any activity of anyone in that campaign that might qualify as a violation of any criminal statute. Moreover, these legal and pseudo-legal proceedings abstract from the patently obvious felonies that U.S intelligence officials have committed each and every time they have informed reporters of the Washington Post and New York Times about the targets, functions, and results of U.S communications intelligence.

Herewith a summary of how the parody grew to its current dimensions, and a straight-line projection of where it leads unless the distinction between law and politics is re-established.

A minor defensive maneuver at the time, the “Russia interference in the elections” narrative grew into the Democratic Party’s main explanation for the massive electoral rejection at all levels it ended up suffering on November 8, 2016.

By spring 2016, Obama administration appointees to the U.S. intelligence agencies, having raised those agencies’ traditional alignment with the Democratic Party to unprecedented levels, were acting as adjuncts to the Clinton campaign. Candidate Clinton was suffering from the public’s perception that her use of a private email server for government business had compromised classified information. When Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails hacked by the international hacker Guccifer and published by Wikileaks showed that the party was siding with Clinton against Bernie Sanders, the alienation of Sanders supporters further diminished Democratic prospects in November.

To divert attention from Clinton’s assorted e-mail problems, the DNC hired its associated IT firm, Crowdstike, which concluded―without giving any evidence―that “the Russians” had been hacking Democrats, and that they had done so to help the Republicans. The intelligence agencies concurred. Numerous intelligence officials have claimed to know who supplied the-mails to Wikileaks. No one has given evidence on the record. A minor defensive maneuver at the time, the “Russia interference in the elections” narrative grew into the Democratic Party’s main explanation for the massive electoral rejection at all levels it ended up suffering on November 8, 2016.

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
When Donald Trump became the Republican nominee, much of the U.S government, intelligence agencies included, conducted “opposition research” on him. This included tacitly validating a scurrilous report by a British source of Donald Trump with Russian prostitutes. At first, it targeted Paul Manafort, whom Trump had chosen to manage his campaign at the Republican convention, and Carter Page, a minor foreign policy advisor. The FBI and the Justice Department obtained a warrant from the secret court established under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to intercept their electronic communications. Both men had worked, legally, with Russian entities.

Note well: Here is a U.S, official, excusing the “wiretapping” of his Party’s political opponents on the basis of the fact that Russians (like many foreigners) use their dealings with Americans to influence them and his assumption that said Russians had succeeded to some culpable extent. Under questioning, however, Brennan was forced to recant those assumptions: “I don’t know whether or not such collusion… I don’t know.” And: “we see contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons all the time.” Nevertheless Brennan tried to make a public policy case for surveilling these political opponents: “It is when it’s in the context that there is something else going on—and so we knew, at the time, that the Russians were involved in this effort to try to interfere in our election.”

Brennan was not asked for evidence of any such attempt, nor was he forced to confront the fact that Hillary Clinton had received millions of dollars from foreign entities, including Russian ones. Nevertheless, he was forced to say that the wiretapping showed zero evidence of collusion between the Trump associates and the Russians with regard to anything, never mind criminal activity.

Simple facts: Already well before the election, intelligence officials―possibly including Mr. Brennan―had used the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to do legally (though not a bit more properly) the kind of snooping into the political opposition that the 1972-74 Watergate burglars had done. But the legality of what they did ended the instant that they went to The New York Times and Washington Post with “Phone records and intercepted calls.” At that point, they became criminals.

After the election, as the Democratic Party scrambled to protect itself from the opposition’s victory and perhaps to reverse it, bureaucratic self-interest led the intelligence agencies, especially CIA, to become the spearhead of that effort. On December 15 U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News they had “a high level of confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed how messages and other documents hacked from Democrats were used to influence the presidential election.

There was never doubt about the CIA’s bureaucratic motivation. Early on, Trump had found Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (USA-ret) to be his favorite spokesman on foreign policy and let it be known that Flynn would be his National Security Adviser. As the Defense Intelligence Agency’s director, Flynn had fought bitter bureaucratic battles with the CIA and with the Obama administration.

There followed a public report by the agencies of their “high confidence”―but zero evidence―that Putin preferred Trump. Predictably, already in mid-December The Hill reported that, according to a poll: More than half of Americans bothered by Russian interference in election. No surprise then that on January 19 The New York Times reported that American intelligence officials “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump.”

Even less surprising, then, that the agencies “wiretapped” Flynn to see what they could “get on him.”

Since Obama, the Democratic Party, and CIA had given dicta but zero evidence concerning “Russian meddling,” the advice that Flynn gave and Trump endorsed made the Obama administration and its Russophobia look silly.

That is when the Obama administration’s/CIA’s rage, the media’s complicity, and the “attentive public’s” gullibility therewith, went into high gear to turn ordinary, garden-variety actions in international affairs―if conducted by opponents―into pseudo crimes.

In real life, foreign affairs means dealing with foreigners. Every day in every way, just about everybody who is involved in international relations practically or academically―never mind persons who are about to undertake official responsibilities―communicates with foreign officials to the maximum extent possible testing possible new approaches to policy. Hence, as Michael Flynn was dealing with the Russian ambassador, he was doing his job, and doing it just right. So did then Senator Jeff Sessions and every other Senator who meets with representatives of foreign governments. Nevertheless, a March 1, 2017 Times article depicts the “finding” by Obama administration officials that people close to Trump had many contacts with Russians as something of a smoking gun of culpability.

This sort of thing should be dismissed by comparing it to the old joke about the college dean who was accused of lascivious behavior for having insisted on his female undergraduates showing him their theses before letting them graduate. Except that the U.S. intelligence officials who have purveyed the Trump/Russia stories have done so by citing U.S. communications intelligence. That is not a joke. It is a crime.

06-05-2017, 06:35 PM
Indication of just how bad US politics has become....

Bill Maher, a comedian, uses the n-word and everyone wants him to lose his job.

Jeff Sessions says it, believes it, has a history around it, and commits perjury and he becomes Attorney General

There is irrefutable evidence that Maher said it. Not so for Sessions. Nice try though.

06-05-2017, 07:06 PM
Angelo Codevilla: "Punishing The Real Russia Crime: Leaking" (https://amgreatness.com/2017/06/04/punishing-real-russia-crime-leaking/)

TWO serious points that this article fails to state.....

1. IF one seriously looks at the so called leaking ..not a single classified bit of SIGINT and or HUMINT has been leaked to the press or social media.....

BUT on the other side of the coin we have a President leaking CODE WORD highly classifed Information to the Russian FM

BUT we have a Nunes of the HSIC actually leaking classified information which now has him under an ethnic investigation and his TS/SCI clearance downgraded to S....

BUT we have Burr from the Senat IC also leaking classified materials as well and is under investigation for that.....

AND MSM has actually confirmed that a large number of the so called leaks are in fact coming from the WH Staff....for whatever political intigue games they are playing....

2. THEN we have the so called "unmasking" debate started by Nunes as a distraction from the Russian invesitgation of the WH and Trump....with Nunes pointing his finger at the Obama NSC Susan Rice...THEN we suddenly learn Nunes had far more "unmasking requests than did Rice" BUT we do not hear anything about Nunes...ALL we hear is Rice....

WHAT is at the heart of the so called "leaking" is the constant drip of information about what is and or is not being investigated around Trump and his family and WH....

THAT is what this whole debate around "leaking is really all about"....end of story...

LASTLY this is really a Russian propaganda attempt to distract from the FBI Russian Investigation....

Russian propagnada works on the 6Ds Principle.....

Distract...Distort...Deflect....Dismay ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust......

RERERAD the entire article and then tell me which of these 6Ds fits the article....

06-05-2017, 07:16 PM
Angelo Codevilla: "Punishing The Real Russia Crime: Leaking" (https://amgreatness.com/2017/06/04/punishing-real-russia-crime-leaking/)

When reading such blogsites as this one...amgreatness.com...ASK the simple question does this blogsite use the Russian propaganda 6Ds Principle in writing their articles and WHO is the target audience and WHAT is the "narrative" being used for that target group of readers.....

THEN take this single comment and ask yourself HAS that person being quoted EVER truely stated what is being claimed by the blogsite????

REMEMBER the Russian Propganda 6Ds Principle

Distract...Distort...Deflect....Dismiss ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust....:D

There is no question that he told President Trump that on the basis of all evidence, Trump was not suspected of wrongdoing in his campaign’s relations with the Russian government, and Senator Feinstein, a militant Trump opponent, confirms that Comey had said this to her and the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, Charles Grassley. The same person who rushed before the cameras to convict but excuse from charges Mrs. Clinton, could express privately the innocence of Mr. Trump, but could give no hint of it publicly, even though he knew perfectly well that the continuing confected cloud of the Russian collusion allegation seriously impeded the ability of the administration to goven.To all readers of SWJ this reference to what Feinstein stated was 400% denied by Feinstein THUS it is a blatant attempt to create a "narrative of truth"...

Hghly recomment urgently the reading of this long and documented article posted today....REPOSTED BELOW as it fits nicely into the Azor posted article....

Azor........BTW you need to seriously go back and reread the Horowity article link below....this blogsite is in fact tied to 21 other similar blogsite types all designed to give the look and free of a "real News site" but drives a hardcore alt right ie white nationalist slant....or "narrative".....

How a ‘shadow’ universe of charities joined with right wing political warriors to fuel Trump’s rise

Azor...BTW..this is where age/experience comes into play......the David Horowitz named as the flaming right winger in this article........WELL I met him years ago when he was a "flaming Marxist" ranting against the US governmwent and evil capitalism and supporting the Black Panthers...and sat in some of his seminars when he claimed himself to be a "flaming member of the US Communist Party"......
Amazing just how money a lot of money corrupts one's own morals, values and political beliefs...

Suggest you read some of this most popular books from the 60s and then tell me where he "sold out"...he went to bed red one night and then woke up black...come on if you believe that then I do have a bridge in the desert to sell you......

06-05-2017, 07:20 PM

How the Trump-Russia Data Machine Games Google to Fool Americans
By Roger Sollenberger June 1, 2017

A year ago I was part of a digital marketing team at a tech company. We were maybe the fifth largest company in our particular industry, which was drones. But we knew how to game Google, and our site was maxed out. We did our research and geared the content for the major keywords that we knew people used most frequently when they were shopping for drones or researching drones or looking for drone video. We knew our audience: their buying habits, their interests, ages, geography, etc., and soon our Google results were up there with a company that was literally an order of magnitude bigger than we were. A few months later, we were beating them at Google.
Our sales reflected this nearly immediately, but perhaps more importantly, we were perceived as being much bigger and more influential than we actually were. It was unfair and fair at the same time. It’s just how that game is played, everywhere.
But then the giants wised up, poured a ton of people and money into it and squashed us.
Thing is, it doesn’t take all that much to do what we did. Ask any digital marketer. You just need a little experience and a whole lot of time and money. I’m not going to get into the weeds of SEO (search engine optimization). But I am going to say something that sounds completely insane, and warn you that we’re in the middle of something we’ve never experienced in America: a full-on psychological war. And Google, of all places, is a main battlefield.
I’m going to show you one specific weapon in this war that’s being used against you and me and the United States right now: Google. There are other information weapons, such as bots and fake news sites, but other stories have those pretty well covered. But before we get started, though, two things to keep in mind:
First, most of us don’t even know we’re in this war yet. You don’t know when you’ve been wounded, when you’ve been killed. And that’s the whole point: You’re not supposed to.
Second, the attacks in this war aren’t aimed at your enemies. You attack your own side.
Independence Is Division
First: Why this is important. Why this is a war.
Google, whether you’re aware of it or not, is a total slaughterhouse. Trump’s data team (he’s reportedly set up a “war room” to combat the Russia story) has weaponized information, and for about a year now has been slaying American brains: Trump supporters’ brains. It started with the election, then died down, but now it’s coming back, vengeful and desperate.
As a result, we’re at a pivotal point not just in the life of our democracy, but in how we think, read, and make choices. Selective information is being presented to us in a way that encourages selective reading and offers psychological and social rewards for, to put it bluntly, being stupid and submissive and spreading stupid to submit others.
This is, of course, about the truth, and about the cognitive and emotional vulnerabilities of Americans. This is nothing new for propagandists. What’s different now is that this propaganda is being gamed by professionals in a massive, orchestrated data campaign at a volume, pace, and consistency that not only muddies the truth, but completely eclipses the truth. Destroys the very notion of truth.
I can describe it in no other terms but a war.
The truth about the truth is that we believe because we want to, because our ability to think independently is a point of pride for Americans. The people behind the curtain are telling us the same story we tell ourselves about ourselves. But this is also a vulnerability: Independence is in its purist form a kind of division. If you exploit it the right way, you can turn a democracy against itself. If I think about this for too long I grow terrified and want to take everyone’s computer away. But it might be too late.
Beyond the Bots: Trump’s Twitter Toupee
The past few days, we’ve seen some good reporting about the surge of Trump bots on social media. (Bots are automated, non-human accounts.) And though he didn’t, as some people have claimed, net five million new Twitter followers in three days (though he did gain three million in May), nearly half of his followers, a full 49 percent, aren’t real people.
That’s right: Trump is being followed by 15 million robots.
The Washington Post just ran a pretty cowardly piece about Trump’s bot following. They titled it “Something Fishy Is Going on with Trump’s Twitter Account,” but didn’t say why this fishiness mattered in the first place. Who really cares if his followers are fake? So what if he wears a Twitter toupee? (A Twoupee, if you will.) We’re used to that from Trump.
Here’s where WaPo wouldn’t, for some reason, go: those bots aren’t just digital codpieces. They’re attack vectors for weaponized information. What does that mean?

When we think about the Russian attacks during the election, most of us probably think of the DNC hacks, Podesta, and the steady drips from WikiLeaks of that stolen information. If you hate Hillary Clinton, I’m sure that at some point in the past nine months you’ve said something like, “Well, who cares how that information got out there, it’s the truth!”
I won’t argue. Instead, I’d like to point out that’s not the whole story. According not just to me and FAKE NEWS! reports, but to the declassified U.S. intelligence report on Russian subversion in the 2016 election, the attacks included weaponizing false information (what “fake news” really is: stuff that’s entirely made up; pure fiction) and creating real-seeming sites to host this fake news. So no, the whole hacking effort was not just publishing “the truth” about Clinton. Much of it was publishing fake news. Or, perhaps more dangerously, misleading news.
This brings us to Google today. A couple weeks ago I saw an insane person on my Facebook feed screaming about how Obama had leaked classified information about the Bin Laden raid that got people killed. What the ####? I’d never heard anything about this, and the raid was six years ago, and this guy was a total right-wing crackpot, which is the trifecta for guaranteeing at least fifteen full minutes of bat#### conspiracy theory misinfotainment. So I duly Googled “obama classified information bin laden.” If you do that right now, here’s what you get.

WHAAAAAT?! Obama’s mouth killed people! Media is libturd hypocrites!
Let’s ignore the criminal level of stupidity for a minute. Look instead at the dates on those articles. May 16 and 17 of this year. This year. The Bin Laden raid, again, was six ####ing years ago. What’s happening here? Why are all these different white nationalist news sites suddenly writing about this together? Why did they start doing it on May 16? Why do those articles even exist?
Well, on May 15, you might remember, The Washington Post broke this little gem: President Trump shared top secret intel with the Russian Foreign Minister and Russian Ambassador. In the Oval Office. In front of Russian state media.
The right-wing bull#### factory lurched to life. These outlets launched a broad “what about?” attack, a coordinated attack, on Obama and the left. That bull#### story about Obama’s “dangerous” classified “leak” suddenly broke throughout the right-wing media sphere. Some of these articles are even cut-and-paste jobs. There’s no effort here, just content. Tons of content, made quickly, made together, all spewing the same lies, but optimized.
And when I googled the search term the night of May 31, as I’m writing this, it’s even worse. The Washington Post, which had a page two hit on May 29, is now at the bottom of page four.


See? You’d either miss this caveat altogether, or you’d forget about it or write it off as meaningless or some kind of error. It’s so small, after all. This is completely forgivable: It’s a human vulnerability. I exhibit it. Everyone does. We want to be right. We trust our brains. We believe in ourselves, in our capacity to execute sound, independent judgment. But this is the very thing that’s being strategically exploited on a truly massive scale. This is a scheme to generate an overwhelming amount of misinformation, not just to combat a more nuanced truth, but to marginalize the truth, to weaken it, to BURY it underneath your own misplaced convictions about yourself.
We’re being flattered into stupidity. Here’s how it works.

How The SEOsage Is Made
First: Create content that subtly masks the truth.
Second: Shape that content into something people will share.
Third: Make it identical, and make a ton of it.
Fourth: Flood the internet with that content.
Fifth: Flood the internet with that content.
Six: Flood the ####ing internet with that content.


06-05-2017, 07:38 PM
Food for Thought

"To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle."

-- George Orwell

06-05-2017, 07:41 PM
Azor...since you are the definer of everything correct...

When did I say that? I’m here to learn, question and challenge.

Your reporting on the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria – during the blackout period when these crises were inconvenient for Western governments and their friends in the media to dwell upon – was outstanding.

Unfortunately, for some months now you have put your political preferences above all else, and now that your opinions are in vogue, all seems to be forgiven as far as the media is concerned. Indifference to the bleeding sores in Donbas and Syria? Water under the bridge.

…come to Berlin and I will set you up with face to face discussions with both the German and Ukrainian Ministers responsible for Agriculture and get you an interview with Monsanto as well....as to their business goals/investments in Ukraine....and I do have some pull still in the German FM that could get you an interview as well on the economic goals being envisioned for Ukraine within EU...

I may take you up on that offer, but not this year, I’m afraid.

Of course, there can be no question that Monsanto’s interest in Ukraine’s corrupt, opaque and inefficient agricultural sector is anything but altruistic. :rolleyes:

Regardless, there is a great deal of agricultural competition out there. Food prices have been declining globally since 2011, however, Ukraine should do well in this area in the coming years. Will Ukraine overtake competitors such as Australia and Canada, or European ones such as France and Germany? That remains to be seen.

Wish you truly would contribute something other than just words and comments in a cut and paste fashion which is quite easy to do actually and requires little effort after driving CrowBat off SWC...

On the contrary, I post reports and articles of interest, in addition to my own views. Should this thread be merely a concordance for center-left and left-wing criticism of Trump?

I hardly drove CrowBat off SWC. He was unable to refute my arguments or to successfully defend his own, especially as he had to venture far beyond his area of expertise to do so. I assume that he ceased posting here in order to focus on his writing or analysis of RuAF/SyAAF activity in Syria.

Can get you as well other interviews with say UAF reps as well...since they pendle [sic; do you mean “trundle”?] in and out of the military facilities near Berlin…

Why would I be interested in the official line from Kiev?

I rely on what is in fact provable regardless of who prints it...be it MSM...be it a leftist Journal and yes even the right sometimes actually provides data capable of being fact tested...

Which is why RawStory articles are increasingly finding their way into this thread? If you are going to post from RawStory, then you should also post from Breitbart as well. ;)

If you are so interested in facts, then why did you blatantly lie about Ukraine’s economy vis-à-vis Poland and then Britain?

BTW you did state if I remember correctly the Trump Russian thingy was a fake as was the Steele Dossier and where are we now ???? Watch the coming two weeks weeks and get back to me on whether the Steele Dossier was correct or not...

As I recall, the “Steele Dossier” had nothing new to add to the “Russian Connection” file other than the piss-‘n’-prostitutes tape. It was a regurgitation of allegations already made public, with the Kompromat ensconced in the center.

I will be watching…

Now go back to my initial comments when Brexit passed and then see what I predicted would be the outcome of leaving...we are getting close to those predictions are we not...

And I recall mentioning there would be a Constitutional decision that would state Parliament had to be involved...which did occur if I recall as well...

The UK does not have a constitution. PwC is rather bullish on the UK, predicting comparable GDP growth in 2017-2018 to Germany despite Brexit, followed by 2% annual GDP growth: https://www.pwc.co.uk/services/economics-policy/insights/uk-economic-outlook.html

The UK should do quite well outside of the EU, however, British policymakers can always make a mess of it, as they have in the past.

So contribute not rant...Imagine fake tweets from fake people, with fake likes to make you think an opinion in your circle is mainstream...

Curious. I am naturally suspicious of “mainstream” opinions, as most people tend to be ignorant and irrational about most things most of the time.

Azor...is this not what CrowBat was in fact politley [sic] trying to tell you????

How so?

Azor...care to comment on this and explain just where the Trump FP answer is for this development???

I thought that was Sean Spicer’s job. When I get paid to do it, I’ll do it.

06-05-2017, 07:42 PM
The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news

06-05-2017, 09:12 PM
This exchange does not help the thread's purpose. There are simple too many posts to get a succinct informative viewpoint.

How about a ten point summary?

Personally I am beginning to wonder if the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Trump administration - with due allowance to missing many senior officials - is declining to the point where American national credibility is at stake.

06-05-2017, 10:09 PM
This exchange does not help the thread's purpose. There are simple too many posts to get a succinct informative viewpoint.

How about a ten point summary?

Personally I am beginning to wonder if the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Trump administration - with due allowance to missing many senior officials - is declining to the point where American national credibility is at stake.

Well, at least there is a vigorous debate taking place.

Trump was elected more on a protest vote and less on a serious platform. His activities since the inauguration have been entirely symbolic, including the announced withdrawal from the Paris Agreement - which was non-binding, and which would have gone the way of Kyoto. In fact, Trump could have merely stopped complying with Paris even while remaining a signatory.

Having said that, Trump made immigration and border control a primary issue during the election after decades of inaction, and seemed far less enthusiastic about military interventions than Clinton did e.g. the mooted Syrian no-fly zone.

Thus far, I would have to agree with Mark Galeotti that the U.S. now has a three-party system: the Democrats, the Republicans and Trump. This situation lends itself to more Congressional obstruction, more socio-political divisions and more reliance upon executive orders.

06-06-2017, 05:08 AM
This exchange does not help the thread's purpose. There are simple too many posts to get a succinct informative viewpoint.

How about a ten point summary?

Personally I am beginning to wonder if the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Trump administration - with due allowance to missing many senior officials - is declining to the point where American national credibility is at stake.

There is a serious issue at stake and it is simply the US core democracy...

1. Having no one appointed to the 700 or so political nominees is a farce and has never been done..deliberate attempt to weaken those agenices and or DoS

2. nominating Cabinet members that thoroughly hate the agencies they are suppose to be leading to destroy them is a farce BUT deliberate

3. removing all scientific data and or programs from the web pages because it came either from Obama or researchers is a farce and or deliberate

4. removing all laws and regulations because they come from Obama administration is a farce and or deliberate....

5. to not accept as valid the ongoing Russian influence and information war against the US in the face of constant examples makes someone either lazy and or someone who simply does not believe it exists...is extremely dangerous

BUT what is far more important is the full understanding exactly what Trump advisor Bannon and Miller and David Horowitz all white nationalist really want to do...."destroy the current establishment" YET somehow this is being overlooked ....farce and or deliberate

THEN couple in the hacking of the US election and election process, coupled with RICO meaning criminal money laundering and racketeering and corruption between Trump, Trump WH and a number of GOP members and Russian oligarch money.....

WHILE I am absolutely not an a fan from this individual but some are in fact saying the NSA document is real.....

NSA report details Russian hacking effort days before election.
Russian military intelligence executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials just days before last November’s presidential election, according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.

06-06-2017, 06:17 AM
Ayor.....you keep denying the Steele Dossier with the reasoning there is and or was no sex tape...

What you and thousands of others saying the same exact point...do not fully know and how could you know.....that which was released by Buzzfeed was in fact a summary of the entire document.....

Currently "some say a total of 80%" of the entire document has been confirmed and legally verified and has been used in ongoing Grand Jury hearings....

So keep on repeating no sex tape negates the entire report....one will be hearing far more about that document in the coming weeks...

06-06-2017, 06:23 AM
What is far more distrubing is the simple fact that both FB and Twitter know they are being massively used by Russian intel services and proTrump and proPutin botnets to drive propaganda and disinformation...

BUT do nothing to counter it...WHY because high use numbers even if driven by computer directed bot nets ensure high ad revenues.....

BOTH thoroughly know how to stop it but do not.....

With Twitter there is the influence over the Support side due to an 800M USD Russian oligarch investment and who sits in Ireland and directs European operations...

Shareholder push to get @google @facebook to review impact of misinformation on democracy

06-06-2017, 06:32 AM
David..this goes to my list of issues...what we have not gone into is the roll played by the US Green Party who under Jill Stein actually in the four States that went to Trump throwing the win via the electoral College.....her party took a total of 70K votes from Clinton thus Trump won those four States by an exact total of 70K votes.....

MSM has Flynn under the gun for his undeclared Russia Today 58K USD "speaking fee for simply sitting at a table with Putin".....well Stein was next to him and yet she has until today refused to state what she got as a "speaking fee" from Russia Today.....

Tell us more about Jill Stein's paid speaking engagement with Putin.

You would have noticed in this tweet that the talking points are exactly those of Trump and proRussian English language twitter accounts

06-06-2017, 06:39 AM
What might be good is to argue is in fact the Trump WH actively undermining US democratic processes and democracy itself....starting with an undated WH blanket ethnics declaration that was not even accepted by the Government Office of Ethnics....allowing 17 WH Staff to basically do whatever they want to for business outside of the WH....

House OversightDems‏

BREAKING: Democrats Invoke “Seven Member Rule” Under 89-Year-Old Statute To Demand Docs Relating to #Trump Hotel.

Today, all 18 Democratic Members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ramped up their fight against the Trump Administration’s new policy of refusing to comply with any Democratic oversight requests by invoking the statutory “Seven Member Rule” in a letter to the General Services Administration (GSA) demanding complete, unredacted copies of documents relating to its lease agreement with President Donald Trump’s company for the Washington D.C. hotel in the Old Post Office.
Last week, the Trump Administration released an opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel arguing that agencies could ignore requests from Members of Congress other than Republican Committee Chairmen, asserting that authority to conduct oversight “may be exercised only by each house of Congress or, under existing delegations, by committee and subcommittees (or their chairmen)” and that individual Members “do not have the authority to conduct oversight in the absence of a specific delegation by a full house, committee, or subcommittee.”
In their letter today, the Democrats strongly objected to this new policy, but pointed out that the Seven Member Rule is unique authority that was in fact passed by both the House and Senate and signed by the President in 1928, explicitly delegating authority for any seven members of the Oversight Committee to require any executive agency to “submit any information requested of it relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of the committee.”
“This opinion is flawed in many ways, but even taking it at face value, GSA must comply with requests submitted under the statutory Seven Member Rule,” the Members wrote. “The Seven Member Rule is not a regulation or guideline, but a statute that was passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President. Although you may wish to limit oversight from Democratic Members of Congress through a misguided policy that responds only to Republican Chairmen, compliance with federal law is not an optional exercise that may be overridden by a new Trump Administration policy.”
During the Obama Administration, GSA explicitly recognized and complied with a request for documents under the statutory Seven Member Rule regarding the Old Post Office lease agreement. GSA produced a wide range of documents — in unredacted form — including an amendment to the lease, a 2017 budget estimate, exhibits to the lease, and monthly income statements for the Trump International Hotel. The Obama Administration similarly complied with a Seven Member Rule request to the State Department.
In the first weeks of the Trump Administration, GSA had informed the Committee in a letter on February 6, 2017, that it acknowledged the authority of Committee Members to obtain information under the Seven Member Rule: “Should the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform or any seven members thereof submit a request pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 2954, GSA will review any such request.”
In light of last week’s announcement of the Trump Administration’s new policy, the Members wrote today: “Your actions to date are not only a reversal of previous Executive Branch policy and a direct impediment to authorized congressional oversight, but a violation of the statute passed by Congress creating the Seven Member Rule and explicitly delegating this authority to Members of the Oversight Committee.”

BTW...the CENTCOM HQs in Qatar is in fact on the Trump Tower in Qatar....and that is not a "conflict of interests"...

06-06-2017, 06:50 AM
WHILE I am absolutely not an a fan from this individual but some are in fact saying the NSA document is real.....

NSA report details Russian hacking effort days before election.
Russian military intelligence executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials just days before last November’s presidential election, according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.https://theintercept.com/2017/06/05/top-secret-nsa-report-details-russian-hacking-effort-days-before-2016-election/

FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

Reality Winner, arrested for alleged classified leak, is a former US Air Force linguist who speaks Pashto, Farsi & Dari, her mother says.

She's a church going Christian, an athlete, a philanthropist, a good daughter and sister.

Apparently though she does not fit the profile of a Democratic leaker...WHAT is more strange is the fact that "The Intercept" is the US version of Wikileaks and Greenwood is no friend of the US government and is an active supporter of Snowdon...and often states his support for both Russia and Putin...

SO why did she send the materials to Greenwood to expose Russian intel actions....????

06-06-2017, 06:56 AM
So for those SWC/SWJ commenters who have felt the concept of Russia hacking an US election was as Trump states "fake news" and it was conducted by a 400lb kid with a laptop on his bed AND OR the "Chinese".....

Trump finally needs to wake up and smell the coffee of the Russian GRU....

BTW...the Green lines are stated to be "confirmed" which is about 90% of the ongoing operational analysis...

If Ms Winner was under control of an FI service, they'd have told her NOT to email Putincept from an NSA IT system.

Since Snowdon all NSA IT printing devices are under major surveillance and how a junior intel analyst did not know that is beyond me..and all government networks have had the USB ports blocked and if not blocked then 300% monitored for activity.

AND even further a coding system has been added to online documents that allows both CIA and NSA to track who read and used them AND if the document was sent to a printing device and which device....that CIA coding system was revealed in the CIA hacked data dump recently....posted by the Russian hackers....

Junior IC personnel, esp MIL and/or CTR, are often insanely clueless about such things.

Why is NSA still using contractors?

"Because we're going to be more productive and save so much money," mantra of fed outsourcing efforts for 20+ years

Inertia. Laziness. Above all, b/c all the big IC/DoD contractors donate lots of $ to Congress-members, both D & R.

06-06-2017, 07:03 AM
A source in DOJ confirms that Jared Kushner is being interviewed by AG's International Criminal Division. At this very moment.

It is all about money laundering and criminal racketeering...Russian collusion was secondary in getting the necessary black money...

06-06-2017, 07:23 AM
Some U.S. diplomats, though known for professional discretion, have been quietly revolting against President Trump

06-06-2017, 08:01 AM
THAT the Trump NSC and his entire WH white nationalist advisors did not see this coming is beyond any explanation....

If I was an Arab writer I would drop literally everything to write the book recounting this hunting party.

Sorry behind a paywall...it concerns the 1B USD ransom Qatar paid to Nusra ie AQ for the release of Iraqi Shia captured royals who were on a hunting trip....and the KSAs dislike of that payment and the impact on Sunnis by Assad after that payment....

06-06-2017, 08:02 AM
A German view of Trump's downward learning curve, his triumph of stupidity.


Still, it is likely that none of the G-7 heads of state and government expected the primitive brutality Trump would stoop to when announcing his withdrawal from the international community. Surrounded by sycophants in the Rose Garden at the White House, he didn't just proclaim his withdrawal from the climate agreement, he sowed the seeds of international conflict. His speech was a break from centuries of Enlightenment and rationality. The president presented his political statement as a nationalist manifesto of the most imbecilic variety. It couldn't have been any worse.
Trump has identified Germany as his primary adversary. Since his inauguration in January, he has criticized no country -- with the exception of North Korea and Iran -- as vehemently as he has Germany. The country is "bad, very bad," he said in Brussels last week. Behind closed doors at the NATO summit, Trump went after Germany, saying there were large and prosperous countries that were not living up to their alliance obligations.
And he wants to break Germany's economic power. The trade deficit with Germany, he recently tweeted, is "very bad for U.S. This will change."
Berlin officials say that EU member states are eager to move away from fossil fuels, as are China and India. Even emissaries from Russia and Saudi Arabia, countries whose governments aren't generally considered to be enthusiastic promoters of renewable energy sources, have indicated to the Germans that "Paris will be complied with." On Thursday in Berlin, Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang demonstratively reaffirmed their support for the Paris Agreement. Keqiang even spoke of "green growth."
China and India are likely to not just meet, but exceed their climate targets. China has been reducing its coal consumption for the last three years and plans for over 100 new coal-fired power plants have been scrapped. India, too, is abstaining from the construction of new coal-fired plants and will likely meet its goal of generating 40 percent of its electricity from non-fossil fuels by 2022, eight years earlier than planned. Both countries invest in solar and wind energy and in both, electricity from renewable sources is often cheaper than coal power.In Trump's world, there are no allies and no mature relationships, just self-interested countries with short-term interests. History means nothing to Trump; as a hard-nosed real-estate magnate, he is only interested in immediate gains. He cares little for long-term relationships.

Two close advisers to the president contributed a piece to the Wall Street Journal this week that can be seen as something like a "Trump Doctrine." "The world is not a 'global community,'" wrote Gary Cohn and Herbert Raymond McMaster, Trump's economic and security advisers. The subtext is clear: The global order, which the United States helped build, belongs to the past. There are no alliances anymore, just individual interests -- no allies, just competitors. It was a clear signal to America's erstwhile Western allies that they can no longer rely on the United States as a partner.

06-06-2017, 08:22 AM
The Trump Doctrine, revealed

According to McMaster and Cohn, the presidential trip was nothing less than “historic” and represents a “strategic shift”: “America First signals the restoration of American leadership … to enhance American security, promote American prosperity, and extend American influence around the world.”

In sum: America First means America First, and not just in America, but everywhere on the globe.
Lest there be any residual doubt about the zero-sum worldview that informs this approach, the writers explain: “the world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations … engage and compete. …Rather than deny this elemental nature of international affairs, we embrace it.”

No American president since 1945, whether Republican or Democrat, has broken so decisively with the American stewardship of the postwar liberal global order. In the service of the higher good of world peace, even the victorious superpower was willing to be bound to universal rules—a concession that admitted the existence of a worldwide community of humanity based on shared values rather than the principle of “might makes right.” Granted, Republicans have always emphasized that competition is healthy. But not quite in these tones, which are rather more reminiscent of Ayn Rand than of, say, Henry Kissinger.

Last Thursday’s presidential announcement that the United States will leave the Paris Agreement on climate change—unless the other 194 signatory countries are willing to “renegotiate”—proves that the administration means exactly what it says. There is a bite to the bark.
This inflection point provides several lessons. The first is for Washington: the competition in this administration between the amateur ideologues and the professional adults is decided, at least for now; round 1 goes to the ideologues. Rather than retreating, the White House is doubling down on its nationalism.

06-06-2017, 08:28 AM
"The continued discussion of unilaterally lifting sanctions on Russia came after Flynn's dismissal."

"Tillerson said Trump told him to try to improve ties with Russia regardless of the U.S. political backdrop"
EVEN in the face of confirmed Russian hacking of US elections as well as other nations elections.....

BUT Tillerson could not put down the serious distrust now in the Far East Pacific region of US Trump policies...and he did not have an answer for this.....

The visit also comes at a time when China, one of New Zealand's top trading and diplomatic partners, is projecting itself as the leader of free trade particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

Trumps decision to pull out of TTP has virtually handed the question of free trade in this region to the Chinese and nothing Tillerson can say and or do...cannot turn that mistake around for the coming decade.....

06-06-2017, 08:44 AM
What can I say and he claims to be a "religious person"...?????

‘Kill them. Kill them all’: GOP congressman calls for holy war against ‘radicalized’ Muslims
Louisiana politician Clay Higgins, who has a long history of making controversial statements, is under fire again for a Facebook post after Saturday’s deadly attacks in Britain.

He is simply channelling Trump....

06-06-2017, 08:49 AM
This exchange does not help the thread's purpose. There are simple too many posts to get a succinct informative viewpoint.

How about a ten point summary?

Personally I am beginning to wonder if the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Trump administration - with due allowance to missing many senior officials - is declining to the point where American national credibility is at stake.

Where Are the United States Attorneys?

Three months after President Trump abruptly fired half of the nation’s 93 United States attorneys, following the resignations of the other half, he has yet to replace a single one.

It’s bizarre — and revealing — that a man who called himself the “law and order candidate” during the 2016 campaign and spoke of “lawless chaos” in his address to Congress would permit such a leadership vacuum at federal prosecutors’ offices around the country. United States attorneys are responsible for prosecuting terrorism offenses, serious financial fraud, public corruption, crimes related to gang activity, drug trafficking and all other federal crimes.

As is usually the case when confronted with his own incompetence, Mr. Trump has spent his time looking for somebody else to blame.
“Dems are taking forever to approve my people,” the president said in a statement he released on Twitter Monday morning. “They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want approvals.”

The problem is, the Democrats couldn’t obstruct any United States attorney nominations if they wanted to because Mr. Trump has not made any.

These delays are strange even for a White House that ran what one former official called the “slowest transition in decades” and that has dealt with key government posts with all the urgency of a summer barbecue.
While his hiring freeze, which is leaving many lower federal jobs unfilled, is part of a broader strategy to hobble or suffocate entire federal agencies, this seems less deliberate and harder to understand. The prosecutors certainly won’t be coming on board anytime soon. Even in a fully functioning administration, it takes months for nominees to be screened by the F.B.I. and approved by the Senate.

06-06-2017, 01:52 PM
So for those SWC/SWJ commenters who have felt the concept of Russia hacking an US election was as Trump states "fake news" and it was conducted by a 400lb kid with a laptop on his bed AND OR the "Chinese".....

Trump finally needs to wake up and smell the coffee of the Russian GRU....

BTW...the Green lines are stated to be "confirmed" which is about 90% of the ongoing operational analysis...

If Ms Winner was under control of an FI service, they'd have told her NOT to email Putincept from an NSA IT system.

Since Snowdon all NSA IT printing devices are under major surveillance and how a junior intel analyst did not know that is beyond me..and all government networks have had the USB ports blocked and if not blocked then 300% monitored for activity.

AND even further a coding system has been added to online documents that allows both CIA and NSA to track who read and used them AND if the document was sent to a printing device and which device....that CIA coding system was revealed in the CIA hacked data dump recently....posted by the Russian hackers....

Junior IC personnel, esp MIL and/or CTR, are often insanely clueless about such things.

Why is NSA still using contractors?

"Because we're going to be more productive and save so much money," mantra of fed outsourcing efforts for 20+ years

Inertia. Laziness. Above all, b/c all the big IC/DoD contractors donate lots of $ to Congress-members, both D & R.

This insider leak is getting stranger by the hour....

No one seems to understand the "leak motive"....was she trying to show Trump is actually under surveillance...not really as this as a NSA analysis of Russian hacking before the election.....was she trying to out Russian Intelligence Services...was she trying to pressure NSA Director Rogers to reveal more hacking information???? Was she a "whistleblower or a spy"...??

If so why then send it to Greenwood an avowed supporter of Snowdon??....was she concerned that the Russian hacking would get buried by a GOP Congress and a do nothing FBI??.....not really sure of the motive as it makes no sense...

Glenn Greenwald spent months smearing anyone reporting Russian interference as "McCarthyism" & now the Intercept reports exactly that...

WHAT is a hoot though is now Assange and Wikileaks being nothing but a proRussian mouthpiece is demanding the following......

Hypocrite #Assange wants right of reply over #TheIntercept leak, for Russia - something he never offered anyone embarrassed by his leaks.

SO is he going to leak some NSA document to counter the leaked document that clearly and concisely names Russian GRU behind the hacking of the Us election....

06-06-2017, 01:56 PM
Wealthy Russian whistleblower poisoned was helping uncover money laundering op.

06-06-2017, 02:09 PM
Donald J. Trump‏

The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get me not to use Social Media. They hate that I can get the honest and unfiltered message out.

"Honest message out"????
LIKE bashing Democrats for not approving your nominations WHICH you yourself have not selected....

THAT kind of honesty....??????

Or the other moments of "honesty" when Trump insinuated that the London mayor had said not to be alarmed about a terrorist attack.

Fact Check: MSM eat up his tweets like Skittles. It's WH advisers, lawyers and Trump supporters who want him to stop tweeting.

06-06-2017, 02:12 PM
No one is quite sure who is behind the "Committee to Defend the President"....

Just popped up yesterday in the DC area....

06-06-2017, 02:21 PM
THIS is the perfect example of just how little Trump knows about FP and the ME .....

Donald J. Trump‏

So good to see the Saudi Arabia visit with the King and 50 countries already paying off. They said they would take a hard line on funding...extremism, and all reference was pointing to Qatar. Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism!

Donald J. Trump‏

During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar - look!

Qatar host major US AB vital for operations in #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Yemen and the region.
Backstabbing US foreign policy toward allies?

If #Qatar decides to kick #US out that will be major complication for US Middle Eastern presence.

To say that isolation of #Qatar is ”beginning of the end of terorism”, is as far as it gets from reality.

BUT WAIT...this is what Trump did while in KSA on his visit....
In a meeting with the Emir of Qatar in Riyadh he discussed the sale of "beautiful military equipment" to Qatar.

Rheinmetall and Heckler&Koch are probably sending sales representatives to Qatar as we speak

06-06-2017, 02:24 PM
Trump Jr. backs up father, bashes London mayor -

Mayors of American cities unite to show support for @SadiqKhan. Unlike the American president.

Theresa May said Donald Trump was "wrong" to criticize the mayor of London Sadiq Khan

06-06-2017, 02:26 PM
There is that term Trump used and was then reused in Russian propaganda "witch hunt"....

Trump sons dismiss #Russia investigation as a "witch hunt…the greatest hoax of all time"

06-06-2017, 02:28 PM
This insider leak is getting stranger by the hour....

No one seems to understand the "leak motive"....was she trying to show Trump is actually under surveillance...not really as this as a NSA analysis of Russian hacking before the election.....was she trying to out Russian Intelligence Services...was she trying to pressure NSA Director Rogers to reveal more hacking information???? Was she a "whistleblower or a spy"...??

If so why then send it to Greenwood an avowed supporter of Snowdon??....was she concerned that the Russian hacking would get buried by a GOP Congress and a do nothing FBI??.....not really sure of the motive as it makes no sense...

Glenn Greenwald spent months smearing anyone reporting Russian interference as "McCarthyism" & now the Intercept reports exactly that...

WHAT is a hoot though is now Assange and Wikileaks being nothing but a proRussian mouthpiece is demanding the following......

Hypocrite #Assange wants right of reply over #TheIntercept leak, for Russia - something he never offered anyone embarrassed by his leaks.

SO is he going to leak some NSA document to counter the leaked document that clearly and concisely names Russian GRU behind the hacking of the Us election....

How the inept muckrakers at Putincept outed their #NSA golden source.

.@theintercept blew its source's cover by giving the NSA a copy of the leaked document

06-06-2017, 02:33 PM
THIS is the perfect example of just how little Trump knows about FP and the ME .....

Donald J. Trump‏

So good to see the Saudi Arabia visit with the King and 50 countries already paying off. They said they would take a hard line on funding...extremism, and all reference was pointing to Qatar. Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism!

Donald J. Trump‏

During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar - look!

Qatar host major US AB vital for operations in #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Yemen and the region.
Backstabbing US foreign policy toward allies?

If #Qatar decides to kick #US out that will be major complication for US Middle Eastern presence.

To say that isolation of #Qatar is ”beginning of the end of terorism”, is as far as it gets from reality.

BUT WAIT...this is what Trump did while in KSA on his visit....
In a meeting with the Emir of Qatar in Riyadh he discussed the sale of "beautiful military equipment" to Qatar.

Rheinmetall and Heckler&Koch are probably sending sales representatives to Qatar as we speak

Lessons learned:
Never Ever. Trust. Trump.

SO does anyone honesty expect Trump to not throw Ukraine under the bus if asked to do it by Putin?????

In his May 21 Riyadh speech, President @realDonaldTrump called #Qatar a "crucial strategic partner." This morning, a different message:

Trump's Qatar flip-flop also brings to question how many other allied assurances are revocable on a whim.

06-06-2017, 02:38 PM
The released NSA document definitely proves one simple thing...Putin lied during his recent interview...

Leaked NSA report names Russia in pre-election hacks, contradicting Putin’s claims of innocence

The NSA five page redacted document is at this link....

06-06-2017, 02:43 PM
ANOTHER Trump "fake moment"...

1. first the "fake 110B USDs weapons deal with KSA.....NOW THIS "fake event".....

2. Did Trump really host an elaborate-but-fake signing ceremony at the White House yesterday? You bet he did

06-06-2017, 02:45 PM
EXCLUSIVE: 4 top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump in the Russia investigation

WHILE this is an appearingly normal press release article there is in fact something hidden in it that has not been mentioned by MSM and it involves the Trump WH, Trump and money laundering....

That part will be highlighted.....AND BTW...confirms a number of social media journalist breaking stories concerning Trump money laundering....

Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part over concerns that the president would be unwilling to listen to their advice, according to five sources familiar with discussions about the matter.
The unwillingness of some of the country’s most prestigious attorneys and their law firms to represent Trump has complicated the administration’s efforts to mount a coherent defense strategy to deal with probes being conducted by four congressional committees as well as Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller.
The president’s chief lawyer now in charge of the case is Marc E. Kasowitz, a tough New York civil litigator who for years has aggressively represented Trump in multiple business and public relations disputes —#often with threats of countersuits and menacing public statements — but who has little experience dealing with complex congressional and Justice Department investigations that are inevitably influenced by media coverage and public opinion.
Before Kasowitz was retained, however, some of the biggest law firms and their best-known attorneys turned down overtures when they were sounded out by White House officials to see if they would be willing to represent the president, the sources said.
Among them, sources said, were some of the most high-profile names in the legal profession, including Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly; Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; Paul Clement and Mark Filip of Kirkland & Ellis; and Robert Giuffra of Sullivan & Cromwell.
The lawyers and their firms cited a variety of factors in choosing not to take on the president as a client. Some, like Brendan Sullivan, said they had upcoming trials or existing commitments that would make it impossible for them to devote the necessary time and resources to Trump’s defense.
Others mentioned potential conflicts with clients of their firms, such as financial institutions that have already received subpoenas relating to potential money-laundering issues that are part of the investigation.
But a consistent theme, the sources said, was the concern about whether the president would accept the advice of his lawyers and refrain from public statements and tweets that have consistently undercut his position.
“The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen,’” said one lawyer close to the White House who is familiar with some of the discussions between the firms and the administration, as well as deliberations within the firms themselves.

06-06-2017, 02:48 PM
Lessons learned:
Never Ever. Trust. Trump.

SO does anyone honesty expect Trump to not throw Ukraine under the bus if asked to do it by Putin?????

In his May 21 Riyadh speech, President @realDonaldTrump called #Qatar a "crucial strategic partner." This morning, a different message:

Trump's Qatar flip-flop also brings to question how many other allied assurances are revocable on a whim.

The President is admitting his approval of a regional diplomatic action against a U.S. ally that houses CENTCOM (Forward).

Trump made a terrible blunder on Qatar, with just three tweets

I fear he really doesn't know, Qatar hosts the largest US military base in Middle East and Tillerson & the US Amb. backed the country ...

We're past the point where POTUS tweets are incredibly dangerous with lasting, negative consequences.

The fact that, if true, he discussed Qatar with anyone is mind blowing. He can't spell it, pronounce it-let alone find it on a map.

McMaster, Mattis et al must threaten to resign-do whatever it takes-to stop Trump's aberrant /dangerous behavior. Including speaking out.

At this point, no spokesperson has shred of credibility to clean up mess left by Qatar tweet.

Huck-Sanders said as spokesperson she can't speak for POTUS. If she could maybe she would note Qatar host large US base/10K troops.

06-06-2017, 03:20 PM
Incredible. WH pushed to ease sanctions on Russia’s oil industry as recently as late March,well after Flynn resigned

There was a sense that lifting sanctions "would open up major opportunities in energy projects in eastern Russia," a former official said.

Harrington, the guy pushing this, was a Flynn acolyte and Ezra Cohen-Watnick ally.

06-06-2017, 03:21 PM
California, China defy U.S. climate retreat with new cleantech tie-up:

06-06-2017, 03:53 PM
ANOTHER Trump "fake moment"...

1. first the "fake 110B USDs weapons deal with KSA.....NOW THIS "fake event".....

2. Did Trump really host an elaborate-but-fake signing ceremony at the White House yesterday? You bet he did

Last month, President Trump visited Saudi Arabia and his administration announced that he had concluded a $110 billion arms deal with the kingdom. Only problem is that there is no deal. It’s fake news.

Bruce Riedel
Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence, Center for Middle East PolicyDirector - The Intelligence Project

I’ve spoken to contacts in the defense business and on the Hill, and all of them say the same thing: There is no $110 billion deal. Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday. So far nothing has been notified to the Senate for review. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the arms sales wing of the Pentagon, calls them “intended sales.” None of the deals identified so far are new, all began in the Obama administration.

06-06-2017, 03:59 PM
Kushner Companies, owned by the family of Jared Kushner, is seeking $250 million to pay off Chinese backers

06-06-2017, 04:00 PM
There is a serious issue at stake and it is simply the US core democracy...

Yet the issue is less serious than:

Eisenhower’s reckless nuclear policies and his SIOP
Kennedy’s organized crime connections
Johnson’s secrets and lies about the Vietnam War
Nixon’s paranoia and dirty tricks
Clinton’s “wag the dog” war in Kosovo that violated the War Powers Resolution
Bush Jr.’s casus belli for invading Iraq and domestic surveillance
Obama’s domestic surveillance and targeted killings of U.S. citizens

With respect to the desire by Bannon and others in Trump’s circle to “destroy the current establishment”, I have conflicted emotions.

On the one hand, I never took Trump as a serious candidate until it was too late and one must ask who the swamp can be filled with once it is drained? Draining the swamp did not work in Germany, Japan or Italy in 1945, or the Eastern Bloc in the early 1990s, precisely because there were not enough competent civil servants to replace those deemed politically incorrect. I would have counseled incremental changes, but I was not on Trump's campaign.

But on the other, the reaction to Trump’s candidacy and presidency by elements of the intelligence and foreign policy communities – the pro-intervention crowd that truly deserved to be in the wilderness for a couple of decades after Iraq – indicates to me that the most important bureaucracies in the U.S. government are no longer accountable to the American electorate, and will subvert democracy in order to pursue their policy goals.

…you keep denying the Steele Dossier with the reasoning there is and or was no sex tape...

What you and thousands of others saying the same exact point...do not fully know and how could you know...that which was released by Buzzfeed was in fact a summary of the entire document.....

Currently "some say a total of 80%" of the entire document has been confirmed and legally verified and has been used in ongoing Grand Jury hearings...

So keep on repeating no sex tape negates the entire report....one will be hearing far more about that document in the coming weeks...

I couldn’t care less about “80%” of the Dossier. I care about the only new material revelation: the sex tape. At present, we are dealing with medieval village gossip intended to comfort members of the #notmypresident, #theresistance, #shepersisted, etc. crowds.

WHILE I am absolutely not an a fan from this individual but some are in fact saying the NSA document is real...

I am sure that it is, but unfortunately for Ms. Winner, the election hacking issue was put to bed months ago:

Voting machines are not connected to the internet
Central tabulating machines operate on the results of individual election machines, with each machine verifying the other
Every single voting machine would have to be hacked by human agents
Most states have paper trails for their voting machines, including FL, WI, MI, most of PA and OH. These would need to be physically altered as well
Every election since 2000 would come into question if the 2016 one was rigged, including that of Obama, who was softer on Russia than either McCain or Romney

06-06-2017, 04:07 PM
By Stanley R. Sloan at War On The Rocks: https://warontherocks.com/2017/06/dont-count-on-germany-to-save-the-west/ (emphasis added)

President Donald Trump is widely seen in Europe and by his numerous critics in the United States as having abdicated American leadership of the West. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel traveled to Washington in March 2016 to visit Trump, one headline blared “Leader of the Free World Meets American President.” This perception of abdication was based partly on Trump’s persistent refusal to criticize Russia for its aggressive behavior under President Vladimir Putin. It was solidified by Trump’s meetings with NATO and G-7 leaders in Europe in late May and then additionally confirmed when Trump announced he would pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. The question now is whether Merkel will be able to provide the leadership that the West and its predominant institutions — NATO and the European Union — need. The answer, most likely, is no...

...As we know, there is no such formal position as “the leader of the free world,” or of “the West,” and it is an open question whether any other country has the inclination, respect, resources, and capabilities to take on the responsibilities that go with the honorific. But, with the American president seemingly abdicating his responsibilities, the leading candidate would seem to be Germany, as led by Angela Merkel.

Germany’s economic strength has made it the economic and financial leader of the European Union. That is a good credential. But the main reason to look to Germany is that Merkel’s politics are most clearly rooted in the principles and priorities that define “the West.” Those values are articulated in the 1949 NATO Treaty, whose preamble asserts that the allies share a belief in individual liberty, democracy, and the rule of law. In recent years, major NATO statements have added “human rights” to the list. The European Union, of course, endorses a similar set of values.

The problem is that leadership of the West in a conflicted regional and global environment requires something else: power. In this area, Germany comes up short. This is an intentional consequence of history. After World War II, France and other European states hoped to ensure that Germany could not become a threat to peace for a third time in the same century. The United States wanted to make sure that Germany’s potential could eventually be included in a defense against the Soviet Union, but agreed that limits should be placed on Germany’s offensive and, in particular, its nuclear weapons potential. Perhaps even more important, Germany’s post-war leadership and all German governments since have worked hard to establish a new national ethos: Germany would no longer be a warrior state.

Nevertheless, throughout the Cold War, Germany provided substantial forces on NATO’s front lines facing the East. In the almost two decades since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, Germany and other allies have relaxed their military efforts. Trump has taken Germany to task for only spending around 1.2 percent of its GDP on defense and reports abound of equipment shortages and readiness issues in the Bundeswehr. Perhaps of greater concern is the fact that, even though German public opinion strongly supports NATO, it is skeptical about coming to the support of an ally under attack, perhaps in part because Germans don’t want to send troops on another American mission like Afghanistan.

Today, the lessons of the 20th century remain firmly planted in the German polity. That contributes to American frustration with the German lack of enthusiasm for additional military spending, or sending its troops into combat.

One of the early German reactions to Donald Trump’s assaults on the NATO allies was speculation about Germany becoming a nuclear weapons state. Suggestions that Germany should “think the previously unthinkable,” raised by a prominent German newspaper and a conservative member of the German parliament, were met with cautionary responses and alternative proposals. One proposal envisioned creating a European deterrent on French and British nuclear capabilities, with Germany funding the operation. Chances are neither an autonomous German nuclear force nor a European deterrent force are on the table. They are simply too potentially destabilizing in the former case (as well as a breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and most likely, in the latter, a bridge too far beyond sovereign control of nuclear weapons for France and the United Kingdom.

The Trump impact on transatlantic relations has also given new life to proposals for intensified European defense cooperation. Such proposals have a long and checkered history, which I have covered in detail in my detailed examination of the transatlantic alliance. The European allies certainly could do more for their own defense, and part of this could come from concerting efforts, reducing duplication, sharing missions, and other practical cooperative steps. But an effective European alternative to NATO would likely cost far more than what they are currently able to produce for their contributions to NATO. This is to say nothing of the new complications resulting from “Brexit,” the British decision to leave the European Union. Some might see this British move as facilitating E.U. military cooperation, but my assessment is that it takes more away in potential capabilities than it adds in the ease of making political decisions.

This suggests that, in the near term, NATO will remain the preferred option for all European members of the alliance. It would take a complete and total American departure from the alliance to change this outlook. And, in spite of the many uninformed and careless comments produced by the American president, the United States is nonetheless increasing its contributions to defense in Europe, and in particular to deployments in the north and east intended to deter any Russian intrusions, whether by massive force or little green men.

This story seems to me like the initial large boom that usually opens a fireworks show: You know there is a lot more to come, including presumably a dramatic finale. The level of uncertainty is enhanced by the fact that, although Trump has won a four-year term as president, the various investigations of his campaign and administration’s connections to Russia raise questions about whether he will end up serving the entire term, to say nothing of winning a second one.

Uncertainty reigns on the European side as well. Angela Merkel has firmly established her claim on at least the moral leadership of the West, to add to Germany’s more comprehensive leadership of the European Union. But her fate rests in the hands of German voters who will have to decide whether she stays in charge when they go to the polls this September. Merkel’s criticism of Trump will do her no harm in the election, as there are likely few less popular Americans in Germany than Donald Trump.

As has been the case in Europe for over six decades, the French-German couple plays an important role in European and transatlantic affairs. When the French electorate stood up to both established left, right and far right parties and elected Emmanuel Macron as president, Merkel and Germany gained an important ally. Macron, without an established party behind him, still faces challenges in his own country. But he and Merkel seem to believe that they are riding a new tide that rejects extreme nativist populism, and that forms a solid platform from which they can reject Donald Trump’s American extremism.

Against this backdrop, the transatlantic crystal ball remains clouded. The United States currently can lay no claim to leadership of the West, or even of the transatlantic alliance, as the positions and posturing of Donald Trump have at least temporarily relinquished that responsibility. At the same time, Germany and Angela Merkel occupy the moral high ground, but are not able to check off all the requirements for the task of comprehensive Western leadership. President Macron can claim a victory at home, and his alliance with Germany adds some stability to the European side of the alliance. The United Kingdom, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, is now and will continue to be distracted by the challenge of managing an ill-considered departure from the European Union that seems likely to make her country weaker and less influential.

To the extent it is possible to predict, the absence of good alternatives suggests that when the fireworks show comes to its finale, NATO will remain standing and the United States will once again lay claim to leadership of the West. This will not likely come during the presidency of Donald Trump, but could come from his successor, whether a Democrat or Republican. One of the remarkable products of the Trump disruption is a convergence, at least in Congress, of the two parties in support of NATO and Western values. This has led some observers to suggest that the Western alliance will emerge from the current crisis even stronger. This may be. But the question will be how much damage to mutual trust and confidence will be incurred in the meantime.

06-06-2017, 04:34 PM
17 US intelligence agencies, the Five Eyes Intel alliance, and NATO: now known as “the Democrat Media,” like they’re the local arts weekly.

06-06-2017, 04:58 PM
By Stanley R. Sloan at War On The Rocks: https://warontherocks.com/2017/06/dont-count-on-germany-to-save-the-west/ (emphasis added)

President Donald Trump is widely seen in Europe and by his numerous critics in the United States as having abdicated American leadership of the West. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel traveled to Washington in March 2016 to visit Trump, one headline blared “Leader of the Free World Meets American President.” This perception of abdication was based partly on Trump’s persistent refusal to criticize Russia for its aggressive behavior under President Vladimir Putin. It was solidified by Trump’s meetings with NATO and G-7 leaders in Europe in late May and then additionally confirmed when Trump announced he would pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. The question now is whether Merkel will be able to provide the leadership that the West and its predominant institutions — NATO and the European Union — need. The answer, most likely, is no...

...As we know, there is no such formal position as “the leader of the free world,” or of “the West,” and it is an open question whether any other country has the inclination, respect, resources, and capabilities to take on the responsibilities that go with the honorific. But, with the American president seemingly abdicating his responsibilities, the leading candidate would seem to be Germany, as led by Angela Merkel.

Germany’s economic strength has made it the economic and financial leader of the European Union. That is a good credential. But the main reason to look to Germany is that Merkel’s politics are most clearly rooted in the principles and priorities that define “the West.” Those values are articulated in the 1949 NATO Treaty, whose preamble asserts that the allies share a belief in individual liberty, democracy, and the rule of law. In recent years, major NATO statements have added “human rights” to the list. The European Union, of course, endorses a similar set of values.

The problem is that leadership of the West in a conflicted regional and global environment requires something else: power. In this area, Germany comes up short. This is an intentional consequence of history. After World War II, France and other European states hoped to ensure that Germany could not become a threat to peace for a third time in the same century. The United States wanted to make sure that Germany’s potential could eventually be included in a defense against the Soviet Union, but agreed that limits should be placed on Germany’s offensive and, in particular, its nuclear weapons potential. Perhaps even more important, Germany’s post-war leadership and all German governments since have worked hard to establish a new national ethos: Germany would no longer be a warrior state.

Nevertheless, throughout the Cold War, Germany provided substantial forces on NATO’s front lines facing the East. In the almost two decades since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, Germany and other allies have relaxed their military efforts. Trump has taken Germany to task for only spending around 1.2 percent of its GDP on defense and reports abound of equipment shortages and readiness issues in the Bundeswehr. Perhaps of greater concern is the fact that, even though German public opinion strongly supports NATO, it is skeptical about coming to the support of an ally under attack, perhaps in part because Germans don’t want to send troops on another American mission like Afghanistan.

Today, the lessons of the 20th century remain firmly planted in the German polity. That contributes to American frustration with the German lack of enthusiasm for additional military spending, or sending its troops into combat.

One of the early German reactions to Donald Trump’s assaults on the NATO allies was speculation about Germany becoming a nuclear weapons state. Suggestions that Germany should “think the previously unthinkable,” raised by a prominent German newspaper and a conservative member of the German parliament, were met with cautionary responses and alternative proposals. One proposal envisioned creating a European deterrent on French and British nuclear capabilities, with Germany funding the operation. Chances are neither an autonomous German nuclear force nor a European deterrent force are on the table. They are simply too potentially destabilizing in the former case (as well as a breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and most likely, in the latter, a bridge too far beyond sovereign control of nuclear weapons for France and the United Kingdom.

The Trump impact on transatlantic relations has also given new life to proposals for intensified European defense cooperation. Such proposals have a long and checkered history, which I have covered in detail in my detailed examination of the transatlantic alliance. The European allies certainly could do more for their own defense, and part of this could come from concerting efforts, reducing duplication, sharing missions, and other practical cooperative steps. But an effective European alternative to NATO would likely cost far more than what they are currently able to produce for their contributions to NATO. This is to say nothing of the new complications resulting from “Brexit,” the British decision to leave the European Union. Some might see this British move as facilitating E.U. military cooperation, but my assessment is that it takes more away in potential capabilities than it adds in the ease of making political decisions.

This suggests that, in the near term, NATO will remain the preferred option for all European members of the alliance. It would take a complete and total American departure from the alliance to change this outlook. And, in spite of the many uninformed and careless comments produced by the American president, the United States is nonetheless increasing its contributions to defense in Europe, and in particular to deployments in the north and east intended to deter any Russian intrusions, whether by massive force or little green men.

This story seems to me like the initial large boom that usually opens a fireworks show: You know there is a lot more to come, including presumably a dramatic finale. The level of uncertainty is enhanced by the fact that, although Trump has won a four-year term as president, the various investigations of his campaign and administration’s connections to Russia raise questions about whether he will end up serving the entire term, to say nothing of winning a second one.

Uncertainty reigns on the European side as well. Angela Merkel has firmly established her claim on at least the moral leadership of the West, to add to Germany’s more comprehensive leadership of the European Union. But her fate rests in the hands of German voters who will have to decide whether she stays in charge when they go to the polls this September. Merkel’s criticism of Trump will do her no harm in the election, as there are likely few less popular Americans in Germany than Donald Trump.

To the extent it is possible to predict, the absence of good alternatives suggests that when the fireworks show comes to its finale, NATO will remain standing and the United States will once again lay claim to leadership of the West. This will not likely come during the presidency of Donald Trump, but could come from his successor, whether a Democrat or Republican. One of the remarkable products of the Trump disruption is a convergence, at least in Congress, of the two parties in support of NATO and Western values. This has led some observers to suggest that the Western alliance will emerge from the current crisis even stronger. This may be. But the question will be how much damage to mutual trust and confidence will be incurred in the meantime.

This is what this article fails to completely understand about the current Trump WH and yes even Trump himself and I have tried to point the direction that many are overlooking.....

Can the US within a four year Presidential cycle actually drift into a "smiling fascism"????

Yes it can...

1. every single Trump Cabinet member was nominated to destroy their respective federal agencies

2. a federal hiring freeze is designed to starve those agencies of new employees thus making them unable to fulfil their functions thus reenforcing the Trump narrative that the government cannot do anything right thus be reduced as it is a tax burden to the Trump supporter

3. a rollback of all 1930s passed social laws such as SS and and the 60s Voting Rights Act, Medicare and Medicaid as seen in the voter suppression actions of all GOP governed States

4. not a single Federal Prosecutor nominated nor will there be any

5. a federal budget that virtually guts all federal agencies

6. roll back of virtually anything Obama passed laws and regulations

I could go on....

THEN on the FP front....bashing and stating NATO and EU are obsolete, bashing now Qatar, getting out of all trade agreements ie TTP TTIP and NFATA etc.....

By the time we would see the end of a Trump first term there would not any US leadership to reestablish.....

NOW lets move on to Bannon, Miller and David Horowitz and the alt right and the massive internet presence of the alt right....

THAT is not even getting into the new "Trump Doctrine"....along the way....

Even worse, Qatar failed to celebrate its December 2016 National Holiday at the Trump Hotel

06-06-2017, 05:41 PM
This is what this article fails to completely understand...

My apologies. I should have posted an article from RawStory...:rolleyes:

I wouldn't say that I completely agree with Sloan, but I wouldn't dismiss him either.

Sloan has worked for both the CIA and NATO College and has graduate-level education in international relations, as well as decades of experience: http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/about/experts/list/stanley-sloan#fullbio

Moreover, will France allow Germany to assume the mantle of Western leadership, given Macron's desire for a "multi-speed" EU (i.e. "Eurozone First") that cracks down on "social dumping" from new EU members? See here: http://www.politico.eu/article/why-poles-are-bearish-on-emmanuel-macron/

06-06-2017, 06:56 PM
My apologies. I should have posted an article from RawStory...:rolleyes:

I wouldn't say that I completely agree with Sloan, but I wouldn't dismiss him either.

Sloan has worked for both the CIA and NATO College and has graduate-level education in international relations, as well as decades of experience: http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/about/experts/list/stanley-sloan#fullbio

Moreover, will France allow Germany to assume the mantle of Western leadership, given Macron's desire for a "multi-speed" EU (i.e. "Eurozone First") that cracks down on "social dumping" from new EU members? See here: http://www.politico.eu/article/why-poles-are-bearish-on-emmanuel-macron/

I still stand by my comments...right now all indications from both inside the US and Trumps current chaos being created outside the US that he wants to disconnect the US from everything.... check the posting on the Trump Doctrine...and then tell me I am not wrong...

There is a term that you know so well...nationalism..check what the Bannon, Miler and Horowitz has to say about it....

JUST a side note ....Google David Horowitz and you will get roughly 15 pages of all books that Horowitz has written since 1990 on his right side....

Try to find any of his books from the 60s and 70s his Marxist days.....

NOW that is interesting......is it not??

Azor....does this even make sense for you....so who changed the speech Trump or as being quietly reported Bannon and Miller....

Spicer says he doesn't know who changed Trump's NATO speech to remove Article V commitment, but "it's a bit of a silly discussion."

So creating chaos inside EU and NATI is not on the agenda for the nationalism being pushed by Bannon, Miller and Horowitz???

06-06-2017, 07:02 PM
REVEALED: Financial docs show Trump funneled money intended for kids’ cancer treatment to his own businesses

06-06-2017, 07:10 PM
Yet the issue is less serious than:

Eisenhower’s reckless nuclear policies and his SIOP
Kennedy’s organized crime connections
Johnson’s secrets and lies about the Vietnam War
Nixon’s paranoia and dirty tricks
Clinton’s “wag the dog” war in Kosovo that violated the War Powers Resolution
Bush Jr.’s casus belli for invading Iraq and domestic surveillance
Obama’s domestic surveillance and targeted killings of U.S. citizens

With respect to the desire by Bannon and others in Trump’s circle to “destroy the current establishment”, I have conflicted emotions.

On the one hand, I never took Trump as a serious candidate until it was too late and one must ask who the swamp can be filled with once it is drained? Draining the swamp did not work in Germany, Japan or Italy in 1945, or the Eastern Bloc in the early 1990s, precisely because there were not enough competent civil servants to replace those deemed politically incorrect. I would have counseled incremental changes, but I was not on Trump's campaign.

But on the other, the reaction to Trump’s candidacy and presidency by elements of the intelligence and foreign policy communities – the pro-intervention crowd that truly deserved to be in the wilderness for a couple of decades after Iraq – indicates to me that the most important bureaucracies in the U.S. government are no longer accountable to the American electorate, and will subvert democracy in order to pursue their policy goals.

I couldn’t care less about “80%” of the Dossier. I care about the only new material revelation: the sex tape. At present, we are dealing with medieval village gossip intended to comfort members of the #notmypresident, #theresistance, #shepersisted, etc. crowds.

I am sure that it is, but unfortunately for Ms. Winner, the election hacking issue was put to bed months ago:

Voting machines are not connected to the internet
Central tabulating machines operate on the results of individual election machines, with each machine verifying the other
Every single voting machine would have to be hacked by human agents
Most states have paper trails for their voting machines, including FL, WI, MI, most of PA and OH. These would need to be physically altered as well
Every election since 2000 would come into question if the 2016 one was rigged, including that of Obama, who was softer on Russia than either McCain or Romney

Azor...you really do need to check the Federal Court rulings on the gerrymandering in NC...the election results there and the SC indicating that the gerrymandering could in fact led to a redo of the election...

Now I will be direct...what you write and write and write is largely no different from a number of proTrump alt right trolls I track for a number of reasons...mainly their interaction with proRussia trolls in my neighborhood........so much of what you write reads often like someone enjoying their own conversations....

So continue posting...it is useless to engage with you...that is exactly why CrowBat quit responding to you as well....

BTW...if you seriously read what I write...I called exactly what is happening with Trump BEFORE the election did I not?????

AND BTW I am calling it correctly now reference his deep connections to Russian black money....AND correctly pointing out his deep ties to white nationalists .....

BTW...you did see the video I posted on the Malware site on how to hack the election voting machines....

USA Today FLAG: Sen. Mark Warner says Russian election attacks were 'much broader' than NSA document shows

USA Today: Warner wants to declassify intel before midterms.
"None of these actions from the Russians stopped on Election Day," he warned.

BTW...you did check my posting on DC law firms tuning down Trump ...buried deep in that article is the single important piece.....money laundering investigation is ongoing...weeks ago indicated by two online journalists....and dismissed by many...

06-06-2017, 07:13 PM
Just an innocent dinner w/ Rubio & Cotton–on Senate Intel Cmte questioning Comey tomorrow. Not like Trump would influence or ask for loyalty

06-06-2017, 07:27 PM
See this is the difference between us...I do not care about the sex tape I care about the 80% because the US has never had a true traitor as a sitting President....

06-06-2017, 07:31 PM
German FM calls Saudi & UAE actions vs Qatar a "Trumpization of treatment". Says US President exacerbating tensions.

Trump wades into Arab rift, suggests support for isolation of Qatar

BBC news host, reading @realDonaldTrump tweet
"Maybe this is the beginning of the end of terrorism",
looks at cam
"Or more likely, it's not"

U.S. military praises Qatar, despite Trump tweet

06-06-2017, 07:34 PM
When allies deem it necessary to say what Canadian FM @CAFreeland said today, it's truly the end of an era.

06-06-2017, 07:37 PM
WOW ..who would have thought the two proRussian GRU supported sites would go to war with each other...

.@wikileaks says “source burning reporters are a menace” and declares war on @theintercept

06-06-2017, 07:45 PM
All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

06-06-2017, 07:56 PM
When allies deem it necessary to say what Canadian FM @CAFreeland said today, it's truly the end of an era.

Stunning speech by Canada's foreign minister: America is giving up mantle of global leadership, and we must step in
https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2017/06/address_by_ministerfreelandoncanadasforeignpolicyp riorities.html#…

06-06-2017, 10:28 PM
I still stand by my comments...right now all indications from both inside the US and Trumps current chaos being created outside the US that he wants to disconnect the US from everything.... check the posting on the Trump Doctrine...and then tell me I am not wrong...

There is a term that you know so well...nationalism..check what the Bannon, Miler and Horowitz has to say about it....

JUST a side note ....Google David Horowitz and you will get roughly 15 pages of all books that Horowitz has written since 1990 on his right side....

Try to find any of his books from the 60s and 70s his Marxist days.....

NOW that is interesting......is it not??

Azor....does this even make sense for you....so who changed the speech Trump or as being quietly reported Bannon and Miller....

Spicer says he doesn't know who changed Trump's NATO speech to remove Article V commitment, but "it's a bit of a silly discussion."

So creating chaos inside EU and NATI is not on the agenda for the nationalism being pushed by Bannon, Miller and Horowitz???

If Trump had wanted to create chaos inside the EU and NATO, he could have done much more than merely omit the Article V reference.

Pence reaffirmed it as have other members of the Administration. Trump expressed his displeasure with the lack of seriousness of most other NATO members despite rising threats to the alliance. Any other speech would have sounded no sterner than Obama, and may have lulled the Europeans into thinking that with Trump it would business as usual.

European NATO's declining capabilities combined with rising threats place a growing burden on the U.S. The fact that the most capable non-U.S. NATO members - Britain and France - were unable to knock over Libya, or launch anti-terrorism campaigns in Mali, Iraq and Syria, without depending upon U.S. logistics, C4ISR and S/DEAD, is clear evidence of the problem NATO faces. No amount of reshuffling depleted and incapable units into new formations can hide the rot.

As for sowing discord within the EU, Merkel and now Macron are the the worst offenders. Merkel is not the most popular world leader in Greece and welcome for migrants certainly impacted Brexit decisively. Now, Macron is seeking to disadvantage non-Eurozone EU members as "social dumpers" i.e. Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

Continental Western Europeans have always had strong opinions about American foreign policy, whether in Vietnam or Iraq, or with regard to nuclear weapons. Yet when it came to the decade of carnage in Yugoslavia, securing their borders/patrolling the Mediterranean, ending genocide overseas (e.g. Rwanda, Sudan, D.R. Congo) or projecting strength in the face of rising Russian belligerence, they have come up very short.

Remember how both Schroeder and Merkel pledged "never again" with regard to the Holocaust, but did nothing to stop genocides in Africa? Remember how Germany supported Croat and Kosovar Albanian independence, but did nothing when the slaughter began, until prodded by the United States?

Remember the decades of German lecturing to Russia over Chechnya and Ukraine? Yet the sanctions were watered-down to exclude gas imports from Russia and no lethal German aid has been given so that the Ukrainians can defend themselves.

Berlin is a prolific producer of methane gas. No wonder it is a renewable energy powerhouse ;)

06-06-2017, 11:12 PM
Stunning speech by Canada's foreign minister: America is giving up mantle of global leadership, and we must step in
https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2017/06/address_by_ministerfreelandoncanadasforeignpolicyp riorities.html#…

Freeland means well, but she’s rather silly.

First, she admits that:

…it’s only fair for us to acknowledge the larger contribution of the United States. For in blood, in treasure, in strategic vision, in leadership, America has paid the lion's share. For their unique, seven-decades-long contribution to our shared peace ‎and prosperity, and on behalf of all Canadians, I would like to profoundly thank our American friends.

Secondly, she claims that while Canada is not “immediately threatened” and does not “face a clear and immediate existential challenge”, it should spend “billions on defence” to counter:

“Climate change”

“The dictatorship in North Korea” (only one of a number of such states)

“crimes against humanity in Syria” (what of similar crimes in Africa?)

“the monstrous extremists of Daesh” (they are not the only beasts in the forest)

“Russian military adventurism and expansionism” (but not Chinese or Iranian?)

In fact, she is hopelessly wrong here. Canada is facing significant territorial threats from both Russia and China. The former has potentially overlapping territorial and/or economic exclusivity claims in the Arctic, while the latter is pressing for the Northwest Passage to be treated as an international strait. Although the EU and US agree with China on the Northwest Passage, they seem at present far less likely than China to use gunboat diplomacy to secure trade routes.

Thirdly, for Canada to assume any leading role, it will have to spend more of those “billions” that Freeland refers to more than once. In fact, it will have to more than double its military spending (an additional CAD $23 billion annually in current dollars) to reach the 2.00% of GDP target, and to be taken seriously.

According to NATO’s latest report, Canada is one of the lowest-spending NATO members, despite having a substantial economy. Per Canada’s Senate Committee on National Security and Defence (https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/421/SECD/reports/DEFENCE_DPR_FINAL_e.pdf):

Defense spending has reached a new low of 0.88% of GDP

Canada cannot protect its sovereignty, especially over the Arctic

Canada cannot uphold its commitment to defend North America under

Canada cannot fully participate in NATO or UNSC international operations

Will Canada put its money where its mouth is?

06-06-2017, 11:15 PM
Azor...you really do need to check the Federal Court rulings on the gerrymandering in NC...the election results there and the SC indicating that the gerrymandering could in fact led to a redo of the election...

Conflating Russian hacking into election machines with gerrymandering isn't helping your case...

06-07-2017, 04:45 AM
Conflating Russian hacking into election machines with gerrymandering isn't helping your case...

THIS is just how little you understand even US law....

IF in fact it is proven that Russian and Trump collusion in fact exists and or existed prior to the national election and if in fact it was determined that both trump and Russia influenced the election...

HERE comes the question can in fact a national level election be negated and redone...answer..in the Constitution the FFs did not envision a President using treason to "win".....and there is nothing anywhere in the USC to conduct a new election....

So the USC would in theory since we use case law reach down to the States for a legal example...in order to base a redo and remember the USC has once involved itself in a national level election decision.

There are two older case law State level decisions that Roberts can use ....BUT not exactly apply to a invalid national level election.

THAT is exactly why the gerrymandering NC case is important 1) because it was proven to be an invalid election and 2) it is a recent case law decision....

Study your own legal system before writing...

06-07-2017, 04:56 AM
Azor...suggest you use the following concept when posting your views of being a proTrumper.....

You must by now fully understand Russian political warfare being used against the US...this political war is being supported and driven by non linear warfare tactics....

The core Putin geopolitical goals stated by him and his FM since 2004 are as follows....

1. discredit and damage NATO
2. discredit and damage EU
3. completely disconnect US from both EU and ME

NOW go back and with all of your comments that you have posted here and do the following....

If you know Putins geostrategy.......

Take every Trump comment, tweet, interviews and his rally statements and since 2002 AND COUPLE them with the beliefs of Bannon, Miller and Horowitz and ask the following question....

Has Trump contributed to and or not contributed to Putin achieving any of his three stated geo political goals.....

Until you complete this exercise what you write is a waste of time....and it is a waste of time for me to respond to you.....

This is exactly what I do when writing and posting here on Trump and his merry band of white nationalists....you will notice that any of my postings either contributes to and or not to these Russian three geo political goals......

Remember "smiling fascism" is a distinct trend in the US at this moment and time....and I amazed you do not "see and understand it"....

06-07-2017, 06:15 AM
Azor...suggest you use the following concept when posting your views of being a proTrumper.....

You must by now fully understand Russian political warfare being used against the US...this political war is being supported and driven by non linear warfare tactics....

The core Putin geopolitical goals stated by him and his FM since 2004 are as follows....

1. discredit and damage NATO
2. discredit and damage EU
3. completely disconnect US from both EU and ME

NOW go back and with all of your comments that you have posted here and do the following....

If you know Putins geostrategy.......

Take every Trump comment, tweet, interviews and his rally statements and since 2002 AND COUPLE them with the beliefs of Bannon, Miller and Horowitz and ask the following question....

Has Trump contributed to and or not contributed to Putin achieving any of his three stated geo political goals.....

Until you complete this exercise what you write is a waste of time....and it is a waste of time for me to respond to you.....

This is exactly what I do when writing and posting here on Trump and his merry band of white nationalists....you will notice that any of my postings either contributes to and or not to these Russian three geo political goals......

Remember "smiling fascism" is a distinct trend in the US at this moment and time....and I amazed you do not "see and understand it"....

Azor...now using the above model take all comments by Trump, Bannon, Miller, Horowitz, Infowars, Breitbart.com and the blogsite you yourself posted that is an alt right ie white nationalist internet site disguised
as a "news site".....AND ask the following questions.....

1. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists stated about the "deep state"

2. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists stated about the "federal government and their agencies" since say about 1998

2. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists stated about "small government" and what they would do to achieve that "small government also since say 1998

3. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists stated about federal support programs for the poor, sick, old, and low paid workers since also 1998

4. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists said about American participation in UN and other international organizations since 2002

5. what has Trump and his merry band of white nationalists said about US public education, voting rights and minority protection rights....since say 2004

NOW go back a reread ALL of Trumps comments, interviews, rally statements COUPLED with those of Bannon, Miller, Horowitz and the alt right "news sites" of Infowars, Breitbart.com and five others that are leading the white nationalist movement....

NOW tell me that all the current moves by Trump and his merry band of white nationalists are doing since they took power...........

1. a massive budget cut for all federal agencies to the point that they cannot really function

2. gutting DoS budget by 33% and absolutely not filling 23 critical leadership positions and basically undercutting Tillerson bz Tillerson saying one thing and Trump and his merry band doing the direct opposite

3. not filling critical DoD leadership positions

4. gutting public education in favor of vouchers and private schools

5. proposed tax cuts for the rich and virtually nothing for the middle class and the Trump voters

6. not filling DoJ critical positions

7. cutting and gutting what healthcare programs are available ie ACA, Medicare and Medicaid and

8. "that drain the swamp thingy" that has increased not decreased the "swamp" inside the WH

Do you want me to continue.....??

NOW taking all of Trumps comments, and those of Bannon, Miller and Horowitz WHAT we are seeing now is exactly WHAT we heard them state since 1998....

REMEMBER Bannons interview where he stated very publicly "I am a Leninist because Lenin destroyed the establisment WHICH is what I want to do"...

Seems to me that just on the surface of what they are already doing....in a short 120 days Trump and his merry band of white nationalists are well on that road of destruction .....do you not agree?????

06-07-2017, 06:25 AM
Azor...this is something that you missed with Trump on his recent ME "victory lap"....

He got played by KSA...and what he and a lot of the US media did not see coming but many in the region has been trying to point out...the inherent tension between KSA and Qatar over the sheer volume of gas under Qatar which is some aspects KSA does not have....and the future of a declining oil is gas and green energies....

Secondly, Trump apparently missed the hacking event that led to a "fake news article" being read and misintrepreted in KSA...

Today it is beig reported that the FBI has confirmed the hacking attack and fake article came from Russian sources....

THEN Trump loose fingers and lips just created far more chaos around Qatar following his pattern of "tweet first and ask questions later"......

AND then his own spokesperson trying badly yesterday to "walk back those loose twitter fingers".

This is a perfect example of a Trump WH in total NSC chaos and Trump is not an elephant in a china shop he is a tornado in a china shop and he has no idea of what that means when he cuts loose with tweets....

AND yet you wonder why I bash him..as much as I bashed Obama who could not articulate a strategic strategy into daily tactical moves..Trump and his merry band have only one thing in mind....

"destroy the establishment at all costs and that means inside the US and outside the US".....

06-07-2017, 06:40 AM
Top intelligence official the DNI told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey on FBI Russia probe

THIS is also after the director CIA who was also asked to intervene by Trump...AND after asking Comey directly to stop the Flynn investigation.

The Federal Prosecutor who was fired by Trump...stated when hearing this..."if Trump asks others to leave the room when he wants to talk with you...walk out with the rest otherwise it is obstruction of an ongoing investigation and you will be just as guilty as Trump"...

06-07-2017, 06:47 AM
Azor..remember when you made comments about hacking of voting machines....

Thought this might actually interest you.....AND then tell me this is a normal election security procedure AFTER all the news on Russian hacking prior to the election...

IF you think that is is OK and it is normal to TURN off auditing abilities in an electronic recording process THEN you have a serious problem...

BTW...currently three top level Russian hackers are under arrest and in various stages of trying to not be sent to the US ...they ARE the ones the FBI feels were behind the GRU hackers involved in the DNC and State voter rolls hacks ....one in Canada, one in Prague and one in Barcelona...

In an Ohio judges’ chambers, I witnessed Ohio officials admitting they’d TURNED OFF tamper-detection software on vote machines

06-07-2017, 07:06 AM
Azor...this is something that you missed with Trump on his recent ME "victory lap"....

He got played by KSA...and what he and a lot of the US media did not see coming but many in the region has been trying to point out...the inherent tension between KSA and Qatar over the sheer volume of gas under Qatar which is some aspects KSA does not have....and the future of a declining oil is gas and green energies....

Secondly, Trump apparently missed the hacking event that led to a "fake news article" being read and misintrepreted in KSA...

Today it is beig reported that the FBI has confirmed the hacking attack and fake article came from Russian sources....

THEN Trump loose fingers and lips just created far more chaos around Qatar following his pattern of "tweet first and ask questions later"......

AND then his own spokesperson trying badly yesterday to "walk back those loose twitter fingers".

This is a perfect example of a Trump WH in total NSC chaos and Trump is not an elephant in a china shop he is a tornado in a china shop and he has no idea of what that means when he cuts loose with tweets....

AND yet you wonder why I bash him..as much as I bashed Obama who could not articulate a strategic strategy into daily tactical moves..Trump and his merry band have only one thing in mind....

"destroy the establishment at all costs and that means inside the US and outside the US".....

Azor...so does Trump "apologize for his loose lipped twitter fingers"???

CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis
By Evan Perez and Shimon Prokupecz, CNN
Updated 0021 GMT (0821 HKT) June 7, 2017

From a very respected retired NSA CI top agent....
This goes WAY beyond mere RIS Active Measures -- this is really a crazy, scary story of where we are in 2017.

06-07-2017, 07:13 AM
Such an incredible story by @forbes, deconstructing how the @EricTrumpFdn was apparently used to funnel $ back to the Trump org.

By any standards this is a bombshell of a story


A perfect example of the reverse theory called...."robbing from the poor and giving to the rich"....

ALSO explains the extensive indications of a major FBI RICO money laundering investigation into the Trump son-in-law, Trump and his two sons...by the NY AG Schneiderman independent of the Russian investigations....

06-07-2017, 07:18 AM
Trump and his merry band are now having a hard time keeping his Cabinet together.....

.@ABC Exclusive from @jonkarl @JTSantucci @JordynPhelps:
AG Sessions offered to resign from his post after facing anger from TrumpTrump refused to accept his offer.....

06-07-2017, 07:22 AM
Eric Trump, the son of the President of the United States, says Democrats aren't even people.

How Republicans are trying to tarnish Comey's credibility before he even speaks.

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s allies launched a concerted effort to tarnish James Comey’s credibility this week, as the White House and Republicans in Congress brace for the former FBI director’s highly anticipated testimony Thursday about events leading up to his sudden firing.
Using media appearances, e-mail, and even a political TV ad that will be timed to coincide with Comey’s appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee, some in the GOP suggested that Comey’s reported assertions — that Trump asked him to drop an investigation into ties between Russians and a former White House aide — cannot be trusted.
“FBI Director Comey needs to answer a simple question about his conversations with President Trump: If you were so concerned, why didn’t you act on it or notify Congress?’’ Republican National Committee operative Michael Ahrens said in an e-mail blast Monday.
The e-mail included a compilation of skeptical quotes in the media about Comey’s account of events from several congressional Republicans and one Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
The proactive volley from conservatives reveals the high stakes of Comey’s testimony, and the degree to which Republicans are attempting to inoculate the president from what could be a damaging performance. The Senate hearing Thursday is expected to be broadcast live on all three television networks.

A group criticized as a scam PAC in the campaign is trying to show its ahead on tarring Comey pre-testimony

WASHINGTON (AP) — A nonprofit issues group is labeling James Comey a political “showboat” in a television ad set to air Thursday, the day the former FBI director testifies on Capitol Hill.
Comey “put politics over protecting America,” a narrator says in the 30-second spot, titled “Showboat,” which was shared with The Associated Press. It accuses him of being “consumed with election meddling” even as “terror attacks were on the rise.”
Great America Alliance has paid for the ad, which is slated to run digitally Wednesday and appear the next day on CNN and Fox News. The group, formed after President Donald Trump’s election to advocate for his administration, is not required to disclose its donors.
The message of the ad reflects a strategy by Trump and his advocates to erode Comey’s credibility.
Comey will testify Thursday before the Senate intelligence committee and is expected to be grilled about his interactions with Trump ahead of his own firing. He will also be questioned about the agency’s underlying investigation into whether Trump’s campaign had anything to do with Russian meddling in the election the New York billionaire into office.
The ad highlights that Comey’s previous congressional testimony about Hillary Clinton’s emails was inaccurate and needed to be corrected. After Comey said Clinton’s campaign aide “forwarded hundreds and thousands” of emails to her husband, a potential security breach, the FBI sent a letter to Congress saying he’d misspoken.
“James Comey: just another DC insider only in it for himself,” the ad concludes.
Eric Beach, head of Great America Alliance, said no one from the White House asked his group to do the ad. Some of the commentary in it — including the title — echoes public statements by Trump and other administration officials.
Two days after firing Comey last month, Trump called him a “showboat” in an interview with NBC News.

Eric L. Beach is a Republican political strategist and consultant based out of Costa Mesa, California. Beach currently serves as the co-chair for the pro-Donald Trump Great America PAC, along wth Ed Rollins

WASHINGTON — The day after President Trump asked James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, to end an investigation into his former national security adviser, Mr. Comey confronted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and said he did not want to be left alone again with the president, according to current and former law enforcement officials.
Mr. Comey believed Mr. Sessions should protect the F.B.I. from White House influence, the officials said, and pulled him aside after a meeting in February to tell him that private interactions between the F.B.I. director and the president were inappropriate. But Mr. Sessions could not guarantee that the president would not try to talk to Mr. Comey alone again, the officials said.
Mr. Comey did not reveal, however, what had so unnerved him about his Oval Office meeting with the president: Mr. Trump’s request that the F.B.I. director end the investigation into the former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, who had just been fired. By the time Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey last month, Mr. Comey had disclosed the meeting to a few of his closest advisers but nobody at the Justice Department, according to the officials, who did not want to be identified discussing Mr. Comey’s interactions with Mr. Trump and Mr. Sessions.

06-07-2017, 07:30 AM
Trump leaves the Paris Agreement ALTHOUH in his heart he is "for green energy"....

Trump told the lawmakers they could talk about the solar-paneled wall as long as they said it was his idea."

So now the Wall will be declared the worlds longest solar energy effort by the Trump WH???

Trump pitched Republican leaders on a solar-paneled border wall

06-07-2017, 07:34 AM
Trump and Putin are still trying desparately to meet..how strange is that??

Kremlin says Putin, Trump may meet without press statement

Kremlin: No date for Putin-Trump meeting, media likely to be excluded - Izvestia

Kremlin spox: Trump-Putin "conversation" still possible at G20 in Hamburg but don't expect big announcements.

Putin badly needs a PR event to show all is well with the US and Trump...who knows why he needs a PR show....since he is already being tied to Russian hacking...

06-07-2017, 07:35 AM
Trump related news articles today in major European MSM....

- stole money from kids with cancer
- precipitated Middle East unrest
- Sessions wants to resign
- solar-powered wall?

06-07-2017, 07:38 AM
Today's Russian papers: "Trump's turned his presidency into a show". Plus, Moscow to counter the "hostile activities" of foreign powers.

06-07-2017, 07:48 AM
So exactly just how is "twitter fingers Trump" going to resolve this major ME political fluff up that he actually caused????

Saudi Arabia has given Qatar 24 hours to meet the following 10 demands:

1. Immediately break diplomatic relations with Iran.
2. Expel all Hamas members.
3. Freeze bank accounts of Hamas members and stop dealing with them.
4. Expel all Muslim Brotherhood members from Qatar.
5. Expel anti-GCC elements.
6. End support of 'terrorist organisations.
7. Stop interfering in Egyptian affairs.
8. Cease broadcasting the Al Jazeera news channel.
9. Apologise to all Gulf governments for 'abuses' by Al Jazeera.
10. Qatar must pledge that will not carry out any actions that contradict the policies of the GCC and adhere to its charter.

An emergency meeting of all GCC leaders will be held in Jeddah should Qatar abide by the conditions laid out.

06-07-2017, 07:54 AM
Cannot confirm if this is just a propaganda push and or real tweet....

Saudi Media Campaign Against #Qatar | Egyptian Sources: Units from #Iran's IRGC are protecting Tamim in his palace.

Seems the great Trump "unified ME terrorist fighting front" has virtually collasped...and that Trump declared GREAT MAGA 110B USD arms deal.....fake news...not a single signed purchase order......

BUT boy did Trump get played by KSA who has been planning this Qatar move for awhile and did it knowing Trump would support it...or basically he had to support it after his trip to KSA....

06-07-2017, 07:57 AM
Preet Bharara

Note to top federal employees: when @realDonaldTrump asks everyone else to leave the room, leave with them. Seriously. Just leave.

For someone who claims the FBI investigation of #TrumpRussia is a hoax, @realDonaldTrump sure tried a lot of different ways to obstruct it.

06-07-2017, 08:03 AM
WHEN the DoJ Special Prosecutor is beefing up his Staff with individuals such as this...THIS does not bode well for Trump and his merry band of white nationalists......

NY Mob Prosecutor rockstar Andrew Weissman has joined Robert Mueller investigative team

WHAT is extremely interesting is if you ask any New Yorker...they already knew about Trumps mob ties....the rest of the country apparently not...

06-07-2017, 08:06 AM
Russian Active Measures have not slowed since US election 2016, being deployed to weaken US in every region & aided by....

06-07-2017, 08:11 AM
Azor...suggest you use the following concept when posting your views of being a proTrumper.....

You must by now fully understand Russian political warfare being used against the US...this political war is being supported and driven by non linear warfare tactics....

The core Putin geopolitical goals stated by him and his FM since 2004 are as follows....

1. discredit and damage NATO
2. discredit and damage EU
3. completely disconnect US from both EU and ME

NOW go back and with all of your comments that you have posted here and do the following....

If you know Putins geostrategy.......

Take every Trump comment, tweet, interviews and his rally statements and since 2002 AND COUPLE them with the beliefs of Bannon, Miller and Horowitz and ask the following question....

Has Trump contributed to and or not contributed to Putin achieving any of his three stated geo political goals.....

Until you complete this exercise what you write is a waste of time....and it is a waste of time for me to respond to you.....

This is exactly what I do when writing and posting here on Trump and his merry band of white nationalists....you will notice that any of my postings either contributes to and or not to these Russian three geo political goals......

Remember "smiling fascism" is a distinct trend in the US at this moment and time....and I amazed you do not "see and understand it"....

Azor...so again is in fact Trump supporting Putins three geo political goals.....

With US-EU-NATO alliance shaken, Russia turns to break US influence Gulf - Russian hackers planted fake news Qatar

So before you get into a long discourse leading nowhere answer that question first....

IMHO Putin is slowly winning his political war with the assistance of Trump.....now prove differently.....

Rep. Eric Swalwell

.@realDonaldTrump just dragged us into Gulf dispute & trashed Qatar, which hosts 11,000 U.S. troops. He better have a plan for their safety.

Qataris banned from Qantas flights to Dubai: airline executive

06-07-2017, 08:16 AM
The West Wing is preparing for a world of subpoenas, w legal counsel telling staff not to use "burn bags."

06-07-2017, 08:22 AM
AP Politics‏

BREAKING: Trump on fired FBI Director James Comey's upcoming congressional testimony: 'I wish him luck.'

Weird comment or a veiled threat????

06-07-2017, 08:34 AM
What is interesting is that some social media journalists have been so far ahead of where the Russian Trump story is going...long before MSM...

This was in a posting I did yesterday and the journalist who first pointed this development this out did it in a April 13 2017 tweet.........

And the last two weeks have shown via MSM breaking stories that all that they have tweeted fro the last six months has in fact been both correct and verified even when they got bashed for their stories....

Trump and his merry band are under a major NY State and Federal RICO investigation.....and that has been ongoing for awhile now...

06-07-2017, 08:36 AM
Moscow says 'zero' proof Russian hackers involved in Qatar crisis: Interfax

JUST like ZERO proof of Russian hacking DNC and in France and in Germany....and now in Qatar....ZERO proof??

06-07-2017, 08:40 AM
[B]Sean Spicer just settled it: We should all pay attention to Trump’s tweets

]“The president is the president of the United States, so they are considered official statements by the president of the United States,” the press secretary said in response to a reporter’s question.

So exactly why does he need a spokesperson at all????

BUT THEN.....if the statement is correct then Trump is basically the driving force behind the Qatar crisis right now.....

“During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology,” President Trump said on Twitter. “Leaders pointed to Qatar — look!”

Mr. Trump’s tweets have huge potential strategic consequences in the Middle East, where Qatar is a crucial military outpost for the United States.

06-07-2017, 08:47 AM
Trump is now having problems with South Korea.....seems to be badly failing in all attempts at any kind of a FP...outside tweeting it seems

S. Korea Suspends Deployment of U.S. Antimissile System
The move by the new president, Moon Jae-in, signals a less friendly approach to the United States’ agenda.

06-07-2017, 03:50 PM

Trump has blocked a lot of people on Twitter. And now, some argue that's a violation of their First Amendment rights

Interesting point is a lot of those blocked do not even "Follow" Trump....interesting is also many twitter accounts that do not even "Follow" Trump have suddenly had their accounts shifted to "Follow"...when have "unfollowed" only to have them flipped to "Follow" minutes later...

Twitter Support does not seem able to stop this "flipping" concept...

06-07-2017, 03:51 PM
Trump and Sessions have had heated exchanges since the AG recused himself from the Russia probe, a source says

Trump had assumed when nominating Sessions his Russian connections would be protected not investigated....

06-07-2017, 04:01 PM
Interestingly enough Trumps own pick for FBI Director and his law firm represent "blacklisted" Rosneft....the Russian oil company mentioned in the Steel Dossier..

Small world...BTW...when one sees "state owned" you are talking about a company that answers to Putin and does what Putin suggests they do....

THIS is exactly why it is an interesting choice by Trump for FBI Director....

The chart views below show the December 2016 Rosneft 19.5% privatization deal with Glencore and the Qatar Investment Authority. Scroll down to see a detailed chart showing the complex overlapping financial and political connections related directly and indirectly to the December transaction.

SOURCE DATA USED FOR THE CHART (info in chart as of May 2017)
Rosneft Shareholder Structure
Rosneft Board of Directors
QHG Holding LLP — #OC414947 — filings and significant persons data
QHG Investment LLP — # OC414949 — filings and significant persons data
QHG Trading LLP — # OC414946 — filings and significant persons data
QHG Trading Rosneft deal for up to 55 million tons of oil
QHG Oil Ventures Pte Ltd, formerly QHG Shares Pte Ltd, Catalpo Pte Ltd (Singapore Govt Biz site, enter name to search for name history)
VTB loan of 692 billion rubles to QHG Shares Limited
QHG Investments owns QHG Shares
Intesa Sanpaolo May 25 2017 debt syndication of 5.2 billion Euros
Reported 50/50 joint venture between Qatar and Glencore (including 300 million Euros from Glencore, 2.5 billion Euros from Qatar, 5.2 billion Euros from Intesa loan, and 2.2 billion Euros source unknown)
VTB and Rosneftegaz Bridge loans
Russian Order of Friendship awards for Qatar, Glencore, Intesa heads
RUSAL Shareholder Structure — including 8.75% ownership by Glencore controlled Amokenga Holdings and SUAL Partners
SUAL Partners Vekselberg and Blavatnik
RUSAL Board of Directors — including Glencore’s CEO Ivan Glasenberg, Rosneft Chairman Matthias Warnig
Glencore Chairman Hayward Advisory Board for L1 Energy, part of LetterOne
Richard Burt Advisor to the Board of LetterOne
Intesa 350 Mil Euro Gazprom loan
Intesa 750 Mil Euro Yamal LNG loan
Yamal LNG $27 billion project
Rosneft ENI partnership extended by Putin and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni
2012 $500 billion Exxon Rosneft agreement
2011 Exxon Rosneft Arctic agreement
Exxon Qatar Golden Pass LNG partnership
Qatar Airways Trump Tower tenant
Qatar (QIA) and Tom Barrack Miramax purchase and other business deals
Blackstone connection to deal through Walkers and QHG Cayman Ltd
Blackstone majority holding in Intertrust
Intertrust acquisition of Walkers
Blackstone $376 million co-financing loan for Kushner’s Watchtower building
Steven Schwarzman on Board of Russian Direct Investment Fund
Rosneft loan to Venezuela PDVSA (owner of Citgo) — default would transfer ownership to Rosneft
Rosneft bid to purchase India’s Essar Oil
Fridman, Blavatnik, Vekselberg, Khan $28 billion sale of BNP-TK to Rosneft
Rosneft former client of Bracewell & Giuliani
Bank of Cyprus — Wilbur Ross Vice Chairman, Viktor Vekselberg largest shareholder
Paul Manafort and Oleg Deripaska business deals
Carter Page July 2016 New Economic School visit and alleged meeting with Igor Sechin
This Reuters chart provided information used in the basic chart. Ownership, company names, and other data was updated and expanded based on Companies House filings and other sources noted above.

06-07-2017, 04:06 PM
Interestingly enough Trumps own pick for FBI Director and his law firm represent "blacklisted" Rosneft....the Russian oil company mentioned in the Steel Dossier..

Small world...BTW...when one sees "state owned" you are talking about a company that answers to Putin and does what Putin suggests they do....

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. - Napoleon Bonaparte

06-07-2017, 04:33 PM
JUST IN from @OversightDems: Attorney General #Sessions Declines to Testify Before Oversight Committee on Withholding Documents.

06-07-2017, 04:35 PM
Trump fans/pro-Trump media are falsely claiming that "not feeling pressured" = "Trump didn't ask me to influence probe."

The story is false. Neither DNI Coats nor NSA Dir Rogers would say whether Trump asked them to influence probe

BTW...zerohedge.com is a massive alt right ie white nationalist blogsite that tries to act like an official news site...Trump follows it often....

To be clear, Coats & Rogers are refusing to answer unclassified questions in an unclassified hearing to protect President Trump politically.

"There has to be one element of this Govt people look at as not politically motivated" -Manchin pressing for answers on POTUS conversations

Rubio asked the right question: have you ever been asked to interfere?

Rubio: "Asked not pressured". Neither Coats or Rogers answer

Coats says won't answer in public forum but would answer to special counsel.

06-07-2017, 04:47 PM
Fmr. DNI Clapper: "Ever transactional, [Trump] simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous dossier, which I could not and would not do"

Former US intelligence chief: Watergate pales in comparison to Russia probe

06-07-2017, 04:49 PM
Breaking: Comey to testify he never told Trump he was not under FBI investigation

06-07-2017, 05:24 PM
Hearing Nightmare For Trump: Top Officials Won't Answer If They Were Asked To Intervene On Russia

Senator Warner: You said didn't feel pressure but wouldn't share content of conversation.
The President isn't above the law.
Aren't you concerned?

Remarkable moment: GOP Chmn Burr scolds intel chiefs for coming before Cmte without an answer on POTUS conversations re Russia probe

06-07-2017, 05:36 PM
BREAKING: Turkey's parliament approves troops deployment to Qatar.
Turkish parliament approves the deployment of 5000 troops to Qatar

Lets REMEMBER Trumps own tweets on this topic....

Donald J. Trump‏
#@realDonaldTrump Jun 6

During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar - look!

So good to see the Saudi Arabia visit with the King and 50 countries already paying off. They said they would take a hard line on funding...

JUST IN: Iran's revolutionary guards say Saudi Arabia was behind deadly attacks in Tehran - statement

WILL KSA now annex Qatar?????

06-07-2017, 05:49 PM
Interestingly enough Trumps own pick for FBI Director and his law firm represent "blacklisted" Rosneft....the Russian oil company mentioned in the Steel Dossier..

Small world...BTW...when one sees "state owned" you are talking about a company that answers to Putin and does what Putin suggests they do....

THIS is exactly why it is an interesting choice by Trump for FBI Director....

The chart views below show the December 2016 Rosneft 19.5% privatization deal with Glencore and the Qatar Investment Authority. Scroll down to see a detailed chart showing the complex overlapping financial and political connections related directly and indirectly to the December transaction.

WHY was this individual picked by Trump?????

Wray was Chris Christie's personal attorney. Christie was a vocal Trump campaign surrogate. The FBI is investigating the Trump campaign.

Wray works at Washington law firm King & Spalding alongside Bobby Burchfield, the "independent ethics adviser" for Trump's private business

06-07-2017, 06:22 PM
Azor...check this out...Trump is overly concerned with Russian "hookers"....

James Comey's prepared testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee:

READ it thoroughly and then tell me Trump is not obstructing a FBI investigation into his Russian connections...

Seems Comey is confirming what's been rumored--that Flynn lied to fed investigators when confronted w Kislyak call.

A day after Trump told Comey "I have been very loyal to you," Trump publicly said it wasn't too late to fire him

Trump tells @MariaBartiromo "it's not too late" to ask FBI Director Comey to step down, also says he has confidence in Comey

06-07-2017, 06:35 PM
RE: North Carolina

I am not sure what you are referring to: Cooper v. Harris (2017), Shaw v. Reno (1993) or the invalidated state congressional election case that the SCOTUS declined to hear. Nor do I understand how NC state law can be applied to invalidate a federal presidential election.

...suggest you use the following concept when posting your views of being a proTrumper [sic]...

I suggest you review the concept of ad hominem when engaging in debates.

Until you complete this exercise what you write is a waste of time....and it is a waste of time for me to respond to you...

You do realize that every time you cannot refute my arguments or adequately prove your own, you demand that I “go back and read” or “complete this exercise”, right?

RE: Russian Influence Operations

Firstly, Russia is not the only beast in the woods. There are a number of foreign powers vying to influence U.S. policy, whether by lobbying elected representatives and appointed officials, indirectly financing election campaigns or by appealing directly to the electorate. For instance, do you not find it curious that candidates for president must commit verbally to defending Israel, as opposed to any other U.S. allies, or that Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. military aid? Do you not find it curious that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Egypt, Algeria and Morocco were never included in travel restrictions implemented by the Obama or Trump administrations?

Secondly, for technical reasons, it is highly unlikely that Russian agents were able to tamper with election results or do so in a way that impacted the outcome of the election. Your unsourced and anecdotal quote is rather unconvincing in this regard, given the technical difficulties, and again you are by default calling into question the outcome of every election since 2000, including that of Obama, who was notably more dovish on Russia than opponents McCain and Romney.

Thirdly, the only means of technically combating propaganda today, including disinformation, would be censorship of the internet. The true solutions are instilling knowledge and critical thinking.

Fourth, I concur with Mark Galeotti, that the ideal electoral outcome for Russia would be a Clinton presidency that was weakened by wide mistrust and under siege by the Republican Party. Clinton was and is a known quantity to the Kremlin, which wanted to restrict her ability to act on foreign policy rather than to replace her with an unknown quantity: Trump.

As far as WikiLeaks is concerned, its activities were timed to help Sanders more than Trump, even if Trump was the ultimate beneficiary. I also agree with Janis Berzins, that the rise of populism in the West – led by Farage, Wilders, Le Pen, Trump et al – was neither a creation of nor dependent upon Russian support.

Lastly, there is a difference between Putin denouncing NATO as an offensive and aggressive military coalition led by an imperialist United States, on the one hand, and Trump criticizing NATO members’ free ridership and failure to uphold commitments to collective security, on the other.

If you believe that…

Germany’s hollow Bundeswehr
The <2% of GDP military spending of Latvia, with its large ethnic/dual-citizen Russian minority
The <2% of GDP military spending of Canada, Denmark and Norway, with possible Arctic sovereignty disputes with Russia
Reducing NATO’s conventional deterrent
Increasing the probability of NATO being forced to deter Russian aggression with nuclear weaponry
Not criticizing any of these worrying trends

…makes the Trans-Atlantic Alliance stronger, then I don’t know what to say to you.

RE: Quid Pro Quo

If Trump is indeed a Russian agent, whether due to kompromat or other inducements, what has Russia gained since his inauguration?

Non-U.S. NATO members are discussing strengthening their military capabilities with the most urgency since the end of the Cold War
Russia is now perceived as the greatest threat to the United States and the Trans-Atlantic Alliance, rather than China or Muslim supremacist terrorism
The White House and Congress are aligned on increasing U.S. military spending
U.S.-Russian arms control agreements are in question in the U.S. for the first time since the end of the Cold War, and Russia cannot afford an arms race
U.S. sanctions on Russia remain in force
Popular support for NATO among its member state populations has reversed its decades-long decline
Russia has been proven to be impotent in Syria with regard to protecting pro-Assad forces (three airstrikes), and pro-Assad social media commentators are referring to Russia as either weak or in league with the United States
The GCC has become both more coordinated and forceful, heading off Iranian and Russian feelers (e.g. to Egypt)

The one country benefiting from all of this, is of course, China. Perhaps they “hacked the election”?

06-07-2017, 06:40 PM
Azor...check this out...Trump is overly concerned with Russian "hookers"....

James Comey's prepared testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee:

Trump denied interacting with Russian prostitutes some 3 weeks after the Steele Dossier was leaked...

06-08-2017, 04:46 AM
RE: North Carolina

I am not sure what you are referring to: Cooper v. Harris (2017), Shaw v. Reno (1993) or the invalidated state congressional election case that the SCOTUS declined to hear. Nor do I understand how NC state law can be applied to invalidate a federal presidential election.

1. Since there is no adequate Federal case law to redo an invalid federal election SC must revert to State case law...yes they returned it to the Federal Appeals Court BUT read the suggested resolution.....one on that list was a proposed new election

2. Trump is not "an agent"...he is "an agent of influence"......check the difference in terms in the IC world....

2. NOW explain this if you think it is in fact the Chinese or "others"

Former Farage aide gave US information in plea deal, court files show
Files do not spell out nature of information George Cottrell handed federal agents after his arrest on money-laundering charges....

He pointed the money laundering straight at the Trump campaign....

Not a single Chinese or 400lb kid on a bed to be seen anywhere....IF you really read the Comey statement I believe you will "hear" in this case read that the FBI opened an investigation on Trump between 3.20 and 3.30.2017.....

06-08-2017, 07:56 AM
Chris Christie just told @NicolleDWallace that Trump's attempts to undermine the FBI's independence are just "normal New York City talk."

SO the obstruction of justice is just "normal NYC Trump trash talk?????

NYC is the new locker room????

SO we hear the same lame excuse given by Trump supporters THAT they gave to the Trump sex videos before the election..."that is just what boys do in the locker room among themselves"....

Sound similar????

AND a street comment from NYC.....Well Trump is in construction and we in NY all know. You can't pour an ounce of cement unless mafia gives ok to work. Trump ran his businesses like the mafia and it extends into govt. NATO becomes protection racket. Employees take loyalty oaths. GOP omerta.

MORE NYC street comments yesterday.....
Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this

US Attorney SDNY‏
Verified account
33 members of Russian OC org, including ‘vor’ of enterprise, charged w/racketeering, extortion, robbery, murder4hire

06-08-2017, 08:11 AM
I am posting this here because there are a few on social media that are focusing on misuse of social media for propaganda and influence operations that equals work done by professional IT analysis companies AND only those that work with government agencies....

I finished downloading a larger /r/The_Donald dataset. Here's a link for any who are interested in such things.

06-08-2017, 08:14 AM
NOW this is where the social media analysis starts to get extremely interesting....

This contains data going back to the beginning of /r/The_Donald, total of 2,526,692 comments from 80,708 threads.

(It's still just a slice of the full content, but that would have taken weeks to download.)

It'll be a while before I have all of it, but this graph does a decent job of highlighting the major topics of discussion the last 3 months.

The vocabulary of /r/The_Donald users has changed over time - alt-right jargon has increased in frequency, for example.

This figure shows overall activity. It's what you'd expect - 24/7, but substantially lower activity when people in the USA are asleep.

06-08-2017, 08:28 AM
The time pattern is similar if we only include posts that contain the word "Hillary".

I looked at the timing patterns for other popular terms (in over 9000 posts in my dataset = "popular"). Here's "wall".

"Russia", "globalist", "Trump", and "cuck" show a similar pattern. Nothing special.

So do "Podesta" and "WikiLeaks". Oh, wait. I lied. Something's different here.

06-08-2017, 08:33 AM
Here's all nine plots side by side for comparison. "WikiLeaks" and "Podesta" show an odd burst of morning activity which the others lack.

Here is the theory let me see if it holds....

Timing. Wikileaks links are being placed on /r/The_Donald at the beginning of the US work day for folks to read while slacking off at work.

I kind of wanted to find another suspicious thing, so I started looking at the users linking Wikileaks and I found another suspicious thing.

Meet "Bad_Harambe", although you probably don't want to. They posted this gem a few months back:

06-08-2017, 08:35 AM
B_H (+others) later buried the link with a flurry of spam. Would take a while for anyone manually reading their post history to find

NOTE...this is a deliberate attempt to mask their conversations and a mark of those that know how to avoid surveillance....

NOTICE Twitter feature that allows one to tell if one is being monitored....Twitter does not tell you about this feature does it????

"Quit Snooping through my comment history"

06-08-2017, 08:42 AM
NOW the analysis shifts gears....

I took a brief look at what major news sites are being linked to from /r/The_Donald, because it's a Tuesday in June 6.2.2017

The top five in the dataset I'm using were Breitbart, CNN, Fox News, RT (Russia Today), and Washington Post.

Here's a chart showing the relative share of these five sites. RT(dot)com is the largest, beating out Breitbart by a decent margin.

Volume by week going back to the inception of /r/The_Donald. RT has consistently been the top news source there all along.

BEGS the question....Why is RT and Brietbart so correlated?

SO on this particular day in June 6.2.2017 69.8% of all twitter media comments, fake news etc was being driven by just two media sources

AND that is not the mark of an ongoing "active measures influence operation" being driven by Russia?????

NOTE....our research on the automated bot networks under control of Russia sources ties nicely into this research and confirms exactly what he is alluding to....Russian influence operations driven straight into the heart of the US using alt right blogsites and alt right twitter accounts...

06-08-2017, 09:00 AM
REMEMBER that Russia Today celebration dinner held in Moscow last year that Flynn and Jill Stein from the Green Party attended and both she and Flynn sat on the same table with Putin????

Well when asked by reporters about that dinner party where photos do exist.....

It's amazing how no one at the table spoke to one another.

Putin, Flynn and Stein all on a small round dinner table making conversations easy and no "small talk"......????

I have a bridge in the desert to sell....

06-08-2017, 09:06 AM
Chris Christie just told @NicolleDWallace that Trump's attempts to undermine the FBI's independence are just "normal New York City talk."

SO the obstruction of justice is just "normal NYC Trump trash talk?????

NYC is the new locker room????

SO we hear the same lame excuse given by Trump supporters THAT they gave to the Trump sex videos before the election..."that is just what boys do in the locker room among themselves"....

Sound similar????

AND a street comment from NYC.....Well Trump is in construction and we in NY all know. You can't pour an ounce of cement unless mafia gives ok to work. Trump ran his businesses like the mafia and it extends into govt. NATO becomes protection racket. Employees take loyalty oaths. GOP omerta.

MORE NYC street comments yesterday.....
Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this

US Attorney SDNY‏
Verified account
33 members of Russian OC org, including ‘vor’ of enterprise, charged w/racketeering, extortion, robbery, murder4hire
Charged Defendants Include Alleged “Vor” or “Thief-In-Law” of a Russian and Georgian Criminal Enterprise

This explains the Russian term "vor"......

Vyacheslav Ivankof a.k.a Patriarch Krill wearing his "Vor" (thief) tattoos.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:# “Today, we have charged 33 members and associates of a Russian organized crime syndicate allegedly engaging a panoply of crimes around the country. The indictments include charges against the alleged head of this national criminal enterprise, one of the first federal racketeering charges ever brought against a Russian ‘vor.’ The dizzying array of criminal schemes committed by#this organized crime syndicate allegedly include a murder-for-hire conspiracy, a plot to rob victims by seducing and drugging them with chloroform, the theft of cargo shipments containing over 10,000 pounds of chocolate, and a fraud on casino slot machines using electronic hacking devices. Thanks to the remarkable interagency partnership of FBI, CBP, and NYPD, we have charged and arrested 33 defendants allegedly involved in this criminal enterprise.”

06-08-2017, 09:15 AM
Trump's links to Russia get even more bizarre with evidence of reaching out to Putin's agent of influence Medvedchuk

06-08-2017, 09:16 AM
Noga Tarnopolsky

I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case.

06-08-2017, 09:26 AM
US white supremacist violence is climbing and not a word from the Trump WH...locals who knew both stated they had been big Trump supporters...

06-08-2017, 09:29 AM
“No Safe Spaces on the Flat Earth” – Emergent Alt-Right Inspired Flat Earth Online Communities via @bellingcat

06-08-2017, 09:30 AM
Saudi has played Trump so brilliantly. And Trump thinks his trip went well.

Iran minister calls Trump's condolences for attacks 'repugnant'

06-08-2017, 10:26 AM
This is exactly what Trump and his tweeting fingers walked right into and never saw it coming......

Fascinating @washingtonpost piece investigating inter-state cyber conflict in the Gulf via twitter bot armies

06-08-2017, 10:34 AM
From one of the two social media journalists that have between them broken over 10 stories on the Russian Trump connections that have in the last two weeks been largely confirmed by US MSM....

1. My takeaway on Comey statement. He went as far as Mueller would let him go. Mueller let him establish obstruction of justice re Flynn

2. so the precedent is there and will be easy to prove together with Trump's other actions. He's confirmed obstruction. Trump's toast.

This is in reference to the written Comey and Senate released yesterday....and does not included what Comey states today under oath.....

REMEMBER a total of four former and current government officials have stated Trump asked to stop the Flynn investigation...for a normal US citizen this more than enough for a Federal charge of obstruction..

Comey defined the story before Trump can tweet anything. Brilliant move. AND it defined the 24 hour news cycle before his hearing and forced Trump supporters onto the defensive which can be seen in their massive social media attempt to discredit Comey...

06-08-2017, 10:43 AM
"64% of Republicans say Trump is not level-headed, while 32% think he is"

So what we now have is the bottom line of the Trump supporter base...ie 32% and 32% will not carry the GOP in 2018.....

06-08-2017, 10:49 AM
In the Comey written statement Trump talked about hookers....

From a GOP Congressman....

Rep. Rooney said Trump's comments about Russian hookers were "perfectly logical."

What is even more interesting is that Trump indicated in the statement he knew he was being monitored in Russia so why did he not understand the Russian US ambassador would not be monitored in the US???

AND what the heck does NJ Governor Christie mean with this statement....

Chris Christie: Sure, Trump tried to undermine the FBI's independence, but "the people elected an outsider candidate."
SO the Christie assumption is "outsiders are above the rule of law"...as that sure sounds like what he is saying....

AND Christie went on to state the following....
Chris Christie says Trump asked Comey about the investigation of his top aides b/c "he wanted to get to the bottom of things."

...riiiiight. Because Trump acted immediately when the truth came out about Flynn. And Sessions. And Kushner.

AND MORE Trump excuses from GOP Congressmen...
Rep. Chris Collins: Trump Was Trying To Protect Flynn As A Friend, Not Stop An Investigation
THAT is not exactly what Comey wrote in his statement....

06-08-2017, 11:17 AM
Little known facts about Trumps own personal lawyer.....

In-laws&brother of Michael Cohen, Trumplawyer who got a check in '99 for $350k from Russian mob.

AND REMEMBER Michael Cohen could not remember when and from whom he got a 350K USD check BUT when cashed it had his signature on the back.....and it went into his own bank account...until the Feds knocked on his door and asked about it....

06-08-2017, 07:37 PM
Russia in USA #
Verified account

If Washington fails to restore diplomatic immunity of property there will be a ###-for-tat response in regard to #US facilities in @Russia

A message for Donald Trump from the home office

06-08-2017, 07:46 PM
THIS is the core problem right now with Trump and his merryband of followers....this lawyer evidently has never heard of the term "Memorandum for Record"....a common tool in the Civil Service and Police worlds...AND if Tumps lawyr paid close attention to the 7 page MOR....Comeyworked though the MOR with his senior staff thus witnesses were and are available attesting to the validity the MOR....

MORs are often used as actual evidence of meeting between individuals when recordings are not being made....or the meeting was critical and to recall the critical points....

BUT WAIT...Trump alluded and threatened Comey with a recording WHICH has not been made public by Trump...if it even exists...

The outside counsel for President Donald Trump on Thursday disputed key points of the testimony of former FBI director James Comey, and said in a statement that a Senate hearing established that the president was not being investigated for collusion or obstruction.
The attorney, Marc Kasowitz, said Trump did not ask Comey for his loyalty and did not direct or suggest to Comey that he stop investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
"The president never, in form or substance, directed or suggested that Mr. Comey stop investigating anyone, including suggesting that Mr. Comey 'let Flynn go,'" Kasowitz said.

BUT here is the key....after the Comey hearing the WH immediately stated Trump has never lied....

Does Trump have a history of lying? Ask his former lawyers in 2010:

06-08-2017, 10:37 PM
I see that we're getting a play-by-play of #ComeyDay, because of course none of that is happening on Twitter or Disqus...:rolleyes:

06-09-2017, 12:32 AM
By Erik Wemple: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2017/06/08/in-the-main-it-was-not-true-comey-denounces-new-york-times-story/?utm_term=.df8a13fd25e7

In his Thursday testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI director James B. Comey said that a controversial New York Times story in February about alleged contacts between Trump intimates and Russian officials was bogus. “In the main, it was not true,” he said.

“The challenge, and I’m not picking on reporters, about writing stories about classified information is the people talking about it often don’t really know what’s going on and those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it,” said Comey during questioning from Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho). “And we don’t call the press and say, ‘Hey, you got that thing wrong.’ ”

The comments from Comey revive a rather heated media-politics brushfire from the very early days of the Trump administration. Published amid the ouster of then-national security adviser Michael Flynn over his statements about contacts with Russia, the Feb. 14 New York Times story contained ordnance. The opening sentence: “Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.” Though the story said that officials had found no evidence of collusion by Trump associates with Russia, it alleged that the intercepted communications “alarmed” U.S. officials because it overlapped with Trump’s complimentary comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One of the people picked up on the surveillance, reported the New York Times, was Paul Manafort, who served for a time as Trump’s presidential campaign chairman. Manafort called the reporting “absurd.” A correction added on the day of publication read, “An earlier version of this article misstated the number of people (in addition to Paul Manafort) whom the F.B.I. has examined. It is at least three, not at least four.” And the newspaper acknowledged the limitations of its reporting: “The officials would not disclose many details, including what was discussed on the calls, the identity of the Russian intelligence officials who participated, and how many of Mr. Trump’s advisers were talking to the Russians. It is also unclear whether the conversations had anything to do with Mr. Trump himself,” noted the story.

Lack of detail notwithstanding, the story shook the White House. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told “Fox News Sunday,” “The New York Times put out an article with no direct sources that said that the Trump campaign had constant contacts with Russian spies, basically, you know, some treasonous type of accusations. We have now all kinds of people looking into this. I can assure you and I have been approved to say this — that the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that that story is not only inaccurate, but it’s grossly overstated and it was wrong. And there’s nothing to it.”

Not only that: CNN reported that the White House had asked top FBI personnel to rebut the New York Times piece, perhaps by speaking to reporters on background — even though the White House at the time was denouncing anonymous sources. The FBI declined to do so at the time.

Attacks from folks such as Priebus prompted New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet to issue this defense: “The Times had numerous sources confirming this story. Attacking it does not make it less true.”

Things have changed. Before, White House officials — a crew known to blast the media for often specious and baseless reasons — were blasting the story. Now a straight-shooting former FBI director is blasting the story. In addition, Comey confirmed Risch’s contentions that the former FBI director responded to the New York Times story by checking with his intelligence sources and informing lawmakers that it wasn’t accurate.

06-09-2017, 05:49 AM
By Erik Wemple: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2017/06/08/in-the-main-it-was-not-true-comey-denounces-new-york-times-story/?utm_term=.df8a13fd25e7

Azor.......loved the comments concerning twitter BUT you will have noticed that I was not on much yesterday...why ....we were using the twitter chatter to both track and chart alt right twitter accounts and their tie ins to a particular Russian automated botnet controlled out of St. Petersburg....our old friends from Ukrainian disinformation attacks are in heavy use in defense today of Trump....WHY is that???

The more they get active the more we understand that particular botnet as we assume it is 100% GRU controlled based on the server sets we are following...

NOW this is something that you and others need to watch for was this as the Trump saga unfolds...there are a number of CI tactics used to shake the cherries from the tree so to say and then watch where the cherries are eaten and by whom....

If you really think the NYTs which has been repeatedly called "fakes news" and dead by Trump would have allowed a story about Trump to go into print without at least THREE verifiying and confirming AND this is key THREE different sources...then I have a small foot bridge to sell you and it is in AFG...

The case against Trump is the following first of all it is a criminal case of money laundering or a RICO case, secondly it is a case of collusion and or treason take your choice and lastly obstruction...

AND from the Russian side....money laundering in a way never seen before in the US, hacking, influence operations and lastly pure spying.....all wrapped up in the Russian term "active measures".....

BTW NOTICED you did not comment on the Twitter research...when the dust settles on this fiasco of a Trump WH and I get permission from my customer to release the botnet data you might be able to fully understand the depth of the Russian influence operation which has actually been ongoing since 2014 TOGETHER with the US alt right...... ie white nationalist internet sites and GOP background financiers....REMEMBER Russia played and is still playing both the US Left and US Right in order to destabalize the entire US.

BTW...check the number of Trump twitter followers which today it is at 32M....6.6M automated bot followers have been added in the last ten days and out of the 32M approximately 18M are in fact bots driven by two botnet automated networks.....with their control servers outside the US...why would that be????

Out of the recent 6.6M we have seen and are tracking 1.5M what have been suddenly active in the support of Trump and tweeting against those on twitter that are against Trump in the form of spamming ALL suddenly in the last three days....ALL 1.5M are automatically responding to an outside the US control server...why is that????

Intelligence sources: Comey Day: 'Meticulously Executed' Testimony Was Counterintelligence Plan

06-09-2017, 05:59 AM
Azor....if we cannot agree on the following then you have a serious problem.....

Comey was asked why Americans should care about the investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

NOW my personal comment that you need to pay attention to....

IF as we hear from Trump and his WH AND now from his own defense lawyer "I have no connections, have no businesses inside or outside with Russians...."

THEN kill this whole thing BY releasing literally every tax year since his first Russian trip in 1986, release all debt load loans from foreign banks ie Deutsche Bank and three Chinese Banks, release all data on any and every Russian who owns Trump property and then release the same exact data for his two sons and his son-in-law....

AND unseal all his past criminal cases where Trump settled out of court and then had the files sealed....

THAT should put this whole thing to bed for once and for all times......

SO when that is not done and is resisted every step of the way with all kinds of cover-up excuses to not provide the information ....DRAW your own assumptions for the reason WHY????

AND THEN require all House and Senate types to release any and all information on any Russian campaign loans and or business deals and or stock holdings in Russian companies...I personally know of 15....9 House and 6 Senate....

Is that an easy thing to put to bed??...IMHO very easy if one is not guilty of anything...

06-09-2017, 06:16 AM
We all need to heed the single telling comment from Comey on his public hearing in the Senate....

"There is a clear story to all of this...we know what it is .....BUT when people learn of it they will be asking how did I believe the information and they will question it......

His comment went largely unheeded by MSM...IC did not ignore it.....

06-09-2017, 06:19 AM
Azor....you will be hearing more about this constellation in the coming weeks....

Mangushev links all over the place. Mangushev - Belchenko - Alex Sorsher -works at A & D mortgage – Max Slyusarchuk – Michael Caputo

Especially around their business ties to the "Motherland".....and to Michael Caputo a US citizen and proTrump supporter....

06-09-2017, 06:25 AM
Recently subpoenaed Michael Caputo, seemingly helping FSB agents immigrate to Florida:

06-09-2017, 06:28 AM
Azor...... convince me and FinCen that there is no money laundering ongoing in southern Florida....

Quite telling that Alex Sorsher is 2 steps away from Trump & Dezer and linked to hundreds of shell companies.

So why does one man need so many "inactive shell companies" THAT can be turned on and off at will to accomodate whomever wants to use them to depot money movements???

"PartyBike INC"......come on...... all these companies allow for black money to flow and IRS cannot track it .....especially if the company runs on a cash basis....

AND an inactive LLC Law Firm??????

06-09-2017, 06:39 AM
Azor...this is an important tweet referencing all of the previous OSINT data some of the above BTW...all previously provided to the NY AG Schneiderman who is in the process of a RICO case against the entire Trump Organization which has drawn little to no US MSM coverage...has it????

NOW go back to the 33 names of those Russians arrested by the FBI NYSD...they are tied to this OSINT data....arrest was posted here....

Eric Schneiderman‏
Verified account

The great progressive movements in American history weren’t started by elected officials. They were started by people like you. Keep going.

Crowdsourcing on social media is coming of age for law enforcement...

06-09-2017, 06:50 AM
Reference Comey from yesterdays open hearing and "under oath"...that is important "under oath"...

ALL Trump statements have never been made "under oath".....

BTW...all CI operations are planned sometimes down to a single word in a sentence during a conversation....this is why some call it "spywar"....and it is a game not played in the business world Trump is use to.....

Exclusive: Sources familiar with James Comey’s thinking say that today’s explosive testimony was planned in advance as part of the counterintelligence operation against Russia’s attack on the United States.
James Comey knew in advance he was going to be fired, these sources say, when Trump threatened him. At that point, the Director set in place countermeasures to protect the FBI”s investigation from Trump’s interference.
These included discussions with future key players at the Department of Justice and the FBI, these sources say, including Acting Director McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein.
It was further anticipated by Director Comey, these sources say, that the Trump team would both try to access FBI data and pass it to Russian intelligence. As we earlier reported exclusively, data from Director Comey’s computer was both taken by the Trump Team and passed to the Russians. The property of the United States was then recovered, these sources say. Separate sources with links to the Justice Department say, without being definitive, that it is thought that Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered an IT ‘audit’ of Director Comey’s electronics, and so the data may have been lawfully collected in a way that would not raise suspicions. Removable media containing data from Director Comey’s computer was then passed to the Russians, sources with links to the intelligence community confirm, adding that the said data has been recovered.
Director Comey anticipated further both that Donald Trump would boast he had tapes on him, and that he, Comey, would be called to Congress to give the sensational testimony he has given today under oath. Comey is highly sensitized to the value of television and the news cycle, sources familiar with his thinking say. He had reluctantly become so, after understanding the crucial role the data laundering of Donald Trump played in the election. Comey therefore decided to wait until his live televised hearing to reveal some of his knowledge about the Russian hacking investigation to the public in order that its impact not be diminished. Indeed, with partisans of both parties seeking to blame Comey for their failures, the Director had become convinced that if he were not dismissed the investigation might focus too much on him and not enough on the foreign and domestic enemies of the United States. While he was angered at the manner of his firing, sources report, Director Comey regarded the situation with the dispassionate eye of a chess player sacrificing a rook to back his opponent into a corner. Both Donald Trump and his Russian handlers fell into line, up to and including their concentration on lines in yesterday’s written testimony, which catfished Russian partisans into repeating ‘obstruction of justice’ until the concept was firmly affixed in the public’s mind. This left Comey open to detailing how Trump obstructed justice without using the term, today.
Director Comey was able to tell the public, using the GLOMAR technique, that both Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions are under criminal investigation for treason with Russia, and that both obstructed justice. Such a killer blow could not have been dealt – at least not so easily – had Trump and his Russian allies had the good sense to leave Director Comey to do his job.

06-09-2017, 07:01 AM
BREAKING: Jared Kushner will meet with Senate Intelligence Committee staffers mid-month.

THIS after being invited "to talk" with the FBI International Criminal Division this week...

Conversation is rumored to be "under oath"...

06-09-2017, 07:07 AM
“The President’s new at this”: House Speaker Paul Ryan defends President Trump's interactions with James Comey

Comment from a Harvard Law Professor...AND a common every day lawyer from Houston TX both saying the same thing...

Ignorance not excuse under law. Trump's intent clearly to obstruct/impede. Mens Rea & actus reus both present.

Thus violation of Federal law for obstruction of a Federal investigation....

06-09-2017, 07:10 AM
That feeling when the only lawyer willing to rep you isn't a member of DC, VA, MD Bars and at 1553 USDs per hour he is making a killing it seems...

As not a member of those Bars not exactly sure how he can defend Trump since Trump resides officially in WH DC....

06-09-2017, 07:15 AM
Rove: "appears Mr. Trump lacks the focus or self-discipline to do the basic work required of a president."


06-09-2017, 07:16 AM
On a side note....

BIG: 2 alleged Hezbollah operatives arrested, charged w/ conducting surveillance on US & Israeli targets in NYC:

06-09-2017, 01:33 PM
Trump is in an altered state of reality at the train wreck coming his way...

Donald J. Trump‏

Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!

The core Trump problem is that when he hears something close to what his own perception of the world he is in then it becomes the "truth".....

IF Trump read and then listened to Comey as he carefully selected and used his words...HE did not state a number of things and he certainly did not issue a "total and complete vindication".

REMEMBER when he stated "under oath"....obstruction of justice was something that not he Comey could testify to ...that had to come from the Special Prosecutor and the last time I checked he has not indicated a single word on whether Trump is under investigation or not.....and silence and non answering that question usually means "he is under investigation".....IT did not seem to indicate that Mueller has fully and completely vindicated Trump of anything....

AND if Trump listened even more closely Comey stated at the time he had the dinner conversation under four eyes with Trump he was not under investigation...BUT he did not state he was never under investigation at a later point AFTER the dinner....

AND Trump should have paid close attention to that which was not discussed by Comey who deflected everytime a GOP Senator tried to cross into those areas.....

Trumps tweet....."He is a leaker"...means Trump is painting him again with a smeared brush of lies..

If a person releases his own Memorandum for Record written by him..then how exactly pray tell is that leaking????????

NOW it will be interesting to see how the alt right trolling and blogsites play this Trump tweet in the coming hours and days....

06-09-2017, 01:39 PM
"Comey de facto admitted there is evidence that Trump colluded with the Kremlin"


THERE were literally three bombshells inside the Comey comments that it appears Trump somehow missed as did several of the GOP Senators...they should have paid far more attention than they did....

06-09-2017, 01:48 PM
Reference Trumps own personal defense lawyer who is not a member of the CD, VA and MD Bars.....

MSNBC had a field day saying he was way out of his depth, bringing a "Bernie Madoff lawyer" to a DC gunfight.

06-09-2017, 02:08 PM
NOw it appears that even the Trump defense lawyer does not "get it".....

Comey "leaked his own memos" via a third party...which was clearly stated under oath and I doubt seriously that Trumps own lawyer wants to take on a highly respected defense lawyer using the memo in a true court of law...WHICH would led to Trump being 2invited to testify...

WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump's outside counsel will file a leak complaint regarding former FBI Director James Comey's memos with the Department of Justice, a source close to the outside legal team tells NBC News.

Trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz will file the complaint with the DOJ's inspector general and the Senate Judiciary Committee after Comey testified Thursday that he allowed a personal friend to share unclassified memos of his conversations with the president to news outlets in hopes it would trigger the appointment of a special counsel.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter," Comey told the Senate yesterday during several hours of questioning. "I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."

That friend was Columbia law professor Dan Richman, friends of Richman confirmed to NBC News.

In a statement after Comey's testimony Thursday afternoon, Kasowitz labeled Comey as "one of these leakers" who are "actively attempting to undermine the president" and strongly suggested that federal authorities investigate Comey's leaks — even though the memo that Comey gave to a friend was not classified and was turned over after he was fired.

Trump himself seized on the moment after a day of Twitter silence, calling Comey a "leaker." He added in an early Friday tweet that he felt "vindicated" while also accusing Comey of "false statements and lies," or perjury. There is no indication that the former FBI director lied under oath during his testimony.Comey....top DC law firm steps up pro bono to defend Comey and then threatens Trump lawyer with obstruction of process....

This is an abuse of process & we will be filing a defense of Comey. @marckasowitz beware: there r serious consequences for abuse of process

06-09-2017, 02:12 PM
Even the son of Trump is now in an altered state of reality...the FBI investigation has not ended with an open Senate hearing....

.@DonaldJTrumpJr: "Now that this is all passed...@POTUS can go back to doing the things he said he was going to do for the American people."

The FBI investigation is just getting into high gear....

06-09-2017, 02:20 PM
NOW one of the main proTrump alt right and he is definitely a white nationalist twitter accounts picks up on the Trump tweet and gets it totally wrong.....

He is seriously attempting to equate a MOR with "defense information"...especially a MOR that was "declassified" and turned over to the government when Comey left government service....

Jack Posobiec #

The Espionage Act clearly states leaking information about a meeting with the President on national defense matters is illegal #Comey

THe last time I checked a private dinner with Trump ordering all to leave outside of Comey FAILS to reach the level of DEFENSE information....

06-09-2017, 02:34 PM
BUT WAIT...NOTICE this US alt right twitter account SOMEHOW "forgot" Trump revealed highly classified third party CODE WORD information endangering the life of the field agent so he could impress the Russian FM....

WHICH was "defense information" so is this white nationalist seriously suggesting Trump be charged with leaking highly classified information????

THEN Trump turned around in an Israeli press conference and then violated security again by revealing who the third party country was..

BUT WAIT...DID not Trump threatened Comey that he Trump had in fact audio taped the dinner conversation.....WHICH apparantly was a blatant lie on the part of Trump...BUT WAIT his WH spokesperson stated Trump never lies...

06-09-2017, 02:58 PM
Press is enemy of the state. The news is fake. Citizens cannot discuss unclassified recollections. Where is this going?

I can't believe there is a debate about whether a private citizen can tell their friend something unclassified. Is this East Germany?

ALL a Trump smokescreen to deflect the Comey statements.....

Russian propaganda works on the 6Ds Principle

Deflect....Distort.....Distract.....Dismiss ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust......

06-09-2017, 05:44 PM
Q: Do you believe that Trump colluded with Russia?

Comey: “That’s a question I don’t think I should answer in an open setting.”

06-09-2017, 05:47 PM
Eric Schneiderman‏
Today, I'm leading 13 AGs in warning @realDonaldTrump & his @EPA: If you roll back vehicle emission standards, we'll challenge you in court.

06-09-2017, 05:55 PM
Basically, Republicans are not at all concerned with the Comey testimony

Bill Kristol‏

I happen to have seen various GOP Senators this afternoon. Trust me: Basically, they're not just concerned. They're pretty terrified.

06-09-2017, 06:00 PM
Analysis: There’s no indication Comey violated the law. Trump may be about to.

“The constitutional right to go to the press with information on matters of public concern, as long as you’re not doing it in a way that will bring out classified information,” Kohn said, “the reason why that is protected constitutionally is that the courts — including the U.S. Supreme Court — have ruled that the public has a constitutional right to hear this information.” In other words, it’s constitutionally protected speech.

It’s also worth noting that Trump’s tweeted attacks on the veracity of Comey’s testimony are also unlikely to bear much fruit. Making a mistake in testimony is not in itself illegal. When Comey made such a mistake last month, the FBI corrected his statement after the fact. Perjury requires a demonstration of intent, that the person meant to lie. That would be a difficult case to make legally.

We can safely assume, though, that Trump’s team is aware that Comey likely didn’t violate any laws, and that they are simply using these arguments as a tool for undermining the parts of his testimony that they didn’t like. How they’re doing it, though, could make their problems worse.
Kohn summarized the new minefield into which Trump and his lawyer might be walking.

06-09-2017, 06:06 PM
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel has concluded that this tweet from @DanScavino / @Scavino45 about @justinamash “violated the Hatch Act.”

06-09-2017, 06:08 PM
New: Mueller enlists Michael Dreeben, top criminal law expert in SG’s office, for Russia probe
http://at.law.com/EKngKN# from

06-09-2017, 06:27 PM
Michael Flynn, Russia and a Grand Scheme to Build Nuclear Power Plants in Saudi Arabia and the Arab World
By Jeff Stein On 6/9/17 at 7:00 AM

06-09-2017, 07:13 PM
New: Mueller enlists Michael Dreeben, top criminal law expert in SG’s office, for Russia probe
http://at.law.com/EKngKN# from

Legal experts say the addition of Dreeben indicates Mueller probe may already be moving towards criminal charges.

06-09-2017, 07:16 PM
My take…

Comey personally disliked and distrusted Trump. This is indicated by his political affiliation transitioning from Republican to Independent some time in 2016, despite having contributed to the McCain and Romney campaigns in 2008 and 2012, respectively. In addition, Comey “felt compelled to document [his] first conversation” with Trump, when the latter was President-Elect, despite this having “not been [his] practice in the past”. Comey continued documenting his conversations with Trump, which he later leaked through a surrogate to the press after his termination.

Comey also personally disliked and distrusted Clinton. This is indicated by his press conference in July 2016, in which he referred to her as “extremely reckless”, proved that she had lied (the e-mails included classified materials), stated that there was “evidence of potential violations”, and implied that both she and the State Dept. were less than open and honest with the FBI and the public (thereby demanding Comey’s “unusual transparency”). In addition, Comey continued his “unusual transparency” in October 2016, when he sent a letter to Congress reporting that the investigation had been reopened. Although Comey’s “unusual transparency” was ostensibly due to wide and intense public interest in the investigation, he did not make any statements to dispel the popular sentiment that Lynch interfered in his investigation (e.g. her meeting with Bill Clinton, her response to the October 2016 letter, FBI dissidents in the New York office), and his recent Congressional testimony continues that trend.

It is curious that Comey specifically sought to testify to Congress in an open rather than closed session, but then withheld the one new revelation about Trump campaign contacts with Russian representatives for a closed session.

Here are Comey’s actions that I found most inappropriate:

The July 2016 press conference: why make the effort to admonish Clinton and her staff if there would be a recommendation not to prosecute, and possibly influence an election?

The October 2016 letter to Congress: why confirm and discuss an open and ongoing investigation, and possibly influence an election?

The May 2017 leak to the New York Times: how can the accounts be substantiated?

Unfortunately, Comey’s public activities regarding both the Clinton e-mail and Russian interference investigations, as well as his admitted inability (March 2017 testimony to the House Intelligence Committee) to handle these during an election campaign, demonstrate a lack of fitness to perform his tasks. In addition, key aspects of Comey’s testimony in March and June were contradicted not only by Sessions but by McCabe as well.

With regard to both Clinton and Trump, Comey acted inappropriately, and if he truly felt that he was under any pressure – whether illegal or unethical – by his superiors, he could have resigned. Prior to his dismissal, both parties resented him and blamed him for unfavorable public opinion. Comey was biased or partisan: to his own opinions.

Trump also acted inappropriately, although this appears to be due more to Trump’s inexperience, a genuine perception that Comey was playing politics, and a genuine perception that any reference to Russian interference was part of a baseless smear, than out of a desire to obstruct justice. Clinton certainly did a much better job of heading off the 1996 Chinese campaign finance “matter”.

Unfortunately, both the FBI and CIA have very long histories of interfering in U.S. domestic politics, albeit in a far more discrete way than Trump and like-minded Americans probably imagine. This interference is in fact the norm, as bureaucracies want to survive and grow, and require the money and power to do so.

In my opinion, the Russian military threat lends itself to air and seapower as much as the Chinese threat does. However, it is difficult to separate expert and lay discussion of the Russian threat, from the Army’s desperation to find a mission that supports the level of resources it received throughout the occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the Army’s partisans at the various think tanks are to be believed, the U.S. has no air or sea-launched cruise missiles or stealth bombers with which to defend NATO. Yet another bureaucracy wades into the swamp.

06-09-2017, 07:19 PM
Former GOP congressman who called on Bill Clinton to resign and voted to impeach him -->

Bob Inglis‏

Yes, I was on Judiciary Cmte that impeached Clinton/sent him for trial in the Senate for matters less serious than the ones before us now

Bob Inglis‏

.@SpeakerRyan you know this isn't true. You know that you would be inquiring into impeachment if this were a D. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/336957-ryan-republicans-wouldnt-be-trying-to-impeach-democratic-president-accused-of#.WTqjzIsSCh8.twitter#…

Bob Inglis‏
@bobinglis Jun 8

Defenders @GOP beware: Comey only said Trump not under investigation re Russian prostitutes dossier. Election-meddling investigation ongoing

06-09-2017, 07:32 PM
Trump: “The nation of Qatar has unfortunately been a funder of terrorism, and at a very high level”

.@POTUS: I decided…the time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding. They have to end that funding. And its extremist ideology

Trump: I won’t name other countries, but we are not done solving the problem, but we will solve that problem

.@POTUS : "For Qatar, we want you back among the unity of responsible nations. We ask Qatar & other nations in the region to do more"

.@POTUS: Stop funding, stop teaching hate, and stop the killing.

Trump: “No. More. Funding. “

06-09-2017, 07:36 PM
Trump at the Romanian press conference today....

Trump won't answer question on whether there are secret Oval Office tapes

Trump is non-responsive to question about why the American people should trust his word over Comey's (who testified under oath)

Trump: We were very, very happy. And frankly, James Comey confirmed a lot of what I said & some of the things that he said just weren’t true

Romanian Pres Iohannis: “I listened to his speech and I liked it.”

WHY the HECK did Trump suddenly inject this into the press conference....

Trump: "I am committing the US…to Article V"

Trump: “Absolutely I’d be committed to Article V”

Q: Did you discuss Romania visa waiver program? Trump: “We didn’t discuss it.” Iohannis: “I did mention this issue.”

Trump says he’ll answer taping question very soon. “You will be very disappointed when you hear the answer”

Would Trump be willing to speak under oath about conversations : Trump: “100%...I would be glad to tell him exactly what I just told you”

Trump aides had been suggesting the opposite earlier this week. This is big

BREAKING: Trump is asked on national television, by a Romanian reporter, to speak on the Russian threat in Eastern Europe and he *refuses*.

BUT WAIT...Trump called for the blockade of Qatar JUSt AFTER Tillerson calls to end the blockade...WTH of a disconnect and proves Dos and SoS are both fools....for saying anything without Trump approval....

06-09-2017, 07:40 PM
Breaking: Trump has Romanian President in town today-& guess what-Donald Trump Jr was in Romania in mid-May, just 3 weeks ago.

06-09-2017, 07:46 PM
BREAKING: Trump says he didn't tell Comey to let Flynn probe go, but probably nothing wrong if he did say that

In the middle of a national press conference with the Romanian President Trump complains about how bad the press is treating him?????

So did he just admit he told Comey to drop the Flynn investigation????

"If I did mention it probably nothing wrong if I said that".....WTH does he mean by this comment....

06-09-2017, 07:49 PM
'Before almost anyone in the West imagined it, Russia was already interfering in elections of European countries.'

06-09-2017, 07:52 PM
Trump little known fact that he truly believes....

Little known fact: NATO is funded through a scheme in which the smaller countries give envelopes of cash to the bigger ones, with USA on top 50m

06-09-2017, 07:56 PM
My take…

Comey personally disliked and distrusted Trump. This is indicated by his political affiliation transitioning from Republican to Independent some time in 2016, despite having contributed to the McCain and Romney campaigns in 2008 and 2012, respectively. In addition, Comey “felt compelled to document [his] first conversation” with Trump, when the latter was President-Elect, despite this having “not been [his] practice in the past”. Comey continued documenting his conversations with Trump, which he later leaked through a surrogate to the press after his termination.

Comey also personally disliked and distrusted Clinton. This is indicated by his press conference in July 2016, in which he referred to her as “extremely reckless”, proved that she had lied (the e-mails included classified materials), stated that there was “evidence of potential violations”, and implied that both she and the State Dept. were less than open and honest with the FBI and the public (thereby demanding Comey’s “unusual transparency”). In addition, Comey continued his “unusual transparency” in October 2016, when he sent a letter to Congress reporting that the investigation had been reopened. Although Comey’s “unusual transparency” was ostensibly due to wide and intense public interest in the investigation, he did not make any statements to dispel the popular sentiment that Lynch interfered in his investigation (e.g. her meeting with Bill Clinton, her response to the October 2016 letter, FBI dissidents in the New York office), and his recent Congressional testimony continues that trend.

It is curious that Comey specifically sought to testify to Congress in an open rather than closed session, but then withheld the one new revelation about Trump campaign contacts with Russian representatives for a closed session.

Here are Comey’s actions that I found most inappropriate:

The July 2016 press conference: why make the effort to admonish Clinton and her staff if there would be a recommendation not to prosecute, and possibly influence an election?

The October 2016 letter to Congress: why confirm and discuss an open and ongoing investigation, and possibly influence an election?

The May 2017 leak to the New York Times: how can the accounts be substantiated?

Unfortunately, Comey’s public activities regarding both the Clinton e-mail and Russian interference investigations, as well as his admitted inability (March 2017 testimony to the House Intelligence Committee) to handle these during an election campaign, demonstrate a lack of fitness to perform his tasks. In addition, key aspects of Comey’s testimony in March and June were contradicted not only by Sessions but by McCabe as well.

With regard to both Clinton and Trump, Comey acted inappropriately, and if he truly felt that he was under any pressure – whether illegal or unethical – by his superiors, he could have resigned. Prior to his dismissal, both parties resented him and blamed him for unfavorable public opinion. Comey was biased or partisan: to his own opinions.

Trump also acted inappropriately, although this appears to be due more to Trump’s inexperience, a genuine perception that Comey was playing politics, and a genuine perception that any reference to Russian interference was part of a baseless smear, than out of a desire to obstruct justice. Clinton certainly did a much better job of heading off the 1996 Chinese campaign finance “matter”.

Unfortunately, both the FBI and CIA have very long histories of interfering in U.S. domestic politics, albeit in a far more discrete way than Trump and like-minded Americans probably imagine. This interference is in fact the norm, as bureaucracies want to survive and grow, and require the money and power to do so.

In my opinion, the Russian military threat lends itself to air and seapower as much as the Chinese threat does. However, it is difficult to separate expert and lay discussion of the Russian threat, from the Army’s desperation to find a mission that supports the level of resources it received throughout the occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the Army’s partisans at the various think tanks are to be believed, the U.S. has no air or sea-launched cruise missiles or stealth bombers with which to defend NATO. Yet another bureaucracy wades into the swamp.

Azor....you are starting to sound like David Horowitz of the 1968 timeframe about his "distrust" of the "deep state"......did not take you for a "deep stater"?????

WHERE were you yesterday????? He was willing to give both an open and closed session....GOP did not extend closed session to him......BUT he was told by the SC Mueller to refrain from speaking in a closed session as it would create potential problems for the ongoing investigations....

AND you really believe Trump is inexperienced.....REMEMBER this is the man that sold you and thousands of other Trump voters that he was this highly successful billionaire and great real estate businessman...remember he even had his own university pushing his highly successful business model or so he claimed...

AND after 4000 court cases it make you would think Trump could run circles around most lawyers...right?????

David Horowitz grew up a “red diaper baby” in a communist community in Sunnyside, Queens. He studied literature at Columbia, taking classes from Lionel Trilling, and became a "new leftist" during the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. He did his graduate work in Chinese and English at the University of California, arriving in Berkeley in the fall of 1959. At Berkeley, he was a member of a group of radicals who in 1960 published one of the first New Left magazines, Root and Branch. In 1962 he published the first manifesto of the New Left, a book titled, Student, which described the decade’s first demonstrations.

Horowitz went to Sweden in the fall of 1962 where he began writing The Free World Colossus, his most influential leftist book. In the fall of 1963 he moved to England where he went to work for the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and became a protege of the Polish Marxist biographer of Trotsky, Issac Deutscher, and Ralph Miliband, an English Marxist whose sons went on to become leaders of the British Labour Party. While in England Horowitz also wrote Shakespeare: An Existential View, which was published by Tavistock Books. Under the influence of Deutscher, he also wrote Empire and Revolution: A Radical Interpretation of Contemporary History, 1969.

In 1967, Horowitz returned to the U.S. to join the staff of Ramparts Magazine, which had become a major cultural influence on the left. In 1969 he and Peter Collier, who became his lifelong friend and collaborator, took over the editorship of the magazine. Collier and Horowitz left Ramparts in 1973 to write three best selling dynastic biographies: The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (1976); The Kennedys: An American Dream (1984); and The Fords: An American Epic (1987).

During these years Horowitz wrote two other books, The Fate of Midas, a collection of his Marxist essays and The First Frontier, a book about the creation of the United States.

Student: The Political Activities of the Berkeley Students (New York: Ballantine Books, 1962)
Marx and Modern Economics, ur. (1968)
Corporations and the Cold War, ur. (New York: Monthly Review, 1969)
Sinews of Empire Ramparts, October 1969, str.#32–42
Empire and Revolution: A Radical Interpretation of Contemporary History (1969) ISBN 0-394-70856-3
Corporations and the Cold War, ur. i uvod (1970) ISBN 0-85345-160-5
The Free World Colossus: A Critique of American Foreign Policy in the Cold War (1971) ISBN 0-8090-0107-1 (preštampano od Penguina pod naslovom "From Yalta to Vietnam" 1967)
The First Frontier: The Indian Wars and America's Origins, 1607–1776 (1978) ISBN 0-671-22534-0

NOW explain to me just how it is possible for a hardcore leftist to suddenly and completely swing alt right and one of the biggest alt rightists....

Money.....it was and is for Horowitz all about "the money"....and right wing groups seem to swim in it ...left wing groups not so much...

06-09-2017, 08:15 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Trump targets illegal immigrants given reprieves by Obama.
See legal document:

06-09-2017, 08:19 PM
Two Swedish Neo-Nazis charged over refugee home blast 'received military training in Russia' shortly before act.

06-09-2017, 08:24 PM
BUT THEN Trump walked back his Article 5 statement with this comment....

Trump keeps using caveat: "I want people... paying the kind of money necessary to have that force."

06-09-2017, 08:29 PM
Azor......always keep this in mind.....

In announcing Mr. Comey’s dismissal on Tuesday, the White House released documents from the attorney general and the deputy attorney general that outlined why Mr. Comey should be fired.

Mr. Trump said in the NBC interview, “Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.”

“In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story,” Mr. Trump said.

Just in: House Intelligence Committee asks for #Comey memos and any White House recordings

NOW what is interesting if the SC Mueller provides the memos THEN you can bet 400% the Russian investigation is getting close to indictments...If he holds them back which he can and not even the Senate can interfere with him....then it is still ongoing....and Trump has some serious problems.

06-09-2017, 08:35 PM
Qatar Crisis now officially has a nuclear armed player. Pakistan aligns itself with Qatar, Iran and Turkey

AND now what does all that Trump tweet bluster do for settling this crisis that is slowly spinning out of control....?????

AND Trump took credit for starting it....

06-09-2017, 10:04 PM
Azor....you are starting to sound like David Horowitz of the 1968 timeframe about his "distrust" of the "deep state"......did not take you for a "deep stater"?????

I don’t read or pay attention to David Horowitz.

What I do pay attention to is networks of relationships and bureaucratic tendencies. Both you and CrowBat, for instance, commented repeatedly on the success of the Iran doves in setting policy during Obama’s presidency, and how their drive for a nuclear development agreement with Iran impacted U.S. policy on the wars in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine.

Personally, I have spent a great deal of time and energy arguing against those who claim that Russia hawks such as Nuland, set U.S. policy on Ukraine from late 2013 to present, when in fact they were in the wilderness until last year. Rhodes, while heavily influencing the U.S. response to the “Arab Spring”, denounced what he referred to as “the blob”.

Last year, pro-interventionists from both the Republican and Democratic parties endorsed Clinton’s candidacy, including a horde of former NSC members, IC directors and foreign service officers. The military establishment was predictably more circumspect during the election, as it pays the price for failures in intelligence and foreign policy.

Given that both you and CrowBat spent years decrying Obama’s cynical and selective foreign policy as well as the establishment and media that supported it or ignored inconvenient truths, don’t tell me that you no longer believe in “the blob” simply because its views happen to have briefly coincided with your own.

WHERE were you yesterday????? He was willing to give both an open and closed session....GOP did not extend closed session to him......BUT he was told by the SC Mueller to refrain from speaking in a closed session as it would create potential problems for the ongoing investigations....

Comey declined an invitation to speak to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed door session, but expressed willingness to testify in public, which he did. But he isn't showboating or grand-standing...:rolleyes:

Your favorite: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/us/politics/trump-threatens-retaliation-against-comey-warns-he-may-cancel-press-briefings.html?_r=1&mtrref=undefined

The Hill: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/333184-no-comey-appearance-before-senate-intel-on-tuesday

The Hill again: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/fbi/333241-comey-willing-to-testify-but-only-in-public-report

AND you really believe Trump is inexperienced.....REMEMBER this is the man that sold you and thousands of other Trump voters that he was this highly successful billionaire and great real estate businessman...remember he even had his own university pushing his highly successful business model or so he claimed... AND after 4000 court cases it make you would think Trump could run circles around most lawyers...right?????
NOW explain to me just how it is possible for a hardcore leftist to suddenly and completely swing alt right and one of the biggest alt rightists....

As regards Trump’s experience, he is the most politically inexperienced president in the postwar era. All of his predecessors were lawyers professionally and/or career politicians. Eisenhower is another exception, however, his career as a military officer and close work with presidential administrations from 1942 to 1952 gave him far more political experience than that of a mere businessman.

06-10-2017, 01:25 AM
As regards Trump’s experience, he is the most politically inexperienced president in the postwar era. All of his predecessors were lawyers professionally and/or career politicians. Eisenhower is another exception, however, his career as a military officer and close work with presidential administrations from 1942 to 1952 gave him far more political experience than that of a mere businessman.

I do not think Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, or Bush 2 were lawyers. Bush 2 was the first President to have an MBA.

06-10-2017, 05:06 AM
I don’t read or pay attention to David Horowitz.

What I do pay attention to is networks of relationships and bureaucratic tendencies. Both you and CrowBat, for instance, commented repeatedly on the success of the Iran doves in setting policy during Obama’s presidency, and how their drive for a nuclear development agreement with Iran impacted U.S. policy on the wars in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine.

Personally, I have spent a great deal of time and energy arguing against those who claim that Russia hawks such as Nuland, set U.S. policy on Ukraine from late 2013 to present, when in fact they were in the wilderness until last year. Rhodes, while heavily influencing the U.S. response to the “Arab Spring”, denounced what he referred to as “the blob”.

Last year, pro-interventionists from both the Republican and Democratic parties endorsed Clinton’s candidacy, including a horde of former NSC members, IC directors and foreign service officers. The military establishment was predictably more circumspect during the election, as it pays the price for failures in intelligence and foreign policy.

Given that both you and CrowBat spent years decrying Obama’s cynical and selective foreign policy as well as the establishment and media that supported it or ignored inconvenient truths, don’t tell me that you no longer believe in “the blob” simply because its views happen to have briefly coincided with your own.

Comey declined an invitation to speak to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed door session, but expressed willingness to testify in public, which he did. But he isn't showboating or grand-standing...:rolleyes:

Your favorite: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/us/politics/trump-threatens-retaliation-against-comey-warns-he-may-cancel-press-briefings.html?_r=1&mtrref=undefined

The Hill: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/333184-no-comey-appearance-before-senate-intel-on-tuesday

The Hill again: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/fbi/333241-comey-willing-to-testify-but-only-in-public-report

As regards Trump’s experience, he is the most politically inexperienced president in the postwar era. All of his predecessors were lawyers professionally and/or career politicians. Eisenhower is another exception, however, his career as a military officer and close work with presidential administrations from 1942 to 1952 gave him far more political experience than that of a mere businessman.

Azor.....you deflect and deflect and deflect....

Go back to my key comment.....Trump himself could have ended this whole farce of his saying he is not involved with either the Russian mob and or RIS by simply posting all of his tax records for the last 15 years, posting all information on every single loan he has outside of the US, posting all of his identified businesses and those that are shell companies and THEN explain just how he got 350M USDs in loans from Deutsche Bank...the same exact bank FinCen hit with darn near 1.2B USDs in fines for Russian money laundering....

AND after that he can explain the rich Russians who suddenly invested in his real estate when he nearly crashed in the real estate bust...

Those same Russians did not come running to save other Americans who went under did they...why Trump???

BTW...you failed to explain how a deeply convinced Marxist went from that to the leading alt right white nationalist leader of a vast alt right propaganda machine....that gave us Bannon and Miller did you??

a Trump in a farce of a press conference for the Romanians stating "I would 100% talk to Mueller and Comey is lying"....

NOTICE he did not set a date for that 100% under oath conversation...this is what you do not get...it was nothing more or less than what he did in the federal racketeering case on his university criminal fraud case........

I will fight this...I will sue and go to court and "I will testify"

BUT WAIT..when the federal judge did not back down...Trump caved and caved for 25M USDs...BUT got the records sealed......

Check all records of the 4000 or so cases Trump has either been sued and or was sued....ALL records are sealed why is that is there is nothing to hide as this great businessman???

Comey declined to testify as he fully understands exactly what Mueller allowed him to say and he said exactly that....

NOW as an exercise for you...go back and reread his statements...and pay extremely close attention to the way he used verbs and the tenses.....

It is how it was stated that lets you know that a ton of fish is coming straight at Trump and Trump does not see it coming...how strange is that for a great businessman.....

BTW...the leading alt right twitter account is still riding the "leaker" idea placed to them by Trumps comments...

Jack Posobiec #
Verified account

When will @FBI explain to Reality Winner's parents why she is in jail for exactly what Comey did?

Really is all I can say.....a highly NSA classified document stolen and released to Intercept is not the same as a unclassified personal memo recalled from memory...and he is not even in government.

BTW........this individual was deeply involved in pushing the Marconleak hashtag into the Le Pen Front National twitter feeds just before the French election...

So what does a US white nationalist have with French Front National and Russian botnets?????

A lot in common....BTW..far more than you than can think of...

06-10-2017, 05:26 AM
Azor...now I will get on my soap box as it is in my area of expertise...not yours...

In the world of "information warfare and the spy games" and if you are looking for data for link analysis to input into say an advanced link analysis tool you need to find a common linkage point or series of points not just random data although sometimes that will provide a number of surprises....

So I always look for "money, people, companies and locations".....or the proverbial "Who, What, when, Where, how and Why...the Five Ws and 1H

You often quote "The Hill"..have you ever asked yourself who owns its, who invests into it, who writes articles for it and the motive behind those articles...

Take this article....
The Hill‏

"The damaging case against James Comey"

Would it surprise you to find out that two US FARA types are behind the article and as FARAs they are paid out of Russia for their US work?????

Posted is a picture of both together with Putin and the individual for whom they work......now is that not somehow close to the Flynn Putin RT dinner picture and Putin stating he did not know Flynn nor talked to him even though on the same table...wonder if he knows these two and the oligarch.....

Will let you wonder about the names of the two and where they are in the photo...

Both are FARA US agents of Oleg Deripaska an oligarch very close to Putin.

Deripaska BTW also wanted recently stated he wanted to testify in Congress in support to Flynn and Trump but suddenly he has not left Russia...

He and Manafort go back a long way together in Ukraine...

BTW..these two FARA agents were also deeply involved in the NC voting issue...now the circle closes does it not????

06-10-2017, 05:35 AM
More than 19 million saw Comey testimony on TV


Bet Trump hates this figure as it is far more than those that attended his Inauguration.

06-10-2017, 05:47 AM
Azor...even with me sitting in Berlin...this tape does exist and is the basis for a criminal racketeering money laundering investigation against the GOP as a political party.....

This journalist and two others one of which is a retired NSA overseas CI field agent have been breaking story after story which now MSM is slowly and steadily confirming as valid and correct...

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money#Laundering
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.
These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.
Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.
Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape #one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:
On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.
A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.
My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.
Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.
Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.

BTW...pay very close attention who Mueller has now on his investigation team..profession prosecutors and defense lawyers with deep experience and skilled in RICO criminal and racketeering cases and federal constitutional law

Mueller is enlisting a dream team:
-Last wk: Top DOJ fraud/corruption expert
-This wk: Top criminal law expert

I will bet you a free flight to Berlin if the following is there for all to see when the dust settles...it was all about criminal acts around RICO and money laundering, collusion and cover up...

BTW check exactly where the individual Hatch sits in the succession line that is just how far down that line this investigation is going right now....and do not for a moment think European intel services have not provided deep insight into actions on some of this line....

06-10-2017, 05:52 AM
I do not think Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, or Bush 2 were lawyers. Bush 2 was the first President to have an MBA.

Hence "and/or career politicians"...

06-10-2017, 05:56 AM
Azor...BTW two of these journalists have stated weeks ago that there are a total of THREE Grand Juries underway right now with one having finished with sealed indictments.....indictments were for a total of 16 individuals...max 24.

US MSM is now starting to confirm the second GJ is underway....

Not a bad run for two social media journalists with better sources than the entire US MSM

BTW...they are actually sitting on massive stories as their sources have requested they hold them until portions of the investigations are finished...then they can release them...

Whether you want to believe it or not.....we are seeing history being written...

AND when it is over you will fully understand the power of Russian non linear information warfare coupled with Russian soft power....MONEY...

06-10-2017, 06:04 AM
Hence "and/or career politicians"...

BUT WAIT....I thought the whole idea what that a non DC non politician and a great super businessman with this massive global expertise was going to run the government far better than "those evil politicians in DC", was going to "drain the swamp", was going to create millions of jobs, was going to raise the middle class to new heights of income, was going to give Americans this "beautiful health care plan" and provide great support to vets etc....

AND all we get is a man child who rant tweets, has no FP outside of his business dealings and that "drain the swamp thingy" who has damaged the global brand called US in ways that he cannot even see.....AND that "beautiful healthcare plan"?????

That is what that 45% of the voters wanted right????

REMEMBER he did lose the actual general election vote total....

06-10-2017, 09:37 AM
HOW is that "Trump draining the swamp thingy" going right now----

DOJ: Trump can accept payments from foreign governments
By Brandon Carter
06/09/17 07:54 PM EDT


Lawyers for the Justice Department are arguing that President Trump isn’t violating a Constitutional provision that bars federal officials from accepting payments from foreign governments because the clause doesn’t apply to certain transactions.
In a new brief asking a judge to throw out a lawsuit brought against Trump by ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), DOJ lawyers contend that the foreign emoluments clause doesn’t apply to “fair-market commercial transactions” like payments for hotel rooms and golf club fees, according to Bloomberg.#
Trump administration lawyers also argue that CREW and other plaintiffs lack legal standing to bring the case against Trump and that Congress, not the court system, should determine whether Trump is in violation of the emoluments clause.

CREW filed the lawsuit during Trump’s first week in office “to stop President Trump from violating the Constitution by illegally receiving payments from foreign governments."
"We did not want to get to this point. It was our hope that President Trump would take the necessary steps to avoid violating the Constitution before he took office," CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said at the time.
"He did not. His constitutional violations are immediate and serious, so we were forced to take legal action."
The lawsuit has since added several new plaintiffs, including an association of restaurants and restaurant workers and a woman who books banquet halls for Washington, D.C., hotels.

BUT WAIT....DID NOT Trump stand in front a four foot high pile of so called documents which he used to emphasize that he had no longer ties to his businesses???

SO was hr again lying to the US????

06-10-2017, 09:52 AM
France just launched
and is offering grants of up to 1.5 million Euros for US climate scientists to move there.

AND business grants for US green companies who also come to France....

Marcon now trolling Trump......

06-10-2017, 09:54 AM
Azor...heads up now comes the true size of the Russian hacking attacks ...

Sen. Mark Warner: More state election systems were targeted by Russians

06-10-2017, 09:55 AM
FBI Notified After Sen. McConnell Exposed In $2.5M Money Funnel Connected To Putin

06-10-2017, 10:30 AM
Trump Discovers #Article5 After Disastrous #NATO Visit.

MUST have been very hard for Trump to admit he failed in NATO meeting....AFTER tweet cheering his "highly successful foreign trip"...

06-10-2017, 10:33 AM
Hence "and/or career politicians"...

Which ones were career politicians? A term or two as governor (and Bush 1 never held an elected office until he was VPOTUS) does not seem to make a career politician. A peanut farmer (state senator and 1 term governor), an entertainer (spokesman and 2 term governor), a businessman (and DCIA and ambassador) and a businessman (owning a sports team, lost one House race and ran his father's presidential campaign and 5 years as governor in his only elected office) do not seem to be career politician activity.

06-10-2017, 10:37 AM
HOW is that "Trump draining the swamp thingy" going right now----

DOJ: Trump can accept payments from foreign governments
By Brandon Carter
06/09/17 07:54 PM EDT


BUT WAIT....DID NOT Trump stand in front a four foot high pile of so called documents which he used to emphasize that he had no longer ties to his businesses???

SO was he again lying to the US????

Didn’t know the Justice Department could waive certain clauses within Article I of the Constitution.

06-10-2017, 10:48 AM
Stupidity .....there is no other excuse for this.....

Trump aware these demands to #NATO are unprecedented: "I know no president has ever asked that question. But I do”

Trump still thinks that somehow NATO members make midnight paper bag money runs to Trump in the WH....

Former US official on Trump's comments at NATO: “The dinner was far worse than the speech... It was a train wreck”

Trump had two versions of prepared remarks for the dinner, one that took a traditional tack and one prepared by the more NATO-skeptic advisors, Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. “He dumped both of them and improvised,” one source briefed on the dinner told FP.
During the dinner, Trump went off-script to criticize allies again for not spending enough on defense. (The United States is one of only five members that meets NATO members’ pledge to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense.)
Several sources briefed extensively on the dinner say he said 2 percent wasn’t enough and allies should spend 3 percent of GDP on defense, and he even threatened to cut back U.S. defense spending and have Europeans dole out “back pay” to make up for their low defense spending if they didn’t pony up quickly enough. Two sources say Trump didn’t mention Russia once during the dinner.
“Oh, it was like a total ####show,” said one source, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to discuss the closed-door dinner.

On Friday, he reiterated claims — widely debunked — that NATO allies “owe” back pay for years past it didn’t reach its 2 percent defense spending threshold. “Do we ever go back and say how about paying the money from many many years past?” Trump said. “Now I know no president has ever asked that question. But I do,” he added. “Perhaps you should pay some or all of that money back....”

BASED on the total disconnect and chaos between SecDef, SoS and Trump on Qatar...DOES Trump honesty believe 28 NATO members really believe Trump has converted and seen the "Article 5 light"......not really...they distrust him even more now....

06-10-2017, 11:01 AM
Benitez: “#Trump’s improvised & conditional statement about #NATO’s #Article5" will not "deter Russian aggression”

06-10-2017, 11:09 AM
New York attorney general ‘looking into’ Eric Trump’s foundation

The inquiry comes after Forbes magazine raised questions about whether President Trump's son had made misleading statements about how the foundation spent its money.

06-10-2017, 06:38 PM
That time Trump testified under oath to my lawyers and acknowledged lying 30 times.
Via @Fahrenthold/@robertoharrow

06-10-2017, 06:41 PM
Trump's lawyer also represents Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch, and Sberbank, the largest state owned Russian bank.

06-10-2017, 06:55 PM
Machine counting of ballots in Racine County WI did not match hand count.....in the Presidential election.

Court just ruled against us in the #GA06 voting machine case. Hackable, unverifiable machines are okay under GA law
GA06 update.
Additional briefs filed by both sides. No decision until at least next week.

06-10-2017, 07:02 PM
Machine counting of ballots in Racine County WI did not match hand count.....in the Presidential election.

Court just ruled against us in the #GA06 voting machine case. Hackable, unverifiable machines are okay under GA law
GA06 update.
Additional briefs filed by both sides. No decision until at least next week.

Racine County
Clinton Peaking around 64% dives to about 47%
Enough said
No wonder why they didn’t allow a hand recount here

06-10-2017, 07:05 PM
Brown County
This is an absolute Mess. No need for words.

06-10-2017, 07:17 PM
Vote Sleuth
Investigating Democracy One Precinct at a time

What if I wanted to “hack” an election?

Let’s say you are running for public office. Campaigning hard, losing sleep over poll results, wishing somehow you could get a guaranteed edge on you opponent. And then one day you get a phone call from a guy who says he can sell you a little computer program that would let you get into those electronic voting machines and change things around.
The simple program can do whatever you want it to. It can delete votes. It can add new ones. It can “flip” votes so those that should have gone to your opponent instead go to you. You can use this program to change the results of any or all the precincts.
So how do you use this magical tool?
You will need to be clever because of all the polls leading up to the election, plus the voter registration numbers by party, plus the exit polls. It would look funny if the results are too different from what is expected.
Additionally, precincts keep good track of how many ballots are cast, so it’s best not to add or delete votes. Better to flip them – change votes so ones that were cast for your opponent go to you instead.
It looks like you’re trailing 49% to 51%, so you need to do something.
But what, exactly?
Well. You know votes are counted precinct by precinct. And exit poll takers will be there at many of those precincts, hoping to make a prediction even before the polls close.
And you need to change the results by many thousands of votes in order to close that 2% gap.
Therefore, it’s best not to touch the small precincts. If only 200 people vote in a given precinct, eyebrows might be raised if you flip even 20 of the votes, because that’s 10% of the total. Which is a lot. Plus 20 votes is a drop in the bucket, compared to the number of votes you need to flip to ensure that you win the election.
Additionally, each time the “flipping” occurs you run the risk of being caught somehow. An automatic backup might catch your program in the act, or a power interruption might cause it to stop running before it has had a chance to delete itself.
So it’s much better to leave the small precincts alone, and skim the votes from the larger precincts. In a precinct where 1000 ballots are cast, those 20 votes are only 2% of the total. That’s a small enough amount to easily get lost in the noise, and you minimize the risk of somehow being caught in the act.
So you set your program to only flip votes in precincts where a certain number of votes have been cast.
It’s the only sensible way to go about this.

06-10-2017, 07:46 PM
That time Trump testified under oath to my lawyers and acknowledged lying 30 times.
Via @Fahrenthold/@robertoharrow

Tim O'Brein wrote "trump wasn't as weathy as he claim"
Trump hired Kasowitz and sued said NTYs reporter for 4B.
Trump lost

06-10-2017, 09:24 PM
Which ones were career politicians? A term or two as governor (and Bush 1 never held an elected office until he was VPOTUS) does not seem to make a career politician. A peanut farmer (state senator and 1 term governor), an entertainer (spokesman and 2 term governor), a businessman (and DCIA and ambassador) and a businessman (owning a sports team, lost one House race and ran his father's presidential campaign and 5 years as governor in his only elected office) do not seem to be career politician activity.

It is not my intention to debate the semantics of "career". If you can identify a postwar president with less legal/public sector experience than Trump, please do so.

06-10-2017, 09:31 PM
BUT WAIT....I thought the whole idea what that a non DC non politician and a great super businessman with this massive global expertise was going to run the government far better than "those evil politicians in DC", was going to "drain the swamp", was going to create millions of jobs, was going to raise the middle class to new heights of income, was going to give Americans this "beautiful health care plan" and provide great support to vets etc....

AND all we get is a man child who rant tweets, has no FP outside of his business dealings and that "drain the swamp thingy" who has damaged the global brand called US in ways that he cannot even see.....AND that "beautiful healthcare plan"?????

That is what that 45% of the voters wanted right????

REMEMBER he did lose the actual general election vote total....

As someone who did not vote for Trump in November, I feel no need to defend him or his campaign. What I will continue to do is question hypocrisy, dishonesty and intellectual laziness, and hold up a mirror to those who have picked up the baton from the Tea Party, Birthers, and "alt-right" that spent eight years doing the same to Obama.

As for you, my dear rogue, I'm out of this thread because you're not truly engaging with me.

This thread is not about Trump and NATO, or Trump and Syria, or Trump and the Sunni-Shia conflict, or Trump and the armed forces or Trump and the GCC. Suffice it to say, this is not about "The Trump impact on US policy".

I don't mind if you require your own thread to get things off your chest, and make sense of fast-paced developments. I'd just rather that you told me.

06-10-2017, 11:59 PM
It is not my intention to debate the semantics of "career". If you can identify a postwar president with less legal/public sector experience than Trump, please do so.

Fair enough. If that is the criteria so be it. But career politicians and lawyers they are all not.

06-11-2017, 05:55 AM
As someone who did not vote for Trump in November, I feel no need to defend him or his campaign. What I will continue to do is question hypocrisy, dishonesty and intellectual laziness, and hold up a mirror to those who have picked up the baton from the Tea Party, Birthers, and "alt-right" that spent eight years doing the same to Obama.

As for you, my dear rogue, I'm out of this thread because you're not truly engaging with me.

This thread is not about Trump and NATO, or Trump and Syria, or Trump and the Sunni-Shia conflict, or Trump and the armed forces or Trump and the GCC. Suffice it to say, this is not about "The Trump impact on US policy".

I don't mind if you require your own thread to get things off your chest, and make sense of fast-paced developments. I'd just rather that you told me.

Ayor......you also have failed to respond to an open challenge ...show me a single posting of mine here that does not confirm and or deny in support to and not support to Putins THREE geo political goals of his political war against the US....

1. damage and discredit NATO
2. damage and discredit EU
3. completely and totally disconnect US from Europe and ME especially disconnecting US from Germany

A major goal of first Soviet Union and now Russian for over 70 very long years....

BTW...every Trump word, every Trump interview, every Trump press conference and especially Trumps tweets does in fact support one of the Putin THREE goals...so convince me of the opposite??

I pointed you to David Horowity simply because he created and supports Bannon and Miller and is thoroughly and deeply involved in the true "alt right" ie white nationalist money in the US that has far more money available than a single Soros....

So the challenge....show me a single posting here that does not in fact go to the Putin three geo political goals in his political war with the US....

AND in that vein........

Misread…misquoted…misrepresented: Far Right cashes in on misinformation, sows doubt to discredit Russia probe, Comey

BTW...notice that name "Posobiec" ...the cheerleader on the US alt right ie white nationalist side that has deep ties to the Russian trolling army in their info warfare against the US...so ask the simple question why does an US citizen work so closely with Russian RIS?????

BTW you will find a number of postings here about "Posobiec"...

BLUF ...everything posted here to the thread as to what Trumps external FP is ...is in fact directly related to his internal US alt right ie white nationalist supporter and money base....

Study the US "alt right" and you see Trumps FP moves.....

06-11-2017, 09:34 AM
As someone who did not vote for Trump in November, I feel no need to defend him or his campaign. What I will continue to do is question hypocrisy, dishonesty and intellectual laziness, and hold up a mirror to those who have picked up the baton from the Tea Party, Birthers, and "alt-right" that spent eight years doing the same to Obama.

As for you, my dear rogue, I'm out of this thread because you're not truly engaging with me.

This thread is not about Trump and NATO, or Trump and Syria, or Trump and the Sunni-Shia conflict, or Trump and the armed forces or Trump and the GCC. Suffice it to say, this is not about "The Trump impact on US policy".

I don't mind if you require your own thread to get things off your chest, and make sense of fast-paced developments. I'd just rather that you told me.

Azor......this is exactly why I asked if you had read anything from the 60s by David Horowitz as the basis for a discussion that if you have paid close attention I keep posting about....the connection between the alt right ie white nationalists and Russian influence operations...Horowitz in the 60s was for the destruction of the state as is Bannon and Miller are today...and Bannon and Miler came out of the Horowitz grouppies.

This thread is not about Trump and NATO, or Trump and Syria, or Trump and the Sunni-Shia conflict, or Trump and the armed forces or Trump and the GCC. Suffice it to say, this is not about "The Trump impact on US policy".

Even you must admit that Trumps external views on whatever he happens to espouse in that moment is his FP and it is largely driven by his internal voter and supporter base.....

It is that exact supporter base that is interesting....and requires some serious thoughts about...

The US has had since the later 40s a major hang on the right side of believing and investing time and effort into countless fake news and or conspiracy theories and yes even Eisenhower got hit by them from the then developing John Birch Society which really was an outgrowth of the late 20s KKK political movement and it took all the energy of a Buckley to keep it in check and when he died it exploded into life under the title of "Tea Party" and the GOP true conservative moment is now officially dead and buried....

Largely replaced by an alt right populism that thrives literally on conspiracy theories down to the "Pizzagate" child porn ring run by Clinton.....black copters, state surveillance of our every move, coming for our weapons and "deep state" to name a few items....

What is interesting is actually Horowitz who called for the destruction of US FP and US economic FP built on US expansionism and imperialism if you read his books from the late 60s....

NOW that very same Horowitz wants the same exact thing BUT this time cloaked in the language of the ultra right....Bannon "I am a Leninist and I want to destroy the establishment"....this is no different from Horowitz claiming to be a Marxist and wanting the same thing....only 50 odd years earlier.

Answer me this...how is it that while everyone beats up on the so called "left" that same "so called left" cannot match the sheer volume of money the ultra right has available at the drop of a pin??????

Yes we see actors, top business people donating to the "left" ideas and projects BUT the depth and breath of the Koch brothers, the Mercers, a LaRoche is not seen anywhere on the "left". The single "leftist" pointed to is Soros....and then it stops...

I count about a total of 12 moneyed "left supporting individuals or families".....on the right I stopped counting at 35 and could go on if asked to...

And surprisingly these right individuals and or families are intertwined via countless "tax deductible charities"....which are not suppose to be political supporters but IRS has never really clamped down on them...

06-11-2017, 09:47 AM
Azor...now you understand why I track in Europe such botnets....and this botnet is in fact under partial control of two Russian based control servers so what does a right wing US billionaire have to do with Putin.....

The hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer is behind Trump's social media bot army -

Believe me when I openly state this journalist info is correct and has been verified....

06-11-2017, 09:59 AM
Vote Sleuth
Investigating Democracy One Precinct at a time

What if I wanted to “hack” an election?

Interestingly most of the larger EU countries still use the good old fashion paper ballots that eliminate any thought of "hacking" results and all paper ballots are hand counted twice...

06-11-2017, 10:06 AM
Notice the alt right media sites are still pushing this messaging..which Trump started ....

Fox News‏

.@CLewandowski_: "I think Jim Comey is in big trouble... Jim Comey is a liar."

Basically following the Russian 6Ds Propaganda Principles

Deflect.....Distort...Dismiss...Distract......ALL designed to create Doubt and Distreust....

So from this simple 13 words which of the Russian 6Ds fits the interview statement????

06-11-2017, 10:21 AM
Fmr FBI agent Asha Rangappa: Trump appears unwilling to uphold his oath “to preserve, protect & defend” the country.

06-11-2017, 10:26 AM
Azor...this goes to the heart of what I have been saying about the "alt right"...which is far more prone to violence than any leftist group since say the Weathermen...

‘No threat to persons or community’: Florida judge grants bail to neo-Nazi arrested with bomb-making materials

This guy posted plans online to bomb buildings & kill people, and was found w/ bomb-making materials & a framed photo of Timothy McVeigh...

BUT WAIT...what would have happened if he had been a Muslim from one of the "Trump extremely vetted and banned countries"????

06-11-2017, 10:30 AM
APPEARS that the Comey public hearing comments were correct about Sessions and a third meeting with the Russian Ambassador that Sessions "forgot" to mention the second time around....

Per WaPo, Sessions will likely testify before a *closed* hearing of the Senate Intel Cmte. This is a cop-out.


Sessions swapped an open hearing for a closed one, lending credence to the old saying, "People with nothing to hide, hide nothing."

06-11-2017, 10:37 AM
The woman behind today's anti-Muslim #MarchAgainstSharia has ties to the Trump WH.

This is a good profile of Rebel Media's Gavin McInnes, who is headlining the #MarchAgainstSharia in NYC.

Rebel Media is a leading white nationalist blogsite trying to foster the idea that it is a "real news outlet" for its readers....AND an avowed proTrump supporter....

The guy headlining today's #MarchAgainstSharia in NYC also recently started a "military division" of his white supremacist club...

Here's Rebel Media's Gavin McInnes talking about the "military division" of Proud Boys that he founded w/violent felon Kyle Chapman.
Proud Boys is a ultra right violence group....REMEMBER the killer of two recently in Portland had attended a Proud Boys rally in Portland the day before his killings....

Reference Basedstickman...he is a neo Nazi who has been seen fighting with Berkeley students who were against a neo Nazi rally on their campus....

REMEMBER the Trump tweet....that USC Berkeley should lose all federal funding for not allowing free speech...meaning the right for neo Nazis to hold proTrump rallies on university campuses....

06-11-2017, 10:52 AM
Reference BasedStickman...the new hero of the ultra right...

06-11-2017, 10:54 AM
Azor...now do you see the ultra right, alt right and proTrump wing that is actually supported by Trump tweets....it exists and it is real....and it is violent when it wants to be.....which is anytime against anti Trump supporters....

Kind of a Trump Brownshirt militia...that no one in MSM even discusses.

06-11-2017, 10:58 AM
Someone has created a lot of fake antifa twitter accts over the past 2 mos.

Will post research into who is behind and who controls these fake twitter accounts....not even removed by Twitter Support when identified...why is that????

BTW...the Antifa movement is German to begin with...a loose group of left, conservatives, liberals, non political types, students against any form of fascism and or neo Nazi activity in Germany....

The interesting thing is if one looks at these tweets notice the black flag over the red...actually it is suppose to be red over black...but it appears US neo Nazis want to make sure everyone knows who is posting these accounts....

06-11-2017, 11:07 AM
An interesting Freudian slip by a Trump son yesterday during a TV interview.....

"'I hope this [dropping Flynn probe] happens' - that's what he told Comey." -Trump Jr, one day after Trump denied this convo ever happened.

BUT WAIT...much in the vein of Putin Trump gently let it be known during a press conference with the Romanian President...."and what if I did say that to Comey...there is nothing wrong with that".....

Same exact drill Putin used in letting it out that yes little green men were in Crimea and then in eastern Ukraine OR that some angry Russians "might" have hacked the US election....."angry Russians YES but they were not state sponsored".....

NOTICE after stating he Trump would 100% give testimony to Mueller about the Comey dinner comments...several days later Trump has not decided to formalize an open public or even a closed hearing in his defense has he.....???

All hype for his voting base to show he is still innocent .....see I am willing to testify thus I am not guilty of Russian collusion am I....then the standard 24 hour news cycle ends and silence from Trump WH....

06-11-2017, 11:53 AM
One issue where Trump is really over the barrel -- possible WH tape(s) of conversations with Comey re Flynn

REMEMBER Trump even alluded to their existence in a tweet of his threatening Comey with their existence....

It's critical to recall that this potentially very serious problem for the WH is ENTIRELY of Trump's own making -- and how he's cornered.

Congress has demanded that Trump hand over any tapes that he hinted may exist. Those might reflect Comey's version, not Trump's however.

REMEMBER if Trump states they do not exist THEN he is branded a blatant lair based on his very own tweets........if he has them and they prove Comey's version of events......THEN it is impeachment....

NOTICE he and his WH are not racing to provide them to anyone...thus either they do not exist OR they tell a far different story namely Comey's..........as simple as that....

BECAUSE if they supported Trump's version they would have appeared a long time ago...unless there is far more extensive recordings that he has that he has said nothing about...especially his meeting with the Russian FM.....

06-11-2017, 12:08 PM
U.S., Turkey discuss Qatar row, Syria on phone call:

BUT WAIT...all those anti Qatar Trump tweets are in the way.....

06-11-2017, 01:09 PM
What is interesting is that Carter Page was introduced at this meeting as a personal advisor to Trump.......

Carter Page made a speech in Moscow July 7th. this tweet is July 6th. !!!!! when did he see Diveykin?

Yuri Bezmenov

@realDonaldTrump In your next rally tell the media you're going to ask Putin for all of Hillary's emails. @DanScavino @MichaelCohen212

NOW check exactly when did Trump make his appeal for Russian hackers to find the Clinton missing emails.....

NOTICE who this tweet was directed towards as well....Trumps own personal lawyer.....

06-11-2017, 01:10 PM
Wikileaks: Immediately after the election, large boitcoin transfers took place. Then huge transfers.

06-11-2017, 01:15 PM
I will post more on this particular twitter account as it ties into a proRussian troll who goes by a US account name and who was involved heavily in the LePen Front National election campaign....and is a major proTrump account....

06-11-2017, 05:40 PM
Donald J. Trump‏

The Democrats have no message, not on economics, not on taxes, not on jobs, not on failing #Obamacare. They are only OBSTRUCTIONISTS!

Lets see...outside of a a lot of EOs, and talk and talk and tweets and tweets not a single major legislative success......to speak of ......

A lot of motion but no progress just like a rocking horse and yet he tweets this and blames others for his inherent own failures........??????

GOP majority in House = 239 v 194
GOP majority in Senate = 52 v 46 (2 ind.)
Most recent law enacted? Renaming the Nashville court house.

Greenfield: Trump's biggest success is convincing his base that any media criticism is by definition untrustworthy, partisan, fake, elite

06-11-2017, 05:47 PM
Trump bashes Comey for his "leaking" but the WH is the core "leakers".....

Kellyanne was at an embassy party last night, leaking sensitive Priebus and Trump White House conversations to @washingtonpost reporters

Donald J. Trump‏

I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'

Michael McFaul

If Comey was lying about these conversations, or the content of these conversations were innocuous, Trump would not be tweeting this.

06-11-2017, 05:56 PM
Fox News‏

Russia-Trump campaign collusion probes should end, RNC chairwoman says
via @FoxNewsSunday @foxnewspolitics

RNC Chair: Trump Expressing ‘Hope’ to Comey Is Like Telling Your Child ‘I Hope You Do Your Homework’
http://bit.ly/2rZFSBR# (VIDEO)

06-11-2017, 06:02 PM

BREAKING - International far right groups target Germany on @reddit.

The latest in our #SpreadItOnReddit series:

06-11-2017, 06:04 PM
Downing Street will not be sorry if Trump cancels his state visit

Trump tells Theresa May he does not want to make state visit to UK until the British public supports him coming.

06-11-2017, 06:07 PM
Trend in the age of Trump: President Xi meets CA Governor, not Energy Secretary Perry

06-11-2017, 06:17 PM
Forget Comey. The Real Story Is Russia’s War on America

Why are we focusing on who leaked what to whom, when our democracy is under siege?


06-11-2017, 06:19 PM
Trump bashes Comey for his "leaking" but the WH is the core "leakers".....

Kellyanne was at an embassy party last night, leaking sensitive Priebus and Trump White House conversations to @washingtonpost reporters

Donald J. Trump‏

I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'

Michael McFaul

If Comey was lying about these conversations, or the content of these conversations were innocuous, Trump would not be tweeting this.

Gingrich slams Comey: Congress "should abolish" special counsel after testimony

APPEARS Gingrich has totally forgotten the Nixon WaterGate days.....

POLL: Believe Trump is trustworthy

James Comey: 46%
Donald Trump: 26%

(YouGov/Huffington Post)

06-11-2017, 06:32 PM
In 7.5 years @PreetBharara never received a phone call from Pres Obama. He received 3 from Trump in 1 month. AND then was fired by Trump.....because he was looking into the financial dealings of Trumps sons...

06-11-2017, 06:36 PM
Sen. Patrick Leahy

Atty Gen. Sessions provided false testimony in response to questions from me and @SenFranken about his contacts with Russian officials.

Now, twice in 2 mos., AG Sessions cancels an Approps hg in which I could Q him about his false testimony and half-hearted Russia recusal

06-11-2017, 06:45 PM
Looks like Russian TV sees things like DJT :

"The more the sacked FBI chief spoke, the clearer it was that Comey had nothing on Trump."

06-12-2017, 04:36 AM
Trump attorney won't rule out firing Mueller


06-12-2017, 06:22 AM
Downing Street will not be sorry if Trump cancels his state visit

Trump tells Theresa May he does not want to make state visit to UK until the British public supports him coming.

BUT WAIT...now the Trump WH states what UK May says in the UK media is "fake news" and not what he intends to do....

So someone is lying...May and or Trump.....

BUT then this.....

How Trump helped defeat Theresa May. @anneapplebaum explains why May won't be sorry that Trump canceled his visit.

06-12-2017, 06:24 AM
Graham promises new sanctions: "If the president doesn't sign this bill to punish Russia, he will be betraying our democracy" @FaceTheNation

BUT WAIT both Trump and Putin have varying stories on the so called Russian meddling and hacking....Trumps version....a 400lb kid with a laptop on a bed or the Chinese....

Putins version.....some potential angry Russian citizens tired of hearing Russia bashed did it.....

06-12-2017, 06:34 AM
Trump attorney won't rule out firing Mueller


There is far more to this article .....this para is in fact indicating that he is seriously leaning in that direction....if SC is in fact "fired" then one will truly know just how deep the Russian connections go.....

REMRMBER Trump boasted to the Russian FM that the firing of Comey had taken the pressure off him on the Russian investigation...go back and reread his own comments to the Russians....

“Look, the president of the United States, as we all know, is a unitary executive,” Sekulow said on ABC’s “This Week.” “But the president is going to seek the advice of his counsel and inside the government as well as outside. And I'm not going to speculate on what he will, or will not, do.”
Sekulow said he “can’t imagine” the issue would arise, but “that, again, is an issue that the president with his advisers would discuss if there was a basis.”

KEY phase....."the president is going to seek advice"

THEN NOTICE this posting from yesterday in relationship to the Trump lawyers statement...

Gingrich slams Comey: Congress "should abolish" special counsel after testimony

Gingrich knows only to well that Congress cannot "abolish" the SC...only the President can fire him....

06-12-2017, 06:49 AM
HOW is that "Trump draining the swamp thingy" going right now----

DOJ: Trump can accept payments from foreign governments
By Brandon Carter
06/09/17 07:54 PM EDT


BUT WAIT....DID NOT Trump stand in front a four foot high pile of so called documents which he used to emphasize that he had no longer ties to his businesses???

SO was hr again lying to the US????

Two interesting points on this...since when does DoJ actually state that they not the SC can state what the US Constitution says and or not says....

Secondly, based on the DoJ statement this has happened asking basically the SC to rule on Article 1 of the Constitution...that a sitting President cannot accept payments from a foreign country....

Two U.S. Attorneys General to sue over foreign payments to Trump hotels

A spokesman for Maryland's attorney general declined to comment on the latest emoluments case. DC attorney general Karl Racine and a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Justice could not immediately be reached.
In the case filed in January in Manhattan federal court, an ethics non-profit, restaurant group and hotel events booker allege Trump violates the Constitution's "emoluments" clause, which bars him from accepting gifts from foreign governments without congressional approval, by maintaining ownership over his business empire despite ceding day-to-day control to his sons.
The Justice Department on Friday argued that those plaintiffs lack the legal standing to sue because they cannot allege enough specific harm caused by Trump's businesses. The government also said Trump hotel revenue does not fit the definition of an improper payment under the constitution.
AG Racine told Reuters in a March interview that the District of Columbia has suffered particular harm because it subsidized the construction of hotels that are now impacted by foreign payments to Trump properties.
Also In Politics
Sessions says he will discuss Comey with Senate panel
Attorney general to face questions on Comey firing, Russia
That puts the district in a "unique position" to file legal claims over the emoluments clause, Racine said.

Again notice that it is DoJ stating that earning foreign income does not violate the "Emoluments Clause"......WHY did they not actually call on a reading of this "clause" by the SC first???

D.C., Maryland to sue Trump over foreign payments to his businesses. The AGs say they're gonna want his tax returns.

06-12-2017, 06:55 AM
Your presidency is going really well when you're retweeting a clip of Geraldo Rivera handicapping your chances of impeachment.

06-12-2017, 07:02 AM
A really long read but it goes to the heart of the current Trump and Trump WH FP failures and those that voted for this Trump failure......

America is in for a rude awakening — via @ForeignPolicy

AND again it depicts the linkage between US internal events and US external events....

06-12-2017, 07:25 AM
Former WH ethnics czar......

Norm Eisen‏

Harassment by most powerful man in world of witness against him in obstruction case raises poss witness tampering liability, see 18USC 1512b

06-12-2017, 07:28 AM
A very good read...as it addresses right now a series of questions being raised mainly in social media BUT not in MSM.....

What Comey’s testimony means | Harvard Gazette

GERTNER: Comey is an amazing witness, in several respects. He’s a careful lawyer, so he knows what to say. But he’s also an incredible storyteller, an impassioned and clear one. So his account is not told in dry, legal language. He said over and over again that the Russian interference in our election is “a big deal.” That suggests that when Trump hopes to shut down the Flynn investigation, he’s wanting to shut down an important piece of an important investigation. Comey suggests that’s what he’s really saying. This is a major investigation, and Flynn is obviously an important player. And Comey suggests the president is communicating “shut it down.” I was on NPR just now with a Republican operative who kept on saying, “None of this will matter if we pass good legislation.” You have to pause about that. The integrity of the election was undermined? There’s no good legislation that can justify that. There’s no end/means analysis. That’s what Comey kept coming back to: This goes to the integrity of the democracy.

06-12-2017, 07:39 AM
Trump says Qatar funds terror but he has a record of trying to get funds too
for his Qatar business deals

CENTCOM (FWD) for example was based in the Trump Tower in Qatar for a long while...

06-12-2017, 08:27 AM
More information on the reasons Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement.....

The 22 senators who urged Trump to pull out of Paris Agreement received over $10m in campaign donations from oil, gas & coal since 2012


06-12-2017, 08:30 AM
From Nov. 2016. Trolling for Trump: How Russia Is Trying to Destroy Our Democracy

06-12-2017, 08:46 AM
A reminder: Comey's testimony is only small part of obstruction evidence against Trump.

06-12-2017, 08:50 AM
AND those "foreign payments to Trump properties are not cheap these days"...

Trump's DC Hotel received $270K from a lobbying campaign tied to Saudi Arabia. *Payments continued thru Feb. 2017*

AND what is exactly Trumps FP position regards KSA and Qatar WHERE he also holds properties..??

Trump, the "law & order" POTUS, is now facing:
-2 lawsuits re. Emoluments Clause
-2 congressional investigations
-1 special counsel probe

BUT WAIT...his business career indicates over 4000 court (State and Federal) cases where Trump is either named and or sues others...

This case could force Trump to release his tax returns. If he refuses, he'd have to go before SCOTUS to defend keeping them hidden.

06-12-2017, 01:43 PM
Jeff Sessions Scheme Backfires As Senate May Force Him To Testify In Public

Attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to get out of testifying in public, but the Senate Intelligence Committee is debating whether to deny the AG's request to testify in closed session.


06-12-2017, 05:15 PM
Jeff Sessions Scheme Backfires As Senate May Force Him To Testify In Public

Attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to get out of testifying in public, but the Senate Intelligence Committee is debating whether to deny the AG's request to testify in closed session.


Source: Sessions not expected to answer Senate questions about talks he had w/ @POTUS before Comey's firing; expected to cite exec privilege

Breaking: @SenatorBurr and Sen @MarkWarner announce Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify tomorrow at 2:30pm in OPEN session.

06-12-2017, 05:18 PM
Not one of the 13 reports due to the president by executive order has yet been made public.

Most have specific deadlines. So far 27 deadlines have been hit. We can only confirm 13 completions, 2 of them late

https://theintercept.com/2017/06/12/trump-assigned-himself-an-awful-lot-of-homework-that-isnt-getting-done/ …

Combination of not staffing the exec branch & mandating dozens of reports to fill out the policy agenda is lethal

Most Trump executive orders merely assign federal agencies to write reports & reviews. There are 88 separate actions due this year alone.

06-12-2017, 05:21 PM
9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds injunction against Trump 90-day travel ban and cap on refugees


06-12-2017, 05:22 PM
Rep. Mike Quigley has introduced the COVFEFE Act to amend the President Records Act to include social media posts.

06-12-2017, 05:28 PM
Trump went on a tweetstorm about the travel ban a week ago — & Hawaii just used it against him in its response to SCOTUS

06-12-2017, 05:33 PM
Less than a month ago @newtgingrich hailed Mueller as a "superb choice" with an "IMPECCABLE" reputation.

Today he says he can't be trusted.

Trump, the "law & order" POTUS, is now facing:
-2 lawsuits re. Emoluments Clause
-2 congressional investigations
-1 special counsel probe

06-12-2017, 05:41 PM
Trump says he will discuss Islamic State fight in two weeks

BUT WAIT did he not promise Americans a comprehensive plan to be published on how he was going to defeat IS in the first 90 days...

JUST as he promised a comprehensive cyber defense plan built by Guiliani also in 90 days....

.@realDonaldTrump at first full Cabinet meeting: says ISIS press conference will happen in two weeks. He said the same on May 21.

06-12-2017, 05:42 PM
Cabinet QOTD:

"In the finest tradition of the CIA, I’m not gonna say a damn thing in front of the media." -CIA Dir Mike Pompeo.