View Full Version : Uncovering Hidden Patterns of Thought in War Wei-Chi versus Chess

11-07-2018, 08:03 PM
Instead of the opening, I'll just drop his conclusion here.

Lastly, there is an old Chinese saying, “When you kill 10,000 enemy soldiers, you are likely to lose 3,000 lives as well.”35 If we enter into conflict with North Korea and/or China, we will discover (just as we did in the Korean War and the Vietnam War) that we will not be able to sustain a war of attrition with an enemy poised to throw an endless number of soldiers at us. We cannot plan for war by playing chess when our enemy is playing wei-chi. If we identify North Korea and China as our next threats, we must start doing our homework and start learning Chinese strategic thought.36 As Sun Tzu wrote, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”37
