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View Full Version : Baghdad's Green Zone Is a Haven Under Siege

06-07-2007, 07:54 AM
7 June Washington Post - Baghdad's Green Zone Is a Haven Under Siege (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/06/AR2007060602633.html) by John Ward Anderson.

... Mortar and rocket attacks on the Green Zone are nothing new, but people who live and work in the complex -- a walled compound of about five square miles on the banks of the Tigris River that is headquarters to the Iraqi government and U.S. forces -- say that the strikes are becoming more frequent, accurate and deadly.

Despite the rising casualty toll from the attacks -- eight people have been killed, including two U.S. soldiers, and about 25 have been injured since late March -- the bigger problem is the psychological impact of insurgents striking the symbolic heart of the United States here, Iraqis and Americans say. That view is strengthened by the sense -- correct or not -- that the Green Zone was a relatively secure oasis where the war didn't seep in...

06-07-2007, 11:23 AM
"Maybe I should move my desk from in front of the window."

Now there's a flash of the obvious! I was at the Green Zone in Mid-March when the attacks started to pick up again. I'm amazed that it took two months before someone decided to cancel the "pool parties". They were having "Baghdad Idol" once a week outside by the pool and it just blew your mind.

240mm rockets? Now that's just scary no matter where the heck you are!