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06-20-2007, 02:07 PM
2007 National Security Strategy Essay Contest (http://www.ctc.usma.edu/CTC-NSS-Essay-Contest-2007.pdf)

Sponsored by the Army-G3 and the Combating Terrorism Center

Traditional theories of international security argue that deterrence will only succeed if one actor credibly threatens future harm `against something another actor values. When that threat of harm is made against something or someone that an actor does not value, or if that actor is not rational, deterrence invariably fails.

To date, America’s attempts to deter would-be terrorists have relied on the credible threat of imprisonment or death. But given that the United States continues to be targeted by violent extremists six years after the attacks of September 11th, it seems increasingly clear that adherents of al-Qa`ida and like-minded groups do not value self-preservation in the way in which the United States had anticipated.

To the contrary, members of al-Qa`ida have sought to clarify the fact that adherents of their ideology are motivated not by the prospect of continued life on Earth but by the promise of life in the hereafter. This rationality nullifies the effectiveness of a deterrence strategy based on the threat of being captured or killed.

The Army G-3 and the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point are sponsoring the 2007 National Security Strategy Essay Contest in order to solicit new ways of thinking about deterrence in today’s post-9/11 world. We invite submissions of article-length (7,500 – 10,000 words), publication-quality essays addressing the following question:

How can the U.S. credibly and ethically deter adherents of extremist religious ideologies from engaging in terrorist activity?

Essays will be judged on scholarly rigor, creativity and innovation. Authors are encouraged to be interdisciplinary in their thinking. The author of the essay judged by the CTC Faculty and Senior Fellows to be the best will receive a $5,000 research grant.
Entries should be postmarked no later than 1 September 2007 and mailed in hard-copy format with a copy of the author’s curriculum vitae to:

Combating Terrorism Center
National Security Strategy Essay Contest
Lincoln Hall
United States Military Academy
West Point, NY 10996

07-11-2007, 07:47 PM
Additional info, for those interested:

The contest winner will be published in Joint Forces Quarterly, a publication of the National Defense Universtiy; submissions must follow their guidelines (http://www.ndu.edu/inss/press/Guidelines/20060306%20Style%20and%20Submission%20Guidelines.p df).

Format - General guidelines
* Type the manuscript in 12 point Times New Roman font.
* Keep formatting to a minimum; do not try to make the manuscript appear as it will when printed.
* Do not embed graphics, charts, or tables in the text; include them in separate files.

* Use endnotes rather than footnotes or in-text citations. The Chicago
Manual citation style is preferred.

10-29-2007, 04:15 PM
Does anyone know what happened to the 2007 National Security Strategy Essay Contest? This was open to the general public and invited essays on the question of how to deter religiously motivated terrorism. The closing date was September 1, 2007.

I called the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point in mid-September to find out when they expected to announce the entry selected for publication and I was told that they would do so by the end of the month. There was no announcement. I called again two weeks ago and was told that the results would be announced a week later. Still no announcement.

The page link given by Jedburgh has been taken down. But I can't find an announcement anywhere else on the website (http://www.ctc.usma.edu/).

11-23-2007, 10:59 PM
Does anyone know what happened to the 2007 National Security Strategy Essay Contest? This was open to the general public and invited essays on the question of how to deter religiously motivated terrorism. The closing date was September 1, 2007.

I called the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point in mid-September to find out when they expected to announce the entry selected for publication and I was told that they would do so by the end of the month. There was no announcement. I called again two weeks ago and was told that the results would be announced a week later. Still no announcement.

The page link given by Jedburgh has been taken down. But I can't find an announcement anywhere else on the website (http://www.ctc.usma.edu/).

It seems as if we are in the same boat. I too am having difficulties in getting helpful information on the status of this essay contest.

11-30-2007, 01:34 PM
CTC National Security Essay Results (http://www.ctc.usma.edu/pdf/CTC_National_Security_Essay_Contest.pdf), 29 Nov 07

The Combating Terrorism Center is proud to announce that LTC James Kelly Morningstar is the winner of our inaugural National Security essay contest. LTC Morningstar is an Assistant Professor of Military Science at Georgetown University, where he manages ROTC cadets. LTC Morningstar’s essay explored both the theoretical and practical difficulties of deterring WMD use by al‐Qa’ida. His assertion that building social resistance and disdain for WMD use in Muslim communities is a thoughtful, creative approach to an extraordinarily difficult problem.

LTC Morningstar’s essay may be published and thus is not being released at this time. We anticipate releasing his essay no later than January.