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View Full Version : Why Tenet Wrote His Book

Tom Odom
08-22-2007, 12:10 PM
Aside from disputing the infamous "WMDs are a slam dunk" remark, this ofers a much better reason for Tenet's whining memoir. Too bad, the IG recommendation to discipline was not taken--instead it was reward 'em and let 'em walk.

C.I.A. Lays Out Errors It Made Before Sept. 11 (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/22/washington/22cia.html?_r=1&th=&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&emc=th&adxnnlx=1187784202-Xm723EoTP6Be4+n0eULkRg)
The inspector general recommended that several top agency officials, including former director George J. Tenet, be held accountable for their failure to put in place a strategy to dismantle Al Qaeda in the years before Sept. 11, 2001. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the current C.I.A. director, and his predecessor, Porter J. Goss, have declined to seek disciplinary action against Mr. Tenet and others named in the report.

The outlines of the report have been known since shortly after it was completed in 2005, but it had never been made public, and its release reignited a debate about whether the C.I.A. should have done more before the attacks and whether Mr. Tenet and other officials should be held accountable.