View Full Version : International Affairs: Africa and Security Special Issue

12-14-2007, 04:41 PM
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Africa and Security Special Issue

Dear Colleague,

Read the Africa and Security special issue of International Affairs now available online via Blackwell-Synergy (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED1h8dmKCp2KxSoQ).

Thinking about Security in Africa
(http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED25ATemf9B62tYq)Paul D. Williams

Darfur and the failure of the responsibility to protect (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED2uPeaa3wSgMMLd)
Alex De Waal

Cosmopolitan peacekeeping and peacebuildling in Sierra Leone: what can Africa contribute? (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED2U3z5XRU9rx5y0)
David Curran and Tom Woodhouse

Transnational organized crime in West Africa: the additional challenge (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED3jhU1LGhqChokN)
Antonio L. Mazzitelli

Warlordism and terrorism: how to obscure an already too confusing crisis? The case of Somalia (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED3IweXzuEHN1H7A)
Roland Marchal

Can UN arms embargoes in Africa be effective? (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED47KzTnj1YXLZUn)
Alex Vines

Oil, corruption and the resource curse
(http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED4WdfKYVMxjgBtX)Nicholas Shaxson

Climate change as the 'new' security threat: implications for Africa (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED5lrAGMK9Ou0UgK)
Oli Brown, Anne Hammill and Robert McLeman

Human security and development in Africa (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED5KFVCAyx5ELd3x)
Nana K. Poku, Neil Renwick and Jaoa Gomes Porto

The Security of Africans beyond borders: migration, remittances and London's transnational entrepreneurs (http://wiley-blackwell.msgfocus.com/c/11ED69UgyomUmPvvQk)
David Styan