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View Full Version : My War?

01-23-2006, 03:40 PM
Has anybody read _My War_ by Colby Buzzell?

It looks intriguing and so I put it on hold at the library but since its new there is a long waiting line for it. Opinions?

01-26-2006, 09:02 PM
I hear nothing but good things about it, unfortunately I have backlog of things to read so I will not be getting to it for awhile. Somewhat similar, I did read The Last True Story I’ll Ever Tell by John Crawford, which was certainly worth the time; sort of reminded me of myself as a young grunt.

01-27-2006, 02:53 AM
It came in at the library faster than I thought - I picked it up the day before yesterday and started it late last night. It was hard to put it down and get some sleep - it is quite good. I can hardly wait to get to the rest.

A link to more info (http://cbftw.blogspot.com/).