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02-16-2008, 01:49 AM
Given their important roles in small eats, I was wondering who the people on this site would like to see fill the roles of Secdef and Secstate. I would guess that at least a few here have pretty good ideas for who they would like to see or conversely who they do not want to see. Secdef will ne inheriting a military that is trying to define it role and still fight a war that has grown increasingly unpopular. Secstate is inherit, among other things, the sheer joy that cones from trying to get the Iraqi governent to do, well, anything. The next two people to fill these roles will have a profound effect on our success or failure in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. I know that among our members we have both Republicans and Democrats as well as one member who I think was a Whig. Between all of us, I think we have all the bases covered.

I am not sure about the Secstate. I liked Dr Rice but she has not accomplished as much as hoped. As for the Secdef, I like Max Boot but he is on the youngish side so maybe an undersecretary position for him. Maybe Boykin for the top spot.


Watcher In The Middle
02-16-2008, 06:12 AM

Keep current SecDef Robert Gates in place.
Jack Welsh (Retired GE CEO).
Retired Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA).
Retired Senator Alan Dixon (D-IL)
Current MS Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS)

Logic: The next SecDef is going to need more of a political understanding and innate political navigation skills, and the ability to reach across the partisan divide. And anybody who thinks the Nov., 2008 election is going to resolve that entire issue is just kidding themselves. Any of the above guys could all get it done.

Personally: If people issues are a big thing at Defense, Jack Welsh would be somebody to seriously consider. He developed one incredible leadership team at GE.

02-20-2008, 09:58 PM
Let's leave the corporate sector out of this? DOD has not fared well with SECDEFs from the corporate world.

Ken White
02-20-2008, 11:42 PM
Not a one from that background has been great and only Weinberger did pretty well.

02-21-2008, 12:42 AM
I was thinking Tom Odom for SecDef,Stan for head of DIA,Ken White for Sec of Health,Education and Welfare straighten some them young'ins out:wry:

Ken White
02-21-2008, 01:38 AM
abolishing the Department... :D

02-21-2008, 02:19 AM
I was thinking Tom Odom for SecDef,Stan for head of DIA,Ken White for Sec of Health,Education and Welfare straighten some them young'ins out:wry:

So what am I, chopped liver?

02-21-2008, 02:20 AM

Keep current SecDef Robert Gates in place.
Jack Welsh (Retired GE CEO).
Retired Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA).
Retired Senator Alan Dixon (D-IL)
Current MS Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS)

Logic: The next SecDef is going to need more of a political understanding and innate political navigation skills, and the ability to reach across the partisan divide. And anybody who thinks the Nov., 2008 election is going to resolve that entire issue is just kidding themselves. Any of the above guys could all get it done.

Personally: If people issues are a big thing at Defense, Jack Welsh would be somebody to seriously consider. He developed one incredible leadership team at GE.

I would think Hamre or Lieberman would get a look. Possibly Tom Ridge.

Ron Humphrey
02-21-2008, 02:24 AM
Since we are all big on integration then we mix it up.

switch SECSTATE and SECDEF and let them mix and match staff changes to their comfort zones. :D

02-21-2008, 02:40 AM
How much corporate experience is needed for the Secdef job? I am not asking in terms of a Jack Welsh type here. Rather, given the nature of overseeing weapon systems development and procurement on a massive scale, I imagine some private sector experience would be necessary. What is a good rule of thumb?

Could Michael Vickers end up Secdef someday? Is his background too unconventional? He does not seem to be lacking in the brains department, this much is certain.

02-21-2008, 03:10 AM
So what am I, chopped liver?

Steve with you new kinder gentiler Mafia look.....US Attorney General :wry:

Old Eagle
02-21-2008, 01:30 PM
At their base, cabinet-level departments are huge bureaucracies. In the case of defense, with millions of "employees". Leaders of those organizations, sooner or later, need the skills to make them operate. Folks with that kind of experience and expertise don't grow on trees, and don't normally come from Capitol Hill or academia (with some exceptions, in case some of your resemble those remarks). Having sat through A VERY painful transition involving an intellectually brilliant but organizationally inept SECDEF, I can tell you, I'll take age and experience any day of the week.

02-21-2008, 02:23 PM
Coincidentally, a KC Star article (http://www.kansascity.com/105/v-print/story/495453.html)about this very topic. Former Clinton SecNav Richard Danzig is mentioned as a possible Obama SecDef.

I think having pure politicos like Lieberman, Barbour, or Ridge (who did not exactly distinguish himself at Homeland Security, probably kneecapping him for any other high-end D.C. job in the next Admin) would be a terrible idea. In a divided Congress such a person would be subject to massive political attack by either party and would likely create more of a distraction. This is especially the case for controversial characters like Lieberman, who is despised as a neocon traitor by many Dems, and Barbour, who is nothing but a political operator.

A Gates-type figure would be best in all aspects - competent, skilled at management, and familiar with the Puzzle Palace.

Note: a McCain Pentagon would look very different from an Obama one. Clinton would be much closer to McCain.

02-21-2008, 02:57 PM
I will concede that this is unlikely, but I will be severely disappointed if Sec Gates resigns or is shown the door:(. By all indications he has provided a calm, reasoned and nuanced approach to the mess left behind by R. I think a Jack Welsh tenure would look a lot like R's. I like the idea of a former Senator with plenty of SASC time. As for State we could do far worse than Bill Richardson (N-Mex)

02-21-2008, 03:17 PM
Could Michael Vickers end up Secdef someday? Is his background too unconventional? He does not seem to be lacking in the brains department, this much is certain.

It might be useful to have a SECDEF who could kill his opponents with his bare hands when necessary.

Ken White
02-21-2008, 03:59 PM
...Note: a McCain Pentagon would look very different from an Obama one. Clinton would be much closer to McCain.for over fifty years, served under every SecDef except the first and the last three and it hasn't looked a bit different under any of them, regardless of intentions and promises -- except to get slightly larger in population and a little more sclerotic under each new administration. Never say never but the prognosis, as they say, is not good... :D

Ron Humphrey
02-22-2008, 04:33 AM
It might be useful to have a SECDEF who could kill his opponents with his bare hands when necessary.

Are we nominating Ken:D