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02-27-2008, 03:01 PM
RAND, 26 Feb 08: Women and Nation Building (http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG579.pdf)

....Our study focuses on gender and nation-building. It considers this issue from two aspects: First, it examines gender-specific impacts of conflict and post-conflict and the ways in which events in these contexts may affect women differently than they affect men. Second, it analyzes the role of women in the nation-building process, in terms of both actual current practices, as far as these could be measured and ascertained, and possible outcomes that might occur if these practices were to be modified.

The study team first surveyed the broader literature on women in development, women and governance, women and conflict, and women in nation-building. It then focused on the case of Afghanistan. This case study was chosen for three reasons: First, it is contemporary, and it offers a longer nation-building “track record” and thus more data than does Iraq, the other contemporary case. Second, the relevant debate and decision line is easy to track because gender issues have been overtly on the table from the beginning of U.S. post-conflict involvement in Afghanistan, in part because of the Taliban’s equally overt prior emphasis on gender issues as a defining quality of its regime. Third, in contrast to earlier cases of nation-building, the issue of women’s inclusion is presently an official part of any development agenda, so that all the active agents in the nation-building enterprise have made conscious choices and decisions in that regard which can be reviewed and their underlying logic evaluated.

The study concludes with a broad set of analytic and policy recommendations. First, we identify the gaps in data collection and provide specific suggestions for improvement. Then, we recommend three shifts in emphasis that we believe are likely to strengthen the prospects of stability and enhance the outcomes of nation-building programs: a more genuine emphasis on the broader concept of human security from the earliest phases of the nation-building effort; a focus on establishing governance based on principles of equity and consistent rule of law from the start; and economic inclusion of women in the earliest stages of reconstruction activities....
Complete 213 page report at the link.

SWJ Blog
08-13-2014, 07:28 AM
Hawks, Doves and Canaries: Women and Conflict (http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/hawks-doves-and-canaries-women-and-conflict)

Entry Excerpt:

Read the full post (http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/hawks-doves-and-canaries-women-and-conflict) and make any comments at the SWJ Blog (http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog).
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03-25-2015, 10:49 PM
The role of women in conflict appears in a few threads, I don't recall one on this theme. Topical as the media report young girls leaving to join ISIS in the UK and an attempt by one girl, with two brotehrs from Chicago.

First an IISS podcast after a meeting yesterday; their explanation:
Our panellists discuss the various roles of women in terrorist organisations – as female Western migrants, recruiters, and perpetrators of violence. They also examine the important role of women in countering violent extremism and terrorism. An analysis will be engaged which views terrorist organisations as social movements, which can highlight important implications for how we understand the roles of women in such groups and what this means for practitioners.Link:http://www.iiss.org/en/events/arundel-s-house-s-events/women-in-violent-extremist-organisations-e110

Two speakers, Rachel Briggs (UK) and Joana Cook (Canada & Kings War Studies).

Then with hat tip to Wll Mccants as 'this week's must read' a long, in depth Rolling Stone article:
The Children of ISI; Why did three American kids from the suburbs of Chicago try to run away to the Islamic state, and should the Feds treat them as terrorists?Link:http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/teenage-jihad-inside-the-world-of-american-kids-seduced-by-isis-20150325#ixzz3VRN6whYA

04-05-2016, 01:19 PM
A very broad overview after US Congressional hearings:
A new study (http://graduateinstitute.ch/files/live/sites/iheid/files/sites/ccdp/shared/Docs/Publications/briefingpaperbroader%20participation.pdf) of 40 peace processes found a strong correlation between the involvement of women’s groups in political negotiations and successful negotiation and implementation outcomes.

(In policing) A growing body of evidence supports the notion that increasing the number of women in police forces could significantly reduce police violence and excessive use of force, as well as foster broader social and political stability.

08-08-2017, 09:25 PM
A Kings College London War Studies offering via a student-run online publication 'Strife':
Victims of Circumstance or Independent Agents? Women and the Road to the Islamic State