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View Full Version : Navy to Increase Number of Sailors in Iraq

02-12-2006, 01:39 AM
11 Feb Stars and Stripes - Navy to Increase Number of Sailors in Iraq (http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?article=34965&section=104).

The Navy plans to increase the number of sailors in Iraq from about 4,000 to more than 5,000 over the next year, said Lt. Trey Brown, a Navy spokesman.

“As the role of the military slowly shifts, and noncombat theater stability and reconstruction operations increase, more opportunities arise for the skills that naval personnel offer to support ongoing ground missions.”...

Seabees and other sailors are taking an increasing role in reconstruction efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan...

“By April of this year, naval officers will command 6 of the 13 provincial reconstruction teams in Afghanistan, and we’ll largely populate those teams with our enlisted Sailors.”...

In Iraq, sailors also will have an increased role in helping other troops on the ground...

“There is a growing need for explosive ordnance disposal and electronic warfare specialists to counter the IED [Improvised Explosive Device] fight.”