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03-17-2008, 05:38 PM
Thanks jedburgh for posting these links. I'm developing a story on this subject for a magazine and you're doing my research.

Featherock just published a story in the Walrus on latrine graffiti (http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.04-ephemera-latrine-graffiti/). I know, it should go in the K Club, but it seemed to be appropriate here. Great story, BTW...


05-13-2008, 02:02 PM
All I know, is that "The 800th MPs suck *ss", and "SPC Johnson makes my p*ssy tingle".

That's all I'm sayin', man...

And, oh yeah, "Pogs(sic) Suck! Infantry Rules!"

05-13-2008, 03:08 PM

05-13-2008, 04:50 PM
Hey Marc !
An amusing story with some rather sad "potty posts". I was relieved to see that there are few if any racist remarks from the late 70s, but the 3-sided swastika in jpeg number 13 concerns me.

Folks here have conveniently replaced the traditional 4-sided swastikas (which by law are banned) with the "three sevens" and most of these people belong to/or worship skin head groups, and lately the Hells Angels.

Has our military been infiltrated by gang members, or, have we raised a bunch of naive youth to fight our next war ? :mad:

Regards, Stan

05-13-2008, 05:00 PM
Hi Guys,

CR6, yeah, it is "mundane", but it's actually a good way to get a read on current gripes, complaints and problems. There's been some really good work done on looking at humour as an indicator of structural problems, and this is an outgrowth of that.

An amusing story with some rather sad "potty posts". I was relieved to see that there are few if any racist remarks from the late 70s, but the 3-sided swastika in jpeg number 13 concerns me.

Hi Stan, yeah, I'd seen the Triskels, but hadn't realized which way they were going :mad:..

Folks here have conveniently replaced the traditional 4-sided swastikas (which by law are banned) with the "three sevens" and most of these people belong to/or worship skin head groups, and lately the Hells Angels.

The Swastika is banned? Where? I know in is in Germany, but are you talking about Estonia or the US :confused:?????

Has our military been infiltrated by gang members, or, have we raised a bunch of naive youth to fight our next war ? :mad:

Maybe I should let Ken answer that one :D!


05-13-2008, 05:14 PM
Hi Guys,

Hi Stan, yeah, I'd seen the Triskels, but hadn't realized which way they were going

From what I've seen in the Baltic, the swastikas are going in the right direction (are we allowed to say that herein?)

The Swastika is banned? Where? I know in is in Germany, but are you talking about Estonia or the US ?????

Welcome to the European Union :eek:
Estonia decided to ban the wear of Soviet and Nazi Uniforms, awards and decorations (from both armies) following last year's uprisings moving the RED bronze dude to the military cemetery :D

Not sure what happens in the States these days, but we have rejected several Estonian candidates during visa and US Military training interviews for wearing Soviet or Nazi apparel... gotta start somewhere.

Maybe I should let Ken answer that one :D!

Actually, there's another member here that wanted HS dropouts permitted eligibility to the Army Forces... not too hard to figure out where that will get us :wry:

Regards, Stan

05-13-2008, 05:35 PM
Hi Stan,

From what I've seen in the Baltic, the swastikas are going in the right direction (are we allowed to say that herein?)

Don't see why not ;). I'd say "widdershins" or "anti-clockwise" rather than "to the right". I know that the NAZI version was very specifically designed that way (it has to do with all sorts of weird Sierra involving the Thule Gesellschaft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thule_Society).

Welcome to the European Union
Estonia decided to ban the wear of Soviet and Nazi Uniforms, awards and decorations (from both armies) following last year's uprisings moving the RED bronze dude to the military cemetery.

Not sure what happens in the States these days, but we have rejected several Estonian candidates during visa and US Military training interviews for wearing Soviet or Nazi apparel... gotta start somewhere.

I've really got to wonder how many of the turkeys who sport swastikas actually know anything about them :wry:. I had a run in about a decade ago with a neo-Nazi type here in Ottawa and ended up laughing my a&& off at him which, as you can imagine, didn't sit well with him (luckily, a couple of friends of mine, ex-RCR, were around ;)).

Actually, there's another member here that wanted HS dropouts permitted eligibility to the Army Forces... not too hard to figure out where that will get us

Hey, maybe you would get some guys/gals who weren't brainwashed by the PC teaching establishment - which would mean that we would have to deal with fewer twits going AWOL and trying to claim refugee status here :p. Seriously, though, I would rather see a military that had entrance exams rather than one that relies on such a silly proxy as High School graduation. 'course, that's probably for another thread....

05-13-2008, 06:05 PM
Hey Marc !

Hi Stan,

Don't see why not. I'd say "widdershins" or "anti-clockwise" rather than "to the right". I know that the NAZI version was very specifically designed that way (it has to do with all sorts of weird Sierra involving the Thule Gesellschaft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thule_Society).

We'll compromise then and go with "counterclockwise"... takes that British twang outta of the translations for Yanks.

I've really got to wonder how many of the turkeys who sport swastikas actually know anything about them :wry:. I had a run in about a decade ago with a neo-Nazi type here in Ottawa and ended up laughing my a&& off at him which, as you can imagine, didn't sit well with him (luckily, a couple of friends of mine, ex-RCR, were around).

We had a bunch of Army EOD techs here years ago, and two of the Afro-American members meandered into a skin head bar and began talkin' up the lasses. Unbeknownst to the now-pissed-off skin head youth present, 14 other SF members were also present :cool: I got a call late in the evening from the national police asking me about American soldiers throwing skin heads into the streets. Well, it was funny at the time.

Hey, maybe you would get some guys/gals who weren't brainwashed by the PC teaching establishment - which would mean that we would have to deal with fewer twits going AWOL and trying to claim refugee status here :p. Seriously, though, I would rather see a military that had entrance exams rather than one that relies on such a silly proxy as High School graduation. 'course, that's probably for another thread....

Hmmm, I almost passed on this one, but.... Perhaps a Canadian-funded study is in order (seeing how you have so many pussies hangin in CA these days) !
Just how many of those fine bone-heads seeking citizenship have an education (beyond the 6th grade) ? Maybe they're after an edumukation in Quebec ?

I'll take a brainwashed self starter (like Tom or Ken) and permit the dropouts to stay at home with ma and pa :wry:

Regards, Stan

05-13-2008, 06:14 PM
Hey Stan,

We had a bunch of Army EOD techs here years ago, and two of the Afro-American members meandered into a skin head bar and began talkin' up the lasses. Unbeknownst to the now-pissed-off skin head youth present, 14 other SF members were also present :cool: I got a call late in the evening from the national police asking me about American soldiers throwing skin heads into the streets. Well, it was funny at the time.

Hehehehe < evil grin>.

Hmmm, I almost passed on this one, but.... Perhaps a Canadian-funded study is in order (seeing how you have so many pussies hangin in CA these days) !
Just how many of those fine bone-heads seeking citizenship have an education (beyond the 6th grade) ? Maybe they're after an edumukation in Quebec ?

I'll take a brainwashed self starter (like Tom or Ken) and permit the dropouts to stay at home with ma and pa :wry:

Nah, we'd have to use our Sociology grads for that type of study :eek:! I think there are around a dozen wankers who came North thinking that we should give them refugee status. I mean, seriously, these are High School grads?!? Luckily, none of them were granted refugee status - looks like we got something right :D.

On self-starters, any day of the week good buddy! What we are seeing up here in High School is that self-starters are being forced to drop out because they won't conform to the PC BS of the week. Even worse, when you get some really good students, they are told that they must be plagiarizing because no one could write that well at their age level (translation: 8 year olds writing better than some of their teachers). I've been seeing more and more High School drop outs who wait two years and then apply to university - and they tend to be amongst some of the best students.

05-15-2008, 07:57 AM
I'm actually disappointed he didn't find the "toilet tennis" ... "look left" "look right" on the side walls. Or my all time favourite. Scratched in tiny upside down writing near the base of the wall and door hinge "you are now at a 45 degree angle"

Who needs all the bleating and chest-thumping when you can have pure comedy gold. :D

05-19-2008, 01:44 PM
I'm struck by the dichotomy of latrine grafitti.

Today's Army is inhabited by some of the brightest, and simultaneously, some of the dimmest in society.

Last Friday night in a latrine in Grafenwoehr, I read several semi-literate and semi-legible comments of various degrees of offensiveness, that were heavily commented up on and actually corrected for spelling and construction.

One comment, responding to a particularly pithy racist diatribe had "Dude - Spellcheck???" written under it, and "Please... Stop being on my side" over it.

Another lengthy tome on a certain anonymous individual's sexual prowess was corrected in red marker, using Chicago Style Rules, to include correct symbology and commentary circled in the margins.