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View Full Version : RFI: Recommended governance and US policy papers, articles, etc.

08-21-2008, 03:43 AM

As many already know, I'm about at the end of my pre-deploy time. I have found that it is increasingly difficult to stay abreast of current info re: actions in Iraq, but I want to tune-up my reading even if it includes stuff I consume on the flight over.

I think my solution will be this: a solicitation of everyone's recommended top 5 articles, papers, etc., that deal with the current state of affairs in terms of governance, policy, advisorship, etc.

My attention span only has room right now for material less than 25 pages (.pdf format preferably), but I can go through several more quickly that reading a longer book. If you have your favorites and can help me wade through the mass of material, please offer them up here.

08-21-2008, 05:15 AM

As many already know, I'm about at the end of my pre-deploy time. I have found that it is increasingly difficult to stay abreast of current info re: actions in Iraq, but I want to tune-up my reading even if it includes stuff I consume on the flight over.

I think my solution will be this: a solicitation of everyone's recommended top 5 articles, papers, etc., that deal with the current state of affairs in terms of governance, policy, advisorship, etc.

My attention span only has room right now for material less than 25 pages (.pdf format preferably), but I can go through several more quickly that reading a longer book. If you have your favorites and can help me wade through the mass of material, please offer them up here.

I'll save you a lot of effort. COIN Reader II (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showpost.php?p=54950&postcount=1) from Mil Review/COIN Center.

08-21-2008, 05:23 AM
Haha...beat you to it. Just trying to figure out how to stuff it on my iPod Touch. :D

EDIT: several classics right there, especially Patriquinn's piece. Times have changed much though, and current items relating to development, policing, and lessons learned from the Awakening are equally welcome. Oh, and anything relating to Bedouin engagement issues would definitely be appreciated.