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View Full Version : Who dropped what ball and when did they drop it...

Ken White
09-24-2008, 04:54 AM
Interesting article at the LINK (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122221472541069353.html?mod=rss_opinion_main). In my view, the Professor has it about right. That is sad...

Edited to add: Posted the original late last night, probably should've added this before posting.

Owen says:
"If Mr. Woodward's account is true, it means that not since Gen. McClellan attempted to sabotage Lincoln's war policy in 1862 has the leadership of the U.S. military so blatantly attempted to undermine a president in the pursuit of his constitutional authority. It should be obvious that such active opposition to a president's policy poses a threat to the health of the civil-military balance in a republic."While I agree with him on what happened, I disagree on a couple of other points, notably that many times since 1862 (and before that, as well...) have the Armed forces, one or another if not all, attempted to "undermine a president in the pursuit of his constitutional authority." (as has the CIA, DoS and others) I submit that selective neglect (or selective compliance, take your pick) is a military problem solving technique that is many centuries older than even the US. Thus, I do not see a grave crisis.

I also suggest that the intent of folks was not to counteract the orders of the President; it was to simply protect the institution -- lot of history in that in this country and elsewhere as well.

Lastly and most worryingly to me; it is indicative of an attempt to shape national policy by the Armed forces tailoring themselves to do only certain jobs, ala the Weinberger and Powell Doctrines -- that did not work; it never has.

09-25-2008, 12:21 AM
Poor ol Woodward...

He wanted to make W look worse, instead he's only managed to reinforce the W into a Lincoln clone theory.


Rank amateur
09-25-2008, 01:07 AM
"The second is that the judgment of soldiers is inherently superior to that of civilians when it comes to military affairs. Both of these principles are at odds with the American practice of civil-military relations, and with the historical record."

If that were true, you guys would learn something useful from me.