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View Full Version : Carroll Release: What Can We Learn?

04-03-2006, 09:41 AM
From the Officer's Club blog - Carroll Release: What Can We Learn? (http://officersclub.blogspot.com/2006/04/carroll-release-what-can-we-learn.html)

... Based on Carroll's experience and testimony during her ordeal, we can reach some useful conclusions about the Iraqi insurgency.

They are cogniscent of our own internal struggle over the occupation...

They understand that they cannot win Iraq through force of arms...

They see themselves as freedom fighters, in both a religious and geopolitical sense...

They consider President Bush's leadership a grave threat...

They are aware of --but do not understand-- the American defeat in Vietnam...

Jill Carroll will not be the last Westerner to be kidnapped in Iraq, but she may be the last one released...