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View Full Version : General George S. Patton Assassinated?

12-21-2008, 10:15 AM
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/3869117/General-George-S.-Patton-was-assassinated-to-silence-his-criticism-of-allied-war-leaders-claims-new-book.html) - Tim Shipman, Daily Telegraph

The newly unearthed diaries of a colourful assassin for the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, reveal that American spy chiefs wanted Patton dead because he was threatening to expose allied collusion with the Russians that cost American lives.

The death of General Patton in December 1945, is one of the enduring mysteries of the war era. Although he had suffered serious injuries in a car crash in Manheim, he was thought to be recovering and was on the verge of flying home.

But after a decade-long investigation, military historian Robert Wilcox claims that OSS head General "Wild Bill" Donovan ordered a highly decorated marksman called Douglas Bazata to silence Patton, who gloried in the nickname "Old Blood and Guts".

His book, "Target Patton", contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch...

J Wolfsberger
12-21-2008, 12:59 PM
... shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck ... :confused:

And nobody noticed the wound? Why not just shoot him, fire up the car and other passengers, then blame it on Werwolf, S.S., etc.?

I'll keep an open mind, but this sounds too bizarre.

William F. Owen
12-21-2008, 02:51 PM
errr..... isn't this the script of the 1978 Movie "Brass Target" with John Cassavetes and George Kennedy?? I'm pretty sure it is.

Sounds likes Information Operations to me.... :)

12-21-2008, 03:20 PM
errr..... isn't this the script of the 1978 Movie "Brass Target" with John Cassavetes and George Kennedy?? I'm pretty sure it is.

Sounds likes Information Operations to me.... :)

I think your right Wilf. Also the reason had something to do Oil (at least in the movie) somehow in involved a secret German formula for Synthetic fuels if I remember correctly. Anyway it is high time we had a thread dedicated to Conspiracies:D

Rex Brynen
12-21-2008, 03:24 PM
Anyway it is high time we had a thread dedicated to Conspiracies:D

In fact, I think that its VERY suspicious that we don't....

12-21-2008, 04:09 PM
In fact, I think that's its VERY suspicious that we don't....


12-21-2008, 07:26 PM
You know there really was another shooter on the grassy knoll, don't you? ;)

J Wolfsberger
12-22-2008, 12:46 PM
You know there really was another shooter on the grassy knoll, don't you? ;)

I could tell you about it, but then I'd have to shoot you. :eek:

12-22-2008, 01:32 PM
Actually the hit was by Mafiosos who were angered by Patton during the campaign in Sicily--seems he refused to pay protection money for US forces on the road to Palermo. Te actual hit ma was later taken out by a fellow imported from New Orleans, an uncle of Jack Ruby, IIRC.

12-22-2008, 02:49 PM

And nobody noticed the wound? Why not just shoot him, fire up the car and other passengers, then blame it on Werwolf, S.S., etc.?

I'll keep an open mind, but this sounds too bizarre.

I haven't read the book and doubt I will. When I read "Low velocity projectile" in the post I jumped to the idea of a high power bean bag gun. The powerful ones could easily accomplish the task, as well as breaking ribs. Most corners would state blunt force trauma but not look for the projectiles evidence (fabric transfer) as a projectiles instead concluding it was the interior of the vehicle.

12-23-2008, 12:52 AM
I haven't read the book and doubt I will. When I read "Low velocity projectile" in the post I jumped to the idea of a high power bean bag gun. The powerful ones could easily accomplish the task, as well as breaking ribs. Most corners would state blunt force trauma but not look for the projectiles evidence (fabric transfer) as a projectiles instead concluding it was the interior of the vehicle.

In the movie Wilf talks about they use a rubber bullet shaped like the knob you used to pull up and down to lock and ulock your car doors. If it was discovered at the scene of the crime no one would realize it was used as a bullet.:eek:

12-23-2008, 12:25 PM
In fact, I think that its VERY suspicious that we don't....

But "they" DO have one. You just have to be one of the "IN" crowd to access the special conspiracy theory forum...

12-23-2008, 09:20 PM
Back when I worked patrol, i picked up an elderly man who was refusing to go back to his retirement home because he thought they were trying to kill him. He was the stereotypical east coast Jewish guy out of the TV show Seinfeld. He was a total hoot. When he got cranked up he had the mouth of a sailor. Somehow we got talking about the Army and he told me that in WW2 he was a translator for a MI unit because he spoke German and Yiddish. Out of the blue he started in on how Patten got murdered. I'm a huge Patton fan but had never heard of any of that stuff. I wish I had listened more carefully....

12-23-2008, 09:30 PM
I would love a conspiracy corner. That was one of my favorite sections on Al Jazeera. They seem to have got rid of that when they went more mainstream with an English edition.

12-23-2008, 09:35 PM
I would love a conspiracy corner. That was one of my favorite sections on Al Jazeera. They seem to have got rid of that when they went more mainstream with an English edition.

Oh, they didn't go "mainstream", they just renamed it "The Democratic Underground".

12-23-2008, 10:48 PM
The funny conspiracies for me are the "you won't believe this" police reports we read in academy. Real stuff so outrageous as to blow your mind. Usually if it is "an old saw" you can pick it out as urban legend. Then there are things that just so crazy they are true. Then there are fallacies that look great at first but violate lots of rules of logic. An example is the Clinton body count (http://books.google.com/books?id=qMIDrggs8TsC&pg=PA177) where you can fit evidence to a situation which leads to all kinds of wild speculation.

Unfortunately Snopes and Urban Legends aren't that great of sites to chase these things down due to the heavy advertising.

12-24-2008, 01:02 AM
Oh, they didn't go "mainstream", they just renamed it "The Democratic Underground".
Remember Free Republic during the Clinton administration? All the Clinton body count stuff, and how he was running blow out of Mena airport when he was governor? Portions of the left and right can go loco when they are in opposition.

The Paranoid Style in American Politics (http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/conspiracy_theory/the_paranoid_mentality/the_paranoid_style.html), By Richard Hofstadter. Harper’s Magazine, November 1964.
Hofstadter was wrong about Goldwater, but other wise nailed it.

This is the conspiracy theory de jour:
Republican IT Guru Dies In Plane Crash: Was Sought In Controversies Over E-Voting And Missing White House E-Mails; His Death Sparks More Controversy (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/12/23/cbsnews_investigates/main4684431.shtml), CBS News, Dec. 23, 2008.

12-24-2008, 01:04 AM
Back when I worked patrol, i picked up an elderly man who was refusing to go back to his retirement home because he thought they were trying to kill him. He was the stereotypical east coast Jewish guy out of the TV show Seinfeld. He was a total hoot. When he got cranked up he had the mouth of a sailor. Somehow we got talking about the Army and he told me that in WW2 he was a translator for a MI unit because he spoke German and Yiddish. Out of the blue he started in on how Patten got murdered. I'm a huge Patton fan but had never heard of any of that stuff. I wish I had listened more carefully....

Darn bismark ...that was the last surviving witness:wry:

12-24-2008, 08:17 AM
Or, maybe I am....:eek: Give me a break, LT. I meant to check up on him but just never got around to it.

12-24-2008, 08:25 AM
[QUOTE=bourbon;62919]Remember Free Republic during the Clinton administration? All the Clinton body count stuff, and how he was running blow out of Mena airport when he was governor? Portions of the left and right can go loco when they are in opposition.

Hofstadter was wrong about Goldwater, but other wise nailed it.

Thanks for posting this. I will have to check further into this when sober.

Captain Kaos
07-29-2009, 09:52 PM
I think your right Wilf. Also the reason had something to do Oil (at least in the movie) somehow in involved a secret German formula for Synthetic fuels if I remember correctly. Anyway it is high time we had a thread dedicated to Conspiracies:D
I think you are confusing "Brass Target" with "The Formula", which ironically starred George C. Scott who portrayed "Patton"