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View Full Version : Fomenko's revisions

12-27-2008, 04:34 AM
A fellow by the name of Fomenko is trying to revise history, discrediting all history prior to the Xth Century. As I read it, he's trying to cast Russia as the be all, end all of civilization, and the whole history of Rome and Greece as a Western fiction.

I am the first to admit that I may be misunderstanding this guy but his theories are provocative, to say the least. Am I following his position accurately? Is Fomenko for real? Is he worth the time it takes to talk about him?

I invite comment from our comrades in academia.

12-27-2008, 05:20 AM
After skimming through these Wiki links, here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly_Timofeevich_Fomenko), here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)) and here (http://wapedia.mobi/en/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)), my impression is that Dr. Fomenko should stick with topology.

Anyone well acquainted with the influence of RC orders on history can see that he is off base with such comments as "all of Chinese and Arab history are fabrications of 17th and 18th century Jesuits" (in 1st link). Everyone knows that the Dominicans did that. :D