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01-10-2009, 08:46 AM
... at Foreign Policy's Passport - This Week at War (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4619) by Robert Haddick.

Today is the first installment of "This Week at War," a new weekly feature at Foreign Policy, reviewing what's hot in small wars, and at Small Wars Journal...


John T. Fishel
01-10-2009, 01:00 PM
Hooah! Sierra Hotel!

Just read the piece and it serves many audiences extremely well - even those of us who are regular readers and contributors. Covered some of the items that I had chosen not to read. But it should also exapnd the SWJ reach to many who would never have thought about looking at the site as well as bringing in new members of the Council.

Out- effing -standing, guys:D !!!!



J Wolfsberger
01-10-2009, 01:23 PM
Way to go!

01-10-2009, 05:27 PM
Appreciate the kind words, Robert did a first-class job on this new project. Expect lots more as we are now an official non-profit and have the green light to pursue our "dreams".

What is often over-looked is the "why" we seem to be enjoying the success we have so far - bottom line - it is in large part due to the professionalism and quality posts of our Council members. For that I thank you all - very much.

Tom Odom
01-10-2009, 06:15 PM
Appreciate the kind words, Robert did a first-class job on this new project. Expect lots more as we are now an official non-profit and have the green light to pursue our "dreams".

What is often over-looked is the "why" we seem to be enjoying the success we have so far - bottom line - it is in large part due to the professionalism and quality posts of our Council members. For that I thank you all - very much.

Does that mean I can do a follow up on Prunier's book? You know just to make it clear that his book really does suck? :D

Seriously the group sets its own high standards but it was Dave and Bill that had a vision in the first place.



Old Eagle
01-10-2009, 08:01 PM
This new exposure is great news for SWJ. Well done.

The key to SWJ's success, as mentioned above, is the professionalism of the participants. I lurk at several national security-related blogs, and SWJ is by far the most professional, thanks primarily to Dave and Bill. Not afraid to use the ol' graveyard. Almost every other blog I've seen has been bonged by non-thinking comments by tinfoil hats, radical rightists, lunatic leftists, and a host of other alternative agenda folks unwilling to let the facts interfere with their streams of commentary.

In contrast, most of us here try to post well thought out, well written and occasionally well documented comments.

Keep up the good work.

01-11-2009, 08:55 PM
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words.

If you have any advice or criticism for me about 'This Week at War,' please contact me.

And if you have any story or news ideas, especially topics that are important but under-covered, please send them my way.


-Robert Haddick



01-12-2009, 05:51 PM
Most excellent news!

01-13-2009, 04:04 PM
This new exposure is great news for SWJ. Well done.

The key to SWJ's success, as mentioned above, is the professionalism of the participants. I lurk at several national security-related blogs, and SWJ is by far the most professional, thanks primarily to Dave and Bill. Not afraid to use the ol' graveyard. Almost every other blog I've seen has been bonged by non-thinking comments by tinfoil hats, radical rightists, lunatic leftists, and a host of other alternative agenda folks unwilling to let the facts interfere with their streams of commentary.

In contrast, most of us here try to post well thought out, well written and occasionally well documented comments.

Keep up the good work.

Second that. The moderators do a great job of keeping out the usual internet screamers, which is awful rare in my experience. Thanks.

Rex Brynen
01-13-2009, 06:10 PM
Second that. The moderators do a great job of keeping out the usual internet screamers, which is awful rare in my experience. Thanks.

Agreed. Much as I love Abu Muqawama (the website--I don't know Andrew Exum personally), the unmoderated comments section sometimes makes me pull my hair out, especially on Arab-Israeli issues.