View Full Version : A Proposal for a Unifying Strategic Doctrine for National Security

01-18-2009, 07:14 PM
COL Maxwell considers the nations azimuth at SWJ (http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2009/01/a-proposal-for-a-unifying-stra/)

It is important at this time in history, especially as a new President takes office, to continue the debate on how the United States thinks about its place in the world and its own security. As the U.S. leadership assesses National Security and the complex and globalized world in which it finds itself, three important potential realities should be contemplated.

01-18-2009, 08:27 PM
US Strategy seems to be approaching a decision point which may include a greater acknowledgment of the existence/effects a multi-polar world and require a recalibration of what the appropriate balancing point between multilateralism and unilateralism will be. I am going to throw out a couple of reference points which I am considering as I get my bearings on this issue of strategy on a beautiful Sunday afternoon when I could be out riding around on my motorcycle. Hmmm….

The 2009 Davos Agenda (http://www.openforumdavos.ch/home/home.html&lang=3)

The Open Forum Davos 2009 has the following panels:
· Global Financial Crisis: What Lessons Should Be Learned?
· Is There a Solution for the Middle East?
· Religion and Human Rights – A Contradiction?
· Climate Justice: Basis of a New Global Solidarity? (Co-organized with the Global Humanitarian Forum)
· Live and Let Die
· Is the Right to Food an Illusion?
· The EU – Model without Citizens?

Economic realities (http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20090101faessay88101/roger-c-altman/the-great-crash-2008.html) considered at Foreign Affairs

The financial and economic crash of 2008, the worst in over 75 years, is a major geopolitical setback for the United States and Europe. Over the medium term, Washington and European governments will have neither the resources nor the economic credibility to play the role in global affairs that they otherwise would have played. These weaknesses will eventually be repaired, but in the interim, they will accelerate trends that are shifting the world's center of gravity away from the United States.

Stateless? Actor Hezbollah’s (http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=34110&tx_ttnews[backPid]=13&cHash=3a89c668b9) activities in Latin America by The Jamestown Foundation

In financial terms, Hezbollah could be described as a self-sufficient organization that can draw upon an extensive political and economic network, receiving funds from like-minded countries and revenues earned through a variety of legitimate business ventures and criminal schemes, which in the past have included tax fraud, smuggling and drug trafficking (Jane’s Intelligence Review, March 1, 2003). By and large, Hezbollah is running a formidable socio-political and military infrastructure in Lebanon. Evidently, the emergence of this shadow state within Lebanon requires a steady stream of income in order to meet Hezbollah’s vast financial commitments, as well as supporting its charity and welfare infrastructure.

In addition to Hezbollah’s military structure, the movement also runs a sophisticated network of schools, clinics, and social services. The militia, which is represented in government as well as parliament, also runs news outlets, radio and TV stations, and a telephone communications network. In the group’s demographic strongholds, (which, besides southern Lebanon, include the Bekaa Valley and Dahivah, Beirut’s southern suburb) the vast majority of Hezbollah’s predominantly Shi’a constituents rely on social and charity organizations. Most notable of these organizations are “Imdad”, which provides medical and educational services; “Mu’asasat Al-Shahid”, which pays pensions to families of Hezbollah fighters who are killed in action; and “Jihad al-Bina,” which is still in the process of rebuilding homes destroyed by the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel (Arab News, August 12, 2006). The Paris donor conference of January 2007, in which European nations and the United States pledged $7.6 billion in aid to Lebanon, was seen by many Lebanese as a desperate attempt by the international community to shore up the embattled government and keep up with Hezbollah’s rebuilding schemes, which by then had already handed out millions in cash to people who had lost their homes during the 34-day war with Israel (Daily Star, January 29, 2007; AP, January 24, 2007).

The effects of the Darwinian battlefield (http://www.cfr.org/publication/18160/techsavvy_terror.html?breadcrumb=%2F) on TTP’s at CFR

Since 9/11, some U.S. politicians have depicted Islamist terrorists as unsophisticated foes, disconnected from the world they target. In October 2001, for instance, President Bush vowed to smoke out Osama bin Laden from his cave. But seven years later, bin Laden remains at large and militants like him are gaining in technological savvy, experts say. Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University, tells CFR.org the attacks in Mumbai rank among the most coordinated ever. "The terrorists would not have been able to carry out these attacks had it not been for technology," Indian security expert G. Parthasarathy told the Washington Post days after that attack. Jarret Brachman, former director of research at West Point's Combating Terrorism Center, meanwhile, says what most surprised him about the India strike is not that terrorists employed an arsenal of advanced gadgetry, but that such a strike hadn't happened sooner. "The danger I saw with Mumbai is it sets a precedent for future attacks" that doesn't require extensive training or skills, Brachman tells CFR.org.

01-19-2009, 02:05 PM
I am about to lose hours reading these reports you're citing.